The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, November 01, 1872, Image 3

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What of That * Tired 1 well, and what of that ? Didst fancy life was spent on beds of ease, Fluttering the rosa leaves ?cattered by the brer zo t Comajtvose tbee t work while '< t? called to day ; Co ware, arise, go ici th upon thy way ! Lonely t and what of that? Some m us i be lonely; 'tis not given to all To feel a heart responsive rise and rail. To blend another life into its own: Work may be done In loneliness; work on i .. Bark I well, ami what or that? Didst fondly dream the sun woo ld never set? Dost fear to lose thy way ? Take courage yet, Learn thoa to walk by faith and not by sight, Thy steps will guided be, and guided right. Hard I well, and what or that ? Didst fancy Hie one summer holiday, With lessons none to learn, and naoght but play ? Go. get thee to ibftaek. conquer or els l ti must be learned; learn lt, then, patiently. No help I nay, 'tis not so; Though naman help be rar, thy God ls nie h. Who leeds the ravens, hears His children's cry; He's near thee wheresoe'er thy footsteps roam. And Be wm guide thee, light thee, help thee home. MURDER OF CHILDREN. Infanticide tn India-Female Children Destroyed-\. Uni versal Crime-Terri? ble Statistics Given by English Oi nolals-British Knie tn India. The Central Provinces reports for 1870 sop- ? ply. the annexed account lu regard to the prevalence or Infanticide Lu that country: regular village visitation was Instituted, and evidence taken as to the proportion of boys and girls, and some other necessary tacts. One magistrate reports having visited ninety-1 nine Tillages, Inhabited by a olan whose head ls the Rajah of Amorha. ?ighty-slx of the vll lagea were "suspected." In seven villages in? habited by one caste, there were one hundred and four boys and only one girl, and that one giri had probably been saved by being brought np In ter mother's family, altogether apart from ber father. 1 he Baboos of Asogpoor had twenty boys, and "no girl bas ever been married from among them." In ten villages of another caste there was not one giri, and In another ten l,a marriage of a girl ls au un? known ceremony." Nearly ail the families of ] the Baboos'and Kours practice the crime, with tho exception of Luckmunpore, who bad twenty boys and twenty-one girls-a most honorable exception where murder ls tbe rullDg social law. In one village in Oodeybore, a venerable pundit said: "I have lived near the place both man and boy, olose on eighty years, and I nerer saw a marriage in lt." In some dis? tricts there has been considerable improve? ment. The lieutenant-governor, lu referring j to the Agra district, said : "In 1840 only three female infants among the gouty clans sur? vived their birth; in 1841 there were fourteen; In 18*2 there were twenty-eight, and lu 1865 there were 438, about 44 per cent, ol the child population. . I could give you a very large number of Instances from these reports, both as to the crime and the great change that has bee a brought about byan indefatigable body of officials acting under enlightened and pym- j pathiziDg chiefs.- Here Is one answer, at all events, to those who tell us; that English rule is doing notMng for India, There is no doubt that we are falling lu many respects, and lu Borne where tbe East India Company succeed ed ; Qnt; lhere are certainly some particulars lu which British power is enrolled In the service o? cftUif?Uon.'? . JOTTINGS ABOUT THE STATE. -J. C Wlnsmlthj Esq., bas assumed edito- j rial control o? the Carolina New Era, publish? ed at Spartanburg. -Joseph Bradford, colored, was accidental? ly shot and killed by James Branson, colored, at Goshen Plantation, near Bradford Springs, on Saturday ? afternoon last. The pair were bunting squirrels at the time. -Hr. E. M. Seabrook bag been appointed registrar in bankruptcy for the First Con? gress I rJaal District, and also United Slates commissioner, with headquarters at Sumter, 8. C. . ^Tbe Klngstree Star says r "The gin-house I and .appurtenances belonging to Hr. W. H. Kennedy was destroyed Dy Ure on Tuesday night, tho 22d ult. Mr. Kennedy was absent In Charleston at the time of the occurrence. [ We are informed thatr.bout bair after eight o'clock Mrs. Kennedy discovered a light at the gid-houae, and Immediately sent a servant j to inform Mr. Kennedy's clerks who were! sleeping lu his store near by, but bet?re they could be aroused the fire ' became unmanage? able. Hr. Kennedy is satisfied that the house wae-set on fire, as tracks were discovered leading from the building. He estimates his loss atone thonaand dollars. He offers a re? ward for proof to convict the incendiaries." . CHINESE POLITICS. A. recent writer In a German newspaper gives the following particulars ot the present condition ol affairs in China: . The emperor Is yet a minor