The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, July 25, 1871, Image 2
TS*** OFif I
Tra DAIXY NEWS, .fry ?Kaf^?pe y&T>J(klM
months $4; three fi^tfl^^RoVservs^in^
city at EiearasK Cauro a week, payable to tbe ear?
lier*, or $8 a year, paid la advance at the office.
'SM m-WltlXT ?a we, panuaiwd eai Tuesdays
Thurtstfays;' imd jSatT?fcys,. ta#:iear tJi^Oki
?onthiit? .
THK WSBXXT Naxg,:one jrear S3. Six copies
10. Teociopie^TVo??add^?ss?'W.
urh?fwTi!?rni?it 7yi.3roJLu aili ?nut i:v??> MMSSI
"minni WTIITT agaBEyBBBffMI BWBPSjgi?i
;'cit}t?i? G 'io?Ot?aitt?T :jsra: tnl m jionwrflor.
.af!? .flUntur JJJk- .li '??V iiiliaWi ?jesunrf ..ft?
?tf-u>trfl-:nti?iflgtMtrr -n mu .-JIU. ..-??? ^W?^.
ifMi.Jf.-yi??aoji? li ?."?-jjiiirt:.-!- iii: .i -
HEWS ma?dd toitttietr.^ddarras at Oj?
Dollar per month, pay able In advaSCfi
usnrmifc wt?a?&umu$M^*tm*V mutiiuAfOig
.HO* JU i<ft&JB$ OF* TliB'V**, ???? T !. 0
? ,TiKt:?*it; suMtt&jj oT-w ;?m?a.j;:i:f.*n../iAi.
scurruK a?, OJ. .isuoiaxn.' ignite: oui .iii-ar
-:^6oht <5le?ailaL-?W^-yrCrk^ep^rdai, at,
12J. riOTMearrrnai: ?Tise*>*;v:j ivr;.-,.-:
n?^toir.clcee^Qijiel(biow. gradea steady;
uplands 204 MB^AUete 1907.bales.
-In Liverpool*'wnon'V cibsed quiet and
steady; uplands 9?d, -Orleans 9>d ; sales 12,000
bales. v?mi3f
'^^x^ WSto be unBGiiaHy fntt-WkOreri
cans. -" ?-1- 7 ]
;-Tb*latestr?ennwi' pricaa donaa *lKjse
fame ls heralded across thc ocean weighs 375
poonda. .'J 3:ii^.v
'jt!^affie?la?Mnginffing/itA return- tor the
prriWf?veety?^b^^ !
the middle. . nVli r ..v. tfiwmaB ti -
.Milx*6T?ifiP^r 6Y'^SlWdrjMiim'-!lhS?n"
lere',' as a'reward^r'ih^elx?^rl^nt Berc?e ^
^T^orvVvo^^orwrad,,.^^, ^gngton
^anfcir^lW^ost .JuJ^recoyered fijgjyif
late severe Illness, and. with his lam ?ly, l*;awr ?j
at the White Sulphur Borings, Virginia.
tiBrs&fctaftOWLfif Ml aniUhe.,a8pie ls [
BaxBichavArMiMfcdlsAlAftlte taW in amanojen* I
Peralaaman?scrlpti-ixist .diacovejsd in-ithedfc?
brary at Breslau. .:?ioiiv!f
c~Gharries-"-K^ Wrlglrtt?fclok, : a? .mee?aufcal I
giffins^ P^avefl;^nd??tlent, ha* recent- f
xftfflt?eWfi ?Tniarnr?sMn^eirgni?, per
w??? ^^yye^ '?(^^ce?'.so?i; |r j
which are ol gold. It rons finely-th^'ma-i
chine, we mean, nojjhjynouse. I
time pa^ ;-lapel ,su^?^/uny; periled at
,-Graatonv. ; Jhej^e?seiBi MO. plao*tf en th* j>a- J
tenca?p im tire usual ?arj, ;arvd;da -;Ure course
of a day^^crat?.nat:?u.;twcKMdnlrawi3 I
apart to the requtsUoxlWgrh. The space be-, j
woe?s^ho im&k ISj?ga?i)Lr*adj: (or, aeai: Tha
Trteainshipi?rr^it,. the lwfeye^ebtopg^hea^l.
in this manner, which .ghoul tarean I
ffOHi . Gr?Biim rfO? ConstasImo?ley. . was. mad e
tMrtT^tr? fS?friOHge^a Trfls" b?? itcreaseii i J
?er^arrym^rj?w?r^f^ te-108a tow, j |
wltJh^ut dlmiolshlng^her sp'??d otrtftoT?Yl?g? 1
alarg?r'cre^^e^ary^ The a?^'f^grtbus J
gained SSl^^^^rl^tWi I
quire tho outlay fi..eqnaL f? i fie case or tneM
Garrison, to a new steamer of 350 tons, with- I
-England has^oe^n*ha|lng^1nrfelforT?y- j 1
alfy lately. Eesicr?s' Jff?r7 own royal family, 1
- ttei^rraV?^eoa g?fherenVtel'ethar?li? Freflch '
toper or ?rfd Bfepressi-the BrasUlao-Smperor I j
?m* ?tn^tesV^i? ?be< 1?p^ri?J^trc??%W j
Princess.of Germany. The latter coupleLmiV; ? .
. ^S^o^c\i^!M^T^0feyei, ?flTT1tW~'ftrace:
Dotting. The "Brazilian'. ma'?nafe8 ' astopViiU I j
London by persisting In their nrac?oa of 'liar- I !
?tiib*r?akl?s^5i?cio.oli ini?i?-nininingc:.uift '
*s ?c^t^taipxeparina teso-ifthfi<k.ana. doing I '
ttl' their slghsseeingjiarlhe. .earls.. msrnimz I i
-hou'rs,"'-They harv? A^dcnu" all thu sights - m the ;
clty.-irom Dan-W?eeisheba? . Ute ^s^fyhriS ,
made i-very iavdii^'r^rwslrJri-' there. His ,
.Shd.rjJSCeu U?ffi?iin ?ionarsabiy. :escel leafc^utd ;
thoronr^n i^hei^cejMh centlniwa
ide^atot-inrijaedttari??.-manner otlife,-JstroJJ- |
^'4flcaflonah^p<owtl Bond street4 mod: visit-, j
Wg?- ^^10^-houses-''and publtoibnlldrag?. [ '
W^'e?ererlw ?ieets '?bdWs^?F- wowtmen*e is I ?
always greetstfw^?nftnit?fll^ f i
recently- rh
and '?ngines1 rorMeair8Wa^erew'n=?ve'''D^<r^
forcibly illustrated by the modification of "flie
i?Sn??Sh rteait?e'rS^rlst^rHbrA
paddle-wheel .vesseV?D0t lia?^iat?^W'n
'?i99d,?^%i*:te^et^ hb'rse
power, and steamW^-'the'-Tatifr-of iy-^its
^e^ttto,-r?qWr^n^^e>?BS^mpt?c%i e'F'45't?ns
of coal a day. Tho Byfifct^?teV :haviiig'-ub*l?n
?orpvertecV Into -OM etro*; aud fi'.ted With oom
p?rnjrjTgygrted engines ot^W "nbmina^h?rse
ii0wS;n.blOy^lnWm?d ia\t(m8?l. c?ai--erdayt
dmd'Steam ed1 at Jthe rate-of.a3j knots an, hour,
thus es UH) lt lng ?ruy a. silghtialllng oH.inLih?r
Bpe?d.- - At nno-?ame tt?N th? oamjHa^^apa
^cWof the t?e^BK^sfi?eT^i?rged frOm "?W-'lo
1200 tons cr?-r^rgol ' tteWTraltr^how-th^^
? >8C4^'enabIw.'lrj?';Syc?u lo.^n-.y. taom-ibm
dou bl? her dormer: cargo,:aii d : 'red uco. tl) e e x
jpens?s for f u?r lo -l?ss'th an h a d ? of ? the former
jf?sQ11 ^ tSAfc'.T?ft'dns ^srhges kM i m prov e
SmKtS'ti?b ectrSoj?te. ?3wer :ef" steam1 ?avlga*
?ev^pm?nt^o'riho use gfHi?ani11 f^p??ijtt
nav!?gVi"lo?which ls to take placo year by year
?ggfjg*anticipated. eugine
haa-ba^rin.uso.Mw.r^Iyf^ "
?^S*Wt\\\?^iaT rrntf pif1 prerious
Jjf??rt? :3tro, M?nd^&iu# *wer? ?xp?nifeof Ipr
??Ut ary* 'pprposeK^ and wfm^? *sum "'Nyrth
Germany'was capui?le of passing from a
to a war looting in a Xor inigo t, aud of pre sen t
ing-risen". du "the lrouiler wiTh a first l<ne of
Bflrffi?^nHrjgika?, rilvideff'jn'r'rV' fhlrt^n
"0>riB??aet?;.BHiPeFiffiyj.ifa^IP?0 ??l-Pro
L-Vided-ivith a fir av-rule , paateriaL -;.jlhl3 first
anny coo td-be reiftPurced iuime?i?ately by -ihir
ileeu ol vi Si ons: of ..-hmo wehr, eflV.o
tiv^sorce ?M?O.000. otdsci?Ue?2 ! And .behind
^hese-'?M.?WP?eaAvw? 3eO{000. W the gttrti
-3o^A^b^,.?e.';r^riis immense fbrc?W?s:?H
ii^?RW'^?re?'?tttr' hirn^eff#fA???'i?f
?fas?lWfy ?9? .^>l^' .t^th ? m?li
jfajf?j&Sb ',o?o?MJl0ptriQ0, ?pfm'c,Sv
;-place a^army of "??0,000,. mun' .ojj Ute lroH?er,
>ihalc- lorne: bt-iogP>peufibJlenUy : provided..wiih
?an?it-ry?.-badi)- equippeO, .and,wiih-,a vill^n
ou3 adm lui st rall ou. / -france,- too, had. bardi y
arms and'cl?ihi? fora reserve ol 200vOQ$meu,
afeftf,:1fete ihaa a month after _lhe '?war wtth
corps from the ti?p&s? 'As for-tfi?'?6SJW0
mobiles ^h^:-^uuldj5av^ heeu ready to take
the field, they were lound in -a- stale oe total
disorganization. scaa^^a^
?i' ~A^ew??i>ondeni;Twrillng of "the future
now thia city will, lt lt continues in the patb
ol Industry and enterprise lt hus trodden the 1 (
1 pasf/?^? beXai?wna^ity of the world. W?\
grander t&tyMf??ffo ot Paris have fallerjBp
Jore^praeoj^Tsf ijajsjtstlon, and the strength
and amii 1 t?o? cf LondolTcannot compete wtj?j
the fresh yoong life that animates the growth
of Saar Ynrlf. The bonlevaydsln their broad,
sjveeplog, substantial way, are rapidly carry
"lng the centre of the metropolis to what Ave
years ago wr^J^exiffi^^.M^r^^6111 fle"
;pots, stately ?Mpu?^^mH^ra^Mtela and
iprin^?e^Driya^ev houses "come up like magic.
