{?irrTi- -r~.-..|- ??aa CITY AFFAIR' atsEXisas IBIS DAT. Ualon Kilwinning Lodge, at 7 P. M. Stonewall Fire Company, at 7 P. M. Irish Bille Club, at 7 P. M. AUCTION SALES THIS DAT. A. Tobias' Sons will sell at ll o'cli United Sutes bonded warehouse, brant Leitch A Bruna will sell at ll o'clock, east end of Broad street, real estate. Lowndes ft Grimball will seilst ll o' near the Poa to Cl ce, real estate. Laorey, Alexander ft Co. will sell at quarters past 9 o'olock, at their store, mackerel, Ac. Wm. McKay will sell at 10 o'clock, atore, shoes, clothing, ftc. THERMOSt ETHICAL. The range ol the thermometer yesterd the drag store of Dr. Joseph Blackms tbs south aide ol Broad street, was as lol ' SA.M.146; 10 A. M., 61; 12 M., 56; 2 P. ? 4 P.M., 68; 6P.M., 64; 8 P.M.,62. LOCAL LACONICS. -The steamer South Carolina will sa Hew York this evening, at eight o'clock. -A Choice supply Ot Callforala grapes pears has been received at Fisher's. -Au artistic pen aod ink drawing has made by Mr. Joseph Samson, for pre? tlan to Governor Moses, ot a rare and an nap ot Charleston, published In London I early part of the eighteenth century. -To-day having been appointed a di tnank?-glvlQg and prayer by lbs General Ai bly of the Presbyterian Church, .the ( street Church will be opened for servil steven o'clock this morning. -At a meettosr or tbe Tobacco Dealers' leo!Ive OD lon, held but evening at Llndst Hall, th? committee previously appoint draft a constitution made lis report, ant constitution was adopted. -Joe Smith, colored, Btole a box of ct from the store ot Messrs. Wagener ft: asea, at the corner ot East Say and Q Streets, yesterday afternoon. He was BI qnantly arrested and locked np In the i Guardhouse. -The race which was arranged to place shortly at Augusta, between tbe sta *lGaberlonxlen and "Lady B.," will not c cff; tbe owner of the mare having pale lori el t of one hundred dollars. The sta! ls owaed by Messrs. B. Graham A Co., of cl ty. He ls a colt of the Imported horse 1 nie Scotland._ TBE COURTS. Halted States District Coart. la Ibe case of A. B. Vane vor and ott '.galoot the bark Agnes Campbell, libel lor Melon, the answer to tbe libel and a portloi tho testimony were heard. The petition ot James Crockett, of Lam ter, for voluntary bankruptcy, was re ferret ?Registrar dawson. ' T. J. LaMette, assignee of Robert Bryo< Boos, bankrupts, was ordered to show cao at Colombia, on the 26 th instant, why should not be attached for tallare to pay co to office rs of the court and dividends to J. H. Thompson, attorney for creditors. tia i ted States Commluloner. : D. A. Seabrook, colored, was bound over . _ Commissioner Porteons yesterday for trial the next term or tn t> united ts uxes uonnv charge of perjury. Stephen Brown, color was bound over for violation of the inter revenue la we. General Se** loni. The sealed verdict rendered in the case Booen W. Brown, tried on Tuesday for t murder of Ellis Allen, was opened and read the court yesterday morning. It pronoonc the accused not guilty, and he was therenp released from custody. Simon Gail, colored, was tried for the mt der ol John Johnson, colored, near Btkei ville, in September last. He was delended Messrs. M. P. De3auasure and Robert Chi soli Jr.. Solicitor Batts conducted the pro Bec Hon. The Jury was composed of one wbl maa and eleven negroes. The facts that tl prisoner bad been confined in the Luna! Asylum at Columbia, and that he escapi from lt several months previous to tbe mo der, were folly established. The Jury, after short absence, returned a verdict ot n -guilty. Gall was then remanded to JaU-f< examination as to his sanitary condition. Alter the foregoing oas? had been dispose - of, the juries were paid and discharge* To-day was appointed sentence day, and th usual general orders of adjournment wet .Issued. a Colonel W. N. Taft applied for admission t the bar, and Messrs. C. W. Butts, H. W. Sobre der and E. B. Seabrook were appointed i committee to examine him. The Court of Common Pleas will be openei this morning and adjourned amil the firs Monday In December. ."Municipal Court. James Fogartle, colored, draak, disorderly and abasing a policeman, one dollar, A muli and two dogs, at large, one dollar each. Trial ?Taatleea* Coarte. About a week ago a gentleman left an over coat tor safekeeping at the office of Dougber ty's wharf, adjoining South Bay street, bu failed to find lt when he returned. A fen days later the missing coat was dlsooverec upon the back ot a "Jim Island possum hun< ter." The possum boater proved that he bad purchased the coat from a negro dealer la sec end-hand articles named Henry Chapman. Chapman could not explain how be bad ob talned the coat, so he was committed to Jail by Trial Justice Mackey, for trial at the next , term of tbe Inferior Court. Lewis Walker, colored, stole a lot of dry .goods valued at thirty-three dollars from a rolored woman named Moultrie, who keeps a shop In King street. He was carried before Trial Justice McKinlay and bound over for trial at the next term of tbe Inferior Court. Trial Justice McKinlay also sent Brutus Sim? ons, colored, lo Jail tor thirty days for commit* ting a malicious trespass. William Elvers, colored, was committed to Jail by Trial Justice Levy for trial at the next term of the Inferior Court, on the charge ol assaulting Policeman O'Donnell. A tfr?lateoBAHWAN.