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TERMS OE TBE NEWS. TH? DAILY Naws, by mau one year, $8; Hz Bon?iB $4; ??ree montta $2 80. Semd In tte city at EIGHTEEN CENTS a week, payable to the-car rleT, or $8 a year, paid In advance at the office. Tus TRI- WKBKXY Naws, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Bator days, one year $4; Biz months $2 60; three months $126 THS WJSIKXY Kaw a, one year $2. six copies 910. Ten copies, to one address, $16. SUBSCRIPTIONS m. all cases payable In advance, And no paper continued after the expiration of the ' time paid mr. ?oncra of Wants, To Rent, Lost and Found, Boarding, Ac, not exceeding 20 words, 26 cents each insertion; over 20, and not exceeding 30 swords, 40 cents each insertion; over 30, and not (acceding 40 words, 60 centa each insertion. BXXTTTANCES should be made by Fostofflce Money Order or by Express. If this cannot be flone, protection against losses by mall may be secure J by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay? able to the order of the proprietors of Tax NEWS, or by sending the money in a registered letter. . These ratea are HST, and most invariably be' paid m advance, Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A co., No. 140 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1872. MW Mr. WILLIAM E. SDOIONS, Jr., is the travelling agent for TEE NEWS, for Sooth Carolina. NEWS OF THE DAT. -Gold clesed In New York on Saturday at lOialOi. -The New York cotton market dosed dull, uplands being quoted at 23} cents; sales 1061 bales. -In Liverpool cotton was quoted dull at the close; uplands ll?all4d and Orleans lljd; tte sales were 10,000 bales. -A woman who is "worth her weight In gold," if of average Blze, would be worth about thirty thousand dollars. u -AilBtide de la Vegue, a French cotton mer ,i chant of New Orleans, was drowned on Satur-1 -The New York L?gislature has rejected a ;' bill prohibiting appropriations from the State : treasury to schools or institutions under secta? rian or religions control. -Jenny Lind's daughter, aged fourteen y oars, ia said to give great vocal promise, a prospect of great Joy and satisfaction to the Swedish Nightingale. -It ls said that Carl Schurz will this week j go to New York to attempt to organize the German element in that city for the Cincin? nati Convention. -Three things are now said about the comet that "waa to smash the earth next * AnguBt. 1st It never ezlBted; 2d. Professor "-. did; 3d. Comets are vaporous, harmless affairs. -The London Echo says that Slr Travers Twiss, whose wife, mysteriously disappeared ?uriu? the examination ot Mr. Cr.;fars, upon . tte Charge o? publishing articles defamatory to her character, has become insane. -The New Orleans Cotton Exchange is ' making an effort to get at least one corres? pondent from every cotton growing county, ' who will furnish monthly reports of the crop prospects. -The Italian Government bas Issued a de? cree ordering that k*he Holy See" shall re " ,. ceive in perpetuity from the public treasury ? the stun of three millions two hundred and twenty-five thousand francs. This may be roughly estimated at $645,000 a year In gold. -A runaway couple in San.Fr&nniaoa oh?r - tered a steam lug and a clergyman, determln ) lng to be married out on the Pacific. The weather was rough, and the ceremony was * continually interrupted by one or other of f the party making a precipitate retreat to the vessel's side. Before the nappy pair wets ? made one the'bride had fainted, and the cere? mony was concluded by all parties, from very , ~ .weakness, going through the service on their knees. -Fifty-five prominent local Republicans of | '. Texas, Including ex-Governors Hamilton and Pease, have 'Issued a call "for a mass meeting i to be held In Austin, to eelect delegates to at. I -tend the Cincinnati Convention. The address closes as follows : "Citizens who love free civil , government more than party, who are tired ol military despotism, poorly disguised, opposed . . to wholesale frauds in elections, to bribery and corruption in public office, and who wish to r. restore, and perpetuate when restored, a free Civil constitutional government, are respect? fully and earnestly invited- to attend the said meeting." -Nothing ls more curious in the psycho? logical history of man than the freaks of the - Insane. Some of the strangest of which we have read of late have been exhibited by a man from Detroit, who left his home a year ago and hos been travelling about under the impression that he was somebody else, but retaining at the same time a peculiar Interest in his real self. He would write home to his wife occasionally, Inquiring alter her hus? band, being especially anxlons to learn whether he bad "got over bis crazy spell yet." He was traced from place to place for nearly a year beiore his friends could come up with him. -The Japs are decidedly the most thorough Investigators that ever visited this country. I Nothing escapes them, from a chicken salad to j an Insane asylum. They have already success folly penetrated every hole and corner In and about Washington, and have taken such acou rate memorandums that they, can describe, with equal facility, bed bugs or the Seneca sandstone quarry. They have just crowned their passionate curiosity by. Joining the Ma? sons. Four of them were Initiated Into the mysteries of the craft last week, and will go back clothed in the lamb's skin. -We have hitherto published several arti? cles going to Bhow the efficacy of vaccination as a preventive of small-pox, and the import? ance of the subject ls our apology for again re? ferring to it. Philadelphia has been terribly afflicted by this loathsome disease, and other Cities should profit by her experience. The report of Dr. William M. Welch, based upon 1227 cases of small-pox and