The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, April 09, 1872, Image 4

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C OXnUER CI AX NE ft 8. jcxports. KEW Towt_Per sehr Myrover-209,000 feet of o nea ties and lamber. Tlie charleston Cotton, Rice and Naval Stores market. f ' OFFicB CHARLESTON NEWS, I MONDAY EVENING, April 8, 1872. J COTTON.-There wss some Inquiry at prices abont xe. fi lb easier, bnt each rates being nnac> ? oeptable to factors, who were asking previous figures, the market came to a stand, and there - was no bnataeas done. Quotations nominal BICE.-The market was quiet bat steady. Sales -SO tierces of clean Carolina, say 14 tierces at 8c, 80 at 8>4'c $ lb. We quote common to fair at 7X @8Xc, good 8X@8Xc NAVAL STORES.-Crude turpentine may be quoted at $5 fl barrel for virgin, $4 60 for yellow dip, and $2 90 for hard. Sales of rosins on Satur? day 200 bois at $7 25 for pale, $s 50@s 75 for low pale, $5 60@6 for dull and opaque, (new crop,) $2 60 for strained, and $2 SO for good strained, Spirits turpentine nommai at eoe Faiiaara.-To Liverpool, by steam direct, nomi? nal on nplands, nominal on sea islands; via New Tork, Xd on uplands, X* on sea islands; by sall, X<* on uplands, on sea Islands nommai. To Havre - on uplands. Coast wise-to New York by ?team Ma on uplands and Mc on sea islands; s i so fl tierce on rice; by sall ??c f ft on cotton; - fi tierce on rice; 40o ft barrel on rosin ; $8 fl M on lam ?er; $10 fl M on timber. To Boston, by sall xoftm on upland cotton; rosin 65c; resawed tuff $9 50910 50; phosphate $5@6 so. To Provi? dence, by sall $9 fi M on boards, Xe fl ft on cotton; by assam $l fi bale on New York rates. To Pbllatelphla, by steam Ko fi ft on nplands; by sail, $s* M on boards;$9 60910 on timber; $8 per ton en clay, and $8a$8 60 on phosphates. To Baltimore, by steam Ko ? Bi by san, $6 60@7 fi M on boards; $s@8 60 on timber; $8 26 fl ton on phosphate rock. Vessels are In de? mand by oar merchants to take lumber freights' from Georgetown, S. o., Derlen and sarnia River, Ga, and Jacksonville, Fla, to Northern porta, and $10@12 fi M are the rates on lamber and boards. EXCHANGE.-Sterling 60 day bills 19X@1?X. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks purobase Ught checks on New York at par, and sell at X@X premium. GOLD-10 ?11._ _ markets by Telegraph. HONEY MARKETS. LONDON, April 8. Neon.-Consols 92X. Bonda 92*. FRANKFORT, April 8. . Noon.-Bonds 96XS95X. NEW YORE, April 8. Noon.-Stocks firm. Gold steady at lox. Money tight at l-isax Per cent, per day. Exchange, long 9>4': short io. Governments dull and steady. Freights dull. Evening.-Money stringent at X to X commis? sion. Demand pressing all day. sterling 9a9><. Gold lOXalOX- Governments qrt'et and un - -changed. States, Tennessees lower. Others ~ steady. Freights quiet. COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, April 8. Noon.-Cotton opend quiet and steady; nplands llXsllXd. Orleans li},'ci. Later.-Cut-on dull; sales 10,000 bales; specula? tion and export sooo. ? Evening.-Cotton dall; uplands llXd, Or? leans n,sd. Bombay shipments, since last re? port to the stn, 21.000. By the arrival of vessels from American ports daring tbe past two days -over 41,000 bales cotton have been received. Nsw YOEE, April 8. Kron.-Cotton dull; sales-1229 bales; uplands 28XC OrleanB ?SXc Evening-cotton dull and irregular; uplands 28XC. Orleans 23X; sales 1419 bales. Sales or cotton futures to-day, ss follows: April 22X* 2315-iac; May 28 6-16a23X ; Juue23Ji ; July 2816-16; August 28X ; September 21916a2ix ; October 20a 20 Vi; November 19; December l8Xai9c. BOSTON, April 8. Cotton qnlet; middlings 23xo; gross receipts 8864 bales; sales 500; stock 16,600. PHILADELPHIA, April 8. Cotton quiet; middlings 23Jic. BALTIMORE, April 8. Cotton dull and nominal; middlings 22c;net re? ceipts 411 bales; gross 711; exports coastwise 96; .iles ss; stock 11,236. NORFOLK, April 8. Cotton quiet; low middlings 22c; net receipts 808 balear*exports coastwise i<:o; sales 100; stock 2428. WILMINGTON, April 8. Cotton Arm; middlings 22xo: net receipts 79 bales; exports coastwise 890; hales 62; stock 3083. SAVANNAH, April 8. Cotton In good demand; middlings 21 xe; net receipts 924 bales; txports coastwise 1343; sales 850; Stock 86,904. ACGCSTA, April 8. Cotton quiet and steady; middlings 2iXc re? ceipts 175 bales; sales 400. MOBILE, April 8. Cotton doll; middlings 22&22X; net receipts 814 bales; Bales 600; stock 86,699. NEW ORLEANS, April 8. cotton Arm ana, IQ good demand; middlings 22Xe; net receipts 1447 bales; grow 2098; exports coastwise 2809; sales 3800; stock 133.986. GALVESTON, April 8. . Cotton steady; good ordinary 20c ; net receipts 108 bales; sales soo; stock 22,896. PROVISION'S AND PRODUCE MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, April 8. Koon.-Breadstuffs firm. Provl- lons dull. NEW YORK, Aprils. Noon.-Flour quiet and Arm. Wheat quiet af? firm. Corn dn 1 and unchanged. Pork dull; new mess $1312al816. Lard quiet; prime steam 87?a sc. Turpentine weale at 68Xa69c. Rosin quiet and Arm at $3a312X. Evening.