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cos?iuKKciAL yens. Wh? Charleston Cotton, Rice andQNaval Stores Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON NEWS, ) MONDAY EVENING. November <J, lP7i. J COTTON.-This staple was la good rcqueit, with bat limited offerings, the market showing stronger tendency, and in some cases looked about S'c H ft better, closing Arm. Sale3 about 850 bales, say l at I6>i. 9 at 16X, "" at 17, 21 at 17X, 107atl7S. 131 at 17??, 43 at ..X. 70 at 17 7-16, 43 at 17>i. 101 at 17?i, 22 at 17\. We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. ' Ordinary to good ordinary.15 @17X Low middling.17X@ Middling.l7S@i7?i - Strict middling.17X? - RICK.-"(here was a fair demand with a steady tone to prices, sales about 203 tierces or clean Carolina, say 120 tierces at cs. 30 at OX? 8 at 7c, 45 at 73-,'c. We quDte common to fair at 6@6>jc; good 6X@:c. KAVALSTO'.KS.-There were no sales reported. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam direct, nominal on upland;, nominal on sea islands; by sail, 7-16 oa uplands; via Sew York, %& on caplands, - on sea Islands. To Hivre nomi? nal. Coastwise-to New York by steam, Xe on uplands and lc on sea Islands; $2 *a tierce aa rice; by sall y,c ?on cotton; - *? tierce .an rice; 40c *? barrel on rosin; $7@s H M on lum .fter; $9@10 H M on timber. To Boston, by sall, Ko TR ft on upland cotton. To Providence, by -?all $9 9 Mon beards, sc ft on cotton; by ai team $t H bale on New York rates. To Pb :1a Jtelpbla, by steam Xe 9 ft on uplands; by Ball, $7 ft X on boards; $9 on timber; $3 per ion en clay, .ad $3a$3 50 on phosphates. To Baltimore, by ?team ?cVlb by sail, $6 50@7 ? M on boards; ?3($3 25 9 tm on phosphate r ck. Vessels are in -demand by t ur merchants to take lumber rrelghis (rom Georgetown, S. O, Darieu au J Satllia River, Ga, and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, and $10@12 9 M are the rates on lumber and boards. EXCHANGE.-Sterling 60 day bills 19X@19X DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-Tue banks are pur? chasing sight checks at X@J? ctr, and sell at par. mere la no business doing In time billa. GOLD.-n@i2. marketa bjr Telegraph. HONKY MARKETS. LONDON, November 6.-Noon.-Consols 92X Bonds 91 s FRANKFORT, November 6 -Naoa.-Bonds 96','. PARIS. November 6.-Noon.-Rentes 57r 45c. Naw YORK, November 6-Noon.-Frelgh' s quiet Stocks-Governments dull and steauy. State bon-a dull; new South carolinas strong; old 70, new 39. Money firm at 6*7 perceur. Quid strong at 12. Exchange long 8X, short 9,s. Evening.-Muney easy and declined from 7 to 4. Sterling Arm at SS- Gold 12S- Governments steady, six;? twos lix- States quiet except new South Carolinas which are heavy, bnt ac? tive. Tenne.-sees 66; new 63V- Virginias 58);; new 62. Louisianas 6?; new 66. Levees oo; eights 72. Alabamas 97; fl ves 65. Georglas 80: sevens 86. North Carolinas 37; new 19. South Carolinas TO: new 36. NEW ORLEANS, November 6.-Sterling 20X Sight X discount. Gold MX*. COTTON MARKETS. LIYXRPOOL, Novembers-Noon.-Cotton opened quiet and steady; uplands 9Xd, Orleans 9Xd. Later.-Co ton quiet and steady; sales 10,000; speculation 20C0 bales. Evening-Cotton quiet and steady; uplands 9Xd. Orleans 9 vi. Nsw YORK, November 6-Noon.-Cotton quiet and steady; uplands 18X- The sales of cotton .futurt s last Saturday evening were 6700 bales, as follows: November, 18al8X; December, 18 6 16a 18 7-16; January, lisa1 SS; February, 18 13 16a 1SX; March, 19 l-l cal?,1;; April, li-Sc. Evening.-Cotton Arm; sales 2044 bales; uplands 18 sc, Orleans 19X& Sales of cotton futures to day : For November 18 516cal8X; December I8X al8V: January WXal8>i; February 19 1-16; March 1?X; April 19 7-16il9X BOSTON, November 6.-Cotton quiet; middlings 18Xc; net receipts 1028 baLs; gross 2555: sales SOO; stock 1500. Pin LABU PHiA November e.-c.tton firm; mid? dlings 1S34A18XC BALTIMORE, November 6.-Cotton Arm; mid dUngs i8Xal8X^; net receipts 235bales; gro3s684: exports coastwise 121; sales HS; stock 3865. NORFOLK, November 7.-Cotton quiet; middlings 17J?al7Xe; net receipt? 2433; exporta coastwise 2610; sales W3; stack 8003. WILMINGTON, November 6.-Cotton at 17Xc; net receipts 473; exports coastwise 712: saies 24: Stock 2480. " SAVANNAH, November 6.-Colton quiet and in go Jd demand, but at low rates: middlings 17Xc; net receipts 4560 bales; exports coastwise 1335; sales 1000; stock t5|584. AUGUSTA, November 6.^-Catton quiet and Arm ; Oil I ceJpts 1000 bales; sales 550; middlings 17c. iMKiinns, November 6.-Cotton quiet and weak: middlings I7xc; receipts 3011 bales. . CINCINNATI, November 6-eaton quia and Steady; m lu d ll n gs 17Xal7XC Sr. Lours, November 6.-Cotton dnll and nomi? nal and nothing doing; middlings LOUISVILLE, November 6.-Colton flrm; mid? dlings 17XC. MOBILE November 6.-Ootton flrm; middlings l7Xal7Xo; ?et receipts 3165; exports coastwise 841; sales 1000, stock 31,617 bales. Nsw ORLEANS, November 6-Cotton strong; middlings 18c: nc: receipts 3245: gross 4742; ex .ports coastwise 2890; sales souo; stock r GALVESTON, November 6.