38? ut the canaille wa3 not al? lowed to pat in an appearance. Free Trade Conference*-President Grant on the Tariff and Taxes. 41 Washington Letter of Tuesday evening to the Baltimore Sun says : Yesterday and to-day several of the gentlemen who have been la attendance on the private con? ference held In the Interests of free trade have called on the President and had informal conver? sations. As the interviews have been somewhat of a priva'e nature, it would not be proper to commit either side to the details of the same on the various phases of the tariff question. There is no donbt, however, that the result ts the failure of the President to commit himself to any specific branch of the question-either for protection or for a tariff for revenue for incidental protection, or tor free trade, en the general question of taxation, he was in favor of reducing the tariff and the excise dntles just so far as the revenues of the government would permit. If Congress fonnd that the income tax could be dispensed with after this year, he was in favor of cutting it off; but he thought that the government could not afford, in that event, to reduce any or tbe other reatures or internal taratioa. THE NATIONAL FINANCES. It was the old story again to-day on the finan? cial question. The Ways and Means again de? bated the Fonding bill, and the Banking Commit? tee took up their measure to Increase the bank circulation but no positive result was reached with either measure. The Funding bin wlU prob? ably be reported this week, bnt in an essentially different shape from the Senate measure. The compulsory or seventh bank section, lt is said, has been so modified as to require the bonds held by the banks to be exchanged only at maturity. It was rumored also that Secrttary Boutwell had assented to the substitute which the Ways and Means proposed to adopt. THE GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. ATLANTA, April 28. Both Houses met at 10 o'clock. In thc Sen? ate the matter of the Investigation Into the af ralrs or the State Treasurer and the Western and Atlantic railroad was referred to tbe committee wtXca was appointed to wait on the provisional Governor. Bradley introduced a resolution to pay the per diem and mileage to expelled mem? bers or the Senate during the time or their expul? sion. Brock offered an amendment that Bradley be excepted, as he was expelled for an entirely different cause than that or race or color. The resolution and amendment were tabled, after which the Senate adjourned. In the House the question was on the adoption or the report or the committee appointed to wait on the provisional Governor. The matter was dis? cussed by Armstrong, Rice, Sims and Anderson In ravor or the adoption, and Phillips, Warner, or Quitman, and Scott against. The report or the committee was adopted by a vote or 83 to 32. Turner, or Bibb, offered a resolution expressing sympathy with the citizens or Richmond, Ya., in view or the late disastrous calamity in that city, which was adopted. Scott offered a resolu? tion proposing a committee of citizens and mem? bers of the Legislature to Investigate the affairs or the State Road, State Treasury, Ac, which was tabled by a vote of 00 to 40, after wblch ad? journed. _ CUBA. HAVANA, April 28. Thirty insurgents, including two Americans, were killed at Nassau Powder Mill, and seven in? surgents are reported killed at Couoa. The Captain-General telegraphs: "The rebels are thoroughly disorganized, and wandering about in scattered bands, without leaders. The lauer are roaming along thc coasts seeking to es? cape from the island." COLUMBIA. GREENVILLE AND COLUMBIA RAILROAD. A RAILROAD COUP D'ETAT. Election of a New Board. "(SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE NEWS.] COLUMBIA, April 28. Thc Stockholders ol the Greenville and Co j lumbia Railroad met here to-day, at the Nicker son House. Mr. Hammett presented the report or the General Superintendent and Directors. The act or the Legislature to regulate the rights and powere or railroad companies was adopted Into the by-laws. The Board or Directors were em? powered to consolidate with other railroad com? panies and to carry out other provisions of the act. The election ror officers resulted as follows: President, Frederick Bush. New York; Vico-Presi dent, J. J. Patterson, Philadelphia, who is to live here; Directors-J. J. Patterson, J. W. Harrison, Niles G. Farker, James L. Orr, Timothy Hu'iey, D. M. Porter, New York, Joseph Crews, n. 1!. Kimpton, New York, James M. Allen, A. J. Rau sier, colored. Geo. W. Waterman, Ohio, F. L. Car dozo, colored. The vote ror the board was about "612 shares, against about noo shares. After complimentary resolutions to every one, the meeting adjourned. The Board or Directors are now in session. THE COLUMBIA ELECTION. Proceedings in-the Supreme Court. The following sketch of the proceedings in the Supreme Court In the case of John Alexander (Radical,) who claims to be Mayor elect, against John McKenzie, the present incumbent, ls taken from the Pheonix and Guardian: TL'ESDAV. The case of John Alexander et al vs. John Mc Kensie et al was taken up. Mr. Tradewell was heard ror plaintiffs. Mr. Rhett for defendants. Mr. Pope on the same side. The points ol Mr. Tradewell's argument were: L The legislative power of this State, subject only to the limita? tions of the Constitution of tue State and the United States, is absolute, and cannot be con? trolled by the courts. 2. Neither the Constitution of the State, or of the United States, contains any restriction upon the powers or the Legislature over the corporation or the City of Columbia. 3. The City or Columbia ls a public municipal cor? poration, cr.-ated by the statutes or the State
t Charleston with SATURDAY'S Steamships for Sew York The PILOT BOY will tonch at Ball's Island Wharf every fortnight, going to and returning Tom Savannah. J. D. AIKEN k 00. apr8_ OR GEORGETOWN, S. C. F The Steamer "EMILIE," Captain _ _?JT**?w P. C. Lewis, will receive FreightdBEBBS it Sonth Commercial Wharf, on FRIDAY, tbe2?th Instant, and leave as above on SATURDAY MORN? ING, the 30th, at 6 o'clock. Returning, will leave Georgetown on MONDAY MORNING, Hay 2d, at 6 s'clock. N. B.-Delegates to the Agricultural Conven? tion will be transported for one fare. SHACKELFORD A KELLY, Agents, apr27 3_No. 1 Boyce's Wharf. pOR EDISTO AND ENTERPBISE, VIA JOHN'S ISLAND FERRY, CHURCH FLATS, YOUNG'S ISLAND, BEAR'S BLUFF, AND ALL OTHER WAY LANDINGS. (INLAND ALL THE WAY.) The Steamer "ARGO," Captain D. Boyle, wUl receive freight at Accom-_ modatlon Wharf on MONDAY, 2d May, and leave as above on TUESDAY, the 3d, at 7 o'clock A. M. Returning, will leave Edlsto on WEDNESDAY, May 4th, at 7 o'clock A. M. For passage or freight apply on board, or to DOUGLAS NISBET. Agent, Accommodation wharf. N. B. Freight and Wharfage payable here. apr29 2_ OR GARDNER'S BLUFF F AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE PEEDEE RIVER. The Steamer PLANTER, Captain J. T. Foster, is now receiving freight, at Accommodation Wharf, and wm leave on WEDNESDAY MORNING, the 4th of May, at 5 o'clock. Por engagements of Freight or Passage, having Stateroom accommodations, apply to RAVEN EL A HOLMES. No. 177 East, Bay N. B. Freight most be prepaid. apr29 4PAC .j^XCURSION AROUND THE HARBOR. The Steamer "ARGO," Caputu D Boyle, wiU leave Accommodation. Wharf To-MORROW, thc 30th, at 8 o'clock ] for Fort Sumter, Morris Island and other places of interest. Returning about sandown. Fare for the trip 60 feen ts; children under 12. years o' age half ?rice. apr2S l