TEEMS OF TELS NEWS. .. R Va DAILY NB wa, by mail one year, $8; srx momba $4; tbxee montai $2 SO. Served In tao city at EIOBTSBK CHITS a weer, payable to the car? riers, or $8 a year, paid tn advance at the office. TOM "BRI-WEEKLY SEWS, published on Tuesdays, Tnwdaja and Saturdays, one year $4; six months $2. tia WEEKLY NKWS, one year $2. Six copies flo. Ten copies, to on . address, $15. SUBSCRIPTION In all cases payable lu advance, and no paper conunaea after the expiration of the time paid for. CONTRACT ADVERTISEMENTS, to run two weeks or longer, for each Une of solid nonpareil:- 2 week? 60 cents; 1 month $l; 2 months $175; 3 months $2 5d; 6 months $4; 12 months $7. Larger advertisements in exact proportion. Address RIORDAN. DAWSON ? CO.. . No. 140 East Bay, Charleston, S.C. Wit &hntkpUn 'Xms. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY U, 1871. ?m^TKB PRICE OP SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE "DALLY NEWS" IS NOW EIGHT DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. FEWS OF THE DAT. -In New Yorfc, yesterday, gold closed at HHaliJi. -Cotton closed dnll and heavy at noon quota? tions-uplands: lf?c; sales 5965 bales. -bi Liverpool, at noon, cotton was dull and .unchanged; uplands 7 ?id; Orleans "id; sales 10,000 bales." -Berlin has subscribed $60,000 to the French Charity Fund. -The great French fleet never captured a sin? gle Prussian man-of-war. The Prussians, how erer.oapt^red four French gunboats on the in ?ana - rivers. -The opening of the Young Men's Mercantile Library on Sunday, in Cincinnati, has raised a storm of indignation against lt anions the preachers. -Therels said to h?: a fearful -probability' that the insoluble problem or the "Schleswig-Holstein . question" will succeed the present war in Euroi y as an annoyance to mankind. . ~ -Fashion rep er: e rs announce a dirtied ty In re? porting the toilet:es at Washington receptions. The same .set of ladies attend ail rho ra?op dona, anil nearly au of them wear the 'same dresses over and over again. -The German's at Indianapolis rejoiced over the-fall of Paris by making a pretzel that ls large enough to feed one hundred men. It took a bar rei or flon rand-over one bu oared- po ana? Of salt, to make that pretzel. -? . .? ? -A prominent publisher, of Lelpzic, Edward ? Zrell, presented to the German army in France 20,000 copies of the "Watch am Rhein," hand? somely illustrated. The Queen of Prussia, hear? ing of the circumstance, sent him a beautiful and costly vase, with a painting or Ehrenbretstein anti the Shine upon lt. . j -The circulation of the London Telegraph is nearly two hundred thousand a day. Since the war the Dally News has made great strides m ' consequence of the superiority of its- war corres? pondence, "Lately 1thad thirty-eight columns of advertisements. The Standard, the only Tory morning London dally, declines in estimation. -Tinder the head or "Mosby as a Banker,'' a Washington paper saysi "Colonel John S. Mosby, of gu-rtna notoriety, has written to the Comp ' trolier of the Currency for luformatloa relative to the form, far application* io establish national banks, as lt ls intended to organize one at War. renton, Va." -It ls. believed that Alsace and Lorraine are. likely to be united Into a single province, under aa Imperial st ad thorner, who will reside at Stras? bourg and be invested with full oivU f.nd military, power. The province will have lu separate' . finances, jurisdiction and #ad ministration; wlU be admitted in the Zollverein, bat only arter two or three years int a the Reichstag. - -Sumner and bia friends are by no means ret l centln expresslna'lhelr decided opposition to the Joint commission, and maintain that the scheme of accommodation faUs far short of that which the administration . clai.