University of South Carolina Libraries
Tbc Baby. Wtoere did yon come from, baby dear* Oat of toe everywhere iato here. W&ere did yon get the eyes so blue I Ont of the sky as I came through. Where did you get that little tear ! I round lt walting when 1 got here. What makes your forehead so smooth and high A Boft hand stroked it as I went by. What makes your cheek like a warm, white rose 1 saw something belter than any knows. Whence that three-cornered smile of bliss f Three angels gave me at once a kiss. Where did yon get this pretty ear f God spoke, and lt came out to bear. Where did you sret tltose arms and hands ? Love made Itself into hooks and bands. Feet, whence did you come, yon darling things ? From the same box aa the cherub's wlugs. How did they all come just io be you t God thought of me and so I grew. But how did yon come to us, yon dear ? God thought about you, and so I am here. [George Macaonald. TOE CAMPAIGN NEfFS. Greeley Against Grant-A Paper for the Peoplr. The President.:.! Campaign for 1872 bas oggned. It will be the most exciting that the country bas ever known. The issues in volved are extraordinary in character, and come directly home to every cilize?. The overthrow of Grant and the election Grweley mean Honesty and Reform io the. National Administration, thetrinmpb of Law and the restoration of Peace and Harmony throughout our laud, and a return to the fundamental principles of government wbicb prevailed in tbe better days of the Re pnblic Tbe most intense interest will naturally be felt in the progress and result of the struggle, especially in the South, where the material prosperity of the people and their relief from organized persecution and rob? bery aro involved. We mean that THE CHARLESTON- NEWS shall at this juncture in no respect fail to deserve tbe favor which bas been accorded to it as an earnest, enterprising and outspoken chronicle of the events of the day. And, in order to place our several editions within the reach of all we oller them for tbe period of four months, covering the interval from ibis time nntil after the ?lection, at tho following low rates: BAILY NEWS, one copy, four months-t 2 50 DAILY NEWS, five copies, four months... ll 00 DAILY NEWS, ten copies, four months... 20 00 TBI-WEEXLT NEWS, one copy, four months. 1 25 TRI-WEEKLT NEWB, five copies, four months. 5 50 TRKWEEKLT NEWS, ten copies, tour months.10 00 WEF.XLY NEWS, one copy, lour months.. GO WEEKLY NEWS, five copies, four months. 2 75 WEEKLY NEWS, ten copies, four months. 5 00 Subscriptions at tbese 'rates will be re? ceived until August, 15th, inclusive. Send in your orders at once. Remit? tances may be made, at our risk, by draft ot. Charleston, Postofflce order or registered letter. Address, RIORDAN, DAWSON k Co., Charleston, S. C. AN ITALIAN EXECUTION. Tue End of Seven Notorious Brigands. Tra Dlavolo still lives in the person of many a brigand on the slopes of sunny Italy's cliffs, and every now and then news IB brought of the exploits, capture or execution ol some dar? ing outlaws wbo have terrified tourist* out of their wits and denuded them of their valu? ables at the same time. The last victims of thi* sort are Filippo Casablanca, the scion ot a noble Italian family, and six of his devoted fol? lowers. This band had for a long while infest? er! the country between Naples and Leghorn, and the efforts ot the detectives to unearth them has been utterly fruitless. But, not many weeks since, Captain Erberto and his gendarmes stumbled upon a romantic cave in a rocky defile, and on exploring lt lound all manner of robbers'apparel and a-lew chests ; full of the most valuable and elegant Jewelry, the resulta, evidently, of long years of Indus? trious brigandage. The inhabitants of this, abode had absented themselves on a preda? tory tower, but soon returned, and a sharp battle occurred between the hostile Torces. The brigands had the worst of it and discreet? ly withdrew, but Boon afterward were decoyed Into a wealthy Neapolitan's villa, surrounded, captured, and brought In triumph to justice. After a brief trial and an exceedingly eloquent speech by Casablanca, they were then promptly hong. A correspondent thus describes the executk n : They were men of powerful build, each ol them when captured, wearing a heavy beard, I and their faces were furrowed and swarthy,j from continual exposure to tbe sun and weather. Filippo Casablanca's features were ' classical and would have suited eminently as a model tor a Boman warrior or gladiator. On Friday morning