The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, August 16, 1870, Image 3

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*trm- AFFAIRS^ ADVERTISERS will take notice that we cannot engage that any advertisement Bent to THE NEWS office at a later hoar than half-past nine o'clock at night will appear in the next morn? ing's paper. An exception to this rule ls made in favor of notices of meetings, deaths and funerals. Meetings Tilla Day. Jefferson Ledge, at 8 P. M. Reform Club, Ward 6, at 8 P. M. Reform Club, Ward 1, at half-past 6 P. M. Carolina Rifle Club, at 8 P. il. Auction Sales Thia Day. T. M. Cater will sell at 9 o'clock, athis store, mackerel, batter, Ac. Laarey <fc Alexander will sell at 10 o'clock, at their store, painted buckets. Richard Caldwell will sell at his store, at half-past 9 o'clock, flour, nails, corn, Ac. REFORM MEETING.-A meeting of the colored voters of Ward 6 was held last night Ad? dresses were delivered by J. B. Thomas and W. H. Francis. All the voters present were enthusiastic in the cause ot Reform. , TAXES.-The time for the payment of the State and county taxes in the Parishes ot St. Phillp and St. Michael has been extended to theist of September, alter which day twenty per cent, additional will be added to the amounts unpaid. PERSONAI_Ex-Chancellor Henry D. Lesesne left this city for Baltimore on Saturday last. President N. R. Middleton, of the College of Charleston, and Senor Moneada, the Spanish consul at this port, left for New Tork on the steamship Champion, on the same day. THE RECENT FIRES.-J n ves tl g?tions In re? gard to the origin of the late fires have traced that at Mr. Michael's, on East Bay, to a purely accidental cause; the others, are .evidently the work of Incendiaries, and the examinations of proof ares?Uwmtlnued la the hope ot bring? ing the offenders to speedy punishment. SALE OF NEW COTTON.-The two bales of new cotton received on Saturday by Mr. 6. W. Witte, were sold by him yesterday morn? ing at 18 cents....The -cotton was ginned too green and ls much cut -They were sold to Mr. J. M. Thompson, broker, and go per steamer Ashland to New York, consigned to Messrs. H. M. and W. LeCount. IMMERSION.-This impressive and sacred, ?ceremony was administered to three candi? dates at the First Baptist Church on Sunday, the Rev. L. H. Shuck, pastor, officiating. Rev. Mr. Small colored, ot Calvary Church, Chalmers street administered the rite to a lsjge number of candidates at the foot of Tradd street ROBBERT.-The residence of Mrs. Westcoat, ln Mary street, near America, was entered on Saturday afternoon, and a lot of Jewelry and wearing apparel stolen. Elisabeth Simmons, William Ross and Diana Robertson have been arrested by Officer John eon, of the detective force, on suspicion of having been connected with the robbery, and are held for examination. HORSE THIEVES.-TWO men-C. Hudson and -James H. Campblell-have been arrested at Albany, Ga., for stealing a lot of horses and mules from the neighborhood of Beaufort in this State. They have confessed the theft, and are in Jail at Albany awaiting a requisition from Governor Scott 'Till oat two pardons in accordance with above facts, Mr. Secretary; the election draws near.'" To THE VOTERS OF WARD Srx.-A meeting of the voters of Ward 6 will be held at Oppen? heim's Hall, In King street, at 8 o'clock to? night, to complete the organization of Ward 6 Reform Club. The committee on constituci?n and permanent officers will make their report' The voters of the ward are urged to turn out in full strength. Prominent speakers will ad? dress the meeting. TESTIMONIAL. -Mr. Peter K. Coburn, ex-su pejvisor of the South Carolina Railroad Com? pany's work shops, was presented with a hand? some silver cup, by his former employees, on Saturday evening, at the Masonic Hall. The occasion was a very pleasant and most affect? ing one-Mr. Coburn taking leave of his late workmen In the most graceful and touching manner, after an uninterrupted intercourse of over thirty years with.some of the oldest ot them, while others had spent the best years of their lives under his charge. The formalities ot the evening ended, the guests assembled * partook of a collation and many a toast was drank to the honor of "Uncle Peter." CLUBS AND STARS.-Samuel Middleton, an old offender, was arrested on suspicion of lar? ceny by officers Lovett and Johnson, of the. detectives, lie confessed his crime and showed where he had hidden the goods in the burnt .district He. was sentenced yesterday to thirty ?days' Imprisonment. Daphne Alexander, a vagrant, was sent to the House of Correction for thirty days. John Geddis and Laura Grau were arrested Sunday afternoon for making a fuss in Cal? houn street, -Laura went to Jail for thirty days, and John was discharged. Moses Frazer, arrested for stealing a vest and coat was discharged, the party to whom the articles belonged not appearing. INQUEST.