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TERMS OF THE NEWS, nra DAILY Nsws, by mau one year, $8, SLS .oaths $4; twee t nibs $m Served la toe "ty atEioaTMNOEKraaweeK, payabletothecar rte ru or $8 a year, paid m advance at the office. Tai TBI-WBBKLT Nsws, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays aad saturdays, one year $a; st months $2. . Tax WBiBXT NBWB, one year $2. Six copies io. Ten copies, to eue address, $16. srrBSCRiPTiosa ia all eases payable m advance, ana no paper continued after tue expiration or Vie time paid for. Honcaa or Wants, To Rent, Lost and Found Boarding, 4a, not exceeding 20 wordB, 25 cents .ach insertion; over 20, and not exceeding 30 .words, 40 cents each Insertion; over 30, and not exceeding 40 words, 60 cents each Insertion. These rates are NBT, and must invariably be ?aid tn advance. anoTTANOBS should be made by Fostofflce Money Order or by Express. If this cannot bc aone, proteotlon against losses by mall may bc secured by forwsrdlng a dram on Charleston pay? able to the order of the proprietors of THB NBWB, .r by sending the money in a registered letter. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO.. Ho. 149 East Bar. Charleston. S.O. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1872. KEIFS OF THE DAT. ' -Gold at New York yesterday eic Bed at 8Ja9. -The New York cotton market closed steady; uplands 22Jc; sales 2110 bales. -AtLiverpool cotton closed dull; uplands 16jd. ; sales 10,000 bales. -Indianapolis advertisement: "If the In? dividual who ls trying to wear a number eight hat on a number four head desiree to recover bis property, he can dud it where he obtained bis morning shave. '' -The Saturday Review gives our "Pub. Docs." the credit of being of far more varied and general value and Interest than the Eog llsb. The editor has just received a barrel of | patent office reports. -A young lady iu Boston recently claimed 'the reduction made to ministers by the ven? dors, of sewing machines, because, as she blushingly hinted, she was engaged to a theo? logical student. -The North Carolina papers come to us In mourning for the death of Thomas Bragg, ah elder brother of General Braxtou Bragg. The deceased gentlemao, lt will be remembered, succeeded Mr. Benjamin as attorney-general of the Confederate Cabinet. -Governor Vance, of North Carolina, has resigned the United States senatorshlp, to which he was elected by the Legislature of | tbat State, but from which he was excluded ? hy the reconstruction acts of Congress. The election for his successor will take place on Tuesday, the 30th instant. -Fanny Fern writes whh reference to the I expensive toys now in vogue: "The doll of J my bib-days was a crooked-necked squash, with a towel for a dress and a numerous pro? geny of Utily cucumbers for badles, and I was just as happy, and a great deal better con? tented, than the little girl of to-day wlih a hundred dollar Pails doll. -The Inevitable malden lady of large means Who amorously pursues every traveller of dis Unction, ls now reponed lo be on thc track cf j the Grand Duke Alexis. She hails from St. Louis, and ot course "belongs to a good fami? ly." Sbe is said lo have followed the object of I lier adoration to Omaha, with the intention of | taking part in his bu Ha lo-hum lng excursion, hut tailing to secure her passage further west, abe patiently awaits his return to claim him as her own. -John Bossell, messenger of the Metropoll-1 tan Bank, was robbed In the streets of New York about noon Saturday of $23,0C0 in gold ceri LS cate 3 and a quantity of noU s and bonds. The New York Evening Express sayt: "Mr. Bossell, while going through Broadway, was stopped by a large man, who barred the way . while the crowd lrom behind pursued him up. At the same time some irritating substance, .Which he took to be some foi m of ammonia, was thrown in hh eyes, and when he fluaily got loose lrom the crowd ha found that his coat had been unbuttoned and his pocketbook taken from his breast pocket." -William Henry Sedley Smith, a veteran actor, and one of the best "old men" on tho American stage, died at San Francisco on the 17th Instant, aged ilxiy-six years. He was born of good family, at Montgomery, Wales. His true name was Sedley. His father was a Peninsular officer under Wellington. His uncle, a Waterloo officer, still survives, a com" mander of Bath. Young Sedley ran away from home, came io America in 1827, and first ap? peared at the Walnut Street Theatre, Phila? delphia. His most valuable repute was won in Boston, where he first appeared in 1828. He married, shortly after his arrival In this couu try, Miss Biddle, of Philadelphia, once a cele? brated actress whose death occured in Boston in 1861. Their children survive-Mr. Henry Sedley, one of the editors of the New York Times, and Mary Sedley, wife of Sol. Smilh, Jr., the comedian. -China ls a curious place, and divers and various are the customs of that celestial re? gion? A common business there is the making Ol dwarfs and beggar?. The process of "mak? ing dwarfs" ls beautiful In its simplicity. In the first place, a child oi three or four years is taken, and then a beavy porcelain vase ls nut over him. so that the head alone is "With aa unexpected consid?r?t ott for the prospective