CITY AFFAIRS. MEETINGS arms DAT. Wk ^ -%l Vigilant Fire CompanyTlit 7 P. M. Charleston Social Mounted Club, at half past 7 P. M. Sumter Social Club, at half past 7 P. M. Hibernian Soc le ty, al 7 P. M. Promptitude Fire Company, at half-past 7 p. IL - ;; Carolina Glob, at half-past 7 P. M. German Freundschaflbund, at 8 P. M. Hook and Ladder, No. 1, at 8 P. M. AUCTION BALES THIS DAT. Steffens, Werner & Ducker will sell at 9 O'clock, at their Blore, mackerel, bacon, &s. Siecke A Peterman will sell at hall-past 9 o'clock, at their stores, hams, shoulders, Ac. William MpKay will sell at 10 o'clock, at his atore, crockery, glassware, male and canary birds. - John G. Minor A Co. will sell at naif-past 10 o'clock, at their store, ladies' nata, dry gooda, .ko. ' '... .'? Lanrey, Alexander ? Co. will sell at three quarters past 9 o'clock, at their store, apples, stripe, Ac_ THERMOMETRIC AL. Tho rac ge of the thermometer yesterday at the drug store of Dr. Joseph Blackman, on the south side of Broad street, was as follows: 8 A. M., 58; 10A. M., 60; 12 M., 64; 2 P.M., 64; 4 P. M., 63; 6 P. M., 60; 8 P. M., 68. At an election held at the Exchange on Monday, 2d Instant, the following gentlemen were chosen to serve for the ensuing year: Wm. Baveael, president. Directora-George W. Williams, F. J. Pelze r, O. K. Huger, in place of B. T. Walker, declined; Wm. L. Tren holm, B. G. Pinckney, J. Hamilton Wilson, in place of Theodore Huohet, declined ; B. Boll mann, In place of B. F. Bolger,,declined; Jos. L. Tobias, ia place df Frederick Topper, de? clined; 0. E. Wnnderlloh, Henry Card, W. J. Mccormack, J. H. Parker, in place of James 3. Murdoch, declined. Superintendent, A. Price. . THE COURTS. The Court oT Common Pleat. The commission ol Mr. Jacob WiUhnan, the newly elected clerk of court, was read and ordered to be recorded. Peter Ashe, John Cross, E. M. Easton, J. J. Bardy and Thomas Barnfield, colored, were appointed constables j of the court. '."Ii- v. . Only thirteen j uro-s having appeared, the j Sheriff waa o rd ex? J. to summon eighteen Others. L. Neumeryiir was excused from serv? ing aa a Juryman. The following Jurors were pr?sent: Wm. Wright, E. C. Tooker, Tartero Bennett, j 8am ue 1 Fy all,' Thomas Howe, Joh n j Edwards, Cain Lawrence, IsaacTanderhorst, B. Dosoher, A. Artope, Samuel Mears, Moulton Emery, Stephen Brown. ? The following were absent: J. B. Blsaell, Wm. Deas, Solomon Cohen, Boland A. Evans, James Powers, Chas M. Bird, Daniel Allston, Wm. Tr escott, Louis 3 mail, Sheber Middleton, Pompey Collins, Thomas P. Freemen, Aotho- ? ny Bird, Abram Thomas^ Joseph Sommers, James Atloek, Daniel Brown, Bodman La? tham, John Izard, B. A. Boone, Adolphus De [ Powell. Lonesome Washington. The following have boen summoned by the sheriff to appear thin morning: I. 8. K. Ben? nett, G. A. Nenffer, John Comm I DB, J. H. Col? bara, B. B. Cowperthwalt, W. H. Dawson, Patric* Moran, j. A. Baslow, Thoa. Fosberry. John Bonum, colored, John Freeman, Sr., colored, Isaac B. Rivera, colored. William F. Dover, colored, C. 3. Miller, colored, H. O. Thomas, colored, Joseph-Lloyd, colored, John D. Robinson, Prince Taylor, colored. Anton W, T. .Berg was made a citizen of the United States... The case of Jame- Cantwell against Oswell .Reeder was referred to B, S. Duryea, Esq., as special referee. "'? In tbs case_of Henrietta Hashagen and o th- j .era, againstTDeresa A. Senior and others, the plaintiffs were ordered to give security In three handred dollars for the coats of-court, within ten days from date. - j Th B following casos were assigned for trial ' to-day: Edwards va. Frank; Bullook vs. Frank; j Edwards va. Frank; Hicks and' Chichester VA A. a. Wllllngton & Co. and other -; Marcy vs. Hargrave. Hanlclpal Court. Francis CkrApbeli, escaped prisoner from ^theHouaaof Correction, sent back to serve ont his sentence, and ten days additional. R. Smithy colored; drunk, disorderly and resist ?lg the police, five dollars or twenty days, ames Williams, lodged by a trial justice, de? livered to warrant. Fortnoe Jenkins, color? ed, disorderly and. a beal og the polios, one dol? lar.' isaac Perre ne au, colored, dru nh, one dollar. James Allen, colored, drank and dis- j orderly, one dollar. Anderson Brown, color? ed, applied for lodging, held for examination ion the charge, pl vagrancy. Lavinia Mc? Bride, colored, allowing her chimney to get on fire, case> contiouecL Richard Washing ton, colored, Interfering with a policeman, .and carrying couceaitd weapons, turned over to a trial Justice. John Moran, disorderly and ; tr^peMne,iwaoe bond. Mary Jenkins, col? orad, ateailosr clothing from Ellen D. Drayton and others, tamed over to a trial Justice. Peter Brown, colored, stealing a turkey from the steamer Alice, thirty days. John B. Shackles, drank, one dollar. J. B. Griffin, in ( aane( lodged