THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Acts and Joint Resolution?, Session 1870-'T1. [OFFICIAL.] JOIKT RESOLUTION authorizing the Execu? tive to commission Ridley K. Carlton as cor? oner of Beaufort County. Whereas, Elisha P. Hutchinson, elected cor? oner of Beaufort County for four years, end? ing October, 1872, has removed his r?sidence to' a loreign country, to wit: Germany, with? out duly filing his letter of resignation of his office; and the said office has remained vacant .from and after March, 1870; and whereas, not? withstanding due proclam?t ion was not made .previous -to. the late general election that a vacancy existed in the^id office o? coroner in said county, the people djd proceed to vote for coroner, and Ridley K. CarRon was after? ward declared by the board of county canvas? sers; to' have received the highest number of votes for coroner of said county: Be it resorted by the Senate and House of Re? presentatives of the State of South Carolina, now met andjsliting In General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That Ridley -K. Carlton, elected 1 coroner of Beaufort County at the general election of October 19,1870, be commissioned by the Executive of South Caro? linas? coroner, to fill the unexpired term of Elisha P. Hutchinson. Approved February Bf 1871. AN ACT to incorporate the Charleston Cleans? ing Company, ol the City ol Charleston. SECTION li Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repr?sent?t Ives of the St?te of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General ?s? ern brr, and by the authority of the same: That the incorporation or a company, to be known as the CBarleston Cleansing Company, to be located in the City ot Charleston? be, and , the same ls'here by, authorized. Said company shall consist of Jacob Royall, Samuel Marlon, Ben Jenkins, Francia Mazy ck, Jack Middleton, Thomas'Gauff, Edward Jackson and Friday Ad? dison, and such other persons as may hereafter associate with them. SEC. 2. That the said company shall have succession of ??Tcer,9 and members, according to its by-lawB, ?ball have power to make by? laws nor. repugnant to the laws of the land, and to have, use and keep a common seal, to alter the same at will, and to sue and he sued, plead and be impleaded in any court in this SEC. 3. That Bald company shall be empo w ered to retaln, possess and enjoy all such prop? erty, real and personal, aa it may-possess, be entitled to, or which shall hereafter be given, I 'beijooathod to., or io any manner be acquired { bf Itv and to sell, alien or transfer the same. ?tc i. That this act shall be deemed a pub? lic act, and to continue In force for the term of ten years irom the date bf its ratification. Approved Febrt?aryn, 1871. _ .*/ ':l'c. BY ' i.iHOW.u -y AN ACT to renew and. extend an.act to pro? vide a mode by which to perpetuate testi? mony Lu relation. to. deeds, wills, choses In action, and other papers and records dee troy - ., ed '. o r l os t d u r lng the recent war. SECTION 1. Be ?,enacted b? the Senate and House of Representatives of the State ol So ut fi Carolina* now met andBitting in General AB " sembfy, and" by tb?'abfhority of the same : That the act entitled "An act to provide a mO?e'jby'.wjjlch. to perpetuate testimony in relation to de^ds,'willa, ohoses In action, and (tither papers and records, destroyed or Kret duri np the recent war," approved on the twen? ty-first day of Deoember, in the year of our Lord on.e thousand eight hundred sixty five, be. and the same ls..hereby, renewed, and shall extend and continue In force for the term of five-years from the ratification of this act. _ ? !.. ^fi8W..^\Tjrjateaidactbe further amended] so m to d l?pense with ?he personal & Ice ol" an y notice required under thf provisions of said act, and la ail cases in which such notice shall be left at the usual plac? of residence or bciPi? ncas of the defendant, the Barn e shall be-valid la law to all latents and purposes as it served op?n the person of sncn defendant. Approved February ll, 1871. COMM EEC JAL NEWS. Exports. Coax AND A WAHRET-.Per Br bark Bio de lal Plata-3027 bales upland cotton. BOSTON-Per schrTawn-560 bales upland cot? ton, ta tons iron, 36 bales rags and is tons cotton ' seed. : ; rstrai V>>? Charleston Cotton, Ktco ami Naval 0 Stores Market. . Omni CHARLESTON NEWS, . 