dwarf's feelings, this vase is re? moved at night so that he may sleep, (the Child, not the vase,) but bolh are restored to their former relationship lu the morning. The child thus advances In age lu his inflexi? ble mould until he can no longer grow, when the vase ls broken. The process of making beggars ls more complicated, and not so like? ly to commend itself to public favor. At Pekin, eyes are taken out and limbs broken in order to excite the proper degree of com? miseration. Such pruc ices are only indulged In among us by those heroic souls who de? spise such a remnant of tyrannical govern? ment as a draft. -Whatever may be the verdict of the jury in the Wharton case, new in its closing scenes at Annapolis, it seems that many will refuse, under any circumstances, to believe her inno? cent of the crime laid at her door. A letter from Baltimore to a New York Journal, shrned "Old Lawyer," says lhat in the lormer city there is no difference of oplulon-or as good as none-regarding the question ot her gui t or innocence, and that out of one thousand of the best and most intelligent citizens Baltimore not two could be found who believe ber Innocent. The writer pay3 a high com? pliment to the skilful manner In which the lawyers of the accused have conducted her \ case, and eays that they have completely be? fogged the Jury with technical sclentlflcs of rexperl8. engaged for the defence at an enormous cost. Regarding thc result, he con? cludes in saying that the popular verdict in Baltimore, where the accused lived, was known, liked and admired L "guilty." But this is something upon which the Jury must decide, and that, too, before many iours shall have elapsed. -A London contemporary sajs that circus performers In England begin iheir training . very early, being usually apprenticed to tbe work at the age of about seven er eight Mr. John Sanger has a tiny manikin of a son now riding at Astley's in an act called the "Mo- n ing.Star," who ls not yet a year and e'ght months old. The little chap rode befo t-e he could walk. The "artists" of the cirrus find their profession remarkably healthy, and they are a long-lived race. Jce Wallet, the famous clown in London, ls considerably over seventy, and ls as lively and active as he was lorly years ago. Old Orde, whose out door ring is still visible on many a village green, and who was the Instructor of Batty, lived to consider-, ably over ninety, and a short time before his death he was Jumping over a tobacco pipe and an open razor on his -bare-backed steed." Batty was a "courier of St. Petersburg" lill he WUB past sixty. Franks, who ls now tum? bling someisaultB and posturing at Hengler's, is considerably over sixty, and as fresh asa daisy, as any. one may see by visiting the circus in Argyle street. "Horse-riding" is by no means an unremuneralive profession. "General utility" men get from $25 to $50 a .week; clever men, without any claim to rank as stars, run up to near $100; and a star of magnitude comes down on the treasury to the tune of $250 a week. BobioBon, the great somersault rider, had $300 a week all the year round. Amanders, the American star, had a full half of Cooke's gross receipts at Vauxhall, averaging over $300 per week. Important-If Tr nr. The startling reports about certain rail? road projects, given by an Augusta con? temporary, whose article we reproduce in another part of to-day's NEWS, should be received with a very liberal allowance for exaggeration. So Tar, at least, as the South Carolina Railroad is concerned, we believe that the statements made have no more foundation than is afforded by the fact that certain capitalists of the City of New York have recently made large investments in the stock of the company. We think we can assure our Augusta friends tbat much more than a controlling interest in the road is held, and is likely to remain held, within the State of South Carolina. The Salaries of Public School Teachers in the City of Charleston. We understand that the teachers of the City Public Schools have determined to petition tre Legislature for a deficiency ap? propriation sufficiently large to pay their past doe salaries. It will be remembered that the Board of Commissioners, of which Air. J. D. Geddings was the chairman, was compelled to close the schools on the 30ih June last because of a want of funds with which to conduct them. The Legislature of 1870 had made a deficiency appropriation of forty thousaud dollars to poy teachers' claims throughout tho S ate, and of this sum tbe Charleston City teachers received but fifteen thousand dollars. This cancelled tho obligations of the Board up to the Isl of January, 1S71. Since that time the teachers have not received one cent. For six long months they have labored faith? fully, exposed to winter's blasts and sum? mer euue, oftentimes suljected to personal inconveniences, and yet with no requital save the consciousness of duty well per? formed. Added to this was the closing of '.be schools for an indefinite period of lime, and, worse than al), no prospect of their hard-earned due3. Now, who is responsible for ibis condition of things? Does tho fault lie with the Superintendent of Education, Hon. J. li. Jillson ; or is it to bo laid at the door of the Board or City