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Geest. ADDRESSED TO PHYLLIS AND CORYDON. Here much love, ami there but little, Here a name and there a flicker; Milden, lovers' vows are brittle. How old folks can fret and bicker, Warning you to Hunk of this, nark I the foolish goslings hiss : Love s:,ivs not?t fever heat: * " \ Summer turns to winter snows. April blossoms, under feet, Are all trodden ere June glows: Warning you to think of this. Hear the mocking ganders hiss. Hear that couple jar and jangle. They were once as fond as you. Love-knots are too apt to tangle; One day you may learn to rue. Cynics warning you of this. Hark the wise geese, how they hiss ! Never heed thc gabbling creatures: Press thc lip and clasp the hand. Gaze upon each other's features, Wanderin vour Fairy Land. Never doubt vou're rlgnt in this Though the silly goslings hiss. COMMERCIAL SEWS. Imports. LIVERPOOL-Per British steamsl?p Lumsden 19S3 pieces carrouware. 2 casks hardware, to Or? der; 100 casks bottled beer, to Bart A Mackenzie, Savannah; 8* casks hoes, 1 case, 1 bundle hard? ware, to J E Adgcr A co: Uti casks whiskey, to R Mure A co; 35 crates cariheuware, to W L Webb; 1456bars iron, to Order; 2 casks, ? buudles pans, 3 casks chains, 5 casks hinges, l cask, 1 case hard? ware, to Hart A co; 1 case, 1 cask hardware, to S R Marshall. -o Tlie Charleston Cotton, Itlcc anil Naval Stores Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON NEWS, ) MONDAY EVENING, February 7, 1S70. J COTTON.-Tiic demand was moderate, with an easier tendency, the raws receding in some in stanccsabotit j4'c ? lh. Sales about 400 bales, viz: 2 at 19; 1 at 20; 10 at 22: S at 22.?,-; 57 at 22X? lt at 22X; 30 at 23; 10 at 23.'.,'; 30 at 23 )i; 36 at 24; 60 at 24 X; 102 at 24Xc ti lb. We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.22 @2C\' Low middling.S3X028X Middling.24 re? strict middling.24X@24X RICE.-There was considerable business doing in this grain, largely by one purchaser, the rates generally being steady. Sale3 of about 450 tierces of clean Carolina, say 30 tierces at 5Xc; os at 6c; 62 at 6 1-iec; st ai o 3-1 Cc, and 140 tierces at 6Xc 9 lb. We quote common to fair cleau Carolina at 6>i?6 1-lCc; good 6X@BXc; common prime ' ?Xe $ lb. NAVAL STORES.-There was no business in these articles. FREIGHTS-Are somewhat don. To Llverpoo s by steam, engagements are making at Xd ? rb on uplands and l>?'d on sea islands; by sall, 5-16@Xd fl lb on uplands, and XaXd ? lb on sea islands. To Havre, by steam, nomi? nal; by sail, nominal at Xe on uplands and ixe on sea Islands. Coastwise to New York, by steam, ? tb on uplands and lc on sea Islands; by sail,Ko V t? on up? lands. To Boston, by steam, nominal; by sail, X @S'c fi rb on uplands. To Philadelphia, by steam, Xe ? lb on uplands; by sail, somewhat nom? inal. To Baltimore, by steam, X@??c ^ lb on uplands; by sail somewhat nomiual. ' EXCHANGE.-Sterling 60 days bills 30. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks purchase sight checks at yt off, and sell at par. Outside, tiiey purchase at yt off, and sell at X@XofJ. COLB.-20@21. Markets by Telegraph. FOREIGN. LONDON, February 7 - Noon.-Consols J2>i. Bonds 87'V- Sugar anent 2Ss 3da23s6d. Com? mon rosin 5s c. I at s ad. Tallow 4as 3d. PARIS, February ".-Bourse opened dull. Routes TSf SOC HAVRE, February 7.-Cotton opens quiet for both; afloat ir. 37c LIVERPOOL, February 7-NV n.-Cotton opened quiet and steady; uplands U%d; Orleans llXa llXd ; sales 10,000 bales. Flour 19s 6d. DOMESTIC. NEW YORK, February 7-Noon.-Stocks strong. Money easy, 5aG per cent. Sterling, long, 9; short ?X- Gold 20J?- Sixty-two's 15>4'; Tennessee ex coupons 55>?; new 49X; Virginia, ex-coupon, G2X; new 68X; Louisiana old 68; new 07; levees, sixes 70; eights 81X; Alabama eights 94; Aves 62; Georgia sixes 87; sevens 92X; North Carolina, old, 43; new 25X: South Carolina, old, 86; new 853?. Cotton quiet at 25Xc Mess pork $26 25. Lard 15XC- Turpentine 48a48,'?c Rosin $215 for strained. Freights dull. Evening.-Cotton drooping; sales 60S ba'es Flour, 5.110c lower; superfine State $4 S0a4 75; common to fair cxira Southern $5 35a5 90. Wheat heavy and la2>: lower, winter red an 1 amber Western $1 26a l 27. Corn unchanged. Pork $25 I ?20 25. Lard heavy; kettle 16Xal7>ic. Whiskey j heavy at osa93>{c Groceries and naval stores quiet. Freights Arm. Money easy at 4n6 per cent. Sterling 9. Gold heavy at 20. Govern? ments quiet. Southern securities generally lower. BALTIMORE, February 7.-Cotton dull at 24Xc Flour fairly active and prices weak, but not quot ably lower. Wheat steady and unchanged. Corn dull; white D3ca$l. Oats 53a55. Rye dull at 05ca $1. Pork $2S>i. Bacon quiet; shoulders 13 cts. Lard dull at lOXalTXC Whiskey Orin at OSaOCc. CINCINNATI, February 7.-Corn dull, with large receipts, at 72a72c Whiskey U3c. Mess pork $27. Shoulders 12Xc; clear sides lGalGXe. Lard 15a ICC ST. LOUIS, February 7.-Corn declining; prime to fancy white 80a84c. LOUISVILLE, February 7.-Corn, sacked, 95 cts. Mess $27 50. Shoulders l2Xc; clear sides 10c. Lard in kegs 18c Whiskey 93a94. SAVANNAH, February 7.-Receipts 2710 bales; sales 400 bales; middling 24c; market quiet. j AUGUSTA, February 7.-Fair demand with light otferlogs; sales 4S0 bales; receipts 695 bales; middlings 23Xc MOBILE, February 7.-Fair demand; closed quiet ;salcs 1200 bales; middling 24c; receipts 12S6 bales. ? NEW ORLEANS, February 7.