The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, October 04, 1872, Image 3

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Mary. Toe maple trees are tinged with red, The birch with golden yellow, ?M high a Dove the orchard wall Bang apples rich and mellow; And that's the way through yonder lane, That looks so still and grassy The way I took one Sunday eve, When Mary was a lassie. Yon'd hardly think that patient race, That looks so thin and faded, Ww once the very sweetest one That ever bonnet shaded ; Bat when I went through yonder lane, That looks so still and grassy. Those eyes were brlgh*. those cheeks were fair, When Mary was aussie. Bot many a tender sorrow, And many a patient care, Have made those furrows on the face That used to be so fair. Four times to yonder cu arch yard, Through the lane so htm and grossv, We've borne and laid away onr dead, Mn ce Mary was a lannie. And so yon see i've grown to love The wrinkles more than rosea ; Earth'a winter flowers are sweeter far Than all spring's dewy posies : They'll carry us through yonder lane ThatJooks so still aad grassy, Adowa the lane I used to go When Mary was a lassie. OUR "REVISED STATUTES." TO THE EDITOR OF THE NEWS. An examination o? the compilation, passed at the last session of the Le gist a tute of this State, called the Bevlaed Statutes, leads us to ask a question of some Importance to the com? munity. Under the act ol 1868 real estate purchased or acquired alter the date of a will was controlled by Its provisions, unless the will waa recorded. The revised statutes repeal the apt of 1868, and as lar as can be seen do not re-enact lt In any iorm. Have any of your j readers examined Into this point ? If so, will they give the result of their examination ? AN ATTEMPTED MURDER. Tile Wsttbmin at CamdcnJDesper ately Cut and Beaten. ' [From the Camden Journal.] On Tuesday night, or, rather, Wednesday morning, about three o'clock, Just as Mr. Wil? liam Floken, the watchman at toe depot, was going to fire np the passenger engine, he was fiercely assaulted by three or lour men, one of whom, with a tremendous blow from some Iron instrument, struck: him on the top ef his head and knocked him down. The party then fell upon him with knives, cut bis right eye nearly ont, made several incisions In both his .anns, and ont one of his flogers. As be was .Struck, he cried ont, " Murder ! murder !" and, bis orles belog heard bv a c)lored woman living on the bill above the depot, she cried for Colonel Blodgfit, the conductor, who rushed to the depot, but the assassins had fled. Mr. Floken waa carried home, and Dr. 8. Baruca summoned to attend him. He now Iles in an exceedingly precarious situation, and It lo very doubtful whether he recovers. Mr. Floken does not recognize any of the par? ties, "rho assassins did not succeed In obtain? ing any plunder, aa Mr. Floken fortunately gave tile alarm in time. His faithful dog bas not been seen since, and lt is thought he was kiUed. ?r_A BLACK DEFIT. His B ratal Attack Upan a Young White ..Girl. [from the Sumter News.] Late on Wednesday evening, the 26th ulti? mo, A young white girl, residing near the town, while on her way home, and Just as she reached the neighborhood of the railroad, '- was set upon by a fiendish scoundrel, a colored .boy. calling himself Samson Dick, who would doubtless have accomplished his devilish pur? pose, bad be not been deterred by the timely arrival of one of the railroad employees, near the spot, in a hand-car. The cowardly brute, hearing the approach of the band-oar, desisted from pis attempt, and fled to the adjacent woods, where he concealed himself for a con? siderable length of time, until he thought he could venture lo leave with safety to himself. The father of the unfortunate girl, however, had received intelligence of the attack noon bis daughter by this time, and was on the lookout, gun In band, for the guilty perpetra- | tor of the deed. He Intercepted the villain, aa hejtttenpted to emerge irom his sheller, arrested and delivered him Into the hands of I the Jailor. . _ . A RESULT OF CARPET-BAG RULE. The Imptcanloci Condition of Ker? shaw County. [From the Camden Journal.] The financial affairs ol the county are Indeed desperate. The stenographer's salary has . been unpaid for -nearly a year, schools are closed, teachers' school certificates are, many of them, unpaid also, while many poor peda . gogoes have sold their warrants for about one third or one-hall their lace, and tba presump? tions are strong that unlawful sp?culations .are' being indulged in in respect to them. The State appropriation' has not been paid, and the school a will remain closed until the tazas are collected. THE BROWING CROPS. The cotton crops of the Lowndesvllle section, In Abbeville County, have been very much cut off by the drought, and