The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, November 08, 1869, Image 2

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-II lill-, TKR ?trs OE THE SEWS. Tsar BAILY NEWS, by mail, one year $0; six neates $3; three months $2; one month T5 cents. Served: In the city at FIFTEEN CENTS S week, paya? ble to th? carriers, or $6 a year, paid In advance at the office. tan TBi-WREKLY NEWS', published on Tuesdays, Thursdays aad Saturdays, one year $3; six 'months $2-, and 50 cents a month for any shorter period. StJ?CBirnoNS In all cases payable in advance, and no paper continued after the expiration of abe time paid for. AT/TKRTISXMSNTS.-First insertion ? 15 cent3 a Une*, .subsequent insertions io cents a line. Spe? cial Notices 15 cents a Hue each insertion. Busi seas l?*ito?c 50 CC?M? a ??ne each insertion. Mar? riage and Funeral Notices One Dollar each. Cuts and Electrotype Advertisements will be Inserted en the Fourth Page only. NOTICES of "Wants, Te Rent, Lost and Found, Boarding, Ac, not exceeding 20 words, 25 cents ?geh insertion; over 20, and not exceeding so words, 40 cents each insertion; over 30 and not exceeding 40 words, 50 cents each insertion. AU announcements to be published at these rates must be paid for in advance. B^MTTANCXS should be made by Po3tofflce Money Order or by Express. If this cannot be done, protection against losses by mall may be aecured by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay? able to the order of the proprietors of Tns NEWS, ex by sending thc money In a registered letter. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., No.^40 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. ?. . MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1869. To Our Friend* In the Country-In? ducement* to Kew Subscribers. We def ire, if possible, to make THE NEWS, which tk'i 'Aready toithout exception the cheapest newspaper tn the South, a regular visitor in - jeerywell regulated household in this and the adjoining States. As an inducement to the plant ers to subscribe to TBS NEWS before the expira? tion of the present year, voe have arranged with Messrs. Weaker, Moans ? Cogswell, the publish ere of the RURAL CAROLINIAN, to supply that new und superb agrigultural magasine, together with THE NEWS, to au new subscribers, at the follow. . tag very low rates : ' Tai DAILY NEWS and the RCRAL CAROLINIAN, one year, ?yr six dollars and fifty cents. TBS TRI-WEEKLY NEWS and the RCBAX CARO ? IONIAN, one year, for four dollars. Subscriptions to the two publications may be sent either to the proprietors of TH? NEWS, or to the proprietors of the RURAL CAROLINIAN. But persons desiring to avail themselves of this ojfer Mstut do so before the first of. January next, as '- the arrangement urtu not be extended beyond that period. NEWS OE THE DA T. -Gold dosed In New York at 26ia26|. -Cotton m New York, on Saturday, was heavy and Ko lower; sales of 2000 bales, at 25J?c -In Liverpool cotton closed duU, with uplands -at I2d. and Orleans I2>,'d.; sales 10,000 bales. ' -Tom Thumb and troupe, have gone to Hong Kong. -The Dalmatian rebels are giving much trouble to the Austrian troops, but seem to be gradually coming to grief. -Doting the last fiscal year, the government has disposed of between four and Ave millions of dollars' worth of land under the homestead and other laws. -Electoral meetings m Paris are unattended .with disorder, and In no instance so far has the Interference of the police been required on such oooaslons. . -The English gunboat Thistle; while on her trial trip off Sheerness, on Thursday last, ex? ploded her boiler, killing ten.and severely wound . lng eight men._ pertinent, on Friday, forty books or gold leaf he ? had stolen from it. Another repentant sinner sent back a dollar gold piece. -A large delegation of clergymen from thc Church of England, and dissenting ministers and -aymen, will attend the Evangelical Alliance to be held In New York next fall. -A party of priests returning from a land ten ore meeting in Ireland, a day or two ago, were Attacked by persons lying in walt and brutally beaten. One has since died of his injuries. -The regulators are