The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, September 10, 1870, Image 3

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CITY AFFAIRS. ADVERTISERS will tain notice that we cannot Engage that any advertisement sent to THE NEWS office at a later hour than half-past nine o"clock at night will appear In. the next morn? ing's paper. An exception to this rule ls made in favor of notices of meetings, deaths and funerals. RANGE OP THE THERMOMETER at Joseph Blackman's drug store, No. 3?> Broad street, September 9: 8 o'clock, 74; 10, 78:12, 81; 2, 80; 4, 79; G. 77; 8, 76. IN THE WAT OF PEARS.-We saw yesterday a Bartlett pear, grown In Rutledge avenue, in this city, which weighed eighteen and a quar? ter ounces. ST. MICHAEL'S BELLS.-On and after the 20th of this month the bells of St. Michpel's will be rung at 7 P. M., instead of at 8 P. M., and at 9 P. M., Instead of at 10 P. M. RELIGIOUS.-Rev. Mr. Girardeau having re? turned, there will be the usual Sabbath Ser Tices at the Zion Presbyterian Church to? morrow. __ REASONS FOR BEATING Hrs WIFE.-Benjamin Wall, who was arraigned beiore Trial Justice .J. G. Mackey, yesterday morning, for chastis? ing his wife, was given a light sentence be? cause he had a good reason for his conduct. LARCENY OF MONET.-Charles Bryant, ar? rested for stealing money from Annie Hey? ward, had a hearing yesterday morning before Trial Justice Bunch, and pleading guilty, was sentenced to fifteen days In Jail. "fas OLD OFFENDER.-Yesterday, Trial Justice Levy committed to jail an old offender, named Albert Harrison, who left the penitentiary a few days ago, and robbed the premises of Mr. E. Walsh, at the corner of King and Columbus ?streets. __ CRUMBS.-A fine of five dollars.imposed upon a drunken man, was the result of yesterday's session of the Mayor's Court. The owner of the valuable gr?ld watch re? covered by Officer Quinn, on Wednesday even lng, has been found. He was robbed while asleep. __ CLUBS AND STARS.-Margaret Weston and Jeannett Butler, two vagrants, have been ar? rested by the detectives. Edward Jones stole a bunch of keys yester? day evening from Mr. James Allan's Jewelry store, in King street. He was arrested by Officer Burke of the detectives, and the keys recovered. He is held for prosecution. EAST BAT.-We learn that the committee on the part of the city, and the land owners along the Une where it is proposed to wide East Bay. met yesterday, and at last came to decision in regard to the Appraisement of thc property to be appropriated to obtain the de sired width. It ls probable that the work will be commenced at an early day. DONATIONS.-The German Ladles' Society gratefully acknowledge, the following dona t^sns : A pair of handsome vases and a pair of embroidered shoes, from Mr. H. Campsen; a baby's sack, from Mr. C. Plenge; a bottle of cologne, from Mr. L. Mahlstedt; a toilet box, from Mr. F. Muller; two fire screens, one French flower bouquet, and a variety ot fancy ?articles, from Mrs. J. P. Merkhardt. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF FREIGHT IN BULK. Yesterday we mentioned that the first car load of grain in bulk for the Southern markets had reached Augusta from St. Louis a few days pince. On Thursday last, three cars from St Louis arrived In Augusta, one loaded with grain, In bulk, for a Arm in that city; one with flour for Charleston, and the other for Colum? bia It is believed that the officers of the 4lGreen Line" have now perfected arrange? ments for the transportation of all freight'in Its care from the Western markets to the Southern seaboard, and In any amount, with? out change or breakage of bulk. DIED FROM HIS INJURIES_Yesterday's NEWS mentioned that the day before a little child. named James Hey ward, ' was run over at the correr of West and Mozyck streets, and was badly injnred. Since then, the little fellow died. Yesterday Coroner Whiting held an in? quest, when the testimony showed that the child was attempting to run across the street In front of the mule, which was at a walk at the time, and fell. While on the ground, the cork of one of the mules shoes struck it on the back part or the head, fracturing the skull, ana causing death. The driver, Sandy Sim? mons, remained with the chlldtymtil he was arrested. The Jury, after hearing the testi? mony, returned a verdict exonerating the dri? ver from all blame, and attributing the cause of death to accident, whereupon the driver waa released. A WANT TO BE SUPPLIED_The travelling public will be gratified to know that the pres? ent barbarous custom of starving the unfortu* nates who take passage from Savannah to Bichmond, or points beyond, during the whole journey from Savannah to Wilmington or Wel? don, ls soon to cease. The go-ahead officers of the Savannah and Charleston Railroad Company are about to fit up a refreshment sa? loon OD the steamer Fanny, by which passen? gers are transported from the St. Andrew's terminus of the road to the company's depot In Charleston. The delay necessary for ma? king the transfer of baggage and express freight, and time occupied in crossing the Ash? ley River, wilt be amply sufficient for passen? gers to take a comfortable lunch without any fear ol being lett behind, and without any loss of time. SUPREME COURT, COLUMBIA, SEPTEMBER 7. The court met at 10 A M. Present-Chief Justice Moses and Associate Justice Willard. On motion of Mr. John T. Sloan, Jr., and on the exhibition of the diploma of John Baus kett to practice law in any of the courts of Maryland, it is ordered that the said John Bauskett be admitted to the practice of law In the courts of this State, on taking the pre? scribed oath. The case of W. E. James and J. J. James vs. Jack Smith and Adam Bristow was, on mo? tion of Mr. Harllee, ordered to be docketed. Mr. Spain, for respondent? moved to strike the case off. Refused. Mr. Spain, for re? spondents, moved to continue the ca3e. Re? fused. At two P. M., the court adjourned. Wednesday, September 8.