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TERMS OE TSE NEWS. TH? DAILY Bm by mau one year, $8; six months $4; three months $2 60. Strved in the OUT at EIGHTHES CENTS a week, payable to the car riers, or $8 a year, paid in advance at the office. THE TRIWEEELY NEWS, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and saturdays, one year $4; six montha $2 50; three monthB $126 THE WBBELT NEWS, ono year $2. Six copies $io. Ten copies, to one address. $16. NOTICES or Wanta, To Rent, Lost and^Found Boarding-, Ac, not exceeding 20 words, 26 cents each insertion; over 20, and not exceeding 30 words, 40 cents each Insertion; over 30, and no* exceeding 40 words, 60 cents each insertion. These rates are NET, and must invariably be paid In advance. REMITTANCES should be made by Postofllce Money Order or by Express, ir this cannot be done, protection against losses by mall may be secured by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay? able to the order or the proprietors or THE NEWS, or by sending the money in a registered letter. Andreas RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., No. 14? East Bay, Charleston, S. 0. FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1872 MT- Mr. WILLIAM E. SIMMONS, Jr., ls tb travelling agent for THE NEWS, for South Carolina. _ _ _ NEWS OE THE DAT. -It ls stated that one person in ten ol Ihe entire population of "Virginia ls a Baptist. -The Concord (N. H.) Herald says il Gree? ley be nominated at Baltimore he will carry the Granite State. -A correspondent of tho London Times has written to that Journal, pointing out that the celebrated maxim ol President Lincoln, "not to swap horses while fording the stream," has been expressed centuries ago. attributed to Cyrus the elder, King of Persia, in directing his troops to take np their several stations, when he said, "When the contest is about to begin there ls no longer time for any chariot to unyoke the horseB for a change." wini ni si i III li ililli IpVniili Bl nt tnr nntrt 4 delphla Ledger says: "The news from Charles, ton, that a Cuban privateer is off that port, cre? ates no surprise here, where the circumstances of her fliting out are well known In certain cir? cles. The Cuban Junta, it ls said, will have a special meeting to receive Lieutenant Chau veaux, who is hourly expected with dispatches from the vessel. The expectation seems to be that this privateer will not only worry Spanish . merchantmen on the coast of Cnha, but also ) Irritate the Spanish Government its*?"''-3 10 * make it deny our claim to th<* ??render of Dr. Howard, and thus increase the chances of war with the two countries, the result of which (the Junta declare) would be the indepen? dence of the Lland. --Among the prominent Democrats already chosen to the Baltimore Convention are the following: Senators Bayard and Davis, of West Virginia; ex-Senators Doolittle and Cling man, of North Carolina; Governor Hoffman, of New Jo?k; ex-Governors Saulsbury,ol Dela? ware; Varice, of North Carolina; Porter and Aiken, of 8ou& Carolina; Dewey, of Wi scon sin; Generals Franklin, Shields and Cass; Con? gressmen Baraura, Biggs, Randall, Acker, Gets,Spear, Cox, Potter and Williams; Editors Green, ol the Boston Post; Burr, of the Hart? ford Times; Hyde, of the St. Louis Republl can; Barr, ol the Pittsburg Post; Simons, of the Charleston Courier; and Cassidy, of the "Albany Argus; Amasa Sprague, the cotton king of Rhode leland; D. M. Barringer, ex? minister to Spain, and Henry C. Murphy, ex minister to the Netherlands. -One of the most eminent men of the Church of Scotland, and a very remarkable pulpit orator, was the Rev. Norman Macleod, who died on Monday. He entered the Pres? byterian pulpit In the Parish of Loudoun, Ayr? shire, in 1838; in 1843 was transferred to Dal keith, and in 1851 became minister of the Barony Parish, Glasgow. He was made a doctor of divinity In 1858, and In 1860 he ac cepted the post creditor of the now well known, but then first projected, periodical Good Words, which was under his management at the time of hiB death., Dr. Macleod was the author of several popular novels ot a religl oas character. As one of the Queen's chap? lains, he was accustomed to preach at B&.mo ral every year during the royal residence there, and hiB relations with her Majesty were of Intimate friendship. Dr. Macleod'a last clerical charge was that of St. Columba's. Glasgow, where many Americans resorted ta bear him. He was just sixty years of age when death called him from the scene ol his labors, having been born at Campbelton, ia Scotland, in 1812. -The Gatling guns at West Point are curl ons looking implements of warfare, bat more carious still ls the manner of their working. Aft odd-appearing, bending band of steel is brought from the ammunition chest and held Immediately over and in contact with the slit In the upper part ol the gun. This segment contains twenty cartridges, and, as the crank cf the. "coffee mill" is turned, they descend in due sequence into chambers where they ex plode. From the many mouths of the gun shoot forth uninterrupted numbers ol pier clogly bright flashes oi flame, surrounded by enwrapping vella of blue smoke, and from the lower side comes a steady stream cf empty cartridge shells. When one segment ls ex haosted it is replaced by mother, and there is really no limit to the capacity of the gun so long as the crank Is kept turning. An officer informs me that they can Are four hundred and twenty shots