Wlii 'BWwer'gfow'Si: the vast cathedrals are
tmim^m^^^n^^ from
a^^K?%?0ol^# wt*
mjjst, ?^e^lEejr ^pvguods palaces Jw?a'lnv.
rea^^s^^y^^^olB^ &Bj^b%'y na .?o??f ;
?.^^Io^k)^o^..ajt, ?tgnt??^n?h an^Tw?'iS'
ueth streets, are too'far down ,f?wn.'"grr^[{Bat?
on the Hudson, from Ninetieth, op to' rolla?
jared and SUtiath e8reets,\ia*q be,\iajd out fe
a magnificent park, te-be called the 'River
Side - Park. ' r? V^esbritissbig. daj&o trOJUhe-east
ifdeTO?tf'Immew? '^ru?tarefit3''tkrmedRK)f
towers Into the heavens proportMnateTrJlia
spread on earthy and it covers several blocks."
!?? VUl .linc jgg; _
; siuyiwii rttmsr? a ma j ; -?.:rw.: bo .
adumtfiflifgcc' H-.I <. Mauas -;A UJJ^ ;UJTC?
mon a gare i u 'South Carolina haye resorted
^*^o|g?th^lettb' of-'|^^^WB)i'
much the'jae st. &i ful and' U?'^a,4Iri?^ tbeir
Of the cotemtib'tyV ? Tr* accomplish this re
giOVernmenti-dls tri buted, at thia lime, .with-a
Ho-friends arepired -/day-nfler day.-with ?rt
'Jibe oki coaatry,";irx.ttt9 hope .that eu me ol
ter and nnrelenling enemy of their race. feet
Bat, for occ?^ihe.Badicai? ^il be foiled.
The Irishman, of whatever" station, bas the
vi'ij,- to. ooinpreberjd anti'lo balk their tricks.
Hc-linoWtf tfittt wbereier Radidahsm haaheld
macWBtt vase au have- been, proscribed and
to:oravincehim.^'to9:Wnimu8o/;the ?ip.?w
glwc9^.tii?' ?lfi^kPnAhk . w^^W"'
ber ?f4!ra^?5Bfectabie;fi a?i*a1*b??t^3a*^^
The Irish of Charleston, in .th* ictrairng
election^ are g?lB^t? Bland shoulder to
in the effort to redeenrtbe eily. Hr. Pills
?^ry rrifiy generously -employ some of Ahem
aj. Ut%?^j^?j^^^?f Ti?B^ilf'giv? j
bim.tbeirfaQ'andlaithf?i; labor-:? excUangef
him trothing more.: / tu: : anss'w? > (>tl'.' - ' i
:? : 'J:o:-/f?i3 - ?gjg^aagajBan! ^ ?TS- . "
^:-:qq* caee^?!!ft*S ?
period*. Uuu^.io^ an- j
a respectare, mediocrity? flayoped with fa-; '
naJicismv,..TijjB. tamVs'??man? a Mayor who \
cao l?a? thclcity omVoFthe ImabcIaMeCTrt, .
who is pledged^ re3tt?jv.lebL taxation,, '
who will do i quul-juelice to ali classes of' -
?liz??is, ?rre^ertlve^of c^ bPffS-i [
l^tm^-pr^nion. Jgj . C^ajtetpn is to. Prosper.' ?
it must fcc, in ?oiber .word?;: u?der_ the aijs-,' '
?ne^wlW* is^.f0teillftr-wlt?oar ?trengtbiarjd
?ea kn ese; .0BflYwh?. ?t?t Pta ved,*, bte' phit?i?t- -
^anryo?ajrrujW^ ^VWHO
IS the chorcpiou al -no- ^liticol'riiar^rftnd
wno' w^"^^^^^?^ '?^ja^ idbpc?-.'
?ssariiy drawn from .tbb -poyertj^tkdteu;
irea?urjv Saca-a maaS G^eral^Va-?rier,
^L?at??^rJitte^ ^e^ir?n^jt ^fjfg^f?'
Such a man Mr. Piiteuoay is'not.".V. . siy&jJ,
tb^'nTst^ricef MY;Pilr^
i pdftica* 'party-^a sot. the: whole people.
is'ai'pdrty''polii1clan l?e w^HOmibareT?;n?^
is ?oeb ?>e(Ra?if^l Kept UH atis propose |o
3)ecu, - ile}, j. S?8 'adroiuiatftttio? JB ,a ' p?i'rky
iveljar? of-tbe,c*ty-itnnet ise--rn ade 8 ufasen-1- ,
t? cobren- ti rei in tte tniodl of' J
iltibougbx?rd' c^?sena.;-:'l?? who'rt?ne "aW .
tfs^!*cttoo wblc^ .
?luto??iy'Japi t?[eat.or<4^:t?ri!?^i^^ j
lefeat! ' .tc atc-:viStfVrr?wu.?lii20T?:'j 1
*W?di?STlnat?rfT?|8l?o|gbip^?^ing '?
points. -Doutrtlees h? druw? hi3 ealary :Wilh I
BdiJyu)g.-j.vguJariVy, and. '.Voaors .-with ??'r.r- '
Nor can -it bo ? denied that be stjretcbeskbis
offi^fal^power to fteiji-T^dlc?l-po^irteiafi?,
bppo?fiBta- pr?trlioai evi?eWolt^t?
tng?s b|* n*:^Si^ -afflu^bpL.f^'^?^
tm. TB at/ bejond these signai virtrjeMte're
acter which entitles him to the confid?newof
tba people." Notorjeualy " wea1? ' and ? wsial
aeu&ren nor tba morai courage neresaary lor
reara-'be ? bus ' been in offl ce, an ci wu h fwhu:
resuit?. ?.Hundred?loi iheusand? of. d?ilaVa
Sa^;be&fe- ?jjr^r^^i?jitri1 "| ^?^tt^ijasi ^U?ri?-*
St to :tbe taxpayers. Is Mr. Pailsbury iUiibd,
is made to face the ?raogerst w?ich environ
tbeicity;- ?wtfaer ?be', a gi tat ion for. a scaling.
feie^'.&bt,* ^^jc^^^MSS?^
ty^ upder jao^ment, to pay .over-due- city
Ijetbdf?gg. Hls^'pf^inl t?rilrp-at ' an;1 ehdy Mr.
