Tb? Haw Hame. What ?hall I call her when we mee: ? Sue knew no other name on earth Than that which mothers find BO sweet. Thong h wordB be cold and little worth; "Om* baby," seemed a name complete. Bot now. BO mac y years nave flown Since rrom my test ful gase sue passed, How shall I, in the great ooknown, Amased where all ts strange and vast, How shall I there reclaim my own. Wost sweet, rare mle does she bear ? For when l meet her on that shore, Grown wise and great aa abe la fair, "My baby," I can say no more, For 1 shall be the Infant then. WOMEN AND DRESS. Sensible Vie wa on tba Subject from Blackwood. "Blackwood'a Magazine" for August de-1 Bcenda from Its usual!j severe level of dignity to discuss the question of female apparel, es? pecially lo connection with the styles DOW pr e vale nt in Paris. It partially exonerates the French women from the blame of the bad taste shown In the prevailing fashions-now " improving according to the same authority of garments for ladles. Referring to the al? leged extravagance of women In France, Blackwood states the lavish dlabursemeot Is I not confined to Paris. There are ladles at St Petersburg wno spend ?120 pounds a year lo shoes alone-whose annual cost ot gloves and stockings would j keep six famines ot weavers-who think lt quite natural to pay fhe Journey of their i lavorita artist from the Boulevard to the i Newaky r^ospect, lo order that he may exact? ly take -meir measure for a corset. The pro? ductions ot Mr. Worth, a great inventor ol styles for ladles' suire, are nearly all absorb? ed by foreigners. The Americans rank among | his largest customers. France Bets the ex? ample, but her Imitators go beyond her. Blackwood soys the gown ls only one ele? ment ol the well dressed lady. The boote, the gloves, the sash, the hat, the parasol, the linen above all, subscribe more largely still to the tone and type o? such a person.. It ls to them tost the experienced eye tums curi? ously, .in order to determloe the exact degree ol her perfection in this branch ot merit. No ooe who really knows and feels wost dress ought to Imply will limit observation to a akut; the dissection wffl be rapid but complete ; lt wUl extend to every detail-banda, feet, bair, and undergar? ments, will each receive a scrutinizing glance, sod opinion will be formed ea the assem? blage of them all. Ia Parla, and elsewhere in France, there are crowds o? women who come out reproaohleaa from these ruthless exam!-1 nations, the reason belog that they know be forehand that they will be subjected to them, and prepare accordingly. And this ls doue lo numerous cases ats mod?rate cost, because nearly every French woman originates ?, ber own -toilette. The best dressed ladies 1 ' in France grow np "in constant practice of the delicate science of self-adornment." At foafteen jeers old, says the English magazine, those girls out out their own dresses ; at ten they can trim bonnet?, and discourse learned? ly on the theory exhibited in their mot bera' practioe. Thus they acquire a sort ot artistic [Ij taste, which helps them along the road to knowledge. Begarded ss one of the occupations which ought to AU op women's time st home, the preparation ol clothes ls natural and legiti? mate. AU tho world cannot be rich enough to pass Ita time. In pleas ora or In Intellectual pastimes. The mass ot us spend our Uves with lees money than we should ilk o to have, and In a consequent constant effort to dlmtn-1 lah our lmpeoonloslty by oar labor. Men trade and speculate, sod do varions other things Jor this end; womeo, who, unless ex wpUonJjpy, have no direct power ol earning Cash, can only try to satisfy their longings by Indoor work for their own account. Foolish people, who think lt beneath their grandeur to make their own gowns and bo noe te, are rare lo Fran oe: there even the richer classes generally consider lt to be s duty to help themselves to some degree, and to know, at ! J ali events, how to sew. STANLEY'S SNUFF-BOX. \ < A Spl e ndld Present tram Q, a e ? n Victoria. A correspondent of the Boston Advertiser | called