- The Inquest on th? bod7 of Mary Alberts, who died from the effects of the am Citation of the "limbs- injured when she was run over on the Northeastern Railroad last week, wa? ".contmabd yesterday. Dr. Buist made a post mortem examination,- In the report of which he s ta ted that the. worn au's left arm and foot were so. badly crotjned as to render amputation necessary," arid that the Injuries received were the cause of her death. The witnesses who were examined stated that all that they knew of the accident was .that It was not a phosphate train that ran over the woman. Mr. Solomons, the superinten? dent of the road, was requested to send the en? gineers ot the only two trains which were on the road at the time ot the accident before the Jury to-morrow, at 10 o'clock, at which time the Inquest will be continued. On Saturday, when the Inquest was adjourned, the jurors were required to give bonds In the sum of $500 each to appear before the coroner yester? day mo.-Ljg, at 10 o'clock; two. of them hav? ing failed ro make their appearance, we un? derstand that their bonds will be turned over ft the attorney-general for prosecution. Hotel Arrlvalj-Aagmt 13. CHARLESTON HOTEL. H. M. Drane, Wilmington; Thos. E. Gregg, W. A. Bradley, Columbia. MILLS HOUSE. ^?. W. Bradley, wife and child, John B. Hub? bard, Columbia; R. Peters, Jr., Atlanta. PAVILION HOTEL. W. G. Richardson, Georgetown; Lieutenant Bigger, Manning; J. S. Foster. Northeastern Railroad; Wm.' H. Saul, Augusta. - tTMJSBOITAT SUMMERVILLE. AN INTERCHANGE OF COMPLIMENTS. What the Bowenltes Did and the DeLargeltes Said. Au attentive correspondent sends THE NEWS the following report of the riotous proceed? ings of the rival Radical factions ac Summer? ville on Saturday : The uninitiated were surprised on Saturday by the sudden appearance in our midst of Colonel Delaney. DeLarge, Cain, Woolf. Bunch, Sam Dickerson, T. J. and E. W. M. Mackev, Commissioner McLaughlin, and a host of other shininc Radical lights. Soon af? ter the arrival of these worthies, the space about the depot was occupied by a battalion of militia, with their guns. These latter having declared themselves In sympathy with Bowen, T. J. Mackey and Trial Justice Lee ordered them to give up their arms, or to make a hasty exodus, either of which they refused to do, but gathered in a shady place aad proceeded to elect two Bowen delegates to the County Convention. Having finished their business, they quietly dispersed. The evening train brought culte an accession to the DeLarge party, who assembled that night at the head? quarters of the League, over the store of Vf. H. Schroder, which, by the way, Is Ln Colle ton, and the meeting was called to elect dele-1 gates for St. James. George Lee, a member of the Legislature and a trial justice, was called to the chair, and after stating the object of the meeting to be the election of two delegates to a county con- j ventlon, be named a committee of three to nominate the delegates. The committee I thought it a good chance, and nominated two j of their own number, to which the chairman objected. They then effected a compromise by naming the chairman and one or them? selves. Loud calls for Delaney were soon answered by him. He told them that they (the colored people) were vastly in the majority, and that they should use that majority tor the advance? ment of their own race; that they were on the eve ol electing a member to represent the Sec? ond District In Congress, and he knew no one so calculated to nil that high position, with credit and honor, as his friend, R. C. DeLarge. whom he styled a gallant and rising young statesman. He then reviewed Bowen's career, and denounced him as a thief and a murderer. DeLarge next got the floor, and "poured from all his vials his mighty wrath upon the devoted head" of McLaughlin, who, he said, had defrauded the State of $500, and h- could prove it. He plainly intimated his willingness to meet McLaughlin upon the "field of honor." He warned the Bowenltes, wh'te and colored, that he would "mark" them. He declared bis superiority over Bowen, who, he said, had to hire some one lo write hts speeches and letters. T. J. Mackey next entertained the audience. He thanked God for the emancipation of the negro, since, with the negroes, came his also. I am told that he said, when at school, he had to touch- his hat and say, "Howdye ,Massa," to the rich boys: that he bad to pnt up with the Impudence ot the negro, imbibed from as? sociation with an arrogant master; but that he had taught them (the negroes) better since he had become a Republican; that he had the hearts of all the negroes in South Carolina, ex? cept the "forty thieves," who were sent from ward to ward by Bowen to disturb the political meetings In Charleston ; that the whites had only 30,000,,whilst the colored people had 90,000 votes, and that they should ? use that majority to put their own color Into power. He fired hot shot at Bowen; said he had been indicted for forgery and murder, that he could prove the first by papers, and the latter by those who assisted bim, and by two others That Bowen purchased a gun In Washington to shoot him; thar, one dark night, he met Bowen In the city park and charged him with his murderous purpose, at the same time warn? ing Bowen if he put his hand on n pistol which T. J. saw sticking out of his pocket, he (T. J.) would instantly kill him, when the prudent Bowen ran away as fast as his legs