varloloid treated by him In the "Municipal Hospital" in Phila? delphia last year, shows that In the cases of those who had never been vaccinated, no Jess than sixty-five per cent, died-that ls, out of every one hundred un vaccinated cases sixty five of the persons died. Next it appears that Of those who were properly vaccinated in in? fancy, and whose arms showed "good" marks, only about nine out of every hundred died. Where the marks of vaccination were "fair,'? but not "good," about sixteen out of every hundred cases resulted In death. Where the marks were "poor," showing the vaccination In infancy to have been very imperfect, about twenty-two died out of every hundred. -The latest East Indian papers teem with accounts of Lord Mayo's fuueral at Calcutta. The whole city, literally, was in atteadance] and the procession contained not only ali the Civil officers but also all the military, from far and near. The utmost grief was manifested by the whole assemblage. The coffin was on a gun-carriage, drawn by twelve horses, and covered wilh the Union Jack. As it ap preached the Maida?, or park, where the-mul tltude had gathered in the greatest numbers, every head waa reverentially uncovered; the Blow, mournful Btralns of the bands mingled with the boom ol the minute guns; the sailors on the tops ol the vessels stood cap in hand; the crowds, native and European, outside the en? closure seemed like people spell-bound, while the vast procession tell silently into the allotted piaces. The greatest sympathy was univers? ally shown for the late Viceroy's little Bon, aged seven years, who followed the hoarse as one ot the chief mourners. Addresses of con? dolence have been sent to Lady Mayo irom all public bodies, not merely in Calcutta, but throughout Iodla. The Maharajahs Sclodia and Jeypore, among otherp, telegraphed their sympathy, immediately, and Scindla counter? manded hlB Intended camp of exercise. The King of Oude ordered his household into mourning; the Mahomedan and Hindoo festi? vals were entirely suspended; and the Brah? mas decreed a fast, and prayed for the repose of the dead, and tor a blessing on his family. Delinquent Tuxes. The County Auditor gives notice that he is preparing bis list of delinquent taxes for the years 1868, 1869, 1870 and 1871, and urges those persons who desire to avoid the penalties imposed by the tax laws to pay their arrears at once. We have no reason to suppose that this notice, here or else? where, is an empty threat. The General Assembly, at its last session, increased the stringency of the general tax law. Amongst other amendments were the3e: The redac? tion of the period within which real estate sold for taxes may be redeemed, to thirty days, instead of one year, without penalty, and to ninety days, instead of two years, with a penalty ol fifty per cent ; a provision that the County Auditor be required, on be? half of the State, to warrant the titles to all lands sold for delinquent taxes; that the State shall become the owner of all delin? quent lands offered for sale upon which the amount bid is not equal to the taxes and ex? penses; that if any purchaser does not pay forthwith the amount of his bid the lands shall be immediately resold, as If no previ? ous Bale of them bad taken place. Bat the severest section in the whole law is that which relates to the delinquent laxes of 1868-1871, which amount, we believe, to abont eleven hundred thousand dollars. The section is as follows : "SEC. 4. That all lands and real eslate with? in this State, whereupon, or in respect whereof, any sum of money remains due or payable after the sale provided for In section 15, chap? ter 13, title 3, of general statutes, or which are Kable to be sold lor, or on account ol. any tux laid by or under the authority of this State, for State or county purposes, In accordance with the provisions of either of the several acts, for the purpose of asses-log and levying taxes for the support of the government ol the State, and ot the several counties thereof, parsed ID the years 1868, 1869, 1870 and 1871, shall be exposed to sale and sold for Hie payment of such taxes, and all penalties, costs and charges thereon accrued, on the ?rst Mon? day in June, 1872. and from day to day there ifter, Sundays only excepted, until the whole thereof shatt te sold, at the place or places, on tue terms und In the manner hereinalter provided; such sale shall be by the county treasurer of each county, al the county seai. who shall exp.ise and offer ihe said lands nt public pale, to be sold and conveyed in fee sim? ple without the right of redemption for the pay? ment thereof. Ii no person shall, at said sale, offer to purchase or take a less quantity of the I lands so charged and offered man the whole i thereol, at, and for the amount so charged, for the l axes, penal lies, costs and charges, the said county treasurer shall declare that ihe Stale is the purchaser thereof, at and for the amount so charged, and thereupon the Stale shall be? come Invested In fee B.mple with the lille to Baid landa, and ih? appurtf nances, and all the ImDrovemenlB thereon. If at said sale any per.