npon Stanley at his rooms In London and was permitted to look opon the gold snuff- j box wi ich her gracious Majesty, Queen Vic toria, gave him as a testimonial of the high | < appreciation in which she held the yoong ex? plorer. He writes: Clrcnw stan new have brought me loto olese contact with two gentlemen whoee names are a good desi before the world st this time, and who have met with very different fates-Mr. H. M. stanley, the discoverer of Livingstone, and Lieutenant Llewellyn Dawson, the chief o? the abortive Livingstone tu ad. It was a str?nge contrast topase from the house ot ooe to the otter within s few boure, sod to mark th? melancholy of the ooe sod the radiant b uoyancy which seemed to pervade the other. Stanley had Just received the Queen's present j and-lard Granville's letter when resiled. They had taken him by surprise, and when the imall parcel waa brought toto the room and he proceeded to opes lt and found the oater covering of stiff paper to be succeeded by layers ol silver paper round something which feit soft, he thought some ooe had sent him s cake for toa. The gorgeous snuff-box waa to a case of blue velvet, and thia was surrounded by so many wraps that it felt to the touch ss I have said. Imagine your yoong countryman's delight when he ssw what his (?ste terned ont, and the number of plums lt held ! Some people have asked, ''Why a snuffbox V Why not a pia or ring, or some? thing Stanley could wear ?" But snuff boxes have been from time immemorial the pres? ents of monarchs to those whom they de? light to honor. Ambassadors, courue rs, en? voys to foreign conns, great statesmen and violerions generals all regard a Jewelled snuff box us the most appropriate gut from a crowned head, and the more exalted ol them havd not nnfrequently a collection ot thats ensay, baubles walch have been inheri? ted frojn ancestors who have filled high o? floes, or have been acquired personally during a long Ufo spent la the pabilo service. The form. of. r?cognition accorded to Stanley by the Qaeen ls thua o? the precise kind which should gratify him, and, I may add, which has gratified him more than any other/ It ls a noble heir-loom to preserve to hand down, and tee letter with which lt was accompanied enhances tee value of the gift, which apart 11 from all associations ls intrinsically consider- f able. The box la an oblong of dark-blue en? amel, with the letters V. B. enciphered lu End-Used diamonds on tee centre of the Ud. and this. sod describing a considerable circle ls a ring of diamonds of larger size yet, and the effect ot. the combination is exceed- ; inglygorgeousand rion. Mesara. Garrard, of tee Haymarket, London, are the makers ot the box, the value of which cannot be lesa than five hundred pounds. . ir ? 1 m ?? - THESBOPSAtEPEES OF PARIS. ( The shopkeepers of Paris have the art of making the most of their, wares, and apare no labor to give to their windows and show? cases a new and attractive appearance every morning. Thia ls not only the case with the most brilliant and costly gooda, bat even with those ol-trifling value. Il the stranger ex pecU to-morrow to recognize a B tore by any TMng-he may have seen in the window to-day he win be greatly mistaken. Even the ar? rangement ol the gooda will be found to be different, and an effort made to render lt more attractive th an lt was yesterday. They also add to the brilliancy of the establishments by the ex tensive use ot looklng-glasse^l? se: ted in the wails, which -multiply and magnify the stock, and make a email store appear large and com? modious. There ls scarcely a show window kin Paris teat ls Pot provided with aide glasses so pieced ss to give tee appearance o? doable ?. the width which they really are. At night I they kave outside their windows a cumber of '.'Very brilliant reflectora, which cast a glare o? light open tee tssteiuUy.