could carry him. ^-c About half-past 12, they got Calhup, but that prudent man declined' , maklng;a speech, as lt was Sunday morning.'' He made a defence of his right to call that meeting and took bis seat. Sam Dickerson was called, but Sam magnan? imously gave way to a stupid fellow named Riols; which wound np the exhibition. Had 11 not been for some controlling Influence, cer? tainly not In the - clique which - met at night at Schroder's, there must have been bloodshed. Every ,man was armed, and lt only required some Imprudent actrto have Imperilled the lives of our whole community. At one time during the morning lt seemed almo** impossible to prevent a* general right. At Schroder's store at tfjkht, I am" told, they bid several tights; and that several of the Bowehrtes are now in the "lock np?." How long will the people of South Carolina tamely submit to these disgraceful outrages ? How long will .they, permit these political dem? agogues to Insult* decency and endanger the safety of our people ? Let them rise in their might, and drive these wretches from the posi? tions which they now disgrace. Tribute of Respect. The Marlboro' Lodge, No. 83, A. F. M.. ac Its regular communication August 5, 1870, held a Lodge of Sorrow In commemoration ot the death of Samuel J. Townsend, Esq., when the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Wliei'cOo, Ic has pleased God to remove from our society on Earth our brother, Samuel J. Townsend, be It therefore, by the brothers of Lodge No. 33, A. F. M., 1. Resolved. That we have learned with Erofound regret of the death of our late rother, whose memory-we have assembled to commemorate in this lodge of sorrow. 2. That while we bow - in submission to the decree of Providence, whose designs are mys? terious, and whose wisdom ls inscrutable to finite man, we cannot suppress our deep feel? ings of sorrow at being so unexpectedly de? prived of a brother so endeared to us by his many virtues and manly traits of character, and we mourn our loss the more sadly, be? cause we could noe enjoy the privilege of min? istering to bim In his last hours upon earth, and of performing at his grave the last sad rites of ourlai. Nevertheless we deem it a ' happy privilege to be able thus to assemble In the sacred bonds of union, in a lodge of sor? row, and to interchange with each other, ex? pressions of love and admiration for our broth? er while living, and of unfeigned sorrow at his untimely death. 3. That in his death this lodge and the fra? ternity generally have lost a bright and shin? ing light, and society a worthy and useful member, unsurpassed in public spirit, patrio? tism, generosity and hospitality. 4. That we deeply sympathize with bis family In their bereavement, and extend to them our earnest and sincere condolence In their sad affliction. 5. That our lodge be draped in mourning for thirty days as a token of our respect for the memory of our brother, whose death we so deeplv lament. 6. That a copy of these resolutions be tar? nished by our secretary to the family of the deceased, and that a page in the minute book of the lodge be reserved, upon which these res? olutions bespread, recording thereon the date and place ot death and burial of the deceased. 7. That these resolutions be published In the Bennettsvllle Journal, CHARLESTON NEWS, and Marlon Star. TH. A. SUTHERLAND, W. M. A. J. ROWE. Secretary. BUSINESS NOTICES. REMOVAL.-Mr. Edward Lowndes, Broker, has removed his office to No. 4 Broad-street. THE GREENVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE.-We call particular attention to the advertisement of this college, the exercises of which will open on September 1, and close in June, 1871. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE.-The steamer Emilie, Captain C. C. White, will leave for George? town on the 23d instant, at 10 o'clock, return? ing on the 25th instant. HAVE you tried my dollar Tea, Green and Black? WILSON? GROCERT. Jun3 BOA. HEAPS printed on Que paper at $3, $1, 15, $<3 50 and $3 50 per thousand, according to size, at THE NEWS Job Office. "HUSBANDS, love your wives," is an injunc? tion of Holy Writ, and one of the best ways of showing your appreciation of that command is to stop at No. 27 Queen street and leave an order for one of the improved Common Sense Sewing Machines to be sent up. The best machine ever produced yet for the amount of money. JulylS f -B?VW OF- mg- THERMOMETER- at Joseph Blackman's drug store, No. 39 Broad street, August 15: 8 o'clock, ?i; ?0, 88; 12, 90; 2, 90; 4, 89; 6, 85; 8, 83. rt REDUCTION OF RATES OF FREIGHT.-We call particular attention to the advertisement of the General Superintendent of the Northeast? ern Railroad, announcing a reduction of freights between Charleston and the stations on the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, to go into effect on the 20th instant. THE MARION* STAR.-We call thc attention of our merchants and business mea generally to the advertisement of this sterling newspa? per, which appears elsewhere la our columns. The Star has a large and increasing circulation in Marion and the neighboring counties among the planters and business men, and is an ex? cellent medium for advertising In that sec? tion. _ THE MILITARY HALL Row.