abroad again In Southwest? ern Kentucky. They attacked a house In Pres tonviRe the other night and demanded a surren? der, but the occupants resisted and finally drove them off. -An extensive gang of counterfeiters, regularly organized for the purpose of manufacturing and selling counterfeit tobacco stamps, securities aud money, has been captured in New York. Many . parties Ia good standing' In that city and in Vir. 4dnla and North Caroona arc compromised. -The Prussian Ministerial budget proposes the ' creation of a-sinking fund to absorb one per cent. ." annually of the public debt, and the conversion fl o? thc present loans into four and a half per cent. - rentes.. Xhe proposal for increased taxes will be " withdrawn if these measures are agreed to. -Letters reeelved by .the British minister at ' Washington indicate that her Majesty's govern? ment is prepared to reduce the single rate or post? age between the United States and Great Britain to three pence, and that, therefore, the early adoption of this measure of postal reform ls high? ly probable. ,. --The siege of Jacmel, Hay ti, by Salnave's "forces has been raised, and the troops were at last accounts marching against the revolutionary .forces under Brice, who had already captured Hiragoane. The revolutionists in St. Domingo re .".nain Inactive near Azna. A rumor of the sale or St. Domingo to the United States is gaming strength.therc. '-rfTbe New Orleans Times says: "Many of the ?c-ruan emigrants but recently arrived by the 'steamer direct la this city have already round em? ployment. We noticed yesterday a batch or thirty or forty who were getting ready to go to sugar plantations. They were a fine, hale-looking set or aten, and are the kind pf people the South wants to sweUher population and develop her material resources." -The Washington correspondents say that a .movement has been put on root looking to-Hie erection of an elegant new opera-house lu a fash? ionable quarter of the city. Considerable pro? gress has already been made, and lt is reported that Mr. Kendal ha? given the land at thc cornnr of Fourteenth and L streets, Mr. Corcoran about . $20,000, and that Mr. Riggs has taken some or the stock. The cost or the structure ls set down at . $160,000. -There-ls much comment upon the indifference With which the administration treats the recent - expose of Butterfield with the Gould-Corblu "cor? ner" la New York. People ask, with good rea? son, why thc' Sub-Treasurer, accused of such grava charges, ls permitted to hold on to his po? sition for weeks after the development of the damning facts* of the affair. Uncharitable per? sons will shortly suspect tbat there are reasons not at ail creditable to the government lor this loose way or treating a serious matter. -A number of Jewish rabbis from the principal cities or the Union are In coherence In Philadel? phia on the subject or rerorm In the Hebrew Church. They adopted resolutions abolishing the use or prayers in the Hebrew tongue as unintclli -gible to the masses; disclaiming the doctrine of . bodily ^resurrection or the removal or the Jewish state by a segregation trom another nations, and declaring the Aaronlc priesthood and thc Mosaic sacrificial worship to have beet? merely preoara tory steps to Israel's national priesthood, and therefore things of the past, to bc mentioned In "prayer only In their educational capacity and not to be practiced. -It ls reported, on alleged good authority, that a large number of clergymen of the English Es- ? tab ?la h. ed Church have signed a petition to tue (Ecumenical Council, praying "That, should thc decision or the counc I be uu'avorable (as the pe? titioners be! eve it not improbable it will be) to .Al? validity of the Anglican orders, the petition ere and others of their-body who have entered the ministry of the English Church through religious motives should be reoelved into the Catholic Church, ordained as priests, employed as such, and allowed, if married, to continue so until the death of their present wives; those married not to be employed as confessors." -The correspondent of the London Post writes as follows from Rome concerning the expected