-.. ti ..i'-ii. .. BUCK ALPACAS. our 60 cents Black Alpaca ls the nicest in the Harket. DUR WHOLESALE DEPARMENT is complete now, and Great Bargains are or ered. An entire new and elegant stock or CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS AND MATS Wm be opened in a lew days and sold at lowest Jew York Prices. An entire new and elegant stock of DUBBS GOODS, SHAWLS, AND OTHER FINE GOODS, such as never before exhibited lu this Market, viii be displayed on opening onr New Store, No. 375 King street. On Monday, September 80. PlIRCiiGOTT. BENEDICT & CO. A BABE CHANCE FOB BARGAINS ! FOR SALE AT RETAIL, TO CLOSE THE BUSINESS, the entire STOCK OF GOODS of the late T. KELLT, leceased, consisting or a very large and complete issortmsntof DRESS GOODS, CASSIM ERES, TWEEDS? KENTUCKY JEANS, SATINETS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, IOOP, BALMORAL AND BOULEVARD SKIRTS, HOSIERY, GLOVES AND , NOTIONS. Also, a roll assortment of DOMESTIC GOODS, LINENS, Ac. wm be offered for sale, DS QUANTITIES TO SUIT PURCHASERS FOR CASH ONLY, Commencing MONDAY, the 2d of September, and TO BR CONTINUED FROM DAY TO DAT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, Sng31 M. P. O'CONNOR, Administrator. (Budines, ?ngctjintrg, Wt. STEAM ENGINES. PORTABLE, STATIONARY AND AORIOULOT RAL ENGINES, two to flfty horse-power Circular Saw Mills, Grist Ml lia Long and Short Cotton Gins Oam sod Leather Belting Sperm, Lard, Tanners', Linseed, Paraphme> . White Oak oils, Tallow, Ac, Ac. Engine and Mm supplies in great variety. CAMERON, BARKLEY A, GO., ... 30RNBB MEETING AMD CUMBERLAND SIS augttanos J JSitm D?blicaticm?. JJYMNAL OP THE CHURCH. We are prepared to iuroiab the "HYMNAL" at the lowest introduction priera. A variety-cT style* " Prices 20c, 40c, eoe, wo, $1 and upwards. FOG ARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, NEW CATALOGUE, No. 28. "THE DICKENS DICTIONARY." A Key to the ? character* and Principal Incidents In the Taloa or u?arles Dickens. Illustrated by Gu bert A. Pierce. $3. "Gaper Sance." A Volume of Chit-Chat by Fanny Fern, tl 60. "Healthy Houses." A Handbook to the History or Drainage, Ventilation, Warming and Kin? dred subjects. Illustrated by William Basale, O. E. fil. "A Seven Months' Run" Up and Down and Aiound the World. By James Brooks. $17?. "Principies or Geology." Part second. By Slr Charles Lyell. Bare. M. A., F. B. 8, fa. "The Insect World." Being- a Popular Account ol the Orders of insects by Loma Figuier. A New Edition, Revised and Oorrected by Mar? tin Duncan. F. R. a. Mo Illustrations, sato. 'Study or Biology." By H. Alleyne Nicholson, M. D. 76C. ?? ? "Orton of Speech." By L. P. Meredith, M. D., D. D.S. 760. "Sun-Stroke." By H. c. Wood, Jr., MD. si 26. Tee United States Tai iff and Internal Revenue Law. Approved Jase 6,1872. Compiled by Horace M. Dresser; st NEW NOVELS, Ac. "EBB-TIDE." By Christian Reid. Author of Mor? ton House. Paper 760. cloth $1 16. "The Brookes of Brldlemere." Bj G. J. Melville, doth SI 26. "Only a Giri." From the German of W. Yon Hlliern. Cloth $1 75. "The White Rose." Melville, fl 26. "Maid ol Sker " By R D. Blackmore. Paper 76c. "Dr. Vandyke." By John Esten coote. Oloth $1 25. Paper 76c. "Lord KUgobbln." By Charles Lever. Oloth $160. Paper $1. "The Golden Lion of Groupers." By Anthony Trollope, doth $126. Paper 76a "The New Edition ol Cooper's N?vela." Oloth $126. Paper 76c. "A Good Investment." By Wm. Flagg. Paper 60c. "Christina e>orth." By E. M. Archer. Paper 76c "By His Own Might." From the German of W. Yon Bluers. Cloth ti 76. "Cerise." By G. J. Melville. Cloth $126. FOG ARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. No. 260King street, (In tbe Bend,) - aprtS-tuttiu Charifston. 8. o. i?, Caps,.Spt. FALL OPENING OF HATS, CAPS, CANES, AND UMB BEL luAJS. Having Jost returned from kew fork with s ino Stock or the above articles, 1 am now pre? pared to offer them to my friends an.1 the pabilo ?the LOWEST HARKET PRI?E8. CHILDREN'S FANCY HA13 A SPECIALTY. C. C. PLBNGE, No. aol KINO- STUEET. sep2l _ Srjirto ano JFamistjing ?JOOB. To Make Boom For FALL GOODS E. SCOTT, MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET HALL, IS NOW CLOSING OUT BIS UNEQUALLED STOCK OF GM' mmmm GOODS INCLUDING THE FAMOUS STAR SHIRTS, GALL AND EXAMINE FOB YO J* SEL7E9 ! novi? diga?