COMMERCIAL 3OWB. . . . ? Export?. t?x% YOEE- Per steamship Catharine Whiting 88 tierces rice. 367 bales cotton, U8 bales domes ttj&Xl packages paper, 144 colls rope, 380 bola rosin, 802 melons, 80 packages sundries. PHILADELPHIA-Per seor George H Squires 160,009 feet lamber. Thc Charleston Cotton, Rice ?nd Naval Stores Market. . Oma CHARLESTON NEWS, \ WXDNBSDAT EVEKING, Joly 13,1870. j COTTOK.-The market for this arti ole exhibited rather a better feeling, with a moderate inquiry and light s took. Sales about 160 bales, of which 80 were sold the evening before, say io at ia j, ; 3? at 16; Oat 16.^; 1 at 17*; 3 at 17#; 30 at 18; 26 at 18X, and, on the evening before, 30 at W?c* We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.16X@17 Low middling.17X@17X >. Middling..18 @ Strict middling.1.4X9 RiCB.'-There were no transactions in this ?rain. NAVAL STOB as.-The market for these articles was quiet, and no sales took place. PHEISHTS.-To Liverpool, ny steam, direct nomi? nal,- "rta ? New Yor 6, 7-1 sd on uplands; i l-l ed on sea Islands; by sail we quote 7-l6d on upland cotton, and ?id * rb on sea island- cotton. TO Havre, by steam, nomi? nal;, by sall, nominal ac Xe on uplands and . IX on sea islands. Coastwise to Kew York, by steam, xe 9 J? on uplands and xe on sea islands; by.sail, %c 9 m on up? land?. . To Boston, by steam, nominal; by sall, x @Xof ? on upland;). To Philadelphia, by steam, X?.? ? on-upiarids; by sad, somewhat nomi? nal, 'To. Baltimore, by steam, X?Xc * ft on uplands; by sall somewhat nommai. EXCHANGE.-Sterling SO days bins nominal at SSX@22X. ! DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks purchasesight | checks at x oe, and sell at X premium. Out-' 'tide they purchase at par, and sell at x@X pre? mium.' GOLD.-Buying at U, and selling at 12X Market* by Telegraph. '."'.'" FOREIGN. LONDON, Jory i a.-Noon.-Consols 02X- Bonds 89. . Afternoon.-Consols 92X- Bonds 89X LIVERPOOL, July 13.-Noon.-Cotton firmer; up . lands . 9Xa9Xd; Orleans 9Xa9Xd; salea' 10,000 I bales. . Corn 3ls. Pork-aad lard quiet and steady. lUM4is? ? ;' " Evjsrung.-Cotton firm; uplands 9Xd; Orleans I oxd; 'aalea 12,000 bales; speculation and export J 3000. BreadstmTs quiet. Turpentine 29s edasoa, PAsisj Jnly ia-The Bo arte opened firmer. Rentes TIM Wo^r-- v- 'li Evening.-BjoirSe closed tl eel! n lng. Rentes' 70f I ?Oe vv - ; f jj . ; .}..- -, I H i VEE, July 13.-Cotton opened Armer; on the spot if Mo; afloat If 16c ' 1 - DOMEFTIC. NKW YOKE, Joly 18-Noon.-Stocks strong; Honey ia* per cent, cold ia. sterling, long, 9X ; short io*. Bonds io a. Tennessee ex-con - pons efl; new 67X- Virginia ex-coupons 07; new? ee. Louisiana, old 73; new 70. Levee sixes 76; eights 91,, _ Alabama, eights 100; fives 78. Geor? gia, sixes.'46;- aevt-im 93. -North Carolina, old . (. Bouth Carolina, old 89; new 78X id.drooping. "WheatdulL Corn dull. I heavy. Lard unchanged. Cotton ; uplands 20c; Orleans 20* c; sales val stores unchanged. Freights quiet. . 16 f?llO--': '?>',-'.: * Ev^nag.-Money ?as.-..Sterling' OXaio: Gold 12xal2X- '. Governments doll; slxty-twoa 10X; ; Scnlbjer?^ioeiaUy/'qolet.^ Cotton firm and tn Calr demand;sales 2400 bales; middling uplands "??c.?^i^-iqc lojjer; superfine State RS&aVw;. Sou itera quiet ; common to fair extra 15 ooas 70. WheitcJoSedirm; winter red aad.amber West em ?Ojijj^K?' CorajOw?r; new j?ixeo^Weatern ?JaflOi.' - Pork "nominal. Whiskey -quiet. Gro keayyvrn. . rs .. --^?