The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, March 15, 1871, Image 1
Tlfe Objects of ??e Klan-Co-operation
among Citizens-No Further Trouble
Apprehended-C a. p t a 1 n Christopher
and hts Troubles- V Letter'from Re?
sponsible Citizens. *
YORK VILLE, Mareil ll.
The mail has doubtless conveyed to you a"
succinct and truthful account of the recent
troubles by which we have been beset-both
here and in Chester. It is with gratification
that Ve announce peace, and once more slum?
ber quietly In our beds without fear of the
torch of the Incendiary, or the demoniacal
outbursts of fanatical freedmen. There has
been aT-time, however, when every white man
felt that the protection of his home and
the safety of his family depended on his
own strong arm. There have accordingly,
been exhibitions of the corrective ele
me:\ and good foundation for the
statement that the citizens of the up-country
were thoroughly prepared for self-defence.
Thaj, as a mass, we are members of toe Ku
Klux-Klan Is false; yet we cannot shut our
eyes to the fact that this organization has con?
duced to our peace, afforded us protection, and
solved the problem of our future quiet. ^Whlle
not attempting to defend the operations of any
Beeret band which seeks to correct prevailing
public evils and to "regulate" those who are
guilty ol malpractice and misdemeanor, you
will find that wherever in this county the or?
ganization is known to exist, there peace"
reigns, labor is uninterrupted, the colored and
the white man enjoy equal protection, and
both faces live in perfect accord.
The cause of our troubles is not a sudden J
one. It wears the age of months-a period pfl
time in lad that may be traced to the organi?
zation of the militia. That organization ha?
been viewed on all sides as a political machine.
Arras in the bands of negroes provoked Impu?
dence, and impudence resulted in bloodshed. J
White leaders and black used their power ks
a lever to life themselves into office. Be?
lieving, perhaps, in some manifest destiny,
they taught the ignorant negro that he must
assert his supremacy by force o? arms, and by
the reduction of. homesteads to ashes, and
other acts of- violence. Incendiary speeches
were made by Rose, the county treasurer, by I
one 6f the colored county commissioners,
and hf other?, until afcJast the people began to I
awake te the impending evil. Then--warnings"
followed. Mysterious men at midnight, array
ed in disguise, waited on'indlvlduals who hid I
made themselves obnoxious, and notified them
to*1eave the locality. Some they punished. I
It may have been unlawful, but so stands the
fact. With these ..warnings" the ma3s of citi?
zens had nothing to do. The county treasurer
stood in the public streets and advised the
negroes to burn and destroy as long as they j
were thus annoyed.
ForHbls, and on other grave enarges, he was
called upon by the Klan. They found him ab
? sent, but in his absence they destroyed noth?
ing connected with his office. They even I
disregarded his own revolver lying near the J '
safe. He made a great outcry in the Radical j,
papers, talked about the robbery of a thousand I ?
dollars, and ot the outrages perpetrated on Ms j 1
property. Affidavits were snbsequently taken 11
from Intelligent members ot the community, |
including some of his own party, and forward?
ed to Governor Scott, denying the assertions j J
he made, and showing that he was false in .,
almost every particular. The Ku-Klux desired I
to deal with bim personally-not with thc j
property of the State. By the way, it may be
here remarked that in no instance can it be I
proved that one of this mysterious organiza?
tion lias been guilty of an act of spoliation or I ;
wanton destruction. They claim to act strictly j i
In accordance with the principles of human j j
justice, although the exhibition of that I,
justice may not be sanctioned by the I <
slow and uncertain process of the law. j 1
Rose took refuge in the camp Of the'Unlted I !
States Infantry. Jie-remained there two days. t
Finally on Friday night last he was escorted to j t
CheSter, a detachment of twenty-five soldiers J
keeping hint company on the march. He was L
. advised to go to his virtuous parent, who keeps \
house in Columbia.* I'
Th?s came-the troubles in Chester-the '
outgrowth of precisely the same influences ae ?
those which have prevailed in York. The i
Mount Carmel company of negroes, boastful of I
their prowess, vain of their weapons, and sav- j
age-like in their use, sought to take possession I '
of the public road, to put out pickets, declare a j
Biiiall war on the community, and molest and ,
shoot down citizens. They were demolished, i
Out of eighty-five who constituted the com?
pany, sixteen were m Jail until a day or two J
ago, and the balance are among the killed, i
wounded and missing. Th? arms are again in i
the possession of the State authorities. No '
body knews who did lt; no body asks; butthe J
people breathe Ireer because it is done. The
example has been effective. The colored men
who have been deceived and misled 3ee the
error of their ways. Work has been resumed
by them, and we anticipate no further di QI. I
culty. If it should occur, such is the under-j
standing among the citizens 'Of this and sur?
rounding counties, that at the first I
sign of an outbreak, five hundred mon will be j '
in arms In less than two hours. They are not I
Ku-Klux. Whatever they have to do' they
will do without disguise. Meanwhile, lt ls. !
presumable that the Kti-KJux will preserve
their organization. They have applied the
lance, drawn blood, and the body politic seems
headier In con-equence. We have heard of I
their midnight visits and warnings. A "warn- j :
ing" ls an intimation to behave better or 11
travel, and in every instance, it is said, the i
partlSs have had ample time to reform or j !
leave. The devil In this instance, therefore, i
is not as black as lie has been painted.
We have troops here, but the entente cordiale
betweea them and the citizens is perfect. I
True, Captain Christopher, of the 18th Uhited j.
States infantry, has been unfortunate in losing I i
some twenty-two of his men by desertion wita- i
in the last ten days. The soldiers, however, i
say the fault is bis own. They do not like the
. idea of being put on the social terms with the
colored militia, which Captain Christopher '
sought to enforce alter bringing the latter to J,
his camp. They do not like the vt ry decided ]
preference which he seems to have given to h
the negro over the white man. They do not 1
like the peculiar style he has in pun- j
lshing humanity hired at thirteen dois i
lars a month for its indulgence iu a vice, 1
which, under cover of one hundred and thirty !
dollars a month and a pair of; shoulder-straps, I
is regarded as a eort of social virtue. To illus?
trate, one of the men the other day became loo t
familiar with John Barleycorn. He was order- '
ed to dig up an Immense stump to remind him 1
of his proprieiles. It took him two days todo ''
it. The poor mau was then tied hand and j
feot, an U with a rope around his waist, carried :
to a pool of water, and there thrown in and
dragged out like a beast until almost drowned.
