The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, September 20, 1872, Image 4

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MEETINGS THIS DAY. Marion Lodge, I. 0-0-F., at 7 P. M. AUCTION SALES THIS DAT. mies Drake will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, boots, shoes, olothlog and hate. Wfiliam McKay will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, hardware, furniture, ftc. THE WEA THEE. the range ot the thermometer yester? day at the drug store of Mr. Joseph BMolPttan? on the south side ot Broad street, was as follows : 8 A. M., 75; 10 A. M., 78; 12 M., 82; 2 P. M., 84; 4 P. M., 83; 6 P. M., 80; 8 P. M., 80. m LOCAL LACONICS. -A shell payement la being laid in Colum? bus street, between MeeUng and King. -There was not a single case ol any kind belora the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. -Mr. A. 0. Richmond, the clerk of court for the county, says that the certificates signed by him and given to the jurors and constables of the Inferior Court, were certificates of attend? ance, not pay certificates. -The briok pavements In Gillon street are being repaired by Inspector Lucas. Those In Exchange street will likewise be repaired in a short time, -Mr. William atoll, a machinist In the em? ploy o? the South Carolina Railroad Company, had one of his feet badly mashed yesterday by a aeavy piece of machinery, which fell upon lt from an engine that he was repairing -We are requested to announce that the Ber. C. 8. Tedder has consented to preach a sermon on temperance, at Trinity Church, next Sunday night, before Washington Lodge, Ho.1,1.0. O.T. THE COURTS. Trial JuitlceCoarta. Caroline Williams was before Trial Justice Hollins, yesterday, charged with a breach ol the peace, and false imprisonment of Joseph Givens. She waa sent to jail for ten days. United States Commissioner. John H. Thiele was before Commissioner Porteons, yesterday, charged with keeping tobacco for sale that was not put up In boxes, fie was bound over to appear at the next term of the United states Court. Merchants shoald be careful not to keep tobacco for aale outside of stamped boxes os the Internai revenue law expressly forbids lt. CITY HATE O YEMENIS. Two Mew Sulldlags on Meeting street Th? Improvements at St. Paul's ' Church. A two-story wooden dwelling has recently been erected on the east side of Meeting street, next north ot Line street. It ls forty-three feet long by twenty wide, has a piazza on the Ant story, a kitchen at tac? ed to the rear, and contains four square roo'mB. It has been built Xor Mr. Adam Boyd, a bricklayer, by S. C. Per? ry, a colored contractor. On the same side ol Meeting street, a few doora sooth of Line, Mr. H. B. Stafford, con? tractor and builder,-is erecting a neat two and a half story wooden residence for his own use. This building ls seventy-five feet deep by nine, teen front, contains ten square rooms, has a plana on the first and the second storv front, and a tin-covered Hansard roof. JC will be finished about the first of October, and will constitute quite an ornament to tbe street. The windows and doors are square, and the I windows on the front ot the roof are surmount- j ed by caps of elaborate scroll-work represent? ing the acanthus leaf. The Improvements of St. Paul's Church, RadcUffeboro', are progressing rapidly. The old high-Sack pews have disappeared, and new ones of ^ more modern character have t*keH theLr places. The new pews are with? out doors, and those io the central aisles are divided off according to a new plan. The panel ol division in every alternate pew is placed near to one end, so SB to make a small pew lor holding thiee persons on one side, and on the other a large family pew. The other pews have the panel of division in the centre. The fronts of the pews are ol solid black walnut, three feet high by one foot and a half wide, and are ornamented by hand? some paneling. The caps of the backs are .lao of. hack walnut The backs and Beats | throughout the church, are to be supplied with green cushions, A new railing of black wal? nut will be put around the chancel. The j waiascotting around the walls of the church will be colored like the pews. The work ls being done by Mr. P. P. Toale, of this city. The ?hurch wUl be open for service on the first Sunday in October. HOTEL ARRIVALS-SEPTEMBER 19. Pavilion. A. J. Smith, W. J. Dausey, Gourdine's; S. P. Droits, Sooth Carolina; A. Meyers, New York; Y. Smith, J. M. Shingler, Bldgeville; P. Whip? per, Darlington; A. D. McNeill, Lynchburg. H. 0. Graham, Leesville. Charleston. fi. Locater, W. reichen, New York; s. V. Bloating, Wilmington, H. C.; B. Anderson. South Carolina; T. Gora, Louisville; Dr. E. S. Bubal, H. Jenkins, Jr., Jacksonville; P Dzentznski, J. C. Blount, Barton, Fla.; J. N. Pfitmny, Philadelphia; J. Greer, Augusta; S. A. Atkinson, Athens; M. J. Coon an Baltimore: H..Denan, New York; Dr. W. Bralleiord, ciar-1 endon. SHE NEW YORK VEGETABLE AND \ FRUIT MARKETS. The Dilly Bulletin, ol Wednesday, Septem? ber 18, says : . Potatoes are moving fairly at steady prices, potatoes continue in good demand and unchanged. Vegetables without essen ?l,^.w?^^J>aCc5aotatlon8 are ln bulli; &SPx&?!? ? cent8 Per b?l n??i be ^W/?ra TB "XTDJonsvper bbl, $2a2 60; do Connecticut whUe U per bbl. Squash, marrowfat, per bbl isca ft. New turnips $2 20*2 50 per bbl. CabbS $8al2perl00. Beets, Jersey, tl 50 Toma?K ?0a70o per basket. Esrg plant 60a?5c"?5 dosen. Lima beans $1 75 per bag; do, shelled $4 per bushel. 