CITY AFFAIRS. ..' . - .. - - MEETINGS IBIS DAT. .". Pioneer Pire Company, at 2 P. M. " - Hope Fire Company, at 2 P.-;-M?--''- - Stonewall Pira company, at half-past 2 P. H. Frie^ahip Lodge, A. F. H., at hair-past 7 .^^e^^^B^^f-past 7 P. M. ; r*?VC&?X8d?*S'XHJ8 DAT. ij^&KAy wilt sell at 10 o'clock, at hie o^^p?iry^|pooo>,^cutlery, ?a. .; /y TMERMOMETBICAL. The following Is tao range of the thermom? eter for the paat two days : Salorday-8 A. ii.. 46-, 10 A. M., 63; 12 M., fit?.Jt.% &7;* P. M., 66; 6 P. IL, 63; 8 P. M., 6^Bnday-^8 A, M., 49; 10 A. M:, 54; 12 M., 60^2P?;lf ,62;?P.M, 62;6P. M., 59;8P.M., ???r - - LOCAL LACONICS. '''^i^aYa?fajh Fair Is postponed until the week beginning Monday, December 30th. -Tho anniversary meeting of the Charles? ton Chrestomathie Society will be held in the obapel pf the Charleston College at half-past seven o'clock this evening.. ..^(..notice in another column announces 'tJ^igUio lottery,Rpown aa "The Charleston Charitable Association,"baa suspended opera? tions., wa chimneys, one om President street, and Another at. the-corner of Washington and ^jia^t^^^ciognt fire about halt-past five o'cloct yesterday afternoon. Both burnt, out. without doing any damage. -Complaints reach us that the garbage at various poluta, and especially on Meeting street, Js no*, remo ved by the contractors. The eplzooS ls now played ont ; and this ought not .... ,^The evening mallet both on the Northeaat 6*0 and ?0M& Carolina Railroads, were late on Saturday. In the-case of the So ul h Carolina Railroad the detention was caused by the burnbig ot a car, laden with cotton at Summer vJ4j^jthe.colton waa destroyed. . -*?^uTthe ahsence of Coroner Logan from the ?@?|QHn|*Fd by his request, Trial Justice Wm. i?xiplay yesterday afternoon conduced an taauest upon th*> body of a Btillborn Infant, .'^m?^Vo^L Tradd atreer. Verdict, accl .?^A^.nt. the middle of December Melchers A Muliex wlU occupy one of the elegant stores ofLthe Masonic Tsmple with a choice stock Of ijjmjTMils. . Meantime, to facilitate their remo wfflS&??? ?uTerlng great bargains at their j?ee^t?andl No. 217 King street. ^^p^ih.U?gy of Dr. .L L. Dawson, which happened "pasalnar. The doctor waa thrown from . . -S^^M^^t?lpBtnfoily bruised. He was taken - , J^^^Mdro?atore of Mr. O. A. Barbot, where h?^nJuTlesreoelvsd.attention. He was able to go ont again on Saturday. f' JIBE CO URIS. H^^^^^Kniaici pail Court. liBllllPjffin* Donahue, drphfc, disorderly and trespassing, one'd^li^of 't?o days. P. E Ca^reanfdrunk, and dirordarly, two dollars or twwjrry toysrGeorgerin ihe suit of. George E. Hudgins. ytoJ^fif^fit. ?. '.B. Vanevar and. others sjp?|a^^DsAA?^. Campbell, ault to re oojr^^imagea for a collision at sea, the judge ^:jBBPffitavbr Of : the plaintiffs for ?27GO with l^MWf from the 20th ol February, ?72, and ?^HHra>the proceedings. S|^^p?t^n. adjourned sins die. Tester .? .^aBBB^B&brsof tbs court proceeded to Co Ins?bla?or She-opening ot tho United States Cfrp?t.Coun tn that city this morning. -vf}jStSB??nii.? 8OOT?TY. - At a meeting of the j^cEa^;?8ocljety, held on Friday eveDio; ^fflEaw.'followlogofficers' were elected ta .8^ra^^tfie;?n8ulng' year: Wm.