CITY AFFAIRS. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. Items ot ln(?reit from the Churches in die City and Country. The pulpit at the Orphan House will be sup? plied at 3.30 to-morrow afternoon, by the Rev. John T. Wightman, D. D. At the Trinity M. E. Church, Hasel street, the services to-morrow will be conducted as follows: 10.30-A.M., sermon by the Rev. White? foord Smith, D. D.; 7 P. M., sermon by the Bev. W. H. Adams; 3 P. M., Sunday School. At the Citadel-Square Baptist Church there will be preaching by the pastor, Bev. J. A. Chambllss, at 10.30 A. M. and 7.15 P. M. Stran? gers visiting the city are cordially invited to attend, and a committee'will be found at the door to provide seats. The Be?. C. C. Pinckney having returned to the city after a four months1 visit to Europe, will resume his ministrations to-morrow at Grace Church. Sermon at 10.30 A. M., and evening prayer at 4 P. M. The hour for evening prayer at St. Michael's has been changed to 4 P. M. The Rev. Mr. Babbitt, of Columbia, Is to officiate to-morrow morning and aiternoon at the Church of tba Holy Communion. The semi-annual celebration of Bethel Methodist Church Sunday-school will be held In the 'church, to-morrow evening at 7 o'clock. Addresses will bo delivered by Professor F. W. Capera and several scholars. The public are Invited to attend. .. . An adjourned meeting of the congregation of BL Philip's Church will be held at five ovfrok on Monday afternoon in the church. The Bible has been translated Into the Ea qoimanx language. The Episcopal Recorder (low church) and the Church Weekly (high oburch) have both ceased publication. .The whole number added on examination to the Presbyterian Church last year was 28,768. Oeing an average of six to each congregation. The Methodist Episcopal Church organiza? tion of this country need about eight hundred new preachers every year to keep the itiner? ant ranks filled. The Rev. John Btelndle, formerly a priest in the Roman Ca th oil c Church, has applied lo be admitted aa a member of the clergy of the Protestant Episcopal Churoh in Missouri. At a late meeting at Rockville, Maryland, oi the Western District Baptist Associa? tion of Maryland, Dr. Wilson, of Baltimore, showed that there were fewer Baptists In Maryland than in any other State or in any territory of tho Union. The Presbyterian says: "Revivals and camp-meetings are held in great horror by some of oor high church friends. The neces? sities of the case in some parts of the Western States are causing a modification ot taste, If we may Judge from a case in Iowa. In Dal? las County a Protestant Episcopal parish that ?as no churoh building, lately chartered a train and went ont to a beautiful country ' frove,where they had several days of wor? ship, and where Sunday was the great day of their feast. A bishop attended and actually preached under the trees. This was not, Of course, a camp-meeting, but that is Just what Methodists cali lt." LOCAL JJ ACON ICS. -Benjamin Hernandez bas been appointed a trial Justine by Governor Scott. -A horse belonging to a drayman named Burke died yesterday of the hone disease. -The members o? the bar are requested to nwt In the Equity Court room on Monday, the 11th Instant, at ten A. M. -In view of the general prevalence of the equine epidemic and the serious interference with local travel which ls likely to result therefrom, Mr. F. Von Santen, the well known bazaar man, has imported a large number of wooden horses which are warranted sot to take the disease. The travelling public wDl do well to bear this lac t in mind. -The infant found in flori beck s alley, on Wednesday evening last, died yesterday.- The nurse la whose han de the child was placed expressed the opinion that ils death was caused by laudanum, administered before It was found by the policeman. The coroner .. was notified, and a jory of inquest was im? panelled, which will assemble at the coroner's officie this morning to consider the case. -A small store on East Bay, near Went? worth street, kept by F. Brayton, was entered oft Thursday night by burglars, who s/ole three bolts of cloth and' about seventy-five cents in money therefrom. In a re*; com pertinent of the drawer from which the Burney was taken was a large roll of green? backs, about sixty dollars, which the burg? lars overlooked. Entrance was effected through a front window, which the burglars opened by removing an iron bar lhat se? cured lt. ? ?. THE COURTS. Municipal Court. Joshua Powers and Philip Smith, colored, disorderly and stealing coal from Central wharf,' ten days each. Emma Hamilton, colored, disorderly, two dollars or twenty days. Thomas Bushfield, driving his omnibus over a lantern on