In years, and the Slate la go verned by a regency, of which Prince Kung la the head. The empress-mother ls described as an able, energetic and ambi? tious woman, who ls also of the regency. The present issue at court la between Prince Kuog and the empress-mother. The former and his party wishes the young emperor to be pro? claimed of age OD tbe occasion ot bis ap? proaching marriage, and that he should then assume ine goverument in person. It is said the boy emperor is disposed to cultivate friend? ly relations with foreign powers, and Prince .Kimg supports the cl elm OJ the foreign diplo? matists to be allowed direct and personal com manh&tlon with the sovereign. Ic is sug? gested th st the' regent ls anxious to nd himselfoftherespoixsibirtyofihe Begenoy, particularly "In view of the hostility of the party of the impresa, who proposes to i keep toe Emperor , a minor two years - longer, during..which time he must remain under maternal tutelage. She ls represented as extremely anxious lest she should, loee her po vi er and Influence the moment she gave up .theTeins of government. She baa been able to defeat any .action by the regency on the question.oT admitting foreign ambassadors to the Emperor's presence, by ha v lo g ic post? poned tor decision by the Emperor wh?n be IB admitted of age. This question, which di? vides the Chinese Government ut this time, ls ona which In past time has agitated various European cou-ts. The mother ol Louis XIV 0046X1001: to continue her authority over the boy king, as did Catharine de MediciB over ber three sons, who successively, were Kings ot France, Bat the Kmperor Ot China is not likely to prove a Louis XIV; be ls represented to be a mere child as far as menial develop? ment and worldly knowledge ls concerned; he ls fond o? floe clothes ano theatrical page? antry, in which matters he is gratified by bis mother.. ' The same correspondent describes the pro? gress ra ade la military matters by the Chinese. A.large intrenched camp between Tientsin and Taku Is to be provided with six huge Krupp guns which have., been received from Europe. A new fort is building at the mouth ot the river south ot Taku, and a gunboat is stationed at the same point.- The troops are employed making roads facilitating commu? nication. The sailors of the navy are drilled tn the use of the Remington rifle. Altogether, such preparations for defence have been made that the capture ot Pekin hereafter will be more difficult than lt was when first at-1 tempted. _ THE LOTUS CLUB. Club life, especially that patronized by lite? rary and artistic . people, flourishes almost as weil lu New York as ll does lu that city of clubs, London. One of the most popular clubs, after the venerable "Century" and the gnat political "Union League," ls the "Lo tus," which oocnplesa modest brick bouse on Irring Place, next door to the Academy of Music. Mr. Whitelaw Reid, of the Tribune, ls the president.. The walls are lined with por? traits of famous men and women of all ages, an autograph portrait ot Marie Seebacb occu? pying the position of honor. The faces ol Booth, waUack, Shakespeare, Kellogg, and scores of others are seen. In a glass case there ls j a photograph of Stanley in the costume he wore wben he met Livingstone; in another glas? case a blt of broken china from tbe cimp-chest of ' Maximilian, the unfortunate Emperor of. Mexico.. On the mantel in the " reading room a Targe piece or gold quartz at? tracts attention as the gift ot Joaquin Miller. The Lotus Club from all accounts is not ex? actly as moral an institution as lt might be. It I has-a par, a reading saloon, a room full ot tables for card-playing, a Bult of parlors with a grand plano, a picture gallery, a llbrary.?c, Ac The servants wear a handsome uniform ot dark blue and silver. Its crowning glory appears to be numerous oil paintings ot ie males, who look as If they were about to go on the stage in one of Lydia Thompson's burlesques. NEW TORR VEGETABLE MARKET. The Dally Bulletin of Wednesday, October 30, eave: Tbe market for rouod potatoes is almost nominal. All tbe docks and freight depots are filled with Btock, which cannot be moved. When this large supply comes to be thrown on the marker, lt ls probable a momentary de? onne will take place In prices. Sweets are in fair request, and held a shade firmer, though but little can be done, owing to scarcity of J I horses and carls. Our quotations for potatoes are lo bulk; In shipping order 50c. per barrel mn<it be added. We quote: Peachblows $2a2 50; Early Rose al $150a2. and Early Goodrich, Dy-1 rights and Jackson whites at $160al 76. Sweet s ?2 V5a3 per bbl for Virginia, and $3a3 25for Delaware. We quote: Vegetables, red onions per bbl $2 50a3; do yellow $2 50s3; do Connec? ticut wiri te $4a4 50 per bbl. Squash, marrow? fat per bbl 75ca$l. Busala turnips $1 50 per bbl, white turnips il per bbl. Cabbages ?6al0 per 100; red cabbages $8al2. Beets, Jersey, $125al 50. Lima beans $5 per bag; do shelled $10 per bushel. Carrots per bbl $t 50. Celery $125al 50 per dozen. State SfotittS. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA-EXEC? UTIVE DEPARTMENT. Whereas, information has reached thia office tbat an epidemic among horses exists to an alarm lng extent in the Northern cities, and unless pre? cautionary means are provided against the in? troduction or this contagions Usease, great loss may be caused therefrom. Now. tbererore. I, Robert K. Scott, Governor or the state or South Carolina, do bereby ordain and proclaim that the importation of Horses and Mules ls prohibited, by railroad or otherwise, during the existence of this epidemic, and that all veeieis having such cargo arriving at the ports or Charleston, Georgetown and Hilton bead, be directed to remain at quar? antine anchorage until they are visited ano in? spected by the Health o ra ce rs or said potts, re? spectively. In testimony w hereof. I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the great Seal or the state tobe emited, at columbia, this twenty [L. a.] sixth day or October, A. D., 1872, and In the ninety-seventh year of the Independence or the Uni ted states of America. ROBBI- K. CCOTT-. Governor. F. L. CARDOZO, Secretary or State. octss-mwfS jgTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Ou ARLESTON, 8. C., < ' ctcber 22, 1872. To Commissioners of election for Union county : Whereas Bsa. H. W. DUNCAN, who, at a gene? ral election held october, 1870, was chosen a mem? ber of the senate for the Election District of I Union County, to serve for ihe term of faur years, hes, ?ince said election, deceased; and whereas I the Constitution of the State or South Carolina di? rects that in such case a Writ or Election shall be I Issued by the President of the Senate, for the pur? pose of niling the vacancy thus occasioned tor the remainder or the term for which the member so deceased was elected to serve; now therefore you, and each of you, are hereby required, after dne advertisement, and with strict i eg ard to aU the provtslons of the Constitution and laws of I said State touching your duty In such case, to hold an election for a member of the senate for I the Election District; aforesaid, to serve f ?r the re? mainder of the term for which the Bald Bon. H. W. DUNCAN was elected, the polls to be opened at the various places or elecUoo in the said Dis? trict, on TUESDAY, the fifth day of November, 1872, by [the various sets or managers for those pla?a. and the counting of the votes cast, and the declaration of the result or the election, to be In accordance with the provisions of rho Act ap-, proved March, wo, emitted "An Act to provide tor the General Elections, sud the manner or con meting the same." and th - act of 1872, amenda corr thereof. This ?nt, together with a certified 2opy of your return ol election, to be held under I lt, have bet?re the Senate at tts next meeting arter the election. . Witness, the Bon. A. J. RANSIER. President or I the senate, at Charleston. S. C., ibis 22d day or October, 1872. ALONZO J. RAN si Ell, President or Senate. Attest : J. WOODBOFP, Clerk or Senate, oct 24-11 gTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON, S. a. October 22,1872. 3D Commissioners of Election.! for Chester j County: Whereas, Hon. LUCIUS WIMBUSH, who at a general election held October, 1870, was chosen a member of the Senate tor the election district or Chesrer County; to serve for tbe term ot four years, has since said election deceased, and whereas, the Constitution or the State of .South Carolina directs that In such case a Writ of unc? tion shall bo Issued by the President of tue Sen? ate, for the purpose of niling the vacancy thus occasioned, for the remainder of the term for which the member so deceased was elected to serve; now, therefore, you and each of you are hereby required, alter due advertisement, a Jd with strict regard to all the provisions ortheCon? stitution and laws of said State, touching your duty in such case, to hold an election for a mem? ber of the Senate lor the Flection District afore? said. lOBerve for the remainder of the term for which the said Bon. Lucius WimbUBb was elected: the polls to be opene I at the various pla-es of election, in the said district, on TUKSDAY, the 6th day or November, 187i, by the various sets or Managers for those places; and the counting of the votes cast, and the declararon of the result or the election to be tn accordance with the pro? visions or the Act approved March, 1870 entiled "An Act to provide tor tbe general elections and the manner or conducting the same." and the Act j or 1872, amendatory thereor. This writ, together with a certified copy oryoor return or election to be held under ir, nave berore the Senate at Its next meeting arter the election. Witness, the