ghrttgf ano .fflioi?rtcg. DB. FITLER'S V?GETABLEPRHED^ KAUO SYRUP. Warranted ander oatn never tu bave failed to cnn.- ?8,800 Oerttllcate* or tefitlraoniala of core, toemdlng Rev. G. H. Ewing, Media, Pennsylvania; Rev. Joseph Beggs, Falla of Schuylkill, Philadel? phia; the wife of Rev. J. B. Davis, Ilurbtatown, Hew Jersey; Rev. Thomas Murphy. Frankford, Philadelphia; Doctor Jennings and Doctor Walton, Philadelphia; Hoo. J V. Greeley, member Con? gress from Philadelphia; Hon. Jnd*e Lee, Cam? den, New Jersey; ex-Senator Stewart, Baltimore; ex-Governor Powell, Kentucky, and thousands or ott.>ra. Warranted to caro or money refunded. DB. GEO. OAULiER, Agent, Jnlyl-lyr . -_Charleston. 8.0. pEBFUME ATOMIZERS. Tills new and elegant addition to the toilet tabla ls coming dally into more general use. A full nupply-dur?rent s ty les -constant ly on uand At DR. LI. BARR'S Drug Store, . _ No. 131 Meeting street. BEEF, WINE AND IRON AND BEEF, WINE, IRON AND CINCHONA. These elegant and excellent stimulating Tonics are now getting into general use, especially in casea of delicate females and childi en. They may be had of DR, H. B A UK, No. 131 Meeting street. A full stock or Elixirs, and ull the other new Pharmaceutical Preparations always kept on hand._ "DRTJSHES. JL> A Fun Assortment or the Best Tooth Brushes Nail Brushes Bair Brushes Flesh Brushes 8 ha vlng Brushes Inlant Brushes. For sale by DR. H. BAER, ._No. 131 Meeting street SPONGES. Bath Sponges Toilet Sponges ? Surgeons' Sponges Carriage Sponges Beer Sponge V Slate Sponge. For sale bj DR. H. BASK, .-_No. 131 Meeting street \f EDICINE CHESTS, JU. Physicians' Saddle Boga Physicians' pocket Cases >??-:; Electric Machines. For sale by - DR. H. BAER, ' ?_ No. 181 Meeting street. CJAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY, O r WITH DB. PIERCE'S NASAL DOUCH E : , ., - "AND. . DR. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DeBing's Pile Remedy DeBing's Via Fug SB - i ;-...?. J>r,Horsiord's Acid Phosphates Wllber'sOodllVerOil and Lime. Foraalaby - . ,~" DR, LL BAER, _. _ Na 181 Meeting street. ? MARBLE DUST, amphoric Add Bicarbonate of Soda Tartaric Add Flavoring Extracts Cream or Tartar Alcohol, 08 per cent Ac, Ac, Aa At lowest market rates. By _DR. H. BARR. Na isl Meeting street. pERFUMERY. EXTRACTS FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. Comprising a variety of Lnbln'a Choi cea t Odors fl Piessejt'LnWn,,; . IF Atkinson IB i . , Mouuleroc .- 10 LeGrand And o hirts' Extracts, in great variety . . . ALSO, Rodete Hygi?nique Oil Huile PMlocome If Savage's Ursina ' Aa, Ac, io For sale by DR. H. BAER, _Na 131 Meeting street. THE TENDER BABE I 'dive lt not tho deadly compound known ss Soothing Syrup. A certain popular article or this nameihas launched thousands or helpless Inno? cents Into an early grave This bas been proven repeatedly, and beyond the shadow or a doubt, ror which reason lt is condemned by the majority ol physicians. Seeing the necessity for an article or this sort, entirely free from opiato, and other injurious drags. Dr. Baer has pot up the . GERMAN SOOTHING CORDIAL, st for tte ase of Infants Teething, and for children cb .uttering from diarrhoea, dysentery. Aa This oe may be given with perfect conndence, and ls ap? proved by every physician who bas examined the f?rmala. Price aa cents per bottle; ave bottles for ll. Canal Discount to the Trade. Mannfaetnred and ror sale by DR. H. BAER, Na 1X1 Meeting street, Charleston. &gnnttt>rc, ^orttcniture, Ut. \ ? -pRUlT TREES, SHALL FRUITS, ORNAMENTAL TREES AND PLANTS, 0D0IUB GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, Ac ? splendid stock of the choicest varieties. Send for descriptive catalogue and price list. AU Trees well packed so as to carry safely to any part of the United su te ?. 