* Sobatco? ?t. EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE So. 310 KINO STREET, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIOABS AND TOBACCO of all kinds. PIPES of every quality. Call and examine stock before buying else where. WILLIAM SCHRODER, Proprietor. N. B.-Tbe Wheel of Fortune constantly on t hand? lasest? cents and try your look. noh7-90Awiir Drucjs ana Meeitiruz. SIMMONS REGULATOR THU unrivalled Medicine ts warranted not to i rent?is & singla partido of Morcury, or any ln larlooa mineral substance, butls PURELY VEGETABLE. For forty years lt oas proved Its great vaine In all diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of tho good and great IR all parts of the country vonoh ror its wonderful and peculiar ' power In purifying the Blood, stimulating tne torpid Liver and Bowels, and Imparting new lire and vigor to tbe whole system. SIMMONS'S Ll1 *Eii REGULATOR ls acknowledged to have no eqnal as a LITER MEDICINE. It contains fonr medical elements, never nutted In the same happy proportion la any othe^-pre? paration, viz: a gentle cathartics a wonderful ron lc, an unexceptionable Alterative and a cer? tain Corrective of au imparities or the body. Such signal snccesa has attended its ase that lt la DOW regarded as the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC Tor Liver Complaint and tba painful offspring thereof, to wit: Dyspepsia, Constipation, Jaun? dice, Bilious attacks, Sick Headache, colic. De pression of Spirits, Sour Stomach, Heart Barn, kc., ftc Reg?late the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEYER, SIMMONS'S LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured only by J. H. Z El LIN 4 CO., Macon, Qa, and Philadelphia. PRICE-fl per package; aent by mau postage paid, $126. ?repared ready for nae m bottles, |160. For aale by P. WTNEMAN ft CO. AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. JSST* Beware of all counterfeits and imita dona. aagS-tnjtuDAwSmos G. J. L U H N, PHARMACEUTIST, M PORTER OF FINE CHEMICALS, PERFUMERS AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. ?O. 460 KING STREET, CORNER OF JOHN. Now In Stock or my own Imporuuon, MW SON AND HAYDEN'S SOAPS, Tooth Brushes, Oarbollo Add, Patter's Cold Cream, English Dalby's Carminative, British Ou, Beche*! Embrocation and ohiorodyne. AQXNT FOB ALDEN A CO. 'S SOLID AND FLUID EXTRACTS, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Sugar-ooatea Plus, ftc. ASBSB? roa FORD'S SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. IO INT FOB SOUTH GASOLINA JOB )n. JEROME KIDDER'S ELECTRO MEDICAL MACHINE AND APPLIANCES, Surgical Instruments and Goods ol foreign man Lfncture imported to order. ? My Dispensing Department ls complete, em i mein g all New Remedies. A fail assortment of Trusses and Bandage? al rays on hand. _.. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS compounded rlth accuracy dav or night laniowfmly unvmu KBSsxannan av a ssa FIRST-CLASS VIDAL ALF. ?ABARRAQUE AND Co QUINIUM LABARRAQUE Approved by the Imperial Academy of Medicine The Qui ulam Labnrraqoe is an eminently tonic and febrifuge Wine, destined to replace all the. other preparations of Peruvian Bark ; The Bark Wines usually employed inme d i cine are prepared from Barks which vary considerably in the degree to which they possess the desired properties. Besides, owing to the manner in which they are pre? pared, these Wines contain scarcely more than the traces of active principles, and these always in variable proportions. The Quinlan La barraque, approved by the Academy of Medicine, constitutes, on the contrary, a m?decine of determined compo? sition, rich in active principles, and on wich Physicians and Patients can always rely. . The Qniniom ?abarraque is prescribed willi great success for persons of weak con? fution, or for those debilitated by various exhausting causes or past sickness ; for youths fatigued by too rapid growth; for young girls whose development takes place with difficulty; for women in childbirth; and for aged persons enfeebled by years or illness. lt is the best preservative against Fevers. In cases of Chlorosis, Anemia, or Greensik ncss, this Wine is a powerful auxiliary of the ferruginous preparations In conjunction, for example, with VALLET'S PILLS, the rapidi? ty of its action is really marvellous. j Tepot io Pint, L. FRERE, 19, ne Jitob. Agents in Charleston: DOWIB, MOISE J ^ft DAVIS, Wholesale Druggists.