1 Peaches are In moderate request, and with? out material change In prices. Bartlett pears continue scarce and Arm. Tickle pears In good demand at $3a8 50 per bbl. Apples with? out new feature^ Grapes abundant and about steady. Plums unchanged. Other arlie es without material change. We quote : Apples -Fall pippins, per bbl^call 60; Greenlees, do. 75ca$i25. Pears-Baruett, per crate. $2a 315; do., per bbl, iI2aA15; Duchess, do, $5aC Ftembn beauty, per bbl, $5a6 50; v^ole, per bbl n*3 j,:- common, do, $la2 50. Grapes 252*^ lb? Saft; Delaware, do., I0ai2c * el,aware' S??d to Pr,me? Perorate, SrteL^r10 sTOOd' do, 70a$l; do., per ??1**! Jersey, do, 30ca$l. Plums I[efona5^,i>er Tbb1' l5a65 blue do., $5a6. well, ls an admirable adv?r^?ium ' K ls an old established paper andi.L? 5 ^improveswithagT ' lke g0od DISTURBANCE IN FLORENCE A Gang of Railroad Hand? Get Drank and Attack the Citizens. Our correspondent, Palmetto, writes from Florence to say that a gang of negroes em? ployed by the Wilmington, Columbia and Au? gusta Railroad Company, to build a switch in that town, after having been paid off on Tues? day last, became drunk and disorderly. A number of Inoffensive citizens were molested by them about nine o'clock that evening, while passing the car In which they were quartered. They Anally became so disorderly that the in? tendant of the town was compelled to call out the citizens to arrest them. A lively fight en Biied; the negroes using picks, shovels, spades and various other Implements. Several were at length knocked down, when ihe remainder came to terms, and were locked up. On Wednesday morning they were examined by I Trial Justice P. C. Fludd, who found eight ol I tdeir number guilty, and sentenced them to I pay twenty dollars each or spend thirty days in Jail. They failed to pay up, so were hand :nfled and marched to the Jail at Darlington Courthouse, ten miles distant. TEE VALUE OF FERTILIZERS. There may be seen in THE NEWS office four specimen 6taiks of cotton, grown on the Fair ' Grounds In Columbia under the special super? vision of Mr. James M. Crawford. They were manured respectively with "?tono," "Atlac I lie," "Etlwan No. 2," and "Crop Food," and I show incontestably the value ol our Charleston fertilizers, as well as demonstrating their practical utility. Mr. Crawford thinks that, I only for the unfavorable season and the rava ' ges of the caterpillar, the yield would have been five hundred pounds of seed cotton to the acre more than the yield now expected. THE BOLTERS' PRIMARY ELECTIONS. The Bowen-Tomllnson faction of the Re? publican party held elections in the various war's yesterday for delegates to their county convention, which meets on next Wednesday. The polls opened at five o'clock In the morn? ing, and closed at two in the afternoon. In some of the wards lhere were as many as eight tickets in the field; nevetheless the voting passed off quietly, and a very large vote ls said to have been polled. The follow? ing ls a list of the delegates elected: Ward No. 1. Jas. F. Green, C. F. Burke, Paul H. Doeizapt, R, A. Weesey, J. H. Freeman and Louis Hill. Ward No. ?. H. G. Thomas, O. R. Levy, Samuel Glover, M. H. Dingle, Peter Ashe, T. E. Hertz. Ward No. 3. Arthur Mitchell, Garrett Byros, R. W. Tur? ner, J. W. Lloyd, C. 8.- Miller and Timothy Hurley. Alternates, Robert Savage and Isaac Sawyer. Ward No. *. C. C. Bowen, Henry Norris. George Phillips, J. B. Plumeau, Jas. F. Gibbes, B. H. Wil? loughby. Ward No. 5. W. A. Grunt, BenJ. MontcrlefT. Daniel Cox, Abram Jones. John Hnrkamp Oaten dor ff, P. B. Frost. Alternates-D. L. Brown, George Green, Jul. Mitchell. Ward No. 6. Dr. M. H. Collins, Allen McLeod. J. M. Free? man, Jr., Aaron McCoy, J. R. Campbell, John Williams. Ward No. 7. J. J. Grant, N. A. Quinn, John Gordon, Sam? uel Noisette. J. C. McNeill, J. H. Houston. Alternates-G. W. Thompson, 8. Salters. Ward No. 8. R. N. Gregorio, N. T. 8pencer, Wm. Perry, W. E. Burke, Alexander Artope, Thomas Bampfield, Jr. \ Qua rnfMa ^----'ri Vt-?, ^ . , . - ^. l_? JJ the attention of our merchants to THE NEWS Prices current, Issued this morning. Made up with the utmost care, and handsomely printed with entirely new type, lt forms, with the business card of the house forwarding lt, the most attractive and welcome weekly commercial circular that can be used. Price, for ten copies or more, with business cards, two and a half cents per copy; single copies five cents. A PARADE OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT -The Marlon Steam Fire Engine Company have j ordered out a new steamer from New York, i which will leave that city on the first of Octo? ber and reach here on the third. At a meet? ing of the company held last evening at their hail on Cannon street, a resolution was passed to invite the Steam Fire Department and the Hook and Ladder Companies of this city to escort them on the trial of their new 1 steamer, which will be made on Tuesday, the eighth of October. A committee to make the j necesssary arrangements for the parade was | I also appointed. BUSINESS NOTICES. FIVE CASES of new and elegant styles of j Dress Gooda Jost received at Furcbgott, Bene- j diet ?fe Co., No. 244 King street. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS PURCHASING FOR CABH-That they can save twenty per cent, by calling and examining the stock of Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Notions, &c, on consignment from Manufacturers, at the Auc? tion and commission House of Wm. McKay, No. 45 Wentworth street. ENVELOPES.-A large Btock ol envelopes al? ways on hand at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, for mercantile purposes, which will be printed and furnished at prices to suit the limes. B. GRAHAM & Co.