-Cotton-good ordi? nary io s ; net receipts 907; exports to Great Bri? tain 2460; coastwise 1429; sales 600 bales. PROVISIONS AND PRODUCS MARKETS. LONDON, November 6-Noon.-Tallow 48s. .Ttew YORK. November 6-Noon.-Flour dull and I heavy, wneat quiet, without decided change. "Corn nominally unchanged. Pork In moderate request m $13 20ais ii.. Lard quiet Turpentine -.quiet at 68Xa69X- Rosin Arm at $4 65a4 75 for strained. Evening.-Flour, Southern dull and drooping; . common to fair extra $6 80a7 50; good to choice : $7 65a9 25. Whiskey 90>;ca$i. Wneat 2a3c better, \wlth more doing- -ed winter Western $l 55al 80. ?anas scarce and :a2c better at76xa77)ic. Rice a?tat7Xa8Xc Pork $(3al3 20. Lard heavy; Ue 10XO. Naval stores quiet. Tallow heavy SK 9d9 s c. BALTIMORE, November 6- flour doll. Wheat 'Steady; amber $170al 80; go xl red to prims $150 al65. Corn Arm; white Southern 70a7ic; yester? day Southern 6Sa70c; m xed 73a74c Port $14 56. .Shoulders 8c Whiskey 92xc. WILMINGTON, November 6_Spirits turpentine S rm at C4c. Resin flrm at S4 tur strained. $4 so for Nc 2. $8 for extra pales, $ll 50 lor pale. ?..rode terpentine bteady at $3 60 lor hard. $5 2> for yellow dip, $5 35 for virgin. Tar Bteady at .St 80. Sr. Louis, November 6.-Flour Arm; winter soperflne $5a5 25. Corn firm. Whitey 88sc Bagging ui changed. Pork, small . ales at $ ->. Bacon dull and un change l. Lard 9a9Xc .LOUISVILLE. November 6.-Bagging-dem*nd light at 16XS17C. Flour-best grades a fraction lower. Oom quiet. Provisions Armer but not qaotably higher. Pork $13 50. Shoulders 7sc, clear sides ssc. Packed lard 9Xa9Xc, kegs loxa lia WM-key 85c. CINCINNATI, November 6 -Pork held at $13. . Lard drooping at SXa9c. shoulders 7,s, sidis 7X I ase. Whiskey 88c. Nsw ORLEANS, ?? 6 -Comquiet; yellow and m< ted 8ia82c; white 88a90c cats 62a5tc. Bran $l 20. Pork dull; mr ss $16 60. Bacon dull; should eis 8,Sa8s'c; c.ear ribs scarce; clear 8;;a 8Xc; hams, sugar-cured, dull at lese. Lard quiet bat firmer; tierce losau: kegs ll sc. Sugar arm; common to good fair 8Xal0Xc; rally fair to prime at loxan sc: mellow clariaed at 12sc. Mo? usses lower: inferior 39a40c; fair 46a48c; prims to choice60a55c. C rr-e dall and nominal; ?tock In second hands at 5OC0, bags. Whiskey 97*a$i 04. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON. November 4-SPIRITS TUBPBN JINS.-No transactions reported. ROSIN -sales of 856 bbls at $4 ror strained and %i 25 fLT low No 1. CRUDE TURPENTINE.-Sales of 215 bbls at $350 for hard, $5 25 for yellow dtp and $5 35 for virgin COTTON_Sales or 60 bales as follows: 16 at 17 -?nd 45 at 17X0 per lb. Selma Cotton Statement. SELMA, November 3. atocle on band September 1,1871.bales.. 662 Received this week.3,098 Beodved previously.14,556-17,653 Total. 18,215 ! Shipped this week.2,595 -Shipped previously.ll.OlT-13,612 On hand November 3,1871.4,603 Wew York Naval Store? Market. From the Joarnal of Commerce, Saturdav, No? vember-i : Tne market for spirits turpentine ls very quiet, aud the demand entirely to mea the orgeat wauts of the home trade. Pi ices are Arm. sfFeonote merchantable order at 69>ia70c. Sales are 12 barrel? at 69c. 25 at 70c, and 30 at 69xc Boan*- rae market ls rather more neuve for -.strained nt flrm prices. There ls a better home ; tx* ste tn fl e grades. Sales are 1210 bbls strained ta?B?60a4 75,700 bbls fine at $7 7oas. and a cargo ai Etr?Hie 1. 2500 bbls, in Wilmington, on private terms. We aow quote strained at $4 65a4 75: No lat $4 8ua5 30, No 1 at $5 50a6 75, pale at $7as, extra pale at ?8 SSalO. Tar ls quiet. A smaU lot, JES bbJsNewi^ru, brought $3 70. Ncw York Rice Market. Trout t'?r Daily Bulletin, Saturday. November 4: The oorket is wi hour much animation at the morsen . and h* 1 neso't Of domett < th>- ac caaiuiA ?. ls only fair aud the additions rather stow but r>uv io s expect that the stock must EO >n tacrtuse, and tue disposition 1- to hold oir for the ?presea) .turi online 0 .erailons closely to actud ?rants.'ll ld. rs alco offer with a show of liberal! ty, and this keeps prices on an easy level. For? eign may be cal.ed steady, as the rates carrent arestilllow enough to attract many buyers to the neglect or the home production. Salea of 40 tes Carolina at 7*a8*c for ordinary to fancy; :j.o bats East Indu at 6*a"*c rot Rangoon; 7*a 7*c for Patna, currency, duty paid;and goldia bond, loo bags Rangoon at $385, and 101 bags Patna at $3 70, gold. From the Journal or Commerce: There is not much doing, but prices appear to be ?shade bet? ter. We notice sales or 45 tes Carolina at.:-; a 8*e: 150 bags Rangoon at 6*a7*c. and loo nags Patna, ta bond, at $3 70, gold. New i'orlc Hay .Market. From the Dally Bulletin. Saturday, November 4: The receipts to day were about 2300 bales. Them-rket is moderately active Tor shipping, but the sales have been tn small and unimportant lots. Ketall hay ls lu but limited demand. Straw remains quiet. New York Coffee Market. From the Journal or Commerce, Saturday. No vemoer 4: The market ror Brazils ls quiet. There ls very Mt e snick on the market, ana holders are rather more confident, owing mainly to the partial renewal or inquiry on the part or dealers. The ra? i har. the steamer Flamateed did not bring as much stock as was at first reported tends to favor the market. We notice sales or 669 bags Rio ex Flamsteed at 15*c. the market closing steadily at quoted "ates. East and West India coffees are very quiet and prices are in the buyers' favor, though quotations have not raised much. We quote ror Rio, in bond, gold prices, as follows: ordinary cargoes 14*al4*c, fair do 14}ialoe, good do 15*al5*c, prime do 16*al6*c, Chas. A. Eaiton'i Cotton Report, for the week ending November 3, is? 1. NEW TORE. November 4-THE MARKET.