Pillsbury leaves the city debt just.'as'be fO'iut d .
rcwbbfe' i?cti$gf$ %??f?^>f^|?p,
hokeyer examined, ls barren of ? practicnl
go od. : Ttuer ? ."bue b'eeji. a. c u rta ii men t o f ex .
praditrrres*; bu^NrbB^,'?f .tbe^rdes.of!l v'al?i
?bto real .-estate, .belonging, to the'-oity, at
upai i nci- pricey ? For .tb^, raflhfey .wblcb/??as
been ?pent. the people faa ve-1 Dot . had -tiroir
money's : worth. ;uT?ia-. eweBs?stoti'tn?? ^jty,
jo^^'rjren^r^ght b^?;b??ti'ima;de' ?.IOO, OOO
uss than they are; and. -wah . ail, the cry
ibout.-econumv tbi*han. not been'd?ne. *
? Mr. v'ii letra ry i s nc <iou bt. in-one sense of ?be
?rortr; tt well-?aeaoiog - -man, but heba's'n?t- ;
ind lili publia history sbowa it-thelBrain, .
.he stamina, or. the:-aieadiaes3 (of purpose
^y^ttea?|(BiUr.r,iogf i^^W<m.( .%-re" ? ?
alect bim is to remand the city to torpor '
and unrest, a??'to m&ke Ct?afiestb'n, fa per-, ]
petulty, a hobbed'of offlei?l:Ibbbery and: 1
RTODsf.' ' -"-.:?-'?'. .' i f.'t ? Itu-'/. 3T.. ? :
Tile W?y to Win.
?lit.'j.viU.. ?'j i i?;r ...".? . ;
?<Cvll . CT < ?ii K ' . 'f . , v ? i.
The lesson taaght b^ the,Conservative;
victory in Charleston, at ther'Stsi't?"election^
??ldfiittt ywr;;*?r s?ll ^h; W?HVnsV'fiB,th?J:
nio^r^T0O*pi^: TW j?f?'??rW'-i?t??] I
Conservati vo candidate for Mar or fca?/foen j
iefeated by twenty-lbxee majority. There
?&di?ar majority in'tne reit of Uie^countv/
?STthe Citizens of Charleston pqifr -dosH
Behind Urna, worked vigeroaaly aarl toca?
santly, and, on the daygf. elei^n,'allj9^Bi
BOAS WBB Unerr?Tl"'*, ?Od fha ?hola Cftmmnni.
tv^ept^'?ieinserv^^ wortajft
?r?n*?emli?? "tfte'Stat?V AhdU'ey nari thetrr?
by a'majority of four hundred votes.- Thjs
wa&iv ought a?K>at<l)y>78tea4ib^or,^?WiM
sa#rfioe*of fee eoBiamB ?sy ion the COK mon
good. . ff . rorsiMiu?!.:
--Afc we won ia??&6>?fe?an WAin 1*11.
To Charleston ihe^etectiaqxrf^reat JFB? ieiaf..
SP pre me important* *vict^?fc^ roa*e/
ht no distailta?y,? rjomfc+t^oraB-'aiHI-jastice
ft? ?%3^? ?g?
mace ty-effort, anxl;??aDe aifiur^iiiai thW?
necessary. tozinsure-encceaft.-Let,?there b&,DQ
tvfib?r-f?ur hi>nrfcjr!^^e.?ng ?Q?l'O?^ turn
o^'?arj??tftf^r^n at^be^ls utft-H. they.
clpae>.? W'weVaf?a? defeat tp'e Htt^u?^;
mo^ltr-bnd ?^*Wvegance. jy ^Majority
wfrcb ip?el?^rffiSM? heartf:^
every rogne-iii the Statev - .: ii v. isiifiutt
.. ?rri.rj.^.. jagaaif itoij wcdj ;..>.?.-? ...v
o -;.i ??3?!!JSS?T Z333T?r. .Tr.,.<i.?.-1
?TrfA.WiW??Vto -jS?t^irall?e^.Cl^enB.,--;;,,
j - ; ll ? 'j.-i-, ??.> ?jp
AJi cidz?nfl'of Charleston wT^^?^ ^?n
ont natura?ea1?orjip8pej?.in<?foCj??/ Court,,
(??W presided over by Ju dire Pringle, ) ?nee
I^cetob'er^. lffi]]t?? ea^e8$y|,:^j?ea^
tako ont new certificates at once .io- the Uni?
t?^ St^^CQ?r^
granted ibp. 'the""6tty :<jo^"dft!??d; niter, ITJfe
cfcjrhT&erV ' ?BS?, .wttf; not be a?cepied rjy-the
r?ftnes?rs'crf:ele?iiona; ''.and" agy.persotfynd*.
holding each - papeYs, who- Uo not iaka out
.wfil noMte aUowedtotrotan Swteaoci*- av
kaia .-.-.i. .I . .,\4??H;J-LM:J *y.i*>.y
??-r }-t'"?? -|->? i ...- - ,
; A WA?HILTON dispatch" ,aay# tbftt /ihe '
"'^f^1!/*?.' l?|^n1iv#,'jS^ '
i r^Mr?' now engage? rg?fganjjflngthe
^^?CirtRg?My ?S?fltb. Ca?UDavry*and;
' ^tmy^?j?k^?m?i ?jar?. '6eDt^tft)?2gf4, '/r?ijo .
"theif rooms in this elly": :D aili .ol. tbegbod
'jAftr*1 -*! Oi?flUtt#it?w: .'.a : Mauuou.i ;
wor^f ? uuai??oaMi Q? omaiji, a- -.,:., :
It is hoped j?a^^,?ojtyoij^e will send !
^thelr UTettee?.jiYely gket^eatpf the^and j
tbe- Land Commission; the Greenville..'Biog .
car/e dc-visite, ol ib? .It ? iical nxerpj^re,pf .
^e^tf^Jt^l^?n^ ?Wowl?sttt- f
conditto? 'of ah.?idfrpereops. anqfipj^ jA^^?j.
iri^?fllyUnteing^rttaTiM memu.". !
-KZ,; ?-x i <-- ? ... -H
VB." J:> '?YirttVre .:',:Vi' ' ?<
-anti: wura j l?ita *^B^lfi?iia.;0'>o?t<j aa- / ii?
f V1.,?)H&U.:vVUAlA.N tO>COOK.hi)cr maK&^ers^ir;
jE3(tt? WMKV a ?natr?n BAC hiliH' Anrkiri ,fh?m
Uermaid ?rseaMresat . Has ,co. ??.jectionHo?p j
iain dire, cj?uuti y. i-rrrt?,jri'''Q* m?d IB wlUiorf to j
aps*e!h??eirMHMW f;?^.v1???ar.eJt ?**^: I
t hjirch^jett, .^ep* sldei .?etKe^n,,BToafl .aad
Tiaiki kieeta,;-r, . /.i, -.. .;J$mv?. . :
-'WWiwjifSH.'tontt-niftc *?,?ewj'g*t?,raiiy'.aie-' .
fKt^?pbiyi? TUoinas'Sir?Bt; 'OneacertromiBa*.
eimr^.-"-w::.: .::.>! ?<n .irt.-K'jJnlyat-a?:- .
WSWSS ' PESSK^ ! well recommended. Abnlori
Nu. 10 Jn?l;h^;|^t>fr.,.a. ?.,, -,? jggKfflg
WANTED,: A ;.Waa?M?NlIBSE? J APfiLcY :,
i at-XaMSigs^ren-Btrcet; . J^-ln?ges-2'?,;
.Tf?c^f Mi?'!?'c>a^'and. %t:nare,, .Pair.
Uaat'esUfras-oi; selling wir?, get lojl'-valueby.'a.d-. ,
dr&singP. ?.-g.qxyo: ^Jfylf?*1**?'
to act a?^Ljmmtj*^i>atIorajJant,-iil:iD, al
'ead, to stock., ai.d render gencriL.fc&slstance.
tWpens'?Hbn?rberi^ ,
? M .'' see-s*-?gaea-wi. gjggitr .J
fia : ABCfleR'eicrlAilAA?^&'iltiSOn Ha0#,.1iac.; ,
Lotw?.?pe^. ?fto; ?r,nch.$or#i8n??c.', jailor 1
BMa^f..iBMned>t<?>. ^~-i7-iK j? ?ajfflrj^g 1
'TT, trrmhj^n*MtrSi kWWMii#? 1
^Met?rra. -BfeTC?M,'trffAUWiOK; :G:?flS??'CO. t
Ticket s r*w:r?a ly Wa?i>e p^oa ;<>feer?y rneotts f
at?heofflce ot.MrJC3CLA.ciUS, cornt-r ^aani?ay: | !
aalOntral Wnox/. \r-il?.N ;UOF?l?, feuo-vA?Cflf,
rJDMjr? .s-f .-,.r> ? J.v . ;i.u^;'..:.v ; I*
"TjtTjA?vTED^ A JS?IAtL, .tpOlpllEl?,^^
. Apply.
?tNd^c?n?te?rre>t.'??'-X: '' -J-: - jnlv?T1 ?
.& Smair^lODSE^ contalDUgs ro Sjraoma,
Utuatcd'f either ito. the cen we of the .city <* near
ihe Unes o? tte City .?a?w?i- Addim-X> Y.
