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COMMERCIAL NXtVB. KX porta. BAMBARA-Per Spanish brig Jaren OOO bales upland cot tan. 15,600 feet hun WILMINGTON, DKL-Per sour Wanan phosphate rock. The Charleston Cotton, Rice a Btorea fo-?rit<tt. . OrnOB CHARLESTON NB1 FRIDAY EVENING. April 6, COTTON.-There was a quiet market l pie. but holders were firm. Sales les bales, among which were 9 at 20X. 20 2$X. We quote: LTVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION". Ordinary to good ordinary.20 Low mlddUng.213 MldrtUng....r..2a Syict middling.22* RIOS.-There was a fair demand at ste Sales 175 tierces of olean Carolina, say at $%, 132 at S)i. 6 at 8xc fi lb. We qi mon to fair at 7x@sx'c, good 8X@8X< NATAL STORKS.-There were no sales Crude turpentine may be quoted at ti xor virgin, $4 50 .'or yellow dip, and $2 Od FRIISHTS.-TO Liverpool, by steam dlr nal on uplands, nominal on sea Islands; York, Xd on uplands, Md on sea Ulandi Xd on uplands, on sea islands norn Havre-on uplands. Coast wise-to Ne \ .team X* on uplands and xz on sea telar H tierce on rice; by sall Xe fl Ik on cott tierce on rice; 400 ft barrel on rosin; $s immer; $10 ft M on timber. To Boston SC ft nv on upland cotton; rosin 05c; tuff $9 59910 50; phosphate $5@5 60. T dence, by sail $9 ft M on boards, Xe cotton; by steam $1 ft bale on New Yoi To Pallal el phla, by steam Xe fi rh on 1 by sail, Ml M on boards; $9 60@lo on tu per ton en clay, aad $Sa$3 50 on phosphi Baltimore, by stearn xe ? IB by eal!, $6 M "oa boards; $8@3 50 on timber; : ton on phosphate rock. Vessels' are. ' mand by our merchants to take lamber from Georgetown, S. 0., Dar len abd Sa Wi Ga,, and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern and $io@i2 ft if are the rates oh lom) boards. , ^ : KxcnANQi.-Ste.rUng eodayvbUla 1?X?1 DOMESTIC E?. CH AN OB.-The banks pi sbfh tc nee t; s on New. York at par, and sell i prem)um. M g GOLD-10Q11. ~ Marketa by Telegraph. MONET MARKETS. LONDON, A) Noon.-Consols 02X- Bonds 92X. PARIS, Al Noon.-Rentes 55f 75c. Specie has inc ten and a half minion francs. NSW YORK, A] Noon.-Freights dun. Stocks dull. Gol at IOX. Money firm at 7. Exchange, loi short lox* Governments dull and steady. ' Evening.-Money after.* stringent day firm at 7 per cent. Sterling wj?f?X?. 0 <M lox. Governments closed steady at Xs ?Une. State atoes* dnuv Freights duh. COTTON MARKETS. LlTBBp'OOL, Ap Noon.-Cotton opened quiet; uplands OrleBns llXd; sales 10,000 bales; sales < week 95.000; exports SOM; saocnlatlon ; stock 714 OOO; Amanean 272 0 zo ; receipts lt American 63 OOO; actual export 4000. La' er.-Cotton quiet; afloat 608,000 bales: i can 218,000. Evening.-Cotton closed quiet at noon's < tiona.,: Yarns and fabrics at Manchester qui . Nrw YOBS. Apr Noon.-Cotton quiet; uplands 23Xc, Ol 23 Tic ; sales 655 balea: Evening-Cotton quiet; sales 949 bales; up ?Xe; Orleans 33X- Bales of futures Today : bales: April fc Ji vise ; May 28 8-l6a28X; June ?}{; Joly ttgassx; August 28Xa28X I Sept? aiXailX; October 20; November 19; uecemb BOSTON, Apr Cotton qniet; mlddllnaa 28XC; net receipt bales; g-oHS 3.661; sales 400; sr-?ck 16,000; w net receipts 705; gross 8195; exports to Great alu 23; sales 2100. PROVIDENCE, Apri Cotton, net receipts of the week 166 bales; c 20,600. jj PHILADII.PHIA, April Cotton quiet: middlings a%H2&xc; net rec of the week 281 bales; gross 2132. * BALTIMORE, Apri Cotton quiet rind firm; middlings 2sa2i net re< eipts 6 bales: gross 22; exports coast 740; axles 2s>; stock lo.sos; net receipts o' week 1473; grosa 2674; export? to Groat Bri 477; Conttueut 764; coastwise 1010; sales of wet k 1810; spinners 1060. _ , CITY POINT. April Cotton-Becelpts for the week 248 bales. NORFOLK. April ? Cotton quiet; net receipts 590 bales; exp coastwise 240; sales loo; stock 2780 bales; w. ly net receipts 2IS0; exports coastwise 4237; si 720 bales. " ?? il.-. < WILMINGTON, April < Cotton Arm; nef receipts 74 bilas; eales 1 slock 3380; weekly ne*, receipts fill bales; expc coast wise 983; sales 267. SAVANNAH. April : Cotton quiet and. flrn; mlddtln<*s*22c: net o?tots 9168 baTsWrsxporta coastwise eau at 13WT; stock 4'-887; net receipts or The weet 50 exports, to Great Britain 6581; Comment 2 coastwise 3113; sales 6509. 4 -AUGUSTA, Ap-ll 5 Cotton linn and tn good demand; muid Ur 3lXc; receipts 230 balea; sales 375; stock 1871. ? 070; 1872, 11,276; receipts of the week 1480; sa 1999. MACON, April 5 Cotton qui9t; middlings 20Xe; recel ts of tl week 270 oales; shipments 779; spinners 450: sto lr i U, . -Courireus, AprUa. Cotton qsletj stock 1871.6750 bales; 1872. 62? -weekly receipts S99;- shipments*?*: ssl s S12. . MEMPHIS, April 6. Cotton quiet; mid'Ung* ,22xc; receipts 4 bales; stoc* 1871, 23,57V, 1372, 28 8?. ..... NASH VILLE, April 5. Cotton'quiet? low ml<i1lin?s 22c: netrecelpi 185 bales; shipments 2777, stock 1811, 6491; 18" MONTQOMSRY,April ?. Stock Ofcotton, J87I 6038, 1872 8300; week receipts 286; shipments 432. SELMA,April 5. Stock or cotton, 1871 4676; 1872 1096; weekl recelais 298; shipments 604. MOBILE, April 5. Cotton weak; middlings 22X?22X; netrecelpi 816; exportacoastwlae 739; sales 200; stock 36,67? weekly net receipts 2401; exports coastwise 735 Saks 6388... Nsw ORLEANS, April 5. Cotton quiet; middlings 22Xc; net recelct 8405 bales; gross 8803; exports to Llverp ? 1 6781 to Rejel 1385; sales 8100; atoeK 134,270; weekl net-recelpts 13.878 bales; gross 14,777; exports i Liverpool 17,218; to Falmoath 630; to Cork 1650; t< CrouBUdt 1750; to Revel 2495; coastwise 2640 sates 27.000. GALVESTON, April 6. Cotton weak;- gond ordinary 2uj<o; net recelpti 177 bala?? paie*6?0; MOCK 22,788; weekly net re celpts 1531 b iles;" exports to Great Britain 6521 to Continent '?7^-H coastwi.