-The court met at 10 A. M. Present-Chief Justice Mose3 and Associate Justice Willard. In the case of W. E. James and J. J. James, respondents, vs. Jack Smith and Adam Bris? tow, appellants. Mr. Spain was heard for re? spondents. Alter hearing the argument on the part of the respondents, the motion of the attorneys for the appellants was granted. The following order was made: That the said A. C. Spain, Esq., attorney and counsellor, of this conrt, do show cause before this court on the first day of the November term, 1870, why he should not be attached for a contempt in the presence of the said court, committed during the hearing of the caso entitled W. E. James and J. J. James vs. Jack Smith and Adam Bristow, ia re Thomas C. Cox, on the Sta day of September, 1870. At 2 P. M., the court adjourned until the .8;t>, at io A. M. THE SOUTHERN AND ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH COXPASY. Within the past ten or fifteen years, the ex? tension of the telegraphic system has revolu? tionized the manner of conducting mercantile business. The negotiations which were for? merly carried on by mail are now effected by the agency ol the magnetic wires; and, in ad? dition, the rapidity with which operations can be completed in distant markets has largely swelled the volume of transactions. Legitimate business, as well as speculative business, has rapidly risen in amount, and the telegraph has become a first necessity of the commercial world, depending, however, for its vslue upon the promptness and certainty with which the dispatches are sent and received. In the Southern States the telegraph lines have been controlled by a single company, and naturally enough, in the absence of competition, that company has failed to give the public the fa? cilities which they expected and desire. A healthy competition ls the ouly real security of | the public against careless conduct and high prices, and we have, therefore, watched with great interest the progress ol the Southern and Atlantic Telegraph Company, eslabllshed for the construction of lines ol'tele? graph, between Washington, Richmond, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, New Orleans, Memphis, and all important points in the Southern States. This company, ol which R. W. Dorphley, Esq., of Philadelphia, has been elected president, lu place or W. C. Patterson, Esq., has its lines iu actual operation as far South as Richmond. A large number ot the poles for the line from Charleston to Columbia are already up, and the wire for the same stretch arrived by the Manhattan. The work will be pushed vigorously forward, and in a comparatively short time the merchants of the South will have as much cheap and expedi? tious telegraphic communication as they re? quire. Asa business calculation, merchants may become shareholders in the Southern and At? lantic Telegraph Company, with a certainty that the decrease in tolls, and the increased re? gularity and dispatch, will, iu themselves, be equal to a handsome dividend upon their in? vestment. But the line will be built at a mode, rate expense. Its capital will represent the act? ual cost of equipment. And there ls no reason to doub: that the new company will be worked so as to earn a large profit. The profits of well-managed telegraph com? panies are always large, and it is the universal experience, in this country and In Europe, that a reasonable reduction of tolls so In? creases the amount of business as to make the profit, at the lower price, more than at the larger one. No stockholder ls liable for more than the amount of his stock; and it is distinct? ly provided that the lines shall not be sold or consolidated without the consent of three ourths, lu amount, of the stockholders ol the company. The prospects ci the uew cotnpaay are ex lellent, and we know of no enterprise more lkely to be profitable to its stockholders or nore advantageous to the general public. DEATH OF A FIREMAN'.-Henry Larcomb, president of the United Fire Company, died yesterday morning ot country fever. The uneral services will take place this morning, DEATH OF WILLIAM JERVEV. ESQ.-The minmi Intelligence ot the death of this most C loble and estimable gentleman was received J ast evening by private telegram. Mr. Jervey was born in this city in Novem- q >er, 1811, and passed almost his whole life 1 1?re. He entered the College of Charleston at n m early age, and graduated in the same class b vi th some of our most learned citizens, tl imong whom were Chancellor Lcsesne. il ?resident Middleton, of the college, H. M. B Jruns, Esq., and Rev. Richard S. Trapier. Soon ifter graduating, Mr. Jervey commenced the tudy of law, and was admitted to the bar in 835, and soon after be became associated in msiness with the Hon. C. G. Mcmmlnger, rith whom he continued the practice of his trofesslon until his death, persistently relus ng to enter public life, although frequently so iclted by bis many friends to do so. At the ireaklng out of the Seminole war, Mr. Jervey 'oluuteered as an officer In the Wash ngton Light Infantry of this city for Ute lefence of St. Augustine. For many years iast Mr. Jervey has been a prominent meni ier or the vestry of St. Michael's Church, and or some time he was one of the commission ire ol free schools lor this district. He died X his brother's residence in Powhatan County, virginia, yesterday morning, at t? o'clock. A good Chrlstiau, a due scholar, and a kind ind earnest friend has passed from amongst ts. Mild and benevolent in disposition, his oss will be deeply felt. Seldom are we called ipon to chronicle the death ol' one so gener lly beloved. 