the plank-road In Washing? ton street, Ive dollars and costs of repairs. A cow at large, one dollar. Th?Court of General Sessions. Simon Gall and Robert W. Brown, who were arraigned for murder, pleaded not guilty, and their trials were fixed for Friday next. The court then adjourned till Monday, when the trial of Francisco Victor Valdez will take place. United Stetes Commissioner. Two colored men were before Commission er Porte?os yesterday charged with violation of election laws daring the late State election. The charge was disproved and the men were released. They immediately had the. man who made the affidavit against them arrested for perjury, and he was committed to Jail for ex? amination on the 20th ln?tank \*S**Biae Court,l'a-* imbers, 1873. Stewart, admlnlstratOi, ya! Pearson, et ux., et al; Stewart, respondent, vs. Blease; Mayer* Brother vs. Long, et al. It ls ordered by the court that unless briefs in the Bald cases, with the points and authorities, be not filed with the olerk witbln ten days from receipt by the oonnsel for the appellants of a copy of this or? der, (to be forthwith transmitted to such coun? sel by the clerk, ) that euoh of them, lu which this order be not complied with, be struck from the docket. William R. Jones ve. Henry P. Hammett, et .I. It ls ordered by the oourt that a re-argu? ment be heard in the case stated. ANOTHER GIN-HOUSE BUBNEB_The gln hoose of Mr. H. McKee, on Braes's Island, hear Poootaligo, waa destroyed by fire on the *th instant, together with about three thous? and1 dellars' worth of seed and ginned cotton, which was stored therein. The fire originated in the upper story, and ls supposed to have na^.?!^by,aplpe8moke?h?S^lDg proflt '^himself lu I casting lt. The writer further sass "In this way, and in thia way o?lv can we rout the carpet-bagger and 8oalaw^%nd get cootralof the colored people. CuflS? has no gra-Uude in general, as I have well teated though there are exceptions, and he can onlv be Influenced by bis wants and necessities I, therefore, urge upon the white people ali over the8tate. to determine unanimously and at once, to bave nothing to do with the Badi cala, white or black, in renting their lands or employing their laborers, without they wfll afee, in writing, under a penalty, to vote with them in aUfuture elections " To "determine unanimously" upon such a matter Implies'Consultation, and a confede? racy to attain the end proposed. . Buch deter? mination, BO reached, will subject the parties engaged therein to indictment lor conspiracy. It will be the duty of this court, with your aid, gentlemen of the grand Jury, to check, by prompt and decisive action, in obedience to the laws, every such proposed system ot de? bauchery, aimed at the iree electors of the State. THE COUNTY CANVASS. The Board of County Canvassers again assem? bled at the Fire-proof Building yesterday, and completed the canvass of the returns with the result given below. There still remain two precincts In St. James Santee from which no returns have been received, but lt is supposed that no elections were held lu those precincts. In the case of one of them, Dutart Creek, the ! managers failed to Bend for the ballot box, and In the case ol the other, Pinckcey Gaul, lt ls not known whether the ballot box, which I was Bent out by the commissioners on the morning o? the election, reached Its destina? tion In time to allow of the election being held. The following is a Summary of the Vote. PARISH s s AND PRECINCTS. Charleston City. O'ntry Parishes. Total VOTERS. 8443 285 3728 4733 6058 6783 TOTAL VOM. 3233 268 3601 48 .??6 6064 9U30 MAJORI? TIES. 19 1633 4 4796 23 6428 THE AMUSEMENT SEASON. The Charleston Dramatic Club. A crowded and fashionable audience was at? tracted to Hibernian Hall last evening, not? withstanding the light rain that fell during most or the night, by the announcement of the first publio anniversary performance of the Charleston Dramatic Club, a favorite amateur association, whioh has given a number ol very pleasant but less ambitious entertain? ments during the past few years at a private residence. The play selected for this first public appearance was Shield's melodrama ol Evadne, or the Statue, and the cast was at ioIlow8: King ol Naples....Mr. J. W. witsell Ludovico (his Favorite).Mr. Florian Mccann Colonna.Hr. B. U Mathew! Vicentio.ur. H. c. sm un Spalatro.Hr. James B. Evann Evadne.Misar. Olivia.Miss - Guarda, Oonsplratora, Pages. Ac. On the whole, the periormanoe was highly creditable to the young gentlemen engaged and proved the society to be well worthy o the encouragement and klod wishes of th? community. The mounting of the play was good, the costumes admirable a*hd in goori