-Flour, southern in light supply and moderate demand; common to fair extn $7 60s - 810; good to choice $8 16al0 75. Whiskey collat 87c Wheat Armer; red winter Western $170. 75. Corn heavy and lower at 72Ka:3c; white South* ern 76a77c Pork a shade easier, $13 10a'3 16. Lard easier, sxaOXo. Turpentine .reik. Rosin Arm. _ BALTIMORE, April 8. Flour buoyant, firm and favors sellers whea". firm and scarce. Corn scarce; white 66a87c; yel? low 67c. Oats ann at 57a6ic Rye quiet. Pork more active at $i8ai3 50. Shoulders 6Xc Whisker 88a88xc. _ CINCINNATI, April 8. Flour lower and In fair demand at Arm prices. Pork advanced to $12 50. Lard, holders Arm at -AX&8XC. Bacon, demand light and holders firm ; shoulders Sc; aides 6Xa7. Whiskey steady at 83c. LOUISVILLE, April8. saging unchanged but firm. Fionr active and firm. Corn qul<t and firm. Provisions firmer with advancing tendency. Shoulders &xasxc; dear sides exe. Pork $12 26. Whiskey sac New Tork Cotton Harket. Nsw YORE, April 6. The Financial Chronicle says: There has been quite a demand during the past week both tor ex Sort and home use. Und tr the influence or this' emend and of small receipts the market con? tinued to move upward, although there were no advices rrom Liverpool on ac ount or the observ? ance of th-? Esster holidays there. Tuesday, Liv? erpool opened strong, and ia By m nat hy prices Lire advanced Xe Wednesday, there was much lies doing, aad although Liverpool showed firmer Improve amt, closing that day at ll lid for mid? dling uplands and oar receipts were v<-ry small, the market here was very easy, with an Increased disposition among holders to realise. Thursday, the demand belog only moderate, the less favora? ble reeling con' inned, and p ri ct-s gave way Xe To day, with Liverpool reported quiet, there bas been less do:a.- here, but the market bas been steady, and so closes at the quotations of vester day. For forward delivery the business bas con? tinued large, with about the same advance as for spot cotton. The last reported quotations tor futures we e (basi? low middling) 23o for April, 23 6-16 for May. 23 13 is for Jane, 231316 for July, ?3X for August 21X for September sud 2> for October. The total sales of this description for the week are 111,soo bales. For lramedl w e deliv? ery the toral sales this week foot up IS 456 bales. Including 4~>9r tor export, 6109 for consumption, 617 for speculation and 318 in transit. Interior Cotton markets. m ORANGSBUKG, April 5. ?ales daring the week 32 bales; we quote ordi? nary 19c; low middling 20Xc; middling 21Xc. MONTGOMERY, April 6 Our cotton market ls quiet to day, viz: Good ordinary 2ic; strict good ordinary 2ixc; low mid? dlings 21 xe. Receipts per Railroad, April 8. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 728 bales cotton, 98 bales goods, 19 cars wood and luniber. i car stock. To Railroad Agent Pelzer. Rodgers A co. Geo H Walter A co, 0 R Holmes. Trenholm A son. Geo W Williams A co, W B Smith A co, sloan A Selgnlou*. Mowry A Son T P Smitb.Keeder A Davis J C MaUonee. W B Wll' 11 ams A Son, E S Miles, Witta Bros, A J Salinas H Bischoff A c>, H Bulwlnkle, O Foll?n. Frost Ad ger 4 co, W W smith, W K Ryan, R O Sharp.' SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD-APRIL 6. 488 bales cotton, 66 bales goods, 63 bbls naval atores. To Railroad Ageat, Pelzer. Kodgers A co. Geo H Walter A oo, A J Salinas, W B Williams A Son; W B Smith A co. Frost, ?daer A co. sloan A Seignious. P ? Trenholm, Barmelster A Zerost, ?Tfedeman. calder A co. Mowry A Son, Wira A CO, W O Courtenay A co, W H Joues A co, Whllden A Jones,' B Feld mann A co. Pringle A Son, Geo A Trenholm A .-on, T T Chapean A co, B O'Neill, Lamey, Alexander A co, Macqueen A Blecke. fOBT CAZENDAE. KOOK'S PHA8BS. New Moon, Tea. 7 hoots. 18 min?tes, evening. First Quarter, 15 th. 4 hours, sa minutes, evening. Full Hoon. 28d. 8 hours, 18 minutes, morning. Last Quarter, 80th, 3 hours, 2 minutes, morning. APE IL Monday. Tuesday..... Wednesday. Thursday... Friday. saturday... Sunday. SUN BISKS. fi..88 6..87 5..56 6. 83 fi 33 5. 32 6 31 sro S5T8. 6. 26 6. 26 8..27 6. 28 6..25 6 29 6 30 NOOK li. ? 3. 7.. 9 8..15 8..17 10..IS H..14 morn is., e HIGH WA TB 3. 8..13 8. 42 0..23 10.. 9 10..62 ll..42 morn MAMINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, S. C.APRIL 9, 1872. Gat 82 deg46 min83 Bec. | Lon79d" r 67 min 27 sec. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Wilmington. Holmes, Philadelphia len - inst. Mdse. To Wm A Courtenay, Geo W Almar. J B P Alley, D A Anime. J E Adger 4 co. W M Bird A co. H Bischr.ff A co. H Bulwlnkle, W Brookbank?, Blum A Miller, Bollmano Bros, E S Burnham, Barden A Parker, Byrne A Fogarty, J Biller, Bulcken A Wobltmann, J P Brown, Dr H Baer, E Bates A co. T S Budd, J Cosgrove, Wm H , Charee A co, Cameroo, Barkley A co. L Chap?n, H 1 Cobla A co, Crane, Boylston A co, 0 Clacius, J B Duval A Son, Dowie. Moise A Davis, L Drucker, I S Fairly A co, N Fehrenbach, Fogartys Book De? pot, C D Franke, E H Grlmke, W A Gibson, Rev R M Green, U Gerdts A co, J M Greer A Son, Raven el, Holmes A co, Ravenel A co, Holmes A Calder, J Hoffman, J R Johnson, Johnston, Crews A 00, H Klane A co, Jeffords A co, M Luhrs, Mordecai A co, Mantone A co, R M Marshall A Bro, Wm Mc? Kay, W A Mehrtens, Macqueen A Rlecke. J. tm G Munor A co, P F Marrar, N E Railroad co, M li Nathan, B O'Neill, C F P&nknln, C P Poppenhelm, C O Plenge, Quackenbush. Estin A co, S O Rall- I , road co, shacketford A Kelly. S T Sonder, Wm G 1 Whllden, Steffens, Werner A Ducker. R Thomlln son A co. Tlednnao, Calder A co. A Tiefen thal, L Welskopf, otto F Wletern, Walker, Evans A Cogs wed, G W Williams A co, P Wiseman A 00, Whll den A Jones, and P Walsh. ?chr Ann S Deas. Oarbattl, West Point Mill. 20 tea rice. To Wm C Bee A co. bloop Greenleaf. Nichol-s. Santee. SOO bushels rough rice. To WC Bee A co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Sehr My rover, Brown, New York-Roach A Monett. SAILED YESTERDAY. Spanish brig Joven Joaquin, Fomrodono, Bar? celona. * Sehr E L Leonard, Foster, Heston. Sehr Wanata, Swlnnerton, Wilmington, Del. FROM TB1S PORT. Steamship Georgia, Croweil, at New York, 8th AprU. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull, at New York. AprU 8. MARINE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. NBW YORK. April 8. Arrived, steamships Georgia and Manhattan. Evening.-Arrived, the Thuringlw, Wisconsin, St Louis, and City of Bristol. Arrived out, Minnesota and India. LIVERPOOL, Aprils. Arrived, the Abbottsford, Zetland, Geo Berry, Garcia David, Maud, Duke or Washington, Cor? delia, Speranza, all from New Orleans; James Jar? dine, and Hebe, from Savannah; Eduard, from Charleston; Sabine, Heiress, Wenona. Lion, Ser? aneo and Mount Washington, from Mobile; Liv? ingstone, from Norf. ?k. MEMORANDA The sehr Alfred Keene, or Rockland, Me, Capt Pillsbury, now at Providence, bas been chartered for New York to load marble tor this port. The sehr G W Rawley, from Rookport, Me, for this port, was spoken 29th ult, in lat 8110, long 74 45. The ship Robena, Daggett, for Coosaw, S C. to j load phosphates, cleared at Savannah 5th lnrt. The scar Eureka, Mayo, for Hilton Head, s O, cleared at New York April fi. LIST OF VESSELS OP, CLKABKD AND SAILED FOB THIS PORT. -LIVERPOOL. Nor bark D raupner, Io gold s en, saled-March 20 TheAunie, Davis, Balled.March 16 The Avondale, Adams, np.Jan 18 MW PO RT, BK 8. The-Zella, Holten, sailed.March ie Q?BSN8T0WN. Ship Nautilus, Spencer, Balled.Feb IS CARDIFF. The Carl N Dobeln, s te nan, sailed.Jan io The Medway, McMillan, sailed.March 3 The Christiaua, Messel, cleared.March 19 Br bark Fille de l'Air, Jones, cleared.March 16 Br bark Perseverance, Cook, np.v... March 20 MILFORD. The Lalla, Goudy, sailed.Feb 27 BOMBS. The Athene, Sorensen, sailed.March 19 DOMESTIC. NBW YOBS. Sehr Carrie Hyer. Poland, cleared.April 4 Sehr May Morn. Hatch, np.March 19 Sehr L A F dwarda, Rowland, up.April 8 Sehr Liny, Hughes, up.AprU 6 j PHILADELPHIA. Steamship Wilmington, Cole, c: ear ed.April 4 behr Eagle, Seavey, cleared.AprU S BALTIMORE. Sehr Albert Tn om as, Reese, un.March 22 Sehr Henry Allen, Tut em, cleared.Apiti 4 aOCKPORT, MB. Sehr Mary Limeburner, French, sailed.. .March 26 f BELLOC'S CHARCOAL > Approved by the Imperial Academy of Medicine of Paris ?K HODEL jff?k g "? GM3L9 It is especially to its eminent]- absorbent properties that Belloc'a Chare-..! owes its great efficacy. It is specially recommended I f*r the following affections. GASTRALGIA DYSPEPSIA PYROSIS ACIDITY DIFFICULT DIGESTION CRAMPS IN THE STOMACH CONSTIPATION COLICS DIARRHOEA DYSENTERY CHOLERINE KODE OP EMPLOYMENT. - Balloo'. Charcoal is taken before or aRer each meal, in the form of Powder or Lozenges. In the majority of cases, its beneficial effects are felt after the first dose. Detailed inst ruc lions accompany each bottle ol'powder and box of lozenges. Depot in Paris, L. FRERE, 19, nie Jacob t Agents in Charleston: DOWIE, MOISE A 1 \DAVIS, Wholesale DruggiBtB. ? i?lnsical Soaks. QLIVEE DITSON & CO. ' S STANDARD MUSICAL WORKS CHEAP I UNEXCELLED I BEAUTIFUL OCTAVO EDITION OF ORATORIOS AND CANTATAS. Cr??t on, so:Meatian, eoe; Israel in Egypt, 50c; Judas Maccabeus, 60c; Samson. 76c; St. Paul. 75c; Elijah. SI; Athalla, $1; S'ahat Mater, 45c; Hvmn of Praise, 50c; w..ipargt8 Night. 76c; As the Hart Pants, (42 > Ps..) 38c; Come le us sing, <05ib. Pr*. ) 88c; Nlnety-Klgbth Psalm. Toe; Woman of sama? ria, $1; Hear my Prayt r, 38c. Oratorio Choruses separate, 6c each; 60c per doz. BEAUTIFUL OCTAVO EDITION OF MASSES. Bee: h oven'-i Mass in C, 60c; Bordese's Mass in F, 75c; Concone's Mass in F, 60c; Farmer's Mass in B flat. 75c; Gounod's Mass solennell -, 75c; Haydn's 3d Mass, 45c; Haydn's ist, 2d 3d. 4th, 7tn ano 6th Masses, each 75c; Haydn's 16th Mass, fl; Le Monti's Mass, 75c; Mozirt'a 1st Mas4, eoe; MOzan'H Tjih Mais, 45c; Mozart's 15:h (Kequlem) Mass, 50c; Mozart's 2d, 7th and 9th Mas-es. each 75. ; Mtrcadante's Masa, three voices, 75c; Nieder mayer's Masa'In D, $1 25; Hosnnl's Messe Solen? nelle. $160; Wet er's Mass In G. 50c; Webei's Macs in E flat, 75c; Southard's Mass in F, 35c; Southard's hort Mass In D. 38c COMPLETE OPERAS, FULL VOCAL SCORE, INCLUDING RECITATIVES, $1 BACH. Faust, Fidelio, Martha, T rar lata, Sonnambula, Don Glovanr.l. Marriage of Figaro, Norma, ir ?au1, Pieclofa, Trovatore, Fra Dlavola, Lucretia Borgia, Lucia, sa-The above can be had rf any Music Dealers, ortho Publishers, tent postpaid en recslnt of price. * OLIVER DITSON A CO., I CH. DITSON A CO. Boston. 