TERXS OE TBS NEWS. TH* DAILY Ns wa, by mau one year, $8; dz months Si; three months $?0. served in toe oliy at EraRTUM ?airwa week, payable to the car riera, or $8 a year, paid in advance at the office.' Tn? T?I-WKKKLY NKWS, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, one year $4; alz nyintha $2 60; three montha H 26 Tn WKKKLY NKWS, one year tx Six copies f lo.. Ten copies, to one address, j is. SUBSCRIPTIONS la all casca payable in advance and no paper con tin ned after the expiration of the 41 me paid for. *" Bsoa?ANOxs should be made by poe tom ce Heney Order or by Expresa, ir thia cannot be done, protection against loases by mall may be H soured by forwardlbg a draft on Charleston pay? able to the order of the proprietors of THB Niwe, or by sending the money tn a registered letter. Non caa of Wants, To Bent, Lost and Pound, Boarding, Ac., not exceeding so words, 26 cents each insertion ; over 20, and not exceeding so words, 40 cents each Insertion; over 80, and not exceeding 40 words, 60 cents each insertion. These rates are NB?, and must invariably be paid In advance. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., No. 19 Broad street, Charleston, s. C. THDKSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1872. NKWS OE THE DAT. -uPere HyancintheB" are a new variety of - Parisian- sweetmeats for weddings. -The Rer. Father Way rick, or tbe Church ' of the Holy Evangelia!, in New York City, ls spokenofas the successor of Bishop P?rsico. . -An indictment was fouud by tho grand Yory of Prince William County, Virginia, at BrentsvlUe, against Fewell, for tne murder of , .Clark; the seducer of his sister. The trial will be postponed until the next term of the court. w-Another letter from Pere Hyacinthe bas ( appeared conoernlng his marriage. It is an t epitome of bte former letter, written with bis j usual temerity, but preserving the form ot { courtesy. _ it Ia addressed to the Pope, SB the ( - "Bishop ol Borne and the primate of the Uni? versal Ch nroh." -The Cuban steamer Virginlus, so long in ' durance at Puerto Cabello, escaped on the 7th 1 ot September, in spite of the Spanish war ves- < ?els which had been detailed to watch her. The President of Venezuela had notified the ? jHpanish commander that li be fired on the Virginlus while flying United States colors In Venezuelan waters, he, the president, would fire inlo bia fleet. j -How men will grow impervious to shame ls Bhown by the result of the plan lately adopt- 8 ed- tn Liverpool of publishing the names or 1 drunkards in the newspapers to deter them i from their vicious habits. The experiment t seemed to answer very well lor a time, but, < snob ta the 'perversity of human.nature, peo- c pie got accustomed to the in fl lc Hen, and,BO T far Irom having any dread of exposure, act. t uaJly seemed lo take a pride in the notoriety thus obtained. In fact many were to be found lar more ready to give their full names and e histories than the magistrates were to hear * them. : c -The appointment pf a French supreme fi council ol war, the members named of which L dre Marshals McMahon and Canrobert, Gen? eral L'Admlraalt, Duke d'Aumale, Admiral y de la Bomlere, Le No wry and M. Ozeane, is announced. The connell la charged with the , Organization and ad ministration of the army, bot not with the direction of military move? ments. Count Von Arnim, the German Am- F barnador at Paris, bas notified M. Remusat a that citizens of France entering German ter- P rit orv, on and after lat proximo, must be pro- is vldeo_wUh passports. M. Gambetta arrived p at Paris on Monday evening. tl -Digging for diamonds lu South Africa ap- 8| pears, from the following account given lo anEogilau paper, tobe conducted in quite a " primitive fashion: "They dig up the earth and rock lt at random, carry lt ont in sacks and buckets, empty lt at some BU kable place, t? and sort and separate lt After dry log lt In the J' sun lt ls pulverized as nearly as possible with ai mauls and BhovelB, and Bhaken through a k w arte ?Te ve. The pieces too large to pasB [ through are" thrown away as rubbish, while j the remainder ls slited again, thia lime ona finer sieve. None but diamonds under a anarter carat will fall through, eo all these siftings are accordingly regarded as worth- j - less. That portion remaining on. the sieve ls then laid on a smooth table of zion or Bheet Iron, and scraped Into small particles with a sorting knife, when all diamonds can be readily detected and picked off. Diamonds of | thelarger. size are sometimes found sticking In the screens. -Toe people of Texas are more excited over tho location of the State capital than over the approaching Presidential election. The State ls certain fer Greeley and Brown, and all the Inhabitants consider that they have to do ls to go through the form of expressing their pr?? f?rent? at the polia. But the problem as to whether dr not Houston, or Austin, or Waco ls to. be., the seat of government for the Bute is one of those open questions that stir the blood o? the eager contestants. So hot has become the smiggle that, to use a homely proverb, "the pot has called the kettle black," and thereby added fuel to the flames. A Galveston paper started lt by giving as a reason why Houston should Dot be eb osen, that lt was BUD- j J oct to yellow fever. Whereupon Houston re? plies that Galveston is the very home and cradle of that disagreeable