University of South Carolina Libraries
CITY AFFAIRS. THE rapidly increasing circulation of THE NEWS compels us to put the paper to press at an earlier hour than heretofore, in order to secure the delivery of our whole edition in good season. To accomplish this result, as well as to allow a proper classification of all advertisements, we beg to give notice that on and after Monday next, May 2, all advertisements must be handed in at THE NEWS OFFICE by half-past nine o'clock at night, to insure their publication on the fol? lowing day. This rule applies to advertise? ments coming through other newspaper of? fices, a3 well as to those sent direct, and will be rigidly enforced as to all advertisements, excepting notices of meetings, notices of deatli3 and funeral invitations. This regulation will, we are confident, be highly advantageous to advertisers, as it will allow us to put cheir announcements at an early hour in proper form before the read? ers of THE NEWS. We count, therefore, on their kind assistance and co-operation in car? rying out a rule which is now absolutely es? sential to the proper condact of our business. Meetings This Day. Typographical Union, at half past 6 P. M. Apprentices' Library Society, at 12 M. St. Andrew's Society, at 8 P. M. Homestead Building and Loan Association, at 8 P. M. AID-DE-CAMP.-The latest from Columbia is, that Land Commissioner De Large is to be ap? pointed aid-de-camp to the Governor. TUE LATE FIKE.-The rubbish about the store or Mr. C. N. Averill, which was lately de? stroyed by Are, and which has been smoking ever since, broke out Into names yesterday afternoon. The Young America's steamer soon quenched them._ MACON BOARD OF TRADE.-The following gentlemen have been appointed by the Board or Trade or Macon as delegates to the Charleston Convention, which meets 3d of May: C. A. Nut? ting, Esq.; Wm. B. Johnston, Esq.; J. B.Ross, Esq.; W. J. Lawton, Esq.; W. L. Ellis, Esq. DELEGATES TO CONVENTION.-At a meeting of the members of the Ashley and Steno Agricul? tural Society, of St. Andrew's Parish, held at the office of Professor Holmes, thc following gentle? men were elected delegates to the Agricultural and Immigration Convention, to be held in this olty3dorMay, proximo, viz: Honorable Wm. I. Bull, Professor F. S. Holmes, Geo. J. Crafts, Esq. - SALE OF UNCLAIMED FREIGUT.-There will be Bold at the office of the Southern Express Company, at ll o'clock to-day, a lot of uncalled for packages. Here's a chance for every one to buy, "nnslght or unseen," a package, which on opening, will probably contain afortune that will enable thc lncky fellow to unloose the brakes on his pocketbook, and go down the hill of life with a perfect looseness. FIREMEN'S VISIT TO SAVANNAH.-We learn that the following companies of the Charleston Fire Department will leave here for Savanah to? morrow, to participate in the annual parade or the Savannah department, which takes place on Mon? day next: __tna, Phoenix and German steam fire companies, with their steamers. Hook and Lad? der Company No 2 with their truck, and delega? tions from Hook and Ladder Company No. I, Washington and Pioneer Steam Fire Companies. THE SONDAT-SCHOOL CONVENTION. - Thc Greenville Sunday -Schools have appointed the following delegates to thLs convention, which meets in Charleston on the 12th, 13th and nth .ot May: Methodist Sunday-School.-Rev. S. A. Weber. Baptist Sunday-School.-G. E. Elford, T. P. Lide, R. McKay. Presbyterian Sunday-School.-Dr. E. T. Buist, Dr. John Andei ?n. J. C. Balley. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY SOCIETY.-The mem? bers of this society are requested to meet, at t he rooms or the Charleston Library Society, corner ?of Broad and Church streets, to-day at 12 M., for the purpose of considering a plan of union where? by the advantage o? the Charleston Library may be secured to the members and beneficiaries of the Apprentices' Library Society. We are grati? fied to state that a vigorous effort will be made to place this society on a permanent footing. All who favor the project are requeste d to attend. TRIAL JUSTICES.-A great deal of interest is felt by some of our citizens In the matter of Trial Justices for Charleston connty. One who LB in a position to know, asserts that T. J. and J. G. Mackey, Wm. McKinlay, S. L. Bennett and W. H. Mishaw, the last three colored, will be ap? pointed for the city; and one or two will be selected from thc following: Lafayette I. Woolfe, L. Bunch, H. W. Schroder and M. Caulfield. For the connty, W. G. Plnckney, colored, Santee; B. K. Moultrie, colored,"st. Andrew; George Lee, color.-, Summerville. A RACE.-The Walhalla Courier says that on Saturday last, the insipid routine of Walhalla lire was relieved by a regular horse race. Thc match was between a small sorrel mare, owned by Mr A. W. Thompson, of Walhalla, and a gray horse of Mr. Roane'8, or Georgia. The distance run was eight hundred yards. The stake was two hundred dollars. The sorrel came ont near fifty feet ahead. There was a larje crowd present, and spirited betting by outside parties. A trotting match for same stake was arranged for Tuesday last, bat the Georgian was satis tied with the re? sult of Saturday's folly, and left for home. THE CITY LITIGATION CASE.-It was freely reported yesterday on the streets that the injunc? tion of Judge Carpenter in the city litigation case had been withdrawn. A careful inquiry showed that 'here was no foundation whatever in the re? port, und that lt had originated from the fact tia'. Sheriff Mackey had withdrawn his levy upon the gas stock and thc funds in the bands of the city treasurer. He did this because lhere was a sufficient amount of fonds in the People's and Na? tional Banks to meet the demands of the claim against the city-amounting to a little over sixty thousand dollars. RE8KNTKNCEI>.