TERMS OW THE NEWS. TH? DAILY Haws, bj mail ona year, SS, lU months $4; three months **?>? served In tte oity at EI8HTKK omtrca a weet, payable to tbe ca* riera, or $8 a jear, paid ui advance at tue ornoo. TD TBi-wmtaxr NEWS, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays' ?nd Saturdays, one year |4; alz montos $2 M; three months fl 25 THB wuiLT Surs, one year $2.. six copies lio. Ten coplea, to one address, tl*. SrpscsirnoNB lu all caaes payable In advance j and no paper continued after the expiration of the time paid for. BWRAMOXB ahould be made by Postofflce Haney Order ox by Expresa. If this cannot be done, protection against losses by mall may be Becured by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay able to the order of the proprietora of TH? NBWB, or by aendlng the money in a registered letter. Noncxs of Wants, To Bent, Lost and Found, Boarding, AC., not exceeding so words, 26 cents each insertion; over 20, and not exceeding so words, 10 cents each insertion ; over 80, and not exceeding 40 words, 60 cents each insertion. Those rates are KXT, and must invariably bc paid in advance. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., No. 1? Broad street, Charleston, 3. C. ?be f interest upon the State debt. The 1 unction was granted by Judge Melton c Jonday. Two points are th us secured. If ll ojaoction last granted be continued, au ve trust tbat it will be, there ls an end I my tax levy under the existing laws. An iven if that injonction can be dissolved, tb jeople have the assurance that, so far s he Courts can direct and control, the prc :eeds of the tax levy will be applied to tb egltlmate, if extravagant, expenses of th ;urrent year. The latest intelligence with regard to th ax embroglio will be found in oar nen ind telegraphic columns. There the peopl viii find what information they need as t he progress of a cause in which every mai n South Carolina who makes an honest liv ng, or who has a dollar's worth of honestly lamed proper ty, ia acutely interested. What iver may come of it, we heartily congratul?t he people on the progress that has beet nade In the vindication of their rights as citl ;ons. This is a question which goes far bey on c janies and political platforms. And surely t will be a good omen to those who, witb tHB NBWS, refused to support the hypocriti? cal Bolters in the late canvass, that two oi he officers elect upon the Regular Radical icket are the head and front of the peaceful ind constitutional movement against theft .nd wrong. This is not all. The Injanc ions already obtained and the proceedings lready instituted, for the defence of the 'eople against the Rings, foreshadow the mancini policy of Governor Moses and his olleagues. These measures are approved f, and pushed on by, the new administra ion-a fact which recalcitrant County Audi ors and Treasurers will do well to bear in lind. Surely a better time is coming ! That Swindling Scrip. The probable and pleasant rumor comes j ns from Columbia that Judge Melton bas isued an order sustaining the decision of adge Willard, ot the Supreme Court, in ie matter of the Blue Ridge Scrip. Judge Allard decided that the issue of the scrip ras in violation or the Constitution. The ase, in a different shape, was brought ?up i the Circuit Court, and the report is now lat a similar decision bas been rendered, bis, we take it, will give a quietus to one f the biggest swindles which even South arolina has known. Some good men, nancial innocents, will suffer, bat the sople will reap the