The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, September 13, 1872, Image 3

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A Song. \ Soft ls this mes bank ; * Sweet ts the bird's low song ; Tenderly lie tbe clouds Tbe quivering shy aloog; Gently che son's last beams Rest on yon far off height, Whilst tbe euclrcllng sea Trembles beneath their light. Soft are thy k lises, love; Sweet ls thy pleadlug tone; Tenderly lies thy head Ky throbbing hean upo:-,. Gently, ah I let ine rest, Rocked by the deep-drawn sighs, And watch the evening stars Gleam from the deepenlug skies. [Old ana Neto. THE SEASON AND THE OBOES. ?kk [From the Clarendon Presa] lr A friend who has juBt travelled from Lynches Creek to Bantee informs us that tbe colton crop has been cut off at least one-fourth from what lt promised three weeks ago. Bust ls general, the plant ceasing to grow or mature fruit, and tbe cotton caterpillar appearlug j ; simultaneously In different localities. S [From the Edgefleid Advertiser.] These three cotton evils are scourging us quite seriously Just now. In our immediate sectionstbecaterplllar is numerous and de? cidedly active. Some stalks of cotton brought J Into our office from a neighboring farm, are as perfect skeletons as were ever Been on the sea Islands. And the drought and rust are working band and hand with tbe caterpillar. That the cotton crop hereabouts will be seri? ously curtailed, ls quite beyond all question. [From the Spartanbnrg Spartan ] The first bale of new cotton was brought to this marxet by Major S. C. Miller, on the 3d l?dtant, and sold to Messrs. H. H. Thomson & Co. for 18i cents. Two bales were brought to to wp on last Saturday, the 7th, by Major Chas, j A. ferry, and sold to the same firm at 18 j cents. One bale, also, on Saturday, the 7th, by Wm. Alexander. The first bale last season was brought in by Major C. A. Barry, on the 7th of September, and sold to H. H. Thomson A Co. at 18 cents, three days later than this season with ic. difference in price. We learn that tbe caterpillar and the rust have both made their appearance In the cotton fields of this section. [From the Abbeville Press ] . We learn that the caterpillar or army worm bas made Us appearance in the vicinity of Ninety-Six and other points on tbe Saluda, and threatens to be very destructive to the ?rowing crop. It ls estimated, we learn, that ie cotton crop on clay lands bas been cut short one-third by the dry weather, and that cotton on the sandy lands has suffered a loss of one-half. The planters are now busily gathering in tbe crop, and some fields are already white. The cotton bas opened tbree orfonr weeks earlier than usual. In af.^w weeks all the cotton tn many fields will be, and a large portion ol the crop will be thrown apon the market. [From the Sumter Watchman.] Cotton is now being rapidly gathered from the fields, and the necessities of the people, together with the fair prices ruling, la rush lng lt Into market. More of the staple has been sold at Sumter up to the present time than previously since the war. Probably one half tue crop has been picked out, and few unopen bolls ol the main crop will be seen three weeks hence. The yield ls decidedly short of the calculations dating even a month back, while upon the whole the crop will be little more, if any, than that of last year. Our planters have generally made fair corn crops; bot the prevailing drought ls cutting short-very short-the prospects for rice, peas and potatoes, essential elements o? the produce o? tbe farm. This will, no doubt, produce some scarcity the coming year. JOTTINGS ABOUT THE STATE. -Sheron E. Montgomery and Mr. Barney Bishop, of Spartanburg, died on Monday. -The schools in Newberry County reopen on September 1. -Privates John Monahan, G. F. Ebert and P. Eagan have riled at Sumter. -The cotton-plovers on the Fork of Black Elver have struck lor seventy-five cents a day. -The store o? Messrs. Yoe & Hal! at Ninety-1 six was broken open on the 20th ult., and small amount ol money and a few articles taken therefrom. -The work on tbe new courin ou eo at Abbe? ville progresses. The brlek work ls BOv eral feet above the second floor. In two weeks lt ls estimated the brick work will be finished. -B. E. Bruce. Mrs. Calvin Pressley, R. N. Graves, Jr., and Mrs. Pi o ck ney Hu I ns, of the vicinity of LowndesviUe, Abbeville County, died last week. -Tbe Abbeville Medium Interviewed the contractor for tbe new courthouse whose laborers bad struck. The contractor thought j the men had no cause o? complaint, and does | not mean to give In. . -At the Abbeville election on Monday the following ticket was elected: L. D. Bowie, Intendant; Tnomas M. Christian, Mortimer Sanders, Tnomas Derrlcott, Isaac Kennedy, wardens. -On Thursday last, a pistol in the hands ot John. Hennegan, Jr., of Sumter, was acciden? tally discharged, and shot a young lad, Sid? ney Brooks. The ball entered his mouth and lodged, it is supposed, in the roof. It has not been extracted, and he is suffering much pain from the wound. THE NEW YORK VEGETABLE AND j FRUIT MARKETS. Tbe Daily Bulletin, ot Tuesday, September