->e 1882; sales 7100. PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. " _ ? LITS RrooL, April 6. . Noon - BreadstuffB opened qalet _ -.. ? NEW YORK, April 5. Noon-Flour a ?harte Armer. Wheat-spring a shade armer; winter quiet and unchanged. Corn advancing. Purk firm; sew mess $12 87al3. Lari quiet, and steady; steam SXaSXc. Turpen? tine Arra at loc. Kostn Bteady at $3a3l2J? ior strained. Evening-Flour, request decidedly Armer; com? mon to fair extra $7 35a7 75 fl bb.; good to choice $7 80aio 50. Whiskey 87X -88c. Whrat, a ntiade flrmeK.wluter red Western $l 70al.75. . Corn xe hlgUe?78Kc. Rice erm at 9*9^0. Pork more active and-a shade Amer. $13 00a is 0> per obi Lard more active at 8Xa9o. Navals steady. Tal low unchanged. , T - BALTIMORE, April 6. Flour active and Ann. Waeat Arm; choice White $2; fair to prime tl 80al 96. Cora Armer. White 64a66c; yellow 66a87. Provisions nominal for round lots and In good jobbing demand; rates unchanged. Whiskey ss xe. - wr. LOUIS. April 6. Flour, our best brands are Arm; others dull; family extra f8 50. Wbk?ey 84c. Pork In fair demand at $11 60*11 75. Bacon nncnanged and ttl good order demand. Lard wanted at 8Xc; no sellers. * CINCINNATI Aprils. Flour and corn Arm. Pork, -peculatlve de? mand higher at $1226 Lard unchanged. Bacon in ugnt rtemaad and holders Aim; shoulders43?: clear sides 6Xc. Whiskey lower a-77c v. , " LOUISVILLE April 5. ??.^*-LNK^NCHADKED- Flour d'1"- Grain un iey^3c^ Provlfllun8 ?Qiet and little do ng. Whls Wilmington Market-Weekly Report. WILMINGTON, April 4. To,RpKNTiNB-Has been unsettled puring tne entire week and nwusTta aVn-ouia ket to 67X and 68-, a like depres-l"u . ccurr/d Sl?SL2.W n,a kec- For B?erai day? prices , .have oeen nominal, without any renorr-ri SSS. actio ?a un. 11 wedaesdT hSItTESto* to euc' ?Ot soo radi ;d to 61 a-.d 62c, oosmg with ? K07d demand, and on Thursdav he marte. 4! ala ral . Bed to 63;. The stock Is light ami the receipts ara .quite 8-IMIL The sates for the week root up ab jut < ?J4ca?ks. . ] BosiN.-Owing to the large stock In New York ' and free rec ipi s lu Europe, pnces have declined i In both foreign nod d >me-tio markets. Cur mar- 1 kee bas declined a d s iles on Monday and Tuesday 1 were made f 1000 bois at $2 5 J and* 1 SOO buis at ; $2 26 fr strain* d; but n cons-q.ence of low f reig n ts tier- ts H bei ter speen alive demand and ( the market rain - d on Thursday, with ?ah 3 -of 300 e bbls at $2 50 for strained. Better grades, Nos. 1J1 and 2, ar.d pale are in limited supply and de mand^hpuga buyers and sellers are apart, and as a cons?quente no Bales that we bave heard or were effected- The sales for the week foot up about 3838 brt?s. CRUDE TORFENTTNE-The market for this arti? cle bas been unusually quiet and dull, and tbere was a decline of 350 on nard and $110 on yellow dip and virgin. Friday and Saturday the market was in a perfect state or siaguatlon, but on Mon? day a sale was effected at a decline or loo on hard and 5uo on yellow dip and virgin. Tuesday a runner decline was effected and the market has remained qnlet and duh at $2 75 for hard and $4 for yellow dtp and vlrgla. The sales for the week foot up about 520 bbls. " _ , 'ras.-On Friday, owing to the slight demand that exlsttd, this anicle advanced ??Oe over the quotations of the day previous. On Saturday and Monday no business was trausactr d in this anicle. b'it on Tuesday a sale was effected at a decline or 25c, ai'd <m Wednesday a further decine or is j. waa effected. Tar has remaloed unusually qole dnring tue entire week. We note the sale of 957 bbs. New York Rice market. ' NEW YORK, April 4. The Dally Bulletin 8ay3: The dem., nd generally waa moderate to-day and confined to retail lots, as ren aired fy the regular local trade. Holders, however, without exception, were insisting upon former figures, and the market ruled firm. Sales of soo bags Rangoon at 6 J-? a7;i c, and 25 tierces Carolina at '9a9Xc New York Naval Stores market. Nsw YORE, April 4. The Dally Bulletin says: Receipts to-day 2553 bbls rosin, 19 do spin s turpentine, ?-piries tur? pentine are rather more active, with a llgnt im* prove~nent apparent In the general tone of the market. The cargo of the "Clio'' has been placed tn other hands for disposal, and ls now offered on the marget and about 300 bbls Bold, loo of which at 70c, lu shipping order. Sales tn addi? tion to the above are loo bois at.esxaesc: 200 bbls at 69c,%nd 60 bbls to arrive at same price, the market closing at 69>{a70c. Rosina remain rather quiet at $3 12X?3 20 for common to good strained, with S3 bid. Sales 125 hols at $3 25. 8)0 small bola at $3 20, and 250 bbls No. 2 at $3 50. T?r ls rather more acive and s eedy. Sales 200 bbls Wilmington rope at $3 25, and 60 bbls Wash? ington at $3 25. Pitch unchanged. New York Coffee Market. NEW YORE, April 2. The Dally Bulletin say s : There ls no change on Brazils, hoi tera asking former rates for their sup? ples, and refusing to exhibit any desire to change their position for the pre-ent, whue buyers bid very slowly, and as a mle so low as to be pretty certain they will obtain no goods. Jobbers are distributing to a falcjextent, And one or two of the leading houses report a ccnuaratlvely roi ag? gregate of sales, but still not enough bas as yet gone out to necessitate the purchasing or fresh invoices to make good depleted stocks. On West India grades negotiations have cometo a close on several Invoices, resulting In fair sales at aboat previous rates; but for Bast India styles very few bavers appear, and Values are somewhat tame throughout. We note 60S bags Maracaibo, per liva, 400 bags do, per Winner, 1933 do, per Ce? rent, and 1001 do, per Marla and Sophia A cargo or Lsguayra bas been sold for some time to ar? rive, but the particulars are not published. We quote Rio (nominally) gold* tn bond: Or? dinary cargoes l4Xal6c; fair car .