"MUander?lood." Silence ts no certain token 5%. That no secret grief lt there; ^sf Sorrow which ia never SDofcen Is the heaviest load to bear. Seldom can tbe beart be lonely, If lt seek a lonelier still. Self-forgetting:, seetiug tnly Emptier cnps of love to flu. Twill not be a fruitless labor, Overcome thH Ul with good; Try to understand j our neighbor, and you will be understood. THE SEW YOEE VEGETABLE ASJD FRUIT MARKETS. The Dally Bulletin of Thursday, October Slat, says: There ls little change to notice In round po? tatoes, and present prices are more or less nominal Our quotations for potatoes are In bulk; In shipping order 60c per barrel mnstbeadded. We quote: Peachblows$2a250 Early Bose at $160a2. and Early Goodrich, Dy rights and Jackson whites at $150al 76. Sweets $2 75a3per bbl for VI rein la, and $3a3 26for Delaware. We quote: Vegetables, red onions per bbl $2 50a3; do yellow $2 50a3; do Coonee tient while $ia4 60 per bbl. Squash, marrow fat per bbl 75ca$l. Bussla turnips $1 50 per bbl, white turnips fl per bbl. Cabbages $6al0 per 100; red cabbages $8al2. Beets, Jersey $126al 60. Lima beans $5 per bag; do shelled $10 per bushel. Carrots per bbl $7. o ?. Celery $125al 50 per dozen. Trade in this market is still Interred with by the horse disease, and consequenly very little is done, apples are held about the same Cranberries are somewhat scarce, and with a good demand very firmly held. Grapes sel Hug rather slowly. Other descriptions quiet We quote as follows : Apples, Newtown pip? pins $2 60a3; Fall pippins, prime $2 25a2 50 Detroit reds $2 26a2 60; Tors: pippins $2 25a 2 ?0; tweo.y ounce, $2 25a2 50; greenings $1 50 a2; Baldwins $2a2 25; Spitzeaberg $2a2 25 river stock, all varieties, ?lal 75; and Jersey, In bulk, 76ca$l 25 per bul. Pears-Dnchess, No. 1,.per bbl. SI2a 15; do. No. 2. $8a 10; Louise Bonne of Jersey $10al2; Sleckle $16a25; Vicar of Wakefield $6*9, and cook I a? $3a6 per bbl. Quinces $8al0ior apple, and $6a8 for pear. OFFICIAL. LIST OF LETTERS remaining In the Postofflce at Charleston, for the week ending November 1, 18T2, and printed officially In Tua DAILY NIWB, as the newspaper having the largest circulation In the City of Charleston. aa- omet hours from 8 A M. to sx P. H. On Sundays, from ?X to ax P. M. ?? Persons calling for Letters Advertised should state that they are "Advertised." STANLEY G. TROTT, Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. Alls, Marl* Gregorle, Mrs Parker, Elvina Allston, Sarah Ferdinand Pateriyure, Anderson, Ma- Gruber, Miss L wischeven ria" Grimke, Miss M Parker, Francis Aren, Elisabeth -Aar L Balley, Julia Gror, Miss Em- Patterson, Mrs Baker, Mrs HM ma AR Baker, Gen- Gready, Sarah Payne, Mrs J F evieve L Perkins, Mrs Bergmann, Jes- Harrison, Cor- Auna tine, nelia Pinckney, Leve Beult, Mary Harrison, Mr? nla Francia Elsey Porcher. Catty Biat ce, Mrs Ed- Haya, Mary Ctnarenby, El ward N Hains, AI ey len Boonoo, Hrs nicks, Abey Kanni, Mrs J Meal er Htlderbrandt, Kenney, Eliza Briton, Mrs RL Catrina Reeves, Julia O Brown, Mattie S Hogan, Mrs Rhett, caroline Brown, Mrs Houston, Sarah Klcoaon, Mrs Taos Kirby H. Ann Bajean Johann later, Elizabeth Bodgest, Mrs Burke, Maggie Jacobs, sarah chaney Bull, Eveline Jenkins, Jase Roberts. Nettle Batter, Mary Jenkins. Dlnbh lioblns, virginia Cain, Abby Jones, Ellen c Sanders, Kiiza Oamer, Amelia Johnsen, Eliza beth Camero?, Susan Johnson, Mar-Schroder, Mrs Campbell. Mai jj tba Salla UamopbaU, Mrs Johnson, Laura Soligmann, Ade K A Kennedy, Mary latde ObrlBtopaer,Mrs O Mci lar, Miss D B- : - : . Keenan, Sarah S Chlsolm, Misa Kiddell, Anna Smalls, Cathe Evelyn Z B Une Chlsolm, M.8 E Kiddell. Eugene ?mltn, Saab G A\. Klag. Emma ?ralih. Eliza J Cottee, Eliza- Knapp, Miss smith, Charlotte beth sweetie K Connell, Mrs A Kock. Adeline Smith, M.ss D -i .