ll,s8ys: . The supply of new potatoes is fair, and prices continue about the same. Sweets In good demand, at $4a4 50. Vegetables con? tinue slow at about former prices. Our quotations are in bulk; in shipping or? der 60 cents per barrel must be added. We quote as follows: Early Rose at Si 60a2, and early Goodrich and Jackson whites at $1 25al 75. We quote vegetables: Green corn 76ca$l per 100. Bed onions, per bbl, $2a2 50; do Connecticut $2aS 50 per 100 Rlrlogs. Cu? cumbers, Long Island, 25a50c per 100. Squash, marrowfat, per bbl 50ca$l. New turnips $125 al 50 per obi. Cabbages $8al2 per 100. Beets, Jersey, $150. Tomatoes, 60a70c per basket. Egg plant 75ca$l per dozen. Lima beans Hal 26 per bag. Tbe arrivals of peaches to-day were less liberal, and 26 or 30 cents advance was ob-1 f tamed for choice fruit. Apples continue very dull; and the prices received hardly cover cost of packages and freight. Grapes in mo? derate request at about former prices. Plums selling fairly at good prices. Other descriptions of green irait without new | feature or Importance. We quote as follows: Apples-Permain, per bbl, $lal 25; fall pippins, do., 60oa$l 25; pound sweets, do., ?lal 25; i blush, do.. $1 25al 75. Pears-Bartlett, per crate, $2a2 50; do., per bbl, $8a9; Dutchess, do., $7a9; Flemish beauty, perorate, $2 50a3 50; table, per bbl, $2a3; common, do., $la2. Grapes -Concord, per lb. 7a9c; Delaware, do., 10al2o. Peaches-Delaware, good to prime, per crate, $125al 76; do., fair io good, do., $lal 25; do., per basket, 40ca$l; Jersey, do., $30ca$l. Plums-green gages, per bbl, $5a6; blue do., $5a6; blue do., $6a7. Melons-nut me?, Jersey, per MR, 38oa$l; water, Jersey, per 100, $12a 16; do., seconds and culls, $3al3. j?r* CLEAR AND BARMIiFiSS AS WA TER-NATT AN S ' S ORTSTAL DISCOVERY FOR THE HAIR.-A perfectly clear preparation m one bottle, as easily applied as water, for restoring to gray hair Its natural color and youthful appear? ance, to eradicate and prevent dandruff, to pro? mote the growth of the bair and stop Its falling ont. It la entirely harmless, and perfectly free from any poisonous substance, and will therefore take the. place of all the dirty and unpleasant preparations now ta ase. Numer?os testimonials have been sent us from many or our most promi? nent citizens, some er which are BU bjorn ed. In everything m which the articles now m use are objectionable, CRYSTAL DISCOVERY ls perfect. It ls warranted to contain neither Sugar of Lead, Sulphur or Nitrate of Silver, lt doea not soil the clothes or scalp, ls agreeably perfumed, and nukes one of (hebest dressings for the Hair ta ' asa. It restores the color of the Hair "more nor feet and uniformly than any other preparation," and always does BO In from three to ten days, virtually feeding tho roots of the Hair with all the ncoTlshlag qualities necessary to its growth and healthy condition; it restores the decayed and ind aces a new growth of the Hair mere post I ?veiy than anything else. The application of thia wonderful discovery also produces a pleasant and cooling effect on the scalp and gives the Hair apTonstng and elegant appearance. Price $1 a bottle, ARTHUR NATT ANS, Inventor and Proprietor, Washington, D. a For sale by the Agent, DB. H. BABB, - . No. i ai Meeting s tree t, Charleston, s. a Orp ?coos, Gt. SEPTEMBER, E. W. MARSHALL & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS MD NOTIONS. We offer to the Trade an unusually Large and Weil-Purchased stock or the above Gooda, which win be kept roll daring the Beaeon by a Resident Rn j er In the Northern Markets, and will be sold at prices as low as can be obtained elsewhere. E. W. MARSHALL A CO., No. 14? Meeting street, Charleston, S. 0. se, 9-mwf imo CLOSING OUT SALE OF FMI i GOODS, NOTIONS, M. We beg to lu form oar mends and the Merchants generally, that having concluded to close np onr present bnslness, we now offer eur entire stock for sale at prices that should induce all to bay who are la want ol anything In oar line. Oar Stock ls large and varied, and we are con fldent that lt will be to the interest or ail City or Country Dealers on ns before purchasing elsewhere. STEELE & WARDELL, No. 187 MEETING STREET, * sep2-mwrimo Charleston, S. 0. A BAKE CHANCE FOR BARGAINS ! FOR SALE AT RETAIL, TO CL08E THE BU8INESS, rue entire STOCK OF GOODS or the late T. KELLY, deceased, consisting of a very large and complete assortment or DRESS GOODS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, KENTUCKY JEANS, SATINETS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, aOOP, BALMORAL AND BOULEVARD SKIRTS, HOSIERY, GLOVES AND NOTIONS. Also, a lull assortment or DOMESTIC GOODS, LINENS, Ac. Will be offered for sale, N QUANTITIES TO SUIT PURCHASERS FOR CASH ONLY, Commencing MONDAY, the 2d or september, and TO BE CONTINUED FROM DAY TO DAY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. ang3l M. P. O'CONNOR, Administrator. New rJnbhcaiions. JJTMNAL OF THE CHURCH. We are prepared to famish the "HYMNAL" at Che lowest introduction prices. A variety or styles; prices from 40c, soc, 76c, $1, and up? wards. FOG ARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. NEW CATALOGUE, NO. 26. LIFE AND TIMES OF REV. JOHN WESLEY, by I'yerman, Vol. 1, $3 60. A new supply or Rlahop Huntington's Helps tc i Holy Lent, $126 The Hidden Lite of the S ni, from the French, jy tue author of "A Dominican Artist," Ac, $160. Troth aud Trust, Lesson* of the War; lour Ar? iern ?ermons by Henry Alford, D. D., SI. M?ditations on the Miracles or Christ, by Rev. r. s. Howson, Dean or Chester, $160. Legends ol the Patriarchs and Prophets, by s. Baring Goaid, M. A., $?.. Lamps, Pitchers and Tram nets, Lectores on the Tocdtlun of the Preacher, Illustrated by Anec lotes, Biographical, Historical and Elucidatory, if every order of Pulpit Eloquence, from n.e ureat Preachers or all agea, by E. Paxton Hood, two vi l?mes in one, SI 76. Half Troths and Troth, Lectures on the Origin and Development of Prevailing Forms of Un? belief, considered in relation to the nature and claims ot the christian System, br Rev. J. M. Man? ning, D. D., S2. "Christ ls All," by the Rev. Henry Law, Dean of Gloucester, or the Gospel or the Pentateuch, viz: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, each SI. Ministering Children and Sequel, by Mrs. Charlesworth, Red Line Edition. Beautifully Illus? trated, la one voiame, small quarto, $i. Macduffs New Book, '*Salut Paul la Rome," the Teachings, Fellowships, and Dy lug Testimony of the Great Apostle In the City of the Casars, by J. lt. Macduff. D. D., SI 26. Sermona for Sunday Evenings, London Religi? ous Tract Society, SI 60. Bede's Charity, by Hoaba Stretton, author or "Max Kramer," '-Alone In London," Ac, SI 60. Pabilo and Parlor Readings, Prose and Poetry, or the use of Reading Cluos, Ac, by Monroe $1 60. Science Record for 1872, a compendium of Scientific Progress and Discovery during the past year, with Illustrations, edited by E. A. Beach, SI 60. Heart-Throbs of Eminent Authors, compiled by Wm. Hard castle Browne, A. M., $150. Tue Southern Poems ot the War, collecte- and ranged by Miss Emily V. Mason, of Virginia, $2 NEW NOVELS, Ac. Levels ot Arden, by M. E. Braddon, 75c. Kate Beaumont, by J. W. DeForest. 7?c. ^Two Family Mothere, by Marie Sophie schwartz, How WUl lt End? by Heywood, si 50. More Than She Cunld Hear, a Story or the Gachup?n War In Texas, by Hesper Renbow, SI 50. Ought We to Visit Her ? by Anule Thomas, $176. The Sylvesters, by thc anthor ot "Kitty," 4c, SI 25. FOGARTEE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. NO. 260 KING STREET (in thc Bend,) mchi9-tntha Charleston, S. 0. JJR. BAER'3 IMPROVED VEGETABLE CATHARTIC PILLS. The proprietor or these Pills confidently be lleves that he has succeeded, by a sklirul combi? nation of vegetable remedies, In producing a pre paiallon that w?l bring health and happiness to the unfortunate sufferer. In the following dis? eases they have beon nsed by thousands with most wonderful euccess: Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head? ache, Costiveness, Loss or Appetite, Neuralgia Dropsy, Di sentory, Pile?, Diseases of the Sum' Pain In the Side, Bacs and Limbs, Mck Headache, and all derangements of the Stomach. These Pills may be taken with perfect safety by persons of any age or Bex. No family should be without them. ?Tlce 25 cents a box: 6 boxes for one The usual discount to the trade. For sale by ^T0^ K aag9 -^m 131 Meeting FOR TWO DAYS ONLY. DHE MONARCH AND MASTODON COMING CHARLESTON, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Sep? tember 13 and 14. 150 MEN AND HORSES-1050 ANIMALS AND BIRDS-Only Six Tent sbow In tue World. 3 RE AT EASTERN Menagerie, Museum. Aviary, eirena-Koman Hippodrome. Egyptian Caravan and Balloon Sbow. I GREAT ZOOLOGICAL ANO ARENIC TRIUMPH. L Stupendous World Exposition Railroad, at an expense of $34.o dally, which lt pays out in the cities and towns where lt exnlblts. requiring seventy six cars and three large en? gines to transport lt In i s overwhelming magnl ude and elegant pi r feet lon, large enough to s wal ow up half a dozen exhibitions auch as usually tarade tbe country aud l?dame the public with ensatlonal advertising and delusive pledges. Six Colossal Pavilions, covering three solid .cres of ground, and aggregating nearly ten tholl? and yards of canvas. ?iT* Three Glorious Performances given each lay. A Grand Moral Matinee at io A. M. A Herd of Elephants, Drove of Camel?, Ava anche of Buffaloes, Team of Horned Moosrs, :c ;old and crimson Dens, flllrd with the rarest peclmens of Wild Animals and Birds, sud a start? ing and extravagant display of Wonders, ?tam? al. Scientific and Instructive. Twelve Equestrians, Ten Lady Riders. Sixty Per nrmer. Two Elaborate Orchestras, Three Brass md Reed Bands, Qrnud Musical Steam Plano, and nost gorgeous, costly and eloquently equipped Ure-t Procession tver given, reminding oue of I he fabled oriental Pageant of tne olden time1. Joui'i- circus Troupe and Double Cl-cns rerform ncts given la sep irate tents at the same hour, l grauitioua Bnlloou Ascension given prior to the in erm on exhibition every day. Remember tnls Monster Exhibition-poslllrciy he largest and ruo-t expensive on earth-will 'Ult Charleston as advenlsed. Arrangements i tve been mane with tho principal railroad lines un-.lng Into the city io' bring the peipl? at half are io witness the wi nders of this World's Fair. Admission to the monster tdx tents, to which here aro thiec separate entrances, ls the us. ai irlce chnrged to snows of one-sixth the Great eastern's capacity aud attractions: Admission il; Children 50 cents. Three Ticket Wagocs are used to avoid all crush nd jam. $100,000 that the Great Eastern ls tho Biggest ihow on earth, the public to be Judge. Look out for the Brilliant Procession with the .lons, Tigers and Pan triers loose In the streets. Charles wa, September 13 and 14; Beaufort. Sep ember 16. A. R. SCOTT, agent. Bep4-wfm6 Drugs at tJJijolcsale. REACHING THE NORTH POLE.