-The above firm, having ' sold their entire livery-consisting of car? riages, pleasure vehicles, &c, to the Charles? ton Hotel stables, will be most happy if the patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed on them la transferred to the said stables, which, In consequence ot the additions made to their j lacillties by this purchase, are better prepared I than ever before to conduct the livery busl I ness in the best possible manner. Hereafter Graham & Co. will confine them ' selves to the sale of slock, which they will be prepared to offer during the season and here? after, -of the best kind, and on their usual easy terms. The senior of the firm has Just returned from an extended tour over the Southern and Northwestern States, where he made arrange? ments for shipments on consignment and pur? chase of the very best mules and horses that the markets can supply. It will be borne in mind that all animals sold by the firm will be laken back, the money re? funded or another animal substituted, if they do not come up to what they were represent? ed to the purchaser. The attention of factors, planlers, mer? chante aud buyers generally, are invited to the fact that R. G. & Co. have extensive establish? ments in Columbia and Savannah, besides in this city, from either one of which selections ol stock can be made and shipped lp anypolnt desired. ^_' \ 8fpll NOTICE TO DRUQQi3T3._By act of the Leg? islature, druggists are required to have the ANTIDOTE to each poison or poisonous com? pound sold by them printed upon the label on each bottle or package. THE NEWS Job Office is prepared to print to order all such labelP being provided with the requisite cute. Speci? mens may be seen on application. LAWYERS can have their Briefs printed m any style desired, at sb,ort notice, at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE. FIVE CASES of new and elegant styles of ] Dress GoodB Just received at Furchgott, Bene diet ? Co., No. 244 King street. "NOT VERT WELL."-A feeling of vague bodily discomfort, which does not amount to posl'ive Illness, and yet ls Incompatible with health, ls oiten aptly described by the phrase "not very well." This feeling usually arises from a deficiency of the nervous power which Is required to keep the vital machinery in vigorous and healthful operation. Nervous weakness has too frequently turned out to be the prelude of some serious malady to admit of any doubt In the matter. Inactivity of the bodily functious as surely begets their de? rangement as cause precedes effect. It is, therefore, absolutely essential for the preserv-1 ation of health, perhaps of life Itself, that this j warning should be promptly heeded. The case does not admit of delay. Bevitalize the system at once, and effectually, with Hostet ter's Bitters-that peerless lnvigorant, which, by infusing new health and strength Into the system, protects lt against disease more surely than ever knight of old was protected by armor of proof against his foe. sepl6-mwl3D*w FORCHGOTT. BENEDICT ? Co. announce to the puDllc that they will open their new store No. 275 Kingslreet, on Monday, September 30. Preparations are made for the display of the very latest and finest styles of DreBS Goods, (all descriptions.) Shawls, Ac, and ladles are most respectfully requested to inspect the very latest fashions before supplying them? selves for the season. Our prices will be reg? ulated according to the lowest New York price currents. Respectfully, FORCBOOTT, BENEDICT & Co. _ _ 8<>P19 BUILDING MATERIAL.-An extensive stock and large variety of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Balusters, Mouldings, Ac, are kept constantly on hand by Mr. P. P. Tonie, at bis wardrooms, No. 20 Hayne street and No. 33 Pinckney street. J The above are all made at his own factory on Horlbeck's wharf. He keeps, also, French and American Window Glass, Stained Glass, Slate Mantels, Builders' Hardware, ?c., from the best manufacturers. mchS-fmwlyr SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT.-We have Just re? ceived one thousand boxes, each containing one quire of fine Note Paper and Envelopes to match, (without initial,) also Penholder and Pen. Price 25 cents per box. Hase) Street Bazaar and East Bay News Boom. Jan3t_ EUROPEAN and American Stereoscopic \ Views, $l 50 per dozen. HABEL STREET BAZAAR. _ _ aprl9 mwf LANGLEY ls still making those fine Colton Shirts, with Irish linen fronts, for $2 50. Also Cotton and Linen Drawers, and all kinds of Ladles' furnishing goods, at very low prlceB. Stitching of all kinds done to order, at No. 161 King street. sep9-lmo FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Thc Charleston Stock and Bond Harket. Southern Bank Bills. BID. ASK KD Sank of Camden. Bank of Chester. Bink of Georgetown_-. Bink of Hambnrg. 16 Bank of Sonth Carolina. Ol Bank of State of Sonth Carolina, prior to 1801. 15 Bank of State of South Carolina, i after 1st January, 1861. 16 anmmwclal Bank. Columbi*. - - t? Rrnhnnsro Ronlr tVilnmhta. 02 [ Farmers' and Exchange nuuk, Charleston. 01 Merchants' Bank, Chcraw. 02 Planters'Bank Fairfield. 02 State Bank. 02 State Securities. State Bonds, old. State Bonds, new. state Stock. Railroad Securities. S. C. Railroad and Bank Stock. 20 00 22 00 S. CRallroad Seven Per Cent. Bonds .. 6.1 00 S. C. Railroad First Mortgage Bonds .. 83 00 Northeastern Railroad Stock (capi? tal). Northeastern Railroad Stock (pre? ferred. Northeastern Railroad First Mort? gage Bonds, 8 Per Cent. Northeastern Railroad Second Mort? gage Bonds, 8 Per Cent. Savannah and Charleston Railroad Stock. Savannah and Charleston Railroad First Mortgage 7 Per Cent. Bonds. Savonnait and Charleston Railroad T Per Cent. State guaranteed Bonds. Charleston and Savannah 6 Per' Bonds. Greenville and Columbia Railroad co. Mock. Greenville and Columbia Railroad 7 Per Cent. State guaranteed Bonds. Greenville and Columbia Railroad 7 Per Cent. First Mortgage Bonds Greenville and Columbia Railroad 7 Per Cent. Second Mortgage Bonds. Cheraw and Darlington Railroad First Mortgage Bonds. Cheraw and Darlington Railroad Second Mortgage Bonds. Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Stock. Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad First Mortgage Bonds... dpartanturg and Union Railroad State guaranteed Bonds. Blue Ridge Railroad First Mortgage Bonds. City Securities. City of Charleston six Per Cent. Stock. City or Charleston Fire Loan 7 Per Cent. Bonds. 73 o0 City or Columbia 0 Per Cent. Bond's. " ag 00 Olty or uolumbla 7 Per Cent. Bonds. .. 75 00 Bank Stock. First National Bank or Charleston Stock. 125 nn People'H National Bank St?ck.'.'.'.'.*.'.l08 ?0 ?alou Bank Stock."1 so no South Carolina Loan and Trust " Company. Q, nn People's Bank Stock. ? 5 Planters' and Mechanics' Bank Stock.20 00 ?2 on Bank or Charleston Stock. M 00 Carolina National Bank Stock.'. Miscellaneous Securities, Charleston Gas Company stock. ts 00 City Railway stock. t2 00 Li 00 The Charleston market. FOB TUB W KKK BND INO THURSDAY, SBPT. 19, 1872. TUB CROP.-The week commenced with rain, but bf came clear and cool, the period being gene? rally ravorable ror harvest work. Rust and worms have continued to show moderate progress lu certain sections, but no Important changes have taken place during this period. The rice harvest has progressed ravorably, and cotton plcklnz has gone on rapidly with quickly ma? turing crops. THE RECEIPTS.-The arrivals at thc cotton ports ror the week up to I rid ay last were 29,626 bales against 13,654 balee the week belore, nnd 12,601 bales for the corresponding period last year. At New Orleans the supplies were 7855 bales, lu contrast wltb 2305 for the week or the previous year. The total arrivals at the cotton ports from September l, 1872, up to the latest dates, were72,427 bales, against 32.912 bales the year before, showing an Increase o' 39,615 bales. The receipts at the principal Southern markets from September 1, 1872, up to latest telegraphic intelligence, as compared wltb the previous year, were ai follows: 1872. 1871. New Orleans, Sept. 18.19,153 7,168 Mobile Sept 18. 4.623 2.266 Savannah, Sepr. is.13.374 4,218 Charleston, Sept. 18.14.264 4.916 naive-ton. Sept. is.12,893 7,648 Norfolk, Sept. 18 . 8.679 3.212 wilmington, Sept. in. 1,238 614 Other ports, Sept. 18. 3U 2,878 Total bales.72,427 32,912 . Total Increase to date.39,516 The receipts or cotton at the principal Southern markets from September 12 to September 18, 1872, inclusive, as reported by telegraph, were as fol? lows: NEW ORLBANB Sept. 12.. ..1005.capt. 13....2439) Sept. J4.... 197.Sept. 16....1162} St pt? 17....6099.'_Sept 18.... 687) For itie corresoondlng wees last year.... MOBILE fcept 12.... 74.Sept. 13.... 623 ) Sept. 14.... 448.sept. 16....1109} Sept, 17.... 189.i...Sept. 18.... 461) Last year. SAVANNAH Sept 12.... 634_Sept. 18....11841 Sept. 14....1187.Sept 16....2799} >ept.l7.... 228.Sept. 18....2400) Last year. CHARLESTON Sept 12....1017.Sept 13....1168) Sept 74....1078.Sept 16....2549} Sept 17....1194.Sept 18....1769) La->t year. GALVESTON Si pt 12....1080.Sept. 13.. ..1110) Sept. 14.... 882.Sept. 18.... 638} Sept. 17....1199.Sept 18.... 628) Last year. NORFOLE Sept 12.... 75 .Sept 13.... 620) Sept 14.... 210.Sept 16.... 879} ?Sept 17.... 112.Sept 18.... 800) Last year. WILMINGTON Sept 12.... 24.Sept 13.... 248) Sept. 14.... 120.Sept 16.... 209} Sept 17.... 295.Sept 18.... 246) Last year. Total 1872..! Total 1871..J Toe stock of tho article la sight at the*! dates were as follows: 1872. ll stock in Liverpool.....bales.816,000 4( Stock In London.216 OOO ll Stock In Havre..240,ooo ( Stock ta Marseilles. 18.000 ? it >uk tn Bremen. 89,000 4 Stock In Amsterdam.83,ooo ( Stock In Antwerp.44,ooo 1 Stock In Barcelona. 67,000 1 Afloat for Great Britain (Amer? ican,). 6,000 fi Afloat for Havre (American and Brazil,). ' Afloat for Bremen (American). Afloat for Amsterdam (Ameri? can). Total Indian cotton afloat for K Europe.240,000 eo Stock la United states porta.69.115 8 Stock in the inland towns. B.095 1 Total.1,888,210 1,63 Increase of stock in sight.... 20 The arrivals at thia port for the past weekf; 193 bags of sea islands and Floridas and 86701 uplands against 88 baga of asa Islands Floridas and 4605 bales of aplauda the prev week, and 82 bags or sea islands and Floridas 2930 bales or uplands for the contrasting time year. ThcBe supplies came aa follows, Bay ol lands, per South Carolina Railroad, 6701 bi Normeaatern Railroad, 1354; Savannah Charleaton Railroad, 196; Florida, 7; Peedee, Of sea lalands-Edlato, 66; John's island, Christ Church, 38; James Island, 1'j Bean'oi St. Paul'a. 2; St Andrew'a, 2; Florida, 63; V malaw, 3. COTTON.-This etap'e exhibited a Borne* easier character, the foreign market being 9%?, receded to 9Xd fi th for middling uplandi New York the ratee were at 21Xo and decline 20; while at thia point thia grade was 18X?l8Xc and relloiT to 17*. The transact! and ptlcea at Liverpool and New York during period were as rollowa: On Friday, Septembei the rormer was dall and depresaed, uplanda 9, sales 8000 bales; the latter waa lrrrgular at 21 Balea 1600 bales. On Saturday the former ' heavy, uplands 9Xd, salea soco balea; the la was irregular at 2lc, sales 1114 bale?. On Moa the former as dall and Irregular, nplandsw 9; 9Jid. PR: 03 10,000 batea, the latter was quiet 2ox@2lc, salcB 1672 biles. On Tuesday former was quiet and steadier, uplands 9X@9; sales 10,000 balee; the latter was weak, upla 20){c, sales 904. On Wednesday the former \ dull, uplands 9Xd, Bales 10,000 bales; the lal was heavy and Irregular, uplands 20X, sales bales. Yesterday thu rormer waa heavy, uplai 9Xd, Bales 12,000 tale j; the latter was heavy 20c The sales nnd prices of cottcn In this mar fur the week Jost terminated were as foiloi On Friday, September 18, the demand was m ?rate at somewhat eaay prices; saleB about biles, ordinary to good ordinary being quoted *-''?