The next day he probably forgot that he was a
soldier, but remembered he was a man, and
Uncle Samuel and Captain Christopher lost a
possible hero. That Individual deserted.
It is_strongly suspected by this community
that Captain Christopher has apprehensions.
Indeed it is said that he has confessed his In?
ability to sleep o'nighTs Irom fear ol "war's
alarums," while by day everybody knows that
his bump or "caution" is represented by a
guard of five men and a sergeant, who never
leave his side while he walks. Colonel Wilson,
a prominent lawyer here, and the sheriff took
occasion to tell him that'he was as safe as any
man well could be-that the people welcomed
the presen ct? of tue troops as lriends and
aliies, and that he was in no conceivable dan?
ger, except from an up-country earthquake;
but the officer remarked that he "felt better
among his men."
The K. K.'s have evidently demoralized one 1
microscopic corner of the United States array,
and" found another superstitious victim -erf
their gory locks.
The literary efforts o? the captain in making
it appear that the roads were picketed by
Ku-Klux have already been published. They
simply Illustrate his fears. A portion ol the
citizens who assembled for the protection of
their homes and the homes of their neighbors
respond as follows: [We may remark, paren?
thetically, that one of the Bigners of this paper,
Mr. P. S. Russell, is a Republican, who ls said,
by Treasurer Rose, to have been visited hy?
the K. K.'s and to have suffered at their
In the "Daily Union," of Friday morning,
10th, we notice two communications purport?
ing to be from one John Christopher, captain.
18th United States Infantry-oue to the Gov?
ernor of South Carolina, and the other to the
sheriff of York County, in both of which ne
asserts that the arms taken irom the negro
militia company from "Carmel Hill," by the
sheriff and bis posse, on the afternoon of the
8th, were used on the Bame night in picketing
the roads leading to Yorkville, for the purpose
of preventing tue prisoners Irom whom the
arms were taken from reaching their homes In
case of their discharge; and that the guards
upon the roads "consisted of ihe same Illegal,
unknown and armed bund that made the raid
upon the office of the county treasurer."
Such a statement emaaating from an officer
In the UnltetrStates army,(a class ol men who
heretofore have, been presumed to preserve
the Instincts" of gentlemen, snd-to belele to
speak the truth, y may, despite the known and
gross exaggerat ions of which we have been
the victims, gain credo nee* in certain-quarters;
we, therefore, in justice to ourselves, deem it
proper to make a simple and truthful state?
ment of the tacts. On the evening of the 8th,
som? citizens of our town were noticiad by
several of their friends, Hvlng six or-'eight
miles below Yorkville, that ?ney and their
families were threatened with an attack from
an armed band of negroee, composed in part
of the company of Jim Williams, who had
been bung by parries unknown two nights he
fort. A party of fourteen or fifteen, to which
we belonged, at once started to the assistance
of our friends. We wera joined by others on
the route who had been similarly no*tlfled,
and arrived during the night at the scene of
the threatened disturbance. Owing to our
presence, no attack wa? made, though we have
positive evidence from a gentleman living in
the immediate neighborhood that Hie negroes
were assembled in numbera on his plantation
during the night. The body of Jim 'Williams
was kept unburied, evidently with the inten?
tion onmaking lt a rallying point for the at?
tack npon the wjiltes. The coroner of- the
county, when he proceeded with his jury", the
iay before, to hold an inquest on the body of
Jim Williams, found an aririeitband of ilfty or
sixty negroes upon the ground, and it was at
."her personal peril t hat the inquest was held.
In preventing the threatened attack, in tills
nstance at least, we were conservators of the
peace, instead of violators of the law.
During the night, one of- the lieutenants of
lim Williams':} ?ompauy,.one Tims by name,
jaine to our party, aud voluntarily informed
ns where we would ?!nd some of th? arms be?
longing to the company, which had been, de?
posited with him. and asked that they be
taken to the sheriff, which was done.
Towards morning on the 9th, we startecPto
Yorkville. where we arrived after daylight.
Passing directly In front of the camp of the
garrison, we were balled and questioned by
Captain Christopher. This ex 'laina the pick?
eting so nervously described, aud ?3 a simple
statement of the case. That we were an illegal
Sand we emphatically deny, for we were
withou*; regular organization, without dis?
guise, and were engaged lu the defence of the
ives not only of our friends, but ol' their helo
ess families. Had we disregarded their call
or assistance; had we neglected this highest
ind most sacred of duties, we would have
>een unworthy of the name ot men. That we
vere an "unknown" band, the list of names
n Captain John C's possession, and the signa?
lizes to this communication, sufficiently dis
That we were the "same band that made the
.aid upon the office of the county treasurer,"
,ve pronounce to be a falsehood-a tulse h o od
ts blaok and Infamous as tbe'heart from which
t emanated-and we challenge the proof.
If Captain Jno. Christopher feels himself ag?
grieved ')j tho foregoing remarks, we have
jnly to say that we are personally and indi?
vidually responsible for what we have said.
We acted 03 kidlviduals, without organization,
n going4o the assistance pf our friends,-and
is individuals we hold ourselves responsible
br our action.
We deplore the present troubled condition
if our county, and If by any effort of ours the
peaci of former days could be restored,
that effort would not bo wanting. But while
ignorance sits in hlirh. places,"and bad and
;lesigiiinir men hold sway-, who would accoiur
pllsh f'etr own selfish designs at the cost of
their country's min, we are well nigh tempted
lo "Despair ol the Republic."
We profess to be law-abiding citizens, and
as long ns lhere Is a semblance of law lu our
midst we are readv to uphold nnd support it.
Signed: W. H. Colcock, J. J. AV. Tomllnson,
E. E. McCaffrey, Jt. B, McLain, R. D. Owens,
Calvin Parish, Edward Graham, W. B. Wilson,
Jr., D. S. Russell, Geo. Steele,. Porter Good, J.