- k REACHING THE NORTH POLE.-IT ls claimed that the North Pole will certain? ly oe ic acned oy one or the expeditions now in search ot it. Suppose lt should be, and the Amer? ican nag should be hoisted there, to revolve with '.he axis or earth once in twenty-io ar hours (I) wast then ? Would the discovery be one-tenth as valaaDie to the world m general aa Tarrant*? Effervescent Seltzer Aperient I la to the sick and surre r m g f Is not an agreeable preparation, that will cure indigestion, consupa t'.on, nervousness, bilious complaints, and all man? ner or internal disturbances arising (rom debility, ; or more importance to mankind than the location or the Poler Bather l The trne article ls procur able at BM good drug stores._appi2-ia ?rotmct? Clggars, gc. H. KLATTEtXca ACENTS FOR CHARLESTON. We have appointed Messrs. H. KLATTE ft CO. Polo Agents ror Charleston ror this celebrated Brand or PURE KENTUCKY WHISKEYS, both RYES and BOURBON. These Whiskeys are guaranteed pure KENTUCKY COPPER DISTILLED, free from all compound Im? purities, and highly recommended by eminent chemists ror medical ase. The Brand la patented to prevent infringements. BARKHOUSE BR09. ft CGL Louisville, Ey. We r especially inform oar friends and cns tom? ara that we keep constantly on band a full supply of the above already favorably well known WhUv cys, and offer same to the trade at distillers' jjrlces. H. KLATTE ft 00., au gan tu t h 6mo No, 1S6 East Bay. Patent ivoirines. SIMMONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND, OR LIVER CURE, FOR ALL DERANGEMENTS" OF THE LIVER, SETH, KIDNEYS, STOMACH AND BOWELS. Pot np la liquid form, 31 ready prepared for immediate ase, saving time and trouble, and Insur? ing a proper proportion of each valuable ingredient. .. It ls mild and gentle in lu action. It reme ven the bile from the ryfltem. It imparta tone and strength to the whole frame. It gives the liver a healthy character and restores the sinking and drooping body to health and strength. This Medicine has been tried by thousands and never found wanting. Under tts influence the face will have the bloom of health, the eye Ita lustre, the brain its power. It wul Invigorate the feeble, and prove the greatest blessing to those who suffer. Try lt for yourselves and yon will recommend it to yoor friends. FOR SALE BY DBUGGESTS AND DEALERS EVERYWHERE. DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, WHOLESALE AGENTS, CHARLESTON, S. 0. RING A R03BOROUGH, Waldo, Florida, Proprietors. angl-tbstnsmoa 3n*nxarut. Authorized Capital..$2,ooo,ooo Guaranteed Capital.. 500,000 Deposited with State Comptroller s for Security of Policy? holders. 150,000 COTTON STATES LIFE ' INSURANCE CO., OP MACON, GA. W. B. JOHNSTON, President. w. s. HOLT, vice-President .GEO. 8. OEEAR, Secretary. ' J. W. BUBKE, General Agent J. MERGER GREEN, M. D., Med? ical Examiner. W. I. MAGILL, Superintendent of Agencies. 0. F. MCCAY, Actuary. WILSON GrLOVER, A?rE]\T, Office of Messrs. Ii. D. Mowry & Son, SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARP, Charleston, S. C. MB. WILSON GLOVER, Agent lor the above safe and popular Company, is prepared to take Bisks In any part of tho State on the moat satisfactory terms, as will appear by examining the several Tables and Bates offered by the Company, and of which the special features are: 1. Policies not Forfeltabls. 2. No Restrictions as to Residence or Travelling. 8. Dividends declared and raid annually after second year. 4. Policies paid within sixty days after death. 