<: : tja wren ce, Mrs JaneT Chrufkahank, Mousey Smith, Hiss Ann Salue ? Lawrence, Mary Stockman, Lau Days, La viol i Lee, Lizzie ra A DevmerMary Lee,Hrs A F stephen?. Mani Dlllfngnam, Mn Ladson, Lizzie Stale/, Moffie H E Ladson, Bach- Suck, Annie Doy la. Miss E aul Taylor, Mrs Jo Dnboik, Julia A Lar?gue, Mrs seph Dnoener Bin- George Taylor, Lydia O nah Legare, Mrs Taylor, Marla EUI?, Sarah T Francia D Terry, Elizabeth Ellis, Mrs Thom- Low r gs i-un, Re Te rn berg, Mrs aa.- v., . .j.becca, . . WJ Em merly, Mrs Logan, Mrs M rurner, Mrs Ma Mary-?-Lynch, Mrs F c ry Bogee, Lula j Ly ach. Mrs H Yanderhorst, Verran, Mary Maloney, Mrs Pamella L First, Mary Ann Thoa Varie, Margi et Flinn, Cathe- 'Martin, Mrs Jas Waganer, fran tine Hazyck, char- Hauoken Flynn, Ella lotte Warley, Sophia Fowler, Maria - Magill, Lady Welch, Sarah Ford, celina Manon, Mrs L A Weatnerhorn, Frasier, Susan . Maiden, Mrs Ad- Mrs Sarah Friend, Mrs R F ellne Whitaker, Mar Gaimard, Mary Michell. Ju ia toa . T ', j Miller, Mra ME Wlgg, Anna ? Cage, Elizabeth Miller?; Mary El wtgrail, Uager Gataeres, lilas len Wellers, Mary Mediong Milter, Lizzie V williams, Anna Gibbes, Emerly Miller, Rfna williams, Sarah cultana, . Mrs. Millar, Mrs O J Williams, Sarah , Alexander Mills, Mrs L O ( Glover MTS Middleton-.sallle Williams, Bet Daniel . ??. Mikel, Elizabeth sey Glover, Mary B Minot. Ros inna William*, Dar- -, Godno, Albra E Mitchell, Anna cns J Gordie c. Betty Mlzeqne, Miss williamson, Grant, Mlas Kis-. Tony Margret Sin . . ; Mood, Martha Willis, Anrr Graham. Eliza Morris, Martha Wilson. Sarah Green, Virginia A wilson, Lucy I Oreen, Nancy Morris, Diana Wing, Maggie Green, Ella McCarthy, Lucy A Green, Anna McClnrdy, Miss Winslow. Julia Green, Miss ME BA- Wright, Julia0 Greene, Jannie McLean, Mrs wright, Emma A '.' ' " Peter Vates, Mrs Ed Green, Flora Nelson, Miss mond L Ann i Mary - Youngblood.Mrs Green, Emilia Obrtent, A11U OF ] MEN'S LIST. Adair, -Lowis ti Frazer, Peter oiend, o T Anuna;Mr - ireland, E H Offer.JU Alston, Henry Galvin, Patrick Ott, J D L Alston; Toby Gibbes, Robert Paterson, R S Anger,.H Y Gibbes, John Patten, W A A no, John Qooano, A E . Painter, J M Balley, A-M Oranger, H E Fey rec tacher, F Utter, WT Gregg-, JE Philips, s t* Bargeraann, Green, Harry Plesson. J S 4 E George. ' Hactermann, Pitman, Joseph Becker, MF Wm Poll orine. Tognl Becker, WA Hasse, RS Price, Q W Eenaeman. F N Hartnett, Daniel Punier. E O E?ciet,Loyd Hendricks,'''B (col'd) Bemnger, Geo Henne; A Q,ninn, John Bexkham, H F HUI, John Ramm, A B Blohms, O Rogan, PR Keed.j w Barzela A Carr Holbrook, F Koala, j soo, ' Holmes. B Robertson, W H Brown, James H?ge, Peter Rudd, Thos F Hubbart, Chas Ryan. Thoa Brown, Jeffrey Hutson, Joseph Schirm, Charles Brown, Victor C Hutaon, John Seel. L Brown, J P Jackson, Rob .shines. Homer Branjee, W en Shine. Tobias BrnnaoncVames Jacobi, W alma, H R Brabham, A E Jefersoon, J Simmons, J Brogden, E F Jones, T S Hume Breoenburg, J Jones, dement Singleton, N N Jones. K N ?Ingleton, Al Butler, Thoa F Jones, Charlea fred Brtok, Henry Jordan A LU Smith, D B Bubner, T : i Jlanthal. . .smith, Daniel Bull, W B Johnson, Thos smith, J S cappet, Jacob Johnson, James Smith. Andrew Ceided, J'ih-i F M Smothers, J L Claverton, n c Johnson. J a m ea spencer, J B Clark MD' Jowrtt, TC Thear,Robert Cunningham, Kennedy, John Thleling, F W Abram Kenliw, John w Thayer, E C< fflo. Wm