P. Hendon.
In conclusion, we have only to say that the '
best men of York and Chester agree as to the
propriety of removing (he arms now In the
bands of the militia, and they, h ive reason lo
believe that it will be done. Remove Hie.
thorn in the flesh, and the wound will heal.
Since receiving the above letter we learn
that on Saturday the Governor concluded to
recall the arms In the hands of the militia in
Chester, and Captain Kennedy,-ol the adju?
tant general's' department, proceeded to the
locality by the 1 P. M. train, lor the purpose of
carrying out the instructions of his Excel?
We also learn lhat three companies of United
States troops arrived Saturday at 5 P. M. from
Atlanta, one company of which was immedi?
ately sSnt to Chester, another to Sock Hill,
?nd the third goes to Spartrmburg. The two
companies now at York and Chester ore to Ta?
tura, to their post In Columbia.
meeting of the nail manufactur?is o'f the At?
lantic States was held in New York on the 2d
institut. The aggregate capacity of tue mills
represented amounts to 2,000.000 kegs of nails
per annum. After much discussion, the fol?
lowing scale of price's was una.ilmotisly adopt?
ed, to take effect itnmedlatelj : Cut nails, Iud
to COtl, at Etandard or lowest rates; cut nails,
bid ami ifd, 25 cents per keg above lOd; cut
uails, 6d and 7d, 50 cents fer keg above 10d;.
cut nulls, 4d and 5d, 7* cents per keg above
lOd ; cut nails, 3d, SI 50 per keg above 10dr;ciit
nails, 2d aud 3d,-fine, $2 per keg above lOd;
spikes (al) sizes) 25 cenia per keg above lOd;
lencing, sheathing, aud hook-huad brads, same
as common nails; clinch nails, $150 per keg
above same size cut nails; finishing, flooring,
casing, slating, box, trunk, tobaccu, aud coop?
ers', 50 cents per keg above "same size common
X Clue at Lagt-The New York Police
Satisfied that they Know the Assas?
sin-How they have Tracked Him
over tht Continent.
Light at last breaks in upon ihe almost im?
penetrable .mystery which, since tfee murder
of Mr. BeBjamin Nathan at his residence in
Neri* York city, last summer, lias enveloped
that terrible crime, aud there is a fair prospect
that the horrible affair will be wholly cleared
up by the arrest and conviction of the mur?
derer. The New York World o? Friday last
sayB :
Superintendent Kelso, on behalt of the po?
lice authorities, announced last evening that
the perpetrator ol the infamous crime which
created snell an intense excitement in this
city and' throughout the whole country is
known to the police, and has been so known to
them for some time past. This man is a thief |
and burglar who for years past has been well
known to the police of this and other cities of |
the United States. He is one of the most de?
termined and desperate characters among the
.whole of the thieving fraternity. His real
name ls supposed to b? William Forrester, but
be has, from time to time, when caught In the
meshes of the law, assumed the aliases of
Billy Marshall, Bill Campbell, Frank Camp?
bell, Frank Livingstone, Frank Harding, and
Frank Howard. Unfortunately for the ends
of justice his present whereabouts are not'
known to the police, nor are they aware of the
cognomen under which he rejoices at his im?
munity lrom capture.
Mr. Benjamin Nathan was a wealthy Israel?
ite, who had by close application to business
and strict integrity amassed a handsome for?
tune, and, hiving retired from active business
pursuits, resided In a palatial mansion lu
Twenty-tmrd street, near Fifth avenue, imme?
diately opposite the Fill li avenue hotel. Dur?
ing the summer of 1870 Mr. Nathan resided in
a handsome villa at Morristown, N. J., and his
i city residence was inhabited by bis two sons,
! Frederick and Washington, a Mrs. Kelly, th?
I housekeeper, and her son. who was employed
to do odd jobs around the house. On the-28th
of Jbly last Mr. Nathan came to this city to
commemorate the anniversary of his mother's
death, according to an ancient Israelitlsh cus?
tom. Alter transacting some ousfness In
Broad stfeet during tho afternoon, he repaired
. to the synagogue ol the Congregation Shearith
Israel, "in Nineteenth street, ot which Mr.
Nathan was an honored member, and of which
Rev.. J. J: LyonB, his brother-in-law, is the pas?
tor. After the close of the services he visited
the residence of Rev. Mr. Lyons, in company
with his sons, Fred.'and Washington, and sup?
ped. Although strongly and "repeatedly urge?
lo spend the hight at Mr.-Lyon'? house, Mr.
Nathan Insisted on sleeping ut his own house,
and, returning at about 9 (?clock, retired to
rest on, a bed'wbich had been made up for him
on mattresses in a front room, on the second
floor of his house. His sotis returned home
before midnight, and, bidding their father
good night, retired to their rooms in the up?
per part ol the house. Nothing disturbed the
peacelul slumbers of the young men during
the night, but between 6 and 7 o'clock on the
morning ot the 29th of Joly, Frederick Nathan,
on entering his father's room, found the
mangled body of Mr. Nathan lying on the
floor. His watch and chalti had been stolen
from his vest, three 'diamond studs had
been stolen from his shirt bosom, a
s rn iii I safe, which stood In an adjoining
room, had ' been opened, and several articles
of value, such as a medal presented to
Mr. Nathan as president of the Mount
Sinai Hospital', a gold watch which he had
oeased to"wear, and other articles of Jewelry,
abstracted therefrom. Tito iront hall"door
was siigtulv ajar, and in the hallway near the
door was found the only clue to the assaesin
the "dog,*" about which so. mitch has been said
and written, and with which the murder Jfad
.been committed. Wheu the murder.of so es?
timable a citizen became known through Um
medium ol the newspapers -the most Intense
excitement ensued. The late John Jourdan,
lhen superintendent ol the police, at once
made a personal examination of the premises,
and summoning Superintendentdvelso, then
captain' of tried elective force, to his aid,
set about unravelling the mystery. From this
time forth lor weeks und weeks Superinten?
dent Jourdan and?Captuin Kelso knew no rest
during the day and scarcely any at night, and
though the best detective ability in the country
was engaged in the matter, all their eflorts to
arrest the murderer proved liitlle. From the
severe mental and physical strain thrown
upon the nervous organization of Superinten?
dent Jourdan, embittered by the ill-success
attending his almost superhuman * floris, that
official sank Into an early grave, leaving the
mystery of the'Nathan murder as a legacy lo
his successor in office to be by him dispelled
and the foul crime brought horne to its perpe?