1 - A TcxsoAY BvKNiKa, Febrnary H. 1871. J COTTON.-The Oner qualities showed Increased strength, the stock being ?nita nneqaal to the .demand, willie tie depressed character bf, com "?rn on kinda coat baaed. Bales about 000 bales/?ny ?60 at 12*jc, 61 at 13, 2S-aI lg*, 38 at 13};, 150 at Kjfi W at 14,38 at 14#, 1? at.Ujtf, 8? at 14*. M .at, 14fi, 57 at lix, li?t 15, and soon private terms. .Sraqpete: - LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. ' Ordinary togood ordinary.12X@13tf ?Lo wm td dim g.14 @ Middling.ux?14>i , Strict middling.14.^? RICK,-This gratti was Armer. Sales about 200 tierces-of* dean Cumins, say 6 tierces at 7>?c, loo at "?xe 70 at.lf^'c 'and io at 8c f> tb. We ' quote common to fair at 7?7}?'c> good ? X&1 Vc ''mm. . \ " NAVAL STORES.-There were no transactions of .'note. .; ' faa . ; FKsiaifTi.-To uveepool. by steam direct nomi Bal on uplands; vlaNe?Tork,#d on uplands, l>?d on sea isl?n d J ; by sall 7-ie@j?d on uplands, \c. on sea Islands. To Havre nommai. Coastwise-to New fork, by steam, lie on uplands and lc on sett Islands;! $2 f? tierce on rice; by sail, Kc ^ re UL .carton ;-fi tierce ou jice; 40o ?Vbarr?l on rosin; : V<3>* * Mon lumber; $9&10 fi M oft timben - Ti Boston, by sall, Ho V re on upland cotton. To Providence, by sall $8 fl' M on boards^ He ft 9? on cotton; by steam $i fi baie on Sew York rates. To .'Philadelphia, by steam, 3fc ft lb on uplands; by'sall, $7 ft M on boards; ?9 on timber; $3 fl ton on clay, and $3@3 50 on phos? phates. To Baltimore, by steam, ac ft fc> by sall, ie6007?> Mon boards; $3@3 25 fi ton ou phosphate rock. Vessels are in demand by pur merchants to take lumber freights from | Georgetown, S. G., Darlen and Satina Rlver.-Ga. and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, and sio @12 ft M are the rates on lumber and boards. EXCHANGE.-Sterling 60 day bills 20@20K. DOJCiSTio EXCHJ.NOB. - The banks purchase sight checks at x@X off, and sch at par. . QOXOr-lOXaiZ. Markets by Telegraph. J ? NEW* YoF^?j?fs?fja^toon.-Stocka dull Governmentffcstft?? State baftCs very dull Gold ll>;aH^-^^ea^g;4a5.; : fcchange long 'Evenln^ii^?ttiS'.^httle^rraer at ? percent Stt-rling uiiafsj^^gold llall?;. Governments weak. State bdndiyrexySBull and nominal; North Carolinas rather ly*J??TB? 49)?; new 2Ba>6%. NKW ORLEANS. February 14.-Sterling nomi? nally 21. S.gbt exchange }? discount. Gold ll. COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL. February 13-Evening -Sales on naturi ships deliverable here In April, 7%d for sMdlimgS. 'Many brokers quote cotron on spot up ands 7#fl; Orleans 7Jfd; official quotations, however, aro Uwe previously given-uplands 7Xa7Xd; orleaus 7Xa8d: sales foot up i2.coo i bales, 5?alet- t?n named ships at Charleston or 1 Savannah, deliverable in April 7&d for middling < uplands. j ?.Fe?.rJ?,a1 .34-Cotton qnlet; uplands . 7*?a7,'?d: Orleans TJiasd; sales 10,000 bales. . J Issw YORK. February 14-Noon.-Cotton dull 1 bates* UPTEBAS UW> Orleans I5#c; sales 15CW i . Evening-Cotton duU a?d weak; sales 2600 < at l5^c. BOSTON, February 14- Cotton dull and nomi? nal: middlings 15?ci; uet receipts 133 bales; gross receipts 4430: sales 2(0; stock 70'0. BALTIMORB, February 14.-Cotton quiet; mid diing* i4?o; gross receipts 350 bales; sales 225; stock 1M20. NORFOLK, February 14.-Cotton quiet and low; middlings I3?al3?c; net receipt? 1922 bales; ex? ports coastwise 1021; sales 300; stock 9341. WILMINGTON, February 14.-Cotton quiet and nominal; middlings 14c; net receipts 3S7 bales; Stock 2S49. AUGUSTA, February 14.-Cotton market quiet at 14 to I4.?c for middlings; sales 580 bales; receipts 620. SAVANNAH, February 14.-Cotton quiet and firm; middlings 14?c: net receipts 8077 bales; exports to Great Britain 2057; sales 1300; ? 