for sal e keeping, sent, to the hos ' pl ul. John Benson, 'drunk and resisting the police, two dollars. Scipio S. Smalls and W. H. Small?, colored, trespassing, turned over ' to a trial juBtice. John D. Zanoga, selling liquor withouts ll canse, doable license. The ' Enterprise Railroad Company,, neglecting to place a lamp beside a hole near their track . la John Btreet, on Saturday clgfcte?ftp dollars. Two COWB and three dogs, aratfjsl one dol? lar each, M Trial Justices' Courts. Mary Jenkins, colored, was sent to jail for thirty days yesterday by Trial Justice. Rollin for stealing a lot of clothing. Three colored ; women named Pinckney, Green and Wilson, who received the stolen -goods, were each tined ten dollars. . HO TEX, ' ARRIVALS-DECEMBER 2. Charleston. J. A. Thomas, Cincinnati; W. H. Bennett, Savannah; P. B_ Gilbert, New York; W. Gra? ham, Augusta; j. H. Bogbee, Providence; L. Chamberlain, Albany; W. S. Y. Woodward, South Carolina; W. B. Gerard, Jacksonville; G. M. Pollitzer, Beaufort. : Pavilion. J. Gorham, Wm. H. Browne, Savannah, G. E. PrUchett, Gonrdln's; P. A. Brock, John T. MoNair, W. L. Reid, Che raw; Wm. Birney, J. T. Mickle, Camden; R. Brewer, M?as L. J. Brewer, Miss L. M. Brewer, Mrs. Colonel Dove, _Sonth ; Carolina; W. S. ?tsey, W. G. Wlhen, George's Station; J. J. Shoolbred, Richland; 8. A Leak, Bartow County; Robert Fishbone, 8L Paul's. C^KBTICAS Is coming. For handsome Gold Bracelets, Studs and Sleeve Battons, go to Allan's, 307 King street. SHERIFF'S SALES. Mr. A. C. McGllllvray soldat auction yester? day, for Sheriff Bowen, a tract of land on Ball's. Island, Christ Oburcl^Pitjsb, contain? ing 3000 acres, for $3650; half cash, balance payable In one year. Also a lot of land, with bandings, situated oa tbe east side of Ashley street, for $2600; half cash, balance payable In one and two years. The sale of properly advertised by the city sheriff did not take place, the majority of the owners having paid op their arrears. The property of the few remaining delinquents will be sold on next Monday unless the amounts due are previously paid. BUSINESS XOXICBB. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, &c.-At the office of | Messrs. Leitch ? Bruns, No. 35 Broad street, there ls on exhibition an elegant assortment j of the above articles, together with a fine | stock of Jewelry, Ear-Rings, Breastpins, &c These good? will be offered at auction on Wednesday next, and we advise our readers to examine the same pre viona to the sale. The articles sold at previous sales gave satis? faction, and as this sale ls without reserve, bargains may be expected. A NOT inappropriate offering for the Holi? day Season is a handsome Photograph Album, At Fogariles Book Depository can be seen a magnificent assortment of all the latest a ty le s of. Photograph, Autograph and Writing Albums. The Musical Photograph Album ls a unique and cunningly devised gem, both In ita novelty and melodious effect. dec3-tutbs3 Yon CAM renovate any old piece of Furnl ture by the use of Durand's French Polish. novl3-lmo EXAMINE the Singer Manufacturing Com? pany's Sewing Silks before purchasing. THE HUMAN KITCHEN* ANO ITS DUMB WAIT? ERS.- The body is supplied with aliment by J vessels which connect the stomach and Its auxiliarles with the venous-system, and, so to speak, perform the office ol dumb walters In a restaurant. In other words, these media of communication between the animal kitchen and its dependents supply to each member and organ, near or remote, the-quantity and kind of eua tenance required to keep it going. When the stomach ls derelict In its duty, or the dumb waiters Inert or obstructed, lt ls the peculiar province of Hoatetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters to strengthen and regulate them. Hence its marvellous cures of chronic Indigestion, and the emaciation, debility and languor which are generally Its concomitants. It Is, moreover, a powerful alterative and cor? rective, and tho rapidity with which lt checks Irre gular lil es ot .the liver and bowels, and braces and invigorates the nervous system, ls a marvel, not only to the general public, but to professional men. dec3-tuthB3Daw E. M. MARSHALL hole system. SIXMOVS'* Tna?oEaGDLAToR 18 ftoknowtedged to have no equal as a _.. LIVES MEDICESE. lt contains tour medical elements, never united lo the same happy proportion? to any other nre paratlon, viz: a geaUe oathartoTa wonderful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a cer? tain Corree tire or au import ties or the bod v Buch signal success has attended Ita use that lt ia now regarded aa the GBEAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Liver complaint and the painful oflsprinir thereor, to wit: Dyspepsia, Constipation, Jaun* dice, Bilious attacks, Sick Headache. Colic, De? pression of Sf irita, Sour Stomach, Heart Barn. Ac, 4c Regulate thc Lrrer and prevent CHILLS AND FEYER. SIMMONS'S Ll YE R REGULATOR Is manufactured only by J.H. ZEILLV4 CO., Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. PRICE- ft per package; sent by mail postage paid, $125. 