-The case of the State vs. T. J. Mackey, for assault and battery with intent to kill, was brought up before Trial Justice S. L. Bet nett, at the City Hall, yesterday. R. B. Artson, R. H. Stanley. James Deas and Daniel Furguson, witnesses for the prosecution, testified that Mackey did strike Hardy, and some of them said that he was mainly the cause of the disturbance. Daniel Legare, H. Canon, aad "Doctor'' A. Hamilton, who were examined for the defence, testified that the two parties were at least fifteen feet apart, and that Mackey could not possibly have struck Hardy. The case will be continued to? day, at ten o'clock. Trial Justice Bennett states that Mr. Kenny, the surety on Mackey's bond, did not with? draw his name. ?emo?als. MOYA The subscriber begs leave to notify his friends and the public generally that he has removed his Stock of HARDWARE to No. 314 KING STREET, corner of Society, two doors atove hts ?ii old stand, (sign of the BIO GUN.) jnly2S-lrao SAM'L R. MARSHALL. Printing. EFORMI REFORM!! ? Having recently made extensive additions to oar stock of PAPERS. Ac, for the printing or BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, - LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES CARDS. CIRCULARS, DRAY RECEIPTS, LABELS, Ac. Also. In NEW MACHINERY and other Printing material, We are prepared to execute al orders for JOB PRINTING AT TUE LOWEST NEW YORK RATES Call at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE and examine Specimens and prices. angi <?i]ina, Croc kerri, &c. XTT M. G.. W HILDEN ? CO HAVE REMOVED THEIR WHOLESALE CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE ESTABLISHMENT FROM No. 137 MEETING STREET TO No. Si HATNE STREET, Extending through to No. 62 MARKET STREET, [entrance on both streets.; Mr. W. S. LANNEAU wUl have the WHOLE? SALE DEPARTMENT especially un 1er his charge, and Mr. STEPHEN THOMAS. Jr., will be found at the RETAIL STORE. No. 255 KING STREET, cor? ner Beaafaln, and win manage that branch. Our customers and friends will And a complete ASSORTMENT OF GOODS at both Stores at REA? SONABLE RATES. Wit. 0. WHILDEN. .S. THO?t is, JR. .W. S. LANNEAU. CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE AT WHOLESALE OR F.BTAIL, AT No. 29 HATNE STREET, AND No. 62 MARKET STREET. WATCHES JEWELRY SILVER AND PLATED WARE CUT AND PRESSED GLASS CROCKERY AND CHINA AT No. 2 5 5 KINO STREET, CORKER BEAUTALV. For sale by WILLIAM G. WHILDEN A CO. may3 i) o'tis. ALMETTO HOUSE, P AT THB TOWN OF SPARENBURG, S. C. This comfortable and convenient HOTEL ls now open for the accommodation of transient or permanent BOARDERS, under the manage? ment of Mr. ROSS SPRIGG, formerly of Charles? ton. The comfortable arrangements of Parlors and Bed-rooms, with the convenient location In the town, and us nearness to Glenn's and Chero? kee Springs, make lt a desirable stopntng place or residence to the man ol business, or the seek? er of health or pleasure. The table will be supplied with the best the Charleston market or surrounding country can furnish, which, with competent cooks and atten? tive servants, cannot rall to give satisfaction to all who may favor the House with their pa? tronage. A large Stable is attached, where horses and vehicles xan be obtained for excursions into the counfry or other purposes. The terms will be moderate, and cannot fall to give genera) sat? isfaction._ jalyi9-tu3mos JRVING HOUSE. A FIRST GLASS HOTEL, European Plan. Loca? tion unsurpassed, being near UNION SQUARE, WALLACE'S THEATRE, and A. T. STEWART'S New (up-town) Store. Broadway and Twelfth streets, New York. G. p. HARLOW, aprU thstu Proprietor. JTOMOOPATHIC REMEDIES. A FULL ASSORTMENT jos*, received hy DR. H. BAER, jaly? No. 131 Meeting street. funtxal -Notices. S-&-TUE RELATIVES FRIENDS AND acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. George w. s. Le? gare, and of the families of Alexander H. Brown, ' Edward T. Legare and W. Lawton Mikel], are invited te attend the Funeral Services of GEORGE W. S. LEGARE, at Grace Church, THIS AFTKB KOOK, at half-past 4 o'clock. augie Special Notices. ps* PUBLIC SCHOOLS. -PEABODY'S FUND FOR THE SOUTH.-The Trustees of the fund have just had their annual meeting, when eulogiumB and resolutions were read in honor of the memory of the distinguished benefactor, and the report of th? board-for the past year received. The use ofthe fund has been productive of much good, chiefly by the stimulus lt has given the committee in the establishment of public schools. The benefits derived from them in every com? munity ls lasting in their effects, and of incalcu? lable advantage-elevating the masses, and Im? parting among them a thirst for knowledge, and a desire for Information on all the leading topics or the day, and on none more so than on Hygiene -the preservation of health and the prevention ol' disease. This i9 now so marked and apparent as to as? tonish the InteUigent observer, proving evidently that the people, as a mass, keep themselves in? formed of the hygienic reforms of the day, by .reading with discrimination the various medical pamphlets and almanacs that are furnished them gratuitously-among the best of which ls Solo? mon's Omnibus for 1S70, the medical text book for the people-In -which will be found, by uncon? tested certificates, "the unrivalled tonic of the century'' is SOLOMONS'S BITTERS. angl6-tuths3_ ^PRO BONO PUBLICO.