6. One-third premium loaned when desired. J. W. PARKER, GENERAL AGENT FOR NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. aug24-?tuDA03moa AT BANKS' ??BSHnaMftiteaBBfii M^'^N^SBBWfsWBHSfflsBl STANDARD SCALES. MiMJFlCTHRErrS PRICES, J. E. ADGER & CO. NO. 189 MEETING STREET, AND IVO. 6 9 EAST BAT CHARLESTON, S. C. aepu-tuthssawlmo ?ubsoiTs Stboertiaemem. J. IV. ROBSON, HAVING AMPLE MEANS FOE ADVANCES, A BUSINESS - EXPERIENCE OP twenty years, and confining hlmscir strictly to a Commission Business, without operating on his own account, respectfully solicits consignments of Cotton, Flour, Corn, Wheat, Ac. shippers of produce to him may, at their ojtlon. have, their consignments sold either in Charleston or .NOW Tork, thns having the advantage of two markets without extra commissions. References-suntop W. M. Wightman, s. c.; Colonel Wm. Johnfion, Charlotte, N. C.; Rev. T. Qc Summers. D. D.. Tennessee; Hon. John P. King, Augusta, Ga.; Mesara. G. W. Williams A Co., Oharlea? ton. 8. 0.; Messrs. Williams, Blrnis A Co.. New York. .. As the SPECIAL AGENT FOB THE STATE OF DUPONT'S GUNPOWDEB, I will always keep a full stock of all kinds at Magazine. Tho long experience of Messrs. Dupont in the manufacturo of Gun? powder, makes lt unnecessary to tay mora than that I guarantee the quality of every package. Price as low as any other Powder m the market Persona ordering please name DUPONT. MARYLAND STEAM SUGAR REFINING COMPANY. As Agent for the MARYLAND STEAM SUGAR REFINERY OF BALTIMORE, I will keep constantly on hand a fnll assortment of Cnn ihed. Powdered, Granulated, A White, B. White, 0 Extra, 0 Yel? low; a so Amber Drips in barrels, which I offer at manufacturara' pricej, freight added. Any change m Drice being reported dally by t?legrapb, thus giving the trade the advantage of lt., Am also Agent for the celebrated brands of Family Flour manufactured oy Messrs, DAVIS * EMM0NS, or st. Lo a ia, walch I os n recommend in every respect; pnt up in Ninety-eight Pound Bags and Barrels-BEST ?ND GOLD I UST, Choice Family, Home Mill Medium Family, Santa Marta flood Family. Also several of the best H?ls in Virginia, Georgia and Tennessee. AB Agent for WHITTAKER tt SON'S CELEBRATED HAMS, Anderson H.'s (Jo. Beargrass Bama Fairbank, Peck & Oo.'s Caddy Lard, Werk A oo.'s Candles, Samuel Leonard A Son OandL?. Jotmson A Clements Corn starch, James Beatty A co.'sOrackers.CakeSjAO., Soaps of au varieties. Mackerel tn kits and half barrels. Ludlow Brand of Gunny cloth, Baling Twine. Ac, Acland aa I devore myself exclusively to a Commission Business and all the goods are received direct from factory aud neither sell nor buy on my own account, would respectfully call the attention of the trade to my faculties for doingboslnesH, and the inducements offered to purchasers. Having an experience of over twenty years, and having Just ersoied a large and .commodious storo In addition to my others, I am fully prepared for business. ENGLISH SUPERPHOSPHATE OP LIME, Imported direct from Livery ?Land guaranteed to contain twenty-four per cont of Soluble Phos? phate of Lime. PERUVIAN GUANO, DIRECT FROM THE AGENT, WARRANTED PURE. For sale at market rates. BAUG-H'S RAW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE, FLOUR OF BONE, DISSOLVED BONE, PLASTER OR GYPSUM. Always on hand, and aa evory shipment ls anatyzed on arrival, Planters can rely on getting the same article, and fully up to standard. - SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. The highly satisfactory and remarkable effects of this Guano in producing very largely increased crops of cotton, Oom and other staple crops, has attracted the general attention of Planters and Farmers. J. IV. ROBSON, AGENT FOR THE STATE, JunU-tutha Mos. 1 rand 9 Atlantic MTharfaad 08 East Bay, Charleston. patios. ?rflan<;t Wc. PIANOS AND OUGANS, Furnished at factory prices for Cash, or by Monthly Payments on the most liberal terms. CHARLES'L. M'liLESAHAN, piano and Moxie store; seps-imoa No. io 1 King streets VALENTINA'S PREPARATION MEAT JUICE. O? Just received, a large supply of the above. Each bottle contains four pounds of the best Beef, ex? clusive of fat; can be used with cold or warm water; also can be falcon with. Oodllver Oil, and destroys, the taste of the OH. The only food for delicate children. This ls moch superior to the "Extract of Beet* heretofore offered to the public, aa will be f tran ( upon trial For sale by Dr. Bu'BABB. <. JUST -?? No, ia sleeting tweet ^jUggglgg^ffigg iga Bj LAUBE Y, ALEXASDEB ft CO. STRIPS, "BELLIES;:1 H?fib^'lliTOUL DERS, CHEESE, Aa _ THIS DAT. 21th instant, will r^ore our Store, at naif past 9 o'clock, . . ? -. boxf e S. C. STRIPS "/> Ai - boxes s. O. Bellies . ??z?