atfive o'clock a company of gendarmes marched into tbe cortile of San Celesta prison and ranged themselves on both sides ol the first scaffold ever erected In that quarter. The platform was spacious, and a long trap-door was in the centre. Dressed In prison garments, shorn ot their beards and wearing black cotton gloves, the prisoners moved out in Bingle file, flanked by clergymen and civic officials. Before enter? ing the cortile, they were met by a group ol monks lighted torcaos, who led the liv? ing funeral and chanted in dismal strains the psalm of David, De proluudls. On reaching the scaffold the monks formed a passage through which the prisoners might pas*, aud when the seven men took their Bland on the drop the friars knelt and prayed. Beside Filip? po Casablanca stood an old and tottering priest. The sorrows and unxleties of a loug mission were written in thu wrinkles ol his face, and to-day In particular the old mari's heart seemed more than ever burdened. Earnestly, piously and affectionately did he utter his final words to tho doomed bri? gand, and those words brought back to the hardened outlaw's heart all the best leeli ngs and all the goodness ol his childhood. This was the priest for whom Fillippo had asked In court, and lt was inls good man who first heard Filippo's confession, and who taught him the rudiments ol a sound educa? tion. Three ot tbe brigands refused to receive a priest. At the appointed hour, ihe magis? trate read the sentence of death to each Erleoner. The noose attached to the neck was ooked to a eurong rope which bung over the head of each. All this being done and every noose tested, three bolts were drawn simulta? neously, and Filippo Casablanca and his six companions were no more. The space under? neath the trap-door was covered by a screen, as lt was forbidden that the bodleB should be exposed alter the fall. Filippo Casablanca r belonged to one of the best families in Pied? mont, and bis mother lives In Rome tG-day, an estimable and virtuous lady. THE LAT OF THE HARPER. Queer Way? of Longfellow'* Master. A correspondent, writing from Long Branch in relation to the celebrated race horse Long? fellow and "Old John Harper," his owner, says: Tbe great race horse which has this season created more sensation iban any racer in America ever created belore will soon leave the racing grounds lorever and adopt a Hie of I pampered ease at his home in the blue grass region of Kentucky. To-day young Prank Harper left the park on the evening train for New York, en route for Saratoga, to bring Longtellow to "Uncle" John's stables prepara? tory to the Journey home on Friday or Satur? day. Frank says that the lamons horse is Irretrievably broken down and will never again make bis appearance in public. He will be brought here so that he may be put on the same car with the other horses belonging to old John Harper and carried direct without subsequent transhipment to his home. He will be used probably next year for stock pur? poses. I I had a talk yesterday with John Harper about Longfellow, and lt does seem at limes as though the old man still cherishes a hope that his horse may recover: he does not like to admit that he ls gone. He sat on a trestle under an apple tree at the back ol the larm house, andas he tumbled the lallenIrultabout with the ferule ol his walking stick, he said that when he last "got word over from the other course (Saratoga) Longtellow was men din* slowly. He was able to put his foot to the I ground sometimes, but lt still seemed to pain him a le el Ie." Three or lour negro boys, dusty and bare? footed, were leading Exlract, Express and Littleton, Longfellow's halt brother, around tor their walks in a circle ot which the old formed the centre. As Littleton passed, the old man pointed to? ward him willi his stick, aud said, with a ieeble draw), partly due lo bis rural Kentucky "That's a brave little noss thar, an'a'tbotigh he ls a leetle liijht for the weights they pul on bim, I don't think that's anything here kin beat, him-leavin' out Bassett. He's a good hos.", and I ibiuk he will do some good run? ning on Friday." When usked how long he had been In the business ol training and rearing horses, John said it was "nigh tony years since he first be? gan to train horses, but his lather had been hoss-ralser all his lile." A queer lite is that which poor .Ul John leads. A drab felt hat, brown speckled homespun Bult, a wrinkled shirt-bosom, partly concealed by a black necktie, and a pair of shoes that look pre? cisely like army