'v-epared ready for ase to bottles, fl 60. For sale by P. WINGMAN & CO. AND B? ALL DRUGGISTS. sst- Beware of all connterreits and imita? tions. augs-thatuDAwflmos Sfyirts ano /ttrnisljing ?oo?s THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE ?' 'MIM STORE, s SB SSS 8883 sssss ssssss SSSSSSSS BSSSSSSSSB SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSS88SS SSSSSSSS 888883 Cri?TT'? 88S888 sssss ?Hill 110 sssss 8S8S BS88 888 _ " 888 SS STAB 88 8 8 sis SHIRT 888 8888 8888 88888 SSSSS S888S8 EMPORIUM S8888S SSSSSSSS SSSSSSSS 8S8S88SSSS SSSSSSSS SSSSSS SSSSS BBSS SSS BB S The Proprietor of the above Establishment has lost retorced from Mew York with a new and well selected stock or the Oeleorated STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS, ALBO, A PIKE ASSORTMENT OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, CONSISTING or ?NDERWEAP, Shaker Flannel. Wool and Merino, cotton Flan? nel, Shirts and Drawers, all grades and all sizes. English Merino and Cotton Half Hose. Also, afnll selection of the latest Novelties In NECKWEAR, English Windsor Scarfs, Marqalse Scarfs, Lord Stanley Scans, Livingston cravata. Chancellor Scarfs, Bows and Ties. Gray's PAPER COLLARS nf all descriptions. Walking Canes and umbrellas. E. SCOTT, MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET DAI L. ojlotqing ono Jnrmsrimg ?ooor. NEW GOODS ! EVERYTHING NEW ! MENKE ft MULLER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THEIR SPLENDID NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, BENTS? FURNISHING GOODS, AND CHOICE MATERIAU FOR CUSTOM: WORK AN INSPECTION OF THE 3rOODS AND PRICES IN THEIR NEW ESTABLISHMENT, DOR, KING AND WENTWORTH STS., IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. oe ts iJianog, CDrgans, &t. Famished at factory prices for Cash, or by Monthly Payments on the most liberal terms. CHARLES L. M'CLENAUAN, Plano and Muelo store, sepS-4mofl No. 191 King street. &001S, 6l)0?5, &t. BOOTS AND SHOES. ELS AS & BROS., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, &C, 368 KING STREET, CORNER OP GEORGE STREET, Respectfully solicit the continuance or the patronage BO liberally bestowed on them by the citizens of Charleston and Bnrronndlog country. One of the firm has just returned from the North, and purchased in Boston iuat before tbe large Are there; alt of which' we offer to the Wholesale Buyers at great ad Vintages and guarantee them a saving or at least io to if per cent. We are offering all or our purchases now at less than ronner prices, and regardless to the advance ot prices now. To our Retail Customers we would say that *B heretofore we sh ill do our best to please them by polite attention and cour? teous sale-men No trouble to show goods. We tteep only a good qailttyof Boots and Shoes, and prtces that defy com politl?n. Oar m m tr? ts, LARGE SALoS AND SMALL PROFITS. AS A SPECIALTY I To Mothers we would say that we con tin ee to keep a large stock of that celebra? ted SILVER TIPPED SHOE, of Philadel? phia mane. Constantly on band and receiving bv every steamer from Philadelphia a fine and well selected stock ol Hand-sewed Boots and Shoes, for Ladles, Gents, Misses and Children, of the beat Philadelphia raannfactare, all.ot which we guarantee to give satisfaction, and would respectful? ly solicit a call at ELIAS & BROS., No. 368 KING STREET, CORNER OF GEORGE STREET. P. s. - We also inform our friends and the public tn general that we will open a Branch store on orabont toe 3d or De? cember next, exclusively for the sale of fine Boots and shoes, at the corner of Ring and Wentworth streets, Masonic Temple Building, ander the Arm and style or LEWIS ELIAS & CO. nov28 Gontanonai. MARY ANN BUTE INSTITUTE, ON ^Heights of Aiken, 8. O. General O. J. KAINS, Professor and Lectnror. For terms apply to MlBB M. A BU1E octae Prlnclnal of Institute, Aiken, S. 0. Prrj (Eoo?ri, ?