The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, October 30, 1872, Image 3

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Very Long Ago. Listening IB I ho twilight Very long ago. To a sweet voice singing Very eoR sad low. Was't a Bong or peru. And a tail? or I? ?V, Saved from deadly c" anger By a gallant, knight? Or B song of battle, And a fly mg roer I have quite forgotten, Twas BO long ago. Memory, unfaithful, Has not kept the strain, Heard once m the twilight, Never .heard again. Scarcely come a moment Where the song ls not Less than hair-remembered, More than bair forgot, A<11 can be sure or Is, that long ago, Some one sang at twilight, Very sore and low. A ROAD QUESTION IN ORANOEB UR G. TO THE EDITOR OF THE NEWS. The last Legislature passed an act charter? ing a road from Bamberg to a point In Orange burs; County. The act specifies that the direc? tion of the road shall be by "the best and moat direct route" between the two points, and mentions certain Individu?is whose duty It Is to see that this provision ol the act Is carried ontr".. In the first place, the act itself ls unconsti? tutional, as no notice Ot the intention of the petitioners to apply for the charter was given, prior to the passage of the act. Io the sec? ond place, the route selected by the commis? sioners ls not the best and most direct. In tho third place, the citizens of Orangeburg, j upon whom the burden of constructing the road and causeway falls most heavily, do not j want-the road. . . . Recently the county commissioners of I Orangeicurg applied tor and -obtained an in Junction from Judge Graham, staying lurther work upon the road till the first day of Jaou a ry next. Since the granting of thu 1 nj unc? tion, petitions praying the next General As-I sembly for the repeal ot the odious act have been circulated in Orange burg County, andi over five hundred signatures, mostly colored, have been obtained. The other Bide, however, have given notice of an intention to attempt I to dissolve the .Injunction, and tho case will be argued before Judge Graham within a week. The only grounds noon which the defence have to base their arguments, are that the I . opening of the road win place a market and | postottoe a-few miles nearer a few Individ- I nala; that the rome ia already cut our, and the causeway partially constructed. Thia ls par-1 tinily trna. The work done on the causeway np to this time, however, ls labor thrown away. To work on lt is impracticable, except when the river is very low. which will not be tba ease again before next summer or falL I ' The heavy rises of the South Edlsto this winter will demolish the frail earthen dam which has been thrown up. . I But grant tbsi-the opening and construction of the proposed road would confer a few bea- ( eflts on a few Individuals. These havel nothing to do whatever with the point at Is* I ene. ' suppose the road was completed and its existo nee desired by forty-nine hundredths I a or those whom lt effects, that has no bearing I upon the constitutionality or unoonstltutlon. silty of the law. On the other hand, ninety- ? nine hnndredths of the people Ol Orange burg I f do not want the road trader any clrcumBtan-1 L OM which are possible for them to obtain it. The heavy expense of erecting the bridges 11 and constructing the dam; the utter im prac-I ttoabttlty oftha completion ol the Job by those I ( ?messed by the act; the oselessness ot the road airer Its completion except to a few; the I beery tax?e for perpetual repairs; the iojas- I a tice ol taxing the whole county to benefit j t> three or four Individuals, aro some of the rea-1 V so nj why the citizens ot Oran ge burg object to I o the opening of tnle road, ft Should the other side succeed In their at tempt to dissolve tb el Dj unction, lt will avail U them nothing, as'it will be Impossible to I work orv toe causeway any. more between I ? now and the assembling ol the members of I the Legislature, when; no doubt, the law in relation to this particular road will be repeal-1 ed. Every delegate ol this county and the senator elect of Barnwell thoroughly under stand the sentiments of their constituents I g .about this matter, and are certain to use their I , votes and Influence for the repeal of the act. I ^ . gurt of Edlsto, October 28. PAYSAN. " POMPEII AND YESUTIUS. .__ ..