8MALL FRUITS AND SMALL PLANTS, of all 'kine-s, sent by mail, postage paid, to any postoffice In the Un [ted states. EDWARD J. EVANS A CO., lr Nurserymen ?nd Seedsmen, j b JtUy26-th4m(8 York, Pa. h t?&EsJimini Saloons. IE ^OADEM Y OF MUSIC SALOON. r OYSTERS on the Hair-Shell, and Hot; Tom and y Jerry to-night. Also, Lunch from n to 1 o'clock. ^ LOUIS RONNER, ai octnmo Late Barkeeper at the Mills House, h ? ?rjirto ano Jmmofjmg ?oo?s. j ? M O O T s??S I? i ti THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE | ?J P rt d ti Ci it a ?WS FURNISHING STORE, CHARLESTON, 6. C. S SS SSS BBSS 8388S 8S8S83 833SS88S B88888S8 SSSSSSSS ?s scorner 8B8S SSSS If STAR is '?' eis SHIRT IIB 88SS SSSS SSSSS 8SS83 BSSSSS EMPORIUM SSSSS3 SSSSSSSS B8S3SSSS. S8SSS3SBSSSSBSSS8SSSSS3SSSRSSSSS . ;. 8SSSS8SSSS -8888SBSS 8SSSSS SSSSS SSSS S3 S The Proprietor of the above Establishment bas Inst returned from New York with a new and well selected Stock of the Cole orate d STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS, ALSO, A FINK AS80KTHXNT 0? OKNTLKStKN'S FURNISHING GOODS, CONSISTING OF UND-EBWEAK, Shainr Flannel, Wobi and Merino, Cotton Flan Bel. Shirts and DrAwere, allxrades and all sizes. Entusa Menne ?nd Cotton Hair Ho*e. A?tSW? selection or the latest. Novelties in ^aognsh WWdsor Scarfo, Marqolse Soarfs, LOM Stanley Scans, Livingston Cravata, Chancellor Scarfs, Bows and Ties. Gray's PAPER COLL A R? or ail descriptions, ss/slklng Canes and Umbrellas., jprnSQ STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET' HALL. ; SJrp ?0003, fit. FDRCHGOTT, BBNfiDICT & CO., NO. 375 KING STREET. WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, AND EVERY DAY D?RING TOE WEEK, AN immense variety of NEW AND DESIRABLE 300DS, which we guarantee to be the best j selected Stook In this market! and which are dfler 3d at lowest New York prices: DRESS GOODS. BLACK SILKS FANCY SILKS COLORED SILKS IR?8H POPLINS 8ILK VELVE I'S VELVETEEN SILK VALOURS CAbHMERETB EMPRESS CLOTH SATINS BOMBAZINES CRAPE CLOTH JAPANERS SILKS FRENCH POPLINS PLUSH MERINOS EPPINGLIN8 ALPACAS, And all other styles or Dress and Mourning Goods. POLL LINES OF Domestic and Housekeeping (foods. FORS! FURS! FUB8! KID GLOVES ! KID GLOVES ! KID GLOVES 1 Pine Selection of Cloths in Newest Styles. (RAVERS . OASSIMEBES BROADCLOTHS DI AGONELS. SEALSKINS DOGSKINS GLOAKINGS FLANNELS BLANKETS COVERLETS DOESKINS VESTINGS SHAWLS ?C., Ac j AH B WOOL CLOAKING, (something new.) Gents' Furnishing Goods. t NEW AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE LATEST FASHIONS. ITHITE 8HIRTS UNDERWEAR BOWS HANDKERCHIEFS ILK FI A ND ERCHIEFS NECKTIES CUFFS AND COLLARS GLOVES UMBRELLAS, Ac. A COMPLETE AND FINE LINE OF Ladies' Underwear. This Department ls attended to by Clerk Ladles, Qgaged tor thu purpose. Newest styles or Untrimmed H?TS, Flowers, eathers, Hat Ornaments. Corsets, Hosiery, ows, Scarfs, Lace Colla*s, Lace Handkerchiefs, ress and Cloak Trimming, Fringes, Ac Special attention ls called to the Great Bargains I ?e offer lo * j ( iarpets! Carpets! Carpets! Bought 25 per cent under value, and which we ?arantee LO all at lower figures than they can i bought at any Northern market. Mr. OLOT OKTHY has charge of making and laylog all or ir Carpets. His work la guaranteed to give satis ctlon. Our Stock of UPHOLSTERY OOODS ls the finest, ?st and cheapest. 'ENDOW SHADES CORNICES LACE CURTAINS, Ac Special Departments for our very extensive oak oraoodn for the Wholesale Trade, and Mer ants, Milliners and Farmers will always lind tbs st and cheapest selection or goods at our Btore. We have adopte l tbe strictly One-Prlco system i all our Departments, Respectfully, FCROBGOTT, BENEDICT A 00. State Notices. ?JTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. OBA?Ln&toN, & C., October 22, 1812. 