\llne ISK^a^VUldJlln^ IS??C, and strict middiioglBc ? m. On Satan the market was quiet; salea 104 bales, ordinary good ordinary being quoted at ie@i8c, low rx diing 18X@18XC middling l8?.@l8Xc, at) middling 19c fi lb. On Monday the artiole co menced dull and easier, with much depress! assuming a strongly declining character; facti were compelled ti lower their ratea, and prit receded quito Irregularly about x@Xc fi Bs, wnich concession there was a good lnquli sales 1100 bales, ordinary to good ordinary bel quoted at ie@i7.tfc. low middling 17Xc. mlddll: 18tf @i8,tfc, atrlct middling 18X?1SXc fl tt. Tuesday lhere was a fair demand, prices in soi casca being slightly easier, bat generally t changed; pales 800 bales, ordinary to good on nary being quoted at lfl@l7.tfc, low mlddll; KV. middling I8@i8tfc, strict middling 18',' 13)ic fi lb. On Wednesday there was a fair d mund, but the market waa depressed, Irregul and lower; aalea 600 bales, ordinary to good c dlnary being quoted at ie@l7Xc, low mlddUi lTtfc, middling 17X@l8c, and strict mlddlit 18 tf c fi tb. On yeaierday the article was lowe but active; sales near 1800 bales, say 44 at lfltf 139 at lex, 16 at ie*,-, 88 at lex, IT at io j?', 8871 17 68 at 17X, 34 at ITA, 600 at 17>4, 32 St 17 %, 1< at 17Xc. We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary. lfitf @ie>i Low middling.17 @_ Middling._ @i7* Mrlct middling..11X@17X 5 EA ISLAND COTTON.-The arrlvala of this qua Ky ol tho ample are lu better aupply, and wet 193 baga or Carolinas and Floridas for thia tlm< There was a light demand generally for medlin line Carolinas and Floridas, of which some o bags were told, ^ay 6 Carolinas at 70, 4 at 70<? s \ 8 at 76, 4 at so, l Florida at 60,21 do at 60@8 fi lb. BICE.-The supplies of Carolina rough continu quite limited, and were about 6O00 bushels for th period. The offerings on the market have beei i*ght and the grain has shown a steady character with sales of about 200 tierces or clean Carolina among which were 4 tierces at 7c, 6 at 7X. 44 a Sc, 186 at 8tf c f? tb. yesterday the market wai bare and 20 tierces good rice sold at 8 7 16c. Wi quote nominally common to fair at 7@7Xc, gooi 8@8>?cf? Ta. NAVAL ^TORBS.-There have been moderate ar rivals of the articles under thia head, with re ceipta for the week of 571 bbls spirits turpentine 34S8 bbls rosin, and 112 bbls crude turpentine The market has been genera ly qnlet, with onlj a limited busineas; factors, however, held foi firm rates. On Friday, September 13, sales ol 300 bbla spirits turpentine, free cn board, took p aco at 62 J fi gallon, and 300 bbla extra No i rosin at $3 76 fi bbl. On Saturday, Monday and Tuesday the market was firm, but there were nc soles or note reported. On Wednesday aome SM bbls common rosina were sold at $3 60 ror atrain ed, $3 60 ror No 2, aud $3 76 ror extra No 2: also about loo bbls spirits turpeotlue at 63@5lc fl gal? lon. Yesterday the marker was quiet and firm and without transactions of importance, crude turpentine may be quoted at $3 60 fl bbl for vir? gin, $310 for ye low dip, and $1 80 ror hard. HAT.-There were no receipts or wholesale transaction ta this article. CORN.-The arrlvala were unimportant. Job? bing iota cr prime white were held at B6@96c fi bushel, socks Included. OATS.-There wea received about 8o;o buahels of thia grain, aay eooo by rall from the West and 2C0O by steam from Philadelphia. The bualnesB was mostly of a retail character. PEAS.-The receipts are unimportant and the market ls quiet and nominal. FLouR.-There is a fair stock or thia article ou the market, with a ateady city and Interior irade. Northern and Western super may be quoted at SC 25@o 75 * barrel, extra at $7@B 9 barrel, family at $8 50@9 fi barrel. Southern descri? tiona are lu moderate supply and super may be quoted at $0 6o@7 ? barrel, extra at $7 60@8 60 f> barrel, family at $9@9 60 fi barrel, and extra family at $io@n ta barrel. BACON.-There is only a light supply 0f prime meat otTered by dealers, and prime amoked shoulders may be quoted at 9x@9Xc fi rh, prime smoked clear rib sides at 12c f; rh, prime Baited -?5?aL*W*? * *.Md prlmc 8alted -JS^J&SSP"^Tnere Da8 been some de. gg?--*L-g? country trade, and lota of do mestlcmay be quoted at leaioxc. TntBM AND LiJMMa,_The market ls quiet We quote Umber roc milling purposes (rom $6@io. 9 tu pp lng timber $io@i5. Bright Umber, good merchantable, rrom city mlUfl, cot to size, from $ie?22 ft H by the cargo; lumber per rail, $i3t 16; river lumber, $11 @is; dressed amber, $22@26. COFFKS.-The article la In moderate request - Falr to prime Rio may be quoted Arm at 20?23c * ?? scoAR AND MOLASSES.-Tbe stocks are mode? rate. Fair to rally fair Louisiana Bogar may be quoted at 9K@llc fi ft, good to prime grocery su? gars may be quoted at ll@12c ft ft, mir to good Cubas l0X@nXc, fair to prime Demoraras at HX@l2c fl ?. New Orleans molasses, prime m a jobbing way at - ? gallon. Cuba muscovado molasses may be quoted at 38c In buds and 40c in bbls, and In a Jobbing way at 40@42c; clayed at 83086c In hnds. and 85? 8Tc in bbls; Sugar-house Byrup sells at l8@20o In hhds. and 22@26c In barrels. BUTTER AND LARD.-There ls a rair stock of this artlcle-rancy GoBhen may be quoted at so@35c; New York State, prime, 25@30c; medium 20@26c. SALT.-Jobblng parcel? of Liverpool received direct may be quoted at $1 80@l 70 fi sack. FBBIQHTS.