- 0 JDlseor?ry of Oil in the Rained City Sympsthetlo Kraptton of A Java Vol c?no-Men acing Ind lc a, tl on* or n. Fresh ?atbrea*. A correspondent of the Athenaeum writes fro m Naples on the 28th ult. : to report a discovery which was weeks ago In Pompeii. A glass well closed, has been found of oil in Its stale, the first and only relic or the Ulms, as yet, been turned up. Eggs, t, ana bread, and grain, rather over may be seen in the museums of Naples , also large oil Jars, and recopia? it :n the shops; bat such a discovery _ ^almost Into the interior of a Pom? peian household. It was some precious, stuff, perhaps, well sealed up, IQ reserve for salads which demand the finest oil. It may have been a sample. Whatever lt was, lt throws us into almost life communication with tba thriv? ing family woo were destroyed by the. erup? tion of Vesuvius. lc has been submitted to th? examination of Professor Palmlerl, who was astonished at the marvellous preservation of the llquM. pare and clear as amber, and w ho debared lt to. be olive oil without any ex matter. The recipient has the form of? large bottle similar to those which are cxmuDoniy found among us from the Greek to the Roman times, SDd would contain about three chllogrammes of oil, equal to elx or sev? en pounds weight. The contents are not, however, all liquid, for there ii a portion, per? haps about the third part of the bottle, con? gealed, which has the consistency of virgin wax. Solid and inodorous, this residuum has no oleaginous matter In lt, say the experts. lt ls, as I have said, the first time that thia liquid has been found in Pompeii In such abundance and so Well preserved, lor the rea? son, perhaps, that the bottle waa herme tri cally closed with a cork ana wax. On Its being topper-fHl into the oil inn pul etate? aa also the material with which lt was covered. The examination by Profes? sor Palmier! waa not a chemical ene-this ls reserved for Professor de Luca to make, who will examine more minutely the qualities of I has rather an offensive smell, ; matter oonalata whtoh lien at \the bottle In a congealed state. >me form ls being given, to : she establishment of a soperlor _ lonltnre In Portio!. The palace B, one of those royal possessions In :'perfectly unutilized, have been ap ' ia valuable and necessary pur regard to the primitive state of ll thls country, and so a college or a school baa been formed. The minister of agricultare has given oolloo or a competitive examination for the selection of candidates to fill three chairs. These are for animal and aooteohnio physiology; for the German lan? guage and design, and th*respective salaries are, bWp.)lnx 30OJ)JI& ajOQOQ. Ure. Portlcl and Resina, as you welt know; were In i m m i aent danger.dniingibe recent convulsion of Vesuvius, and much ground In. the neighbor? hood of the latter town was destroyed. The Naples Journals report a letter cited by the Journal de Qeaeze; and received by the Swiss Consul at Palermo^from Sourabaya, in the Island Of Java. ' It states' that, on the 24tb of April last, at the same time that Vesuvius .was flamljag for Uva voloacio eraptlon ol the gre*t???Violence occurred there. For twenty four boors,' a eh J wer of ashes fell on Sou SMUayajsoouctng an obscurity more Intense than that occasioned tey a colar eclipse, though tba distan co from, the volcano was more than 460 OhUometree. The first dispatches an? nounced the death of 156 persons, who were Ulled, some by the lava; others by the bolling Water wbion, mixing with the ashes, formed torrents ol mud.' . Daring tbe inst monto,' Vestrvlnshafl shown evident signs of malig? nity; on one day, ior Just half an hour, a col? umn of smoke rose up as gigantic as that ?which waa witnessed last April, and almost dally there IB some "demonstration of greater or lese in tensity. Professor Palmlerl has not spoken, but, judging from appearances, our mountain ls not satisfied with what lt h ac done, and Is more than, bair disposed to break ont again. Last.week two yonng men, a Neapolitan' and;'* ' Roman, whose names are judiciously suppressed, performed one of those foolhardy tricks which cost so many their live*. They ascended the mountab, ac? companied by ten guides, and entered the crater; but it required all tbe efforts of their assistants to get- them oat again. Tbe only glory obtained was that thev were enabled to say they were the first to commit ouch an act ot lolly since the emption. FliewjEioilco., IVO. 275 KING STREET. WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, AND EVERY DAT DURING THE WERK, AN Immense variety or NSW AND DESIRABLE GOODS, which we guarantee to be the best selected Stock in this market, and which are ot er ed at lowest New York prices; DOS GOODS. BLACK SILKS FANGT SILKS COLORED SILKS IRISH POPLINS SILK VELVETS VELVETEEN SILK VALOURS CA?HMERETl EMPRESS CLOTH SATINS BOMBAZINES CRAPE CLOTH JAPANESE SILKS FRENCH POPLINS PLUSH MERINOS BPPINOLINS ALPACAS, And all other styles or Dress and Mourning ooods. FULL LINES OF Domestic and Housekeeping Goods. PUBS! PUBS! KID GLOVES ! KID GLOVES ! KID GLOVE8 ! j Pine Selection of Cloths in Newest Styles. ? RAVERS CASSIMERES BROADCLOTHS DIAGONBLS SEALSKINS DOGSKINS CLOAK ING3 FLANNELS BLANKETS COVERLETS DOESKINS VESTINGS SHAWLS Ac., Ac. A AM B WOOL CLOAKING, (something new.) Gent a' Famishing Goods. | j