benefit. There is jason for believing tbat the Rings are bout to be smashed. Things are working right f . j xxl Ci ?uixnuuutjxvj.1 The Tax Levies, There was a serions, if not vital, error in the article of THE NEWS, in which it was suggested that the tax authorized by the Joint Resolution of March 13, 1872, was ne [ cessarily for the year ending October 31, 1872. The appropriation act of March 23, 1669, which had been overlooked, author I izes and directs the Auditor of the State to levy, and cause to be collected, a sufficient per centum of taxes to raise the money ap? propriated in the act. This adds another to the yearly tax levies, and places the Comptroller-General in this dilemma: the new tax is for the year ending October 31, 1872, in which case it cannot be levied for the reason that a tax for that year has al? ready been levied and collected ; or the tax is for the year ending October 31, 1873, in which case the joint resolution of March 13, 1872, (which provides that the levy in ques? tion shall be to meet the expenses of the government for the fiscal year commencing November 1,1P71,) is wrongly worded, and is of no more force than so much waste paper. We say, Well-done to the citizens who bad the sagacity to discover the blundering of the officials, and the pluck and patriot? ism to bring them, at once, before the courts. ?egal Notices. X OHAKLItSTON OOUNTY.-By Qt O ROE BUIST, Esq., Probate Judge.-Whereas, JOSEPH F. RUSSELL, of Charleston, Tailor, made snit to me to grant bim Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects or WILLI AM E. BERRY, late of Charleston, mechanic These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kladted and c editors if tbe said WILLIAM E. BERKY, deceased, tbat tbey be and appear berore me, In the Court of Probate, to be held at Charleston on the ?th day of December next, after publication hereof at ii o'clock in the forenoon to show cause, ir any they have, why the Bai t administration snould not be granted. Given under my hand, this 10th da> or Novem? ber, Anno Domini 1872. GEORGE BUIST, D0V20-W2_Probate Judge. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COONTY OF CHARLESTON.-COU ri.T OF COMMON Pi.EAS.-JOHN L. MACAULAY, Plain? tiff, against ISRAEL RDWARD WOOLF, JOLIAN MOSK8 ABRAMS, GEORUE DAVIS and MORRIS CANTOR, D?tendants.-Summonsror Relief, Com? plaint nut served. To the Defendants, ISRAEL EDWARD WOOLF, JULIAN MOSES ABRAMS, GEORGE DAVIS ai d MORRIS CANTOR: lr ou ere hen by summoned and required to answer the complaint In this action, which ls flied m the office o the Cleric of Com? mon Pleas for tbe said county, and to serve a I copy of your answer to tbe said complaint ou the sub-crt hers at their office, No. 41 Broad street, charleston, S. C.. within twenty days after the I service hereof, exclusive or the day or such ser? I vice; and if you fall to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff m this ac? tion win apply to the Court for the relief de? manded in the complaint. Dated 19th October, 1872. fSlAX.] A. O. RICHMOND, C. 0. P. BUIST A BUIST, Plaintiff's Attorneys. To the Defendants, ISRAEL EDWARD WOOLF, JULIAN MOSES ABRAMS, GEORGE DAVIS and MORRIS CAN lOR: Take notts- that the Summons In this action, of j which the foregoing ls a copy, wa? flied la the office of tbe Clerk or the Court or Common Pleas for Charleston County the 10th day or October, 1872. BUIST A BUIST, nov2Q-we_Plaintiff's Attorneys. NOTICE.