Nobody's Darling. Little and pallid, and poor and shy. vs nt a downcast, look la her soft gray eye; No scornful toss of a queenly head, lint a drooping bend of the neck instead ; No ringing langa, and no daoolng feet, No subtle wiles, and abandon sweet, No Jewels costly, no garments fine She ia nobody's darling bm mme I No "Dolly Varden" coquettish alis; No high-heeled boats to throw ner down stairs; No yach tin r Jacket and nautical style, with a sailor's bat that she calla ber -tile." Bot "Lady" ls stamped on her quiet brow; And she crept in my heart I can't tell how; Not made to dazzle-not born to shine Nobody's-nobody's darling-but mme 1 No saucy, ravishing, girlish grace. But a Bettied calm on the sweet, pale race; No aparkllng chatter and repartee; Very allent and still la she. White and atm ls my pearl of pearls, Yet to me abe seemeth the queen ol girls: Why I love her I can't define. For abe's nobody's-nobody's darling but mine i Were riches hers, or a beauty rare, She wonld lose her charm, and become lesa fair; Were rings to shine on those Angers small They could not add to their grace at all; She would learn to smile and to speak by rule, In the foolish book of Dame Fashion's school; and the world to spoil her wonld soon combine. Now she's nobody's darling-but mine ! A RAILROAD COLLISION. Warrovr Escape of the Passengers. [From the Columbia Union.] Yesterday morning varied rumors were floating about the streets, that a collision be? tween two railroad trains had occurred a short distance below the city, resulting seriously. Our reporter at once followed these rumors np, and proceeding to the depot of the Wil? mington, Columbia and Augusta road, waa through the politeness of conductor D. L. FlUyaw, whose train wa3 about to leave for Wilmington, enabled to proceed at once to tbe scene ot the disaster, which, happily, had been mnoh exaggerated in the accounts thereof, and which narrowly escaped being accompanied with loss of life; as lt was, a few braises of slight nature comorised all the in? juries received. The accident occurred at the crossing of the South Carolina and the Char? lotte, Columbia and Augusta railroads, about a mile below the city, and from diligent in? quiry and examination of ihe debris, the fol? lowing anpears to be about the true statement of fhe case, vis: The Sooth Carolina Railroad passenger train which {leaves under the new schedule time that went into effect Sunday, left tbe de? pot and was running at r.siai speed until when about three-quarters oi a mlle from toe depot some cows were discovered upon the track, and brakes were blown down, which circumstance probably Raved the lives ol tbe passengers, as the brakeB had Just been taken off and speed Increased when Conductor Wil? liam 0. Kennedy discovered a timber train backing through the out on the Charlotte, Co? lumbia and Augusta Railroad in the direction ot his train. The conductor at once ordered the brakes to be pnt on again, but saw a col Halon was Inevitable, as the timber train, which had been concealed by the cut and shrubbery, and wbloh was running at good speed, was right upon bim; yet he hoped to prevent bis passenger cars being struck. In which attempt he was successlul, but not In preventing the two trains coming in con tact. The damage done was considera? ble. The engine of the South Carolina Railroad train, the James Rose, No. 26, struck between the two first cars that appeared-the timber train running backwards, as before stated-demolishing them completely, driving one ot them upside down over tbe high em? bankment, breaking heavy Iron axles, and scattering the lumber in all directions. The engine of the passenger train was consider-1 i bly damaged, being tnrown from the track, the forward trucks dislodged and broken, the front light broken off, and some of ihe iron work of the lower part ot the engine broken: the engine waa thrown over at an angle ol about thirty-seven degrees, and the tender thrown from the track. None of the carsjof the 11 passenger train were Injured to any extent worth mentioning. The engineer, Henry Sig-1 < wald, was struck by his machine and received a pretty severe shaking up, but was not se? riously injured. The two fliemen Jumped off, it Is stated, and saved themselves. Con? ductor Kennedy received a sprain in the leg, and one passenger was seen to start away from the scene limping; and Mr. J. Glbenraih, the express agent, had an elbow bruised. These, so lar as we could learn, were all the injuries to limbs. There was but a small number ot passengers on the Charleston train. The cut through which the Charlotte, Columbia and j i Augusta Railroad passes, at the point where the accident occurred, ls deep, the track is down grade, and the locality altogether a dan? gerous one. A flag-house stands near by, and it is customary to have a flagman stationed there by the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. At the time ot the accident he was absent, it Is said, from sickness, and, there fore, the usual precautionary measures were sot taken: lt ls also stated that the Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta trains are obliged to stop short of the South Carolina Railroad track, which this timber^traln neglected to do That the consequences were not more serious is miraculous, and Conductor Kennedy states 11 that bad not tbe speed of his train been checked because of the cows being on the track, lt is almost certain that the passenger cars would have been struck by the approaching Umber train. The traine from Augusta were obliged 11 to transfer their through passengers to a train I ( that came down lrom the city, whioh took them on to Charlotte. The city passengers were landed at the depot of