will probably not exceed a half crop. The cotton upon uplands la nearly all open, and the next plcklug will pretty much clear the fields. The heavy rains of Saturday night did much injury to the open cotton. It ls estimated that the cotton In Abbeville which'was early planted win make a two thirds crop, and that late cotton ls out off one . half. The corn crop ls very good, excepting on the low-lands. JOTTINGS ABOUT THE STATE. -Hattie Wells, of Newberry, was kicked in the flu? by a horse last week. -Newberry shipped two hundred bales of I cotton on Sunday. -The gtn-house of Mr. El 1er be, of Kershaw, with thirty bales of cotton, was burned down on Monday. -The Abbeville Banner announces the death of Dr. Thomas Lake, which sad event took place at his residence near Ninety-six, on the morning or the 24th September. -A yoong child of Mr. Claffey, of Columbia, was burned to death on Tuesday last. The mother left the child lor a few moments, when rt is supposed to have fallen in the fire, with the above result. -The following is the reBultofthesaleof | CUy'Df Columbia seven per cent, bonds, on Wedneeda}: B. J. Donaldson, $10,000, at 65 cents; D. Oambrlll, $10,000, at 55 cents and 50 cents: C. Waring, $10.000, at 56 cents; B. J. Donaldson, $10,000, at 65 cents and 50 cents. -Governor Scott bas appointed James M. Brown county treasurer lor Darlington Coun? ty, vice J. J. Wright, resigned, and removed W. F. .Clayton and Samuel Berthes as trial Justices lor Marlon County, for failure in the discharge of their duties, and using the office for the persecution of the poor. -The jury of inquest that sat at Sumter npon the body or Andrew Simons, whose -? death resulted from the explosion of T. J. Toomey's Steam MilL; was further charged with an Investigation of the tacts and circum? stances connected with that sad accident Thu Jury, three-fourths of whom were colored men, exonerated Mr. Tuomey from all blame tn the matter. -Wednesday was the day for the regular meeting of the State board of education, but for want of a quorum, there was no formal meeting, and an adjournment was made wlth Srt.transacting any business. During the day e county school commissioners who were present conferred at length with Hon. J. K. Jlllson, State superintendent. The only coun? ties represented were Sumter, Marlon, Rich? land, Greenville, Horry, Chester, Abbeville, York, 'Orangeburg, Chesterfield and Laurens. ' Norton TC DRUGGISTS.-By act of the Leg? islature, druggists are required to have the xstrooTsr to each poison or poisonous com ?f ponnd sold by them printed opon the label on ' each bottle or package. THE NEWS Job Office ls prepared to print to order all such labels, being provided with the requisite cots. Spec 1 jaens may be seen on application. Bnsiness Caros ? F. HANCKEL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, VANDERHORST WHARF, CHARLESTON, 8. 0., Having resumed business on bk own account, will be glad to receive Consignments of Produce for sale. oct2-wlf2* D. A. J. SULLIVAN, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, No. 113 MEETING STRIKT, NEARLY OPPOSITE CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO Desires to inform his friends and the public ? tbat be ls prepared to carry on Ibe GENERAL BUILDING BUSINESS. Repairs of all kinds at? tended to, Designs and estimates furnished upon application. sep9 T. T. CHAPEAU A CO., DEALERS AND MBTELLRRS OP TURPENTINE AND ROSIN, OFFICE No. 178 EAST BAT, OH A RLK8TON, S. a The highest prices paid for Crude, apno-emos jyjTOSES GOLDSMITH A SON, COLONNADE ROW, VENDUE RANGE. Highest Cash Price paid for WOOL, WAX Hides, Skins, Paper Stock, iron, and all kinds of | Metals. ALSO, Dealers m COTTON, Naval Stores and Seoteb Pie Iron. mavao-mwfiyr PRESTON DOWLING, No. 9 BOYCE'S WHARF, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Local Salesman or the celebrated Wright A Warnock's Horae-Power for ginning, ha Hy adapted to the Old Ring Post, and ls a complete geering, not affected by the weight in the gin house. Invented by a Barnwell man. Gins, with two mules, io er 45 saw gins, l&oo to 20001 pounds lint per day. Price here $125. Also for Wright's Cotton Planter. Best ever Invented. Plants any given number of seed any given num? ber or inches apart. One hand, with mole, opens, plants and covers six acree per day. Price $26. sep?g-wfm-7_ Carpets, ?lattinrj, &t. OIL CLOTH, MATTING, ftc GEO. A. BOWMAN, Agent, No. 837 KINO STREET, BAS JUST RECEIVED A HANDSOME AND WELL 1 SELECTED STOCK OF : Velvet, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brusseis, Three Ply 1 ingrain, Wool Dutch, VenetUn and Hemp CARPETING. Velvet, Brussels and Beam RUGS and MATS Cocoa, Manilla, Rattan and China MATTING Cocoa. Jote and Allleant MATS OIL CLOTH, of all widths and qnalltps STAIR RODS, Stair Pads, Carpet