'HARLESTON ANCIENT ARTILLERY SOCIETY. Tributo or Respect. When last it became our sad duty to mourn t vacancy in our midst, and to sorrow over a riend taken away, it was one full of \ ears and lonors, with his hoary head crowned with the 'rosto ot many wluters, that we spoke. To-night we meet together, and look around mr circle and find one more vacancy, and his time not of one whom, while we deplored, ve yet felt had accomplis!-ed his full term upon .arth, but of one, a younger brother, stricken lown In his early manhood, with all life's routhful vigor, and energy, and hope. We meet, and we miss our friend, William E. Hikell. In other spheres he was known and honored for his high attainments In his pro? fession-for thc energy and independence of character which marked his dealings with men-for the sterling worth and Integrity whieh, as a public man, he always exhibited. In our circle he was loved and valued lor the many endearing traits which his character presented-for his staunch, unflinching friend, ship-for his genial, social life and spirit-for the ready hand, the sympathizing heart. We have lost one with whom we had well hoped to spend many hours of happy social in? tercourse. But He who doeth all things well, has seen proper to call him trom this world, we trust to a better one, and we mourn and are silent. Be it, therefore, Resolved, That in the death of William E. Mikell, we have lost a bright link in our gold? en circle of friendship, whose place we shall find it hard to fill. Resolved, That not only this society, but the community at large, has been deprived of a man-a man of energy, of truth, of honor, on whom all relied, and whose Influence, ever felt, was always lor good. Resolved, That to bis bereaved family we tender our sincerest sympathies In their great loss, and beg leave to offer Ms simple tribute of our esteem and affection. Resolved, That a blank page In our minute book be dedicated to his memory, and that this preamble and resolutions be published in THEDAILT NEWS and Courier. From the minutes ol'September 8, 1870. CHARLES P. FRAZER, Secretary and Treasurer. BUSINESS NOTICES. JUST RECEIVED, a fine assortment ol Boots and Shoes, selected from the best manufac? turers. They are offered at retail and at low rates. JOHN' COMMINS, No. 131 Meeting street, sep7-ws4 Near Market street. L-tROE SALE OF CLOTHING, 4c-We invite especial attention to the sale of clothine, blankets, caps, ?cc, advertised by Messrs. John G. Milnor & Co., to take place on Tues? day next at 10 o'clock. STEAMER ELIZA HANCOX.-This favorite steamer will receive freight for Savannah and way landings, on Tuesday, and sall on Wed? nesday, 14th instant, at 7 A. M. See adver? tisement. HAVE you tried my dollar Tea, Green and Black? WILSON'S GROCERY. jun8 BILL HEAPS printed on tine paper at $3, $4, $5, $6 60 and S8 50 per thousand, according to size, at THE NEWS Job Office. BUSINESS ENVELOPES_THE NEWS Job Office is now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with business cards printed thereon, at $4 per thousand. Send your orders. Every mer? chant and business man should have his card printed on his envelopes. SHOES ! SHOES ! SHOES .'-The public are re? spectfully Invited to call at Lyons's Cheap Shoe House, No. 78 Market street, near Meet? ing, north side, opposite Co-operative store, sign of big boot and sign of big shoe, where you will be politely waited on; the proprietor always on hand" at this fancy establishment. You will certainly obtain bargains. aug27-86mos T. LVONS. XlXarrieo. MCNULTY-JCGNOT.-On Thursday, Septem? ber 8, at the residence of the bride's uncle, by the Rev. C. H. Northrop, Mr. GEORGE C. MCNULTY md Miss CARRIE L. JUGNOT, both of this etty. Manera! Notices. P9* THE RELATIVES, FRIENDS AND acquaintances or Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Theillug, ire respectfully Invited to attend the Funeral services or their youngest son, FREDERICK WIL SELM, from the residence, corner America and Blake streets, THIS MORNING, at io o'clock. sepio*_ THE RELATIVES AND FRIENDS >f WILLIAM JERVEY are respectfully Invited to ittend his Funeral Services, at St. Michael's :tinrch, at l o'clock TO-MORROW._seplO pa*THE RELATIVES, FRIENDS AND icaualntances o? Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh, or dr. and Mrs. John ' Blake, and Mrs. Alice ?lake, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral or Mr. EDWARD WALSH, rrom his late esidence, No. 8 South street, THIS AFTERNOON, it 4 o'clock._Pep io* pa* THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD f the Fire Department are respectfully Invited to ttend the Funeral of Mr. HENRY LARCOM1?, tte President of the United Fire Company, which rill take place at 9 o'clock Tms MORNING, from ls late residence, In Calhoun street. sepio-* Special Notices. pa* I HAVE BROKEN UP SEVERAL mg standing cases of Chilla and Fever with IMMONS'S LIVER REGULATOR. I also find lt a rest remedy ror Dj spepsla and Liver DUease. J. W. ANSLEY, seplO-1 Buena Vista. Ga. pa* J. R. SOLOMONS, M. D., DEN 'IST, has returned to the City._sep8 pa* UNITED STATES DISTRICT ?0CRT-SOUTH CAROLINA DlSTRlOf.-?N RE HE LAURENS RAILROAD COMPANY, BANK. LUPTS -IN BANKRUPTCY-The creditors of the aureus Railroad Company, Bankrupts, ulred, by order of the Court, dated August 26, 970, to render and establish their respectlv< ens, before C. G. JAEGER, Registrar, at New erry. South Carolina, within thirty days from ie publication hereor, or they will be precluded .om any distribution or the assets or the said ankrupt. JAMES M. BAXTER, Assignee. Newberry, S. C., September 6,1870. seps-imo ya* NOTICE. - CONSIGNEES PER rltlsh BarklORANTON are hereby notified that ie has THIS DAT been entered under the Fiv< ay Act. All goods not permitted at the explra on of that time wlil be sent to the Government tores. HENRY CARD, sep6-5_Agent. jZa?r*NOTICE.