B Elelnjotiann, Turner, L D Oollngton, Jack Jas Verrln, John Compton, J D Knuler, Lou's Von Aahbraud, eulin. A J Kornabrens, A Dals, Ashley Henry W, M H Dawson, James Lee, Richard Wagener A DeLeoo, Charles Legar e, T S Sparks Disher, S Y Levlnsston, S D Wslker, James Deacher, E M Lockwood. R Dot ha ge, J Steven Walker, AHA Dun, E Locus, John Walkin A Hol? lina, G Manning. John Un, Dyer A Co, H J Marj ea hoff, John West, Thoa H SBbeok. M K Mathews, WU- Welsh. S P Emilie, B Hams Wein, Raph D Escoces,- Ah G Millard, T A Wheat, L Marstl Del Sup lfoflov, T P Whtte, George G OT Del Rito Montgomery, | R Fenster, Frank Jacob ? Williams, O H FleJ&iOjTjn Murphy,-M wish, B P PIOBA-HuTofliyTE' Wilson. W T F scher, Jacob MoOoltam, J E Wreden, Henry Fowler, John INelson, Egberd wright, J B Ford. J Hezbnt, Thomas Wright. Rivera sa" Persons depositing letters in the Postofflce wur^ieaseplace the stamp near the upper right band corner of the envelope, - and they will also please to remember that, without the stamp a let far, cannot be malled, but will be sent, to the Dead Letter Office. fl&?netal Sperm (Dil THE NEW DISCOVERY, MINERAL SPERM OIL. This OIL la perfectly -non-explosive, will not ignite at 800 degrees Fahrenheit, aud ls entirely i dorleas. For railroad cars, steamers and dwell? ing houses ls Invaluable. Recommended by the Board of Underwriters steamboat inspectors. President of. Chamber of commerce and Captains of Steamers trading to this port, and by hundreds of families wno are now using lt In the city. Is more brilliant than Kerosene, Lighthouse or .Aher Explosive Oils now In CBC OIL BOBAEAs ANO cuiMNiEs at wholesale ind retail by DOUGLAS A MILLER, Sole Agents for the State of south carolina, Dtalera In Paints, Oils, Glass. Ac, Ac, No. 93 East Bay, fco u th of Post office, ootT-imo Charleston, S. c. Orri ?ODDS, &c. J. R READ & GO., SAVE JOST RECEIVED A FULL ASSORT? MENT OP ENGLISH, FRENCH AND DOMESTIC lOIfcY GOODS, DRESS GOODS OP ALL KINDS, A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS, i EAL AND IMITATION LACES AND EM? BROIDERIES, LACE GOODS OF ALL KINDS. IARRIS'3 SEAMLESS KID GLOVES, With a great variety or other Kid Gloves. JEAYES G LOVE 8 AND GAUNTLETS. SILK AND THREAD GLOVES. FANCY GOODS. IOAPS, EXTRACTS, BRUSHES, Ac, Ac ALSO, i VERY PULL AND HANDSOME STOCK OF ] . . ii ?ml ..- - SHAWLS AND COVERINGS IP ALL KINDS FOB FALL AND WINTER WEAR. WE ARE RECEIVING NEW GOODS BY ?VERY STEAMER. I. R. READ & CO. ?c'8-tnthslmo il ( ( . vuiiuviui av ivt) NO. 375 KLING BTREET, rvTLL OPEN ON MONDAY, IND EVERY DAY DURING THE WEEK, AN mmense variety or NEW AND DESIRABLE 10003. which we guarantee to be the best elected Stock In this market, and which are offer d at lowest New York prieta: DRESS GOODS. IL AUK SILKS FANCY SILKS COLORED SILKS IRISH POPLINS SILK VELVE I S VELVETEEN SILK VALOURS CAsHU BRETS 3MPRESS CLOTH SATINS BOMBAZINES CRAPE CLOTH JAPA NESE SILKS FRENCH POPLINS PLUSH MERINOS EPPINGLINS ALPACA8, | j ind all other styles ol Dress and Mourning Goods. | a FULL LINES OF Domestic and Housekeeping (foods.. ?TJRS ! FURS ! FORS ! KID GLOVES 1 KID GLOVES ! KID GLOVES I Pine Selection of Cloths in Newest Styles. BEAVERS CASSIMEBE8 BROADCLOTHS DIAGONELS SEALSKINS DOGSKINS CLOAKTNG3 FLANNELS BLANKETS COVERLETS DOESKINS VESriNGS SHAWL8 AC, AC LAMBWOOL CLOAKING, (something new.) Gents' Furnishing Goods. a. NEW AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE LATEST FASHIONS. iVHITE SHIRTS UNDERWEAR BOWS HANDKERCHIEFS 3ILK HANDEBCHTEP8 NECKTIES CUFFS AND COLLARS GLOVES UMBRELLAS, ic. A COMPLETE AND FINE LINE OF Ladies' Underwear. This