-TO Liverpool, by steam direct nomi? nal on uplands, nominal on sea islands; via New York Xd on uplands, - on sea islands; by sall nominal on uplands, on sea islands nominal. Harre_on uplands. Ooastwlse-to New York, by steam ?con uplands and - on sea islands; 12? tierce on rice, eoe ? bbl on rosin; by sall, _ . ft on cotton; - ? tierce on rice; 40c fi bbl on roam; $8 fl M on lumber; $10 fi Mon timber. To Boston, by sall, ?efl lb on upland cotton; rosto <j5c;resawed staff ?109110 60; phosphate ?50560. To Providence, by sall, $10 H M on boards, KC fi ft on cotter, ; by steam $1 fi bale on New York rates. To Phi adelphla, by Bteam, Xe ? tt on aplauda; by aall, |8 ? M on boards; $9 60 .10 on timber; $3 fi ton on clay, and $8@3 60 on oboaphatea. To Baltimore by steam, xe fi ft. by sall, $6 60@7 fl M on boards; $8@8 60 on timber; $8 26 fi ton on phosphate rock. VcsseiB are in demani by our Merchants to take lum? ber freights rrom Georgetown, S. C., Darlen and sauna River, Ga, ai d Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, and 10012 fi M are ratea on lamber and boarda. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks aro purchas? ing Bight checks on Nuw York at Ji@X per cent, off; time bills nominal. They are aelllng sight checks at par. EXCHANGE-STIRLINO BILLS.-The rate yester day was nominal tor 60 day oula. GOLD.-The brokera were yesterday buying at 13 and Belling at 14. Kxports. NEW YOBK-Per steamship Georgla-45 bags 01 sea wand and 1960 bales upland cotton. 19 tierce* rice. 698 bbla naval stores, and sundries. BALTIMOBK-Per steamship Wm Kennedy-66? bales upland cottoQ. 6 Pierces rice, 62 bales do mestlcs 128 bbls naval mores, HO casks clay, Ul MM*I fruit; 10,000 feet lumber, 9 bales wool, "?&DTOR I-Per sehr Irene E MesBervey 236,647 reet resawed lumber. Exports of the Week endino; Sept'her 19 Manana BOSTON-Per sehr A E Glover-226 tons old Iron HO cask" - eon clay, 187 bbls rosin, 21 bales pa ner ato- on bedsteads. NEW YORK-Per steamship South Carolina-1401 bales upland cotton, 24 tes rice, 40 bales domes tics an-J goods. 1872 bbhi naval stores, and 67 pkg? sondrt?:.T.Per sohr LS Davls-245,724 reel 0: railroad ties....Per steamship Manhattan-6 bsgi se* island and 1236 bales uplaud cotton, 78 balee domestics and gooda, 201) bbls naval stores, 76 pxg Bundrlea.Per a;eamahlp Chaileatou-ll hagi sea Island aaa 1661 balen upland cotton. 89 tiercel rice 129 balea domestici, 8i2 bbla rosin, find >bi packages sundries.Per brig W H Parks 24.275 reet lamber. " ,, _ PHILADELPHIA-Per steamship Golf ?re?ra? les balea upland cotton, 127 baLs domestics, loci bbls naval atores. 19 hhds iron and sundries. BALTIMORE-Per steamship sea Gull-348 balei ol upland cotton. 22 tierces rice, 237 bbls rosin 70 casks clay, 20 bales domestics, 29 rolla leather 6 hnds and 3 bundles hides, 12 bales vanilla, ie bale? rags, 1S7 pkgs drKid fruit. 60,000 feet lumber and 92 packages sundries...-.Per sehr J H Stick ney-365 tons phosphai e rock._ fl SS St coto 3 e> Soo" liff 11} i,-1 i ! i ???r*?! j j j I ? : : ifi?i : i i ? : . . ?sea- . ; ; BOM* 5P ? ??^SP S io a a 1 <5 ? O JP SSS S S g S? o BBB B B BBBd aas a & aqaa a an a a 2 22 2 I -I W O' Ci g] fc . M O ,? ?so; ? ? ! S S lioSo' ate ill g S H s OP ?3 Op) 03 0? O CC SeoSSS'8: 55g"8? gs s s ?/g iSgSf fil ga: 4> O . BJ 39. : fe ?-.IO et? tr* i?', s*', r's" . skia ?. M - OB . ?3 u> >-. 5 . (O. a> CJ <o . CK o -? a - o . o? o> - p; ; : ' Hoc OIE* "i n> ti r* -m s<?3 SSS ' PO lg 5 : : : I S? gs3 O?r. S^2 SS ? Ol? S* es . S ff ' PO 11" W O fl WOO. ?J ht.S , o. eu; o>o? j O O K -J -I ??** ^ SB NOTE -We nave tieonctca rrom New Orleans 2889 bales uplands, rrom Mobile 4 bales up? lands; from savaurah 48 baga aea Island and 5 bales ??land, anti rrom Charleston 00 brigs sea island and M oalea upland cotton; being tho quantity recelvod at those porta rrom Mo? bile. Florida. Texan s.nd Savannah._ Stock of Cotton tn tne Interior Towna at the Latest Dates. 1872. 1871. Augusta..september 18 Columbus.september 18 Macon.September 13 Montgomery.. Septei nber 13 Selma.September 13 Memphis.Septeinoer ia Nashville.september 13 Total bales. 3,098 1,422 1,791 1,618 742 1,368 264 8,095 Comparative Export? of Cotton and mee from the Port of Charleaton. from Sep? tember 1, 1873, to September 18,187? EXTORTED TO Liverpool... ... Othor Br. Porte Tot'l Q. Britain Havre. Other Fr. Ports U72->18. 8. L.Up'd.iBice Total France.. N. *?f Europe.. Tot1? M.Europe S.oi Europe... w. indies, Ac. Total F. Ports., Boston. Rhode Island New York... Philadelphia. Bait. & Nr'folk Oth. U.S. Ports Tot'l O'sePorts Grand Total 17 1871->72. S. L.Up'd.iRlce 263 11 7936 4601 348 9006 9006 123 16 22 169 169 26 2608 821 196 36 26 26 27C3 2703 278 "278 Kxporu of Naval Stores and liumbcr from the Port of Charleston, from September 1, 1872, to September 18, 1873. IXPORTED TO Boston. New York.... Philadelphia.. Baltimore - Provld'ce.RI. Oth'rUSP'rts T'alOoastw'sc Barcelona MaJ'aAM'ket, West Indies.. Ballfax, N S.. St John's, NB. London. Bristol, Eng.. Liverpool. Total Foreign. 1872-'73. NAVAL STOa'B Bbls. 1,869 4169 2,837 287 8,102 8,317 8,317 Feet. 614,249 60,000 664,249 12,100 12,000 Grand Tota 1 11,4101 676,2491 4,186| 467.000 1871-'72. NAVAL STOB'S Bbla. 2,247 1,766 194 4,186 LET?EFR. Feet. 307,' oo 160,000 467,000 o 3 a a M fr* o I o S -4 ? (3 . ?sao ism a ? S 5? o o H : Bl E SS I BS . rs - : SB . o o . p c. . Bo : o ? . o * : : .o . 3 3 g ? ? ^ I? ?a ? cr its S ?? : BS . J* : S to -J ODO) MM ^ (O ?O - ?I SSS l-l CT ?3-1 Ott -J 2?I MUJ? eoe -SS . MO o 0 B % 3 a ? ? A SS ff ' ? p 0 B Si ? s ? Charleaton Wholesale jPricoa. ARTICLES. PBIOn. BAOOINO, fi yard Dundee.. ? Gnon r Cloth. 16 fi lex New York Double Anchor, 46 mcneil, ?VIIM. 9 BALK ROPS, ft rh. Marana. ? Western. 8 ? lax Jute.. @ BTJTTBB- ? Goshen. so ? 