102.958 MOBILE, February 14 - Cotton'quiet; middlings Ugo: net receipu 3785 bale.'; exports to Great Britsln $805; coastwise 602; sales 1500; e^o Aiken A co.G W DaW, W A. Boyle. F W Emanuel, Murdaugh A Mathews. Passengers. Per steamship SoutU Carolina, from New York L B Holmes. J F Holmes, Mrs LU U lmes, Miss C Holmes, Wm H Daugherty. J T Ford, J P Hodges, Mary Sullivan, Jas A Oranger, Robt Dowry, Jno Dowry, Mrs J F Becket, Miss Eleanor Becket, and F Roach. , Per steamship Manhattan, rrom New York ll Smith".' Wm P Clyde, B F Clyde, J J Bohr. Miss Bohr, H M Cutter.W D Warren, Mrs A McVay und chilli, C G Gril and wife, Fl Macy and wire, ceo H Porter, n Cole, N A Hunt, Mrs Loyall. Mrs B F Bunker and Ave children, E Berg aad.son, Major Twinning, A S Newhouso. Pw steamer Pilot Boy. rrom 'Savannah, Beau? fort. Pacific Landing. Perry Island. 4c- Mrs R BhlBolm. J Martin, B G Holmes. Mrs Cleaves. W S Simmons, Capt Bygott, Capt Well. A M Adger, G I Thompson, Maj J Jenkins and 10 on deck. Per steamer Eliza Hancox, from Savannah, via Beaufort, 4c-Major TG Croft, E A True, Dr Gen ?y. J (} Foster, M Connelly,'*; Ball. M O'Brien, J :o_nuer, K Sullivan, .1 Mathews, and 18 on deck. Per steamer Emilie, from Georgetown. S C I Hasei:, Mrs Ha?eli, nurse and child, B M Smith, J W Rouqule, W St J Mazyck, Miss Mazyck. Col S fl Mortimer. A Isear, C Neilson, A Middleton, F L frost and 15 on deck. MARINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, FEBRUARY 15. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship South Carolina, Beckett. Now York -lert loth mst. Mdse. To Wagner, Huger 4 co, w A Courtenay, J ti Adner A cu, muthern Ex? press Company. SAC Railroad Agent. J Apple, J, W Almar. Agents Florida Steamers. Adams. ? Sf* UJ> Abren* A co. D A A mme. Dr II It 'i^ri^'^, Beamish, w M Bird 4 co. S b Bedford, WS Ulssell. Boinest k Marlin. A H T?nwu n ""????-?"?. Bollraann Bros. u A Bow? man, M O Buxbaum.TM Bristol; ,t co. J p Brown SSKS?/?S C0' w Carrington. Chapeaui i lempn. W II Chafee k co, J c H Causon. Louis Soften 4 co, H Cobla 4 co, JnoCnminins, Ja1 , Goodrich Wlneman & co> P L Gulllemin. C H Glldden, Jno M Greer A Son, J W Harrisson, Hart 4 co, W Harrall A co, Holmes A co. J H Hood, J Hurkamp k co, J Hyman A co, A H Hayden, Col P Hamilton, Jas Lefluer, Hunt Bros 4 co, A W Jaeger, D Jennings, johaeton, Crews A co, J O Jones, S Jancovtch, W H Jones A co, E H Jackson. C Kerrison, H Elatte A co, M N Klein, Klines, Wlnckenberg 4 co, J P Kelp. Kinsman Bros, T Kelly, Krlete A Chapman, A Langer, Lanrey A Alexander, L Lorentz, J H Lawton A co, P B Lalane A co, A R Lewlth, P F Murray. P L?tz, A M Manigault, w Marscher, S R Marshall, McD Cohen. McLoy A Rice, J G Mdnor A co, Mantone 4 co, L D Mowry 4 Son, Macqueen 4 Riecke. Melchers 4 Muller, Murphy 4 Little, News office. Mills House, B K Kentville, D O'Neill A SOB, J F O'Neill, Ostendorff 4 co, J C Oetjen, B O'Neill, Pani, Welch 4 Brandes, E Perry, C P Poppeohelm, C F Panknln,.Pavilion Hotel. Ravenel, Holmes 4 co, J Russell. J E Spear. A R Stillman, L Schnell, Mrs C Stackley, H Steinken 4 Bro, Steffens, Wer? ner 4 Ducker. E B Stoddard 4 co. North, Steele 4 Wardell, W Schroder, Wm Shepherd 4eu. Walter Steele,W A Skrine, T Tupper 4 Sons, J F Taylor 4 co, W U Telegraph co. R Thomllnaou 4 co, Tnlly, M Trlest, A L Tyler, W Vince, H Vanderhorat, F von Santen. Wagener A Monsees. G H Walter 4 co. W H Welch. Walker, Evans 4 Cogswell. S H Wilson 4 Bro. J Woodruff, J Wirth, Jas L Westen dorff, L Wagner, M A Warien and W J Yates. On Saturday, off Haltera?. "Xperlenced a heavy gale from the southeast and south, lasting 24 hours. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull. New York left Saturday, P M. Mdse. To J Adger 4 co. J E Adger 4 co, Jos D Aiken A co, G W Al mar, A H Abrahams 4 Son, F C Borner, B Boyd, T M Bris Uli 4 CO..H Bischoff 4 co, E E Bedford. Boiuest 4 Martin, C Burckmeyer. C D Brahe 4 co, Dr Baer, M C Buxbaum, Bayer 4 Kressel, Jr, E Bates 4 co, W M Bird-A co, W ? Bisse ll, E F Benedict, T A Beamish. P Brady, H Brown, J H Br?ning, Mrs B F Bunker, L Chap?n, H Cobla A co. A D Coheo, T M Cater, Chapeau 4 Heffron, W H Cha?ee 4 co, T Campbell, Cameron, Barkley 4 co, L Cohen 4 co, McO Cohen, Douglas 4 Miller, P Darcy, Elia1: Bros, Dowie. Moise 4 Davis, Furchgotc, Benedict, lt co. Forsythe, McComb 4 co, D F Fleming 4 co, A M Folchl. B Foley, B Feldmaun 4 co, J Frank, Good? rich, Wlneman 4 co, J Goldsmith. H Gerdts 4 co, Goutevenler Bro9, C H Glldden. C Graveley, N A Hunt, W Harrall, C Hiokey, J Hurkartp 4 co. J S Eyer, Harbesou 4 co, J Heeaemaa 4 Bro, Holmes 4 Calder, Johnston, Crews 4 co. Miss J il Jones, Krlete 4 Chapman, H Klattle 4 co, C Kerrison, T Kelly. Kinsman 