i NEW AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE LATEST FASHIONS. ? VHITE FHIRTS UNDERWEAR j BOWS HANDKERCHIEFS c I SILK H ANDE ?CHIEFS NECKTIES COFFS AND COLLABS GLOVES UMBRELLAS, Ac. j A COMPLETE AND FINE LINE OF Ladies' Underwear. This Department ls attended to by Clerk Ladles, Dgaged rur this parp?se. Newest styles or Untrimmed HATS, Flowers, eathers, Bat Ornaments. Ours?ts, Hosiery, tows. Scarfs, Lace Coll I'S, Lace Handkerchiefs, tress and Cloak Trimming, Fringes, Ac Special attention ts called to the Great Bargains I re offer In farpets! Carpets! Carpets! Bought 25 per cent under vaine, and which we | uaraotee to all at lower fl gm res than they Cnn e bought at any Normern market. Mr. CLOT i* o KT H Y has charge or making and laying all or ar carpets. His work ls guaranteed to give Bails lotion. Oar Stock ot UPHOLSTERY OOODS ls tbs finest, 1 5 est and cheapest, 11 VIN] 0V> SHADES | ? ICES U LACE CURTAINS, Ac. r Special Departments ror oar very extensive y tock of Gooda ror the Wholesale Trade, and Mer- d han ts, Milliners and Farmers will a l way a find tbe 11 sat and cheapest selection or goods at oar store. * We have adopte! tbe strictly Ons-Prloa system ? i all oar Departments, y Respectfully. a FDROHQOTT, BENEDICT A CO. J " J I Sam-} ?0oi>0, Notions, &t. I g FALL AND WINTER \\ la I W. MARSHALL ft CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN ANO DOMESTIC )M GOODS IND NOTIONS. We oner to the Trade an unusually Large and rell-Purcbased stock or the above Ooods, which rill be kept mil daring the season by a Resident ny er in the Northern Markets, and will be add ? prices as low as can be obtained elsewhere. E. W. MARSHALL A CO.. No. 143 Meeting stzeet, Charleston, s. a octT-mwfiuno Sbirts ano f nmi?r-ing ?00?8. S O O T T'S THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE JITS' FURNISHING STORE, CHARLESTON, S. C. 'fi SS sss 8888 S8SSS SSS8SS 88888SSS SS888SSSSS S8SSSS3S8SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS8SS8888 BS88S888. ; SS38B88S SSSSSS OPIITT'O S&SS8S sssss yvul I SfiSS SSSS ? r sss ?j-sss gg STAR BS 3 S sss SHIRT sis SSSS SSSS SSSSS ;r SBSSS SSSSSS EMPORIUM SSSSSS 888SSSS8 . SSS SSSSS SSS8SS8SeSSSSSSS8SSS8SSSS8SSS888 BSSS88SSSS 'S8S88B3S - SSSSSS SSSSS SSSS sss ss 8 The Proprietor or the above Establishment has oat returned from New York with a new and veli selected Stock of the Celeorated STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS, ALSO, A FISK ASSORTMENT OP ?JENTLrKBlKN'S FCRNT9HING OOODS, CONalSTTHO OF UNDERWEAR, Shaker Flannel, wool and Merino, Cotton Flan, j iel. Shirts and Drawers, all graden and all aises. > English Mermo and cotton Hair Hose. Also, a roll selection of the latest Novelties in rRCKWEAR, English Windsor Sea ria, Mar q oise Scarfs, " Lord Stanley Scarfs, Livings ton Cravats, Chancellor Scarfs, Bows and Ties. Gray's PAPER COLLARS ci all descriptions. Waining cants and Umbrellas.. ; E. SCOTT, fJEETTNG STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET BALL, Drrj (?0000, ?z. CHEAPER THAN EVER ! THE LAKGE STOCK OP DRESS GOODS DOMESTICS FLANNELS BLANKETS - SHAWLS HOSIERY NOTION8 Ase., Atc., OP THE LATS T. KELLY, AT THE STORE, No. 264 KINO STREET, still unsold, will be ottered for a FEW DAYS LONGER, AT REDUCED PRICKS 1 And all desiring to get bargains will do well to , can and examine the Stock. M. I*. O'CONNOR, oct28-mwf Administrator. State Notices. STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA-EXEC? UTIVE DEPARTMENT. Whereas, Information hos rescued -t bl suffice bat an ?pid?mie among tors us exists to an alarm ng extent in the Northern cities, and nnleas pre? cautionary means are provided against the IR reduction or this contagiaos disease, great losa nay ba caused therefrom. . , Row. therefore. I, Robert K. Scott, Governor of be Mate of South carotina, do hereby ordain and proclaim tbat the importation or Horses and loles ls prohibited, by KaUroad or otherwise, luring the existence of thia epidemic, and bat an vc a ?ela having auch cargo arriving it tue porta, or Onarleaton, Georgetown md Hilton Head, be directed to remain at qoar intlne anchorage unM they are visited ano in ipected by the health officers of satd ports, re ipectively. n testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my band, and caased the great Seal of the state tobe affixed, at Columbia, thia twenty L. a.] sixth day of october, A. D., 1872, and in the ninety-seventh year or the Independence of the United States of America. ROBBT K. .-corr. Governor. F. L. CABDOZO, Secretary of State. . . ooi28-mwf8_? _ 2 TATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. OH?HLtSTON, S. C.,c'erobert, 1872. O Commissioners of Election for Union County : Whereas Hen. M. W. DUNOAK, who, at a sene al election held october. 