-I WISH TO SAY THAT lr. PUDIGON, late or the firm or MORGAN UDIGON, for making Turpentine, has no longer ny Interest in Turpentine or other business with ie. A. MORGAN. Georgetown. September 1st. 1S70. septe-6 pa* NOTICE. -OFFICE SAVANNAH ND CHARLESTON RAILROAD COMPANY HARLESTON, S. C.-The Coupons ror interest a the Bonds of thc Charleston and Savannah ail road Company, guaranteed by thc state or uuth Carolina, which mature Septemher 1st, 170. will be paid on presentation at the First Na oual Bank of Charleston. nug29 _S. W. FISHER. Treasurer. pa* NOTICE.-OFFICE SAVANNAH ND CHARLESTON RAILROAD COMPANY, HARLESTON, S. C.-The Coupons on the Bonds or ie Savannah and Charleston Railroad Company, >r runded Interest, which mature September 1st, 370, will be pai 1 on preseutauou at the Banking louse or H. H. KIMPTON. Financial."Agent State r South Carolina, No. 9 Nassau street, New York, r at the First National Bank of Charleston, at ie option or the.holders. S. W. FISHER, ang29 _ Treasurer. pa* NOTICE.-AT A MEETING OF he Town Council or Moultrlevllle, Sullivan's Is ind, held THURSDAY. August 20,1870, the follow ig resolutions were adopted: ******* Resolved,, That the Clerk or Council be Instruct d to advertise that all parties who have made ap hcatlon ror Lots prior to August ll, 1870. will ecelve their certificates by calling on htm, at lo. 15 Broad street, aud paying all charges, lu ludlng road duty fo;- this year. ******* Resolved, That all persons to whom Lots have een granted must apply ror the certificate or the ame, and pay all charges therein within thirty 10) days after publication of notice heretofore rdered. and that In default thereof the privilege ranted be rorrelted. ******* Extract from the Minutes. D. B. GI LL I LAND, Clerk Town Council, aug27_Moultrlevllle. S. I. pa* A GOOD THING.-A REMEDY hat will relieve women or those complaints that re peculiar to ladles, is a remedy without price. ?hl3 DK. J. BRADFIELDS'S FEMALE REGULA 'OR will always do. For sale by GOODRICH, WISEMAN A- CO. Jun27-9tuthsmos YOU CAN ! SAVE MONEY BY HAVING YOUR PRINTING I EXECUTED AT THE NEWS JOB OFFICE. I ??-ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED.?? pa* AWAY WITH SPECTACLES. -OLD Eyes made new, easily, without doctor or medi? cines. Sent postpaid on receipt or io cents. Ad? dress Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington avenue, New York._decli ' ^arA GRAND EPOCH IN SCIENCE. From the time when, In 1834, Dr. RUGGE discov? ered "Carbolic Acid" and Its extraordinary medi? cal effects, nothing in the history or Medicine has equalled lt. Largely U3ed by the French physi? cians in treatment or consumptive and scrofu? lous diseases, lt was introduced by the Court Phy? sician of Berlin, MAX ERNST HENRY, into Prus? sia, and from thence to the United States. No? thing else of the present day can equal HEN? RY'S SOLULION OR CARBOLIC CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR. Patients get better after only one doss ha? oeen taken, and we cordially recommend lt to the public-[Editor "Argus." janl7 lyr Special Notices. pm* MUSIC HALL, KING, COBNER MARKET STREET.-Divine Service will be con? ducted in Music Hall, TO-MORROW, at half-past io o'clock. Sabbath-School at 4 P. M. Rev. Dr. HICKS officiating._seplO pm* ZION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, GLEBE STREET.-The Pastor, the Rev. Dr. GI RARDEA?, having returned, the usual Sabbath services will be resumed In this Church. Preach? ing TO-MORROW-in the morning, at half-past io o'clock, and in the afternoon, at half-past 4 o'clock. _ seplO TRINITY CHURCH.-REY. T. E. WANNAMAKER will Preach TO-MORROW MORN? ING, at half-past.10 o'clock, Rev. A. M. CHRE1TZ BERG, In the AFTERNOON, at 5 o'clock, and Prayer Meeting at 8 o'clock, In the Lecture-room. seplO-* pm* A TAINTED ATMOSPHERE. - Malarious fevers are most prevalent ia the falk Heavy and unwholesome exhalations then arise from the earth, and the great disparity between the temperature of day and night predisposes the system, enfeebled by the summer heats, to epidemic diseases. The secretive organs, the liver especially, are apt, at this period of the year, to become Inert and sluggish, and all the bodily powers require renovation. The best, Indeed the only protection against the morbid influences of the season is a wholesome medicated stimulant. Pre-eminent among the restoratives of this class, and indeed foremost among the remedial and preventive medicines of modern times, stands HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. Its reputa? tion ls co-extenslvewlth the Western hemisphere; lt baa been a standard article for twenty years; its sales (ai may be ascertained by the revenue returns) are far larger than those of any other proprietary preparation ou this continent; and the testimony In Its favor embraces letters or ap? proval from the most distinguished members of all the learned professions and from well known residents of almost every city lu the Union. These are Its credentials. To stale what lt ls do? ing to prevent and assuage the sufferings of the human family would require more space than can be given to the subject here. The dyspeptic, the bilious, the nervous, the weak aud emaciated, the desponding, the broken down, And in its reno? vating and regulating properties a sure and Im? mediate means of relier. It ls a pure vegetable specific, at once safe and potent, and for which the whole materia