?U-W) is office, siaung tc rmi, location, ?c. '. ;.," j
3Sa?. k-^-^A ' f? ,...??' -n-,- 'nV-, :
if . ??rt?v? of?idr?d??,'i?',slt UatMn t? satesmta
or -clerk-in a rtoa?s in TJnsfltBtouv' He U well ami
fiVo??niy. koo?? throaghonc.-?a?t Florida, and
? sniurulsh satlsractory ttBilmoDlaJs as to cliw
acter and qn?ill?rar.i?n>^. A<1t)rp?tq X S. J.. NEWS
Sirt?BtK tehant; who- woilfd T?ake a three
or ove yean' lease at -srmoderaie rent. Must be
ua we?ttr? onrt-i0f,'ttr& ?tty- or p ear- toe lint i try.
AddrefSi-'WlUi ?uiijparticuiais, K?L?, dDice,,o(
??S&v?r - 7"v .,.-." -""jonff,,
XX.' D?TI?M bf"Gnv?>nese'.1 Will tea?h Rrigl?itr
(Wd the'rndiiri?ntsof'Mnois. address "U./ilwu-n
gagg oTttce.':--'''J'1 .inj -?i.:.: ::.<'V i; jnnio: :
:.A^ A^i^E'^Ol? rf# S^ffi
?%. ^ wains ?a. sltnaUoa^^ acduiituicd -wi/h~0jj
ftOMda^^GrOcww; ?5A irofl^.Accouaian^ari.i
? liiliii.ip^mak'e nimspir ?pnencaj- anaX Can
giyritfrer.-dnissi. rerer'en.?cs. aucresa vefha^.'?frrce
or',ftfe-yirwp.-J^ 1 -y^ ?- ? '? '.---.maVW
:JO-?-J : - rW S??ttL ; '..i* Ar." jlrj'-{
rpo.i?K?iT, ?J?BM^'M?II 4 ii ALT
?X :ST?;K-Y)?i>Jj>E.: Ne?. 4 Mary stre?t? Apply
aube, ?Qutu.w est carn er pi (LlhurcaAfaa Chalmers
btreeta. \., v,".. ' J?lflB-?* ,
?Jr: ! Jjougiity-fetreet-8 Apply" ^tlithy " .?? '1 'jnftSa'
~ y> " SS -?i^'^flan?^ri j'i-.i S .
STBAYfiD.'.i FB0M,?A'NN7 ??a??Cio^?
the directionQf t|;e iH\e\\ Rood, on .isturouv
la#t, a<lar<?}| redjCOW. wdth large |hor-^ and *?ars
.aa j ot>uuaoitt > ?OOr?llW?.- ; .: : Haw?i-wi :
lil IMliaxon HuU?K;. pieas.-?nily sttua? ?1 ?ad
ase minutes wnlaiur J^j^ramttTi?'^oi'mi(f^i
km byuMrs^^P?A^-.a?H! Ojf,^^, IJi?iiU?MAN>
. jUly^-stpt?Vt,,, ? y,.-., }:;:"r-,,., jj> .;,.'. fnnn- ;
i^r?dti wfehftiir'g'eni?el ?Q?ttD4m thVClPf br
?t?1? Yorfc '.ror ' the Wlttimfet'??'?rjth'i?;'? S'(H?nS?
pHtronized by Southern.?omUfefc.iwiU 'lln?r ID?O
Oieir ?aie ana a'tiae tage ?o oa? ca tn^subscrlb*
o^at?:^io.^.il^?o^th;..WMhingto^ ;, W^X^t1
^aaBS mum t ??? ? .?. .. u - I
?>' csh 'bH ?crJomm'Dd?f?d 'wlfti tMM bdfl'B,
irMpieaWne'r^'irmii-on 'mdiierati?'terhis. ?y api
plyiup at No. 12 Wentworth ; street. ?DAY ?0 AJU>
IN G also turn I? timi. -1 .??--mari?
rjlPwTJS8E6, S?PPOSTBSSJ dtei ??viu J n i
.X iuc. tr o?aa?tinsqa at rr mi?iybe.? ?? M
. tut received, a large ?sssortmea^sndlos saieet
t?B. H. BAER'8
. Drug Store.
Friends or the Family, and the Reverend the
'C?ffw'B?'sij'?e?or^m?iitiBiir'a'ri/itivriea to at
te?? !??8 ift???!, at?8t> tttt'e?? ?t?fiurcVi U$?
Ivrwvnnv nr fi Qi^COt . - ^-Jll&ifi_
Special ??^ikcs.
S Choron ?M?RWEBv?? JKui-w Alger's
North wharf for gooda ail not reinemaVfriUjpe
stored at their risk and-espense. No claims al
l.weh after gefefrrs'are delivered. .
-.f?ly?a-i.: ?M?area wrLEBrM ROi?H-SCOT
that she ls Tu is DAY discharging cargo a^Pj?f
?t^tms? W?f^hairi offw^^W'^^V?eB^
MANHATTAN, from Nej? ??rfc are noised t^at,
ahe/la ..dt?c^jargjng. cj^o<!^iS.'?>Af?' ^Pft*"
jpu?jM? n?caU?a W?ts.W?t W?1 remain
.|h?V - . %M:M? 4;co, ^?t??*!: J
WARD; Nata,! who a? desirons Of -Utiag .oaJ
Naturalis?t lon Papers, wu?saU cn W.1 JL -JJ.UCK
ENFCSSj-AtuaoeyvBt Law, No. ll Broad street,
opposlti?tate ?rest, between 9-afcd
hair-past2 0'ctook.Pjd?i-M ..? ._BBKJ'. LUOAS>r.-;. -
JnW? t,;:m:.w ?:?!!>/ <?fl^raaajWej!4SPo.^: -
COUNTY : OP" ?EAKLESTON.-In ' the Oom mon
pleas.-JOHN 7. BRYC3 and- WJLLT-iM: u:
BRYCE, Oerpartuera .nnd?f OfJf.T.
R?fOEjfc Ca, -Vfc* I) WARD W:. ttROOT.-SWU-.
mens, JorMqney Demand,-[i^mpl^lptnot.Serv?
ed. j-To EDWAKD-W. GROOT, defendant in this
action.t Yon are JriejeJDy soinnijned and. required
^aaj?ywja^Bffl??^tt^ iiia a$?an.ja?ohjs
?ed latte o??cj? o?tbe*C??e>kof the Court ? Com?
mon. Pl??? foY-tn'?^??t?j^!^?a?a 'ro'ieifvtVi
copy of yo^an/wef?n tlje..sribscjrlher8{ their
office, No". ' 3V Braid- s'treeC Charleston,' within
twenty days after the service of this ssmmonB on
ypa,-.exclosi>'ap; th^da&of^orvlce... . r.,y j
- -ttftW ?aifcto.ja?i*e?,thja ^qoiop?aln t w i thia, th o
time aforesaid the r^a}ruiffj.w'lli take ?gaient
against yon for the som of Seven Thousand Dol?
lars, with Interest aube rate of seven per cent,
from thb 'tweb^t?"'fi^,''pf April, one,.thousand
cljglit hundred aa'd sevehty-ijne^ aadi^osts., ., j,. ?
?Daa?a *%ttiiwt?m&t>yfot <.. .'iiii a?tj.'. :
.!--..( j.' " ???ttlW ? POKTBR-Jt CONNER, - !
a liuup: io;.:-' iu>t:.iwflaintlflB? Attorneys?-' I
ai>c..-.;jiftyoj; j. og to t>: .(moi jitu* '
notice?wtthe^r?otma jn this-; .action, of w?ioh
ms fongoing ls a-obpyta?nh ? oounMaiatannaxeg, J
was rt ?dtafW J t&We of th? Weft? or the - ?onV t OT1
$mnwtff?gjf. a*$?baj&es^VlavJ?$ Mffitfcffi
Charle?tor^ and'?ta'tfsouth. O?r^ft/'oh;^ ! ?
84 da]) of Jr?ueU?n?? i aar ' ?? s?Wl i
i>XORT?tUk COJQfER, BhUnttflk' Attorneys;.N?: ? '
wantiww- .. . .#? J i -Citaiieii'^tf, s. ?J-'? j '
ai i unrtii'i . ftauu iru, i. h?caau ur --.n i
-?"J??'STA37B OPNBWTH G??OUNA^-:' ?
parsnasotrjoc thefitatstej of .the said state jaud > <
ta* XJrdWMCces-ol lbs eaJd:.CltrT in -natl owe :
m erie -aba '-frpn to u ? db1 h elWw ^ I noVie?4hat I '
?^^?t^y??! :
UiBifiecwioV_4*y o?;A*gnsf. fcJff-^eea.hnnAre^and .
sevBDty.onej L at.' jtie mna) piaoe o: elecci?n' ;
ttoougbou? ab MMmy. T-:lT i?T??b?n Wic? !
^Trre-'bn?rlMir-'?f 'llder?neft'-tb 'beJe^ctett'1framl
-S^mm?^^ ssl
. ?:I WATdHa<*e<3&roji!;:i w? :<,0'i??:r?.' f '
.. ..WaWNa?^Tareev,>::??.. i ? -m i .