-on shall pub icly offer to take a less por? tion than the whole of said lands, for ihe said laxes, penal:les, costs and charges, Iben the said lands sha 1 be sold to such pet son as c)m 1 offer to take the smallest portion thereof, and pay the same; and, upon ute payment of the amount so due io ?be county treasurer, Faid officer shaii execute and deliver to Ibe said purchaser a certificate setting forth ibe fact of such purchase, and the payment of the amount bid. and thereupon the said purchaser shall be entitled to the grant from the Slate of the undivided right, title or Interest, in fte simple, loithout redemption, in and to all the lands as Bold, and alt lands belonging to any person or persons, or corporation?, against whom such tax was levied and assessed, equal to the proportion which the amount bid holds to the whole of said lands BO purchased, and the purchaser shall be entitled to demand par? tition thereof according to law, and on such partition the Bald purchaser shall be entitled to a proportional share and interest in all im I pro vernen ts thereon. In addition lo the sums ! now assessed and chargeable upon said lands, there shall be added at the time of said sale five per centum of the amount of said taxes, penalties, costs and charges; which said sum is hereby appropriated for the payment of the expenses ot said sale and the collection of the moneys thereon. One-half of one per cent, to be for the use of the county, and the balance to be puid into the State treasury. If any per? son to whom such lands shalt be struck off shall fall forthwith to pay the amount bid therefor, Bald Counly Treasurer shall imme? diately expose and offer such lands for resale as if no such previous sale had taken place. The County Treasurer t-hall make weekly remit? tances of all lunds received, according to the provisions ol this act, to the S:ate Treasurer, and shall forward monthly accounts for said funds to the State Treasurer." We do not see any way of escaping from the penalties contained in this section. All real estate, upon which any State or County tax for 1868, 1869, 1870 and 1871 remains unpaid, will be sold at public outcry on the first Monday in June. We have no reason to believe that there will be, or cao be, any remission of penalty or postponement of sale. The State authorities are resolved to enforce the payment of the arrears, and one of their arguments is, that they will not levy L 1Jitional taxes upon the citizens who . have paid regularly, in order to provide for the deficiency caused by the tardiness of those who have not paid at all. We only hope that every citizen will retain his tax receipt, as a constant and cogent reminder that a purification of the government, in the interest of honesty and economy, is in? dispensable to the very life of this Common? wealth. High as the ti xes are, they must be far less than the iotriosic value of the property which is taxed, and the only choica now is between paying the taxes and losing the property. This is the point to which tho tax question i3 narrowed; just as the only point for the conservative voters to consider next October is, how to obtain au impartial and upright government which will reduce taxation, as far as practicable, and see that the State obtains the full worth of eVery dollar which is spent The Orphan's Home, We are requested to lay before the public the objects and claims of the Orphan Home of South Carolina, at Spartanburg Court? house, in this State. The institution is not expected to open before next October; but applications for admission may bo sent to Mr. R. C. Oliverat Spartanburg. No sectarian distinction is made in receiving orphans. These, howev? er, mu3t be born in lawful wedlock, should have lost both parents, and should be in needy circumstances. Orphans who have th"se quah?calions will be received from any section of the State, without regard to the religious belief of their parents or tb the religion of the persons through whom appli? cation may be made. It is also stated that the orphan children of Free Masons and Odd Fellows will have an equal chance of admis? sion with others. The object of the Orphan Home is the physical, mental and moral development of the children, and the agent and bis assist? ant, Rev. J. H. C. McKinney, are hopeful of abundant E access. Tbey inform us that a few liberal minded men united their contri? butions, purchased a plantation and mansion near Atlanta, and gave it to the Orphan's Home of Georgia, And, they ask, why can not as much be done in our own State ? A Complete Vindication. In these days committees of inves ligation are rife. Charges of corruption are constantly brought against men in high places, and of gross mismanagement on the part ol corpo? rate bodies ef high Btandlng. They are so often true, that when such accusations, whether insinuated or openly made, are boldly met and refuted, it ia both fair and'Just that those whose character has been aspersed, or whose Integrity has been called In question, should have ihe evidences of their vindication laid before the public. The Equitable Life Assurance Society, whose principal office Is in New York, bas done what every corporation ought to do which ls the depository of an immense trust, and ls depend? ent on popular confidence for the prosperity of its business. Statements having been made In one of the Sunday papers of New York, which, if true, would not only have seriously affected the good standing cf the Equitable, but, by their reflex action, would cast suspi? cion on the whole system of Life Insurance, the directors promptly decided to lay their affairs before a committee composed of the Insurance Commissioner of Massachusetts, Professor Dwight, and a number of other gen? tlemen, some of whom are policy-holders, and others well-known merchants. The report of j this committee, which we give elsewhere, rep? resents the company to be not only free from all taint of mismanagement, but in reality (as stated by them) to be "most faithfully and "successfully managed." Every charge made against the Equitable has been taken seriatim and emphatically denied ; Its business, though enormous, has been conducted, lt ls declared, with care and circumspection, Its assets care? fully invested and no undue expense Incurred. Finally, the committee say that they "take "great pleasure in bearing this unanimous "testimony to the faithful and successlul man? agement, by the trustees and officers of the "society, of the great trust reposed