Hon. A. J. RANSIER, President bf I the Senate, at Charleston, thu 22d day or October, 1872. AlOtZO J. RANSIER. President or the Senate. Attest: J. WOODRUFF, Clerk or Senate. oetst-ll STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 rXBctrrrvB DBPABTMBNT.J TO the Commissioners of Election: in accordance with section 3, of Article ?, or the General statutes or this State, yon are hereby notlOed and required to cause an Elecilon tobe held la your respecUve Counties on the first Tresday following the ?M Monday of November nexr, bein* the 6th day of the month aforesaid, tor seven 7) persons as Electors or President and Vice-Presldeut of the United Mates. Now, theiefore. you and each or you are hereby i wit h strict regard to the provisions or the Constitution and lawB or this State, touch lng your duty in such case, to cause such election to be held In your respective Connues on ihe day aforesaid, ana for the ascertaining and determin? ing or such persons who shall have been dulv elected thereat. ' All bir rooms and drinking saloons shall be closed on the doy or election, and any person who ehai sell any intoxication drinks on that day, shan be guilty or a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereor, shall be fined In a Sum not less than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned for a period not less than ons month, nor more than six months. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the gre*t Seat or the State to be affixed, at. Columbia, this am day or October A. D. 1872. and lo the ninety-seventh year of the' Independence of the United States ot America. l-l ROBERT K. SCOTT, Governor. F. L. CARDOSO, Secretary ol State. octn-tt Clo tiling ano iurmaqinq ?ooo?. NEWSTOKE! NEW GOODS! EVERYTHING NEW ! MENKE & MULLER, TAILORS AMD CLOTHIERS, INVITE .THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLiO TO THEIR SPLENDID NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, AND CHOICE MATERIALS FOR CUSTOM WORK AN INSPECTION OF THE GOODS AND PRICED IN THEIR NEW ESTABLISHMENT, COR, KING AND WENTWORTH STS., is RE:SPEGTPUI.L.Y SOLICITUD. OC18 Ornai, QL?roirai?, Us. JQR?GS AND MEDICINE?. WHOLESALE ?fe RETAIL, DR. H. BAER, HO. 131 MEETING bTREET. oners bli Large and Well-Assorted Stock or DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, FANCY GOODS, . ? Ac,. 4c, AO., AT THE LOWEST MARKET KATKS. ding Proprietary Constantly on hand all tbs Medicines FRENCH, ENGLISH. GERMAN AHI AMERICAN. FOUNTAIN SYRINGES, tue best and most COB renient for general nae. Also, every other kind of Syringe known In the market. Trasses, Abdominal Supporters, shoulder Braces, Abdominal Belts, Physicians' Baddle Bags, Physicians' Pooket-Casea, Elastic Stockings ? and Medicine Chests. Druggists' Glassware, or every ^ascription, a the lowest rates, and a foll assortment br "Drag, gists' Sundries." Agent for Nattan's "Crystal Discovery for the Hair." Agent for the "New York Medical' University's Preparations. Agent for Bison's Tobacco Antidote, and Up ham's Antidote to Strong DrDik. Agent for the elegant preparations or W. R. W?rner A Co., or Philadelphia, consisting of a foll Une of Flald Extracts, Sugar-coated Pira, Elixirs, Medicated Wines and syrups, Lt corlee and Pepsin Lozenges, Ac, ftc. Special attention ls directed to the following articles of his own m anarse tare : GERMAN SOOTHING CORDIAL! An exoeUent Carminative, invaluable m the diseases incident to the-period of.dentition children; as also in colic, diarrhoea, dysentery, and other Infantile complaints, it la soper lor to other medicines used for this purpose,1 as lt ls en. ti re ly free from any Injurions drag,-, and CONTAINS KO ANODYNE I lt 1B recommended by the best physicians, and mothers may administer lt-with-confidence. THE EXCELSIOR HAIR TONIC, ls a carefully prepared Dressing for the bair, at once answering the purposes of ha tr oU, hair wash, and bair tonic It contains no sulphur lead, or nitrate of silver, -and ls NO DYE I lt wUl promote a healthy growth of hair, and prevent their fining; ont, abd wtll net injure the general system. Baer's Improved Vegetable Cathartio Fills. A gentle Aperient, of purely vegetable sub? stances, recommended for Dyspepsia, Headache Constipation, Ac, Ac DOUBLE DISTILLED BENZINE, for removing grease spots, and olean lng clothes. None but th Purest Drugs used, and satlsfa .? tlon guaranted, both aa io price and quality. Order are solicited from Druggists, Phys.dsns, Country Merchants, Planters and others, with the assurance that they shall' receive prompt and earful attention. .mchJ-SmosooAw SIGNALS . OF- - ? - DANGER. -DISEASE, like the rattlesnake, usually gives fair war n lng before lt stnkfs. A fairing appetite, a forrea? tongue, nausea, headache-, want Of proper action in the bowels, frverl9hne8B.;htiislthdtf, nervous? ness and uneasy feeUnir lathe stomach, Ac. are all symptomatic or a coming attack or