brogans, comprise all his visi? ble attire. He walks with a halt In bis right leg and shuffles along with the other, and while be leans upon his slfok with his right band his left arm is thrown behind his fast bending back. HIB shoes slosh about on his weary feet, and a light cough seems to stick now and then In his throat. He lives at his stables, eats Irom a rough board table set temporarily under the eaves, his diet being little eise tban bread; meat and potatoes cooked In an iron pot by one of hie stable hands. He travels In the cars with his horses, and can make a good comfortable night ot it on a shock or straw in the corner. And yet the old man seems tolerably well pleaded with his exist? ence, rises early and goes to bed early, never drinks, ls pleased always to bave a Utile quiet talk with strangers, but not too much of rt. He appeared for awhile on the lawn to-day, and as his identity became known, hall the ladies on the grand stand rose to their feet to look at the ieeble old man. Such is fame. He bad come over from the stable to Bee Ex? tract and Express win, and added another disappointment to the list which has checker? ed his life. CC Io tl) mg, QI a ila ri rig, Ut. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING! MENEE & MTJLT.TIH, CLOTHIERS, NO. 323 KING STREET, THREE DOORS BELOW LIBERTY STREET, Respectfully announce to their friends and the pnblio that they have marked down their entire Stock of Fine CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS to actual New Tork cost, preparatory to removal, on the first of September next, i into their NEW BUILDING, AT THE CORNER OF KING AND WENTWORTH STREETZ. THE PRESENT STOCK MUST BE CLOSED OUT, AND THEY SO Ll C IT A CALL AND AN EXAMINATION OF THEIR GOODS AND PRICES. ?nrt inion LUra g g ani ?le?uines. SIMMONS' RECULATOR This unrivalled Medicine ls warranted nor. to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any lu I jutious mineral substance, batts PURELY VEGETABLE. For forty years it has proved its great valne In ali diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. I Thousands of the good and great in all parts of 'the country vouch for its wonderful and peculiar power m purifying toe Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new life and visor ti tie whole system. SIMMONS'* LIVER REGULATOR ls acknowledged to have no equal as a LIVER MEDICINE. It contains four medical elements, nevsr united in the ?ame happy proportion In any other pre? paration, viz: a gentle Cathan Ic. a wonderful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a cer? tain Corrective of all imparities of the body. Such signal success has attended its use that lt ls now regarded as'the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Liver, complaint and the painful offspring wW: I)y-P?'psl8, Constipation. Jaun? dice, Billons attacks, Sick Headache, colic Oe pression or Spirits, Sour Stomach, Heart Barn. Ac, Ac. ' Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS'S LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured only hy J.H.ZK1LIN&CO., pump *i n~J3S!*l 0a-' ftud Philadelphia. ^$lr?re?k,8ge;8ent bT mail, pustaae paid $1 25. Prepared ready for use in bottles Si 00. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS tO" Beware or all counterfeits and lmlta 0DH-_ ang8-th8tnpAw6mos "THRUSHES. JLJ ? A Full Assortment of the Best Toot h Brushes Nail Brushes Hair Brashes Flesh Brusher Shaving Brushes sw OQ]"K" lorant Brushes. For sale by DR. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street. ?rnoa ana MeaitituB. DR. FITLER'S VEGETABLE RHEU? MATIC ?YRUP. Warranter! nader oath never to have failed to care. 28,600 Certificates or testimonials of care, including Rev. 0. H. Ewing, Media, Pennsylvania; Rev. Joseph Beggs, Falls of Schuylkill, Philadel? phia; the wife of Rev. J. B. Davis, Hlehtatown, New Jersey; Rev. Thomas Murphy, Frankford, Philadelphia; Doctor Jennings and Doctor Walton, Philadelphia; Hon. J V. Creelev, member Con 1 gress from Philadelphia; Hon. Judge Lee, Cam? den, New Jersey ; ex-Senator Stewart, Baltimore; ex-Governor Powell, Kentucky, and thousands of I others. Warranted to cure or money refunded. Du. GEO. CAULIKR, Anent, julyl-lyr Charleston, S. C. CAUDICHAUDS GOMPOUjVo lS????????? A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS. This ia a Solid Extract, and ls recommended es? pecially rnr Druggists' and Physician's nae in pre? scriptions. The quality and uniform strength ta guaranteed. This Extraer, ls superior to copaiba and Cubebs, or plain OH of yandal. Unlike most prep i rut ions of thlH class, lt does not nauseate. The testimonials of hundreds in public and pri? vate lire, who bave been cared by this prepara? tion could be added; but the proprietor wishes lt to stand upon its own merita, and only asks a single trial to convince the afflicted or tts efficacy. Circulars and samples ctn ba obtained by Phy? sicians on application to DO WIR, MOISE A DAVIS, Agents for So. Ca., Charleston, S. 0. jolys-stnth^moa ELEGANT AND RELIABLE PR EPA H ATIONS. W. R. WARNER ? 