School Commissioner?, of which Mr. J. D. Geddings was chairman; or dees the responsibility attach to State Treasurer Parker; orlo our Counly Treas? urer, General W. Gurney ? In the name of the suffering teachers, we demand a reply. Washes Ills Hands of lt. Colonel L. D. Childs, whose name was connected wilb tbe recently-concocted and soon-to be-exploded funding scheme of tbe New York stock-jobbers and tho Columbia Bing, denies, through the Phoenix, that be ever bad any participation in the arrange? ment, or that bo bad any interview with Governor Scott or Ambassador Wesley on the subject. We are heartily glad to be able to place Colonel Childs right upon the record. . A Memorable Career. When It ls remembered that Pius IX is more than elghly years ol age, and that, though a healthy old man, bo ii of rather plethoric habit, lt is not slraDge lhat his recent sudden Illness should cause some apprehensions. The New York Evening Post remarks that around the career of Plus IX there cluster more im? portant associations lhan around any pontifi? cate since that of Leo X-we had almost Bald of Hildebrand. Both io its temporal and In Its spiritual aspects lt ls most notable. Iis term Includes ihe revolution of 1848, with the Pontiff at the head of a liberal movement, the rise and faU ot the Ecconil ?Tench Empire, tue development ol Prussia, the revival of the German Empire, the civil war in America, the loss to the Pope of the temporalities, and the consolidation ol tbe Kingdom of United Italy. In Its religious aspects, It comprises the definition ol' the dorina of the immaculate conception, Hie assembling of the Vatican Council, and Ihe proclamation of Papal Infalli? bility. _ The Public bands. The Government still owns an immense amount ol land west of the Mississippi. It is put down at 973,472,503 acre?, distributed us follows: Iowa, Missouri and Arkansas, 16, 000,000; Dakota and Wyoming, 145,295,281; Montana, 86,904,605; Kan-a*, 13,118,076; Ne? braska, 52.523,63G; Colorado and Idaho, 117, 800,000; New Mexico and Ulah, 224,140,000; Nevada and Arizona, 136,000,000; Minnesota, 36,776,170; Indian Teiritory, 154,000. An offi? ciai statement shows tbe land concessions made by Congress to States an! corporations for railroad purpose?, embraced lu the limita of the grants, a total of 370,400,031 acres. The estimated quantity which the companies will require from the grants are 172,739.430 acres. The number of acres certified and patented up to June 30, 1871, are 18,995,907 acres. Illglicr Edmatlon for Women. An iofiuenlial meeting was held In Boston one day last week to consider the subject of a better education for women, and the admis? sion of women to colleges for men. A curri? culum was suggested which appeared to meet a. proval, divided imo three part?. The fit st class includes studies to be required, and, arter naming the ordinary rudimental studies, is added drawing, history, tbe outlines of as? tronomy, physiology, anatomy, the history of English literature, one or two modern lan? guages, say French and German, In the second class, which includes studies to be re? commended, are botany, zoology, chemistry, geognosy, ethnology, poliiical science, the history of literature other than English, Latin, and perhaps Italian and Spanish. The third class, tor whose Btudy a special aptitude is re? quired, includes the science of language, Greek and the oriental languages, archaeolo? gy, psychology, speculative philosophy, the higher malhemalics and their applications lo physical science. One professor slated that he regarded women as particularly flited for the study of chemistry and natural history, because, he remarked, "the faculty of observa? tion Is more readily developed in women "than in mea, and they possess In a greater "degree the genius of manipulation." The Last Social Vagary. The English people have had the reputation of possessing sound common sense, but at? tempts are now making to convince us that they are going "daft." A London letter to the New York World contains a detailed plan, attributed to Mr. Scott Russell, for next Sep? tember, in a social movement, under which he hopeB to obtain, by parliamentary legisla? tion, tor every workingman's family a house for forty dollars per annum, and food at wholesale rates, eight hours' work, and tech? nical education. The bill, it ls represented, will be ready for presentation to Parliament early in February. ijosletler'G Bitters. ~~Sr~AN ^APPEAL TtT^i?B?SrM. Health wooli be much more carefully guarded than lt ls at present, and the average cr human life lengthened by many years, ir commou sense aud the light or experience wero accepted by thc universal public as their medical monitor and guide. The true philosophy of health ls simple. lt consists In refraining from Indulgences and imprudences which Impair the vital forces, and in supplying any de?cleucy of vital power and constitutional vigor that may exist, by invigor? ating and alt?rai n e treatment. To relnfo. ce and reg?late a feeble system, and to prevent amore vigorous physique from yielding to unhealthy aud debilitating Influences, HOSTETIER'S STOM? AL'li BITTERS is unquestionably the most potent or all vegetable pu riflers. As a s'lmnlant, lt s thc purest ever administered lu medical