keeping with the date and country repre Bented, and the periormers all evinced thorough study of their lines and a careful at? tention to the "business" of the stage. Il would be an ungenerous as well aa au unnec e&sary act to dwell upon the few short-comingf that were displayed and that were to be ex pected at an Initial amateur performance, and really there were no faults to notice that wlli not be rapidly remedied by practice and the evident care which tbeee young gentlemen display lu their histrionic studies. It was evi? dent last night that their voices were noi trained to fill the large hall in which the per? formance was given, and the performers had apparently not learned to husband the voice until the climax of each scene was reached, The characters of Evadne and Olivia might have been more true to nature, and the cos? tume, galt, Ac, might have been Improved upon, but these characters, were really diffi? cult, and It was evident that the performen were unaccustomed at least to tbe dress, Altogether the entertainment .was com? pletely successful; the auditors were well paid for their attendance and appeared mach pleased and gratified. The critic has ne righi to be otherwise than lenient, and lt ls to be hoped that the Charleston Dramatic Club villi oblige ' the publio with many similar and equally agreeable performances. The I ri ?ix Volunteer Rifle Club Ball. The first call ol (his gallant and popular or? ganization will be held at the Hibernian Hall, as already announced, on Monday night, al half-past eight o'clock. The indelatlgable committee have been hard at work, and the ball promises to be one of the largest and handsomest of the season. At the extra meet? ing of the club, held last night, the members were Informed that their lady friends intend? ed to present them on Monday night with an elaborate stand of colors. The presentation will take place during the ball, and will be made by a distinguished citizen of Charleston. This will undoubtedly add to the Interest and pleasure of the occasion. Members of the different rifle clubs are requested to weai their uniforms. Hose and Harry Watkins Coming. Our readers will observe with pleasure the announcement In another column that Harry Watkins, with bis talented wife and a ?ne company, are to begin a season of three nights at the Academy ot Muslo next Monday eve? ning with the sterling play of Bip Van Win? kle, a dramatization of Washington Irving's curious story of New York lu the days of the old Knickerbockers. On Tuesday or Wed? nesday night a new play will be produced with elaborate costumes and properties, which are expected to arrive by the New York steamer to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Watkins are well and favorable known to the theatre? goers of Charleston, and we besnsak for them hearty reception on the occasidnof their re? appearance. The box office will be opened by Treasurer Levin at the Academy this morn? ing. John Robinson's Show. This famous combination of museum, aqua? rium, menagerie and circus will exhibit in Charleston on Friday and Saturday next, giving two performances each day. For forty years John Bobinson bas been king of tbe arena, and his success ls due to the care with which vulgarisms are excluded from his pro? gramme as well as to the intrinsic merita of the exhibition. The little folk look upon his coming as the great event of the year. Anderson, the Illusionist, is announced to perform at Hlberblan Hall, for three nights only, commencing next Tuesday, the 12th Instant. There has hardly been Been in Charleston since the former visit of the Professor, anything In the way of necromantic art that can compare with his illusions. The price of admission to his entertainments Is but fifty cents, and that of reserved Beats seventy-five. And in addition to the enter? tainment, one hundred uselul and handsome presents are distributed among the audience each evening._ CHOICB FRUITS.-A new and attractive fea? ture of King street Is the neat and well-ar? ranged fruit store lately opened by Mr. Felix Fisher, at No. 153, between Queen and Clifford street?. Mr. Fisher makes a specialty of keep? ing always in stock tbe richest and most lus? cious varieties of fruits of all kinds, as well as the choicest cigars and confectionery. Those who want the very best fruit to be hod In this market, at reasonable prices, should give this establishment a call. CITY IMPROVEMENTS. Two New Residences on Logan Street? ? Others Elsewhere Repaired and Painted. THE NEWS, as a faithful chronicler ol cur? rent events, ls always on the watch for Items of interest to the community, but lt takes especial pleasure in noticing1 each progressive step in the march