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BEALESTATE SALE.-Messrs. R. M. Marshall & Bro sold yesterday at auction the house and lot No 25 Mary street, for $950 cash, and tbe lot corner Tradd and Greenhill streets tor $500, one-half cash and the balance ia one year. RIOT AT GEORGE'S STATIOX.-A correspon? dent, who neglects to give his name, says that Gibe Grlce and Edmund Foster (both colored,) were-^rested for notorious conduct, and sentenced to $10 flae, or ten days in Jail. Bot the constable, being a colored man, refused to execute the commitment and the rioters are BtUl at large. _ _ MOONLIGHT EXCGRSION.-The Pioneer steam Fire Engine Company announce a grand moonlight excursion, this evening, around the harbor, with all the accompaniments of music, dancing, <fco., that are usual on such occasions. ' The steamer is announced to leave Market street wharf at precisely; half-past seven o'clock. AKNT.ERSART MEETING.-At the thirty fourth anniversary meeting of the Friendly Moralist Charitable Society, held on the 10th Inst, at the residence of Mr. P. S. Wilkinson, the following officers were elected to serve the ensuing year: W. T. Oliver, president; R. L. Button, vice-president; P. S. Wilkinson, secre. tary; B. B, Gordon, treasurer; W. Holloway and Robert Nelson, stewards. Standing com? mittee-A. Chaponle, E. W. Brown, J. B. Grant, T. L. Castlon, James S. Chichester. Committee on charity-H. Stoken, B. Lucas, james Perry. - _ TBTB RETURN OP THC SCH?TZEN.-The dele? gations of the German Rifle Club ol this city, which left here on Sunday and Tuesday last for the Bavannah Schulzen fest, arrived yes? terday on the morning train on the Savannah and Charleston Railroad. They leit Savannah at half-past eleven o'clock on Wednesday night, and travelled all night. Several of the visit? ors btayed. over with their Savannah friends and will follow soon. The returning members were accompanied by Muller's Band, and marched np from the Railroad wharl to the headquarters at Llndsted's Hall, where they ! _- separated for their respective homes. The delegation bring back many trophies of their skill In the twget practice, a list and descrip? tion of which will be found elsewhere. They ali speak with enthusiasm ol the kindness and attention of their Savannah brethren, and seemed to have enjoyed the trip wonderfully. STATE COURT.-In the Common Pleas, be? fore Judge Graham, the following cases were disposed of yesterday : George W. Williams & Co. VB. Nathan Evans .Verdict for the plalntlfT for ihree hundred and fifty-Jive dollars, with interest at one per cent, per month from 20ih March, 1870. Geo. W. Steffens vs. H. W. Kinsman. Action on note given for purchase money of A horse. Payment refused on account of unsoundness of horse. Verdict for plaintiff for one hundred dollara, with Interest from April loth, 1870. ? James M. Gallent vs. Chas. M. Forman. Verdict for the defendant. The following are the cases appointed to be tried to-day : O'Connor vs. the Greenville and Colombia Railroad Company; Oppenheim vs. Bu! wink le & Co.; Martin vs. Holland; Toomer va. Humbert, executor; Fox TS. the Savannah and Charleston Railroad Company; Bernard vs. Crlmmall; Pritchard, trustee, vs. Irby; Cam? eron vs. Arnold. OUR BANX PRESIDENTS.-Mr. Louis D. Mowry was yesterday elected president of the Onion Bank, In the place of Mr. Wm. B. Smith, who peremptorily resigned. Mr. Mowry ls a gentleman of large commercial experience, whose life bas been devoted to advancing the business prosperity of Charleston. His tact, energy and financial ability will, in his new position, redound to the public good and the profit of bis stockholders, as well as to his own credit. Mr. W. B. Smith, the retiring president, had managed the affairs of the Union Bank with singular success for a long period of years, and will, in future, devote his entire attention to the management of his extensive mercan? tile Interests. The immediate cause, how? ever, of bis resignation ls his Intention to take a trip to Europe. Mr. Smith Is one of the most sagf jlois merchants in Charleston, and one of thb siost prosperous. It ls hoped that his visit to the Old World will be In every way agreeable. Meeting? This Day. Washington Light Infantry Rifle Club, at 8 P.M. Marion Lodge, I. O. O. F., at 8 P. M. ? Washington Fire Company, at 8 P. M. Stonewall Fire Company, at quarter-past 8 P.M. Merchants, Bankers, Brokers, ?fcc., at 1 P. M. Auction Ssvles Title Day. Miles Brake will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, boots, shoes and hats. William McKay will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, furniture, saddles and sundries. ? . BUSINESS NOTICES. B, WHITE'S "Wakefield" Earth Closet ls un? equalled by any made, and nts "Magic" Earth Closet unsurpassed except by thc "Wake? field." Every family onght to have one. Tb?* ?e'just the thing for Sullivan's blood Ctil st White's Furniture House, in Hasel street, and see samples. . CHROMOS at coBt, to close out an invoice, at Bonder's Galleries, No. 263 King street junI7-6 DRESS Goons 1 DRESS GOODS ?-Louis Cohen 4 Co. beg leave to draw the attention of the public to their Fresh 8tock of Dress Goods, Just received, comprising the latest novelties and styles, and at prices fully twenty-five per cent below Uie?r cost of importation. A call ls respectfully solicited. LOOTS COHEN a Co., No.248Klng8treet. mav16 POROHGOTT, BBXKDICT & Co, 244 King street-160 foils ftesh matting, received per steamship Champion, 25 cents. 20 pieces 4x4 Dress Linen, In all desirable shades, only 20 cents. 