00., OF PHILADELPHIA, Offer the following assortment or Elegant re? parations, now used by Physicians everywhere. Send fur Price List to Dr. H. BA ER, Charleston: Iron and lodororm Pills,a powerful Alterative and Tonic Comp. Phosphorus Pills, for Impotence, Losa of Nerve Power. Ac. Elixir Omchonla Calisaya Elixir Pyrophosphate or Iron Elixir Calisaya, Iron and Bismuth Elixir Calisaya, Ferreted Elixir Calisaya, Iron and Strychnia Elixir Bismuth Elixir Pepsin, Bismuth and strcy hula Elixir Valerlanate or Ammonia Wine or Pepsin Bitter Wine or Iron Wine or Wild Cherry Ferrated Wine of Wild Cherry Comp. Syrup or Phosphates (or Chemical Food) Syrup or Uypophosphltea (for Consumption, bron? chitis, Aa) Lozenges or Pepsin and Iron Licorice Lozenges, ootalnlng Vanilla, Tola, Ac. Elixir Taraxacum Comp. ThN is a sew and valu? able combination or the medicinal properties or the Dandelion, Wild Cherry and Gentian, associated with Aromatics. It ls a very agreeable and efficient, remedy. Aside from Its medicinal virtues, lt la useful as a vehicle and for marking the bitter taste or Quinine. Elixir Gentian and Iron Elixir Bromide or Potassium. Syrup Pbosph. Quinine, Iron and Strychnia. (Alt ken's syrup) tor Debility and Nervous Pros? tration. Indigestion, Chlorosis, Ac Elix. Valerlanate cf strychnia EUX. Phosph. Qntnlne. iron and Strychnia (or the greatest service where there ls a tendency to Paralysis) Beer, Wine and Iron, an elegant combination, especially serviceable In cases or children and delicate ladles. In addition to the above, W. R. Warner A Co. manufacture a full Une or Fluid Extracts and Sugar-coated Pills, ail or which are to be had at Manufacturer's Prices, or DR. H BARR. Na 131 Meeting street, mr.baffd*w?mfw <itiarlosum. S. fl. ARE YOU A BANKRUPT ? DO NOT reseut this question, reader, lt la not an impertinence. We have no right to Inquire Into your business affaira, and don't intend io. Bat are you bankrupt In health ? If BO, recruit, regu? late aad renovate your insolvent aystem with Tar rant's Effervescent Seltxer Aperient. Turn its reserves of latent strength and vitality tutu active, vital capital with that moat agreeable or ail tonics, that mildest or ?vacuants, that most genial or stomachics, that moat, salnbrioua ot ex h intrants. li puts dyspepsia and bil io OHO ess to Hight, eurea constipation, braces the nerves, clears the brain, and refreshes, reanimates and purines thc wuolc physique. Sold by all dru g glsiB._aug6-12 J^XCELSIOR HAIR TONIC. 'inls preparation is Just what many persons neod. They wl?h no dye, but only a Hair Wash, or Hair Dressing-something that will keep the hair clean, and at the same time be a p easant hair dressing-not too greasy. Thc "Excelsior" meets all these Indications, and should be given atrial. Fir ty cents a bottle; five bottles tor two dollars, A liberal discount to i he trade. For sale by the Manufacturer. DR. li. BARK, No. 131 Meeting street. JJOMOOPATHIC REMEDIES. JUST RECEIVED, A FRESH SUPPLY. A full Une or all the moat approved Medicines or thia School-In tinctures, powdera and pellets; tn all dilations and potencies. Also Family Medi? cine Cases, with Small's Practice. For sale by DR. II. BARR, No. 131 Meeting mreet. gYRINGES. My assortment of SYRINGES ls unusually large. I am Agent lor the sale or the FOUNTAIN SYRINGE, unquestionably Hie nestor all Syringe*, especially for heir USP. lt la simple, efficient, easy to manage, and cannot get out or order, one will last a lifetime. Our best physicians recommeod it. I alp o have a rall stock of Manson's, Davidson's and other Bulb Syringes; ai?o Glass and Hard Robber Syringe), and the HYPODERMIC SYR? INGE. H. BASK, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, _No. 181 Meeting street. pERFUME ATOMIZERS. Thia new and elegant addition to the toll.