the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. The passen? gers of?he Camden train were brought to the city In carriages, and" those who were going out were obligea to ride or walk down to the crossing-to take passage. Although this accident has been attended with no fatal results, Itshows, if all statements are correctly made, that proper care was not taken. Why the absence of the flagman was not provided for la something remaining to be ex ?lathed; if he was absent, and lt was so stated, r. Conductor Kennedy, notwithstanding his bruises, with the aid furnished by the other road, superintended the removal ol the ruins, which blocked the track tor several houra. There certainly can be no blame attached to bim. The Charleston passengers returned to the city. THE CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND AU? GUSTA RAILROAD. [From the Columbia Carolinian.] General E. P. Alexander having accepted the presidency of a Georgia railroad, wltb bis headquarters at Columbia, severed on yester? day his connection with the Charlotte, Colum? bia and Augusta Railroad, of which he bas been for some time past the efficient and faith? ful general superintendent. Our community regrets the lo BS of a valuable citizen, In the re? moval of General Alexander to Georgia. In his new sphere of duly we wish the general all the success that his high character and solid attainments are so well calculated to secure. We learn that Mr. William Anderson, a very efficient railroad man, will take the position of general superintendent and master machinist of both the Wilmington and Columbia and Au? gusta Railroads. Thia arrangement is made by the Baltimore officials, who control both of these railroads. Mr. William Anderson ls well known as a former superintendent, of the. Charlotta and Columbia Railroad. He is an energetic faithful worker, and thoroughly ex? perienced in railroad matters.. On the 15th of the present month the direc? tors of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad will meet. Upon that occasion lt ls eald that President Johnston will tender his resignation, after an efficient service of about sixteen years. As our readers are generally aware, tbe spirit ot consolidation has reached the rail? road as well as the political department of the country. Under the influence of this spirit, our raliway Unes are passing away from local control. We take it that, as respects the Wilmington and Colombia, and the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Roads, we must yield gracefully to the sceptre that ls held at Baltimore. We can only hope that the general interests, which will no doubt hereafter be consulted,will not be found at variance with those local interests about whioh we are naturally and reasonably concerned. So far as the stock of the Char lotto, Columbia and Augusta Road is con? cerned, the Baltimore control has bad n dis? astrous effect,, said stock having fallen below 25. That lt will appreciate ls, however, the hope and expectation ot those concerned. ?W MULTITUDES OP PEOPLE RE? QUIRE an alterative td restore the healthy, action ol'their syst ms and correct the derangements th atc ree p into lt. sarsaparillas were used and valued, ant ii several impositions were palmed off upon the public ander this name. AYER'S SAR? SAPARILLA ls no imposition. sep28-stnthanaw i?ln?ix?jjtooks. JPUBLISHED, A MOST BRIL? LIANT WORK, GEMS OF STRAUSS, The publishers offer to the public this un!quo [ and most attractive collection, brought ont, au one may say, under the eye of the great com poser, and containing his very best works. It ls embellished with a line PORTRAIT OF STRAUSS, Arj'l contains the prime favorites, ARTIST LIFE-BLUE DANUBS-MABBIAGB BELLS MANHATTAN-looi NIGHTS-WIBNBB BON? BONS-PIZZICATO-WINS-WOMBS AND BOKO-NBW ANNBN, And many other eanally good Waltzes, Polkas, Quadrilles, Mazurkas, Ac, filing altogether 225 LARGE MUSIO PAGES. The ''first applause'' on Its appearance, warna na that the fine book ls to be inevitably "Ail the Fashion" tte present season, p. ice. $250 In Boards; $3 In Cloth. Sent, post paid, on receipt of price. Has no superior, our Church Music Book, THE STANDARD. $110. Specimen copies sont, for the present, post-paid, for $126. OLIVER D1TSON A CO., I 0. H. DITSON A CO. Boston, New York. sepl-ws ?rancrj (Boobs, Notions, Ut. SEPTEMBER, 187?. E. W. MARSHALL & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRH00BS1M MON'S. We offer to the Trade an unusually Large and Well-Porobased Stock or tbe above Goods, which will be kept full during the season by a Resident BU} er tn tbe Northern Markets, and will be sold it prices as low as can be obtained elsewhere. E. W. MARSHALL * CO., No. 141 Meeting street, Charleston, & 0, sei-9-mwfimo j , CLOSING OUT SALE OF PM GOODS, NOTIONS, M. i We beg to inform our friends and the Merchants generally, that having concluded to close up our present business, we now offer ear entire stock for isle at prices that should induce all to boy who ire in want ol anything in our Une. Our Stock is large and varied, and we are con? sent that lt will be to the Interest of all City or kountry Dealers to call ou us befdro purchasing ilsewhere. 