practice; at a tonic and stomachic, tho most Infallible; as au anU-blllons agent, the sar. st and surest, and as an aperient and regulating medicine, mild and painless, yet irresistible, lt is a protection against disease of every kind, aud all s:asonp, and is particularly elllcactous as a means of fore? arming the sysum against the ailments gener? ate i by a raw, damp, ungenlat atmosphere. Hence its great value as a winter tonic and ls vigoran t. No one predisposed to Indigestion, biliousness, constipation, rheumatism or nervous headache should ever be without this Vital Elixir. As a certain class of country dealers are very anxious to dose their customers with -'.ocal bit? ters" of a worthless or pernicious character, which they represent to bc equal or superior to the great national tonic, the public is hereby fore? warned against their "tricks if tied.1." Jan22-mwi3D?c ?bitnnrn. MAY.-Frit asleep lu JCSUJ. oa i lie morning of the 17th Incant, at lorkvibe, s. c., NAKYJOUN I-TO.N. daughter oi John and Caroline E. May, in ttie sixth > ear of her tige. "Murer little dill Iren to come nnto me, and for? bid them not; for of such ii me Kli.gdom tf God." * JJersorw Notices. ?2Sr GILL.-IF MIDDLETON SMITH GILL, of Liverpool, England, who was for ? on e years lu San Francisco, California, and ls LOW supposed to b: la or about Chariest! n, S. C., wi 1 communicate with H. H. B rlaud, li,x 6:75, New Volk, he wil: hear of a near relative teing In the states, and al o of matters of c mslderable Importance to himself. Reliable Inrorma'lon regarding said Gi 1 ls re? spectfully requested as above. Jan:2-mwnru Special Notices. ~Srrli^ ip FALCON, from Baltimore, are hereby noll?ed that she ls Tuis CAY discharging cargo at Her No. l, Uulon Wharves. All gonda uot taken away at sunset will remain on thc wharf at c.n slguees' rlik. MO Kr) KC Al & CO., Jan24-l_Agents. pirTRE CHARLESTON CHARITA BLE ASSOCIATION, FOR TUE BENEFIT OFTUfc FREE SCUUOL FUND.-OFFIOAL RAFFLE!; NUMBERS. GLASS NO. 312-MORNIKQ. 2- 1-58-34-52-13-65-57 -C4-73-31 -18 CLASS No. 313-EVENING. 69-61-6C-16-7G-58- 1-55- 4 ? 56-51-22 As wttnesB our hand at Charleston this 23d day of January, 1872. FENN PECK, JAMES GILLI LAND, oct3_sworn Commissioners. pB* OFFICE OF CITY APPRAISER, CHARLESTON, JANUARY 22, 1872.-By order of City Council this Ofllce will remain open until F?BRUARY FIRST for lSsUING LICENSES for the year 1872. W. H. EASTERBY, Jan22-10_City Appraiser. ^.CIT? HALL, OFFICE CLERK OF CODICIL, CHARLESTON, S. C., JANUARY 22. 1872.-Seated oilers will ba received at this office until the25th instant for planting about two han? dled or more SHADE TREES in various portions of the city. Thc orrers must state the kind and size of the trees to be selected from, imludlng the Wild Orange and Palmetto. The growth must ba war? ranted. WT, Wt SIMONS, Jao2M ^_Clerk of Coundl. pSf ON MARRIAGE. -*3t Happy relief for Youug Men rrom Hie eirects of Errors and Abuses lu early life. Manhood re? stored. Nervous debility cured. Impediments to Marriage removed. New method of treat. meat. New and remarkable remedies. Looks aud Circulars sent free, In sealed envelopes. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth street. Philadelphia. Pa._octl2 ??T* CLEAR AND HARMLESS AS WA? TER- NATTANS'S CRYSTAL DISCOVERY FOR THE HAIR.-A perfectly clear preparation In one bottle, as easily applied as water, fur restoring to gray hair its natural color aud youth ul appear? ance, to eradicate aud prevent daudrutr, to pro? mote ihe growth of Hie hair and s.op Us falling out. It ls cuiircly harmless, aud perfectly free from any poisonous sub tance, and will therefore take thc place of all the dirty aud unpleasant preparations now In use. Numerous testimonia s have been sent us from many of our most promi? nent c.lizens, some ef which arc subjoined. lu everything In which the articles now In usc ore objectionable, CRY6TAL DISCOVERY ls perfect. It ls warranted to coutaliMielther Sugar of Lead, Sulphur or Nitrate or Silver, lt does no: soil t o clothes or scalp, Is agreeably perfumed, and makes one or dressings for the Huir lu use. lt restores the color of the Hair "mor^ per? fect and uniformly ihau any other preparation," and always does so in from tr.rce to ten days, virtually reeding the roots of the Hair with all the nourishingqualities necessary to its g owth and healthy condition; lt restores the decayed and Induces a new growth of the Hair more posi? tively than anything else. The application ot this won ierful discovery also produces a pleasant and cooling effect on thc scalp and gives the Hair a pleasing and elegant appearance. We cali especial attentlou to the fact that a limited number of trial bottles will be given way gratuitously to those whining to try lt. You will notice that In pursuing this course our atm ls to convince by the actual merits of the article. ARTHUR NATTANS, Inventor and Proprietor, Washington, D. 0. For sale by the Agent, Du. li. BA ER, No. 131 Meeting street, Charleston, S. 0. novis-stuthiy Electing s. ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS. Attend a Regalar Convocation of Enoch Council, No. 1, at 7 o'clock rms EVENING, Jannary 24th. All transleLt Ure bren In good s-audlng are cordially Invited to attend. By order of ihe T. L M. W. J. ANDERsuN, Recorder. Jan24-?