711 Broadway, N. Y. mch27 wslyiDAw ' Shirts ano ?nmisrjing ?00b s. Tl LATEST 1?BL??. CHEVIOT SHIRTS AND COLLARS. Made to order or Best Materiel!, and WARRANTED TO FIT. Sent by Express, 0.0. D. to any part or the country. Directions for measurement Bent on application. SCOTT'S STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM, MEETING- STREET, Opposite the Market, nona Nfra flab hermons. WORCESTER'S SERIES OF DICTION? ARIES.-Adrpted for use In the Cities or Savannah and Allanta, Qa.; Richmond and Nor? ois, Vs., Ac Recommended by the State Beards or Educa len or VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA, ALABAMA and ARKANSAS. Adopted as the Standard la Orthography and 'ronunciail >n by the Washington and Lee Uni rer?lty, Lexington, Vs.; the University or Vir? ginia, the College or william and M <rv, williams, mr?. Va; the University cf Georgia, Athens, Hark County, Ga; the Wesleyan University, florence, Ala, Ac, Ac. BBEWER A T1LEST0N, apr6 3_Boston. flJtp ?ooitf, Ut. Ho. 244 KING STSEET. We take pleasure in Informing oar customers ind ladles in general that, owing to the est rao rd l lary facilities possessed by us, we are enabled to ihow one of the finest Unes of GOODS ever offered dtbls city, which for completeness or assortment it exceedingly low prices are rar ahead or any rther house. We call attention to oar RIBBON DEPARTMENT. ?LAIN AND FAN.y RIBBONS, In au the new tints, bought exclusively for the retail sales. :rImming Ribbons at 6, 8,10 and I2>;c. per yard. ?ecktte Riotous, 25, 35, 40 and 60c, Bolled and Gros Grain. ?ash Ribbon, great variety, at 75c. and $1. For the accommodation of the milliners and bose desirous of purchasing Ribbons by the ?ieee tn w alch prices will be charged at unusual ndncements. NO. 244 KING STREET. DRESS GOODS AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT. 10 pieces or LYON'S SILK, at $1 26, $160, $1 76 and $2 io pieces Jap mose and Black Striped, st 76c. io pieces of Colored Japanese Silk at $1 60 pieces or Japanese Dresses at $8 60 1 case Colored Mozamolquea only 20c. per yard -oo pieces of Sultans, Alpaca, Lustres, Grena? dines, Llama, Plaids, nom 25 to 60c. .00 Fine Llama Points from $10, $12, $15 and $20. LINEN AND DOMESTIC DE? PARTMENT. 10 pieces of 10-4 BLEACHED DAMASK at 75C. ICO dozen of Linen Doylies at 75c. per dozen Towels or great variety at low figures 2 cases of 10-4 Bleached Sheeting. 40 and 45c. io cases or Bleached Shirting, 10 to 20c. 3 cases or New Styles Percales, is, 20 and 22c. 2 cases of Ginghams, only 12y,c. per yard LOO pieces of Striped Piques, 25 and 30c. ?0 pieces or Swisses, Victoria Lawns, Jaconets, Cambrics, ranging from Mc. upwards 60 dozen of French Corsets at 75c, $1 and $160 1 case cf Honey Comb and Allendale Quilts at $160 ? 200 Marseilles Quilts at $2, $3, $4 and $5-very low Something new and sty.Ish-"Dolly Varden" Pique. Parasols ! Parasols ! Parasols ! A great variety of the latest styles Just re? served. MATTING ! MATTING ! We will sell at present LOO rolls or 4-4 WHITE MATTING at 27K and 3oc. 60 rolls ot elegant Fancy Matting at 40c, worth 20 rons of 6 4 White Maning at 35c. 60 rolls or 4-4 Check Matting at 37>? and 40c. We offer extraordinary Inducements In BR?S? SEL AND WOOL CARPETS. NO. 244 KING STREET. irnrnUnre, Ut. QHOICE FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES I R. C. MILLINGS, FURNITURE DEALER, No. 444 EISG STREET, Near John Street, Charleston, S C., would respectfully Inform the public that he has |uBt received a choice and select lot of FURNI? TURE, Including Grecian, Gothic and Corinthian Chamber Sets, which will compete with anything In the city for cheapness and beauty of style and Dntsh. Also a specialty of Ladles', Mis?es' and Chil? dren's ROCKERS, anda variety of Dining-room Furniture-Oak, Wainui, and Imitation Rose? wood-which he will sell from ten to fifteen per tent, cheater than any other store In the city Call and compare his styles and price with those found elsewhere. No. 444 KING STREET. At the Sign or the Man and Rocker, feb26-mth2mos Charleston, S. O. POR NEW TOBE. NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON' STEAMSHIP UNE. ESTABLISHED 1816. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tte Splendid Sldewheel Steamship JAMES ADQER, T. J. Lockwood, Commander, will sail from Adeer'a South Wharf on TUESDAY, the 9;h Instant, ar 5 o'clock P. M. Ma- Marine Insurance by this line half per cent. A3- Through Bills of Lading given on cotton to Llverpi ol, Boston. Providence, and the New Eng? land manufacturing towna. The JAMES ADO KR ls fitted up in a handsome and comfortable manner, and offers superior in? ducements for passengers going North. *3- Large and Airy Staterooms on Deck. For Freight or Passage apply to apr8 2 JAMES ADOER A CO., Agents. Jp O R NEW YORK ON THURSDAY, APRIL lira, AT -| O'CLOCK P. M. NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870 STATE-ROOMS ALL ON DECK. The Splendid New Iron Sldewheel Steamship SOUTH CAROLINA, Beckett, Commander, will ian for New York on THUSSDAY. April 11th, at 4 >'clock P. M. from Pier No.'2 Union .Wharves. Through Bills of Lading to Liverpool and the Vcw England Cities as usual. insur nee bv steamers of this Line K percent Far Freight or Passage Engagements, having rery One Deck Stateroom accommodations, apply ;o WAGENER, HUGER .t CO.. No 26 Broad street, >r to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharves aprS_ PHJLADELPHLi. IRON STEAM LINE. CHE FIRST-CLASS IRON SCREW STEAMSHIPS WILMINGTON, Captain-. . VIRGINIA, Captain Hinckley, - ire now regularly on the Line, insuring a first ilass sea connection between Philadelphia and Charleston, and in alliance with Railroad Com? panies at both termini, afford rapid transportation o and from all points in the Cotton States, and io and from Cincinnati, st. Louis, Chicago and .he principal cities of the Northwest. Boston, Providence and the Eastern Manufacturing Gen -res. 49- The WILMINGTON ls appointed to sall Tom Union Wharr on THURSDAY, April 11th, at ?air-past 9 o'clock A. M. 49- The VIRGINIA will follow next week. For particulars of Freight arrangements, apply ? WM. A COURTENAY, Union Wharves. W. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents, No. 12 south Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. apr5 _ C ? ? ARD LINE The British and North American, aoyai Mall Steamships, between New, fork and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORE. JAVA WEDNESDAY, 10th April. CHINA, WEDNESDAY. 17th April. RUSSIA, WEPNE-PAY, 24th April. CUBA, WEDNESDAY, 1st May. FROM BOSTON. PARTHIA, SATURDAY. 6th April. PALMYRA, SATURDAY. 13th April. OLYMPUS, T08DAY. 23d April. SI BE K1 A, TUESDAY. 3 .th April. SAMARIA, TUESDAY, 71 h Ma v. Rates of Pa-sage-Cabin, $80, $100 and $130, gold, according to accommo tatton. Tickets to Paris $16, gold, additional. Return Tickets on favorable terms, steerage, $30. currency. Steerage Tickets from Liverpool and Queens? town, and all parts of Europe, at lowest rates. Fur Passage, apply to KOACH AMOFFETT, Agents, Adger's South Wharf and East Bay. mcb28-thstnimo_ JP O Ii BALTIMORE FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGH BILLS LADING ISSUED TO PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST, LIVERPOOL AND BREMEN. The line steamship MARYLAND, Johnson Com? mander, will sail for Baltimore, on TUESDAY, 9th April, at 4 o'clock P. M. ?9- Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that ott; by railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional Insurance, and Consignees are allowed am? ple time to sample and sell their Goods from the Railroad Depot in Philadelphia. For Freight or Passage apply to PAUL O. TRENHOLM, Agent, apr5-4_No. 2 Union Wharves. pAOIFIO MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPOS THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above line leave Pier No. 42. North River, foot or Canal T street, New York, at 12 o'clock noon, or theTSti and 30th of every month except when these dates fallon sunday, then the saturday preceding. Alt departures connect at Panama with learn? ers Tor South Pacific and Central American ports. Departure of 16th touches at Kingston, Jamaica, For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran? cisco first of every month, except when lt falls on Sunda;; then on the day preceding. No california steamers touch at Havana, but go direct rrom New York to Aspinwall. One hundred pounds bageage free to each adult. Medicine and attendance free. or Passage Ticket* or othpr Information apply at the COMPANY'S TICKET UFKIQJ3. on the wharf root of Canal street, North River, New York. July26-lyr_F. R. BABY. Agent. JpOR LIVERPOOL, VIA QUEENSTOWN CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAILS. THE LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN ?ffij^jfr STEAM COMPANY wm dispatch one of their first-class, fail power Iron Screw Steamships from PIER No. 48 N. lt., EVERY WEDNESDAY, Cabin Passage $80. gold. Steerage Passage (Office No. 29 Broadway) $30, ourrency. For Freight or Cabin Passage, apply to WILLIAMS A GUION, No. 68 Wall street. N. Y. N. B.