disease, and not only has lt Itself, but gives lt to its neighbors. Aqd Houston "says, further, that if lt has the yellow fever, lt will give lt to both Austin and | Waco, so lt will. It retorts, In the third place, thai it will aot have the fever any more, any way, Just to spite Galveston, as it considers tho conduct of the latter city outrageous. -John T, Ford, the well known manager, in a tetter to lae Baltimore American, gives thia Wt of dramatic and musical history: UI read with rare pleasure your article ot Sep? ta urber'il, about the song of the Star-Span gled Banner, and I only regret the omission of one or two important historical facts. At an encampment on Gallows Hill, near the Rope Walk, in thia city, Just after the battle ol NojCtb Point, and when tho dread of another attack was imminent, there were two young 'actors named ?urang, who, with their lather anet mother, belonged to the dramatic comp?., ny pf this (the Holiday street) theatre, and' who were alike clever In music and acting, manuacrlpt copy of Franois S. Key'3 new na? tional song was read. Ferd. Durang Imme? diately applied himself to adapt lt to muslo During the dav he discovered.a suitable tune In a favorite air called 'Anacreon in Heaven. He paved lt over and over again, sang lt amid enthusiastic shouts, and afterwards, with his brother Charley, Bung It for the first j tithe lo any house at Hell day street Theatre, and as the papers then most truthfully de-j clare, with the moat unbounded success.'* -Chicago fon?shes her weekly murder | with a promptness that in any good work would be commendable; and another of her respectable young men, one Lucius Barnard, bas been the victim of that Insatiate blood? thirstiness which inspires the lawless and alarma the law-abiding m that city YOUD* Barnard was returning home about eleven si L G 1 B n ei a si T tl ci Iii ei hi U B bl tt m rx P< c< 01 m tl ti 0 a q fi n n 0 d tl ct fe ei w 0 Cl Ti o'clock la the evening, from a drugstore, where he had been to procure medicines lor bis lather, who was 111 with typhoid lever. He had but Just arisen Monsell irom a sick bed, where he had lain for weeks, and his mother tried to dissuade him from ven? turing out, but he Insisted. Returning by a saloon where a dance-house was In full blast he saw two men outside the door in an 'alter? cation, one of whom he recognized as an ac? quaintance; and as he was smaller than his op? ponent, he insisted on fair play. The large man returned an Insulting reply, whereupon Barnard struck him with his clenched flat; the arowd rushed ont irom the saloon, and indis? criminate shooting ensued, one ball lodging in yoong Barnard's abdomen, inflicting a probably fatal wound. Another murder, re ?ulting as the lrult ol avarice, took place at 3t. Joseph, Mo. Fritz Blossfleld, a German ]uack doctor, whom nobody knew, came into the place, and bein* without money, was taken in by one Mr. John Ernst, a countryman rt his. He spent several weeks'with Ernst, ind the latter being ill, he doctored him. He inaliy pronounced his patient convalescent, jut the neighbors, stepping lo one day, found he old man dead on the floor with a crushed iknll. As Blossfleld could give no satlsiao ory explanation of all this, he was taken into snBlody._ Shall there be Reform J The Robson's Choice ticket contains two sets ol nominees-those who are candidates for the "Connty offices, and those who are candidates for the Legislature; and it is a noteworthy fact that the Courier, in dis? cussing the Bowen and Mackew programme, confin?e itself to an expression of the opin? ion that neither of the Legislative tickets, nor a combination of both tickets, offers any liope or reform. THE NEWS has given ito reasons for believing that the election of a jolected legislative ticket, composed ex? clusively of Radical nominees, will imme liately improve the character of the repre? sentation of the county, and so give the people a promise of broader and deeper re orm. These reasons remain unanswered ; iud THE NEWS thinks that they are unan? swerable. Bab what of the County officers upon the Robson's Choice ticket; a bon1 whom, if it be correctly understood, the Courier bas nothing to sa; r The candidates for Sheriff are 0. C. Bowen inti E. W. M. Mackey. They who wish to irush up their memory with regard to the career of the former, will do well to consult be flies of this paper. No man in tbe State s accused of more crimes than C. C. Bowen ; md not a single accusation bas been fairly net, or Its troth denied. E. W. M. Mackey s a Radica; politician whose connections ire bad, and who, because of bis Intimate .onoection with municipal politics, has be some extremely offensive to the Conser va? lve citizens. One of the twain will infaUl )ly be elected. The question for the Con ervatlves to decide is, whether they will ilect Bowes or Mackey. Now, THE NEWS ?Heves* that Mackey, however bod, isio omparably better than Bowen, and, there ore, advises the Conservatives to vote for lim. WHICH CANDIDATE DOES THE Courier FRE? ER ? Tbe candidates for Clerk of Court are acob Wi Hin, an and A. C. Richmond. Mr m Hillman ls an experienced officer of irre? proachable character, nuder whose man? iement there will be no Jobbery, aud. no aylng ten or twenty prices for what work i required to be done. Mr. Richmond is a artisan politician, wbo bas no earthly dog to recommend bim to Conservative ipport WHICH