- Bavene;, ^HKhi:E. P. Milliken, vice-president: T. P. Lowodea, secretary and treasurer. &8H^;PBRSIOO,S LECTURE.-s t. Patrick's (jpr^?l^was well filled last evenlDg, on the Ocsfcalon of a lecture given by the Bight Bev. ?^^?Psratoo,;?f Savannah, on M The Unity ^W^Futch.n' The Bishop handled bia snb jttfc^nPblB usual easy, graceful aryle, and for an hour and a quarter held the close attention o^.ri&hisarere. The ?eoture muBt have netted quite ? handsome sum to ward9 the support of ti? ; male orphans, for whose benefit lt was W^ lspiK Faorr.-?ur fruit dealers are . shOwtng^aore than their usual activity during thfl"present season, and their clipper schoon? er-, are'icomlnglnto port every lew days with l?rgeand attractive assortments of the dell oet the city for cay daraagea that may have been Incurred.. '^Tjp.Hoo iKSPJCOTW.v_The Inspection of Ijpjie^ieiopglog to steamer fire companies waa <^ttW?ujei? bu.Saturday afternoon by the chief ^^fti?Departmeat and his assistants, in rfcet Kireet, near Meeting. The companies ' uoderwent Inspection were the Pal -i Vigilant aud Young America. The I?tS!S.lferl;1?d eight hundred and fllty feet of h(^l^T!v? fps ground and had one hundred and flltj'foet condemned. The second carried 8lxhundre4??nd fifty feet aod' had one" hun? dred feet condemned, and the third, out of ] ftmrhjindred and fifty feet bad ooe hundred aad^^tcondemned,. This afternoon the Hope, Btonewall and Pioneer (steamer) Com? panies will be ?inspected at three o'clock, at lie same place. BOTEL ARRIVALS-NOV. 33 AND ?4. ygavllllon. I - Georg^W^^^Warren and wife, W. Do henyv"WJ?mlflg^;Ni^;E. G. Cala, Monet's Corner^PVM.BJleyvJ.W;^iley, New Jersey; ML J. Hirsch, Klogstree; J. D. Rodgers, Gra? ham's; W. McNeill, Grahamville; J. G. Cole, G. Holmes, Beaufort; Rebertson A. C.Shaffer^ ?olleton; ,E. P. English^ St. Helena, T. E. Gregg, Mars' Bluff; W. A. Perrins, Graham's Cross Roads; D. Morris, J. M. Drysdale, Wash? ington; T. A. Hayden, Greenville;. D. A. Run ken, Rostou; Miss L. Butterfield, New York; Dr. J. H. Well, South Carolina; W. H. Thomp? son, New York; E. E. Le?, 8t. Stephens; T. Choate, South Carolina; J. Harper, J. B. Eat-" man, Klngstree; J. C. Hess, Philadelphia; W. W. Bawls, Bldgevllle; G. A. Bogers, Edlsto; J. D. Harper, Klngstree. - Obarleston. H. D. D. Twlggs, Georgia; B. H. Moonaugh, I Louisville; A. Zach, T. J. Montgomery, H. V. I Spellman, New York; J. L. Murray, Cincin? nati; H. Mlller,New York; W. Derna, South Carolina; L. Amii, Jr., L. B. Dalby and wife, New York; J. E. Jones, Baltimore; E. B. G. Cash, S. C.; J. W. Halbdy, L. D. Hughes, D. W. Ke tchum, R. Jordan, South Carolina; J. E. Grant, Con way bor o'; 0. dd. Sadler, South Car? olinas W. W. Card, Pittsburgh; A. Newnaod, London; D. Appleton, M. Oppenheim, H. A. Carlet,'N. Y.r Lieutenant G. H. Gooding, Fer? nandina; C. J. A ad ell, John's Island; E. T. Walton, Wilmington, Delaware; E. H. Clark, E. D. Kirkwood, W. B. Dayton, Philadelphia; 0. A. -Bunders, E. Livingston, W. H. Smith, W. H. Brodie and daughter. Col. W. Wilson and wife, G. W. Robinson, wife and two chil? dren, N. Y.; Mrs. J. J. Dickenson and daugh? ter, J. P. Marsh, Massachusetts; S. D. Clapp, Augusta; I. Coburn, M. Bosenbaum, Savannah; J. J. Nevltt, Athens; G. W. Allen and wife, New