*. FLIRCflGQTT, BSNEDICT&CO., NO. 375 KriVG STREET. A decided REDUCTION bas been made IN ALL ODR PRIOES, and we offer Great -Bargains to purchanera In every Department. Our stock com? prises an assortment ot me moat eleganl novel? ties In every toing that appertains to a first-class Dry Gooda Establishment. We mention below the prices or only a few of our Goods : loo pieces 4-4 N. Y. Hills, Bleached, only 19 cents loo pieces 4 4 Wamsutta, Bleached, only io cents a cases 4*4 Bleached, 12x and 16, wont 16 and 16 cents 8 cases Double-width Gingham, only 12<{ cents 2 cases 10-4 Sheeting, only 40 cento 2 bales 8-4 White Flannels, 20 cents, worth 26 5 balas 3 4 White Flannels, 25 and So, worth 80 and 40 cents 2 cases 10-4 White Blankets, only $8 60 1 case 104 White Blankets,,J5, worth le 60 100 pieces Fine Cassi mere, $1 and $136. worth $160 60 pieces Fine Oaaslmare, $160, worth $2 1 case Plain and Figured Dress Goods, 26 cents 26 piece a Fine Poplin, 30 and 86 cents 60 pieces Black Alpaca, only 60 cents, worth 66 Great Reduction lu Black Silks Great Reduction In Colored Silks Great Reduction in Cloak and Trimming Velvet Great Redaction in Valours, Silk Poplins and Fine Dress Goods Great Reduction In Monning Doods Great Bargains In Rlbrons six-inch sash Blbbon, ooly $1, all colors Great Bargains in all the Ne? Shades of Rib? bons Great Bargains in Bows. Ties and Silk Hand kerchiefs Great Bargains lo Kid Gloves, (see Ba g in ess notices) Great Bargains la Laces, Handkerchiefs, Cuffs and Collar j Great Bargains la Jet Sela, Hair4 Ornaments, ftc., Ac Great Bargains in silk Trimmings, Silk . Fringes Fall Lines of Ladles' TJsderwear Fall Lin es of Gents' Furnishing Goods Foll Lines or Hosiery and Notions All at Great Bargains. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED IN CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, MATTINGS AND RUGS. Fine VELVET 0 4RPF.T8 marked down Fine English-Body Brussels Carpet marked down Fine Engliah Tapestry Brussels marked down Fine Three Ply Carpet marked down Floe Wool Carpeta marked down - Fine Ingrain Carpet marked down Floe Hemp Carpets marked down Fine Venetian Carpets marked down Good Quality Ingrain Carpeta for 66, 66 and 75 cents Good 4-4 Matting marked down Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mats, all marked down. Our Wholesale Departments are complete, and we constantly offer Great Bargains to Merchants, Farmers, and ali m need of Goods. Oar Millinery Department la the best assorted in this market. Respectfully:, FURGHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO.. WO. 37? KING 8TREKT. furniture floliol). TRY IT. . YOU WILL FIND IT HANDY, USEFUL AND CON CONVENIENT. THE BEST ARTICLE EVER INVENTED TO CLEAN AND RENOVATE OLD FURNITURE, MAKING IT LOOK PERMANENTLY B 8 IG BT, EQUAL TO NEW. DURAND'S FURNITURE POLISH has had an ez eztenalve pale wherever introduced, and no good housekeeper will ever be without a bottle arter once giving lt a trial; lt recommends Itself. The Polish dries soon after tit log applied, au : has no offensive odor. Prepared from the original recipe of Eogene Durand, No. 40 hue BL Martin, Parla For sale by all netall Druggists, Grocers and Fancy Goods stores la Charleston. Price fifty ceatB ptr bottle. JOHN P. HENRY, No. 8 College Place, New York. The trade Bupplled by PHILIP WI NEMAN & CO., No. 85 DAYNE STREET, Wholesale Agents for the Southern States. novl3-lmo Ciaon, tobacco, &t. EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE No. 310 KING STREET, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIGARS AND TOBACCO of all klndB. PIPES of every quality. Call and examino stock bet?re buying else where. WILLIAM SCHRODER, Proprietor. N.B.-The Wheel of Fortune constantly on nana. Invest 26 cents and try your look. mohT-ncAwlyr Shipping. TCVOB LI VEET(D0I7 The first-class British Bark "NIMROUD." JS PHILLIPS, Master, will havo dispatch forSi aboye port. For freight engugernents apply to GIBBES A BARNWELL, DOV19- North Atlantic Wharf, jP O B B A L T I MOB FREIGHTS BEOE1 VED DAILY, AND THROUGB BILLS LADING ISSUED TO P HI Li A_DK L I' lil A, BOSTON, AND THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST. The Fine Steamship MARYLAND, J. v. John? son, Commander, will Rail fer Baltimore, on FRI? DAY, 6th December, at 4 o'cltck P. M. 49* Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that city by railroad from Baltimore wi:hont addi tiona! insurance, and Oomlgnees are allowed ample time to sample and sell their Goods from the Railroad Depot In Philadelphia. For Freight or Passage apply to PAUL a TREN HOLM, Agent, dec34_No. 2 Union Wharves. mHE PHILADELPHIA IRON STEAM X LINE. THE FIRST-CLASS IRON SCREW STEAMSHIPS GULF STREAM, Capt Un Hunter, VIRGINIA, Captain Elnckley, Are now regularly on the Line, insuring a first class sea connection between Philadelphia and Charleston, and lo alliance with Railroad Compa? nies at both termini, afford ??pld transportation to and from all points in the Cotton States, aud to and from Cincinnati, St, Lints. Chicago and the principal cities of the Northwest, uoston, Provl dence and tbe Eastern Hanufactuilng Centren. 49? The GULP STREAM ts appointed to sall from Brown's Wharf on FRIDAY, stu December, at ll o'clock A. M. A3- The VIRGINIA Will follow. . For particulars of Freight arrangements, apply to WM. A. COURTENAY, Union Wharves. W. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents, No. 1? Sooth Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. nov30-Btuti3ri I HANGE OP SAILING DAYS IN CREASED fciCRVlCE. PACHTO MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY* THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above line leave Pier 4 No. 49, North River, toot or Canal street,,_ New York, at 12 o'clock mon, of me lum. w u and 80th of every month, except wheu these dates fall on Sunday, men the saturday precedlug. All deportares connect at Panama with bteam era for south Pacific and Ceitral American ports. For Japan and china, si earners leave San Fran? cisco first of i- very mom h, except when it falls on Sunday-then on the day preceding. : No California Steamers touch at Havana, but go direct from New York to Asplnwall. One hundred poonda baggage free to each adult Medicine and attendance fre?. For Tannage Tickets or other Information, apply at the COMPANY'S TIOKET OFFICE, on the Wharf foot of Canal street Nortn River, Ne? York. F. R. BABY, Agent. au g 10-1 yr , F OR WRIGHT'3 BLUFF, AND INTE (MEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE SAN TEE RIVER. The steamer MARION, Cap? tain W. F. Adair, ls now receiving,_ Freight at Accommodation wharf, ano win j eave on TuisoAY Mo HT, the 3d Inst, Freight aud Wharfage prepaid. For Freight engagements upply to Captain on board, ono RAVEN EL, UOi.URs A 00.. dec2-2 No. 80 East Bay. SAY A N N A H, P O B TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY EVENING, AT 8 O'CLOOK. 1 he Splendid Side-Wheel steamers DICTATOR and U?TY POINT will leave Southern Wharf as Shove. No extra charge mada fer Meals and State rooms. For Freight and Pa sage apply tn KAVKNEL A ca, Corner Vanderhorsfs Wharf and East tay. dec2 F OB FLbUIDA, VIA SAVANNAH. The Splendid Side-wheel Steamers, DICTATOR. CaptainL. M. Cnxatter.,_ CITY POINT, Captain Fitzgerald, wilt leave charleston every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUN? DAY ETBNINO, at 8 o'clock precisely, for SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA. JACKSONVILLE MAGNOLIA, GREEN COVR SPRINGS, tiT. AUGUSTINE, PALACRA AND ALL LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER, Connecting at Palatka with steamers for the Ociaw-iha River an 1 wi ti the Steamer STAR? LIGHT fur r.nterprlae, Mellonvllle, and all points on the Upper St. John's ami Indian Rivers. These One S'eamt-ra, built In New York, espe? cial y adapted for the Florida trade, are famished with even? comfort and convenience, and ?ffurd the CDEAPKST, SAFEST ;.ND MOST COMFORT ABLE MEANS OF REACHING FLORIDA. They provuie a first-class table, well furnished, com? fortable staterooms, and make NU EX TRA CHARGE Ft-H Mb ALS AN:' STATEROOMS. They land almost at the dcors of the principal Hotels or all above point?, saving the invalid and J tonrbt the dangers and ? lacornforta of frequent changes. Canned at Fernandina witir,Fiorida Railroad for all points In the interior, and wi tu Rsllroad for New Orleans and Havana, via cedar Keys. For Freight or Pansage apply to RAVEN KL AUO" Agents, Oerner Vanderhoret's Wharf aud Bast Bay. dec2 _ C HANGE OF SCHEDULE. REGULAR LINE. FORGEORGETC 1 ? .., TOUCHING AT SOUTH ISLAND. H A VE BLT, KE1THF1ELD AND WEYMOUTH MILLS. FROM SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF. On and after 1st Docember, the Steamer EMILIE. Capialn C. C., White, will leave Cha'lest? n as above evrry aUn BAY ana WBDNESDAY NIGHTS, at 9 o'clock. Ann returnlrg. leave Geurgeioim every TUBSDAY and FRIDAY MORNINGS, at 6 o'clock. Freight received every SAT?HDAY and WEDNES? DAY. AU Freight and wbarfag? must be prepaid. No Freight received afte r BunBet. Duplicate receipts required with all shipments. For Freight or Passage upply on board or to SHaCKELFORD A KELILY, Agents, North /.tlantic Wharf. A. MORGAN, Agent, Georgetown, S. C. oct7-tutt? 3mc.B - _ ?Drrtg? ano iUeointus. TREAT THE HUMAN MACH INR GENT? LY.-The winding massage, thirty feet in leng-h through which the main pori lon of the waste matier of the eyotem is discharged, ls lined with a membrane ns dalli ate as silk and as sensi? tive as a net-work of nerves eau make ic Neither constipation, cholle, diarrhoea, dysentery or any other bowel complaint can be mred by abusing and convulsing this tender membrane with a furious purgative. The best and safest remedy In such cases is that mild oalaamlc and delightful tonic laxative ? Tarrant', Effervescent Seltzer Aperient, which heals, tones and invigorates- the irritated intestines, while it relieves them from the mor? bid humors which provoke abdominal disease Sold by all druggists. novo-24 ?Urtiflg goUswflffti? ?ap. ~ BffiCKE^PETERJliir WILL SELL THIS DAY, BEFORE their Stores, Noa. 21 and 28 Vendue RaDge, at hair past9 o'clock A. M.. DAN VAS SED HAMS Un can vasa ed Hams *ew York Hams and Shoulders Heavy Western Shoulders l bag Pepper and Spice Terms cash. - . ' ?jg^ STEFFENS, WERNER & DUCKE lt WILL SELL, TBIS DAY, BEFOBE their Store. Vendue Range, at 9 o'clock F Its No. i, 2 and 3 MACKEREL 10 drums Codnsh 30 tabs add kegs Batter 26 boxes s. c. strips and Shoulders io boxes D. s. Bellies. ALSO, One Large 1700-pjund PLATFORM SCALE 25 boxes Factory CHEESE. decaf By I AUBE r, ALEXANDER & CO. APPLES, STBIPS. BELLIES, HAMS, .iuiQ ffP/^KSS* "*>kcrel and Cheese, storp ?t thL3n D?fomber-wl;1 be 8?W uerore oar store, at three-quarters past B o'clock 40 bbl*. Baldwin APPLKS.ln duo order. 