OF THESE CANDIDATES DOES THE ourier PREFER? The candidates for tbe delicate and I rn po r int office of Coroner are Aaron Logan and Dbn A. Mushlpgton-the one a black mao nd the other a oolored man. Logan is nown in this city and in Christ Church as negro agitator, who is as malignant as s is tyrannical. His pranks aa Trial Justice low what he will do when any authority ver the whites is entrusted to bim. Musb ig ton is on intelligent yoong man of good tanners, whose past conduct ls a reaaon ble guarantee that be will do his doty as Oroner courteously and considerately. WHICH OK THESE TWO CANDIDATES DOES 3E Courier PREFER? The candidates for school commissioner re P. P. Hodges and B. H. Hoyt. Hedges an educated colored mao, and Hoyt -weill be is a white man. The only ob cilon to Hedges is bis color. WHICH OE THESE TWO CANDIDATES DOES IE Courier PREFER ? The candidates for the peculiarly respon? se office of county commissioner are G. Cunningham, L. Dunneman and William .. Fields on the Hobsons Choice ticket, and I McLaughlin, W. H. Thompson and John onum on the Bowen ticket. Messrs. Cnn. ingham and Dunneman are property hold rs, who, for their own Bake, will look sharply (ter the county expenditures. Fields is a .raigh t for ward colored man, against whom HE NEWS knows.nothing. The trio, whom ie Bowenites desire to elect, cannot bold a indie to their opponents. Mr. McLaugh Q is one of the presunt county commission? 's, under the administration of whom and >9 colleagues the county has been brought > actual bankruptcy. Thompson and onum are his creatures-mere registrars of is decree/]. Nor should it be forgotten lat Mr. McLaughlin, rightly or wrongly, is ader indictment for official misconduct. WHICH OF THE TWO SETS OF CANDIDATES JES THE Courier PREFER ? This eada tbe list of county officers. Tbe >sitlon of .THE NEWS, to restate it, is, that > new candidates can obtain a large part : the Radical vote, without which they mat fail ; that, at the best, any Conserva? re candidates could not poll more than ve or six thousand votes, which is less than ne-hair of the gross Radical vote; that it is wiae and practical solution of an intricate ueation to cast the Conservative vote in ivor of the best of the candidates already ominated by the Radicals; that the persons amedln the Hobson's Choice ticket are, ne and all, the beet of the Bepnblican can idates; that the Conservatives can elect lem; that their election will give the Dnnty better officers tban it has bad for ?ar years-better officers than those of th er Radical ticket as a whole, one of hieb straight tickets will be elected, If the onservatives do not support Hobson's iioice. Now if the Courier can re fute this reason g, or can suggest something which is more acticable, as well as more advantageous, 3E NEWS would like to know what it is. A Different Stripe. j The Cleveland Ledger declares that Gov? ernor Walker, of Virginia, is "one of that "despised class, a carpet-bagger." Gov? ernor Walker is no' J i ag of the sort. He went to Virginia, not with tbe greasy car? pet-bag of a shirtless adventurer, but with the sole-leatber trank of a gentleman, into which he boa never thrust a cent's worth of stolen plar/tier. * The Fair Murderess. The New York Journal of Commerce does not like the acquittal o? Mrs. Fair on the ground of emotional insanity, and re? lieves its feeling in the following emphatic words: "It is enough to make a man lose all faith in Jury trials, ll not in human nature, to see what a figure Insanity cuts as an excuse for homicides. If a man kills his wife, or a woman her husband, from Jealousy-that ls insanity. If a man shoots another lor tamper? ing with the shooter's wife-that is insanity. If a woman kills a man for seducing her-that ls insanity. The woman may have married another mau afterwards, and so condoned the flrbt offence-but still lt ls Insanity. A simple breach of bromlse-no criminality Involved is sufficient ground lor shooting the promise breaker. Il a man slanders a woman she can shoot him, and that ls called Insanity. Or ber brother, or husband, or next friend, or any self-constituted champion, can do the killing and adopt the plea of Insanity, and able coun? sel will get him off." A Lame Excuse. Per? Hyacinthe before writing his letter to the Temps announcing his intended mar? riage, had evidently studied the following observations of Jeremy Taylor on the sab jectof matrimony: "Marriage has la lt less of beauty but more of safety than the single life; lt hath not more ease, but less danger; lt ls more merry and more sad; lt ls fuller o? sorrows audlullerof Joys; lt Hen under more bardens, but it is supported by all the strengths of love and charity; and those burdens are delightful. Marriage ls the mother of the world, and preserves kingdoms, and fills cities and churches, and Heaven itself. Celibacy, like the fly in the heart of an apple, dwells la per? petual sweetness, but Bits alone, and ls con? fined and dies In singularity; but marriage, like the useful bee, builds a house, and gathers sweetness lrom every flower, and labors, and unites Into societies and republics, and sends oat colonies and leeds the world with delicacies, and obeys their king, afd keepB order, and exercises many virtues, and promotes the Interest of mankind, and ls that state of good to which God hath designed the present constitution of the world." HOBSON'* CHOICE-THIS OR NONE I For gherin". E. W. M. MACKEY. For Clerk of Court* JACOB WILLIMAN. For Probate Judge. GEORGE BUIST. For Coroner. J. A. MUSHTNQTON. For Behool Commissioner. P. P. HEDGES. For County Commissioners. G. I. CUNNINGHAM, LOUIS DUNNEMAN, WM. G. FIELDS. For Senator. W. N. TAFT. For the General Assembly. 