medica affords no substitute. sepl0-6Dao_ FOR EDISTO, ENTERPRISE, 4 c. The Steamer ARGO, having moved from Accom? modation Wharf to the wharf formerly occupied by the "Pilot Boy," will receive Freight at South Atlantic Wharf on SATCRDAYS and WEDNESDAYS, leaving as shove on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. See time table advertised in another column. sep9 _ ps* SEA ISLAND AND UPLAND COT? TON will be GINNED and PACKED In a satisfac? tory manner at Palmetto, on Cooper River, about nine miles rrom the City, on low terms and nt ?.hort notice. For further information, apply on the premises, or to Messrs. W. C. BEE k CO., Ad? der's Wharf. sep9-l2* pm* GERMAN SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-Emigrants seeking employment can yo information concerning the same from Yartalu H. HARMS, Agent of this Society, whose Mee for the present ls at No. 89 East Bay. Parties wishing to employ Emigrants can consnlt the Agent dally. Office hours from 12 to 2 o'clock. JOHN CAMPSE.V, ap23 stu Presldeut. pm* FIVE CENTS ADDITIONAL WILL uuy Shoes with eilyer or copper tips, which, win, save the buyer the ?'?ice ot ? new pair of shoes Compared with ragged tcia And dirty stockings, they are beautiful, to say the leant. Taren ts, try IC sep7-ws3mos pm* STATE OF SOUTB CAROLINA, CHARLESTON COUNTY.-It ls ordered that Special Session or the Circuit Court for thc County )f Charleston, be held on the fourth MON DAY in september, (26th day) to continue Tor three weeks f so much time be necessary. The said Special Term to be confined to the business of the Gene ral Sessions. His Honor Judge Platt, of the Second Circuit, s assigned to brid thc said Court. By order of his Honor f. J. MOSES, Chlei Justice )f the Supreme Court of South Caroltna. A. 0. RICHMOND, Clerk Court, Charleston County. sep6-ws2 _ pm* AWAY WITH UNCOMFORTABLE TRUSSES.-Comfort and Cure for the Ruptured. Sent postpaid on receipt of io cents. Address Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington avenue, New Vorfc. denis Drugs, Crjcrmcals, &c. ryEL SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, A preparation of Roots and Herbs, warranted :o be strictly vegetable, and caa do no Injury to my one. It has beca used by hundreds, and known for ;he last thlrty-tlve years as one of the most relia >ie, efficacious and harmless preparations ever >rrered to the suffering, ir taken regularly and persistently, lt ls sure to cure: Dyspepsia, headache, Jaundice, costiveness, lick headache, chronic diarrhoea, affections of ;he bladder, camp dysentery, affections of the Sidneys, fever, nervousness, chills, diseases or the skin, Impurity of the blood, melancholy or de? pression of spirits, heartburn, colic or pains in the bowels, pain In the head, fever and ague, dropsy, bolls, pain in back and limbs, asthma, erysipelas, female affections, and buiousLdlseasea generally. Prepared only by J. H. ZEILIN .fc CO., Drug gists, Macon, Ga. Price $1; by mall fl 25. Many highly respectable persons can fully at? test to the virtues of this valuable medicine. For sale by ' GOODRICH, W1NEMAN k CO. DOWIE, MOISE k DAVIS, Janis slyr_Charleston. mHE BRILLIANT SUCCESS of THE TONIC OF THE COUNTRY, Is unprecedented in the annals of Proprietary Medicines. SOLOMO NS*S BITTER .'S! The Great Restorer. Theperfect Renovator, And Energetic Rebuild er of the Broken Constitution. All who wish to be Reconstructed, use it ror DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Diseases, Loss of Appetite And the ,;Hollow Cheat" of Nursing Mothers. Prepared at the Laboratory of A. A SOLOMONS k CO., Wholesale Druggists, Savannah, Ga. JW Sold by ali Druggists. W. S. CORWIN k CO. will supply it at Proprie? tors' prices. mchl-tutbaomos STito Pnbhcahons. JIOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. CATALOGUE No. 40. SCHOOL BOOKS, and all descriptions of School Stationery. We call especial attention to our School Pens and Writing Doo-s, which are made to our order, and will be found good and cheap. Especial attention will be given tn orders from Teachers lu the country. A complete catalogue of School Books, with the prices attached, will be sent free i application. LIFE AND EPISTLES OF ST. , A JL, by Rev. W. J. Conybeare, M. A., Trinity College, Cam? bridge, and Rev. J. S. Howson, M. A. Principal Collegiate Institute, Liverpool The only com? plete and unabridged edition-price $3. More than twenty years have elapsed since Messrs. Scribner A Co-did a general service, by publish? ing in this country the original work bearing this title. Its merits as an Invaluable contribution to the literature of the New Testament, have been attested by the unqualified commendation which it has received throngh the long lapse of years, and from the accumulating approval of Protest? ant Christendom. Originally costly, Messrs. Scribner, In order to place Its benefits within the reach uf ail, have, lu a commendable spirit, put forth a new edition, complete and nnmutllated, and now furnish the same at the low price of $3. Their enterprise deserves appreciation, and we congratulate all classes upon the opportunity now afforded of obtaining a Biblical classic upon such favorable terms. It is due to the publishers to observe that they have been stimulated to this ef? fort by the appearance of two abridged and oth? erwise incomplete editions of the "Life and Epis? tles." In evidence thereof, they state that they have dissected other editions, and find in the drat one hundred pages examined, omissions covering from one to twenty-six Unes in fifty pages. Sixteen pages, they allege, are wholly omitted. Forty-six engravings appear In "Scrib? ner's edition," they affirm, not to be found else? where, seventeen maps and eighty-two engrav? ings embellish "Scribner's edition," and enhance its valne and usefulness. The Revised Edition of CHAMBERS'S ENCY? CLOPAEDIA, published tn numbers, has reached No. io. The Numbers will be delivered to coun? try subscribers free or postage. N. B. Our Monthly Literary Bulletin wKl be sent free to persons In the country. OW Persons residing In the country will please Dearin mind that by sending their orders to us Tor any books published In America, they will be charged only the price ot the book. We pay ror the postage or express. g&- Address FOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, Sa 260 King street, (In the Bend,) Charleston, S. C Jun26-tuths6mos R USSELL'S LIST AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Ac. THE PARKS, PROMENADES AND GARDENS OF PARIS, Illustrated. 