^i?nl-&iy;ii^obr4det;?mliy $6 Wa 0. Whiskey unchanged. Provisions maori ve. Mesa'pori 'tSO. Shoulders ?sxaMc. Clear ribs LOUTHTIIXH, Jury ia-Flour and cont-quiet and imchaaJtejl: Previsions active. Pork $80. Shoul ders. Mc,.; Clear" sides ldc. Lard 17. Whiskey 07aflffki>^;eaE aimaissui 3 ? v- . .. . NOEJTOLI, Jory la^-Conon qui?;low middlings 17X0. Bales 10 bales; net receipts 12; exports coastwise nr.; stock 1311 b^f,nildllloglfljb.c- _ Hoce 1 pts ?jr JbUOlroSML, July. 13. ta ' ; SOtTH OASOEINA UAILBOAD. 197 bales cotton, 13 bales goods, 102 bbis naval r, 6 cars lumber, lear stoe?t. To r^Rodgers A co, J CMallonee, i A co, W W Smith, AB MulU ? co,- O H Walter A CO, Stef ^ Jacker, R CSharp A co, and Walker, Evans A Obgi wen.- - j . . NOBTBEAflTEKN RAIIBOAJ). 483 bala - naval. stores, cars lumber and live stock, mdse, Ac To J Wieters, Reeder A Davis, Ravenei A-Holmes, C 0 Wightman, J Marshall, lr, Barden' & Parker, Kinsman A Howell, Smith A Chapeau, BoBmanp Bros, E Welling, and Rall road Agent._. - ~_ . *!> ? Per steamship Catharine Whiting, ror New York W W Wilkinson, Mr and Mrs E B Seabrook, child and nurse, 'G A Cox, W Ellison, W G Slneltton, H O Weiro rd, T C Case. J W Townsend, Master B Paine, J Quins, and H C Woolman. Per steamer Plat BOT, from Bea^Tort, Pacific Landing and'Edlsto-Miss E R Walker, Mrs J Mat? thlessen and son, Mr Wlttloson, A A Jones, W J Whipper, M R Delaney, P L Wlggin and wife, J J MikelL Wife sud two children, Miss Ml kell, Wm Mit eu and wife, suss Mackey and servant, Capt W B MoNelty, J Quinlivan, and 13 deck. i-vriM FOl'.T CALENDAR. ... K Od KOON'S FHA&V. First Quarter; 6th, ll hours, io minutes, evening. Fall Koon. 12th, 6 hqnrs, 16 minutes, evening. Last Quarter, 20th, 8 boors. 67 minutes, morning. Mew Moon, 28th, 6 hours, 68 minutes, moraine. .->o'.l ftfjil ?TJLT. -.- ' 11 Monday.... . 12 Tuesday. 13 Wednesday. 14 Thursday... loFrldar^?.?. is saturday.... 17 Sunday.....,. BPH, 1UHX8. W 3 6.. 2 6.. 8 6.. 8 5.. 3 6.. 4 6.. 6 SUN SITS. Tit 9 7k. 8 t.. 8 7.. 8 7.. 8 7.. T 7.. 7 MOON K. ? 8. 3..56 4..21 6..S3 rises. 9.. 29 10.. 4 10..33 HIGH WATZB. 6..10 7.. 8 7..?4 8..4S 9..25 10.. 9 10..61 i M HA RIXS F&WB. C HABljlfBTfrllj 8. -C. , JULY 14 .^'"kftRTvTKD YESTERDAY. Sehr Ann s Deas, Garbatti, West Point Mill-13 tierces rio?. To J R Pringle A Son. Steamer Pilot Boy, waite, Beaufort, Pacific \ Landing and Edisto. Sundries. To. J D Aiken A I co, W if Ch afee .Jfc co, J D Ackerman, L Korn au? reus, and D*U Jennings. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Catharine Whiting, Bowes, New ?ork-W A Courtenay. Sehr George HSqulres, Timnions, Philadelphia -H F Baker A co. ajTT.Bn YESTERDAY. Steamship Catharine Whiting, Howes, New York. US Steamship Qulnnebamj, Commander Bar? rett. Hampton Roads. FROM THIS PORT. Sehr Wataoga, Mauro, New York, Joly lo.. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Steamer Gazelle, Slocum, at Wilmington, N 0, July .12. MEMORANDA. The sehr BX Hawkins, Wyatt, from Charleston for Wood's Hole, arrived at Holmes' Hole July 8th. On the 7th she was in contact with the sehr ; Charles P Stickney, from Philadelphia for Beeton. The Hawkins had port mainsail carried away and mainsail badly torn. The Stickney lost jlbhoom, cathead and head gear.