a minute ! and, furthermore, that the prevalent Impression concerning their delicacy and liability to get out of order is untrue; that they are easily managed, sim ply constructed, and good for much service. -Again ls Nilsson, the Swe dish nightingale carolling to delighted audience in London after an American experience o? two years, and the generally unimpressive Briton considers him? self perfectly justifled in going music-mad over the return of the songstress, who ushers In an operatic Bprlng time. Her first reappear ance was at Drury Lane Theatre, as Violetta, in Verdi's "La Treviata," the opera in which her first brilliant successes were won. Her entry upon the stage before ber old admirers was the signal for a hearty English roar of de? lighted welcome, which, however unmusical lt might have sounded to Nilsson's practiced ear, waa no less gratelully received than the sweet sounds she gave in return. The Lon? don criticism up on her, which at first 1B a mat ter of comparisons, is that she has greatly im? proved in personal appearance and dramatic power slHce.they last saw her, and acquired a beauty and quality of tone which she had not possessed in their previous acquaintance with her. She carried her audience along as If by magic, and finding plaudits unequal to an ex? pression ol their enthusiastic approbation, they broke Into true Russian wildness of sen? timent and pelted the fair singer with bou? quets, BO as to seriously er^oam^s her in her professional duties. The murder of Leonie Andre in New York by ber husband, Emil Andre, is but a single addition to a very common class of crimes. Two years ago the couple came to this coun? try from France with two children. In his own country he had been foreman of a gang of laborers on a railroad, but hoped lo better his condition here. On the contrary, unable to speak the language, and falling lil, among other afflicting diseases being small? pox, he had to use exceedingly close calcula? tion in making the ends meet. He worked some on the Erie road, and took charcoal lobs in Connecticut, and thereby managed to sustain his family, and this was not his great? est trouble. His wife was gay and fond of the society of the opposite sex, and she formed the acquaintance of oae Tani?re, who seemed to please her more than her owu husband. The latter pleaded and remonstrated, but to no purpose, and finally he secured a formal agreement of separation from a French law? yer, giving him the custody of the children. He called at her apartments ta get her signa? ture, but she said it was not worth the paper lt was written on, and refused. Her obstinacy maddened him, and pulling out a single-bar. relied pistol he followed her into the street, and seizing her at a corner placed the muzzle against her neck and fired, killing herat once. The excited bystanders were In favor of hang? ing him to a lamp-post immediately, but he was rescued by a policeman, and locked up. A verdict of murder has since been rendered, and the murderer committed. The woman re lused to sign, because wishing to return to France she was ashamed to do BO without her husband's name. -One of the latest and most successful oharlties of London was started about a year ago. It Is an Institution where the babies of poor workwomen are taken in, the charge being lour cents per day. The average at. tendance ls sixty-five; the mothers take their children' in the morning, and call for them again at night; the children meanwhile being w'ashed, led, and, when they -are old enough, taught._ Prepare for Action t At last a private stockholder has begun proceedings against the Blue Ridge Ring. There has unquestionably been wholesale jobbery, and only the high priests of Radi? calism know what. bas become of the $1,800,000 of Revenue Bond Scrip. The effort is now making to compel the Presi? dent and Directors to account for all the money that has been received, and to place the road in tbe hands of a receiver. Does the City of Charleston intend to become a party to the snit? As the holder of one mil? lion dollars of the stock of the Blue Ridge Railroad, it is directly to the interest ?' ?ae city to ascertain what ar* liabilities of the Company: what haB become of the ocrijy authorized to be Issued for its relief. At present the citizens are io the dark. All that they koow is that one million dollars, involving an annual tax of sixty thousand dollars, are at stake. Unless the courts inter? vene the whole of this will be sacrificed, and the road may, besides, pass into the hands of, a Ring, who will use it as a means of in? juring the trade of Charleston. Are the private stockholders, whose stake is small, to ao all the fighting ? Prudence, jusUce and common sense emphatically answer, No ! The City Council have already called upon the City .Attorney to report what is necessary to be done to protect the interests of the city. That official can surely report at the next meeting of the City Council ; if he cannot, let the Council move without bim. What is needed is, Action ! Action 1 Action ! The Liability of Stockholdere In Banka. Judge Graham has delivered an elaborate opinion in three cases Involving, the liability of the stockholders of the Farmers' and Ex? change Bank, under its charter. This opinion, as printed by the Courte:; covers the following points with regard to the Farmers' and Exchange Bank, and all other banks acting under the same or a similar charter : 1. That the acts of the Legislature do im? pose an individual liability on the stockhold? ers of the bau k. 2. That this liability is confined to those who owned shares in the bank on the 29th November, 1860, when it suspended specie payments, or who had held such shares at any time within twelve months previous to that date. 3. That this liability is alone for such bills of the bank as wore actually in issue on the 29th of November, 1860, the date of its sus? pension and refusal to pay its notes in. cur? rent coin, and therefore of its fallare. 