-ALL PEBSONS HAVING Demands against the Estate or the late JUL? IUS EDWARD LOTH, late or Charleston, Plano ma&er, deceased, are requested to present their Demands, properly attested, and those indebted to said Estate will make payment to the under? signed. JOHANNA LOTH, Executrix, nov?-wrs J. KRUSE, Executor. -fertilisers. p?ACIFTC^ G?A?tT^?OMPANx^ (CAPITAL $1,000,000) SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. Thia GUANO ls now sowed known in all the Southern states tor ita remarkable effects os an agency for Increasing the products of labor, as not to require special recommendation from ns. Its use for seven years past has established its character for reliable excellence. The large Axed capital Invested by the company In this trade affords the surent guarantee or the continued ex? cellence or this Guano. - The supplies put Into market this season are, as heretofore, prepared under the personal super? intendence of or. St. Ja nan Ravenei, Chemist of the Company, at Charleston, S. c., hence planters may rest assured that Its quality and composition ls precisely the same as tbat heretofore sold. J. N. ROBSON, Belling Agent, Oharleston S. U. JNO. 8. RKESE A CO., General Aconta. Baltimore. Ts RM 9-$48 cash; $63 lime, without interest. To accommodate planters they oun order now and have until the lat or April to decide as to whether they will take at time or cash price. When delivered rrom the Faotory by the carload no cl ray ago will be charged. aa-i'apera that inserted my advertisement last j ea r wi 11 please copy. n< . V20 Ocucanoncu. MABY ANN BTJIE INSTITUTE, ON Heights or Aiken, S. 0. General G. J. RAINS, Proressor and Lecturer, For terms apply to Miss M. A BUIR 00(26 Prlnoloal of Institute, Aiken, s.e. Jj!)otagrapr)3, Portraits, Ut. D. S. T. SOUDER No. 263 KING (STREET, invites attention to bis various de? scriptions of Portraiture: Plain Photographs of all sizes India Ink and Painted Photographs, all Blzes Crayons and Porcelains. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FRAMES, PASSE PARTODTS, AC.? Always on hand, and at REASONABLE PRICES ootsi-imo Sn? meet (ZLaros A. J. SULLIVAN R?ILDER AND CONTRACTOR, No. 113 MEETING STREET, ?EARLY OPPOSITE CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO Desires to Inform his friends and the public ;hat he ls prepared to carry on the GENERAL BUILDING BUSINESS. Repairs of all kinds at? ended to. Designs and estimates furnished upon ippllcatlon. sept) GAYER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, COURTHOUSE, CHARLESTON, S. C. novo-lmo jyjOSES GOLDSMITH ?S SON, COLONNADE ROW, VENDUE RANGE. Highest Cash Price paid ror WOOL, WAX aides. Skins, Paper Stock, Iron, and all Rinds or ?stall, ALSO, Dealers in COTTON, Naval Stores and Scotch Pig Iron. mayao-mwfiyr _-fflmngg._ T~1T??~T?DGE, HO. ?S6, A. P. M. The Regalar comuanlca?on of tais Lodge will bn held THIS KVKENO, the 20th instant, at Holmes's Lyceum, at 7 otlock. By order of W. M. M. GREENLAND, nov a_Sforetary. TOBACCO DEALERS' PBOTEOTIVE UNION_The offices and members of this Society are requested to*ttond a Meeting Tu ia (Wednesday) LTENINO November 20th. at 8 o'clock precisely, at Ladstedt a Hall, for the purpose of adopting th&N'ew Constitution. By order. H. HENitY KNEE, nov20 _secretary. CHARLESTOH JIFLEMEN CLUB.