Indiges? tion, blUousness, colic fever, or some Other posi? tive form of disease. Wnentbns menaced/resort | Immediately to Tamat'i Efferreseent Seltzer Aperient, and thus avert the attack. Acting simultaneous ly upon the digestive organs, the liver, the bow ela and the nerves, this .refreshing and agreeable alterative will soon restore the system to its nor? mal condition or health, regularity and vigor. Sold by all druggists._ OggjrM I Afonos, Jjgggfj us. Furnished at factory prices for Cash, or by Monthly Payments on the most liberal terms. CHARLES L. M ' C L E NAH AN, Plano and Musis Store, sep8-4mos No. Ul King street, i THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE rariRMiM SIRE, CJ?ARI/ESTON,' s. c. a 88 888 3883 888888 8S3SS9SS 89B88SBSSS : sssssaassssssasssssssaasassssass 88888888 .', . ,.88388889 8SS88 WU l l ?88883 SS S3 '8888 888 BT AR 883 gS STAB gg S S sit SHIRTS S8SS 8888 88888 . '88888 S8SS88 EMPORIUM 883883 88S88SSS. 88333888 SSSSSSSSSS 88888898 888889 88888 88 S TIM Proprietor of the above Ea tab ii? a me nt has Jost returned from New York with a new and well selected Stock of the Oeleorated STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS, ' ALSO, A FOT ASSOBTltkKT OP ' . ?*.:..'.? ? iii : ? .a if tc.:: .?fi*!x2Q<i/i < CrESTLKBKS'S FUHNI3HI.VG GOODS, C0KBISTTNO OP UNDERWE AB , . Shaker Flannel, Wool and Merino, Cotton Flan? nel, Shirts and Drawers, au (trades and ail sises. English Merino and Cotton Bair Hose. Also, a foil selection of the latest Hovel ties in NECKWEAR, . English Windsor Scarfs, Marquise Scar rs, Lord Stanley Scar/a, Livingston cravats, Chancellor Soar rs, Bows and Ties. Gray's PAPER C0LLAB8 of ali descriptions. Walking Canes and Umbrellas. E. SCOTT, MKETINQ STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET HALL. flrrp ?OC?&, &z. CHEAPER fiM?vWr THE L?RGrE STOCK OF CRESS GOODS DOMESTICS FLANNELS BLANKET8 SHAWLS HOSIERY NOTION8 dee., OF THE LATE T. KELLT, AT TBE STORE, No. 204 KING STREET, still unsold, will be ottered for ?FEW DATS LONGER, AT REDUCED PRICES ! And all desiring to get bargains will do well to call and examine the Stock. M. I?. O'CONNOR, oct28-mwr Administrator. PDRCH60TT, Bfi^DICT& CO., IVO. 975 KING STREET, WILL OPEN OK MONDAY, AND EVERY DAT DUBING TBE WEEK. AN Immense variety or NEW AND DESIRABLE 3001)3,. which we guarantee to be the best selected Stock m this market, and which are offer? ed at lowest New York prias: DRESS GOODS. BLACK BILKS FANCY SILKS COLORED BILKS IRISH POPLIN8 SILK VELVETS VELVETEEN SILK VALOURS CA?HMEBETB EMPRESS CLOTH SATINS BOMBAZINES CRAPE CLOTH JAPANESE SILKS FRENCH PO PLI NS PLUSH MERINOS EPPING LI NS ALPACAS, And all other styles or Dress and Mourning Gooda. FULL LINES OF Domestic and Housekeeping Gboods. FURS ! FURS ! FOBS ! KID GLOVES I _ KID GLOVES 1 KID GLOVES ! Fine Selection of Cloths in Newest Styl?s. BEAVERS CASSIMERES BROADCLOTHS DI AGONELS SEALSKINS DOGSKINS OLOAKING3 : FLANNELS BLANK ?TS COVERLETS DOESKINS VESflNGS SHAWLS : ' Ac.i Ac. LAMB WOOL CLOAKING, (something new.) Gents' Furnishing Goods. A NEW AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF TOE LATEST FASHIONS. WHITE SHIRTS UNDERWEAR BOWS HANDKERCHIEFS SILK HANDERCHIEFS NECKTIES COFFSANDCOLLABS GLOVES UMBRELLAS, Ac. A COMPLETE AND FINE LINE OF Ladies' Underwear. This Department la attended to by Clerk Ladies, engaged lor thu purpose. Newest styles ot Untrimmed HATS, Flowers, Feathers, Bat Ornaments. Corsets, Hosiery, Bows, Scarfe, Lace Coila's, Lace Handkerchiefs, Dress ann Cloak Trimming, Fringes, Ac. Special attention is called to the Great Bargains we offer In Carpets! Carpets! Carpets! Bonght 26 per cent under vAlue, and which we guarantee to all at lower figures than tney cnn oe bought at any Northern market. Mr. CLOT WOUTU Y has charge or making and laying all or our Carpets. His wont ls guaranteed to give satis? faction. Our Stock or UPBOLSTERT GOODS 19 tbe finest, best and cheapest. WINDOW SHADES CORNICES LACE CURTAINS, Ac. Special Departments for our very extensive Stock of Goods for the Wholesale Trade, and Mer chants, Milliners and Farmers will always And the best and cheapest selection of goods at our store. we have adopte l the strictly One-Price system in au our Departments, Respectfully, FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO. NEW ST O R E . S. J?HNST?N, Will open on SATURDAY, November 2,at 'Ko. ?87 KINGSTRRET, below George, weat Bldcanew. and well selected stock of HOSIERY an ?J GLOVES, FANCY GOODS, DBESS TRIlUIiNGS and small wares. ,_novi-2* . FALL AND WINTER 1873. E. W. MARSHALL ft GO., WHOLESALE HEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS IND NOTIONS. We offer to the Trade an unusually Large and Well-Purchased Stock or the above . Gooda, wh'ch WU1 be kept fall during th : season by a Resident Buyer In the Northern Markets, and will be sold at pnces as low as can be obtained elsewhere. : E. W. MARSHALL