of improvement which our good old "City by the Sea" has lately taken j up. It has already told how her waste places are building up with striking rapidity, and j herewith gives another addition to the long | string of Improvements previously published. On the west side of Logan street, one I door south of Broad, Mr. B. D. White, of White's Marble Works, has commenced the erection of a handsome wooden residence two stories high, with brick foundations. The foundations are already finished. The house wll' be fifty-six feet deep by sixteen front, with double piazzas on the south side, and a pitch- J ed roof covered with tin. The house will have eight square rooms, with pantries, dressing | rooms, and a kitchen adjoining lo the rear. The usual outbuJdlngs will also be erected upon the lot. The work is progressing under the personal supervision of Mr. White, and [ will be completed about the 16th of December. Next north of the above, upon the lot at the corner of Broad street, Mr. L. D. Turner will commence the erection next week of a much larger and finer residence, also to be ballt for Mr. .White, whloh will be folly described In THE NEWS when the work lo begun. Three small residences upon the north side I of field street, near King, and adjoining each | ether, have recently been repaired and re? painted, and thereby converted Into an orna-1 ment to the street. The large wooden dwelling on the east Bide of Elizabeth street, next north of St. Luke's Churoh, has been greatly improved recently lu outward appearance by a coat of fresh paint. The work on the new Masonic Temple ls progressing rapidly under the supervision of Mr. T. L. Webb, the energetic foreman of the Devereux Brothers. The scaffolding of the Grand Lodge room was taken down yesterday. The room is a very large one, in form nearly a square, with au arched ceiling. The centre of the celling forms a sqoare, painted in a French gray color. The impost moulding, separating the centre from the cone, ls painted white. The cone is painted In an ashes of roses color. The walls are the color of grained freestone, and the trimmings represent black walnut. The scaffolding In the Blue Lodge room was also taken down last night. The cellist: or this room forms a dome; It and the walls and trimmings are colored similarly to the Grand Lodge room. The Messrs. Devereux will ! I open the temple for the Inspection of the 1 ladies about the 1st of December previous to taming lt over to the Masons. THERM OM El RI CAL. The range of the thermometer yesterday, at the drug store of Dr. Joseph Blackman, on the south side of Broad street, was as follows: 8 A. M, 61; 10 A. M., 66; 12 M., 67; 2 P. M., 67;4 P. M., 66; 6 P. M., 66; 8 P. M., 64. 'I HOTEL ARRIVALS-NOVEMBER S. Pavillon. J. W. Weeks, New York; W. J. Spiers, South Carolina; Z. Williams, Wilmington, N. C.; J. R. Taylor, Sooth Carolina; D. Odom, Bon oeau's;B. B. Gary, Georgia; P. B. Morgan, Klngstree; A. C. Izard, W. Q. Heyward, Sonth Carolina. Charleston. W. W. Briggs. D.Stuart, Jr., Liverpool; J. Hallinans, Philadelphia; E. J. Godlne, New i I York; S. S. Lee, Boslon; A. Kutzer, New York; B. T. Co wart, Wilmington, North Caro? lina; J. Clark and* wife, Jacksonville; Mrs. M. B. Gel chen, New York; J. McBae, Wilming? ton; H. Terry, Columbia; G. W. Palmer, C K. Cordlero, J. P. Cordlero, New York; W. J, Copes, W. Bose, Savannah; H. B. Elliott, Washington; W. J. Cooper, G. S. Cooper, J? McCutchen, Williamsburg; C. T. Fllthhebelt, wife and three children, South Carolina; J. A. Btemer, Miss J. T. BIser, Augusta;C. G. Alden and wife, Maine; E. J. Brown, New York; E. W. Denny Jacksonville: J. M. Kinney, C. Hun? ter, J. F. Yeans, F. B. Laurence, P. Barder, J. G. Little, New York; B. Douglass, Augusta; G. W. Strange and wile, C. 0. Strange, Canada; H. Durwell, United States Army; F. L. Childs, steamship Champion. A QUADRUFEOAL "BIPED."-Mr. Lewis Ken ake has at his restaurant, in* Klug street, a half-grown rooster of the common breed, which pr?senle a remarkable freak of nature. It Is well formed, and bas perfect Umba. But it bas a third leg, which has grown out of the backbone from a point Just between the hips. This leg hangs down the left side of the back perfectly limp, but projects to the rear instead of touching tbe ground. It Is about six Inches long, the same length as the others, and I branches off two and a half inohes from Its lower end into two shanks, each terminating ! In a foot. These extra feet are perfectly formed, but the toes are contracted from lack of use. The leg above the branch ls crooked lo one or two places. The fowl is owned by .Mr. Mo elle r, a merchant at Orangeburg. It appears to be quite healthy and active. BUSINESS NOTICES. "CAN