4 Bro. K?nck, Wlckenberg A co. C Litschgl, Laurey 4 Alexander, A Linger, E L?e, J H Lopez, J H Lawton 4 co, G J Lunn, C Lllien thal 4 co, J G Mllnor 4 co. N Mernaujth. Murphy 4 Little, W McLean, S R Marshall, J McCue. J H Muller. Marshall 4 Burge; B K Neufvllle, Order, J W O denbuttle, J C Ogermann, Ostendorff 4 co, D O'Neill 4 Sons. B O'Neill, D O'Neill. J F O'Neill, F J Porcher, Paul, Welch 4 Brandes, C P Poppen? helm, Edw Perry. M J Quintero, J Relia, H H Ray? mond, C Rothslein, w p Russell 4 co. Ravenel 4 co, S C Railroad co, S 4 C Railroad co, Stedens, Werner 4 Ducker, L Schne i, J E Smith, W Steele, E B Stoddard 4 co, W Shepherd 4 co. Stiackelfonl 4 Kelly, D Salt 1?re, North, Steele 4 Wardell, Stoll, Webb 4 co, O Tiedemann 4 co, P P T?ale, Jno F Taylor 4 co, S Terry, R Thomllnaon 4 co, A L Ty? ler, Jno Thompson, S Thompson, F von Santen, A Von Dohlen, C H Vanderhorat, O F Wleters, O W Wilhams A co, P Walsh, W H Welsh, Mrs S Watts, Walker, Evans 4 Cogswell, J Wirth, G H Walter 4 co. L Wagner,-WJ Yatee and others. Sehr Ann S Deas, Garbattl, West Point Mill. 100 tea rice. To Cohen, Hanckel A co. Steamer Pilot Boy, sly, Savannah. Beaufort, Pacltic and. ether Landlncs. 23 bags sea i-land cotton, mdse, 4c. To J D Aiken 4 co, Ravenel-1 A co, Southern Express co, D McPherson, Rev Dr Forr?9t, W Gurney. W M Bird 4 co, F Campbell, U Gerdts 4 oo, W M Lawton 4 Sons, A M Adger, Ravenel, Holmes 4 co. Steamer Eliza Hancox, Burns, Savannah. via Beaufort, 4c 34 bales and l pocket Bea island cotton, 638 sacks fertilizers. 154 obis, mdse. Ac To Ravenel, Holmes 4 co, T J Kerr 4 co, Wm " Bird A co. J Colcock 4 co, W M Lawton 4 Sons, i Davis, D McPherson, Southern ExprtsBco. Steamer Emilie. White, Georgetown, S C. tes rice, io bales-cotton, mdse and sundries. Tu snackclford 4 Kelly, Caldwell 4 Sou B O'Neill, Boyd, W M Lawton 4 Son, Edgerton 4 Richards, Thurston ? Holmes. Jaw Pawlev, W G Whiklen co, J R Pringle 4 Son, G A Trennolm 4 sou, J Ladson and others. Sloop alice, from Ashepoo.' ooo bushels rough rice, 'io ? G.Hasell. . Sloop Amelia, from Ashepoo. 550 bushels rough rice. To P G liasell. . Received from Chisolm's Mille. 4 bag? sea Isl? and, and 21 bales upland cotton, 193 tierces ric?. To W A Bovie. Fraser A Dill, Frost 4 Adger, P G Hasel!, Th tin, t n 4 Holmes, U L Chlsolm, WC Bee 4 CO. ' CLEANED YESTERDAY. Br bark Rio de la Plata, Landry, Cork and Market-R Mure 4 co. Sehr Fawn, Megalhlln, Boston-M Goldsmith 4 Bon. Sehr S L Burns, Crosby. Kingston, Jam, via Union [aland, Ga- W Roach 4 co. -, SAILED YESTERDAY. Sehr David Currie, Barrell, Mosquito Inlet, Fla FROM THIS PORT. Br bark Blomldon.-, Liverpool, February 14. Br br.g Wasp, Deny, Liverpool, February 12 a . y MEMORANDA. The sehr EAL Maris, Marts, from Charleston tor Richmond, Va, paBsed Fortress Monroe Feb roary ll. The Behr Ridgewood. Perricksen, from George? town, s C, arrived at New York February ll. Toa steamer Atlanta, the buoy tender, ls at Georgetown overhauling the buoys. L Bailroaos._ \TORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COM a PAKY. CHARLESTON, S. G.. Ftbrnary ll, ?87I, Trains leave Charleston Dally at 12 M. and 6r.< P.M. Arrive at Charleston 7:30 A. M. (Mondays ex :eptcd) and 3:30 P. M. Train does aol leave Charleston 6:30P. M., SUN? DAYS. Train leaving at 12 M makes through connec ton to New York, via Richmond and Acqula ?eek only, going through lu 42 hours, WITHOUT DETENTION ON SUNDAYS. Passengers leaving bv 6:30 p. M. Train have jacios of route, via Richmond and* Washington, jr via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those leaving KRIOAY by this Train lay over on SUNDAY In Bal? limore. Those leaving oh SATUKDAY remain SUN? DAY in Wilmington, N.e.. This is the cheapest, quickest and most pleasant 'onte to Cincinnati, Chicago and other points iVest and Northwest, both Tram? making close :onnectlon8 at Washington with Western tratus jf Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. & S. SOLOMONS, Engineer and Superintendent. ?. L. CLEAFOR, General Ticket Agept. febll-l?moB_ HAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON R?1L 3 ROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS on this Road run daily'aa ullows: Leave Charleston.J.8.30 A. M. Arrive at Savannah.3.00 p. M. Leave Savannah.1L16 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.'