-The first claaa Ame? rican ship ?tlchard the Third, Captain Hub? bard, arrived herc yesterday Irom Savannah, and ls la the hands ot Messrs. Street Bros. & Co., woo will freight her for Liverpool. The - Riobard thc Third belongs to the Messrs. Tacker, of Wlscasset, Me., who for years have been koowa to our merchants as owners ot floe and Buoceasfol sea cralt. The present ship la ?oMinj?cd^ol ihe best materials, aod ; .when tutidteg^mdorwent the most careful .apwvlaloo. She ls 986 tons, and Will take o*rer three thousand bags compressed cotton. Her owners have lone been connected with the commerce ot Charleston, and their ves? sels were generally remarkably successful, some ot them having made admirable pas? sages to and from this port. The present commander of the Bichar? is Captain Joseph Tucker Hubbard, an officer of BkUl and an able shipmaster. amo our ?BE OLD*-RTNG IN TBS NEW. Sheriff Bowen Take* Poaieg?lon of hi New OrB.ce- Deputy Dingle Retained at the Request of the Bar. About ooe o'clock yesterday Sheriff Bowen, accompanied by bis counsel, Colonel Tbomas r. Simons, having previously recorded his commission In the office of the clerk of court, repaired to the sheriff's office to make a for? mal demand tor the posseBBlon of the same. THE NKWS has already stated that ez-Sherlff Mackey is In Washington, and his chiel depu? ty, Mr. W. B. Dingle, was also absent from the office when Mr. Bowen and his counsel entered. Tbe Hon. Timothy Hurley was on hand and sinning SB ever, and a host of otber friends of tbe sew sheriff were aleo present. The whole party walked Into the inner de? partment of the office and sat down there to await Mr. Dingle's arrival. In the meantime a promiscuous crowd of light and dark col? ored friends of each sheriff collected around the office, In the Courthouse, street, and Courtnouse yard, were the representatives of each faction Indulged In pleasantries and innuendoes at the expense of the other. Two of these became enraged beyond endurance and got Into a scuffle, but were quickly sepa? rated by the bystanders. After about half an hour of fruitless exhaustion of patience in walting for Mr. Dingle, the sheriff and his counsel left the office. They returned about two o'clock, by whlob time Mr. Dingle had ar? rived, and the demand tor Immediate posses? sion was made. Mr. Dingle replied that he bad received no Instructions from Mr. Mackey, and begged that time wonld be allowed him to telegraph to Washington for orders. This was acceeded to by the sheriff, and Mr. Dingle accordingly communicated with Mr. Mackey by telegraph. Up to a late boor last evening no reply bad been received. The sheriff also telegraphed to Mr. Mackey, at a later hour, to Bay that he had taken all of the necessary steps of qualification for office, and that he would allow Mr. Mackey'a deputies a reason? able time to prepare for delivering up the office. The following communication was addressed to the new sheriff yesterday, and elicited the reply which follows lt : CHARLESTON, November 19, 1872. Son 0.0 Bowen. Sheriff of Charleston County: DEAR SIB-as we believe the office to wolca you have been elected ls woe of vet y consider? able Importance, not only to yoursell and the county, but also to tbe members of the bar, who will have constant business transactions with you, we respectfully recommend and request that yon retain Wm. B. Dingle, Esq , in nls former position therein. His long expe? rience la toe management of the said office, and his ttoliorm courtesy towards every one, will certainly render him a valuable and effi? cient aid to you and to ns ia that position. Very respectfully, ?kc, Pressley, Lord 4 Ia- Magrath ft Lowndes, glesby. Duryea ft Cohen, SImontoo ft Barker, Jas. B. Campbell, Whait*y ft Minott, M. E. Hatchlnson, Hayne ft Son, Porter ft Conner, I Alex. H. Brown, Buist ft Buist, Jno. E. Elvers, Bryan ft Bryan, Walker ft Bacot, Augustine T. Smythe, W. M. Bruns. J. N. Nathans, Richard DeTreville, McCrady ft Son, M. P. O'Connor, O Herbert Sass, Rm ledge A Young, Merarn inger, Plnckney Jennings W. Perry, ft Jervey, Thoa. T. Simons, Martin L. Wilkins, Rudolph Slegllng, Whaley & Mitchell, Wm. J. Gayer, John Phillips, Brewster, Spratt ft W. D. Clancy. Burke, CHABLXSTON, November 20,1872. To Messrs. Pressley. Lord ft Inglesby. Simon ton ft Burker, Whaley ft Minott, Boyne ft Son, and others. * GENTLE* SN-Your letter of the 19th, signed by yourselves and other members ot the bar, requesting me to retain William B. Dingle, Sou,., lu ule (semor poalLloo, has baan re? ceived. My earnest desire is tor the faithful and effi? cient discharge of the dulles of the office to whloh I have been elected as sheriff of tbls county, and that these shall be performed with courtesy and satisfaction to the bar. I have the honor to state that in accord? ance and compliance with the request so numerously signed, I