action of the Council: "The dogmatic definition of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary will en? counter no obstacle. The Pope earnestly desires the consolidation of Hie dogmas. The erection into a dogma of tho necessity of the temporal power is not considered possible by Its most ar? dent champions. The foundation and preserva? tion ofthat power do not afford the elements of a dogma, and belief In Its necessity ls not even proxinui fldei, but only of high importance. Pro? bably the protests of 1602 and 1867 will bc receiv? ed. It is suggested that the liberal bishops will advise that terms be made with the Kingdom of Italy, so that aU appointments, even Popedom, may be conferred without the destruction of nationality ; but such a change of policy, although desirable, ls Improb? able at present, and must be left to time and the force of wants. The Council does not have the Initiative with respect to the Syllabus. It would be absurd to think that the Syllabus will be abrogated. It ts more probable that the bishops will be asked to sanction lt by open and unani? mous adhesion, and to explain such portions as are obscurely worded or erroneously interpreted. Beyond these points, the Council will only be oc? cupied with questions of Internal discipline, such as reform missions, the reunion of schismatics and heretics with the church, modifications or the religious orders, the amelioration or instruc? tions to the clergy, and the adaptation or the judicial power or bishops to the condition or socie? ty. It ls important to observe that the initiative m everything belongs to the Pope alone. As the Roman Catholic hierarchy ls strongly and Judi? ciously constituted, it ls improbable that any seri? ous opposition will be manifested. An Appeal to our Citizens. The sMvering season comes on apace, and all the signs foretell a winter of unusual se? verity. The condition of the numerous des? titute families in our community is already truly pitiable, and intense suffering can only be averted by the prompt help of all tho charitable. Wo have already an association of ladies known as the Fuel Society, whose earnest and chscrirninating efforts have done wonders during past winters in the allevia? tion of distress. But their funds axe now exhausted, and, without assistance, they will be unable to distribute fuel this month, even in the most urgent cases of need. They therefore appeal to the generosity of the citi? zens-to the hundreds who have been blessed by a prosperous business this fall for the required help. It will not do to delay. Let each merchant, as he enters his cosy counting-room this morning, think of the "suffering women and little children of the city, and at once do something, be it ever so little, in aid of the Ladies' Fuel So? ciety. Any contributions in money or orders for fuel, large or small, that may be sent to THE NEWS office, will be promptly acknow? ledged and placed at the disposal of the Society. _ _ State Monumental Association. The vf omen of South Carolina rtre earnest? ly invited to unite wRh their sisters of Rich? land District in the formation of a State Moaumental Association, whose pious duty it shall be to erect an enduring monument to the memory of the gallant Southern men who died in the service of the Confederacy. girded OH the knightly sword*" wuo"cRe?rei? the faint-hearted, solaced the weary and mourned the dead, should with holy care give fit expression lo the ioves and regrets Of our people. The men who passed through I the Valley of Shadows, and yet live, find in the hard battle for existence uo room for the griefs and sorrows which speak iu stone, iron, or sculptured tablet. To the women, who garner up in their hearts the rememberanco of all that was lost and all that is won, is remitted the sacred task. And what may we do to aid them ? We who stood shoulder to shoulder with the old men and young boys of the South in tho serried ranks of war; who knew with them thc maddening joy of victory und the anguish of defeat; who returned to ruined hearths and desolated homes when all that was mortal in our cause sank from Bight for ever-we must give to our women now no