_ PALMETTO LODGE, No. 1, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS.-Recular Semi-Monthly Com . munlcailon TO-NIGHT, at 7 o'clock. A punctual attendance of all true Knights ls particularly requested. By order o? the W. C. J:in24_J. H. KENDALL. W. R.S. ADGER RIFLE CLUB -ATTEND AN Extra Meeting of ymir Club at the Armory, juno street, Tau (Wedoesday) EVENING, the .-?stn instant, at hair-post 7 o e ock precisely. A ge ern i attendance ls requested as business of Importance will be transacted. The committee of the ? arion Kine Club are invited to bs present. By or. cr. A. J. JAGAR, Jan<8-8 Secretary and Treasurer". THE VALLEY BITER MINING COM PANYOF NORTH CAROLINA.-A Meeting or the Stockriders or the Valley Ktver Mining Company of North carollr a will be held on FRI? DAY, the 23d February next, at 12 o'clock M. at tue office of Mordecai A Cc., Fast Bav, charleston, S. C. T. A. WILBUR, Jan24-wsn_Secretary ?nd Treasurer. OFFICE CHARLESTON GASLIGHT COMPANY, JANUARY 24,1872.-The annual Meeting or the Stock li lders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, ihe 5th or February, 1872, at the Hull or the Planters' and Mec?anles' Bank. East Bay, at 12 o'clock M., when a statement or the ttir.iir.-i or the Company will be submitted, and ai Elidion held for Pre-ldent and Eight Directors io set ve Tor the ensuing year. w. J. HERIOT, secretary and Treasurer. Jar. 24-11_ THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of tho South Carolina Rall ruad Company and of the Southwestern Railroad Bank will be nc:d at the southwestern Kallroad BULK, Broad street, on FEBKUAXY 13ih, proximo, at ll o'clock- A. M. Un the following day an election will be held for Fifteen Directors or ihe Railroad Company and Thirteen Directors of the Bank. MO. khulders wld be passid over the road, to anti from the meeting, tree of charge. The proposed Amendment to Ardele 1. Section l of the By-laws, changing the time of the annual meeting, "by striking out February, on second line, und ln-citiug Ap ll," will come up for ac? tion at this meetlug. J. lt. EME rtY, jdul3amwl4 Secretary. W~1STED7AT^^ a Colored Oirl to do housework aad make herself generally us.-ful. i.ecommendatlons re? quire^_jan24-2? \XTANTED, A REcPEOTABLE WHITE V ? Woman to mind a child. aud be generally useful. Apply at No. 6 Meeting street. Jan24-1?_ WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK AND WASH, fi jod recommendations required. Apply at No. ls Meeting htreet._Jati'24 1? WANTED, BY A MARRIED COUPLE with one Child, two Comfortable Rooms, wau priv.h ge of Kitchen, in the lower or central poi Hun of the City. Relereuces exchanged. Ap? ply by letter to "M." NEWS Olllcc._Jan24-3 WANTED, A COUPLE OF BOARDERS for a pleasant Room In u respectable private lamlly. uta: the line i f the Street Cara. Board moderet-.'. Address a. M. at thu o m ce. jan24_ WANTED, A WOMAN TO WASH AND attend chambers for a small family, will? ing to go In the comry. Good wages and a per mauent place will be given to a suitable person. Apply at No. 14 Meeting street._Jan24-'2? WANTED, FOB A FEW MONTHS, A lirst-class 7 or ; :? octave Pl ANO by a care? ful and experienced pcraon. Please address Post otHce Lock Box, No. 640._Janv3-3 WANTED, A MIDDLE-AGED WHITE Woman, to go to a healthy place la the country, to take charge or children aud make i.erteil generally useful. Appiy, with recom? mendation, ai No. 209 Meeting btreer, Jani3-2?_ WANTED TO PURCHASE, SECOND hand Furniture. Carpets, ac, for cash. Auuri ss Poav. Alee Box 122. Jan?2-mwsm4? WANT?D, A GOOD MEAT COOK AND a good House Servant; must come well recommended, A permanent si nation and good wage? given ta any that will give satisfaction. Appiy at King Mansion, corner Meeting and George streets._Jang mwI3? WANTED, A SITUATION IN A Wholesale or couuilug-tiuusc, by a native ol mis city. Has considerable acquaintance lu Hie up-country, aud won d be willing to travel. Has bi eu lu the grocery und cottou business. Ad un BS lt T. fi., NEWS oillce._Janl7-wfni WANTED TO KENT, A HOUSE SUITA? BLE for A small family, iiu-t have cis? tern, gas and a good yard. Address B. tl. H., New s ellice._Jaul9-fmw WANTED, EVERYONE TO KNOW that FLETCHER & GURNEY, at the Little Store around the Corner, No. 03 Muket street, have constantly on tiai.d a splendid rs-ortment Ol Kew Yo k and Botne.-tlc POULTRY, GAME A NU ECUS. Also a Une lot of Sugar Cured Hams, Prime Go-hen nud Family and Country Butt r. Beef una Pork sausages. Cheese, should? ers, Side-, Dips, iclleiy, Eggs and Lard. GAME a .?.pecia:ty. Their motto: The Best and Cheap? est. Remember-the Little Store round the Comer. Jana_ WANTED, A WHITE FEMALE, TO make herself generally useful about a house. Apply at this office._Jan22-3* WANTED EVERYBODY TO KNOW that you can get a First -dan SEWING MACHINE from LUNAFORD, Mali li street, uear Wentworth, cheaper than from any other man In tue city or state. Glvo him a call and see tor yourself. _nov28 A MONTH, EXPENSES PAID, . . Male or Female Agents.