0 Commissioners of Election for Union County : Whereas Hau. H. W. DUNCAN, who, at a gene il election held october, 1870, waa chosen a mein? er or the Senate for the Election District of inion County, to servie ror lbe term or faur years, HS, since Bald election, deceased; and whereas ne Constitution of the State or South Carolina, di sets that in such case a Writ of Election shalt be laued by the president or the Senate, ror the.pur ose or filling the vacancy thus occasioned for the amalnderof the term ror which the member ao eceased was elected to serve; now therefore on, and each or you, Are hereby required, after ue advertisement, and with strict i ?gara to all ie provisions of the Constitution "and laws of ?ld State touching your duty in such case, to old an election for a member af the senate for ie Election District aforeaald, to serve fer the re ialn Commissioners of Elections for Chester County: Whereas, Hon. LUCIUS WIMBUSH, who at a [enera! election held October, 1870, was chosen a nember of the Senate for the election district of Jheater County, to serve for the term ot Tour rears, has since said election deceased, and vbereas, tho Constitution of the State of south 3arollna directa that in auch case a Writ or E ec lon shall be issued by the President or the Sen tte, for the parp?se of filling the vacancy thus wcasloned, for the remainder of the term lor vhlch the member so deceased was-elected to lerve; now, therefore, you and each of you are ?ereby required, alter due advertisement, asd vltb strict regard to a)l the provisions or the con? ni tut ton and laws br said State, touching your luty in such case, to bold an election for a mern ?er or the Senate tor the Flection District af ore aid, to serve for the remainder of the term f?w vblch the said Hon. Lucius Wimbuah was elected; he polls to be o pene i at the various places or lection, In the said district, on TUBBO AV, the 5th lay et November, 1872, by the various sets or lan agers for those places; and the counting of he votes cast, and the declararon of the result if the election t? bela aeoordanoe with the pro Isionaof the Act approved Maroh, 1870 entitled 'AnActtoptovldeforlibegeaMral elections and he manner or conducting the same." and the Act if 1872. amendatory thereof- This writ, together rlth a certified copy of your return of election to ? held under lt, have before the Senate at ita lext meeting after the election. . Witness, the Hon. A. /. RANSIBB. President or be Senate, at Charleston, this 22d day of October, 872. ALONZO J. RANSIER. President of'the Senate. Attest: j. WOOMUFF, Clerk of Senate. ' OCBWl Urn (Scoot, Ut. J. R READ & 00. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A PULL ASSORT MENT OP ENGLISH, FRENCH AND DOMESTIC I>I*,Y GOODS, DRESS GOODS OF ALL KINDS, A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS, REAL AND IMITATION LACES AND EM? BROIDERIES, LACE GOODS OF ALL KINDS. HARRIS'S SEAMLESS KID GLOVES, With a great variety or other Etd Gloves. BEA VEE GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. SILK AND THBEAD GLOVES. FANCY GOODS. SOAPS, EXTRACTS, BRUSHES, &c, kc. ALSO, A VERY FULL AND HANDSOME STOCK ! OF SHAWLS AND COVERINGS OP ALL KINDS FOB FALL AND WINTEB WEAB. WE ABE BECEIVING NEW GOODS BY 3VERY 8TEAMEB. J. R. READ & CO. oc'Stuthslmo SDrngs at IDIjolcsale. WHY SHAKE ANO BURK WITH SHILLS AND FEVER ? SILVIE SPRINGS, NIAS OOAH, FLA., i - March 1,1871. j MESSRS. Dow nt, Morai A DATO, CHARLRSTON, I. 0 -Dear Sire: I regard MOISE'S FEVRE AND LOUE PILLS ai a certain core, and. a bleating; to .11 living in Hi B ni ul ar lona districts or the Sooth, .nd particularly tn the everglades ol ?ur State. Very res peet mi: y, yours, JAS. Ri;WENS, M. I>. KiMOflTMBrS. v., December 31, 1870. MB. ?. F. Moms, OBABLBSTON, S. C.