have this day tendered to Mr. Dingle the appointment whlob you have desired on his behalf. Very respectfully, C. C. BOWEN. It is also understood that Mr. John H. gym mea, a gentleman who filled the position ot Jail-keeper during the war, will be reinstat? ed in that office. STRICKEN SAVANNAS. The Rome Disease Crippling Commerce la our Sister City. The following extracts from the Savannah papers of yesterday will give some Idea of the state of affairs resulting there from the visita? tion of the "epizoot," Our sister city was a little too fast In crying out about the difficulty of transportation in Charleston. There has not been a day since., the disease began on whloh merchandise of any description coming to tnis etty waa delayed for ten minutes at wharf or railroad depot in consequence of tbe disease. Savannah has been far lees fortu? nate. The Advertiser says: ?Shanks' marr" ls now the only equine available for trotting purposes. The horse disease fairly leapa In lu progress. Many of the dray horses that were In use yesterday wore red stockings, and needed handkerchiefs badly. It was cruel to allow such horses io work. All the doctors, policemen, r - mts and merchants were on foot. The Bay and wharves seemed almost like a Bunday thoroughfare. It ls likely that not a horse will be aeeu at work within a few days. The Republican Bays: Tbe horse disease has been slowly and In? sidiously gaining ground, and now lu effect upon trade has been shown unmistakably. For several days past the street railroad has been diminishing Us number ol cars, and now an entire estoppage seems Imminent. Tne effect on the transportation of cotton has been very marked. Prices for drayage have risen Atty per cent., and yesterday lt waa found necessary to employ steam In re? moving cotton from the yard of the Central Railroad to the Bay. Orders tor coal and wood remain upon the booka of dealers undelivered, and unless we have aa influx of oxeo, or a substitute In the way of hand-carts, some Buffering may be the consequence. For the past iw > days or more, horses flt for ser? vice have appeared on the streets undercover, and one team we came aoross in our wander? ings wss adorned with a roll of red flannel around he nook like a brilliant scarf. The Traction engine or Captain Md. Good? win was engaged at the wharf of the Balti? more steamer yesterday morning In hauling a truck loaded with cotton. On level ground li worked well enough, but when she onme to up-hnl work lt stalled, and the truck had to be piiribed up by band. It ls bad enough to have a baulky or stalling horse at any time, but when we onme to the substitute, steam, and find lt baulky too, we must pray for the horse malady to cease. A gentleman engaged In business in Savan? nah, who arrived here yesterday, reports that draymen there are charging one dollar per bale for transporting cotton Irom the depots to the B tea ma ti ps. Send jour cotton to Charleston, gentlemen, and save delay in transportation and exorbitant charges for draying. BALL or THE GERMAN FIRE Cour ANY.-The German Fire Company gave another ball, Asir second one ef thia season, at their hall in Chalmers street last evening. It was well attended, and the dancing was kept up until near daylight. An excellent supper was served about one o'clock. THE ENTERPRISE RAiLBOAD.-CUy-Attorney Corbin yesterday gave norlce or his Intention to make a motion on Friday next, before Judge braham, tor the issuing of an injunc? tion against the Enterprise Ballroad Company to restrain them from proceeding further in the laying of their track with the kind of Iron they aie at present using. xnru v/rt rt tai uiv? CHARLESTON RIFLEMEN'S BAFFLE. HOW tbe Drawing waa Conducted Ttae Lucky Numbers. The raffle la aid of the Charleston Riflemen took place ia: t evening at the Merchants' Hotel Hall, corner of King and Society streets. The hall was filled with eager ticket-holders. The whole number of tickets was five hundred, and, tte number of prizes fifty-eight. Dr. T. E. Ghupelu and Messrs. F. F. Chapeau, 0. 6. Taylor, and E. Eosen?eld, were appointed managers of the drawing. The five hundred tickets were represented by the same number of small squares of card board numbered from one up. These were placed In a raffle wheel and thoroughly mixed ; fifty-eight num? bers were then drawu out one by one, the first number drawn taking the first prize, a valuable sewing machine ; the second number the second prize and so on. The following are tbe drawn numbers in the order In which they were taken from the Wheel: 201,140. 285, 134, 47, 174, 244, 344? 257, 472, 101, 481, 207,95, 150. 1, 478, 270, 404, 243, 304,58, 106, 427, 116, 38, 477, 293, 215, 142, 491, 328, 149, 271, 219, 164, 464, 163, 488, 126, 416. 236, 369,67, 327, 432, 435, 171, 70, 396, 188, 234, 60, 74, 476, 415, 423, 287. Holders of the lucky numbers can get their prizes by calling on Mr. John A. Moroso, the obnlrman of the committee on the raffle, at the Courier office. After the completion of the raffle a resolution was passed by the ticket holders approving bl the manner lu which the drawing was conducted. A handsome silver service, valued at fifty-five dollars, was won by several employees of tte Savannah and Charleston Railroad Company, who had form? ed a club. BOARD OF FI REMASTERS. Tba Proposed Decrease of Pay of the Steam Fire Department. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Fi remasters was held last evening at Mar- j ket Hall. The following action was taken upon the recent resolution of the City Council looking to a reduction In the pay o? the Steam Fire Department: Resolved, That this board having given that oarerul consideration to the resolution from '.be City Council which Its Importance de? mands, lr. ls Resobtd. Tbat in the opinion of this board the Fire Department ot Charleston, as now constituted, ls ample In each of Its branches for ali emergencies, and that the present pay of the department is not more than sufficient to keep lt tn running ord?-r, while any de? crease of Buch pay would be detrimental to Its | efficiency. A resolution waa also adopted requesting the chief and assistant chiefs o? the depart? ment to examine the hose of every steam and band engine in the oliy, and report every steam company that was not supplied with eight hundred feet, and every hand company not supp led with four hundred feet of ser? viceable hose. It was recommended that those companies which should be found not tully equipped with hose should be supplied by the City Council, unless they Immediately furnished themselves, and that all sums thus paid by the Council be deducted from the monthly pay of the companies so furnished. In accordance with the acilou ot the board an Inspection of the hose of several o? the oo m paules waa ordered for next Friday after? noon, and a notloe to this effect will be found lo our advertising columns. THE COLUMBIA BOAED OF TBADE. The following committees of the Columbia ? Board of Trade have been appointed for the ensuing year: Executive Committee-J. B. Ezell, chair? man; R. D. Benn, J. 8. Wiley, R. O'Neal, Jr., John Agnew, Jr., R. C. Shiver. Committee on Prices Current-J. M. Blake? ley, chairman; R. D. Senn, John Agnew, Sr. Committee on Transportation-R. D. 8enn, chairman; B. O'Mnal, Jr., John McKenzie. Committee on Reading-Room-Colonel J. B. Palmer, chairman; J. Aanew, Jr., E. W. Bet? hels, John C. Se egera. J. S. Wiley. Committee on Grievances and Arbitration J. Agnew, Sr., chairman; C. F. Jackson, W. C. McGregor, Thompson Earle, J. Melghan. Committee on Market and Country Pro? duce-J. E. Black, chairman: P. Cantwell, T. J. GlbBon, L. F. Hopson, M. H. Berry. Committee on Finance-L. D. Childs, chair? man; R. C. Shiver, L. Gamonil, A. t?. Brenl zer, W. B. Stanley. HOTEL ARRIVALS, NOVEMBER ?SO. Pavilion. M. L. Jones, J. H. Pike, McD. C. Cannon, S. S. A. Brooker, H. H. Singletary, F. Graham, Graham's Croas Roads; T. W. West, Green? ville; W. A. Merocy, Orangeburg; C. 8. Park, Savannah; W. Ryan, Barnwell; P. M. Porcher, Fort Motte; S. Browne, Blackville; W. G. Hubbard, Columbia; J. P. Camble, Qourdlu'e; W. W. MoDiarmld, Florence; Mrs. Edwarda, Jacksonville; P. Ward, Clarendon. Charleston. F. J. Boesse, N. B.; F. L. Hunter, t?a.; E. Burton, Philadelphia; F. Norton, Baltimore; J. Crews, Laurens; C. G. Jaeger, Newberry; T. F. Wight, Atlanta; W. B. Robinson, Nova Boolla; D. Schaokman, N. T.; Z. S tien, S. C.; E. Black, Atlanta; E. A. Smith, Augusta; D. G. Duffy. St. Louis; G. W. King and wife. J. Foster, 8. A. Woods, Mrs. A. D. Gibson, N. L. Gibson, 8. C.; C. G. Day and wife, Miss M. L. Day, Hartford, Ct.; J. J. Ward, Darlington; J. Cbesnut, Camden; J. R. Stevens and wife, N. 7.; M. N. Nolan, Albany; 4V'B, Kennedy, Boston; Alfred Williams, J. H. Mather, J. G. Thompson, Beaufori; G. E. Thurston, N. 7. BUSINESS NOTICES. ATTENTION ls called to the Bale to-day o? that extensive and valuable piece of property on the north side o? Tradd street, east of | Meeting street, formerly kuosrn as "Marshall's Bakery;" and of the loton the opposite side of Tradd street, by Messrs. Lench & Bruns. No DISAPPOINTMENT, when you use Du? rand's French Polish. It la easily applied. novlS-lino WINTER COATS, Sacks, Water-Proofs, Pants, ?c., ?so., nicely cleaned, renewed, binded, mended, at Otto Sonntag's, Dyer, No. 34 Wentworth street, between Meeting and Anson streets. * FUBOSOOTT, B KN EDI CT & Co., No. 276 King street, are the Sole Agents for the Celebrated Chlelley'a Kid Gloves. Each pair Is Bold under guarantee. TIME is MONEY.-Clocks, fifty different styles, In wood, bronze and marcie cases, at Allan's, 307 King Btreet. _ FURCH<3orr, BENEDICT & Co., No. 276 King street, have received a new stock of Shawls, Blankets, Cioaklngs, Ac. Also new lines of | Silks, Poplins, Reps and Mourning Goods. FcacHooTT, BENEDICT & Co., No. 275 King Btreet, have received the latest importation of | Paris and Berlin Cloaks, also 200 pieces of all Btyles ot Carpets-great bargains. CHRISTMAS ls coming. For handsome Gold Bracelets, Studs and Sleeve Buttons, go to Allan's, 307 King street. MB. SOCDER Invites attention to his Stock ol Photograph Frames just received, embracing upwards of thirty different styles, many ol them of entirely new deslgu and beauty of J flnlBb, which he offers to cash buyers at a [ small advance on cost. SOUDER'S Gallery, No. 268 King street. o ct 3 l-l m o HOUSTON'S NBW PHJTOORAPH OALLEBT, No. 307 King street, ls constan tty '.lil tonged wita visitors, wno gass upon the bean tu ul Photo? graphs with wonder and amazement Tbe Celebrated Rembrandt Pictures made at Gallery surpasses anything ever introduced this city before. We have over fifty difieren style ol Frames. Also, a large stock ol Albums Cases, Ac. novl2-tothB3 How TO ?8B MBECITET.