2 cases more of tbe 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 AHendale Quilts, at $137 and $150. Bal? ance of our DresB Goods has been greatly re? duced in price. POBOHGOTT, BESEOICT & Co., 244 King street have received per steamship Georgia 4 cases of 4-4 Eilerton U. S. Bleached cele? brated Shirtings, which they offer for this week at 15 cents, worth 18 cents-the cheap? est Shirtings ever offered in any market FRENCH "PASSEPARTOUT" FRAMES for Card Photographs, 25 cents each, at Soudert Galle? ries, No. 263 King street. Junl7-lmo Tu THIRSTY MORTALS, ATTENTION!-Gard? ner's celebrated Soda Water, at the East Bay News Boom. Branch of the Hasel street es? tablishment apr 16 EUROPEAN and American Stereoscopic Views, $1 60 per dozen. HASEL STREET BAZAAR. . _ aprl9 mwf Low price Southern Wrapping Papers for sale by Edward Perry, No. 149 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel. Jnn5-wfm3 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. S ip or t s or tue Wet lt ending June ?0. FOREIGN. LONDON-Per Norwesian bark Draupner-2303 bbls rosin, ??OO bbla spirits turpentine, and 80.0 staves. LIVERPOOL-Per Br bark Alice C-21 bags sea Hand and 569 ba:ea upland co.ton, 1220 tuna of phosphate rock. DUBLIN-Per Swedish bark Columba-566 tona phosphate rock. UNITED KINGDOM VIA BULL RIVER-125 tona of phuspnttte rock. BARCELONA-Per Spanish brig Monarca-1250 bbla roam. ... QUEBEC-Per Brltl?h ship Melita-405,000 feet of timber, 125 tons phosphate rock. DOMESTIC. NEW YORK-Per steamship Manhattan-16 bags Bea wami and 505 baies upland cotton, nv bales do-nestlcsan I good-", 51 tes rice, 139 empty bois, 2377 bbla potatoes, 3943 boxes vegetables, and sun? dries.Per steamship south Carolina-23 bags Bea Island and 1218 bales upland cotton. S3 tierces of rice. lSPc-ales domestics and goods, 99 casks clay. 232 bbla naval atorea. io hhda tobacco, 1637 bbls pota? ces, 2977 boxes vegetables, and 372 pkgs sundries. PHILADELPHIA-Per steamship Virginia-247 bales cotton, 2i5 bales domeailcsand goods, 848 obis naval stdres, 102 tierces rice, 27 tons old Iron. 018 bbls potatoes, 1961 crates vegei ables, and si pkgp sundries. . , . BALTIMORE-Per steamship Falcon-8 bales cot? ton, 117 tleroea rice. 354 oom roslo, 10 baiea van? illa, soo sacks ground phosphate, 20 balea domes? tics 9 bales wool. 709 crates vegotaoles. 41 bbls or vegetables, 70.000 feet of lumber, aud 48 pkjrs sun "ries......Per sehr WlliUm E Woodall-80 t0NawNHAVKN-Pei achr Carrie Heyer-190,000 feet timber and resawed lumber. Tue Charleston Stock and Bond Market Southern Bank Billa. BTC. ABKED Bank of Camden. if Bank ol Chester. J " Bank of Georgetown....-. ?\ "* Bank of Hamburg. J* 10 Bank of South Carolina. 01 Bank of State of South Carolina, prior tu 1861. ? Bank of State of South Carolina, af ter lat January, 1861. 16 Commercial Bank, Columbia.. C2 Exchange Bank, Columbia. 02 Farmers' and Exchange Bank, Charleston. 01 Merchants'Bank, Cheraw. 02 Planters'Bank Fairfield. 02 State Bank. 02 State Securities. State Bonds, old. State Bonds, new. State Stock. Railroad Securities. S. 0. Railroad and Bank Stock. 28 oo 80 00 S.O.Rallroad Seven Per Cent. Bonds .. 64 00 S. C. Railroad First Mortgage Bonds 86 00 S?rth eastern Railroad Stock (capi? tal).:. Northeastern Railroad Stock (pre? ferred. Northeastern Railroad First Mort? gage Bonds, 8 Per Cent. 98 00 Northeastern Railroad Second Mort? gage Bonds, 8 Per Cent. 82 oo | Savannah and Charleston Railroad " Stock..... 25 00 Savannah and Charlean ?auroaa First Mortgwr? i i'ct Cent. Bonds. .. 78 00 Savanna* and Charleston Rallroaa r fer Cent. State guaranteed Bonds.i. 67 00 j Charleston and Savannah 6 Per Cent Bonds. Greenville and Columbia Railroad Co. Stock. 2 00 Greenville and Columbia Railroad 7 Per Cent. State guaranteed Bonds. 60 oo Greenville and Columbia Railroad 7 Per Cent. First Mortgage Bonds 88 00 Greenville and Columbia Railroad 7 Per Cent. Second Mortgage BondB. 26 00 30 00 Cheraw and Darlington Railroad First Mortgage Bonds. 92 00 Cheraw and Darlington Railroad Second Mortgage Bonds. 72 00 Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Itali road Stock. 30 00 Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad First Mortgage Bouda... .. 83 00 Spartanburg and Union Railroad State guaranteed Bonds. Blue Ridge Railroad First Mortgage Bonds. City Securities. City of Charleston Six Per Cent. Stock. 65 00 j City of Charleston Fire Loan 7 Per Cent. Bonds. 76 00 City of Columbia 6 Per Cent. Bonds. .. 60 00 City of Columbia 7 Per Cent. Bonds. 72 oo Bank Stock. First National Bank of Charleston Stock. 130 00 Pooplo's National Bans: Stock.. 108 oo Union Bank Stock. 47 00 South Carolina Lean and Trust Company. 95 oo People's Bank S toe s.:. 3 60 Planters' and Mechanics' Bank . stock. 18 00 22 00 Bank of Charleston Stock. 20 00 Carolina National Bank Stock,.loo oo Miscellaneous Securities. Charleston Gas Company Stock. 18 00 City Railway Stock. 62 00 Th? Charleston market. FOB THE WEEK ENDINO THURSDAY, JUNE 20. THE CROPS.-This period bas been seasonably warm with occasional showers, whloh were needed by the crops. The news In regard to the growth has continued qnlte promising, and up to this time the reports from nearly all quarters concerning the colton plant are extremely en? couraging and was hardly ever more favorable. THE RECEIPTS.