A CO.. No. 141 Meeting stn et, Charleston, S. 0. . oct 7-m wran o (Tl) ina, Croc kerri, &z. CHINA, GLASS ?l?D~CR^rCKERT, ^ AT THE OLD STAND, KING STREET, CORNER OF LIBERTY STREET. The Subscriber would respectfully inf rm bis friends and the public that his steck ls now com? plete lu CHINA, GLASS Ail) CROCKERY, Plain White and .Fancy China, Class and Paney Calna Goods, Lamps, Shader, Ac., Ac. octi0-th8tu3rao8 K. B. Mo DOWELL. Agent, doora, Sasljes ano ?linbs "^rirVTOALET" Manuf acture r anil Dealer ia DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, STORE DOORS, MOULDINGS. NEWELS, BALUSTERS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, SLATE MANTELS. OFFICE AND 8ALES ROO WS, No. Q? Hayne srtre?t, FACTORY, HORLB EC K'S WH AB F mchs-rmwlv_ (Storni*?-, liTPoro, &t. H. KLATTE & O?. AGENT8 FOR CHARLESTON. We bave appointed Mes irs. H. KLATTE A 00. Sole Agents for Charleston for this Celebrated Brand of PORE KENTUCKY WHISKEYS, both BYES aod BOURBON. These Whiskeys are guaranteed pure KENTUCKY COPPER DISTILLED, Iree from all compound Im? purities, and hi univ recommended by eminent chemists for medical usc. rue Brand ls patented to prevent infringements. BARKHO??SE BROS. & CO? Louisville, Ky. We reaped fully Inform our friends' and cns torn? era that we keep constantly on hand a full supply or the above already favor? bly well known Whin? ers. and offer same to tue trade at distiller's prices. IL RLVTTE A 00., augai-stuthsmo No. 18* East Bay. Gijgotf, (Eoaatco, &t. EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFAOTTJBINQ CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE No. 310 KING STREBST, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Of Bil k Inda. 1 PIPES of every quality. Call and examine stock before buying else; where. ! WILLIAM SCHRODER, Proprietor, j rLB.-The Wheel or Fortune conotantly on hand. Divest36 cents and try your luck. mchT-nrA'wivr Mineral Spmnj?D^ THE NEW DISCOVERY, MINERAL SPERM OIL. This OIL ls perfectly non-explosive, will not Ignite at 300 degrees Fahrenheit, and 1B entirely odorless. For railroad cars, steamers and dwell? ing houses ls invaluable. Recommended by the Board of Underwriters Steamboat inspectors. President or Chamber of commerce and Captains of steamers trading to this port, and by hundreds of families wt>o are now using lt in the city. Ia more brilliant than Kerosene, Lighthouse or other Explosive Oils now in use. OIL BURGERS AND 0H1MNIES at wholesale and retail by DOUGLAS A MILLER, Sole Agents for the Stale pi South Caroona, Dialers la Paints, o ls, Glass, Ac, Ac, - - No. 93 East Bay, sooth or Posto nice, oe17-lmo Charleston, 8. C F0 S1& R NEW YORK. ON THURSDAY, Tra NOVEMBER, AT ll O'OLOCKiAM. NEW IBON STEAM LIKE-ESTABLISHED 1870. . STATE BOOMS ALL j?N DECK. The SpteBortfr. New Iron s ide wheel steamship SOUTH CAROLINA Beckett, Commander, win Hall for New York on THDTBDAY, Tnrl?ovemb?r, st iv o'clock A. M..rrcm Pier ?'WhfJTeB. Through Bills or Lading,to Liverpool and the New England cities as usuaL ' mt Insurance oy steamers'o; fels line K'per cent. .? . . *[~ For Freight or Passage .engagements; having very flee ?Deek Stateroom accommodations: ' ap? ply to: WAGNER, BUGER A CO., No. 2S Broad Btreer, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. l Union Wharves._ : novl JOB NEW Y O R K. ?~~ RBW YORK AND CHARLESTOS STEAMSHIP LISE. ESTABLISHED 1845. The sftefidMrStdet? TANi M. S. I Woodiml^ ! ; will sail rrom, Alger's Sooth -Wharf, on SATUBDAY, the 2d November, at -'o^clockr? "J"' " J '" 1 For Freight or Passage engagemenisBppfyta . ?getty ; , JAMt? ADw?JtAiCa. Agenta. npHE PHILADELPHIA IRON STEAM .. mites .:i3?HWt Lae HM tasS THE? FIRST-CLASS IBO* 8 OR 0 VP STEAMSHIPS j '*''n Y?ROL^rA, eapt?iayulDctiey^ . . ' GULF STREAM, Captain Hunter, Are no? regularly on the Line, Insuring a first class sea connection between Philadelphia and Charleston, and lh alliance with Railroad Compa? nies at . hoth'ter MID?.-'siro rd r?pw transportation to and from all polnta-ln the- ootton. States, and to and rrom ci ncl o a ? tl, st. Lon ls, Chicago and the principal cities of the- Northwest,'Uoaton; Provi? dence and tho Eastern.Manufacturing .Centres. ? Aar;The VIRGINIA ls appointed to sall from Brown's Waarf ori FBnurf?lst November, at harpist a o'clock; P.. H.,- . 3 A3-The GOLF STREAM Will follow. ... For particulars of Knight arran Re men ts. apply tO-'^'JU WM.A. COCRTLNAY, Union wnarvea. j W. P. CLYDE A CO,, General Agents, No. 12 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. ' oct28 ' F ORB O S T O N. The flrat-r-lst- Screw steamship MER OEUITA, Maranman. Commander, wu?