-oes l5Xal6X; good cargoes leaio^ ; prime cargoes ie Kai 7. Interior Cotton Markets. CHESTER. April 3. But little cotton Offering; ordinary 18*0, good ordinary 22>?c, low middlings 21c, middlings 21X07 ' * YOB EVILLE, April 3. Cotton is selling at from 17 to 20c. CHARLOTTE, April 1. Sales for the week about 200 bsles.atan ad? vance of ?ic over last week. We qu te middling at vic. low middling at 20x0, and stained at IT and 20c. ' * GREENVILLE1, "j April 3. Cotton ls selling to day at 20a20xc. ANDERSON, April 3. Sales or cotton for the week ending to-day US hales. Prices this afternoon range from 20 I to 20\c. I COLUMBI 1, April 4. Cotton, middlings 21o; sales ?8 baleo. COLCMBUS, April 4. Our market Irregular; middlings 2lXc; receipts five days 286 bales, against 146 Us*, week and 464 corresponding week 1R71; shlppec five days 178 bales, against 781 and 470; sales 836 bales; receipts 44; shipments 16. MONTGOMERY, April 3. Oar market ls s'eady to day, viz: Good ordinary 21 xe strict good ordinary 21X, low middling 2lXc; middlings not quoted. Receipts by Railroad- April S. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. .636 bales cotton, 76 balee goods, 4 cars stock, 100 bbls flour, 28 cari wood and lumber. To Rail? road Agent, Pelzer, Rodgers A co, 0 H Walter A so, A J Sahnas, W B williams A Son, A J salinas, W B Smith A co, Frost, Adger A co, Geo W Wil? liams A co, R C Sharp. Sloan A Se'gntous, P 0 Treoholm, A S Smith, Barmelster A Zerbst, Wag? oner A Monsees, Ravenel, Holmes A co, Steffens, Werner A Ducker, Tledeman, Calder A co. Mowry A Son. H Bischoff A co, Bultmann Bros, W 0 Bee A co, c R Holmes, Wlss A co, W 0 Ooartenay <fc co, Hockney Bros, A n Mulligan, W W Smith, G Foam, Bl E Grainger, J 0 Midonee. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD. 6 bales cotton, lil bbls naval stores, cars umber, wood, rough rio:, tobacco, mdse, Ac. To (Vblirten A Jones. Kinsman A Howell, C Gravely, Seo W Williams A co, Pelzer, Rodgers A co, S A 0 Hall road co, Caldwell A Son, Barden A Parker, E (Yelling, J C Malionee, N E Railroad Agent, and )thers. F assengers. Per steamship James Adger. from New York M Daniels, E N Jessup, W L Jessup and wife, O S Shepard, D B Yan Honten and wife, A Smith, Mrs ES C Dickey. G W Kay lor, B S Howard, Wm 8 Wil? lama and wi e. Mrs A clark. Per steamer Pilot Boy, from Beaufort. Pacific 3hisolm's and other Landings-Mrs Harrison, S A Marshall, Capt W Peronue?u, and 12 deck. Per steamer Emilie, from Georgetown. S 0 UUB Goetty. Mrs Parker. Miss E H Ford, G Lynes, Hiss Henning, A G Trenholm, wife, nurse and : ti lld. A E Tamp let, Mrs Mc Feely and son. Rev r Carr, J R Ford, Jr, T D McDowell, W B Ryan, 1 7 Litchfield and wife. Master John Weston, Miss ? Johnston, Master F Johnston, and 9 deck. XABJDO IfEWB, CHARLESTON, 8. C.APRIL 6, 1872. AI 82 deg 46 min 83 sec. | Lon 7? deg 67 min ar sea ARRIVED YESTERDAY. 0 Steamship James Adger, Lockwood, New York, - hours to the bar. Muso. To James Adger A 0, 8 c Railroad Agent, D A Am me, J E Adner A 10, DD Ahrens A co, W 0 Bee loo, F u Borner, T ? Btlstoll A co, Rev R o Burr, c D Brahe, Dowle, loise A Davis, Douglas A Millar, H Gerdts A co, C ' )rew, Dr L Feucnwanger, D F Fleming A cs, E M irtmae, U slegilng. O A Lengnlok, K Martin. Wm dam,lessen. W McKay, McLoy A Rice, B O'NelU, drs L Mehrteos, 1) O'Neill A Sons, F L O'Neill. - ocPher6on, W F Paddon, D Paul A co, E Perre, N ll Porter, J R Read. D H Stlcox, E B Stoddard A io, J sterner, M mest, j F ray lor A co, J Apple, J vrcher, MrsMJ Zernow, A B Andrew?, J Allan, Val!? er, Evans A Cogswell, E Bates A co, Joseph Blackman, E T Brown, L Chapman. Dr G duller, .'ameroo, Barkley A cn, Chase A Cuttlno, s Fass, tearier office, B Feld mann A co, P F Murray. J s fairly A co, D Fitzgibbon. Foray the, Mccomb A 10, Harbeson A co. I H Hall St co, N A Hunt, o E fe AS John-on. Johnston, Crews A co, Kinsman iros. C Kerrison. M Marks. S R Marshall St co, W t Mehrten?, J G MU nor A co, M H Nathan. Wm P tussell A co. U C Plenge, Sell A Foster. P Darcy, F Ver, ne, Mrs S Watts, P Wlnemaa A co, Order nd others. Steamship Maryland, Johnson, Baltimore-left d inst. Mdse. To Mordecai St co. P 0 Trenholm, IC Railroad Agent, N E Railroad Agent, xaveu 1 A co, W H Ch afee A co. JP Rich, EH Jjckson, ! L Ostemiorff, Kline*, Wlckenoerg'A co, Dowle, loise A Davis. Mantoue A co, J H V?llers, Pam, Vetch A Brandea, straus Bros, Adolph Nimitz, P I Lalane A co, J G Manor A co, E Bates A co, A R .ewlih. LScnnell, Florida Steamers. Wm Gurney, > Flizgibbon, S Jancovicb, Macqueen A Rlecke, R Ldger, an rot hers. British bark Anevoca, williams.?CardltT,- days, tallroad iron. To Henry Card and Order. British bark Henrietta, Bennett, Cardiff, - lays Railroad Iron. To Wagner, Huger St co, ind Order. Baik Harvest nome, rickey. Cardiff-68 days. Uliri ad iron. To Order. Vessel to the Master. Sehr Anna E Glover. Terry, B ston-7 days Ice ind mdse. To M Goldsmith A Son, Tudor Ice co, ) H ?lteox, Wagener A Monsees. H Bischoff A co. ) O'neill A Sons, C Lillenthal A co. Hart ft co. H ?latte A co. Bollmann Bros. Kinsman & Howell, ' P Locke, E B stoddard A co, Kailroad Agent. R Vhlie, - Millings E iw Daly, G s Hacker, D Paul k co, D A Amme. B SipgllDg, Wm McKav, Dowle loise A Davis, ? R Oowperthwalt, a od order. Sehr J H stickney, Fooks, Baltimore-6 days. Idse. To Street Bros St co. H Cibla A co. F D C tracke. E H Stelling, Bulcken St Wohltmann, M .uhrs J Campsen A co, Mordecai A co. Steffens, Verner A Docker, Bardea A Parker, W H Jones A 0. and Omer Sehr David Collins. Townsend, Wilmington, lei-6 days. Guano and powder. To T G Boag nd J N R 'bson. Vessel to Master. Sehr Louisa, Ancrum. Cooper River. 1600 bush IB rongh ri e. Tu J lt P Ingle St Son. jctir Ann s Deas. Garbatti, Weat Point Mill. 00 cs rice. To Wm C Bee St co, cohen, Hancfcel St 0, and Ravenel A co. steamer Pilot Boy, McNeltv, Beaurort, Chis lm's and Pacific Laudinsa. 