-In our last report the market closed dall and Irregu? lar; middlings is* c. Saturday the market open? ed dull and unchanged, bat towards the close the moderate receipts at the ports exerted a strength? ening influence, and holders were a trifle firmer la their views; sales 1911; middlings 19'.c. Mon? day, with more ravorab e advices from Liverpool, the market was firmer and prices -?c higher; sales 2970; middlings 18*c. Tuesday the market was strong, and price* were advanced :0c; the demand was fair; sales 3157; middlings I8*c. Wednesday there was less tone to the market, and prices were barely maintained; the offerings were fair, but not pre sed; sales 278'; quotations unchanged. Thursday thc market was duli and pilees *c lower; sales 2'49; middlings 18*c. Yes? terday ihe market wa* du 1 and heavy, and prices in the buyers' favor. Holders offered a fair amount or stock, and were disposed to real'ze; buyers, however, were Indifferent, and purchased spar? ingly; ssles 1978; middlings 19*c. Upland New and Floridas. Mobile. Orleans. Texas. Ordinary.16* 16* 16? ie* Good ordinary..17* 17* 18?.' 18* Low middling... 18? 18* 18* 19 Middling.18* 18* 19* 19* Salea or the week 14.952 bales-incluolng 5,926 to spinners, 402 to speculators, and 8,624 to ex? porters. Gross receipts at this port for the week 3).U8 bales. Since lat Septemoer 149,914 boles, against 181,905 last year. STATISTICAL Posmos- 1871. 1870. Stock in 463.500 Afloat from India.162,000 133,000 Afloat from America. 67.000 8\000 Stock in London.114.920 35.730 Afloat for: London.140,000 35,000 stock in Havre.118.470 95,350 Ail at for Havre. 53,510 7,711 Stock In Bremen.24,713 li,032 Atloat lor Bremen. 9.248 5,700 Stock lu United states ports_249,840 253,376 stock in the Interior towns. 50,643 43 243 Total.1.E07.37; 1,163,647 Excess in visible supply as compared with 1870. Stock or cotton held by Man . chester spinners at the milln. Price or middling Orleans In Liverpool. Price or middling Orleans in New York. Price or gold. 343,727 240,000 125,000 9*d 19*C ll* 0*d. 17*C 10* Itecelpta per Railroad, November 6. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 1665 bales cotton 81 balrs goods, 128 bb'.s naval stores, 12 cars wood ard lumber, l car stock. To Railroad Agent, G W Williams A co, A S Smith, Mowry 4 Son, Pelzer, Rodgers A co. A J Sauna?, Geo H Walter, A- co, Dowling A co, Tren hoi m k Sou, Sloan k Selgnlous, Frost k Adger. L D De Saussure, Pringle A Son, W W Smith. Kinsman k Howell. W 0 Courtnev k co, Witte Bros. Wm C ?Bee k co. Smith ? Chapeau, A B Monigan, Street Brea k co. E S Miles, H E Grainger, G Foll?n. H Hudgin?, S D Stoney, Murdaugh k Mathews, W K Ryan, Caldwell A Son, Peake k Miles. W B Wil? liams a Son, Stelnmeyer k Stokes, Thoa P Smith, Reeder k Davis, Graeser k Harmon, WI49 k co. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD. 254 bales apland cotton, 270 bbis naval stores, cars lumber, wood, rough rice, mdse, Ac. To P B Lalane k co. Frost A Adger, Wm K Ryan, Ravenel A co. Wm G Courtney k co, Pringle A Son, Pelzer, R dgers A co. Reeder A Davis, T P Smith, Wm C B e A co, Witte Bros, Whild n A Jones, Barden A Parker. G H Walter A co. Wise A (O, Steffens, Werner A Ducker, J C V tinonee. E Welling, Dowling A co, J A Quaokenbush, Man toue k co, wilcox. Gibbs A co. Kinsman A How? ell, J H Taylor, S R Marshall, Bolimann Bros, S D Stoney. J Johnson. Railroad Agent and Order. FORT CALENDAR. KOOK'S FU ASKS. Last Quarter. 6th, 7 hours, 84 minutes, morning. New M ion. 12th. ll hour, 49 minutes, morning. F.rat quarter, IQ th. 3 hourn. 27 minnie., morning, full Moon, 28th, 8 hours, 33 minutes, evening. 6, Monday. 7 Tuesday. 8 Wednesday.. 9, Thursday 10 Friday. 11 saturday_ 12 Sunday. SUN RISKS. 6..24 8.-25 6..26 6..27 6. 2? 6..28 6..29 SUN SETS. 6.. 3 6.. 2 6.. 2 6.. 1 6.. 0 4. 59 4 59 MOON R. * 8 morn. 12. 62 1..61 2. .64 3.. 58 6.. 6 seta mon WATER. 2.. 17 3.. 14 4..ll 5.. 2 5. .52 6..37 J..25 MARINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, 8. C.NOVEMBER 7. Lat 32 deg 46 min83 sec. | Lon 7? deg s: n;in 27 E. c. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Virginia, Hunter, Philadelphia-lert - Instant. Mdse. To W A Courtenay, Byrne A Fogai ty. Railroad Agents. D A Amme, H Bischoff A co, A O Barbot, W S B BS ell, B Boyd, Jas Cos? grove, Cameron, Barkley A co. J C Cochran, JOH Clansmen, M Corbett, T Campbell. J B Duval A Son, J M Eaaon A Bro, H Oerdts A co. L Lorentz, John R Johnson, Geo H Ingraham A Son. Knack, Wickeanerg A co, Knobloch A Small, C Kerrison, Jr, E H Keller?, J Livingston, M U Nathan, C F Panknin, Macqueen A- Kiecke, B O'Neill, Ravenel A co, J A Quackenbosh, W Shepherd A co, Wm L Webb, S Si muss A Bro. Shackelford A Kelly, J H Scheele, A Tierenthal, P Wal.