Linings, Ac. Which he ls prepared to off, r at prices that wm | please. sep27-fmwl2 professional. ?JR. H. B. HEWITT, OFFICE CORNES GEORGI ANO ANSON STRIITi CHARLESTON, S. C., Jan be consulted on the following dlseasas, and diseases of a kindred nature, free or charge and In strict confidence. Chargea mode? rate and within the reach or all. or? nee hours from 0 A. M. to 7 P. M.: RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. In all arthritic complaints, as rheo ma ile m, gout, neuralgia, Ac this practice ls almost perfect, rhe most intense pains are almost instantly re? lieved, enormous swellings are red a oed, limbs which have been contracted and stiff tor years J ire relaxed. Caaes or twenty, thirty and forty reara' standing have been cured by me alter all ather means have railed. A great accomplishment ls my triumph over) pain by which I can orten, In a few moments, ,00tho and carry off the mon excruciating suf? ferings. If this system did nothing more than to relieve pain, lt would stand superior to any 3th er system extant. CATARRH. stop ped - u p Head, Running of the Nose, constant Hawking and Spliting, oonstant Blowing or the Nose. Thousands suffer from that most annoying, dis? agreeable and cffenslve complaint, Catarrh, with jut knowing what lt ls. Often the secreted mu? cous, flowing down the throat, cloga up the lunga tod lays the foundation for consumption. The moat skilful physicians fall to core lt. I care any case of obstruction, stopped-np lead, discharges or greenish, thick, thin or glairy uocous from the nose, internal or external, pain >r fullness between the eyes, constant blowing of .he noss, inflammation of the nasal passags*. ilceratlon ot schneiderten membrane, Ac, in the worst of a row days. DEAFNESS, ferrous Dearness, Noises in the Head, Otorrboa, Otitis (Discharges from the Ear,) Paralysis or Auditory Nerve. I am dally treating all affections or the ear with be most grailfylng leanlta. tome who have paid turista nearly $1000 without benefit, have been ?red by me in a few weeks at a moderate ex leese. MERCURIAL DISEASES. Mercury, injudiciously used, bas Oiled the earth with wrecks of humanity. Thousands aunar from its effects who have been unconsciously dragged t>y their physicians, lt is vain to attempt the oore of the majority or diseases while lt remains lu the body. Alibough I have heard or several so called antidotes for mercury in the human body, I have never yet seep a physician who could eliminate lc from the system. I can satisfy any patient or physician that I can absolutely abstract mercury, lead, zinc, and other mineral poison* In every ca&e. CANCERS. Noll-me-Tangere. Lupuse, or Wolf Cancer, Sclr rhus Cancer, Fungous Cancer, Rose Cancer spider Cancer. I make a great specialty in the treatment of every description or Cancer and Tumors. How many Cancers and Tumors are wrongfully treated by certain charlatans styling themselves "Cancer Doctors." ATter being pronounced Incurable, I will take any one or these cases in hand and make a per? manent core. My terms for treating Cancers, Ac., will be based on the age and condition or the patient, and the positive certainty of cure. sep2l moors, Sashes ano B?nas Manufacturer and Dealer in DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, STORE DOORS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN MOULDINGS, WINDOW GLASS, NEWELS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, BALUSTERS, SLATE MANTELS. OFFICE AND SALES ROOMS, No. 90 Havne street, FACTORY, HORL BBC K'S WHARF mciis-fmwiy - ji H .Untying ono inrniatiing ?oodt. NEW^?ORET^ NEW GOODS ! EVERYTHING NEW ! MENKE ft MULLER, TAILORS ANO CLOTHIERS, INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THEIR SPLENDID NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, AND OHOIOE MATERIALS FOR CUSTOM WORK. AN INSPECTION OF THE GOODS AND PBIOES IN THEIR NEW ESTABLISHMENT, COR. KING AND WENTWORTH STS., Ii RB8PECTFULLT SOLICITED. lanes ($0000, Notions, &c. CLOSING OUT SALE OF Fi\Cr GOODS, NOTIONS, &d. We beg to inform our friendo and tue Merchants generally, that baring concluded to close np onr present b oslo ess, we BOW offer onr entire Btoot for ?ale at prices (nat should induce all to bay who are In want ol anything In onr line. Onr Stock ia large and vined, and we are con? fident that lt will be to the Interest of all City or Country Dealers to call?n us before purchasing elsewhere. STEELE & WABDELL, NO. 1ST MEETING STREET, Bep2-mwftmo Charleston, S. 0. SEPTEMBER, 1873. li E. W. MARSHALL ft CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS' IND NOTIONS. We offer to the Trade, an unusually Large and Well-Purchased Stock or the above* Gooda, which will be kept full dnrlng the season by a Resident Boyer in the Northern Mar teta, and will be sold u prices oa low as can be obtained elsewhere. E. W. MARSHALL A CO., No. 141 Meeting street, Charleston, S. 0. sepB-mwfimo ftgriesUnxal Slatr-intrp. WRIGHT ft WARNOCK'S ANTI-FRICTION HORSE POWER. PATENTED OCTOBER 10, 1871. We take pleasure In presenting to the planters and public a Hone Power gotten up by Messrs. WRIGHT A WARNOCK, of Barnwell and Bean fort Counties, 8. 