600 cnolcebusy nrtps. 200 choice s ? N Y P g shoulders. 200 chi ice S C N Y Hams. 600 choice S 0 N Y D M Bellies. 600 prime .smoked Bellies. 200 choice D a Pig Shoulders. ALSO, On account or all concerned, 30 bt>:e., half bbln., quaner bbl*, and kits of . Noa. 1.2 and 3 new MACKEREL 85 boxes Factory and State cheese. Conditions ca h. ,jec3 WILLIAM McKAY. ~ WILL SELL THIS DAY, AT No. 45 tr "ieutworiii street, at io o'clock, one laroo draft MULE warranted sound. Also, 60 flue singing canaries._. ' de?3 0 By WM. McKAY, ' SPECIAL SALE OF THIBTY CRATES aad bilda, of Imparted Crockery and Glass? ware. Will sell T?ls DAY, the 3.1 of December, at his Salesrooms, No. 46 Wentworth street, at li o'clock,"GLASS and EARTHENWARE, White Granite sud Common Ware, Yellow and Rocking? ham Ware, Goblets. Tnrnblera, Bowls, Breakfast i and Tea Sets, Bohemian Vates, Liquor Sets, Toi ie-. Sets, Ac tull particulars day ol sale, decs By JOHN 6. MILNOK & CO. TWENTr-FIY?[CASESLADIES]VELVET and Silk Hats, on account of ail concerned. Dry Goods, Cloth Cloaks, 4c. THIS DAY, 8d instant, at half.past io o'clock, we will sell at our score, No. 186 Meeting street, without reserve, on account of all concerned, 26 cases ladles-' avBjrted Vilvet and silk trimmed HATS, 2 cases Black and colored jcioth Cloaks. Black Satinets. Kentuck* Jeans, Cottonades, Kerseys, Printed Satineis, Bleached and Brown shirting, Blue Plaids, Shin - luii Stripes, White, Red and Blue Flannel, Under ."hirts, Over Shirts, Brown Drill and Canton Flannel Drawers. Hiokory Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves and sundries. Conditions cash. decs Hgctionm?* ffrirjqte Salta, 4?c. Cy LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE, AlO. 23 H road airee t. THE "REST" PLANTATION IN COLLE TON DIS rmo i .-ESTATE SALE. The PLANT ?T1DN in Co let?n Dlstriot, known as the . Rest," conclus about 1300 sores or Land, anouL lo of which ar . Kio > Land, and 120 acres of cleared Colton aud Corn Laud: the balance Tim? ber Land. Thu piare Hrs ou Horse Shoe Creek, wateis of Asheroo River. The Savannah and Charles: on Raliro id nina near it. dec8-tns4 By LOUIS I). DeSAUSSURE, No. 33 Broad Street. mHE RETREAT FARM ON COOPER X River fer sale. Tne beautifully situated PARK on Dooper River, Itnowu ss "Toe Re tr at " oommmandlog a Uno view of the river, c.iout seven miles from the city, containing from 2 4 to 26U ncr s. Gu the Farm ls a brick Dwell? ing, two brick Outbuildings, Stabes, Ac The garden walka were Jald out with taste, and now nave a variety of ornamental trees in them. To one desiring a country residence near the city it offers many advantages._' dpc3-tus4 By I WIS D. DeSAUSSURE. M'j. ?33 Brom?! Street. EICHFIELD RICE PLANTATION, ON . PON PON RIVER. For sale, RICHFIELD RICE PLANTATION, on th? Pon Pi n River and Penny Creek, containing BBB acres lu the whole, or which 4U0 acres aie prime Klee Lands, under banks and ditcher at a 1 good rltcti ol the tide; 120 acres bave been planted this year. On the place ls a comfortable Dwel? ling, and Moused to accommodate about loo ne grues, with a plenty of labor at command. dec8-taP4_ By HOLMES & MACBETH, AT PRIVATE SAXE, A Fine Saddle MARS; has had tho epi? demic. dec3-tutb2 .Drags at IX) li o It-sale. ^jyE EARNESTLY INVITE THE AT? TENTION of Physicians, Druggists and tho public generally to the ELEGANT AND RELIABLE PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS OF MESSRS. JOHN WYETH & BRO., PRACTICAL CHEMISTS, PHILADELPHIA, PA., which have become BO deservedly POPULAR for their INTRINSIC worth, the K LEO INT manner In which i hey are prepared, and the RELIABILITY of the Q IT A LIT v of BACH SPBCIPIO article they are Bald to contain. First among them is their COD LIVER OIL WITH PHOSPHATE LIME, a moat valuable remedy In the large class of was tlug dise ?st B caused by IMPAIRM?NT or PSKVBR a ION of NUTRITION, the too rapid TISSUE TRANS FORMATION and the want of certain suostanca e* Henttai to the organism, and it Is offered with the utmost confidence ea an IMPORTANT addition to the resources or medicine against th-? diseases which, In this country, are the most nomerons, and formidable, say -CROFULA lu children and PULMONARY COMPLAINTS in aoults. "Each ounce of the mixture contains io grams of the Phosphate ol Lime.? BEEF, WINE AND IBON. This delightful nutritive tonic has been so uni? versally used ann approved, lt is unnecessary