_ sail -tor the above port on SATOBJDAT, the M AU vern ber. . as- The steamship GRENADA will roi low OB SATURDAY, 9.h November. Per freight or passage engagements, apply to ?CKMl JAMES AllOBR A CO., Agents. QHANGE OE SAILING DAYS, ISO RB AS ETD SERVICE. PACIFIC MALL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S I THROUGH LISE TO CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUOED. Steamers of the above line leave Pler^ftSBav No. 42, North River, toot of Canal street, SfcaflfiK New York, at 12 o'clock noon, of theiosn. mn and soth or every month, except when these dates rail on sunday, then the Saturday preceding. AU uepanures connect at Panama with bteam era for south Pacific and eelt ral American ports. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran? cisco first or every month, except when lt rails on Sunday-then on the day preceding. !.-. No California steamers touch at Havana, but go direct from New York to AsplnwalL One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult' Medicine and attendance free. ?. -, For Passage Tickets or other Information, apply M the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on the Wharf foot of Canal street, North River, New York. F. R. BABY, Agent. augio-iyr_ ? > POB LIVERPOOL, VTA QUEENSTOWN CARRYING TEE UNITED STATES 'MAILS. THE LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN l^jjjfr STEAM OOMPAOT ^?Sk win dispatch one of their flrst-claai, full pow? iron nero w a tea ms h ipa Hom .. ? PIER No. 40 N. R., EVERY WEDNESDAY, Cabin Passageaso^igald; i. - Steerage Passage- (omeo No. 30 Broadway) SSC onrrency. . . . ' For Freight or Cabin Passage, apply to WILLIAMS A GUION, , No. 63 WaU street, N. T. H. E.-Through Bills Lading to Liverpool issue/ ay the Charleston ansi New York Steamers, wald make close connection with tho above Uno. For particulars and rate of Freight apply to 77 . JAMES AiKlBR ACC., WAGNER, HUGER A Ca, ' mays Or WM. A. OOURTENAY. QHANG? OP SCHEDULE, MOUNT PLEASANT AND SULLIVAN'S ISLAND FERRY. COMPANY. (UNTIL FUBTHAB NOTICE.) On and arter November 2 the fol- . _?ff^a? lowinsr schedule will he mn: jgBSSt?m LKave' cttyi'ir Mount Pleasant at io A. M., 3 andi o?c'ook P.M. Leave City lor Island 10 A M., and 3 o'clock P. M. ' 'Leave bland for City at ll A. M., and VA o'clock P.M. Leave Mount Pleasant for City at 8 and nu A. M., and 4X o'clock P. Mir - An extra trip from the City every MONDAY at 8 \ o' eic ck A. M. " " * . An extra trip rrom the Island every MOND IT, TUKSDAT, THURSDA* and SATURDAY MOBNINO at 7*?>n sunday the first trip from MountPleasant at fi' ' and from Island at 9 A.M.,- and last trip from leland at 4% o'clock P. M., and Mount Pleasaat at 6 o'OlOCK P. M. I il ? Tue last trip from City for either place at 3 o'clock P: M. . ' .'."?.' ~; ' . ' 1 No Freight received arter half;paat 2 o'clock P. IL and all Freight must be prepaid. Dupli? cate Receipts required. This'Schedule will ba run by City Poa toffl ce time. novl-3 E. PRENDERGAST, Agent. F OR FLORIDA./ VIA SAVANNAB-TWIOE A WEEK. The Splendid SldewWsi Steamer DICTATOR. CaptainL. M. Coxetter, . ,,? cm' POINT, captain George- E. McMillan, wu leave cbarleston every TUMBAY and Faro AT EVEKINGS, at 8 o'clock, for SAVANNAH, FEB* NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, j PAUATKA, AND ALL LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER. Rein ra lng, DICTATOR* 111 leave PALATKA FBI DAY MOBNINO, and SAVANNAH SUNDAY Moa* ma, arriving here.stTNOAY AWKBNOON. _ _. -ji CITY POINT will have PALATKA MONTJIT MORNING and SAVANNAH WXDNBIDAY Mo RH? INO, arriving here WMWBSDAY APTlBi OOH,' Connection ls made at Fernandina with "Rail? road for New -Ot leans'?ad-Havana, via Cedar Revs; at Jacksonville with Steamer STARLIGHT tor HellonvlllB, Enterprise and Upper St, John's River; at TOCol with Railroad for St.- Angus. tine; and at Palatka wita, steamers forth* Ock lawaha River. . . . .. ,? ".. ,.".,.. All Freight for Way Landings' must be prepaid on wharf. >g sh .. ,o<? For Freight, or Passage, having elegant ac? commodations, apply V6'n ?? ? . ? RA VEN EL A CO., Agents, . . Corner Vanderhorst's Wharf and East Bay. bets SPONGES. Bath Sponges ...... . Toilet Sponges r . . ' Surgeons' Sponges" -1 . . carriage Sponges v . ..<. slate sponge. For sale by DR. H3 BAER. Bo. 131 Meeting street. SSS T>OUGHRI0E^N^eeUNT OF ALL THIS DAT," ?he ?P^OTemb^^'Sfl moid mt jWesc Point mu, at irtnaock, on acoo nut of a 360 boBh??-RQTJGH'Brc^ Conditions caen,'-? T :.. ,-?CJI JUIOO a'xf? oj^an . By BLECKE ? PET?r??A?f??^ AFIRST-CLASS FAMILY GROCBSr .. . STORK AT AUCTION. ^ ' SSft-'? Tn it desirable and popular GROCERY srORKv non beast corner Meei lng and Calhoun .trw*,* will be tola av Auction THIS MO*NtSty3?W*K ?aa??^^ for no fault, simply becaose the- propfletovwn-: template? a cnanrtto3>i>MaeW$b-!i:> lalsrcflwrl By MLLB? DBASE. BOOTS AND SHOES; V-Oixyji T BIS MORN isa, at io o'clock, I w?l sen at my.Store, corner King-and Liberty streets, A fine line of Mets'? ; Boara,- Ba?ana3alMio rals, Creolejnd Button Coog?eaa,. Plough -Sboea, Malakoff. Women's Elp and serge Witta'Slip-: pera, children's Shoes, *c, AC, joar<recasV6cl from Northern mannfactorJeSr,. ;_~s H.0fMBoir4,,/ ???WO W???B?pi? .: ? . .'