Since the death of Superintendent Jourdan
and the accession ot Captain James Kelso to
the office of superintendent or police, though
li'Ile has been made public, tne police hare
not been idle' In the matter. Taking up the
clue where the death of Jourdan snapped lt In
twain,-Superintendent Kelso, who waa lu the
full confidence of lils predecessor, lias been
unremitting in his efforts to discover and drag
to the bar bf justice -'the murderer of Mr. Na?
than. Beside the aid of thu detective force,
which is now under tho command ol Captain
James Irving, an experienced detective, Su?
perintendent Keiso took into his confidence
Justice Joseph Dowling and Judge Carduzo,
ol'the-Supt eine Court, (a brother-in-law of the
lute Mr. Nathan.) uuu availed himself ot the
vast police experience ot the one and theJegal
acumen of the other. E.iring the early stages
of the investigation t' ? polit? author..ies
narrowed the crime down to one ol' three
"mobs" or gangs of sneak thieves us having
been concerned in the murder. After much
patient inquiry and siitiug the "wheat from
the chuff," they became satisfied which of the
three gangs had been in town and working in
this crty at the time ot' the murder. The bead
arid front ol ibis gang was
and by tracing lila inoveinen.s they learned that -|
he was seen iii this city the day uf the murder,
bat had disappeared the day after. To ffnd
tills mau Forrester appeared, for a long time;
simply Impossible. Detectives were sent
scouring the country in search of him, and all
the clever detectives in various large cilles of
the United States were employed in hunting
for him, but thus Jar without avail. On a num?
ber of occasionsTlie detectives have been on
his track, but he lias managed to elude their
vigilance, and lie 'is still ?it large, lor-, says"
Superintendent Kelso, "he's Hie best hider in
the country."
He has beeu t raced from this eily lo Chicago,
thence to St. Louis, from that place tu Cinclu
uati. und even tu New Orleans, but the police
have not been able lo put their hands ou him.
They have been lolled in every attempt tu
capture him, and are now at bay. As a last
resort, finding that secrecy has not assisted
them In securing the murderer, Superinten?
dent Kelso has determined to give the matter
thu utmost publicity, and see whether this
will effect the desired consummation. With
this object in view, Superintendent Kelso has
prepared a circular giving an accurate descrip?
tion ot Forrester, .and offering $2500 reward
for his capture and delivery in this city.
The following is a copy of the circular:
NEW YORK, Februaiy ?5,1871.
Twenty-five hundred dollars will be paid for the aud delivery at the OIMCJ of the superinten?
dent of police. In the city of New York, or miiy
Forrester, alias Uiliy M-trshun, alias Billy or Frank
Campbell, ?Has Frank Livingstone, aliu-. Frank
Hani mg. alias Frauk Howard.
Age, 35; height, live feet six inches: slim build,
but tough and wiry, rather broad, square shoul?
ders; weighs HO pounds; rather long, spare face:
black eyes, having a wild expression; liLth, square
forehead; mouth narrow and corners drawn
down, upper lip stands out a little; medlom-s zed,
straight nos-; straight blacs hair, cut short;
Heavy, uiack mustacue. curls at the ends towards
the month; sunkeu cheeks, but lughcheek-bon-is;
small, narrow . foot; genera ly walks willi hia
hands m his coat uockets; tooti out left upper
>aw; bracelet IB ludia Ink on-left wrlsr,
.f -.ificrintendent Police, City of New York.
A copy or this circular was sent to the chief |
of police of every city in the Uuited States, to'
all the known detectives throughout the States,
to the heads of the police departments In Great
Britain and Ireland, accompanied by a note
from Superintendent Kelso requesting their
co-operation with him la noding the much
Eoutrht for Forrester.
Of what the evidence against Forrester con?
sists is kept a profound Beeret by the police,
but Superintendent Kelso Says freely that lt is
almost entirely circumstantial, but ol' such a
positive nature fciat he ls convinced that ii
Forrester is arrested his conviction of the mur?
der will surely follow. It ls conjectured that
the principal evidence In the case lias been iur
nished to the police by a man named Ellis, who
is at present confined in the State Prison, serv?
ing out a term ol' Imprisonment for burglary.
This E11?3 was .a companion and Intimate
friend of Forrester, and belonged to the
gang of thieves and cutthroats of which For?
rester was the leader. He was engaged
with Forrester in several burglaries and sneak
thefts, and has been several times convicted.
It appears Superintendent. Jourdan was in?
formed that Ellis, "while in State Prison at
Sing Sing, had been overheard to claim that
he had some knowledge ol' the perpetrator of
the Nathan murder, and that he had planned
with Forrester to crack the "crib" some time
previous to the murder, and his (Eilis's) ar?
rest" alone prevented lt. Superintendent Jour?
dan thereupon appeared privately before
Judge Cardozo and ootained a writ of habeas
corpus, by virtue of which Ellis was brought
to tnls city and4mmured at lite Franklin street
police station, where an endeavor was made
to "pump" him. What was the result of this
is not known, but it is believed that Ellis was
proof against ail bribes and promises, and
denied .ail knowledge of the whole, mutter.
At any rate Ellis was '
as secretly as he had been brought from that
place. A fellow-convict was, however, set to
watch him, and from the statements made by
him since his return to Sing Sing, lt is presum?
ed that the superintendent has obtained some
further evidence against Forrester, which has.
prompted him lo prosecute the search for him
with renewed vigor.
The principal evidence against Forrester is,
is asserted, that the "dog" with, which Mr.
Nathan waa so brutally murdered", or" one very
similar to if, has been traced to his possession.