York; J. T. Smith, Savannah; W.P.Ma? gill, Atlanta; J. M. Swilt and wife, Miss L. R. ! Swift, A. F Maison and wife, L. B. Beed and wile, P. 8. Lowry, A Martin and wife, Com? missioner T. C. Winthrop, Mrs. Robinson, Miss H. Robinson, New York; B. T. Martin, Grand Rapids, Michigan; Captain Li. Crowell, Steam? ship Georgia; J. Pierson, F. L. Smith, New ?ork; Mrs. Yan.Houten and son, Georgia; T. D. Anheroft, Steamer Georgia; 'W. R. John's, Philadelphia; A. B. Farquhar, Pennsylvania; J. Green, Georgia; B. M. Slepas, W. D. Roche, New York. " "TOO SMALL." TO THE ED ITOf. OF THE NEWS. The coe i mu alcatloa under the head of "Too I Small," sud signed R. R. Hudglns ial9*, May 1?? al9X. BOSTON, November 23. Cotton quiet; middling 20c; net roceiuts 68 bales; sales 800; gross receipts 1112; stock 4000. B ALTIMORE, November 23. Gross receipts of cotton 4a bales; exports coastwise 80: Bales 340; last evening 260; btock j 6497. NORFOLK, November 53. Net receipts of c -non 2387 bales; exports coast? wise 4369; sales200: stocE 9 .32 WILMINGTON, November 28. Net receipts of cotton 429 bales; sales 62; stock 8033. SAVANNAH. November 23. Gotten dull; middling is*ai3*c; net receipts 4140 bales; gross 4140; exports to Great britain 2060; to the continent 4242; sales 2377; stock 66,362. AUGUSTA, N vember 23. Co-ron opened with a moderate demand at 17X ai7*c, and closed unchanged; sales 1H3 Dales; rec ip ta H7l. M s H PH ia, November 23. Cotton easier: ordinary i&xc g.10.1 ordinary 17 alTXc, low middling I8*al8)ic inddi ng 19?; re? ceipts 2074 balts; bhipmeuis 2.78; stOOK 27 967 _ ? MOSIL-S Nuvemb r 3 Cotton quiet; ttood ordlna y i7J 8,600,000,..With aome tendency to the am?lli?r amount. We annex a review cf the week's transactions: Friday 22.-The market opened with a mode? rate demand, and elo**d c olet at l7ftai8C/ Sales 828 balea ; receipt-1289. rota! salee and receipts for the week: sa es 888;; mwlpts 7464. COTTON FrmiRBa-on Monday and Friday there was an active bualneiia on 'Change, with the fol? lowing transactiooa . . .". . . . Mo h d ay 18-300 balettDecember delivery, at Au ga-'a, 17J?; 20? balee,^eoember.dellvery, ar AU gus>n, 17 *; 200 bales, January delivery, at Au? gusta, KM. ?rluay. 2-2-400 bales, January delivery, at Au austa, 17 Hi 400 bales, February delivery, at AU KDBta, 17?: 200 bales, Novembpr delivery, at AU gusta, 18 1-I6; 420 bale*, November delivery, at "onusta. 18; 26 bales. November delivery, at AU c"?ta, 17K; loo bales, March delivery, at Augusta, 18*. *_ New York If aval' Stores Market. Nsw Ye RX. November 23. The Dally Bulletin aayB: Receipts to-day 1938 bbb rosin and 829 bbis spirits turpentine. The -peen lat ive Inquiry for- fcplrita turpentine coo tinuea. but noluera aro geuerally Arm at a trifle above the view>- of buysra,. which haa rather re -triced transactions. Sale- Include 292 belt at coKc; 1-0 bbla at soc; 690obis at ooo flat, and loo bbla to arrive at eoe. We also note eales at Wil? mington of 2800 bbla at 64#c Boam continues very dnU and prlcea.are easier, ?ales 88C bbla <: .ramon strained at 84. We quote-common strained $4u410 and gi>od strained $416o4 20. Tar la very ao ree and firm Pitch ateady. Lau In the day spirits became Aimer, and lOObbls sold at 6ixe with that price bid for more, and generally held at 02o. New York Bice Market. HEW YOKE, November 23. The Daily Bulletin aaya: The market la dull and ?aies arc reported of only luO baga Kangoonat 0XA7XC-, and 46 tierces Carolina nt SaSMo. ' 1 Interior Cotton Marketa. 