8 bales cotton aud Kise. To Ravenel. Holmes A co, Ravenel A co, I Foll?n, Jno Colcock A co. D McPherson, Dowle, loise * Davis, R?hles Bros, steele A Wardell, M nest, and others. Steamer Emilie. White, Georgetown, s C. 50 tierces rice, mdse and sundries. To Shackel prd A Kelly. W 0 Bee A co. B Boyd, w K Rvan. - Nlpson, J M Ea<ou A Bro. Margaret Purcell, P Mazy ck, L ? DeSaussure. Mr-. E Hemor. Mrs J .T" r?,,J -KA'1 ger A co, 0 Alston. P F wilson. N .manuel, J D Geddings, Mrs H W Tiltou and Wm uara. Lg ~ i ' s?" 17 bale8 cotton. 202 bbls naval M& ?*0Ktt> Holmes A co. J M aldwtll A son, W K Rya-i, b..raeQ A Park?r SR miRO ft cu, RBWRT ak~TcTt>er?"Frost, Adger A co, John Bancltel. Whllden A Jone?, Quaokea bash, Estin A co, Pelzer, Hedgers A co, Order, and others. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Spanish brig Joven Joaquin, Fontrodono, Bar celona-W P Hall. Sehr wanata, Swlnoerton, Wilmington, Del Master. SAILED YESTERDAY. Sehr Edwin, Bellows. Savannah. Steamer City Point, McMillan, Palatka, via Jack? sonville, Fernandina and Savannah. FROM THIS PORT. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, at New York, April 2. Steamship Charle-ton, Berry, at New York, 5th April. Steamship Virginia, Hinckley, at Philadelphia. April 2. OF FOR THIS PORT. Sehr L A Edwards, Rowland, at New York, 3d April. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Steamship South carolina, Beckett, at New York, April 3. MEMORANDA. The British bark Peter Crerar, Campbell^ from Beaufort, S u, for London, put into st Thomas on 28th March, leaky. . The s ch ra Samuel Nash, Hart, and M E Ly mn . burner, French, both'from Rocknort, Me, for this port, arrived at Portland, Me, 29th ult. The Behr Mott Bedell, Bedell, from Port Royal, S C, arrived at Richmond, Ya, ist Inst. The echr Carrie S Webb, Homar, for George? town, S C, cleared at New York April 2. The sehr Jolla R Floyd, Squires, from George? town, S O, arrived at New York April 2. Ornas ano ilie?uines. F?GS AND MED^lb?NEsi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. D ?K,. H. BAER, No. 131 MEETING STREET, Offers his Large and Well-Assorted Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, FANCY GOODS, And all the Leading Proprietary Medicines. The foUswinfe comprise a few of the CHEMI? CALS he has on band. These goods are pur? chased of the Manufacturers, and will be sold to the trade at the lowest possible figure : CHEMICALS. IODINE RESUB LIMED, Iodide of Potassium, Bromide of Potasslnm. Nitrate of Silver. Quinine, P. A W. and R. ft S. Morphine, P. 4 W. and R.4S. Chloral Bydrate, made by Schering, Berlin. Alome, German. Iodoform, Qoevecne's Iron, (French,) Iron by Hydrogen, (Merck's,) Glycerine, (Merck's and American,) Calomel, English and American. Blue Mau, English and American. Chloroform. * Sulphuric Ether. Chlone Ether. Acetic Ether. Sweet Spirits of Nitre, ftc, Ac I Supercai bolate or Soda. Supercarbolate of Zinc Podoph jilin. Leptandrin*. Hydrastln. Irlsln. Caulophyllln, ftc., ftc, HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES. A Foll Stock ot HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES always on hand, comprising Tinctures, Pellets, Powders of d fi?rent Triturations, Family Medi? cine Cases, ftc, ftc. The following are a few of the FRENCH PATENT MEDICINES always kept in Stock: GRIMACLT'S SYRUP OF THE HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME. Grimanlt's Gnarana Powders, ror Headache, Neu jralgla, ftc. Grimault's Matlco bijection. Grl maul i's Lera'a Phosphate of Iron. Mathey-Caylu-'a Capsules. Purgatif Le Roy. Quevenne's Iren, (with Spoon.) Oigarettes-Esplc for Asthma. Drag?es de Santonlne-5 centigrammes, ftc, ftc, ftc. Kidder's Electro-Magnetic Batteries. None but the Purest Drugs used, and satisfac? tion guaranteed, both as to price and quality. Orders are solicited front Druggists, Physicians Country Merchants, Planters and others, with the assurance that they shall receive prompt and careful attention. mch7 8moB Cigars, (tabacco, ?fcc. EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE, No. 310 KINO STREET, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIGARS AND TOBACCO of all kinds. PIPESof every quality. Call and examine Stock before trading else j where. WILLUM SCHRODER, Proprietor. N. B.-The Wheel or Fortune constantly on hand. Invest 25 cents aud try your luck. mch7-DCAwlyr QHARLES BERBUSSE, BASKET MANUFACTURER, No. 379 KING STREET, Has Just returned from the North with a large Stock or Goods, consisting or : BASKETS, CHINAWARE, AND TOYS. ALSO, A large assortment or CHILDREN'S CAR? RIAGE-, rangln? in price fr nra $4 to $25. He ls also J cent tor Colby's c. lebraied "Little Washer and CiotbrB Wringer," the most perre? and cheapest In use. which he sel>s at manufac? ture rs' price. Call and examine ror you; s e.r. mch22 fmw2mo LIST OF LETTERS remaining In the Fostomce at Charleston, for the week ending April 6, 1872, and printed om etan y In THB DALLY NEWS, as the newspaper having the largest circulation In thc City of Charleston. mw Office hours from 8 A. it. to CK P. E On Sundays, from 6% to ex P. M. _STANLEY G. TROTT, Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. Adams, Mar- Gordon, Mattie O'Neill, Mrs An gret Gordon. Martha na Adams, Marla Grlmke, Mrs J s owens. Marla Adklas. Louisa Gay, Lizzie Powers, JUar Ancrnm, Rhins tireen,MISS Hes- gret Ann Anderson, Nan- ter Perkins, Dlanah cy nra tas, Lonlsa Peterson, WU Armstrong, Ma- Bayward, Marj lime?a ry Harrison, Alice Pierce, Celia Bahr, Mary Em- Haynes, L ' Pother, Cattle ma Haig, Mrs E M Poulnoc. Mary E Barnes, Mrs E E Sicks, Agellae Pri?e, Mrs A O Sanker, Hattie Soiland, Mary Price. Rose Beahan, Agnes A P out, L Biackham, Mrs Holloway, Oath- Prince, Mary L rlae A Ann Boland, Rate Holman, Mrs Ravnel, Har Bruuje-, Mary Jumes rlett Branch, Annie He use, Miss F R Sawyer, Ann Brasier, Mrs L K Sanders, Miss J R Burne, Leila E Brown, Carrie C Hunt, Margret Screven, Miss Brown, Annie Hubert, Mrs Jas Kate Brown, Elsey Hughes, Mary O Scr iven, Miss Brown, Grace Isear, Mrs R H Mary Brewster, Miss I. Elvina A Schoeil, Marla Georgiana Jackson. Lydia Schwabe, Mrs Bradley, Miss M Jervey, M's T H ?bler. Miss An J Jenkens,Dlanah na D BTightman, Sa- JesseD. Cathrine Simons, Esther rah A Jones.Mft Nellie simmons, Mary Bussell, Mrs Jno Johnson, Rebec- G F .ca Simmon3, Susan Boll, Lucy A Johnson, Mary ^Singleton. Jane Burke, Emma Johnsen, Mar- t-maiia, Mrs B F Butts. Mit's tba smith, Carrie Bu.