-h, W J Whipper. M's M J Zernow, and others. Sehr Ann S Deas, Garbatti, West Point Mill. 60 tes rice. To J R Pringle A Son, J L Sbeoherd. Sehr Charles Sabiston, Combahee. 2000 bushels rough rice. To W c Bee A co. Sehr Etlwan, from Back Blver. 4200 bushels rough rice. *? o W c Bee A ro. SCUT Ailee, Hdl, Santee, 1300 bushels rough rice. To Frost A Adger. Sirop Julia Dean, Ha-rls. Ashepoo. 1200 bush? els rough rice. To W C Bee A co. Sloop Mary, Mills, Pon Pon. 700 bushels rough rice. To W c Bee A co. Boat from John'a Island. 3 bags sea Island cotton. To Fraser A D.H. Boat from James 'simd. 1 bag sea Uland cot? ton. To Fraser A DI.:. Beat rr m Christ Church. 4 bags Bea Island cotton. To R Roper. Boat from John's Island. 3 bags sea Island cot ton. To R Roper. Rec lved ri om Ha ben lc h t's Mill. 2 bags sea Island cotton. To W C Bee A co. BELOW. . Brig Edith B Everman, Corson, from a North? ern port. FROM THIS FORT. Steamship Sooth carolina, Beckett, at New York, November 6. CLEARED YESTERDAY. -?chr E A DeHarr, Pinkham, West Indies-Paul, Welca A Brandes. SAILED YESTERDAY. Sehr Jonas Smith, Dong ass, New York. Sehr E A DeHart, Pinkham, Weit Indies. UP FOR THIS PORT. Sehr Emma 0 Rommell, Adams, at New York. November 4. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Sehr F Segur, Grogan, at Bangor, Me, Novem? ber 2. Sehr Vraie, Mason, at Philadelphia, (via Wil? mington, Del,) November 2. SAILED FOR THIS PORT. British bark isabella Harmer, Corner, from Ha? vanna, October 23. MARINE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK. November 6.-Arrived, steamships Elerman L vlngstoa and Mame. Arrived out, the Scotia, Parthia and City or antwerp. Evening.-Arrived out, steamships Denmark md Westphalia. NORFOLK, November 6.-1 he steamship United states, from New Orleans for New York, put In for coal, experienced head wbadsall the way, and jail'* this evening. AV ANN Au, November 6.-Arrived, steamship Jen Barnes, New York; ba>k Ranger, Gloucester. Jieared, Fear Eugene Borda, Jacksonville, Fla. Below, two barks and two brigs. MEMORANDA. j( ie British hark Balmacarra Castle, from Bull I ; :r, S C, arrived at Cork nth ult. j The sehr Atnea Franklin, Wilcox, from Noank for Charleston, arrived at New York 3d Inst. LIST OF VESSELS UP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS PORT. FOREIGN. LIVERPOOL. Br bark Belt late. Williams, sailed.Oct 1? The ?oeskummeren, Westergaard, ?I'd.oct 17 The Windermere, Yeoman, salkd.,....Oct 17 NEWPORT, INO. Br bark David McNutt. Lockhart, sailed...Sept 23 The Preso, Jenkins, sailed.Sept 29 BRISTOL, ESQ. Br bark Architect, Doddridge, sailed.Oct 17 FLEETWOOD, BNO. jr Snip John Sidney, Bartlett, sailed, .ff..-Oct 13 SIDNEY. Br bark Vinco, Robson, up.Oct 6 CARDIFF. Br bark Perseverance, Cook, up.Cet ll HALIFAX, N 8. Br ship City of H a: i rax, HcElhenny, up.Oct 20 ST. STEPHEN'S, N. B. Br bark Grasmere, Lester, up.Oct 20 ANTWERP. Br bark Celeste, Fullerton, np.Oct 21 HAVANA. Br bark Isabella Harmer, Corner, sailed.... Oct 23 DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Br bark Agra, Fisher, cleared.Oct 26 Br bark Oriental, Dunham, cleared.Oct 26 Br bark Matilda Hllyard, Lovltt, cleared....Oct 31 Ba k Acacia, Robinson, up.Oct 23 Brig J L Bowen, Taylor, cleared.'. ct 31 NEW YORE. Sehr B N Hawkins. Wyatt, cleared.Oct 26 Sehr M B Harris, Crowley, cleared.Oct 23 Sehr Annie sheppard, Newton, up.Oct 23 Sehr Matilda Brooks. Jones, up.Nov 1 Sehr D V Streaker, Van Gilder, cleared.Nov 1 PHILADELPHIA. Bark Devonshre, Havener, cleared.Nov 2 Sehr Vraie, Masan, cleared.Nov 2 Sehr Bessie Morris. Allen, cleared.Oct 14 Sehr Annie S Gaskin. Gaskin, up.Oct 26 Sehr S L Ruasen. Smith, up.Oct 12 Sehr EC Roomed, Adams, up.Nov 4 BALTIMORE. Sehr Henry Allen, Ta tem, up.Oct 28 BANGOR, MB. Sehr F Segur, Grogan, cleared.Nov 2 QOTT0N FREIGHT $1 50 PEE BALE. FOR NEW YORE-MERCHANTS' LINE. The Regular Packet Schooner LILLY, -JJA Hughes, Master, wants coo or 300 bales toSBft AU up and leave forthwith. nov6-2 WM. ROACH A CO. "POR LIVERPOOL. The Al American ship OLIVE S. SOUTH- fti ARD, J. S. Theobald Matter, having a large SB? portion of ber Cargo engaged and going on board, wm be dispatched for the above port. For Freight engagements, applv to OCtl2 B. G. WILKINS A- CO. JjV)R GARDNER'S BLUFF, VIA GEORGETOWN, S. C. The steamer PL ANT r R, Captain J. T. Foster, ls now receiving Freight,_ at Accommodation Wharf, and will leave on WED NESDAY MORNING, 8th November, at 6 o'clock. For Freight engagements or Passage, having good accommodations, apply to the Captain on board, or to RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., nova_No, 177 East Bay, Agents. JpOR GEORGETOWN, S. C. REGULAR LINE. The Steamer EMILIE, Captain C. O. White, will make two trips per,_ week until further notice, commencing on SUN DAT NIOHT, 22d Instant, leaving Charleston every S CN DAT and WEDNESDAY