-Cotton, demand fair; prices Orin at 24Xa24Xc; receipts since Sat orday to.o-ij bales; no exports. Sugar active ami firmer; prime l2al2Xc Molasses tinner nt 73a Ific Gold 21. Sterling 31.H?- Sight checks par to Xe discount. Murray, Ferris A> Co.'? Naval Stores Circular. NEW YORK, February 5.-TURPENTINE.-Thc business or tho week has-been tree from excite? ment, but prices have tended steadily upwards, closing at an ail vance of 2c on our last quotations. The sales were 1475 bids at 4GXu48, merchantable and shipping, auiK47a4SXc for N Y bids. Prices bave now readied such a point as to prohibit ex? ports, and although our stock is firmly held, yet we could notice yesterday a weak undertone to the market, which will make itself felt in case of any material lucreaaoot stock. Receipts since 1st inst 695 bbl-; no exports. ROSIN.-Tim stock on inc 1st Instant was 46,157 bbls, against 114.1U9 bids in iscs, anti S!.jj4 bbls in 1867, of which about 10,000 b:,is were in course of shipment. The market is al most bareof strain? ed common, mid for some days past there have been no transactions of moment. The sales and resales are (S500 strained) at $2 lua2 22)j tor common to good strained; $2 25u2 50 for No 2; $2 70ii4 for No 1 and low pale, amt $4a~50 for pale and extra pale. The better grades cont inn-scarce and in go-xt demand for soap-makers. Receipts since 1st inst 2417; exports C'J? bbls. TAR.-Tlie market is in a most unsatlsfactory condition; sales of about. 400 bbls are reported at $4a4 23. Yet we know ?r sound lois Wilmington seeking buyers at $3a3 25. without success. Sioek on 1st inst 10,101 bbls. Receipts since 519 bbls: no exports. Nashville Market. NASHVILLE, February 3.-COTTON.-The mar? ket 10-day was dull and drooping, and transac? tions lLiht. Wc quote ordinary ZOaSlXc; good ordinary 22Xc; low middling 20a23xc ~$ it. COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand September 1, is?9. None. Received lo day. 224 Received previously.29,203-29,487 Total.20,437 Shipped to-day. 208 Shipped previously.25,309-25,517 Stock on hand. 3,o;o FLOUR-Market buoyant at $5a7 for supers to fancy. CORN.-Shipments to-day of 7600 bushels white at $1, sacked and delivered in depot, and 900 bushels mixed at B7j?C WHB?T.-Salt-K and shipments of 300 bushels th"iee red ai. $120. sacked and delivered in depot. OATS-We quote at C5c sacked from store. New York Rice Market. The Jmrnal of Commerce of February 4 says: "The market for domestics is not so active to? day but prices are steady. Holders do not press their stocks, and the grocers purchase VP-" MOD. erately. We quote 6Xa7XO for com^ to cnolcc; iu invoices at 7a7Ke for jol? jots- RftDgoon is nominal." I Thc World says : ..Less active, but desirable j goods Arm. CarolinaCa6Kc for common to good; 7a7??o for prime to choice." Interior Cotton Markets. COLUMBUS. February 5.-Our market extreme? ly dull and unsettled. Middlings 22".fc. Sales st bales. Receipts 130 bales. Shipments 4.1 bales. SELMA February 5.-A good demand in the fore part' of thc day. resulting In sales of 240 bales at 23 to 2S.'??'c for low middling. ' COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand September 1,1SC0. 84 Received this week. 1.070 Received previously.:.40,164-41,234 Total. 41,318 Shipped this week..".. 1,159 Shipped previously.32,35;-3-"-,5l4 Stock on hand February 4.1S70. 7,804 Receipts O y Railroad, February 7. SOITU CAROLINA KAILKOA?. 960 bales cotton, 2 cars stock. To Railroad Agent, J B E Sloan, Felzcr, Rodgers A co. Frost A Adger, W C Courtney A co, W K Ryan, G H Wal? ter A co, Kbkpatrick A Witte. G W Williams A co, l'inckney Bros. Wiss A co. L I) DeSatissure. Clng horn, Herring A co, R C Sharp, A IS Mulligau, W P Hall, and others. Passengers. Per British steamship Lumsden, from Liver pool-T Johnson. J Hrooks, \V Brooks, W Murdock, U R Carr. Ellen Sanes, A Portman, V Cruil ami family, F Bleyard. A Criol. Mary Morton, W Mor? ton, Mr Chiton, W E Martin. F E Martin, J Atlains, Mrs Adams. Mrs Simpson, W Simpson, J Paut, E Lowry, and Mr Mier. PORT C ALU JV DAR. MOON'S rnASES. First Quarter, 8th. 1 hour, o minutes, evening. Full Moon, 15th, 10 hours, 7 minutes, evening. Last Quarter, 22d. 1 hour. 20 minute?, moraine FKBllUAlty. srx. RISES. 6..51 6.. 51 C . 50 0..49 C..4S C..47 C. .40 SUN SETS. S..37 5..3S 5..38 5..?D 5..40 5.. 41 MOON K. & S. morn. 12.. l 12..50 1..40 2..4'J 3..45 4..44 I men WATER. morn. 12..32 1..21 2..18 3..10 4.. 21 5..22 7 Mondnv. S Tuesday. 9 Wednesday.. 10 Thursday_ 11 Friday. 12 Saturday_ 13 Sunday...... MARISA yun a. CHARLESTON, FEBRUARY 8. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. British steamship Lumsden, Rutter, Liverpool left January 17. Assorted cargo. To R Mute A co. Hart A co, S R Marshall. Dart A Mackenzie (Savannah.) J E Adger A co. W L Webb, and Order. The L had strong westerly gales and heavy weather nearly all thc passage. Sehr J B Vanditsen, Young, Philadelphia-8 days. Coal. To H F Baker A co. Has experienc? ed "heavy gales on 'he passage. Sehr Oneida, Davis, New York-0 days, Guano and acids. To J A Enslow A co. Graeser A Smith. Pelzer, Rodgers A co, W C Dukes A co, Railroad Agent, and Order. Das experienced severe north? east gales. Sehr Leila, Foss, New York-0 days. Citano. To J A Enslow A co. and Railroad Agent, Sehr Altoona, Fitzgerald. Baltimore- 5 days. Corn, oats and Hour. To Willi* & Chisolm, Wer? ner & Ducker. M Lohra. J li Wurlnnann A co, s c Railroad Agent, Palmetto Pioneer Co-operative Associative Association, Wagoner & M?rnsee*, N E Railroad Agent, R M Butler & Son, TTupper i Son, and Stenhouse A co. Sehr Emily Curtis Haskell, Wilmington. Di l-s days. Guano. To Risley A Creighton, and Chig horn. Herring A- co. Sehr A II Whitmore. Greenlaw, Norfolk, Ya-? days. Corn. To K M Butler ? Son. On the Ct I: instant, on thc western edge of thc Gulf Si ream, spoke thc sela NW Talbert, from Satilla, Ga, foi Bath. Me. Sehr Emblem, Pigott, Santcc. 