-sput Jib, Ac. The Behr J H Stickney,.Fooks, from Baltimore for Charleston, was passed off Rill Devil Hills July 9. The sehr D X.Streaker, van Gilder, from George? town, S C, arrived at New York July io. LIST OP VESSELS OT, CLBARED AND SAILED FOR THIS POET. FOREIGN LIVERPOOL. The Kathleen, Lester, cleared.... .June 181 DOMESTIC BOSTON. Bark Eva H Fisk, Emery., cleared.Joly 8 Scar Gettysburg, Smith, cleared.Jone SO - NEW YORK. Bark. Lamplighter, Beach, ?teared.June 22 J Sehr Wm Bernent, Penny, up...May 12 I Sehr Myro ver. Brown, cleared..Joly 2 Sehr Henry H art eau, Jones up.Joly 6 Sehr N W Smith, Tooker, np..inly 6 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr Irene Messervey, Wall, np..,.J nae 21 Sehr Ella Matthews, McEl wee, cleared... .July 2 j BALTIMORE. Brig Lewis Clark, Cobb, cleared.May 22 Sehr J H Stickney, Fooks, cleared.July 7 BOCKPOBT, ME. Brig Manzanilla. Spear, sailed.June 16 J WILMINGTON, N. a Steamer Gazelle, Slocum, cleared.Joly 12 Shipping. JpOR PHILADELPHIA. The Al American Tern WM. 8. HILLES, A? Burgess, Master, having a large part of Der SHI cargo engaged, will sall with dispatch forthe above-named port. For Freight engagements apply to J. A ENSLOW A CO., Jnlyll ~ No. 141 East Bay. JJ10B NEW YOEE [ON SATURDAY.] The superior first-class Elde-wheel steamship CHAMPION, R. w. Lockwood, Commander, of the Kew York and Charleston Steamship Company's Line, will leave Adger s South Wharf on SATUR? DAY, the ist h July, at 6 o'clock P. M. - aar The CHAMPION is handsomely and com? fortably fitted np for passengers, and her table ls supplied with all of the delicacies of the New York and Charleston- markets. : aar* Through Bills or Lading given on Cotton tc Liverpool, at 7-lsd. on Upland and 11-ied. on Sea [Blands. This Steamer makes close connections ?Ith the Steamship WISCONSIN, leaving New fork on WEDNESDAY, July 20. 49* Insurance by this Line half percent. 49? Cotton taken to New York. Liverpool. Ros? ien, Providence, and the New England manafac uring towns st lowest market rates. .49*The Hide-wheel Steamship MANHATTAN, Yoodhnll. Commander, followB or) SATURDAY, Inly 23,atlo'clnelcP. M. jgjMtj JAMES ADQER A- CO., Agents. P0?t NEW YORK-ON WEDNESDAY. The fast screw Steamship "ASH? LAND," Crow ell, Commander will sall or New York on WXDXXBDXT, July 20ch, at 6 Mock P. M., from PIES NO. 2, UNION WHARVES. The ASHLAND will connect with the Liverpool steamship COLORADO, of Messrs. WILLIAMS A 3DION'S LINE, sailing July 27. -Insurance by the. steamships ol this Une a pei The Steamship CATHARINE WHITING. Howes, .'ommander, .will sall on the following WBDNES >AY. Joly 27, at 6 o'clock P. M. TOT Frcignt engagements only, apply to WAG fER, HUGER & CO., No. 28 Broad street, or to Ht A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharves. 4QfU _.. Pl OR T?T ILA DELPHI A. JHE REGULAR STEAM LINT-"-W*AE?LY. The Screw Steamship J.W BVfiRMAN. 'jgf??m\ UnpkleyvC-'jmmander.jWmsallfarPiul-jHftBB delphiadirect, on FKIDAY, July 15th, *' half-past 0 o'clock A. M. from Brown's Benth wnsrf. ef^??8Ur*I1"cb-V lUe 8te*m)\ % *M*t&n-x "r?r wrW*Mk?**?