TOD tell me where Plenge's Hat 8tore I is to be found f>; "At No. 201 King street, slr." MR. SOUDER Invites attention to his Stock of Photograph Frames Just received, embracing upwards of thirty different styles, many ol them of entirely new design and beauty of I finish, which he offers to cash buyers at a small advance on cost. SOODER'S Gallery, No. 263 King street. ^ oct31-lmo j FURCHGOTT, BENEOICT & Co. offer this week great bargains In Carpets, Bag*, Drug I gets, Oil Cloths, dbe; also special bargains in Cloths ot all description. FURCHOOTT, BENEDICT bales;-stock 3600. BALTIMORE, November 8. Cottonnrm; middlings i8?c; gross receipt a, 430 bales; expor isto Great Britain, loo; exports coaatwlBe, loo ; tales 735; stock 2173; weekly net receipts, 232; gross, 8158; exports to ureat Britain, loo; Continent, H98; coastwise, loos: sales 1456; spinners 818. ' ' w~w. CITY POINT, November 8. Weekly net receipts 1984. . - . ???? NOBFOLX,November 8. CottOB steady; low middlings nxaiTXt net re? ceipts 1900 bale?; exports coastwise 1086; sales 300; stock 13,380; weekly netrectlpts ir,i90; ex? ports coastwise Ti.076: sales 1800. . _ : , WiiJtniGTON,Novembers. Cotton quiet; middlings I8?c; net receipts 317 bales;exports coastwise 667; sales 41; atock 1767 weekly net receipts liol; exports csastwlae 2362-' sales 198. ' N",M ," ...SAVANNAH,November8. cotton in fall demand; good ordinary nwa 17?; low middlings 17X; midddnga lsais?; net receipts 6018 bales; exports to the comment787: coastwise 2142; sales 2477; stock 69,88o; weeklv net receipts 30,813; exporta to Great Britain soi2: continent 1737; coastwise 8652; sales 11,672. ' _ " . A?ousTA, November 8. Cotton In fair demand; middlings n?c; net receipts 1428 bai.js; Hales 1024; stock 1871 13 836; 1872 3228; weekly net receipts 9174; sales 76c?6.' " , MACON, Novem er 8. Cotton quiet; middling* i7?c; receipts 3986 bales; ablpmenm 2868; stock 7265. _ . " , coLUMBOs, November 8. Cotton dull; low middlings 17?c; receipts 2J02 bales; shlpmentn 309; spinners 67; stock 4686. MONTGOMERY, .November 8. Cotton nominal; low ?middlings 17?; weekly receipts 2616 bales;shipments 2019; stock 8285. SELMA, N vt ruber 8. Cotton-receipts 2209 bales; shipments 1772; stock 6631. MOBILE, November 8. Cotton quiet; good ordinary i7Xc middlings 18Xc; uet receipts 1763 bales; gros? 1817; exports coastwise 638; s ?les 600; stock 24,601; weekly net receipts 14.360; gross 14,414; exporn ooastwlse 6106; sales 8000. . " MEMPHIS, November 8 Cotton doll; middling 18?ai8?c; recelpie 1884 bales; shipments 1029; stock ??.181; weekly nee re? ceipts 18,269; shipments 12.481 : sales 1000. ' ' * NASHVILLE, November 8. Cotton quiet; middlings no; receipt* 2277; shipments 1696; stock 2861. Nsw ORLEANS, November 8. Cotton quiet; good ordinary 17?c; low mid- j dungs 17Xc; middlings 18%c; net receipts 4970 j bales: aro-s 6691; sales to-day 600; last evening 7600; stock 114,831; weekly net receipts 34,287; o ros-J 39,657; exports to ureac Britain 13.488; to Continent 12.924; coastwise 1930; sales 26,ooo. GALVESTON, November 8. Estimate net receipts ieuo bales; stock 44,138. PROVISIONS AND PBOD?CE MARKETS. LONDON, November 8. Prime rosin 15al7s ; common 11 s Od. Nsw YORK, November 8. Noon.-Flour dull and declining. Wheat quiet and heavy. Corn duU. Fork Arm at $16 96al6. Lard steady ; steam sXaSX- Turpentine Arm at 63 ?. Rosin arm at $4 40 for strained. E'0DJ!JK--Southern flour dull and In buyers .io ?V.*716?9 26 ror common to fair extra, $0 sos ?im gf?d ??cllolce do? Whiskey active and y"c- ^heat laac lower; moderate export, ?.Lrg?ienmand- cl08inK *?it_ a little better feel heivv inn ? oS'i0r*,wlQter red western. Corn w?tPrn l?,^adeJ0Wer* 63X8640 for steamer lu (orMiinn- Prime mess tieer quiet; $8 40a firme ??nd ??? ?B??H?ftr extra do. Lard Sc:Xfnflrma\^r TnrP?^eflrmat ?SfflS Sew?Ta?a S ?a? Flour dull and uncSan?'?^ , firm; old 42o, new36a37o. Fork quiet; held at$H for sp?culai ion, sis asked by sellers for November Lard firm; 7Xa7Xo for kettle. Balk meat ISK 4Xc f .r shoulders; 7*c for clear rtOsld?s% clear Bides. All new bacon firm; 6 Vc tor shoal ders; lOtfc for clear iib aides. Whiskey Arm at9lc. * . " . ST. LOOTS, November 8. Floor dull and unchanged, oom dull and un? changed at 83 for No 2 mixed. Whiskey firm at 90. Pork $18. Bacon easier at G Hi a 6 * for shoul? ders; il for clear rib sides: HXUX for clear suies. Lard quiet at 7 ?i for steam. Lor/iaViLLB, November 8. Flour In Rood demand, cora quiet at 40; mixed 47. Provisions quiet. Bulk meats from fifteen to twenty days in ?Blt 6 for shoulders; 8 for clear rib sides; 8X for clear sides. Bacon nominal. Lard soidatsxaii. Whiskey 91. New York Rice Market. mu " , - . Nsw YOBX, November 7. The Daily Bulletin says: Business has been light to day in both foreign and domestic, bat aoout former prices were yet current. The sales have been about 40 tierces Carolina at 7X88X0 60 bags Patna at 7xasc. and 126 bags Rangoon at ej?a?xc. New York Naval Stores Harket. Nsw TOBE, November 7. The Dally Bulletin says: Receipts to day 1624 Obis rosin. Spirits are quiet but steady with 68c bid. Strained rosin was atrille more actlvp, and prices are a shade firmer. . Sales 1200 bbls at $4 40. In the better grades iOO bbls low pale and No l sola at $4 76a5. Tar and pitch are quiet and without new feature. Sea Island Circular of Rogers dc Calder _ ' i . ?