-Dear sin have need your FEVBK-AND AGGEPIULS in uv practice thia lall, and have never .in the Hist nuance railed to relieve my patienta. 1 have tow frequent calls In my drag atore tor them, and always recommend them, and with the happiest ?suits. I wish that yon may nave the eat la rac lon or knowing'that' your "Fever and Ague 'dis" have relieved many under my treatment, vhen other medicined that 1 have tried have, ailed to do. . Yours, respectfully. '?.J. S. BROOK KN OTONTM. D. MXROATCBS, BAKNWBLI. DIST., 8. C., ( ? : Joly 12,1871.: j MB. B. F. MOISE-Dear sir: m reply to your luestlon as to what has been the success of your 'EVER ANO AGUE PILLS, that hive been sold >y us, we would say aa rar as we. know, they lave given en11 re natiBfacHon. Washall continue o recommend them. TOOTS, respect tully, W. T. HUNTON 4 SON. NBABGRKKN POND, S. AU. K, K. I November ll. J870. j MB. B. K. MOIBS-Dear sir: I am glad to sajr 'our FEVER ANO AG OE PILLS are all you claim or them. I hay e traed them m my rami ly and oe ny place, and ta every case wey have proved cf actual ; 'some or the cases I bad tnought chronic. IS they have lasted over two years. In no case iras more than a Single box required, and lu no mo has the disease returned, and lt ls over thre nomhs ago since 1 uied them; ' ... Yours, AC, , B.K. WILSON. Qom DIN's DEPOT, N; E. R. R., Sept. IS, 1871. MESSES. DQWIE, Mooni* DAT rs-airs: I am im? proving in heaitn?almost aa restas 1 can, laboring inder different old chronic diseases. I took BOISE'S FEVER AND AGUE PILLS, agreeable to Urectione,'and nnd them the, beat medicine l lave evertakua, an d'th ey have na ade-a complete sure or Chills and Fever on me, and my case was jae er the worst, . Yeur humble servant. WILLIAM J. BRADLEY, Peedee Railroad Bridge Keeper. They contain no arsenic or poisonous lng re? sienta of any kind-nothing in the. lease degree njurlouH to the system under any circumstances -and may be administered wita perfect safety io an lorant. They never rail to cure the most obstinate case when tiken as directed. Sold ny Druggists and Dealers everywhere. BOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Proprietors and Wholesale Druggists, UaySO-thsemo Charleston, 8.0. SIGNALS OF -DANGER.-DISEASE, like the rattlesnake, usually gives fair warn? ing before lt strikes. A fairing appetite, a furred tongue, nausea, headache, want ot proper action in the ( bowels, n-ve ri? ti ness, lassitude, nervous? ness and uneasy reeling in the stomach, Ac., are all symptomatic or a coming attack or indiges? tion, biliousness, colic, rever, or some other posi? tive form or disease, wnen thus menaced, resort Immediately to Tarrant'* KflVrveicent Sellier Aperient, and thus avert the attack. Acting simultaneous? ly upon the digestive organs, the liver, the bow sis and the nerves, this relreshlng and agreeable alterative will soon restore the system to its nor? mal condition or health, regularity and vigor. Sold by all druggists. _oct24-l2 jyEL BAER'S IMPROVED VEGETABLE CATHARTIC PILLS. The proprietor ot these Flus, confidently be lleves that he has succeeded, by a skilful combi? nation ol vegetable remedies, In producing a pre? paration that win bring health and happiness to the unfortunate Bufferer. In the following dis? eases they have been used by thousands with most wonderful success: Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head? ache, Costiveness, Loss- or Appetite, Neuralgia, Dropsy, Dysentery, Pile", Diseases or the Skin, Pain m the Side; Back and Limbs, Mck Headache, and all derangements or-the Stomach. These Prtis-may- be taken with petfeet safety'by persons ot any age or sex. No family shouid he without them. ? ?: - .; Price 26 cents a box: 6 boxes ror one dollar. The usu at discount to the trade, i For sale by . DR. H. BAER, ango vo. 131 Meeting street. , $arfjt?ate, AgrienUnrai J mp [merits, fit* HART * CO. Are AGENTS For AVERY & SONS' PLOUGHS. A Plough, with Scraper, Bull Tongue, Turniag and Shovel Mould, Complete, for $15 25. Or if the Dixon Sweep be preferred to the Shovel Mould, price $15 25. We have also a Full Assortment of One and Two Horse Ploughs, both Cast and Steel, of AVERT & SONS, as well as other Manufacturers. ALSO A FULL LINE OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. F A IBB JL1S K 9 S SCALEJS BURDICK'S HAY AND FODDER CUTTER. We are also in Receipt of a Full Line of SWEDES IRON, HOES, POTWAR?, ENGLISH IRON, TRACES, TINWARE, HOOP IRON, NAILS, WOOD WARE, PLOUGH STEEL, ROPE, BI'ST FISH LINES, TURPENTINE HACKS, PLOUGH LINES, SEINE TV?INE, TURPENTINE TOOLS, GUNS, FISHHOOKS, MILL STONES, PISTOLS, ' BOLTING CLOTH. H A. ? T & O O . , 39 Hayne Street, and Corner bf King; and Market. octl-lathBOAO CHARLESTON, ?. C. flaunt i?le?icines. SIMMONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND, OR LIVER CURE, FOR ALL DERANGEMENTS OK THE LIVER, SKIN, KIDNEYS, STOMACH AND BOWELS. Put np la liquid form, already prepared for Immediate u?e, saving Mme and trouble, and insur? ing a proper proportion of each valuable ingredient. lt is mild and gentle lu ita action. lt removea the bile from the ay atom It Imparta tone and itrepgtluo the whole frame. It gives the liver a healthy character and restores the sinking and drooping: body to health and Btrength. This Medicine baa been tried by thousands and uever found wanting. "Under ita influence the face will have the bloom of health, the eye its lustre, the bralu Its power. It ?Ul Invigorate the feeble, and prove the greatest Messing to those ?vho suffer. Try U for yourselves and yqu win recommend lt to your friends. FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS EVERYWHERE. DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, WHOLESALE AGENTS, CHARLESTON, S. 0. KINO A ROS BORODO u, Waldo, Florida, Proprietors. augl-thstu8mos Jnsnrance. Authorised capital..$3,000,000 Guaranteed Capital.. 500,000 Deposited with State Comptrollers ror Security of Policy? holders. 150,000 COTTON STATES LIFE MME CO, OF MACON, GA. W. B. J0 3NST0N, President. w. a. HO liT, vice-President. OEo. s. (?BEAK, secretary. J. w. BU IKE. General Agent. J. MEROICR GREEN, M. H., Med? ical txamtner. W. J. MA (JILL, Superintendent of Agencies. 0. Fi MCCAY, Actuary. WILSON GLOVER, AGENT, Office of Messrs. L. D. Mowry & Son, SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S. C. MR. WILSON GLOVER, Agent for the above safe and popular Company, ls prepared to toko Rlflkg lo any part of the State on the moat satisfactory terms:, as will appear by examining the several Tables and Rates offered by the Company, and of which the special features are: 1. Policies not Forfeltabie. 2. No Restrict ions asto Residence or Travelling. 3. Dividends declare* and paid annually after second year. 4. Policies paid within sixty days after death, e. One-third premium loaned when desired. J. W. PARKER, aug24-AtuDA03moa GENERAL AGENT FOR NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. ?louee, i|osiers, fit. OHOSSON'S * CELEBRATED KIO AND CASTOR GLOVE, . FB01I ONB TO SIX BUTTONS. Black, White, Light, Mode and Dark. All the new fancy colors to match the prevailing shades of Silts and Dress Goods. For sale, wholesale and retad, by ARNOLD, CONSTABLE & CO., . NE W YORK, SOLE AGENT.FOR THE UNITED STATES. augu-thmimos ?furnimre, fit. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! R. WHITE1 No. 88 HASEL STREET, IB NOW RECEIVING A NEW BUFFLY OF ALL KINDS OF FUBIXITUBE, And ls selling at his usu il ly in w prices which have gained for him such a.^ery liberal patronage, both in city and Country, fry him, you will go again. He ls aele Agent fortbe ??? "WAKEFIELD" BARTH CLOSET, The only one which cures claim to give Satis? faction;; ?iWi Go 10 "WHITE'S" for your FURNITURE ta the word all ovsr the State. ootf-stutbimo %mt?