1670, was chosen a mein? er of the senate for the Election District or inion County, to serve ror the term of four years, ?a, since said election,, deceased; and whereas he Constitution of,the state of South Carolina di ecta that m snob case ? Writ of Election shall be isoed by the President of tba Senate, ror the pnr oae of Ailing tbe vacancy thua occasioned for the omalnder of the term for w h ich the member so ec eas ed was elected to serve; now therefore on, and each of yon, are hereby required, after ne advertisement, and With atrlct legard to all tie provisions of the Oonatttudon and lawa or aid State touching your dnty In such case, to old an election for a member of the senate for ie Election District aforesaid, to serve far the re lamber or the term tor which' the said Bon. H. T. DUNCAN was elected, the polia to be oren ed t the various places Or election lo the said Dis? tict, on TUESDAY, the min day of November, 872, byftbe various aets or managers for those lacea, and the conntlng of the votes cast, and tie declaration of toe result of the el oct lon, to be i accordance with' the provisions or the Act ap roved March, l?70. entitled "An Act to provide or the General Elections, and the manner of con? noting the same," and tba act of 1872, amenda 01} thereof. Thia writ; together with a certified opy of your return of election, to be held under ; have before the Senate at tts next meeting fter the election. ... wttr.ees. the Hon. A. J. RANSIER. President of he Senate, at Charleston, s. c., thia 22d day or rctober, 1872. ALONZO J. RANSIER. ' PreMdent or Senate. Att??t : J. WOODRUFF, Clerk or Senate. 00124-11_?_. ? 3TATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLI8TON, 8. ?. October 22.1872. to Commissioners-- ttf Elections for Chester \ County:. : : r ; - Whereas, Hon. LUCIUS WIMBCSH, who at a eneral ejection held October, 1870, waa ohosen a teabag of the Senate for the election i district of meeter county, to serve for . tba term ,at four esra, .has amos Bald electron deceased, and rberesa, the Constitution of the. State of south, larollna directa toat In such case a Writ of. lon shall be isa M ed by the President of tue sen? te, for the parp?se of Ailing the vacancy thoa cession ed, for the remainder or the term ror rhtch the member BO deceased was elected to erve; now, therefore, yon and each of you are lereby required, alter dbe advertisement, aud pith, atrlct regard to all the provlalon* of the Con? tention and lawa bf aald state, touching your luty in auch case, to hold an election for a meal? ier of the Senate for the Flection District afore ald, to serve for the remainder of the term for mich the aald Hon. Lucina Wimbuah waa elected: he polia to be op eme lat the various pla. ea of Jectlon, in the aald district, on TUKSDAY, tho ?th lay or November, 1872, by the varions ' sets or tanagers for those placea; and the counting of he votes cast, and toe declaration of the remit if tis election to bein accordance with the pro 'lalcns of the Act approved March, 1870 entLied 'An Act to provide for the general elections and ne maimer or conducting me same. " and the Act >f 187U, amendatory thereof. This writ, together ?Ith a certified copy of your return or election to >e held under lt, bare before tbe Senate at its text meeting after the election. Witness, tbs Hon. A. J. RANSIBR, Pr?sident of he Senate, at Charleston, tula 22d day of October, 1872. ALONZO J. KASSIER. President pf the Senate. Attest: J. WOODRUFF, Clerk of Senate. 0Ct24U . " Doora, Suertes-an? 8 lino s "PT^TX?AT^ Manufacturer and Dealer iii DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, STORE DOORS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN MOULDINGS, WINDOW GLASS, [TEWELS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, BALUSTERS, SLATE MANTELS. OFFICE AND SALES ROOMS, No. 20Hayne street, FACTORY, HOBLBECK'8 WHARP mchs-fmwiy t-i ** I. Cloding ono ^nmistjing ?oobs. NEW 8T0BET NEW GOODS ! EVERYTHING NEW ! MENKE & MULLER, TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, . . ? ? . ? ' . : ? : IM VITE .THE ATTENTION OP THE PUBLIC TO THEIR SPLENDID NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, AND CHOICE MATERIALS FOR CUSTOM WORK! AN INSPECTION OP THE GrOODS AND PRJ.CEB JN THEIR NEW ESTABLISHMENT, 2OR, KING AND WENTWORTH SIS., 19 RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. octa Pim?os, ?rrjana, #c. PIANOS AND ORGANS, Furnished a: factory'prices- Tor cash, or by Monthly Payments on the moat liberal terms. CHARLES L. M'OLENAHAN, ?an? and Mosts store, sep8-4mos No. m Eine street. Brow, QUjmuaii, ?ftc. QRUGS AND MEDICINE?, WHOLESALE &. RETAIL? DR. H. BAER, IO. 131 MEETING (STREET. criers bis Large and Well-Assorted stock of >RUUS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, FANCY GOODS, Ac, ? c., Ac, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATEB. Constantly on bsnd