-t table ta coming dally Into more general use A lull aupply- dur?rent sly tes-constantly on baud, At DR. H. HAF.K'S Drug Siore, _No 131 Meeting atreet. jyjTNERAL WATERS. WmTE SULPHUR SPRINGS WATER, (rom the Celebrated Greenorier waite snlpnur springs in Virginia 6 Congress Water Geyser Water. For sale by DR. H. BsER, . '_No. 131 Meeting street. ?pERFUMERY. EXTRACTS FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. Comprising a variety of Luoin'd Choicest Odors. ALSO, Piesse A Lubin. Atkinson Mootheroo LeQ rand And Chins' Extracts, In great va: le ty. ALSO, Soci?t? Hygi?nique OU Huile Phllocome .- Savage's Ursina Ac, Ac, Ac. For aale by DR. H. BARR, No. 181 Meelina atreet. ?QR. BAER'S IMPROVED VEGETABLE CATHARTIC PILLS. The proprietor of these Pills confidently be Hevea that ho has succeeded, by a skilful combl nation or vegetable remedies, In producing a pre pat at lon that will bring health and happiness tc the uufortuuate sufferer, in the following dla ea SCH they have been used by thousands witt most wonderful success: Bilious Disorders ant Liver complaint, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head adi*. Costiveness, LOSB or Appetite, Neura'gla Drop8y, D\sen i cry, Pile', Diaeasea or the Skin Fain in the Side, Bacic and Limbs, ."lek Headache and all derangements nf the Stomach. These Pilla may he taken with perrect sarety bj persons ol any age or Bex. No rarally should b< without them. Price 25 cen ta a box; fi boxes for one dollar Thc usual discount to the trade. For sale by DR. H. BAER. aug9 No. 131 Meeting atreet. ftgricnlmral Mat?jituv^. G O T T O N GINS, Ac. THE CELEBRATED GRISWOLD GIN at $3 75 a saw, delivered at any Railroad depot in South carolina. THE IMPROVED EXCELSIOR GIN, manufactured at Macon, Qa., at $4 a Baw, deliv? ered os above. THE MORRIS GIN, manufactured in Columbia, S. c., warranted to make aa good lint, and aa much lint, to gin the I seed aa clean, aqd to ran as light aa any gin of j same size In the market, at $3 so a saw. THE DANIEL PRATT GIN, manufactured at Prattville, Ala., at $4 a saw, together with CIDER PRESSES, WINE PRESSESj |AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OP ALL KINDS. For sale at above prices by J. E. AUGER A CO., Sole Agents. No. 62 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. Send for Circulars. Jolyis-thstnlmo WRIGHT & WARNOCK'S ANTI-FRICTION HORSE POWER. PATENTED OCTOBER 10, 1871. We take pleasure In presenting to ihe plantera and public a Horse Power gotten np by Mesare WRIGHT A WARNOCK, of Barnwell and Beau? fort Counties, S. C.. which ls a most perfect ma? chine. The said Power will give greater speed at the expense of lesa power than anything vet in. use; la strong, simple and durable. Can be used with equal ease for ginning cotton, threshing grain, pumping water, Ac. Will, on a forty-saw gin in good order, with two moles, moderate galt, gin leon pounds lint cotton per da;; brisk i driving 2000 pounds. Oue mule can pn!l lt; light for two. It alts tn a frame In the house; can be arranged to gin with the gin and gear sitting on the ground. Another Important feature of this Power ls that the rising or falling of the floor of the house does not affect the working of the gear in any way. Th la ls a Southern enterprise, and m humbug Price $126, and freight, ready for putting np. Q. H. KIRKLAND and W. A. CLARK. Allendale, S. C., agents for Sonih Carolina. 0. H. KIRKLAND, agent for North Carolina. RSPSKKNCKS: Rev. Messrs. Joseph A. Lawton* and Joseph Bostick,* of the Savannah River Associa? tion, Allendale; captain W. ti. Bostick.? Allen? dale; Rev. Messrs. D. J. Simmons and F. Milton Kennedy, of the south carolina Conference; Gen? eral Johnson Hagood, Bardwell Courthouse ?J Capiain R. D. Sena, Columbit; P. J. Pelzer, Esq., and Messrs. Ree 1er A Davis, Charleston, H. 0. "Those marked thus have seen the Power at work. Jnn8-tuthSD*c4mosj, 0 H 0 t piTY THE TENDER BAB? ! Give lt not the deadly omponnd known ac soothing Syrup. A certain popular article of tblt name has launched thousands of helple-s Inno cents Into an early grave This has been prover repeatedly, and beyond the shadow of a doubt for which reason ii. la condemned by the maj or lt j Of physicians. Steins thenecosflity for an article of this sort entirely free from oplat-s, and other injurious drugs, Dr. Baer has put up the GERMAN SOOTHING CORDIAL for the use of Infants Teething, and for chlldrer Butlering from diarrhoea dysentery, Ac. Titi may be given with perrect confidence, and ls ap proved by every ph) aldan who has examined tin formula. Price 25 cents per bottle; Ave bottlei for $1. Usual Discount to the Trade. Manofaotured and for sale by DR. H. BAER, No. Kl Meeting street, Charleston. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RENO VATED NEATLY, PROMPTLY, AND AT MODERAT! RATES, By J. L. LUN8FORD, fsoe Smith Street, north or Wentworth. Valent ?tUMnnes. SIMMONS'S HEPATIC COMPOUND, OR LIVER CURE, FOR ALL DERANGEMENTS OF THE LIVER, SKIN, KIDNEYS, STOMACH AND BOWELS. This well Known preparation ls a (treat improvement npon tue Original Reolpe or A. Q. SIMMONS, or Georgia, the drat proprietor or SIMMONS'S LIVER REGULATOR. Ic Is pat up la liquid term, which saves trouble and wh?cn goarantees its proDer proportions, and ls much lower la price than th'? pre? pared ".simmons's Liver Regulator." Hundreds or reliable testimonials of its great valne, rrom among the beat citizens or Giorgia. Florida, North and South Carolina, are In possession or the pro? prietor?, and will be given to the public from time to time. It ls put ap la large bottles, ready for Immediate ase, and la for sale at Retail by C. F. PANKNIN, DR. H. BARK, G. W. AIMAR, and at Wholesale by augl-thstu3mo8 JOS. BLACKMAN, G. J. L?HN, O.A. EARBOT, W. A. SKRINE. EOW. S.BURNHAM, ECKEL A CO., GRAMAN A 80HWACKE, A. M. COHEN, A. RAOUL, DO WIE, MOISE & DAVIS, AGENTS FOR SOUTH CAROLINA. Robson's ftb?ertis?ment. J. IN. ROBSON, HAVING AMPLE MEANS FOR ADVANCES, A BUSLNESS EXPERIENCE OF twenty years, and confining himself strictly to a Commission Business, without operating on lils own account, respectfully soliqfjk consignment or Cotton, Flour, Corn, Wheat, Ac. shippers or produce to him may, at their optlo^have their consignments sold either In Charleston or New York, thoB having the advantage or trm marketa without extra commissions. References-Bishop W. M. Wightman. S. C.; Colonel Wm. Johnson, Charlotte, N. 0.; Rev T. 0 Summers. D. D.. Tennessee; Hon. John P. King, Augusta, Ga.; Messrs. G. W. Wilhams A co.. Charles? ton, S. c.: Messrs. Wdllams, Birnie .UCo.. New York. AB the SPECIAL AGENT FOR THE STATE OF DUPONT'S GUNPOWDER, I will alwaya keep a mil I atock orall kinds at Magazine. The long experience or Mo-srs. Dupont In the mannracture or Oun t powder, makes lt nnneces?ary to sayAore than that I guaraotee the quality of every package. Price [ as low aa any other Powder In the in^L-s^, Fentons ordering please name DUPONT. MARYLAND STEAM SUGAR REFINING COMPANY. As Agent for the MARYLAND STEAM SUQAR REFINERY OF BALTIMORE. I will keep constantly on hand a fnll assortment, or Crashed, Powdered, Granulated. A White, B. White, C Extra, C Yel? low; a BO Amber fWpa in barrels, which I oder at manufacturera' prices, freight added. Any?bfb&e* In price being reported daily by telegraph, thus glvlug the trade the advantage or IL Am also Agent, for the celebrated branda or Family Moor manufactured ny Messrs. DAVIS ? EMMONS, or St. Louie, which I can recommend In every respect; put up In Ninety-eight Bound Bags and Barrola-BRST AND GOLD DUST, Choice Family, Home Mill Medium Family, Santa Marla Good Family. Alao several ot the beat Milla in Virginia, Georgia and Tennessee. AS Agont. Tor WQITTAK.ER A SON'S OELSBBATED R4M?, *n<1pn?nn H.'* fin. RearirrilfiS Hum" Fairbank, Peck A Co.'s Caddy Lard, Werk A Co.'a Candles, Samuel Leonard A Son Candles, Johnson A Clemen tH Corn Starch, Jame : Beatty A Co.'s Crackers, canes, < c., Soaps or all varieties, Mackerel in kita and hair b?rrela, Lndlow Brand or Gunny Cloth, Baling Twlue, Ac, Ac; and as 1 devote myself exclusively to a commission Business and all the nooda are received direct from factory and neither sell nor buy on my own account, wonld respectruliy call tho attention of the trade to my facilities fur doing business, and the Inducements ottered to purchasers. Uaving an experience ol over twenty years, and having Jost erected a large and commodious store In addition to my others, I am rally prepared ror business. lENG-LISH SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, ImporieJ direct rrom Liverpool,ami guaranteed to contain twenty-ronr per cent, or Soluble Phos? phate or Lime. r PERUVIAN GUANO, DIRECT FROM THE AGENT, WARRANTED PURE. For aale at market rales. BATJGH'S RAW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE, FLOUR OF BONE, DISSOLVED BONE, PLASTER OR GYPSUM. Always on hand, and aa every shipment la analyzed on arrival, Plantera can rely on getting the same ai tide, aad^niiy up to standard. . # SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. The highly satisfactory and remarkable effects or thia Oaano In producing very largely Increased crops of Cotton, corn and other ataplo crops, has attracted the geaeral attention or Planters and