* or. Paaaags (cabin fiW apply lo ^ . e?tftmAt( Ait?nt, . Jiilyll-mtutlif*_Na 1 Union Wharves. no R F L O.R l.D;.t, jj (ONCf? A WEEK,) TU SAVANNAH, $??l.NANDlNA. J AO V.LLE, PILATki AND ???fcilfab ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER. The Steamer DICTATOR will saU on and after the 5th Jnly_ for above,_ plac? every TUESDAT BVENINO, at 8 O'CIOCK. Fare from Charleston to Savannah, lnolndlng meals and berth. $s. _Jnlyl PIOR SAVANNAH, 1 BEAUFORT AND > [ f ?Cme- IJ?NDING, EDISTO AND ' . : . - ROCKVILLE. Steamer PILOT BOY, Captain C, C. White, will .Bau for the above places as follows: - TUESDAY MORNING, at 8 .o'clock, for Edlsto, Rockville, Pacific Landing, and beaufort. THURSDAY MORNING, at 8 oTclock, for PaciC Landing, Beaufort and Savannah. Freight to Edlsto reduced 50 per cent. . ' J. D. AIKEN A CO., Jnnl7 South Atlantlo Wharf. FOR ED?STO AND ENTERPRISE, VIA JOHN'S ISLAND FERRY, CHURCH FLATSiYOUNG'S ISLAND, BEAR'S BLUFF. Aa . The Steamer "ARGO,'' captain J. H. Proctor, is now receiving __ Freight at Accommodation Wharf, and will leave as per the following time table, nntr. further no? tice: CHARLESTOS. On Thursday, the 7th inst._' * 12 M, On Monday, the 4>- A. M, On Thursday, the 14th. at 7 A. M. On Monday, the 10 A.M. On Thursday, the 12 M On Monday, the 4 A. M On Thursday, the 6 A. M. EDISTO. On Friday, the Rth ll A. M. On Tuesday, the -J A. M On Friday, the 6 A. M. On Tuesday, the 9 A. M. On Friday, the ll A. M. On Tuesday, the 2 P. M On Friday, the 5 A. M. DOUGLAS NISBET, Agent, Accommodation Wharf. N. B.-Freight and wharfage payable on the wharf. jnly5-2sw4thl T7ESSELS SUPPLIED WITH CABIN AND V MESS STORES ON SHORT NOTICE. Captains and Stewards are respect-. fully invited to call and examine the J_ quality and prices or oar GOODS. Full we guaranteed. DeUvered free of expense. WM. S. CORWIN A- CO., No. 275 King street, opposite Hasel, Charleston, S. 0. 49* Branch or No. 900 Broadway, New York. jan24 J & K. BENNETT, " REAL ESTATE AGENT AND DEALER IN EXCHANGE, GOLD, SILVER, BONDS, . STOCKS, Ac Ofnoe (at the Old Stand) No. 40 Broad Street, Charleston, 8. C. N. B.-Orders from the country respectfully so? licited, aprl fmw3mosn*o pia motion Bitters. GLORIOUS CHANCE. That any [sideman survived the treatment of fifty years ago, most be considered a proof that human beings are .sexy hard to kin The lancet, calomel, canthattdes and drastic pur gat ives were then the order of the day. The phy? sician played into the hands of the apothecary, and the unfortunate patient was drenched morn? ing, noon and night with prostrating medicines. We ike In a more rational and conscientious era. The Impostan ce of supporting Nature in its conflict with disease As now understood. Complaints in themselves weakening are no longer aggravated by artificial depletion. They are met with TONICS that rally the vital powers ?nd enable them to de feat the enemy. Chief among these alu es of Na? ture, in its battles with sickness, is PLANTATION BITTERS. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a cordial for the aged and decrepid lt has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness io which ttie;tender sex are especially subject, it s superseding every other slim ulan; anti nervine, n all enmates, tropical, temperate or frigid, lt lets as a specific in every species of disorder vhich undermines the bodily strength and weaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it, s introduced lt becomes a standard article -a medicinal staple. Druggists; although their iroflt upon it ls small, find lt absolutely iecessary to keep a preparation for which very body inquires, and for which nobody rill accept a substitute. It is to-day the most lopular medicine in the civilized world, ?xtensively as lt is advert'deo, ita beat ad rertlsement ls the beneficial, result which ini?ormly follows its