3S Con nt ry. ? COTTON, fi m. Ordinary io Good Ordinary.... 16X0 16 Low Middling. 17 a Middling to ?strict Mlddung... 17X3 17X Good Middling. .. ? Sealsland. ? OOFFBB, fl tt. Kio. 20 @ 23 Lii g nay ra. 24 ? 26 Java. 80 fi FERTILIZERS Carolina Fertilizer, fi 2O00 lbs. Cash. 46 oo @ Time (with 7 per cent, in? terest). 60 oo ? Wando Fertilizer, cash. 60 00 & Time. 66 00 fi Double Refined Poudrette..... 30 oo ? Nik s's Pbospate. 63 oo ? Peruvian Guano, Ohincbas.... 86 oo ? Peruvian Guano, Guanape.... 76 00 ? Patine Guano, 2000 tts., cash.. 45 oo @ Time. 60 oo ? Phoenix Guano. 47 60 ? Baugh's Phosphate, fi 2000 tts. cash. 46 00 ? Rhodes'a Phosphate, fl 20OO E5S. 65 CO ? Rhodes's standard Manure, ($66 time).60 oo @ Orchitis Gu <no ($40 time).35 oo ? Land Plaster. 13 oo ? 16 00 Zed's Ammonlned Bone Phos? phate ($70 time). 60 00 ? Russell Coe's Ammonlateo Bone Superphosphate ($60 time).46 oo fi Colton Food, per ton. 60 00 ? Bowen A Mercer's Superphos? 46 00 fi Time.60 co ? Wilcox, Gibb J Sc co.'s Manipu? lated. 50 oo ? Stono Soluble Guano ($56 time) 60 00 ? Steno Dissolved Phosphate ($30 time).... 26 oo ? Stono Pure uronnd Phosphate, li 00 @ Atlantic Phosphate 48 oo @ Time, iree of interest. 62 00 ? Acid P rios ph a 28 oo ? Time, iree of interest.8100 ? Eureka Ammo, Bono Pnos. cash 45 oo ? Time.60 oo @ Middleton's Fish Ammonlated 48 00 fi Time. 66 00 fi Philipa's Carri bean sea Guano, per ton of 2000 60 00 fi lat November, per tom... 66 00 fi Mapes's Superphosphate, fi 2000 tts. 45 00 fi WoolBton's Phosphate of Lime 65 00 ? Woolston'a Vegeiator, fi 2000 lbs. 66 00 fi Oroasdale'a Gen. Superphos? phate, net..60 00 fi Bowera'a Complete Manure, net.60 00 fi Sardy'a Phosphate, Peruvian, cash. 66 00 fi Sardy'a Pacl?c Guano, cash.. 60 00 fi Patapsco Guano. 06 00 fi R. Frank Coe'a Ammoniattd Bone 48 00 fi Time.62 00 fi Coo's Pare Dissol'd 50 00 ? Time.66 00 fi Wnann's superphosphate.60 00 ? 70 00 55 00 ? Time. 60 00 fi Etlwan Crop 40 00 fi Time. 46 00 ? Etlwan Dissolved 35 00 fi Time.40 00 fi FLOOR, fi bbi Fine. ? Super. 6 ?6 ? 6 75 Northern and Western Extra. 7 00 fi 8 00 Baltimore Extra. fi Southern-Super. 6 25 fi 6 76 Extra. 7 00 ? 8 00 Family. 8 60 fi ll oo GRAIN, ft bushel Mary lam' Oats. ? Western Oats. ? Corn. 95 fi 96 HAT, fi cwt North River. ? LUMBER, fi M feet Clear Whlre Pine, flret quality. 60 00 fi 55 00 White Pine, good run.88 00 fi 40 00 Yellow Pine. 20 00 & 24 00 Boards, rough. ll 00 fi 12 00 Grooved and tongued 28 00 fi 32 00 MOLASSES, fi gallon Cuba. 83 fi 5 Muscovado. 38 @ 60 Sugar house. 23 fi 27 New Orleans. fi NAVAL STORKS, fi bbl Rosin, pale.,. fi KOSIB, No. 1. fi Rosin. No. 2. 3 60 fi RO'ln. No. 3. 8 60 fi Spirits Turpentine, fi gal.... 63 fi 54 Crude Turpentine, V bbl. 8 10 fi 8 60 Hard Turpentine. 1 80 fi Oakum, fl?. 16 @ NAILS-American 4@20d, fi keg POWDBR Dupont's, F. F. F. g. 6 00 fi Dupont's, F. F. F. 6 00 fi Dupont's, Blasting. 4 00 fi PROVISIONS, ? ju- _ _ Bacon, Bama... " . 'IT ft 18 siaea.:. IS'ft Shoulders..... OBXft 09J? Strips.... ?igf? Lart, In keg. ll ft MK Cheese;.:'.t. ft <"'.. ' EggB. 20 ft '- 36 Poultry-Chickens, ? Oos.... 8 00 ft -4 00 Fowls, *<luz... 6 00 & 6 60 OJ lon H. @ "Apples. a .. RICE, ? ns-Carolina. 07 ft 08X East India. .; j? T SALT, ? sack-Liverpool, coarse l ?? ft 1 70 Llveipool fine. a S?OAE, ? Hi- w Porto Rico. @ Muscovado. lOXft 12X BEESWAX, ? lb. 33 @ 40 Potatoes, Irian, ? bul. '.. @ ., Sweet. @. markets Dy Telegraph. HONEY KABXXTB. LONDON, September 19. Noon.-A further advance In bank rate expect ed. consols 92X with an upward movement. Batik tate attributed to decline In American seen?' rliles; new nves 88. x Later.-No advance of the bank rate ls vet an?' nounced. ... - Evening.-Bullion ban decreased a hair million tt?rltog. FRANKFORT, september 19.' Noon.-Bonis 96. " - PAEIB, september 1?. Noon.-Rentes Mf 22c, NEW YOBX, september 19. Noon.-Freight! steady, fctocks firm. Gold . heavy at lax Money 7. Exchange-long 1%: short 9. Governments firm and steady, state honda dull ai'd heavy. , , . Evening.-Money cioaed easier at 4a& Sterling uoseit edat7X. Goldi6X. Governments closed about X advance. States very dull and unchang? ed. Freights unchanged. ... COTTON MARKETS. - LIVERPOOL, September 19. Noon.-Cotton opened dull; uplands ? BXd: OrleanBlOd. Later.-Cotton dull; uplands 9Xa9\d, Orleans ' loo; sales 12,000 bales; speculation and export 4000. ji Evenlng.-Cotton clored heavy; uplands aakm?* Orleans9?al0d. . . - NEW YOBX. September IB. Noon.-Cotton Irregular and heavy; uplands " 20c, Orleans 2oxc; sales 812 bales. Sales or cot. - ion futures last evening 660 bales, BB follows: September, 19Xal9 6-16; October, 18XalS lt-iet.' " :'? November, :i?Xal811-16; December, i ax ; Feb ru arv. 19^; March, 20 8-16. Evening.-Cotton heavy; sales 2250 bales at ?9M - a2>Xo. Cotton receipts to-day net no bales; -?--' gross 2016. Sales of cotton futures to-day 17,000 ' ? " ' bU'S. as follows: September lomax;. October lsxaisx; November i8Xal8X: ueceni?er;i8xa ? i 1811-16: January ?oxaiox; February uxaiBX; - March 20 8-i8a20K. BOSTON, September 19. Cotton dull; middlings 2u>ic; gross rccelpu 90 bales; net 90; sales SOO; stool 6600.. . .. . riv'.' PHILADELPHIA, Sop ti mb er 19. . Cotton dull a.nd droopma; middlings 20x& B ?LTinoRB, September 19. Cotton dull; middlings2?o;'-grossi receipts 129 : - y, bales; exports coastwise TO; sales 898; stock lift. '"; No -roue september 19. Cotton heavy; low middlings I80; net receipts. 620 bales; ixports coastwise soi; stock isis.. WIUONOTON, September UL, ? Cotton quiet; midd Inga iaal7Hc; net receipts , 186 bales; exports coastwise 247;- sales 42; stock. 