J. iJ.ROBSON, AGENT FOR THE STATE, Junl2-tnlhs Nos. 1 ami id Atlantic Wharf anil 68 East Bay, Charleston. SljirtB ano iFnrnialiing (Retobe. To Make Room For FALL mm E. SCOTT, MEETING- STREET, APPOSITE MAJHOT HALL, m IS NOW CLOSING OUT HIS UNEQUALLED STOCK OF GENTS'. FURNISHING. GOODS, 4 INCLUDING TH^AlViOUS STAR SHIRTS, CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES ! ?ons IHEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT taree m oaths niter date. I will make appll cation for renewal of Sixteen Half Shares, $1682 or Bank or Charleston Stock. In ihe name ol Charles E. Kanapaux, Trastee of W. D. P. arnau and wife, lost or mislaid Charleston, S. c.. July 5. W. D. P. ARNAU. july6,angi,Bepl-3* Utatcqtg, J em eire, Ut. gALL, BLACK k CO., NOS. 606 AND 607 BROADWAY, Niw YORK, will coatinne the salo o? their immense stock of SILVERWARE, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY and FANG Y GOODS urlng the summer months. All goods will be sold without reserve, at a great reduction, to CISBO thebusiness, junto CTiqare, Sobarco, Ut. EMPEROR WILLIAM WOOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE No. 310 KINO STREET, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIGARS AND TOBACCO of nil kinds. PIPES of every quality. Call and examine stock uerore buying els where. WILLIAM SCHRODER, Proprietor. N. B.-The Wheel of Fortune constantly o hand. Invest 26 cents and try your lach mch7-DCAwlyr N &nrt?ra Salt?-Kt}ii Wd?. Bj LAUBE Y, ALEX?X\DER & CO. SUNDBTES TO PAY STORAGE AND OTHER EXPENSES. . , ., THIS DAT. ?tn tMtairt, win be Mid before onr store, at half-past 9 o'clock, to pay storage and other exppnsea, . . , I T, 1 box PIPE-?, 1 box Ground^ Coffee, i box Tumb lera, 3 boxes Flasks-plots and qoartsF. ribox wine, l lot Plough Pointa, ie.. 1 Bedstead, l bag Phosphate, Mox Cocoanut*, 1 bnDdie Ties, 1 bar? rel Candy, l box Show Cards, Ac., Ac. Conditions cash. angis Bj JOHN G. M1XN0R & CO. SEASONABLE DRY GOODS. THIS DAV, 13th Instant, we will sell si onr salesroom, Ma 13? Meeting street, at hair-past io o'clock, .T A variety of new and seasonable DRY GOODS, Black Satinets, Blue, Gray, Oxford and Brown Kentucky Jeans, Fancr Canton Flannels, White and Gray Undershirts. Bleached and Brown Shirt? ings, Bine Denims, Ticks. Shirting Stripes, new - [ style Prints, Tock and Hoop Skirts, Hemmed Lawn Handkerchiefs, Cotton Umbrellas, Cloth . lng. Onsets, Colored Cambrics, with a variety of j other Goods. Conditions cash. _anglS Bj WM. MCKAY. 7T COMPLETE OUTFIT OP A PHOTO? GRAPHIST. Also; Bedsteads, Bureaus , Wardrobes, Bookcases. Desks, ( nafra, Tables Mattresses, Ac Will sell above THIS DAY, at No. 46 Wentworth street at io o'clock, aug? SALE UN D EB FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE OF PERSONALPKOPBETT. will be sold THIS DAY, the 13th instant, on the I premises southeast corner of Pitt and Duncan streets, in the City of Charleston, at ll o'clock A. M., The Entire Contents of a Grocery Store, consist? ing of GROCERIES, Wines, Liquors, Ac. Terms cash. acg!3 Unction 6ttto~~.f marr ?ase. By W. ?. LEITCH & R.a. BB^S, Auctioneer!. POSITIVE SALE-SUMMERVILLE Property, by order of the Executor of Rev. P. Gadsden. Win be sold on THURSO \Y, August l6tb, at ll .o'clock, at the Old Pos office, That Two and a Half h io ry WOODEN 1 DWELL? ING and outbuildings lu Summerville, ki.own as the new Residence of Rev. P. Gadsden; lot meas? ures two acres, more or less. Terms-Ono third cash ; balance In one and two years, secured by bond and mortgage of me pro? perty, with insurance. Purchaser to pay us for papers and atamos._aoslQ-etpthS ii ailroao a. N?^TI?E^?T?R? RAILROAD CO?T PANY. SU PK El NT EN DENT'8 OFFICE, ? ? CHARLESTON, S?. C.. Augmt ll, 1872.). On and after toe lath Instant, the following THROUGH KATE i UP FREIGHT to and from the cheraw and Darlington Railroad wUt be adopted *bv the routes via CHARLESTON and WILMING? TON: FROH New York. 170 140 120 90 70 Pu ll ad c l ph ia. .. 170 140 120 90 70 Ballimore. iso 130 HO 60 00 From Baltimore, Corn 24 cents per bushel. From Ballimore. Flour $1 per barrel. Cotton, to New York, $4 per bale. Cotton, to Philadelphia, $ i per bale. Cou??to Baltlmo Jr$3 60 per bala For copies of Rates and Olaast?cation, apply to Agents on line of Cueraw and Darlington Rail? road, or to S. S. SOLOMONS, Supt. N. E. B. B. . . ? A. POPE, Gen. A gt. W., O. aud A. R. R.. 49- DarUngton. Marlboro', chesterfleld and Wan ea boro' papers copy. augis-mrzmos 1st i 21 I 3d i 4th i 6th Class. Olag-?. Class. Cla-s. Class. gOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, June 1, 1872. . EXOURS'ON TICKETS to Greenville, Anderson and Walhalla have been put on sale To-LUT, and will continuo on sale until 1st September. Good to return until lat November. Baggage checked through. ?. Price to Greenville and Return $17 80. Price to Anderson sud Return lie 70. Price to Walhalla and Return $19 30. Price to Spartanbnrg and Return $16 80. Excursion Tickets also on sale to Cat?os? Springs (Qa.)