1 1. J. F. GREENE. 10. B. A. BOH KM O V. 2. H. C. M IN OTT. ll. C. J. ANHKLL. 3. GEORGE CANNON. 12. STEPHEN BBOWN. 4. E. J. ADAMS. 13. 8. D. BUSSELL. 5. W. G. PINCKNEY. 14. J. L, WALKER. 6. O. B, LEVY. 15. R. B. ARTSON. 7. N. T. SPENCER. 16. C. F. NORTH. 8. JOHN E. CLTDE. 17. C. H. VA sn ERH?HST 9. TIMOTHY HURLEY. 18. J. A. WILLIAMS. A. Ti. V. General Filz Lee publishes the following call, whloh will be read with lively Interest by many others than those to whom It IB special? ly addressed. The address reads: "Hie next annual meeting of the Virginia Division of tho Army ot Northern Virginia will take place In Richmond on the 31st Octo? ber, 1872. General John B. Gordon, of Geor? gia, will address them on the occasion. Soldiers and sailors who participated Ia the meeting held on the 3d November, 1871, In Blohmond, are requested to send their carnes and those of tbe commands to which they belonged to Colonel Joseph Mayo, Jr., secre? tary of the Association at Richmond, for en? rolment Others deslrlous ot becoming members are referred to Article II of the Con? stitution, as follows: 'Such persons only shall be eligible to membership as shall have honor? ably aerved lo the Army of Northern Virgin? ia, aod all residents of Virgioia who have rendered honorable service under the Con? federate flag, on land or sea, may be elected auxiliary members.' A full attendance ls earnestly requested." The Question of Mixed Education. Tba committee appointed by 'the Harvard Uulverslty board of overseers to consider tbe question of admitting young women as stu? dents In the University Is against It al this time. The report was accepted and Ibe com? mittee discharged. Co-education of the sexes, however, 1B making some headway In tbe country. Four colleges In New England, among them the University ol Vermont; Cor? nell University, lo New York ; the Swathmore College, In Philadelphia; Oberlin and Antioch Colleges, In Ohio; tbe State Universities of In? diana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and Kansas, make no distinction on account of sex. There is one institution of the sort also Ia Marylaad, la Carroll County. The throwing open ot these Institutions to fe? males ls on the ground that girls should have ac education as good and at as great a cost as that supplied to boys. Harvard, however, 1B not prepared to approve any such Innovation, and believes its friends generally have no dis? position to agitate it. Take Tour Choice. -The old question, as to whether alchohol ls a nutriment, has como up again for dis? cussion. That some portion of it Is used by the system Is certain. Whether or not lt nourishes, is another tblog. Dr. Subbotla has lately denied th a; lt ls therefore a nutri? tive agent. It may be absorbed, lt may be fuel, it may even eater lalo the tissues, but lt caa never form a constituent part of them. Professor Volt, on the otber band, will not accept the views of Dr. Subbotln. Alcohol ls actually food, but "since, when taken in large quantities, lt causes disturbance In the processes of the animal economy, we cannot Introduce a sufficient amount tor nourishment, as we do other nutritious substances." There? fore we are happy to say that whether the habitual toper adopts the view or Dr. Subbo? tla or of Professor Volt, be will derive very little encouragement or consolation from either. ?flcetings. WASHINGTON LODGE, No. ?pA. F. M. The Regular Monthly communication of < washington Lodge. No. 6, A. F. M. will be Held at Bolmes'B Hall THU KVBsrsO, at 7 o'clock. I pu net uni attendance la requested. By order W. M. T. E. STROTHER. octlO_Secretary. STONEWALL LODGE, No. 6, K. P. Ttie Regular Meeting or tola Lodge will be held TB ia EVKNINO, at Pythian Had, Society street, at ? o'clock. Members win come prepared to pay arrears. ROBT. c. STARR, octlO*_- Recording scribe. CATHOLIC INSTITUTE.-THE REGU? LAR Monthly Meetlrg or the Catholic Insti? tuto will be held THIS (Ttmrsday) EVBWNO, at S o'clock. A full attendance ls desired, as busi? ness of Importance wm be considered. octlO_JOBN IC HOLMES, Secretary. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-The Regular Qoarterly Meet lug or the Society will be held at the Rooms or the Board or Trade on THURSDAY EVBHIKG, octo? ber 10th. at 8 o'clock. A. BARON HOLMES, _Secretary and Treasurer pro tem. CHARLESTON LAND COMPANY. The Regular Monthly Meeting of the above Company,postponed on last Thursday evening on account or the Convention being held at the Hall, will be held on 1HIS (Wednesday) EVKNINO I he loth mutant, at 7 o'clock, at Military Hall. A foll attendance ls requested as business of much Importance will be -brought forward for your con? sid?rai lon. By order. JAS. B. SPENCER, c ct9 Secretary and Treasurer 0. L. Co. Coomie. _ WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK AND wash for a small family. Apply at No. 42 Warren street. octio-l* WANTED, A FIRST-CLASS COLORED House Servant, who can read and write. Apply at No. 87 Broad street. _ootln-2 WANTED, A RESPECTABLE AND experleaceo child*? None (white or color* ed) at Mr. HART'S, Montagne, near Smith