-IT is claimed that the North Pole will certain i uo rt ached by one of the expeditions now In sarch or lt. Suppose lt should bc, and the Amer ian flag should be hoisted there, to revolve with ie axH o' earth once In twenty-four hours (I) bat tnen t Would the discover; be ouc-tenth as aluaole to the world In general aa 'arrant'? JSfferrescent Seltzer Aperient to the sick and suffering ? ls not an agreeable reparation, that will care todigesilou, conattpa rjo, nervousness bilious complaints,and all man? ir of Internal disturbance* arising from debility, ,' more importance to mankind than the location : the Pole t Rather I The true article ls proc?r? ale at all good drug stores. sep!2-i2 5EEF, WINE AND IRON ANO BEEF, WINE, IRON AND CINCHONA. These elegant and excellent stimulating Tonics re now gottlng luto general use, especially in asea of delicate females aud eli I ni. eu. They ma; e bad of DR. H. BARR, No. 131 Meeting street. A fall steck of Ellxlra, and ull the other new hannacentlcal Preparations, always kept on and. gXCELSIOB HAIR TONIC. This pr?parai lon ts just what manv persons eeJ. They wUh uo oije, bat oaly a Hair Wa?.h, r Hair Dressing-sometnlng that will keep tho air clean, and at the same time be a peasant afr dressing-not. too greasy. The "Excelsior" leets all these Indications, and should be given trial. Fifty cents a bottle; five bottles lor two ollars. A liberal discount to i he trade. For sale by tho Manufacturer. DR. H. BAEK, No. 131 Meeting street. l/TARBLE DUST, .VJL Sulphuric Acid Bicarbonate of Soda Tartaric Acid Flavoring Extracts cream or Tartar Alcohol, OS per cent Ac, Ac, ftc. At lowest market rates. By DR. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street. SPONGES. j Bath sponges Toilet sponges surgeons' Sponges Carriage sponges Reer sponge slate Sponge. For sale by DR. H. BAER, Ko. 131 Meeting street. yjINERAL WATERS. ? lilTE SULPHUR SPRINGS WATER, rrom the Celebrated Greennrier White sulphur Springs in Virginia Congress Water Geyser Water. For Bale by DR. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street. COLOGNE. <j The real, genuine, Imported article, In ni?rent styles, comprising: oseph Antoni Farina Jean Marla Farina "4711" (Francois Marie Farina.). Also, a very superior Cologne, of my own mau iracture, put up In all styles. Give lt a trial. DR. H. BARR, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, _No 131 Meei nig street. rO BAKERS I Dr. H. BAEK offers at the low? st market atea the lollowlng articles, of which be aiways teepB a good stock on hand: laroona te or Ammonia-IQ jars and in bulk Cream of Tartar-pare Supercarbonate of Soda Salnratus ' resh Hops-pressed and loose Ginger, Race and Ground CU ot Lemon Extract or Vanilla, marte of tua be^t fresh bean For salo Wholesale and Retail at DR. DAK K's Drag Store, _ No. 131 Meei mg street. ^ Y R I N G E S . My assortment of SYRINGE3 is unusually large. am Agent tor tho sajo of the FOUNTAIN ?YRINGE, unquestionably the ?estof all Syi lunes, specially fort-eir use. lt ls simple, ?ludent, easy o manage, and cannot get out of order. Uue will ist a lifetime. Our best physicians recommend lt. I al?o have a fall stock or Mai tann's. Davidson's nd other Bulb Syringes; atv o Qlass aud Hard tubber Sftln.ej, and the HYPODERMIC SYR. NOE. U- BAER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, No. 131 Meeting street. StgncnUnre, ^rjTticaunre, &t. pRUIT TREES, SMALL FRUITS, ) RN AM EN TAL TREES AND PLANTS, CHOICE GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, ftc A splendid stock of the choicest varieties. Send for descriptive catalogue and price Hst. All Trees well packed BO as to carry safely to my part or the United State?. SMALL FRUITS AND SMALL PLANTS, if all kinds, sent by mall, postage paid, to any lostofflce in the United States. EDWARD J. EVANS A CO., Nurserymen and Seedsmen, th4moB York, Pa, , Unsnxante. JJS?TTEt ANCE. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. CASH ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1873.84,073,048 GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, OF COLUMBUS. CASH ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1873.I|504,808 ' RISKS TAKEN OS ALL CLASSES OP PROPERTY IN THE / BOVfi PROMPr, LIBERAL AND RELIABLE COMPANIES. , BPpO-fmwO_ HTJT?OlV LEE, Agent. 