It will be remembered that during the month
of May last the residence of Mr. Schenck. on
Fifth avenue, was-entered and robbed by bur?
glars. Among the articles carried off Irom Mr.
Schenck's residence was a "dog" which had
been used In the house in opening cases of |
wine, .fcc. The sons of Mr. Schenck, on being
shown the "dog" .found In the house of Mr.
Nathan, lt is alleged, fully Identified lt as the
one wjiich had been stolen ire m their house.
This was an Important point gained, and. it
was subsequently ascertained, almost to a cer?
tainty, that Forrester and Ellis were both en?
gaged In the burglary at Mr. Schenck's house.
This would naturally connect Forrester with
the fatal Instrument.
It ls alleged that the police authorities have
positive information-thai a few nights before
the murder Forrester, under an assumed
name, occupied a room at the Filth Avenue
Hotel, ajfd that- he desired and was given a
room on the Twenty-third street side of the
hotel overlooking the Nathan mansion. It is
asserted that Forrester was seen in the vesti?
bule of the hotel on the night before the mur?
der. The evidence in the hands of the police
ls doubtless stronger than these points, on
which alone he could not be convicted. It ls
further claimed by the police authorities that
Forrester was not alone In this "Job,"' but that
he had one or perhaps two accomplices. He
was., however, the one who put up- "the
Job," and the ene who, with fiendish vio?
lence, showered blow after blow upon the head
of his defenceless victim, adding murder to
the list of his many crimes.
Forrester, as stated before, ls a desperado
of the most dangerous stamp. Though not j
more than thirty-six or thirty-eljiht years of
ase,, he has spent nearly half his Hie In the
prisons of the United States. He escaped
irom Joliet, Illinois, State prison, where he
bad thirteen jears more to serve. He has
been confined in Mng Sing prison, at Cherry
Hil), in-Pennsylvania, and escaped from both.
He lias several indictments for burglary hang?
ing over his head. About a year and a half
ago, he was arrested by one ol' Allen Pinker?
ton's detectives on a warrant for a crime com?
mitted out Wes-, but was rescued from the
officer by The. Allen and a crowd ot thieves
from Hie St. Bernard House, corner of Prince,
and Mercer streets. During his active career
lie .has secured a remarkable Immunity from
arrest, but it is lo be hoped that he will be se?
cured at ?asl and brought to the bar ot judg?
ment to receive well-deserved punishment for
his misdeeds.
Pemblna dates to the 28tli report another
revolt on the part ol the Cand?an troops. The^
Bitnation ls utterly lawless.
The Grand street railroad stables in Brook?
lyn were burned last night. Fifty horses per?
The Effects of an Excessive Dom of |
Hydrate ot Chloral.
Dr. James Rodman, of HopklnsviHe, Ky.,
relates the following case in the American
Forty-five grains of hydrate of chloral was
prescribed for an insane gentleman, of spare
traine and delicate organization. This dose
had on several former occasions been adminis?
tered to.him with the effect of producing from
seven to nine hours ol'unbroken sleep. On
this occasion, the tlrst dose oflbrty-fire grains
proving Insufficient. Hie nurse, without con?
sulting Dr. H., allowed the patient to take two
hundred anti twenty-live grains more, making
in all two hundred and seventy grains iu less
thau two hours. Deep sleep 1'oiTowed, which
was notregarded with concern by thc atten?
dants until seven or eight hours liad elapsed.
Dr. R. then found him sleeping heavily but
quietly, his skin rather warmer than natural,
pulse less frequent than In health, but furl ana
strong; his pupils were sluggish and contract"
ed, conjunctiva injected, respiration normal In
character and tlfteen in a minute; and.he-co-.ild
with difficulty be aroused to any sense of his
surroundings. Sleep coiitiuued eighteen hours,
during which time Hie patient was aroused
only occasionally by considerable effort, and
swallowed a little water.
The treatment consisted ol cold affusions to
the head, not lrequently repeated, und he was
walked at short intervals between- two assis?
tants, and vapor of ammonia applied to his
nostrils. '1 his expectantireatment was adopt?
ed, as the condition of the patient was by no
means alarming, ?nd the lapse of time after
the exhibition, of the drug rendered an antidote
unavailing, even If he had known of any that
had been properly demonstrated to possess
antidotal properties. When the patient
awakened, he presented the appearance of a
man recovering from profound alcehdlic in
toxicatiou. There was no headache nor
nausea. He had a keen aopetite, healthy
pulse, warm extremities, but a constant
sense ol chilliness, that passed away In a
lew hours. .
This case is very remarkable lor the absence
of those alarming*symptoms which we should
naturally expect to result from such au'enorw
ous dose of this substance.
Tile Quebec Journal, in a recent Issue, gives
au account of uninteresting celebration at the
Ursuline Convent in that, city on the occasion
uf Hie sixtieth anniversary of the taking ul thc
veil bv an aged reliyieiise, MoLli?r St. Athauase,
whose" continued good health wijl be gratify?
ing ui'ws to hundreds of her friends and for?
mer pupils, both ill Canada ?nd Hie United
S.ales. The lesli vines, religious and other?
wise, were of a very interesting character,
and were varied with music by the pupils. A
notable incident was the presentation to the
aged nun ol a bouquet of rare flowers by a lady
whom she had taught forty years ago. The
history of this convent shows that thirty of the
nuns have celebrated the IH'Heth anniversary
of their entrance upon a religious life; twelve
have- enjoyed Hie sixtieth, and two the seven?
ty-second. The Journal remarks that lt would
be difficult to find in any community ol the
same extent In ordinary life an equul number
ol Instances ol longevity.
The Last Edict of the Goddess-Fash?
ion's Fancies, Fickleness and Foi?
There are one or two new materials for
spring dresas-goods, which are not only dura?
ble and beautiful, but also exceedingly low"
First comes the English . mohair, a cotton
and wool goods, which is sold ia ali colors and
shades, from the meekest Quaker gcey to tt?fe
sauciest pink imaginable. By cutting off the
selvedge a white fringe may be procured, con?
stituting the trimming ol the suit, which is
made after the fashion of the shawl costumes
of last lall. For ladles over fifteen, the lighter
shades of drab, grey and brown would be moat
suitable, while all under that age could take
the brighter blues, greens and lilacs, without
fear of ridicule. This material, which ls firm,'
with a kln?.of poplin stiffnesss, can be procur?
ed lor sixty cents per-yard, and really pre?
sents quite an elegant appearance. Some of
the more sedate hues have bright .borders In?
stead of fringe.