-Through Bills Lading to Liverpool Issued by the Charleston and New York Steamers, which make close connection with the above line. For particulars and rate of Freight apply to JAMES A DOER A CO., WAGNER, HUGER A CO., maye Or WM. A. COURTENAY. "yjTEEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH, GA, AMP SEMI-WEEKLY TO BEAUFORT, S. O. P I L The Steamer OX B O 'Y Captain W. T. MONELTT, Will leave Accommodation wnarr every MONDAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock, - Tor savannah. Beaufort, Hilton Head and span? ish Wells. Returning will leave Savaanah every TUESDAY MORNING. . _ Will leave for Beaurort, Pacific and Chlsolm's Landings every THURSDAY MORNING at s o'clock. Returning will leave Beaufort every FRIDAY MORNING. Freight received WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Must be prepaid to Way Landings. Oeods consigned to care or Agents will be for? warded free or storage or commission. Freight received for points on Savannah River, to be transferred to Meamer ROS*, which leaves Savannah ev.-ry TOESDAY MORNING. cabin Passage to beaufort $3. Deck Passage to Beaufort $1 60. For engagements apply to RAVENEL, HOLMES A GO., feb3-aw No. 177 East Bay. JOE FORT SUMTES BATTERY WAGENER, FORT MOULTRIE, AND ALL OTHER INTERESTING POINTS AROUND TUE HARBOR. The fast, safe and comfortably appointed A? Yacht ELEANOR will ?eave Southern w?arrSMk' BVKRT DAT, at lo o'clock morning, and 8 o'clock afternoon. For arrangements, apply to CAPTAIN THOMAS YOUNG, novl6 ' On Board. JpoR GEORGETOWN, S. C. The Stealer EMILIE, Captain 0. _ -JT^w C. White, la now receiving Freight??3gSsS?2 at Commercial Wharf, and win i ave aa above WEDNESDAY MORNING, April 10th. at 6 o'clock. SHACKELFORD A KELLY, aprS-2* Ag? nts, Sont bern Wharf. F OR FLORIDA, TIA SAVANNAH, TWICE A WEEK. , The splendid Steamers, DICTATOR.Captain COXBTTBB OIT? POINT.Captain MCMILLAN WILL SAIL AS FOLLOWS I The DICTATOR will leave Charleston every TOZSOAT EVENING, at 8 o'clock, The om POINT every FRIDAY EVKNINO, at 8 o'clock, FOR FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, PALATKA, AND ALL LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER. These Steamers connect with railroad at Tocol for St. Angnstloe, and at Jacksonville with steamer Starlight for Mellonvtlle, Enterprise, and all landings oa upper St. Johns; an-1 at Palatka witb steamers for the Oklawaha River. Close connection ls made with steamships at Cedar Keys for New Orleans and Havana, and shippers can rely on no detention of freights to New Orleans, and at lowest rates. For Freight or Passage, having arst-claas au commodatlons, apply to HAVEN EL A CO., Agents, Corner Vanderhorst's wharf and Fast Bay. Through Bills of Lading given to New Orleans. These Steamers connect at savannah with Steamer San Antonio for Darlen, Brunswick, sauna River, and all intermediate landings. Freights for these points must be prepaid here. deals Cigars, Sobarco, S?t. EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE, No. 310 KINO STREET, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Of all kinds. PIPESof every quality. ? Call and examine Stock before trading else where. W ILLUM SCHRODER, Proprietor. N. B.-The Wheel of Fortune constantly on hand, in v- st 26 cents and try your lock. mch7DCAwi}r_. Pianos. ?l?XT^r??vFFf^ AWARDED THE GREAT SOUTHERN PIANO Manufactory. WM. KNABE & GO., MANUFACTURERS OF GRAND. SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. These Instruments have been before the public for nearly thirty years, and npon their excel? lence alone attained aa an purchased pre-emi? nence, whieh pronounces them unequalled ta TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP AND DURABILITY. _*AU our SQUARE PIANOS have our New Im? proved OVERSTRUNG SCALE and the AGRAFFE TREBLE. S^-We would call especial atttentlon to ourdate Patented Improvements in GRAND PIANOS and SQUARE uRANDS, found In no other Plano, which brings the Plano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANT? ED FOR FIVE YEARS. sw We are by special arrangement anabled to furnish PARLOR ORGANS and MKLODEONS ol the most celebrated makers, Wholtsaie a -d Retail at lowest Factory Prices. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lista prompt? ly furnished on application to WM. KNABE ?fe CO., BALTIMORE, Mn. Or any of our regular established agencies. 0Ct.l7-tllthH6mOBDAW_ Orna*, Cijc^icals, Ut. WA.R1VJER & CO. S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. PIL IODOFORIVI AND IRON. A powerful general tonic and alterative. The great Remedy for Scrofula, Neuralgia and Rheu? matism. We give below a brief extract from a report of the Lehigh County Me ileal Society, as published In the transact lons or the Medical Society of Penn? sylvania. June. 1888: ''Internally. I gave quinine and iron and a good nourishing diet, still I found great trouble in keeping up healthy granulations, they would be? come sluggish. 1 tried a number of alteratives, as iodide of potassium and lime, still the case progressed very slowly until ray attention was at? tracted to an article la the Medical and Surgical Reporter, 'On Iodoform and Iron.' I at c nee con? cluded to give this remedy s fair rna!. 1 dis con? tinued all other constitutional treatment, and gave three pills three times a day. manufacture J by W. R- WARNER A Co., of Philadelphia I soon had the satisfaction of seeing a rapid Improve? ment. The pain at once left her limb, with wnlch she had suffered continually; the granulations became more healthy sud more abundant, and I now have the satisfaction of seeing my patient engaging In all her household duties. Not a ves? tige of the disease ts to be seen. The patient ls enjoying perfect health, u active and Uvelr. "Since, I have treat? d two other cases, one of three and one of lour ye irs' steading, wlih the same good resu11. 