4. That there is no individual liability on the part of the stockholders for any bills issued after the 29tb of November, 1860, the date upon which the bank failed to pay its notes, according to their legal obligation, in current coin. 5. That those who dealt with xbe bank while in a state of suspension, did so at their peril, and are not within the mischief against which the law intended to provide, by fixing individual liability upon the corporators. 6. That the burden of proof is upon the holder of the bill, to sho w that it was issued and put in circulation by the bank prior to the 29th November, 1860. -The income of the City of Columbia is $30,000 or $40,000 a year more than its ex? penses; yet the six per cent, bonds of the city are sold at auction at 65a66i. They are dirt cheap at that price, but the public evidently have no confidence in a Radical ridden community. The same feeling con? trols the price of State securities. With an honest government, State bonds would sell at eighty or ninety. They now hang be? tween thirty and forty. -What a flutter there will be if, as our spe? cial dispatches indicate, a fall disclosure is made of all the receipts and payments by the State for the last two years. That will show where the money goes to, and will dis? prove the charge that the financial embar? rassments of the State are caused by the failure of the people to pay the taxes promptly.._ -The public are curious to koow what is the cost of the Eu-Elux prosecutions ia Sooth Carolina, and how much was paid to witnesses and spies. Special telegrams to THE NEWS assert that the United States Court for Arkansas cost a quarter of a mil? lion dollars for a single term. Can South Carolina beat that ? -Any misstatement made by the re? porters and correspondents of THE NEWS will be corrected, If application be made to this office. Otherwise no notice will be taken of the complaint, whatever its nature. -On Wednesday the Maryland, the Min? nesota and the Texas Democrats declared themselves for Greeley and Brow?. This is glory enough for one day. New Booka* AMERICANISMS; THU ENGLISH OF THE OLD WORLD. By M. Scheie de Vere, LL. D., Pro? fessor "ol Modern Languages in the Univer? sity of Virginia. New York : Charles Scrib? ner* Co. 1872. Pp. C95. Price $3 50. Professor De Vere has given us a very curi? ous and interesting book. In a growing coun? try like ours, where ideas, manners and even populations ore constantly shifting to a greater or less degree, language, of course, must like? wise conform to the universal law of change lar more readily than in the fixed communi? ties of the Old'World. For this reason any work treating of the distinctive traits of American talk must necessarily, ia a certaia sense, lack completeness. But in the book be? fore us we have all that could be expected from a keen, observant and pains-taking phil? ologist, who has evidently brought to his re? searches a zeal only equalled by his thorough training and rare industry. Professor De Vere examlnep, successively, the Americanisms which have been eugrafted upon our language by the Indians, the Dutchman, the French? man, the Spaniard, the German, the negro, and John Chinaman. The remainder ol his volume is devoted mainly to the discussion of the peculiarities of American dialect, which owe their origin to the great West, to the church, to politics and to trade. Oar slang afloat and on the rail is also treated Ia sepa? rate chapters. It may be remembered that Mr. Marcy, wheo Secretary of State, issued a circular to the official representatives of the United States in foreign countries requiring them to make all communications to his de? partment la the American language. No scholar who would keep In view the difler onces between that "American language" and the good old "King's English," can afford to be without Proiessor De Vere's admirable treatise. WITHIN AND WITHOUT. By George Macdon? ald, LL. D., author of "Wilfred Camber mede," "Annals of a Quiet Neighbor," Ac. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co. 1872. Pp.219. Price $160. Here we have an old-fashioned love story, arranged as a drama, and told in spirited blank verse. The tinted paper and beautifully clear print of the Riverside press, In which the volume ls presented, would make a less meritorious poem attractive and readable. Mr FARM OF EDGEWOOD, A Country Book. By the author of "??verles of a Bachelor.' New. Yor?f .. aorioner, Armstrong & Co. 1872. TV. ai?. Price $1 25. A pleasant running record of the experience of an enthusiastic lover of country life, who bought a hundred acre farm somewhere down East, "to ditermine by actual experiment if "farm lands were simply a cost and an annoy "ance to any one who would not wholly fore? swear books, enter the mud trenches valor? ously, and take the pig by the ears with his "own hands." After a lull, (air and earnest trial of the larm, its pleasures, its pains and its profits, Its helps and its hindrances, the author, Mr. Donald G. Mitchell, is confirmed In his convictions that, of ali occupations, the farmer's is the happiest, the most wholesome, and the most useful. These books may be had at Fogartle's, King street. ijostettcr's Hitters. 