"W?rd Nof-iiiaffra ?. "! ' '** ? a*w.?B j '
? "WfflMffiip^Su^^iS ; !
?: . ?#licT^f?c?c r?tai. an ? worij .
- :.ix..v?rd?o. 7-siQoe. ; T;. ..JS.?- jj^duoiabi
. - Ward No.-84-Oaet t" I>SJ:W:Z ..-.\w '. '
'Tbe'H?y?f and tho ma-Al dem eh wllf be voled j
.^'.'.?ho 8ami{''?mei'i^f^^o^gj^^j^i^iff'
ihall"bc elected '^?!^e^\^^??..e^-^figi.? ?
The polls will baQD,ened at teven o'clock In the ,
'oren con, and close, at. fl^e.a'cj^k la the after- '
loon of the day of*"th? si?dVectlon. " '
. IL.8] * -OrriLLSB?RY, Mayor. '
UU^^WlC.4iJ AfttTCBSlX, OietfccrOOtt&Clla t-M> j .
: jUiydS?l fjJtti ,-[:i.tzi H*t .-7 '..i?:??..-.?: ; )'
fBE. ?MTRP ^T^TB?. .Qtt4JlLE?J^N.^N^.-- 1
luring jBf ..^?or^ri^s^nc?, fajo, ' th? fttate^ ?
he business bf.Ihltf'Agency'will oe attended'to.,
is usual: ;af^?:'?0 of?i?'SS?W^ fei .
: H KI ETZ B E K G '/11 ' : ' ?SfW?50*Ll ?
'jnlyl^m'f ' ' M* ^ ?ttHfriilfM^}
ti? STREET-?HARLE8TOS,' 20 ?CLF ,tnt^
)jfa'daY'RaHftd Nrrrflb?rsor tiifr'Tjh^ie'irtwi
fcho^vfaa.d.?., -CJ" * ':. rt:?'." ' .ni i
. wa : CliAfi? Nc 9T-MoBitiKO. :. ? ooicun .
>OB !'.: ' -.-oiitix? .t.".i" .?1*i?O ? iitfl
?0X3 ? ir?a* ?lfft* .Sfr.?? rr*V??a??' ;?fUl n
a-*:24~?tf-? .?L T 44 a A0-afc^-Dl>-?8^?S^T.
wim^o^.haaii.this ?^d^jof'i^j?fj;
.'.i.": . '. J ICii j-ti?Ei!N;PEpK> ?j, vf :iLtil
!i? - tu.' i,:.: ,.' c JAllE? .GJLLILAND, :. :. .
mav? ?:'.',.>:r.V3 i.;sw6rn ?i?wft3iotfers.j
SKio^?ISB?liS? 3RtwBP?r5
?ARY aUeenc?i from - the -;8Urte, WILL? AM- o.
ttOup, JB..'iifttr/intr?6i4zpd''t? act asftijr Atttr-'
.?B|y88r3 , n?jiuumfa ? upoit.rfci'j.; j; :-:(i;.fjvf
ST gften to:the jlahoajaeoS Tacspayen -otjitte
rbWh'ef SnramerVlfte, tbht if'tTielr taxes are ubi
Jgf?W tljt?st ^?r^r^k^?^e^
?By oi^arjC^FvB^OQft?;R^:Ia^en(dar4t5, ",
tomiocrTille, ]nc?i JnJr, Lb-l.: ? M JoJjSa-aS: i
flie Tffcw??.- dr the CNaWeston ?1W St?Mtf *!:!
?io. ciEapt Efaj?^c?raer. of A^'?lc'^arf^.^e
? a s men t of Tw#J?llars wiii- cousH tu ? ? persea 9
?emb?r for one year. ?; ckeat on Jtond
'ortrytrfbWfw'. Th? Bt?clety'has'tthe Oblpoftear
^sor^Jn'te^^d ^ the ,Yf qi jt ejr? sp^-lrjgji>r^r
ii?o?'ra?iijori "wy?pi??je cajj^jhe if?aaur'??.x" j
?wrvn . ,i .-.r..?-:'Ji?*0B80N,??; l
1 Jarrtai4moiic:-)tili!c-. :1 .''?T?0ftWB-W'O.,?.i3J j
WE .UVENAND LEA ii ?^, ?t?.-A?ID
.Yfiit-J::-iv;J: ?"ORUf?T iALL.. j :?;u ?ri
- Tua: sotriiEiuv- ij-ra BOESE^ -
' . v'-3t$Mi 35?:?lKO. BthfeEti '' ' .'??'!:<* ?
i^^i?^ft b>^^?^:?t&m; ??rifle?
nen's, Ladies? Wt,,j%9di^;%^^^|)lf
uacwand' /Lace v?urt^ntfe?ned^<m?t{?#pne
ip:WH.h1hetSoft ot: Aiwm?aci-urers? ??PiEish^Lace
?Hd ''?Ab?^W?^a ?md KM Glo^s eteanei-atd
i!jun22*?yr- : t?LI^Eiti'Brrb?rieeoiw I
??UL' . lim?, j rj ?-) HHtna ; [jf ) i . ftttm I 'J.ll I
XKT :"*oD% rfflt L;?A Ni Oui j ?rnt^idHii . >
:,T'T'?i ' '.^'.w.i : c? * 'i;'v<nn?r'i."*?iv>wu-'
; ' -?Xfti r0'?'N E T' * A';T ' ^-'?'W",! ? 1
::Abov,e, Messrs. Kliack. U'ick'q?ber'g'. A .Co.'e
?ora. ?? . ? j . , i 77 ,V.?:.v.?nfrMtjrtb |
J- ' -OUI O .H'I IJVI-J III ,->.-:.<!
T HE_MO U KT Wj'?'*??11
. v..u..^.r.'ii ?REE^y^LL?, 8,^
i Has tn?i!axge*s real orcaiaiion ornaas* papel-?
a that'Ba?jttaag^bb?Ditotl?agBmri$i a yeacio ? >h
O. E. ELFORD, Ed?iur ;a>Xkr.rppttctpr, - .
CL G. WELLS, AssooiatO Editor.
?Vy--WONi Fufogaat ta a waaolntlaa adaptor! at
reassemble ?Sl? EVBKW?, thelSlh TnsfcT?t ?
? o'clock, at MasontcUsU. Arr tu? purpose of nomi?
nating:.*^ Board ^H??ceea^l^ea ^.qBe;.
Schoo; Comm.BsluB?il^ttn ?i^i WJJJI:
J. Fals?a MATH^S<i^^_.^._,.0,
s ^^i^xminxrant^it-'liWe?' i*^.^* -wi
r.ivcv JO-, MK M^ted'^rreiioyc!! -..-rn
, 'as?X : ca? ? 5:?.?; ^id-and^iiwr W^JCa
Lsf^soea&i. iJ^'j":.. Laau Warrants.'
. Dealt ; A. C. HA.OPiTAN\j r?
; ?ulyll-ttrttis.-.. ixe : ;*:o; 25 Broad atrpeU ;,
? ?L.'I'J.. J. Ja-j? ?85 t'J .; ij35fi'fi ? ' 553
.;.i!:aii?A .-.zzi-x?ni SttU. f. y.<- saiijjia
?9pj J " i::J?I;;",;OH'I. :C ?<KJ rbum ...iii VJ ? {'
? ci : ,yjiv:::iFOiR Sdd?p Mb. ...nmua-:'
THE G?NS-AND MACHINERY ns?d ttf>tQ?'>ta??'
. tpass - season. ?ox 'smnlngvfiea island a nd. Tip* :
jtu;u;:-.' land commit, coMiacing?Ofr Ki??tt>
1 Gullett Gin i46 Saw?)
i-.'*:lara*A|?or*wa Tablea c. ana* ?oswrt
.i'.ii-vj;. ,?; - ?BC?OIUJ ,-. j'iviluiini' i uu9*? y.'uua.vr.
SC abpve.are aJlJn perfect order .and, jri|l:t>e
at a:rea??taabl? figure. "Tori nforrnation- a s to
terna, ic, apply to : JtoBT.-o. CUISOUM, < M :
: .Atchh^im:s m^^^gjgSSp!, i
jqiyas-tntbs ' ;'?>' - j ^AdgecaJyTutrf..- ?
JD Apply at No. OT Cannon BtTeeC^tf?db?r
ta a; from Rqtteflf ft aygQne,,tulljg i tir JoAgsH*
T7\OJt? -.?ALEji?y?y?SAL.:SEWING MA
?J?' CUINES, 'ol gooa<qnai?i?; .wideh l?reoflered
:hoan.. Alail. at, Xo. ?a-t?ueea-, alteen,; b&uw.oeji
.Meettng,aani Cftgrch streetai} fe j, ;,-,fnW ;
^jnmpnp?^mj? " ?lay?'-'
. ,,.u ii ! un l.^-or-ri/, um: ?. ?JI > it i J fi
I A- ;. BARGA IJiitn-TU u - PEI NTE,Btj j ANS j
XL, iii) ? UND KK?i rr A tflogtle* -.Woo* -Brame {
.*ftP?iJr?tyWW P? ? M M neariy.:
new, chts.28 mches,,anjd,Has an extra knife- , io ?