-ae, Eliza Jones, Ml-s H F -mitti, Miss L V c atv lt t, Mn F L Jones, Elizabeth Solomons, Miss Caldwell, Enge- S Hortense ula Juay, Miss Shady, Mary Castemann, Ma- Kennedy, Mrs Aaa ry Ally Sponager, EUz Carpenter, Miss Kennedy, Mary abeth Leopy Kinloch,Matilda Spencer, Ame Campoell, Miss Kinloch, Julia c lia K J Klenk, Dora Stevens, Mrs J Carr, Rebecca Lanrlase. Anna W Chisolm, Eliza- Ladtte. Martha Stuard. Mary beth A Lansing. Kate Joseph Christy, Louisa Levy, Miss Ma- Stafford, Miss C Cnrlstopher.Mrs ry s R Leslie, Mrs Ma Steadman, Mar Chase, PA ry gret Chris baring. Lee, Jennie Stowell, Miss Miss Julia 0 Lewis, Francis Alice Clarke, ?lien Lindsey, Flora Sullivan, Miss Corrie, M?s Livingston, El- Mary Alice len Thompson, Mrs Coffin, Cathe- Logan, Martha Alfred rlne H - Lord, Mrs An Thompson, An Costine, Harriet nie E Da Coniln. Mary A Long, Louisa Telling, Mrs .Colliugton, Mrs Lowndes, Annie Tlencken, Julia Conioy, Mary E Townsend, Alice Ann warrin, Annie Tognerl, Cath Cobla, Mary Martin, Mles E erine Jane B Toomer, Elisa Converd, Mrs Martin, Ida Truesdale, Sa Neille Mack, Sarah rah Cuttino, Mrs CV Mazyck Celia rm.* I, Lenora Dadwtn, Mrs M Veonlng, Alice Mary Mehrtens, Miss Verdey, Isebel Denny. Sarah L Annie la . Ddgerlng, Hen- Middleton, Ma Vernon, Mrs rietta ry Paul Deveese, Louisa Mire, Mrs Clara Vow, Pheobe Dickerson, Mrs Miller, Mrs Jane Wallace, Har - E ? Miller, Mrs Ann rlett E Dosait, Nldow Mohy.Mra Dian- ?Vari, Sarih Dothage, Mrs 3 nab Jane Dothage, Sophia Morris, Char Walworth. Mrs Dra? ton. Myrah lotte S Maryjane Driggers, Mrs 6 MuLstermann, Washington, Duffaa, Emma C Margarethe Hettie Duncan, Phillis Mulcahy, Mary Washington, Dunn, Mrs Fran- Murphy, Mrs F Miss els McBride, Isebel While, Julia Edwards, Mary la White, Abby Edwards, Lou McKay, Miss White, Ammy lia Mary White, Louisa Edwards, Anna McKinlay, Sa Wheaver, Mrs Endings, Eliza rah Mollie Elllr, Mrs R B McKinlay, Mrs Whaley, Fannie Kleids, Wrlnner M J F Fickllng, Miss McKinlay, Mrs williams, Mrs Kate H R Annie Flood, Margret McMillan,Agne* Wilson, Mrs Flynn. Mrs P McMannts, Jose- Jane J O Fowler, Mnria F McLaughlin, Wlnkler, Mrs M Ford, Maggie Kate wu .logton, Ce Fox, Mrs C S tfaboor, M Ila Gardner. Phillis elson. Venus wilkerson, Mrs Oarker, Mrs A D N isette Betsey M Gardner, Mrs & O'Bryan, Mar- Wilkerson, Mrs A gret Joseph M Gason. Rebecca Oerjen, Mrs Jo- dimberly, Mrs Gaimard, MissP hanna RE . B Ohiaudr, Mrs A Woodward, Llz Glbbs, Mrs Geo M zie Glbhs, BeDji- Oliver, Lavinia Wotton, Mrs A mia O'Neil, Mrs B Glover, Mrs Ma- Francis Wright. Eliza ry E . beth E MEN'S LIST. Alllen, John Galegar, James O'Neill, Lanlel Albers, JG Qlnetra, Via- C Andras, Harry cecio ')ppel, JG 0 Archer, R W Ortaoings, Geo Ouerton, Isaac Bacon, Leonard Goodwin, Geo L H Gadson, Jonas Parsons. O H Barber, M E Gray, Geo Parker, T F Batneas, Mid-Grove. David Pilmer. H dleton Hamplln, H S Perry, J W Bee, John Haas. Jno Plnonney. Isaac Bee, Bee Baynes, James Pickles, E H Beach, AC Haynes, Rich- Pleas nan. GW Bergmann, A ard Porcher, P E Berkmeter, Cbs Hazel, PV Powers, Pierce Bea, LT Hawkins. Edwd Powell, D W Bergantin, Cl- Hard n, W L Pranse, Oscar moteo Hamlen, Capt Pringle, John Binns, Jno Joseph Qulnbe, E J Blaon, Nichol- Hand, Capt So Ray, Laorontz an mers U Bogardes, H W Haskins, W 0 Raston. E H Rolktn, A J Harrtsoo, Jas F Reed, W H boken.-Jnllus Helmken, F Redmond, Boone, Thomas Hen -iger, H B Ralph Boweon, J J Holstein, Rich- Rhea, Dr A W Bryan. Peter ? ard Rivers, W H Brill, Chas Holman. Taylor R ach, Henry Bradley, John ? Hutrglas. James Rooason, Fran* Co Hushes, J K els Brand, Chris-Jackson, H C Robinson,la.Uh tlan Jackson, Noce RobBson, isl Brown, Rev De Jackson, Marios dire , Brown, Wm H Jones, Jno W Roberts, J H Brown, H Ros-Johnson, Jo- Ruff. WL sell seph H Rutledge,Thom . Brown, Sf.m Johnson. T A as . Britton, Paul Jordon, Bea Rudo, Charles Bulwlokle, Jo-Kelly, M Sanders, Ben nunn Kesley, Mathew Sanders, James Butler, Geo G Lawrence, F li saw, James Cater, Thomas J -?harper, Fried Oper s, C B bang, James Schiene, 0 Ca m m on Wm Lanir, Frank Sergent, J H M Lemkuhln, E F chafer. Law Calvltt, J M Lee, Jno {.'ol'd) renee Campr.ell, C O Lohi-s, Griffen Sheppard, D M Campbell, Jo- Waheiy. Jonn ?harppor, Thos seph Maguire, Hugh simmons, Hen Carr. Kev W . Mat dock. W H ry Chester a-.ld, Macoy, Thoma* Stnkler, Wm Sandy J Mneth, M B Chxpio, E P M igrath, Jno Singleton, Glaus?,JboHen - Manln. Jame? Moses ry Mjellxrd, JP Small, Cilspin Clifford, Frank M 1er, i orem C small, Samp H MU?s, Henry eon Clark. David Md tree, Is ac small, Charles CniBdale John Murdermac, Jo- Spin ker. Hugh clarke, E M hann H spellman, D Clarke, Abra Mickey. Edward sparks, Juo h .m Mishew, lhum- ->trobe], Isiah. Corbrct, Jno as H Sutton, Jno Crovait A J Moydew, An- Taylor. S J cnuiippe, Sam- drew Thompson, Ju uel D Muffet, Charle? ll s Dargan, GW Mollenhswer, J Turner. Job A Del iney, J Moswood, Tynon, W G Deas, Edward James C Vanderhorse, Donald. J Murray, Sipeo charles Drew. Edward Muirhead, Jus Wirren, RW Druelle. Leon viyern. Rubere walton. Willie urake-worth, McBride A Walker. R J Juo W craig White, Wm Dudley, Berna McCants, LA White, Jno Dal min Meint , re, Rev sey Euwards.AEH James A White, Peter E. lioit. J A McIntyre, Col whyte. A Eimes, J F Geo F Willis, W H t-vers, J P O Mcintyre H C Whitehead, ? A F da. Sr Don M 'Lain, Louis P Juan McKee, J Williams, Gus Finney, Nat McRae, Walter tus Finley. M G Wilhams. O P F. ynn. Z R Night, Abram Wilson, Child A Ford. BenJ O'Brien. A T Co F?