use. Every bottle sold in j . w - rares the sale of at least hali a dozen more.. Do like other stimulants, lt brace*, and fortines tae Bystem without exciting, undue cerebral action, The cheering effect which lt produces upon the mind ls not momentary, bat permanent. There is no subsequent depression. It does not, as ls the case with all other stimuli, beget a craving for ex? citants. On the other band, lt soothes and calms thenerves,combming,strange as the anomaly may seem, thequadtles or a sedative and gentle ano, dyne with those of a tonic and lnvlgoraat. The perfect purity or all Its ingredients, their admirable adaptation to the purposes |they are Intended to " subserve, the jutkiclous pro portions in which they are combined, and the, scientific BklU with wnlcb they are mend? ed, render this famous article at once the most potent and the most harmless of ail known tonics*and alteratives. Sold by all Druggists. aprii Sitters. I P P M A N ' S GBEAT GEBMAN BITTEBJ8! THE PUREST MEDICATED CORDIAL '.OF THE A G_E ! ? ALTERATIVE, ANTI-BILIOUS, and INVIGORATING ? PROPERTIES. LIPPMAN'S GREAT GERMAN BITTERS is pre? pared from t?e original German receipt now m the possession of the proprietors, and is the same preparation that was nsed in Germany upwards of a century ago; and to-day it ls toe household remedy of Germany, recommended by its most eminent physicians. LIPPMAN'S GBEAT GEBMAN BITTERS ls composed of the purest alcoholic essence of Germany's favorite beverage, impregnated with the juices and extracts of rare herbs, roots and harks; all of which combined make lt one of the best and surest preparations for the care of Dyspepsia., Loss of Tone in the Stomach and Digestive Organs, NERVOUS DEBILITY, LANGOUR, CONSTIPATION, LIVER COMPLAINT, GENERAL EXHAUSTION, AND iS A PREVENTIVE FOR CHILLS AND FEVER AND MALARIOUS DISEASES GENERALLY. FEMALES ?Viii find LIPPMAN'S GREAT GERMAN BITTERK be best tonio known for the diseases to which hey are generally subject, and where a gentle itlmulant ls recommended. MATHEW'S BLUFF, S. C., June 2,1870. 1 ESS RS. Li pp M AS A BRO.: Inclosed please and money for one case of your .erman Bitters, persons who have bought them rom me express having been greatly benefited ly their use. Yours, Ac, 0. R. FITTS. OK ANO EB mo, S. C.' June 4,1870. 1 ESS RS. Li PPM AN A BRO.: Iccloaed And $60; send us more ol' your Bitters; hey are taking well. Yours, Ac. F. H. W. BRIDGMAN A Co. Depots in Charleston s. C. : 7. G. TROTT, ED. S. BURNHAM, U W. ECKEL A CO., G. J. LUHN, W. A. SKRINE, Wholesale Agents: HENRY BISCHOFF A CO. STEFFENS, WERNER A DUCKER, DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Druggists, OLAOIUS A WITTE. aprie-smoB_ DYSPEPSIA* INDIGESTION^ Yk/-w SOLU EVERYV/HERr.. 7|(Tl & WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS N B. The Commissioner of Revenue haa decided hat any dealer can Bell tUB article wlthout/o ipeclal license. n?oh 3 Star Shins. Tf^TM. MATT H I ESSEN, So. 281 KING STREET, CORNER WENTWORTH, AGENT FOR THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED STAR SHIHTSi EACH QUALITY OP SHIRT JS NUMBERED. PRICES AS FOLLOWS? NO. 42.S2 00 NO. 52. 2 50 No. 72. 3 00 NO. B2. 