. ...ii! , ^i-- ? . ?:? ???.-.,,, . ... 1
iJlil PLANTATION/'ott-HoCKy ?ttietv Swamp, '
lOeatreebocr Dscdcviiaoutircarolina,; l?u miles !
from aiaoltyitte, onj Soaihi?aroJiaa RailroaeW An?
gula .praaoXWd %mi*e, frowjjO^nzebjKg^
,i^r th ouse, oa^ ?olur^ia., Braach ttr^L Charles- .
acte? mnr*'dltarW, ont nc* bnd?r:?fehoe^A? ;of'
wtte&i'fc nrat-class Cac;?u ?M XJoWLands; til? I
balance ia airstctass-ailmberLandjr;;;; .^i i i?Vi .'
^?Widass -Qiiwiiasbsff im (water.Hn,order i
tor immediate-Hae,,on a qeosua^wcim. , tmri
hereto nandv.ana, can be. ra (lad ,,to Ci) arl ca ^ .
t^tmJibie .?oa?e^wir? Ww ."Wot??dritbttiib-;
tn*r#Hn bbo? ^'rrauia?V.1 ?wmies, rMr?; ic six .
(bathed &??ro ? h oases .? lu; good -ordlt also '
lias a Mari Bea-on lt Wh ?h. mate? rtTeryadVi-.Q'- '
taaeoaatoiftgrli'niarral scrpoawu?or.'rnai?nsjinra- ;
nures, 4c The best or tines :cao;he gwen. ? Any i
win 11. ?i ; y?-rrjrrncp tn . ?wip i ra ^ ai i mn ?
?-vu.- < ^ptMtmB^ Wo?sn1^'' ' ?
ova ec 4 'i3?iT ' :IT ,7i Vju 11> yj; r ? i v tio l
r^r?^?^r?P I^^S^?I
wiThvlrtwn,: tho UrfrT^lbaerl naVe'formed?:lh).!
partnecyUpi to^?t?'froifr?hs?'?^.? for iwe. coo-'
daoting oraUe.KAiiU)\VARffl;'>ft)?INESSy ?fir?el
oaroer ofdUBJMldi MarketAjtreeiatiafld at No. aol
Hayucaireut, ua^er tlioa?me^i HA?T& C?u ? -.. i
?c.-. s.'.- ' .':'' pl?fliib^.''' '
??9V)Vt? : \ \z:? rr.i\?'i : i V??OTlra^^CftWT-*: '
,T its^,iau^dg^ga??ti
?ChgrleWdH. Joly 2er.iMTf.Jni)'> ^DI?jjgj?gajP !
BM i l
?T.. .nd . SJ Jijjioo i ; Ji-'ii .-.?.fj?
..'. .tu COAL : AND . WOOD .'?T07E3 . - ::
?!tiuifti9j ? iini?aw'! 3?j?nH!t"ii? i iati?AnTii ?t;r*
Yon din donll-yow oobfelng ca . i : .>M<K I < !
- wit* lies troobi* anviat lees eapente. rt : ut
Attacbed to tBe"abo?e??)vepRoast aVatf BaSe
..? tsuo?. '>.'jbn'^tato'.petfecttcnv '.<?iin '. -tucanw?'j
"?^gale'at'HAn??abtnrer'J! pr*<#&y1 ?II*???**W ?
i. ?MOtwM i f*: i ' ?j?<R. 'hWAtf^st?, w-t? i
:r i: nif;-..i h Stwbt"ny^r^?^l^iu- j
ki: , JU . ?W^a . ..>."..?>/ fVtfWiW^ri-:-?
lijaiyis-atota Solo iA?>tats Jar Charleston, s. ^-j ?
.?<?.. :. -^HtiiM: Aft^M ???i!crjo?i-" ?;l
11 cen? isicff biatB52|ivTIM. ?... liait*) t -i.;iv i
W;9i87?O?Vf T Iwat-KltiTi .:aui|di|TAH I
ia-j 2:11-' ? iv*!
r ?it lot i
M?l 11 F-.Vi
^ffi??SMSM'i i
?ir: . Kent
U !'ll I ?.''
rt t-wura., 'vuj
;:'0C ataot^
lit j i ! '.?iiiii.j? :
: ir'M-j ruait"
t? air the public offlee? Wjffttnsrntss-h ouses;-locAr.
au?aw*! ; al . u I ?SJ OS ?ixtioh . . tum vtn%\ .'the ?outhwess comer or. the ?tatchopss
Square; has bee^ receniljt'jebpe'4e!d ?ad^?oovat.
?otd ak-rr?e Soma.- - fuua*ci? h 'ssnsxztt ? TU .
;HV .. rfJrai?-in r., HI irioit^l
'* -ROSE'S 0 ina i bus? wlil eaorrey passengers to and
uiirsiObixdr : t acSJiMirit'*?-?!?K'-J>js?i .tcr?;i
ia?j*Tiei5Wai?i?eeoi*harge%' 'jr,r.v.i...-.<, h i
?Vn?jnraSsn . ou ? iv?/si / tu n.J.:. i J ?i l
,,|tfn1t-",M''.'"?/J ',,:,?'' y^B' ROSE.'PropMetOW *
it,: lUiiiitt" JOO.M?"-??a?.uiJ . ? .:!!.; .i.'.cc s u |
?tte proprietor Tefpec ??lly - infOrrna'-hia fr?en n .4
nmV Ahe ' pnulic that, having^wfltted trie abore
Mill with Improved Uaaiiluary,ia-now prepared
wjecejvepr<iersrfpr.LriWBEK uf, all.descrlpilons,
W^ittcn^lirBnQr^rr?rrwftntD?pate and" at the
10 west .TMV'm 'fri eos. Orr *'iiid a< inrpte iJLocIt 'of
?*?a's(Mr--*''Dre*?t?I" Flbo ifia*, ? ?Linln?. i*ttoivl??
?Dd Weather BOAJUtd. Aldo, ?HJNiiL'da. Plast)
errag LuttrF,.Axi. n- I J- H. ?si^NiLEYEli. :
rarnjafraja/iBiiiVi m J ? : .c-.tnu;, : j
~ tJ??irTT' ??. mn:" ;..; trvHT~&?7? i
t> ?=jfflB, *?R A' O'K
iKw. TLtT:* 11 Ti- ? fi?!ir i ! Sn i ?> vii; i
rrrrfnijj..-.-i i ut i iaii?'i.atj ??: ..IJI?... 'jeu ,i
OHllitUl AND 5i}7,?ROAi)WA.?.-N. J., "11 .
11 ml1 f^jni.h s I J?;??:IO. ,?;!?;!...-: . f i iii;.-, :) I
fOT:;8norttag-Purposea*-itenotlog Minutes, Seo-.
^^?J^t?lg;?5?eb^y Wc? 'f?i^'^ers:
ior?wrjy dmcrlpilon of, luowo, and Presen ta t?o p '
fc?yfc, ex??t?t^;?8ajt t?t?'-'a^t?t^ottje; .0??^bf|!
?rawiiUW?rjant)^dmaie); glywu,i :ni: j j
'.''?l80:<ha iawtfss? aaaor;r?eat -df ' RS?DT-I?ADE;
lu?y .un" >t?:.' -rrj -? i - i i -r
Sifc-HUi ANiPTABurwABB-to be ?cmnci la tho city, j ;
;:!jniyjf8-ur:;- ,;' ; j "'" :?:-:,:";"
?.30?i???s: Sit.'. ?ir.\? - . . ?am.irsfi woifi \ j
mcTiroonirworBMA ,
o.-i i'f.ii-.j.'iiitiuo Oreamollartar .
m ? IOV:J.1) ?i . -j ijBI^JiMIti t
FOT Bale, wholesale aa^^taa, ^^ ., , ... ?
oct o N". 131 Meeting street.
wm WOT uu1 siwiuBt" sr. EMPE?A BB nmn
ETBKIKQ next, the 29th instant, at hair-past, |.|
Biflamt; frftm MaTt-Pt Wharf. TtnfcetS may hp
<..---t5aaa%*a?. CO?Krn8P???li?J-:;-Vil:-.i\vtv
p.'jBST?aat- . .??' . iit*^imm?O*M^<t w
-Mf^iU: r"?'K.O A--lA- ggg|gg?fl?3j? , < H'nh
?wanes, Juanors, ?gfc%* -m u
rH?f>NAO'*Nl? i?Ai ftOCMrj,?!rSB?Jri~.