-ued as-. Ita policy . wheo G?n?ral Grant came Into- o Ore e. Mr. Stunner - claims to occupy Ms original ground, from which bia late friends-for the separation is complete have discreditably retreated. -The new Austrian ministry Has commenced the work of strengthening the bonds of the em? pire by preparing the nation for popular conces? sions, euch as direct elections and the enlarge meat of the rights bf-'electors, to be?rged upba p ar llamen t. Bai whUe r si r play will be given? to all legitimate provln?lajjsm, there will be no com? promise with separatism a: the expense of unity. The bron hand wlU be gloved, but win be an iron Band stUL The Emperor initiates the new era by granting IUU amnesty to all political offenders. I . -French officers are quite ready to acknowledge the weak points revealed by the war. A very gallant French officer, decorated on the Held by General Dncrot for rallying his men during a ?ortie, taking them arl the ground In good order when obliged to retreat, and walking his horse leisurely, after them while nuder fire, confessed to an Englishman lu Paris that though he could not consider himself inferior la culture to 'any Prus? sian whatever Prussian o ttl cere had obtained, aa accurate knowledge of every., road and ' lane around Paris, while he had acquired -remarkable proficiency in wat ar-color drawing. The same person heard' a French officer under orders to lead a certain corps to St. Denis ask what roads lead to the place. . -^On the 16th of June the Pope will enter the twenty-sixth year or his Pontificate, abd ia antic! patina or this event, (says the Roman correspon? dent or the Pan Mall ' Gazette,) the churches of Rome are celebrating a solemn triduo for the pro? longation or his life. Le' tera have been recelveu at the Vatican from every part of the world, an? nouncing that the day will b* marked by a da moustratlo? la favor of the temporal power, and that large sums are collecting for presentation to the. Moly Father on-the occasion. Deputations will arrive Th Rome from aU the countries of Eu? rope, bearing the substantial gifts and the con? gratulations of t be falt o f ul. ?' The Pope seams now to bave.no doubt that he wi H reach the term, and th us.exceed the reign or St. Peter. -Immediate aD;ps are to be taken for the ex? change bf aU prisoners of war made by the French army sin ze the. commencement dr the warr For this ead the French authorities whl hand, as promptly as possible, a nominal Hst -of Germ?n prisoners of war to the German. military authorities at' .Amiens,' LeMans, orleana and Yosoor. The liberation of prisoners of war ?111 -be effected at points nearest to the frontier, and the German authorities wdl deliver and exchange at the same-point', in the briefest possible time, ukenotobers or French.priaoners or. war or cor? responding grades to the French mUTtary" au? thorises. The exchange will extend, to civil prisoners, such as captains or ships br the German merchant navy and civilian French prisoners re? tained In Germany. -Within a week or two a singular achievement of the telegraph has occurred. A gentleman soddenly became lil of pneumonia in Washington City. His physician, a gentleman of great attain menti and fame, resided In New York, and he was anxious that this physician shootd be c insulted about his case. A telegraph wire was by his di rectlOn taken iato his room, and the New York doctor being summoned to the telegraph office there, the Washington physician attending the patfebt informed him of the state of the case, and eves enabled him to feel his patient's pulse by causing the wire to vibrato aa the puiae Oia. The cjyjs.thus being thoroughly diagnosed in New York, the necessary prescriptions were sent thence to Washington. The attack, though vio. lent, soon yielded to the ; re r ment, and the patient is now a very cheerful convalescent. Th 1B is the firs; case of the kind we have heard o.