-The arrivals at the cotton ports for the week up to Friday last were 11,833 bales, against 10,762 bales the week before aid 24,046 bales for the time the year previous. At New Orleans the supplies were 1664 bales, In contrast with 6498 bales for the week last year. The total receipts at the cotton ports from september 1, 1871, up to the latest dates were 2.071,245 bales, against 3,868,942 bales the year before, showing a decrease of 1,197,697 bales. The arrivals at the principal "Southern ports from Septem? ber 1,1871, np to the latest telegraphic intelli? gence, as compared with the year previous, were as follows: 1872. 1871. New Orleans, June 19. 948.874 1,381,744 Mobile, Jnne 19 .286,006 894.448 Savannah, June 19.441,247 720,763 Charleston June 19 .265 740 339.236 Galveston. June 19.183,326 293 034 Norfolk, June 19.'..,....270,966 331,834 Wilmington, June 19.. 61,610 89 678 Ottu-r ports, June 19. 225,088 318,306 Total bales.2,671,246 3,868,942 Total decrease to date.1,197,697 The following are the receipts of cotton at the principal Southern markets from June 18 to 19, 1872, inclusive, as reported by telegraph. This Includes all pom ts but overland: '.sw ORLEANS June 13.- 76.June 14. 306) Jun?is.142.Junen. 283} 1,242 June 18-144.June 19. 811) For the corresponding week last year..... 7,694 MOBILE Jone 13. 32..June 14. 60) June" 15.... 12.June 17. 61J 176 June 18. -.June 19. 21 ) Last year.1,812 SAVANNAH June 13.148.Jnne 14. 67) Junel?.121.June 17. 60} 672 June 18.... 240.June 19. 46) Last year.6,244 CHARLESTON June 13.681.June 14.176) June 16.... 212.June 17. 267} 1,636 Jnne 18..281.June 19. 69) La-t year.2,073 Q ALVESTON June 13. -.Jone 14. - ) June 16. 24.Junen. 6} 139 Jun?is. 81.June 19. 22) Last year.4(856 MOBFOLK June 13.- 885.Jnne 14 . 387) June 16. 400.June 17.1144} 8.163 June 18. 380.Jone 19.....477) ' Last year...... 2 019 .VILMINGTON Janela..... 3?.Jone 14. 69) June 15. 11.June 17. -} 124 June 18. -.Jnne 19. io) Last year. 405 Total 1872.. 7 142 Total 1871. 23,693 The stocks of the article in sight at the latest dates were as follows: 1872. 1871. Stock In Liverpool.bales...9?3,ooo 945.000 Stocs In London.233 000 80 911 Stock in Havre..208 ooo 24 270 Stock In Marseilles. 18.760 17 963 Stock in Bremen. 23.000 es'ose Stock in Amsterdam.94,oeo 68 600 Afloat for Great Britain (Amer? ican,).......QI ooo 132,000 Afloat for Havre (American and Brazil,). 22,000 49.300 Afloatfor Bremen (American).... 4,750 27 446 Afloat for amsterdam (Amer! C&n)?.-??...--....... 34 OOO Total indian cotton afloat for ' .JHMRK V.395,000 395,000 o?i?S? S ???lte(i S,TATE8 DORTB.151,496 213,040 stocE in the inland towna. 14,642 18,224 increase'of ?oct ?V sight.V.?"?T.. *u$8 I The ai rivais daring Hie week just t< were l tug or sea islands and Floridas ba'es or upland?, against 3 bags Islands and Floridas and 3153bales or nt wees: before, and l bag or sea Islands a das and 2072 bales or uplands for tbe co log period last year. These supplies ca lows: Say of uplands, per South Carolina 1608 bales; Northeastern Railroad, 23 town 4. Of sea islands, Fiorlda, 1. T received from Mobile by rail, dui week, 636 bales, which, deducted from i gross, leaves 10(0 bales as the net sn this point. Total from Mobile to date 3 THK COTTON MARKET.-This staple 1 quiet and doll at the leading centres, ar port there was no market, trausactlons a stand, in consequence of sellers having whiob they could accept. In the loreign prices were somewhat easier at ll)i@ll ror middling upland, receding to UX9 New York the rates were at 26XC and at I the prices were entirely nominal. The ? prices at Liverpool and New York ror th were as follows : On Friday, Juae 14, tb was quiet, uplands ll?i@HXd sales 12,0 the latter was quiet, uplands 28Xc, BS bales. On Saturday the former was q steady, uplands HX@UXd, sales 10,CK the lai ter was active wi;h a good export < uplands, sales 1827 bales. On Mo; former was unchanged, uplands ll?; sales 10,000 bales; the latter was Arm, 26>4'c, sales 816 bales, on Tuesday the fori easier, uplands llX@UXd, sales 8000 bi latter was quiet, uplands 26Xc, sales 6! Oa Wednesday the former was doll, HX@HXd, Biles 10,000 bales; the lau steady, uplands 26XC, Bales 2421 bales, day the former was unchanged, nplandi llXd, sales lo,oio bales; the latter was st MMe , The transaction in this market ror th just terminated were as follows: On Fruit 14th, this article exhibited dull features ao was no basiness or note. Sales only ll bale ly Hoged qualities, at22@23Xc fi io. Quo nominal. On Saturday there waa an absence of any movement In the article, i taking place. On Monday the article coi dall and there were no sales. On 1 the absence of business was the prc reatare bf the article, and there were no t tlons. On Wednesday there were no sal prices were nominal. Yesterday tho mari du ii ; LO sales, and quotations nominal, j SKA ISLAND COTTON-The reoelpts we s tri ct ed to one bag ol Flori Ja qualities. Th set has been quiet and dull, with a few un tant transactions, amounting- to probabl than 20 bags, ?m""?" which were, or Caro at so, a ot 40,1 at 60. Bics.-The supplies or this grain corni hand are reduced to a limited figure. The r. has shown a quiet bat unchanged cbaraci ring this period, with sales of about 260 tlei clean Carolina among which were 20 tlei 7Xc, 86 at "Xe, 76 tierces at 8c, 13 at 8 3 iee 8X, 26 at 8Kc fi rh, 46 tes on private termt quote common to fair clean Carolina at 7X( good 8X@8Xc fl rb. NAVAL STORES.-These articles are comlt ward freely, the receipts for the week bavlni about 1010 bbls sp li its turpentine and 3289b rosin. There were some noctuatlons tn the of these articles, and spirits turpentim varied from 47@49Xc, with a quiet reel li rosins. The week's sales and prices were i lows so far as reported: On Friday, Jane 14, were no Bales reported. On Saturday spirit pentlne waa dull, with 48@i9c offered as to ages, but ho sales. For the past two days looa ?