street. Recommendations reqolred._ocilO-2* WANTED, A GIRL TO COOK AND do housework. Apply at the north corner of Amherst ana Bay streets, Hampstead, ociio WANTiD TO HIRE, A COLORED woman as cook and washer. References required. Apply in Rutledgo streu, ?th door above Queeu. _octlO WANTED. A COMPETENT HOUSE Servant; references required. Apply st No. 23 Broad street._octio-'i* WANTED, A COMPETENT MAN SER? VANT. Apply tu Nu. 13 Som h Bay. W. H. KA8TKRB?. _OCHO-1* WANTED, A SETTLED COLORED woman as nurse. Mast come well re? commended. Apply ia Beanfala street, next to th? corner of Gadsden._octlO-1 WANTED, IMMEDIATELY, A COM PE - TRNT Bookkeeper la a Factor's om ce. Addres Box 373, with refereuces and salary. ogg_ WANTED, A COMPETENT COOK AND Washerwoman. References rt quired. Apply Immediately at northwest corner or Can? non and_KjDgBtreets^^^__oct?-2* AFIRST-CLASS CUTTER AND FIT? TER, of Ladles' Dresses, wishes engage lueust lo private raminea by the day. Address, by poer, Mad. LUZ 1KK._oct8-ioth5* WANTED, TWENTY-FIVE HANDS accustomed lo laying railroad iron. Ap? ply at the office of the Enterprise Railroad Goni puny, No. 64 Broad street._oct8-0 WANTED, ALL TO GO TO "WHITE'S" for their Foran ure and save 20 per cent. We went there and waa surprised to see BO much Furniture at such low prices. Ula stock o vera a space of abont twenty thousand square feet. octa_ TAILORS WANTED.-WANTED AT WM. MATTulE?SE.N>S Tailoring House, cor? ner of Ring and Wentworth streets, six first-class Pantaloon Hauda. NO other need apply, con? stant wort guaranteed._PCM AGENTS WANTED. - THE MASTER BPI hi TS OF THE WORLD. THE TREAS I! ivK HOUSE OF AMERICA. THE ORE AT BOOR OF THE TEAR. Agents report Bales of 26 io 100 copies In a few honra or days. Prospectus free. Address J. W.OOODSPEED, New York, Chicago, Cincinnati, Sr. Louis, New Orleans. OCtl-3mo8D*W Cost ano Xonno. LOST, A PAC SAGE, AT THE CORNER Wentworth and anson streets, of a dray of Mr. MCELROY. A email boy was seen to pick lt up, ana he will please leave lt at the corner of Vernon and EaatBay streets._octio-l* FOUND, A BALE, MARKED FOR AU COSTA, Ga., lo Woolworth street, between hast Bay and Anson streets. Ap ?ly to thia ?nice._OCHO l? STRAYED INTO MY YARD, No. 217 East Bay, a Coach LOO, which the owner eau have by paying expenses._octlQ-1* .for Salt. FOR SAL?7 8EV^AL~F???l?7T8^T Magnolia Cemetery, tn the most desirable portion of the ground. Will be sold low. Ad drats o. A. i?., M ?WS office._wno i>* FOR SALE, ? GOOD WORK HORSE, >prit)g Wagon and Harness. Apply at BOOR AUA x's stables, columbas street. octlO-2*_ JUST ARRIVED, FOR HALE, CAR load ol good Plantation M OL Es; also, a car I Und of ROCK! saddle and Draft Horses, at HOOK AOAT'S Stables, Columbus airest. H. T. TER? RILL._octl0-6? FOR SALE, AT THE SUBSCRIBER'S stables. Queen street, a lot of extra-One Horses and Mulan. P. WEST._ocie-,l? JUST ARRIVED, TEN LARGE DRAY UULEs; also, lot floe saddle and Harness HORSES, at K. OAK. MA K's Stables, No. 85 Onurch street._ OC18 4? FOR SALE, A FIRST-RATE ABBE? VILLE PLANTATION, containing about 1600 acres, capable or advantageous division, the Property formerly or General Augustus M. Smith, now of bis widow. For terms and particular*, apply to JOEL e?. PERRIN, Esq, of Abbeville, or to WARDLAW A CAREW, Charleston. cctfr-stothimo FOR SALE, TWENTY-HORSE POWER Stationary ENGINE AND BOILER, in fair order. Price, $600. Also, a lot of SHAFTING, Pu Hoys, Ac, at a bargain. CAMERON, n ARK. LEY A co. _aug22 thurn PERMANENT, TRANSIENT AND DAY Board can be obtained ar. No. ll Coming street, between We ut wort h and Beau fain st reel a. Terms reasonable octs-tntb4* FOR SALE, A JUDGMENT AGAINST J. BEN RT OTJKN, son of the late Henry oi jen, for seventy-five Dollars. Wul be sold at a discount at MENKE A MULLER'S._ang?7 BULL POND PLANTATION FOB SALE. The above named PLANTATION, situated in Harnwell County, five ml es from Graham's 'lamont, on the Snath Carolina Railroad, ls offer? ed for sale, lt contains seven hundred and nriy acres, two hundred and fifty aorea or which are good elsy Ootion Laud. There are also upon the premises a Hos DWELLING, containing six rooms, together with houses for the accommoda Hun of twenty laborera, um House, Screw, Burns, Stables, Ac, all In good order. The place ls per? fectly healthy, with an abondance of fine cool water. For terms, apply to REEDER A DAVIS, Charleston. S. c., or to Dr. W. ti. HAUOOD, Blackville, S. C. oe tl (Jcpartnerelfijj? and ffh?so.ntiaiu. C^~A1?^RTNER8B^ subscribers have associated together, under the firm i f FINLEY A HENDERSON, for tho Prac? tice of Law In the coaiitles of Aiken, Barnwell, Colieion and EdgeOeld, and will also undertake business In the Federal Couria tor the District of South carolina. Law ornee, Aiken, S, 0. W. PERONNKAD UNLEY, OCtS tuthsS D. S. HENDERSON. iJnsinm darci. D. A. J. SULLIVAN, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, No. 113 MEETING STREBT, NEARLY OPPOSITE CAMERON, BA RE LEY A CO Desires to Inform his friends and the public that be la prepared to carry on the GENERAL j BUILDING) BUSINESS. Repairs of all kinds at? tended to. Designs and estimates furnished upon application. aepo T T. CHAPEAU * 00., DB?XBB8 AND DI3TILLBB? OB TURPENTINE AND ROSIN OFFICE No. 178 EAST BAT, 0HABLB8TOH, S. a The highest prices paid for crud ?. apria-flBios Amusements. GERMAN LAD. ES' SOCIETY, IN FR ECNDSCHA PTBUSD HALL, ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1872, FOR THE BENEFIT OF TBE O ERM AN CHU RC LL Tickeu $1, to be bad from the following Com? mittee : SENIOR CO tfMITTBB. CaptainD. WEHNER, ur. F. YON SAKTBN, Capialn J. SMALL, Hr. J. P. MBBKHARDT, Captain Li. WAG KN ER. Kr. H. Ron DB, Mr. J. 0. B. CL A cs SEN, ir. W. S? M KEN, Mr. D. A. A M MK, Ur. J. BEILS, Mr. G. Loo KM ANN, Mr. G. LINDSTKDT, Mr. F. J. LILIBNTHAL, ?r. J. HEESSMANN. JUNISB COMHITTKE. L. MOLLER, 0. 