-IF YOUR wives or daughters are suffering from any dis ease peculiar to ladles, nothing half aa good for them as Dr. J. BRiDFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR, WOMAN'S BE8T FRIEND. And If you will try lt and lt does not give satisfaction, call and get your money. Purely vegetable and put np especially Tor females. For sale by GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO. Charleston, S. C., and all Druggists. jun25-stuth6mos pS* GERMAN SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-Emigrants seeking employment can obtain Information Concerning the same from Captain H. HARMS, Agent of this Society, whose office for the present ls at No. 80 East Bay. Parties wishing to employ Emigrants can consult the Agent dally. Onice hours from 12 to 2 o'clock. JOHN OAMPSEN. ap23 stu_President. ps* NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA RAIL? ROAD COMPANY-OFFICE CHIEF ENGINEER, WILMINGTON,- H. C., JULY 23.1970.-Sealed pro? posals will be received at this ottlce until Slat of August proximo for building the extension of this Road from Sumter to Columbia, Including Grading, Trestle-work, Masonry and Bridges, or any portion of this work. The Specifications, Maps and Profiles can be seen at this office, where any information required will be given. Proposals will be endorsed "Proposals." The Company reserve the right to reject any bid. JOHN C. WINDER. augl-lmo Chief Engineer. ps* THE BARNWELL SENTINEL HAS 'he LARGEST CIRCULATION or any paper pub? lished In Barnwell County, and Merchants, Fac? tors and Business Men who advertise, expecting to be benefited, would consult their Interests by giving lt a trial. It circulates at every postorrlce In the County, and on the South Carolina Rail? road, from Charleston to Augusta. Is taken by every business maa la the County of any note, and as an advertising medium ls unsurpassed by any Country Weekly In the State. Address E. H. BRONSON, ialy23-Imo_Proprietor. PS* STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF KERSHAW. - LAUCHLIN B. MCPHERSON, AS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ES? TATE OF CATHERINE MCPHERSON. DECEAS? ED, vs. JOHN D. YOUNG.-COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-Copy Summons for Money Demand (Complaint not Served.)-To JOHN D. YOUNG, the Defendant la this actlou: You are hereby sum mooed and required to answer the complaint In this action, which ls this day filed in the office of the Clerk ofthe Court of Commou Pleas, for the said County, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at his omce, In Camden In said State, within twenty day9 after the service of this saajmon9 on you, exclusive of the day of ser? vice. If you fall to answer this complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of three thousand dollars, with Interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum from the first day of February, one thou? sand eight hundred and fifty-seven, and costs. Dated Camden, S. C.. July 2lst. uro. J. M. DAVIS, jqly2e-to6_Plaintiff's Attorney. pS* SOUND LOGIC FOR THE SICK. The Invalid has often good reasons to exclaim, "Save me from my friends.'' As a general thing, each oi them will have a different medicine to propose, and li he follows all their prescriptions in turn, their well-meant advice may be the death of him. The only sensible course in any case of sickness is to resort promptly to a specific which ha9 stood the test of n long and widely extended public experience, and obtained on solid and suf? ficient grounds the reputation of a standard rem? edy. This, rank among the restoratives of our day belongs of right, and beyond ali dispute, to HOS TETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. Let those who are taking lt at this debilitating season as an lnvlgorant, answer for themselves as to its tonic properties. Can any dyspeptic who has ever used lt. question Its superiority as a stomachic over every other medicine ? Can any person of bilious habit, who has ever taken lt for liver complaint, doubt tts efficiency ! It is believed among the tens of thousands who are now using, or have heretofore used lt 33 an alterative and corrective, not one can be found who would exchange it for any other preparation in the known world. For Intermittent fevers, nervous debility, constipa? tion, sick stomach, and all complaints arising from indigestion or Impoverishment of the blood, lt is the only article which can be conscientiously guaranteed, aad no one who ls thoroughly ac? quainted with its virtues will allow interested dealers tn worthless slops, on which they make a large profit, to furnUh them tn the place or the great vegetable restorative._augl2-Cp*c pS*k GRAND EPOCH IN SCIENCE. From the time when, tn 1834, Dr. RUOGE discov? ered "Carbolic Acid" and Its extraordinary medi? cal effects, nothing ta the history of Medicine has equalled lt. Largely used by the French physi? cians in treatment of consumptive and scrofu? lous diseases, it wa9 introduced by the Court Phy-1 alelan of Berlin. MAX ERNST HENRY, into Prus sla, and from thence to the United States. No? thing eise or the presen: day can equal HEN? RY'S SOLULION OR CARBOLIC CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR. Patients get better after only one dose ?uu been taken, and we cordially recommend it to the publlc.