NIGHTS, at 7 o'clock, and returning, leave Georgetown every TUESDAY and FRIDAY MORNINGS, at 6 o'clock. Freight received ou SATURDAYS and WEDNES? DAYS. Sunday Night trips will go to Waverly and Frtendfleld Milla Wednesday Night trips will go to Kelthfleld and Weymouth's Mills. All Freight and Passage prepaid. No Freight received after 6 o'clock. SHACRELFORD k KELLY, oct20-fstnw_Agents, Southern Wharf. OR FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH, TWICE A WEEK. F The splendid Steamers DICTATOR, Captain L. M. Coxetter, and CIT>,_ POINT, Captain Geo. E. McMillan, wm MU? tm mi lows: The Dieator will leave Charleston every TUES DAT EVENING, at 8 o'clock, and City Point every FRIDAY EVENING, at 8 o'cloek, for Fernandina, Jacksonville, Palatka, and all Landings on St. John's River. These S eamers connect with rail? road at Yocol for st. Augustine, and at Palatka with steamers for Enterprise. Close connection is also made with steamships at Cedar Keys for New Orleans and Havana, and shippers can rely on no detention of freights to New orleans, and at low rates. For Freight or Passage, having first-class ac? commodations, apply to RAVENEL k CO., Agents, Corner Vanderhorat'a wharf and last Bay. Through Bills of Lading given to New Orleans. nov6_ "YyfEEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH, GA, AND SEMI-WEEKLY TO BEAUFORT, S. C. The Steamer Jp I JL, O T BOY, Captain W. T. McNXLTT, Will leave Accommrdatlon Wharf _ . ^iffi**?*^ every MONDAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock,mmSSt???m for Savannah. Beaufort, Hilton Head and span Mi Wells. Returning will leave Savannah every TUESDAY MORNING. Will leave for Beaufort, Pacific and Ghtaolm'a Landings e.ery THURSDAY MORNING at 8 o'clock. Returning will leave Beaufort every FRIDAY MORNING. Freight received WBDVEIDAYS and SATURDAYS. Must be prepaid to Way Landlcgs. Goods consigned to care of Agents will be for* warded free of storage or commission. For Freight or Passage, apply to RAVENEL, HOLMES k CO., novl No. 177 East Bay. Soil?mg ?Jlotcrial. B ? ILDE RS* DEPOT, 94 CHURCH STREET. LIME, CEMENT. PLASTER, Slate, Tile, Shingles, Laths, Hair, Gravel, Chimney Tops, Sewer Pipes. Encaustic Tile, Marbleized Slate Mantels A beautiful substitute for marble, at reduced rates. OCtSl E. M. GRIMS Z, P. O. BOX 874. DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS. P. P. TOALE. Manufacturer and Dealer, Has removed hts Office to and opened his pru. Ilpal SALESROOMS at No. 20 HAYNB STREET and No. 33 PI \ CRN t Y STREET, where he takes pleasure tn offering to the public a fuU stock of Hs own manufacture of DOORS, -.A HES, BLINDS MOULDINGS, NEWELS. BALUSTERS, AC. WOOD TURNING In all RR branches. A specialty mads of FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, at WHOLESALE and RfcTAlL 09P* Orders for ?tock of irregular size work re .elved either ar. the Salesrooms, No. 20 HAYNh VTREET.or at the FACTORY on Horlbeck'8 wharf. auglfr-tuthssmoa St} ip ping. NEW YORK TO CHARLESTON*. The Fine Steamship FALL FIVER we are load? ing at New York for Charleston. Measurement Goods 10 cents per foot, 50 cents per barrel. Leaves New York on SATURDAY, 11th November. Apply to EVANS BALL A CO.. No. 38 South street. New York. WILLIAM ROACH A CO., nov7-2_Charleston. jpOB NEW YORK. KEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINK. ESTABLISHED 1845. The Splendid Side-Wheel Steamship JAMES ADGER, T. J. Lockwood, Commander, will sall from Adger's Wharf on TUESDAY, the 7th inst., at l o'clock P. M. mw Through Bids or Lading given on Cotton tn Liverpool, Boston, Providence and the New Eng .and manufacturing town?. 43- Insurance by this line hall per cen'. For Freight or Passage engagements, apply to nov62_JAMES ADGER A CU., Agenta. JpOR NEW ORLEANS. V;A KEY WEST. The good Steamship TAPPA BANNOCK, Cap? tain C. W. Read, having four-fifths or her cargo engaged, will load immediately for the above porta For Freight or passage, appl? to nov6-2 T. TUPPER A SONS. 1HE PHILADELPHIA IRON LINE. THE FIRST-CLASS IRON SCREW STEAMSHIPS VIRGINIA, Captain Hunter, GULF STREAM, Captain McCrery, Are now regularly on thc Line, Insuring a first class Bea connection between Philadelphia and Charleston, and in alliance with Railroad Com? panies at both termini, afford rani J transportation to and from all potnts In the Cotton States, and to and from Cincinnati, St. Louis, OHcagoand the principal cities or the Northwest boston, Providence and the Eastern Manufacturing Cen? tres. W The VIRGINIA ls appointed to fall from Brown's wharr on THUBSDAY, November 9th, at o'clock P. M. ta* The GULF STREAM will roliow next week. For particulars or Freight arrangements, apply to WM. A. COURTENAY. Union Wharves. W. P. CLYDE A CO., Agents, No. 12 South Dela? ware Avenue, Philadelphia._nov6-mtnth3 Jj! O E BAL TIM ORE. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGH BILLS LADING ISSUED TO PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, THE CITIE8 OF THE NORTHWEST, LIVERPOOL AND BREMEN. The fine Steamship SEA GULL, Dutton, Com? mander, wlU sall for Baltimore, on SATURDAY, November ll, at half-past 4 o'clock P. M. ta* Philadelphia Freight* forwarded to that city by railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional insurance, and Consignees are allowed am? ele time to sample and sell their Goods from the Railroad Depot in Philadelphia. For Freight or Passage apply to PAUL U. TREN HOLM. Agent, nov7 j No. 2 Union Wnarvei. JpOR L?VEBPOOL, VIA QUEENSTOWN. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAILS. THE LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN STEAM COMPANY wm dispatch one or their first-class, full powci Iron Screw Steamships from PIER No. 4? N. R., EVERY WEDNESDAY, AS FOLLOWS: NEVADA Capt. FORSYTH.Nov. 8, at 2.30 P M Cabin Passage $80. gold. Steerage Passage (Omce No. 29 Broadway) $30, corren cy. For Freigut or Cabtn Passage, apply to WILLIAMS A QUION, No. 63 Wall street. N. Y. N. B.-Through Bills Lading to Liverpool Issued by the Charleston and New York Steamers, which make close connection with the above line. For particulars and rate of Freight apply to JAMES ADGER A GO., WAGNER, HUGER A CO., maye Or WM. A. COURTENAY. pACIFIO MAIL STEAMSHIP COUTTS THROUGH LINS TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above Une leave Pler^Mp?. No. 42. North River, foot of CanalSUHB street, NAW York, at 12 o'clock norn, of the Du and 80th or every month (except when these latea fall on Sunday, then the Satur day preced mg. All departures connect at Panama with steam?' Ara for south Pacific and Centrai i.merlcan ports. Departure of 16th touches at Kingston, Jamaica. For Japan and China, steamers leive San Fran? cisco nrst or every month, except when lt falls on Sunday; then on the day preceding. No California steamers touch ta Havana, bot go direct from New York to AspinwalL one hundred pounds baggage free to each adnu, Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other information apply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on the wharf root ox canal street, North Rifer, New York. F. R. BABY, Agent. July26-lyr OBTON, BLISS 4 CO., BANKERS, No. 30 BROAD STRKKT, NSW YORK. Issue Circular Notes and Letters of Credit for travellers; also, Commercial Credit available in all partB or the world. Telegraphic Transfers of Money made on all parts or Europe. The accounts or Banks, Bankers and Mer? chants received; Interest allowed on Deposits; Advances made on Cotton, Sterling and Domestic Exchange, and approved Securities. Drafts for ?1 and upwards on the Bank of Scotland, and Provincial Bank of Ireland and Branches. MORTON, ROSE A CO., Bartholomew House, London. _aug?i-3mo8 _ iJUPERIOR UOLOUttf WAT fe] Manufactured, and for sa>e nj Dr. Li. o A i.b. lil lieetine stree ?ook ano Job JJrintmg. NEAT ! QUICK! CHEAP! THE CHARLESTON NEWS JOB No. 149 EAST BAY, IS PHKPA KED TO TURN OUT JOB PRINTING t OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, IN THE MOST SATISFACTORY STYLE. UPON BRIEF NOTICE, AT THE LOWEST RATES. OUR OFFICE, i v ALI. ITS DEPART MENTS, IS ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE L\ THE SOUTH erECIAL ATTENTION IS GIVES TO ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY GIVE US A TRIAL ! flJraa?, Ctjeraicale, Ut. --a JJ B A D THIS.! AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH A POUND OF CURE. GET YOUR DISINFECTANTS. Just received, a supply or CARBOLIC ACID, BROMO-OHLORALUM, DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC, CHLORIDE OF SODA Ac. Also a supply of MEDICATED WILLOW CHAR COAL, ID Powder and In Pastilles, Imported from Paris, prepared by Dr. Bellco, and approved by the French Academy or Medicine. Thia la the best article ever offered here:- recommended by many physicians as a preventive or Yellow Fever. Also, a supply or the best WHITE MUSTARD SEED, highly recommended as a preventive ol Yellow Fever. Call early, as the supply ls limited, at the Drug Store or Da. H. BAER, _No. 131 Meetlpg street. 9I?DMNB&F00D COMBINED. MOST WONDERFUL CURE8J EF? FECTED, BOTH OF MIND AND BODY. DU BARRY'S DELICIOUS HEALTH RE STORING REVALENTA ARABICA FOOD Will cure DYSPEPSIA Constipation, Acidity Cramps, Fits, Heartburn, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Nervousness, Biliousness, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys, Flatulency, Colle, Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Headache, Irritability, Noises in Head and Ears, Giddiness, Pain between the Shoulders, and in the Chest, Chrome Inflamma tlou and Ulceration or the stomach, Eruptions on the Skin, Scurvy, Fevers, Scrofula, Impurities, Poverty or Blood, Incipient consumption, Dropsy, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Gout, Influenza, Grippe, Nausea and Vomiting during Pregnancy, arter eating or at sea, Low Spirits, General Debility, Paralysis, Cough, Asthma, Tightness Across the Chest, Phlegm, Sleepless ness, Tremors, Vertigo Blood to the Head, Exhaustion, Ac The best ood for invalida, generally, as lt never turns acid on the weakest stomach, like arrow root but im parts a healthy relish tor lunch and dinner, and restores the faculty or digestion and nervous and muscular energy to the most enfeebled. Likewise adapted to rear delicate infants. A few out or 60,000 Testimonials or Cure a given below : THE POPE'S HEALTH RESTORED Br" DU BAR RY'S FOOD. Cure No. 88,413-"ROME, July al, 1866.