1 vol., Svo. Surtis's Farm Insects, with Colored Plates. 1 voL, Bro. stephens^ Book of the Farm. 2 vols., 8vo. Insect Enemies or Fruit and Fruit Trees, by Trim ball. ride's H\x Lectures on Agriculture, bright's 3000 Receipts, rouan on the Dog, edited by Lewis. McClure's Diseases, American Stable, Field and Fara Yard. stonehenge: The Horse In the Stable and the Field. Huerican Gardiner's Assistant-Bridgman, revis? ed by Todd. Bridgman's Kitchen Gardener, a now edition. Culture or the Grape and Wlnemaking, by Robt. Bochanan, with an Appendix on the Cultiva? tion or the Strawberry, by Longworth. Downing's Landscape Gardening, Illustrated. Svo. Farmer's Barn Book, by Oater, Ycuutt, Skinner and Mills. leanings from French Gardening, by Robinson. Sen ry Court land, or What a Farmer Can Do, by A. J. Cline. Leavitt: Facta about Peat, as an Article or Fuel. The Sportsman and the Dog. 1 vol., l2mo. Woodward's Graperies and Horticultural Build? ings. rhe House: A New Manual of Rural Architecture, or How to Build Dwellings, Barns, Stables and Outbuildings or all kinds. "he Garden: How to Cultivate Vegetables, Fruits and Flowers. me Farm: A New Manual of Practical Agricul? ture. Bani-Tircl; A New .Manual or Cattle, Hors'* and Sheep Husbandry. \Uen's( R. L.I American Farm Book, men's (R. L. and L. F.) New American F??2? Book. lohnston's Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. Bom mer's Method of Making Manures. Break's New Book of Flowers. Caldwell's Agricultural Chemical Analysis. Dadd's American Cattle Doctor. 3op Culture. lohnson's How Crops Feed, johnson's How Crops Grow. Mohr on the Grape Vine. Jnlon Culture. Jar Farm or '.'our Acres. Pardee on Strawberry Culture. Pedder's Land Measurer. Percher on Horse. EtandaU's Sheep Husbandry, iaunders's Domestic Poultry. Tobacco Culture. ruiner's Cotton Planter's ManaaL harder's Hedges and Evergreen*!, daring's Draining for Profit and Health. (Wheeler's Rural Homes. iYheeler's Homes for the People. iViute's Gardening for the South. .Voodward's Country Homes, .arm Talk (Crockett.) fuller's Forest Tree Cnltnrlst. fenuings on Cattle. fennings on the Horse and his Diseases, davhew's Illustrated Horse Management. McMahon's American Gardener. Morris's Fish Culture. Ehe Horse (Stonehenge.) English edition, 8vo., 622 pages, rhe Mule (Riley.) Thomas's Fruit Cultnrlst. JOHN RUSSELL, m PT 4 No. 285 Koro STRIKT. China, Crackern, S?c. ?TM. G. WHILDEN & CO. HAVE REMOVED THEIR WHOLESALE CROCKERY, CHINA ANO GLASSWARE ESTABLISHMENT "ROM No. 137 MEETING STREET TO No. 29 HAYNE STREET, Extending through to No. 62 MARKET STREET, entrance on both streets. Mr. W. S. L ANNEAU will have the WHOLE IALE DEPARTMENT especially under his charge, ,nd Mr. STEPHEN THOMAS, Jr., win be found at he RETAIL STORE, No. 255 KING STREET, cor ter Beaufaln, and will manage that branch. Oar customers and friends will find a complete LSSORTMENT OF GOODS at both Stores at REA* ?ONABLE RATES. VM. n. wu: LD BS. ,s. Too it AS, JR..W. s. LANNI AC 3ROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, 1 AT NO. 29 HAYNE STREET, ANO No. G2 MARKET STREET.? ?VATCHE6 JEWELRY SILVER AND PLATED WARE CUT AND PRESSED G LA So CROCKERY AND CHINA AT No. 265 KING STREET, CORNER BKAUFAIN. For sale by WILLIAM G. WHILDEN A COI. mays JUST RECEIVED, CARBOLATE OF LIME, the best Disinfectant and destroyer of Rats, Mice Bugs, Cockroaches, Ac. A small quantity placed where they frequent will at once disperse them. Pendleton's Panacea, or Vegetable Pain Ex? tractor. A fresh supply or Fleming's Worm Confections, the most reliable in use. Also, a fresh supply of SEAL OLEUM, the great remedy for Rheumatism. For sale, wholesale and retan, by Dr. H. BAER, nuyso No. 181 Meeting street. (Cottort t&us. OTTOS TIES ?piLLON'S UNIVERSAL COTTON TIE. A farther supply last received. Orders can now be Oiled. WM. ROACH k CO. 3epl0-9mw3 c We have now In store, aad to arrive, the cele? brated BEARD'S LOCK TIES Self-fastening Buckle Tie Eureka Tie SWett's Patent Tie Butler's Tie Arrow Tie. These Ties are so well known throughout the country for their superiority, that they need no recommendation from us. We are prepared to sell them at the very lowest prices in lots to suit purchasers. GEO. W. WILLIAMS k CO., Factors, Church street, Charleston, s. c. 49*Papers in Columbia, Anderson, Greenville, Abbeville, Marlon, Camden, Darlington, Sumter, Spartanburg, Barnwell, Williamsburg, Newberry, will please copy twice, notice same, and Bend bill to G. W. W. k Co. immediately. ang 20-etnthlmo Cigars, (Tobacco, &z. j '"M'^'^THrTTT7 s ~ CHARLESTON CIGAR MANUFACTORY, No. 163 MEETING-STREETZ Opposite Charleston Hotel. '.LA CAROLINA," No. 2, at $20 per M. "La Carolina" at $22 per M. "La Corona De Espa?a" at $25 per M. "Et Bouquet" at $30 per M. "La Candeur" (small Havana) at $35 per M. "Partages" at $40 per M. ^ ,^ "H. Hpmann" (Havana) at $50 per M. "~ "La Espanola" (Havana) at $65 per M. "Figaro" (Havana) at $75 per M. "Jenny Lind" (Havana) at $80 per M. I have now made arrangements which enable me to make Cigars as cheap as any Northern ma un rac tory. Any order for not less than five thousand Cigars will be promptly executed at the low figure of $17.50 per thousand, the Cigars guaranteed to smoke wen, and pat np in neat boxes. ALSO, STOCK OF LEAF, CHEWINO AND SMOKING TOBACCO. Eight quick CIGAR MAKERS can get work immediately. angll-thstolmo ftailroab Supplies. STEAifl?NGrs?