1335 bushels rough rice. To G A Tren holm A Son. Sehr Lillian, Harker, Santcc. 13uu bushelsrou^h rice. To W C Bee A co. Sehr Carne, Whitehurst. Santcc. 22co bushels rough rice. To Prust A Adger. Sehr Ann S Deas, Garbattic. West Point Milt. 122 tierces rice. To J lt Pringle A sou, and w c Bee A co. S' -''enian, from Milltown. 1300 bushels rough rice. w c Rec A co. By drays from West Point Mill. 45 tierces rico. To W Gurney. BELOW. A bark, unknown. IN THE OFFING. Sehr Robert Caldwell. Mccormack. New York 4 days. To W Roach A co. and others. CL EA GEO Y BSTEKOA Y. British bark Thc Queen, Hetherington, St Johns, I N B-R Mure A co. Bark Annie Torrey, Libby, Matanzas-W Roach A co. Sehr F N Tower, Perry, Port north ut Cuba-W Roach A co. Sehr Louler Newton, Gray, Fernandina, Fla-W Roach A co. Sehr Hyne, Glover. Harlen, Ga-W Roach A co. Sehr Louise Crockett, Pi Isburv, Navassa-J A Enslow A co. FROM THIS PORT. Steamship James Adger, Lockwood. New York. February 3. Brig Wm Creery, Simons, New York, February 4. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Steamship Prometheus, Cray, at Philadelphia, February 4. Sehr J C Thompson, Jeffers, at Philadelphia. February 4. Sehr J B Smith, Williams, at New York, Feb? ruary 4. BY TELEGRAPH. I SAVANNAH. February 7.-Arrived, steamship Oriental, Boston;Selim G W Stetson, Norfolk; An? drew H Edwards, Philadelphia: Marlon Draper, Portland; Fred Walton and C K Himer. Baltimore. Cleared, ship Colonist, Liverpool. MEMORANDA. SAVANNAH. February 7-Thc steamship Orien? tal, from Boston, to day towed In port tho British brig Helen, from New York fur Wilmington, N C. Thc Helen was dismasted oil North Carolina coast in the late gale. The sehr Palma, Rankin, for Ccorgctown, S C, cleated ut New York February 4. LIST OP VESSELS OP, Cl.KAI: Ll) ANO SAILED VOK THIS POUT. FOREIGN. LIVERPOOL Bark A 15 Wyman, Wyman, sailed.Ian 0 The Charlotte Maude, McNaiightcn, sailed..Dec 24 NEWPORT, ENG. The Island Queen, Brook, sailed.Jan 13 DOM E~~S TIC. BOSTON. Sehr tl N Hawkins, Myatt, up.Jan 14 Sehr Henrietta, Lea vu t, clearcG.Feb l NEW YORK. British bark Contest, Seott, cte.' rei'.Jan 21 Sehr Wm Flint, Post, cleared.Jan 0 Sehr John stockton. Price, cleared.Jan 0 Sehr M F Staples, Conin, cleared.lan l Sehr Jessie B Smith, Williams, cleared.Feb 4 Sehr Mau aka, Fooks, up.Jan 16 Sehr A J Bentley. Runncli, up.lan 10 Sehr Anna E Caril. Tyler, cleared.Jan 25 Sehr ST Weaver. Morris, up.Jan 20 Sehr Merrill C Hart, Crawley, up.Jail 31 Sehr Ella, Pease, up.J;ni 3t Sehr Myrover, Brown, up.Pell ? Sehr Daniel Brittain, Carroll, up.Feb 3 flllLADCLPUIA. Steamship Tronic'lieus, Gray, cleared.Feb 4 Sehr J C Thomson, Vanxant, cleared.Feb 4 Sehr R Peterson,- English, cleared.Jan 31 r.AI.TIMDItK. Steamship Falcon, Horsey, cleared.Frb :t Brig Monica, Libby, cleared.Fell 3 Brig Black Swan, up.Jan 4 I Sehr H G Hand, lin lld. up.Jan 21 Sehr S R Wheeler. Lloyds, np.Ian '.'I Sehr John. Lymburner, cleared.Jan 23 Sehr M A Coombs, Coombs, cleared.Pell 2 Sehr LW Bunnell, Bunn? ll, cleared.Feb l Sehr Jennie Mono i, Gam mage, up.Feb 3 Sehr Ven ilia, Eaton, cleared.Fe!? 3 NORFOLK. VA. Sehr Rosa. Drinkwater, sailed.Jan IS Sehr Sparkling Sea. Row, cleared.Jan 21 Behr Mediator, Gage, sailed.Jan 2s Sehr Kattie M H-iwes, Howes, sailed.Jan 31 Sehr Wm Thompson, Eldridge,sailed.Feb 4 C. S O II L IC P E G ll E L L , No. 37 LINE STREET, BETWEEN RINO AND ST. PHILIP. LUMBER of every description anti BUILDING MATERIAL, Lime and Plastering Lath*, Paints Oils, Glasses, Shlnatlcs; also Groove and Toiigue Boards, Ac., constantly on hand at thc lowest market prices._?ctn mtiisivr 'yy I L L I S ?fc CHISOLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Will attend to the Purchase, Sale and Shipmeni (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) of COTTON. RICE, LUMBER and NAVAL STORKS. ATLANTIC WHARF. Charleston. S. C. E. WILLIS.A. R. CIUSOLM. OC115 _,. flipping._ TTiOR NEW YORK-THURSDAY. ? - THE Al SIDE-WHEEL STEAMSHIP TENNESSEE, Chichester, Commander, will sall for^jagn?. New York on THURSDAY, February ^^jK^Av* 10th, at 3 o'clock P. M., from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves. ThrouRh Bills Lading will be Issued for Cotton to LIVERPOOL, IIAVIlE, Boston and thc New England Manufacturing Cities. Insurance bj the Steamers of this line H Per cent. For Freight engagements, applv to WAGNER, HUGER A CO., No. 26 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharves. feb7 5 F OR NEW YORK. The First Class Side-wheel steamship^f^Cfife. CHARLESTON. James Berry, i:?m- ^JHRft* mander, of the New York and Charleston Steam ship Company's Linc, will leave Adger's South Wharr on WEDNESDAY, thc yth instant, at ll o'clock A. M. ?3- Marine Insurance hnlf percent by this Line. usr Through Bills of Ladiug given on Cotton to Liverpool. Superior AccomodatioDS for Passengers. JAMES ADGER.A CO., Agents. MANHATTAN follows on SATURDAY 12th inst., at 2:30 P. M. _fcb7 3 BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, BOS TON, AND TUE CITIES OF TUE NORTH? WEST. THROUGH RILLS OF LADING GIVEN FOR COTTON TO DREM EN. Tlic fine Steamship FALCON, fl??nry. 1 'T?StL. Commander, will sail for Baltimore on,?4?i?fe?? THURSDAY, February 10th, at l P. M. Tint SEA? GULL will follow on thc 15th. -, .eTrlnsumiice by the steamers of this line y3 per ceut. to Baltimore and Philadelphia. To Bos? ton %(. Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that city by railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional expense for insurance. j05>-Consignecs by this line are allowed ample time to sample and sell their Cottons from thc Railroad Depot lu Philadelphia. PAUL C. TRENIIOLM. fcl?" 4 Union Wharves. JpOR PHILADELPHIA AND BOSTON. Ttic Steamship PROMETHEUS, Cap-^??^. tain A. B. Gray, will leave North itlan-SABBaS tlc Wharf, on THURSDAY, 10th instant, at - o'clock. For Freight or Passage, applv to JOHN A THEO. GETTY, rcb7 North Atlantic Wharf. rjpRAVELLERS PASSING THROUGH CHARLESTON EN ROUTE TO FLORIDA AND AIKEN. And other places, should lay In Hieir^H^?S? supplies of Clarets, Cliauipugucs, Cor-^?iB?a. dials. Brandies, Whiskies Wines, Canned soups and Meats, American and Euglisli Biscuits, De? villed Ham, Tongue, Lobster, Durham Smoking Tobacco and Imported Seg?is. WM. S. CORWIN A CO., No. 275 King street, opposite Hasel, Charleston, S. C. Brauch of No. 000 Broadway, corner 20th street. New York. sept 28 8mos pACHTC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPY'S Tintorera LINE TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above line leave rier^rf^SS* No. 42. North Uiver, loot of Canal stree! SjUfiBB New Yolk, at 12 o'clock noon, of Hie ?Hi and ?isl of every month (except when these dates fail on Sunday, then the Saturday preceding.) Departure of thc 21st connect ai Panania ?'tili .steamers for Sou th Pacific and Central Amer iran ports. Those ?1 Mit much nt Manzanillo. Steamship JAPAN leaves S^n Francisco Tor Japan and China Mareil 1, I STU. No California steamers at Havana, but go direct from New York to AspinwalL one hundred pounds baggage free to each adult. Medicine and attendance free For Passage Tickets or further information op pty at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on th? wharf, foot of Canal-Street, Non h Uiver, Ne? York. F. R. BABY, Agent. marcius lyr VESSELS SUPPLIED WITH CABIN AND MESS STORES ON SHORT NOTICE. C.iptains and Stewards aro respect fully invited lu call and examine the^'????? quality and prices of our coons. Full weight guaranteed. Delivered free of expense. WM S. CORWIN A CO.. No. 275 King street, opposite Basel, Charleston, s. C. ?jr Branch of No. COO Broadway, New York. jan24 "POR C H E R AW, S . C . , AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON TUE PEEDEE RIVER, VIA GEORGETOWN, S. C. Thc Steamer "PI ANTER," Cap-? ^x^T**)* tain J. T. Foster, ls now receiving jsg??S?a Freight at Accommodation Wharf, and will leave on TnURSOAT MURNINI;, lot li instant, at ti o'clock. Freight and wharfage must bc prepaid. For Freight or Passaic, having line Stateroom accommodations, applv to HAVEN EL & HOLMES, rcbS 2n*c No. 177 Ea?t Bay. jp O R E DIS T O , ROCKVILLE, AND ENTERPRISE. Thc steamer ST. HELENA, Cap- _-JT^b. tain il. D. Elliott, will leave as nbove^:^Ui?L?^ To-NlGUT, nt hair-past 10 o'clock, fruity South Commercial Wharf, and Ed ls to WEIMTOJUAY MoKNiNn, at 9 o'clock. Freight will be received Tnis DAY until sunset. JOHN H. MURRA Y j Market Wharf. Thc Steamer leaves again WEONERDAY MORN? ING, I61 h inst,, at 3 o'clock, and Edisto same day, at 2 o'clock P. M._fobs 1? NLANDROUTE-FOR SAVANNAH VIA BEAUFORT AND SEA BROOK'S LANDING, HILTON HEAD, TWICE A WEEK. I The steamer PILOTBOY. Captain C. , irr*""115!?? Carroll White, will sail for Savaa-^aaBSSS nah via Beaufort every SCNI>AY and THURSDAY MORNING, at R o'clock. On thc Sunday's trip she will touch nt Chlsolm's and ^Turner's Landings, going and returning, ami will touch ?it Blnirion, going and returning, every alternate Thursday. Returning will leave Savan? nah every MONDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS, at 2 o'clock. For Freight or Passage, app'y to J. D. AIKEN .v CO.. Agents, jau23_ _South Atlantic Wharf. ?pOR PALATKA, FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH. FERNANDINA JACKSON? VILLE AND LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'S R1VEIL SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. Steamer "DICTATOR," Captain _ _T,t. George E. McMillan, sails every?fiSgeA? TUESDAY EVENING at 8 o'clock. steamer "CITY POINT," Captain Fenn reek, sails every FRIDAY EVENING ar. s o'clock. Con i rei lng with Slea mer STARLIGHT for Enterprise. Through Tickets and through Bills of Lading fo: Freight given. J. D. AIKEN A CO., Agents, janis South Atlantic Wharf. JL*1 O R SALE. Tho Commodious Stern-wheel Steamer GENERAL HOWARD, Formerly plying between Winning- _ -TT**,J> v ton and Hiver side (Ca pc Fear River)?^S?SS-i as passenger and freight boat. Lenirili over all.loo feet. Hreadth of beam. 2H>? leet. Depth of hold. 6 reef. Draft. 3j? rcet. Tonnage.144 G3-100 Two Engines In good order, cylinder ld inches diameter: 6 foot stroke. Upper deck saloon and passenger accommodation are spacious and com? fortable. Lower deck and hold for freight. B. S. GUION, General Superintendent, Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford R. R, Wilmington, N. C. jan2S 10 ?Miscellaneous. IF YOU WANT NOTE, LETTER AND CAP PAPERS and ENVELOPES, go to EDWARD PERRY. No. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel Charleston, S. C. decM Binns rp F. CHU PEIN, DENTIST, OF RI CE NO. 275 K7XG STREET, novl3 9mos IF YOU WANT YOUR PRINTING DONE in Fine Style and at Reasonable Rates, go to EDWARD PERRY, No. i.r.5 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel, Charlcstou, S. c. decl4 6mos F 51)ipping. OR LIVERPOOL. The fine first-class British Bark LAKEM? BA, Captain Brown, having a large portion of her cargo engaged, will load with dispatch. For Freight engagements, apply to HENRY CARD, fcb4 Accommodation Wharf. F OR LIVERPOOL Thc fine British Ship "GORILLA,'' Wm. Sav, Muster, wants soo bales Cotton to complete cargo for thc above port. For Freight engagements, apply to ROBERT MORE A CO., feb! Boyce's Wharf. JgOSTON AND CHARLESTON LINE. FOR BOSTON. The Schooner IDA BELLA, Fisher, Mas- j?Tfc? ter, having all heavy freight engaged, SSBs wants light freight to UH up, and will have dis patch. For Freight engagements, apply to MOSES. GOLDSMITH A SON, jan.Tl Vendue Range. JpOR LIVERPOOL. TO SAIL ON OR ABOUT THE 20TH INSTANT. The first class American Bark WETTER- -?JA HORN, LnRderken, Master, of small cana city, is rapidly loading for the above port. For balance of freight room apply to jan7 STREET BROTHERS A CO. EXCURSIONS TO ALL POINTS OF INTEREST AROUND TUE HAR OOH. Thc fast sailing and comfortably ap? pointed Yacht ELEANOR will now resumc_ her trips to all points In the harbor, starting EVERY MORN INO, nt io o'clock, and every AFTER? NOON, at 3 o'clock, from South Commercial Wharf. For Passage or Charter, apply next door south of the Mills House. nov8 3mos niitlroftus. c ll ANGE OF SCHEDULE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ) ATLANTIC AND GOLF RAILROAD, } SAVANNAH, January 7, 1870. ) On and after SUNDAY, thc 9th Instant, Passen? ger Trains on this road will run as follows: NIORT EXI'RESS TRAINS. Leave Savannah daily at.4.30 P. M. Arrive at Jcsup (junction M. A B. R. R.) daily at.7.30 P. M. Arrive at Live Oak daily at.2.20 A. M. Arrive at Jacksonville doily at.7.02 A. M. Arrive at Tallahassee dally at..7.07 A. M. Arrive at Quincy daily at.9.15 A. M. Arrive at Bainbridge" (Mondays except? ed) at.6.15 A. M. Leave Bainbridge (Sundays excepted) at.0.30 P. M. Leave Quincy dally at.0.26 P. M. Leave Tallahassee dally at.8.25 P. M. Leave Jacksonville dally at.8.30 P. M. Leave Live Oak dally at.1.28 A. M. Leave Jcsup dally at.7.60 A. M. Arrive at Savannah daily A. M. MACON AND BRUNSWICK ACCOMMODATION. Leave Savannah (Sundays excepted) nt.2.10 P. M. Arrive at Jcsup (Sundays excepted) at.6.00 P. M. Arrive at Brunswick daily at.n.20 P. M. Leave Macon daltv at.8.30 A. M. Leave Jcsup daily at.r..oo P. M. Arrive at Savannah dally nt.9.30 P. M. On Sunday this train will leave Savannah nt 7.15 A. M.. couucc'liig with trains for Macon and Brunswick, and connecting with trains from Macon and Brunswick, will arrive at Savanuali at 9.30 P. M. PAY TRAIN. Leave Savannah (Sundays excepted) at.7.16 A. M. Arrive at Jcsup (Sundays excepted) ar..10.45 A. M. Arrive at Live oak (Sundays excepted) nt.7.00 P. M. Arrive at Macon dally at.T.M P. M. Leave Live Oak (Sundays excepted) A. M. Leave Jesup (Sundays excepted) at.2.16 P. M. Arrive at Savannah (Sundays except? ed) at.5.35 P. M. Passengers fur Macon take 7.16 A. M. tralu from Sava-inah, leaving daily. Passengers for Bruuswick take 2.10 T. M. train from Savannah. Passengers leaving Macon at R.30 A. M.. con? nect at Jesup with express train for Florida ami Western Division, and with train for Savan? nah, arriving at 0.30 P. M. Passengers from Brunswick connect at Jesup with train for Savannah, arriving nt 6.35 P. M., except on Sunduys. when it arrives at 9.:;o P. M. Connect at Macon with tralu for Atlanta, leav? ing at ?.00 P. M. SOUTH GEORGIA AND FLORIDA RAILROAD TRAIN. Leave Thomasvllle (Tuesdays, Thurs? days, and Saturdays) at.8.00 A. M. Arrive at Pelham ( Tuesdays, Thursdays, ami Saturdays) at.9.55 A. M. Leave Pelham (Tuesdays, Thursdays, ami Saturday s) at.3.45 P. M. Arrive at Thonmsvillo (Tuesdays, Thurs? days, aud Saturdays) at.".fi.00 P. M. H. S. HAINES, feb7 General Superintendent. S OUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 CHARLESTON, S. C., Sept. 15, Isen. | On and after Thursday, September IB, thc Pas? senger Trains on thc South Carolina Railroad will ruu as follows: FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.8.30 A. M Arrive at Augusta.4.45 P. M. Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Mem? phis, Nashville and New orleans, via Montgomery and Grand Junction. FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.S.30 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.4.40 P. M. Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, and Camden tram. FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta......R.OO A. M. Arrive ut Charleston.4.00 P. M. Leave Columbia.7.45 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.uo P. M. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave P. ?.'. Arrive at Augusta.0.10 A. M. Connecting with trains for Memphis. Nashville and New Orleans via Grand Junction. Leave Augusta.4.10 P. M. Arrive ut Charleston.4.U0 A. M. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS, (Suudays excepted.) L Charleston.r..05 P. M. Arrive at Columbia.4.45 A. M. Connecting (Sundays excepted) with Greenville and Columbia Railroad, and on Mondays, Wednes? days and Fridays with Charlotte and South Caro? lina Railroad. Leave Columbia.5.60 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.5.30 A. M. SOMMERVILLE TRAIN. Leave Charleston.2.50 P. M. Arrive at p. M. Leave Summerville.7.10 A. M. Arrive al Charleston.8.25 A. M. CAMDEN BRANCH. Camden and Columbia Passeuger Trains on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, and be? tween Camden and Ringville dully, (Sundays ex? cepted,) connects willi up and dowu Day Pas? sengers at Ringville. Leave Camden..6.35 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.11.00 A. M. Leave Columbia.1.48 P. M. Arrivent Camden.0.00 P. M. (Signed) H.T. PEAKE, septifi General Superintendent. Xiqnorc ?OGNAC URANDY IN CASES. A. TOBIAS' SONS, oller or sal?-, 3uo cases, 1 dozen each. Cognac BRANDY. "Vine Growers'' brand, and three years old, In bonded warehouse. Jan2l imo_ "?ENZINE, DOUBLE DISTILLED, WILL REMOVE OREASE S|POTS. Manufactured and for Bale, wholesale and re tail, by DR. H. BAER, nov3 No. 131 Meeting street. "Brags, (Remir?is, &t. JJ E N B Y'S CARBOLIC CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR, OR BLOOD CLEANSER. This medicine ls known to the faculty as being the concentrated fluid extract of Sarsaparilla united with Carbolic Acid, and ls guaranteed as chemically pure. FOR TUB CURE OF SCROFULA AND CONSUMPTION. This remedy ls compounded expressly for puri? fying and cleansing the blood of all Infirmities, going at once to the fountain-head of disease. It extinguishes TUMORS. CONSUMPTION, SYPHILIS, SKIN ERUP? TIONS, SALT RHEUM, BOILS, RHEUMATISM, WASTE OF VITALITY, SCROFULA. We all know that thc promiscuous vaccination indulged In during the late war bred the most vii lanous diseases. Vaccination pus was taken from the arms of many persons full of scrofulous sores. Then of course the Impurities of thc scrofulous patient was absorbed In thc blood of men other? wise without diseases, and both became infected alike. Men, women and children throughout all the West are most wofuliy diseased from this cause, and knew not uutil a few months ago, the origin of it. HENRY'S CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR Relieves the Entire System of Pains and Aches, enlivens thc Spirit, and sends New Blood BOUNDING THROUGH EVERY VEIN. It imparts a Sparkling Brightness to the Eye, A Rosy (How to thc Cheek, A Ruby Tinge to the Lips, A Clearness to the Head, Brightness to thc Complexion, Buoyancy to thc Spirits, And Happiness on all Sides. For all affections of thc kidneys unsurpassed. People have been rescued, as lt were, rrom thc rcry jaws of death, by a timely use of this great remedy. - EXTRACTS FROM VABIOUS LETTERS. "Doctor, 1 was vaccinated in the hospital. Be? fore that I had no skin disease Until 1 had a bot? tle of your'Constitution Renovator,'sent me by Mr. Roper, of Columbia. Mo., 1 suffered tortures with running sores. Since 1 used two bottles I am all well except a small sore on t he calf of my left leg, ami that Is getting well fast." This from a lady: "And now my skin ls as clear md fair as a babe's. My complexion, thauks to vour . Renovator,' ls beautiful." "Yes, yes, I may well say such relief was unknown'to me before. Enclosed Hud live dollars for six bottles ; two families here want to try it." "1 was very much troubled with syphilis. Your remedy seems to bc curing mc fast, send four bottles per express." "No more rheumatism. Three bottles of Con? stitution Renovator have made me a new man." "Doctor, enclosed find $5. Please send me a supply. Two famll'es herc want to try your Con? stitution Renovator." We have not space for more of the above ex? tracts, but you can ask your neighbor about the remedy. Every one has something good to say, as it cures every time. FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, RETENTION OK THE URINE, AC, Ac. Ami Tor Female Diseases, Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General Lassi? tude, and Want of Appetite, it is unsurpassed. CAUTION!-In ordering our remedy always place theuumberof our Postotllcc Box on your letters. The new law of our New York Postofllce compels Oils. Address, DR. M. E. HENRY A CO.. Director General Berlin Hospital, Prussia. AGENCY OF THE UNITED STATES. .. Laboratory, 270 Pearl street, Postotllcc Box 5272. NEW YORK. ?3-C0NSTITUTI0N RENOVATOR ls SI per bot? tle, six bottles for $5. Sent anywhere on receipt of price. Patients are requested to correspond confidentially, and reply will be made hy following mall. Sold by all respectable Druggists. 0. IV. AI MAR, Charleston, Agent. Janl7 mwslyr_. USSELLS SOOTHING CORDIAL FOR INFANTS TEETHING. ALLAYS INFLAMMATION OF TUE RUMS. Cd'.ES CHOL1C, CHOLERA INFANTUM, DYSENTERY, AN!? ALL DISEASES Tl) WHICH CHILDREN ARB SUBJECT WHEN TEETHING. CONTAINS NO ANODYNE. RUSSELL'S SOOTHING CORDIAL is offered to thc public with an absolute guarantee against ntl danger from its use.. Read the following certifi? cates: CHARLESTON, May lil, 1808. Mr. J. H. RUSSELL, one of our careful und Intel? ligent Pharmaceutists and Apothecaries, has sub? mitted to my examination Hie formula for thc pr?par?t iou ofa Southing Cordial prepared and vended by him. It alfords me pleasure to express a favorable opinion of its sate and etlleient adaptation to the particular eases of thc diseases of children, which it ls designed to relieve. E. GEDDINGS, M. I). Having had occasion to prescribe RUSSELL'S Soothing Cordial In severe cases of Bowel Com? plaints In children amt delicate females, 1 have been much pleased with its effects. 