-Friday Nixon, colored, who wo3 sentenced to be hung for the murder of a colored man lost November, while on a flatboat in the Ashley River, and who has been twice re? spited, has been resentenced by Judge Carpenter, to be hung on thc second Friday (13th) or next month. In sentencing him Judge Carpenter told him to give up all hopes or being further respited, ia response to the usual question to the prisoner If he had anything to say against having the aenbmoe of death pronounced upon him, Nixon r.p!.e_ that all the confessions he had made should not have been brought to bear against him, aa he did not know what he was doing at the time, and that he did net Intend to kill the man. EASTER ELECTIONS.-The following addition? al retama have been received: ??, lfarfc's Chun% Ctester.-Vestrymen-J. J. MoLure, James rogan, W. H. Brawley, G. W. Mel con, E. 0. McLure, John F. Douglass. Wardens S. P. Hamilton, W. T. Roblson. Delegates to Con? vention-George W. Melton, William H. Brawley, E. C. McLure. ChrUt Church, Greenville*-Vestrymen-E. P. iones. Thomas M. Cox, 0. B. Irvine, Hamlin Beat? tie, William R Earle, E. B. Bacon. Wardens-W. H. Oampbe.:, H. C. Mark ley. Delegates to Con? vention-K. S. irvine, Thomas M. Cox. Alter m>m- Hamlin Beattie, E. P. Jones. AMUSEMENTS. Success of "Norma" at the Academy. It is certainly a higb as well as a substantial compliment to the English Opera Company now at the Academy, that their audiences have stead? ily increased with each performance. Bellini's noble opera of "Norma" was given last night in excellent style to an overflowing house. The open? ing chorus of Druids, with an air soft as the warb 'ings of a love-song, followed by the well known march movement, was sung in good time, and all together under the leadership of the Arch priest Oroi'eso (H. C. Peakes.) Thc recitative and air by PoUlone (Bernard) were fairly given. Nor? ma (Richings Bernard) sang thc tender, melodi? ous invocation aria well. The favorite bravura, with Its beautiful trill and roulade, was also sung by her with all her usual spirit, which seems to rejoice in encountering and overcoming dimeul ties that would daunt ordinary performers. In the second act, Aitalgisa's recitative and air, at the Druidical altar, were rendered with reeling by Emma Howson, who was lu good voice, though her acting might be more animated. The impas. sioned duet between her and PoUlone was sweetly but somewhat tamely sung. The beautiful duet between Norma and Adaiglsa was ren? dercd fairly, and the applanse was marked. After Norma's torrent of invective on PoUione, the duet between the women was beautifully sung, the prima donna's rich second being remarkable. The solemn scene which opens the third act, de? picting the anguish of the high-souled priestess, was sung with Mrs. Bernard's emphatic declama? tion and depth of meaning, and the conclusion of the act and opera, with the choruses, the touch? ing and melodious reproaches of Norma and Po Hone's submission, were all well rendered. The au? dience approved frequently, and the beautiful airs throughout the opera, so ramiliar to every pianist and singer, were received with enthu Blum. The Matinee To-day. The comic opera or The Doctor of Alcantara wiB be given at noon to-day, and the chenp prices wUlprobably draw the throng of ladles and children usual on such occasions. Seats can be reserved without extra charge. "The Crown Diamonds" To-night. Many years nave elapsed since this delightful and spirited opera has been sung la Charleston. It will bc given to-night, we are assured, lu a splendid style, every member of the company being embraced in the cast. The manager has reduced the price of tickets to the family circle p.nd gallery, beginning with to-night, to 50 and 25 cents respectively, which is . certainly very rea? sonable. By Mrs. Bernard's card, which we publish else? where, lt will be seen that the company remain with us Ave nights more next week, after which they go to Richmond. TURN OUT, " YE MELISH."-We are informed that Vf. J. Whipper, colored representative Irom Beaufort County, and prospective candidate for Congress, has been appointed brigadier-general of militia for this district. It is further stated that there will at once be organized a regiment of militia in each county, which shall parade on the Fourth of July next. There are several colored companies now in Charleston, and these being considered the city's quota, no more will be per? mitted to organize; but the remainder necossary to flu up the regiment will bc taken from the county. UNITED STATES COURT-HON. GEORGE S. BRYAN, JUDOS PRESIDING.-The following busi? ness was disposed or by this court yesterday: Rx parte Jacob Cohen, in re E. W. Seabrook. Report of sales was read and confirmed. Ex parte Albert Wichman, or Walterboro'. Peti? tion of voluntary bankruptcy was referred to Registrar Carpenter Tor adjudication. The jury. In the case or Butler, Brown A Clapp vs. J. H. Fawley, returned a verdict for plaintiffs for $964 44, with interest from August 4,1ST0, at one-quarter per c?nt. In the case of C. A. Davis vs. the same, the jury returned a verdict for plain? tiff for $93707, with interest from October 4.18G7. In the case of D. J. Tracy vs. the same, for $599 13. with interest from April 1st, 1867, on $500, the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff. TUE SCH?TZENFEST.-The gentlemen who are making anangemeuts for tho coming Sch?t? zenfest, commencing on the 9th of next month, have labored and arc laboring earnestly to make it, what lt will be, the grandest affair of the kind ever held in the South. The active and passive members and shareholders arc requested to pro? cure their family tickets as soon as possible from Mr. C. H. LtBdstedt, corner of Klug and Calhoun streets. The necessary cockades can be obtained there also. Those who have obtained stands on the ground for the festival are notified that the officers of the club will enforce thc removal or all buUdlng material from the ground on Saturday, the 7th of May, at 12 o'clock M. The lessees are respectfnlly requested to finish their work by Fri? day evening. GENERAL LUE AT WILMINGTON.