-A Special Meeting of the Glob will be held THIS EVSNINO. at the Kerchants' Hotel Hall, at 7 o'clock. Th? Granl Bala will be held, and ticket holders are respectruilyinvlced to attend. Mem? ber? having Tictetj mut come prepared to mate returns. U. D. BACAISE, nov2o-? Secretary. roma. W~~A^rF?rXl3f^^ act as Hostler aid House Servant. Apply at No. 47 Cannon street._nov20-l* TTTANTED, A STSADf GIBL TO DO VT housework. Aply, with references, at Ko. 27 Rutledge. Btreet one door south of Bull street. nov2Q-l* WANTED, A miTE GIBL TO DO housework and matel herself generally useful. Mnst oe well ^commended. Apply at No. 9 Beaafaln street._noT20-2? WANTED, A FE?ALE HO?8E SER? VANT, (White.) One capable and wU llug to attend to genera h jusework, with good recommeD dation?, may ind a pleasant situation by applying at No. SB wentworth Btreet, opposite Grace Church. nOv20-2* WANTED, BOAID, BY A GENTLE MAN, wife and thUd, In a respectable pri? vate family. Address, si ailng terms, location, Ac, W., Di awer Box, Nu 181. P. 0. novi9-2? AYOUNG LADY WISHES A SITUA? TION, In a health; part of the State, as Teacher of the English branches and Rudiments or M?sle References given if required. Ad dress J. K. E., throngh charleston P. O. noviB NURSE WANTED-WANTED A GOUD Child's Naree. Reference required. Apply at No. 121 Wentworth skeet, between Smith and Ratledge._novi9-2 WANTED, A WHITE GIBL, ABOUT sixteen years oU, to assist in the nurse? ry. Good recommendations required. Apply at ?io. 6 L* gare street._novlP-2* ' WANTED, A PEKSON TO S KW AND j do Housework; i German preferred. Ap ply at this office.,_novia-2 AGENTS WANTID. - THE MASTER SPIalTSOF THB WORLD. THE TREAS? URE HOUSE OF AM Eil IDA. THE GREAT BOOK OF THE YEAH. Agenti report sales of 25 to 100 coplea m a few hours or daya. Prospectus free. Add res.- J. W. GQODSP?ED. New York, Chicago, Cincinnati, S'. Louis, New Orleans, octi-smoanaw_ '_ KA PER DAY.-LABORERS r_^mtJ\J Wanted, to Mme Carolina Phos? phates. Aoie-bodled hinds can make Irom $126 I to fl ?0 per day. Comfortable Lodgings pro? vided free of charge. Apply ai the Works ol the Ashley Land Phos? phate Company, near Slneatb's Station, Sooth Carolina H au road, or to 0. R. HOLMES, Accommodation wharf, Charleston, S. C. novs-fmwimo toot ono Sonr?o. D"?GS~1LOST.-STRAYED OR STOLEN from residence, Rutledge street, between l'rumbo Court and Qaeen street, a Black NEW? FOUNDLAND HITCH, seven months old, anaweis to the name of Mambo. Aiso, strayed or sto.ec fiom schooner Hary E. Lang, lying at Onion Wharf, a half breed DOO, (Esquimaux and Newfoundland,) color black, answers to the name or Sailor. A reward of five iioilara each will bs given to finder. If left at the anice of GEORGE W. WILLIAMS A CO., corner Bay no and Church streets, nov2c-3 ?o Wm. OI^MITTOBEN^ corner of Society and Meeting streets. ?Ovao-4?_ TO RENT, A COMFORTABLE HOUSE, with either three or four rooms. Apply at No. 180 St. Philip street._nov20-i* FOR RENT, A FEW MORE COMFOR? TABLE Booma I furn $2 to $0. Aldo, AR UHER'S commodious and central Hall. AR CHER'S BAZAAR._novlB-2* R~OOMS TO BENT, AT No. ll DOUGHTY atreet. Inquire on the premises, no vis rpo RENT, TWO STOREHOUSES AND JL Dwellings, la the Town of Florence, S. C., Main street, opposite Freight Depot, formerly oc? cupied by A. W. Loy na. Address F. M. R., Flo rence, S. 0._novft-14* TO RENT, A NEW BUILDING ON East Bay near Maiket street, suitable for a | grocery or clothing store. Apply to WM. MCKAY, No. 46 Wentworth street_noyl8-m*f3 TO RENT, THE LARGE HALL IN third story of building southwest corner Meeting and Market streets. Also Kuchen on -ame premises with four rooms. THEO. STONEY, iouthera wharf._novl-fw TO BENT, THAT LABGE AND OOM MODfOOS Building. No. 149 East Bay, re jently occupied aa the Publication Office or THB NEWS, aod lormerly known aa the French Coffee House. For terms, Ac, applv at the Omeo of rna NEWS, NO. 10 Broad street. cep28 Sot Bait. A T PB1TATE SALE, TO CLOSE A IX COPARTNERSHIP, toe T?RPENTJNE woRKS Bltnated on Charle ton Neck, DOW In D pt-ration In close proximity to the South Caroline ind Northeastern Railroad track, consisting as Tollows: 1 LOPPER STILL, capacity 60 barrels. 