'WHAT THE W?AITN??D.-WHY I do the debilitated and feeble dread the summer r | It ls because beat ls an exhausting element, and j they are not In a condition to bear the new dram upon their languid systems, which they think | must, necessarily commence with the warm weather. Bnt cannot this evil be obviated ? Most j ndubltably lt can. What these weakenings need-in fact, what nine-tenths of us need at this season-is an accession or physical vigor, and this j desideratum can be secured, with absolute cer? tainty, try a coarse or me mightiest, yt" muaesT, or all vegetable tonics, HOSTET fl R'S STOMACH BITTERS. Thousands or men or business, mechanics and professional men, break down, partially or wholly, under their summer labors, simply because they have neglected to reinforce the powers of natnre in this way. To persona who use the celebrated invlgorant and corrective regularly in hot weath? er, the exhaust lon which excessive heat is apt to j prodnce under other circumstances ls unknown. TL ey are not troubled with nausea, their appetites art good, their digestion excellent and their habit | of nody all that can be desired. 1 his ror twenty yenre has been the uniform testimony or ali who have taken the fitters as a Bummer tonic and alterative, ita efficacy ls due to the care and scrupulous fidelity, to the teachings of experi? mental science, with which Its medicinal Ingredi? ents have been cul cd from the vegetable king? dom, tbe admirable proportions In which they are combined and the unequalled purity of its stimulative basis. Jnnl7-mwf3 UtaUbe*, Jetoeirrj, Ut. !B ALL, BLACK <fc CO., NOS. 666 AND 667 BROADWAY, NRW VORX, will continue the sale ol their immense stock of SILVERWARE, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS during the sommer months. All goods will be sold without reserve, at a great reduction, to lose the business._junto (Eoncaliqrwi. ITT B A G B CHURCH INDUSTRIAL VT SOHOOL.-Instruction win be give", and the use of machines allowed gratuitously ^ Thurs? day and Saturday morning, from 8 A. M. to 2 P. M , at the Depository, Chalmers street. junio imsiruBs Claro*. A CARD. All operations in DENTISTRY performed by Dr. ANDERSON in the most seien tide manner, on the most reasonable terras, and entire satisfaction guaranteed, at the corner or King and Liberty atreets. marti P. WALL, JR INSPECTOR OF FLOUR AND MEAL. OFFICE UNITY ALLE Y, Over Messrs. Knobeloch A Small's Back Store, jnnll-lmo jrp T. CHAPEAU & CO., DUAL BBS AND DISTILLS RS OF [TURPENTINE AND ROSIN, OFFICE No. 173 EAST BAT, CHARLESTON, S.O. The highest prices paid for Grade, aprie-omoa QflAU. LIEBEM BO OD, STEAM TURPENTINE DISTILLERY, AT FORKS OF ROAD, CHARLESTON, S. C. I Omcea-No. 128 Meeting street, and corner Line -~_r?. 811(1 Meeting streets. ?"Highest prices paid in Cash for Crude .Turpen? tine.-** mchlO-emos Ijy^OSES GOLDSMITH & SON, COLONNADE ROW, VENDUE RANGE. Highest Cash Price paid for WOOL, WAX' Hides, Skins, Paper Stock, Iron, and all kinds ol" Metals. ALSO, Dealers In COTTON, Naval Storea and Scotch Pig Iron._may2c-mwflyr FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RENO VATED NEATLY, PROMPTLY, AND AT MODERATE RATES, By J. h. LUNSFORD, tens Smith Street, north or Wentworth. ifleetmga._ M^TrUO?^LOTGE, No 2, 1. O. ?. F. The Regular Weekly Meeting of Marlon Lou^e, No. 2, will be held Tura EVENING, at Odd Kellows' Ilall, ot s.o'clock. Second Nomination or Officers. Jun?l-* RQBEXT C. STARR, Secretary. THE MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. Those Merchants. Bankers, Brokera, Ac, desirous of uniting in the organization of a MER? CHANTS' EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION in this City, are invited to attend a Meeting nt one (1) o'clock, to be held TUIB DAT. at the Readlng-Room or the. chamber of Commerce._Jnn2l ATTENTION I WASHINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY RIFLE CLUB.-Attend an Ad? journed Meeting of your ^LDB?TNI3 DENING, " 8 o'clock preciaely. Ill membors are requested to be preaent as business of importance will be aub mU By order. C. O. TRUtfBO, jon2t Secretary w. L. I. Bide oiub. WASHINGTON STEAM FIRE COMPA NY.-AUenl the Regular Meeting of your Company THIB EVKIING, at 8 o'clock. By order. . C. H. SCHWING. jun21 _Secretary. STONEWALL FI BE . ENGINE COM? PANY/.-Attead a regular Monthly Meeting ot the company .THIS EVENING, at Market Hall, at quarter past 8 o'clock precisely. . By order. WM. G. MILLER, jun2l Se cretary. CUarUs. WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK FOB a amah" molly. Apply at No. 72 Anson atleet. Mast be recommended._Jnn21-l? WANTED, A COMPETENT COOK AND waa?er. Kelercnco required. Apply at No. 64 Hasel atreel_Jonri-l* WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK and waab; alao a competent house ser? vant (female.) Aptly at No. 8 Ashley street. jnn2l-l?