\ lt la quite an interesting feat or telegraphing. -An evening with Sorosls is chaitUy described by a New York Herald reporter, who has pene* troted the-charm* d drele and been welcomed to "the p easaut parlor, the bright Ure," and tim company of forty or fifty women, with their strong mind mostly masked by pretty faces and disguised by tasteful and piquant costumes ; the resources or Delmonico, Including BOft-Hepping waitera In f uu-dress at command, and the dainty lunch, which go te make np the scene of enchant? ment, or course, the room was full of stars; but among those of the first magnitude were Hrs. -Jennie June Oroly, Hrs. Celia Burleigh, Madame Demorest and Miss Demorest, Mrs. Francis D. Gage, Mrs. A. J. Davis and Eleanor Kirk. While the ladies were settling themselves to business, Mrs. Frost sang a French song, all about love, which was applauded after the manner of women, by delicate tapping of lit? tle French heels and pretty clapping of soft white hands. Then came an essay on art, by Mrs. Poole, In which it was asserted that the woman soul ls the artist soul; that when men are ar? tists, lt ls the woman side of the man; that life ls a mountain out or which man hews the blocks where women finds the imprisoned angel. A re? citation all about a prince and a princess, a rose and a nightingale, which seems to have less af? fected the ecrlbe than the speaker herseir, "with her low Greek forehead, and wavy hair, and pont? ing Ups, and dimples, and dear little chin;" and a satire in which the Princess Al Schehezarade, of the Arabian Nights, comes to America, jolas So rosls, spends a dellghtrul year, and then, Spencer rifle lu hand, goes back to subdue her former lord to a mildness worthy an American husband, which is called "the reature or the occasion." Trie Last Feather. The people of South Carolina, io common with those of the whole South, have reason to know full well the extent of the penalty of having, been participants in an unsuc? cessful revolution. They understand that in the upheaval vjhich followed the war, and "which placed ignorance, avarice and blind hate in control dftheir State Government; it was te have been expected that waste and corruption and injustice of every kind should, for a time at least, sway the current of our new-fangled legislation. And notwithstand? ing the wanton extravagance and the shame? less venality whieh have ruled so long "in .Columbia; notwithstanding the frightful ex? istent to which the State debt has been swol? len, and the utter disregard of thc taxpay? ing .interest manifested by our legisla 1 tors, the people are, for tho most part, we . believe, prepared at this moment, to shoulder thetj flu and al burdens like men'; ancT strug? gle on patiently and hopefully to sustain the credit a\d pay the debts of their unforta | mite State. But sinister rumors reach us jfrom Columbia, which indicate that some of j our grasping Solons, grojrn bold by impu? nity, are ready to add the last feather which must break the camel's ' back. Nothing is thought of. or spoken ' of, bnt infa? mous railroad or other jobs, to fill the pockets of the pack of nd venturers who rule the General Assembly. Bribery no longer conf?nes its influence to individual members. It assails whole committees. We hear rumors, for which we fear there is too much foundation, that large sums have just been offered to buy the favor of a prominent committee of either House; and that those committees, previously, ablavorable to the latest and boldest of the legislative swindles, are wavering and yielding before the new temptation. . Does the General Assembly seriously-sup? pos? that there is no limit