0RANOK3URO, November 22. Sales during the wees 216 biles. We qa ote: Ordinary 16c; low middling nc; middling 17 KC. UNION, C. C., November 21. Cotton-lew middling 16.85c;. 200 bales were sold during the week; LAURENS ?- n- November 21. Cotton ia selling at ie xe. . . WINN8BOBO\ November 28,. For the past two days 144 oaiea have b en sold 1 m thia market at prices ranging from loxanxo. ANPKBSON, November 20 The cotton market has been quite brisk for the | p ?-r. rew days; sale's 481 bales. Quotations to-day MACON, November 22. There was aome dullness in the cotton market I to-day. It opened pretty strong at yesterday's [ quotations, but unfavorable newa from New York c?n*ed aome depression. The market re? mained weak, and closed nominally at 180 -or New York mtddllua?i- The receipts for the week ending to-day have been 2725 bales; shipments 1727; salea 2211. The receipts for to-day were 642 bales; shipments 269; sales 429. COLDMSOS, November 23. To-day our market has been quiet, and prices, owing to unfavorable attricea, dosed nominal. Salea 266 balea, at the fol lo wini figures: Ordinary 16KC, gcod ordinary iva17MU, low. middlings 17X- middlings isaisxp; week'a eales 2661 balea; 2400 Northern splnnerd, 61 home consumption, 90 to Savannah. Week's - receipts 2600 bales, Against 2-69 the prevtoua one. and 2144 the corre? sponding week lait season,. shipments 1048. Receipts per AatlroadU November 93. SOOTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 172*6 balea cotton, 00 bales gooda, 200 obis flour, 83 bbl* r. sin, 86 tibia tplrtts turpentine 2 cara stock. To Railroad -gent, Pelzer, Rodgers A co, WISB A co. O U Walter A co. B H Frost A co, Mur d.iugh A Weekly, Bardia A Parker, Mowry A Son, Pringle A son, T P smith, 0 Llebenrood, chapeau A Heffron, W P Dowling, A J salinas, Reeder * Davis, A B Mulligan, A s Smith, W W -smith. Col cock Sc co 0 A Oraeaer, W B Williams A Son, Crawley A Dehon, WardtawA Carew, wallam?, Black A Williams Wagner A MonBees, Bollmann Bros, S.oan A Baignions, Trenholm A son, and others. NORTHEASTERN BATLE0AD. 323 bales cotton. 140 bbls spirits turpentine, 419 I bbla rosin, cars lumber, tobacco, peaa- rough rice, muse. Ac To J May, M Schwartz, R F Sweegan, ll Wohlken, s 0 Railroad Agent, E E Frost Sc co, W g Rv an, A J Salin a-?, Mowry Sc Sop, T P smith, A 8 smith, Caldwell A Son, Q W Williams A CO, W 0 Courtney A co, W B Williams A Son. Barden A Parker, Tren holm A Son. Wbllden A Jone-?, W c Bee A co, Pringle A Son, Petzer, Rodgers A CO, Murdaugh A W< exley, Ravenel A co, witta Bros, Fraser A Dill, Kinsman A Howell, j N Robson, Chapeau A Betrron, Bollmann Bros. F O Mey, E Willis. Quackeabttah. Estill A co M Lahrs, O Ola cius, Mantoue A co, Nacnmann A co, O Foll?n A Son, E Ne:--on, EWelling, Railroad Agent, Order, and ochers. Passengers. . Per steamship Champion. Xor New York-Cap? tain CroweU, J Keuy. W Dougherty. Mrs Jenkins,* J 0 J en Kins, alf? E a try bring, W H