0 STEELE & WARDELL, NO. 1S7 MEETING STREET, sep2-mwflm? ;. ' Charlesion, s. 0. Carpets, jflaUing, Ut. OIL SLOTH, HATTING, &c iEO. A. BOWMAN, Affent, J | No. 937 KINO STREET, ?AS JUST RECEIVED A HANDSOME AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF : Velvet, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Three, 'iyl Ingrain, Wool Dutch, VeoelUn and Hemp CARPETING. Velvet, Brussels and Beam RUGS and MATS , Cocoa, Manilla, Rattan and Ohma MATTING! ' Cocoa, Jute and AUlcant MATS OIL CLOTH, of all widths and qualin s STAIR RODS, Stair Pads, Carpet Linings, Ac. Which he ls prepared to ofi\r at prices that will .lease. sep27-fmwl2 Pianos, (Drgauo, Ut. Furnished at factory prices for cash, or by louth ly Payments on the most liberal terms. CHARLES L. M'O LENAH AN, Plano and Muela store, BepS-4 mos No. 101 King Btreet. > (fnaingg, jggcjimcrg. Ut. STEAM ENGINES. PORTABLE, STATIONART AND AGRICULTU? RAL ENGINES, two to fifty horse-power areolar Baw Milla, Grist Mills Long and Short Cotton Gins 3um and Leather Belting sperm, Lard, Tannera', Linseed, Paraphlne, White Oak Oils, Tallow, Ac., Ac angine and Mill Supplies in great variety. CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., DORNER MEETING AND CUMBERLAND 8T8 aug22-2moa doors, Sashes ano ?iinoo P. P. TOALE, Manufacturer and Dealer in DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, STORE DOORS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN MOULDINGS, WINDOW GLASS, NEWELS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, BALUSTERS, SLATE MANTELS. OFFICE AND 8ALE8 ROOMS, No, 20 Havne street, FACTORY, HOBLBEC K'S WHARF mchS-fmwiT Cur? ?coos, &t. G aa OGG GGGG GOfJGG GGGGGG CGGGGGG GGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGG GGGGGGGG GGGGGGG GRAND GGGGGGG GGGGGG GGGGGG GGGGG GGGGG GGGG OPENING GGGG GGG GOG GG GG G OP G KG GO GGG GOG GGGG DRY GGGG GGGGG GQGGG GGGGGG GGGGGG GGGGGGG GOODS. GGGGGGG GGGGGGGG GGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGQ GGGGGGGG GGGOGGU GGGGGG GGGGG GOGO GOG GO G MONDAY, SEPTEMBER SO. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1. WEDNESDAY, 03TOBER 2. FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO NO. 275 KING STREET, (BROWNING'S OLD STAND,) Have completed their new aod elegant Building, and are now offering to the Public the Fall Impor? tations or DRESS GOODS, In all the latest Fabrics, comprising : PLAIN CASHMERE*, Irish and French Poplins Drap de Niece, Merinos in all the newest colors Plato, striped and Fancy Silk Black silks in all the leading makes Satina In Black and all other colors Silk Pinches, In all rhades Trimming and Oloaklng Velvets, all colon Dress and Trimming Epplngllns Rep Valours and Rep Fols Woo) and silk Poplins A new and foll Line of Mourning Gooda A splendid assortment of Second Mourning Gocds Alpacas. Bombazines, Empress A Henrietta cloths Laces, Embroideries and Handkerchiefs Lace Collara, Shawls, Ac, Ac. On TUESDAY, October 1st, we will open our OARPBT AND UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. Fine CARPETS for Fall and Winter 1872. We will on that day open a XuU Line or VELVETS, BRUSSELS and TAPESTRY CARPETS. Two and Three-Ply Carnets RogllKb and American Oil Cloths, au widths ... Druggets, Rugs. Mats, AC, AC, All In entirely new designs. We have added to onr well assorted Stock of loods a mil Line of UPHOLSTERY GOODS, rbloh will comprise all the latest designs and abrlcs in that department. RICH SATIN DAMASK 1 Plain Silk and Union Terries Tapestry, Piano and Table Covers Haircloths, Gimps, Cotton Damasks cornices, Tassels, Window Shades, Ac Onr CLO ra AND TAILORING DEPARTMENTS ire complete, and the Finest and Latest Styles 11 ian be found at our establishment. On WEDNESDAY, October 2d, we will open and lave completed onr GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, .fe ri og the Public the Best and Latest Styles I < ind Makes cf Goods belonging to this department. I ? Oar MILLINERY DEPARTMENT contains all he Latest styles or FEATHERS, Flames, artlO lai Flowers; Plain, Groa Grain, two and tbiee iliad ed Rlbbonc.ln all the most fashionable shades. lOMESTIO AND LINEN DEPARTMENTS ARE .1 COMPLETE. SS"The Prices or all onr Goods will bc regnla ed accord lng to tho latest New York Price Lut Great esra has been taken tn the completion and election or Goods for oar WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, rhlch,.purchased of very first hsnds only, can be :uarauteed to be the cheapest and best selected itocfe in this, market We most oordially Invite ferohants. Milliners and Tailors to Inspect our Itock of Goods, examine our Prices, and we can ;uarantce satisfaction. The Salesroom for this Department ls entirely eparate from the Retail Department. FUKCHGOIT, BKNKDIOT A CO., No. 276 King street. ?roierua, liquors, &z. H. KLATTaTtfc^OO?. ACENT8 FOR CHARLESTON. We have appointed Messrs. H. KLATTE A CO. tole Agents for charleston for ihm Celebrated Irand of PURR KENTUCKY WHISKEYS, both tYES and BOURBON. These Whiskeys are guaranteed puroKRNTUCKY JOPPBR DISTILLED, free from all compound Im .urltles, and highly recommended by. eminent :hemlsts for medical use. The Brand ls patented o prevent Infrio gements. BARKHOUSE BROR. A CO.. Louisville, Ky. we respectfully inform our mends and custom irs that we keep constantly on hand a foll supply if the above already favorably well known Whls >ya. and offer same to the trade at distillers' Hlces. H. KLATTE A CO., angai-stuthomo No. 186 East Bay. (nugara, Wanatta* &c. EMP?ROB WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE No. 310 KING STREET, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIGARS AND TOBACCO of all kinds. PIPES of every quality. Call and examine stock before buying else where. WILLIAM SCHRODER, Proprietor. N.B.-The Wheel of Fortune constantly on hand, invest 26 cents and try yonrluck. mchj-DcAwlyr Drn ?O0?0, &t. o 00 ooo 0000 00000 ouoooo 0000 00 00000000 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 000000000 000000000 00000000 00000000 0000000 GRAND 0000000 O000?O 000000 00000 00000 0000 OPENING 0000 ooo ooo 00 00 O OP 0 00 00 ooo ooo 0000 DRY 0000 00000 00000 000000 000000 0000000 GOODS. 0000000 00000000 00000000 000000000 000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000 00000ooo 0000000 000000 00000 0000 ooo 00 0 MONDAT, SEPTEMBER 30. TUEsDAY, OCTOBER 1. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2. FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT&G0 NO. ?375 KING STREET, (BROWNING'S OLD STAND,) Have completed their new and elegant Building, and are now offering to the Public tue Fall impor? tations of DRESS GOODS, in all the latest Fabrics, comprising: PL VIN CASHMERES, Irish and French Poplins Drap de Niece, Merinos In aU the newest colors Plain, ?triped and Fancy ?Uk Black Silica in all the leading makes Satins, tn Black and all other colora Silk Plushes, lo all shades Trimming and Cloaking Velvets, all colors Dress and Trimming EppingUns Rep Valours and Rep Fots Wool and Silk PopUna i A new and roil Line ol Mourning Goods A splendid assortment or second Mourning Goods Alpacas, Bombazines, Empress A Henrietta cloths Laces. Embroideries and Handkerchiefs Lace Collara, Shawls, Ac, Ac On TUESDAY, October 1st, we will open our OA RP RT AND UPHOLSTERY. DEPARTMENT. Fine CARPETS for Fall and Winter 1872. We win on that day open a full Line of VELVETS, BRUSSELS and TAPESTRY CARPETS. I rtro and Three-Ply Carpets English and American Oil Cloths, all widths * Drag-gets, nags, Mats, Aa, Ac., All in entirely new designs. i We have added to our well assorted Stook of doods a f nil Line or UPHOLSTERY GOODS, . which will comprise all the latest designs and fabrics in that department. RIOH SATIN DAMASK Piala Mik and Union Terries Tapestry, Plano and Table Covers Hair cloths. Gimps, cotton Damasks Cornices, Tassels, Window Shades, Ac. Our CLOTH AND TAILORING DEPARTMENTS ire complet-, and the Floest sud Latest Styles ;au be round at oar establishment. On WEDNESDAY, October 2d, we will open and lave completed our - - GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, inering the Pabilo the Beat and Latest Styles ind Makes of Goods belonging to ibis department. Oar MILLINERY DEPARTMENT contains all lie latest styles Of FEATHERS, Plumes, Artificial 'lowers; Plain, Gros Gram, two and three^haded , Ubbons, in all the most fashionable shades. )OMESTIO AND LINEN DEPARTMENTS ARE ! COMPLETE. j ?*-The Prices or an our Goods will ba regulated , iccordlng to the latest New York Pi lee Llat. Great care has been taken in the completion i .nd BciecUon of Goods for oar < WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, rhlch, purchased of very drat hands only, can be i guaranteed to be the cheapest and best selected i itnckin this marker. We moat cordially invite < lercbanta, Milliners and Tallara to Inspect our I Hock of Goods, examine oar Prices, and we can < marantee satisfaction. i The Salesroom fur this Department is entirely eparate from the Retail Department. i FUKOHQOTT, BENEDICT A CO., l sep20 No. 275 Elng street. Professional. QR. R. B. HEWITT, IFTIOB OORNKB QKOROS AND ANSON STBB1TS. CHARLESTON, S. C., stn be consulted on the following disease, and diseases of a kindred nature, free of charge and la strict confidence. Charges mode? rate and within the reach or alL or? nee honra from 0 A. M. to 7 P. M.: RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. In aU arthrttlo complaints, as rheumatism, gout, leuralgia. Ac, this practice ta almost perfect. lie most intense pains are almost instantly re ieved, enormous swellings are reduced, limbs yhlch have been contracted and stiff for years ire relaxed. Oases of twenty, thirty and forty -ears' stan ding have been cured by me arter all Kher meana have failed. , A great accomplishment ls my triumph over iain cy wbtob I oan often, tn a few moments, wothe and carry off the most excruciating nur. eringa. If this system did nothing more tban 0 relieve pain, it would stand superior to any )ther system extant. CATARRH. Jtopped-op Head, Running or the Nose, constant Hawking and Spitting, constant Blowing ur the Nose. ' Thousands suffer from that most annoying, d is igreeable and cffeoalve complaint, Catarrh, wilb? rae knowing wbat lt ta. Often the secreted mu ?0U8, flowing down the throat, clogs op the lunga tod lays the foundation for consomption. The must skilful physicians fall to eura lt. 1 cure any ease of obstruction, stopped up lead, discharges of greenish, thick, thin or glairy macons from the nose, lu tern ii or external, pain MT fullness between the eyes, constant blowing of the noao, inflammation of the nasal pasaages, ulceration or achuclderian membrane, Ac, in the sonne or a few days. DEAFNESS. Servons Dearness, Noises In the Head, Otorrhcea, Otitis (Discbarges from the Ear,) Paralysie of Auditory Nerve. I am daily treating all affeotlons of the ear with the most gratifying leaolts. some who have paid aurista nearly Siooo without beceQt, have been cured by me lu a few weeks at a moderate ex? pense. _ _ MERCURIAL DISEASES. Mercury, lsiadlolously used, bas ailed the earth with wrecks of humanity. Thousands Boner from Its effects who have been- unconsciously drugged by their physicians, lt U vam to attempt the oure Qttbe majorliy of diseases while ie remains in the body. Although I have heard or several so called antidotes for mercury in the human body, I have never yet seen a physician who could eliminate lt from the system. 