-rd," Peter o'connor, Thos Wiseman, Bob Frost, KB J ert Garcia, Sr Don [O'Neill, MO Z" gier, Mor Manuel I. ritz mw Persons depositing letters In the Poa tom ce will please place the stamp near the upper right I hand corner of the envelope, and they will also please to remember that without the stamp a le1 - ter cannot be mailed, but will be sent to the Dead Letter o m ce. tailoring, ?nrnisliing ?oo?rs, Gt. jinfN*lT??G^ No. 141 KINO STREET, WEST SIDS, A FEW DOORS NORTH OF QUEEN' STREET, Would respectfully Inform his friends that he has Just returned from New York with a large and well selected stock of the latest styles of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Also, a full assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, INCLUDING THK CELEBRATED STAR 8 H I 3 T 8 mch7-imo jp OB NEW YOB Ki UKW YORK A.VD CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINE. ESTABLISHED 1846. The Splendid Side wheel Steamship HAS HAT TAN, H. S. Woodhull Commander, will sail from Adder's South Wharf on SATURDAY, the oth Instant, ar. 9 o'clock P. IL The MANHATTAN ls one or the fastest steam? ships on the Atlantic coast, and offers great In? ducements to travellers gol og North? SS- Marine Insurance hy this lme half per cent. 49" Through Bills of Lading given on i o t con to Live rpi ol, Boston. Providence, and the New Eng? land manufacturing towns. For Freight or Passage apply to apr8-4_JAMES A DOER A CO.. Agents. JOB NEW YO BK. ON TH CES DAT, APRIL lira, AT - j O'CLOCK P. M. NEW IRON STEAK LINE-ESTABLISHED li STATE-BOOMS ALL ON DECK. "**K The Splendid New Iron Sldewheel Steamship SOUTH CAROLINA, Beckett, Commander, will sall for New York on TH?BSDAY. April 11th, at 4 o'clock P. M.. from Pjer Na 2 Union Wharves. Through Bills' bf Lading to Liverpool and the New England Cities as usual. I naur nee bi Steamers of this Line Jf percent. Fer Freight or Passage Engagement?, having very One Deck Stateroom accommodations, apply to WAG EN ER, HUGER A CO.. No 26 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharves. apr5_ -_ HE PHILADELPHIA IBn?T BHsAll 1 LINE. THE FIRST-CLASS IRON SOREW STEAMSHIPS WILMINGTON, Captain-. VIRGINIA, Captain Hinckley, Are now regularly on the Line, insuring a drat, class sea connection between Philadelphia and Charleston, and in alliance with Railroad Com? panies at both termini, afford rapid transportation to and rrom all points lu the Cotton states, and to and from cincinnati, st. Louis, Chicago and the principal cities or the Northwest.- Boston, Providence and tho Eastern Manufacturing Cen? tres. to- The WILMINGTON la appointed to sall rrom Union Wharf on THOBSDAY, April nth, at 6 o'clock P. M. *a- The VIRGINIA will follow next week. For particulars of Freight, arrangements, apply to WM. A. COURTENAY, Union Wharves. W. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents, No. 13 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. aprs_ poa BALTIMORE FREIGHTS RECEIYED DAILY, AND THRO US BILLS LADING ISSUED TO PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST, LIYERPOOL AND BREMEN. The line steamship MARYLAND, Johnson Com? mander, wUl sall for Baltimore, on TUESDAY, 9th April, at 4 o'clock P. M. $ST Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that cit? by railroad rrom Baltimore without addi? tional insurance, and Consignees are allowed am? ple time to Hample and aell their Goods from the Railroad Depot in Philadelphia, For Freight or Passage apply to PAUL C. TRENHOLM, AgeBt, apr5-4_No. 2 Union Wharves. c UNAHD LINE The British and North American, Royal Mall Steamships, between New, York and Liverpool. FROM NSW TORI. JAVA WEDNESDAY, 10th April CHINA, WEDNESDAY. 17th April. RUSSIA, wsONE-DAY, 2uh April. CUBA, WEDNESDAY, 1st May. FROH BOSTON. PARTBIA, SATURDAY. Oth April. PALMYRA, > ATC RD AV. 13; h April. OLY ?PUS. T?r SHAT. 23d April. SI BE H. IA, TUESDAY. 3Rh April. SAMARIA, TUESDAY, 7th Mar. RatfBOf Passage-O.ihin, $80, $100 and $130, gold, according to tccomrao tatton. Tickets to Paris $15, gold, additional. Return Tickets on favorable rerms. steerage, $30, currency. steerage Tickets from Liverpool and Queens? town, and all parts of Europe, at lowest rates. , For Passage, apply to 1 KOAOH A MOFFETT, Agents, Adger'a South Wharf aud East Bay. mch28-tbstuimo Ornas, drjemicals, Ut. WARNER ?fe CO.'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. PIL IODOFORM AND IRON. A powerful general tonic and alterative. The great Remedy for Scrofula, Neuralgia and Rhea ' matlsm. We give below a brier extract from a report or the Lehigh County Medical Society, as published In the iransack lons or the Medical Society or Penn? sylvania. Jnne. 1868: '?Internally. I gave quinine and Iron and a good nourishing diet. Mill I lound great trouble in keeping up healthy granulations, they would be? come sluggish. I tried a number ol alteratives, as iodide or potassium and lime. Still the case progressed very slowly until my attention was at? tracted to an article In the Medical and Surgical Reporter, 'On Iodoform and Iron.' I at < nee con? cluded tn give ?his remedy a lair trlaL I discon? tinued all oi her constitu? Ional treatment, and save three pills three times a day,- manufactured by W. R. WARNER A Co., or Philadelphia. I soon had the sailsfaction or seeing a rapid improve? ment. Tne p iiu at once left her limb, with wnlch she had suffered continually; the granulations became moro healthy and more abundant, and I now have the Batisractlon of seeing my patient engaging In all her household duties. Not a ves? tige of the disease ls to be seen. The patient ls enjoying perfect health, i < active and llvelv. "Since, I have treat* d two other cases, one of three Bnd one of lour years' >ianding, wi'h the same good result. I feel convinced or the efficacy or the remedy. P. L. REICH ARD, "Chairman Sanitary Committee." PIL PHOSPHORUS COMP. A potent Remedial Age>it and certain cure for Softening of the Brain, impotency, Ac. WINE OF BEEF AND IRON. TONIC, NUTRITIVE, STIMULANT. This preparation possesses, In the highest de? gree, the valuable properties of tra lugredlf nts so combined as to form a pleasant and valuable re? medy for Debi Hy, Exhaustion, Impoverishment or the Blood, Convalescence. Ac. For by DR. H. BAER, Wholesale Agent, mch23-nc?wdmos Charleston, S. 0. ?tL?KTIG PHOSPHATE. .