_ WANTED, IMMEDIATELY, A HOUSE servant,'(mele ) Apply corner Broad and Rutledge._'_Jnn2M? WANTED, A WHITE WOMAN, TO cook and wash for a email family. Must come well recommended, apply at No. 12 Water atreet. _Jnn2l-2? WANTED, A RESPECTABLE COLOR? ED womat to cook and wash far a small family on Sullivan -J Island. Apply at once, cor? nerKlnRftnd Libertyjureota._Jnn21-3 WANTED, A RESPECTABLE COLOR? ED Womat to cook and wash fora fami? ly of three poisons. Apply at No. 21 Montague 8treec._Jun2l-l WANTED, A WHITE GIRL TO AT? TEND children, and do chamber work. ti usc bring good recommendation. Apply at No. 65 Hasel street. _Jnn21-1? WANTED, A COMPETENT WHITE cook and washer. Recommendations re? quired. Apply Meeting and Henrietta streets. Jnn21-2* .._ WANTED, A STEADY GIRL, TO AS? SIST in the kitchen, and to make hersef generali v useful about the bouse. Apply at No. 28 Vanderhorst atrett._jun20-2? WANTED EVERYBODY TO KNOW that Ladles' and Gentlemen's Furnishing Gouda are made to order very cheap at LANG? LEY'S Manufacturing Establishment, No. 161 King street._Jun20-2? WANTED, A COMPETENT FEMALE servant for general housework and to as? sise, in washing. Ateo a nrat-ulass waltlugraan. Apply to J. H. OPPENHEIM, Moultrtevllle House, Sullivan's Island._Jun20 2? WANTED, A MIDDLE AGED"W?M?N as child's nurse and chambermaid for Sullivan's Island. Apply, with recommendations, to No. ftQ Society atreet._|un2o WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK AND do general Housework. Apply at north corner Amherst sud Bay streets, Hampstead. juna_ WANTED TO PURCHASE, A SMALL Honse. Purchase money to be paid In monthly instalments. Address "Desire," at NEWS office. mayal WANTED, A WHITE WOMAN,""TO cook and wash for a amall family. None need apply unless well recommended. Inquire at No. 140 Wentworth atreet, next west of Rutledge street. _Jnn7-fmw WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW that the cheapest and best warranted Sewing Machine In the market ls the HOME SH?T Tl.K. Drice %'?? and *-QT- ?TN ??? ??AO oam ral Agency, wu. ?so King street, corner Beaufaln atreet. T. L BlsSELL._)anl2-Smoa WANTED, AN INTELLIGENT AND Industrious LAD, with au ordinary knowledge or arithmetic, to aaatat In keeping a Country store on Ediato Island. Wages from ts to $10 per moath, besides board and wasn lng. Address a., pince of rus NEWB. Jnnl2 WANTED, TO PURCHASE FOR CASH, a small House m the central or weatern part of the city. Address "Q?" at thia office, stat mg location, terms, Ac. feb8 WANTED TO INFORM THOSE NOT acquainted with the fact that the SOUTH? ERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY lasuea Joint Lue Policies, I usu ring the lives of partners In business, so that, on the death or either, the amouut insured for ls paid to the surviving party. lt also lusurcs husband and wife on the same plan. EBEN COFFIN, Agent, No. 31 Broad street. mayi8_ AGENTLEMAN, WITH THE BEST testimonials, or good character and com? petency wishes a position as Teacher in some public institution, or as private tutor In a family. No objections to going Into the country, can teach french, Latin, Greek, Plano and the other branches or a good education. Salary of not so great consideration aa pleasant association. Ad? dress c. D. v., at the omoe ot this paper, may 10 Cost ana j;orino. OUND, A PALB 7F^Y?-GL?S"SES^ Gold Frame. The owner can have the same, by proving property and paying expenses. Apply at NEWS office. Jun8 ^carinna. 4~~PLTSA1??7?T^^ SONS, with moderate board In a private y, can be had by applying to "H. H," office DAILY NEWS. Jun2l-1* lox Sale. TICKETS FOR I?ALITFOR THlF?T TIONALGIFT ENTERPRISE, of Hamilton, Ohio. Price, $1. Addiess RDMPH A MOALHA NY, George's Station, M. C._Juu2l-l? FOR SALE, PLASTERINGliATHS.-A large lot of Plastering LATHS, at $2 so per thousand, nt R. R. BUDDINS A CO.MILLS, root Lncaa and Bull streets. _Jnn20-4? FOR SALE, ON REASONABLE TERMS, a PIANO of seven octavea, In good order. Address B. ac thia office._Jon20-2? FOR SALE, LUMBER.-A LARGE LOT of BOARDS and SCANTLING, at reduced prices, at R. R. HUDGINS A CO. Mills, foot of Lu ? eas and Bull streets._Jnn20-i? ALL DESCRIPTIONS OP SEWING MACHINES repaired on reasonable terms and at the shortest notice. Also a few good se? cond-hand Machlnea for aale, very low. J. L. LUNSFORD. Smith atreet, north or Wentworth. ?o Bent. TO RENT, THE WELL KNOWN GRO? CERY STORE, i-outheast cerner Cannon and Coming streets. Rent moderate. Apply at No. 4 Marion atreet._Jnn2l.fmw4* TO RENT, A COMFORTABLE RESI? DENCE. Apply at No. 33 Cannon atreet. Jun2M*_ TO RENT, THE STORE SOUTHWEST corner Meeting and Hasel streets. Great Wholesale stand. Apply at No. 57 Hasel atreet. jnn21-fm2*_ TO BENT, SMALL HOUSE IN COMING, near Beaufaln street. Rent twenty dollars a month. Apply to J. L. MOSfcS, No. 34 Broad atreet._ Jnn2l-2* TO RENT, A GROCERY AND DWELL? ING HOUSE at the southeast corner or Queen and Mazy ck s tree: a. Apply next door. Junl8-4?_ FOR RENT, COOL ROOMS, WITH CIS? TERN WATER, from $3 to $e. Apply at A ROOF. R's Wholesale and Retail Notion and Fancy Bazaar. _Juni7-mwf3* P* foleto. V I L I ?" ? HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. 