grudging help or lukewarm aid. In their breasts are enshrined the memories of every child of the Palmetto State who poured out his Mood in our defence. The women alone are indomitable and undismayed. They are true and finn, however all else change. And they appeal to a chord which still vibrates, though slowly, in the hearts of every Southern soldier when they ask for encouragement and support Of the women we have no fear. Their name, their race, their record, arc the hostages of their be? havior now. They who have not failed the living, will not fail thc dead. All who sympathise with the women of Richland in their noble endeavor, are re? quested to meet in Columbia to-morrow to form the Monumental Association of the State. . . _ AT THE adjourned railroad meeting, held at Lancaster Courthouse ou Monday, tho ac? tion of the Camden Convention was approved of, a vote was ordered to be taken on tho question of subscribing $200,000 by the county to thc Watcroo aud North Carolina Railroad, .and it was declared impracticable at tkis time to engage in a railroad project from Lancaster to Georgetown, -? H mm ?? ? THE Oinugoburg liews gives a glowing ae accouiitoi the rapid recovery of timi, tl Hiv? ing town, whose busjnois is said to bo hotter now iban ever before, despite the disorgani? zation and demoralization of hibor, and the heavy losses sustained by the fanners. Ix A CASE of assault and battery lately tried ct Laurensville, sixty witnesses were bound over on the pail of the State. This case will cost the State one thousand dol? lars-according to the estimate of tho Herald. This is Radical economy. THE arrangements for tho State Fair in Columbia are about completed, and a goodly gathering of visitors and exhibitors is ex? pected. Colonel, Aiken, tho secretary and treasurer, is in Columbia, and hus IU'H olfico on the Fair grounds. WE ARE pleased to see that our corres? pondant is able to give si good an account of the discipline and systora of l.xtchingin the Howard school f>r color' i ci?ldren at Columbia. THE Union Times ?>. a;ain c r to ; T ;is time tho columnsjhave been le ^thencd. A RADICAL paper published a statement that the Kev. Samuel Johnson, of Colum? bia, "was preaching on the farm of Dr. G. "C. Wright, near Allen's Ford, in Laurens "County, when three white men rode up and "fired from twenty-iivt; to thirty shots among "the congregation. The name of one of the "assailants is Philip Coon, who resides iu "that vicinity." The Laurensville Herald says (1) there is no such place as Allen's Ford in Laurens County; (2) there is no such man aa Dr. G. C. Wright in the county; (3) there is no man named Coon in the county; (4) the Kev. Samuel Johnson has not yet boen found. This may be termed a Eadical lie, or lying by wholesale. MK. HORACE GREELEY, the Republican candidate for Comptroller of New York, ran ahead of his ticket in the cit)-, and behind his ticket in the country districts, while his whole vote was less than that of Genend Sigel, the candidate for Secretary of State. The New York Sun, which rang his praises on every page and in every column, probably gave Mr. Greeley his metropolitan strength; but his position as the champion of the protec? tionist monopolists killed him in the country. The Sun now nominates Mr. Greeley for Governor of New York ! OUR Darlington correspondent tells the story of a man indicted for grand larceny, whose counsel offered to plead guilty, pro? vided the judge would assure a punishment not greater than that prescribed for petit larceny. This was refused, the trial went on, and thc jury, in face of a full evidence of guilt, returned a verdict of not guilty. The jury was composed of negroes only ! His Excellency, Governor Scott, has, by letter, ordered one of the negro magistrates of Darlington County to release on bail certain persons who had been arrested on a charge of murder, and the order was meekly obeyed. We cannot believe that Governor Scott is wholly iguorant of the laws of the State. On the contrary, he knows the laws, and wilfully and wantonly breaks them. tost ano ironn?. LOST AND FOUND AGAIN.