In them." We have rarely seen a more complete vindica, tion of any corporation, In respect to chargea preferred against lr, than appears to be fur? nished by tho report In question. ijjostetter's Bitters. ^STTHE PRlcT~OFnB^?YTl?7TlKE that of liberty, ls eternal vigilance. The vapor laden air or spring exercises a dep-essing Influ? ence on the vital powers. The strongest feel this devitalizing effect; the wak are prostrated by lt. Everybody ls more or less debilitated this season, and the feeble instinctively Beek the help of medicine. Unfortunately, the "remedy" re? sorted to som- times aggravates the mischief. Raw stimulants are eminently pernicious in such cases, and drastic cathartics abcnt as bad. The vit u principle needs succor and support, and a reinforcing preparation that will tone and rouse, wail'* lt regulates and parities the system, ls the medicine that nature demands. AU the medici? nal elements required lor sucli emergencies are combined In HOiTErTER'S STOMACH BITTERS the purest and most eillcaclons vegetable elixir that the world, has eiasTf-rra- Is le a mild stimulant, a powernil tonic, an unequalled appe? tizer, an awo'.ute speclOc for diseased digestion, ? wonderful nervine, a moderate cathartic, a remrdy for liver complaints and periodic fevers, a cure (or constipation, a specific for rheumatism, of essential nse ta all aliments to which the feeb? ler sex are subject, and as a general household medicine unequalled acd nnapproached. These are the properties which have made HOSTET* TE R'S B TTF.RS ramon* everywhere. Seo to lt, however, that you have the true article, for the land ls Infested with swarms of local bitters made from condemned liquors and worthless drugs, which gree ty wretches who f peculate on haman life recommend as panaceas for every Ul that flesh ls heir to. Beware or the charlatans and their poisons._aprS-mwraoAO AlawcUo. ARCHER-MILER.-At home, on the .-vening of the 28th instant, by the Ktgnt Riv. w. B. w. Howe, 1>. I)., BENBYP. ARCHES and EMILY MILER, both of this city. No carda. B?BOSE-MCALPINK.-Aprll 3d, by the Ter. J. E. Du Bose, of Glasgow, Kj., assisted by Bev. W. J. Lowry, of Selma Ala., the Rev. HAMPDEN C. DuBoss, of Sooth Caro loa, and Miss PAULINE E., daughter of the late Dr. Augustine I. McAlplne, of Talladega, Ala QDbitnorTj. SEIGNIOCS.-CLARA A MELIA, daughter of John F. and Anna E. Selgnlou*. died ta Charleston, S. J C., March 31,1872, aged 9 days. "There ls many an empty cradle, There is many a vacant bed, There la many a lonely bosom Whence light end Joy have fl jd; For thick lu every gnveyard, Tue kile hillock? lie, But every hillock represents An angel in the sky." Concerne na;. JJTGTTSCE?C^^ Tue Exercises of this Institution will be re? sumed on MONDAY next, the 15.h instant. Turms $10 per quarter. VIRGIL 0. DIBBLE, A. M., aprS-mwfsmtu 6_Principal. QOLLEGE OF CHARLESTON. The Sommer Term of this College will com? mence on WEDNESDAY next, the loth Instant. Candidates lor sdmlssion Into the Freshman or the Sophomore Ciassea will present themselves at the President's Boom on Wednesday Morning, at io o'clock. F. A. PORCH Kit, apre 4_secretary Facalty. Semouars. H. ROSEBROCK, MERCHANT TAILOR, Informs his friends and customers that he has removed his Storp from No. 492 King street to No. 197 KING STREET, below Market, where ne will be happy to serve hem In lae best style. H. ROSEBROCK, apr3-a_No. 197 King street. REMOVAL OF THE OFFICE OF THE HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MAO UNE.-The uitice of the above Unequalled Machine has been removed Irom No. 61 Basel street, to Wlillden'e, INO. 255 King street, corner or Beaalaln. AU In want of SE WU G MACHINES will do well, before purchasing, to sec the Home Shuttle, the cheap? est and best. Price $25 and $37. apri-12 T. L. B1>SELL, General Agent. -furniture, Ut. QHOICE FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES I R. C. MILLINGS, FURNITURE DEALER, No. 444 KING STREET, Near John Street, Charleston, S C., would respectfully Inform the public thar, he has just received a choice and st-lect lot of FURNI? TURE, Including Grecian, Gothic and corinthian Chamber Sets, wolca wld compete with anything lu the city for cheapness and beauty of style and finish. Also a specialty of Ladles', Misses' and Chil? dren's ROCKERS, and a variety of Ilinlr<g-room Furniture-Oak, Wainui, and Imitation Rose? wood-which he will sell from ten to fifteen per lent, cheater than any other etore in the city Call and compare his styles and price with those found elsewhere. No. 444 KING STREET. At the Sign of the Mr. J and Rocker, feb:e-mth2mos Charleston, S. C. ORANGE LODGE, No. 14, A. P. M. The Regalar Communication will be held THIS EVENING', at 8 o'clock. The arrear List will be read for tne third time. Candidates for F. 0. Degree will present themselves. By order W. M. apr8 JNO. B. REEVES, Secretary. OF P.-STONEWALL LODGE, No 6. . A Special Communication or this Lodge will be held THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock, at Pyth? ian Hall. The Constltutioa will be considered. Members are requested to be ponctuai. apr8-* ROBT. C. STARK, Recording Scribe. THE REGULAR MEETING OF PAL METTO Division, No. 4, Sons of Temper? ance, will be held THIS EVKNINO, at 8 o'cloclr. at ir Temperance Hall," over N. M. Porter's. King street. f. A. SCHIFFLEY, R. S. apr8_ SUMTER RIFLE CLUB.-ATTEND Drill, with rifles, at Wilson's Hall, THIS EVENING, the 8th Instant, at 8 o'clock. P. 0. H. ny order. W. M. BRUNS, ap'8 Secretary and Treasurer. /I ERMAN RIFLE CLUB.