*w8alt+**tyi*Wan. v.,IPL McEAT, b . Auctioneer. . , 8ALFSRGOM8 No. ' 45 'WENTWORTH , Btreet, will sell THIS DAY, At irro?olo61c, for 1 account of ?il concerned :-The following GOODS, damaged on the voyage from New Tori to toia < olty : 12b Frock Coat?, 02 Sui ta Goats, Pants and Vesta, 2*Pilot Jackets. 144 parr of Assorted Puts, \ 160 Casalmere-.Vesta, 6 doren Shawls; also, lot or Piece Goods. Terms casa. , _octal fi . Bj MLLES DRAKE. , CLOTHING-, HATS, Ac a? . bti THIS MORNING, at 10 o'clock, I will sell at I my Store, corner King and Liberty streets, i '??A larga li De or Men's Black- Oats (mere Frock i an J Sact COATS, aanlson Sacks .and Der Dy a, Black Broadcloth Sacks, Fancy Satinet Pants, Fica ?ll Wool Vests; Overcoats. Black Satinet and - Cassi mere Pan ts, .childrens' snits, Shirts, Ladle,r j shawls. Rep, Tablecloths, Thread, Ac, Ac, J mit received. m ' ? ALSO, . . A small lot of Men's and Boys' HATS, to .dose j consignment. , .. -.^ MSW On Friday will sella line or BOOTS AND' BBOBft_00181 Bj W. T. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Aaotloneers. HAMILTON SLAWSON, JR., ET AL, vs. RICHARD YEADON, Trustee, et al wm be sold, ander decree of the court of Com? mon Pleas for Charleston. County THIS DAY. - the sist instant, at ll o'clock; at the east J end of Broad street, ? ... u . AU that VACANT LOT OF LAND, situate on the northeast corner of Archdale street and Clifford's \ alley, In the city of Charleston, adjoining on the sooth the Cemetery of the Unitarian Church, measuring forty-five (45) feet on Archdale street, ' from south to north, and two hundred and sixty-1 three (2fl3) feet on- Clifford's ailey, from westto .east, more or less: lt originally consisted of three lota-ttje corner lot f?ny.flve (45)' feet front on Archdale street, by two hundred and sixteen (216) I feetdeep.on Clifford's alley,and two small lots! twenty (20) ff et and twenty--** ven (fl) feet front i on north eideortlifford'aiuley. .* ...< i . I Terms-ou i'.half cash: balance in one year, with i Interest at seven per cent., secured by bond or the purchaser and mortgage of the property. Purchaser paying ns for papers.. .. , ADF3C H: BROWN, OCtSl Complainant's SoUcltor. ?uetiontero'- privat* Saba, '?rr. By LOWNDES S G BIM BALL. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE IN SOUTH a WESTERN portion or the city at private That elegant RESIDENCE on the Houth side er Tradd street, (connected with Trodd street by a lane) containing 12 rooms, wan au the modem improvements, and donnie piazias to the snath. As a residence,' this property ls unaurpaaaed by any in the city. ... ; v7!7- - Apply as above. , ,oct8,lT,31 Clouting, ono i'nrnisrjing. @OO??. NEW STOEE ! NEW GOODS ! EVERYTHING NEW ! '? ' '. i-saw . MENKE & MULLER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, INVITE .THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THEIR SPLENDID NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, AND CHOICE MATERIALS POR CUSTOM WORK AR INSPECTION OF THE GOODS AND PKilCES LN THEIR NEW ESTABLISHMENT, COR, KING ANO WENTWORTH STS,, 14 RKSPKCTFUM.V SOLICITED. O0t8_' illin er a I Sperm ?il. MINERAL SPERM OIL. . This OIL ls perfectly non-explosive, wiU not Ignite at soo de?rsea Fahrenheit, and ls entirely odorless. For railroad oars, steamers and dwell? ing houaea lain valuable. ' . Recommended by the Board s of Underwriters . Steamboat inspectora, President or Chamber or Commerce and Captains or Steamers trading tb this port; ana by hundreds or families who are- ?now using lt Lb 'the city. Is more brilliant than Kerosene, Lighthouse or other Exp!091 ve Oil* now in use. OIL BURGERS AND OHIMNIES at wholesale and ratall! by ;DOO<8LAS A MILLER, Sole Agents ror the State or South Carolina, Dialers in Paints, Ods. Glass Ac, Ac, No. 03 East Hay, sooth or Postofflee, ootf-lmo Charleston, S. 0. Cigar*, Ho*auo<, Ut, EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE ' HT?. 310 KING STUBB'*', THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Of all kinds. ?PIFES or every quality. Call and examino stock berore buying else WVrai*I?M SOHRODHH, Proprietor. N. B.