-General Lee arrived at Wilmington yesterday afternoon. A special train started for that place early in the morning, and proceeded to Meares's Bluff, there to await General Lee's arrival, having on board a large number of friends and the cadets of the Cape Fear Academy, under charge of General Colston. When the train approached the corps of cadets were on the platform, and received him with arms presented^ while the band played an air. The Wilmington Journal thinks that the Gen? eral was affected by the sight of the grey worn by the cadets, but that the demonstration seemed not altogether pleasing to him. On the arrival at the depot the cadets formed In line and proceeded to escort hftn to the residence of Hon. George Davis, whose guest General Lee ls. From respect to the reelings of the old warrior, no fur i her dem? onstration which aa attached people might other? wise desire to make was insisted on, but the cadets headed the crowd in a march down town, and General Lee was left in peace. TUB FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT-GRAND CELE? BRATION.-On Monday next the colored people of our city propose having a grand celebration, In honor of thc- passage of the Fif teenth amendment. The line, composed of "military companies, his Excellency Governor Scott and staff, and mem? bers of the General Assembly ; Committee of Ar? rangements, Mayor and Aldermen, orators of the. day, civil societies, children of thc public schools, Are companies, citizens," will be formed at 8 Relock A. M., parade through thc principal streets, and then go to the Battery, where, at 10 o'clock, a sainte of one hundred guns will be tired. At night there will be a torchlight procession or the "mUitary companies, Ure companies, Com? mittee of Arrangements, civil societies, citizens, all with transparencies and torohes." After which there will be speaking on the Battery. The speakers announced for the occasion are : W. H. Mlshaw, A. J. Ransier, L. I. Woolie, R. B. Artson, Gilbert Pillsbury, T. J. Mackey, R. C. DeLarge, W. J. Whipper, R. H. Cain, WUUam E. Elliott, E. J. Adams. THE GREENVILLE AND COLUMBIA RAILROAD COMPANY.-The following particulars of the annual meeting of this company, in addition to tho?c printed in TUE NEWS of yesterday, arc taken from the Phceuix : D. H. Chamberlain, E^q., was called to the chair, and Mr. C. N. Carrington, the secretary of the company, appointed secretary of the meeting. A committee on proxies and stock representation was appointed, who, altera short absence and consultation, reported that about sLxty thousand shares of stock were represented. President Hammett was then called upon, and read the annual report of thc president and directors; which, with the general superintendent's report, and the usual tables, were received and adopted. An amendment to the by-laws was then agreed upon, creating the office of vice-president. Other changes were also made In the by-laws. A reso? lution was passed accepting and adopting as a part or the charter, section 1, of an act to regu? late thc rightB aud powers or railroad companies, passed February 1*, 1870. A comoilmentary resolution or thanks to President Hammett, tue the board of directors, and Superintendent Mere? dith, was then passed. A free ticket for life for President Hammett and family was then ordered, and a resolution of thanks to Mr. Wright, for the* use of his hall, when the mee'lng adjourned. Mr. Bush, the president, ls, as we are informed, a gentleman of means-a New Torie*banker; and it is his Intention to go to work as rapidly as possi? ble, and put thc road in complete Order, so as to rank lt as first class. Ile is thoroughly au /ait tn railroad matters, and will be ably assisted by vice-President Patterson. THE SUPREME COURT.-Ta this court lt ls an? nounced that the Charleston eases are to come np on Tuesday, and the negro bond cases on Thurs? day. _ THE CITY LITIGATION CASE.-The argu? ments in the case or injunction applied for to restrain certain judgment creditors of the city from obtaining possession of certain of the assets of the city, which they have attached, will be heard to-day berore Judge Carpenter. -* CRUMBS.-The Court of General Sessions has adjourned until the June terra. There was not a single case before the Mayor yesterday. The City Court will meet on Tuesday next. Tho steamer Argo will make an excursion around thc harbor to-day, leaving accommoda? tion wliarf at 3 o'clock. The Unitarian Sunday School will have a pic? nic at the Schutzcnplatz to-day. We learn that - Holmes, a colored employee of the Customhouse, has sued out a warrant for thc arrest of Magistrate T. J. Mackey, whom he charges with having used opprobrious language towards him. Wc suppose Holmes means the uncomplimentary language Mackey made use of towards him on the Battery several days ago. THE ENGLISH OE EE A. A Caril from Mrs. Riclilngg-Bernard. The directress begs leave to return her thanks to the citizens of Charleston and the pub? lic in general for the very liberal patronage ac? corded during the past week. She has the honor to announce that, in compliance with general dc. sire, thc season will be extended five nights, com? mencing Monday, May 2, daring which will be presented thc following fine repertoire: "Bone, mian Girl," "Trovatore," "Martha," "Fra Dla vola," -'Faust." Respectfully, CAROLINE RICHISUS-BERNARD. Hotel Arrivals-April !89. CHARLESTON HOTEL. F. E. Wells, St. Thomas's Parish: W. H. Glldersleeve, Phosphatevlllc; T. W. Doar.'Santee; J. C. Fargo, N. Rube, Augusta; Colonel Whittler, U. S. A., Louisville; General Crawford, U. S. A., Huntsville; L. Cuthbert, M. C. Hanscom, C. L. Bradford, Aiken; J. Haydon and wife, West Point; A. Herzlerg, Philadelphia; W. H. Robeson, Chicago; A. M. Strong and lady, Rev. Dr. Hick? man, Rev. R. Strong, Albany. PAVILION HOTEL. J. M. Humbert, John's Island; G. Van Lew, W.>E. Du Bell, Cojurabia; W. A. Lay, PerryvlUe; W. R. Smith, Newberry; S. M. Brown, J. M. Brown, F. J. Duke, W. E. Fripp, Rlsgstree. BUSINESS NOTICES. THE DUSTY AND WEART TRAVELLER will find excellent bath rooms at the American House, Boston. Airy rooms, billiard halls, vertical rali? way, cate, reading-room, and a superior cuisine, render this a favorite tn_se with travellers. FOR FORT SUMTER AND MORRIS ISLAND. Attention ls requested to the advertisement of Steamer "Argo," In another column, to leave Accommodation wharf at 3 o'clock this after? noon. . _ BILL HEADS printed on fine paper at $3, $4, $5, $6 50 and $B 50 per thousand, according to size, at TUE NEWS Job Office. BusrxESs ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Office ls now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with business cards printed thereon, at $4 per thous? and. Send your orders. Every merchant and business man should have his card printed on bis envelopes. Jttiirnco. INGLESBY- PELZBR.