^^ SUPPLIES. A full assortment of BRASS and IRON FIT? TINGS, Tor steam and gas-titters and plombera. Steam Ouages, Gnage-cocks, Low Water Detec? tors, Oil Cups, Tools for machinists and Macs smiths, Bellows, Ac. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 emo_Charleston, S. O. QUCUMBER-WOOD PUMPS. The cheapest and best PUMP now in use. They give no taste to the water and are applicable in every locality. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, nichiM emo Charleston. S. 0. S TEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, STEAM PUMPS, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Single and double-acting Lift and Force PUMPS, H. Dlsston k Son's Celebrated Circular, Gang, Hand and Gross-Cut Saws. Also, Miners' and En? gineers' Supplies in great variety, Shovels, Picks, Ac. F<37 Sale by .CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting ?hd cumberland streets", mch24 6mo Charleston, S. 0. "H AE IRON AND STEEL. .LD - English and American Relined, in bars English and American common, in bara Boiler Plate and Sheet Iron Bolts, Nuts and Washers.; For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 emo Charleston, s. 0. N AILS, NAILS, Or the bes: brands, including Parker Mills and CAMERON, BARKLEY k CO.'S unequalled "Ne Plus Ultra" CUT NAILS. ALSO, A full Stock or Wrought and Cut SPIKES. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 emo_Charleston, S. C. jprPE FOR GAS, STEAM AND WATER. Sole Agency of MORRIS TASKER A CO.'S Pas cal iron Works. At store or CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 emo Charleston. S. C. B E L T I N G A large Stock or Leather and Rubber BELTING and RUBBER GOODS, including Manhole and Handhole Gaskets, (all sizes.) Hose, Sheet Rob? ber for packing, Pure Vulcanized Gum for valves, Ac. ALSO. "Regulation" LEATHER HOSE, double-riveted and of approved manufacture. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 arno Charleston, S. 0. 0 IL1 OILI OIL! Winter Sprained SPERM, Extra Lard C. B. k Co.'s Englue OU, Paraphene Spindle Olive OH, Cotton Seed Oil White Oak (West Virginia) OIL For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch246mo_Charleston. S. C. ^TTIITE LEAD, ^DOLORS AND PAINT Pure Raw and Double-Boiled LINSEED OIL English aud American Wnlte Lead Paints in Oil, In great variety. ALSO, An extensive assortment or BRUSHES. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO. Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 emo Charleston, S. C. Cabinet-?Hakms? Sf t. UPHOLSTERY NICELY AND SUBSTANTIALLY DONE BT J. L. LUKSFORD, No. 27 Queen Street. I wish to Inform my friends and the public gen? erally that the Hospital for SICK FURNITURE ls stlU at No. 27 Queen street, where ali the diseases that Furniture ls heir to will be cured speedily and on the most reasonable terms as usual. Send In, therefore, aU y'.ur sick and wounded patients, and I will heal them and make glad the the hearts of au those who favor me with patron? age m this line. I would respectfully beg leave to call your at? tention to the fact that I am selling the best Sew? ing Machines to be fonnd in the market, all com? plete, for only $17. CaU and examine for your? selves, and read thc testimonials in favor of the improved Common Sense Family Sewing Ma? chine, and then I am sure you will take one home with yon. iL L. LUNSFORD, No. 27 Queen street, near Calder House. aprtl m HE CHESTERFIELD DEMOCRAT. This paper, located at Cheraw, Chesterfield County, S. C., ls offered to the merchants of Charleston as a satiable medium for advertising thebr wares in the Peedee country. Having a good circulation in a thrMng portion of this State, the DEMOCRAT offers inducements toad vertlsers second to no paper in the interior. Ad? dress V. LITTLE, aug22 Cheraw, ?. u By JOHN G. IHLNOB & CO. ARMY BLANKETS, CLOTHING, CAPS m TrF,T?1dvRea,ly Made Clothing. 3 Ss80"161*Biae "d swiss/SK*. 160 Bine Frock Army Coata 130 Blue Army Overcoats 45 pairs Blue Navy Pants 191 Blue Military Jackets 600 Bine Military Cloth Caps 20 Knitted Overshirts. . ALSO, A large invoice or Ready-Made CLOTHING, conuistlng of: Blue, Brown and Black Satinet SACKS and PANTS Blue, Brown and Mixed Jean Sacks and Panta Kersey Sacks and Pants; Casalmere Vests, White and Gray Merino Shirts, White and Calico Shirts, Hickory Shirts Brown Drill Drawers, White. Conditions-Sums under $100, cash; over $100, sixty days, with bank Interest for approved city acceptances. seplO :i Agencies. ADVERTISING AGENCY. Authorized Agency for Southern Newspapers. Publisher's Lowest Cash Raies to alL DISCOUNT TO LARGE ADTKRTISERS. Legal Notices, Beal Estate Sales, and general advertising Inserted to New York World, Tribune, Journal of Commerce, Evening Post, and other Northern papers, on favorable terms. WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL,* mch31 tutha No. 8 Broad street. Business (Harbs. A^DAMSTDAMO?IE CO., 16 BROAD ST^ Dealers to Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Ac Agenta for the Automatic Washing Machine and Wringer. ALMAR, G. W.