all the ding Proprietary Cedlolnes --RENCH, ENGLISH. GERMAN ANI AMERICAN. FOUNTAIN SYRINGES, the best and most con enlent for general nae. Also, every other kind of Syringe known in the j narket. Trasses, Abdominal Sapporters, Shoulder braces, Abdominal Belts, Physicians' Saddle lags, Physicians' Pocket-Cases, Elastic Stockings ind Medicine Chests. Druggists' Glassware, or every description, a he lowest rates, and a rall assortment or "Drag [lets' Sandries." Agent ror Nattan's "Oryatal Discovery for the lair.? ' Agent for the "New York Medical University's 'reparations. Agent for Rlson's Tobacco Antidote, and Up ism's Antidote to strong Drink. Agent for the elegant preparations of W. R, rYarner A Co., of Philadelphia, consisting or a all Une or Fluid Extracts, Sugar-coated Pilla, ?llxlrs, Medicated Wines and Syrups, Licorice j md Pepsin Lozenges, Ac, Ac. Special attention ls directed to the following ?rdales or his own manufacture: GERMAN SOOTHING CORDIAL! An excellent Carminative, invaluable in the Usesses incident to the period or dentition children; aa also In colic, diarrhoea, dysentery, md other lnranttle complaints. It ts superior to >ther medicines used ror this purpose, as lt IB en irely free from any injuri?os drug, and CONTAINS NO ANODYNE t It la recommended by the best physicians, and nothers may administer lc with confidence. THE EXCELSIOR HAIR TONIC, s a carefully prepared Dressing ror the hair, at >nce answering the purposes or hair oil, hair waabi sod hair tonic K contains no aulpbor ead, or nitrate or silver, and la NO DYE I It will promote a healthy growth or hair, and prevent their railing ont, and will not Injure the j general system. Baer's Improved Vegetable Cathartic Fills. A gentle Aperient, of pnrely vegetable snb jtances, recommended for Dyspepsia, Headache Constipation, Ac, Ac DOUBLE DISTILLED BENZINE, Tor removing grease spots, and deaning clothes, None but th Purest Drugs used, and satisfac? tion guaranted, both as io price and quality. Order are solicited from Druggists, Phys clans, Country Merchants, Plantera and others, with the assurance that tbey shall receive prompt and earful attention. mch7-8mosDC*w SIGNALS OF DANGER. -DISEA8E, like the rattlesnake, usually gives fair warn? ing berore lt strikes. A rairiog appetite, a furred | tongue, nausea, headache want or proper action in the bowels, rcverlahness, lassitude, nervous? ness and uneasy fee Rn sr in the stomach, Ac. are all symptomatic or a coming attack of Indiges? tion, biliousness, colic, fever, or ??me other posi? tive form or disease. Ween thoa menaced, resort immediately to Tarrant' i E fTe r T c ? <-e n t SeltzerAperllent, and thus avert the attack. Acting simultaneous? ly upon the digestive organs, the liver, the bow? els and the nerves, this refreshing and agreeable alterative wlUsoonrestore the system to its nor? mal condition br health, regularity and vigor, sold by all druggists. * - oct34-W po B NE W Y O ?t K. ?KW YORK il?, CHARLESTON . STEAMSHIP Li [."SK. ESTABLISHED 1845. Tbe Splendid Sldewbeel Sf imsblp MANHAT? TAN, AL 8. Woodhull. Corni lander, will sall rrora Adder's South Wharf, on SATURDAY, the 2d November, at - o'clock. . For Freight or Passage engag amenta apply to OOt80-4 JAMES ADQRI: A CO.. Agents. PHILADELPHIA IBON STEAM LINE. FHE FIBS T-C LASS I HO S SOR 5W STEAMSHIPS VIRGINIA, Captain nie ctley, GULF STREAM, Captai i Hunter,' ire now regularly on the Line Insuring a first-" ?laaa sea connection between Philadelphia and JharlestoD, and in alliance WU i Railroad compa llea at both termini, afford ra pld transportation ? o. and from all points in the Cotton Slates, and ?0 and from cincinnati, Bb Lotta, Chicago and the j >rtnclpalOttlea or the Northwest,.Boston. Provl lenee and tho Eastern Mannfai itu ring Centres. JW The VIRGINIA la ap pol nod to ;saii from brown's Wharf on FRTDAV, 1st November, at i lair-past S o'clock P. M. 49- The GULF STREAM Will follow. Por particulars of Freight arrangements, apply o WM. A. COURTENAY, Onion Wharves. W. P. CLYDE A CO., Gent ral Agents, No. 13 I tooth Delaware Avenue, PbOaj lelphia. oct23 pOB NEW Y O Bli. >N THURSDAY, 3brr OF OCTOBEB, AT 5 ? O'CLOCK, P. M. JEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870. STATE ROOMS ALL ON DECK. The Splendid .New mn si de wheel S'e?mship > E O R G I A, Holm"0, Commander, " Will ?il ror New York on'.e 8lst October, it 5 o'clock P. M.. from Pier No. 2 Union Wharves. Through Bills or Lading to Liverpool and the Jew England cities aa usuaL 49* Insurance by steamers ol thia line % per ?nt. For Freight or Passage engagements, having ?ery flue Deck Stateroom accommodations, apr ily to WAGNER, BUGER A Co., No. 20 Broad treer, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union-1 Vharvea. oct20 F OB LIVERPOOL. TO SAIL WITH DISPATCH. The Highest Class, Fall-powered' In? ' Brit