240. SAVANNAH, september 19.. Cotton qnlet; middlings 18c; net receipts 1058 bales; sales 1117; stock 8621. . - ^ AUGUSTA, september 19. : Cotton dull and irregular; middlings 17Xc; net receipts 827 bales; sales 866. :. . . MEMPHIS, September ia. f Cotton In good demand; prices Irregular; hold-., era firm; mlddllogs 18c, yesterday should' be . 18Mc; receipts 477 bales; shipments 874; stock -308. .. (5w; MOBTLB. septembef isc;>; Cotton dull and declining; good ordinary ita 17Xc; low middlings 17*"; middlings isaisxc; net receipts 7!9 bahs; exports coastwise 881; salea1 200; stock4106. - . ?" . NIW ORLEANS, September 19. < Cotton heavy; good ordinary 18c; low;mid-1 dllogs I8H0; middlings 190; -net recUpte 1090, bales; grosi 2668; Bales 2200; stock 28,042.^ . GALVESTON, september IC. . Cotton Armer: good ordinary iee; net receipts. 670 bales;Baiea ooo; Btock, 11,89?. PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE .MISKKTS. '.. , LTVESPOOL, september 19*. . Noon.-Breadstuns opened Arm. : tte, Evening.-Turpentine 468 to 46a 2d. , ..V-r 1 LONDON, September 1?. . Evening.-Terpentine 45s 61 to 46s. . NEW YOBX, september W#j Noon.-Floor quiet and uncDanged.' Wheat dan ? and unchanged. Com ault and unchanged. Pork ' steady ai $14,20114 25. Lard dull; steam 8X afiB-iflc. Turpentine Arra at68ae8X. Roam quiet at $4?,. 4 06 ror strained. ,, pi ? Evening.- Flour quite Arm: common to fair ex t r A $7 soaio 26, icot d to cb oleo 810 86al2 60. W hi - - key unchanged. Wheat a shade better with mere' export and home demand; wint-r red-Western- 1 $1 64al 78. Corn shade better, good exportafid lair home trade. Bice omi and quiet at axa?Xc. Pork firm at $14 20al4 26. Lard dun.. Navals, steady. Tallow dun. BALTDCORX, september 19. Flour qnlet but firm and scarce; prices un change i. Wheat acilve and higher and strong; white choice $- 05a210; fair to prime do $18oa2;' amber $2 06a2 07; good to pilmered $l86a2. Odra Arm; white Soutnem 70a73c; yellow'Southern 68Xa64c; mixed Western 62a6iXc Oats steady; Southern 40alic; Weitern mixed 88a40c; do waite 41a420. By?!qaletat77a8ic Provisions buoyant aud quiet but firm.. Mess pork $14. 6tai4 76. Bulk meats strong and none ottering Shoulders and rt a aides 9X .% clear llb sides 10c. Bacon firm,; shoulders Sa8Xc, nb ?Ides lOXc. clear rib sttes; lie; sogar cared hams 18Xal90. Lardsjiaoc Western butter qnlet. Whiskey firm. . WILKINoroN, September 19. Spirits tarpon'lap quiet at 680. Rosin .quietas . S3 6683 70 foi: strained. $4a4 26 for low No 1. $3 25 for No 2, $6 lor low pale. Crude turpentine quiet, at ?310 for hard, $6 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar firm at $310. " . ^?^.? ' CINCINNATI, september 10; Flour steidy, $7 40a7 66. Pork MT^.*T}* fair demand at $13 GO. Lard in fair demand and higher at 8xa8X? for summer: Stfc for steam; 8?a9c for kettla Banon steady; shoul? ders 7Xc; demana good at fall prices iorsiaes; clear iib loxaioxc; clear sides ile Whiskey steady at 90. ST. septembjerM. . Flour nrm and in fair demand, with reWtBsjes and slightly higher, cora AT and la lair de? mand at 37>ic ror No 2 mlEed. Whiskey flrm at 90C Fork quiet at $14 60 for order lots. Bacon opened st?ady and In good demand but dosed weak; shoulders 8c; oiear llb ll*; clear aides UJ?. cash. Lard, nothing doing. _ " LOUISVILLE September ia , Tobacco unchanged ?nd nrm; sales 02 hhds.' Flour has an advancing tendency and firm: ?jes -. of famUy extra at $6 6oa7. Corn selling atl^ior white. Provisions in good dert andJ^Mper. pork sold at $13 60. Bacon sold era ll; clear nb sldts lix. Lardada at flxaWJir orders Xe higher. Whiskey sold at 860. . New York Savol Stores Murke/t... NEW YOBX. September 18. The Dally Bulletin saya: Receipts to-day. 1372. bbls rosin. Spirits turpentine tawbeeawafc; tlve last evening and to-day, and pnoea sao? ? material improvement. fffthM? ward. Sales last evening 940 bbl?, P?"?2Tw.V? and Dart soutnem, at eoe. and 10-day 4M1 ac eBfc 3 "bbls at 61XC 160 bbs at jN)MW bbls to arrive at 62J. and 60 New York bbls 620, tne tlnu- s quiet and nominal at $410. Tar QUNSBDa unchanged. Pitch ls easier; prjne city now held at$437>i. ;_ New York Klee Harket. NEW YOBX, September 18. The Dally Bulletin says: The marketa fairly active on all grades, with ?lea reported of m bags Rangoon at b%aTXo, ?Kl bags Palna at 1\% 8XC, and 20 0. rollua at bXaSXO. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, September 18. SPIRITS T?RnENTiNB.-rhe market shows ai advan Tof lc over yesterday. TheiiMtfihijay amount to 296 casks at 68C per gallon for soeinern P K?f?N.-Market remains#qt?et batflrm^Tbe salet of ihe day we-e 2631 bbi^? at $8 66 Sot strained, $3 76 for No 2. $4 for low?y. $4? for No i, $4 60 ror extra No l. $6 ror ?ow paw, $5 5oa6 for paie, and $6 60 ror extrapal e. r0TlR-Market firm. Salea or 101 bbls at $810 Perbbl. Wnrkptaaiet. sales or 9S bales at iee , C0TTA^ nc ror good ordinary, HXe for &igMd^ w!?i?o ? low middling, and 18c for middling. Interior Cotton fri ark eta. SVXTsa, September 17. Ah/>nt 311 bales have been Bold stace lastre nn^ The staple has been doll with a rnne caa-ed f'om unfavorable reports nrom Llv Sern?ol and the Northern markets. We. quote: middling 16XC, mlddhng 17c, strict mid diing 17XC ABBEVILLE. September 18. Cotton ls seUicg at rrom 16 to lexc. SPARTANBURG, September 17. Cotton commands 18c v NEWBERRY, September 17. cotton is quoted at Wij^ ^aptemMr 17. Cotton was in good demand w-day.. AH that waa oOred waa readily ?^n-^t1?.ft!i?IW7S flrm atl7Xc Receipts to day 229 bales, sales S7S, shlpmento iel. OAKDEN. September 19. Tho m^^f^gfsss ?a pft8trW^r? Hn^aluedT bait f Ince then prices bave we 5oT ?p wc anot? at 17a Sales 'or the week BALE8. COLUMBUS, September ia. Middlings iee Sales 2*7 bales; receipts 186; shipments 77. MONTGOMERY. September M^T"" Xhe market ls qnlet at iso for low middlings.