1 Copper Still, capacity ?6 barrels. 1 Copper suil. capacity 26 barrels. With Wormp, Tubs, and ali Toola necessary for conducting a first-class manufactory; also, .sheds, Buildings, ono Sibley A Snowies third sise Pnmp, ?nd a good supply or water, with a lease for two years ol the grounds. ALSO, 1 RETORT. Worm, Building, Tank, Ac, ror the manufacturingor Rosin Oil; capacity of Retort io b?rrela. For further particulars address T. T. CHAPEAU A CO., Postofflce Box No. 77, Gharleaton, 8.0. Or ZIMMERMAN DAVIS, Administrator. nov20-wjms . OR S A LE.-ON ACCOUNT OF| JJ feet?]? health, I am compelled to sell out my HO well known) FRUIT STORE, No. 380 King itreet. A very good stand and cheap rent, a good lelghborhood, and will be sold cneap lor cash. 3 -me au d examine lt, and you will find plenty of jtoi K ; well worth the money askei for lt. M. N. ?.L1EN._DgrjM IT" ENTUCKY SALE STABLES, No. 89 IV CHURCH STREET, has Dray, Timber, Tur amw24 Next to Academy of Music. jpiaST GRAND ?OIKEE or TH s CHARLESTON* HOOK AND LADDER CO., NO. 1, A'J THX HALL IN Q/JEEN STREET, TUESDAY EVESINC , NOVEMBER 28, 1872. COM: ?TTTES: J. H.LOEB, Chairman. J. P. LYONS. JOHN KRESSEL. F.J. MCOAREY. J.E. CORBETT. Members of the Fire Department are regace ted to attend In uniform. novio-tathemtnr; eRAND PROMENADE CONCERT. iriTH GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES, IN AU? OF THU MARION STEAM FDtB ENGINE COMPANY, A" THU HIBERNIAN HiJLL, DECEMBER 3. Number of Ucketa limited to 1300. Seventy seven magnificent glftiiof Gold and Silverware to be diatriba'ed to tbe Ticket holders. TO THE OITIZEKS OF CHARLESTON: The Engine of our company having been en? tirely worn ont by hard service, we were com? pelled to replace lt by t, new machine to keep np the efficiency of oar company. The location of oar apparatus, lt ls well known, requires a first class msohlne, and with thia we propose In the rature, as la the past, to give the public oar best services. The proposed Concert ls to enable ns, with what we can savo from oar pay from the city, to make payment for oar Engine, and we trust that we may not sppeal In vam to oar fellow-citizens. Tickets can be procured of either of the com? mittee. T. S. SIG WALU, A. J. JAG ER, M. HARRIS, J. T. WILLIAMS, novis H. N. JACKSON. ina granee._ (^TATEMTSNT OJ? THE CONDITION CF THH PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, OF BROOKLYN, N. T" NOVIkURB 1, 1872. Capital and surplus.$2,032,101 el Whole Amount of Policies In burnt district, Boston, $450,000. Proba- * ble loss. 400.000 00 $1,632,101 61 ASSETS. Cash in Bank.$ 01,298 63 Cash in coarse of transmission by Agents. 103,601 77 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, at 7 per cent. 860,805 00 Call Loans on U. S. Bonds, Ac, at 7 per cent. 107,606 77 Bills Received for Marine Premiums. 100,476 36 U. S. States and Cou 1 ty Bonds, mar- 0 ket value. 744 380 69 Uncollected Premiar?s, Fire and Ma? rine. 88,481 ?6 Accrued Interest. 16,461 10 Real Estate owned br Company for Offices. 220,000 00 Wrecking Apparatus at Buffalo, N. Y. 17,00 0 00 Claims doe Company tor Salvages and reinsurance. 