-The health or the Holy Father ls excellent, especially since, abandoning all other remedies, he has con? fined himself entirely to Du Barry's Revalenta Arabica Food, of which he consumes a platera at every meal. It has produced a surprisingly beneficial effect on his health, and his Bolineas cannot praise this excellent food too highly." From the Gazette Du Midi, July 26. FROM THE DOWAGER COUNTESS OF CASTLE STUART. Cure NO. 62,612.-"ROSSTRKYOB, COCNTT OF Dows, IRELAND, December 9,1854.-The Dowager Countess of Castlestuart reels induce'*, la the in? terest or suffering humanity, to state that Dn Barry's excellent RevaL-nta Arabica Food has cured her, after all medicines had failed, or Indi? gestion. Bile, Great Nervousness. Irritability, and UyHteria of many years' standing. This Food de? serves the confidence or all sufferers, and may be considered a real blessing. For sale in one and two pound packages by DR. H. BAER, SOLE AGEVT, MEETING STREET. Directions with every package. augal ?reno Pri?e Distribution. THE SOUTH CAROLINA Mi UH lilURH SSM?, % FOR THE PROMOTION OF IMMIGRATION TO THE SOUTH, BUTLiEK, CHADWICK, GABY & CO., Agents, CHARLESTON", S. C. M A SERIES OF CONCERTS will be given ander the auspices of the "Sooth Carolina S cate Agricul? tura, and Mechanical Society,'' at the Academy or Music, Charleston, S. C, commencing January 8f 1872, at which Drawings will take place and Distributions made to Ticket-Holders of the entire Academy or Music Building, at Charleston, S. C., and ca-h in vari?os amounts making In ali TWO THOUSAND F OCT. HUNDRED AND Fi VE GIFTS, estimated at $600,300. 150,000 SEASON TICKETS OF ADMISSION, . AT FIVE DOLLARS EACH. ALL ORDERS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. For references and fall particulars send for Circulars. The Drawing of this Great Southern Enterprise will be conducted ander the supervision of the fol? lowing well known gentlemen: General A. R. WRIGHT, of Georgia. Colonel B. H. RUTLEDGE, or Sou'h Carolina. General BRADLEY T. JOHNSO.N, ol Virginia. Hon. ROGER A. PRIOR, or New York. Remittances can be made to us, and the Tickets wm be sent by Return Mall, by BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARY & CO., General M. C. BUTLER, novo CHARLESTON, &. C. JOHN CHADWICK, General M. W. GARY. UV REAL ESTATE ANO U.S.GOLD BONDS Will positively be Distributed by RAFFLE on the22d day of November, 1871, in pabilo, n the C'y of Charleston, at io o'clock A. M., by me CHARLESTON CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FREE SCHOO L F UND ?* CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF SOUTH CAROLINA AT ITS LAST SESSION AND APPROVED MARCH 8, 1871. ONLY FIVE DOLLARS PER S THE RAFFLE WILL POSITIVELY TAKE PLACE ON WEDNESDAY, THE 22D DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1871, IN PUBLIC, IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. All the Property, Real and Personal, mentioned below must be Distributed lo the Award, and a valid deed of each piece or Rea i Estate, free from au lncumbrances given. The Personal Property, and United States Gold Bonds, will be delivered Immediately after the Raffle. Each and every Certificate has Three separate and distinct Numbers lo figures, and the words of each figure written thereon, and are all combined with each oi her from Nos. 1 to 78 promiscuously. All the Certificates of Sharai Issued by the company, with iheir numbera, are registered In their booka. SCUEDULE OF AWARDS. That Certificate of Share having onie the 1st, 2d and 3d numbers obtained on the Raffle will be entitled ti the award or that first-class Three-story Warehouse, situate on Meeting street, No. 147, Chsr.estoa, S. C., (opposite the Oharlcstou Hotel.) being 38 fee: Iront, by about 240 feet deep, free from all lacumbrances, and valued at.135,000 That Certificate of Snare having cn lt the 4th, 6th and 6th numbers obtained on the Raffle will be < untied to the award or that first class Three-story Warehouse, No. 146 Meeting . street, Charleston, s. c., free from all lncumbrances, valued at.$307000 That Certificate of Share having on lt the 7th. 8th and 9th numbers obtained on the Raffle win be entitled to the award or that first-class Three-story Warehouse, No. 113 Meeting street, Charleston, S. C., free rrom all lncumbrances, valued at.|5*7,BOO That Certificate < f Share having on lt the loth, 11th and 12th numbers obtained on the Raffle wm be entitled to the award of that Three-story Warehouse, No. 141 Meeting street, Charleston. S. C.. free from lncumbrances. valued at.fa5,000 The above Four Warehouses are opposite the Charleston Hotel, and are the most Valuable Property lo Charie-ton. That certificate of Share having on lt the 2d, 3d and 4th numbers obtained on the Raffle will be entitled to an award or that Fine Piece or Property, situate on Broad street, Charleston. S. C., and known as the 'Mansion House" free from all lncumbrances, valued at.fa0,000 That certificate of Share having on lt the 3d, 4th and 6th number* obtained on the Raffle will be entitled to aa award or that Fine Two-story Dwelling, situare on Gadsden and Lumber street, Columbia, S. C.. with all the outbuildings and improvements, with about bair aa acre or ground thereto, valued at.