3 50 reba 6mos JOHN MARSHALL JR., COMMISSION MERCHANT. SAVAL 8TORES, COTTON, LUMBER AND RICE MARSHALL'S WHARP, Charleston, S. C. 0O?24 S TTHE CELEBRATED THOROUGHBRED X Stallion "JONCE HOOPER" Will stand this leason m Spring street, near King. Terms-$25 the season and $1 to the groom, payable In advance. For pedigree and any other particulars, apply it No. li Vanderhoret Wkarf jan3i rnwf HE GREAT CAMPAIGN PAPER I CAMPAIGN PAPER ! CAMPAIGN PAPER I CAMPAIGN PAPER I CAMPAIGN FAPER I CAMPAIGN PAPER ! THE"OHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST, AND THE BEST ! THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND] THE BEST I THE CHEAPEST. THE LIVELIEST? AND THE BEST! THE [CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND TH? (BEST ! THE CHEAPEST, THE 'LIVELIEST AND THE BEST t THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND THE BEST I THE CHARLESTON THE CHARLESTON THE [CHARLESTON THE CHARLESTON THE CHARLESTON THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS! WEEKLY NEWS ! WEEKLY NEWS ! WEEKLY NEWS ! WEEKLY NEWS ! WEEKLY NEWS! Contains all the News, Editorial and Miscellane? ous Reading Matter published In THE DAILY NEWS AND THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, INCLUDING : Latest Telegraph News, Political Intelligence, Commercial and Stock Reports, Literary Topics and Reviews, Selected Social Essays, Personal Gossip, and Information for Planters. TOGETHER WITH THE CHOICEST STORIES, LIGHT READING, and POETRY, From the current Foreign and Domestic Periodicals. Special Attention will be given to everything relating to the approach? ing straggle In South Carolina, in be? half of Retrenchment and Reform. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN OOPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SUBSCRIPTION TWO DOLLARS [A YEAR. ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. CLUBS OF TEN SUPPLIED AT $1 CO EACH. Price for the Campaign, (Pour Months,) Seventy-five Cents. Ten Copies will be sent to One Address, during thc Campaign, for Six Dollars. MAKE UP YOUR CLUBS ! ter Address, (enclosing money in Registered Letter,) ? ? RIORDAN, DAWSON t 00., ?CHARLESTON, S. C, J?nenrance. rp H E POLICY-HOLDERS' LIFE AND TONTINE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF THE SO UTK, No. 29 BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. WM. MCBURNEY, President. GEORGE E. HOCOS, secretary. E. P. ALEXANDER, vice-President and Actuary. JOHN T. DARBY. M. D., Medical Ad viser, J. F. G ILM ER. Vice-Presldent, resident in Georgia. AUGUSTINE T. SMYTHE, Solicitor. E. NYE HUTCHISON, - vice-President, resident in JAMES CONNER, Counsel. North Carolina. TRUSTEES. william McBurney, william C. Bee, Robert Mure Andrew Slmonds, John R. Dukes, George w. Williams, James R. Pringle, Lewis D. Mowry Wm. K. Ryan, J. Ell Gregg. J. Harvey wilson, E. Nye Hutchison, z. B. Vance, M. McRae, J. F. Gilmer, William Duncan, John Screven, John L. Hardee, John B. Palmer, R. O'Neale, Jr.. John T. Darby, M. D., Wm. M. Shannon, D. Wyatt Aiken, Giles J. Patterson, Rev. James P. Boyce, Robt. L. McCau?hiin, George H. McMaster, Henry Bischoff, Wm. G. Whllden, A. S. Johnson, George H. Moffetr, James Conner, George E. Boggs, John H. Devereux, E. p. Alexander, E. J. Scott. . FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS deposited with Comptroller-General for protection of Policy-Hofderff. More than ONE MILLION DOLLARS of Assurance applied ior ! Tliis Company, having complied with all the conditions of Its Charter, ls now prepared to issue the usual forms of Life and Endowment Policies on the Cash system. CASH PREMIUMS ! CASH DIVIDENDS! CASH