67,701 83 Other property, sand: y Items. io,-. -o planter, $40. For th best oin lor Upland cotton $100. . For the beot bushel of Rou t: h Rice, of the variety Known as gold seed, preta um to go to plan < ter. $10. For the best Bushel of Roogh Rice, or the vari? ety known as white, premium to go to planter. $10. No ree will be charged for Entering of Exhibit? ing artices. For Premium Lista or other Information? ap? ply to J. H. ESTILL, Secretary. oeUMmo Joint Stock (Eorapann. OFFICIAL RAFFLE NUMBERS OF THE CHARLESTON JOINT STOCK COM PANT for the benefit of the state Orpban Asylum! CLASS No. 267-TUESDAY MORNING, ^0v. ie. 76-46-64-48-51-69-19-41-?-So-38- 6 CLASS NO 268-TUKSDAT EVENING, NOV. 19. 49-77-18-78-63-12-45-66-34-62-31-53 nov20-l A MOROSO, Sworn Commsisloner. Drags ano ?Uouineo. Gr. J. L D H N, PHARMACEUTIST, IMPORTER OF FINE CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. No. 450 KE?Q STREET, CORNER OF JOHN. Now In stock of my own. importation, LOW SON AND HAYDEN'S SOAPS, Tooth Brushes, Carbolic Acid, Pattey's Gold Cream, English Dalby'a Carminative, British Oil, Roche's Embrocation and chlorodyne. AQINT FOB TILDEN A CO.'8 SOLID AND FLUID EXTRACTS, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Sugar-coated rills, AO. AGENT FOB FORD'S SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. ASBNT FOB SOUTH CAROLINA FOB DB. JEROME KIDDER'S ELECTRO MEDICAL MACHINE AND APPLIANCES, surgical Instruments and Goods of foreign man ?facture Imported to order. My Dispensing Department ls complete, em? bracing all New Remedies. A full assortment of Trasses and Bandages al? ways OD hand. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with aconracv dav or night. laniowfmlv DR. FITLER'S VEGETABLE RHEU? MATIC SYRUP. Warranted under oath never to have failed to cure. 28,600 certificates or testimonials- of cure, including Rev. 0. H. Ewing. Media, Pennsylvania; Rev. Joseph Beggs, Falls of Schuylkill, Phlladsl Shla; the wife of Rev. J. B. Davis, Hlahtatown, ew Jersey; Rev. Thomas Murphy, Frankford, Philadelphia; Doctor Jennings and Doctor Walton, Philadelphia: Hon. J V. Greeley, member con? gress from Philadelphia; HUD. Judge Lee, Cam? den, New Jersey; ex-senator Stewart, Baltimore: ex-Governor Powell, Kentucky, and thousands of others. Warranted to cure or money refunded. DB. GEO. 0AUL1ER, Agent, july l-l yr charleston. S.O. Drago at ?Hhoksak. pMMAULT'S SYRUP OF HYPOPHOS PHITE OF LIME. This new French Medicine has been used by many of our citizens with the greatest success in the cure of COUGHS and tho different affections of the tunga. Pleasant to the taste and certain tn Ita effects. Prepared by G RI VAULT A 00., No. 46 Rue Richelieu, Parla, And for sale by their Agenta, ? DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Ch ! ri; stcn, S. 0. ?JAPSICDM (RED PEPPER) PLASTER, For Local and Rheumatic Pams, ready for im? mediate usc. GAUDIOHA?D'? COMPOUND EXTRACT SAN? DAL WOOD. Thia instead of being the nauseating drug that Is generally recommended to those suf? fering from disorders of the urinary organs, will be found a sweet aromatic confection that can be taken by all ages and conditions. SIMMONS'S HEPATIC COMPOUND OR LIVER CURE, already prepared for tue, has the highest reputation now of any Liver Medicine before the public. WYETH'S COD LIVER OIL AND PHOSPHATE LIME. WYETH'S BEEF, IRON AND WINE. WYETH'S CHLORATE POTASSIUM AND WILD CHERRY LOZESQERS, and all the valuable pre? parations of thia justly celebrated house for aale by DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Agents for Sou t h Carolina. "^OISE'S MORNING STAR YEAST POWDERS