-The Wheel of Fortune constantly on band, investis cents and try your loct. moh7-DoAwur ' Bj LAURE?, ALEXANDER * CO. EOUGRRICE?Ql?A??Wimr,:?P ALL CONCERNED. TOMORROW, Ute lifKCTember, win be told at West Point Mill, at U o'cla* otfaaxfant oCaU concerned,.) i . .... -. -,i,_?i.K.*r?'fiB^ifrr " seo bosbeia KOTjoe RICE, slightly damaged. Conditions cash. " t.->::?i-y?-,J. - ? -??^em- ^. By W.?Y? - Auctioneer*. TTNITED STATE80E AMEB1X U uARDLINA DISTRICT-I? Bankruptcy--IQ toe matter ot LOUIS -MOLAIS, ? JAMBS W. GRAY. Receiver,: and BAViJIEL A ? Brenne of an order of the Honorant George street, la the City of ctsrieston, on TEURSDAY, the 2i3t day or November, 1878? at li o'clock A. M., AU that LOT OF LAND with the tenement three story Brick Residence and tho two story -Brick atoro and Dwelling adjoining thereto, and tho outbuildings thereon, formerly known aa Mar? sh an'? Bakery, " si taste, ly lng and Mag Oft tho . non h side of Tradd ?treat, ne^toaat ^of J?aeUog street, in the City of Charleston,,abd, ?ndWn aa No. 60; bounding'to the north on ?AadAOWor law of the Estate of -Alexander England sixty (60) feet, sonia OD' Tradd1. atrae* ?txty (60) feet, east on Land now or formeilv of the Estate of John T. Marshall, deceased, and weat on Lanrt - now oHate of Colonel E. B. White oct ?uindred noe) feet, and tho samet on .the eaavUr^betoe ?atd dlmenaloss more of less. - ' " -, ??' ALSO." ,WXOSSiJifEi Ail that LOT BF. LAND with the Buildings thereon, situate, 1jlngAfro" r*lng ou^neaoutn ?de of Tradd atreet in -the City Of Cbaflaaoa, knowu by the No. 4?; bounding^ the north on Tradd atreet forty-three (43) feet, pojr?nm Ltod now or lite of Ford tmrtv-n*e (86) -feet *wetf;rn inches, easton Und now or latei of the- -Atateol sreaton, deceased. .one hundred and three Jura) feet eight (8) inches, and to the west on Lan (Lute jf the estate of J. r. Maifsbau; now of Frederlok Bon-ey, Esq., one-hundred ami eight (108) feet sight (8) inches, be the said dlmenaions more or *Terms-One-tnlrd cash;th.e balanceon a CXedHt >f one and two yearafUfebotefllt portion to be se? rared by rond or bonds of, thej^urebMer-or^ur jnasrrs; bearlpg'7 per cent/lntereat;^piyable ,eml-annnaUy, witb, mortgage crimeatgagts. of ,he,,premisea. .and tba Jjmidiugsio bekeptluliy na a red and the policies assigned Tor the aime. Parchaseis te pay mofor eli -McesA^rrpapeni . ' , oci31,novjl ; , . Receiver, an^Refefee. _ ?OHN JMABI0N, ASSIGNEE, JS^LIZA, ne directed ana delivered* win. oe,soM? on MUN .AU the right, wue and istterest of tbaa?ared?. JaureoB streets, measuring 20 feet frent?n An? on a ire? by iso fe^tin4ep?i,wiaowor leaa. ,w ytai-tbma . sffi*-,HACKBf.^ggggp ' TOADlDEOS. K. "sASFOUTAS Y& 'j?A$| Br virtue or ffo?er^1??!t?'iiW?^ * md delivered in the above;case, ?id.bowson ii NDAJ. Oie 4th daj.of November. I87t In front >f the Ooirrtb?use. at ll o'ctocVJR. *k***W?u All -that Eli.C BOR PARCKDOFcLAND^dBuite, ylng and being on Reta street. the ;ounty of charleston measuring and-containing m Held atreet w feet, awl ia depth lOfc teet, bnt Sod or James W. Hay so,' and wen ny. toe weet? ?rn boundary of BarapsteaeV, t . .toj?^. i , Terma cash. Purchaser to pay rorjrtpers- * " octSMhma ' g.' -W; MT. MAAlEJEY^tLiL - " nAEOL?NE. BROyV? VS.' T?Olli?^P/ .n lands cow or lat? of Dr. Fnrmaa; aowOton ands or Benjamin Donnelly, and west on ,Sarta taatern Railroad. Tonna cash. Parchtser to poy far prpAta;-:.