to the robbery and wrong to which the. people of South Carolina intend to submit? If so, weean tell them they have made a sad mistake. We believe that not a dollar will ever be paid on bonds hereafter issued by dint of fraud and In furtherance of corrupt schemes. And more than this. The eyes of the public a re. at; this moment faxed .upon each raem b?c of^he^txerieral .Asombiy, black and white. And even now, there are" a seor? of that precious crew in greater danger than they imagine, of being thrust into their own penitentiary under the laws themselves have made. If is DKDEBSTOOD that the President now admits the desperate situation of his parly, and ' sees but jillie prospect for the success of his intended, candidature In 1672, unless by some fortunate interposition, of which the prospect at present ls poor indeed. In an in? terview wi Ul a leading RepiibJ, ?eau, a To w days ago, h? l? reported to have said thai; tfre only hope of victory was some serious blunder on the part ol^the Democracy. This Is, indeed, a desperate hope, and it te but the echo of simi? lar utterances from the smiling Mr. Colfax, which are quite worthy ol .the genius displayed In his cheap Washington correspondence with 2 he Independent. The President has dally proofs of the dissenalonsand disintegration ot the Republican organization, and has thrown himself into the hands of the most violent fac? tion, headed by Morton, Butler, Chandler, Cameron and others, who represent the worst elements, combined with the most prod?gate corruption. Hence the scheme for recon? structing the Cabinet, and with It another sweeping change. among the office-holders. I ^was.thought at the White House that A ker? man would re>lgu about the lime he went to Georgia, even in the event of not being elect? ed io the United States Senate, and there was I some looking around at that time for a suc I ceesor. Those who are to take the places in i the Cabinet, according to the samo informa? tion, are as follows: Pleasanton is to succeed i Boutwell, and some Pennsylvanian will go in? to the Postoffice Department, Morton will take the State Department, and is said to be now at home making arrangements to that end. The War Department will be Ulled by some one who can have influence enough to balance powe* 'n a doubtful state. No one in particular is mentioned for Attorney General. _^ox Qak.^ ^ ^ IRON SAFE FOR SALE -A MEDIUM SIZE Lilly's Fire proof Safe, combination lock, lu perrect order. For sale 1 JW. Inquire at No. 36 Hayue street. rebl4-tu:hs FOR SALE, A No. I GROCERY STORE, corner llanover and Columbus streets, acing a tlrst-rate business. For sale on account or present owner having bought property else? where. For particulars, applv at the abive Store, tins week._rebll-3* FOR S\LE, SEVERAL SEWING MA? CHINES, of good quality, which are offered cheap. Call at No. 27 Queen street, between Meetlug aud Church streets._fehu FOR SALE, ON SULLIVAN'S ISLAND, a few minutes' walk from the landing, a HOUSE, .vroRE and BAKERY. Apply at the Point House_rebr-tmhso-f NEWSPAPERS.-FOR SALE A QUANTI TY of the above. Aooly ac Board or Trade Rooms, Ko. 191 Meetlug street. novlO-thtu Coparmersi'ip ?ctices. NancB^?lM?op?Bm ING Tnis DAY as-ociated wit i mo Mr. UL ti. Miari-i, the business wilt be conducted under Ahe Arm name ol FaARBORG ? MORRIS. J C 1.1 us T. FAARBORQ, W. B. MORRIS. Florence, S. C., February 1st, 1971. febl3-3 ^Dissolutions of NER->HIP.-The busluess heretofore exist lug nn17TNA STEAM TIRE ENGINE COM JJOJ PASY.-The Regular Monthly Meeting or your Company will be held THIS EVENING, nth Instant, at the Hall, at bair-past 7 o'clock. rebl4 JOHNMcLEtBH, Secretary. Ukrnts. WANTED, A SITUATION AS PORTER in a store, or tu Waltlngmsrt in-a private ram Hy, or to attend to a horse and" buggy. Is wining to make himself generally userai. Apply at this oillce._ftbl4-2 WANTED, PLANTATION HANDS. Forty-good HANDS, can get Immediate and permanent employment by applying at STELLUfO'S RESTAURANT, comer Meeting and Chalmers street, to HIGGINS A JOHNSON. fcbl4-l?