-Never pot mercurj Into your stomach. The proper place for lt the tbermometer or the barometer. There will inform you of the changes ol temperature or forewarn you of the coming ot storms, thin Indicating the times and seasons when it necessary to reinforce the system with Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, in order to ward the ailments which peculiar conditions the elements produce. When the quicksilver suddenly falls several degrees of Fahrenheit as lt often does at this season, fortify the sys? tem against the depressing influence oftble sudden abstraction of heat by a dose of the most genial and wholesome of all InvigorantB Or if the indicator of your barometer points stormy, brace up for those damp, driving gales which .are sure to search to the very marrow of an untoned organization. Fever and ague, chronic indigestion, violent colics dysentery, billons Intermittents, rheumatism and a host of pulmonary complaints, come such visitations. novl9-tuths3D4W GIFTS FOB THE HOLIDATS.-For Silverware fine Watches, gold Opera and Yest Chains, to Allan's, 307 King street. COMMERCIAL ?Bits. Kxporti. BcsroN-Per scar Francis Satterly-800,000 reet resawed planks and boards. The Charleston Cotton, Rice and Nava Stores Markets. OFFICS CHARLESTON NEWS, 1 WBDNXSDAT EVKNJ.NO, November 20, 1872. J COTTON.-There was rather a good inquiry early m the day, ia whloh prioss hardened and were about iii? ri higher; afterwards a more qa let feeling prevailed; sales about ?ooo bales, say 1 is, 3 at lox, t?iat ir. 42 at nus, 86 at nx, n ITS', 86 at nx, s at 17%, 82 at is, sr at i ss. 127 at 18X, 64 at 18X, 118 at ; ss', 10 at 18X, 16 is v, 10 at 19, 461 n private terms. We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary tn good ordinary.17 @nx Low ml idling.las " is* Middling.<.18H918K Strict middling...,..18X@18X Rios.-This grain was in good demand at armer priesa ; salea about 200 tie roes of clean Carolina, say 10 tierces at Sc, 16 at 8X, 126 at 7, 48 at 7*. We quota common to fair at 8X96X, good 7@7XC NAVAL STOBIS.-The receipts were 42 bbls spirits turpentine and 685 bbls main. Sales soo bbl? a?,rita turpentine at 620 ft gallon; also, aome 200 bola rosin at about previous rates. FREI o HTS.-To Liverpool, by s team, direct, on nplatids, - on sea islands; via New York, Jgd on aplauda, - on sea islands; by sall, Xd on uplands, and Xd on sea islands. To Havre, lc on uplands. Coastwise-to New York, by bte un, \c on uplands and - on sea Island .; |2 fi tierce on rice; eoe ft bbl on rosin by aaa,-^c fl St en cotton; -os tierce on nee; soc fl bbl on roam; $11912 fl Hon lumber $12912 60 fl H OD tim ser. To Boat n, by steam Xe on aplauda and $2 60 fi tierce on rice; by sall, -c fl )h on uplands; rosin 70c; resawed staff $12@12 60; timber $is@i3 60; phosphate $6@5 60 To Providence, by sail $10?U fl H on boards -c fl Bi on cotton; by steam Xe via New York To Philadelphia, by s'eam Xo on uplands; $176 fl tierce on rice; soc ft bbl on rosin; $1 on spirits Through bills of lading given to Boston, Provi? dence and the New En eland cities are regularly Issued on this route, and dispatch guaranteed By kail, $8 fl H on boards; $12 on timber; - ft ton OD clay ; Bf 60 on paospaate?. To Baltimore by steam --0 ft'Bi; by sall $8?8 60 ft Mon boards;-on timber; $3 60 fl ton at city; $40 4 60 fi ton ap river oa phosphate rock. Yessels ?re la demand by oar merchants to take lumber freights from Georgetown. S. c., Darlen and s iii 1 la River, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, and $io@i2 fi If are the rates on timber and boards. B?CHANOS.-Sterling 00 day bills 21?21X. OoHSSTio EXCHANGE-.-Tho banks pnrobase sight checks on New York at x ? X per cent, off, and sell at par. HGOLB-18@14._ Marketa by Telegraph. * MONET MARKETS. LONDON, November 20. Noon.-Consols B2X> Fives 88X> FBANEFOBT. November 20. Noon - Bosda 96X* NEW TOBE, November 20. Noon.-Freights quiet. Stocks steady. Gold heavy at 13X. Money firm nt l-82ai-i6 per cent per day. nc ban g e. long, GS'; short QX- Gov? ernments Arm and steady, state bonds duh and Arm. Evening.-Freights dall and lower. Money flue tnati d at the closing from 6 to 7. Sterling Armer ; prime banners'at IXaSX. Gold 18. Govern ms J ta quiet and at eau y ; otates dall and steady ; Teoneasees strong. COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL November 20. Noon.-Cotton opened with a hardening tenden? cy; uplands 9Xd, orlean-i loxd. Later.-Upla .usOXalOXd; orleans lox J; sales 18.000 baleo; exporta and (speculation 40i0. Evening.-Cotton closed nncuanged; uplands November s 18-I6d. Nsw YORK, November 20. Noon.