0.. which ls a most p.-r feet ma? chine. The said Power will give greater speed at the expense or lesa power than anything yet In use; IB strong, simple and durable. Can be used with equal ease for ginning cotton, threshing grain, pumping water, Ac. Will, on a forty-saw gm In good order, with two moles, moderate galt, gin 1600 pounds lint cotton per day; brisk driving 2000 pounds. One mule can poll lt; light for two. It alts in a frame in the house; can be arranged to gin with the gin and gear sitting on the ground. Another important feature of this Power ls that the rising or falling of the floor of the house does not affect the working of the gear In any way. This ts a Southern enterprise, and no humbug Price $125, and freight, ready for putting up. G. H. KIRKLAND and W. A. CLARK, Allendale, S. C., . Agents for South Carolina. G. H. KIRKLAND, Agent for North Carolina. BIFKKINOI8: Rev. Messrs. Joseph A. Lawton* and Joseph Boa ti ck,* or the Savannah River Associa? tion, Allendale; Captain W. M. Bostick,* Allen? dale; Rev. Messrs. D. J. Simmons and F. Milton Kennedy, of the South Carolina Conference; Gen? eral Johnson Hagood, Barnwell Courthouse; Captain R. D. Senn, Columbi i; F. J. Pelter, Esq. and Messrs. Reeder A Davis, Charleston, s. c. .Those marked thus have seen the Power at wors. . jnn8-tnthBD?04inos Stommn ftfoorto. W. MONUMENT STREET, BALTIMORE MD., ON EUROPEAN PLAN.-This favorito es? tablishment, situated in one of the most eligible positions tn the city, en the highest ground, and consequently well adapted for a Summer Resort, being comparatively cool in midsummer, mag? nificently tarnished with baths and other con? veniences on every floor, ls now open for the re? ception or those contemplating a tony of pleasure the coming *eA*on. The oars run within a square or the house. Cuaches at all the stations. E. V. WESTCOTT, Proprietor. juns-amos Ort] (Jur?os, &?. GO OGG GGGG GGGGG GGGGQG GGGGGGG GGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGQGQQGQUGGGGGGQGGGGQ GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGG GGGOGuGG GGGGGGG GRAND GGGGGGG GGGGGG GGGGGG GGGGG GQGGQ GGGG OPENING GGGG GGG GOG GG GG G OF G CO GG GGG OGG GGGG DRY GGGG GGGGG GGGGG GGGGGG GGGGGG GGGGGGG GOODS. GGGGGGG GGGGGGGG GGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG GGGGQGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGQ8G GGGGGGGG GGOQuQO OGOGGU GQGGQ GGGG GAG GQ Q MONDAT, SEPTEMBER 30. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1. WE BN ES DAV, 03TOBER 2. FU RC H G OTT, BENEDICT & CO NO- ?75 KING STREET, (BROWNING'S OLD STAND,) Have completed their new and elegant Building, and are now offering to the Public the Fall Impor? tations of DRESS GOODS, In all the latest Fabrics, comprising : PLAIN CASHMERE*, Irish and French Poplins Drap de Niece, Merinos in all the newest colors Plain, Striped and Fancy Silk Black silks In all the leading makes Satins, la Black and all other colors ' sim Piu-ncs, lu all shades Trimming and Cloaking Velvets, all colors Dress and Trimming Epplngllns Rep Valours and Rep Fols Wool and Silk Poplins .. A new and rall Line of Mourning Goods A splendid assortment of Second Mourning Gooda Alpacas. Bombasines. Empress A Bearletta Cloths Laoes, Embroideries and Handkerchiefs Lace Collars, Shawls, Aa, Ac On TUESDAY, October 1st, we will open our CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. Fine CARPETS for Fall and Winter 1872. We will on that day open a fnU Line of VELVETS, BRUSSELS and . TAPESTRY CARPETS. Two and Three-ply Carpets Engii-o and American Oilcloths, au widths Druggets, Bugs. Mats, Ac, Aa, All in entirely new designs. We have added to onr weU assorted Stock of Goods a full Line of UPHOLSTERY GOODS, which will comprise all the latest designs and fabrics in tbat department. RICH SATIN DAMASK Ptain Silk and Union Terries Tapestry, Plano and Ta ti ie Covers Hair Cloths, Gimps, Ootion Damasks Cornices, Tassels, Window Shades, Ac Onr CLOTH AND TAILORING DEPARTMENTS are complete, and the Finest and Latest Styles i can be found at our establishment. On WEDNESDAY, October 2d, we will open and have completed oar GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, offering tho Public the Best and Latest Styles i and Makes of Goods belonging to this department, i Oar MILLINERY DRPARTMRNT contains all , the Latest Styles of FEATHERS, T?nmes, Artin- 1 dal Flowers; Plain, Grce Grain, two and three Balded Rlbbons.lnaU the most fashionable shades. DOMESTIC AND LINEN DEPARTMENTS ARE COMPLETE. 