.5.20 P. M. Connects at Savannah with the Atlantic 4 Call tlaliroad for Jacksonville, St. Augustine, and all points m Florida. Wita Central Railroad for Macon, Atlanta, Mo Mle. New Orleans and the West. With Steamboats for points on the Savannah ?liver. At Charleston with the Northeastern anil South karolina Railroads, and Steamships lor all pou> ls yortb. and West. , ... ? Through Tickets over this line on sale at Hotels n Charleston; Screven House. Savannah; and all jrlnclpal Ticket offices Non h and Sooth. Freights forwarded daily to aud from savan? nah and all points beyond. Through Bills of Lading Issued to Jacksonville, ?alatka, 4c Tariff as low as by any other Hue. C. S. GADSDEN. oct5_Engineer and Snperiutendent. CJOUTH CAROLINA KAIL KC) AI . VICE-PRESIDENT S OFFICE. CHARLESTON. 8. C., January 18,1671. f On and ufter SUNDAY, January 22, the Passen ferlTalnson f.ue Sou:.; o:-roana Ra?roa-.i will ut -as follows: ?OR AUGUSTA. ?eave Charleston.12.50 P. M. trrive at Augusta.3.15 p. M. FOB COLUMBIA. ..eave Cnarleston. KIO A. M. krrive at columbia. ?AH P. M. FOR CHARLESTON. ?eave Augusta. 7.40 A. U Irrlve ar. Charleston. 3.20 p. M jeave'Columbia.12.15 P. M ixrrlve at Charleston. 7.50 P. M. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) /eave Charleston. 8.30 P.M. Irrlve at Augusta. 7.05 A. M. ?eave Augusta. 5.00 P. M. irrlve at Charleston. 5.40 A. M. COLUMBIA NIGHT KXPKK6S. (Sundays excepted.) .eave Charleston. 7.10 P. M. Irrlve at Columbia_%. 6.00 A. M. /eave Columbia..-. 7.50 P. M. irrlve at Charleston..;. B.45 A. M. SUMMERVILLE THAlK. jeave Charleston. 4. no P. M. irriv-* at Summerville..fl.ou P. l? /eave Summerville....!. 7.00 A. M. Lrrivc at Charleston. 8.15 A. il. CAMDEN BRANCH. ,eave Camden.?.9.50 A. M. irrlve at Ringville. . 1.20 P. M ?ave Ringville. 2.3J P. M. irrlro at Uaradeu.6.00 P. M. janlfl .. A. L. TYLER, vice-President. ^HAAIPOOING AND HAIR CUTTING. LADIES AND CHILDREN .iteuded at their residences promptly and at reasonable rates. Send orders to W. E. MARSHALL, Barber. Broad street, next door to Telegraph may? Shipping. pOR ^? W YORK-MERCHANTS' LINE. The first-class Clipper Packet Schooner JAA FLORENCE ROGERS, Sheppard, Master, <23fc having a portion of her cargo engaged, wlilbe dispatched promptly. feblS WILLIAM ROACH. A CO. P ? B N B "ff T O B K -. ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH, AT 4 O'CLOCK P. If. -NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1876. STATE-ROOMS ALL ON DECK. The Splendid New Iron Side Wheel Steamship SOUTH CAROLINA. J. T. Beckett, Commander. will sall for New York on THURSDAY, Febraary 16th. at 4 o'clock, P. M., from Pier No. 2. Union Wharves. The Elegant Side-wheel Steamship GEORGIA will follow on the 28d, insurance by Steamers or this Line }? per cent. For Freight Engagements or Passage, having very One state-room accommodations, apply to WAGNER, HUGER A CO., No. 26 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharves. febl3-4 R NEW YORK. OL Ii LINK N EW YORK AND CHARLES? TON STEAMSHIPS. ESTABLISHED 1 846. SPACIOUS AND ELEGANT DECK STATE ROOMS. The very fast and splendid Side-Wheel Steam? ships or tula Line will 'sall from Adger's South Wharr as folioWB during the month or February: MANHATTAN, SATURDAY, 18th, at half-past 4 o'clock P. M. _ " JAMES ADO ER, TUESDAY, 21st, at 7 o'clock, P.M. CHAMPION. SATURDAY, 25th, at 7 o'clock P. M. CHARLESTON. TUESDAY, 28th, at 12 o'clock M. t&- Through Bills or Lading given on Cotton to Liverpool, Boston, Providence and the New Eng? land manufacturing towns at the lowest market rares.. Freights on upland cotton through to Llverriool Ave eighths or a penny. For Freight or Passage engagements, apply to febl-lmo _JAMES ADOER A 00. rjIBCROTJGH BILLS LADING TO BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA, BOB TON, BREMEN, AND THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST. The One' Steamship' FALCON, Hay nlc, commander win sall for Baltimore^.. on WEDNESDAY, 15th February, at 2 o'clock ter Philadelphia Freights rorwarded to. that city by railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional insurance, and Consignees are allowed am? ple time to sample and sell their Goods from the