Evana, J Tronche. Per steamship Georgia, from New. York-F J Lowry, T 0 Winthrop, uommoeore, Mrs Robinson, L B t on Dong. las- A Miller. Dowie, Motae A Davis. elias Broa, Erwin A Maui!], J M E sou A Bro. li F Fleming A cu, Fur yine, McOomoA co, Furonsott, Beneuict. A c ., J S Kali ly A CU. B Foley, Misa K Fowler, T P Forre-to J, J H Graver, W Gurney, H Geidta A CO, U Graveley. P L Qnuiemln. Graman A sea wacke. J H Had A co, W Uanali, N A Hunt, A tl Harden, Holnuea's Book Store, T M Horsey A Bro. J Hnr kamp A co, 0 Hickey, Hart A co, J Heins, D H Jacques, Jeffords A c?f?JohJist?D, Crews A OP, !Lat^4 ^^Sw^A luDu?? r EH^e?. ?taorAco, H&ruoue ?Sec.*Ma?^?^ood^E* V? Marshall 4 co, JT Maloney, Murphy 4 Little, Mrs Mid die ton. IC MelcQers, uommander c 8 Norton, B O'Neill, F L O'Neill, D O'Neil 4 Son, Paul, Welch * co,.B Ferry, W H Pomeroy, O P Poppenheim, O F Bankin. D Paul 4 co, ft Both. Blecke 4 Peter? mann, J R Bead 4 co. Rivenel 4 Holmes, WByan, a B stoddard '4 co, Wm Shepherd 4 co, Stettens Werner 4 Ducker, S O Cz CJ, E Scott, B N & wee? ney. 8toll webb 4 co, J F salvo, Sell 4 Foster, M Tn esr, R Thomlinson 4 co, Tiedemanu,. Calder 4 co, A LT; 1er, Tuomas 4 Lanneau, S Thompson, J F Taylor B co, 8 Ti eren dal, F voa Saaten, General vogdes, ? B White, w o wood. P Walsh, P Wine man 4 co, Walker, Evans dc Cogswell, O F w ic? t?re, O W Williams 4 co, S O Railroad co, N E Railroad co. Sav 4 Chan Railroad co. and others. Steamer Dictator, Cozetter, Palatka via Jack Bonville, Fernandina and Savannah. 86 bales cotton, 48 bbls and boxes orange?), one lot cane, md- e and sundries. To Ra vend 4 co, Ingrabam 4 Soo. Stoney 4 Lowndes, Witte Bros. Fra-er 4 DIU, O W Williams 4 co. Williams 4 Son. D Mc? Pherson, S Chase, Wal Bird 4 co, W M Lawton, J A Enaiow 4 co, J F O'Mein, and others. Sehr John Shay, TWoa. Philadelphia-8 days. Coal. To O W Selgnlouii; vessel to B ? sweegan. sehr George Wa-hmjrtcn. Shirley, Baracoa-0 days. Fruit. To Bxessui A Brandes. s ream tug Resolute, .dc Oat ty, Port Beyal, S 0, To J A Baslow Aco. lias come to thia ponto repair damages snscalaed wniie wrecking ship Euergy. Received from Bannutt's HILL 172 tierces rice To W 0 Bee 4 co, H Bischoff 4 co. ARRIVED SATURDAY. Br bark J B Dnffns Klllam, Sydney, 0 B U days. Ballast. To li G Wilkins 4 co. Sehr Charles, Sablstoo, rrom Gombahee. 2000 bushels rough rice. To w 0 Bee 4 co. Bohr Carrie, Lewis, Dom Back River. 2200 bash els rough rice. To W o Bee 4 co. Scar Gen B E Lee, Or adlet, cooper River. 1060 bushels rough rice, TC J. HanokeL Boat from Toogoodoo. 2 bags sea Island cot? ton. To W A Boyle. Boat fr?m John's Island, s bags sea Island cot? ton. To W A Boyle. Boat from James Island. 84 hags,sea Uland cot. ton. To Fraser 4 DUI?: : ? Boat from Joan's Uland. 20 bags sea Island cotton. To Fraser 4 Diu. Boat from Edlsto Islimd. 4 bags sea island cot? ton. To Fraser 4 DIU. Boat from Wadmaiaw. S bags sea island cot? ton. To Fraser 4 um. Boat from Hobcew. 4 bales tea island cotton. To Fraser 4 Dill.. Boat rrom Church Flats. 8 bags sea island cotton Ta Fraser 4 Dill. Sloop alice, --, from Cooper River. 700 bushels rough rice. T:>WOBee4co. Boat from Christ Church. 6 bags Bea Island cot? ton. To w M Lawton 4 Son. Boat from Christ Ohnroh.. 