2Drg ?oooG, Ut. DRY Gr O O I> S I DEY GOODS ! DEY GOODS ! CLOSING-OUT SALE OF THE BEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES AT FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., NO. 244 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. PREVIOUS TO REMOVING TO OUR NEW STORE, IVO. 275 KIIVO STREET, BROWNING'S OLD STAND, All of OUT Goods on Hand now will be Sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. FUECHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., NO. 244 KING- STREET. !9f]irte uno Jfnrni0i)ing ?00?3. To Make Room For FALL GOODS E. SCOTT, MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET HALL 13 NOW CLOSING OUT HIS UNEQUALLED STOCK OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS INCLUDING THE FAMOUS STAR SHIRTS, JLT O OST! CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES ! ?otis Moora, Sashes ana ?lin?s P. P. TOALE, Manufacturer and Dealer in DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, STORE DOORS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN MOULDINGS, WINDOW OLASS, - NEWELS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, BALUSTERS, SLATE MANTELS. OFFICE AND SALESROOMS, No. 20 Hame street, FACTORY, HO ELB EC K'S WU A B F mrOis-fmwiv Cigars, f&o?atto, Gt. EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RE TALL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE No. 310 KINO STREET, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIGARS AND TOBACCO ol all kinds. PIPES o? every quality, Call and examine stock before buying else where. WILLIABf SCHRODER, Proprietor. N.B.-Tue Wneel of Fortune constantly 01 lund. Invest 36 cents and try your toot. moirMxfcwijr - JjJianos, (Drgarw, PIAN08 AND ORGANS, Famished at factory price] for Cash, or by Monthly Pay meats on the motit liberal terms. CHARLES L. M'CLEN'ADAN', Plano and M?sle Store, sBp3-4mcm No. 101 King street. ?njines, ittocrjinertj, &t. STEAM ENGINES. PORTABLE, STATIONARY AND AGRICULTU? RAL ENGINES, two to fifty horse-power Circular Saw Mills, Grist Mills Lous and Short Cotton oms Gum and Leather Be't'ng - Sperm, Lar-" " i? aers', Linseed, Paraphlne, White Oak oils. Tallow, Ac, Ac Engine and Mill Supplies In great variety. CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., CORNER MEETING AND CUMBEBLAND STS. aug22-2moB ?rano flri?e Dis:ribn?ion. ^500^000 CASH DISTRIBUTION. THE GRAMM CONCERT Jk. FIXED FACT, SEPTEMBER 28 THE DAY. YOUR TICKETS NOW OB NEVER. T?e vast salea of Tickets alrra?y made, and the Increasing demand for them from all quarters having determined the Trustees that the Grand Gift Concert tor tbe benefit of tue Public Library of Kentucky, advertl-eu for ?UTUHDAY, Septem? ber 28,1072 shall positively come off on that day without postponement, the Management now notifies all who expect to part cipate la the draw? ing t hat they should buy thar rickets at once. Delay lor a few dav B caused many who wanted Tickets at the Concert tn Di cemoer last to go without them. Some living la Louisville waited until sales were closed, expecting, no doubt, a postponement, and then ofleied fifteen, twenty and even twenty-live dolla: a for Tickets which tue day before were offered to purchasers at the regular price. Others living at a distance sent thousands of dollars by mail und express, which got here sfier salea were cloned, and had to be aent back. These disappointments need not occar iigala if the warning uow given lu due season is heeded. The drawing will begin precisely at Pix o'clock SATURDAY M-KSISO, September 88. IST.', ia the great hall or the Public Library Bulldlug, and continue uutll the One J him.-and Gifts are all drawn. List of Gifts. One Grand Girt, cash.$100.000 0. e Grand Gift, cash. 60,000 ono uirt, cash. '25,000 Out Gill, caah. 20.000 One Oitr, cash. 10,000 One Giri, casn. One Gift, cash. one uift, cash. 8,000 une oin, cash. 7,000 one Gilt, cum. o.oto urie uiit, cash. 6,000 Ono Glit, casu. 4,000 One Gift, cash. 3,000 4 Gifts of 12,000 each, casu. 8 ouo 16 Guts of $1,000 each, cash. 16,000 20 Gifts or $003 each, casu. 18,000 21 Gifts of $800 each, cash. 10 ooo 26 Girts or $700 each, ca-,h. 17,600 as Gilts of $BOO each, cash. 21.000 45 Gifts of $500 ouch, cash. 5J2 6U0 60 Girts or $400 each, casu. 20.00U 60 outs or $300 each, c .sh. is,ooo 100 Girts of HM each, cash. 2u.uu0 612 Gifts of $ too each, cash. 61,1:00 Total, 1,000 Gins, all cash.$500,000 The Concert ltse.f will ba the most oriliiant or? chestral display that ever occurred la the West, uue hundred performers, gathered from all parts of tins country aud from Europe, under the di? rection of Professor Hast, wil contribute to this grand musical carnival. And to afford ample room for every ticket-bolder tc enjoy such an un usuai musical festival, the Concert will be xiveu lu Cern ral Park, where arrangements have been made to accommodate all who may come. Persons holding whole, half or quarter tickets will be admitted to both the concert and drawing, and none without such tickita will be admlttea to either. Price of Tickets. Whole tickets, $10; halves, $5; quarters, $2 ?0; lt who e tickets for $100; 28 ror $255; 66 for $500; 110 for $1000; 285 fur $2h00; 575 