1 feel coo vlnced of the efficacy of the remedy. P. L. REICHARU, .'Chairman Sanitary Commut?e." PIL PHOSPHORUS COMP. A potent Remedial Agent and certain cure for Softening cf the Brain. Impotency, Ac. WINE OF BEEF AND IRON. TONIC, NUTRITIVE, STIMULANT. This preparation possesses, In the highest de? gree, the valuable properties ot its ingredients so combined as to form a pleasant and valuable re? medy for Debldty, Exhaustion, Impoverishment of the Blood, Convalescence, Ac For by DR. H. BAER, Wholesale Agent, mcbJ23-DCAW6moB Charleston, S. 0. Sr)? {Hollar tteaarb Sau;1. THE DOLLAR REWARD SOAP ? THE ONLY SOAP IN THE WORLD THAT WASHES FLANNELS WITHOUT SHRINKING THEM. Washes with hot, cold, hard, sort, or salt water. Removes Piten, Tar, Faint, Grease, Printers' Ink, Sweat, Leather or Fruit Stains. Superior to Castile Soap for.Toilet purposes. RAPPLEYE Si KNIGHT, Man nf?? turen, NOS. 1531 and 1638 RIDGE AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, " aprl-lmoPAc_ACENT8 FOR CHARLESTON, 8. C. ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE. This FERTILIZER, manufactured by the ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE COMPANY, under th? dino lon of their Chemist, Dr. ST. JULIEN RAVENEL, ls now offered to the Planting. Community AT TE? VERY REDUOED PRICE OF $48 PER TON O ASH, or $9? PAYABLE 1ST NOVEMBER, 1873? FREE OF INTEREST. This FERTILIZER has been very extensively used in this State, and has given entire satisfaction; soma of the must practical planters admitting lt to be equal to Peruvian Guano, pound for pound. Ail mles made now will be considered as cash on the 1st of March, 1872; and to those buy lng on time the sale will be considered as due on 1st November. 1872. By this arrangement planters wm be enabled, without extra cost, to haul their Manure at a time when their wagons and mules are Mle. ? Pamphlets containing the certificates of those who have used the ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE will be furnished on application to the Agents. gPELZER, RODGERS & CO., General Agent,s decMmos BfCOWN'8 WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. O. Seining fil?ljn?i. GROVER Ac BAKER'S HIGHEST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINE^ POINT8 OF EXCELLENCE. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch, refection and simplicity of Machinery. Using both Threads directly from the Spools. No fastening or seams by hand, and no waste ot thread. Wide range of application wimont change of adjustment. The seam retains its beaury and firmness arter washing and Ironing. Besides doing ail kinds of work done by other Sewing Machine, these Machines execute the most beautiful sud permanent Embrodlery and ornamental work. The hienest premiums at alWtue Fairs and Exhibitions or the United States and Europe have been awarded the GROVER A BAKER MACHINES and the work done by them, wherever exhibited m comparison. jsa-The very hl?he t prize. THE CRO'^S OF THE LEGION OF HOSOR. wa? conferred on the repre? sentative of the GROVER A BAKER SEWING MACHINES at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1867, thus attesting their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines. SALESROOMS, NO. 279 KINO STREET, KINSMAN BROS., AGENTS FOR THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. P. S.-Full lines or WINDOW SHADES, Paper Hangings, Muslin, Lace and Damask Curtain s and Cornices constantly on hand. feb23-ftu2mos SINGER STILL TRIUMPHANT ! GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS AND DIPLOMA AWARDED TO SINGER SEW INO MA' 'HINE AT SAVANNAH F AIR. NOVEMBER, 1871. FIRST PREMIUM AT ATLANTA FAIR, uCTOBER, 1871, FOB BEST FAMILY MACHINE. PREMIUM AT THE MACON FAIR, OCTOBER. .871, FOR FAMILY MA? CHINE. WITH BEST AND MOST USEFUL ATTACHMENTS. FIRST PREMIUM AT THOMAS VILLE, NOVEMBER 2, 1871, FOR BEST FAMILY MACHINE. GOLD MEDAL AND THREE SILVER MEDALS AWARDED TEE SINGER AT THE AUGUSTA FAIR, NOVEMBER, 1871. EXAMINE OUR MACHINES. H. D. HAWLEY, GENERAL AGENT FOR SOUTH CAROLINA GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. J. CLARK BEDELL, * RESIDENT AGENT, CHARLESTON, S. 0. novH-tnthS _OFFICE ANO SALESROOM No. 186 KING STREET. C?atcties, Jero?lrTJ, Ut. THE CHOICEST STOCK OF JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER, SILVER-PLATED WABE AND TABLE CUTLERY, French and American Clocks, IS TO BE FOUND AT JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 IvIlVG STREET) decft-atnthemoa_ tiatiroa?s. gOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, S. 0.. December 23, 1871. On and alter SUNDAY, December 24, the Passen? ger Trains on the South Carolina Railroad will ron as follows: FOB AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.8.10 A M Arrive at Angosta.426 r x FOB COLUMBIA. Leave A X Arrive at colombia.4.06 p x FOB CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.7.40 A X Arrive at charleston.8.20 F x Leave Colombia.7.40 i x Arrive at Charleston.3.20 r x THROUGH WILMINGTON TRAIN. l eave Angosta.3.00 A X Arrive at Ringville.9.00 A X Leave Kin g vi; le.12.30 p x Arrive at Augusta.6.30 F X AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.8.30 F X Arrive at Augusta. 