1 consider lt a valuable medicine in all cases, in which lt may bc advisable to avoid the use of anodyne, and par? ticularly for family use, as it ls perfectly safe. W. T. WRAGG, M. ?. CHARLESTON, S. C., 1S63. Dear Sir-1 have used your Soothing Cordial for Dlarrluea in teething children, and timi it n very excellent preparation, lt bas a great advantage over most preparations of thc kind in containing no opium or Narcotic When these arc required they can bc added in proportions applicable to thc case. I therefore can recommend Its use In thc affec? tions Tor which it ls designed. Respectfully venrs, Ac. T. L. OCHER, M. D. CHARLESTON. S. C.. 1SCS. I certify that I have most successfully used Russin.L'S Soothing Cordial In thc Summer Com? plaints of Infants. He has fully exhibited Hie In? gredients of his remedy, ami the tedious method of preparation. 1 recognize thc proscription containing no anodyne whatever-as a moat safe and eitlciiclousonc in bowel affections of children. When much pain or restlessness attends thc aire? Hon, doses of Paregoric can be added to Hie pre Scribed doses of thc Cordial according to thc nge of the patient. Thc compound, though more often, acts in an efficient manlier without any ad? dition of anodyne. In the Diarrhoea cf the aged, in Increased doses, lt. ls of great value as a remedy; .never disagree? ing with thc stomach-increasing appetite, im? proving digestion, and acting ?is a slow but eill? cicnt astringent tigeiit. W. M. FITCH. M. I). MOUNT PLEASANT, S. C., l.CGS. Afr. J. B. Riuiscll : DEAR SIR-I have used your Soot liing Cordial for children extensively in my practice, and mest cheerfully testify to Us merila, I have found K, without an exception, to accomplish nil lt claims, and consider it superior to anything in use for children. Its freedom from anodyne of any kind recom? mends it as a perfectly safe preparation in the hands of mothers and Inexperienced nurses. Very respectfully, Ac, D. R. WILLIAMS, M. D. Made by J. H. RUSSELL, Chemist. Sold hy Dr. IL BA ER, Wholesale Ager.t for Soul li Carolina. oetAti UPILAU'S ANTIDOTE FOR STRONG DRINK. A SURE CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. One Dollar a Pottle. Kent by mai!, postage paid, on receipt of price. The Antidote is Hie best remedy Ci::!'.an be administered in Mania-u-Potu, and also for all nervous affections. For sale by Dr. II. BARR. No. 131 Meeting si rei. octfi Agent for South Carolina. J T. HUMPHREYS, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. SALES OF REAL ESTATE. STOCKS. BONDS SECURITIES AND PERSONAL PRO? PERTY ATTENDED TO. No. 27 BROAD S T R E E T , Charleston, S. C. REFERENCES.-Hon. HENRY BUIST. W. J. MA '5RATI1, Esq., General JAMES CONNER. T. K. WARING. Esn. o^u I L L I A M A. C OUR TENA Y, (Lute of thc firm of Courtenay A Trenholm.) SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AGENT OF THE NEW YORK AND SOUTH CARO? LINA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. NO. 1 UNION WHARVES, fohlst u2fm0_Charleston. S. C. J-^OUIS McLAIN, BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. 48 BROAD STREET. Charleston, S. C. Stocks, Bonds and Gold bought, carried am sold short In New York City. Particular attention paid to the purchase an. sale of aU kinds of Southern Securities. octfi SDrngs, Rome?is, Ut. F . P A N K N I N , APOTHECARY AND CHEMIST, No. 123 MEETING STREET. CHARLESTON, S. C. The .ia vertiser begs to call attention to his stock of the best Imported and domestic CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND PATENT MED? ICINES. Upon thc DISPENSING DEPARTMENT of his business he bestows the utmost personal care and attention, and guarantees thc purity of the medi? cines used In compounding. PRESCRIPTIONS Prepared carefully at all hours of the day and nignr. Special Agency for Hie sale <-f SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Manufactured by Messsrs. GEORGE TIEMANN <k CO., O P N E W V O R K . nts STOCK OP HAIR, TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES, PERFU? MERIES, Ac, \* large and well selected. / AGENCY KUM TUX SALEOPTIIR i'K:.t;::irrup ROC K L>HriM? B ALUM SPRING W A T V. R, A si:; pty cl which is always im I.-.M . Manufacturer of r A N K N IN'S 'ATI C E I T T IC R Which have established tar themselves a reputa tlou surpassed by n.iio. Through constant effort and attention he hope to merit a continuance of the public patronage which has hitherto been extended to hun. fehl6 tuthslyr A^YEB'S CATHARTIC PILLS, FOR ALL TIUC PURPOSES OF A LAXATIVE MEDICINE. Perhaps no one medi? cine is so universally re? quired by everybody as a cathartic, nor was ever auy before so uni? versally adopted lnro use, lu every country and among all classes, as this mihi lott, cillcient purgative PILL. The obvions reason ls, that It is a more reliable and far more effectual rem? edy limn any other. Those who have tried It, know that lt cured them: those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors und friends, and all know that what it docs once it does always-that it never falls through any fault or neglect of Its composition. Wc have thousands upon thousands of the certifi? cates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, and wc need not publish them. Adapted t . all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, th?