49-The Prices of all onr Goods will be regula? ted according to tho latest New York Price List. 1 Great care has been taken in the completion and selection of Goods for onr WHOLESALE DEPARTI! F NT, which, purchased or very flrat hands only, can be guaranteed to be the cheapest and best selected .stock in thts market. We moat cordially invite Merchants. Mininera and Tailors to inspect our ; Stock of Goods, examine our Prices, and we can ' guarantee satisfaction. 1 The Salesroom for this Department ls entirely separate from the Retail Department. FURCHGOTT, BF.NKDIOT A CO.. No. 276 King street. gfrortruf, lignera, gc. H. K LATTE & CO. AGENTS FOR CHARLESTON. We have appointed Messrs. H. KLATTE A CO. Role Agents for Charleston tor this celebrated Brand or PURE KENTDOK? WHISKEYS, both BYES and B'lURBON. These Whiskeys are guaranteed pore KENTUCKY COPPER DISTILLED.tree from all compound ira purities, and highly recommended by eminent chemists for medical use. The Brand la patented to prevent infringements. V BARKHOUSE BROS. A CO., Louisville, Ky. We respectfully inform onr friends and custom? ers that we keep constantly on band a full supply of the above already favorably weil known Whls eva and offer same to the trade at distiller a price*T H- WATTS A CO., aug3l-otuth8mo No. 186 East Bay. (Cigars, So?ncrc, *r. EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE No. 310 KINO STREET, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Of aU kinds. PIPES or every qnaUty. Call and examine stock before buying else where. WILLIAM SCHRODER, Proprietor. N.B.-The Wheel of Fortune constantly on hand. Divest 26 cents and try your luck. moaTPOAwlyr Dru ?oo? a, &c. o 00 ooo ooorj OOO 0 0 IOOOO 0000 00 00000-300 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC oooooooooooooo 000000000 000000000 00000000 00000000 0000000 GRAXiD 0000000 000000 000000 00000 00000 0000 OPENING 0000 ooo ooo 00 00 0 OP 0 00 00 ooo ooo 0000 DEY 0000 00000 00000 OOnOOO 000000 0000000 GOODS. 0000000 00000000 00000000 000000000 000000000 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 00000000 0000000 000000 00000 oooo ooo ? 00 0 MONDAT, SEPTEMBER 80. TTEsDAY. OCTOBER 1. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2. FURCHGOTT. BE HEDICT&C0 NO. 375 SING- STREET, (BROWNING'S 0Vi) STAND,) Have completed their new and elegant Banding, and are now offering to the Pobllo the Fall Impor? tations of DRESS GOODS, in all the latest Fabrica, comprising: PL UN CASHMERE*, irish and French Poplins Drap de Niece, Merinos in all the newest colors Plain, Striped and Fancy bilk Black Silks in all the leading makes Satins, in Black and all other colora SUk Plashes, in all shades Trimming and Cloaking Ve'vets, all colors Dress and Trimming Eppimdins Rep Valours and Rep Fola Wool and Silk Poplins A new and fall Line of Mourning Goods A splendid assortment of Bocond Monning Goods Alpacas, Bombasines, Empress A Henrietta Cloths ! Laces, Embroideries and Handkerchief Lace Collars, Shawls, Ao, Ac. On TUESDAY, October ut, we will open our CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. Fine OARPETS for Fall and Winter 1872. We will on that day open a fall Line of VELVETS, BRUSSELS and TAPESTRY CARPETS. Two and Three-Ply Carpets English and American OH Cloths, all widths Druggets, Ku ea, Mats, Aa, Ac All In entirely new designs. We have added to oar well assorted Stock of j Goods a foll Line of UPHOLSTER! GOODS, which will comprise all the latest designs and fabrics la that department. RICH SATIN DAMASK Piala felik and Union Terries Tapestry, Piano and Table Covers Hair Cloths, Gimps, Cotton Damaales Cornices, Tassels, Window ShaJes, Ac, Oar CLOTH AND TAILORING DEPARTMENTS Etre complet , sud the Finest and Latest Styles can be found at oar establlibment. On WEDNESDAY, October 2d, we Will open and I ] have completed oar GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, ottering the Pabilo tbe Best and Latest styles ind Makes of Goods belong ing to this department. Onr MILLINERY DBPA11TMFNT contains all the latest styles of FEATHHRS, Plomes, Artificial Plowers; Plain, Gros Grain, two and three Shaded Ribbons, in all the most fashionable shades. DOMESTIC AND LINEN DEPARTMENTS ARE OOM PLI TTE. ?yThe Prices of all onr doods will be regulated according to tbe latest New York P.Ice List. Great care has been ta'ten in the completion and selection of Goods for oar WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, which, purchased of very first hands only, can be guaranteed to be the cheapest and beat selected Stock in this marker. W<< most cordially Invite Merchants, Milli u ere and Tall'TS to Inspect oar I Stock af Goods, examine our Prices, andweoan g a a ran tee satisfaction. The Salesroom for this Department ls entirely separate from the Retail Department. FDKCHQOTT, BENEDICT A CO., sep20 No. 276 EIng street. Stjirta ano -farnisljing ?oobe. ? O O T T 9 S THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE CHARLESTON, 8. C. S SS sss 88S3 SSS83 BBS8SS 888*8:188 8S88SS?18S8 88S8SSSSS88SB3S8SHS8S88SS8888883 8S38S8SS S3833SSS SSSSSS QPflTT'Q ss sass s>sssOuUI I Osssss 8SS3 8SSS 883 am ? 