*?'- ,v - boxes Cheese ' - boxes N. Y. Pig-Shoulders - boxes N. Y. & C. Hams - vii T? it - tierces Hams, Ac, Ac, Ac Conditions essa. . - ? ? sepSi Bj JOHN G. MILNOB & CO-' ; ; ; DRY GOODS AND ONE CASE KEN? TUCKY Jeans, on account or aU cone reed. THIS DAY. 24th instant, at hair-past lo o'clock,' we will sell at oar Store.-No. 136 Meeting street, One case KENTUCKY JEANS on account or all concerned, Fancy and Monro In g Prints. Black and Fancy Satinets, Kenrocky Jeans, Kerseys, Bleached and Brown Shining, Blue Deni m -, Red, Gray,and White -Blankets, Cotton Flannel, Ging? hams, Shirting Stripes, Bead and Pocket Hand? kerchiefs, Hosiery, Ac; "with a general assort meut of new goods. Oondlttons cash. . , , aspn r? . ? By WM. McsLiTi- ?. ?' ;. ' CASSLMEBES, FANCY SATINETS^ Cottonades, Prtots^WblteTGrsy and Canton Flannels, Bleached and Brown Shirtings, Beady made Clothing. Hats, Caps, umbrellas. Suspend? ers, Hosiery, Gloves, Undershirts. soou, DISMISS, ~ L. B. Shirts, soaps. PerrameTv;Ac?ana-ot? Showcase, will sell above, THIS DAY, at his Salesroom, No. 46 Wentworth street, at 10 o'clock; Sign of the Bed Flag. ser?* -' By A. C. McQILLIYBAY. . .. TsJEW HOUSE, SEVEN. BOOMS,. ON 17i Sullivan's Island.. WUl be sold THIS DAY,- the 24th instant, at tts Postomce, at ll o'clock, QW^-; The new HOUSS, recently buBt by Mr. Graach, on Backstreet, next to the Parade Ground. Fins lot; a pleasant residence and good stand for lam? ber and wood yard. , , r?????A ? Terms at sale. _ . -_.- .sepas)". gtgrtipg goUg^ Gittert Wqg? By LOWNDES ? GBIM3A1L, ., Auctioneer?. .-. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION.-DAVID T. FERRELL et al, vs. MARY FERRELL et ai. In the common Pleas for Charleston county. ^Lipersuance of an order of sale In ih?.aliOTs; case, to me directed by the Hon. R. F. Graham, Judge or the First Circuit I will otter lorsala^afc? public auction, at the Pcstofflco, Broad street, TUESDAY, the ist day of october, MTV** U o'clock A. M., . gjfri _ AU that PLANTATION* OR TRACT OF LAND, on Wassamasjaw Swamp, measuring and con- - taming six hundred and thirty-six acres, as by a survey thereor made by Wm. H. Mallard, Deputy Surveyor; butting and bounding north and northeast on Lands late or J. B. B am et.,; and, east and southeast on Land late of ff m. Murray, and south sud west on Land of Joseph Kurray." Terms-One-third cash; balance ?a two equal: successive annual Instalments,, secured b?.ftond or the purchaser and mortgage or the Treraaes sold. Purchaser to pay the Referee ror papara Sd stamps., , ?y.MoOBAj^^,. Eoilroo?i. XTORTHEABTKEN SALLSOAI) COM Jj|n^.. ; PANT:''. sniiBsd ?^as?^f. SUPBRINT?KDINT'8 077ICI., .. I OHABLXSrON, b. 0., AUgUSt ll, 19TSLJ t On and after the 16th Jnstant, tho ranowlng THROUGH RATES OF FREIGHT ^ fidjtom the Cheraw and DarUngton Railroad *llt be adopted S the routes via oUaBLBSTON and WILM?KG m . i ist 12d. i wf&jjm Class. Olas?. Chus. (Jlasc Ossa. ^ewYork.J ITO 140- MO so }'? ' pn?adeLpmi... 140 130 . "S cfijr RaiornoreTT... leo I iso no [ so 1 en From Baltimore, Oom rt cetus per busheL From Baltimore, Flour $1 per barrel. ... Cotton, to New York, $4 ra bsJa. . ", Cotton^ to Philadelphia ?4 per bale. - . Cotton, to Baltimore, $860 per hale. 7 ol F^^?oltotesimd OlatTu^tton, apto to Ag eats on Line of Cceraw and Darlington Baili r0ad' ?r??S. SOLOMONS," Supt. N. E. B. E. A. POPE, uen. A gt. W., 0. and A. R. B. #3- Darlington. Marlboro', ChesterCeld and WadesboTc' papers copy. angia-turxmos ?OUTH SiSS^PS^^^ CHABUtaroH, 8. a, May W, 1872. On and arter am DAT, May 10, the Passen ger Trains on the Boath Carolina Railroad wTRttnl as follows:. ... ??o;viihsr? TOB AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.........M.?U? sus AUB Arrive at Augusta......