?Ataet?an'ai?r? ?t?W ?fi ,?W.V.>v HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, HOSSB anl wagon. BaroQche.. .complex OntOt ot Carpen tero' Tools belonging to aa Estate, Carpeta, stoves, -Fancy Soaps, Ac. Salesroom* no.--ts' Wentworth street, trill sell Tais* ?AT,>tLW; o'clock, the above. - no vj.. By LOWNDES & GBLM?JALL, ' ' Auctioneer?. fr??fl?) - v REF ? B El;' S(SALK-YAiUA?LE-, Real Estate at Auction. . Daniel 8. Ppt^.Aa junee vg. John King, Tnntee.' Tnthe Oon??OO ?.aa. .. .:.:> V. L ?f :*3 . B .A 3 By vlrtne of an order or a*ie in ,hW) case,,to me directed by the Hon. R. F. Graham.-jttflge-oT ttia First Circuit. I wm otTav fer-aale, at pnbuo ?ac? tion, at the Foauaaioa^Uharleatoc, on TUESDAT, the fifth day of & o v<?mbef,*A. D?T872, at ii Cclocx. A. li ^ all the mortgaged-premlsau described la 8 WMb^PL^Att??/bT rr?*briana?oh Ed lalo J ala tw. known aa >ltki vernor a tuna.!' cuuws and bounding bo^by a bftffih-Cf^crrer?w's Creek add-on labiaorBpIlraJr*sDks?snAOsosjs and orfoorgeB- Clarke. ana^vtl^t??S^b^r; sohih by landt-lof )*tx* t.?iWitomt MdTtfQW-.' er ? or's creek : ?easurtogs ?o4? ^^'n|r^h?u acres:,of blgA taaoV nuYabooti tmjimik>-Pf mS?.S????r mmstm years; to be secured by bond; ; beartn* latera? at ccaser to pay Refaree for aaneoataary paporan c.' No. 56 Broad Street. less. with extensive'andbeinuroig^obdsiw? houie, orena nit, Ac. Larv ? ?o<ioa^cdaunn*lwt Moil buildings; : Lot containing one ar,<mortiA&&efr FORD. A an?. io wiMfM?r.:cf gOOTH CABOLXSA ^?^J^^m^ Excnralon TicKia^he^ta^^ bia will b& on sile from the SS t? the ?re?r no? vember, good ?j ymr aa-Angnsta, Columbia, camden. -Oi*hgee?rg, BamweU and Alkea pape? piesse oona mool? : . SOUTH OABX?iQ?? ^HAlLBOA?. K . . i J ol insblfirie %i tiaHdvt .'aim t3. OHABiiksroir, S. C., SetftanWsr flt' ttn*' On ana arter SUNDAT. september 2?J the Paa aeuger Tra?na on the South Carolina Railroad will rna aa follows: ' :W7^ .-^7!~.7.J2 ?; C. Voa OOUTlfBIA. . ?j ^;,c l^vecoarlceton........................ 0,30.^11 Arrive at Columbia-. 6.20 r M . son AoecsTA. ? - ? .'; Wfa?*> Beats Ohaneatoa.....................o., sao J. ss Leave CoinmbU.,. s.*?'? -t Arriva at-Charleston. <u?a . t Leave Augusta................;.....V?.; V.0WA'1? Arrive at Charleston.................... Ai? ? tl xo,:-; :wunrwA ?Mar xxrassr.^v l^veCharlest^^^.?.?^'......- ttUpOjt Arrive at Colombia..........6.80 A U uave Columbia.TAO r ? Arriva at Charleston.................... a44.A M ADOUHTA waar ixvaass. ,.. ,? ^....n ! (Sundays excepted.) ?'T*?25* Leave Charleston.. 8.S0??ii ArtveatAagua^?...?.:*.^t...-^.,4^^ Leave Augusta.-.Mmt Arrive at Charleston.HWA^t BUsQOBVlaU-fSAai. Leave Snmmervtlle at.T.M A u Arrive at charleston .'.........;.'.u^.?;'vUi)A ic LeaveCkarleaton. s,s* rx Arrive at snmmorvlllo. tiny U OUCH KN TBA Ut. UiiHtO tflB?| rysaveCwnden.- 7-20,A M .\rnve at A M Leave UonMnbl?....M...............:v.^tVI? V'm Arrive at Camden...... ,. O.M. V ? Day and Night Trains connect at Augusta wita Macon and Anguflta Kafiroad, Central Railroad aadrOeorgJA: Railroads ttjo anlcieat^d moet direct route and as corni ortabl? anacneapAS any other route tc Louisville, Olno?nnaiL'Ohl?ait), st. Louis ana au other point! West at4 Northwest, . Columbia Sig it Train connocts wuh ureenvu]t ^nd columbia Railroad; and Day aihtSlgtrttrtfcS connect with CbMtot? Road; ? : !--...;.-tia-^1 ' Camden Train oortnedta as KingTiiie. dairy "v. u~.:> .. A.41TPaBL>tlUU WSStW .: a B. PIOKEHS. O. T. A. y r,: AW?' ? NORTHEASTERN ' RAHiROAD COM SsrWiHtSE^^^^^^^ jj a^WOA?, un. Tratos will leave char loa?* Daily ^ ?0,^ A. M captad) and Aa?. M, rf^nj&3pjfon ?ay/i tAfttlart I D Train leaving io .16 A. M. malea tbrooa*fi?D3B*> Uon to New XorMta Wcfimond and, Achato Creek only, aolirg through Ur? hoqr?.__ - I'aaaeagers-liaving by, 8JO-P. K Train, have choice of route, via Richmond andJSfjSWMgHfe or vu Portamonth and Bal?mora. ThceeieAring FBiDATby this Train lay ever on SUNDAY tn Bal amore., Tnoseieavlng on SAiipanATjciB^tojS^ ant route to Linoinnat^ CWa^ ?d^tftfJPP^ waiora ann onto Ranrc^^^^^ Engineer ani SupermwndMt. ' P. L. OLBAPOB. Geo.Ticket jgg^SSS Q AV ANN AH AND CHA J^-A ' -r ? : RAILROAD. ' Y. CH iBUBioH, Juna ivi?w. On aad after-MesnaaTi Ju- Ititi *no Pas? senger Tra?na on this Roa?^^rnn aa iolUrws: T^vef?s^Wn-ctatiy...v....?..!..... MUdjk Arrive at sa van nah. dally. ?.?P. JJ Leave Savannah dally,...-.LL? P. M. Arrive at Oaarteatoanaiiy......' t A. M. 1 ?'j l.)=f.?j;.' ,H PA? TRAI?. _ ^ . J'ta Jag usare Sava&aah, sundaji' ^fS^fe^j?** raaxe cloac-connoctJoa wtth Pon ^yai Ka^oad 1ni^oiDii in Florida and by Savanna*ila? cg steamship" ^ Lofl^n- UUipatoh glvm W 'r??^u?OT ' Beaurott'and- pomt? omi 'Port ISilroad and ai as low rat?n aa by Any tMbR lg? TjcMtsonaaieay^ oas^SMMim^t PprTRoyal,^i^- ^ |^S?iSk. - ; 8.0, BOYLSTOH. ?en'l f^^.tst? ^uflM. , , . n, . -? ?,-;7yv-y,-, . -. .. rv: r . -9^S!^^^i^g^