CITY AFFAIRS. ADVERTISERS will take notice that we cannot engage that any advertisement sent to THE NEWS office at a later hour than half-past nine o'clock at night will appear in the next morn? ing's paper. An exception to this nile ls made in favor of notices of meetings, deaths and funerals. _ _ _ Meetings Thia Day. Reform Club, Ward 5, at 6 P. M. Tyre Lodge, at 8 P. il. Palmetto Pioneer Cooperative Associational 8 P. M. Charleston Fire Company of Axmen, at half past 8 P. M. Auction Sales This Day. Richard Caldwell will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, cotton gins. R. II. Marshall & Brother will sell at half past 10 o'clock, at their office, hordes, mules, vehicles, Ac. Miles Drake wUl sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, clothing, dry goods, Ac. LOST.-We call especial attention to the ad? vertisement of a reward offered for the re? covery of a plain gold ring. BILL OF MORTALITY_During the week end-1 lng August 13th, there were thirty-five deaths in this city-eleven whites and twenty-four blacks and colored. In addition to the above, three stlU-blrths were reported. ANOTHER ROBBERY.-We learn that Dr. M. S. .Hanckel was robbed last week of two gold rings, several articles of silverware, some val? uable table linen, and $50 In gold. Edward j Peyton was suspected and a search-warrant obtained against him; all the articles were found in his possession, but Dr. Hanckel declines to prosecute Mm._ CLUBS AND STARS.-Susan Robinson was sent to the House of Correction yesterday. Cause, drunk and disorderly. Edward Stewart was fined $5 and costs, or | .twenty days In jail, for beating his wife. The parties reported yesterday as having | been arrested on suspicion of being connected with the robbery in Hary street, have been turned over to Trial Justice O. R. Levy for ex? amination. THE RADICAL ROW AT SUMMERVILLE.- Mr. W. H. Schroder, of Summerville, assures us that the row among the Radicals in that place, referred to by our correspondent yesterday, occurred at some distance from his store, and not in the building as stated. He adds that the hall over his store ls the only public hall in the village, and Is rented for political meetings of either party and for other public gatherings, irrespective of their object. THE PRANKS ot? fttiGK CONSTABLE HUB? BARD.-On the 19th ?f May Iasr; William Her? nandez received ah appointment', as special constable under State. Constable Hubbard, at thre? aouiirs a day, and on the 22d July. Henry May received a like appointment. On Monday la|t Hubbard "came to the city and said that there was no money in the Stute treasury, but that he had borrowed $1200, and would pay them $40 each tor the whole time they had j been employed, while from about $80 to $120, was due each of them: and then discharged | J them. Hubbard has thus been guilty of a j double fraud; first, in employing men for j whom he had no use, and second, for discharg? ing the men without paying them. j i THE TRIAL OF T. J. MACKEY, which was I, continued yesterday, resulted In his release. J, Several witnesses were examined, who testi? fied that lt was utterly impossible for him to i j have struck Hardy because of the distance, be- t tween the parties. One witness, Richard Becket, confessed that he himself dealt the blow; he was standing behind Mr. Mackey at the time, and struck over his shoulder at Har? dy, who was advancing upon Mackey, felling i him to the grounu. Mackey was acquitted i chiefly on the strewth of this confession. 1 Becket was he! i for trial, but was subsequent- i ly released on ball. He is said to have declar? ed, since giving his testimony, that he did not strike the blow, but was bribed to say so. THE' NUMBERS ON BROAD STREET.-Much complaint has very justly been made by our country prints against the Irregularity of the numbers of the stores and offices on Broad etreet, particularly those in the neighborhood of Church street. Some years since, the City Council awarded a contract to certain parties for numbering every house in the city. If this work was properly done, how has the confusion arisen ? And if not properly done, why are the mistakes hot corrected ? The Charleston Library Bidding, at the corner ot Broad and Church streets, is No. 64, Mr. Bar bot's drug store, next door, ls No. 18, and the office of the Suedllcher Correspondent, next to it, ls No. 70. East of Church street they are still more Irregular-the numbers running 23, 36, 40; three houses without numbers-?;I, 43 and 52. Two houses on the same street, some two hundred yards apart, are both num? bered 48._ THE WASHINGTON CORNET RAND.-At a regu? lar meeting of the Washington Cornet Band, held at" their room on Tuesday, August 9th, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, On the 17th ult., this band visited the City of Charleston on an excursion, and were the recipients of many courtesies and hospitalities; therefore, be lt Resolved, That we hereby tender our thanks to Captain Butler, agent, and to the conductor -of the Savannah and Charleston Railroad, for the favorable arrangements and excellent ac? commodation in going and returning on said excursion. .. .Resolved, ThaV.the: gentlemen of the com? mittee, and the citizens generally, who so cor dlaUy received and entertained. us in many ways, particularly with a very pleasant excur? sion around -the harbor of Charleston, have, by their geniality and untiring attention to our comfort, endeared themselves to us In a man? ner never to be forgotten.. . itesolved. That: we are under obligations to the superintendent cf the Charleston City Rail? road, for the free use of the street cars during our sta v ia the city; also to the members of the .?ltna and Phoenix Fire Companies, tor courte? sies received. Resolved, That we do hereby express our high appreciation of the presence of the ladles -on the occasion of the concert on the Charles? ton Battery. . Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions he furnished the Charleston and Savannah newspapers for publication. Hotel Arrival?-.Vagujt 16. CHARLESTON HOTEL. R. L. Bowen, New Orleans; G. Gregg, New York; B. Franklin, S. C. White. Madame Lou Iselln and maid, Augusta; B. F. Jenkins, Plea? sant Retreat; T. O. Oliver, New York; E. A. Clarke, Wm. Gregg, Tampa; H. W. Birgs,