-IF YOU have lost anything, make lt known to the public through this column. The rate for twenty words or less, each Insertion, ls ii cents, If paid In advance. NOTICE.-STOLEN FROM MY RESI DKNCE In Barnwell County, on thc night of the 2d November, one large Sorrel MARE, with a white spot on her forehead, marked U. S. on the left shoulder, frost feet a little Inclined outward, hind feet whitish, the left ankle strained and several scars from saddle and collar. A liberal reward will be paid for her recovery. Informa? tion mav be given at Midway Postofflce, S. C. M. H. SMITH. nov5 3?D*C j?oai?ing. BOAR DING. -PERMANENT, DAY AND transient may bc had on model ate terms, with pleasant rooms, at No. 41 Wentworth street, south side, near Meeting. nov-8 1* tana for Sale. ?j?'? n?v?^ A 4V-?\J\J TERM OF YEARS.-The large and beautiful PLANTATION, known as Kelti Plaoe, I consisting of 2400 acres, 1100 cleared. Soil rich and clay abounding in deposits of marl. Too acres of splendid cotton land; 100 acres of lt will make a bag to the acre; location perfectly hcalthv all the year; four and a half miles from Lewisvllle, South Carolina RaUroad; well settled; hus been in constant cultivation since the war; has all neces? sary bnlldings; small dwelling, barns, stables, glnhouse, screw, laborers' houses. Lyou't Creek runs through the estate and furnishes one of thc ivtrinj;: o nile yowng MULES, a large lot of Improved Imple? ments, Brlnly Ploughs, New Gin, Dickson Cotton Seed, enough to plant thc entire crop; 2000 bushels of Cotton Seed for flrtilizing; 300 bushels of corn. AH will be sold on thc place, low for cash. Parties desiring to lease are requested to Inspect thc growing crop of cotton, which will give entire satisfaction. For terms, apply to MRS. LAW? RENCE KEITT, St. Matthew's P. 0., Orangeburg |.District, S. C. REFERENCES.- Major T. B. Whalcy, J. C. Keitt, Esq., Orangcbnrg, H. W. Peronueau, Esq., Wil? liam Middleton, Esq., Charleston. oct2? rnwf2mo* 1lOnfifiACRES IN WILLIAM^ ?\J?\J\J\J BURG COUNTY-100 acres of which arc cleared ard 75 acres now under culti? vation in corn, cotton and rice. The tract ls heavily timbered with pine, oak, cypress and hickory, and contains a dwelling and outbuild? ings, with llftuen cabins for laborers; also one good mill site. Average nr.idnctlon of the land ten to iifteen bushels of ^or.i and fifteen to twen ty-flvo bushels of rice to thc acre, without fertili? zers. The regiou abounds in marl deposits. Georgetown ls the nearest market, thc place being four miles from Black Mingo Creek and twenty five miles fro;u Georgetown Creek, which is navi? gable al all seasons. Price of thc tract Slj.noo; one hair cash, the balance lu one and two veris, seemed hv bond and mortgage. Any smaller number or acres will be sold ut a moderate advance on this rate. Parties desiring lo Inspect the tract can <lo BO in leaving the Northeastern Railroad ot Klngstree, and inquiring the way to my place, twenty-three miles distant. The tract lies within one'mile or the projected Georgetown Railroad. Address JAS. F. CARRAWAY, Survivor or Perkins A Car? raway, Georgetown Postottlee, S. C. sepi20 mwBmos* n*c ?AA ACRES.-TO CAPITALISTS. \J\f\J At private sale or for lease, a line PLANTATION In Orangeburg District, running a partof the estate o? the late Colonel Kciit, con? sisting or about ooo acres; 350 or it cleared. It is watered by Lyon's Creek, a large and never-fail? ing stream. Soil rich, red clay, well adapted to cotton, corn, wheat, root crops and clover. Cli? mate healthy nil thc year. Splendid range for cattle; the neighborhood attractive-thc adjoin isg plantations owned by gentlemen who reside there and secure good order. The buildings were burned.bnt lumber mills being near.thev could be replaced cheaply. A large State road connects it with Lewisvllle. South Carolina Railroad, six miles distnnt. The Rbovc ls a splendid chance for those form a heautirul rarm In a pleasant, healthy section. In lscr. these lands ' were returned ut $20 per acre. Will be sold at hair that price. For terms apply to Mrs. LAU? RENCE KEITT, Society Hill, S. C. REFERENCES.-Major T. B. Whalev, J. C. Kelti, Esq., Orangeburg; H. W. Pero neiu, Esq., Wil? liam Middleton, Esq., Charleston octll mw?mosDAc _GTopartnersljin IVoticcs. PARTNERSHIP.