*bls roam were sold on tho baals or i pale, $4 76 ror low pale, $8 76@4 ror extra $2 9u@3 ror extra No 2, $2 80 ror No 2, and $ 2 66 fur strained. On Monday spirits turpe waa dall, sales 230 bbls at 47@48c fi gallon packages. In rosins the demand was light, 200 bbls low gradea at $2 80 for extra No 2, for No 2 and low No 2, $2 60 for Btrained, and for blacks. On Tuesday there were no sale ported. On Wednesday the market was ac ask s 800 bbls spirits turpentine at 48<348Xc ? lon as to pack ag-, s. Some -isoo bbls rosins sold on the basis of $s .'or pale, $4 76 for low $8 76?4 fur extra No l, $2 60 for extra No 2, for No 2 and low No 2, $2 60 ror strained, and for blacks. Yesterday there was a mod?r?t qnlry ; sales 100 bbls spirits turpentine at 49@4 as la packages; also some limited iransactloi low grade rosin s at $2 76 ror No 2 and loi 2, and $2 60 ror strained. Crude turp?n - lae be quoted at $3 60 for virgin, $2 76 for yellow and $1 80 ror hard. BAT.-The receipts were 414 bales frem '. York and 60 from Philadelphia. Salea of N River descriptions took place at ll 80 fi 1 dred. COHN.-About 20,000 bushels or this grain c to hand, say 6000 from Baltimore by steam, from Philadelphia by steam, 3400 by sall from 1 Royal, Ya., and 4300 by sall from North Carol: aiBo 2000 bushels from New York by ? I MOO bushels or Virginia white in balk sold at $ fi bushel, 2100 bushels white in bags at $10 bushel, bags Included. Jobbing lou ol pr white sell at $108 fi bushel, sacks Included. OATS.-There were received about 2600 busl or thia grain. The market was quiet and with transactions. PEAS.-The market ls nearly bare ol sappi and m the absence or arrivals there were transactions. All qualities are nominally Arm. FLOUR.-The market ls well ?applied with m qua, J ties of thia article, with a fair city and coi try trade doing. Northern and Western sn] may be quoted at $7@7 60 ft bbl; extra at $8@fi bbl; family at $10@n fi bbL Southern deaci tlons are m moderate stock, and super may quoted at $7@7 ?0 fl bbl; extra at $8@9 fl b family at $lo@ll fi bbl, and exw family $I2@13 fi bbl. W BACON.-There ls a fair stock or prime meat the market, and we quote prime smoked.aho dersat 6,>?@6>?C fi Bs; prime smoked clear 1 sides at 8xc fi ft. Prime salted sides at 8c ft 1 and prime salted shoulders nominal. (JOFFES.-The article ls in moderate requec Fair to prime Rio may be quoted firm at 23@2 fi ft. SUGAR AND MOLASSES.-The stocks are mod rate. Fair tp folly fair Louisiana sugar may t quoted at ox? lie ft ft, good to prime grocery si gars may be quoted at n@i2c fi ft, fair to goo Cubas iox@iixc fair to prime Demoraras i HX?l2c fi ft. New Orleans molasses, prim In a Jobbing way at 70@72c fi galloi Onba muscovado molasses may be quoted at 88 In hhda and 40c In bbls, and in a Jobbing way a 40@42c; clayed at 88@36o in hhds. and 85<? 87c in bbls; Sugar-house syrup selle at 23@24c II hhds, and 25@27o In barrels. INDIA BAGGING.-The market ror this articl maintains a quiet and steady charaoter. w quote fi yard, gunny cloth -; domestlo Doubl Anchor, 45 inches, may be quoted at lB@20c Elephant at -, Ludlow -, other brands as li quality. TIMBER AND LCM EUR.-The market is qulot We quote timber for milling purpose! from $6@io. Shipping timber $io@i6. Brighi timber, good merchantable, from city mills, cm to size, from $18@22 fi M by the cargo; lumber per rail, $13@10; river lumber, $H@13; dressed amber, 122&26. BUTTER AND LARD.-There ls a rab? stock or thia article-fancy Goshen may be quoted at 30@36c; New York State, prime, 26@30c; medium 20@26c. SALT.-Jobbmg parcels of Liverpool received direct may be quoted at $1 60@l 70 fi sack. ParcelB or loo Backs rrom store sell at $1 60 fi sack. IRON BANDS AND TIRS for cotton, or tho most approved patterns, are offered on the market ai 80 V ft. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam direct nomi? nal on up'ands, nominal on sea islands; via New York Xd on uplands, Xd on sea Islands; by sall Xd nominal on uplands, on sea islands nominal. To Havre - on uplands. Coastwlse-to New York, by steam $2 on uplands and - on sea islands; fl 60 fi tierce on rice; by sall, - fi ft on cotton; - f? tierce on rice; 40c fi barrel on roBln; $8 ft M on lamber; $10 fi M on timber. To Boston, by san, xe * ft tm upland cotton; rosin 65c; resawed stuff $lo@$io 50; phosphate $5?660. To Providence, by Ball, $10 fi M on boards, Ko fi ft on cotton ; by steam $1 fi bale on New York rates. To Philadelphia, by steam, Xe fi ft on uplands; by Ball, $8 fi M on boards; $9 60 ?io on timber; $3 ft ton on clay, and $3@8 60 on phosphates. To Baltimore by steam, Kc ft ft, by sall, $6 60(^7 _ V on boards; |8@8 60 on timber; $8 26 fi ton on phosphate roes. Vessels are In demand by oar merchants to take lam? ber freights from Georgetown, S. 0., Darlen and Sa tula River, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, and 10012 9 M are rates on amber and boards. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-Ttie banks are purchas? ing sight checks on New Tork at par to \' premium; time bills nominal. They are selling sight checks X?% premium. ExoHANaK-STERLING BILLS.-The rate yester? day was 23 for 60 day bills. GOLD.-The brokers were yesterday buying at 13 and selling at 14. Comparative Exports of Cotton ana Hie* from the Port of Charleston, from Sep? temberl, 1871, to June 19,167%. EXPORTED TO Liverpool. Other Br. Ports Tot'l G. Britain Havre. Other Fr. Ports Total France.. N. of Europe Tot'l N.Europe 8.or Europe... W. Indies, Ac. Total F. Ports.. 