for $6000. No dis count on leas than $ioo worth ol tickets at a time In accordance with numerous solicitations, ar? ra- cements nave Qecn made with ail the railroad and s'eamboat Unes leading Imo the city for the sale of round-trip tickets, gonn ror alxdays, to all persons who ma? wish to attend thu Concert and Drawing. Such tlCKCts Will be furnished by the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, the Louis? ville, ctnciunai and L xing.on Railroad, the Louisville, Indianapolis and Madison Railroad, the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, the Louisville and Clnclnnarl Mallboat Line, and the Louisville, 0 wensoorJ and Henderson Mall Line Packets. All agents are required to close sales aud make their returns In lau time to reach this office by Thursday, september 26. To co thia successfully those located at sreat distances must close some days before the 25tb. all tickets to which gifts ari awarded will be paid without discount by the Farmers' and Drovers' Bank, either in eui rency or by sight draft anon the Fourth National Bank of New Yurk, at option of the holder. The tl ;kets must first be presented at this offlie, Room ?? 0.4, Public Library building, before they will be pi.M ny tue Bank. Tne drawing will be published 'n the Louisville rapara and Ntw York Herald, and ottleUi copier seut to purchasers to whom tickets have bees seat uy letter. THUS..E. 1 ?RAM LETTE, Ageat PabUc Libra:'y or Kentucky. Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. F. VON SANTEN, Ageut, Charleston, S. C. augS6-mwfi2w3 _ gripping. jp 0 H NEW TOBK. ON 1 HUBS DAY, SEPTEMBER 19, AT 7 O'CLOCK P. M. HEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 18TC BTATE-EO?MS ALL ON DECK. The Splendid New Iron Sldewheel steamship GEORGIA, Holmes, Commander, will Ball for New York on THURSDAY. September 19, at I o'clock P. M., rrom Pier No. 3, Union Wharves. Through BUla of Lading to Liverpool sud tte New England cities as nsnaL In . ?. mee by steamers of this Line x per cent. Fer /'.eight or Passage Engagements, having very Dne DUCK Stateroom accommodations, apply to WAGNER, HUGER A CO., NO. 2? Broad street, or te WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharves s^plS_ JpOR NEW TOBE. HEW YORK AND CUA11LKSTO? STEAMSHIP LINK. ESTABLISHED 1845. The splendid Sldewheel Steamship MANHAT? TAN, M. S. WoodbuL Commander, will sall from Adger's Sonth Wharf on SATURDAY, Sep? tember 14. at 3 o'clock P. M. 19? narine insurance by this Une % per cent. 49- The MANHATTAN has superior accom roooations for passengers, and her table ls BOD plied with all or the delicacies of the New York ana Ohariestoa markets. ' tar Through Bills of Lading given on cotton to Liverpool, Boston, Providence, md the New Eng land manufacturing towns. For Freight or Passage Engagements, apply tc JAMES ADGBR A co., Agents. Tile CHARLESTON follows on TUEBDAY. 17th September, at S o'clock P. M._sepll-4 nriHE PHU?ADELPHIA .IKON STEAM JL - LINE. THE FIRST-CLASS IRON SCREW STEAMSHIP? GULF STREAM, Captain Hantcr, VIRGINIA, Captain Hinckley, Are now regularly on the Line, insuring a first class Bea connection between Philadelphia ant: Charleston, and In alliance with Railroad Oom panles at both termini, afford rapid transportation* to and from all points in the Cotton States, an', to and from Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago and the principal cities of the Northwest. Boston Providence and the Eastern Manufacturing cen tree. ?-The GULF STREAM ls appointed to sall (rom Brown's Wharf, ;on FRIDAY, september 18, at 3 O'Clock P. M. ??.The VIRGINIA will follow. For particulars of Freight arrangements, applj to WM. A. COURTENAY, Union Wharves. W. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents, No. U Sonth Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. sept7_ ?HANGE OP SAILING DATS, INCREASED bERViCE. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers or the above line leave Pier J*Z<?B*L No. 42. North River, loot or Canal street. 22LJ^2? Now York, at 13 o'clock noon, or the lum. w, a and 30th of every month, except when these dates fall on sunday, then the Saturday preceding. All departures connect at Panama witt: steam? ers for sonth Pacific and Central American ports. For Japan and China, Si earners leave San Fran? cisco first of every month, except when lt falls on Sunday-then on the day preceding. No California Steamers touch at Havana,but go direct from New York to Aspin wai). One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult. Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tiokets or other information, apply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on toe wurr foot or Canal street, North River, New York. F. R. BABY, Agent. auglP-lyr_ JpiOR LIYEBPOOL, VIA QUEENSTOWP CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAILS. THE LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN .ffijjjrjft STEAM COMPANY jjjfflj Win dispatch one of their first-class, mil powei Iron Screw Steamships from PIER No. 4? N. R-, EVERY WEDNESDAY, Cabin Passage $80, gold. steerage Passage (Office No. 39 Broadway) $sc currency. For Freight or Cabin Passage, apply to WILLIAMS A GUION, No. OS WaR street. N. T. H. B.