_ W- ANTED, A COOK AND WASHER, also a Maid and Washer. Good recom? mendations. required. Apply at No. M Meeting street._._ febU-i* WANTED!* A MAID' SERVANT, AP PLV at once to PORCHER A HENRY, South Atlantic Wharf.._fehl4-1* WANTED, AN ENTRY .CLERK MUST be a rapid and good peueman, correct at figures, and with a knowledge nr bookkeeping. Address In own t?&n?Twritlng, elating references, Postoffice Box, No 71. _febl4-2? WANTED, A' TEACHER FOR TWO Children, aged nine and twelve. One wno can teach music, and ls experienced In governing children, prererred. Apply to Captain J. B.. Ridge Spring. S. C._febl4-2* WANTED, IN A PRIVATE FA JULY, a boy about 15 years old. Recommenda? tions required. Apply at No. 4 Wentworth sineet. rebl4-l?_ \rrjRSE AND COOK WANTED. NONE i_l need apply without recommendations. Apply In Calhoun street, south side, second door rrom St. Phillp Street. feMS SCHOOL DESKS AND BENCHES" WANTED.-Any person having a rew School Desks and Benches io df?pjse or, will lind a pur? chaser at the Confederate Widows'Home, Broad street._feh6 AYOUNG LAD? IS DESIROUS OF obtaining a situation as companion or housekeeper to an Invalid or elderly-lady, either in the city or country. Salary not so much or an object as a comfortable home. Address M. 25., DAILY NEWS Office. Jan24 ?oar?ing. BOARDING.-GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, or two single gentlemen, cou obtain Boara, at No. sa B oad streets_febi4-l? PRIVATE BOARDING AT MRS. W. S. FRAZER'S, No. 4 Hudson street reb2-thitu7* tkmoDole. NOTICE.-THE "EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY," or New York, have removed from No. 141 Meet'.mr street to their new office?.No. 20 BROAD STRKET. WM. B. SHAW, rcbl3 - General Agent. Jiisuraiiic. rp H E SOU T-H E R N ' L I F E INSURANCE COMPANY. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, ' ATLANTA, QA. General John B. Cordon. President. Atlanta, Qa. General A. H. Colqultt, Planter, Barker County, Ga. A. Au-itell. Banker, Atlanta, Ga. E. W. Holland, Atlauta, tim. J. ll. Canaway, Atlanta, G i. Hun. B. C. Yancey, Athens, Ga. B. J. Smith, Planter. Cuthbert, Ga. H. V. M. Ml U-r, Atlante, UM. General Wade Hampton, Columbia, S. C. William Johust'iu. President C A S. C. R. H., Charlotte, N. C. C. H. Pululzy, commission Msrcliant, Augusta, Ga. Robert Thom js, Athens. Ga. D. E. Hailer, Commission Merchant, Augusta, Ga. B. L. Willingham, l'l inter, .Allendale, S. C. W. A. caldwell. Greensboro', N. 0. R, H. Gowan, Wilmington, N. C. D. K. Murchison, Wilrnlngtou, N. C. * F. J. Pe zer, Charleston, & 0. D. G. Fowle, Raleigh, N. G. General W. R. Cox, R delgh, N. C. BOARD OF. DIRECTORS, MEMPHIS, TENN. R. c.-Brinkley, President Memphis and Little Rock Railroad, Memphis, Tenn. F. M. White, President Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad, Memphis, Tenu. Amos Woodruir, President Memphis and Ohio Railroad, Mein pms, 'fenn. F. fe". Davis. President First National Bink, Mem? phis. Tenn. D. H. Townsend, Memphis, Tenn. H. A. Partee, Cotton Factor, Memphis, Tenn. T. A. Nelson. Colt--n Factor/Memphis, Tenn. Hugh Torrence, Cotton Fautor, Memphis, Tenn. J. Weller, Contractor, Memphis, Tenn. J. W. McCowu Merchant, Memphis Tenn. Charles Kortrecht, Attorney at Law, Memphis, Tenn. C. W. Fraser, Attorney at Law, Memphis, Tenn. General John B. Cordon, Atlanta, Ga. W. 0. Ireland, Louisville, Ky. W. H. Cherry, Banker, Memphis, Tenn. OFFICERS. T. A. NELSON, President; AMOS Woonanup, First vice-presideat. F. M. Warre, Second Vice-president. HEN. MAY, secretary. CUAS. T. PATERSON, Assistant Secretary. F. s. DAVIS, Treasurer. AUGUSTA BRANCH. ?E.VI? LAWTON, I Geueral Aeents- . Pam UP CAPITAL. $240,000 iucome, per nnunm.1,000,000 Assets, January 1st, nearly...,.1,200,000 SAMUEL Y. T?PPPER, . febio-imo RESIDENT AGENT. B j?oots, Sl)O*0T Ut. OOTS AND SHOES QET THE BEST 1 GET THE BEST ! GET THE BEST I Buy your BOOTS AND SHOES at S T E I B B R . 