sh Steamship TYNE QUEEN, William Oaaaon, jommander, about 2S0o balea capaoity, having i large rail of cargo engaged and going on ?oard. will mest with piompt. dispatch and sall ta above. For farther freight engagements ipply to J. A. ENSLOW A CO., Agenta, ocio-stnth_ No. Ul East Bay. p O B BALTIMORE. rREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGB BILLS LADING ISSUED *T nar TO wangea* PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, < LND THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST. The Fine steamship WILLIAM KENNEDY, H. ). Foster, Commander, will Ball for Baltimore, on r/HUBSDAT, 8l8t OOtODCr, St 4 O'Clock P. M. 49- Philadelphia Freight/, forwarded to that ilty by railroad from Baltimore wlthont addi ional Insurance, and Consign?es are ' allowed unple time to sample and sell their Goods from he Railroad Depot in Philadelphia. For Freight or Passage apply to PAULO, TRENHOLM. Agent, 00128-4 No. 2 Union Wnarves. QHANOE OP SAILING DAYS. 1N0RBASED SERVICE. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above line leave Pier, lo. 42. North River, root or Canal atreet, ?_ Sew York, at 12 o'clock noon, or the lota. ?A ind 80th or everylnontn, except when tbesedatea ail on Sunday, then the Saturday preceding. , All departures connect at Panama with steam irs for South Pacific and Central American ports. For Japan and China, Steamers leave San Fran :1HCO first of every month, except when lt fails on Jandar-then on the day preceding. No california steamers touch at Havana, but zo direct rrom New York to Asplnwail. One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult. Medicine and attendance fre?. . For Passage Tickets or other information, apply at the COMPANY'? TICKET OFFICE, on. the Wharf root of Canal street, North River, New fork. . '" P. R. BABY, Agent. anglO-lyr_? . j :. :.) Cigar?, Sobarco, Ut. EMPEROR WILLIAM, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE No. 310 KING STREET, ' THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIGARS AND TOBACCO or all Kinds. PIPES of every quality. 'CaU and examino stock before buying ebie where. WILLIAM SCHROD-KRf Proprietor.: N. B.-The Wheel of Fr. none. .constantly on hand, invest 25 cents acd iiiy-yonr lock. , moh7:noftwlvr iii,... TITEDICINE CHESTS,^.; ITJL Physicians'Sad di i Bogs , ., . Phya?cT?ns? Pocket Oases i ?1 :otrlc Machines. For sale by DR. H. BA ER, '?' No. 181 Meeting street. ' F OB BOSTON. The tot-class screw steamship HER- ?S-sam* OEDITA, M anti man. Commander, wW??m%%% sall for the above port on SATUBDAY, the MX NU vember. ^791 fi. msLoiWJ ijm The steamship GRENADA will follow on SATCBDAT, ?;h November. Fer freight or passage engagements, apply to octag-g_JAMES ADQER A CO., Agents. pOB L1TEBP00L, TU Q?BjBNSTOWJl! CARRYING THU UNITEDSTATES MAHA THE LIVERPOOL AJSD GREAT WESTERS STEAM COMP ANT *fflf|H tob, one of their first -oiaa*. mu power vstaUnshlpnfromT'' ? So. WS. H., EVERY WEDNESDAY, Cabin Passage isoi gola, i n steerage Passage(ornooNo.19 Broadway; iee ourrenoy. '' >. " i '"_) " I ' '..' i i . *. For Freight or Cabin Passage, apply to . WILLIAMS * GUION, " I No. 63 Wall street, N. Y. N. E.-Thron gb BUls Lad m g to Liverpool Usuec ay the Charleston and New York Steamers,walo! make close connection -with the above ima..1 For particulars and rate of FrelifoVaphly to S. . - JAMES ADOBE .3 .'CO;, - ' WAGNER, HUaSR A CO., may? or WM. A.COURTENAY. R WBIGHT'S' BLUFF, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE SAN TEE RIVER. The Steamer MARION, Captain _ .?JT""??. W. F. Adair, ls now reoeivlng?staBjC Freight ax Accommodation Wharf, and wuHeave on w s nh'BSD AY Mo ?HT, the 30th InBtant, Freight and Wharfage prepaid. For engagements apply to captain on board or (0 ~ RAVEN EL, HOLMES A CO., OOtSO-a No. 80 East Bay. TT^EEELY LINE TO SAVANNAH, QA-, AND SEMI-WEEKLY TO BEAUFORT, 8.-0.; ; The Steamer PILOT BOY, captain w. r. MtNeity, WUl leave Accommodation Wharf.'., --JffPfcL avery MONDAY So^eJook, dw?s??SsBC ror Savannan, Beaufort, Hilton. Mead ead ?peSSa Wells. Retnrnlng, will leave - savannah every lUKflDAT MOBNIHO. WUl kave- xor -Beanfort, Pacta cranu Chlsolm's Landings every THOBSDAT MORN csa. at 8 o'clock Returning, will leave Beaufort every FRIDAY MORHlilO.- '.- '. ' ' . '. 3 ?0 bli <? -i : Good H consigned. to care ot, Agent? will be for? warded Tree of storage or commission. Freight received WIDMBSPATS and BATUBDAYB mnstlio prepaid, to Way Landings.- . . ..-.-.IMI Freight received ror points on Savannah River, co be t r a t> Bferred to Steamer CLYDE,' Which leaves savannah every TUBSOAY MORN IMO. . ., \i N. B. After me 16th instant.. a6 uer cent, addi? tional wiu be charged on Freight toad points, ixcept havannah and Beaufort. ; . a For engagements apply to .... . .. ^"TSCS > RAVENEL, HOLMES A co., o etd-tvs ti mi . No. 80 East Bay; ?