7.30 A M Leave Augusta.6.00 p x Arrive at Charleston.6.66 A X COLUMBIA NIGHT EXP.-ESS. (Suudays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.10 rx Arrive at Columbia.6.30 A K Leave columbia. 7.00 p M Arrive ai Charleston. 7.00 A II SUMMKKVILLB TRAIN. Leave Summerville at. 7.25 A M Arrive at charleston at.8.46 A M Leave Charleston at.3.3'j r x Arrive at aummervlde at.4.45 PM CAXDEN BRANCH. Leave Camden.?.15 A X Arrive at Columbia.10.40 A X Leave columbia. 1.46 P X Arrive at Camden.6.26 P X Day and Night Trains malte close connections at Augusta with Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad. Night Train connects with Macon and Angosta Railroad. Columbia Night Train connects with Greenville and colombia Railroad, and with Charlotte Read to points North. Camden connects at Ringville dally (ex? cept sundays) with Day Passenger Train, and ions through to Columbia. A. L. TYLER, vice-President. S. B. PIOKENS, G. T. A._JanlO SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, March 30, 1872. On and after SUNDAY. March 8ist, the Pas? senger Trains on rms Road will run as follows: EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Chariest m dally. 3 39 P. M. Arrive at savannah dally.9.45 P. M. Leave Savannah dally.11.30 P. M. Arrive at Charlestou dally.7.20 A.M. DAY TRAIN. Leave Charleston. Sundays excepted.. 8.15 A. M. Arrive at Savaunah, Sundays excepted. 4.16 P. M. Leave Savannah, Sundays excepted... 8.00 A. M. Arrive at Charleston, Sundays exe'ted. 4.05 P. M Freight forwarded da?v on through bills or lad? ing to points In Florida and by Savannah line ol steamships to BostoD. Prompt dispatch given to freights ror Beaufort and points on Port Royal Kaiiroad aDd a- as low rates as by any other Uno Tickets on sale at this office for Beaufort over Port Royal Railroad. C. S. GADSDEN, EBglneer and Superintendent. S. c. BOYLSTON, GenU Ft. and Ticket Agent. apn_ ESTATE OF B. M. S C H I P M A N. Notice ls her- by given that the undersigned wu. apply, on the 22d of April next, to the Hon. GEo. BUIST, Judge of Probate for Charleston County, for a Anal discharge and letters dlsmls sory as Administrator of said estate. W. N. JONES, mch22-fmwlmo* Administrator. Ornas ano ?Heoinnro. J-JRUGS AND MEDICINES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DJEL. H. BAER, No. 131 MEETING- STREET, Offers bis Large and Well-Assorted Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, FANCY GOODS, And all the Leading Proprietary Medicines. The following comprise a few of the CHEMI? CALS he has on band. These goods are par* - chased of the Manntacturers, and win be sold to the trade at the lowest possible figure : CHEMICALS. IODINE RESUBLIMED. Iodide of Potassium, c Bromide of Potassium. Nitrate or Sliver. Quinine, P. A W. and R. A s. Morphine, P. A W. and R.4S. Chloral Hydrate, made by Schering, Berlin. Aloine, German. Iodoform, Quaver ne-s Iron, (French,) /ron by Hydrogen, (Merck's,) Glycerine, (Merck's and American,) Calomel, English and American. Blue Mas?, English and American. Chloroform. Sulphuric Ether. Chloric Ether. Acetic Ether. Sweet Spirits of Nitre, Ac, Ac Supercatbolate of Soda. Suoercarbolate of Zinc. Fodopbyllln. Leptandrln. Hydrastln. Irl*!n. Caulophyllln, Ac, Ac. HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES. A Foll Stock 01 DOMOOPATHIC MEDICINES always on hand, comprising Tinctures, Pellets, Powders' of d li?rent Triturations, Family Medi? cine Cases, Ac, Ac. The following are a few of the FRENCH PATENT MEDICINES always kept in Stock: -4 GRJMAULTS SYRUP OF THE HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME. Grlmault's Goarana Powders, for Headache, Nea raigia, Ac. Grlmault's Matteo Injection. Orlmault's Leia's Phosphate of Iron. Mathey-Caylus's Capsules. * Purgatif Le Roy. Que venue's Iron, (with Spoon.) Cigarettes-Espic for Asthma. Dragees de Santonlne-6 centigrammes, Ac, Ac, Ac. Kidder's Electro-Magnetic Batteries. None but the Purest Drugs used, and satisfac? tion guaranteed, both as to price and quality. Orders are solicited from Druggists, Physicians Country Merchants, Planters and others, with the assurance that they shall receive prompt and careful attention. mch7-8mos rJHE UNEQUALLED MACHINE. The HOME 8HUTTLE uses the Straight Needle, makes the lock stitch, (alike on both sides,) has self-adjusting tension, and ls the only first class low price Sewing M ?chine In the market adapted for every variety of >ewlng from muslins to heaviest cloths. Price $36 and S37. Agents wanted. Send stamp for circular and sample or Sewing. T. L. BISSELL, General Agent, j ani 1-rmwarno Charleston, i* c.