Department ls attended to by derk Ladles, engaged for this purpose. Newest styles or Untrimmed HATS, Flowers, Feathers, Hat Ornamenta, Corsets, Hosiery, Bows, Scarrs, Lace Collais, Lace Handkerchief, DreBS and Cloak Trimming, Fringes, Ac Spf dal attention is called to the Great Bargains we oder In Carpets! Carpets! Carpets! Bought 25 per cent under value, and which we guarantee to all at lower figures than they can be bought at any Northern market. Mr. 0L0T WORTHY has charge or making and laying all or our carpets. His work la guaranteed to give satis? faction. Our Stock or UPHOLSTERY QOODS la tbe finest, best and cheapest. WINDOW SHADES CORNICES LACE CURTAINS, Ac Special Departments for onr very extensive j Stock: of doods for the Wholesale Trade, and Mer* chants, Milliners and Farmers will always find the best and cheapest selection of gooda at our store. We have adopted (be strictly One-Price system in all our Departments, Respectfully, FUROHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO. ifamg (gogos, Notions, &t. N E W S^TT^RTET S. JOHNSTON, Will opera on SATURDAY, November 2, st No, 367 KING STREET, below George, west side, s new and well selected stock of HOSIERY and GLOVES, FANCY GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS and small wares._? novl-2* (?l)irw, Crockern, &z. ^H?^GLAI^^ AT THE OLD STAND, KING STREET, CORNER OF LIBERTY STREET. The Subscriber would respectfully Inf'"rm his friends and tbe public that Ms steck ls now com? plete in CHINA, GLASS AND CROCKERY, Plain white and Fancy China. Glass and Fancy China Goods, Lamp?, Shade.-. Ac, Ac octio-tbstnsmos it. H. MCDOWELL. Agent. Clothing ano Jnruisrjmrj (Sooft*. NEW STOKE ! NEW GOODS ! EVERYTHING NEW ! MENKE & MULLER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, INVITE THE ATTENTION OP THE PUBLIC TO THEIR SPLENDID NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, .JESTS' FURNISHING GOODS, AND CHOICE MATERIALS FOR CUSTOM WORK AN INSPECTION OF THE 3-OODS AND PRICES IN THEIR NEW ESTABLISHMENT, "OR, KING AND WENTWORTH SIS., IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. OC13 EJrnQs at Wholesale. WHY SHAKE AND BURN 3HILLS AND FEVER ? S ILYSE S PRING 3, NSAR OCA Ll, FLA., 1 March 1.1H71. j McasRs. DOWIK. Moos A DAVIS, CBABLXSTOK, 1. c.-Dear Sirs: I reran MOISE'S FEVER AND LG ?B PILLS as a certain care, and a blessing to ?? living In tho malarious districts of tho sooth, md particularly in the everglades of oar State. Very respectinily, yours, JAS. fe. ?WENS, M. D. KIKOSTBSK, H. C., December SI, 1870. Mn. B. F. Mons, On A SLBSTO??, S. C.-Dear Stn have used yonr FEVER AND AGUE PILLS in ny practice this fall, and have never in the first nstance failed to ? reUeve my patients. 1* have low frequent calls in my drug store for them, and always recommend them, aud with the happiest ?eauIts. I wish that yon may have the saUsfao inn or knowing that yonr "Fever and Agco 'ills" have relieved many under my treatment, vb en other medleloea than I have tried have ailed to do. Yours, respectfully, J. S. BROUKINOTON. M. D. MKKCATCRS, BABNWSLL DIST.. S. C.,1 July 12. 1871. i MB. B. F. MOISE-Dear Slr: lu reply to yonr luestion as to what has been th? success of your FEVER AND AGUE PILLS, that have been sold iy ns, we would say aa far as we know, they lave given entire satisfaction. Wo shall continue to recommend them. 1 Yours, respectfully, W. T. BLANTON A SON. NB AK ORKEN POND, S. A 0. R. R. I November ll, 1870. j MB.