The Japanese silks, so much In vogue last
summer and fall, still continue In public favor.
Beside the. colors then worn ls a new style-a
kind of Imitation of the regular summer silk,
with white ground and stripes and checks of
every size and color.
Then there, are the silk and wool serges,
modest, pur?-and rich-looking go ods, as stylish
as unpretentious (and true eTejjrapoe pretends
to notli'mL',) which, twenty-seven Inches Wide,
sell for one dollar per yard. .
One of the most expensive (and handsome}
materials for light suits ls the ottoman velours,
a thickly-corded, glossy stuff, which is sold in
all desirable shades, this sells fer one dollar
and a halt per yard, and is of the same width
as the serges mentioned above.
For house dresse3*there ?re any variety of?
light, pretty spring fabrics. The BOfter goods
are by all odds the most suitable Tor home
wear, and the most delicate shades of merino
and cashmere are in great demand.
Salts will still be worn, and despite the . ef?
forts of some few extremists to Introduce the
half trained skirts upon the promenade, dres?
ses of a moderate length will be stall In favor.
For these, the long polonaise will fash?
ionable. Some suits especially adapted for
business occasions are made with a skirt
somewhat shorter than the usual length, and
with a coat basque long enough to obviate the
necessity of an over skirt. The favorite mode
of trimming the skirt ls with broad bands of
gros grain, arranged In front en tablier, the
basqulne being cut away lo correspond. This
Is provided with a putnber of large pockets,
and has a Beam down the back, with a pleat at
each aide form. .
Some elegant wraps tor spring are made of
what ls now termed China crape, but what la
nothing more thun a revival of the old-fashion?
ed Canton crape. They are lined with silk of
light shades, in many varieties-blue, laven?
der, salmeo und others. Tue garment isolose
to the figure by a scum down the bock, and a
funnel-shaped fold rn' the Watteau style, begins
at the neck, and is cut wider below, where the
garment le curved open to the waler. The
trimming ls a rich braiding of a flowered pat?
tern, the edge finished by two'kinds of fringe,
a crimped fringe laid over straight sewing
silk fringe. These paletots are to be made ot
the old-tashloned Canton crape shawls. Some
stylish jackets are the '.Claremont," whlchns
between tight and loose, and the "Densmore,"
which ls somewhat looser and longer. Another,
the '-Iona." is also very pretty. Among basques
for the house, the "NlllssotT is distingue and
graceful, "and the --Scotia,'' intended fur bouse
wear over a plain demi-train, bus short vest
fronts, and long coat skirts In the back.
Among- casaques, we note one, "La Presi?
dente;" especially intended for cashmere, '
wlilch will be very much worn this spring.
This garment will be .trimmed willi a bro?d j
band of Hie material, edged with a narrow |
grosgrain lold. Above ls placed standing a
handsome guipure lace. Another casaque ls
the "Viola." .
In passementerie there are some new de?
signs, combining elaborate patterns of gimp
with fringe. The gimp forms a scallopped
edge below, and narrow crimped 1 ringe ls at?
tached to the scallops. Some passementeries
are edged willi' guipure. Gothic patterns of
passementerie, with long, slender pointed Ag?
ares at intervals, are seen, and are quite
stylish goods, which wash, and will be trim?
med with colton gimp.
The elegant duchesse lace ls still most dis?
tingue, both black and white. Tue handsom?
est muslins will tills summer oe trimmed with
the while, while black silk and grenadine will
be ornamented with the black. This Jcind of
lace ls very expensive; two inches wide ls
?if) ou. and so on in proportion, jieautliul
flounces *bf Valenciennes are also exhibited.
One eight inches wide is (35 a yard. The
pointed lace mantles will continue Hie shape
most in favor. Llama also will remain In
vogue; a Llama point for $100 ls very pretty,
uau most ot the thread lace points are from
$120 to $250 In value. There ure also some
splendid importations of lace. Some point de
Brabant, four Inches wide, is $17 a yard, and
some ol'point de Venise $55. .
Cashmere suits are very much worn, as well
us cashmere over-dreS3es of different colors-'
dark green, brown, prune color-und- lu
ninny instances -are trimmed with narrow
r i;t)les of silk, like the skirt, over whlcta^key.
are worn. Sometimes colored cashmeres are
ornumented with- black gnipure. Over-dresses
are also frequently trimmed with buttons or
bows down the front, a fashion which promises
lo be" popular. As spring advances, velvet
trimmings will give way to those of a lighter
description-silk, luce, fringe. &c. On Warm,
bright days, Instead ol a tur^ a long width ol'
piuin or dotted net, or a square of guipure is
worn around the neck and tied in front. This
gives some protection, and ls very pretty.
Basques, even lor the bouse, are displacing
waists. Indeed, they have just now an almost
universal away. A beautiful reception
dress ls of apple greeu, poult, de sole,
the -skirt en irulo, and bordered with a
flounce gf crepe de chine, or ranged
in wide scallops. Thia is repeated above, de?
scribing a train willi un apron, scalloped be?
low the upper flounce jn the buck, forming a
heading to the lower. In place ot an over
skirt, a long scarf of crepe de chine is fasten?
ed on each side of the waist, trimmed with
handsome fringe, and tied m a large .bow
down on the skirt. The basqu?, postillion
finished, with a cording of crepe de chine*
opens nearly to the waist In front, and orna?
mented willi broad revers edged with a frill of
crepe de chine. Sleeves half long with two
ruffles ol crepe de chine.