1871-'7Z 8. L.Up'd.iRlce 2488 2488 Boston. Rhode Island.. New Tork..... Philadelphia... Bait. A Nr'folk Otb. U.S.Ports Tot'l O'sePorts Grand Total. 2488 00 8768 86206 86205 2236 2236 11018 11013 9447 106900 ?5B5 1250241 9754 I 13092! 8363 239 1870-'71. S. LiUp'd.iRlce 5093 5098 287 9135 11628 8B67 247 149616 258515 7761 8014 29181 29131 66421 80| 6748 0836 120413 9566 129971 22895 22896 16613 169479 4624 605 138717IU603 9971| 2566 188231 8213 . 8819 1?1635 331114 31706 31705 fCxports of Maral Stores ana Lamber from the Port of Charleston, from September 1,1871,to Jane 19,1872. EXPORTED TO Boston. New York.... Philadelphia.. Baltimore.... New Orleans.. Mobile. Provld'ce,RI. OthTUSP'rts T'alOoastw'ie 1871-'72. NAVAL STOR'S Bbls. 2,198 19,764 20,456 6,022 47,440 Barcelona..... 4,4 o i MaJ'aAM'ket. West Indies.. 177 Halifax. NS. St John's, NB. London. 7,816 Bristol, Eng.. 8 801 Liverpool. 12,689 Ham tmrg( G er] I 2,616 Montevideo. Great Britain. 7,839 Rio de Janeiro. Rotterdam.... 60. Total Foreign. Grand Total LtTXBBB, Feet. 1,860,118 2,605,698 684.261 4,705.098 1,088,481 2,043,199 12,983,800 68.800 149,500 741.196 406.000 183,000 7,839 "*6? 88,488 86,928 1870-'71. NAVAL SToa's Bbls. 9,461 17,281 16,316 6,014 47,071 2,387 Feet. 239,228 3,163.027 1,626.000 1,262,981 817,188 2,668,652 9,665,976 69,100 1,966,070 10,116 1,481,990 14,463,706 900 2,288 16,671 62,742 10,000 2,326,670 11,892,646 Charleston Wholesale Pri?es. PRICES. .. ? .. 19 @ 20 s @ lax 30 @ 86 .. @ .. .. ? .. 66 @ 1 00 0 @ 9 ARTICLES. BAGGING, fl yard Dundee. Gunny Olotb. New York Double Anchor, 46 laches, 2X'hs. BALE Ror;;, _ m. Manilla. Western. Jute.. HOTTER Goshen. Country. COTTON, fi tts. Ordinary to Good Ordinary.... Low Middling. Middling to strict Middling... Good Middling..... Sea Island. COFFEE, fi rb. RIO. Ti La gua j ra. 26 Java. 30 FERTILIZERS carolina Fertilizer, fi 2000 lbs. Cash. 46 00 Time (with 7 per cent. ?n? teres). 60 00 Wando Fertilizer, cash.60 oo Time. 66 00 (g) Double Relined Poudrette._ 30 00 ? NUrB'a oo ? Peruvian Gnano, Chinchas_86 oo ? Peruvian Guano, Guanape.... 76 oo ? Patine Guano, 2000 Iba., cash.. 45 oo ? Time.60 oo ? Phoenix Guano. 47 60 ? Baugh's Pnospbate, fl 2000 IBs. cash.. 46 00 @ Rhodes'B Phosphate, ft 2000 lbs. 66 oo ? Rhodes's Mandara Manure, (f 5j time). 60 00 ? Orel;nu Gu no (|40 time). 35 oo ? Land Plaster.18 oo @ 16 oo Mapes'a Superphosphate, ft 2000 tba. 46 00 Woolston 'a Phosphate of Lime 66 00 Woolston's Vegeiator, ft 2000 lbs.66 00 Oroasdale's Gen. Superpnos phate, net.. 60 00 Bowera's Complete Manure, net. 60 00 Sardy'a Phosphate, Peruvian, -cash. 66 00 Sardy'a Pacific Guano, cash.. 60 00 Patapsco Guano. 66 00 E. Frank Ooe's Ammonlated Bone Phosphate.esau. 48 "'J ? Time. 62 00 ? Coe's Pure Dlaaol'd 60 00 fj Time. 66 00 ? Whann's Superphosphate. 60 00 ? 70 00 Et 1 wan Guano.Cash.. 66 00 ? Time.60 00 ? 1; tl wan Crop 40 00 ? Time. 46 00 ? Etlwan Dissolved 35 00 @ Time. .... 40 00 ? Zell's AmmonUted Bone Phos? phate ($70 time). 60 00 Russell Coe's Ammonlated Bone Superphosphate ((60 time). 46 00 Cotton Food, per ton. 60 00 Bowen A Mercer's Superphos? phate_cash....46 00 Time. 60 00 Wilcox, Gibba A Co.'s Manipu? lated.60 oO Stono Soluble Gnano ($56 time) 60 00 Stono Dissolved phosphate ($30 time). 26 00 Steno Pure i,round Phosphate. 12 00 Atlantic Phosphate Co... caa h. 48 00 Time, free of interest.62 00 Acid 28 00 Time, free of Interest.81 00 Eureka Ammo, Bone Phos, cash 45 00 Time. 60 00 Middleton's Fish Ammonlated ? 45 00 Time. 66 00 Philipa's Oarribean sea Guano, per ton of 2000 lb H_cash, so 00 1st November, per ton- 65 00 FLO?B, ft bbl Fine. Suppr. 7 00 Northern and Western Extra. 8 00 Baltimore Extra. Southern-Super. 7 00 Extra. 8 00 Family.10 00 @ is 00 GRAIN, ft bushel Maryland Oata. ? Western Oats. @ Corn. 96 @ 1 08 HAT, fl cwt North River. 1 80 ? LUMBER, ft M feet Clear Whl e Pine, first quality. 60 00 @ 55 00 White Pine, good run.88 00 ? 40 00 . Yellow Pine. 20 00 Board9. rough.ll 00 ' Grooved and tongued 28 00 MOLASSES, fi gallon Cuba. 88 Muscovado. 38 .sncar house. 23 New Orleans. 70 NAVAL STORES, fi bbl Tar. Pitch. Roaln, pale. 4 76 Rosin, No. l. 3 25 Roaln. No. 2. 2 76 Ro-IU. NO. 3. 2 60 Spin i s Turpentine, ft gal- 48 Crude Turpentine, _ bbl. 2 75 Hard Turpentine. 1 60 oakum, fins. 16 NAILS-American 4@20d, ft keg POWDER Dup.nt'a, F. F. F. g. 6 00 Dupont's, F. F. F. 6 00 Dupont's Blasting. 4 00 PROVISIONS, ft tts Bacon, Bama. Sides. Shoulders. Strips. Lard, In keg. Cheese. Eggs. Poultry-Chickens, f> doz Fowls, ft doz. 5 00 Potatoes, Irish, fl bbl. Sweet. Onions.,. @ . & 0 7 60 9 00 7 60 9 00 ? 24 00 @ 12 00 ? 32 00 0 i 6 00 4 CO 2 80 48X 3 60 13 ? 14 0&X? .. ?ex? OBX' .. ? .. 11 @ 12 .. S .. 20 <_ 26 3 00 @ 4 00 6 00 @ 6 60 Apples. @ RICK, f> Ib-Carolina. 07X@ 08> East India. ? SALT, ft sack-Liverpool, coarse l 60 ? 1 70 LUeipool fine. @ SUGAR. ft 1(5 Raw. ? Pono Rico. @ Muscovado. 10X6? UK BEESWAX, ft Ul. 38 ? 40 Stock of Cotton In the Interior Towns at the Laif Jt Date?. 1871. Augusta.Jane 14 Columbas..Jane 14 Macon.Juue 14 Montgomery.June 14 Selma.June 14 Memphis.Jone 14 Nashville.June 14 Total bales. 3,913 2,011 2,484 2,307 970 6,871 659 18 224 If o o EE S: a.) S0'. ! : Bj to ** SS ca lill ? i frri Sp; i S pilli : ! ? P'MCJQDS' i ? ? . . : ; ? tj . w ; ; ; : ii : : E|E|: ; : : : : : . ??s.?* * . ? c c a t c aeapa c ? 3 a a D o a - a G9 (D 0> CV O) <D CD CD O CP h*MMM M M MM*-1 rite ****** <Q M O *> i?* **? H* jo jo too; ??'SS0'"0"? . S ? O. O O ?? IO I* SfVkfS* CB CB ce 5 ? S S? - on ^> ? .