0. PLENOS, W. KNOBELOCH, Jr., W. STENDER, LL SCHACHTE, J. A. AMME, J. YON OVEN, H. U. BOXBCH, A. F. C. CRAMER, E. BRANDES. OCI3-7 F> I'SLCOERS, Chairman. (Soneal ional. COMMISSIONERS, JUARLE5TON. S. C., 00 TUBER 1, 1872.-The Fxerclses of the Pcbllc Sch ola ol thia City will JO resumed on MONDAY. Titi muant. Applications for the admission'of children may t>e made it tbe respective bcnool Booses on and arter MOKDAY, the uih instant. By order of the Boartl. E. MONTAGUE GRIMKE, oct2-10 Superintendent. ST PETER'S PABOCHIAL SCHOOL FOR COLORED CHILDREN will resume Its 1 Exercises on TUEN DAY, October the ist. Apply to Kev. A. M FOLOHI, Principal_Q0t2-lmo MRS. HOPSON PINOKNEY'S BO ABD INO and Day school for Yuung Ladles, at Mo. 68 Llasei street. Offers ff duties for tnt-1 ruction In the usual branches or En {.lah Eilucatlon; also in the Meiern Language*, Drawing. Painting, Vocal and Instrumentai Music. Exeiclsts wdi be re sumed october 1._Bfpn-lmu QR ARLESTON FEMALE SEMINARY. No. 60 ST. PH LIP STREET. The THIRD ANNUAL SE'SION will begin the j first MONDAY in october, and end the second FRIDAY in July, the term being shortened two I weeks to Induce pupils to remain until the close | of scholastic year. Applicants and those absent from the July Ex? amination wlil be examined the first week. Prompt attendance reqMeted, so that tho Regu? lar KxercUes of the School be not retarded. Pupils entering the secend and third weeks will bo charged from the firs'. For Terms and Circulars containing par: lc ulara, apply aa above. Miss E. A. KELLT, sepl9 Principal. _ QLo Hem. TO BBOT, m TH3 NOBTHWBSTBBH part of the etty, within five minutes'walk or atreet cara, in a hoi ae where there are no children, two Rooms, with or without Kitchen To au approved tenant rant moderate, inquire at ibis office._oct 102? TO RENT, FOB TB E YEAR 1873, THAT very desirable Plantation, situate la christ cuuroh ParlBh. eleven miles from Mooni pleas? ant, called *'Walnot Grove," containing ano aerea or cleared Laud, witngjod settlement. Will be Leased for a term or years on-easy terms. Ap ply at No. 41 Broad street._ooiiothia TO BENT, STOREHOUSE AND DWEL? LING, tn Town of Florence, 8. c., Main street, opposite Freight Depot, formerly occupied by A. W. Loy ns. Andrejs Box, Florence s. u. 00188?_ FOB BENT, IN THE CENTRAL POR? TION of Colombia, s. C., a large. and com? modious Storeroom, 126 feet long by 24 feet wide, suitable for almost any kind of business. Posses aloa can be had at once. Rent $1000 per annum. Apply to BOLLMANN BROS., No. 163 bast Bay, or G. PIERCES, Colombia S. 0._octS-S TO BENT, FINE RESIDENCE IN COM? PLETE order, southwest corner Spring and Ashley streets, with rivery onvenlence-gas. waterworks, cistern. Ac. Apply to WILLIAM G WHlLDEN, No. Ml King street. octt-atnih mo BENT, STOEE No. 188 KINO A. STREET, next to Singer Office, suitable for Dry doods or Boote and -hoes. Apply to Hinger Sewing Machine Company._aogl6-thatn TO BENT, THAT ELEGANT NEW STORE, No. 410 KI ig street, next to corner Burns lane. To an approved tenant they wm be rented low. Apply to l.'OaSYTHE, MCCOMB A CO., corner King atreet and Burns lane. octi-tntha_ TO BENT, THAT DESIRABLE STORE No. 394 King Rtreet, recently occupied by rur S?TUE, MCCOMB A CO. The stor- la neatly shelved, and with Counters and Gas Fixtures wm ne rented low to an approved tenant. Apply to FoRiYTHE, MCCOMB A co., corner Wog street! and Barns lase. ootl-tuths TO BENT, THAT LARGE AND O0M M0D1ODS Building. Na 140 East Bay, re? cently occupied aa the Publication Onice or Tua Nxws, and formerly known aa the French Coffee Boase. For terms, Ac, applr at the omeo of THE NBWB, NO. IS Broad street._tep28 TO BENT, THAT LARGE AND DE? SIRABLE RESIDENCE No. 9 King atreet, recently finished, suitable for one or two rear*ot? adle families, havlog all the necessary outbuild? ings for the accommodation of the same. There is on the premises ouu or ihe largest cisterns and one of the best wells of water lu the city. Apply on the premises. septtf Joint Stock Comparu;. Ol??CiAL BAFFLE NUMB EES OF TUE CU ABLEST* N J01VT S TOOK COM? PANY for the teneflt of .ne State Orphan Asylum. CLASS No. 191-WIDNISDAY MORN INO. Oct. 9. 65-42-22 - 38-03-32 -21-23 -70-76-12- 64 CLASS NO. 192-WBDNltSDAY KVKNINO, Oot 9 18- 6-66-13- 9-12-61-48-46- 8-27-16 OCtlO A. MOttOsu, Sworn Commissioner. ?oarbina. ^OOD BOABD, WITH PLEASANT VX Rooms, upon reasonable terms, at No. 71 broad atreet. Day Boarders accommodated at [ short notice. sepia Notices in ?ankrnptcTi. DISTRICT COUB^OT^HEn??rrED STATES, FOR TUE LISTttlCT OF SuUTH CAROLINA.-in Bankruptcy.-In the matter or ISAAC 9. K. BENN KIT, Bankrupt.-Eastern Dis? trict of Mouth carolina.