-Through Bills Lading to Liverpool lssuet ay the Charleston and New York ? teamen, whlo? make close connection with the above line. For particulars and rate or Freight apply to JAMES ADOER A CO., WAGNER, HUGER A CO., maye Qr WM. A. COURTENAY. EEKLY LINE T'O SAVANNAH, GA., AND SEMI-WEEKLY TO BEAUFORT, S. C. The Steamer PILOT BOY, Captain W. T. McNe?ty, WIR leave Accommodation Wbarr , .^TT^fc. eery 8 o'clock,. ^y, iirtgiHn for Savannah, Beaufort, Hilton Head aud jp^uuu Wells. Returning, will leave savannah every 1 uss PAY MONNING. Will i- ave tor Beaufort, Paclao an i Cblaolm's Landings every THURSDAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock. Keturnlng, will leave Beaufort every FRIDAY MORNING. Freights received WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS must be prepaid to Way Lauulngs. Couslgnments to care of Agents will be for? warded free of storage or commission. Freight received-ior points ou Savannah River, to be transferred to Steamer CLYDE, which leaves Savaonan every TUESDAY MORN; NO. Cabin Patauge to Beaufort, $8. Leek Passage to Beaufort, $i co. For engagements apply to BAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., aep!2-3_No. 80 East Bay. jyjOONLlGHT EXCURSION. TO AND FROM SULLIVAN'S ISLAND. The Mt. Pleasant and Sullivan's . . ?jr^?w Island Ferry Company will ron one<nEBH2 or their Steamers every EVENINO, commencing WEDNESDAY, the nth inst., leaving Ferry Wharf, foot of Market street, at 7 o'clock, P. M.; return lng, leave the Island at lox o'clock, P. M., nnti funner notice. Fare for round trip. 35 cents. Sepio E. PRENDERGAST, Agent. OR F L O B I D A , VIA SAVANNAH. F The Splendid Steamer DICTATOR, Captain L. M. Coxetter, will leave .eau 'ira* Chartebton every TUESDAY EVENINO, atjia^pasti O'Clock, for SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA.JACK BONVILLE. PA LATE. A, ANO ALL LANDlNUk ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER. , ".R ITITI Returning, DICTATOR will leay?> FALATKJ THURSDAY NIGHT. SAVANNAH SATURDAY MDB? INO. arrivlvlng here same afternoon. ftlES&H^Btti BPlendld a, commodatlons, *$$gsEL & 00.t Agents, Corner Vanderhorat'B Wharf and East Bay. jnlv27_ - auof whloh he sells at the lowest prices. atufott goUg^gqit Ogg. By J. A. E5SL0W & CO. IRON COTTON TIES. ,..s;. THIs MORNING, (Friday) 13th Install, at 10 o'clock, will be sold lil front of oar store, No. 82 East Bay, .-,. T ^,,>,S}?;; 20 tons Iron Button TIES. " . Bepl8- ? ByWiLMcKAr. ^ - HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE,, jfi?O^B, Ac Will be told THIS DAT, at lQ.o'clocX, at Na 45 Wentworth street, a small l?twortBd Household FURNITURE, Carpeting, WotL Mat tre3ses. Ac_ , ,_".,aepl8' By HILES DRAKE. : CLOTHING, HATS, Ac TBIs MORNING, at lOo^lOC*, I will sell, at my Bear Salesroom, No. 1 Ll ben y s treen?, . CWA fine stock of Men's CLOTHING, Ladles? Shawls, Towels, Table Oloths, Cravats, Napkins. AC, AC. ? .'. r.r<T . x ALSO. A lot of Ladles' and Misses' SHOES, in car [ toons, and Men's and Boya? Hats. sepu By LOWNDES & ?SBALXT~ FOUR FINE BUILDING LOM IN THB Town of Summerville, near the Depot, itt auction. .r ->.-; ? By virtue of an order ef Court to me directed 3y the Hou. R. F. Graham, Judge of the rTrst=ClrJ cult, I will oner for sale at the o id Post?nico, "? Broad street, on TUESDAY, cotober.l, l87jLaV?i o'clock, ...... vT-. All those FOOB LOTS OF LAND In the TowttiQt Summerville, known as the Hamilton Lots, meas? uring and containing four acres eachj nifore or less; batting and bounding north by t and? of Souih Oarolloa Railroad, south by 7th. Sauih ST?,1* west by Main street, and east Iryi^BWof- - 5?S??L?^oUn? Rallroad, au of whicttlismore particuldTly shown by reference had tc plat of John R, stell, made November 80, lSSO^Piat above referred to may. bs seen at tho office or Lowndes A Grlmball. , ., , Terms-One third cash; balance In one and two years, seenred by bind or the purcbtf>arv.witn. mortgage or the property sold, pajableln.two equal successive instalment, wi h Interest from - day or sale, payt ble annually. Purchaser IO pay - ror papers and stamps.. . .,.'.-:,..<..,r. " leplM_MITCHELL" c. gtso;-Trust?e. . By LOWNDES & GRINDALL, Auctioneers. ; . ??/C;.: REAL ESTATE AT AUOTION**-D VfU) "" T. FEWELL et al, vs. MART FE WELL et ai. Ia The Common Pleas for Charleston Conntv. ID Equity. ,f- "j .... fi In pursuance of aa order of sale la trie aboye .-. case, to me directed by the Hon. R. F. Graham, Judge or the First circuit, I wl.l offer for sale, at ?ubncauction, at the Postofflce. Broad.street, CESDAY, the ist day of october, IB72, at u o'ciook A. M., Ail that PLANTATION OR TRACT OF LAND, on Wasaamarsaw swamp, measuring and con t ul nt u g six hundred and thirty -six acres, an by at survey thereof made ny Wm. H. Mellara? Deputy Surveyor; butting and boondin* north' and: ? northeast on Lands late or J. ' B. E*rne-t. ond east and southeast on Land .'ate or Wm. Mc-sray, , and south ano. west on Land of Joseph Kurray." Terms-One third cash: balance la two eqatl - successive annual instalments, secured by Oond. I of the purchaser and mortgage of tho .premUoa sold. Purchaser to pay the Referee . for paper? and stamps. EDW. MOOBADY. JB,, sepa rtu-S . - Referee. Sa?roa?i.. - : A gOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 0HABLK8T0N. s. C., May Mrl??