> way be taken willi safety by anybody. Their s?irar coating preserves them evei fresh and mattes i h em pleasant to t>iKc. trune IM.-IH?: purely '. .getahle 1,0 harm can arise from their ns*? lu any tpmttlUy. .? Tiley operate hy their powerful Influence ?m ilie internal vfe^jera to purify thc blood untlstlmuuite lt Into healthy action-remove the oti-t mci ions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and oilier organs of tito ledy. restoring their irregular action to health, and by cOrreeliiig, wherever they exisr. SUCH derangement* us arc thc first origin of disease. Minute directions arc given in thc wrapper on Hie Lox. r..r Dur following complaints, which these PILO rapidly.cure: For Dv.ipKi-*!.! or INDIGESTION1, LISTLESSNESS LAN;/. !'!: I'.lid Loss of APPETITE, I !K > Sil Mild be taken m?Hlfisaieiy to stimulate t!?>- stomach and rest ere >.< lu allliy tone and action. Pnr I.IVK'I COMPLAINT mid Its various symp i< ::i .?. i .i.e.. - HEADACHE, SICK HEADAI?IU:, JAI'N ijiri: or GREEN SICKNESS, DI LILT* COLIC and lliLinrs FEVER*, they should iieiudhdoindy taken for each caff, to correct the <!i ?-a-i-il action or remove thc o' st ructions which cause tt. For DvsKNTEKY or DIARKUIKA, but 01.5 mild dose is generally required. For RHEUMATISM, GOUT, GRAVEL, PALPITATION OK Tin: BEAUT, PAIN IN TUE SIDE. HACK ?nd LI NG?, they ?linnlil tie continuously taken, as re quired, tu e'.iamru thc diseased action of the sys? tem. With =tich change those complaints dis? appear. For DROPSY and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS they should be takrn in large and frequent doses to produce the cifect of a drastic purge'. For SUPPRESSION a-large dose should be taken as lt produces the desired effect by sympathy. Aa a DINNER PILL, take one or two PILLS to pro? mote digestlou and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates thc stomach ono bowels Into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates thc system. Hence if ls often ad? vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often lintis that a dose of these Pu ts makes him reel decidedly bet? ter, fri.::: "lr cleansing and reiiovaii::;? effect on tho digi stive a pun valus. DR. J. c. AVER ? CO., Practica! Chemists. Lowell, Mass., r. s. A.A Sn'.i'r: wholesale and retail br IMJWIK. MOISE & DAVIS. Charleston, S. C., and by Retail Hrng i i- I- v'. i rj WllOTH. . orM Ti OSAD ALIS, ? :ROSADALIS. Sc M by GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO., Direct Importers of European Drugs and Chem? icals. Charleston. S. C._may8 stnthlv ?T'LEilING'S WORM CONFECTIONS, I} (SANT0N1NE.) Tliey are purely vegetable, safe and sure. The best in use. For sale by Dr. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street, oe: 6 Wholesale Agent w ?tar Shirts. M. MATTHIESSE NEi Mesner* No. 201 KINO STREET, CORNER^VENTWORTH, AOENT FOR TIIE MANUFACTURERS OK TUE CELEBRATED. STAR SHIRTS! BACH QUALITY OF SHIRT IS NUMBERED. rnrcES AS FOLLOWS: No. 42.:.}.2<9 No. 52. 2 50 No. 72. 3 00 No. 92. 3 50 fet)3 .linos F irerlil!?cr3. E Ii T I L ? z i: >T A. I? TZ i -, * Nit rogenize? Sup< i phosi pliate of Tifme: FOR COTTON, CORN, WHEAT, VEGETABLE. CROPS, Ac ALL OF ITS PIIOST?TATES aro In n condition to become nn'.i.kiy SOLCBLE in the M-II.und avail able to thc eri?l?. The animal matt? r. blond and flesh, .Melding an monia, produce ?MI eau? starr ami vii-i-n ns growth, enabling thc plan ts io ap? propriate :he rites; hates ami ntlivr valuable in? gredients lu tho ftiltillzt-r t?ir lhu c?mplete devel? opment of thc lint and seeii of cotton, grain of wheat and crops generally. Sold by KINSMAN & HOWELL, General Agents. No. 12s East Bay, febl tuth2mns ?_ Charleston. S> C. E lt T I L I Z EES! F B x SOLUBLE SOUTH SEA GUANO! RHO DBS' c.:: Of Nil GYPSUM ! . CS" Circulars with detailed statements furnish cd ou application to the Ccneral Agents. II. S. RHETTA SON, Charleston, South Carolina. jan22 s;uiii-:innsi\*.c _ ER TIL I Z B BS. F P II O N 1 X <: U ANO. WILCOX. GIBBS A CO.'S MANIPULATED GUANO. GUANO. SALT AND PLASTER COMPOUND, fur sale by WILCOX, GIBBS & 80, IMTOETEES & DEALERS HST /rs- sc tiflcatps, No. ttl Bay street,.- avannah. No. 211 Broad stn < t. Augusta. No. C4 East Bay, cla.r'.-sti u. nd for Circular glving prlei?. trims, ccr. ftc Janis tursrt.aos 5;)onIfjrr Sroci?. ' This BRACE, in Its peculiar COUM ruc Holt, has_aH the advantages ol 'USPENDEI?S AND SHOULDER I'. HACES COMBINED. Fir':. lt docs t - ; disarms;:! .'.< Mtir: Itarotn. Second. It i-antioislip on*thc tl.oiihle?*. 'itiird. Then- is u*s? ?train on Hie berms m Ute pant? than with iiunmen sa>| riidi-r??. i-oittth. Each secll<>ti oflhc pi. ii is can l>e adjnstnl li?dc? eiidt-nt ly. Ililli. By imsiiis i-f HM-Ailjt:>t,He Pr? fc Strap a' gentle or powerful Brace cali I* i.Lt H in ed.. Sixth, lt altai h' s to lite ? atiis at .!.; mux ; olntir. that i he o:dinar] SufcpeiH?ci dees. Sole Agent in Charleston, . feS C O T A' , DEALER IN SHIRTS AND FURNISHING G00DSr SS Meeting street. Opposite Market Hall. Jau21 3mos P GADSDEN HA SE LL, FACTOR A>D COMMISSION MERCHANT, ACCOMMODATION WHARP. Charlestor, S. C. Mv Business as FACTOR and COMMISSION MERCHANT ceases this date. Mr.. P. GADSDEN HASELL succeeds me, and I respectfully ask for him the courtesy heretofore extruded io me. GE0KGEH. HOPPOfflt. Ae^mniodatlon Wharf. Charteeton, January ao, 1870. febl