8 , No. -41 BROAD STREET. He makes thom to order, in any style desired, using only the best material and workmanship. Constantly on hand, a large assortment of cus? tom made BOOTS AND H HOBS', or all sizes. The New EXCELSIOR GAITER, Which dispenses with shoe siringa and elastic, MADK TO ORDER at inls establishment. Call and examine sp?cimen?. JAGOB ST El BER, dccl3-tuths3mo9 No. 41 Broad street. & iSroceiles, J&upwrs, &t. ? ? \Q.EpEGB..WJ.^^LIAMS & CO.,J* .WHOLESALE GROCERS, CHARLESTON, S..?., . . . ARE RFCEIVING AND HAVE IN STORE : - 800 bags Rio, Laguayra and Java: COFFEE 100 hu?s. Porto Rico, Muscovado- and N. 0. Sugars 400 bbl?. Refined Sugars 250 hhds. Muscovado,' Cuba Clayed and Reboil? ed Molasses . . . . 200 bbl*. Golden,' Amber Drip and N. 0. Syrup 1000 kegB Parker* MHls Nails. ORANGE RIFLE POWDER, Shot, Caps, Candy, Spices, Teas, Crackers, Soda, Star Candles, Bar Soaps, Oysters, sardines-, Axle Grease. Grind? stones, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Vinegar, Rice, Wooden Ware, Ac, Ac. febll-stothl2 J^OOE AT THIS. Now ls the time for dealers to lay'in'their stock of . ' LIQUORS FOR THE SEASON, and we are prepared to save them the trouble of ordering from the North, by selling them the same article here for cash at what they would have to pay in Philadelphia for it, thereby saving freight, insurance and other expenses, i We are enabled to do so by oar late arrangements with two of the principal Liquor houses of Philadelphie' -JOHN GIBSON'S SON ic GO., and HENRY WAL? LACE A CO.. We have now on hand loo barrels of the follow? ing brands: . OLD CORN WHISKEY . X WHISKEY . XX WHISKEY * XXX WHISKEY mt WHISKEY NECTAR WHISKEY CABINET WHISKEY, ANO fit>barrels JOHN GIBSON'S SON* CO.'S OLD DEERCREEK RYE WHISKEY, of which brands we have the sole right to sell in this city. We'also keep constantly oh hand, Port, Madei? ra and Sherry WINES; at the lowest price for the quality. Git ens a trial. BYRNE A FOGARTY, No. 126 East Bay, corner Fraser's wharf. febo-mituth ._. JJ 4 H? W. CATHER WOOD'S EXTRA FINE PURE OLD M O N 0 N G AH E L A" WHISKIES. in order to facilitate the supply of our'PURE OLD MONONGAHELA RYE WHISKIES IQ oar former numerous customers at the South, we have appointed Messrs. H. GERD J S A colour Agents, who, by this arrangement, are enabled to -iuppiv the trade at prices which will insure satis? faction. H. A. H. W. CATHERWOOD. The subscribers take pleasure to inform their customers and the trade generativ that they have still a few barrels of the Messrs. OATHERWOOD'S FINE OLD MONONGAHELA WHISKIES on hand, which has had the benefit of a Southern summer's heat. Have also received recently one hundred barrels of various grades, at reduced prices. H. GERDTS A CO., 'dec20-tnths3moB_No. 195 East Bay. ?pLOUR, SIDES, SHOULBERS, HAMS, PORK, COFFEE, SUGAR, AO. J E PP 0 RDS & CO., NOS. .17 and 19 VENDUE/RANGE, OFFER AT LOWEST MARKET RATES: 600 bbls. Presh Ground FLOUR 26 hhds. Choice Clear Rib Sides 20 hhds. Prime smokeoVS'uoulders io tierces Choice s. 0. Hams 10 tierces Pure Lear Lard 26 bbls. Heavy City Mess Pork ?* 20,000 pounds Prime Dry Salt sides 10,000 pounds Dry Salt Bellies loo sarks Rio Coffee 150 bbls. Refined Sugars loo cases 2 and 8 nt, Fresh Tomatoes 76 caaes Fresh Peaches loo oases; 1 and 2-n>, Fresh Oysters. ocUl-tuthaSmos _"_ QHEAP AS THE CHEAPESTl GOOD AS THE BEST I TA the universal verdict proaosoeed upon OST EN D O R F F " S PRIZE GROCERIES N. B.