\?)?v f?Mi??JUt>. ; _:!Uij'.<. K oil'J' ..^?IM)9B&aXtt
. .! ..,,-<:-. . DV/iftH ?.JJuaON?l?DiSTQB?&vii-j ??ga:
r :>tK> ? eua**- '.^?nn?om pa-< nuuiMi:i.'i?^w9*.sr
? r"-u J 3i*v-^j;Wnv? iS?T-^ter/ tt- 0 -15 ..:? J- '?MD
1 -o^tosaMrtmn^
C?Qk* COONA?-J and,j I, A Rp p^Lt^; BSAi?y,,
li-?ioinujo . aanaa?!flBta'tAfeay.te^
i ...j)t-?-H?H:?>y. 'Vgl}^?i:j,jrwjl'< rti^Wpw^foOiiMi
? tmia ; e ewen -gljMnT?te- . :"r ' ?to?fltfas
?.r yuuo/.pi?.;iPrj < ar -uJi&ntv. A:J?J?5?
LP '.t^iiWi?Jri* dWfpittt ftp ipo*. v'uJCj.vt
h'KiD ?afies of'CBfl'down tacl?lES eafciu-'' tl . 3
'jimayia^thagmaynq ?n -.?.aiiio.?* : .???a:- -.-^aif.
Mffii . ?i4$&Pi ' i' i iP' r ! : " Mc, Iv. m?A -<I :
V&.J V . at?rJW?&i #TJ-OU / ?So/j vis i r,
i SOiP :bnfli?ela.Primot-Maryland. ffhJtQAna Weah
,., ;..*rn MiaedOORK,,- ;>.,-.-,.-?
|F?M .?jOubrTUS t- .IflMlJIUu'l ''J.<;f??/t?; .fin
i : . rdOswio t?ifiiK-r? . .\ ..i'?:?... j j r'mo*:-:
. --J? j; t .L'i- ? .cttfcMqn^ -ftUiij i.;ui;>? ? .* fryhaiK;:
v ^i.'!. . ga *,.;UJ* ? I I c? ?iu trS?ibi
.iY>'f.i ? t^tj??i^il'ss PE R .G AIILO^I i'?ist?.
*ii Mi?aj!Xiiii? fc- ..c?of;. i jiu'- ft'? : ?I?I.
ri?tresa snpp?y;juabBeceived-iaAii -c* ; ?>?.-- -.nm.
:iu J ; i' i -if: :-nj, '^^.'4La?jjt?'?i.:.??iv -
j'-i-?-'i ? - L* i?y??ur?t?r: rpw.iftSwftwfc?
, I . :0&;t? j.v CI ..rtilj.'ni J>*-?? J jill ?wd:'. vy/J?I.
Jl. .'{'mun t?li>vyi?..'>?'iO U^MuttS?] tujaiuviv J
t j;-i:riT ' L'?eirtu?;^-a : ?&?H?. . -.ihL-.: J UH I Ida.'.
.TTATHOaN :?P'BIN(i?: lYAT?itT
!Rinr?D??r?3?M tb?dtHf Drjlfc Gin, wa-TtoiB Gie
>A?ortea Fredeticarana^ Frowin qvax?Jara. I:I? 3
?ABSurtwi?'Pranch Frniw, in ora -Joice, imw}p?to .
. -'?t?u.?lWS^>li*Br^?ecaa^eJ? ?^:': j:a^i?i>;i ?
^0%rca Olive Ol!, ii ?a^sp?red be?gal^uJicaey^
{ ua-.-.riHi:?f3iiui . ?i^- ilDtWR^'^/^H
I uti ! riunv *lfflV?t'5?g?ttJi*M^am!gt1iiit''?ff '
i , ,.?:v m.MU: ii '"^^MOT^^rv^l
: Ciipk:o^^"^;WJX?^^
dwtamf ?CDgilatri?aecs*. MM Pax?oryi?Seese, >P4fta ?
-,ipW? Clt?t?sfe, Ytfdrig ?rrJefWa-CtreaBe Jfi?danitaad 1
,-iaa- i( RBCkAR-OjOlftBD HAMSrt?o ?flntr?^
i ' P?meld'a ^ american, ; TO>o??haHa^WhttalaHvi
: v<v?vd;f.^^?^^ALB9rw.v-. V/'U?sr#/:-?'t
; H? I i ? :i?<lfi*n:;..-..: -^HAMPA?NB ULS3'---'^io? !
VW-..? I un- ?asoietio . ?..,.) LQSUQtihfQMBBkl
?OOBIiI2l/?X)RTER8iiu, ; ( , UM .a?it/t '?rJUijil) I
i v r&a . ss M-ot?AMPAOi^oii)?iR,. ..i. i v,;ii.
i ;?'/vii ? ?ifin : .Ant I nii .v/jMJhO'4 . ,VVII f
iinr '..Jimit-'ii . e- r<ir^ .'?.n ? .?I ? tfi?.-i
. J; I I : ur-!-?-?sti UOtiiU xii *?i<C-'? . *S 4 J ?iT? fr * -Kt?Ctrr |
. BHHfQI?E?!' ? ? . ?15 t?a?? j
-QhtT?? 1 mi jiij<irit>.i-.? ni I ;IM . .'i?.'.'.-ar : :t i
1 ^ti?t re^&tve^,c8^neM',Fors^ at BtJl?fl ! !
ER'S DEPOTj No. M Church streot.
junie E. M. GRIMER.
..2'.'::t "lOTnK-j J
rfMti: mi riuttfoli -rrf ! < .. WftVXJTia*Jf/" J
tjttftiml" ??? i at * tAi^^v^ J i?=i>jl? l
po .--y' gyan ...i;,??,y'-ni. t gp i h-iv'?
iV:.-.-'.JT.V.I 0|SQ( A3J0fl??*.M^Ci? .-M ri}
i^E^ s rt-fi ''iivr.'?!??! / vv<r>-. a,1'! .wari'
NEW A2g E^nlfJ,}^"?.^ JUNE?
. AND i?LT."
;? Lil. >r;nnt
(?IW?.? HU' iuiu-?..?V?'it?rt-: : ??lJiilo.f/i'n
> ?rkfedl. MU!. ^?U?Ultti jillf?X : M.'" . '?
..'.-.'i J?lii i jn'-yci": '.'-t . fa.? r.s?-i t??rwiwa j
Nos. ?44 and 437 King Struitl
%r keeping i'rleW^toclc VWiii ire?*?V ?trifca-'
sons. are getting in dally bysteamera,.. _.
Plaid and Chene Ja^?neseiP?pUns ? ?&??&
Fancy Organdies and Jaconets for bot weather
More or their best quality Iron Grenadines
- White arrd-eolored Piquea-.-.
PlqujBTrlrnn?ngs ;<<...;:;; . .. WW.-,:I.-? i
Tieantifpi N?i^tjlais,; ?i t?^if cent patte*^!^
?'.en?le?Qvariety; Perca?es?also -p-'*??'-** ?
, Elad: Tamise for Sutler ? .arid .Mourning Drft&sei?
Bia^;cmniu^1ve>j)j^;qr4if^ * .,4t:";.';,;.r? j.
Blac?i8-4 aud e-A Hornean es. .. . ??J ". >M a: w J
Elad^?nglBilifXJrar^s. 'ahdstaple Vella -.. j
'c^aVpetsj^?bT?iri.' ?.j ;. ..^'^r
; Etntntotderlaa-islovely U?|< i<? : . ....?. : ^ ..? i
Line^and Ii?\j?|Sei? ! ? ?ff '.; i j '-'T* t?V.?^ {
.L?4^mr?^u^ ;.[,.;.;.;?; ?i?fV^:'.w.j
Mu?iir? SleaveMl i ?: < ' itis: ! . .=?.' .: i.itu/ii :?
1 aherr^oUart-a?dtyfi J?p: : . . . ./j'-;/.'^ j
>L- - .-i;--.-t 'm i ' .' t ; ;.,. ?ntss?; v *"! 'i
,a:ti?r1 lUo.-irm.i.UNti op
.-?>:'1 . .''-*' \"M < i \> ..t? '
il? v ! ...>: : 'i ! il.' j ! t J; ,. ?j J.; ' HOSIERY '
GLOVES .' ?il . i I f * K.-?rV?.? .d.-? - .as?. .-..i l
. ntr < -BANDKERCHIBBS: ... t .
.'j..-i,:ii . i ?.'{.' i.i.? .: ?W-'?!
iL$kI4C^^NTS; I ?:i.i y- -TT?i::?i ?
! Every thing s?Tai?r Mfc qn&Bty, and at the very j
^ood el iltiHindi ; > ?'.ow.-j ? ? .?_III T ir wird ?
-?'?'i '/pijBCHGO?T, 'BESSBDICT *'GO;,H" : .
?trew. -UM ; i / -'.-i i > . J lOSBSGFT,
w? i* ? ?B?IV yonr BOOTS-AND 8B0R8 a*? .-f i 1
, Sr,.,,T',' . E i ?;.."ft-.,.B..? JII.'V^I
'...r.-.- UCv?41-'BR?A?-?niaTOr-v.?.* .-it j .