-At the residence of | the bride's father, on thc evening of thc 2lst In? stant, by the Rev. T. B. Wannaraakcr, THOMAS 8. INGLESBY and LAVINIA R., ?econd daughter of F. J. Pelzcr, all of this city. ROBERTSON-CLARK.-Oa the 27th instant, at Ocean View, James Island, by thc Rev. J. L. Girardeau, D. D., Dr. W. F. ROUERTSON. of Charles? ton, and LILY M., daughter of E. M. Clark, Esq., of the former place. No cards. HILLS-WEBB.-On the 24th instant, at Glebe street Church, by Rev. J. L. Girardeau, WM. B. HILLS to MATTIE C., daughter or Major Thomas L. Webb, all ol this city. No cards. MANNING-MCLEAN.-At Trinity Church, Co? lumbia, by thc Rev. P. J. Shand, on the afternoon of the 19th instant. WADE H. MAN.NI.NO to Miss KATE MCLEAN, both of Columbia. At Ohlcora Wood, Georgetown District, on the 20th of April, by the Rev. Richard S. Trapler, Jons JULIUS PRINGLE to ELIZABETH WATIKS, se? cond daughter of thc late Hon. R. F. W. Allston. iruncral Notices. ~~paTT]3L^^ FRIENDS of JOSEPHINE N. PERKINS, and of her husband, E. L. Perkins, are respectfully Invited to attend the Funeral of the former, at half-past 9 o'clock A. M. Tnts DAY, from No. 41 Church street. apr30* (Dbitnurrj. TUPPER.-Died, In Charleston S. C., April 27th, 1870, Louis OOIER TUPPER, Infant Bon of Mr. and Mrs..George Tupper, aged 4 months and 15 days. Special Notices. pa* CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP TENNESSEE, from New York, are notified that thc cargo is being discharged at Pier No. 2, Union Wharves. ' All Goods uncalled for at sun? set wUl be stored at expense and risk or owners. WM. A. COURTENAY, apr30-l Union Wharves. pa* CONSIGNEE WANTED FOR 100 bbls. FLOUR per Steamer Sea Gull, rrom Balti? more, mark 0 and consigned to J. C. Hanson, now in store n Union Wharr. spr30-l_MORDECAI A CO.. Agents pa* GERMAN SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-Emigrants seeking employment can obtain information concerning the same from Captain H. HARMS, Agent of this Society, whose office for the present ls at No. 80 East Bay. Parties wishing to employ Emigrants can consult the Agent dally. Office hoars from 12 to 2 o'clock. JOHN CAMPSEN. ap23 stu President. >2?r PROPOSALS.-OFFICE SINKING FUND COMMISSION, COLOMBIA, S. C., APRIL 25, 1870.-Notice ls hereby given that the Commis? sion ls now prepared to receive proposals for thc purchase of STOCK owned by the State. All com? munications must be addressed to the under? signed. J. H. RALNEY, Secretary Sinking Fund Commission, apr29_22_Columbia, S. C. pa* NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals for completing the Breast Dam at Langley, S. C., <formerty known as Kalmia Mills,) abont eight miles rrom Augusta, on the South Carolina Railroad, will be received until May 1st. Specifications can bc seen at the office or Messrs. J. SIBLEY A SONS. Augusta, Ga., or npon the premises at Langley, S. 0. The Com? pany reserve the right to reject any or all bids. WM. C. SIBLEY, President aprl4 Imo_Langley Manufacturing Co. JS- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. All persons having claims against the Estate or the late WILLIAM SMITH, Stevedore, of Charles? ton, deceased, will present the same properly at? tested; and all persons Indebted to said Estate will make payment to AUGUSTINE T. SMYTHE, Esq., Attorney, No. 35 Broad street. THADDEUS STREET, aprSl las_Administrator WM. SMITH. pa* IF YOU WANT STRAW, MANIL? LA and all kinda of WRAPPING PAPERS, go to EDWARD PERRY, No. 165 Meeting street, oppo? site Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S. C. deol4 cmos_ pa* AWAY WITH UNCOMFORTABLE TRUSSES.-Comfort and Core for the Raptured. Sent postpaid on receipt of W cents. Address Dr. E, B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington avenue, Now York. ?fee? .Special Notices. pa* DIVINE SERVICE WILL BE CON? DUCTED ia the Orphan's Chapel on SABBATH AF? TERNOON, at 4 o'clock, by the Rev. RUT CS P. CUTLER, D. D._ _tprjO pa* FLRSTj BAPTIST CHURCH-DI? VINE Service will be held in this Chnrch~fb~ MORROW, at half-past io A. M. and half-past 4 P. M., by thc Rev. L. II. SHUCK, Pastor. apr30 pa* UNITARIAN CHURCH.-THERE will be Divine Service in this Church TO-MORROW, at half-past 10 o'clock A. M.-Rev. R. P. CUTLER officiating. Subject of discourse-"The Significa? tion of Christ's Baptism." Mr. CUTLER expects to preach in the APTERNOON at the Orphan's Chapel. The Evening Service will therefore be omitted._ apr30 pa* TRINITY CHURCH.-REGULAR Services TO-MORROW MORNING at half-past io o'clock by Rev. D. X. LAFAR. There will be no service in the afternoon, or at night. Public Prayer Meeting TUESDAY Nionr, at 8 o'clock, In the Lecture Room._apr30-l? pa* SOUTH CAROLINA, CHARLES? TON COUNTY.-In Equity.-Offlec Clerk C. C. P. G. W. DINGLE, Assignee, vs. JOHN JAMES GLAS? SON, Jr., ct al.-Bill for foreclosure.-It appearing to my satisfaction that JOHN JAMES GLASSON, Jr., and CAROLINE GLASSON, his wire, and ALICE AIKEN, defendants m this cause, are ab? sent from, and reside beyond, thc limits of this State, so that the ordinary process of the Court cannot be served on them; on motion of WDALEY, MITCHELL A CLANCY, complainant's solicitors, or? dered that the said defendants, JOHN JAMES GLASSON, Jr., CAROLINE GLASSON, his wife, and ALICE AIKEN, do appear and plead, answer or demur to this bill within forty days from the publication of this order, or an order pro confesso will be granted and entered against them. A. C. RICHMOND, C. C. P.. Charleston County. Jnly30 1 oct30-jan3O aprll30_ pa* PROSTATION PLAYED OUT. Violent purgatives, emetics, salivants, blistering and bleeding have had their day. The sick can no longer be persuaded that the best way to cure them is to destroy the little strength that disease has left them. Dyspectlcs Instead of dosing themselves with epsom salts, aloes, colyclnth, Jalap, and other powerful cathartics, tone their digestive