10 baas aaa Island cotton. To Wm Gunny. Boat from John'* is] ajad. 2 baars sea uia?d cot? ton, -aro ,Wm. dorney. Boat from Wadmaiaw. 6 bags sea Island cot ! ton. To Stoney 4 Lowndes. * , Boat from Christ Church. 6 bags sea island cotton. ork, with uaval stores. No ve mb sr 18-Sehr Martha, Smith, for Porto Rico, W I, With lum jor. LIST] OF VESSELS DP, CLEARED ANO SAILED ' FOB THIS POBT. FOAETGN. rjVBBFOOL Br bark Fille de FAT, Jones, sailed......Oct 4 The Onward, Ballard, old.;.oct SO ? OAHU IFF. The Mary Jane, Jot es, Balled.....Sept 26 The Emma, Pender sailed........Sept 10 Bark Brilliant, Bartley, sailed--.Sept 16 BBCMKN. German bark Neptune. Ploghoft, np..Oct 1 The Freihaadel, W?chter, sailed.....Oct 1 TROON. The Augusta, Onderberg, sailed..Oct 6 STOCKHOLM. Bark Hellos, Holm, sailed.;.Sept 6 " BARCELONA. Span bark Providencia, -, sailed.Oct 16 GIBGKKTI, 6ICILT. SwedlBh brig Anna, Jansen, sailed.Sept 0 POBT TALBOT. The Santander, Mlles, cleared.Oct 4 CALLAO. Bark Sapho, Wilbur, up.Oct 14 HAVANA. Spanish bark Elvira, sib er t, sid.Nov 14 DOMESTIC! HXW TOBE. Bark Walter, Berry, cid.Nov 18 Sehr E A Elmer, Oorson, cid.Nov 10 SChr r lore nee Rogers, saeopurd, as.Nov 14 Behr A Heaton, Rogers, cid.Nov 21 Sehr Brown, cid.Nov 14 Sehr Aioert Thoma*, Rose, cleared.Nav 2 BOSTON Br bark Jerome Jones, kenney, cid.Nov 20 Brig Melrose. . up.:.Nov ll scar Emma D Money, Elwell, cleared.Nov 2 PHI LAD KL PH I A. Bark Walter, Berry, op.-..Oct so Brig Mary 0 Roosevelt, Huberts, cid.Nov 13 Sehr Traveller, Hodges, np.Nov 21 Sehr Caroline Yoong, Yoong, cid.Nov 20 Sohr Electric, Dale, np.Nov 12 BALTIMORE, Steamship Falcon, Haynie, oleared.Nov 22 Sehr J ti Stickney, Kooks, up.NOV 18 Sehr Mary Manum, Tyler, cid.Nov 18 NORFOLK. Steamer B S Baker, old.Nov 19 PROVIDENCE. Sehr Irene E MeaBervey, Wall, sailed.Nov 2 (Ulina, grgr-kgrrj, &t. CHINA, GfcASS AND CROCKERY, AT THE OLD STAND, KING STBEBT, CORNER OF LIBERTY STREET. The Subscriber would respectfully inform his rrieuds au J the public that ola stock ls now com? plete lu UUIN 4, OLAS* AND U HOOKE KY, Pmla White and fancy China Glass and Fancy China Goous, Lamp-, shades. Ac., 4c nctlO-tbSlOStliOS K_ H MCDOWELL. Agent. NOTICE.-AT THE NEXT - SESSION of the General Assembly an application wdi be made to incorporate "THE CHARLESTON COASTWISE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY." oct-*,llnovl,16,decl,16 j 9500,000 IN BANK TO PAY ALL PITTS. A FULL DRAWING IN SIGHT. $10O? 00O' FOB; ONLY $10 At the. 8eerad.,QrM(I OifWJoi^ K.Sr^fcL act ?V^e ^^turo, la *ia of the Publto Library ot^Kentuoky, unavoidably post poned fronv september .-28 to December^^and whichi positively and unequivocally occt?^ii, I^ulsvPlei, Ky., Saturday; IJtc^ai^ii^^tay o? ?urther/itorptt.caur .account .wDA?ver;the. folio win? Cash, Gina are Xor. diatnhutloabrMot among the ticket holders: m ti ? - ? ioa. ONE GRAND QIFT, CASH..............;ll?ttO00 ONE GRAND aifT............,....;,',;,^????5? l Gash Girt.;....$16,000 ' ? Oash Gifts. ...aaoo? 1 cash Gift.$20,000 .16 cash GOts...v$jW l Cash Girt.$i6,ooo 20 Gash Gifts.... woo iCasb Glfc......$io,ooo' "21 cash Gifts..'.. ;$soo l cash Gift. $ .26Cash Gifts.... $700 1 cash Girt..-$8,000- ;86 Casa Gifts.... $600 1 Cash Gift.