--0- T THU FERTILIZER, manufactured by the ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE COMP ANT, lancer 'ti* airee 4 loa ot their Chemist, Dr. ST. JULIEN RAVENSL, I* now offered tb the PTaadng Community - At THC? VERT REDUCED PRICE OF$48 PER TON 'JASH, or ?53 PAYABLE* IB* NOVEMBER, 1873, FREE OF INTEREST. 1 ? -t . This FERTILIZER has been very extensively used in this State, and has giren entire satisfaction: some of the most practical planters admitting lt to be equal to Peruvian Guano, pound for pound. All soles made now will be considered as cash oa the 1st of March, 1872, and to those buying OB time the sale wiU be considered aa due on 1st November. 1872. .. % ... By thia arrangement planters will be enabled, without extra cost, to haul then* Manure at ? time when their wagons nnd mulea'are idle. .' - . .. Pamphlets containing the certificates of those who have used the ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE will be furnished on application to the Agents. PELZER, RODGERS & CO., General Agent,s dec8-4mos BROWN'S WHARF, CRARIiESTOM, BL C. ~ E. FRANK COB'S "~ AMMONIATED BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE, AND COE'S PtTRE DISSOLVED BONE. The above superior FERTILIZERS, admitted by every Planter who has used them to be the best and most profitable or any or the Commercial Manures, are now offered for sale by the Agents at very much Reduced Prices, In order that every Planter may be enabled to use them. '. ?' - ' Pamphlets containing the reports of the success of these- Fertilisers will be furnished on appli? cation to the Agents. , , . The Phosphate ls sold at $*8 per ton cash, or $59 per ton payable 1st November, 1872, irte of interest . . . '. - The Dissolved Bone at 3so per ton cash, or 955 per ton payable 1st November, 1873, free of tnt e res t. PEIiZER, RODGERS & CO?, Sole Agents, decs-imos BROWN'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. IMPORTANT TO COTTON PLANTERS! THE MARYLAND FERTILIZING AND MOT AUTOING CO. HAVE PREPARED A SPECIAL FERTILIZER ADAPTED TO THE COTTON PLAUT, UNDER THE NAME OF COTTON F O OD! Which they claim to be of the Highest Grade of FertUiter sold in the South, and guarantee to eqns In resu.ts Peruvian Guano, pound for pound, and of more permanent benefit to the sou. lt has been used by several hundred Planters in North and South Carolina and' Georgia, for two seasons, with the following results : ? It increases the crop from loo to 200 per cent. It resists drought In all cases. The crop ls not affected by rust. It matures lue crop three to four weeks in advance, thus insuring the crop-against early frosts, or In the event of a bayward season for planting enables the planter to put in his crop three or four weeta later, even as lets as the 1st or June, with a certainty of success. It produces a better quality or Cotton. .... looking at the low price of Cotton, the intelligent planter will readily comprehend-the necessity of using nothing but the highest grade or Fertilizers, and of strictly avoiding those whose value has been reduced by adultera lon Or the use of cheap materials under the pretence of meeting the low price of Cotton. ,! If his crop is only doubled by the use of ''COTTON FOOD" lt will give him from ?ne to two hon. dred per cent profit on h a outlay, with Cotton at 12* cents per pound, and lt will enable bim to plant" fewer acres, with a corresponding reduction of labor and expense, with better resu.ta. $55 PER TON, IN SACKS, TWELVE TO THE'TON. LAWRENCE SANGSTON, President, No. 58 EXCHANGE! PLACE, BALTIMORE. J. R. PRINGLE & SON, Agents, Janis mwramos CHARLESTON, g. C. ATLANTIC AGIO PHOSPHATE. This Article, prepared by the ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE COMPANY, under the direction of their Chemist, Dr. ST. JULIEN RAVENEL, ror composting -with Cotton Seed, la now offered st the Reduced Price of 1)98 per ton cash, or $31 per ton payable 1st November, 1872, Tree of Interest. . Jsgi i <a Orders filled now will be considered as Cash 1st Marett, 1872, or on Time as due ut November. 1872, thereby enabling Planters to haul lt at a time when their Wagons and Mules are Idle. ^ PELZER, RODGERS & CO., General Agents decS-tmos BROWN'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, 8. C. . _gripping. _ JpOR JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. THO Schooner ANNIE E. GLOVER will OA. tafce freight for Jacksonville at low ratea.SSL WM sall as soon as discharged. Apply ac M. GOLDSMITH A SON, apr? 83i2_ Veodae Range. JjlOR FORT SUMTER BATTERY WAGENER, FORT MOULTRIE, AND ALL OTHER INTERESTING POINTS AROUND THE HARBOR. The fast, safe and comfortably appointed Ai Yacht ELEANOR will leave Southern ?wharf <Bm s van Y DAY, at io o'clock morning, and 8 o'oiook afternoon. For arrangements, apply to CAPTAIN THOMAS YOUNG, E0V15 Un Board. POR GARDNER S BLUFF AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE PEE? DEE RIVER. The steamer PLANTER. Captain H. S. Cordes, is now receiving Freight_ at Accommodation Wharf, and will leave on MONDAY NIGHT, the 8th Instant. Freight and wharfage nrepald. For Freight engagemewts apply to the Captain cn board, or to RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO. aprs-2 No. 177 East Bay. -pOR WRIGHT'S BLUFF, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS C? THE SAN TEE RIVER. The steamer MARION, Cap2 . .ag^s. tain w. F. Alair, Ls now re-iawSBK celvlng Freight at Accommodation Wharf, and will leave on SATURDAY NIGHT, the 6th In.