organs and regulate their bowels with Hosttetter'i Stomach Bitters. Persons of bilious habits, instead of throwing the whole glandular system Into a state of morbid irritation with mercurial poison, seek relief, ant find lt, la the operation of that wholesome vege? table alterative upon the disordered liver. Nervous sufferers, tremulous, weak and de? spondent, recruit their shattered energies with i course of the great in vigoran:, and bless the day when the adulterated liquors of commerce were superceded by a medicated stimulant, perfectly efficient and entirely harmless. Travellers by land and sea rejoice In the pos? session of an agreeable corrective, which pro? tects them from the evil effects of malaria, from sea sickness, and from the disturbing Influences of changes of temperature, and change of water. The weak and debilitated feel their strength re? turn and their spirits revive under its bracing, appetizing, gently exhilarating action. lt ls the only stimulant which cautious physi? cians can conscientiously recommend to ladles in delicate health, or to thc aged and decrepid. There is not a city, town or settlement on the American continent where it is not reoognlzed as a household remedy, and a safeguard against epidemics; and, in short, wherever there is In? telligence, prudence and commonsense, Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters ls pronounced a standard specl?c, for which, in the whole range of phar? macy, there is no substitute or equivalent. apr29 6_ ^PEOPLES BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-The Annual Election for THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of this Bank, will bc held at the Banking House, No. 20 Broad street, on MONDAY, May 2d, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M JAMES B. BETTS, aprlO stuthTml Cashier. pa* TAX ASSESSOR'S NOTICE.-THE Assessment of Real Estate within the Town of Mount Pleasant ls now completed for the year 1870, and may be inspected upon application to thc Assessor, on or before the first MONDAY in May at Mount Pleasant House, every day from ; to 6 o'clock P. M. J. FERGUSON, apr26 mws3 Town Assessor. ^SORGHUM WORKS AND REFLN ERY.-Tho Works recently put up for the Ulustra tion or thc process or manufacturing syrup and sugar from sorghum, and refining, will be In ope? ration THIS DAY, from li o'clock A. M. to 2 o'clock P. M., and will be continued from day to day. All persons Interested are invited to wlt? ness lt. FRANCIS G. CART, Agent, apr20 _No. 32 East Bay. ^SPECIAL NOTICE.-BOOKS FOR Subscription to thc Stock of the ENTERPRISE RAILROAD COMPANY of Charleston wul be opened on and after Tnr3 DAY, the 23d instant, at the office of Messrs. WHIPPER, ELLIOTT A AL? LEN, No. Ol Broad street, where the undersigned may be found dally between the hours or 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. WM. MCKINLAY, mcb.23 ws2mths_Treasurer. pa* CAMP-MEETING FOR CHARLES? TON and vicinity Methodist Episcopal Churches, will commence (D. V.) at Ladson's Station WED? NESDAY, May 4th, and continue over the following Sabbath. The Committee have made extensive prepara? tions for the accommodation of the Meeting, and all friendly are cordially invited to attend. Persons attending will be carried on the South Carolina Railroad at half fare by thc regular trains till FRIDAY, when the Camp-Meeting train will be run till the close of thc Meeting. "To your tents, oh Israel." T. W. LEWIS, Pastor. C. H. HOLLO AV AY, Chairman Camp-Meeting Com? mittee^_apr28tuam3? pa*PVT YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER. This ls a most desirable object In a practical, scriptural and medical sense-by attending to the latter, the two former can be achieved. Tone the stomach, that your dlgc-tion may be perfect; rouse and stimulate the torpid liver, that your complexion may be clear, your appetite good and your eyes lustrous aud intelligent; reg? ulate the bowels and keep them up to a healthy standard; brace up your weakened nerves, that you may no longer bc nerveus or hysterical; Im? prove your general health, that you may be ena? bled to go through lire rejoicing. The great remedy to bring about this desirable end ls the medicated compound that ls univer? sally useu-SOLOMON'S BITTERS. apr26 tnthaS_ pa* MANHOOD.-A MEDICAL ESSAY on the Cause and Cure of Decline in Premature Man, the treatment of Nervous and Physical De? bility, Ac "There ls no member of society by whom this book will not be found useful, whether such per? son holds the relation of Parent Preceptor or Clergyman."-Medical Times aud Gazette. Sent by mall on receipt of fifi y cents. Address the Author, Dr. E. DsF. CURTIS. Washington. p. c._septi lyr pa*A GRAND EPOCH IN SCIENCE. From the tune when, In 1834, Dr. RUGGE discov? ered "Carbolic Acid" and lin extraordinary medi? cal effects, nothing in the history of Medicine has equalled lt. Largely used by the French physi? cians ia treatment of consumptive and scrofu? lous diseases, it was Introduced by the Court Phy? sician of Berlin, MAX ERNST HENRY, Into Prus? sia, and from thence to the United States. No? thing else of the present day can equal HEN? RY'S SOLULION OR CARBOLIC CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR. Patleats get better after only one dose tun been taken, and we cordially recommend lt to the ?nbUc-(Editor "Argua." )anl7 lyr pa* IP YOU WANT LAW BOOKS, LAW BLANKS and Legal Printing, go to EDWARD PERRY, No. 1&6 Meeting street, opposite Charles? ton Hotel, Charlea ton, S. 0. 4ecl4 omoa QTfj?no, Crackers, #c. QTJT AND ENGRAVED GLASS OP BEAUTIFUL DESIGN'S IlN C 0 M PL ETE SETS. OP THIN STRAW STEM IMPORTED WARE. CHAMPAGNES. WINES. CLARETS. CORDIALS. FINGER BOWLS. DECANTERS. CLARET JUGS. PRESERVE DISHES. BOWLS. GOBLETS. TUMBLERS. JELLY GLASSES. SUGARS. CREAMS. CARAFFE'S. LEMONADES. ? EGG GLASSES. CELLERY. BUTTERS. SPOON-HOLDERS. SALTS. ALSO, AMERICAN PRESSED GLASS WARE, AS ABOTE. ALL AT REDUCED PRICES On exhibition and for sale at the CHINA AND CROCKERY ESTABLISHMENT OF WM. G. WHILDEN & CO. DEALER IN WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED-WARE. No. 256 KING STREET. CORNER OF BEAUFAIN. aprl smosnac Charleston, S. 0. "pRENCH vHINA. The undersigned -would most respectfully in? form his friends and the public, that he ls selling FRENCH CHINA at very reduced prices; also a flue stock, well assorted, of Glassware and W. G. Ware as agent, and such a stock generally to meet the wants of that liberal patronage as here? tofore bestowed upon hun. R. H. MCDOWELL, Agent, King street, corner or Liberty street. april thstn ftailroao Supplies. STEAM ENGINES AND ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. A full assortment or BRASS and IRON FIT? TINGS, for steam and gas-fitters and plumbers. Steam Gnages, Gnage-cocks, Low Water Detec? tors, OH Cups, Tools for machinists and black? smiths, Bellows, ?c. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY k CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 omo Charleston, S. 0. g E L T I N G . A large Stock or Leather and Rubber BELTING and RUBBER GOODS, including Manhole and Handhole Gaskets, (all sizes.) Hose, Sheet Rub? ber tor packing, Pure Vulcanized Gnm for valves, AC. ALSO, "Regulation" LEATHER HOSE, double-riveted and of approved manufacture. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY k CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch'24 emo Charleston, S. C. S TEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, STEAM PUMPS, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, single and double-acting Lift and Force PUMPS, H. Dlaston & Son's Celebrated Circular, Gang, Hand and Cross-cut Saws. Also, Miners' and En lucers' Supplies in great variety, Shovels, Picks, Ac For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY k CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 arno_Charleston, 8. C. JgAR IRON AND STEEL. English and American Refined, in bars English and A'merlcan common, In bars Boiler Plate and Sheet Iron Bolts, Nats and Washers. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY k CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mcb24 emo Charleston, S. C. N AILS, NAILS,. orthebest brands, lnoludlng Parker Mills and CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO.'S unequalled "Ne Plus Ultra" CUT NAILS. ALSO, A full Stock af Wrought and Cut SPIKES. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY k CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 6mo_Charleston, S. C. WHITE LEAD, COLORS AND PAINT 0 I Ll Pure Raw and Doable-Boiled LINSEED OIL English and American White Lead Paints in Oil. In great variety. ALSO, An extensive assortment of BRUSHES. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY k CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 Omo_Charleston, S. 0. piPE FOR GAS, STEAM AND WATER. Sole Agency ot MORRIS TASKER & CO.'S Pas? cal Iron Works. At store of CAMERON, BARKLEY k CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 omo_Charleston, S. C QUCUMBER-WOOD PUMPS. The cheapest and best PUMP new in use. They give no taste to the water and are applicable in every locality. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY k CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 omo Charleston, 8. Q I LI OILI OILI Winter Strained SPERM, Extra Lard C. B. ? CO.'S Engine Oil, Paraphene Spindle Olive Oil, Cotton Seed Od White Oak (West Virginia) OIL For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY ? CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mcaMomo Gaarieston, 8. c. Unction gg^^^^ctore^agg^ Bj W. T. LEITCH SC B, S. BBUNS, Auctioneers. TENEMENT HOUSE, Nos. 6 AND 8, MI? NORITY STREET. On TUESDAY, May 3d, at ll o'clock, In front of the Old Postofflce, will be sold, The TENEMENT BUILDING and LOT in Minority street, containing 8 rooms, known as No. 0 and 8 Terms cash. Purchaser to pay us for papers and stamps._apr30 By Z. B. OAKES. COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE FOR A small family, on the east side of Meeting street. Will be sold on TUESDAY, 3d May, near the Old li o'clock. That Two Story Wooden DWELLING, No. 176, cast side of Meeting street, containing 4 square and 2 attic rooms, besides a large pantry and dressing room. On the premises ls a commodi? ous kitchen. The Lot measures 31 feet 6 inches rront, and 135 feet In depth. The premises may be examined at any time be? fore tlie sale. Conditions-Half cash ; balance in one year, wit h interest. Dwelling to be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps._apr3Q A~~T AUCTION. The Home Loan and Building Association vs. Hutchinson, Administrator or McCall, and others. Under decree for foreclosoure of mort? gage. Tuesday, 10th May, 1870. By virtue or a decretal order in this case made by Hon. R. B. Carpenter, I will offer for sale, at Public Auction, at the Old Postofflce bundine, in Broad street, in the City of Charleston, on TUES? DAY, the loth day of May, l370,-at ll o'clock A. M.. All that LOT OF LAND, with the three-story Brick Building thereon, lying on the south side of Cannon street, in the City of Charleston, measur? ing on the front line on Cannon street one hundred (loo) feet; on the east line two hnndred and five (205) feet; on the west line two hundred and seven (207) feet, and on the south line one hundred (100) feet, bc the same more qr less." Bounded to the north on Cannon street; to the east on Land now or late of E. C. Cochran; to the south on Lands of Mrs. Plnckney and - Darrel; to the west on Lands now or late of the Estate of Mrs. E. C. Cochran. Terms of Sale-One-third cash; the residue on credit of one and two years, with Interest from day of sale, payable semi-annually, secured by bond or bonds of purchaser with mortgage of premises. Purchaser to lnsnre thc premises and assign the policy. Purchaser to pay for stamps and pupen. B. J. WHALEY, apr2? stnth8 Special Referee. ftnetioneers' ?jpri?ate Salee, Sr-c. By LOUIS D. DESAUSSURE. SULLIVAN'S ISLAND LOTS. For sale-Two of thc most valuable LOTS on Sullivan's Island, west or the Fort. Apply as above, at No. 23 Broad street. apr30 2 Business daros. ADAMS, DAMON Sc CO., 16 BROAD ST., Dealers In Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Ac. Agents for the Automatic Washing Machine and Wringer. LMAR, G. W.