1 can satisfy any patient or physician that I oan absolutely abairact mercury, lead, zinc, and other mineral poisons tn every case. CANCERS. NoU me-Tangere. Lupuse, or Wolf Cancer, Sclr a mus cancer, Faagons Cancer, Rose Cancer Spider Cancer. I make a great specialty In the treatment or j every description of Cancer and Tumors. How many Cancers and Tumors are wrongfully treated by certain charlatans styling themselves ?.cancer Doctora." After being pronounced Incurable, I will take any one or theae cases in band and make a per? manent care. My terms for treating Cancers, Ac, will be baaed on tbe age and condition of the patient, and t he positive certainty of cure. sep2i BRUSHES. A Full. Assortment of the Best Toot h Brushes Nail Brushes Hair Brushes Flesh Brushes Shaving Brushes Infant Brushes. For sale by DR. H. BA ER, Nc 181 Meeting street. -jq-OMOOPATHIO REMEDIES. JUSTRECErVEDTAFRESH SUPPLY. A foll line or all the moat apptured Medicines of this School-In tinctures, powders afcd pellets; in ali dilutions and potencies. Also Family Medi? cine Oases, with Small's Practice. For sale bj - DR. H. BAEB, No. 181 Meeting street; Munizipal Walma. OFFICE CHIEF OF POLICE. MAIN , GUARDHOUSE, CHARLESTON, 9. C., OC f ?BER 2, 1872.-Kound toing at large and lodged at Upper Gean house, c ue Sow and four Plga, which the owner can have bj proving property and paying excesses, jr not called for la five day? will be sold to pay expenses. JOHN C. M NOTT, oct2-wm2_Chief of Police. CITT HALL, OF1?TCE OF CLERK OF COUNCIL. CHARLESTON, S. C., SEPTKM BwB 26, 1872 -in pnrsasnce ofaresolatlon adopt? ed by Couocll, September 17, the following ordi? nance ls published for the information of all con? cerned. Tne Police ami Detectives have been instructed to report ail violai lons of the same. W. W. SIMMONS, Clerk of Council. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CITY OF CHARLESTON AN ORDINANCE to repeal an Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance to prevent the erection of brick and wooden building!),, and to provide greater security against Ores." Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City or Onanesron, lu city Council assembled: i SUCTION l. That au on lin ance enid led, "An Or? dinance to prevent the erection of wooden build lags and to provide greater security against fires," ratified the eighth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thom and eight hundred and thirty-eight, be, and the same is hereby repealed, except as to such portions of the Olty of diaries- 1 toa as are hereinafter described, to wit: AU lots' abutting on the west Bide of King street, from Sooth Bay to Calhoun airest, and all rear lota, the entrances to which an: on the said west ?ide nf Klug street; all that territory lying on the east side of Klug stn er. and north of south Bay street, and extending norther],? as far aa Society street, and to Cooper River on the east, excepting sach made, marsh, mad and water lots aa may be j located north of Market street and east of East I Bay street; also, all that territory lying east of King street, running northerly to Calhoun street, commencing at Society street, and easterly to Anson street; all lots ab attibg on the northside of Society street, from Auson street, running east to Cooper River. In clading all rear lots with entrance on said Soc,c. y street. ProvldaMhat every wooden bundine to be erected ouTy of the lois or territory scum ot Oalhoun street ex- i empted from the operation of the Ordinances of 1 the City of charleston and Acts or the General [ Assembly preventing the. erection of wooden buildings, ah a ii not bo less than two atorlss in (.eight, and that all the Inner walls of eau; band? ings. Including all par .nions and cellini?, shad be lathed and plastered. And, provided tanner,' that said building shell be covered with slate, tiles or some other miterlals not combustible; my person or persons Tho snail erect any band? ings on any of the lots or territory desenbea In the first provisions of tills section as exempt from the operation of the Ordinances of the said oliy md Acts of the General Assembly preventing the ?rectlon of wooden buildings contrary to any of :he provisions of this ordinance, upon procf to :ouvictloB, shall be fined In the sum of not less ?han three hnndrrd, no.: more than six hundred lollara; the laid penalty to be recovered In any ?ours of competent jurisdiction; and provided arther, that nothing ia this Ordinance shall be :onatrued tis repealing any portiou of an brill? iance entitled, "An Ordinance to regulate the ;rection of steam engines and machinery pro? filed by steam within the city, passed by the 31 ty Connell of Oban eaten, and rai ltied the deventh day or January, lo the year or our Lord me thousand eight nut drcd and fircy-five. aep27-fmw3 ?tate BToIias. F F I C 1 AL. STATE np SOUTH CAROLINA, ) KtSCDTIVS DEPARTMENT.} In pursuance or an Act of toe General Assem ?ly approved March l, 1870, entitled, "An act pro riding for the general etea lon and the manner >f conducting the same," amended by an act ap irovert March 12, 1872, an Election will be held la .he several Conntlea of this State on the THIRD WEDNESDAY, being the io th day or Oe, ober, for the following ?tate. Legislative, County and Con? gressional Officers, to s tr ve lor the next two and four years, as provide! by the State Constitution ind acts of Congress of the United States, to wit: Sovernor, Lien tea an -Governor, Attorney-Gene? ral, secretary or Stat? State Treasurer, Oomptrol er-uenorai. Snperlotiindent ot Education, Adju? tant and Inspector-Ge neral, Members of the Gene? ral Assembly, Solicitors In the several Judicial Ulrcnlta, and for tte various County Offices, together wi, h one Mo. nber of Congress, torepre lent the State at Large, and Represent ives In the respec Ive Congressional Districts. At the Bald election che following amendments to the state Constitution will be submitted to the rotors for ratification or rejection, to wit : 1st. Amendment rotating to ohange of or loiding general elections. Strike out all of tm ,t portion of Section XI of Irtloie 2, foUowIng the w rds ' eighteen hundred md seventy," occuring In the fourth and fifth ines, and insert tbs following: "And forever hereafter, on the firs. Taesdsy