The fashions in jewelry grow every year
more and more massive, making these orna
inei?s.more expensive. Handsome necklaces
are composed ol' heavy-looking links of pale
Roman gold, forming what ls called the cable
chain. Very broad necklaces, which are too
showy for beauty, look more like a gold col?
lar than a necklace. We have also the spiral
necklace and the necklace composed of gold
balls. The first is quite Inexpensive, and the
last ranges from $28 to $40. * A more costly
affair Is the heuvy chain.necklace, which, If
desired, can be taken apart and worn for
bracelets. Price $240.
which are worn with these heavy ornaments
present an innumerable variety in patterns
and aesigns, and there is probably a wider
range in the prices asked for them than there
ls between the numerous other articles which
make up the long crystal cases In short, a
very pretty locket maybe bought for $16. $18.
and $20, with all the intermediate prices until
$12,000 is reached. The newest styles in
are too broad and massive-looking to please a
very fastidious taste. A specimen pair are an
inch and a hall ID. width. They are of pale
Roman gold, und the upper skies are adorned
with a raised pattern which represents two
rims of gold fluting. A row uf diamonds oc?
cupies the centre. "Otherbracelets, tobe worn
with rull dress, are heavy gold bands orna?
mented with turquoise and pearls, or with the
most precious and cosily stones. Handsome
bracelets, suitable for the street, are bands of
Roman gold of moderate width, which are
adorned on the upper side, with some pretty
design wrought in sold. Such bracelets vary
ia price from $G0 to $120 a pair.
are large and ahowy, and ear-drops, oi course,
show.the same peculiarity. The designs are
numerous. The buy?r may choose between
tbe 1'anciful Moorish, the delicate Etruscan and
the more massive Egyptian. In short, most
of the new styles in necklaces, bracelets,
brooches and ear-drops are ccjpled from the
Oriental. The ear-drops and brooches have
long pendants, which vibrate constantly, or
hoops which contain smaller hoops, and many
other designs which are peculiarly Orleutal la
continue in vogue. The pale yellow or Roman
fold, the red gold, with copper alloy, and the
. right yellow, are equally In favor. Sometime
the two former kinds, and frequently the whole
three, are combined In one set. Pendant
balls, bars and hoops are among the most pop?
ular designs. T?rese sets range In price from
$30 to $95. '
Thiers Expected at Paris-The Cannon
at Me nt m art re Surrendered-Trade at
Rouen-Napoleon en route for Chisel
hurst-O c r m a n Governorship* 1 n
France Abolished- Reprisals Threat?
LONDON, March 14.
Emperor William has set out on his return
to Berlin, accompanied by a large and brilliant
suite of princes, officers of the army and rep?
resentatives of German Governments. The
party reached Epernay at noon to-day, and
were received with great enthusiasm by the
returning troops, with whom the city was
crowded.*' ?
Trade at Rouen ls resumed. The Germans
billeted it large humber af troops upon the in?
habitants of Rouen, in consequence of dis?
plays of emblems of mourning during
the recent review. The Emperor Napoleon is
en route Cor Chiselhurst.
In the House ol Lords to-night Earl Gran?
ville announced that the conference on the
Eastern question had closed, and a treaty
been signed at the Foreign Office, abrogating
the restriction on admission of foreign men-of
war Into the Dardanelles and the Bosphorirs.
The Porte, In times of peace, may admit into
those waters naval vessels of friendly powers,
whenever needed to enforce the treaty of 1857.
The Danubian commission is prolonged'twelve
years. The protocol expressly dejares that
no power can relieve Itself of the obligations
of the treaty wilh?nt the consent oi all signa?
PARIS, March 14.
The Germans will deliver the northern rail?
roads to the French on the 15th. Thiers
comes to Paris to-morrow..
The malcontents oi the National Guard at
Montmartre have surrendered^ 1 their cannon.
The city is tranquil. *.
BERLIN. March 13.
? A decree abolishes the governorships ol
Versal Ile:!, Nancy and Rheims. The Germans
also relinquish control of the occupied prov
inc?'in respect to religion and education, but
retain management; of the postal and telegraph
The North German Official Gazette says un?
less France protects peacefu] Germans return?
ing to their homes and avocations reprisals
will be made.
ZURICH, March 13.
The Council has ordered a Judicial investiga?
tion of the recent disturbance between-the
French and Germans here. No fur:her trouble
is anticipated. The troops called outto keep
the peuce have been dismissed.
The Littest.
BRUSSELS, March 14.
The returning French prisoners leave their
arms in the hands of the Belgians.
LONDON, March 14.
The Emperor William arrived at Nancy and
goes home via Metz. . ...
The Anal meeting of the Black Sea Confer?
ence was held toni ay.
PARIS, March 14. '
The Paris and Lyons Railroad will be placed'
IA the hands ot its former managers to-mor?
row. Several policemen were mobbed, and
stringent measures are urged.
BERLIN, March 14.
The government demanded an immediate
reply whether tire decree expelling Germans
from France had been annulled. Favre asked
for time to reply, which was granted. Herr
Fabric! is appointed chief ef administration in
the occupied French provinces.
The existence ot a secret treaty between
Russia and Prussia is officially den,ed.
NEW YORK, March 13.
Benjamin K. Phelps, counsel for General
Thomas Jordan, ). id ic led for alleged violation
of the neutrality laws In Atting out an expedi?
tion against Spam and in aid of Cuba, to-day*
asked a speedy trial of his client, but the gov?
ernment not being ready, the case went over
till Wednesday morning.
There hat been a heavy reduction in railroad
.freights to the West. The rate of first-class
freight to Chicago is now one dollar per hun?
dred pounds, with a corresponding reduction
on other classes and to other points. Present
indications point to ageneral railroad war and
much lower freights, as there ls already some
culling under the regular rate ol one dollar to
Synopsis for the past twenty-four hours:
The pressure has increased and is probably
how stationary on the southern and middle*
Atlantic. The low barometer on Monday
evening on the eas: Atlantic has entirely left
our qpast. Fair weather has prevailed on the
Atlantic, villi fresh southerly winds in the
South, and northeasterly wi ml s in the East.
The temperature has risen very rapidly from
Iowa to South Carolina. \ Probabilities of the
storm centre is now in iowa, and will proba?
bly "move southeastward to-night, with high
winds on the upper lakes, and threatening
weather on the Atlantic and brisk winds on
the lower lakes and the Gulf.