? ' - 'Be i?Aea tt??t?r M order,' -itt -.ry.?>M?' 'deatiftd, |
?C?ri?an?y t?o hand. * la^'AS?ori*?ttrur'eaa-,
.tonr-made BOOTS' AND'a?t>88,- ol>ailabus. r Si i .
.:f . v.r?: TlifrN?w sWtfr a .vicrltM ?
rna j :a Na 41 Broad street.
60 barrels "Bee Hive" SYRUP.
[ ' 76 bbte.~fi?EUi VK S?BBP. POT ?ale by .
i"FT E E E1N G 1 :HJE B E1N G !
460 boxes ?WflfIHIfiW"^
I 400 boxes ScalelHerrin g.
In prime order, now landing, per Scaooner.
iuuy, ?ad?jtcto nie 'Am>t'?LL:^.??I Lf%m~~
!riaeiQff' R'J 'or-T?6=-?II?D?IDIB3.^^
W^-sSS.i?.? .i?lU^wVl ..?J:- .ri/jVUUt.
?tft v.mw5?.'t^a^?!1Aif!i..v[A viiiuya;.-? v?tor
Slr l-l? : t?^vjfii?i.T??flW?iff*!?.*:?UV~!?J?t?f?
j.??***' -..fijjft iw?. .. \?iQ?Wk*t?.!.*A?r?fti-> -S?taxi?
Kto.- 3??ii?/fr.:u - ?trate -.vsi) t^Kfll?rv?fl?
; /y i 'O?JOJ A?iJaoodSideUfered fiea ?M??
r-jUv4U J^.V ffiyaafrtttttirjiMH?fla J :?":?*-? ?il
. 11 *"'.; iv> ..j-.?..^..... J
i I-Ubi.' :^..:.*<??ll'J>ir--'?ti?l"W>d.?? \. ? '&?HQU
musas*** ' t .??c?}?4fc . . .. .-.OBJOCERA
<;t.;at .^J.?S?ajufjeJiojf,Qfl'eyJng svi,;-: .j-rcv
l^?fv^??!:?'. riRrWr?rV
(^"syRSKi :ul s T ?tjic/iiaj ;/j^rr^'r?S?
If^Pffff^(MIK A?^e ioVpVtee?f'-fl-?>'??*ii?M5t
i. <.?"j. w? mau L?OflB*trafcAJl ?>-<9!tt}t?&tia?:i?? .
?o.' ;B?iai ;.?,v>orJ--?i'.i;<?r ,.n*i ? W?tVjr?fc
pat.;:?? VMn??iOi ... |K||?ijiit'''iVT'r--M?? VJU?V:-?M, 'e?s-i.? ;. a : -...vmii. .-v .'
t tfiMtira j'??.?*:*&^jyi{4ii*^^^^
j .-.J': d' .TOI?O0Pft^X?BOOBa&r-.;..-:u?..i,.vi .
. ,<S?3IJO er?fj>? ?V?#?-vj> J .:J. ? si-.^W "?y.'
,C? J JjJaVt?.tt z?AFf
af'^o' ^^^^i^^^^^? ^.{iJlf^T ir?
?WI LSfO? ?- GBO tfS?Y, Box Ito. ?Afv-tTjJar?iSStO?t?
?'?.J?J -..?i . ri?rt :U.*J,-JV?. jti'?-'-fci?is-.-. ZjujjqSh
\iwEb.. *i?&tt:i?Hjtk3?KW i?
i - P-baryfl^lra]petls^ 9
.. tt9trkm?Kti?0**Kki eider iFJnejn?,tJ.v; JKW?I
I ?.?^.^arrtt^Talr^wwg.yfreg?^ ^;<.?at^.^
. . Af ?nt* of-:arj?to: and i have .cousUntry.-a. inU
.T^ROtJB?- FLOUft i M^Jrja.!
X* --i??iipl '. ? J Ii*?Ot:?i^
i 'i,?8do'? Wisi-j Plire;j' *dp*^<lBxtT*,'**ff^i?aim
l-S a ja i 8?KA??S??.OThWi5?2*a,-^
i P^M5(f .rte fery twit. W!? BT^5?-T?A^<W
I . . PoY ??ii^ centg3?i??;aiIo?! b?t?^plt?t?/LlQfil1
! JlT?tl^eBtf-flve cents . one^jallon elailce Brrw?
''jSSMfui?.''? - .''Oul? V?-mi J :S'.'V ?.>.r>?c;r*64 ?I
iWl^????'. M? ? i ? -?-X ? ?i .'.'j.ifc- v PV
pl Poifth r se-dol lara^nd fl r?y centa a J sprniinedTia
baye? weald tatok-ebenpat ona dollar, ?f?t?mi
T .1 Hki^y. ?trifei j ?v. tf^rrrV?rtr< ?&Wi
".?JtiC J?. hil-) :? JVvio73TTri ,:?: ? ;>4?-?i ?'f
( VI t?KSB i ! ;.: BAlW??Vg,|'BTOCK-OP'- ?l'~*?M?
! '.41:J.?Iw.v ?'a* J ^** f ? Y*???V . jn-^f?t??i-M6$
BOU BB >. FU B BX S HING, ,,Q,Q0D& >
-.t .i ,-i 7^t.--Oifij;i:"-,:tni.!:''.*ir.ia?.T? &Q??s?.'t
?i&i IWjBNTXJJYK P^j?$iW^|l?*?^nr
- .'-'? - rrarl s^mie'?t?a?lty ?o<WEi ?a<l>wlie?B.* -; ? J'.
? ! ..>..'? v>.u ?. 'i ; , i-ln*V. 3 H J tr ? ?iA n v.' ; ?tr
GLASSWARE, * ." .r.a!iri.a^Ai4
.*t,Ti;atw.-i tHTw-lRK-?r*^ ?^>*W|
t b?^aa^i .* wBAB^jftAjw:,;,;. ... y.
,.ri i ; ? i.-*?* . SM i . .i;'-?^-i^V^|aiL
iiL'? tc.*..?;7s?*? . ;.? ii;T~TT? i* <'tt'vv,7fai? ?t-lr?
/>?.v.?t?.i.:ii I u? ivPWWv??* . ur.ol?atr?.v?r
;' ').'..-:..' til . ?>.:.. il i;k?i I;/J\??; . tl .
ri i-ji-? '.ysiMT?; i ir?".'i^^^U'-.-ja?Cs^EiiS?;
t? if inti B y-'ji? J c .?iB'Aipj a aHtta&tB,
d,l maitia-U,^ i^.;! ^ i?.t&;i\?M?ii-?i.UV?&??t,
; '??V (?jNfetf g^?tr?, ^r.a-?*5|
SPE?IJG PA-YMESTS .'RESDlfBtt -'AT: Ko; ??!10
i? .Vi.. 3J8*;' KINfrSTREETL ? A'i 1 .i/Ai?*
.i-/nift:7adersifae* milers !^}Ppj??$?aer8?Wh>^
.o^a??-8rticlesR|n nt?^e ?? ??et?ewL: ^-J^ej:
-i ?rd?r?'extenaea-totiIin, wKttfOaa? etQtfmc
?eptaacca, will bepronipUyia; tend?M to? Ali AX
atninailon or ?is Stocfcla respecvfai^y H?JteiWffc
? ?i . : t K?WL? V- WILLI AU,sell F?j^ER,fi
.v -.-PH^WSO^EDBiJeta? wji0amfli?r^?0?
?.^nty? .,-,. ;.~.r::; .. ?
ivtr.iO'"' ?:rjr.a-TB -T** wy y-f CT! r%^"
T> UR A L CA BO lal JNI A?N ??fe
'X*'1'.'1 *flif e-VlKtH%3SS?J.-USklSEQOi'
t?ii/i r?tuiFOBjiBW NWir BEA^y,,,,^.. ,;
'i'; '?. - l:ii'i .;? ?f.
.O?BXBSJB,' A?/ .V?iUED:' ??^Q^^E?^^a
Jill ?? ai:--q^JAawBTari.1-. 'ircr Cs?'
'Prioeiirc? single nlim?eTC^.Mw.? AW.i**esMi
??wkij ^'.7ITJ:S -..?M?: J VJJ.; ??-?--J ;.!it.J/. ? v;
.il M - 1***1:1 .j.;;: ;. i- | ..?!) 1 -j>.^;-} ?/..?
.....l'or sale fey ...j,.-.,-.' 0/,. K.# I ?
' ? ?w 'WAf.*tfn;^^-yoirjqgWBtaf>
..?ul- ir,*-.t.Sf^ft%\T-? v-.-;.;_.;^t!?F?.r
?att> jre'Boo??s??iitts-By^ ~
.?.fcgw5~ ? iai j v i -"i'-i -ii' fi; rta~i
ii It ?OMtatfuV c?. Aittxlyfifi .
ailttrfcStt?rer,?''i'-s -j .5--<iuc a su_
And also to be liad at all Drag stores