- - i, . i ? ]',| ? ii.'ii .;? ,ll P o, ;R . , F;;L,;.d^;.;i'^ >.iMv S fi TIA BA VANS AB-TWICE A WEEK. .% The Splendid Side-wheel ' Steamer r . ?IT*e?ai'. DICTATOR, captain U M. .jriijKisflflK 3ITY POINT, Captain George E. McMillan, wiD eave Charle? ton every TO BSD AT and Furn AT ?Wmvnraa, at. s o'otock. for. SAVANNAS, FER-, SANDTNA, JACKSONVILLE. PAbATKA, AND LLL-LANDUiOt! ON ST. JOHN'S RJVKR. Returning, DICTATORwUl laave PALATKA Fat DAY MOBNINO, BDtf SAVANNAH fcs?NDAY Moan TM tf? umvtoff her* SOMDAT ArrHBNoow. ?'1 W7 . dir POINT, wm leave PALATEA MONDAT MORMN? snd SAVANNAH WSDNHSDAY MOBN-. INO, arririBg hf re W?bMRSDlY AJT2B! OOK. 'R ' CeonecUoo ls Farnaseilna with Bau* road for New Orleans ead Havana,.via Cedar. Koa; at Jacksonville with 'SteAtotr STARLIGHT lor MeUonvUle, Boterprlao and Upper st. John's River; at. Toed wita Rallroad for RU -Augus? tine; and at Palacka with Steamers for the ook lawaha River. AU weight for Way Landings most ba prepaid Dh wharf. , . .. For' Freight or Passage, having elegant ac nt*.. : Garner Vanderbonfs Wharf and East Bay. octa . . ? . M ? '? ?aUToaoa. ?;. gOUTH^DABOLINA BAILBOAD. ^ vJABtkS?'oN, October 2o,'l8?? * Excursion; Tickets win be sold to toe ora?>geJ barg Fair from the asia io 3ut instant. Good toA retara-untu2d proxin??. ' " .. ","'", 00t8? ?"? : , S.B.PlOEENS.'q'T.A. CJOUTfl CAROLINA BA??iBOAD. CDAJUJWTON, ti. C., Septemt _ On ano arter SUNDAY, September 2?, the Pas-' aeuger Trains on the Son tn Carolina Railroad will ms aa follows; , ... , ' ' FOK COLOMBIA. Leave Charleston...............8.80 A M Arrive at coombia..MM.&20 r u . , FOB AU9D8TA. Leave Charleston....s so A M Arrive at Angosta............MO r M ? . FOB CHABUtSTON. Leave Columbia. 9.00 A M l Arrive at Charleston.ASO r M Leave Angosta. s.oo A M Arrive at Charleston...:.... 4.80 r M ' . - OOLOM?TS trmmr xxnisa. / (Sundays exoepted.) Leave CMrloflton.~. 7.10 r M Arrive at Columbia....u........ ASO A M 1 Leave Colombia..'..7.60 > a Arrive at Charleston.;.etfia . auenSTA KionT axraxsr (Sundays excepted.) LeavoOharlesto............. 8 80 T M Arrive at Augusta...................7.34 a M Leave Augusta.. 8.16 F M Arrive at Charleston.AM A M .SUMMSBVLLU TBAXB. Leave SummervUJa at...7.2? AM Arrive at Charleston,.8.40 A M Leave Charleston........................ ASS r M Arrive at summerville.A40 F M C AMD KN THAI K. * ' Leave camden..7.20 A M Arrive at Colombia.11.U A ? Leave columbia....3.10 r i Arrive at Camden...Ml F ? Day and Night Trains connect at Augusta wi th Macon and Angosta Railroad, Central Railroad ?ind Georgia Railroad. This ls the quietest and* most direct route and ai comfortable and cheap ss any other route to Louis ville, Cincinnati, .Chicago, st. Louis land aftother point? West and Northwest. Oolam Ma Six ht Train connects ..witn oreen v^le and Columbia. Railroad ; an A Day and Bight Trains connect/with C?arlctte Ro?d. .., . ,t . Tnroug^Uok?ts on sale via ; thia route to all Camden Train ' bonnw? at Kingvllle dally (ex cept stind?vs) With Day Passenger Train, and rnuBthronchtoODlumbia. i,,iA ' ?el A. h. TYLER,Vice-president. 8. B-glCRENS. a T. A. ? sepOT SAVANNAH AND GHABIARSTON ? . RAILROAD. , tOJ?WO?i CHAKLBSTOH, June 13, lt TH on and aJt^r MONDAY. Jane, uthi the.Pat songer Trains on tms Road wi? run .aa ioho war..; EXPRESS TRAIN. *. I :* :t .-.*:? .!>'. : Leave Charleston dauy . ..MV^^U P. M. Arrive at savannah daily.??vs r. M. Leave savannah dally....:....ll^ap. ?. : Arrive at Charleston dally.u 7 A. p. DAY TRAIN. ?KH , Leave Charleston, Sundays excepted^;. 7.40 A. WI ! Arrive at savannah, Sundays exoepted. .8.80 P. M . ._V. Qn./o.I MMMM . ll A.m. mate close connection with Port Royal Railroad for all stations os that Road, (Sundays exoepted ) ; Freight forwarded dally1 orr throng n bUlt of lad lng U) pointa in Florldaand by Savannah Une pf ! Kal broad and at as low xates as by any other hnev Ticteta on aale at this. office for Beaufort ovcf1 port Royal Railroad; ' O. & QJoeDBts S. 0. BOYLSTO", Gen'l Ft, and TUAet AgeuA. \ Intfia-'. ;' ' -, '?'" | j^ORTgEASTl^^RAlLROA? C?M cnABLK8TON, 8. C., June 8,18T3. < Traine wiu leave Unarlesten Dally at 10,15 -A. M .and 8.00 P. M. . . . Arrive at Charleston etoo. A, M. (Mondays ex? cepted) and S P. M." >V>tUA .-:V.>4\?x.C a ? Tram does not leave Char lopton 8,00-P. M.? SOM^. DAYS. ' , . , . 1R . ... ; Train leafing 10.1? A. M. maJres ttirtragh connep Mon to New WkcflAT Richmond and Creek only, gomgthropgh m 44 hours. . ; -?1 Passengers leaving by a.00 P. M. Train haw ?hoicrotio^via^ or. via Portsmouth and_Baltimore. Bal?mowawlOUoBaiiroa^^^^^ ,T Engineer and BbperlSen?ent. P.