io j say more thati that lt ls kept up to its usual stand? ard or excellence. .Each tablespoonful contains 1 r>unce of Beef, hair ounce or Sherry Wine and 2 grains of Citrate | of Iron." BEEF, WINE, IRON AND CINCHONA. The combination of Calisaya Bark with our p re paTailon ot' Beef, Wine and irou adda the nerve tonic and antl-perlodio effect of Cinchona to the nutritious and stimulating properties of the other ingadlentn. Wedoubtlfa more efficient combi? nation of tonic, nutnt.oua and stimulating agents could be prescrib? d, and ask tte attention o phy? sicians to ita use, as a prompt and reliable remedy In the many caaes m which it would naturally be indicated. Each tablespoonful contains l ounce or Beef, 2 (trains citrate of Iron, and half ounce ol Wine of Cillsaya Bart. . SHERRY WINE AND BEEF. The advantage of administering Beef with Wine to patleats n quiring both nutriment and stimu? lant will ; e readily appreciated-the sustaining and nutritions effect of the beef often'enabling delicate and sensitive Invalids to take the wine with benefit, when ordinarily they would be un? able io take lt even In email quantities without occa'loulng headache, Ac. Each tablespoonful contains one-hair ounce of Sherry Wine and one ounce of beef. We also call attention to the following as some among these preparations most In use: Elixir Callaaya Bark, Iron and Strychnine. Elixir Phos? phate Iron, Quinine and strychnine. Elixir Va lermnatc Ammonia. Elixir Pepsin, F .?muth and Strychnine. Bitter Wine of Iron. EiVxlrGentlan, Ferrated. Wine or Wild Cherry Bark Ferreted. Syrup LactD Phos. Lime. Tasteless Cod Liver od. - . Wholesale Agents for Marvla'aPare Ord Liver OIL - DOWIE, MOISE ft DAVIS, nov6-tnf_Agents for South Carolina. China, (Srockrtg, &t. ^?HIN?T^?^ ANI> CBOCKIR?, AT THE OLD STA.RD, KING STREET, CORNER OF LIBERTY STBEET. The Subscriber would respectfully Inform hit friends and the public that ms Meek ls now com? plete lu CHINA, GLAS? AND CROCKERY. Plain White and Fancy China Glass and Fa a cy Chins Gooda, Lamps, Shade-, AC, Ac. octl0.thstu3raoa K, H. MCDOWELL, Agent. i?liliittetrj, Strato @oo?g. JP*. F ALL OPENING, No, 304 KING STREET. , Mrs. M. J. ZBRNOW would reapply^an nounce to the publlo that she win^pen rajs 1?*A october 17th, a mil line of M DblNBRr *J? FANCY G 0 OL^t M rgn? BSSIST-^SS en ts, Jt? ^8???!fS?*JK2Tsud Cloak Making attended to as asnal- emorea,,S PA PER PAT tendon. Ruction $ake~~f?tnre ffl?gt. ~By folk If ARSHALL ABRO., : ?" "' RESIDENCE No, 16 BULL STREET. . vert of Pitt; : ' On THURSDAY. December ia, at ll o'clock will b e PO!L'.near the Poe toffl ce. Br lad itreet, The above Slate- Hoof KESUiUNOE, con taming four square rooms, at iles, paniry, dreaslngrooin, doable piazza, large ttl clea and els tero, gas, Ac Lot. raeaaart-8-bv-jnoroor les?. ,1 wii-' Terms-One-quarter caTh; balan?a tn. ona. two and three years, secured by bond and mortgage. - Interest Bandings to be Insum? and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay R. M. M. A Bro, for papers-_ decs-tostatbj"" By R. M. MA RSHALL & BRO? ? DWELLING AND STORE EAST COB* NBR- Bog ard and Line s t ree ts. '.' on THURSDAY, December 12th. at ll o'clock, will be sold, Dear the Poatofnce, Broad street, The above Tin-Roofed D WELLING of four square rooms and more, with kitchen of two. rooms. Lot ?tl by 85 feet, more er less. Terms-one-naif cash; balance in one year, se? caral as u'-uai. Purcuaser to pay R. M. H. A Bro, i or papers._decS-tustbS By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE. TWO SMALL RESIDENCES ON NORTH SIDE OF WENTWORTH STREET, weat Of Lynch Htreet. -, On THURSDAY 'he 12th instant, at ll o'clock o'clock A. M., wni be Kohl near the Postoffic?,.by order of the Mortgagee, nuder ro wer of saie from tee Mortgager, G. W. Olney, " ,v\ ? The Twi -ard a half Story WOODEN RESI? DENCE, on the north side of Wentworth street, west of Lyn cn, with a Brick Kitchen on premises. ALSO, . ' i; A small DWELLING with fonr Rooms. ?; The L t measures so fret front by ?21 feet deep, more or less. Bouadlng to the. south oe Went? worth street, north oe Lands now or late- or Alfred Elfe, east on Lands of Estate Mrs. Logan, weft on Lauds now or late of H. L. T comer. .. Cond li (ont--One-half cash; balance by bond bearing semi-annual interest, payable in one . year, secured by a mortgage of the property, honses to be insured ana policy assigned. Pur? chaser to pay tor pipers. decs-tp.'tmtnwlhB By W. ?. LEITCH & IL S. BRUNS, Auctioneers, EESJDENCE No. 8 BE AUF ALN STREET at Auction, north Mde." "" Will be sold at Anclon ou TU KS DAY, loth to? s?an t, in front of the Postofflce. at ll o'docky That Three-story-BRICK REslDRvCB, known as No. 8 Beaa'aln street Tne Residence contains 6 square Rooms, with Dresblog Room and Pantry. 