_ .. LIVERPOOL, October 26. In this description business continues very dor? mant, only iso bagB ba.e changed hands during the past week, at prices ran gk g fromiodto48d per lb. Of other long-staple growths there have been sold some Egyptian at l6xd, 10 Fiji at 83d. 20 Ta? hiti from 16d to 20d, and 160 Peruvian at 21d pet pound. The prolonged inactivity or the sea Island mar? ket li at length producing amore distinct decline, especially in the higher grades, and quotations are reduced from ld to 2d per lb. The week's im? port is 8u bags, and the stock 4629 against 3312 al the aime time last year. qnOTATIOhS FOB SSA ISLAND. Ord. to Good Mld'g. Fair. Fair. Good. Fine. Island.-d 20d 26d 81d S6d 44d 1871.-d 2:d 30d 38d 4ld 60d Florida.... 16d 18d 24d 28d 28d SM 1871.13d 20d 25d 2nd 80d 340 LaATexas.- d -d 24d 26d 29d S4d 1871.-d 19 J 26d 29d 33d 42?! ''interior Cotton Marketa. COLUMBIA, November 6. Sales to-day 72 bales; middling 17 Ko. ". VOHEVILLB, November 6. A very fair business has been done in this mar ket daring tho past week at prices ranting fran 18 to 17 xe. . From these prices, however, th< market has slightly declined, and we now quot* extremes at 16al7c. CBABLOTTB, November 4. Cotton ls quoted at 17 Xe. . BBKNBTTSVILLS, November 8. Cotton ls selling at i6al7Xc MACON, November o. Receipts to-day were the largest of the season The market was very qnletat i7Xal7Xo, reqolr lng tue very test cotton to bring the latter. Tbi receipts to-day were 881 bales; shipments 284 sales 484. COLUMBUS, November e. Hsrket dun Low middlings l"X; sales & bales; receipts 466; shipments 86. MONTGOMERY, November 6. Market entirely nominal to-d^y; ordinary lexc good ordinary 17c, strict good ordinary l7\o low diddling I7xc; middling 17^0. Wilmington Naval Stores Harket Weakly Review. WILMINGTON, November 7. SPIRITS Tun FESTINE.-During the period of ou: present resume of the markets, this article ha ruled very steady from day to day. with ver: little variation or prices. Friday the marke opened at an advance of Xe on laat week, am -aiorday a further advance of Xe waa gained Monday a decline was made corresponding to th I advance. Since ihe market has beenvuryqule but steady, without molestation or prices, and a the time ui closing onr report remains quiet, wltl large Bales at 67a67Xo. The receipts are on th decline, and for the week were 1439 caakt against 2864 casks for last week. The exports however, have been quite meagre, and the stock in market has been slightly increased. CRUDE TURPENTINE_Since last week this arti cle has been rather unsettled, and tue market ha shown some slight flactnatlons of prices. Oi Friday, owing to the late rise in the river, a lot c 600 bblB oame to hand and was placed on market Being of a size sufficient to meet the necessitle of our distillers, they paid an advance of 26o oi yellow dip and virgin taturday the receipt? which were or mluor importance as compare with the previous dav, sold at ssme figura Munday exporters came into market and t i-flect purchases paid a further advance o 26e. Tuesday remained unchanged but Wednesday the arrivals being unusually larg there was a pressure io Bell, bot buyers were no djsposed to take more than enough fur their im mediate necessities, and prices declined iso oi yellow dip and virgin. Today the dullness ooo Hones, but the receipts have been placed at th market price. The receipts for the ween, 2967 bbl against 1916 bbls for la? i week, are an increase c 1051 bblB. The exports were light and the bnlk c receipts are taken to manufacture The marke closes quiet at $3 26 for hard and $5 86 for y ello i dip and virgin. ROSIN,-Oar rosin market for the lower quail ties has exhibited more animation since our las than any preceding week for a month past. Oi Friday the market for strained opened with ai .improved inquiry with better telegrams, and 76 bbls changea hands at an advance of cc. Satut day and Monday the advices being less favorable buyers dropped out. and the market lay in a toi pld si ato. Tuesday lt again revived, and 