-1. Freight and Wharrage prepaid. For engagement? apply to captain on board, or to RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., aprS 2_No. 177 East Bay. ^jyEEKL? LINE TO SAVANNAH, GA, AND SEMI-WEEKLY TO BEAUFORT, S. C. The St earner JP I ILi O T BOY Captain W. T. MCNELTY, ? Will leave Accommodation wharf every MONDAY M ORN LNG, at s o'clock,,_ for savannah. Beaufort, linton Head and apan l?h Wells. Returning will leave Savannah every TUESDAY MORNING. win leave for Beaufort. Pacific and Ohtsolra's Landings every THURSDAY"MORNING at 8 o'clock. Returning will leave Beaufort every FRIDAY MORNING. . Freight received WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Must be prepaid to Way Landings. Geode consigned tocare or Agents will be for? warded free or storage or commission. Freight received for points on Savannah River, to be transferred to Men mer RUS v, which leaves Savannah every TUESDAY MORNING. Cabin Passage to beaufort $3. Deck Passage to Beaufort SI 60. For engagemepts apply to RAYEN EL, HOLMES A CO., reb3-sw No. 177 East Bay. pOR FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH. TWICE A WEEK. ??w?Bs?The splendid Steamera?j?S?fc DICTATOR.Captain COXBTTKB CITY POINT.."....Captain MCMILLAN WILL SAIL AS FOLLOWS : The DICTATOR will leave Charleston every TUESDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock, The CITY POINT every FRIDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock FOR FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, PALATKA, AND ALL LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER. These Steamers connect with railroad at Tocol tor St. Augustine, and at Jacksonville with steamer starlight for Mellonvllie, Enterprise, and all landings ou upper st. Johns; am at Palatka with steamers for the Oklawaha River. Close connection ls made with steamships at Cedar Keys for New Orleans and Havana, and Bhlppers can rely on no deten'lon or freights to New Orleans, and at lowest rates. For Freight or Passage, having first-class as commodations, apply to RAVENEL A CO., Agents, Corner Vanderhorat'a wharr and l aet Bay. Through Bills of Ladlnit given to New Orleans. These Steamers connect at savannah with Steamer San Antonio for Darlen, Brunswick, Satllia River, and all intermediate landings. Freights for these points must be prepaid here. dec?a ACARD.-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership heretor re ezisti g bei ween the subscriber ami Mr. JOHN RYAN, ra the management or ih- Aiken Hotel, undertbe Arm of LOUNSUEKKY A RYAN, bat been dis? solved, and that hereafter the business will be co- ducted exclusively bv GEORGE H. LOUNS BERRY, who alone ls authorized to settle np the affairs of the late firm of LOUNSBE^RY A RYAN. mchl9-tu4 GEORGE H. LOUNSBERRY. 'Sf SHIRTS AND COLLAR?. Made to order or Best Materials, and WARRANTED TO FIT. Sent by Express, 0.0. D. to any part of the country. Directions for meas^'ament sent OS application. SCOTTS STAR SHIRT EMPORIUI, MEETING STREET, Opposite the Market. novia fiait?oa?s. gOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. - CHARLESTON, s. o., December 33,1871. On and after SUNDAY, December 24, the Passen- - ger Trains on t ne South Carolina Railroad viii run ' ?s follows: FOB AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.8.10 A X Arrive at Augusta.4.25 ? M FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.8.10 A IC - Arrive at columbia.4.05 p M FOB CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.:.:. 7.40 A IC Arrive ai charleston.8.20 P M Leave Columbia..'. 7.4Q A X Arrive at Charleston.8.20 F x THROUGH WILMINGTON THAIN. i eave Augusta.8.00 A X Arrive at Ringville.9.00 A X Leave Eingvlile.12.80 F X arrive at.iugus^a.0.80 F X j AUGUSTA NIGHT JCXPRES8. (Sundays excepted.) L< a ve Charleston...;.8.80 F X Arrive at Augusta.7.80 A X Leave Augusta.6.00 p x . Arrive at charleston.6.66 A x COLUMBIA NIGHT EXP. ESS, (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.10 F x~ Arrive at Columbia.0.80 A X Leave Columbia.7.00 p x Arrive at charleston.T.CH> A X SUMM HK VIL LH TRAIN. Leave Summervdle at. 7.26 A X arrive at Charleston at.8.46 A X Leave Charleston at.8.30 PX? Arrive at summerville at.4.46 F x CAMDEN BRANCH. Leave Camden.MG A X Arrive at Oolumola.10-40 A X Leave columbia.1.45 ? x Arrive at Camden.?..'.0.25 F x Day and Night Trains make close connections it Augusta with Georgia Railroad and Central EIA 11 roft d* Nig nt Train connects with Macon and Augusta Railroad. Columbia Night Train connects with Greenville ind columbia Railroad, and with charlotte Road o points North. Camden Train connects at KlngvUle dally (ex? cept Sundays) with Day Passenger Train, and ans through to Columbia. A. L. TYLER, vice-President. S. B. PIC KENS. G. T. A._Janlfl SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON ^ RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, March 30, 1872. On and after SUNDAY. March 3lat. tbe Pas* enger Trains on this Road will run as follows: EXPRESS TRAIN. .eave Chariest n dally.3.30 P. H. Lrrive at savannah dally.0.46 P. M. ?eave Savannah dally.1L30 P. M. irme at Charleston dally.7.20 A. M. DAY TRAIN. iOave Charleston, Sundays excepted.. 8.15 A. M. Arrive at Savannah, Sundays excepted. 4.16 P.M.. .eave Savannah, Sundays excepted... 8.00 A. M. UTive at Charleston, Sundays exe'ted. 4.06 P.M. Freight forwarded dally on through bills of lad* ng to points in Florida and by Savannah line of iteamsfeipa to Boston. Prompt dispatch given to reights tor Beaoiort and points on Port Royal - taliroad and ai. as tow rates as by any other line. Tickets on sale at this office for Beau tort over ?ort Royal Railroad. C. S. GADSDEN, ? ? .. .- Engineer and Superintended. s. O. B0YLSTON, Gen'i Ft. andTiotet Agent, spri