-AN EXTRA VT Meeting of the Club will be held THIS (Mon? day) EVKNINO, at 8 o'clock, at Llndstedi's Hall. By order. RICHARD ISSERTEL. apr8 Secretary, p ERMAN FUSILIER SOCIETY. - A vT Meeting of the German Fusilier Society will be held at Mr. Jnngbintn's Hall, THIS EVENING, at 7 o'clock. Membe s are requested to attend. JOHN A. BLUM, apr8? _Seiretary. HABLESTON LIBRARY SOCIETY. The Regular Quarterly Meeting of this Soci? ety will be held at tne Library Hall, TO-MORBOW, 9th Instant, at one o'clock. ARTHUR MAZYCK, apr8-2 _Librarian. THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-A Special Meeting of tue Executive Committee wl'l be held THIS DAY, at 12 M., at the Board of Trade Rooms. apr8_W. G. VARDELL Chairman. WASHINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY RIFLE CLUB.-Attend drill with rifles, at Menhams'Hotel Hall, corner King and Society streets, THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock. By order. W. W. SIMON'S, apr8 Secretary and Treasorer W. L. 1. R.O. PIONEER STEAM FIRE ENGINE COM? PANY OF AX MEN.-Yon are hereby sum? moned to attend an Adjourned Meeting of your J Company, THIS (Monday) EVENING, the Stn Inst., at yonr Engine-House, st 8 o'clock precisely, A fall and punctual attendance ts specially re? quested, as business of importance will be sub? mitted. Honorary and Contributing members are invited to attet.d. By order. apra-?_J. W. McKENRY. Secretary. STEAM FIRE DEPARTMENT.-A COM? MITTEE! or three from each Compaoy will meet on TUESDAY EVENING next, at the. Hall of ? the Hook and Ladder Company, No. 2, Went worth street. By order or the Chairman._aprs-fmtu3 OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE RAILROAD COMPANY, No. 64 BROAD STREET.* CHARLESTON, S. C., APRIL 6TH, 1872.-The An? nual Meeting or the stockholders of the Enter? prise Railroad will he held on WEDNESDAY, Arru I7tb, at the om ce of the Company. No. 51 Broad street, at ll o'clock A M. A fall and punctual attendance ls requested. By order of the Presi? dent. WILLIAM MCKINLAY, apro Secretary and Treasurer. COoma. ANTED, A COM PETENT ~ COOK for a small family. Apply at No. l Pitt street. aprs-l* WANTED, A SUPERINTENDENT FOR the Carolina Club. App^y at the Clab Rooms, oorner Meetitg ttreet and Courthouse square. apr8-2 WANTED, AN ACTIVE WHITE WO? MAN to cook and do housework. Good recommendations required. Apply at No. 71 Beaafaln street._aprB-1* WANTED, A THOROUGHLY COMPE? TENT imam's Nurse. Recommendations required. Apply in Amherst street, one door irom Nassau street._aprS-l* WANTED, SEVERAL SEWING MA? CHINE OPERATORS. Must have experi? ence. Archer's Wholesale and Retail Notion and haney Bazaar. 363 amt 863 King street. aprS-l* WANTED, PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS, In a central locality, or on the Battery, with private tame r without board; bed rcom, sittlug-roum, and room for to ot ed nurse. Add< uss immediately Lock Box No. 17, Postofflce. apr8 2?_ AWHITE ' WOMAN WHO UNDER? STANDS COORI NO thoroughly, can obtain a situation a* coi ft by applying at No. 94 King mrcct. SOUTH of Broad. apr6 WANTED, TO PURCHASE FOR CASH, a Email House in the central or western part or the city. Address '.Q,'' at this office, stat? ing location, terms, Ac. _febj WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW that the cheapest and best warranted Sewing Machine In the market ls the HOME SHUT? TLE, price $26 and $87. Can be seen at the Gene? ral Agency, No. 265 King street, corner Beauf.dn street. T. L. BISSELL._Janl2-6mos TTTANTED, A SOUTHERN LADY TO Tv teach In a family. One required compe? tent to teach the higher branches of English, Music and Drawing. Reference as to competen? cy and character required. Address Dr. A. H. JOHNSON, Bamberg P. o., South Carolina Rail? road. Information can be had from Messrs. Ps'LZER, RODGERS A CO., or E. L. HALLEY, Charleston, s. c. mchl3 JFor gale. JUST ARRIVED, AT KENTUCKY MULE LOT a car load of well broke medium-Jzed Mules, at moderate prices. R. OAKMAN. apr8 4?_; FOR SALE. A SMALL FARM, WITH Crop thereon, Meeting street Road, oppo Ute Payne's Farra. R. M. MARSHALL A BRO.. Brokers, No. 33 Broad street._apr4-4? MULES FOR SALE -JUST ARRIVED, a lot of Quod Medium Broke MOLES, will be sold on reasonable time for approved city ac? ceptance. May be Been at WEST'S Stables, Queen street. H. T. TERRELL._apr4-4? FOR SALE, BUILDING LOTS IN CHAR? LOTTE street. Apply at No. 61 Charlotte B' reet._mcH23 AFIRST-CLASS BILLIARD TABLE, twelve feet long by six leet wide, for sale at the Sign of the Man and Rocker, No. 444 King I street, Charleston, S. C. mchii-mwi ?o Bent. T^1ST7THR?E^0BT~FO?Ifl?NE ROOMS, in a central loca'lon-Hew Hou-e gan, cistern, large yard. Apply at NEWS Office. aur8-f_ TO RENT, TWO STORY HOUSE WITH store and live square rooms, opposite North h astern Railroad Depot, Chapel street Apply to WJLBUK A SON, No. 59 Broad street. apig-2? TO RENT, THAT DESIRABLE TWO AND A HALF STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, Nu. list. Philip street, we11 side, anti very near Wentworth street. The house contains Six Koomp, Including two tine Attics, Pantry and Dressing ROODJS-Gas in all. Piazzas fruntlug south, una the entire premises lu neat order, having very re? ce?? ly been thoroughly put In complete rep dr und newly painted. Apply to T. GRANGE SIMONS, No. 7 state street._agra 2 TO RENT, A LARGE FRONT ROOM, pleasantly located, suitable for a club. Ap? ply to J. LIVINGSTONE, at No. 399 King street. aprS-4**_ _ WANTED TO RENT, A SMALL HOUSE Bunabie for a ?mall family, In or near the ceutral part of the city. For such the owner can And a reliable and permanent tenant by addressing P. 0. Box 3S3, Charleston, S. U. apr5-mwf3_ TO RENT, FROM TUE FI H ST OF May next, the PREMISES, No. 4 Wragg street, Uouie contains eight upright rooms, gas thioughout. cistern and outbuilding-) ample. Apply to T. GRANGE SIMONS, No. 7 State street, i apr4-thm?