-fEdltor --Are-us." janlT lyr YOU CAN I SAVE MONEY BY HAYING YOUR J PRINTING EXECUTED AT THE NEWS JOB 1 OFFICE. ?-ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED.-?? ps* AWAY WITH SPECTACLES.-OLD Eyes made new. easily, without doctor or medi? cines. Sent postpaid on receipt of io cents. Ad? dress Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington avenue, New rorie._dec?s PS* AWAY WITH UNCOMFORTABLE TRUSSES.-Comfort and Care for the Ruptured. Seat postpaid on receipt of io cents. Addresa Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington avenue, New York. decW -?periat Jfo?iresr-; PS* CONSIGNEES PER STEAMER "SEA GULL," from Baltimore, are hereby notified that ehe ia THIS DAT J!Scbarging ber cargo at Pier No. 1, Union Wharves. All Goods not taken away at sunset, will remain on wharf at consignees' risk. MORDECAI A 00., augl6-2_Agents. pa* CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP MANHATTAN are normed that she ls discharg? ing cargo, at Adger's South Wharf. Goods un? called for at sunset, will remain on the wharf at owners' risk. JAMES ADGEB A CO., Agents. augl8-l pB* PENSIONERS OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA SOCIETY, please call on the Treas nrer. _angl3-stu2 pB*THE FACULTY OF WASHINGTON COLLEGE. VA., will appoint, on September 1st, 1870, a Gentleman to take charge of the BUSI? NESS SCHOOL In that Institution. Salary from $800 to $1000. Applicants will address their communications to J. M. LEECH. Clerk of Faculty, Lexington, Va. ang-2-tathS_ pa* SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE PUR. LIO.-GREAT ONE DOLLARSALE-EVERYBODY INTERESTED.-Extraordinary sale of Diamond and Gold Jewelry, Sliver and Platedware, Musical Instruments, Sewing Machines, Dry and Fancy Goods, Table Cutlery, Photograph Albums, arti? cles of virtu, and an endless variety of Foreign and Domestic Goods, both useful and ornamen? tal, at a uniform price of ONE DOLLAR each. Agents wanted everywhere. Great induce monts offered. Send Tor circular. Address, C. C. CORY St CO., No. 193 Broadway, jnn3-ftu3mo3 New York. Cotton ?ins, #c. QOTTON GINS AND CONDENSERS. THE CELEBRATED "UNIVERSAL" AND "STAR" COTTON GINS AND CONDENSERS are adapted to ginning and cleaning all kinds and conditions of cotton, and fitted for Steam, Water, Horse, Wind, or Manual Power. The Cotton Supply Association, of Manchester, England, awarded to the "Universal" Cotton Gin the highest honors over all other Saw Gins, and declared the samples ginned by lt entirely unin? jured-a. compliment never before or since glveu to any other Saw Gin by that Association. The highest award hos also been given to the above Gin and Condenser by the Georgia State Agrlcui tural Society, by the Maryland Institute, and by the New York State Agricultural Society. Descriptive, Illustrated, and price catalogues furnished gratis on application by mall or other? wise. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO , Northeast cor. Meeting and Cumberland sis., augl5-lmo. Charleston, S. C. F1 RE BRICK! . FIRE BRICK! Just received 50,000 SUPERIOR FIRE BRICK, Both "Regular" and "Shaped.'' For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Northeast cor. Meeting and Cumberland ats. angl5-lmo. Charleston, S. C. Sturts ano iurmalimq (boobs. C O T T ' S S PERFECT FITTING STAR SHIRTS. CHEAPEST SHIRT HOUSE IN THE CITY. FIRST-CLASS WORK. PERFECT FIT GUARAN? TEED. STAR SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER, SHIRTS SENT EVERYWHERE BY EXPRESS. SIX FINE SHIRTS FOR $12. SIX MASONVILLE MUSLIN SHIRTS, with fine Linen Bosom, $15. SIX WAM3UTTA MILL SHIRTS, with very line . . Linen Bosom, $13. SIX NEW YORK MILL SHIRTS, with very line Linen Bosom, ?$21 MADS TO OKDKR FROM M EAS CK I MENT. SIX FANCY PERCALE SHIRTS AND COLLARS, $18, or $3 each. A fall line of all sizes ready-made. These goods are 20 per cen:, lower than any other house In the trade. Send for printed Circular and direction of mea? sure. Address E . SCOTT, janl7-flmo3D*c STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM. Drage, Chemicals, &t. mHE BR ILL I AN T SUC C E SS of THE TONIC OF THE COUNTRY, ls unprecedented ia the annals of Proprietary Medicines. SOLOMON S'S BITTER IS! The Great Restorer. Tlieperfect Renovator, And Energetic Rebuitder of the Broken Constitution. Ali who wish to oe Reconstructed, U3e it for DYSPEPSIA Nervous Diseases. Loss of Appetite And the "Hollow Chest" of Nursing Mothers. Prepared at tae Laboratory of A. A. SOLOMONS A CO., Wholesale Druggists, . Savannah, Ga. S3* Sold by all Druggists. W. S. CORWIN & CO. will supply lt at Proprie? tors' prices. mchl-tuths?mos Qlgennes. \^ DYERTISING AGENCY. Authorized Agency for Southern Newspapers. Publisher's Lowest Cash Rates to all. DISCOUNT TO LARGE ADVERTISERS. Legal Notices, Real