-Horse and oui Ut lurulshed to sell our UNIVERSAL CEMENT, Combination Tunnel, Button Hole cutter and other articles. Circulars J ree. Address Novelty Company, Saco, Me. novl4-78 ifor Sale. 17 OB 8ALE"O5~T0 BENT,"A STORE ? AND DWELLING, at Branchville, S. C. In quite of D. LOEB, No. 6 Liberty street, Charles S. C._Jan24-wim3? FOR SALE, A LOT OF KENTUCKY HORSES ANO MULES, Just at rived and may be seen at the HU scriber's Stables, Queen street. P. WhST._Jan24-.? FOR SALE OB TO RENT, A STORE ANO DWELLING, at Branchville, S. C. lu. I quire of 0. LOEB, No. <?. Uberiy Stre?r Charles I to.i, S, Ci Jan24-wfm3* HAMPSTEAD LOTS FOR SALE.-TWO BUILDING LUTS In Hampstead, each 3Q by iiu ieet, will be Bold low, Apply at No. 0 blake weet._ Jan24-i* MULE? FOB SALE.-SIX LAUGE AND _, wen-broke MULES, sound and In good con? dition. Apply at ouce to T. C. UARLBaTuM, Office Palmetto Wharf, root or Ua^el stree-. Jmi2j-2?_ I?OR SALE OR RENT. A STORE IN ; Hayne street, ruuniu? through to Market street. Apply to LEtEsNE <Jt MiL' S, No. S3 Broad Bj cet. _Janl7-w FOR SALE, A BARGAIN.-THE SUB? STANTIAL BKICK CUUKCil BUILDING, corner Hasel and Anson streets. Offered low ir np. lied for Immediately, at c. VOIGT, Ch.drman Vibiry, No. 85 Market street._Jaiuo-wa7 p RAND EXPOSITION AND SALE OF IX EUROPEAN PLANTS AND BUuBS. K.I M EL & CO . Floret and Horiicuuurlsiy, have e. ri ive. i lu Ciianestuti willi a large asa., ri men i of lloihou e aLd Carden Plains; Fruit Trees or all kind.-; new Roses or the choicest varieties, in? cluding siaudurdH, Monthly Roses, and Dwarr Kusi-s; a rich coliecnon of Buns, including La Ko .lt de Cciuon, which ls universally admired fur Us ixquisi.e flowers; Flower and vegetable ?ceds ot ull kuma; St. Petersburg Strawberries, bearing fruit every month of the year as la ge us u hen's egg; alto a number or other Plauts too long for enumeration. Tnir splendid stock ls on exhibition and for sale ar. No. 157 KING STREET. jsu22 5 QCo B?fU. 110 RENT, A l.AttflE, COMFORTABLY . furnished Ruoin. Apply at No. Cl Went worth street. _Jan24-I? TO BENT, FOUK ROOMS IN A double house, with two kitchen room', In inc western part or the city. Apply In writing to Box K , at this ornee._jauiM-g* O KENT, THE RESIDENCE, WITH OR wp hunt atore. No. 16 King street, with ela? te ru an d large j ard. Apply at No. 54 Klu g street, janaya* BOCERY STORE AND DWELLING TO T KENT, west end Bull street, near Gadsden. Fur termM, apply on the premise*. Janl7-wi4? TO RENT, THE THIKD STORY OF No. 21 Broad street, over Pressley, Lord A In giesb . 's office. Apply at No. 1 Hay ne street. Janl5-mwi8 GBAND BALL OP THE GERMAN LADIES' 80CD3TY, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE NEW GERMAN CHURCH, WILL TAKE PLACE THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, JANUARY 24, AT HIBERNIAN HALL. Tickets of Admission for a Gentleman wltb Ladles are to be bad for two dollars, of the Com mlttee and at the door of the Hall. Choice Refreshments wi i be famished at rea? sonable prices, the samo being kind donations from Merchants of the City. Jai24-i financial. THrl?^BOimi^^ AND TRUST COMPANY. CHARLESTON, January 20,1872. The attention of Depositors In the Savings De? partment of this Company ls particularly Invited to the great safety accompanying the Deposits of Savings made In this Institution. These Deposits are regarded by the Board of Directors as a Special Trust, and are Invested only In sound an J valuable Securities. In addition to this careful Investment, Deposi? tors have, as a further security, the Capital or the Company, which ls liable for their Deposits and thc Interest thereon. Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, tither paid lu cash QUARTERLY, or passed to credit and compounde i. F. A. MITCHELL, jati22-2mo Cashier. Slgncnltare, tiorlirnltnre, &t. ~ITLTA^~??R G U SO N, FLORIST AND GARDENER, SPRING STREET NEAR RUTLEDGE. A cht ice assortment or ORNAMENTAL TREES, Roses, shrubs, Fruit Trees, Bouquets, Camelias, Flowers, Greenhouse PlantB, ?c. catalogues can be got ou the premises. Jan24-36_ tirane \)v\]c Distribution. Q.OLD BONDS 1 GOLD BONDS 1 THE THIRD GRAND SINGLE NUMBER RAFFLE OP TUB CHARLESTON CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION POR UNITED STATES GOLD BONDS, (NEW ISSUE,) WILL TAKE PLACE AT No. 147 MEETING ST., CHARLESTON, ON THURSDAY, THE 26TH DAY OF JAN'Y, AT ONE O'CLOCK, IN PUBLIC. TUE SCHEDULE OF AWARDS OF TUE GOLD BONDS CAN BE SEEN AT ANY OF TUE AGENTS' OFFICES I TUE RAFFLE WILL POSITIVELY TAKE PLACE ON TUE DAY NAMED I CHARLESTON CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION No. 147 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON CERTIFICATES FIVE DOLLARS EACH 1 Janl3-ll ?egal Not.ces. NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS HAVING claims against the Estate of the late WM. B. SEABHOOK, of James Island, will present them, duly attested, and all persons Indebted there o will make paymant to Messrs. CHAMBER? LAIN ? SEABROOK, Attorneys, at their office In the Cour moose, la Charleston, on or before the 6th day of Ftbruary. A D. 1872. ?LIZABETH MAY SEABROOK, Jan24 ws4_Administratrix. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COL LETON COUNTY-By D. H. FARMER, Esq , Probate Judge. Whereas, E. CONNOR made suit to me to grant him Letters Dtsmissory from the Estate and ef? fects of w. G. GRIFFITH. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said W. G. GRIFFITH, de- J cease ', that they be and appear bet?re me. in the Court of Probate, io be held ia Walten oro', on MONDAY, the 12ih day of February, A. D. 1872, alter publication hereof, at ll o'clock in the fore neon, to show cause, If any th- y have, why thc said Lefers should not bc granted. Given un<ier my band and seal, this 16th day of January, A. D. 1872. D. H. FARMER, janl7-w5_Probate Judge. NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT I WILL apply to the Judge of Proba*o, ror Col leiun County, S. C., for letters dlsmissory as guardian for my son, JOSEPH lt. TUCKER. JOHN W. S. TUCKER, Jaul7-w3 Guardian. (CoparmrraliiiG ano Dissomtions. having dissolved, I will state for the Infor, mai lon or my mends und the public, thatl have continued, witliou loss of time, Hie Faciorage and Commission Business. Shippers of conon in? tended for me will noie the distinction. W. PilEiToN DOWLING, Factor and Commission Merchant, Established in Charleston 1865. janl5-mwfl5DAC NOTICE.-THE FIRM OF JAMES M. CALDWELL A SON ls dissolved by the ueuihor Mr. JAMES M. CALDWELL, Senior Part? ner, which occurred on 3d December, 1871. 1 have associated with me In Copartnership, my brother-ID law. Mr. H. KA .IN BUGGS, and will continue the FACTOKAGK ANO GENERAL COM? MISSION BUSINESS, under the name of JAMES M. CALDWELL A SONS. Liberal advances made on Consignments either for tale or shipments. Jam mwri3_W. R. CALDWELL. (Eiflqrg, (ttobatro. QUARLESTON WI^OLESALE^^?D^RE^ TAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE, No. 310 KINO STREET, THEEE Doons SOUTH oy SOCIETY STREET. MEERSCHAUM PIPES a specialty, therefore can sell at prices to surprise yon. Suitable for Christmas Presents. ALSO, An extensive and complete assortment of all articles in his line or business ls kept constantly on hand, giving a facility or Miling, without de lay, all orders extended to him, accompanied with cash, or draft on responsible houses In the city. Purchasers are requested to examine his perfect stock before trading elsewhere. WILLIAM SCHRODER, Proprietor of Emperor William Cigar Store. novl ?rorcries, Ciqnors, #c. YEL^OW .ONIONS. 100 barrels landing and f< r sale low. Jan24-1 WM. ROACH A CO. ?EMENT! CEMENT I CEMENT 1 200 DDIS. L A" HENCE VIL LE CEMENT. For sale low. WM. ROACH A CO. Jan24-1 QHOICE FLORIDA SYRUP. 10 hhds. and bbls. Cbolce Florida SYRUP. For sale by HESRY COBLA, A CO, Jan24-1 _?_. BUTTER, LARD, CHEESE, PIG HAMS AND SHOULDERS. ALSO, RICE, in store and for sale low by jan24 2 ADOLPH NIMITZ, No. 209 East Bay. JgACON, SUGAR, MOLASSES, 4c. 20 htids. Choice C. 3. SIDES 25 boxes Choice D. S. 0. R. Sides 16 hhds. Demerara Sugar 10 hhds. Muscovado Sugar io hhds. New Orleans sugar. ALSO. 100 barrels S. H. MOLAS -ES 60 barrels N. O. Molasses 60 barrels best quality Sugar-house Syrup loo boxes Candles. AND 600 barrels FLOUR 24 tierces Leaf Lard 200 barrel Planting ar d Eating Potatoes. For sale by HENRY COBIA A CO., Janl9-Tmw3 No. 26 Vendue Range. E ASTERN HAY. lo.o bales EASTERN HAT. warrive, and for sale in lots to suit purchasers by ' . JOHN H HOLMES, Janl2 Southern Wharf. c ?NDURANGO 1 The undersigned bas Just received a supply of the Great South American Cancer Remedy, C?N? DURANGO. H. BAER, jiBT9 _No. 131 Meeting street. ^7 I L S O N S' CASED LIQUORS Having long seen the necessity of placing a pure and UL adulterated stlmulsnt before the public, for. MEDICINAL PURPOSES, we have de? termined to pack the following favorite brands of LIQUOR In cases, consisting of one bottle each or PINET, CASTILLON A CCS BRANDY, PRIVATE STOCK PORT, , "PALE FAMILY" SHERRY, "OLD VELVET" BOURBON, JAMAICA RUM, "CABINET" GIN, LOCH KATRINE (SOOT.) WHISKEY, Which we win sell at ten (f 10) dollars per case. To our friends we will say that we guarantee tho purity of the above, lhey are endorsed by our leading Physicians, and are, without any doubt, FIRST-CLASS GOODS. SBXD ORDERS TO WILSONS' GROCERY, BOX NO. 383, CHARLESTON, S. C. No Charge for DeLvery. -?a *J\HE GREAT GROCERY DEPOT, No. 190 KING STREET. LINLEY'3 CHEAP STORE, No. 180 KINO STREET. . THE GREAT CROCKERY DEPOT, NO. 190 KINO. STREET. THE GREAT GLASSWARE DEPOT, NO. 190 KING STREET. THE GREAT FRENCH CHINA DEPOT, No. 190 KING STREET. THE GREAT TOY AND FANCY GOODS DEPOT, NO. 190 KING STREET. LINLEY'S CHEAP STORE, KO. 190 KING STREET. THE GREAT HOUSE-FURNISHING DEPOT, NO. 190 KING STREET. NOTICE.-The Business heretofore conducted at No. 388 KU g street will be discontinued on the 16th of JANUARY, 1872, and the undersigned will be pleased to see bis customers at the NEW STORE, No. 190 Klog street. J03N W. LINLEY. ?)atclirs,f Jiroeirrj, $ft. NOS. 565 and 667 BROADWAY, N. Y., LARGEST IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND D7ALERS IN SILVERWARE Precious Stones Bronzes, Clocks Marble Statuary Oil Paintings Gas Fixtures, AMD ALL KINDS OF FINE JEWELRY At the Lowest Prices. nlyl8-lvr Sfssuuss Caros. rj\ W. ST ANLAND, NAVAL STOR?S BROKER, MARSHALL'S WHARF, EAST END CALHOUN STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. janu-lmo_ WE UTE AND LEARN, DYE AND FORGET ALL. THC SOUTHERN DYE UOUSK, NO. 369 UNG STREET, Dyes and Cleans, by means or steam, Gentle men's, Ladles' and children's Clothes. Fine Laces and Lace Curtains cleaned and done op with the Soft or Manufacturers' Finish; Lace and crape Shawls and Kid Gloves Cleaned and Dyed. 49* Goods received and returned by Expresa, jnnaa-ryr L BlLLER,.Proprletor. gUGAR AND MOLASSES. j 78 hhds. New Orleans SUGAR 48 hhds. Demerara Sa;;ar 148 bbla New Orleans Molasses. In store and Tor sale by 0. F. WEITERS, Jan24 No. 189 East Bay. gEA ISLAND COTTON SEED. 100 bushels "Palmyra" Prolific COTTON SEED. Yield the last season iso pounds of Olean Cotton to tne acre. Apply to W. 0. BEE A CO., Jan23-e _Adger's wharf. MOLASSES 1 MOLASSES AND SUGAR 1 24 hhds Superl r New Crop MUSCOVADO MO? LASSES 39 tierces Superior New Crop Maso vado Molasaes 185 bat reis superior New Crop Muscovado Mo 1SCS Jost arrived per Schooner "Old Chad," from Cardenas, and for sale from the wharf. . ALSO, 160 hhds Good to Prime DEMERARA SUGARS? of direct importation. Apply to W.P.HALL,\ jan22-3 Brown A Co.'s w narr. S EED POTATOES. 