-Cotton Arm; Bales 122s bales; uplands 19Xc; orleans 19X& Eveulog-Cotton Xe higher and strong; sales '2393 oaies; upland? u,sc; net receipt! 1414 balea; gi OS?. 6P55; sales futures, 142,600; November, 19 8 los.19 6.16c; Decamber, 18Xal8 16-lOc; Janu? ary, l8Xai8Xo; Febrna y, i8Xai8 9-iOc; March, 19S-U)ai9Xo; April, 19Xal99-iec; May, 19 13-lfla .ose; Jane, 20c. BOSTON. November 20. Cotton Armer; middlings 20c; groas receipts 317 baiea; sa ea OOO; s toot 4000. HALTIMOBB, November 20. c t*on Arm; middlings l9xc; gross receipts 310 bales; exports coastwise 60; sales 410; aaiea last evening iso; stock salo. NORFOLK. November20. Cotton Arm; net tecelpts 267 bales; exports coastwise use; sales 200; stock 9J39. WILMINGTON. November 20. Cotton Arm; middling isxc; net receipts 307 bales; sales LOT; s toes 8966. SAVANNAH, November 20. Cotton quiet and Arm; middling I8X0; net re? ceipts ?829 bales; exporta to ureat Britain 832; exports coastwise 1004; tates 2028; stock es,Z8l biles. A ca osT A. November 20. Cotton quiet;middlings 18al8Xc; net receipts 1262 balss ?salea 1200. MEMPHIS, November 20. Cotton firm; middling l8Xal9o; net reoelpta 127 balea; shipmeata 2386; atook 28 789 bales. MOBIL!, November 20. Cotton quiet; good ordinary 18c, low middlings I8X0. mlddliauB 19c; net receipts 6281 bales; ex puris to GreatBr Ital a 1876; coastwise 1822; taloa 1000; stock 28,244. NEW ORLEANS, November 20. Cotton In good demand; low middlings I8xc; middlings 19Xc; net receipts 4i97 hales; gross 6200; exports io Great Britain 2052; to the Conti Dt-nt 2779; eales 1600; lust ?vening 4300; stock 126,616. GALVESTON, November 20. cotton Arm; good ordinary ?osaiexc; net re? ceipts 671 bales; sales 20J0; stock47,189. PROVISIONS ANO PRODUCE MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, November 20. Noon.-Rel winter wheat ii? a .'aila 8d. Evening.-common rosin nails 3d. Nsw TOBE. November 20. Noon.-Flour quiet aiM Arm Wheat and corn Bru. Pork quiet at $16 60al6. Lard sre.idj; -team 8X?91 >6c. Turpentine Arm at eoe. R. sin quiet at S4 liai 26. Evening -Hour more active and unchanged, whiskf-y s eady. wheat la20 b- uer and in fair demand; winter red Western $1 Oial SS. c -ra a shade Armer, wi tn a fair w qui ry. Bice Arm at 7Xa8Xc Pork lower at $16 86sl6 40. LaM Arm? ar; kettle 8X0 Turpentine A m. Kosm quiet.) B?LTIMOBB. Njwrabor 20 Four qnlet and in fav >r of buyers. Wneat dull, Bxc-pt ior choice, corn steady and nrra. Pro visions dull Mess Pork $16. shoulder- exaOXc Lard Orm at ase. Whiskey weak at ?5 s c. WILMINGTON. November 20. Spirits turpentine Arm at 46Xc. Ro-ln Arm at $3 60 for sualned. cr.de turpentine steady at 13 for hard. $6 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar arm tit $3 SO. CINCINNATI, November 20. Flour in fair demar d and higher at $7 I0a7 30. Oom quiet. Pork aurf lard quiet. Bacon-J'ib t,lag S'tttB, shoulders 6Xc; olear Bides io*. Wan key 89c. M LOOISVILLB, November 20. Provlalonn In fair order demand. Pork $13 to. Lard 8a8X- Whiskey 89c. Btw York Naval atorra Harket. ii- ^ Nirw TOBI. November 19. The Dally Bulletin nays: Receipts to-day 462 DDIs rosin. Spirits turpentine ls quiet, ont prices a trifle steadier than on .saturday. Sales 100 bois at eic, and 60 bbls at flic, flat. Strained rola ls quiet at abont $4 I6al4 20 for common otralned, ?4 20a4 25 for good strained. Sales ??60 bbls at $4 26. Tar scarce and cn chang ea. Pitch steady. New Tork lice Harket. 5 HW TORK. November 19. The Daily Bulletin sa? a: The offerings of Caro? lina are increasing somewhat, and buyers are operating with more rreedom. Foreign grades are steady and in fair request. The aaies are 200 bigs Rangoon at 7a71fc, and 40 tes Carolina at 7XS8XC warning :on Harket. WILMINGTON, November 19. S?rarrs TraprNTiNK. -sales or 60 casas at ssc, and soo casks at 64>ic per gallon for Southern packages. ROSIN.-sales of 600 bbls at $8 60 for strained and 1416 for pale. LBCDR TrnPSNTiNB. -sales of 388 bbls at $3 for hard, and $6 for yelloir dtp and virgin. TAB.-Sales of 186 obis at 18 so per bbl. Market firm and has advanced soo. CorroN.-Sales of 73 bales at 17X, so at 17X, and 17 at Mc per lb. Interior Cotton Harkets. Mo ?TGOMKR7, November 18. Cotton market Mea dy today; ordinary 16c; I good ordinary 16\c; strict good ordinary 17a ITKC; low middlings l Xal7Jin; middling 17X0. MACON, November is. Today was decldedl 1 the Hern est of the season, the receipts having ?Ulen off In a most unac countable manner. Though the market was somewhat irregular, tl ere was an active demand for middUngs at 17\c. Fancy lots brought a | fraction higher. The receipts to-day were only 316 bales, aboat equally divide 1 between wagon and rall; shipments 12: ; sales 263. great, jjjgggjgs ft? JJRUGS AND MEDICINE? WHOLESALE power te make such changes and new designations from lme to time, as they ma* judge tnat tho pu?lic lutereat requirer!. Ssc. 2. All ?state and County offlcers and other pemous are here y required ^?"S^'r?? ?? TftwunariprB desHrjateri auder th s act lor the s?a? aid for the r epresentative counties, tor pub Mriau rabiaiaraln the newspapers designated 