Estate Sales, and general advertising Inserted In New York World, Tribune, Journal of Commerce, Evening Post, and other Northern papers, on favorable terms. WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL, mciiSl tutus No. 3 Broad Btreet. PROFESSOR BERGER'S BED-BUG DESTROYER. COStar'S INSECT POWDER Qientworth's Roach Exterminator Costar's Rat Poisoa Isaac3ea's Sure Fop-Death to Musoultoes. For sale by DR. H. BAER, julys No. 131 Meeting street. fpHE MARION STAR, MARION, S .. C . , has a large and increasing circulation among the Influential planters and business men of the Pee? dee country. Crops were never more promising. Ttie enthusiasm Xor Beform is unbounded. The circulation of THE STAR will be largely Increas? ed during the present campaign. Merchants and others, tn view of these facts and of the large number of our planters who will visit the Agri? cultural Fair to be held in the city in November next, will find Its columns an excellent medium through which to make their business and place of business known. Rates of advertising liberal. angie_ rp H E GREAT CAMPAIGN PAPER t CAMPAIGN PAPER 1 CAMPAIGN PAPER t f CAMPAIGN PAPER I "^j CAMPAIGN FAPER ! CAMPAIGN PAPER ! THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST, AND .THE BEST I. THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND THE BEST! THE CHEAPEST. THE LIVELIEST AND THE BEST 1 THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND THE BEST I THE CHEAPEST, THE 'LIVELIEST AND THE BEST 1 THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND THE BEST 1 THE CHARLESTON THE CHARLESTON THE CHARLESTON THE CHARLESTON THE CHARLESTON THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS! WEEKLY NEWS ! WEEKLY NEWS ! WEEKLY NEWS ! WEEKLY NEWS ! WEEKLY NEWS! Contains an the News, Editorial and Miscellane? ous Reading Matter published la THE DAILY NEWS AND THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, INCLUDING : Latest, Telegraph News, Political Intelligence, Commercial and Stock Reports, Literary Topics and Reviews, Selected Social Essays, Personal Gossip, and Informatlon?for Planters. TOGETHER WITH THE CHOICEST STORIES, LIGHT READING, and POETRY, From the curren: Foreign and Domestic Periodicals. Special Attention will be giren to everything relating to the approach? ing struggle in South Carolina, in be? half of Retrenchment and Reform. SEND POR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SUBSCRIPTION TWO DOLLARS A YEAH. ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. CLUBS OF TEN SUPPLIED AT $1 50 EACH. Price for the Campaign, (Four months,) Seventy-Gve Cents. Ten Copies will be sent to One Address, during the Campaign,'for Six Dollars. MAKE UP YOUR CLUB3 ! ta* Address, (enclosing moaez la Register? d Letter,) RIORDANfDAWSON 4 CO., . - ' CHARLESTON, S. C. *~ ^rrtti?it Sales-?rfis" By RICHARD CALDWELL. ON ACCOUNT OF ALL CONCERNED. THIS DAY. the letii, will be sold before my store, at 10 0 clock, on acconnt of the Underwri? ters and all concerned, 75 bags CORN*, slightly damaged. augl6 By RICHARD CALDWELL. FLOUR, 4 c. THIS DAY, the I6th Instant, will bs sold be? fore my store, at half-past 9 o'clock, 25 barrels FLOUR "Broad Arrow" 30 kegs Nails, assorted 50 boxes Soap 20 boxes Cheese 20 boxes Tobacco. Conditions cash._, _aug!6 Bj T. M. CATER. MACKEREL, BUTTER, SYRUP, ?fcc. Will be sold before my store, THIS DAY, at 9 o'clock, 100 packages New and Old MACKEREL, Nos. 1 and 2, in half barrels, quarter barrels and kits 75 Arkins and tubs Butter 100 bbls. Syrup Lot of Bacon, if landed In time Hams and Shoulders. Conditions cash._augie Bj LAUREY & ALEXANDER. - BUCKETS, ON ACCOUNT OF SHIP PE RS. THIS DAY, the 16th inst.', will be sold before our Store, at 10 o'clock, on account of shippers, 22 dozen PAINTED BUOKETS. augie Business (?LOTOS. ADAMS, DAMON & CO., 16 BROAD ST.,' Dealers In Stoves, Ranges, Orates, Ac Agents for the Automatic Washing Machine and Wringer. ADIAR, G. W.-CHOICE DRUGS, CHE MICALS, Surgical Instruments, Perfumeries and Toilet Articles. 469 King, cor* Vaaderhorst at. ARCHER'S BAZAAR, 363 KING ST., Wholesale and Retail Notions and Fancy Goods, 60 per cent, less than elsewhere. ALLAN, JAMES, WATOHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Platedware, Spec? tacles, Fancy Goods, Ac, No. 807 King. street. BAKER, H. F., ?fe CO., SHIPPING AND Commission Merchants, Central Wharf. BABBOT, ALFREB A., AGENT OF THE Havana Cigar Factory, "La Valentina," 118 East Bay street._. BAZAAR, F. YON S ANTEN, IMPORT? ER of Paris Fane Goods, ToyB, French Con rectlonery, India Rubbp Goods Ac, No. 229 King at. BISCHOFF & CO., HENRY, WHOLE? SALE Grocers, and Dealers in Wines, IA qnors, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac, 197 East Bay. CHARLESTON HOTEL, THE BEST regulated and irnlsbed House In the South ern States. E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor._ COSGROVES SODA WATER MANU? FACTORY and Bottling Warerooms for Bass and Hlbbert's Loudon Ales, 37 Market st. . CHAPIN & CO., L., MANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Carriages, Harness, Ac,, 20 Hay ne, A 33 A as Pinckney st. ; also, 193 Meeting st. CORWIN ?fe CO., WM 8., IMPORTERS and Dealers