$7,000 -46 cash Gu*t8^;;.^$800 1 Caa? Gift. $8,000 60 Casa Gifts.... $400 1 Cash Gift.$6,000 SO C.,Eh Gifts.... $800 1 Casu GI it.$4,000 100 Gash GICU.... ?20Q I cash Gift. $3.000 612 cash Gifts.... $100 Total-WOO G Ifta, all Cash.$600,000 The money to pay all these Gifta la noir upon deposit, and set apart for that purpose, in the Farmers' and Drovers' Bank, as win be seen hy? the following certlllOHte or the Cashier: FAERBBS' AND DaOVSBS' BANK. 1 LomsyitXB, KT., September tis, ld-2. j Thia ls to certify that there ts now on deposit in thia bans over Half a-Minion or Dollars to' ! the credit o? th? Gift Concert Fund, $sco,ooo or which la held by thin oank aa Treasurer of the fabllo Library of Kentucky to pay off all Gifts to be awarded at the drawtng.___ - B. a. VEECH, Caehlen Price of Ticked, insta Tickets, ilOrHalves, $6; Quarters, $2 60: II Whole Tickets K.f'flOO; 28*for $i66; 58 for $500: 113 for $1000; E86 for $2600 ; 676 for $6000. Ho discount on less man $iuq, worth of tickets ats time, * . The drawing will positively and unequivocally take place December 7. Agen'a are peremptorily required to close sales and make relama Novem? ber 26, In order to give ' ample time for Xn^fmal arran seme nts. Orders for Tlc leets or applications for circulars should be addressed to . ' Gov. THOMAS H. BOAMLETTE, Agent Publie Library or ?enlucky, ioutavuia, Kentnoky. ..? oot?-aWiSAW? . 's?Tormsav fciirttors, Sft H. KLATTE & CO. j AGENTS FOR CHARLESTON. . We have appointed Mesara/ H. KLATTE A OO. Sola Agen-s for Charleston for th's Celebrated Brand Of PDT?B RESTOCK? WHISKEYS, both BTB*and B URBOS? ; These Whiskeys ara g n aran teed pare KENTUCKY 00PPER DISTILLED, free from all compound tm purines/ s?d highly recommended by eminent chemists for medical nae., The Brand ls patented 'topwventlnirtngemeots. '." "r?-?-?-"?; . . BAKKHQDSE BROS. A CO.. ^, Louisville, Ky. ? We respeotf?ny inform oar men di and custom, .'era that we keep constantly on hand a fall supply or the above already favorably.well known Whis 'eya. and offer same to the trade at distiller's' prices. H. KL ATT El A CO., " : aug8l-atuih6mo . . No. 186 East Bay. SDrnga atCOrjoIeaoIe. : r oivEBfliL raanauiiow or int ' TIAST-CLASS ??ca? ALF. IABAMAQD^AND CO QUINIUM LABARRAQUE Approved by the Imperial Academy of Medicine The Qa!nlurn Labarraque is aa eminently tonic and febrifuge Wine, destined to replace all the other preparations of Peruvian Bark The Bark AYines^usually employed 'iame dicine are prepared from Barks which, vary considerably in to which they - possess the desired'properties. Besides, . ; owing to the manner in which they arepre . pared, these Wines contain scarcely,, nure : than the traces ol active principles, and these always in variable proportions. - The Quinium Labarraque, approved by the Academy of Medicine, constiiuteo, on the contrary, a msdecine of determined compo? sition", rich in active principles, and on wich Physicians and Patients can always rely; . TllC Quinium Labarraque is prescribed with great success for persons of^w^,CQBr, ; tiuition; or for those debilitated by Various exhausting causes or past sickness ; for youths fatigued by too rapid growth; for Jybu?g giris whose