2ffithPtaact-and uo publication orany character, 1 lu anv newspaper not, des guated under this sot.' BB Dald for from th? lands of this sta e or of anv oounty: Provided, That the said officers men? tioned tn ?ecilou J shall have power, in cases re. auirltig unusual publicity, to order publications lis ch newspaper, In addition to tho-edesig? nate, ander tb s act, as by snd witu thu ad? vice or the Governor t ey may selejt; and ti 11 is so ? curred shall be audited and paid In asea! man? ner. ssc 3. All acts ?ind parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. ase. 4. This act mali take effect from and after , itt passage, nevil j EDrrj gcoog, gc. FGH.BHDICT&CO., NOi 375 KING STREET, OFFER FOB THIS WEEK EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN CARPETS! CARPETS ! 100 pieces Crossley'8 Best English BRUSSELS, $160 60 pieces Beat Body Bras-els, $2 26 and $2 60 100 pieces Ingrain, 06 and 76 cents, worth $1 60 pieces All-Wool Ingralo, st, worth $126 26 pteces Three-ply, $l 40 and $160, worth $176. WE ALSO OFFER, AT QBEAT REDUCTION, OIL CLOTHS, Raga, Hats, Drnggets, Ac. Agents for the Celebrated LE?OLE CH ENG? LISH OIL CLOTH, the beat In the world. WE ARE NOW OFFERING UNUSUALLY CHEAP LOTS OF SILKS AND DRESS GOODS ! M pieces Black Gros Grain and Taffeta SILKS, $1, 1 26, 1 60, 1 76, 2, 2 60 and $8 6 cases or very fine Black Alpaca, from 80 cents to ti Onr 60 cents Alpaca ls th? c nest ever ottered A complete assortment or Satins, Colored Silks, Poplins, Eppiogllns Valours, Plaids, Bombazine, Henrietta Cloth, crapes Velvets, Velveteens, Plushes-all at lowest figures. NSW ARRIVALS OF THE LATEST STYLES OF ' PARIS AND BERLIN CLOAKS! Ladles are respectfully invited to Inspect them. A fml Une of the finest SHAWLS. DOMESTIC GOODS. WILL OFFER FOR THIS WEEK : 100 pieces Wamsen ta LONGOLOIH, 18 cents 20 cases 44 Bleached Longcloth, 12X, worth 16 j cents 2 cased 4-4 Bleached Lon g clo th, 16, worth 17 cents Fun Unes of Prints, Ginghams, Table Covers, Towels, Napkins, Diapers, Plano Covers, Cotton and Unen Sheeting constantly OD hand. Onr weU known other Departments aro com? plete, and consist tn fall lines of BLANKETS, Shawls, Furs, Broadcloths, Cassi meres, Doeskins, Ladles' and Gent's Un. derwear, Notions, RlbbonB, Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Millinery Goods, Ac Our Wholesale Department la the best selected I one in this market, and special care ls taten to snit Merchants, Farmers and Milliners. Respectfully, FMCOTT.BffllCT&CO., NO> ?76 KING STREET. drags at UJrjokeale. S I M M ONS' REGULATOR J Unis unrivalled Medicine ls warral contain a single particle of Mercury, or any ln> utiona mineral substance, butta . PURELY VEGETABLE. For forty years lt has proved Its great value In all diseases or the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the good and great la all parts oi the country vouch for Its wonderful and peculiar power In purifying the Blood, cumulating tue torpid Liver and Bowels, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system, SIMMONS'.* LIVER REGULATOR la acknowledged to have no equal aa a LITER MEDICINE. It contalna fonr medical elements, never netted In the Bame happy proportion in any other pre? paration, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonderful Tonto, an unexceptionable Alterative and a cer? tain Corrective of all Impurities of the body. Bach signal success has attended Its use that lt la now regarded as the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Liver complaint and the palufal offspring thereof, to wit: Dy-pepsta, Constipation, Jaun? dice, Billons attacks, Sick Headache, Colic. De? pression of Spirits, Soar Stomach, Heart Rnrn. Ac, Ac Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS'S LIVER REGULATOR Ia manufactured only by J. H Z EULIN A CO., Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. PRICE-$1 per package; sent by mall postage paid, $1 26. "repaxed ready for uso la bottles. $160. For aale by P. WISEMAN A CO. AND BY ALL DRUOQ1STS. ?3- Beware of au counterfeits and i uni ta? rons._angfl-thPtnrt?wSnin? ?rounta, LiqnorB, Itt. H. KLATTE & CO. AGENTS FOR CHARLESTON. We have appointed Mesons U. KLATTE A CO. Sole Agenda for Charleston for this Celebrated Braud of PURE KENTUCKY WHISKEYS, both BYEHand B URBON: These wnislteys are guaranteed pure KENTUCKY COPPER DISTILLED, free rtom ?ll compound im? purities, a d hhrhlv recommended by eminent chemists for medical use. The Brand la patented to prevent lofrlogemems. BAKEHOUSE BROS. A t'O Louisville, Ky. We respec'fullv Inform oar friends and custom era that we k?-?p conmanr.ly on baud a fall supply Of the above already favorably well kuown Wnis eys. and offer same to the trade at di-tiuer's prices. H. KLATTE A CO., aug8l-stuth6mo No. 186 East Bay. LIVERPOOL. The first-class British Bark " NIMROD.''** PHILLIPS, Master, will have dispatch lorim above port. For freight engagements apply-to GlbBKS 4 BARNWELL, novio- North Atlantic Wharf.', FO i L I V.? R P O ? LL. : /. ! The first-class British bari STORMY PET BBL, S. W. muk master, being of amaUf capacity and a portion of her cargo enga have quick dispatch. . . ; .: J:lv/.?. Apply to UENRY. 