*. r* o ao "co **? o-.'-'i'o'? 00 O Ol eo-5ooo-*o?oDcpoor?K?i-? CPI O' o. c o g 3 ai s? 4H ca co M M ' MO. (DO* 13 cn ?a - : "?M -*o g? o< ** CnO> IS: . I 8 2?! s?p S"w *> . 05'co CO*. - ' ???D co M g's co ** "M'O ~t tc OD o too JOCO ; s? : ? ca * s-* HOM* tioo H-S .O . O <OH| CO Ot? "sf,?'fX. r#A(fiO <OQ0* CO OD - - . rr r-. f.i *1 - ?4 rO HO' ?-ca Sen rft -A-iHcnx jOO(0<0 OC -J JJIOjd 8OO (? ?4 O O M a 9 Soteno - M?Kif?<P cn M co ->-*. io -* -JOCO ?o estoc?. - o U?o--)OHCOC?N' 00 cn ~4 QIOOW^WOO?' CP-I : : gas: : s w ** 1 _? v co ?a . "j* co M?* cow tag ir*.co c? Inc?; Sw r*. cs 01 01 co IO 00 cn ' jo** si?oo co CO co *0 -J ? cn -J ea rs * o .flo O t o C* Jo O 5if go k?f? .? ro c" ?53 ' PS . . CO M IO MM . . *oco ?."?KSIS ; . Sxen^pip'oo?ooi ? ? ?tWv'l?MO cota op . . S en ** SJ -3 e? -? o? en S . . cocooaenaacoooioo S ; S - B en to M -J MM ; os o? S P K S: jg ?8??SgSfcg:SS Ea i S i to i s Is . . . B HCn cn* i-*c* S -ip. . . . 00 QXM <o co ; cn OD ^ p, ii I'S "8"8*SSSS3Vs: SS , g . ? . o 00 o o co <o coco o ? MO_/ M NOTE.-We have aeauctea rrom New uneani 111,974 bales uplands, from Mobile 2606 bales up? lands; from savannah 3129 bags sea island and 3263 bales apian d, and from Charleston 3331 bags ?ea island and 4234 bales upland cotton; also, 866 bales wrecked cotton from the coast of Flor? ida-being t?? quantity received at tnose ports from Mobile, Florida. Texas and Savannah. pig Markets bjr Telegraph. MONET MARKETS. LONDON, June 20. Noon.-Discounts are reduced x. and are now 8 per cent Consols 92X- Bonds 91. Evening -Bullion Increased three-quarters of a million pounds, FHA.NK.FOBT, Jane 20. Koon.-Bonds 96X- " , m PABIS, June 20. Koon. -Rentes 641400. Evening.-Rentes 61130c NEW TOBE, Jone 20. Noon.-Freights Arm. Stocks steady. Gold heavy at 18X. Money easy at 4 per emt. Ex? change, long 9X; short 10X- Governments steady. State bonds steady. Tennes3ees Arm. Evening.-Freights finner. Money 4a6; closing Armer. Sterling 9XS9X- Gold 13Xal3X- Gov? ernments closed quiet with trlAIng fluctuations. Tennessees strong and In good demand. New South Carolinas heavy; market closed steady and very quiet. _ _ " NEW OELEANS, June 20. Sterling 25. Sight X premium. Gold 12%. COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, June 20. Noon.-Cotton opened quiet and Bteady; up? lands HXallXd; Orleans IMffc ,Annn Later.-Cotton quiet and steady; sales 10,000 bales; speculation 12,000. Evening.-colton closed unchanged. B NEW YOEE. Jane 20. Noon-Cotton steady; sales 119 bales; uplands 26Xc; Orleans .6Xc. Evening.-Cotton steady; sales 1699 bates; up? lands 26xc; Orleans 26Xc ' BOSTON, June 28. Cotton steady; middlings 26Xc; net receipts 99 bales; sales 150; stock. 11.000. PHILADELPHIA, June 20. Cotton quiet; middlings ?8xc BALTIMORE, Jane 20. Cotton firmer; middlings 26c; net receipts 30 bales; gross 109; exports coastwise 92; sales 92, last evening 23; stock 1260. T".,? on - NORFOLK, Jane 20. Cotton quiet; low middlings ?4Xc; net receipts 295 biles; exports coastwise 660; stock 2165. 1 WILMINGTON, june 20. Cotton finn; middlings 24?c; exportB coastwise 47 bales; sales 40; stock 1303. rnnaon AUGUSTA, Jane 20. Cotton nominal; mlddUngs 24Xc; net receipts 6 bales; sales 125. . ' SAVANNAH, June 20. Cotton dull ond nothing doing; middlings 24c; net receipts 71 bales; sales 227; stock 3638. * MEMPHIS, June 20. Cotton quiet; middlings 26c; net receipts 98 bales. MOBILE. Jnne 20. Cotton quint and unchanged; middlings 24)?c; net receipts 4 bales; Bales 100; stock 8289. NEW ORLEANS. Jane20. Cotton nominal; middlings 24%c; net receipts 37 bales; gross 87; exporta to Liverpool 2576; sales 700; stock 2911. 0 ALVESTON, Jane 20. Good ordinary 20xc; net receipts 59 bales; stock 2676. PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. LONDON, Jane 20. Evening.-ROSE lan tallow fl t at ola ed. LIVERPOOL, January 20. Evening.-Breadstuff's easier. Red spring wheat Ils lOd to 12s 2d. Cora 26s 9d. Lard 40s ed. Tur? pentine 488. NEW TOBE, June 20. Noon.-Flour dull and he .. vy. Wheat quiet and unchanged. Corn dull and declining, fork quiet. $l8 30al346. Lard quiet, steam 9J<a9 7-16c. Turpentine firm at 56>4c. Rosin quiet and steady, $3 20 for strained. Evening.-Flour heavy and lower; common to fair extra $7 60*980; good to choice $9 85al3. Whiskey 89 and closed stiff. Wheat 2a3c lower and holders anxious; winter red Western $l so a 165. Corn in fair home export request and prices unchanged. Rice 9 to 9&c Pork heavy at $18 so. nee: quiet. Lard dall and unchanged. Naval stores steady. Tallow dall at 9 to 9ac. BALTIMORE, Jane 20. Flour dull and nominal. Wheat dun. Penn? sylvania $l 90a2 os. corn dull, white 77a78c; yel? low 67C ?lata quiet at 60c. Provisions quiet and Arm. Lard 9c. Whiskey 88 Kc. CINCINNATI, Jnne 20. Flour dull and lower; family $7 75. corn dall and declined 60a5lc. Pork quiet and unchanged ; regular $13. Laid, advance asked but none estab? lished; winter 8j?a9c. Bacon sterdy. Shoulders 6S'c, clear rib ~y?c, clear sides 7V- Whiskey in fair demand and advanced 86c. LonSTILL."