-CHOICE DRUGS, CRE~ MICALS, Surgical Instruments, Perfumeries and Toilet Articles, 409 King, cor. Vanderhorst st. ARCHER'S BAZAAR, 363 KING ST., Wholesale and Retail Notions and Fancy Goods, 60 per cent, less than elsewhere._ ALLAN, JAMES, WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry. Sterling Sliver, Platedware, Spec? tacles, Fancy Goods, Ac, No. 307 King street. BAKER, H. F., & CO., SHIPPING AND Commission Merchants, Central Wharr. BARBOT, ALFRED A., AGENT OF THE Havana Cigar Factory,"La Valentina," IN East Bay street._ BAZAAR, F. VON SANTEN, IMPORT? ER ot Paris Fane Goods, Toys, French Con fectlonery, India Rubbe Goods Ac, No. 229 King st. BISCHOFF & CO., HENRY, WHOLE? SALE Grocers, and Dealers In Wines, Ll goora. Cigars, Tobacco, Ac, 197 East Bay._ CHARLESTON HOTEL, THE BEST regulated and imlsbed House In the South? ern States. E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor._ COSGROVES SODA WATER MANU-? FACTORY and Bottling Warerooms for Bass and Hlbbert's London Ales, 37 Market st._ CHAP?N Sc CO., L., MANUFACTURERS and Dealers In Carriages, Harness, Ac,, 20 Uayne. A 33 A 35 Plnckney st.; also, 193 Meeting st. CORWIN & CO., WM. 8., IMPORTERS and Dealers In Colee Whines, Brandies, Teas and Groceries, Wholesale and Retail'276 Klagst. CH AFEE A CO., WM. H., WHOLE? SALE Dealers In Groceries, Wines, Liquors, ?c.; Agents for Exton's Crackers, 207 East Bay. HAFEE'S TONIC, THE BEST AND most pleasant Stomach Regulator extant. Chafee A Co., No. 207 East Bay, Manufacturers. DUVAL & S0N, J. B., MANUFACTUR ERS of Tinware, Dealers In Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, Ac, 337 King st._ EASON IRON WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1838, Nassau and Columbus streets; Steam Engines, Marine. Portable and Stationery. Boilers. FRENCH CHINA AT REDUCED prices, Glass and Crockery, at R. H. McDOW ELL'S, Agent, corner of King and Liberty sts. FOLLIN, G., TOBACCO COMMISSION Merchant, Manufacturers' Agent for the sale of Standard Brands, No. 151 East Bay. ?RNITURE WAREROOMS. ESTAB LISHED1838. D. H. Slloox, Nos. 176,177 and 179 King st. Goods carefully packed and shipped. p OLDSMITH & SON, MOSES, 4, 6 AND vJT 8 Vendue Range, Wholesale Dealers In Iron, Metals, Rags, Paper Stock, Hides, Wool, Ac. p URNEY, WM, FACTOR AND COMM?T VX SION Merchant, 102 East Bay, and 1 Acoom modatlon Wharf._ ri OUTEVENIER BROS., (SUCCESSORS VT to A. Illing.) dealers In Millinery, Fancy Goods. Toys, China, Glassware, Ac, 237 King st. HENERBY, WM S., 314 MEETING ST., Machinist and Founder, Manufacturer of Engines, and improved Agricultural Implements. KINSMAN Sc HOWELL, GENERAL Commission Merchants, and Agents for Mapes' Superphosphate of Lime, No. 128 East Bay. LYONS A MURRAY WHOLESALE AND Retail Dealers In Boots, Shoes, Tr nc ks, Ac, 78 Market st., near Meeting, Sign of "Big Boot." A CRIOLLA.-JOSE JAKA IMPOR TERand Manufacturer or Havana Cigars, Wholesale and Retail^ cor. Meeting and Market sta. LITTLE <fc CO., GEO., 213 KING ST., sell the cheapest and best Clothing and Fur? nishing Ouoiis in charleston._ ?RTENS, W. A., DEALER IN LA? DIES', Misses', Gent's, Boys' and Children's Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, dec. 282 King st. M~ ER?A?GH, N., DEALER IN BOOTS, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Ac, 212 Kin g street._ MARBLE WORKS.-THE OLD ESTAB? LISHMENT, E. R. WHITE, Proprietor, 119 Meeting st., next old Theatre lot. MATTHIESSEN, WM, STAR SHIRT Emporium and Fine Clothing and Tailoring House, Cents' Furnishing Goods, 201 King st. ?UFVILLE, B. K., BLANK BOOK Manufacturer, Job Printer and Stationer, 9 Broad st. Magazines, Ac, bound In all styles. NOAH'S ARK.-WM McLEAN, JOBBER and Dealer In Toys, Fancy Goods, Show Ca? ses. Stamping A PlnKing a upeclalty; 433 Ring st. STENDORFF & Cf)., WHOLESALE Grocers, Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Ci? gars, No. 175 East Bay._ O'NEILL, BERNARD, WHOLESALE Grocer and Commission Merchant, 189 East Bay, and 48 and 60 State st._ PADDON, W. F., GAS FITTER, STEAM Fitter and Plumber, 447 King at. All kinds or Gas Apparatus made to order. PIANOFORTE AND MUsiC STORE, 191 King st. ZOOBAUM, YOUNG A CO., Agents for Knabe A Co., Dunham A Sons, etc. PHOENIX IRON WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1844, John F. Taylor A Co., Engineers and Boilermakers, 4, 6, 8, io and 12 Pritchard st. PERRY, EDWARD, 165 MEETING ST., Printer, stationer, and dealer In Blank,, School and Law Books. STOLL, WEBB ?fe CO., WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, No. 289 King street, three dours below Wentworth. SCOTTS* STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM and Gents' Furnishing Room, Meet lug St. op? posite Market Hall. Agent for the Champion Brace SPEAR. JAMESE, 235 KING ST., OPPO alte Hasel, Importer and Dealer In Fine Watch? es. Jewelry, Silver, Platejlwj^^F^n^y^oodcAc THE GREAT SOUTHERN TEA HOUSE. WM. S. CORWIN A CO., 278 King st., branch House or 900 Broadway. New York. VOIGT, C., DEALER IN FRENCH CALF SKlxs, Oak and Hemlock Sol? Leather, Shoe Findings. Hides. Fare and Beeswax, 86 Market st. WILLIAMS ?fe BRO., A M , 9 BROAD st., up stairs. Railroad. Commercial and General Job Printing, at New York prices._ WHILDEN A CO., WATCHES, JEWEL ry and Silverware. 2? King st. Crockery and Glassware at Wholesale, No. 187 lloeuoc ? - Sin eli on Sa ks-Untare SJarjs. By A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE, In toe Court of Common Pleas, Ca aries toa County-John and Theodore Getty TS. Edmund A. Sonder A Co. By virtue of an order of the Hon. R. B. Carpen, ter, Circuit Judge, wUI be sold on FRIDAY, the 16 th day of Hay, 1870, at the Old Customhouse, at ll o'clock A. H., The two (2) Steamboats, known as the "General HOOKER" and "W. W. FRAZIER." The "General Hooker'' measures sixty-eight 63-100 tons, and the "w. YT. Frazier" measures one hundred and ninety-two 75-100 tons. The said steamboats wlU be sold as they now lie, at Bennett's Wharf, m the City of Charleston, and can be there examined. Terms-One-fourth cash; balance m approved endorsed notes, with Interest thereon at the rate) of seven per cent, per annum; payable in six, nine and twelve months. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. E. W. IC MACKEY, apr30-3mf3_Sheriff Charleston Po un ty. A. C. McGILLIVARY, Auctioneer._ UNDER DECRES IN EQUITY. The Home Loan and Building Association ra. Melvin B. Wilbur. WBl be sold onjfTHURSDAY, the 12th day of May next, in front of the Old Customhouse, at U o'clock A M. AU that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings theron, situate on the west side of Rutledge street, in the City of Charleston, and designated by the No. 62 and the No. 49 m a plan by R. K. Payne, Surveyor, dated 24th November, 1160: measuring 36 feet front on Rutledge street. M feet on the west Une, 105 feet on the north une, and 195 feet on the south Une. Bounding east on Rutledge street: west on Lam street; north by Lots Nos. 61 and 48, and south by Lands of B. 0. Gadsden. Terms-One-half cash; balance payable m ono year, with interest from day of sale, secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of the premises ; buildings to be insured and policy assigned. Par* chaser to pay for papers and stamps. apr23 83thl E. W. M. MACKEY, S. C. 4L A. c. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. _'_ UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY^ The Home Loan and Building Association vs. M. W. Cross. wm be sold on THURSDAY, the 12th day or May next, in front of the Old Customhouse, at U o'clock A. M., AB that LOT OF LAND, with the bondings thereon, situate on the north side of Cannon street, being 5th lot east of Rutledge street, m the Upper Wards, City of Charleston, measuring bl width on the north and south Unes 60 feet, more or less, and in depth, ou the east and west Unes, 175 feet, more or less; bounding* north on lands of - Allen, south on Cannon street, east on lands of Peter J. Sires, formerly of Francis J. Cobla, and west on lands of-. Terms-One half cash; balance in one year, with interest, from day of sale, to be secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises: buildings to be insured and policy aa* signed. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. E. W. M. HACKET, agra s3thl_8.0.0. A. c. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. HOME LOAN AND BUILDING ASSO? CIATION vs. Melvin B. Wilbur. Under Decree in Equity in the above ease, will be sold on THURSDAY, the 12th day ef May next, at li o'clock A M., in front of the Old Castora* house, All that LOT OF LAND, situate on the north Bide of Bogard street, In the City or Charleston, measuring in front on Bald street 33 feet 4 Inches, by 116 feet 7 Inches. , Together with the Lot adjoining the above, northwest corner of the rear of the above Lot, measuring about 80 feet square, together with the Buildings thereon on both the above mentioned parcels of Land, as per plan drawn by R, K. Payne In April, 1852. Terms-One-third oash; balance payable in one year, with interest from day of sale, to be secur? ed by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises; buildings to be Insured ana policy as? signed. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. E. WM. MACKEY, apr23 ssthl_. B. 0. 0. A. c. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. THE HOME, LOAN AND BUILDING Association vs. Michael Bolger. Under Decree in Equity in above case, will be sold on THURSDAY, the 12th day or May next, st ll o'clock A. M., In front of the Old Customhouse, AU that LOT OF LAND, with the buildings thereon, situate at the south end of Ashley court, In Queen street, in the City of Charleston, meas? uring on the west line 68 feet 6 inches, same om east line, and on the north end south unes 46 feet, more or less: butting ami un din g north sa , Lands of L. F. Ashby, ea&> an Lands of ^ sooth on Lands of B. C. Prt~ ..ey, a d west tm Land conveyed to James W. Gray, attorney and trustee, by G. W. Cooper. Terms-One-half cash; balance payable In one year from day of sale, secured by bond of par* i chaser and mortgage of premises. Buildings to be Insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. E. W. M. MACKEY, apr23 S3thl_._S. 0. O. , By A. c. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. The Home Loan and Bonding Association vs. John Livingston. I WUlbe sold on THURSDAY, the 12ih dayef May next, in front of the Old Customhouse, at ll o'clock A M. All that LOT OF LAND situate on the south side of Spring street, City of Charleston, and known In a plan of Landa made bv R. K. Payne, Surveyor, for Thomas N. Gadsden, from a survey in 1842, by the No. 183, measuring northwardly' on Spring street 31 feet, eastwardly on Lot No. 182 on said plan 84 feet, southwardly on Short Court-feet, and west wardry on Lands of H. Worthmai 81 feet. Terms-One-half cash: balance in one year, with interest from day of sale, to be secured by, bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the prem? ises. Building to be Insured and the policy as? signed. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. E. W. M. MACKEY. apr23 s3thl 8. C. O. JRatllinjttpg, gqgtmgg, gr. J^EETING STREET FOUNDRY. THIS ESTABLISHMENT DJ NOW FCRNlBHfifO TU Ht* FRO VED MCCARTHY COTTON 01?, STEAM ENGINES AND B?LLERS, Of various sizes, on hand. Improved Vertical and Horizontal Cora Sugar Mills, Sugar Boilers and Pana, Of au sizes. Horse-Powers and Gin Gearing, from 6 te 16 fest in diameter. Improved Lever Cotton Presses, for. Hand, Power, Saw and Rice Mills. Machinery and Castings of all descriptions mads te order. Particular attention paid to House Fronts tad Castings for Bandings, Gratings, Cistern Coram, Sash Weights, Ac, Ac. WILLIAM S. H ENERE Y, MACHINIST AND FOUNDEE, No. 314 MEETING STREBT, CHARLESTON, 8. a aog4 mwa_ DHOKIX IRON WORKS. ESTABLISHED 1844. JOHN F. T AYL OB t CO., SUCCESSORS TO CAMERON A CO., ENGINEERS, BOILERMAKERS, dhc, Nos. 4, fl, 8, io AND 12 PRITCHARD soto (Near the Brr Doc*,) CHARLESTON, 8. 0. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS-MI iii STATIONARY AND PORT AB I. R. RICE THRESHERS AND KILLS Of EVXEX DE? SCRIPTION. SHAFTING, PULLETS AND GEARING. IRON FRONTS FOR BUILDINGS. CASTINGS OF EVERT KIND. D? HMS OB BRASS. _ 0 naran tee to furnish ENGINES AND BOILBBS of as good quality and power, and at as low rates, M can be had in New York, Baltimore or Phis delpbU. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTEND? ft. mena asosssa