Railroad Depot In Philadelphia PA?L 0. TRENHOLM, Agent, feb0-6 _No. 2 Onion w nar ves. JpAClFIO MAIL STEAMSHIP COAIPY'B | ^ Til HOUGH LIN S TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above Une leave Pier No. 42. North River, root or Canal J_ street. Now York, at 12 o'clock noon, or the 4tr. and 20th or every month (except when thea* dates rall on Sunday, thea '.he Saturday preyed lng. Departure or the 20th connect at Panama willi stoamers for South Paclnc and Central American ports. Those of 4thtouch at Manzanillo. Steamship GREAT REPUBLIC leaves San Fran? cisco for Japan and China March 1,1871. No California steamers touch at Havana, bu go direct from New York to Asplnwall. One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other information appiv at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFlvJE, on the wharr foot of Canal street, North River, New York. F. R. BABY, Agent. juiyl?-lyr _ TX7EEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. FOR PACIFIC LANDING, BEAUFORT, HILTON HEAD, SAVANNAH. DARIEN AND ' BRUNSWICK, GA. The favorite Steamer ELIZA HANCOX, Captain L. W. BURNS, will receive Freight at south Atlan- - .?4k-* ile wharf for aoove pointe everymmSSStOL TUESDAY, and leave on every WEDNESDAY MORN INU, at 7 o'clock, arriving at'Savannah the same evening, and leaving for Darien, Ac, the follow lug morning. Returning, will leave Savannah for Charleston every MONDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock. For Freight or passage, apply to RAYKNEL. HOLMES A CO., aeplO_No. 177 East Bay. P OR SAVANNAH. ELEGANT STATE ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. The Splendid Steamer CITY _ . ?dT^n POINT, Captain D. B. Vincent, will ?sSaSSBC leave Central Wnarf for the above place on FRIDAY EVENING, February 17,1871, at 8.30 o'clock. The Steamer DICTATOR, Captain L. ar. Coxet ter, will leave on TULSDAY EVBNING, February 21, 1871, at 8.30 o'clock. febl6 RAVEN EL A CO., Agents. F? R F LOR IDA, TWICE A WEEK. FOR SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE, P1LATKA " AND ALL POINTS ON THE ST. JOHN'S RIVER. The Steamer DICTATOR, Captain " -TT?^ L. M. COXETTER, will sall frnm JsTgjsflBC Central Wharf for above points every TUJCBHAI EVEKING, at ?.30 o'clock, arriving back at Charles? ton evcrv SUNDAY AFTERNOON, at 6 o'clock. The Steamer CITY POI KT. Captain D. B. Vin? cent, will sail from Central Wharf for above pointa every FRIDAY EVBNINO, at 5.30 o'clock, arriving hack nt Charleston WxdNBSDAY AFTERNOON, at 6 o'clock. octIO_RAVENEL A CO., Agents. pOR SAVANNAH VIA BEAUFORT AND FACIFIC LANDING. The Steamer PILOT BOY, Captain _ ?tr^s J. W. Sly, will leave Central Wharf^ShfiSC Tor above POIUIB every MONDAY MORMNO, ?T 8 relock, and Tor Beaufort and Pacific Landing ;very THURSDAY, leaving here at 8 o'clock A. M. For Freight or Passage, apply to J. D. AIKEN, Agent, febl_No. 5 Central Wharf. pOR FORT SUMTER. The Steamer POCOSIN, Captain W. ? -Caj El. Gannon, will leave aa above?j?????S3m ?very TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATORDAY, at, a Relock, from Market Wharf, root or Market street. Returning at a quarter-past 2 o'clock. Jan25-lmo J. H. MURRAY, Agent. Netospcipers, iflctgajines, &t. O U R\L CAROLINIAN FEBRUARY NUMBER. High Farming Without Manure, E. M. Pendle ;on; Experiments ivlth Fertilizers, E. B. Smith; Practical Experience in Planting, S. W. Evans; ?ommon Sense applied to Fanning, Hobkirk; Ex lerience with Turnips, R. Chisolm; Is the South a stock Country? D. w. Aiken; Nut Bearing Trees )f the South, S. B. Buckley. And numerous other articles and much valua >le correspondence. Subscription, $2 per annum. Address RURAL CAROLINIAN, febl Charleston, s. 0. ?fettilijire. EIGHTEEN YEARS OF PRACTICAL SUCCESS! INTRODUCED IN 1852..V.PATENTED DECEMBER 20,1859. Oldest Superphosphate Marixifactiired. in this Coimtry MAPES' MTROtiEMZED SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIE COMPOSED OF Bones, Phosphatic Guano, Concentrated Ammoniacal Animal Matter and Sulphuric Acid. NO SALT, PLASTER, SALT CAKE, NITRE CAKE, NOR ANY ADULTERANT OF ANY KIND USED. -o THE AMMONIACAL ANIMAL MATTER USED IN MAPES'NITROGEN1ZED SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME corslets o? the Flesh,-(containing io per cent, or Ammonia,) and the Blood, (containing 16 per cent. Ammonla,)of horses, beeves, fish and other animals, after expression or the rat and oil br steam. Send for a Pamphlet. Ammonia Yielded by the Organic Matter.' 