0. G. T. ALFORD & CO., PROPRIETORS. may 14 R. HAMILTON, Superintendent. Amusements. A T T E N T I 0 NI PIONEER STEAM_FIRE ENGINE COMPANY. THE SECOND ANNUAL MOONLIGHT EXCURSION or your Company will be given THIS (Friday) EVENING, 2lst instant. The Steamer St. Helena will leave Market street Wharf, at hair-past 7 o'clock precisely. Uniform Coats and Belts to be worn "by the members. COMMITTEE: J. W. MoKENRY, 0. M. CHAPIN, WM. E. ZEIGLER, L. E. HENDRICKS, A. A. GAGE. Jan211* financial. W~ANT?1^SrxT^ DOLLARS on UNENCUMBERED REAL ESTATE in Charles? ton. THEODORE STONEY, juan S Il II s ur linc c. O? T HER?" LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. ATLANTA DEPARTMENT. GEN. JOHN B. GORDON.President. ASSETS January 1st, 1871.ti,2-11,047 40-100. The undersigned having been recently appoint? ed Agent for Charleston or the above Company, with the right to take risks in any pot.lon of South Carolina, would invite the attention of his mends and the public generally to a few argu? ments in ita favor. It ls a PURELY SOUTHERN COMPANY, and invests all its accumulations at the South. It ls ably managed and has a large capital. It does basin ess on THE CASH SYSTEM ONLY, and at rates as low as any other sound Company m the Country. Call at my ornee and allow me to show yon the long list of Policyholders, which ls the nest evi? dence of strength In a Company. EBEN COPPIN, Agent for Charleston, 8. C., No. 31 Broad street. QEO. ii.,COFFIN, Sub-Agent, apris North Atlantlo Wharr. ixlnnicipal Notices. nntil the 22d instant for the furnishing, fitting and puting up Piping and nessary fixtures for gas la the beef and small meat Markets. For specifications and Information apply to the un? dersigned. Security will be required. WILLIAM KIRKWOOD, Junis_Ohler Clerk. Cegal Notices. NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS HAVING clalms-agalnst the late Hon. ALFRED HU? GER will present them properly attested, and thuso Indebted will make payment to JAM HS R. PRINGLE, Jan21-fuiw3 Executor. Stoning itlatf)inc0. rpEfF^??^TMl?ir? VED WHEELER & WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. We . rc nuw seUlng ttl ero anpcrlor Machines on Ten Dollar monthly payments. Adjusting and Repairing done promptly. WHEELER A WILSON MANUF'G CO. aprt-lyr_No. 200 King, street. rpiE UNEQUALLED MACHINE The HOME SHUTTLE uses the Straight Needle, makes the lock stitch, (alike on both sides,) has self-adjusting tension, and ts the only hrst class low price Sewing Machine in the market adapted for every variety or Sewing from muslins to heaviest cloths. Price $26 and $37. Agents wanted, send stamp for circular and sample of Sewing. T. L. BISSELL, General Agent, ]ann-fmwArno Charleston, g..G. Professional. No. 34 WENTWORTH STREET, CHARLE8T0 N , S. C., Can be consulted on the following diseases, and diseases of a kindred nature, free or charge and In strict confidence. Charges mode? rate and within the reach or all. Of? fice hours from 0 A. M. to 7 P. M.: RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. In all arthritic complaints, as rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, AO, this practice ls almost perfect. The most intense pains are almost instantly re. lleved, enormous swellings are reduced; limns which have been contracted and stlrl for years are relaxed. Gases or twenty, tntrty and forty years' standing have been cured by me arter au other means have railed. A great accomplishment Is my triumph over pain by which I can often, In a few moments, soothe and carry oil the most excruciating suf? ferings. IT this system did nothing more than to relieve pain, lt would stand superior io any other Byatem extant. CATARRH. stopped-np Head, Running ot the Nose, co stant Hawking and Spitting, constant Blowing or the Nose Thonsands saner from that most annoying, dis agreeole and offensive complalut, catarrh, with? out knowing what it ls. orten tne secreted mu? cous, flowing down the throat, clogs up the lungs sud lays the foundation for consumption. The most skillful physicians fall to care lt. I care any case of obstruction, stopped-up head, discbarges of greenish, thick, thin or glairy mucous from the nose, internal or external, pain or fairness between the eyes, constant blowing of the nose, inflammation of the nasal passages, ulceration or echnclderlan membrane, ac, m the co arse of a few days. DEAFNESS. Nervous Deafness, Noises in the Head, Otorrhcea, otitis (Discharge from the Ear,) Paralysis or Auditory Nerve. I am dally treating all affections or the ear with the most gratifying resalta. Some who had paid anriata nearly $1009 without benefit have been cured by me in a lew weeks at a moderate ex? pense. MERCURIAL DI8EASES. Mercury, injudiciously used, has filled the earth with wrecks of humanity. Thousands Buffer from rs e tree ts who have been unconsciously drugged by their physician, lt ls vam to attempt the enre of tne majority of diseases while lt remains in the body. Although I have heard of several so-called au tulotes tor mercury In tue human body, l have never yet seen a physician who could eliminate lt from the system. 1 can satisfy any patient or physican that I can absolutely abstract mercury, lead, zinc, and other mineral poisons la every case. CANCERS. Noll-me-Tangere, Lupuse, or Woir Cancer, Scir rhus Cancer, Fungous Cancer, Rose Cancer, Spider Cancer. I make a great specialty in the treatment or every description of cancer and Tumors. How many Cancers and Tumors are wren filly treated by certain charlatans styling themselves "Cancer Doctors." Arter being pronounced incurable, I will take any one of these cases in band and make a per? manent cure. My terms lor treating Cancers, Ac, will be based on the age and condition of the patient, and the positive certainty of cure. may26-6moa FOR SALE, FORGASH, A FIRST-CLASS BAR ROOM, at Georgetown, S. 0. doing a good business, together with a Soda Water Foun? tain, Billiard and Bagatelle Tables, also Restau? rant in complete order. The owner desires to sell for the purpose of a change In business. For particulars, Ac, address "B. A. C.," NEWS office. Junio-wt __JJntg0 ot UJrjolesoU. jQOWIE, MOISE &~1)?VI?? IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS CHARLESTON, S. C., Offer to the public SUMTER BITTEBS, TDK GREAT SOUTHERN' TONIO AND UNI? VERSALLY POPULAR STOMACHIC AND APPETIZER. Not merely to Uckle the palate, bat to infuse health and vigor into the enervated and diseased system, la tue high purpose and sure effector SUMTER BITTERS. Tala ramona restorative creates no sadden flash or excitement, to be suc? ceeded by increased debility and tenfold 'gloom. It braces the relaxed nerves and imparts pcrma ment tone and regularity to the whole system. Th? rapid cures it has effected la Dyspesla, Gene? ral Debility, Nervous Diseases and aa an Appeti? zer and Strengthener, and as a preventive of Chills and Fever, ?as rendered SUMTER BITTERS a name without equal in the annals of medicine .jyj-OISE'S LIVER PILLS, fur tue core or Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint Dyspesla and Sick Headache, and as a Cathartic and Anti-Bilious Pill have no superior. The nu? merous known cares performed by these Pills havelndnced ns, at the solicitation of many who have experienced their beneficial and salutary ef? fects, to offer them to the public. Oar LIVER PILLS are not held forth or recom? mended aa universal cure-alls, bat simply for Liver Complaint, and those symptoms connect? ed with a deranged state of that organ. ?jyj-OISE'S PURE LEMON SUGAR, A delightful, cooling, healthy beverage, made from the J alee of fresh Sicily Lemons and pure white sugar. Free from anything Injurious. Bet? ter than lemons for pic nics, camp-meetings, bar? becues and travellers, and a great necessity In the conniry where lemons cannot be had for the alck. jy/?OISE'8 WHITE WORM CANDY. An effectual, safe and pleasant.remedy for Wonna, lit all cases. Try it and be convinced, lt ! ia really a specific, and la the best and most pala- j table form to give children. It U not surprising that it is fast taking the place of all other prepa? rations for worms. It ls a pleasant confection, and any child will take it. Beware of dangerous? ly colored candy and nauseous compounds, and ase only MOISE'S POPULAR WHITE WORM CANDY. _ M OISE'S ...MORNING STAR YEAST POWDERS.. .* THE BEST IN OSE. A barrel of Flonr makes forty pounds more or Bread with MOISE'S YEAST POWDER. No. time required tor dough to rise, but bake lu a hot, quick oven IIB aoon as mixed; save egg*, shorten? ing, milk, Ac, and ls a wonderful saving. u'tT Sample packages tree or charge. may8l-itu6moa Qt. L U H N, PHARMACEUTIST, IMPORTER OF FINE CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. [ No. 450 KING STREET, CORNER OF JOHN. Now in stock or my ov/n Importation, LOW SON AND HAYDEN'S SOAPS, Tooth Brushes, Carbolic Add, Pattey's Cold Cream, English Dalby's Carminative, British OU, Roche's Embrocation and chlorodyne. - AGENT FOB I TILDEN A OO.'S SOLID AND FLUID EXTRACTS. Pharmaceutical Preparations, Sugar-coated PUIS, AC. AOBNT FOR FORD'S SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. AOBNT IOS BOOTH CAROLINA FOR DB. JEROME KIDDER'S ELECTRO MEDICAL MACHINE AND APPLIANCES, Surgical Instruments and Goods of foreign man ufacture imported to order. My Dispensing Department la complete, em? bracing au New Remedies. A fail aaaortment of Trasses and Bandages al? way a on hand. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS compounded /Ith accuracy dav or night._lanlQwfmly ? ELEGANT AND RELIABLE PREP AR. ATIONS. W. B. WARNER A CO., OF PHILADELPHIA, Offer the following assortment of Elegant Pre? parations, now used by Physicians everywhere. Send for Price List to Dr. H. BAER, Charleston: Iron and lodoform Pius, a powerful Alterative and Tonic Comp. Phosphorus Pills, for Impotence, Loss or Nerve Power, Ac. Elixir Olnchonla Calisaya Elixir Pyrophosphate or Iron Elixir Calisaya, Ima and Blamnth Elixir Calisaya, Ferrated Elixir calisaya, Iron and Strychnia Elixir Bismuth Elixir Pepsin, Bismuth and Strcyhnla Elixir Valertanate or Ammonia Wine or Pepsin Bitter wine or Iron Wine or WU1 Cherry Fer ra ted Wine or WUd Cherry Comp. Syrup or Phosphates (or Chemical Food) Syrup of Uypophosphltes (for Consumption, Bron? chitis, Ac.) Lozenges of Pepaln and Iron Licorice Lozenges, ootalalng Vanilla, Tola, Ac. Elixir Taraxacum Comp. This ls a new and valu? able combination or tbe medicinal properties or the Dandelion, Wild Cherry and Gentian, associated with Aromatics. It ls .a very agreeableand efficient remedy. Aside from Ita medicinal virtues, lt ls useful as a vehicle and for masking the bitter taste ol Quinine. Elixir Gentian and Iron Elixir Bromide or Potassium. Syrup Phosph. Quinine, Iron and Strychnia, (Ait ken's syrnp) lor Debility and Nervous Pros? tration, indigestion, Chlorosis, Ac Ellx. Valertanate ol strychnia . . Ellx. Phosph. Quinine, iron and Strychnia (or the greatest service where there ls a tendency to Paralysis) Beef, Wine and Iron, an elegant combination, especially serviceable m cases of children and delicate ladles. In addition to the above, W. R. Warner A Co. manufacture a full line bf Fluid Extracts and (Sugar-coated Pills, all of which are to be had at rUanufacturer's Prices, of DB. H. BARR, Nc 131 Meeting street, mch28 dawemos Charleston, 8. c. Notices in ?onkrnptcrj. IlTTi?flMslmc^ UNITED STATES, FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-In the Matter of W. C. CHAPMAN A CO., Bankrupts, by whom a petition for adjudication of Bankruptcy waa filed on the EIGHTH DAY OF JONE, A. D. 1872, In Bald Court lu Bankruptcy.