RICHMOND. March 14.
Tue Legislature to-day elected Johu W. John?
ston, Conservative, United States senator, by
one hundred and eight to lilly cast for John R.
Popham, the Republican nominee.
_The Roman correspondent of the Pall Mall
Gazelle makes mention of a" contemplated
"crusade in Europe in support of the Pope.
It says that forces for ' the recovery of the
Papal Dominion are being mus ered in Bel?
gium, which 13 the heart ol the movement,
while volunteers are"offering in every part of
Europe. Funds are pouring Into the Vatican
to jneet every expense. During the last
inonlh the Pope received 1,101,000 francs, and
since the" 1st" ol February this sum lias been
swelled by 400,000. francs more." Tills sensa?
tional story Is.added to by the assertion that
the Pope himself will lead the crusade.
Troopg for South Carolina-An Irish
Conf?d?ration 'mm Arkansas Politics -
Mutilated Bank \otes- Another New
Ship Canal-The General Amnesty*
Baller's Ku-Klpx Bill In Caneas.
The Republican, ol to-day, says the Secretary
ol War yesterday telegraphed to General lar?
ry, commanding the Department of the- South,
to send at once all the available troops to
Chester andi York Counties, South Carolina, to
?Bist in putting down the insurrection anti
aintatnlng peace.
The recently arrived Irish exiles ha-re an?
nounced the formation pf an Irish Confedera?
tion, to assist in achieving the independence
of Ireland. -. Politics and religion are excluded
from the organization.
Arkansas politics assume a new phase.
Lieutenant-Governor Johnson baa. resigned,
because-, for secretary of State, one of "Clay?
ton's men was elected. The LieutenanMJter
?.nor and Clayton are again in the arena
for United States senator. A special to the
Memphis Avalanche accus?s Johnson of selling
The following were confirmed: Crane, post?
master at Athens, Ga?; Chas. F. Benjamin was
appointed clerk of the Southern loyalist ciainla
commission. Nominations-Walter N. Smithy
assistant attorney-general; Wm. McMlohael,
solicitor of Internal revenue; Conant, marshal
of North florida; Myee?, appraiser of mer
chandlseat Mobile.
Primate dispatches from Little Bock report
Clayton's election to the Senate. ,
The subscriptions to the new United States
funding loan up to this time reahh 18,000,000.
In the Senate, Sherman called Sumner to
order while reading his Dominican p?tition.
Upon the point of order, that foreigners could
not petition Congress, Colfax sustained the
point ot order.
A bill was passed authorizing the issue of
new for mutilated bank notes.
Pratt occupied the balance ot the day on toe
public lands.
The resolution to* adjourn to-morrow wa?
defeated by-a large majority.
In the House, Sypber Introduced a resolu?
tion, which passed, directing the Secretary ot
War to survey a ship canal connecting the
"Mississippi 31 ver with the Gulf of Mexico.
Beck's general amnesty bill was resumed,
upon motion to recooelfler the vote' by which
the bill was referred to the Judiciary commit?
tee, the effect of which put it on ita
passage. Beck accepted the amendment ex-,
eluding from Its benefits certain classes, ex?
pia Uping that without these exclusions the bul
had no chance. The exclusions comprise
members of Congress" who abandoned their
seats Jo r the rebellion, officers of thS army and
navy'over 21, who Joined the rebellion, mem?
bers ot conventions which adopted the ordi?
nances of secession abd who- voted for the
same. Quite a long debate ensued, when
finally the bill failed-vote 100 against 82; not
two-thirds. Adjourned.
The Joint committee in caucuses recommend
substantially the adoption of Butler's Ku-Elux
bill. It authorizes the President, to employ
troops -to suppress disorders without the r?qui?
sition ot the State governments. Establishes'
an elaborate code for th? trial and punishment
of Ku-Klux by the Federal courts. Any one
of a disguised band are made punishable for
the acts of the undetected members. Damages
from such bands to be payable by the
counties wherein the damage occurs; the Juries
shall take the iron-clad oath. The report waa
discussed for three hours in caucus. Strong
opposition was expressed both to the military
and Judicial features of the bili in the Senate
caucus, which adjourned to ten to-morrow
without action.
? The House caucus meets to-night to consider
the report. It ls believed the Senate blU will
be put upon its passage without material modi?
--? ?
CONCORD, (N. H.,) March li. .
The election shows a full vote up to 1 o'clock.
The returns Iddlcate that the Republicans held
their own.
LATER.-Incomplete returns indicate a plu?
rality for Bell, Democrat, and leaves the result
In doubt. .__
to have worked out the following-''schema,'"
which is inscribed on the town hall in Berlin,
in anticipation of the illuminations for peace
for which German hearts were longing:
"Peace brings wealth;
Wealth brings pride.,*
Pride brings war; .
War brings poverty;
Poverty brings humility;
- Humility brings peace."
An endless chain, bringing little comfort
and hope to poor humanity, ll it ls true . But
poverty, -with its desire for gain, often brings
war, whilst wealth Sometimes brings caution1
as well aa pride, as in the case ot England.
However, If th!s*never-ceasing round ls- to go
on, it would be better not to reduce a ay State
altogether to the condition o fpo ve tty, because,
as the wheel goes round, becoming peaceful
and rich, she will be-ready for war again be?
fore many years, and not forget her bitter ex?
perience in retaliating upon an enemy.
scent of Man and Selection In Belatlou to Sex,
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Adams, 2 vols., $3; Lord Litton's Life of Ebra
Palmeston, 2 vols., $5.
KIP'S LENTEN FAST-The History, Object and
Proper Observance or the Holy Season or Lent, by
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Stories ror Children 'rom Church History, by Rev.
J. M. Neale, 60 cents; The Churchman's Guide to
Faith and Piety, a Manual of Instruct lon and De?
votions, 2 vols. $2.
?y Persons residing In the country will please : -
bear In mind that by sending their orders to ns -
ror any books published In America, they win be
charged only the price of the book. We pay for
the postage or express.
ay AddresB
No. 260 KING STREET (In the Bend!) '
marH-tuths Charleston, S. Q