2.54 ? cent. 9.06 ? ct. Insoluble Phosphoric Acid.Bone.Pim phate or Lime.19.78 ? cent. 3.38 * ct. Soluble Phosphoric Add. Soluble Phosphate orLime.5.48 f> cent. &38 ? ct Soluble Phosphoric Acid.Bone Phosphate or Lime (dissolved).. 7 03 $ cent. 7.20 * ct Sulphuric Acid.Sulphate-of Lime.15.48 ? cent. "An excellent Fertilizer.? Respectfully submitted, (Signed.) . CHARLES D. HB EPA RD, JR., M. Di. Inspector of Fertilizers for South Carolina PRICE, SS O CASH. i? KINSMAN & HOWELL, General'Agents, feb8-wrm2mosD4C No. 128 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. TO FACTORS AND PUNTERS ! -0 ? , The undersigned begs to inform his customers and the public that, rn addition to his Works at Savannah, he bas established extensive Superphosphate Works at the WAPPOO MILLS, opposite this city, which are now in actfve operation, manufacturing his well k iowa fertilizers, the PHOSPHO-PERUVIAN AND AMMONIATED SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANOS, AND WHERE HE WILL ALSO KEEP ON HAND PTo. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, SOUTH CAROLINA PHOSPHATE, of the highest grade rrom his Ashepoo Mmes, (crude and ground,) analyzing oyer sixty per cent, of Bone Phosphate ot Lime; and LAND PLASTER. These Works have been opened under tie inspection or Dr. C. U. SHEPARD. Jr., Inspector of Fertilizers for South Carolina, and every package will bear his brand certifying to Its Inspection. Uniformity of quality quaranteed and prices reduced. .i Messrs. G. A. TRENHOLM A SON, General Agents. ) PTT?oTT?cTr?xr a n Messrs. GRAESER & SMITH, Agents, \ CnAlvLEblUN, S. U J. B. S ARD Y, Janis CORNER EAST BAY AND BROAD STREETS, CHARLESTON, S. C. ET1WAN GUANOS, SOLUBLE MANURES AND SULPHURIC ACID, MANUFACTURED AT THE BTIWA1T WOBES, CHARLESTON, S. C., . BY THE : " SI UM? UK ACID Jl SIPERPHOSPHM C0MPM?. THE NOW WELL KNOWN ETIWAN GUANO IS MANUFACTURED FROM THE NATHVEBONE PHOSPHATES or South Carolina. These PHOSPHATES lu their natural-state are Insoluble, and re? quire to be ground to powder, and made Soluble by Sulphuric Acid. Tots' Company have now lp ope? ration the largest'Sulphuric Acid Chambers at,'the South, and are, therefore, able to manufacture at the lowen rates, thu highest grade of FtRTILIZBR; lt being dear tliat Uie greater the proportion or Soluble Phnspha'c which any Fertilizer contains the less the quantity required per acre. In order to make i he Fertilizer cpmphde. Ammonia and Potash m sufficient quantities are added. With these views the Con-.pany manufacture and offer for sale -ETIWAN GUANOS, WARRANTED TO CONTAIN FROM 15 TO 20 PER CERT. OF DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE OF L'ME, and from 2 to 2>? per cent, of AMMONIA, with a sufficient addition of PERUVIAN GUANO and POTASH, to adapt lt to aU crops. Price $63 per too, cash; on time, fro per ton, and tu tere.? 7 per cent, per annum. BISSOLVEB BONE, OF HIGH GRADE1 SUITABLE FOR MANUFACTURE RS OR FOR PLANTERS. BEING IN. ITSELF AN exc?dent FERTILIZER, and specially adapted for Compost. As large qualities of Sulphuric Acid are used to dissolve the Phosphate, this will be found a elieap and convenient way to transport tlmt ma? terial The grade famished will be rrom 18 to 20 per cenu Disolved Bone Puosphate. Price $40 per ton, cash: on time, $45, with interest at 7 per cent, per annum. Still higher grades will be furnished to order at un additional price percentage. COMPOUNB ACIB PHOSPHATE, SPECIALLY PREPARED FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON J??ED" AND OTHER PLANTATION MANURES. Price $35 per ton, casa; on time, $40, with interest at fper cent per annbm. GROUNB BONE, - AT MUCH LOWER RATES, CONSISTING SIMPLY OF THE NATIVE "BONE PHOSPHATES GROUND to powder. Price $20 per ton, cash; on time, $22, and Interest at 7 per cent, per annum. WM. G. BEE & CO., A(;P;VTs, Mo. 14 ADGEil'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, 8. C. " N. B.