followiag the first Monday In November, in every second year, In inch mauner and at Bach places as the ..egisia are may provide." "ne manner of voting on this tmendment shall be as follows: Those in favor of he amendment shall deposit a ballot with the foi owtne wordB wrltie i or printed thereon, "Con MtutUmal Amendment-res." Those opposed to ?aid amendment shah cast a ballot with.the fol owing words written or printed ttereon, "Con ititutional Amendment-lVo. 2d. Amendment relating to the farther increase if the public debt of he state, as follows: Article EVI, "To the end Hist, the public debt of South ;a roi in a may not hereafter be Increased witt out .he due consideration and free consent of the people or the state, tue General Assembly la here >y forbidden to create any further debt or obliga .lon, either by the loan of the credit of the State, iy guarantee, en don ment or otherwise, except for the ordinary and narrent business of the State, without first aabini ttlng the question as to tho sreation of any such new debt, guarantee, en lorsement or loan ol the credit, to tho people of tula State, at a general election; and uoieas two thirds of the qualifie I voters ol this State voting >n the question shall be in favor of a further debt, (caramea, endorsement or loan of ibis credit, lone shall be created or made." The manner of voting on this amendment shall se as follows: Those in favor of he amendment shall deposit i ballot with the following words written or printed thereon: ' Constitutional Amendment, Artice XVL-Yes.Y Those opposed to the amendment shall ca? a ?allot, with the follrwing worda written or print? ed ' hereon : "Constitutional Amendment, Article JTVL-No." All bar-rooms aid drinking saloons shall be closed on tho day of election; and any perron wno shall sell any intoxicating drinks on tno day of election shall bi iiullty of a misdemeanor, and OD conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not less than one hnndt ed dollars, or be imprisoned for a period not lem than one month, nor more than six mouths, "he Commissioners and Mana? gers of Hcction, ard each of them, are hereby re? quired, with strict regard to the provisions of the Constitution ana laws of the State touching their duty In such case, t.o cause such elections to be held la their respec ti ve-ooun ties on the day afore said, and to take all necessary steps for the hold? ing of such elections, and for tue ascertaining add determining the persons who shall have been dody elected thereat, according to the rules, prin? ciples and provlsl ins prescribed by the act and amendments thereon, aforesaid. In pursuance whureof, I have hereon ti set my band and caused the great Seal of thc State to be affixed, at Columbia, the 18th day of Septem? ber. A. D., 1872, and In the ninety-seventh year of the Independence of the United State8 of America. "_" IL. s ] ROBERT K. SCOTT, Governor, F. L. CAROOZO, t ejretary of State, aepis-wfi g AN KING HOUSE OF HENRY CLEWS ? CO., NO. 82 WALL STREET, N. Y. Cl rou! ar Notes and Letters of Credit for Travel lera, also Commercial Credits ISSUP J, available throughout the world. Bula of Exchange on the Imperial Bank of Lon? don, National Ba ik of Scotland, Provincial Bank of Ireland, and al their branches. Telegraphic Tn .nsfers of Money on Europe, San Francisco and tb? West Indies. Deposit Accounts received lu either Currency or Oom, sabject tc check at sight, which pass through the Cleating House as If drawn upon any city bank. Inte est allowed on dally balances. Ger till cat es of Deposit issued bearing Interest at current rate. N J tea and Drafts collected. State, City and Railroad Loans negotiated. CLEWS. HABICHT A CO., may28-x No. ll Old Broad atreet, London. : MARBLE DUST, Sulphnrio Add Bicarb mate of Soda Tartarlo Acid Flavoring Extracts Cream or Tartar Alcohol, 95 per cent Ac, Ac, Ac, At lowest mat ket rates. By DR, E, BAER, No. 181 Misting street. Shirts ana ?rurniarjing Q&oo?a. S O O T T'S THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE V IRMSHI1 STORE, CH ABLEST OlV, 8. C. S es sss S8S3 SSSSS SSS8SS SS3SSSSS SSS9SSSSSS 88BSSSSS988SSSS88SS838S88B88S338 SSSSSSSS SSS8SSSS . SSSS88 ep?iTT'C SSSSSS SSSSS ??U I I O SSSSS SSSS SS88 ess . sss SS STAJEl 8S 8 S si SHIRT sss 8S88 - ? ? 8388 SSSSS SSSSS ssssss EMPORIUM ssssss B8888SSS 8SS388SI3 8388S98I3SSSS8S8SBSSS9S3S3838SSS8 8SS8SSSSSS 883SS8SS SSSSSS SSSSS ssss 883 SS S The Proprietor of the Above Establishment has hst returned from New York with a new and wen selected Stock of the Oeleorattd STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS, ?ISO, A FINS ASSORTMENT OF . GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, CONSISTDfO OF. UNDERWEAR, Shaker Flannel, Wool and Merino, Cotton Flan iel. Shirts and Drawers, all gradea and all Biz en. English Merino and Cotton Hair Hose. Alao, a fall selection of the latest Novelties In ?KOKWEAR, English Windsor Scarfs, Marquise Scarrs, Lord stanley Scans, Livingston Cravats, Chancellor Scarfs, Bows aud Ties. Cray's PAP H H COLLARS of all descriptions. Walking Canes and Umbrellas. E. SCOTT, ?EETTNG STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET HAIL. Ornoo ana MtbitmtB. DB, FFTLEB'S VEGETABLE RHEU? MATIC SYRUP. Warranted nnder oatn never to have failed .to rare. 28,600 oertlfloates or testimonials or cure, nclDdlng Rev. 0. H. Ewing, Media, Pennsylvania; lev. Joseph Beggs, Falls of Schuylkill, Phlladel raia; the wife ot Rev. J. B. Davis, nigh ta town, few Jersey; Rev. Thomas Murphy, Frankford, 'lilladelphia; Doctor Jennings and Doctor Walton, 'htladelphta: Hon.- J V. Greeley, member cou treas from Philadelphia; Hon. Judge Lee, - Gam? len, New Jersey; ex-Senator Stewart, Baitimbre: x-Governor fowell, Kentucky, and thousands of ithera. Warranted to cure or money reloaded. DB. GEO. GAULlfcR, Agent, Julyl-lyr_? Charleston. 