_ TO RENT FOR THE SEASON. A j HOUSE on Sullivan's Wand, pleasantly situated on back beach. The house contains niue rooms, and brick cistern attached, .apply to A. A. GOLDSMITH, Vendue Range. mcti30 Cost ano ^nn^ R?PPEDt LAST" NIGHT, THREE LEE? TERS. The Ander will be rewarded on leaving them nt i he Mills House._aprS-l* LOST, ON THE EVENING OF THE 6th April, at the Hibernian Hal!, a Ladies* Wime >1LK FAV. with Pearl Handle, white fur edge. Thi Under wilt he liberally rewarded by leaving lt with Mr. A. W. LEWIN, Jeweller, No. 148 Mee lng street. apr8--.*> goorowa.. BOARD, with pleasant Rooms. In Summer? ville. Apply to K. A. PRINGLE, No. 2 Central Wharf. mch25-mtli8* amuBcraeraa. ^OADEMT, OP MUSIC. THE "FAT H EB AS HB'LIVED.M Engagement for a Few Evenings ol Mr. and Mrs. JUNI?B BRUTLB BOOTH, Distinguished Representatives or Shakespearian Urama. With a Great Shakespearian Company ander the Lead or the Brilliant Actor MR. L. E. SHEWELL, Will Commence on MONDAT, April Stn, in SHAKESPEARE'S HAMLET. '-This ls I, Hamlet, the Dane." Prices as nsnal. Dcors open at 7.15; curtain rolled np at 8 o'clock precisely. jp ROGBAMME" OF THE CHARLESTON GERMAN SCHUETZENFEST APRIL 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26, 1872. MONDAY, APRIL 22. 1. At 6 o'clock A. M. the Festival will be an? nounced by a salute of twelve guns. Immedi? ately after, the Riflemen will assemble at their headquarters, Lindsted t's Hall. 2. At 7 o'clock the Ring will be escorted to the headquarters and the Uno formed: parade through the city via Ring, Broad, East Bay, Mar? ket and Meeting streets to the South Carolina Railroad Depot. 3. Announcement of the approaching procession toward the festive grounds with a salute of twelve guns. 4. Alter arriving on the grounds the President of the Clnb. Captain A. MEL : HERS, will greet the visiting and participai lag Societies, receive their banners, and invite all to a banquet. 5. Distribution of numbers for Eagle Shooting. 6. Prize Target Shooting for gentlemen rrom 12 M. to 4 o'clock P. M. Prize Target Shooting for ladles from l to 4 o'clock P. M. Dancing from 12 M. to 7 o'clock P. M 7. General Amusements, viz: Nine-pin Alleys, Gymnastics, Singing, Italian Music, Race Run? ning, Balloons, Milk Feeding, Sugar Eating, Molasses Diving, Sack Bunning, Greased Pole, Flying Trapeze, Ac, Ac. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 24 AND 25. 1. The Ria:mcn meet at the Scbutzenplatz. 2. Prize Target Shooting for gentlemen from 9 o'clock A. M. to 4 P. M. Pilzi Target Shooting for lad lea from 1 to 4 o'clock P. M. The Shooting at the Eagle takes place from 0.80 o'clock to 4, and th? Target of Honor from 12 M. to l o'clock P. M. - 3. Dancing rrom 12 M. to 7 P. H. 4. General Amusements as on Monday. FRIDAY, APRIL 26. 1. Tho Riflemen meet at the Schutzeflplatz. 2. The Shooting begins as on former days. 3. All firing wUl cease thia day at 1 o'clock P. M. 4. Coronation or the new King and distribu? tion of Prizes at 4 o'clock P. M., with appropriate remarks by the orator of the day. '6. General Amusements as on former days. . 6. Grand Ball from 12 M. to 7 o'clock P. M. 7. At the conclusion of the Festivities, a salute of three guns will be fired. aprl-mws6Awnll g UND AY-SCHOOL PICNICS. The Mount Pleasant and Sullivan's Island Ferry Company offer to take Sunday-School Children and their Teachers to and irom Mount Pleasant at TEN (10) CENTS each, and parents of the Chil? dren and Visitors at TWENTY-FIVE (25) CENTS each. Arrangements can be made at No. 36 Bread street with HUTSON LEE, apr3-wlm5_ Secretary and Treasnrer. piCMCS I MAROONS ! OFFICE MOUNT PLEASANT AND SULLIVAN'S) ISLAND FERRY COMPANY, \ No. 36 lil.oAD STREET, April 1, 1872. ) PICNIC PARTIES desirous or availing them? selves of the magnificent Oak Groves at Mount riwMDt can maten HA US rp o tory arrangements lor transportation at this cm ce. HUTSON LEE, apr3-wfm5_Secretary and Treasurer. .financial. "^SO???~C^ TRUST 00?PASY, No. 17 BROAD STRKET. CHARLESTON, S. C., APRIL 2D, 1872.-SAVINGS DEPARTMENT:-Thia omce 19 opened dally from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M., to receive Savings Deposits. sums of One Dollar and upwards will be re? ceived. ' Deposits made on or before the 20th will draw Interest rrom the 1st Instant at the rate of Six (6) Per Cent, per annum, payable monthly in cash; or, If not called for, lt will be added to the princi? pal, and draw Interest also! F. A. MITCHELL, Cashier. TRU8TBE8: GEO. S. CAMSBON, C. G. MXMMLSOER, G. L. BUIST, B. O'NEILL, E H FROST, WM. L. WEBB, W. j. MIDDLETON, A. P. CALDWELL, W. C. BEE, J. T. WELSUAN, A. S. JOHNSTON, J. M. SHAOKELFOBD, W. B. WILLIAMS, WM. LEBBY. E. WALTJBN, J. C. H. CLAUSSEN, H. H. DELEON, . B. D. LAZARUS. apr8 mths3_ QITIZENS'SAVINGS BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA-CHARLESTON BRANCH, NO. 8 BROAD STREET. AU sums of, and over, five dollars deposited In this Bank on or before the fifth day of each calendar month, will bear interest (six percent., for that month, as If depo-lted on the 1st instant Deposits of one dollar and upwards received. DEPOSITS received DAILY rrom 9 A. M. to 2 P. M., aud on Saturday Evenings. Tills Bank is under the management of the fol? lowing Local Finance Committee: LOUIS D. L i:9 A USS URE, C. K. HUGER. BENJ. F. EVANS, V. MELCHERS. ED. N. THURSTON. Collections promptly attended to, there being branches of this Bank at the most prominent points in the State. D. RAVEN EL, Jr., apr4 6 Assistant Cashier. .feriiliicrs. ?J^TPITRWL^ 50 tons No. 1 PERUVIAN (Chincha Island) GUANO. For sale by HERMANN BCLWINKLE, apr!