--A warrant In Bankrupt? cy has been ls- ued by Bald court agaiust the KHtateof IiAAOS. K. I ENNETr, of ibo Conniv i.f Charleston and Si ate of South carolina, In said District, who haa been duly adjudged a Bankrupt uponpetlilon of his creditors, ami ihe payment or any debts and the delivery of any property be? longing to Eald Bankrupt, to him or to his ase, and the transfer or any property by him, are for? bidden bylaw. A meeting or the creditors or I said Bankrupt, to prove their debts ami to choose one or more Assignees or his h?tate, will be held at a Court of Bau s rnptc r, to be holden at Charles? ton, In ?aid District, on the 19th dav of Octooer, A. D. 187 V, at 12 o'clock M., at the office of JULIUS c. CA KPK NT KR, Esq., ene of tho Registran la Bankruptcy of said Dist -icc. R. M. WALLACE, octlQ.lQ_F. S. Barahal for said District. "N THE DISTBICT COURT OF TUE X UNITED STATES, FOR THE DISTRICT OF MJUTH CAROLINA_In the matter or WILLIAM U. WELCH, Bankrupt, by whom a petition lor adjndlcatloa lo Baukruj cy was flied uu the 7ih day of June, A. D. Its72 in said Court.-In Bank? ruptcy.-This ls to give netice, that on the nth day or october. A. D. 1812, a Warrant in Bank? ruptcy was issued agalma the FBiate ot WIL? LIAM H. WtLUU, of Charleston, in the County or Charleston and state or sooth Carolina, wno has been adjudged a Bankrupt on bia own petition, that the payment or soy debts and delivery or any properly belonging to said Bankrupt, to bim or ?or bia use, and the traoarer or any property by him aie forbidden by law; that a meeting of the i red I tors of tue sahl Bankrupt to prove their debta, and to choose ?me or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held lita Court or Bankruptcy, t? be holden at No. 72 Broad street, charleston, South Carolina, before J. C. CARPENTER. Regis? trar, on the Twenty-first day of october. A. D. 1872, at 30 O'Clock A. M. B. M. WALLACE, octl0,2l U. S. Mara?al, as Mt aaenger. {Urnas ano JHeoinncs. ?"FTTL?^^?G^TABLE RHEO MATIC SYRUP. Warranted nuderoatn never to have failed to cure 28 600 Certificates or testimonials of cure, including' Rev. 0. H. Ew'-ag, Media, Pennsylvania; Rev Joseph Beggs, Fall? of Schuylkill, Philadel? phia- the wire or Rev. .1. B. Davis, HteBtstown, New Jersey; Rev. Thomas Murphy, Frankford, Philadelphia; Doctor Jennings and Doctor Walton, Philadelphia; HOD. J V, Greeley, member Con? gress from Philadelphia- Don. Judge Lee, Cam* den, New Jersey; ex-senator Stewart, Baltimore; ex-Governor Powell, Kentucky, and thousands or others. Warranted to tore or money refunded. DB, Om 0AULIBR, Agent, juiyi-iyr Charleston, S.o. financial. JJ M. WATERS & CO., (LAM WATTES, PIBRO il 00.,) | B ANKE BS AND COTTON COMMISSION ' MERCHANTS, No. 66 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK, Boy and Sell Contract! for Future Dei l very of Cotton, strictly for a commission, so that no In? terest of onr own can possibly conflict with tbat of our patrons. Refer, by permission, to Union National Bank; People's Bank. New York. Correspondence solicited. octs-lmo JAY COOKE, MCCULLOCH & co. No. 41 LOMBARD STREET, LONDON. FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COMMERCIAL CREDITS, CABLE TRANSFERS. CIRCULAR LETTERS FOR TRAVELLERS, AVAILABLE IN ALL PASTS OF THE WORLD. JAY COOKE & CO., No. 20 WALL STREET. may23-z _ Jnsttratue. jp I H E IN S U B~AH ~GT&7~~ THE NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH, CAPITAL, $12,000,000. THE PHONIX INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, CAPITAL AND ASSETS, 11,127,826 74. Tho undersigned, having increased noir INSUR? ANCE facilities by tbe Agency of that etrong and reliable American Company, the PH (EN ix, of Hartford, are now enabled to offer to merchants aud property owneis Fol?eles in the above named Companies at as low rates as any other drat class Companies. E. s H BRING A CO., ! Insurance Agents, sep6-8mos No. 14 Broad street. w irjattqci. JctDtuTTj, 4*c AT OH E S~! WA T CH E S I We hare Jost opened an Assortment of Ameri? can and European WATCHES, which we offer at the lowest New York pricer: GOLD WATCHES frsm $26 to $120. Silver Watches'from $12 to $33. All or which are warranted. Call and see, and be convinced. Also, a Large Assortment of JEWELRY. oct8-tnih2 _M. A- A. ASHTON. Setting iRocijines. IJHE NEW IMPROVED WHEELER & WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. We are now selling these superior MACHINES on Ten Dollar monthly payments. . Adjusting and Repairing done promtly. WHEELER A WILSON MANUF'O CO.. aprs-lyr No. 2oe King street. tailoring, . m F.fteenYeara of Prayer, by S. IrenaeoB Prime, History of the German Set laments and of the Lutheran Church in North and South carolina, by Rev. O. D. Brrohelm, $3. Work and Wages, practically lllostrated, oy Thomas Brassey, M. P.. $3. Autumnal Catarrh, (Hay Fever,) with Maps, by %XlpYesGorr?l' hy John 5 ATRW^KAI the World, edited by 8 ua???'a?Hand$Bo?'k for Travellers la Enrope and East, wltn 88 Maps and Plans of Cities, by W. Pemoroke Fetridge, lltb year, $6. NEW NOVELS. EBB-TIDE, bv Christian Reid. Author of Mor? ton House, paper, SI; cloth $160 ombra, by Mrs. Oliphant, paper 76c; Hope De ierre d, by Elisa F. Pollard, paper 60; A Walting Race, by Edmund Yatee, paper 76c; Wanted a Pedigree, by Anti or of- ld Fashioned Boy. cloth, JJ; me Member for Parla, by Trois Etoiles, pa? per 76c More Than She Could Bear, a Story of the Gachup?n War in Texas, A. D. 1812-'i8,by Bee? per Benbow, cloth $1 60. The Brooks of Bridlemere, by J. G. Melville, cloth $126. Only a Girl. From the German or W. Von Hlllern. Cloth $1 76. The White Rose. Melville. $126. Maid of Sker, by R. D. Blackmore, paper 76c. Dr. Vandyke, by