-All goods delivered free or charge. PRIZES! PRIZES! PRIZES! Not braes jewelry either, given with all sales of one dollar, at OSTENDORFF'S PRIZE GROCERY, Northeast corner of Rutledge avenue and Cannon street, Jan3-tQths2mos_ J^INE S. L COTTON SEED FOR SALE. 76 bushels "PREMIUM," (crop or mo, sold at fl 26 per pound.) - bushels '.Albion," (Crop of 1870, sold at $1 per pound. J - bushels "Champion" Crop, and select Apply to GAILLARD A MIN OTT. febo-thatu _Vanderhorst's" Wharf. JJANNIS'S . ACME RYE WHISKIES. Messrs. H. S. HANNIS ? CO., of Philadelphia, ever intent to Improve on the qualities or their WHISKIES, can lay claim to producing some of the choicest In the country, and having rendered U?e nrjees such as to to make them available for every class of trade and ror general use. offer the celebrated Acme brands or CABINET, NECTAR, XXXX, XXX XX and X. t brough us, as their sole agents for this clty-and the State ol South Caro? lina, at the most advantageous prices and terms. CL AC ICS Je WITTE, No. 130 East Bay. M BARRELS ANO 26 HALF BARRELS OF THE ABOVE ON HAND IPW. nor26-stnth8mos ._ JJICKSON COTTON SEED. 200 bushels Selected SEED, Na 1 soo busliels Seed, No. 2. The above seed ls raised from the No. 1 Seed 'Imported direct from DAVID DICKSON, Sparta, Ga., 1870, and grown an the Marnhlaud Farm near this city. For sale at very low prices by J. C. II. CLAUSSEN, feb3-ftn_Market-street J^IVERPOOL SALT. 3600 sacks Liverpool SALT, landing from Bark Deinste, direct from Liverpool. For sale by fcb8_T. J. KERR & CO.: J^IVERPOOL SALT AFLOAT. 4000 sacks Liverpool SALT, Just received per bark Vinco, aud for sale in lots to-suit purchasers by . ROBERT MURE A CO., Jan23_Central Wharf. ^?CALED HERRING. looo boxes SCALED HERRING. For sale low by W. GURNEY, febll-stuth? No. 102 East Bay. ? a si nc s s Car bs. JAMES MCCONKEY, PAINTER AND DECORATOR. Orders received st A. 0. BARBOT'S Drug Store, No. 48 Broad street_Jan24-lmo ^N SLEY D. COHEN, SHIP BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 78 EAiT BAY, CORNER NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF. FREIGHTS for Foreign and Domestic Ports procured at best market rates. Strict attention given, and liberal advances made on all consignments. All orders faithfully executed._feb4-stnth. Jg ALL, BLACK & CO., Sos. 865 and 567 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, WATCHES and SILVERWARE, Of the best quality and at LOWEST PRICES. Goods sent per Express, C. O. D. jnnl8-lyr_ J? I N G WILLIAM. Just received at KI VG WILLIAM'S CIGAR FAG- ' TO RV, No. ?.o King street, near Society street, a large and c impi?t? assortment of Leaf, Chewing and Smokl ig TOBACCO, Cigarettes, Snuff, Pipes. Ac Havana and O ?nestle Cigars imported ana maauruotur-M by WM. SCHRODER, who respect? fully Invites cheattentloa or chewers and smokers, aud traders, wholesale and retail, to a stock rally comprising every variety or quality and prices, from the cheapest to the highest grade, which hi offered at the lowest cash rates. Ail orders from the country will receive prompt attention and shipped Ci O. D., or at thirty days' city accept? ance. . ?ecl3-?mos JJOMOOPATHIO REMEDIES. A FULL ASSORTMENT jost received by DB. H. 'alys No 131 Meenag street I StTCCZSSOB TO L G H , PALMETTO PIONEER COOPERATIVE GROCERY Sonthwestcorner Meeting and Marget atr.eetj, "* A DBALBB.I? . CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS AND-OIGARfc- - - febl4-tntb88 F I SH BOES A supp* Just Teceived.by^ fc a Sont ti west Corner Meeting ano? Market-stree ta. febi4-i jQ O BN , LA-ED, & c. ' '4000bU8bjiaPRIM^ORlI ' . . - ' 150 bores Long Clear Middles 80 bbls. and half bbls. Lard : ' -3G? bbls. Potatoes. For sale by . r?bl? . T. TUPPER ASONE. "^?TE OFFEB FOR SALE, TO CL03 E. CONSIGNMENTS,. AND TO REDUCE OUR STOCK, AT REASONABLE PRIOESr 400 gallons FRENCH BRANDY, in bond and doty ' paid ' . - casks Holland Gin, Scotcli Whiskey and West India Rum " ' . ? 