* OCt8l,tfam3 , E. W- M. llfltTjsAfoMfcisW Ml JB. DUNWOODY VK. KOB?BT?S.? . TH AR IN and MARGARET K. TH ARIN. By virtue order o?. ^uiy \a'A^*^?^ :aae, to me directed and ,dejvelr6d^?fo lt?d i2riiOHDAY, ibe4ai-'day cY WoYlt?trJ5lt? m front of Jtbe Coarthoosev S* U .o'clock. A^L. - ,;- : All t6at right, title and Interest or the Defen? dants in and to all that LOT OF LAUD, MftUat* westside of America street; above Line, c itv cr Charleston, meaaarlog and containing' ln.fJOOirpn America street twenty six feet tn ree Inchea. and. tn depth seventy feet, on the south on Land jwned by Daniel Wood; and the west; or back line wenty-alx feet three inches,, and on jne cor.h Ine seventy feet deep on Land owned by George Wilson; batting and bounding north.,.on i*nd* low, or late or James Gordon, ea?t on America nh et, couth abd west on Landa owned "by D?nier Wood. ..-js-Kiu.a io ??Usov.' Terms-One-half caah,-and the ba1 an ce In ono y ear, to ba aeoored by bond and mcrtaaatol?o prem?ie?, with Interest at 7 per cent, per Mntfm; ni i M in ga to be Insured and policy asslgaed.'-Par ;naset to pay for papers. ^U^-iPW-m^fl . OCt?l-thm? E. W. M. MACgET, 8. Q. tL;; MASUTS h. JWILKINS, ^SSIOWBBr" WTHOMASWItjin^AS^^ By virtue of an order of Court, to me directed and delivered in the above case,-wui-be soktoa MONDAY, the 4tb day or November. 1873, in front of tbs connbouse, atti o'clock*51feJ All that PIJLNrATION OR TRACT GP LAND, Bltuate in st. andrew's, Countj^ef ChA^lesMin. called "Marsh?eld," containlhg BtX hundred and twenty-five acres," more^^s jogetterirttb t hree small tryeta, formerly TVeceeca coapmaa, John^Quirtsrman and wiuiamRrown, wntainlng lo all flity-one and three-fonttuaofan acre, the ?aid Plantarios an? small watta NM about nine mUes from tue Bridge Company'a Fecrv. butting and bounding north ob tbe road, to lavaiTn?bxbown as the Bee's FeTry Rotdi bad partly on Landa now pr late of Thomas-Eulier, weat by nant o wle'a River, soo ttl by. : K*or<) wlo'a River, east by. Lands now. or lateoi^TiMmaa FBI cr*' c* -? " Terms-One third caah; balance inoao/aad.two year?, to be secured by bond of the pore baser and mortgage of the ?remlse(v^I^rcha^i^b?y for papera. E. W. M. .MACK**, W Voct31-thm2 .- 8.0.0. i FIRST-CLASS T&SLuJX GEOCBKT TV STORE AT ATK7TION;":; w*5??? S That desirable and jwpnlar, GROCERY STORE, northeaat comer Meeilng-and Cal hoon st wt?, will be Ubid at Auction on FRIDAY MORNING, 1st of November, a* Jiaif-past fjto jO'clo?lw C?*rb? treated for at-private sale natu day or. sale., som for^TaulL slmpGr b?cansb the' proprietor con lemplates a change tn boalpeaao; >u > oma * Wrn%8 at ?JhoUsale. REGULATOR '.I This nnrtvaned Medicined warran^d not to contain a single pedicle or Mercury, px any lu Jurloua mineral su^Btancevbutl3 wflV For forty years lt has pro ved: its great value In all diseases of the "Livery Bowels and Kidneys. Toousandaorthe-soed^ai??reatrla aU-?ftsoi the country vouch rojr ita wonderful ana focama Lill min nciuuuAivu w.-. TO^;WS LIVER MBDICmB. . ; ^ It contains ^'?SJ-M in the same happy'JfiffigSgJSJr* SeriW paratlon, ?a^?ble ?imratlve and acer totoi?JSmflor an imporSes or ttieoojlr. ? SSSS&m has a?ed lt. uaeobat it l| ^SrnSarded aatne;. ..J. . J GB?AT UNFAILING SPECIFM? _ :2 rnr Tiver "complaint and the palnfol c^rtag RIT ^tb wit? Dyipepsia,- ConaUpatton^aas ^ Blltodsatucln^^crHe^ ?oWs?Tsonr SuZsCpsgpSi . Be??iate th? Liver and prerent ';' ', ; ii CHILLS AND FJjVMH. SIMMONS'S LITER REGULATOR ^ . ii', f . ?fi Ia manufactured only by. - - _ . J. S 2*lLlkA-CO. : MSCOB, Ga., and Pnttadeipbls^, paTd^$m*l^pareFi?Bao^ ta' Dmue*, il?; . * '.- ' h ' "' '.? V}- r32~''. ,. .. P. WISEMAN A CO. AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS.' ' - ?TL~? aar Beware ol' all conn terrel ts 'and imita? tions, augs-thatunawanios