-I HAVE THIS DAY associated with mc, in business, my son, GEORGE G. BUTLER. The business-G ry in and General Commission-will hereafter be conducted ?.i i he namc.of it. M. BUTLER & nos. November l, iso?. ii. M. BUTLER. novi io Removals. |> EMOVAL.-CLAG HORN, HERRING & * l> co.. Factors and Commission merchants, have removed from Accommodation Wharf to North Atlantic Wharf. oct? Imo Notices in j?ankruutcrj. TN BANKRUPTCY.-IN THE DISTRICT JL COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOI: THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-Bx pinto WM. T. SHUMATE and A. BLYTHE, Assignees, in re JOHN W. GRADY. Bankrupt.-Petition to sell Kcal E.-tate, unlncumbered, call In Lien Creditors. Ac-Notice ls hereby given to all Creditors hold lng Liens against the Estate or JOHN W. GRADY, that they are required to establish the same be? fore W. J. CI.AWSON, Esq., Registrar, al Yorkville, S. C., within forty days from the date hereof, or bc barred from all benefits or the decree Tor dis? tribution io be niade In this case. Hy order of Hon. G KO. S. BRYAN, Judge of said Court. W. T. SH UM ATE, \ ^ A. BLYTHE, J ?WpweS. GrocL'vitle, s. C., September 15, 1800. octis raiffu JOUIS M c L A I N , " BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 4 8 TJ ROAD STREET. Charleston, S. C. Stocks, Bonds and Gold bought, carried and sold short lu New York City. Particular attention paid to the pa robase and sale of all kinds of Southern Securities. oel5 tiJants. WANTS OF ALL KINDS CAN BE made known to everybody In this column at the rate of 25 cents for twenty words or less, each Insertion, if paid in advance. WANTED. A WAITTNGMAN AND A Girl to do chamber work. Both must be well recommended. Apply at- No. 43 Meeting street, next door below the Charleston Club Ilousc._noys 2 WANTED DEMEDIATE LY, A COLOR? ED WOMAN", to cook and wash; also, a Girl or Boy, to do housework. None need apply without recommendations, and bc willing to sleep on the premises. Apply at No. 135 Queen street, op|K>sitc Smith. novS 2 WANTED, EY A RESPECTABLE white woman, a situation as Cook and Washer. Apply at No. 46 Tradd street, between Meeting and Church streets. nov8 l* "TTTANTED, A BOY TO OPEN OYSTERS, \\ at No. 107 Market street. nov6 2* WANTED, A YOUNG MAN, WHO IS willing to assist in keeping books, attend to shipping, and to a moderate salary to begin with. Address, in own handwriting, Assistant, Charleston Postofllce._novo 2* WANTED, A HOUSE SERVANT AND NURSE. None need apply unless well re? commended. Apply at southeast comer of King and Spring streets._nov? WANTED, AN HONEST AND GEN? TEEL WA1T1NGMAN. None need apply unless thoroughly competent as a butler and without best city recommendations. Apply at this office._novo 3 WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK AND do chamberwork. None need apply unless well recommended.- Good wages paid. Apply at No. 30 Montague street._- novl WANTED, A SITUATION AS CLERK, in a Wholesale Drug Store, or a large Re? tail and Prescription Drug Store. No objection to go in the country. Will expect but a small com? pensation at first. Thc applicant is a graduate ol the Routh Carolina Medical College. Address M. D., through the Postofllce._octo TO DRUGGISTS.-A PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST, of twenty-five years' experience, extensively and favorably known throughout the State, and can influence a large trade, wishes a situation in a Wholesale Drug Douse, or a large Retail and Prescription Drug Store. Both city and country references given. Address "Keru gee,'1 Box 65, Yorkvllle, S. C._oct8 Imo? WANTED, A H O U S E , NEAR THE central part of the city, containing ave oi six rooms, with good outbuildings and water Address D, at this Qfllce. _sept28 WANTED, TO PURCHASE A COM l'LETE copy of the U. S. CENSUS foi I860. Apply, stating price, to " CENSUS," DULI NEWS OFFICE._oct7 WANTED TO HIRE, A HOUSE, WITH four to six rooms; must have a good els tern, gas, and the necessary outbuildings, be ir good condition, and in a respectable location Apply at No. 9 Broad stroct. nov5 rraw3 AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TC sell the American KNITTING MACHINE the only practical Family Knitting Machine evei invented. Price $25. Will knit 20,000 stlteh? per minute. Address American Knitting Machlni Company, Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. oct29 3*nos WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW that JOB PRINTING ol all kinds, plati and ornamental, ls executed promptly In tlx neatest style and at the lowest New York prices at TUE NEWS Job Ofllce, No. 149-EAST BAY. Cal and examine the scale or prices before giving you orders elsewhere. WANTED, AGENTS.