$10,000 That Certificate or Share having on lt the6th. 6th and 7th numbers obtained on the Raffle will be en'.lt led to an award or that Fine Cotton Plantation, containing about 1600 acres, one-third cleared, and heavily timbered, situate la the County of Darlington, S. 0., on the Great Peedee River, free from incarne- ance*, valued at.$10,000 That certificate of Share having on lt the 6th 7th and 8th numbers obtained on the Raffle A will be entitled to an award of United Strifes Gold Bonds (new issue) of the value of.$3,OOTA That Certificate of Share having on lt the 8tr, 9th and loth numbers obtained on the Raffle will be entitled to an award of Unite 18' ?tesOold Bonds (new issue) of the value of.99,000 That Certificate or Share having on lt the Ol i, 10th and nth n umbers obtained on the Raffle will be entitled to an nwa d of United ? tates Gold Bonds or the value of..,.$1,000 Those 40 Certificates or Shares having on .hem the following numbers obtained on the Raffle: 3d 3d 3d 8d 3d 3d 3d 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th nth luth 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 6th 7th 8th etti loth nth 12th 4th U\ 4th ith uh 5th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6'h 6th 6th 7th ?tn o:h 10th nth 12th 8th 6th 5th 5th 5th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6:h 8th 7th 7th 7th etti loth mb 12th 9th 10th nth 6th 7th Titi 7th uh ath nft 8th 8th 8th 9th 9th 12th loth nth lilt. Uth 12th sth ist ist 1st ist ist 10th. Sd 4th 6th 6th 7th 12th 4 th 6th ?th 7th 8th Will each be entitled-to an award la United States Gold Bonds of the value or. .$500 Those 40 Certificates of Shares having on them the following numbers obtained on the RaMe: 1st ut 1st 1st 2d 'id 2d 2d 8th 9ta loth nth 4 th 6th 6th 7th 9th loth nth 12tb 6th 6th 7 th 8th 2d 2d 2d 3d 3d 3d. 3d 3d 9th loth 11th 6th 6th 7th ?th 9th 10th nth 12th eth 7th 8th 9th 10th 3d uh uti 4th itu itu 4tU 5th nth 6th 7th 8th eth 10th nth 7th 12th 5ttt 7th, 4Ml 8th'5rh 9th J th 10th 8th nth 6th 12th 6th eth 6th 8th 9th 10th nth 8th 9th 10th nth 9th 7th loth 7th lltb nh 12th 8th 9th 8th loth 9th nth ist uth ut "9th loth nth loth nth nth 8d Sd loth nth 12th nth 12th 12th 6th 6th Will ?ach be entitled to an award or United sutes Gold Bonds or the value of.9950 All the other Certificates or Shares having on them any three numbers obtained on the Raffle, and not designated aa any or the above Certificates are, will each be entitled to an awaftl or United States Bonds of tafe value of.450 Awards will be made only to such Certificates or Shares as have three numbera on them, so at? tained on the Rame. To such as dislretn take Shares lo thts Great Raffle and Distribution of Rearand Personal Property, the Directors will afford every rael tty and satisfaction, and perfect fairness will be exercised throughout, and many persons may trace their future prospects lu business and station la society to a fortunate Share herein. Orders, with the money for Certificates, may be seat by Express, or Registered Letters, or Pastors ce Orders, at the risk or the Association. Persons sending orders will be particular to give their names, places or residence, County and State, which will be enterel In the Books of the Company, and Im? mediately upon the Raffle taklag place, the Official Raffled Numbera will be forwarded to each Correspondeos THE RAFFLE WILL POSITIVELY TAKE PLACE ON THE DAY NAMED, and every Award cf tbs Property and Gold Booda MUST be made to the Holders or the certificates. mw Address all orders to the CHARLESTON CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION, JVo. 147 7VI I :i : riiVi; STREET, CHARLESTON, S O. Jaly26-tatho*o Cotton Sics, &z. OO OOH TIE. SLOAN & SEIONIOUS, Agents, COTTON FACTORS, BROWN ft C0.8 WHARF Scales. BUY THE GENUINE STANDARD SCALES, Blore than 350 Different Modification?. AGENTS ALSO FOR THE BEST ALARM MONEY DRAWER FAIRBANKS & CO., No. ?5? Broadway, New York. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & co., No. IIB HUM Street, Boston. For sale by HART A CO., sentt-tuMroos Cbarleston, 3. C. Qt ming ?lacrjiru?. SINGER SEWING MACHINE AGE1TO Y, NO. 197 KING STREET, CHARLESTON) 8. C. Oar "New Family'' Machine la simple In eon? atracci?n, adjusted in a moment for any kind of work, and will sew from the finest Swiss Maslin to the heaviest Beaver Cloth or Leather, doing a greater range of work than any other Machlae made. Oar Manufacturing MACHINES for Tail? ors and Shoemakers are the best in the world.' Call and examine before purchasing. Sold on easy terms at state Agency, No. 197 KING STREET. H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent for Sooth Caro? lina, Georgia and Florida. seplo-thstaSaKM J. CLARK BEDELL, LOCAL AGENT.