_'_Kerr's Wharf. Sitting iUadjines. HT^NBW U?TR?YED T WHEELER & WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. We are now selling theBe unequalled Machines on Ten Dollar montiily payments. Adjusting and Repairing done promptly. WHY I E A HARKAL, apr5-lyr_No. 209 King street. rjIHE UNEQUALLED MACHINE. The HOME SHUTTLE uses the Straight Needle, makes the lock stitch, (alike on both sides,) has self-adjusting tenBlon, and ls th- only first class lot? price Sewing Michlne In the market adapted for every variety of sewing from muslins to heaviest clothe. Price $25 ar.d $37. Agents wa-ted. send stamp for circular and sample of Sewing. T. L. BISSE LL, General Agent, Janll-fmw6mo_Charleston. S. C. WE LIVE AND LEARN, DIE AND FuRGET ALL. THE SOUTHERN DYE HOUSE, No. SM KINO STREET. Dyes and Cleans by means or steam, Gentle men's Ladles and Children's Clothes. Fine Laces and Lace Curtains cleaned and done up with the Soft or Manufacturers'Finish; Lace and Crape Shawls and Kid Gloves Cleaned and Dyed. HO- Goods received and returned by Express. Jun22-lyr L BILLER, Proprietor, ?roccries, Ciqncrs, &t. JUST RECEIVED, A Large Assortment of FINE GLASSWARE, KEROSENE LAMPS AND SHADES OF ALL KINDS. Also, a Foll and Well-Selected Stock: of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Ac. Choice S. 0. HAMS, STRIPS and SHOULDERS Extra Fulton Marget Beef No. l Mackerel Choice Salmon and Halibut Fins Extra Goshen Batter and Cheese Sugars of all Grades Raisins, Almonds, Figs, Carrants, Preserves, Ac. I have on hand a Full Stock of BRANDIES, Wines, Whiskey, Ac, which I am prepared to sell at Wholesale ox Retail. Orders from the Country trill receive prompt attention, hy addressing letter to Postofflce K*y Box No. 246. All gooda delivered to any portion of the city free of charge. D. FITZ GIBBON, N. W. corner King and Cannon streets, aprs-lmo ONG OF THE ECONOMICAL HOUSEKEEPER! "Although all dealers say they sell The very, very best, Not any Tea, like WILSON'S, Will stand a lasting test; And I have tried lt long enough, Upon a frugal plan, To find lt ls the only Tea To cheer np my good man.'' TEAS ! TEAS 1 TEAS 1 TEAS 1 TEAS 1 TEAS ! TEAS ! TEAS ! TEAS 1 TEAS 1 TEAS 1 TEAS 1 TEAS 1 'TEAS 1 .TEAS 1 WILSONS 1 WILSON'S I WILSONS ! WILSON'S 1 WILSON'S 1 WILSON'S 1 WILSON'S ! WILSON'S ! WILSON'S 1. WILSON'S 1 WILSONS I WTLSON'B 1 WILSON'S 1 WILSON'S ! WILSONS! 306 KINO STREET. 306 KING STREET. 306 KINO STREET. 306 KINO STREET. 306 KING STREET. On band and still arriving the largest and beat Selected STOCK OF TEAS To be found in CHARLESTON These TEAS are New Crop, received direct via Isthmus to this CITY! We aro offering TEAS at the following low prices, owing to the anticipated decline In duties : TEAS, Green and Black, sold elsewhere at 60c., we sell at 60c. per lb. TEAS, Green and Black, sold elsewhere at 80c, we sell at eoe. per lb. GUNPOWDER, a nice article, sold elsewhere at $126, we sell at $1. We caa and do offer a better TEA at $140 per lb. than can be tdd by other dealers for 26c. a pound advance, our motto, "Quick sales and small proms," has placed us in the van among the Grocers of Charleston, and we Intend to keep there. Our sales are Increasing, and we guaran-' tee the quality of oar goods. MW Remember I WILSON BROS., NO. 80? KING STREET, ?- la the place to buy your Teas, -ea gALTl SALTI SALT! soo sacks Liverpool SALT, now landing from Bark windermere, for sale cheap from wharf in lots to suit purchasers. Apply to HENRY CARD, febS Accommodation Wharf. Drugs ano lil eu ic ines. PHARMACEUTIST, IMPORTER OF FINE CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. No. 450 KING STREET, CORNER OF jdsN. Now in Stock of my own Importation,. LOW SON AND HAYDEN'S SOAPS, * Tooth Brushes, Carbolic Acid, Ptitt6vT8 Cold Cretin English Dalby's Carminative. British Oil, Roche's Embrocation and chlo. "dyne. AGENT FOB TILDEN A CO.'S SOLID AND FLUID EXTRACTS. Pharmaceutical Preparations, Sugar-coated Pills, AC. AGENT FOE FORD'S SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. A GENT FOB SOOTH CAROLINA FOB DB. JEROME KIDDER'S ELECTRO MEDICAL MACHINE AND APPLIANCES, Surgical Instruments and Goods of foreign man? ufacture imported to order. My Dispensing Department ls complete, em? bracing ail New Remedies. A full assortment of Trusses and Bandages al? ways on band. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with accuracy day or night_JanlOwfmly _8n?intB< Credit._ ?1HAS. LIEBENROOD, STEAM TURPENTINE DISTILLERY, AT FORKS OF ROAD, CHARLESTON, S. C. Onices-No. 128 Meeting street, and corner Line and Meeting streets. sjs?Hlghest prices paid in Cash for Crude Turpen Virgin..$5 OJ I Tellow Dip $4 60 | Hard.$2 90 monly emus FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RENO? VATED NEATLY, PROMPTLY, AND AT MODERATE F ATES By 'j. L. LUNSFORD, febS Smith Stroet. north of Wentworth. JAMES BIRNIE, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, PRACTICES IN THE COURTS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, AND IN THOSE OF THE UNITED STATES. Special attention given to business In the United States Courts. OFFICE AT GREENVILLE 0. H.. S. C. Jan27-f3mo 1 gtaggg* SSS*! fe ?joBN, OATS; Ainy HAY. J > 6400 bushels Prime WHITE CORN, landing iront? schooner J. H. Stickney 3000 ba shem Prime Feeding Oats. 160 bales Prime Hay. . Landing ir..m steamship Wilmington. For sale by - HEBMANN B?LWINKLE, aprs-ft* . ' . . Kerr'? Wnarf. jgUGAR-H OUSE MOLASSES. 60 barrels SUGAR HOUSE MOUSSES, landing, ex Steamer wilmington, from Philadelphia, F. r sale by; /.- s os; HENRY COBLA A 00. aprs-l ; .. . _ QNIONS! ONIONS I ONIONS I Jnst received 100 bbla of Fine RED ONIONS. Fur sale at 0. BART k CO., apr8-l Nos, ss, 67 and 69 Marget street O A Ll COAL!' COAL!: C 90 tons best English House COAL, ex-Lucy. For sale cheap while landing. HENRY GARD. aprS Accommodation Wharf. jgHOULDERSI SHOULDERS I 35 boxes Prime Smoked SHOULDERS. For sale by HERMANN BUL WINKLE. npr2_?_' _' J^ORTH* CAROLINA SEED BICE. - bushels Heavy NORTH CAROLINA SEED RICE. For sale by . RAVENEL k 00. mcbia .pj~AMS, SIDES, COFFEE, Ac. 60 tierces CHOICE s. 0. BAMS, Brands of Davis, Ames, Whittaker's 76 hhds C. R. Bao n Sides and Shoulders 100 boxea D. S. C. B? Sides and Shoulders 260 sacks Coffee. For sale low by STEFFENS, WEBNER k DUCKER. mcbl2-ltno - 1841. 