-This la to give notice that on the 8th day of June, A. D. 1872. a warrant in Bankruptcy was Issued against the Estate of W. c. CHAPMAN A CO., of Charleston, la the Coan? ty of Charleston, and State or Sooth Carolina, who have been adjudged Bankrupts on their own petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to said Bank? rupts, to them or for their ase, and the transfer ol any property by them, are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupts, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of their Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 36 Broad . street, Charleston, South Carolina, before W, J. CLAWSON, Registrar, on the twent-aecond day of june, A. D. 1872, at ll o'clock A. M. R. M. WALLACE, United States Marshal, as Messenger. Junl4-f2 itli ll inert). Girara ?oo?ts, $*t. S PRING OPENING1 Mus. M. J. ZERNOW, No. 304 KING STREET, Will open THIS DAY an assortment, or MILLI? NERY GOODS, Ladles' and Children's Ready Made Snits. Sole Agent for Mlle. DEMOREST'S PAPEB PATTERNS. SHOULDER BRACES, STOCKING SUSPENDERS, and LILY BLOOM. DRESS-MAKING In all ita branches. Country orders will receive prompt attention, mom-tot QTTO A. MOSES, PH. D Geological surveys and Maps promptly and exactly executed. Phosphate and Mining Pro? perties reported upon, and Working Plana fur? nished. Separating and Metallurgical Proces? ses adapted to Ore Deposita, special attention to CHEMICAL ANALYSES or FERTILIZERS, DrngB, Ores, Minerals, Ac LABORATORY, dec23-8tnth6mo Nc 28 George street. ?rortritt, %lapon, #c. SOO tons Best Quality Red ABD, ERK and Stove COAL delivered at $S 50 a ton while landing, by applying to p. p. SEIGNIOUS. Corner East Bay and Hasel street, East Side. Jnn20-3_?_______ QHOICE GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Just landed ex steamer Sooth Carolina, Ac: Superlative New Season Nankin Moyune Hyson Extra Choicest Nankin Mpynba Imperial Choicest Nankin Moyune Gunpowder Superlative Pearl Leaf Fataiiong Moyune Yoong Hysoapaicahong Extra Choice Moyune Iwantay ? Choicest Formosa Oolong* " Curiously Choice Spring Picked Congou or English Breakfast Tea Choicest Garden Grown Pouchong or Papered Oolong ' ~ Choicest and Extra Choicest Uncolored or Japan Teas, season of 1871*2. N.M. PORT KR, No. 236 King street, jun20thftn3 Third above Manet street. VALENTINE'S PREPARATION OP ' MEAT JOICE. . just received, a large supply of the above. Each bottle contains four pounds of the best Beef, ex clnelve or fat; can be used with cold or warm water; also can be taken with Oodhver Oil,' and destroys the taste of the on.. ... ,( ? <; ;. -, The only food for delicate children. This is much superior to the "Extract of Beer," heretofore offered to the pabilo, as will be found upon trial. For sale by Dr. B. BABB, Jnn7 . NamMeetrngatreet. JgUTTER, STRIPS AND S BOULDERS. Constantly arriving per every Steamer from New York Choice BOTTER, strips. Shoulders, Hams and Smoked Beet; also, on hand -holton Market BEEF, PJgs Feet, (Spiced.) and Pigs Heads. BERNARD BO TD, Jnnlg-tuthfB " - NC 193 Bait Bay. Q HAM PAGNE AND PIPPIN CID JAR. jost received per steamer Sooth Carolina, cases Quarts and Pints, handsomely put up and refines, by case or bottle. N. M. PORTER, Jnnio-wia_ No. 286 King street. PIG HAMS AND SHOULDERS, SMOKED BEEF AND BACON. Just landed ex steamet Sooth Carolina Mervin A Son's Elm City (hiring.- - N.M. PORTER, *? Juni7-wf2 .. . : No. 23S King street. QOGNAC AND LA ROCHELLE BRAN? DY, IN U. S. BONDED STORES. . A. TOBIAS' SONS, No. 110 EABT BAT, Offer for sale from U. 8. Bonded Warehouse, Choice COGNAC and LA ROCHELLE BRANDT vari?os vintage?, la Quarter casks - Fifth casks Eighth casks AND _Cases of one doaen bottles each. ; -pALR, PRIME AND CHOICE SUGARS. MORDECAI A CO., Nc 110 East Bay. offer for sala Fair, Prime and Choice Grocery SOGARS. MORDECAI A CO. AL KIRK ALE. MORDECAI A CO., Nc 110 East Bay, oiler for sale an invoice of "Falkirk'' ALB: landing direct from Glasgow, in Pinta. MORDECAI APO. pOETO RICO MOLASSES. MORDECAI A CO., No. 110 East Bay. offer ror sale Choice Porto Rico MOLASSES, in strong packages. MORDECAI A OP. -p RIME WHITE CORN. MORDECAI A co., Nc no East Bay, offer for sale Prime White CORN, m new sacks. _j_. MORDBOADAQQ. QHOICE HAVANA CIGARS. MORDECAI A CO., No. 110 East Bay, offer for sale an invoice ol Choice HAVANA CIGARS, di? rect from Factory in Havana...' ' . .i ". ' ^ DAM ANTINE OA ND LE 8. low packages Adamantine CANDLES for sala by A. TOBIAS'SONS. feb_8-8moa Q U N D U B A ?.G, OJ The undersigned has Just received a supply of the Great Sooth American Cancer Remedy, GUN DURANGO. H. BABB, jaalO No. lal Meeting street gULLIVAN'S ISLAND SUPPLIES. GREAT NEWS GREAT NEWS GREAT NEWS GREAT NEWS ' GREAT NEWS GREAT NEWS FOR THE ISLANDERS ! FOR THE ISLANDERS I FOR THE ISLANDERS ! FOR THE ISLANDERS I FOR THE ISLANDERS 1 FOR THE ISLANDERS 1 S. H. WILSON A BRO., GROCERS, OF CHARLESTON, intend delivering GROCERIES to such or the islanders as patronize them, at their respective homes on the Island, without extra charge. We shah take pleasure in tilting charge of any gooda bought in Charleston, not in oar Une, to deliver to our Customers. Any orders entrusted to our care, either Bi oor Une of business or not, wlU meet with prompt attention. WE OFFER YOU THE FINEST SELECTED STOCK OF GROCERIES DI CHARLESTON, AND AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. Soliciting yonr patronage, We are respectfully, S. H. WILSON & BRO No. 806 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, S. 0