8. o. . Q. J. L ? E N, PHARMACEUTIST, MPORTER OF FINE CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. ?0.460 KINO STREET, CORNER OF JOHN. Now In Stock or my own Importation, .OW SON AND HAYDEN'S SOAPS, Tooth Brushes, Carbono Add, Pattey'B cold cream, English Dalby's Carminative, British OIL Roche's Embrocation and chiorodyne. AQXNT FOB riLDEN A CO.'S SOLID AND FLUID EXTRACTS. Pharmaceutical Preparations, Sugar-coated PIUS, AC AflBNT FOB FORD'S SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. AGBNT FOB SOUTH CAROLINA FOB )B, JEROME KIDDER'S ELECTRO MEDICAL MACHINE AND APPLIANCES, Surgical instruments and Goods of foreign mao tract ure imported to order. My Dispensing Department ls complete, em iraclug ail New Remec? les. A rou aasortmentol Trasse* and Bandages al vaya on hand. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS compounded ff it ti accuracy day or night, . :, laniowrtnly RUSSELL'S SOOTHING CORDIAL 1 This Preparation- ls highly recommended ?. many of the leading Physicians of Charleston, nd ls always kept forsale, Wholesale and Retail, >y DR. H. BARK, No. 181 Meeting street. MEDICINAL T0RPED0E8, IN THE shape of aeree cathartics, aro falling Into llsrupute. Farrants Effervescent Seiner Aperient s driving them cut of usc lt ls tbe mildest and most genial of ali laxatives. Instead of weaken ngi he stomach gives them tone ina vigor, other purgative* leave the excretory passages in an unataral condition, and new con. :retious gather there, often more difficult to re* move than those that have been violently expel? sd. The SEL' ZS* APERIENT, on the contrary, establishes a regular bBblt of body. AB au appe? tizer and exilarant, lt ls far supperior io any "Bitters,''and Its purifying Influence on ?he viii lated animal fluids excels that or any blood de pur, nt in the. Materia Medica. And then, bow delicious I .Sold by all druggists. sep2fl-i2 Nm StabliratUrru. JJYMNAL OF THE CHURCH. We are prepared to furnish the "HYMNAL" at the lowest Introduction prices. A variety of styles. Prices 20c, 40C, eoe, 76c, $1 and upwards. FOOARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, NEW CATALOGUE. Nc 26. "THE DICKENS DICTIONARY." A Key to the Characters and Principal Incidents In the Tales of Charles Dickens, illustrated by Gil lifirt A Fierce S3* "Caper Sauce." ? Volume of Chlt-Obat by Fanny Fern. Si 60. '.Healthy Houses." A Handbook to the History Of Uralnage. Ventilation, Warming and Kin? dred subjects. Illustrate J by William Eassle, C. E. SI. "A seven Months'. Bnn" Up and Down and Around the World. By James Brooks, fl 76. "Princip es of Geology." Part Second. By Slr Charles Lyell, Bart.. M. A., F. R. S, $4. "The Insect World." Being a Popular Account of the Orders or Insects by Louis Figuier. A New Edition, Revised and Corrected by Mar? un Dnncan, F. R. S. 670 Illustrations, $8 60. 4 Study or Biology." By H. Alleyne Nicholson, M.D. 76C "Errors or Speech.? By L. P. Meredith, M. D., D. D. S. 760. . T* *? "Sun-stroke" By H. C. Wood, Jr., M. D. SI 26. Tue United States Tai Iff and internal Revenue Law. Approved June 6,1872. compiled by Horace E. Dresser. SL NEW NOVELS, AC "EBB-TIDE." By Christian Reid, Author of Mor ton House. Paper 76c Cloth Si 'J6. "Tbe Brookes or Bridlemerc" By 0. J. Melville. Cloth si 26. "Only a GirL" From the German of W. Von H Tern. Cloth $1 76. "The White Rose." Melville. SI 26. "Maid or Sker " By & D. Blackmore Paper 76c, "Dr. Vandyke." By John Eaten Cooke. Cloth Si 26. Paper 76c "Lord Kllgobbln." By Charles Lever. Cloth Si 60. Paper $1. "The Golden Lion or Granperc" By Anthony Trollope Cloth Si 26. Paper 76c "The New Edition or cooper's Novels." Cloth $126. Paper 7.>c. "A Good Investment." Bj Wm. Flagg. Paper Up. "Christina Korth." By E. M. Archer. Paper 760. "By Hts Own Might." From the German of W. Von Bittern. Cloth Si 76. "Cerise," By G. J. Melville. Cloth $1 26. FOOARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. Nc 280 King street, (in the Bend.) apr38-tnths Charleston. S, 0. ^?^?fg?gggjg gag. j . JBylOL keKiT. STOCK OP A COUNTRY RETAIL STOBE, consisting In part of general asson -aent of Shoes, Bcognis, Gaiters. 4c, Ready Made Olotbing, coats, Pants and Yeats; Remnant Pieces Prints, Cassimeres, Satinet, aneo, Ladies' under Garments, spool Cotton, Hats, Caps, HsrJd kerchlefs, Bose - Colgate's Famltj Candles, three c_ .". Boards, Clothes Pioa, Blacking and Sundries, one Platform 8cale, one Counter Scale, and ona Iron Safe._.. octa AD. LORENTZ TO 0. LILIENTHAL . 4 CO.-Under foreclosure or mortgage, to above case, will be sold . THIS DAT, Octo? ber 2, 1872. at 10 O'clock A. M., on the premises, wen side Meeting street, known ss No. 183, The entire contenu ot a RESTAURANT AND BARROOM, consisting of a general assortment of Wines, Liquors, 4 c, Ac ALSO, A complete assortment; of BAR ROOM FIX? TURES, and foor fine Phelan BUllard Tables. , . E.- w. M. MACKEY,7 . "j oct2_ Agent tor Mortgagee.: ?urticn Suire-intazc ?Dan?. W. T. LEITCH & B. S. BBUHB. Auctioneers. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, MEETING Street, opposite Charleston Hotel. - WUl be sold on THURSDAY, 31 instant, at 10 o'clock, at No. 167 Meeting street, HOUSl-HOLD FURNITURE, consisting In part of Bureaus, Sofas, Bedsteads, Ma tresses. Lc unges, Washstands. Pillows, Chromes, Ac Store open fur inspection and private sale until day of sale._ ooti By LOWNDES & GRIMBALL, Auctioneers. 