-CHOICE DRUGS, CHE? MICALS, Surgical Instruments, Perfumeries and Toilet Articles, 489 King, cor. Vanderhorst st. RCHER'S BAZAAR, 363 KING 8T., Wholesale and Retan Notions and Fancy Goods, 50 per cent. Ies3 than elsewhere._ ALLAN; JAMES, WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Sterling Sliver, Platedware, Speo taclea, Fancy Goods, Aa, No. 307 King street. BAKER, H. F., & CO., SHIPPING AND Commission Merchants. Central Wharf. BARBOT, ALFRED A, AGENT OF THE Havana Cigar Factory, "La Valentina," 118 East Bay street._ BAZAAR, F. TON SANTEN, IMPORT? ER of Paris Fane Goods, Toys, French Con? fectionery .India Rnbbe Goods Ac, No. MflKlng Bt. BISCHOFF ? CO., HENRY, WHOLE-* SALE Grocers, and Dealers in Wines, H qnors, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac, 197 East Bay. CHARLESTON HOTEL,- THE BEST regulated and irnlshed House to the South eru States. E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor._ COSGROVES SODA WATER:' MANU? FACTORY and Bottling Wart rooms for Bass and Hlbbert'a London Ales, 37 Market at._ CHAPIN A CO., L." MANUFAOTURERS and Dealers to Carriages, Harness, Ac,, 20 Hayne, A 33 A 35 Plnckney at.; also, 193 Meeting st. CORWIN & CO., WM. a, IMPORTERS and Dealers to Colee Whines, Brandies, Teas and Groceries, Wholesale and Retail'276-King st, CHAFEE & CO., WM. H.; WHOLE? SALE Dealers to Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Ac; Agents for Exton's Crackers, 207 East Bay. UAFEE'S TONIC, THE BEST AND moat pleasant Stomach Regulator extant. Ctitee A Co., No. 207 East Bay, Manufacturers. DUVAL & S0N, J. B" MANUFA?TU?r ERS or Tinware, Dealers la Stoves, Hooae. Fnrnlshlng Gooda, Ac, 337 King st. XTASON IRON WORKS, " ESTABLISHED ?\< 1838, Nassau and Columbus streets: Steam Ernes', Marine. Portable and Stationery. Bollera. FOLLIN, G., TOBACCO COMMISSION* Merchant, Manuf^tnrers' Agent for th?? sale ot Standard Brands, No. 1?1 H^1 B&7? IFURNITURE WAREROOMS, ESTAB 1 LIBBED 1888. D. H. SUcox, Nos. 176, 177 and 179 King at. Goods carefolly packed and shipped. /GOLDSMITH & SON, MOSES, 4, 6 AND \JT 8 Vendue Range,Wholesale Dealers to Iron,1 Metals, Rags, Paper arnot, Hldea, Wool, Ac. GURNEY, WM., FACTOR AND COMMIS? SION Merchant, 102 East Bay, and 1 Accom? modation Wharf. noUTEVENIER BROS., (SUCCESSORS V7 to A. Diing.) dealers in Millinery, Fancy Poods. Toys, (mina; Glassware, Ac, 287 King afc ' HENEREY, WM S., 314 MEETING ST., Machinist and Founder. Manufacturer of Engines, and Improved Agricultural Implements. . KINSMAN & HOWELL, GENERAL Commission Merchants, and Agents for Mapes' Superphosphate of Lime, No. 128 East Bay. LYONS, T.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers In Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Ac, 78 Mar? ket st., near Meeting, Sign or "Big Boot." LA CRIOLLA_JOSE JARA, LMPOR TERand Manufacturer of Havana Cigars, Wholesale and Retah, cor. Meeting and Market sta. LITTLE & CO., GEO., 213 KING ST* sell the eheapest and best Clothing and Fur? nishing Gooda In Charleaton._ _ LUNSFORD, J. L., CABINETMAKER. and Upholsterer, 27 Queen st. Jobbing neatly done. Agency Common-Senae Sewing Machines. MERTENS, W. A., DEALER IN LA? DIES*, Misses', Gent's, Boys' and Ctlldren'r Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Ac. 282 King st. MERNAUGH, N., DEALER IN BOOTS, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Ac, 212 King; street. M" ARBLE WORKS.-THE OLD ESTAB? LISHMENT, E. R. WHITE, Proprietor, Iii Meeting st.. next old Theatre lot._ MATTHIESSEN, WM., STAR SHIRT Emporium and Fine Clothing and Tailoring House, Gents' Furnishing Goods, 291 King st. NE?FVILLE, B. K., BLANK BOOK Manufacturer, Job Printer and Stationer, 9 Broad st. Magazines, Ac,, bound In all styles. NOAH'S ARK.-WM McLEAN, JOBBER and Dealer In Toys, Fancy Goods, Show Ga aes. Stamping A Pinking a specialty; 433 King st. OSTENDORFF & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers. Dealers to Wines, Liquors and Cl gars. No. 175 East Bay._' ? O'NEILL, BERNARD, WHOLESALE Grocer and Commission Merchant, 189 East Bay. Foreign and Domestic Exchange for sale. PADDON, W. F., GAS FITTER, STEAM Fitter and Plumber, 447 King at. All kinds or Gas Apparatus made to order. PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC STORE, 191 King St., ZOGBAUM, YOUNG A CO., Agents ror Knabe A Co.. Dunham A Sons, etc. HONJX IRON WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1944. John F. Taylor A Co., Engineers and Boilermakers, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Pritchard st PERRY, EDWARD, 155 MEETING ST., Printer, Stationer, and dealer to Blank, Scnool and Law Books. _ STOLL, WEBB & CO., WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers In Dry Goods, No. 289 King street, three doors below Wentworth._ SCOTTS* STAR * SHIRT EMPORIUM and Gents? Furnishing Room. Meeting st. op poslte Market Hall. Agent for the Champion Brace. SPEAR, JAMESE, 235KINGST.,OPPO slte Hasel, Importerand Dealer la Fine Watch? es. Jewelry, SUver, Platedware. Fancy Gooda, Ac THE GREAT SOUTHERN TEA HOUSE. WM. S. CORWIN A CO.. 273 King st., branch House of POP Broadway. New York._ VOIGT, C., DEALER IN FRENCH CALF? SKINS, Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Shoe Find luga. Hldea, Furs and Beeswax, 86 Market st. WILLIAMS & BRO., AM, 143 AND lib East Bay, up stairs. Railroad, Commercial and General Job Punting, at New York prices. HILDEN & CO., WATCHES, JEWEL ry and Silverware, 255 King st. Crockery and Glassware at Wholesale. No. 13T MeeMnc**. _ WEBB, WM h., IMPORTER OF CHI? NA, Glass and Earthenware,. 128 Meeting street. ^_---? WING ROBERT, BELL HANGER AND mHE GREE'?VILL?^TTERPRISE IS THE LARGEST NEWSPAPER, ISO BAB TBS MOST EXTENSIVE CIRCULATION, OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN THE CITY OF GREENVILLE. contract Advertising Low. Oircuiates also to Anderson. Picken*, Spartan borg and Western Sortit Carolina.^ jnlyU Proprietor?.