?, Jnne 20. Flour dull and lower; extra family offered at $6 76. Oom, co vitality in the market; mixed and white studied, sacked, 63a65c delivered. Provis? ions quiet aad unchanged. Pork $12. Bacon shoulders fi .vc; clear rib 7','c; clear sides 7<?c: Pacsed lard saiOc. Whiskey 84c. NEW ORLEANS, June 20. Corn, white acaree and firmer at 74a75c Hay dod; choice at $3U32. Bran dull and lower at $i05al 10; others unchanged. New York Rice market. _^ NEW YORK, June 19. The Dally Bulletin says: Domestic having of late sold to a fair extent, and the stock becoming somewhat reduced, the holders are now pretty firm, especially as not many parcels can be ob? tained from the Soir h. Nothing positive can be ascertain d as yet In regard to the new crop, bat the position ls thought to be favorable. Foreign of all kinds remain as last quoted, bonded goods receiving some little irregularity, but falLgooda. ! steady and a fair general demand prevailing from the regular trade. Malea or 175 bags Rangoon at 7a7tfc; loo bags Patna at 7 xe; 60 tierces Carolina at 9a9Xc, and In bond loo baga Patna at $3 70, gold. New Tork Naval Stores Market NEW YORE, Jane 10. The Dally Bulletin says: Receipts to-day 293 bbla crnde turpentine, 68 do pitch, 3;08 do rosin, 471 do aplrits turpentine, 28 do tar. Spirits tur? pentine has ruled quiet to-day. but the prices about steady at 65c. sales loo obis at 66c and 60 '- from yard at 66c. Rosin ls inactive for ined. bnt the finer grades are In moderate de -ind. Sales 260 bbls strained at $3 32j<a8 85. loo bbla good strained In lots at $3 50, 290 bbls pale at $t 87X86 nx, and 100 bb.a No 2 at $4. Tar remains quiet and unchanged. Pltoh quiet and unchanged in a Jobbing way, thc ugh a pur? chaser for a large lot could probably obtain a material concession. Wilmington Harket. WILMINGTON, Jnne 19. SPIRITS TURPENTINE.-The salea to-day were 4 io casks at 48c per gallon for Southern packages. ROSIN.-Strained rosin was active to day at unchanged figures, '/he palea embraced 7948 bbla at S2 26 for strained, $2 30 for No. 2, $2 37 $2 40 as 45 for extra No. 2, $2 60a8 for low No. 1, $3 50a 3 6?x for extra No. l, $4a4 26 for low pale, $4 60 1 for pale, and $6 fer extra pale. CRUDE TURPENTINE.-The receipts and pales to-lav were 686 bbls at $2 60 for hard, $3 60 for yellow dip and $3 76 for virgin. TAB.-salea of 48 bbls at $8 os per bbl. Market steady. COTTON.-4 bales sold at 24>?c per lb. Interior Cotton Markets. SUMTER, Jone 18. Abont 22 bales have been sold since last report. We quote: Ordinary 19J?c;good ordlna-y 21X; low middling 22X; middling 23x; strict middling 23X0. . % SPAETANBURQ, Jnne 18. Cotton U worth 22c NBWBBBRT, June 18. Cotton ls selling at 24c ABB an LLB, Jane 10. Cotton ranges from 20 to 28c OBANGEBUBG. June 19. Sales for the week ending June 18 abont 6 bales; ordinary 2le ; low middling 22 J? ; middling 23. MONTGOMERY, Jnne 18. The market ls quiet and nominal. Good ordi? nary 22A?O, Btrlot good ordinary 22X; low mid? dlings 23 s ; middlings 23X. Receipts by Railroad. June 20. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Ito bales cotton, 84 bales goods, 60 bbls flour, 32 bbla pplri's turpentine, 112 bbls naval stores. To Kallrosd Agent. Pelzer, Rodgera A co, Barden & Parker. Goo W williams & son, Sloan A Selgnons, witto Bros, Ohapeau A co, John Oampsen A co, F D 0 Kracke, Wagener A Monseea, H cobla A co, Bollmann Bros, Steffens, Werner A Dncter. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD. 2 balea cotton, 26 bbls crude turpentine 146 bbls spirits turpentine, 660 bbls resin, lumber, mdRc Ac To Bardln A Parker, Whllden A Jones, RT Walker, S P Stoney, O Leiben rood, ein peau A co, Laurey, Alexander A co, Frost, Adger A co, Kinsman A Howell, D Nisbet, Wilcox, Gibbs A co, E Welling, Railroad Agent, and others. MA RLS a STEWS. CHARLESTON, 8. C.JUNE 21, 1872. Lat 82 deg 46 min 88 sec. | Lon 7 s deg 67 min 27 sec ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Sehr Ann S Deas. Garbattl, West Point Mill 60 tierces rice. To W O Bee A co. Sloop Eliza Ann, from Savannah A Charleston Railroad Depot. 65 bbla spirits turpentine, and 200 bbls rosin. To Barden A Parker, Whllden A Jones, and others. FROM THIS FORT. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhall, at New York, Jnne 18. Sehr J H Stickney, Fooks, at Baltimore, Jnne 18. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Sehr Lilly, Hughes, at ive w York, June 18. MARINE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Nsw YORK, June 20. Arrived ont, the Britania and Spain. liist of Shipping IN THE PORT OP CHARLESTON, JUNE 20. Vessels nuder 100 tons, and steamers coasting within the State, excepted. STEAMSHIPS. Champion, 1418 tons, Lockwood, at Adger 'a wharf, for New York, loading-James Adger A co. Gulf stream, - tons, Hunter, at Brown A co's wharf, for Philadelphia, loading-W A Cour tenay. Sea Gull, 016 tons, Dutton, at Union wharf, for Baltimore, loading-P O Tren holm. SHIPS. Melita, (Br.) 904 tons, Llghtbody, In the Stream, for Quebec, ready-Henry Card. BARKS. Frelr, (Norw.) 431 tons, Thesen, at Marshall's j wharf, for a port in Great Britain, loading- ? R Mure A co. Draupner, iNorw,) -tons, Ingoldsen, In the stream, for a Port in Great Britain, ready-W B Smith A co. Columba, (Swed,) 651 tons, Svendsen, in the Stream, for a Port in Great Britain, ready Henry Card. Fllle de l'Alr, (Br.) - tons, Jonei, at Marshall's wharf, for Liverpool, leading-H Card. Perseverance, (Br,) - to fl. Cook, at N E Railroad wharf, from Cardin, discharging-Robt Mare | A CO. Marl*, (Br,) -tona, Sheldrake. In Ashley River, for the United Kingdom, loading-H Card. N K elementa, (Br,) - tons, Kelly, at Ven nlng's wharf, for London, loading-Alfred J Creighton. Jennie Armstrong. (Br,) - tons. Brown, in Aah ley River, for the United Kingdom, loading Deary Card. BRIGS. Vencedor, (Span,)-tons, Corcha, at Brown A co's wharf, for Barcelona, loading-W P Hall. Caroline E Kelly, - tons, McFarland, at Cen? tral wharf, from Boston, disebarglng-Jos A Kc slow A CC Lewis Clark, 209 tons, Smith, In Ashley River, for New Haven, loading-Cohen A Wella. Georgia, 284 tona. Miller, at Quarantine, for St Jago de Cuba, ready-J A Enslow A co. SCHOONERS. Florence Rogera, 406 tons, Sheppard, in Ashley River, for Northern port, loading-Roach A Moffatt. Carrie Heyer, 243 tons, Poland. In the Stream, for New Haven, ready-Roach A Monett. Matoaka, - toHs, Fooks, in Ashley River, for Baltimore, loading-street Bros A co. Florence snay, 40S tons. Hutchings, at Adger's wharf, from New York, discharging-Roach A Moffett. Daybreak-. 