^BAPOByden?BcSjAgenv?t^ii .j TESTATE ^Aty^OSPEB OF THE TdU If?BBTjrG, sota, instant,' at baJf-paat 10 ~~----efl ? <>ifa ,?iifli5a SALESROOMS Not^'wENTWOBTH street, wm gell THIS iDAT. "Ot 10 o'clock, a Urge assortment of Custom-made CLOTHLSO, Dress Goods, Prints, Domestics, Table Ps m sar Sat?nela, Jeana, Notions, Aa. . . - _ : OB? ; : 585 SS BB i i . x ., ..JJ fajiy J.) AFIRST-CLASS F AJiilLY QBOCERY > : STORE ATAUOTION. treated for at privatisai? narc day or aaiTgoid rornofaalc, simply beca asa th?jarosrtasor.c?i* templates a chaoge lu bnsineea. Hy LOWXfcES & ftWSBAXL, ? , jAnailo neera, h-eeo fl?"i?a wop, HOTCOTOK, va co?cn?*it ?. ?'ss sa?. Doe tn charleston, TED RADA T, Bo*emhst.?L ^ATI^TSSOPLAJTD. toown??^ land Plantation (excepting a amati pomas sold to tue Wlnyah indigo Society,) ia tba sai*conn Mj^ing: 44oqaei5i7more or leas, gtanted for at prlrmt?BA??^ r^^^?b* T"?? *n?wn on dar Vf???^t?t cnaaer to pay ior a ta mps ?n?^allm^nrj^Qe Minutai- ^rrm ^fl^! . .'. a i LIP:.-... tv.". .r.-m:'??-'*-. ^ -'-r' ? ii-n*rVL^ THE NEW OW DOVER Y; I**t W!P^?MW?r?#?>*v,iI?. s.i/H o?-ycL:s;?r or commerce and Captarte of Steamer* . fi til li I ualng it j* my oQy. i .tiBlslMC > ? ls more brilliant iban Kerosene UibJUjooeear DtherEXplosfveOUanowinjiaeL. - OIL BURGERS ARD QHJ?B and retail by DOTJStac*:^- . . , Sole Agents for the Stare or south octr-lmo o v.? ?:e!.??!>ig BW" hr,..t* :?. I?J {hroiesoumalk -R S??T .died jmf% * jr* ?i S?W .ar. pis xa omet' CoKNiB Qr^w?AK? Airsow SrMm. ?; M? '-.i!-:; '-ns :^S2!iit;?'?? !> #r-fjilv/ .co'jn^coii no?sa ****WMM*Jvi9*? id ?*> 3anoeconao1tea on thefo?OTring:dii.eAe?,ta<i: diseases of a kindred rjAtoj^ rre^ot^ct^rge^'" and in strict confidence, rfJaa^fcoae*a?8 ? ?caimoJ^1?^ ?g . ..';.>.?*: vl.xfts e::nt vuliti jaatoq ?91: RHEUMATISM AND,NEU.RALOM, :,:,-> lnanarthmiowmpUii?rk,?iirtiet aearalghv Aa. -thia practice the m os t la te n s e pains Hey od, enormous swen which stn been: coutts ^T^aunamg^TVDe?ttn?^&J otbar mean? hare ?aSed. ~'i SUtS?nonnac pal^w^Tc?^n^^0 Boothe an? carry orr - the moa t KXve?lt^S^n^? otherirjBteme?Mt5!: -' 5BTTMr CATARRH. . 11 kTtha?oaaVw> ';m>n" w - Thousands an?rer rrom that moat aanoylng, frra agreeable and cflecaive complaint, cataTrb, wlttr out Jtoowing what lt ls. often the seated ma? cons, flowing down the throat, doge ujTtbenanga' and ?aya the foundation for consumption, .nm ?ol The moat skilful. phrataUnaJall to cnaa- lt,r ,,T J care any case of ooa(rtc?on,TloMe?P?a Heart, dl?cua?geaoi gresotah, thick, ?rAce^Mrr macona from the noae. mwrnal.cieaxierfljkaaia or milneaa between the eye*, cohstint blowlofor' toe nose, inflammation or We tianel ntaiiagaar ulceration of schudderian membrane. AeWlSSh course or a few aajv . ' -. Ti* terrona Deafneaa, Rolaea la the Head, Otatttum^ OU tia (Dlschargeafrom the Ear,) PaiaJyaJU , .. ' of Anditorj Nerve. !, ? I am dally treating SQ affect Ion? of tae ear with tte most gratifying leealta. j borne who luvepa?? aorist? nearly $IQOO withaot betwgl, ^h*t* ?eefi, cured by me m a few weeks at a moderate ex? pense. - -* MERCURIAL DISEASES. Mercury, lo]udlolonaly need, baa ailed the earth with wrtcraot-Untnaalty, .TbooaandsaaOer rrom care or the majority or diaeaaea abbe lt r?waa*iA the body. Alt?ooga I have heard or aercrala? c<illed -antidotes for mercury rh the human bo?y 1 have never yet aeon a physician wno cenia : eliminate le from the ayatem. >M I can satisfy any patient or physician tsatT can absolutely abstract mercury, lead, lino, aaa : other mtneralpolacn?ln every, oaaav,. r ? ?(rj ' C^ERSj: "1iui :.;7..7^ NoU me-Tapgera Lnpuae, -or. .Wolf Oanoor, Sxurv rhos Cancer, Fnagooa Cancer, Bose o??oer , ? .". bplder Cancer. ' a Mri ? I mat? a great gpedaity in toe treatment ot treated by certain charlatan* ?tyUng r*?terelfe# '.Cancer Doctora.", '?^?^ linciijraii?i11 wiffSU" any one of tbeae cases in hand aaa make a per^ man en teure. ?.3O*> -to.t.iAi aaA the poalttTe certainly ot tteat v. Bepn i flliUiurt?, StratD ?cods, m. jp A Li . ?JP RNIJ??,-: -v j.;.,.. ..^Nasw^MB^. I .-)>.:- ?Tl Dg i- "j> dirw ??:-? , Mn. M. J. ZBBHOW.JMIBIwapectfqrjy aa noun x to the public that atje will ctaen THISJlaj, october nih, a tull lrae -<it MILrS?EEr'Wri FANCY GOODS, Hobpaatroa;' Bnjalea 'Saa03e7?a,' lUdiea1 and Childrea;a Coder G^royna wraa ; pera, Sacks, Furs, AC Dreka'and tr(okl J?akTnj? a?anden to aa tranaL nr ?*?j/ ?l?on?O .ti? Tb TlS?unfryMo?a^ tehttoa. -i- ? .*..--.! coWJthath^? ?louis, ^ooierg,;?:#t? f ;*:;,i?' ? oH?ssaK-'S^rV:;. CELEBRATED .. Mj :.-?f n.V KIO ANO1 Black, White, LlghVModesndDarte:, fancy coma to match tbe ;prayaiung ahadea.^ ...":{ :;" Otailtai.tMirtllrowitepJlu,.,:, ^jj rfl;. j JpraalatTWhotoa?l; ?^ggi ?ir...-'s .r ARNOtlD, CONSTABLE &. CO. ' SOL? AQENT.FOR THE' 0Nt?to^??^f?( aogio-thmamoa_!-o--_. \ ruWUBE? FURWT?BEf . -.. ? . -- : ht iefs ?? i ,? -a ( ' - B/WHITE|?:^'vc3-? I '?IS NOW RECEIVING A NEW SUPPLY OP ALL KINDS OF ' - ~ ^ And la seHlDg??hla nanaily '.ow Trt$e?+f?frn*W Thebnly. one which dares cTarfn'io girtr "?to -" faction. .-wfvTfCT TO^^iLfliwsa^olMf-itaiiatatfi .-if*