7 ' - W ^ G ! : 7 FORD, EXECOTOR, V8. COACHMAN. Under the deoree ot the court tn thia cause, wUl be sold at pabilo outcry, at the Old Postor. lice In charleston, THURSDAY, November 2i, 1872, at ll o'clock, . ?ii Qfm All that TRACT OF LAND,. known as South Is? land Plantation (excepting a small portion arid to the w luyan Indigo Society.) Lethe MU coun? ty, containing 4400 acres, more or leas, granted to George Ford November 7tb, 178flw$. :o?.t.i*. In the meantime thia property may be treated for at private sale.' ' >*.?' Terms to be made known on day or aale. Par. chaser to pay for sumps and au necessary pa? pers. H. D. LESESNE, aep28-w '; Referee. (1 ?louee, ^aaieTTi, &t. OHOS S ON'S r CELEBRATED KID AND CASTOR GLOVE, FBOV omi TO srx Burrowa - Black, White, Light/Mode and Dark. .All the new fancy colors to match the prevailing shades or silks and Dress Goods. ? ? ..- TI .. u z.-'J_ For sale, wholesale and retail, by r . ARNOLD, CONSTABLE & CO., NEW YORK, : ::c:r ? SOLE AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES, au gi 6 thnUmos ... . ;> ficilroa?i. > v t ^~ ~-~---- '-11-, i f *n-ii~i-irsr sfjijifl SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, ???fl m . ? nfqMvgp nss^sswflBsn aim WB TM WaMMbsasgasi ^ 0BABLX8TON, S. C., September 2T, 1872. on ano arter SUNDAY; september so. the Eux lenger Tra?na on the South Carolina Railroad will, ?un as follows: , ^ IT. ? TOB COLUMBIA. tom Cnarleaten.?.so A -M url ve at Columbia. ??9 ? JC roa AU8?8TA. , [?ave Gharleeton. ? so A IC* irrlve at Angosta.;??-;M...V acarar 'FOB 02IABLB8TOM. ? ?iti [?ave Columbia..'..o.oo A'BT arrive at Charleston.?MMf Leave Angosta.e cw A M arrive at Charleston. 440 r M COLUMBIA KIO HT BIP axes, (Sundays excepted.) ,,~ Leave Char las ton. r M Arrive at Columbia.e so A H Leave oolnmbla.Ul p ar Arrive a; Oharleston.8 Ai A M AUGUSTA NIGHT 2XPBB8?U ?? ' (Sundays excepted.) [leave Charleston.............sao r u Irrlve at Augusta. A M [MTB Augusta.........".~.?.i?> M UTI ve at A M SOMMBBYTXJIS TBAIB. " X" ' tieave SnmmervtUe at.Kit A K ixrive at charleston...... 8.40 A M [leave Charleston.&20 tu irrlve at summerville.Ato r u '. CAMDEN TBA I H. . [leave Camden.. 7.90 A M arme at Columbia.ILM AM Leave Columbia......2.10 z slr irrlve at Camden.. 6.66 r M Day and Night Tra?na connect at Augusta-with Bacon said augusta Railroad, Central Railroad md Georgia Railroad. This la tte quickest and most direct route and as comfortable and cheap aa tay other route to Louisville, Cincinnati. Chicago, it. Loots and all other pulntt Weat and Noxiaweaw Columbia Night Train connecta with 0reen v?ale: ind columbia Railroad ; and Day and Night Trama oonnect with Charlotte Road. . ? t . ; ..<:. Through tickets on sale via this route to all poinuN?rth. ... Camden Train connecte at Ringville dally (ex? cept sundays) with Day Passenger Train, :axd runs through, to Oolnmbla. , " . A. L. TYLER, Vice-Presldent, 8. B. PIOKBNTS. G. T. A._? :' gtsfgtQ NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COM? PANY. SUPBBrNTBNOINT'S OPPIO?, . jj? \ CHABLB8TON, ?. a, August ll, l67i f On and arter tne 15th Instant, the following THROUGH RATES OP FREIGHT to and from the? che raw and Darlington Railroad will be adopted by the routes via CHARLESTON and WILMING? TON: FBOM New York...., Philadelphia. Ballimore. 1st Claas. 3d. Class. Sd 4th: Class 6 th . Clans. :l?.tl: W TO 00 ITO 140 120 00 170 140 120 I 90 .100 ISO 110 I SO From Baltimore, Cora 24 cents per oasheL From Baltimore. Flour $1 per barrel. . . Cotton, to New York, $4 per bale Cotton, to Philadelphia, $1 per bale. > Cotton, to Baltimore, $3 60 per bale For Copies of Rates and Classification, apply to Agenu on Line of Cn er aw and Darlington Rail? road, or wg S0L0M0NS) 8npt N. R R K ; u A. POPE, Gen. A gt? W., 0. and A. ^R, . mw- Darlington, Marlboro', chesterneid. and Wad es boro' papers copy. aagis-tnrtttosr' ' ORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COE FANY. ' ?r^W'!pTHW CB^BLBSTON, 3. a. Jane 8, iSTjt ' Trains will leave Charleston Dally at 10.?6 A. M and 8.00 P. M. ."til Arrive at Oharleston 0.00 A. M. (Mondays ex? cepted) au d 3 P. M. ' ' " . Train does not leave Charleston 8.00 p.NL, Smt PATB. Tram leaving 10.16 A. M. mat es through connec? tion to New York, via Richmond and Acqula Creek only, going through la 44 honra...... ~. " Passengers leaving by"8,00 P.M. T An have choice ot route, Tia Richmond and Washington; or via Portsmouth and Baltimore Those leaving FRIDAY by thia Tram lay aver on BUMBA* ln'Bai timon. Thoee leaving on BATUM AY romain Stn*. DAY in Wilmington, N. O. ? ;A- , , This ls the enea peat, quickest and moat pleas? ant route to Cincinnati, Chicago and other potirte West and No thwoet, both Tra?na nuking con? neotiona at Washington with Western Trains of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. S.S.SOLOMONS, .. -Engtne*r*nd Superintendent. P. L. CLEAPOR, Gen. Ticket Agent, mayal SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. OBABLBSTON, June IV WV On and after MONDAY, June ITth, the Fa?> aengWm??nuRoadwulmn aa toUowat EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Charleston ?tifWs.oSp'ft Arrive at savannah| datty.?4? PK Leave Savannah daUy.---.1L~ Arr.veatOharleato^daUy^.., Leave Oharleston, sunday a excepted.. 7.4? Ai-1*1. Arrive at Savannah, Sun day s excepted. 3.30 P. Bb. Leave Savanaah, Sundays excepted.., ll A. B> ArrlTe at Oharleston, Sundays excted. ?JO r u. passengers from Charleston by 7.40 A, ML train make close connection with Port- Royal Railroad for all Stations oa that Road, (Sundays excepted. ; Freight forwarded daily on through bili* 01 lad? ing to pointe in Florida and by Savanaah line, of steamships to Boston. Prompt dispatch given tb freights for Beaufort and pointa oa Port Royal Ballroad and at ai low rates aa by any other line, Tickets on sale at thia office for Besaron over Port Royal Railroad. C. 8. GADSDEN, Engineer and Saperlnii * & 0. BOYLSTON, Gen'l Ft. and Ticket mu