*? " -. On and after SUNDAY, May 19, the Passen? ger Trains on toe Sooth Carolin a Railroad will run aa follows: "' "" FOB AUSUSTA. Leave Charleston.aio A IC Arrive at Augusta.43Sr x FOB OOLUXUIA. ????"'.! : rf Liave Charleston.:........ ?YLQ A X Arrive at colombia......... ld PM FOB 0EABLB8T0H. . ::0?J:\T* Leave Angosta. 7.40 A M Arrive at charleston.8.20 p M Leave Colombia.7.40-A' X ? Arrive at Charleston.WF? ADSUBTA NIGHT BXFBBSS. .." ., . (Sundays excepted.) - J Leave Charles ton...... 7.2a r x Ai rt ve at Augusta.APO i> Leave Angosta.........'*?.. 7.40 r- x Arrive at Charleston.e.? A X COLUMBIA N1QHT XXraXSS. .-,., '.. r. (Sundays excepted.) " 1 " Leave Charleston..;....... 8.20p.x Arrive at Columbia., 8.? AM Ltave Columbia. 6.60 P M Arrive at Charleston.5.66 AX SUXXXBVTLLS TBAOt. Leave Sommerville at. 7.25 A X . Arrive at charleston at.v. BM x x Leave Charleston at.3.30 <ju* Arrive at sommerville at.. 4.45 p.x GAXDHf BBAMOH. '/..f^>.r Leave Camden.. cu AU Arrive at Colombia... louo.A x Leave Columbia.:. 1.4? r M Arrive at Camden.9.26 r M Day and Night Trains connect at Angosta with Macon and augusta Railroad, Centra) Railroad and Georgia Railroad. This ls the quickest and . most direct mote and as comfortable and cheap an any other route to Lou u< vate, cincinnati chicago, at. Lon ls and all other points Westaul Northwest. Columbia Night Tram connecte with Green vide and Columbia Railroad ; and Day and Night Trains connect with Charlotte Road. . "" Through tickets on sale Tis. 'his nat? to an points North. ,; . . Camden Train connects at KUngvUl? d&Py (ex? cept sundays) with Day Passenger Train,'mad \ runs through to Columbia. .:;; .) v - A. L. TYLER, Ylce-Premdent. % S. B. PIORENS. G. T. A._ ~]an? NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD 'COM? PANY. .ROSifrW S?FBBTNTXXDBMX'S OFFICB, . n\J fr;; CHABLISTON, >. C., AUgUnt IL 187.2. J. On and arter toe li th instant, the following THROUGH RATEa OF ERE 1GB r to and from;thO cheraw and Oarllogton Railroad will beadon ted by the routes via CHARLESTON and WILMING? TON: rs s I 1st I 2d. 1 sd ; 4th fl 6th I Class. Class. Clase. liJla?aj01*J?. New York. ito 140 iso flo:!i/TO. PaOadelpma... 170 140 - ISO I . 90 , LYO Ballimore. ISO ISO 110 | SO I eo From Baltimore, Corn H cents per bushel. ?>. Prom Baltimore Flour $1 per barrel. Cotton, to New York, $4 per bale. Cotton, to Philadelphia. $4 per bale. Cotton, to Baltimore, $3 60 per bale. - For copies of Bates and Classification, apply to Agents on Line of Oneraw and Darlington Rail? road, or to _ " " " . - S. S. SOLOMONS, Supt. N. E. B. B.. A. POPE, Gen. A gt W., 0. and A. B-B., Darlington, Marlboro', Chesterfield and Wauesboro' papers copy._aogl3-tnttmo? NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COM? PANY. .. mtd _ . m OHABLBSTON, 8. C., June 8,1872. Trains wu! leave charleston Daily at 10:1* A. M and 8.00 P. M. Arrive at Charleston 0.00 A M. (Mondays -ex? cepted) and 8 P. M. Tram does not leave Charleston 8.00 P. M., BUB- . DATS. Train leaving io.15 A. M. mates through connec? tion to New York, via Richmond and Acqula Creek only, going through In 44 hoars. . . - Passengers leaving by 8.00 P. M. Train hara choice or route, via Richmond aaa Washington, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore, Those leaving Fain AT by this Train lay over on S?HDAT in Bal tlmore. Those leaving on SATUBDAY remain SUN* DAT la Wllmlngtou, N. C. " rj This ls the cheapest, quickest and moat pleas? ant route to cincinnati. Chicago and otoer pointa Weat and No thweat, both Traliifl maxing,C?n nec?ons at Washington with Western Train? ot Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. . , S.8.B0L0K0N8. Engineer and Superintendent. ' P. L. OLEAPOR. Gen. Ticket Ageoc maval AT ANN AH AND CHARLESTON . RAILROAD. S 0HABLB8T0M, June 13, 1872. t On aad after MOMDAT,' Joue iTtb, .thai** Benger Trains on this Hoad will run aa follows. EXPRESS TRAIN. ' Leave Charleston dally...-.JSSP M! Arrive at Savannah dally.lija p! 5. Leave Savannah dally..**r??. n. Arrive at Char leaton dally. .. * ^ ? DAT TRAIN. Leave Charleston, Soodaysexcepted.. A?.: irX at savannah, S^agd- ** ggi Lsojre ?JfflfM^SgS?rn? e.M P.-M. Arr ve at Charleston, auouoj M. train . ^5??!r^rnSt?on^?h%ort Ro^at'B?flSS rvoi^nr forwaraea a any ou uuuuguwwuuai. toSSffiSFlto Florida and by ^vaunah Una of SeamsWs to Boston. Prompt dlspa^ByeTt? Shui for Beaurort and points on-Porr Boyal Sa iroad and at as low rates as by. any other linc TickeM on sale at tola office for Beaufort over port Boyal Railroad. . c. 8. GADSDEN, - Eaglnner and s aperintendent - s. 0.30YLST0N. Gen'i Ft and llcket Agent. Jnni4 _ '_' ' ' :" VAN DEUSBN'SWORM OONFECHQNS (Made of Pore aantonine ) . ? neasant, reliable and eflWtuai; has stood tne teat or many yearu. For sale Wholesale and Retail by DB, H. BABB, No. 181 .Meeting street.