POLICIES ! All Policies non-forfeits ble a'ter the payment of ONE Annual Premium. Paid-us Policies iRsucd on surrender of the original for au equitable amount. Purely MUTUAL ! No Stockholders ! All Profits DIVIDED among the Fclley-Holders. Dividends declared Annually. Dividends one? declared are non-forfeltable, and may be used to reduce the Premium, to Increase the amount or Assurance, or to make the Policy seli-sustalning. Dividends left with the Company, however applied, may beused, in case of need, to pay Premiums. *? Investments confined by Charter to the most solid and reliable Securities. ?3- Patronize the only Life Assurance in the State, and keep your MONEY AT-HOME. july4-3mosDAC _ r iQiecellaneons. T> ESFECTION IN BAKING Housekeepers wlio do their Cooking OD Kero? sene or Gas Stoves, shonld procure DUVAL'S PATENT BAKER. which will bake Bread, Biscuit, Pies, Ac, and Roast Poultry, Beef, Potatoes, Ac, to perfection. For sale by J. B. DUVAL A SON, may28-sw No. 337 King street* BISH BOOFING FELT THE BEST, CHEAPEST AND MOST DURABLE Material for Rooting known. by CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., Corner Meeting and cumberland streets, mch246mo _Charleston. S. C . MANHOOD HOW LOST-HOW RE? STORED I Just published In a sealed envelope. Price si* cents. A LECTURE on the NATURAL TREATMENT and Radical Cure of Sperm atori nea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debili? ty, and Impediments to Marriage generally; Ner? vousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, Men? tal and Physical Incapacity, resulting from self abuse, Ac, by Robert J. Cnlverwcll, M. D., author of the "Green Book," AC. "A boon to thousands of sufferers." Sent ender seal, In a plain envel? ope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of els ct-nts or two postage stamps, by OHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., No. 127 Bowery, New York, Post?la ce Lox No. 1686. Also, Dr. CulverwelTs "MARRIAGE GUIDE,'" price 25 cents._may7-stntb3mo* GEORGS PAGE & CO. K?XCFACTTOEBS 07 Patent Portable Circular Saw Mill Stationary and Portai.o STEAM ENGINES Gi: 1ST MILLS, 7 Market at._ CHAPIN .fc CO., L., MANUFACTURERS and Dealers lu Carriages, Uaruess, &c" 20 liayne. .V ti A ga I'mckucy bi. : ai-o. ma Meeting st. COR WIN At CO., WM. S., IMPORTERS and Dealers lc Coice Widnes, Brandies, Teas and Groceries, Wholesale and Retail' 275 King st. CHAPEE & CO., WM. H., WHOLE? SALE Dealers in Groceries, Wines, Llqnors, Ac: Agents f.r Eaton's Crackers, 207 East Bay. CHAFEE'S TONIC, THE BEST AND most pleasant Stomach Regulator extant; Cliafee A Co.. No. 207 East Bay. Manufacturers. DUVAL & SON, J. B.; MANUFACTUR? ERS of Tinware. Dealers in Stoves. House l-'urnlshlng Goods, Ac. 337 King st._,, -, ' EASON IRON WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1SSS, Nassau and Columbus streets: Steam Bagtes, Manne. Portahh-und Stationery, hollers. FOLLIN, G., TOBACCO COMMISSION Merchant, Manufacturers' Agent for the "??;e of Standard Brand*. Nu. 161 East Bay. URNliURE WAREROOMS, ESTAB L1SHED 1SS8. l.>. il. Silcox, Nos. m, 177 and IT!? King st. tiui"'.> i-areiul'.y pucked anil shipped. Ci OLTSMITH ?L ?UN, MOSES, 4, o AND' TC S Y?ndue Rurive,Wholesale Dealers lu Iron, Meta*:?. Racv. Pu per yuck; Hides, Wool, Ac. DRNE?, WM., rACTOR AND COMM?S slt'N aierc'uact, ?o-J East Kay, aud l A acorn mudat:(.r: Wharf. OTTFVENLEK BROS., ^SUCCESSORS ?