-4-2? r M YOB 00 L UKBIA. . Leave Charleston.............. 8.10 a M arrive at columbia.AOi *bM fOB 0HABLB9TON. Leave Augusta.. L?o A M Arrive at Charleston.... 8?0 ?.M Leave columbia.-.......... 7.40A .sr Arrive at Charleston.................... S.? r Bf A?0U9TA HIGHT SXraSSB. .V.'v?:. . (Sundays excepted.) . Leave Oh arlee ton.............. 7.20 r st Arrive at Augusta...> coo a sr Leave Augusta.............. j^ r * Arrive at?Charleston........OAS AV OOLUMIIA KIO HT HP ?USS, -W> (Sundays exoapted.); ; ont&Mt Leave Charleston................ 8.20 r U Arrive at colombia...................... e.40'A M Leave colnmbia......................... aw ? sr Arrive at Charleston.*,s* AH .BUMBBKVIUJ TBAnr. ??-"^ Leave summerville at. 7.? A M Arrive at Charleston at. 8U6 A it Leave Charleston at........8.30 r at Arrive at summerville at.... AAS trat CAKDXN BBA?OU. . M , Leave Camden..d-i? A V Arrive at coinmbta.10.40 A-M Leave columbia.-MjLWM Arrive at Camden.-*.... cae r * Day and Night Trains connect at Augusta with Macon and augusta Ballroad, Centrai BaRroad and Georgia Railroad. This ls the quickest and most direct route and as comfortable a nd cheapas any other route to Louis?iU?, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis and all other points Weat and Northwest. Columbia Night Tram connects with GreenV?fm and Colnmbla Railroad ; and Day and Night Trains connect with Charlotte Road. . ? .,.. .., ..,. t?? Throogh aokets on sale via this route"to" all points Berth. . - : : r? .. >'oo A .siitaWrt Camden Train cenneoa at Klngrule dally (ex oept' sundays) with Day Passenger Tram, and rona through to Columbia. ? o : : . A. L> TYLER, Vice-President. 8. B. FIOKENB, Q. T. A. lanie ^OBT^BASTfiJW^RAQ^Ai? ., COH OHABLBSTON, 8. C.. June 8,1872. Tra?na will leave Charleston Dany at io. in A. M and 8.00 P. M. arrive at charleston COO A. M. (Mondays ex cepted) and 8 P. M. Train does not leave Onarieston 8.00F. ML,BOX UATB. ... *! Train leavtagio jf A; M. maieathrough eonaeo tlon to New York, via Richmond and. Ano.ola Creek only, g o in g through In 44 hours. Passengers leaving by 8,00 P. IL' Train have choice bf route, via Richmond and Washington, or via Port*month and Baltimore Those leaving - FB LD AT by this Train lay ever on SUMSATIO Bal tlmorc Those leaving on SATUKDAT remain SCH DAT m Wilmington, N. C. ti KSdJo?iI This la the cheapest, quickest and most pleas*, ant route to Cincinnati. Chicago and other points West and Northwest, both Trains making coo nocturna at Washington with Wee tern Trains o? Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. ~ - - S.S. SOLOMONS;: nt ? Engineer and Sop P. L. OLEAFOR. Gen. Ticket Agent. S AVANNAH AND CHARLESTON :': CBABLBSTON, Jane lAr'isTs. On and after MONUAT, Jone nth, the Pas? senger Tra?na on thia Road wm run as iouows: EXPRESS TRAIN. .R;,:"T,TO Leave Charleston dally.oop.k. Arrive at savannah nally.9.46 P.M. Leave Savannah dally....?.- .ILSO P. M. arrive At Charleston dally.7 A.M. DAY TRAIN. ' . Leave Charleston, sunday s excepted.. 7.40 A. M. Arrive at savannah, Sundays excepted. BAS ri M. T Leave Savana ah, Sundays ex^ed... U A-M. Arrive at Charleston, sand aya er etea, e.to P.M.. Passengers from Char les torr by 7.40 A.M. train make close connectton with Port .Boys* Ra&rsoA ror all Stations oa that Road, (Sundays excepted.) Freight forwarded dally on through bins orita, mg to points in Florida and by Bayann slr tteepfc steamships to Boston. Prompt dispatch given to freights for Beaufort and points on Port ROytG. tiatiroad and ai as low rate? as by any ottB**B*> Tickets on sale at thia office for Beaufort ovar Port Royal Railroad. . J. 8. CbLtitU>jg^ r EHglnosT and BapsjhVtSBmHa . 8. c. EOYLaToiToen'i Ft. and Tiow.Afsark. ']unl4 _" . - ? . ' -..^i. y SAGE'S CATARRH BSH?ST?^ ^ ;.. vtsjBff-;^;. jhjarluiif.t i -i DR. PIERCE'S NASAL DOUCHE Aim DR. PIEROF?8 GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DeBmg?sPyeRamedy : ,ft; li f!.y.,. Wl?a?r?a oodiirer ou and Lima, , > : ,. - reriSSF ^ - DR H. BAER,