-THE PERCENTAGE OF DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME AND AMMONIA IN ALL THE ET1WANS ls ascertained at the Works, by their Chemist, before delivery. Should any pur? chaser be dissatisfied, he may return average samples or any purchase, within thirty (80) days Arter delivery, and they will be analyzed anew, and any deficiency in the percentage guaranteed wul be made good to him by the Company. jan28-mwf2moa rt* iii B Sine Groceries, Sit. EDFORD'S (LATE COR WIN'S) tf K i> C ? R 1 AND TEA W A R E H O SJ S E . i ._._ HEADQUARTERS FOR SELECTED DAIRY BUTTER PURE LEAP LARD I!.."' PRIME FACTORY AND ENGLISH CHEESES ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CR ICKERS, in.1 BISCUITS, 40., Jr?. N. B.-I CLAIM TO KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK AND " MOST EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY GROCERIES IN THIS CITY. VERY CHOICE F A M I L I FLOUR. ( 1 E. E. BEDFORD, PURE BRANDIES, WINES AND VERY OLD WH?SRIES. SUCCESSOR TO WILLIAM S. CORWIN A CO., ?o. 275 KING STREET, _|f| OPPOSITE HABEL. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fine Teas, Coffees, Sugars Provisions, Spices, ;&e5 HERMETICALLY SEALED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, MEATS, SOUPS, &a. All articles sold rrom thu establishment are or the VERT BEST QUALITY and WARRANTED. Gooda lelivered to all parts or the City, Railroad Depots, Steamboats, Tree of expense. EVERi E. REDFORD. ) SEND FOR A ? JAS. S. MARTIN.K GEO. H. GRUBER. ? CATALOGUE. I WM. 0. MOOD, JK. ?flcn's ftnoertTjeoT. STIR SHIRTS IND COLLARS IN THE CITY ARE TO BE POUND AT E. SCOTT'S STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM, MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET. Prices Gieatlv Reduced. STAB 8HTRT8 MADE TO ORDER AT SHORT NOTICE, AND A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. gOUTHERN DYE HOUSE. Anew FRENCH DTE HOUSE bas been opener] it No. 359 King street, where DYEING in ail col ?rs, and GleanlBg of all kinds ls done at ter shortest notice and in The best strle. L BILLER, French Dyer. No. 359 King street, near corner George street. seplft-lyr CDptical. jlCONEY CANNOT BUY IT! FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS ll The DIAMOND GLASSES, manufactured by J.E. SPENCE!! A CO., New York, which are now offered to the public, are pronounced by all the celebrated Opticians or the world to be the most Perfect, Na? tural Artificial help to the haman eye ever known. They are ground under their own supervision, from minute Crystal Pebbles, melted together, and dentro their name. "Diamond/' on account of their hardness and brilliancy. The sclenrltie principle ou which they are con? structed brines the core or centre of the lens di? rectly in fnmi of the eye. producing a olear and distinct vision, as m Hie natural,healthy sight, and preventinp all unpleasant sensations, such as mummering and wavering of sight, dizziness, Ac, peculiar to all others in use. They are mounted in the finest manner, in f ra raes of the best qnaiit v, of all materials used for that purpose. Their finish and durability can? not be surpassed. CAUTION.-None genuine unless bearing their trade mark stamped on every frame. JAMES ALLAN, Dealer In Watches, Jewelry. Sterling silverware and Optical Goods, No. 307 King street. t31-mwslyr Charleston, S. C. Bitters. OLD C ABOLIA A BITTERS, FOB BATS ET E. E. BEDFOBD, King street, C. D. AHBESfS k CO., King street, B. FELD MANN A- CO., Sing street, C. M01?EIER, And by Druggists and flrocers everywhere. WM ^^BBBBSMBBBBBBMBBBTJK! MHsg Cognac Bitters, -FIEST PBIZE Paris Exhibition 1367. Purify t !J e blood ark! strengthen the system, erad i cati rig the effect of dissipation, maintain the human frame In condition of healthfulness, dispel the Blues and all mentaf .dis? tempers, and relieve those whose sedentary habita Lay them open to depression. They prevent and cure ons and other Jftvers, Fever ax & jig?e y Chills, 2Karrhoea,l$M*rn tery, dyspepsia, Sea- Sichiess, Colic, Cholera, Cholera Jffbrpas^ and every complaint inci? dental to diet or atmos? ph?re. Ladles will Und them a sovereign boonba? they eradicate all traces of DebMty, Nervousness, Inertness, and- Disease? pcr^Har to the sex. ** J?> rcousands of Testkno- x nlals can W seen at the office of M. JACOBSON, Sole Proprietor, 04 & 60 Water Street, 2T. T. CLACnfS & WITTE, CHARLESTON, General Agents for the State o?