-price $24. . The above Tickets on sale at the Line street Depot, and at the Charleston Hotel S. B. PICKENS, A. L. TYLER, ... Junl Q.T. A. vice-President. CHARLESTON, b. C.. May 10, 1*72. On and after MUNDAY, May io, tae Passen? ger Trains on the South Carolina Railroad will mn as follows: - FOB AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.8.10 A M arrive at Augusta.4.26 p M FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.8.10 A X Arrive at Columbia.AOS r M FOB CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.7.40 A M Arrive at charleston.8.20 r M Leave columbia.7.40 AX Arrive at Charleston.8.20 p x AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.20 r x Arrive at Augusta.0.00 A W Leave Angosta.-.7.40 r x Arrive at Charleston,.6.46 A X COLUMBIA NIGHT EXP URSS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston. 8.20 r x Arrive as Columbia.e.40 a x Ltave Columbia....?.6.60 r x Arrive at Charleston.6.66 A K SUMME STILLS TRAIN. Leave Sommerville at. 7.26 A X Arrive at charleston at.:..8.46 A X Leave Charleston at.8.30 p x Arrive at summerville at.4.46 P X CAMDEN BRANCH. ? if Leave Camden..eic A X Arrive at Columbia.10.4*1 AM Leave columbia.1.46 p x Arrive at Camden.6.26 p x Day and Night. Tra?na connect at Angosta with Macon and Augusta Railroad, Centrai Railroad and Georgia Railroad. This ls the -quickest and most direct route and as comfortable and cheap aa any other ron te to Louisville, Cincinnati, chicago, St. Louis and all other pom ts West and Northwest. Columbia Nlgnt Tram connects wita G reen vino and columbia Railroad : and Day and Night Trains connect with Charlotte Road. Through tickets on sale via this route to all points North. . pamden Train connects at Ringville dally (ex? cept Sundays) with Day Passenger Train, and nina through to Columbia. , A, L. TYLER, vice-President 3. B. PIO KENS, G. T. A. " Jan? ; VTORTHEASTEBN RAILROAD COM j\ PANY. CHARLESTON, S. C., June 8, 1872. Trains will leave charleston Daily ai 10.16 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. '1 ' Arrive at Charleston 6.00 A. M. (Mondays ex? cepted) and 3 P. M. Tram does not leave Charleston 8.00 P. M., SUM? DAYS. Tram leaving 10.15 A. M. makes through connec? tion to New York, via Richmond and Acquia Creek only, going through in 44 hours. ? Passengers leaving by 8.00 P.M. Trata hsve choice of route, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those leaving FRIDAY by this Tram lay over on SUNDAY IQ Bat tl more. Those leaving on SATURDAY rt main SUN? DAY in Wilmington, N. c. ?"ir isai This ls the cheapest, quickest and most pleas? ant route to Cincinnati, Cuica go and otner points West and No thwest, both i rains making con? nections at Washington with Western Trains or Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. ., , ... S. S. SOLOMONS, Engineer and Superintendent:'. P. L. CLEA POR, Gen. Ticket Agent, may 21 , S AV AN NAH AND CHARLESTON ? RAILROAD. : . '3?'i CHARLESTON, June 13, 1872... On and after MONDAY. June 17th, the Pas? senger Trains on this Road will run as follows ; EXPRESS TRAIN. . ? Leave Charleston dally.....8-80 P. M. Arrive at savannah dally. Leave Savannah dally.?Mg fig* Arrive at Charleston dally. ? *??? DAY TRAIN.' -r Leave Charleston, Snnuaya excepted.. 7.40 A. ? Arrive at savannah, Sundays excepted, aso r. m. Leave SavanBAb, Sundays excepted... JJ'-y Artve at Charleston, Sundays exc't?d. ?.w P?Mw Passengers from Charleston by 3.30 P. nun make close connection with Port Koyal BaUroad for Beaufort, (Sundays MBJW^ b|llB Freight fonwx^2Jtt|?gfSt&S ttnSof lng to points in V}T}aa^m?{ a\un?w?n give? tc ?LW?o%W?rt onW?on %8$?2 SSfiS, ind at? Sw rateas by any ottermfe *fi!3?2??.MiaHatthU office for Beaulortover J???? ?oad. 0- ?. G AUS DEN, . . Port Boyal B^g^Ejesr and Superintendent S. 0 BOYLSTON, Uen'l FL and Ticket Agent. jnni4 _* ? . ? ! sit ?.! RUSSELL'S SOOTHING CORDIAL I. T This Preparation ls highly n commended by many ot theleadlng Physicians of charlatan, and ls always kept forsale, Whole?ate and Retail, by DR. H. BABB, No. 1ST Meeting street,