176 tona, Blake at Central wharf, from New York, discharging-H F Baner A co. I Lonlsa Wdaon, 130 tons, Holt, lo Ashley River, from Philadelphia, discharging-cohen A well?. _ Paul A Thompson, - tona, Godfrey, at Union wharf, from Philadelphia, discharging-H F Baker A co. W E Woodall, - tons. Turner, at Kerr's wharf, for Baltimore, ready-Cohen & Wells. ! _?TOtttj. THE PimiAI?EL?m? . IBON STEAM J- LINE. THE FIRST-CLASS IBON SCREW STEAMS H IPS GULF STREAM, Captain HD n ter, VIRGINIA, Captain Hinckley, Are nov regularly on the Line, insuring a first, class s ea connection between Philadelphia and Charleston, and In alliance with Railroad Oom? pames at both termini, afford rapid transportation to and from all pointe in the Cotton States, and to and from cincinnati. St. Louis, Chicago and the principal cities of He North weat. Boston, Providence and the Eastern Manufacturing Cen t r es. OT- The GULF STREAM Is appointed to sall from Brown's Wharf on FRIDAY, June 21st. at 4 o'clock P. M. . ? $Or The VIRGINIA will follow. For particulars of Freight arrangements, anni? tQ WM. A. COURTENAY, Union Wliarves. j W. P. CLYDE ? CO., General Agents, No. ia South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. j nm ? poK NEW YORK. ON TUESDAY, JONE 25, AT 6 O'CLOCK P. M. NSW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1170, - STATE-BOOMS ALL ON DECK. : The Splendid New iron ?ldewheel Steamship GEORGIA, Holmes, Commander, wilt sall for New York on TUESDAY. Jone 26th. ara o'clock P. M.. from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves, i >. ' Through .Bills of Lading to Liverpool and the New England cities as UBUSJ. , . .. Insurance by Steamers of this Line % per cent, Far Freight or Passage Engagements, having very fine Deck Stateroom accommodations, apply to WAGNER, HUGER A CO., No. 20 Broad street., or te WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharves. Junio JP OR NEW YOE K. . "' NSW YORK A.VD CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINS:. ESTABLISHED 1845. The Splendid side w-heel Steamship CHAMPION, R. W. Lockwood, Commander, will sall from Adder's south Wharf for the aoove port on SATUR? DAY, the 22d Inst., at 6 o'clock P. M. tyf Tbe CU AMPIO.V ls handsomely and com? fortably fitted np for passengers, and offers supe? rior inducements to travellers golog North. tor Marino Insurance by this line naif per cent. ta- Through Bills of Lading given on cotton, to Liverpool, Boston, Providence, and-the New Eng? land manufacturing towns. .. , For Freight or Passage Engagements, apply to ]nnl7-6 JAMES A DOER ? CO., Agent?. ' OR BALTIMORE. F FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, ANO THROUGH BILLS LADING ISSUED TO PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, . THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST, LIVERPOOL AND BREMEN. The Fine Steamship SEAGULL, Dutton Com? mander, will sall for Baltimore, on SATURDAY, 2?d Jane, at 6 o'clock P. M. $W Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that city by railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional Insurance, and Consignees are allowed ample time to sample and sell their Goods from the Railroad Depot in Philadelphia. For Freight or Passage.ap nly to PAUL C. TREN HOLM, Agent, juni9-4 ^o. 2 Union Wharves. I jn EDUCTION IN PASSAGE RATES 1 ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS. [ SAIL EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Passengers booked to and from any^f iffitw Rsllway station or Seaport In QrmSSuifiK Britain, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Deuinara, Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, and the United st&toSa ? Cabin Fare' from New York to London, Liver? pool, Glasgow and Derry by Wednesday's Steam? ers $60. By Saturday's steamers $66 and $76. ' EXCURSION TICKETS. $120. Intermediate, $83; Steerage, $28, all payable In Currency. Parties sending for their friends In the Old Country can parchase tickets at lowest rates. For farther particulars apply to the Agents, HENDERSON BROTHERS, No. 7 Bowling Green, N. T., Orto DOUGLAS NTS BET, Southern Wharf. aprll-3mo8D*w_Charleston. 8.0. F 0 R FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH. ?jJ?SS?m^ splendid steamer oV-' hrrv CTtY Pom:..Captain MCMILLAN wm leave Charleston every TUESDAY EVIN INO, at half-past 8 o'clock, FOR FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, PALATKA, AND ALL LANDLNGS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER. Returning, CITY POINT leaves Palatka FRIDAY MORNING and Savannah SATURDAY MORNING, arriving here SATURDAY AFTERNOON. For Freight or Passage, having First-class Ac? commodations, apply to RAVENEL A CO.. Agents, Corner Vanderhorst's Wharf and East Bay. marie_ Cigars ano tobacco. EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE No. 310 KINO STREET, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Of all kinds. PIPES of every quality. OaU and examine Stook before buying else where. WILLIAM SCHRODER, Proprietor. N. B.-The Wheel of Fortune constant y G$ hand. Invest 26 cents and tty your luck. moh7-DC?wiyr