- B. F. Moras-Dear Slr: I' am glad to saj ?our?FE VER AND AGUE PILLS ere all you claim ror them. I have oued them in my family and on ny place, and In every case they have proved ef? fectual; some of tho cases l bad tnonght chronic, is they have lasted over two y ea H. Iii no case waa more than a single box required, and In no sase has the disease returned, and lt la over tore months ago sin oe 1 used them. . Yours. Aa, B. K. WILSON. GoDBDrN's DXPOT, N. E. R. R., Sept. IS, 1871. Massas. Dowra, Morns A DAVIS-sirs: I am im? proving In health almost as fast as I can, laboring under diff?rent old chronic diseases. I took MOUE'S FEVER AND AGUE PILLS, agreeable to directions, and find them the beat medicine 1 have ever taten, and they have made a complete cure of Chills and Fever on me, and my oase was one ef the worst. Yonr humble servant, WILLUM J. BRADLEY, Peedee Railroad Bridge Keeper. They contam no arsenic or poisonous Ingre? dients of any kind-nothing in the least degree injurious to the system under any circumstances -and may be administered wita perfect sarety toan Infant. They never fall to core the moat obstinate case when taken as directed. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. DOWIE, MOISE ? DAVIS, Proprietors and Wholesale Druggists, Niay3o-ibs6mo v Charleston, 8.0. SIGNALS OP DANGER.-DISEASE, like the rattlesnake, usually gives fair warn? ing before lt strikes. A ratting appetite, a forrea tongue, nausea, headache, want of proper action In the bowels, feverishness, lassitude, nervous? ness and aneasy feeling In the stomach, Ac, are all symptomatic of a coming attack of indiges? tion, biliousness, collo, fever, or some other posi? tive form of disease. Wnen thns menaced, resort Immediately to Tarrant'? Effervescent Seltzer Aperient, ] and thus avert the attack. Acting simultaneous? ly upon the digestive organB, the liver, the bow? els and the nerves, this refreshing and agreeable alterative will soon restore the system to its nor? mal condition of health, regularity and vigor, j - Md by au druggists. oct24-i2 , Stnr?-6 ano irnmiarjing ?oo?a. S O O T T'S THE ONLY; EXCLUSIVE MW CHARLESTON, s. C. 8 88 SSS 8SS3 SSSS3 SSSSBS 88898888 S8SSSSSSSS 88SS9S3SSSS3S3SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS3S B8888888 SS8SSSSS S8SS88 QPflTT'ft 8S88S8 SS888 ?U? I I O SSSS3 ssss sass sss OTATt sss SS ?TA.? gg S 8 si SHIRT is ssss ssss 83883 '_88SSS BS88SS EMPORIUM SS8SSS - 88SSSSSS SS93SSSS 8S88S9SSSSSSSSSS8SS888SSSSS8SS8S SSS8S8SSS8 88388S83 S8S8SS SSSSS 9SS3 SSS ss s The Proprietor or the ?hove Establishment has Jose returned rrora New York with a new and well selected Stock or the Celeorated STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS ALSO, A FINK ASSORTMENT OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, CONSI8TTN0 OF UNDEEWEAP, Shaker Flannel, Wool an J Merino, Cotton Flan? nel, Shirts and Drawers, all (trades and all sises. English Merino and Cotton Bair Hose. Also, af nil selection of the latest Novelties In NECKVVEAB, English windsor Scarfs, Marquise Scarfs, Lord Stanley Scarfs, Livingston cravata, Chancellor Scarfs, Bowe and Ties. Cray's PAP KR COLLARS or all descriptions. Walting Canes and Umbrellas. E. SCOTT, MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET HALL. State Notices. gTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. oniKLifcTON, 8. C., October 22, 1872. To Commissioners of Election for Vnton county ; Whereas Hen. ll. W DUNCAN, who, at a cone, ral election held october, 1870, was chosen a mem? ber of the Senate for the Election District or | Union County, to serve for the term of faur years, has, since said election, deceased; and whereas the Constitution of the State of Sout h Carolina