260 bbl changed hands at an advance of 6c Wedneeda; morning tran-actions were made at the pre vious day's figure, bot late in the diy a furche advance or 6c was gained. At the time o docing oar noon report today (Thursday) th market continues buoyant, witn Bellera boldlni for advanced figures. No 2 has remained ver quiet without transactions of any importance j No l has figured but little during the week, a sal [ of 476 bbia ou Tuesday comprising its movement -Pales-The better grades continue tobe in goo. request, but the stock ls only moderately larg and transactions are consequently light. By tb resumption of navigation In i he river the receipt a ti ow a decided increase, but the exports aie mod rately large and the stock In market is onl; slightly increased. Receipts by Railroad, November 8. SOOTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. . 1698 bales cotton, 27 bales good. 117 casks clay 48 bbls Bplrito turpentine, 68 obis rosin, 7 oan stock. To Railroad agent, H Bnlwinkie. Laurey Alexander * co, caldwell 4 Son, Geo W William! ? co, W H Jones;* co, Baumelster * Zarbst, A i Smith, W W smith, seizer. Rodgers * co, G fl Walter * co, E ll Frost 4 co, W B Smith Jfc co, Wies A co, Trenholui 4 Son. A J Salinas, w ? Bee A co, w 0 Courtney Aco, Mowry A Son, A fi Mulllgau, WP Dowling. F L Meyers, Chapeau A Heffron, W B Williams A Son, L D DeSaussure, Barden A Purker, Counts A Wroton, Kinsman A Howell, and others. .". ' IN OVBMBBR 7.-2142 bales cotton, 102 bales goods, 2 c ra steck. To K.liroad Agent, and others. NORTH EASTS UN RAILROAD. 465 bales upland cotton, 8 bags sea island cot? ton 21 bbls spirits turpei tine, 663 bbls rosin, 45 crude turpentine, cars of lumber, tobacco, mdse, Ac. Tu ii ti Frost A co, W K Ryan, A J Salinas, I u fi Walter A co. Mowry A Son, T P Smith. A s smith, caldwell A Son, Geo W Williams W C i-our'ney A co, Bard in A Parker, Tren holm A Son, Goldsmith A Son. Wbilden A Jones, Mantoue A co, A B Mulligan, WC Bee A co, Jas R Pringle A Son, Pelzer, Rodgers A co, Murdaugh A weekley, Kavenel A co, J D Kirkpatrick. Wltie Bros, Kinsman A Howell, J Jackson, lngraham A Son, H Rlatte A co, Railroad Agent, Ordor, and others. SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. 21 bags sea Island and 76 bales upland cotton, 165 buis rosin, 13 bbls spirits turpentine, 175 bushels rough rice. 20 tons gu ino, cars wood, lum? ber, mdse, AC. To G W Williams A co. Kinsman A Howell, w c Bee A co. Mrs K P Lawton. Fraser A Dill, D McPherson, Wardlaw A Carew. Whilden A Joues, J Colcock A co, J A Blake, T P Smith, W P Dowling, Heeder A Davis, W A Boyle, Miss J C Qui raby, W C Courtney A co, D O'Noill, Crumley A D. W H Green, Bardeu A Purker, W J Yates, and Stoney A Lowndes. Passengers. Per steamship James Adger, from New York E N Wald i on. Miss S Waldron, MM A Sampson. H c Ward, Mrs 0 A Drake, Rev J W Miles, airs J Mcculloch, T M Carey, M Read, Mrs T J Lock? wood, E W Denny, E J Brown, u 0 Strange, Q w strange and wife, J M Kinney, D Penner, J D Coaghiln, F Cantwell, Miss H F Bonan, J Ryan, Miss L Ronan, A Barton, C Brown. R Hamilton, J Cornwell, L J Mitchell, J L Bunnan, A cbudsey, L R White, T A Handley, A Whitlock, J Jackson, s J Anderson, Mrs R.Smith, M-Ettings. L V Evans, Ii Turner, B STrue.-W.D'P?TY|iigt?il, tB Andrews, M P Howard, and:7 steerage. . 1 her steamer.Pilot. Bor.-from BBaurart^?acJflo and Ghlsolm Landings-Mrs S T Sams, O Hunter, F Schepper, W L Tcrriberry, and 4 decs. -'-?--.-\r ' _Shaping, g jpo? HAVER The Al Ame rio ia Ship UNCLE JOE win receive Frelg11 and nave dispatch for theSBm above port. For engagements apply to . novQ-t C N. HUBERT A 00. JpOE LIVERPOOL. The first class British Bark JAMES R-^tA BOYD. John G. Perry, Master, having a3B large portion of ber cargo engaged, will nave dispatch. Apply to _ ' HEBST GABO, . ' DOTj_AccQinmodation,WhsgC : FUJI NEW ?OBK. - ? - ON THUBSDAY, 14ra NOVBMBBB, AT> 5 O'CLOCK P. M. NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870. STATE BOOMS ALL ON DECK.\, The Splendid New Iron Sldewbeel Steamahlp' GEORGIA, Holme-, Commander, will ealMor??w : fork on TH?BSDAT. I4tn November/ at- t o> clova P. M., from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves.i -, Through Bills of Lading to Liverpool and jua/ New England cities as ususL . ., . .7^"i,. MW Insurance by steamers ot thia lin4 % per . cent. " . "f?