883 SS 8TA.R 88 S S si SH1.EIT sis 8883 8388 83333 _?. 88S8S 833333 EMPORIUM 833883 88838383 83338838 83888383888383888 888SSSSSS3BSSS3 SSSSSESSSS 83388833 SSSSSS 8331)3 SSS S 883 S3 S The Proprietor or the above Establishment has Inst returned from New York with a new and well selected Stock of the Celeorated STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS, ALSO, A FINS AI80BTKINT OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, CONSISTING OF, UNDER WEAK, Shaker Flannel, Wool aid Merino, Cotton Flan* nel, Shirts and Drawers, nu grades and all sizes. English Merino and Colton Half Hose Also, a fall selection of the latest Novelties in NECKWEAR, English Windsor Scarf!, Marquise Scarfs, Lord Stanley Scans, Livingston Cravats, Chancellor Scarfs, Bows and Ties. Gray's PAPER COLLARS of all descriptions. , Walking Canes and Umbrellas. E. SCOTT, MEETING STREET, OPFOSITE MARKET HAI L. panos, ? :30ns, &z. Famished at factory prices for Cash, or by Monthly Payments on tte most liberal terms. CHARLES L, M'OLENAHAN, Plano and M?sle Store, B e p 3-4 m os No. 101E lng street. (Engimrs, iflirrjinerrj, STEAM ENG? ?ES? PORTABLE, STATIONARY AND AGRICULTU? RAL ENGINES, two to fifty horse-power Circular Saw Mills, Grist Mills Long and Short Cotton Gins Gnm and Leather Belting. Sperm, Lard, Tanners', Linseed, Paraphlne, White Oak Oils, Tallow, Ac., Ac. Engine and Mill Supplies in great variety. CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., CORNER MEETING AND CUMBERLAND STS aug22.2mos gaping,_r. Jp O K NEW YORK. ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, AT ll O'CLOCK A. IL NEW IBON STEAM LOTE-ESTABLISHED 1ST? STATE-BOOMS ALL ON DECK. The Splendid New Iron Sid e wheel steams hip SOOTH CAROLINA, Beckett, Commander, will BJUI for New'York on Tr ra OAT. Octobers, at ll o'clock A. M., from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves. Through Bills o? Lading to Liverpool ant. the New England Clues as nan al Insurance hr Steamers of this Line x per cent. Per Freight or Passage Engagements, having ve rv One Dook Stateroom accommodations, ap pi j to WAGNER, HUGER A CO., No. 36 Broad street, | or te WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharves. octa R NEW YORK. NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINE. ESTABLISHED 1845. The Splendid SIdewbeel Steamship MANHAT? TAN, M. s. wood bull, commander, will sall from Adger'a south Wharf, on SATURDAY, the 6th In? stant, at 8 o'clock A.M. For Freight or Passage engagements apply to ootss JAMES ADUERAOO.. Agents. fllHE PHILADELPHIA IRON STEAJfl X LIRE. PHK FIRST-CLASS IRON SCREW STEAMSDTPf VIRGINIA, captain Hinckley, GULF STREAM, Captain Hunter, are new regularly on the Line, insuring a aro liant sea connection between Philadelphia tao Jharloeton, and in alliance with BaUroad Oem pa??es at both termini, afford rapid transportation ?and rrom all pointa in the Cotton States, and to and from Cincinnati. Sc Louis, Chicago and the principal cities of the Northwest, Boston, Providence and the Eastern Manufacturing Cen ??The VIRGINIA ls appointed to sall from Brown's Wharf, on FWD AY, 4th October, st 4 j'clockP. M. itv The GULF STREAM win follow. For particulars or Freigut arrangements, aneri ?> " WM. A. COURTENAY, Union Wharves. W. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents, No. u south Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia, sepss Jp O R BOSTON. The steamship MEROEDITA, Marsh-^&?*?L man, Commander, will sall ttom??M?i, Vanderhorst's Wnarfon SATURDAY, theetnuoTo ber, at 8 e'olock A. M. For Freight engagements, apply to JAMES AUGER A CO., sep30-6 Agents. QHANGE OF SAILING DAYS, INCREASED SERVICE. PACIFIC HALL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above line leave Plrr ? fiMtk No. 42, North River, rootof Canal stresuSBiiaMK New York, at 12 o'clock noon, or the loin, ah! and soth or every month, except when these dates fall on sunday, tben the Saturday prccedmg. All departures connect at Panama with steam era for South Pad flo and Central American ports. For Japan and China, Steamers leave San Fran? cisco first of every month, except when it falls on Sunday-then on the day preceding. No California Steamers touch at Havana,bnt go direct from New York to AsplnwalL One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult. Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other Information, apply Bt the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, OU tue Wharf foot or Canal street, North River, New York. F. R. BABY, Agent. auglHyr jjjlOR LIVERPOOL, VIA QUEENSTOWN CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAILS. THE LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN STEAM COMPANY -rfTSffA wm dispatch ono of their ors t -class, mil powei iron Screw Steamships from PIER No. 4? N. H., EVERY WEDNESDAY, Cabin Passage $80, gold. Steerage Passage (Office Na 19 Broadway) tao jurrenoy. For Freight or cabin Passage, apply to WILLIAMS A GUION, No. aa Wall street, H. Y. H. B.-Through Bills Lading to Liverpool iasnec oy the Charleston and New York Steamers, whlol make dose connection with the above line. For par tl outars and rate of Freight apply to JAMES ADOER A O?., WAGNER, HUGER A 00., may? or WM. A. OOUBTEHAY. pOR GARDNER'S BLUFF, & 0., AND ALL INTERMEDIATB LANDINGS ON PEE? DEE RIVER VIA GEORGETOWN, S. 0. The steamer RELIANCE, captain G. H. Hopkins, la now receiving. Freight at Atlantic Wharf, and win leave aa above, on SATURDAY NIGHT, october 6th. For engagement, apply oct3_3 _North Atlantic Wharf. F OR FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH. The Splendid Steamer DICTATOR. Captain L. M. Ooxetter, will leave,_ Charleston every TURSDAY EVKNIKO, at hair-pasta o'olock, tor SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA, JACK? SONVILLE, PA LAT KA. AND ALL LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'3 RIVER. _ " Returning, DICTATOR leaves PALATKA FRI? DAY MORN I N G , SAVANNAH SUNDAY MORD INO, arriving here SUNDAY AFTKRNOON. W _ " connection ls made at Fernandina With Rail? road lor New Orleans amd Havana, via Cedtir Reva: at Jacksonville with Steamer STARLIGHT lor MeUonvlUe, Enterprise and Upper St. John's River, and at Toool with Rallroau tor St. Augus? tine. . .. All Freight Tor Way Landings must be prepaid. For Freight or Passage, having splendid ac? commodations, apply to TtAVENEL A CO., Agents, Corner Vanderhorst's Wharf and East Bay. sepao_. _ rp O W I N GI TOWN Gi The powerful Steam Tog REPUB? LIC, Me ll ville, Commander, _ been fitted out most complete for this na. ou. ,ouU la prepared to Tow Vessels of any size In the harbor toeea and the adjaoent Phosphate Works at SL Helena; also to and from Charleston to Sa? vannah npon the most reas mable terma. Arrangements may be made with Captain MELVILLE on board, or at the Agents' office. ROACH A MOFFEiT, Agents. OT-N.B_She has wrecking Pumps for assisting vessels In dlatress and putting oot Area, *o. sep28.imo _ mHE BARNWELL SENTINEL, (BRONSON'S NRWSFAFRR) PUBLISHED AT BLACKVILLE, S. C. Was established *?flt*^^??S^S Medium is unsurpassed by any<wm Aavertise. in the State. Now the ^ime BRONSON, For Terms, Ac, address r,.*.? pf oprletol., eep20-uno %nttitm &alt?~~ZljiM fltog- ' WILL SELL-CTffl- DAY" AT 10 o'clock, at t?e&foAofUie B?a Fla?, Ho, 46 Wentworth street, BOBBE, Wagon,' Harnea anet License. Barouche, Marble-Top sideboard. Bureaus, Bedsteads, IM'-Sw.t Chairs. Cooring stove and Utensils, Extension Lining, Tt?le, Crockery, Glassware, Ac. ' . ~rT,,;Pff4 Bj J. FBA8EB MATHEWES. STEAMER WATER LILY, - W1U be sold on TCEsDaT, 23d instant, at Southern Wharf, where she now Iles, at li o'clock j? JJ^. Toe Powerfnl and Light Draft Steamboat ''WATER LILT," lately plying as a Freight and Passenger Boat between Charleston and the islands. Dimensions:' Leagtn overall los feet, breadth 26 feet, draft 8 feet 4 inches. She has two (2) Low-Press ure Englues con? nected at right angles; diameter of cylinders so Inches; 2* feet stroke; ls admirably adapted for towing pnrposea._oot4-rmw8tnl ON CONSIGNMENT, FOR SALK, JL small invoice or HARDWARE, -nicely as? sorted lor a country store; also an assor ed lot OT Boots and Shoes, will be sold at a great sacrifice. If not sold by the 20th insta tit, they will be uttered lt Auction. Apply ?0 JOHN. 0OMMI NS, NO. 143 Meeting street, nearly opposite Pavilion HotoL OCt?-2_" _fiaiiroao*. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD OOM Ll PANT, ' ". .v suriBiiBBronra>s oma?; v i . CHA&LXSTON, a.0., AOgOSt IL 1872.). - On and after tne uta instant, the following re ROUGH RATES OF FREIGHT to and from ?he lheraw and Darlington Railroad win bo art opted >y the routes via CHARLESTON and WILMlNfr ?ON: ? J I ist i aa. i sa i ?h i em I Claas. Claas. Olasa. Olasa Claas, teoM- . . . ii: a J New York. 170 140 120 90. ..ta Philadelphia... 170 140 130 *M - 70 ' Ballimore. iso iso no so SO From Baltimore, Corn : A cenca per bushel. From Baltimore, Floor $1 per barreL ? . . ' Cotton, to New York, S4 per bale. cotton, to Philadelphia, $i per bale. . , Cotton, to Baltimore, $8 60 per bale. For copies of Rates and Classification, apply to Lgenta on line of Cneraw and Darlington, Bali. oad, or to 8. 