di? rects that In such case a Writ or Election shall bo Issued by the President or tho senate, ror the pur? pose of Alling the vacancy thus occasioned for the remainder or the term for which the member so deceased WBB elected to serve; now therefore yon, and each or you, are hereby required, af ter due advertisement, and witn strict regard to all the provisions of the constitution and laws or j laid State touohlng your dnty in such case, to I hold an election ror a member or ihe senate for the Election District afore sahl, to ser v.- far the re? in aln ZO J. RANS! BR, President or the Senate. Attest.: J. WOODBUFF, Clerk or Senate. oct24-ll_ C&roccuti, iHTgota, Jfrr. H. KLATTE & CO. ACENT8 FOR CHARLESTON. We have appointed Messrs. H. KLATTE A CO. Sole Agenta for Charleston ror HUB Celebrated Brand or PURE KENTUGK?" WHISKEYS, both BYES and BOURBON. "_-j, These Whiskeys are guaranteed pnre KENTUCKY COPPER DISTILLED, free rrom all compound Im purities, ard highly recommended by eminent chemists ror medical use. The Brand 1B patented to prevent infringements. BARKHOUSE BROS. A CO., Louisville, Ky. We reaped folly inform onr mends and custom? ers that we keep constantly on hand a IUI supply or the above already ravorably well Known Whis eys. and cTer same to the trade at distiller's prices. H. KLATTE A CO., augai-stutbemo No. 186 East Bay. ^atomare, &grinilirxral Bmplcmtnte. &t. HART * CO. Are AGENTS For AVERY & SONS' PLOUGHS. A Plough, with Scraper, Bull Tongue, Turning and Shovel Mould, Complete, for $15 25. j Or if the Dixon Sweep be preferred to the Shovel Mould, price $15 25. We have also a Fall Assortment of One and Two Horse Ploughs, both Caat and Steel, of AVERY & SONS, as well as other Manufacturers. . ALSO A FULIi LIRE OF AGrEICUJLTUE?L IMPLEMENTS. 1 F AIRBAIVK'S SCALES BURDICK'S HAY AND FODDER CUTTER. We are ils o ic. Receipt of a Full Line of SWEDES IRON, HOES, ENGLISH IRON, TRACES, HOOP IRON, NAILS, PLOUGH STEEL, ROPE, TURPENTINE HACKS, PLOUGH LINES, TURPENTINE TOOLS, GUNS, MILL STONES, PISTOLS, POT WARE, TINWARE, WOODWARE, BEST FJSHUNES, SEINE TWINE, FISH HOOKS, BOLTING CLOTH. HART Ac O O ., 39 Hayne Street, and Corner of Kins? and Market. OOtl-tBtbBDAO . CHAIILESTON, S. Ga patent iflebicitu?. SIMMONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND, OR LIVER CURE, FOR ALL DERANGEMENTS OF THE LITER, SKIN, KIDNEYS, STOMACH AND BOWELS. Pat np In llqnld form, already prepared for Immediate ose, saving time' and tron?le, and insur? ing a proper proportion of each vaiuabio ingredient. ; ? ' ?'. -?. 1 lt is mild and gentle in its action. It removes the bile from the system It Imparts tone and strength to the whole frame, lt gives the liver a healthy character and restores the sinking and drooping body to health and si rengih. This Medicine has heea tried by thousands and never found warning. Under its influence the face will have the bloom of health, the eye its lastre, the brain ita power, lt will invigorate the feeble, and prove the greatest blessing to those who suffer. Try lt for yourselves and you will recommend lt io your friends. FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS EVERYWHERE. DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, WHOLESALE AGENTS, CHARLESTON, S. 0. KING A RODBOROUGH, Waldo, Florida, Proprietors. augl-thstu3mos pianos, ?rgauo, &z. PIANOS AND ORGANS, Furnished at factory prices for cash, or by Mont My Payments on the most liberal terms. CBARLRS L. M'CLEN'AFJ AN, Plano and Hnsle Store, sep3-4moa ' '' '" No. 191 Kine street. Cigars, Sooarro, Sft. EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HANUFAOT?RTNQ CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE No. 310 KINO STREET, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Of all kinds. PIPES of every quality. Call and examine stock before buying else where. WILLIAM SCHRODER, Proprietor. N. B.