1841. CELEBRATED ..DIAMOND" BRAND SUGAR-CURED HAMS. CINCINNATI. Sold by leading Grocers in principal Cities, mchii-mwfimo g ACON AND BULK MEATS. 160 hhds Prime BACON SIDES. C. B. ISO boxes Prime Bacon Sides, 0. P.. DRY SALTED MEATS. 40 hhds Prime D. S. 0. R. SIDES. 50 boxes Prime C. R. Sides. 15 boxes Prime D. S Rib Sides. 40 boxes Prime D. S. Shoulders. For sale by HENRY COBLA A GO. mohll-mwflmo_ QOGNAC AND LA ROCHELLE BRAN? DY, ES U. S. BONDED STORES. A. TOBIAS' BONS. No. 110 EAST. BAY, Offer for sale from u. & Bonded Warehouse? Choice COGNAC and LA ROCHELLE BRANDT varions vintages, In Quarter casks Fifth casks Eighth casks ' AMD Cases of one dosen bottles each. ?JH01CE WHITE MILLING CORN AND*. FLOUR, currara THIS DAY. MORDECAI k co., No. no East Bay, oner forr sale invoices Choice WHITE MILLING CORN andi Extra FLOUR, landing this day._ ? JJABMONYS SHERRY WINE. A. TOBIAS' SONS, Ko. 110 East Bay, ?fsr foi? sale an invoice of Choice HARMONY'S FALB' SHERRY WINE._A. TOBIAS' SONS. ?<HOICE HAVANA CIGARS. MORDECAI k CO., No. 110 East Bay, offer forr 8ale an Invoice of Choice HAVANA CIGARS, di? rect from Factory In Havana._ y IRE G BACKE BS. A TOBIAS' SONS, No. 110 East Bay,-offer for sale an Invoice of FIRE CRACKERS, landing thia day._,_' INEGAB, PRUNES, WHITE WINE, CLARET, AO. A. TOBIAS' SONS offer for sale VINEGAR, Prunes, White wine, Imported direct from France. . ?. J^NGLISH IORTER AND ALE. A TOBIAS' SONS, Agents of Messrs. Edward k George Hibben, or London, offer for sale Hibbert's PORTER and Bass's PALE ALE-pints ? and quarts._feb28-6mos <2LopariTUT6tjip6 ano tDiseolntioni. T~T?E~COPIR^ existing under the Arm name or BALL, BLACK k CO, ls this day dissolved by mutual consent Either partner win sign in seulement, of the business. (Signed) HENRY BALL. WM BLACK. EBEN'R MONROE. March 1, 1872. WM. D. BLACK. In announcing the above dissolution, BALL, BLACK A CO. inform their friends and the public that they intend to oloseout their entire stock with as little delay as possible, and at prices that will be an inducement for all to purchase from them. They have also a very large stock oAunset atones-Diamonds, Emeralds, Robles, Cameos, Ac-which they will set, to order, at unusually low rates. Their manufactory for Silverware will be continued to enable them to meet any de? mands in that line. No. 666 and 667 BROADWAY, New York._._JalylS lyr DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. By mutual consent, the Limited Copartner? ship heretofore existing nuder articles of Special Copartnership between BUCKLEY T. BENTON, of the City of Brooklyn. CHARL fis UNDERWOOD, or the Town of Tolland, State or Connecticut, Spe? cial Partners, and EVERT E. BEDFORD, of the Oily or Charleston, General Partner, bearing date the Twenty-eighth day or October Anno Domini Llghteen Hundred and Seventy-one, is hereby dissolved. Witness onr hands and seals this 29th day of March. Anno Domini Elghteeen Hundred and Seventy-two. CHARLES UNDERWOOD, [L.8.] B. T. BENTON, [LS.] EVERT E. BEDFORD, [L.S.] STATE OF SOOTH CAROLINA, \ CHARLE-TON COUNTY. j Certificate or Limited Partnership between BUCKLEY T. BENTON, or the CU? or Brooklyn. State of New York, CHARLES UNDERWOOD, or the Town and County or Tolland, State or Con? necticut, and JOSEPH H. LADD, JAMES & MAR? TIN and WILLIAM G. MOOD, Jr., Of the City Of Charleston, state aforesaid. This certificate nereby witnesseth that the un? dersigned have by virtue of an Act of the Gene rat Assembly of the state aforesaid, entitled .. An Act to authorize the formation of limited partner? ships," passed In the year or our Lord one thou? sand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and another Act entitled "An Acttgo extend the duration of an Act authorizing the formation of limited part? nerships," passed in the year or our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, and another Act extending the same until repealed, passed December 20th, 1866, formed a Limited Partnership, as fol'ows : j First Toe name or firm under which such Part? nership shall be conducted is* LADD, MARTIN k MOOD. . * Second. The general nature of the business In? tended to be transacted is that of the Grocery Ensi ness, both Wholesale and Retail. In the said City of Charleston, or such place or places in the said state as mny herearrer be determined upon. Third. BUCKLEY T. BENTON, of the City ol Brooklyn, State of New York, and CHARLES UNDERWOOD, of the Town and County ol Tol? land, State or connecticut, are the Special Part? ners: and JOSEPH H. LADD, JAMES S. MARTIN and WILLIAM. G. MOOD, Junior, of the City or Charleston, state aforesaid, are the General Partners. Fourth. BUCKLEY T. BENTON, a Special Part? ner, has contrlbu'ed Seven thousand Dollars, ($70C0.) and CHARLES UNDEK WOOD, the other Special Partner, has contributed also Seven T. ou-tand Dollars, ($7000,) to the common Stock of the Partners-nip. ' Fifth. The said Partnership commences on the Twenty-ninth day of March, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-two. and will terminate on the Twenty-ninth fay or March, One Thonsand El?ht Hundred and Seven'y seven. Dated this 29th day of Ma cn, A D. 1872. (Signed) B. T. BENTON. rL al CHARLES UNDERWOOD, ?L.S.1 JOSEPH H. LADD, ' rL af JAMES S. MARTIN, [W WILLIAM G. MOOD, JR., [L.S.] Witness: ' * 1 J (Signed) ASHER D. COHEN, EDWARD FOWLEB. _ , A CARD. Having retired from business in consequence or my health, I take this oppo.tunity of ie tu rain i K^ji^totteprjwio for their liberalTa? ??,(?tofore ?**?ded, and would respectfully ioilclt the continuance of the same for th? sent)/ men who have succeeded me. genue I would inform my mends that I can be found at the office or BUCKLEY T. BENTON, E?a Sr? si John street, New York, after 1st Jane ffi-V aprl-mT EVERT li BEDFORD.