John listen Cooke, cloth $l 26; j paper 75c. Lord Kllgobbtn, by Charles Lever, cloth $1 to; : paper. $1. ? ne Golden Lion or Granpere, by Anthony Trol? lope, cloth $125; paper 76c. The New Edition or Cooper's Novels. Cloth $126; paper 76c. A G .od lovestment, by Wm. Flagg. Paper 60c Christian North, by E. M. Archer. Paper 76c By His Own Might. From the German of W. Von Hlllern. Cloth $1 76. Cerise, by G. J. Melville Cloth $126. FOG ARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, No. seo KING STREET (Ut the Bend,) m chis-tutos -'? Charlearen, S. a (Bhforen??, tiquete, 20? tot? Cumberland. COAL, for 8mttlu?ad T?A Wt?BWIIl 100 tons Bituminous Lamp Coal, for Parlor tue loo ton? Anthracite Lump for Foundries 150 tons Steamboat Anthracite Coal _-sv?. TOO tans Ked Ash. Egg ind Btove, elset for Grates and Rangea . ? if ? : t.< In Yard ?nd to arrive. Ordere received by E. F. SWEEGAN, Agent, . pctlo-4 :'T\ j g pfyfl Wnart. I TE i P ? O i> FI NE SALT. octto-i _ ?gASTEBN HAY 1 BASTEEN HAY i - atc bales EASTERN HAY landin? ex Brit *.8 Hassell, from Belfast, Me. ^ifjy?g \*Ji&<3 For aale by * A. BWI?W AO? octio_ No. 141 MtflP. gUPEBIOB MUSCOVADO MOLASSES. 76 hhda. Superior Remeoioe MOLASSES, almost equal to Porto Rico.. . _ For aale by J. A. EN8LOW A CO.. : octio_*_Na 141 East Bay._ Q 0 A L I COAL!" C ?>"L I Red Aah COAL or the beat quality-Egg, Stove and Chestnut Blzee. : For sale by H. F. BAKES, Agen V octio-i Ooalyard. Cumberland street. QORN AND OATS. a co bushels Western Mixed CORS SOM bushels Prime Whit? Milling Corn 2000 bushels Feeding OATS. . ., i For sale by HERMANN B?LWINKLE, , octa-3 _ Kerr's wna??] JMVERPOOL SALT AFLOAT. V' "') ?j 2000 Backs LIVERPOOL SALT, in fine order, just received per shin Nautilos, and for sale ingots to snit parc h ase rs by _Bs;. ROBERT MURR A CO., ' octa_ Central Waarf.: ?JOAL LANDING. 480 tens Superior R. AV Orate and Stove COAL, landing this day and for sale Cow from veatel by JULIUS A. BLAKE, ., octo-2 - Boyce%wTmrfr J^"0. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO. *. 100 tons No. 1 Peruvian, Chinch * and Gnanape GUANO. For sale by HERMANN BULWTNKLR, octS Kerr's Wharf. gEEDSl SEEDS 1 SEED WHEAT. >~ Seam Carolina Seed Bye. Red Rust-proof Oats. CareraUy selected. For sale by JOHN OAMPSO A 00. aeptio-tnthaimo . . - ? i . BORNEO BAGGING. too bales Heavy BORNEO BAGGING. For sale by HERMANN BULWINKLB, 0013 , .'. Kerr'a Wharf. jgTBAWBEBBY PLANTS. ?J*r ??g 100,000 Nunan STRAWBERRY PLANTS. For sale-y H. W. KINSMAN. 1 8epl2-tn:hl6_ No. 12a FJutB?y? pOOD FOR THE Mlt?fc _ iT I THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OP THE AGB, AMERICAN CLUB FISH-BONELESS YOUNO SHAD. - , The Cheapest and beat1 Food In emiten cc' in I whole, naivet and quarter boxea. : . - c?.- ( PAUL B. L ALANE ? Oft, " ; ,U ! No. 176 East Bay, Charleston, 8. c., soto Agents : Liberal die count to th?ftreda. sepl?-amoa VALENTINE'S PBEFARATION OF MEAT JUICE, ..... SE jg _ Jost received, ? largescpply of the above. Raoh I bottle contains four poonda of Ute beet Beef, ex. elusive of fat; can be used wiui cold or wara water; also can be taken with Oodhver OIL aid destroys the taate of the Oil. ' ? ?.> Tne only food for delicate ch lld rea. .. . Thia la mach superior to the "Extractor Beef," heretofore offered to the p a bUo, as wm be found upon trial. For tale by Dr. H. BABB, inn! NamfeetmoSeat. . - ....??*-....'>...?...'. i. ? . . . rs ..-if ir:?vr . -.i . :.>.!.?;.'.i-M .-rr .. ; ? .< ? ... .,.? - i? JU.. >" .a'^.i.-i.ij-t ^yiLSON'S QBO^KRY. j WILSON'S a BOOSEY ls nor offering the moat carefully selected stock of LIQUORS ; to be found, lu thu city. ,.; . . r:r They nave been ?elected especially ror tueir medlclnal aunties, and their purity endorsed by tho most eminent physicians of Charleston.' '.' Partie? des 1 ri n g a pore ar tl c le can al way s. rely on Liquors sold from thia eatabilsnment and' recommended. " ; A foll supply of low grad ea on band. WILSONS' OH?CKRY, ' Ha 800 King streat. *sr Address Box No. 3BS. .. A L I B ? T Fl N:?\ H HALIBUT FINS. I TONGUES AND SOUNDS. ' . ' . i ?? . - TONGUES AND SOUNDS. For salo low at WILSONS' GROCERY; No. aol King Street. . All Gooda Delivered Promptly. : ", -aap? . CANNED PEACHES i CANNED PEACHES! , 180 dozen 2 and 3 lb. CANNED FEACHES.1 ' For sale low at WlMOo'flBOOBRT^' Na 800 Klogstraet. , JJ-All Oocds delivered freq _ CANNED TOMATOES 1 CANNED TO? MATOES I 700 dosen Mb Carnied TOMATOES.. Foraalelowac WILSON^GBOCB^ aw All Gooda delivered free. _ OTEUPI SYRUP I SYRUP I Na soe King airest. 49- All Gooda delivered free. BARGAINS IN TEAS, COFFEES, GBO UERIES AND PROVISIONS. Warranted to aalt the palates and the pockets or the minion. WILSONS' GROCERY, No. soe King street. MST All Goods delivered free. ?\TEW CODFISH, PICKLED SALMON/ ll SPICED SALMON. Extra Na 1 MACKEREL Mess Mackerel ... New Berringa. ?" ~> . For Bale low at . WILSONS' GROCERY, --o No. ste tong Btrtet. a*-All Goods delivered free."' ?\TEW SMOKED REEF, FRESH SMOKED J\ TONGUES, NEW HAMS, (SMALL SIZE.) PIG SHOULDERS. Fulton Market BEEF Family Pig Pork Smoked Pig Tongues Pickled Pigs' Feet. For aale low at WILSONS' GROCERY, No. soo King street, as* AU Goods delivered free. * " ACADEMY OF MUSIC SALOON win be recpenea to-day. Lunch from ll to 2. . tim Bar baa been refitted and supplied with im- "'> ported Liquors and Cigare. ^ lill" ' LOUIS RONNER, ooCT-lmo Late Barkeeper at the M?la':t?or??e,