Are used in all the b?tela and many boarding? houses and private families in this city, and are really the BEST IN USE for making Wholesome, Light, Spongy and Di? gestible BREAD, BISCUITS, BUCKWHEAT CAKES, .ROLLS, WAFFLES, MUFFINS, Ac. For 8ale by the box. dozsu or pound, by the I proprietors, DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS. jy-EDICAL SADDLE-BAGS, MEDIOLNE CHESTS, POCKET VIAL OASES AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS. / full supply of the latest Improvements on hau-, ind for sae by nov8-mw DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS. EISLEY'S B?CHU, FOR ALL DISORD BRS of the Urinary Organs, (the Kidneys, Bladder, Urethra, AC.) from whatever cause. Thia elegant preparation or the concentrated vlnuea or the best diuretic tonics known-aa pre? pared by H. W. RISLEY, the originator-ls war? ranted equal to the beat, and superior to most all other preparations for thiR pnrposA, besides being put np In large (8 oz.) buttles ror the low price or $t. Phyttclana are Invited to compare the effects, as well as the appearauce of RIaLEY'S BUOQU with anv other. RISLEY'S PHILOTOKEN, OR FEMALE'S FRIEND, a remeny expressly for the benefit of females, and well wortny of their attention. For relieving nausea, and for all those nervous troubles to which they are Oiten subject It ls also an excellent sedative, or Nervous Antidote, producing natural refreshing sleep in caces or nervous irritation, exhaustion or excitement In persons or either Bex. Price $L Having u*ed In my family RiSLEY'S PHILOTO? KEN and F.XTRAOT BOCHO, and observed their Invariable eillcacy in ca? es among my ir ends for a number of yeara, 1 consider each a mo-t excel? lent remedy for the purposes recommended; and besides, in my own case. t"e Phllotoken proved a good remedy ror sleeplessness arising from nervous exhaustion HENRY VE ESL A" E, JB., Pastor Reformed Church. Irvington. N. J., May 22, 1871. Sold by all Retail Druggists. The trade sup? plied by PHILIP WISEMAN A CO.. Wholesale Druggists, no vi3-wsim o No. 3? Hayne street. QOALI COA LI CO ALI 100 tons Chestnut COAL. 200 toni Red Ash- Ega Coal: also Watts Ash Foandry and Cumberland Smith's Coal in Tard and to arrive per schooner H. S. Brooks, and for Bale by ... . E. F. SWEEOA-V, .Agent. novlfl-2- - ? , ? ' ? ' ? . Central .Wnari. gHOULDERS 1 SHOULDERS t 48 hhds. Primo Smoked SHOULDERS. For sale by HERMANN B1JLWINKLE, novl3 _ ... Kerr's Wharf. Q A TS I OAT 8 i O 'AT S I 10,000 baa h ela Heavy Western Feeding OATS, In Store and to arrive. _~ For sale by ' HERMANN BULWINKZE,; . nov8-imo . ? . _Kerr's.wharf. pAUL B. LALANE & CO., NO. 175 EAST BAT, OFF BE TO THE TB ADE Yr LOWEST MA axer RAT sa: 10 Mids. O.B. Bacon SIDES .. . 1? hhds. Choice Bacon shoulders 60 boxes D. s. Choice Sides . loo boxes canned Tomatoes. 2 and 3 lbs. loo boxes Canned Peaches, 2 lbs. iso boxes Canned Oysters, l and 2 lbs. 80 noxes Brandy Peaches loo boxes American Club Fish 76 boxes assorted Jellies 160 boxes Bl Oar. Soda, X, Vi and whole pact ages 76 kegs Bl.Car. Soda eo kegs Sal soda 170 doz. a-sorted Brooms 160 doz. p tnted But kets 75 nests Painted Tabs v . 