In Goice Whines, Brandies, Teas and Groceries, Wholesale and Retail' 275 King st, CHAFFE ?fe CO., WM H., WHOLE? SALE Dealers in Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Ac; Agents far Exton's Crackers, 207 East Bay. CHAFEE'S TONIC, THE BEST AND most pleasant Stomach Regulator extant. Chafee A Co., No. 207 East Bay. Mannfacturers. DUVAL ?fe SON, J. B., MANUFACTUR? ERS of Tinware, Dealers In Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, Ac, 337 King st. :_ EASON IRON WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1838, Nassau and Columbus streets: Steam Engines, Marine, Portable and Stationery. .Boilers. FOLLIN, G., TOBACCO COMMISSION Merchant, Manufacturers' Agent for the sale of Standard Brands, No. 151 East Bay._ ?RNITURE WAREROOMS, ESTAB? LISHED 1838. D. H. Sllcox, Nos. 176,177 and 179 King st. Goods carefully packed and shipped. GOLDSMITH ?fe SON, MOSES, 4, 6 AND 8 Vendue Range,Wholesale Dealers In Iron, Metals, Rags, Paper Stock, Hides, Wool, Ac. r\ URNEY, WM, FACTOR AND COMMIS VT SION Merchant, 102 East Bay, and 1 Ac com modatlon Wharf._ r\ OCTEVENIER BROS., (SUCCESSORS VDT to A. Hiing.) dealers In Millinery, Fancy Goods. Toys, China, Glassware. Ac, 237 King st, TTENEREY. WM. 8., 314 MEETING ST., fl Machinist and Founder, Manufacturer ot Enelnes, and Improved Agricultural Implements. KINSMAN ?fe HOWELL, GENERAL Commission Merchants, and Agents for Mapes' Superphosphate of Lime No. 128 East Bay. IONS, T., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers In Boots, Shoes, Trunks. Ac. 78 Mar ket st., near Meeting, Sign of "Big Boot."_ LA CRIOLLA.-JOSE JARA, IMPOR? TER and Manufacturer of Barana Cigars, Wholesale and Retail, cor. Meeting and Market sta. LITTLE ?fe CO., GEO., 213 KING ST., sell the cheapest and best Clot bing and Fur? nishing Goods In Charleston._i . LUNSFORD, .J. L., CABINETMAKER and Upholsterer, 27 Queen st. Jobbing neatly done. Agency Common-sense Sewing Machines. MERTENS, W. A., DEALER IN LA? DIES'. Misses', Gent's, Boys' and Childrens , Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Ac. 282 King st. ' MERNAUGH, N., DEALER IN BOOTS, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Ac, 212 King street._,_ MARBLE WORKS.-THE OLD ESTAB? LISHMENT. E. R. WHITE, Proprietor, 119 Meeting st.. next old Theatre lot. MATTHIESSEN, WM., STAR SHIRT Emporium and Fine Clothing and Tailoring House. Gents' Furnishing Gooda. 291 King st. ELTVILLE B. K., BLANK BOOK ManHfacturer, Job Printer and Stationer, 9 Broad st. Magazines, Ac, bound In ail styles. NOAH'S ARK.-WM McLEAN, JOBBER and Dealer in Toys, Fancy Goods, Show Ca? ses. Stamping A Pinking a specialty; 433 King at. OSTENDORFF A CO., WHOLESALE Grocers, Dealers In Wines, Liquors and Ci? gars, No. 175 East Bay._ O'NEILL, BERNARD, WHOLESALE Grocer and Commission Merchant, is j East Bay. Foreign and Domestic Exchange for sale. PADDON, W. b\, GAS FITTER, STEAM Fitter and Plumber, 447 King st. Ail Kinda of Gas Apparatus made to order._ PLANOFORTE AND MUSIC STORE, 191 King st., ZOGBAUM, YOUNG A CO., Agents for Knabe A Co., Danham A Sons, etc PHONIX IRON WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1844, John F. Taylor ? Co., Engineers and Boilermakers, 4, 0. 8.10 and 12 Pritchard st. PERRY, EDWARD, 155 MEETING ST., Printer, Stationer, and dealer in Blank, School and Law Books._ STOLL, WEBB ?fe CO., WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers in Dry Gooda, No. 289 Kin* street, three doors below Wentworth._ SCOTTS' STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM and Gents ' Furnishing Room, Meeting st. op? posite Marke : HalL Agent for the Champion Brace. SPEAR, JAMESE., 235 KING ST., OPPO slte Hasel, Importer and Dealer la Fine Watch? es, Jewelry, Silver, Platedware, Fancy Goods. Ac m HE GREAT SOUTHERN TEA HOUSE. X WM. S. CORWIN A CO., 275 King st., branch House of 900 Broadway, New York. _ VOIGT, C., DEALER IN FRENCH CALF SKLN3, Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Shoe Findings, Hides, Furs and Beeswax, 85 Market at. "TTTILLIAMS ?feBRO., A. M, 143 AND 145 YV East Bav, up stairs. Railroad, Commercial and General Job Printing, at New York prices. -TT^HLLDENA CO., WATCHES, JEWEL W rv and Silverware, 255 King st. Crockery and Glassware at Wholesale. No. 137 Meeting en. "IT^EBB, WM. L., DIPORTER OF CHI? VY NA, Glas3 and Earthenware, 129 Meeting street. _._ TT7TNG; ROBERT, BELL HANGER AND W Locksmith. 122 King st. Hotels and pri? vate houses fitted up with Bells. Speaking Flpes. J1BENCH PATENT MEDICINES. 5FbMTP^HOTP&BP0?UM? a so*, erl?? ?Sed?Tpwmsis-reUeres, coughs, Nightsweats. Ac. iZXtSa'amS or norseraaisu, luvaiuaaur for JSLmJSS ta take Oodliver Oll-especlall* Commended in cutaneous affections, and aa a mot:-powerful depuratlve. Marco capsules and Matteo Injection, a sore, OU?CK and harmless remedy. Digestive Lozenges of the Alkaline Lactates, a pleasant; and effective remedy for functional de? rangement of the digestive organs. Troches or Pepsine and Paucreattae. ALSO, PURGATIF LE ROY, Pharmacie Cottln. VOMITIF LE ROY, Pharmacie Oottin. Dragees de Saatonlve. Dragee3 de Morphine. Lancelot's Asthma Cigarettes. For sale by *, Dr^a.,BA*.?LMt niayoo No. 131 Meeting street.