0 AED, Bovis_Accommodation wh?rf. ' JpOR HEW YORE. ' : " ON THURSDAY, 21ST NOVElfi^'.?J? : 8 O'CLOCK P. M. ; / .v.':,!-. NEW IBON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870. STATE B?0M8 ALL ON DECK* ''.. ?.'J The Splendid New Iron side wheel. Ste BOOTH CAROLINA, Beokeit, Commander, Sall tor New York on THURSDAY, 2ist Novemo at > o'clock P. M., from Pier Ko. 2, Union Through Bins of Lading to liverpool and rbi New England cities as usuaL i MST- Insurance by steamers of this lina H Ss cent. .. .. For Freight or Passage engagements, having very fine Deck S tate roo a aoc'trmodattons. ag ply to WAGNER, HUGER A CO., No? 24 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, Nonunion Wharves. ., . - . . T? ; novi6->rajs The GULF STBEAM ls appointed to sall from Brown's Wharf on FBTDAT, ?2d November, at 12 o'clook M. " : A3- The VIRGINIA will follow. . ,, :y.r_ . For particulars of might arrangements, apply to Wit A. COURTENAY, Union Wharves^ w. P. CLY DB A co., General Agents, No. ll South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. ' . novlS-stnthSfl '"''t**-. J P O R B ALT I' M O "? ^lj. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY; AND THROUGH BILLS LADING ISSUED r.. tnriirj' '.;? ..? > Steamers of the above line leave Pier ^fffifc No. 42. North River, foot of Canal street. ?Sum? New York, at ll o'clock tuon, oftbe loin.iota and seth of every month, except when these dates fail on sunday, then the Saturday preceding. All departures connect at Panama with Steam? ers for south Pacific and Ces tra! American porta. For Japan and china, steamers leave San Fra? - cisco first of every month, except when lt rails on Sunday-then on the day preceding. .?jj ? No California Steamers touch at Havana, but go direct from New York to Al pin wau. One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult, Medicine and attendance Tree, . . .. For Passage Tickets or other informaoou, apply .. at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE,-' on Ute Wharf foot OT Canal street, North River, NSW . York. F. R? BABY, Agent. anglfr-lyr_ ,~ : ' - pOR LIVERPOOL, VIA QUEENSTOWN ? CARRYING TEE UNITED STATIS MAILS. > . THE LIVERPOOL AND GiREAT WESTER* -^flflfr STEAM COMPANY ?fiHfe wm dispatoh one of their flrst-class, rna pow - Iron Screw steaumWpa?om - ,MJ1-ryyif PLEB NO. 49 N. E., EVERY WEDNESDAY, Cabin Passage S80, gold. . _IjLS-k Steerage Passage (Office No, 2S Broadway) aft, jorroncy. _ . ^_ , . a ForFre^htorcabgF^^^-. No. ea wan street, sLT, N. B.-Through Bills Lading to Liverpool Issued ?>j the Charleston an* New York Btetmers, wales make dose connection with the above una. For particulars and rate or Fr?tent apply to JAMES ADGEIt A CO., . WAGNER, HUGER A CO., mavfl Or WM. A. OODT.TEHAY. EGULAR LINE FOR GEORGETOWN 8.0. ' "'" ' 'Ij-*1 FROM SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF. I Time Table or Steamer EMILIE, 5 .'^fttL> Captain C. C. White, f?r November, J?SsBfc "IBATB CHABtXSTON. J**T*??*Ts*** MONDAY, NOV 4, 7 A x WjtPKsta^, NOT ?, ? A* FBIDAT, NOV 8, 7 A x MOHDAT, NOV U,.*.A,M I WBDNBST, NOV ia, 7 A it ?nu^ soy 16, ? tvt MONDAY, NOV 18. 7 A ll ^IDKJ^.NojS?.A A1!! KBIDAT, NOV ii, 7 A X MONDAT, NOV ?, ? AfX WBONES'T, NO? 27, 7 A H FRIDAY, NOT ?, SAX TOUCHING AT SOUTH ISLAND. WAVERLY, KE1THFIELD AND WEYMOUTH MILLS l EVERY TRIP. rd s??t ~? ??.Freight received day before sailing. ; r lu > night and wbarfag* must be pepald. No might received arter sunset. : ._ -vi Duplicate receipts required with All shipments. For Freight or Passage apply on board or ut SHACKELFOKD A KEL.LT, Agents, North Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. G.. r . A. MORGAN. Agent, Georgetown, S. tO. octv-tuth>>mos ' nOB FL O H I DA.., TIA SAVANNAH-TWICE A WEpK. r.P, ~ ..'"eli The Splendid Side-wheel Steamer r :.-^t?m?^ DICTATOR, captain L M. Coxetter?MSg??m CITY POINT, Captain George E. M?MUlan^WIU leave Charlfeton every ^"^AWHA??S& EVBurnos, at 8 o'clock, for SAVANNAS, JSRHJ NANDINA, JACEJSUNVfa^K. PAIREA, .ABD , AU, LAN?lNG?- ON ST. JOHN'S BiyRBv_ ' Returning. DICTATOR wul leave PALATEA f?Or DAT M0BN1N?. and SAVANNAH StJNDAT MOBSWH, ? arrivl"? here ??NDAT AtltaMOM. _ M^?_ CITY POINT will leave PALATR> ?T?*J MORN LNG and SAVANNAH WBDNBSDAT MOSN LNG, arriving hera WBDNBSDAT A*TBBiOO? Ciunection ls made at Fernan"lnei road lor New Orleans aid Havana, jia wffi KTs;at Jacksonvmewlth St^erST^OgHT . for M?llonvllle. Er?ronse and Upper^ MOM Ww; at Tocoi vrlth Railroad for St. AUffi uoe; and atPala-,ka with Steamers for the Oe** laIllVrSetrfor v/ay Landings must'oe, pwpfld : ?For?Freteht or ' Passage, hsving' *??tife*' commodauons, ?gf?jf? h ??J A*s?y[-[ Cerner Vanderhorst's Wharf and Bast Bay. octa . ? - - ? j VAIiENTINfi'S PREPABATTON'-' OF MEAT JUICE. Just received, a largeso^ly^oi^?^gjfe bottle contains roar rounds of ^>*"^ dosi ve of fat; can be ^fhw^?^Sd water; also can be taken with. OodUver Uli, aaa destroys th taste of the OlU Tneonly food for deUca?cbUdren. This ls much superior W ^ ? heretoftre offered w the pubHc, as^be i??a upentrlal. Forsaieby HfcmD???^eS,