development takes place with diflictilty; for women in childbirth; and for aged persons enfeebled by years or illness. It is tiie best'preservative against Fevers. ? In cases of Chlorosis, Anemia, or Greensik . ness, thia Wine is a powerM iau^niary'of Hie ferruginous preparations. In conjunction tor example, with VALLKT'S PILL-, the rapidi? ty of its uction is really marvellous. Dei?! in Paris, L. FRERE, 19, roe Jicob. Agents in Charleston: DO WIE, MOISE J L A DAVIS, Wholesale Druggists. .. J O L O I N B . The real, genuine, imported article, la dur?rent styles, comprising Joseph Antoni Farina Jean Marla Farina ..4711? (Francois Marie Farina. Also, a very superior Cologne, of my own man? ufactore, put op m all styles. ' Give it a trial. DB? H. BA ER, Wholesale and Retad Druggist. Nn 121 Meeilng atieet. jy/JINEBAL WATERS. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS WATER, from the Oelenrated Greenbrler Wnito Sulphur Sonnge .In Virfclnla : congress Water Geyser Water For aale by DR. H. B*EB, _No.Ul Meetingntreet. BEEF, WINE AND IRON AND BEEF, WINE, IRON. AND CINCHONA. These elegant and excellent stimulating Tonics are now getting into general use, especially m cases of nelloatefemales and child en. They may be bad of DB. H. BAER, No. 181 Meeting street. A full stock or Elixirs, and all the other new Pharmaceutical Preparations always kept on hand._ BRUSHES. A Full assortment of the Best Tooth Brushes NaU Brashes Hair Brushes Fieah Brushes Shaving Brushes Infant Brushes. For aale by DB. u. BA ER, _No. 181 Meeting street. SPONGES. . Bath Sponges Toilet Sponges Surgeons' sponges [ Carriage Sponges Beer Sponge State sponge. For sale by DR. H. BABB, _ No. 131 Mfetipg street JJOMOOPATHIO REMEDIES. J?STRECEIVED7?~FRE*H SUPPLY. A foil Une or ah the moat approved a ed ic in es of this bcnool-In tinctures, powders and pedeta;ln all dilutions and. potencies. Abo Family Vedi cine Cases, wlthSmau'a'Practlce. For sale by DR. H. BAER,' ' * No. 181 Meeting street. . Y?BG: For particulars of ?toi'i a.WJLA..OOJ W. Pl OLYDB . South Del aware Avenue, ] PARE8' au g 19-1 yr wv--' iM C?JRBYrNGT~ ' THE iiviaurooD ?JLTT maye- -'^j^ Tte Splondlrt SMe-w ! DI OT ATO ?t- Captar- w leave Charleston every EVBNXX?8, at f SANDLN A, i ABetm^u^UUn&PU DATMc???^aiid*a?Ji arrrvtng %ere SUNDAY- -Ai 1 Wcm* POLST .will ?? MOENINO ? and 8A" r?o, arrinnr nere;V . i^nectton-tojnad* . road for He? Wegjagt ttnej and at PAmtl?3rt? Uwana Blver. .AUPreuiMforWay^* on wharf. Garner Vanderhorst's ' octa XTT-EBKLT H;iqB^l SATANNAH, -GA., AND '?K^ BEAUFORT, 8. O.' - *" - o?>tajB;^^|jf?B^R^ WUl leave Accomrnodation Wlw??? every MONDAY Mojutt^geKMWga? for SavBunan, Bt-ardoT^ H?KUl-???? Wella. Beiurnln?,-wlUiieavnt WiM iirssDAY Moaiaaa..- ^-.^aifcgaass Will kave ?or Beaufort, PaaBe.apor* Landings every TnuMDAT MOBNTNO^ Keturnli.g, Will ltaTO MOBNTNO- .".??'* .f*':j?S GouaaoonBlK'ned to care of. Affmtt.f warded freeo?Btoragepr,c?mniJ?p^ Freight receiyedJanW-WAYB and S moat oeprepal.itoWayl^?lNg?22s Freight received fotpow?w?fW?" to Oe transferred '0^amerO^?t Savaonao every T?BBDAT MOTNTKOv ? >V After me I5tn ??.?J*?? ?onal wlU oe cn&nted oo ewgnt except >avaunohand Bc^jS For en***eme?AVgg^^^^ffl octa-WB '"tigSSl