-%" For Freight or Passage engagements, having very fine Deck Stateroom accommodations-, ap- . ply to WAGNER, HUGER A CO., Na 28 Bro?d I street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No.lUalon>r Wharves. -.. .i ^noH^i y OE NEW YOB J^. t'V' NEW YORK AID CHARLESTOM ' STEAMSHIP LISE. ESTABLISHED 1845. w The Splendid Sldewheel Steamship CHAMPION, R. W. Lockwood, Commander, win sall from Adger'a south Wharf, on SATURDAY, the fl th inst.,. at l o'clock P. M. . - -r:: - 'J MW Ma ri ne Irisaran ce % percent hy this Line, : *S-Through Billa or Lading given on Cotton to i Liverpool Boston. Providence and the New Eng? land manufacturing towns: '. For Freight or Passage engagements apply to noV7-3 JAMBS ADO ER A CO., Agents. ' THE PHILADELPHIA IRON; STEAK./ . LINE. -??? ?I" THE FIRST-CLASS IROS SCREW STE GULF STREAM, Captain Hunter, Yy\????3 VIRGINIA, Captain Hinckley,? W Are now regularly on the Line, insuring a nrV- * dasi sea connection between Philadelphia and .. " Charleston, and In alliance with Railroad oompa nies at both termini, afford rapidtiansportatwai/ f? to and from all points m the Cotton States,-and. - . to and from Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago and tho principal cities of the Northwest, Boston. Provi? dence and the Eastern Manufacturing Centres. ??- THe GULF STREAM ls appointed to . Satt' j from Brown's Whasjt on s ATUED AY, November otb,1 ? at 2 o'clock * M. .MW The VIRGINIA will follow. . For particulars of Freight arrangementa, appfy - to WM. A. COURTENAY, Union Wharves. W. P. CLYDE A 00., General Agents, No. 12 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia,; ;. nova.:rc ,. ?JHANGE OF SAILING DATS, INCREASED SERVICE. , V. , ^ PACIFIC WATT. STEAMSHIP .COMPANYS; THROUGH LINE TO T "..7?"S? CALIFORNIA CHINA AND; JAPAHV, "A, 'f FARES GREATLY REDUCED, , , / * Steamers of the above line leave PlCT^if^sfrA ? No. 41 North River, footof Canal street,SU? New York, at 12 o'clock noon, of trw lota. iMi and 80th of every month, except when rhea?date? i fall on sunday, then the Saturday preceding. AH departures connect at Panama with Steam-, ere for south Pacific and oeitral American port*., For Japan and China, Steamers leave sad Frau-, cisco first of every month, except when; ?tUM?a Bnnday-then on the day preceding. . .'-rv ? :?. No califorula Steamers touch at Havana, bat go direct from New York to AsplnwalL . w 'iM ! one hundred pounds baggage we to eaoaaomV Medicine and attendance yo?,.,- ,?"? ???L 1 3 For Passage Tlctets or other Informatica, SPW at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFIOTjj.on tte Wharf foot of Canal street J^J&ffa&'r -. York. Ee BA BY, Agent, . j angio-lvr_.' -_ ^ ; FOB GABDNEB'S . BLUFF, Sv ; C.', ? !MO? j .AND ALL INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON'PBB-; : DEE RIVER VIA GEORGETOWN, ?l: &; j The steamer PLANTER, Captain ??S?gSsm J. T. Foster, ls now receiving b-tight ???mMMm* ? at Accommodation WharfJ|(aaa wilt leave oft TUS8DAY NIGHT, 12 th mSttoV ? .. \% Frelcfit and Warfage mast be prepaid noTB-2_Ho.SOMattBsy. | T> EGULAB LINE FOB GEOBGB?OWN, \ jj FROM SOOTH COMMERCIAL WHARF. j Time Table of Steamer EMILIE, - . jsJCSfci - :' Captain C. c. White, fer November,?a?K, ; 1872* ' ' " 'J LBAYB 0HABLS3T0K. JUJAVSOMOJOKm. ; MONDAY, NOV 4, 7 A M ?JBWW^?W iA M 1 FRIDAY, KOV 8, 7 A M MOHDAT, ? WSDNBS'Y, NOV 18, 7 A M ?MM^Wk g^S- | MONDAY, NOV 18, 7 A M ffKDNM'Y,N0V. JO, 6 A M 1 FRIDAY, NOV 2?. 7 A M JONDAY, NOV ?,.6 AK I WSDNBS'Y. NOV 27, 7 A M PBIPAY, NOV ??*AK _? TOUCHING AT SOOTH ?T'ARD. WAVEMiT, | KBITHFIELD AND WEYMOUTH MILLS t EVERY TRIP. J SWFrelght received day before sailing. Ail Freight and wharfage must be pepald. :. % NO Freight received after sunset._ Duplicate receipts required with au shipments. For Freight or Passage apply on board or to SHACEELFORD A KEuLY,- Agents, North Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, 8. G. A. MORGAN, Agent, Georgeqewn, 8. 0. oct7-tuthf3mo8 . . ? ? ' '_,> yyr KEELY LI NE TO SAVANNAH, GA., AND SEMI-WEEKLY TO BEAUFORT, S. C. . The Steamer PILOT BOY, Captain W. T. McNelty,' . Will leave Accommodation Wharf every MONDAY 8 o'clock, _ fur Savannah, Beaufort, Hilton Head and opaoua. Wells. Returning, wlU leave savannah, every ; 'I CES DAY MORNING- _i Will kave for Beaufort, Pacific and Chlsolm's Landings every THOBSDAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock. Returnlug, wlU_.leave Beaufort every F?DATt MORNING. ~ -->_-gw ? ' ~ 2?2 Goods consigned to care of "Agenta will be fot. warded free of storage or commission. ? Freight received WBONBSDAYS and SATURDAYS . mast be prepaid to Wa; Landings. . Freight received for points on Savannah River, , to be transferred to steamer CLYDE, which leaves Savannah every TUESDAY MORNING. N. B. After tue 16th instant. 26 per cent, addi-? tlonal will be charged on Freight to ail points, except Savannah and Beaufort. Fot*a^%?y?$t?HOLXsa A ca, . octO-ws No. 80 East Bay. lEBF?ME ATOMLZEBS. ""This new and elegant addition to the.toilet . tame ls coming da?yo^ more& No. 181 Meeting street.