1000 bb's. PINK EYES SOO bbls. Peach Blows 250 bbls. Early Rose 260 bbls. Karly uoodtlch. In prime condition, and for sale br jan3-mwri3 GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO. JgUBNHAM'S YEAST POWDER. Having used YEAST POWDER in our raminea for several years, we give a decided preference, above all other, to that prepared by EBW.S. BURNHAM, Druggist and Apothecary, No. 42t King, near Calhoun street: Rev. JOHN T. WIGHTMAN, D. D. Rev. T. E. WANNAMAKE K. V, P. K. COBURN, Intendant Town of Summer? vine. s. o. G. L. HOLMES. GEO.S. FELZER, M. D. W. B. SMI i H, Master Machinist, S. C. R. R. B. 0. WEBB._nov4-emoa /COGNAC AND LA ROCHELLE BRAN? DY, IN U. S. BONDED STORES. A TOBIAS' SONS, No. 110 EAST BAY, Oller for sale from U. S. Bonded Warehouse, Choice COGNAC and LA ROCHELLE BRANDY, varions vintages, in fuarter casks nth casks Eighth casks AND Cases of one doma b&ttles each. may23_ QHOICE WHITE MILLING CORN AND FLOUR, LANDING THIS DAY. MORDECAI A CO., No. 110 Fas' Bay, offer for sale Invoices Choice White MILLING CORN and Extra FLOOR. landing this day. augS-flao JJARMONY'S SHERRY WINE. A. TOBIAS' SONS, No. 110 East Bay. oller for sale au Invoice or Choice HARMONY'S PALB SHERRY WINE. A. TOBIAS' SONS. - aogS-smo_ QHOICE HAVANA CIGARS. MORDECAI A CO., No. 110 Eaat Bay, offer for sale aa Invoice of Choice HAVANA CIGARS? direct from Factory In Havana._augs-smo T7TNEGAR, PRUNES, WHITE WINE, V CLARET, Ac. ?' ? A. TOBIAS' SONS offer for sale VINEGAR, Prunes, White wine, imported direct from France._aog8-3ftio JgNGLISH PORTER AND ALE. A. TOBIAS'SONS, Agents of Mesara. Edward & George Bibbert, of London, offer for sale Hlb> ben's PORTER and Baaa'a PALE ALE-pints and quarts._angs-emo J^EW DAVIS'S DIAMOND BRAND HAMS. Just received at WELCH'S GROCERY, JURIED FIGS, IN DRUMS AND BAS? KETS, at Cost Price, at - ??_WELCH'S GROCERY. ?J^ORTH CAROLINA CORN WHISKEY. at $2 per Gallon, a Specialty. Guaranteed Pure, at t WELCH'S GROCERY.' Goods delivered free of charge._decl? QHOICE SMOKED TONGUES, AT fie GENTS EACH. Soused PIGS FEET, at WELCH'S GROCERY. _?tXl\\\'tX5. _' jjj^oT 1 PERUVIAN GUANO. loo tons No. l Peruvian (Chincha Island) GUANO. Landing from Schoo er Jamen Wall. Fer sale by HERMANN BULW1NKLB, Jan23-2 Kerr's Wharf. Geming ftlacrjmes. WE UNEQUALLED MACmNE? The HOME 8QUTTLE uses the Straight Needle? makes the lock stitch, (alike on both sides,) aaa self-adjusting tension, and ls the only first class low price sewing Machine m the market adapted for every variety of Sewing from mulina to heaviest cloths. Price $26 and $37. Agents war ted. Send stamp for circular and sample of Sewing. T. L. BISSELL, General Agent, Janll-fmw?mo Charleston, 8. o. Btmooals. E M O V A L P. L. GUILLEMIN WoDld beg respectfully to Inform his patrons that he has removed bis GAS FIXTURE ESTAB? LISHMENT from No. 140 Church street to the NEW BUILDING, No. 21 CUMBELLAND STREET, j OPPOSITE MESSES. CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Where he bas opened a choice and carefnUy se cted STOCK OF CHANDELIERS, Ac, com? prising the latest styles from the best manufac? tures lu the country, to which he Invites atten? tion. GAS FITTING, PLUMBING AND TIN ROOFING jan4-3mwfl2 No. 21 CCMB?KLIND STREET. ============ Ornas, Cqmuaie, Sit. Q. J~ L ? H N, T I " PHARMACEUTIST, IMPORTER OF FINE CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. No. 450 KING STREET, CORNER OF JOHN. Now In Stock of my own Importation, LOW SON AND HAYDEN'S SOAPS, Tooth Brushes, Carbolic Acid, Pat te?'a Cold cream, English Dalby's Carminative, British OH, Roche's Embrocation and ?.hlorodyne. AGENT FOB TILDEN A CO.'SSOLID AND FLUID EXTRACTS. Pharmaceutical Preparations, Sugar-coated Pius, Ac. AGENT ros FORD'S SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. AGENT FOB SOUTH CAROLINA FOB DB. JEROME KIDDER'S ELECTRO MEDICAL MACHINE AND APPLIANCES, I Surgical Ic st r u men ts and Goods of foreign man? ufacture imported to order. My Dispensing Department ls complete, em? bracing ail New Remeales. A'full assortment of Trasses and Bandages al? ways on hand. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with accuracy day or night._janlOwfmly WINE OF APOCYNUM, OR DOGS BANE. Highly recommendedln diseases of the stomach, Heart and Liver, and useful as a Tonic in Nervous Debility. Testimonials given. For sale by by the agent, ALFRED RAOUL, M. D., nov27-mwfamo 219 King st., Charleston, S. 0. JpRESH VACCINE. ReUable Scaba for sale by Lec22 DB. H. BAER, No. 181 Meeting atraen*