-The" Whee) of Fortune constantly OD hand, invest 36 cants and try your luck. mca?-?KiAwijr REGULATOR m . This unrivalled Medicine ls warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any In? jurious mineral substance, but ta PUBELT VEGETABLE. For forty yeara lt has proved its great value In ' all diseases of thc Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thonaanda of the good and great in all paru of the country vonch for Its wonderful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood, stimulating the t' rpld Liver and Bowels, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. SIMMONS'S LIVER REGULATOR ls acknowledged to have no equal as a LIVER MEDICINE. lt contains four medical elements, never united in tne same happy proportion in any other pre? paration, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonderful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a cer? tain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Snch signal success haa attended its ase that lt ls now regarded as the . GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Liver complaint and the paint ol offspring thereof, to wit: Dyspepsia, Constipation, Jaun? dice, Bilious attacks, Sick Headache. Colic. De-, pression of Spirits, Soar Stomach, Heart Barn, Aa, Ac Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. J SIMMONS'S LIVER REGULATOR tamanafaCt^HOZEILINAC0., Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. PRICE-st per package; aent by mail postage paid, $125. ?ropared ready for use m boitlesti * Fonsie by P.WINEMANACO. \ ' AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ?a- Beware of all counterfeits and imita? tions. aug8-thatuD*w8moa G0hTmUBI>iefijHANT6U0CESS OF . '. Dir?ONACG.'S 355 v.o. GEMS W'^T^A U S S. Thia floe collection, now ';all_toe rato,'' coa: tains among ita Gema, (which Hil 240 iars'e mailo Pages.) German Hearts, AquarelLn, lool Nights, Man hatten, Morgen b lat ter,, Artist Life, . Lo.ve and Pleasure, Bargeralnn, Bluo Danube,'Marriage Bells, Bonbons, wine. Women and soogV and many other popciar Waltees. :! .1 : " - ? FIZZICA-TO,. HEW : - AUNES, TRI T80F. TRATSCH, and other Tolkaf, with a goodly nam beir of first-rate Quadrilles/Galopa, Mazurkas,1Ac. Pilce, la Boardt??$a ip; ClbtV^;;^-S^ paid, for retell price. .x ... u?V. .h..y< The Great New Church Mosto Book, * ..;"..t..|?-B:': \ TWICE THE ORDINARY CIRCULATION' of Church Music Books. Do pot fall to send ?1 24 ? for which, for the presen t, Specimen Copies wjli he seat. >.. .fc\V; -rrtiwi?*yaj?>,&, PRICE $160, .v.-E Vii .-.ItcH-itf. OLIVER DtTSON A 00,, I C. H. BIT??N A OO. ? Boston,. H . ' 'BewToWtT : sepi-ws ""??'.?-f.. w--.'ii?v lui? c-. y ?rani) ?Jrije ?CUntrilmiiott. % THE EBNTDo?^- V: " : Murt?n At?sErU LIBRARY GIFT COHCERT. 8500,000 IN BANK TO PAY AU. ???? ?{ a 'M ;L C ?iT? .'. _ ? ' .... .. .-J.? ;!.!>$(Af? fco? erorr A FULL DRAWING rN SIGHT. .'i ?'E.1 lfr-ar?*?ldO!.'?.a h7.x eiqq*97 At the Second Grand Cia Coi^^auihorte*! by special act ol ne Utgislsznt*: nv ski LOfjfce Pabilo 'Library, of 1 Kenua qty,: un av poned ..from :se??|(ph?:$4^, whicn positively and ai Loalsvi le, Ky.TSathrdsy, __ ont further dslay on 'any account whsnsv?T, Th*'I following Cash Gifts are for ant araoDg the ticket troldera: . ? r ONE GRAND Gin, GASH-..