8. SOLOMONS, Supt. N. B. IttttOO U. A. POPE, Gen. Agc. W., 0. and A, B, E, tar Darling toa. Marl boro', Chester Hell and Vades boro' papera copy. ecgia-tnramoa ? g??TH CAROLINA RAILROAD. CHxauaroK, s. ?.fsertemberaT?l6li. , On ana arter SUNDAY. September X?, tho-Pai? ten ger Trains on the Sooth Carolina Railroad win '?B as follows: ". ?. ?i:?O . roa co UJXBL*. /eave cmarleston.UlrAaM Lrrlve at colombia.iso Wk ron A0008TA. ? io ?eave Charleston................... 9*u x uriTo at Angas ta....... fi.<or x - JPOB CHALLX&TON. ...~:?at. -eave Colombia............?..... e.o? A x jTlve at Charleston.4M,r x .eave Angost?.....ii................... 9 ou A tt irrlve at r ru COLUMBIA NIGIiT 1X78X88. (Sondaya excepted.) ?aveCharleston...... 7.10rx irrive at Colombia..e. so A M ?cave columbia...7.60 r M arrive ac Charleston.sat A X tCaURl XIOHT XXF888S.' ?urttt (Bondays excepted.) r^Ws ?aveCharleston.,.8 so TM jrlveat Augusta..'A M leave Augusta.?.e.i? r x jrlve at Charlea ton. utix ancMXBVLLLx TRAIH. : ' ?ave summerville at..,. T.M A X urnve, at charleston.&40. A X ?eave Charleston.a. ai r u uttiyeat sommerville.AAOP M OAXDKK TUA IK. . yi .eave Camden..*. 7.20 A M irnve at AX ?eave Oolnmbia.% io rx Lrrlve at Camden.&>6i r M Day and Night Trains connect at Angustown* lacon and Angosta Railroad, centrai Railroad nd Georgia Railroad. This ia tee quickest ; and lost direct route and ai comfortable and (mean as ny other ron te to Louisville, Cincinnati. Chicago, A. Loots and all other pointa Weat abd Northwest. Colombia Night Train connect* wita oraedvMle od columbia Railroad; and Day and Night Trams onnect with Charlotte Boad. , Through tickets on sale via this route to all ointa North. Camden Train connect* at Kin g viii o dally (ex ept sundays) with Day Passenger Train, and ona thronen to Oolnmbia. . . . ? ;?i ? A. L, TYLER, vice-President. 8. B. PI0KENB. G. T. A. 5fiE NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD OOMr C3ABULtTON, S. C., June j Trains will leave 'Charleston Dally at III nd 8.00 P. M. - . Arrive at Charleston 0.00 A. M. fkbnaaya ex? entad) and 8 P. M. Train does not leave Okarleaton 8.00 P. M., butt ATS. Train leavin g 10.16 A. M. makes through ooasec lon to New York, via Richmond and Acqula 'reek only, going through in 44 boors. ' Passengers leaving by. SJOO P. M. Train. Have hoke ol rente, via Richmond and Washington, r via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those lofting ?RIDAT by this Train lay ever on 8 TOD AT lu Rai imo re. Those leaving on SATUKOAT remain Smr i AT in Wilmington, N. C. "?V This la tue cheapest, quickest and moat pleas nt route to Cincinnati. Chicago and otner points Vest and No .-th west, both Trains making con lecuons at Washington with Western Tra?na of lal omore and Ohio Railroad. 8. 8. SOLOMONS, .... Engineer and Superintendent. P. I?. CUBA PPR. Pea. Ticket Agent. mayal i SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. J ja CHABLiaTON, June 13, iST2. OB and after ? MOKDAT, ? June 17th,: the.Pas. lenger Trains OB this Road, will run fi? toitowa: .. EXPRESS TRAIN. ., , ; , Leave Charleston dally.ABO P.M. Arrive at savannah dally.............. WP. M. Leave Savannah dally...ILMP. M. arrive at Charl eaton dally... 7 A.M. DA YT RAIN. Leave Charleston, Sondaya excepted.. T.4O A.1 M. arrive at savannah, Sondaya excepted, 8.3? y, a. Leave Savannah, Sundays excepted... n A. M. Arrive at Charleston, sundays exe'ted. P. M. Passengers from Charleston by 7.40 A. VU train make close connection with Port Royal Railroad ror au Stations oa that Road, (Sundays excepted ) Freight forwarded dally on through biLi-of lad. mg to pom ta in Florida and bj Savannah.lina af ?teamships to Boston. Prompt dispatch, given >o rreighu for Beaufort and points OB Port Ttoyii Railroad and ai as low rates as by any otnartiae. Tiokots on sate at this om oe for Beeron aw Port Boyal Railroad. O. S. GADSDEN, Engineer and Srrwrmte?deBt. S. a B0YL8TQM, Gen '1 Pt. and flnket Agent, JUB14 . . . ! j 11 i MEDICINAL TORPEDOES, IS THE ahape of fierce cathartics, are falling'into disrepute. .1/ Tamat'i Bflerreaceat Selixer Aperient ls driving them rut or use. lt ls the mildest and most genial of alt laxatives. Instead or weaken? ing the stomach and bowels, lt gires them tone and vigor. Other purgatives leave the excretory passages in an onatnral condition, and new con? cretions gather there, often more dlffleun rojw move than those that have been violently expeu ed. The SEL' ZBR APKRIENT. on the contrary, es'abashes a regular habit <*W??^?%? met and exllarant^, lt Ui far *ggf?ff??ff. -Bitters, ? and WfS^JSf^^BItfol de? lated animal fluidst?Tl?3" ?Aud then, how H- ?MOOPATHIO_REMBDIES. ,NOT RECEIVED, A FRESH SUPPLY... i mn une of ali the mose approved Medicines of m . ? No. 181 Meeting street. RUSSES, ' t Of every Slae and style. Abdominal Supporten. . Elastic stockings, Ac, Aa? AO. For sale by BB. H. BABB, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, No. m Meeting street.