50 pactage*Haanl8's Acme Rye Whiskey loo bbls. Cheap Whiskey, Oin, Ram, Ac 6 bbls. Choice Peach and Apple Brandy . ' 60 caskB Choice Part, Shermy and-Madeira Wide 25 casks hnpofted-aod Co mest Lc Vinegar 100 cases Champagne, Olaret and Rhine Wine.. so cases Brandy Cherries and Sweet Od iso case? stein Mil's and Ll pp man's Bitters 100 cases Lemon Syrup, Cider and Pickles ' 1C0 cases Salmon, .Lofaster, Oysters and'Reaches, ta cans . iso cases Bottled Beer. . Our welT assorted Stook ot COFFEE. SUGAR, TEA,Spines, Molasses, Bacon . Mackerel, Tobacco, Cigars.-Caudles, Soap, Sote. Lye, Wrapping Paper, Blacking. Buckets 'T Brooms, Matonea, Shot, Caps, Nats, Pipes Demijohns and Bottles o? every variety Corks, Bagging:and Twine.- '_ feblS-mtufa . CLAODJ8 Sc WITTE,1' QORN, OATS AND PEAS. 7414 bushels-PRIME WHITE CORN. Per schooner Mary J. Russell, fr oui Norfolk, Virginia. 7887 bushels Prime White Virginia Corn 1600 bushels Black Seed Oats . 454 bushels Black Peas 88 bushels Clay Peas, *" Per schooner James VeMron, from Norfolk, Virginia . . 5050 bushels Prima Maryland Com 1200 bushels Prime Maryland Oats , 10O bbls. Soper Flour, Per schooner Geo.-H. Squire, from Ballimore 2400 bushelrPrtme Maryland Corn 1760 I ushels Prime Oats, Per- schooner Ella Matthews, from Balti? more. . . For sale hy . febl3 . T. J. KERR SC CO. J HA WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S, WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S ?WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S WILSON'S " GROCERY We are now GROCERY oaooBssr GROCERY S U GAR S" GROCERY GROCERY at GROCERY GROCERY Wholesale Prices. GR^CEBT ' ?S60ERY Crushed Sugar,,.. GROCERY 8J? maror %t - ; gfggg| " - GROCERY . Stuart's A Sonar, GwicEaV ?. GROCERY 6X?sfof$i. ||^?RY,V Extra C Sugar, GROgERY 7 lbs for $1. GROCERY GROCERY Very Light Brown Sugar, OBBCHBY GROCERY -8 tts for ?1. GROCERY * * GROCERY - GROCERY GROCERY GROCERY GROCERY GROCERY ?ROCERY ROCKEY GROCERY GROCERY GROCERY GROCBRY GROCERY GROCERY GROCERY GROCERY GROCERY GROCERY. GROCERY ?-DELIVERED F REE-ga GROCERY ^ GROCERY from the GROCERY - GROCERY PEOPLE'S GROCERY GROCERY GROCERY HOUSE, GROOERT GROCERY Corner GROCERY . GROCBRY ANSON AND SOCIETY 8T8V CROC GROCI Brown Sugar, 9 os for ii. Brown Sugar, 10 rb s for tl. Ant OOOD8 jg ASTERN HAY. y00 bales EASTERN HAY. Landing and for sale by J. A. ENS LO w A CO., ' feb2_No. 141 East Bay. 18- THE - 71 "CHAMPION HAM" ls considered the best ever introduced ID this city. This Ls the opinion of -all who have tried them. 18-THE-71 CHAMPION HAM ls warranted-if they do not prove what ls claim? ed for them, the money win be refunded. IS-THE-71 CHAMPION HAM ls enred expressly for the undersigned, and no expense has been spared to make them superior to all other Hams. 18-THE-7? CHAMPION HAMS are put np in thin glazed canvass, and run from eight to twelve pounds each. We invite everj>" body to try ~ 18-THE-71 CHAMPION HAM cured expressly for janll EVERT E. BEDFORD, No. 'llb King street. Jj I A H O N D-H ? H S, DAVIS'S DIAMOND HAMS, DUFFIF.LD'3 WESTPHALIA HAMS. DUFFIELDS BONELESS BREAKFAST STRIPS. DUFFIELD'S CHOICE SMOKED BEEF. DUFFIELDS SMOKED BEEF TONQUES? For sale by' . M ". EVEK-T E. BEDFORD, Late Wm. s. Corwin A Ooy Janll No. 276 King street. JUST IN! A Large Lot ut NEW HYSONS, SOUCHONGS AND OOLONGS, taken out of bond after tue reduction or tatt tariff. JOHN HURKAMP A 00. nov24-3moa_ COAL AT $8 75 PER TON Dc LIV BRED. QUALITY G CAR AN TE tl). 200 tons Orate and Stove COAL, delivered uti any part or the cltyiat $8 75 per ton. Landing thtsjf ctay. Apply to J. A. ENSLuW SC CO., reb2 No. 141 East Bay.