$186,000. ONE GRANDGICT..V........u..w.l.v-.^00aj. dal ./.il bun I.JUAU& ICash Gift......?2i,(KM>{ ^ CashiflffUK^^OOfti 1 cash Gift.$20, ooo 161 i cash out.aw - I Oasli Gift.ila l cash Gift.$.;< 1 Cash Gift...... $8,? i Cash Gilt. tl 1 Dash. Gift.....wit I Cash Gift..., l Cash Girt..., I Oath Gift. Mi i Total-loco Gins, i Ttie money to pay air these Gifts ls Hcw.tpOn deposit, and set apart for that purpose, tn the Farmers* and Drovers' Bantus? mm,. ta seep. by This ls to cCTttlyTh?? there is now < In this bsnic over Half W H Wk* - of .!_ the credit of the Girt Concert fund, ?6?0,sSo^f.!. which 1? held by this banka* Treisaioof tte Knolle Library of Kentucky to pay off all ?ins ? to be ?warded st tho dr? wsw R. ST VEECH, Cashier. . Price eflr^WentaSaV'b'i^ ^?f'j'n Whc le Ticket*, $10; HalvM/li^ Qmlrter8,,|1'??; ^ II Whole Tickets for sioor'is for $2M: ?TOrf?Oer 113 for $loOu ; 286 for $2600; 67? for |fcWL< M discount on less than tno worth of twketsa?e time. :?M\ tn ownitit .?.tastte nnioioO The drawing-will poeltlrfell and fflnenutvooal?Li; take place December 7. . Agem s are-peremptorily ; required to close sales and ma ber 46, lnordertbgrie, a arrangements. Orders io for Circulars should be ad j GOV. THOMAS K Ageot Pabilo Library Kentnoky. ~ C4t*-awl?*wa I ? .. r; * ? . FURNITURE! FURNITURE! B. WHIQ?Ei .ia kozjcn IHo. 88 HASEL.STREB^' 18 NOW BEOTIVINO A'B>W-.SOT0?rir?P 1 ..- i ALt;KIBrJ8.0Fvjim:riWa..'^ : .;iT'URivi:gpp?^::i And ls selling at his nsaaiiy low prices which have gateed for him such a Very liberal pfttr' .word shover thestatai M - oet?-atounn? \ ; .lr-. TJBBF?MB'ATOMIZERS..'i-Tiii.'j intenee?p Tais new apd elegant addition to the toilet 1 tab ie is coming dally Into mora general bs*. A roll sopply-different style3-constantly ou Land : At DR. H. BAB R'S. Drag Store, ' .U ?J_ No. 181 Meetlog street.; ; .'j BEEP, WINE AN? TB0?T*i : ?.-no lo ..AOT'j -ao?x;iiO ifonsosnn BEEF, WINE, IRON AND CfNOHONAi. ?; . These elegant and ejcceaien^stlmiilatlpgTonlos- : | are now getting into general use. especially In (.asea of delicate females and childf en. They may . bc had of :? ... 0^.ft>BAM^,:.; A full stock of Elixirs, and^aU Se^other^cew ' I'harmaceuiloal Pregara tiona always kept On ' hand. " ' ".' ?o^.nww r -'<-1-?-rn antX.jii.iimal BBUSHES. '' . n:V, .,' :\ o A Full Assortment of the Best Tooth Brushes . , Nail Brushes 0 ; Uti? ! . ; >... Hair Bruines . Flesh Brashes . ShatmgBTUshes:|n[,; \\ For sale by ' PB^S?ita^f^' "j ?<.*.. .i Ha lal Meeting street ? AGE'S CATABBHBEMEDT,; ; DR. PIERCE'S NASAL DOUCHE- J .. AND ,. DR. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. ' De bing's Pile "Rem Od y DeBlng'syisFngSB. , . . ?vr. '^JgA' Dr. Hors lord's Add Phosphates -Wllber's Oodllver Oil and Lime. ? . nnT?d"?S7V..i_ For sale by _ -.. .7- ? BA?,') ?. . . : - Me^Oiifstreet., OBOOPATR^BBM^JFB^,% ... JUSTREXWrVETV'AFItK'?H 8trPPI.T. ? r p A full line of sit the most-approved MedldDies of thiaAcaool-lntinctures, powderaandjMiletojln all dilutions ana potencies. Also Family Medl- ? cine Cases, with small's Practice. . ta vu&i iv j For sale by DR. H. BAER, _*_No. 181 MeeUsg street. g Y B i N/oj. s./; e;^:-? ^My assortment of SYRINGES ls unufcaafraaffC; I am Agent for the sale of . the, fOjDjnALt. .SYRINGE, unquestionably inanest o? an Syttajwr especially for self use. It IS simple, etflOlenCSnW,:' to manage, and cannot get out of order-. ;One wUI, last a lifetime. Our best physicians rece minen ?Tlu I als o have a fall stock ol Matt?V s, DayWSo?'a aod other Bulb ? j ring es; aUo ?a?^aod Hani. Rubber Syringes, and the HYPODERMIC SYR? INGE. . .r fLVUK- . -.