00 the pre?ases are spacious Outbuildings, cis tem and we'i of good water. Lot measures SS by 125 feet, m'o-e or less. . ' Terms- All that LOT OF LAND, with the building there? on, situate on the s> nth Bide of w?rer street,' near ~ Meeting street, tu the auld oily, measuring and containing in iront thirty-three (S3) feet, more or le :s, and in depth eighty-eight (88) feet, more or less, decreasing lo width from the front so as to contain ar. thesoutbernmcst end therof only twen? ty flye and a half feet, more or leKi; batting and, bounding to the west on Land now belonging to -, to ihe i ou ttl on Land formerly 0 wnea hy Dr.* Wm Reid, to the east on Land formerly owned by Dr. Wm. Reid, and 10 the north on Water street. -<... :>i. Terms-One-half cash, and the balance hr one year, with interest rerul-annnaily until the whole amount ia paid, aeenred by b n* of purchaser and mortgage of premises. Purchaser -to pay .for pap?is. JOHN F. FlOKSs?, ; oec3-tu3m'n3_?_speclaLBrferee. By W.T. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. ELEGANT MANSION ON THE LINE OF THE C1TT RAILROAD. Will be sold at Auction on TUESDAY, 10th inst,, in froDt 0 the Postofflce. at ll o'clock. . i Terms-One-third cash; balance In one ard two years, with Interest, secured by bond of tbe por? ch a^er, mortgage or ihe premises, Intorauceand ssslgnment ot policy, r ure nae. r to pay as hr papers._ilec8 mthstne By W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS. Aaetloneera, No. 35 Broad St., Cb ar lei ton, M. C. * * ?*/ *' - ON WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY'AKD FRIDAY, December 4tb, 61H.and em, ot jo A. M. and hair past 2 P. st., ' ' A large and valuable st' I Every ar tlc'e guaranteed tobe aa represented. The above valuable Mock will be on exhibition for in spec i lon on Munday and Tuesday prior to the sile. W. Y. Lt-ITCH A R.S. BHUf^S, nov 30_ Ane.jnpeer*. By W. Y. LEITCH & Ri S. BBU>S, Auctioneers. ". . MARINE, RIVER AND MANUFAC? TURE G Ph OH ph at e stock at Auction. ? villi be Bod on TUESDAY, 3d December, at ll o'clock, at the east end or broad street, , loo SHAKES or the abu ve Stock in sams to salt purchasers. ? , Terms cash._ novaO-8 By J. A. ENSLOW & CO., Auctioneers. FRENCH BIRK CANTON, FOB AC? COUNT or all whom lt may concern, hy or? der or the French oona?l. .. -J! on WEDNESDAY MORNING, 4th December, at ll o'clock, wm oe sold at teatral Wharf, ' ; , The Metalled and Copper-fastened French Bark CANTON. By order or the French CCOBUL . The conditions an as follows: The'Han ind Spars will be offered together, and the Anchors and Chains, alter which the. standing and running Rigging and Cordage, at>d eqbaeejasat ly all the ?aile. Tne whole will then be,, pr fercd together, and lt bids are made In ejecta of the comolned offers for the several parts,- tap Bald offers to be void and noll. Otherwise they will be binding. : J ' ' _ Immediately after, the ship's .Boats; also the Ship's Chronometer In good order. Terms cash. ' MANTOUEACO., novae_ .._ Agent?, ~ BY J. FRASER MATHE WES. BUILDING LOT ON SULLIVAN'S IS LAND. - -Will be sold on THURSDAY, December std, near the Postofflce. at ll o'clock, . ' - '^M LOT No. 102, Home's Plat ol Sullivan's Island, on sont h side of Middle street, being Beca od Lot east or Kort Monitrier, containing aoont hali .an acre, more oriana. .. . ;-. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay me for papen. noy20-wsmwftpth7 ,,_. . . ..' ? _. By LAURE V, ALEXANDER & CO. UNCLAIMED GOODS, SOLD TO PAY FREIGHT AND OTHER EXPENSES. On WEDS1SSDA.Y, 4th Deci mber, will bs fold in Union Wharf Stores, at io o'clock, the follow? ing unclaimed Gooda to pay might and other ? xpenses, uuleaB arranged ror prior to that time: Ortinan, Captain a.-7 packages FURNITURE. B. A Ob.-l Bale. C. A B.-1 BOX. Chichester, Rev. 0.-1 Package. C. A S.-I Bar Steel. Douglass A Miller-1 BOX. Diamond G-r-l roll Bagging. J. H. D. A Bra-10 barrels Lime. j. N. A Cc-2 boxes Fruit Baskets. ' Jervey. J. P.-i Box. M.-l Bondie and 2bars Steel. r-oog A Co. (Ala.)-1 bondie Buckets. regood, R. ic-1 Box. Port Royal B. R..O0.-I Box. . R, N. & Ob.-0 bamH Staves and 1 kt Sieves. StoiL Webb A Co-1 Bale Spafford Uro. & Co.-1 barrel Fish. Teasdale, R. H.-1 package Hinges. Diamond T-7 kegs Spikes. band^CrOHS Ba? ftr bn??fejg ff?j*fig& ?t barrels Molasses, 1 gJ^?gg? Vasteads, spools. 1 barrelBird VutWarTa boxes ink. 2 tulf barrels Fls?. ?PgOf*^^es Bocke?. 1 1 bar Steel, 4 c. ^3 Pieces Cast aie ii""i* - . . Ir0_ pipe, 1 Donore irwu *uS& 00 delivery. novM-thtttwa -VVINrJ AND l&uA AND Jj.. BEEF. WINE, IBON AND CINCHONA. These elegaat and excellent stimulating Tonics are now getting into general nae, especially m cases of delicate remates and childi en. They may be had o? ?i- q DR? H- BABB, .. "S?,i8l Meeting street. A mu stock or EUxtrs,. and- aU tba?, other new Pharmaceutical Proparattoor always kept on, hand. -. ::