160 bbls. S. H. aud Choice Syrup 76 bbls. W. W. and Older Vinegar : - " no baas Rio and Java Cooee 90 boxes Tobacco, various brands 676 boxes scaled and No. l Herring. . ^ j. lo addition te the above, we keen a well-select? ed assortment or Choice WHISKIES, Brandies, Gins, wines, Aa Prompt attention wfll be given to all country orders entrusted to us. noys . -piOOD FOB THE MILLION. ^ J THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF' THE AGE, AMERICAN CLUB FISH-BONELESS TOTING SHAD. The Cheapest and best Food In existence. In whole, halves and quarter boxes. PAUL B. LALANE ? CO., Na 176 East Bay,. Charleston, s. c., Sole Agents. Liberal discount to the trade. "1 sep 19-amos A R T I N A M .Oi? D , (Successors to late E. E. Bedford j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, NOS. 127and 129 MEETING STREET, Corner Market street, Charleston, South carolina, Keep on hand a well selected stock or Choice Family Supplies. ? ..'. Country orders respect fully solicited. No charte for packing, and goods delivered free of charge to aa> part of the city, Sal'.road Depots and Steamers. ' W.-H. WKLCJT-FLEETWOOD LAMMBAU-L. KABOK. oot24-Dao3moB . . w ILSON'S GROCERY. H WILSON'S GROCERY ls now offering the uaost carefully selected stock o? LIQUORS . to be found In this city. r? ^r^M* They have been selected, especially., tot ..their medicinal qualities, and their purity endorsed by the most eminent physicians of Charleston.' Parties desiring a pore article can.always rely ?on Liquors sold from thia establishment and ! recommended. A rall supply or low grades on hand. ' WILSONS'GROCERY, No. 306 King street. Mah Address Box Na 888._,-. ? ALIB?T Pl NS.. HALIBUT FINS. 1 TONGUES AND SOUNDS. ? '; TONGUES AND SOUNDS. For sale low at WILSONS' GROCERY, . Na SOT King Street. All Goods Delivered Promptly. ^fp? . CANNED PEACHES 1 CANNED PEACHES 1 180 dozen 2 and 8 lb. CANNED PEAOHES.? For sale low at WILSONS'CROCE KY, No. 206 King street jgpAB Goods delivered Doe,_ CANNED TOMATOES I CANNED T?r MATO ES I 700 dozen 2-lb Canned TOMATOS8. For sale lbw at WILSONS' GROCERY,. Na 306 King street, sa- AU Goods delivered free. .ii. QI YRUPl SYRUP! SYBUPl GOLDENSYRUP,^asg?EBT< Na 806 King street ay Ali Goods delivered free. BARGAINS IN TEAS, COFFEES, GRO CERIES AND PROVISIONS. warranted to suit the palates and tte PMketa orthomllUon. WILSONS' GROCERY, Na 806 King street ., jg-All Goods delivered free._ NEW CODFISH, PICKLED SALMON, SPICED SALMON. Extra No. 1 MACKEREL Mess Mackerel New Herrings. _ For sale low at WILSONS' GROCERY, ' No. 806'King street, ay All Goods delivered free. ? ? ".? VTEW SMOKED BEEF, FRESH SMOKED il TONGUES, NE? HAMS, (SMALL SIZE.) PIG SHOULDERS. Fulton Market BEEF Family Pin Pork smoked Pig Tongues Pickled Plas' Feet. ForVaelowat WILSONS' GROCERY, No. aoe King street air All Goods delivered free. ?tameos Socks. jjjT? S""? N~~ A C 0. ' 8 ' f.u OEMS OF STRAUSS ! :' continue In great demand. Remember to buy me for a Holiday present Price $2 60 boards; $3 sloth. THE STANDARD! ranks, and will rank among the very best Church mnslc Books. Price fl 60. Specimen seht, at present, for si 25. CLARK'S NEW METHOD FOB REED ORGAN I pleases everybody by its thorough coarse of In g true rion and most pleasing Music Price $2 60 EASY CANTATAS I - - - for Musical Societies and Clubs, Choirs, Semina? ries and classes, that fear to attack the oratorios and classical cantatas. Belshazzar's Feast 50c. Pl lg Mm Fathers 60c. Burning Ship, $1. Quarrel of Flowers, 35c. Festival or Rose. 30a ' Children or Jerusalem, soe. Fairy Bridal, 60c. Daniel, 60c; Haymakers, il. storm King 38c. Flower Queen, 75C. Indian summer, 30c. Winter Evening Entertainment, $1. Book or Cantatas, $1 60. Esther, soc. Picnic, $1. . . Cuiorlt Fay. $1. Flower Festival, 45c. Twin SlBters, 60c. x Malled, postpaid on receipt or price. * OLIVER DITSON A CO., Boston. ' CHAS. H. DITSON A CO., New York. aepl4-swlyrn*w