- TWOHUNDREI and Fifty Dollars per month, to sell tin only Genuine Improv<>d Common Sense Pamll' SEWING MACHINE. Price only $18. Great in ducemcnts to Agents. This Is thc most popula Sewing Machine of thc day-makes the ramon "Elastic Lock Stitch"-will do any kind of worl that can be dene on any machine. One hundrei thousand sold and thc demand constantly in creasing. Now ls the time to take an agency Send for Circulars. DST Beware of infringer*.-? Address SECOMB Sc CO., Boston, Mass.; Pitts burg, Pa., or St. Lords, Mo. oct29 3mos Ho Kent. HOUSES, FARMS, STORES, ROOMS 4c, now vacant, can readily be rented b; advertising them In this column. The rate is 2 cents Tor twenty words or less, each Insertion, I paid In advance. _ TO BE LEASED, THE RICE PLANTA T10N on Western Branch of Cooper River known as "North Chachau," now under sue class' cotton or'provision laiid^ ' **,lro' With it will bc rented a comfortable summe Residence In the salubrious village of Cordesvillc two mile? distant. J. DRAYTON FORD, nov? 2ntc_Broker, No. 40 Broail street. TO RENT, A FINE STORE WITH FIX TURES rora grocery and bar-room, come Longitude Lane and East Bay. To an approvec tenant rent will be $10 per month. Also, si: large square Rooms, with lip. places, back piazza: and cistern Avater on every story. Thc room will be rented singly ir preferred. Inquire of Mr ROSE, on the premises. . octio ROOMS TO RENT.-THREE UNFUR NISHED rooms lu a resideuee plcasanth situated in thc western part ol' thc city. Tenn: moderate. For further particulars, apply at No ll Doughty street. r octl2 ?ov Sale. EE AL ESTATE OR PERSONAL PRO PERTYofanj kind may be advertised ta sale In this column, at the rate or 25 cents foi twenty words or'less, each Insertion, if paid ii advance. FOR SALE, THE HOUSE AND LO') No. 7 Minority si reel, containing five room: and necessary outbuildings. Possession given im mediately. Apply on the premises, novo wfin.:* REAL ESTATE.-A COMMODIOUS ANT substantial three-story brick HOUSE, con tiiining six square rooms, dressing rooms, pantn and store-room, wlih kitchen of Ure rooms, ?ta hie, ftc., In a central part of the citv, for sale U\ WARPLA WA CAREW._'ortia wini FOR SALE, A FINE PAIR OF LARG! Gray HORSES. Warranted sound ?ind gen tie in any kind of harness. Also, a beautiful well broke buggy MARE, nf Morgan stock. Apply ai Charleston Hotel Stables. iiuv.'>4 170R SALE, ONE HORSE, ONE DRAY, one Buggy, one Wagon and two Carts. In quire itt Southeast corner or Market ami Churct streets. nov2 12* PRINTING PRESS FOR SALE'AT A GREAT BARGAIN.-One small Cylinder TAY LOR PRESS in complete repair, lt has been bul tittle used, and is sold simply because the present owner has no usc Tor it. The size or thc bcd ol the Press is forty-four by fifty-eight inches. Said Press will be sold at a great bargain If applied foi at once, as the room lt occupies ls wanted foi other purposes. Addrcsss Box No. 3705 New York Postofllce. scpt.Ju H. fjnts, Oaps, Ut. H. WILLIAM HAT BAZAAR, No. 243 KING STREET, Opposite the Big Boot, Take.- pleasure in announcing to hts friends nm! thc public generally! that ho has opened a com 'plctc stock of Genis', Youths* and Boys' HATS AND CAPS, ortho latest style?, to which he would luvttc theil attention before purchasing elsewhere, knowing that lie will give full satisfaction in both quality and price. Just received, n beautiful style of SILK nAT. A call is solieited. Mt26 GTobncco, (iignrs, Ut. g P E C I A L NOTICE. The attention of dealers and consumers ol CIGARS AND TOBACCO is called to, and they are requested to and call examine thc stoek of thc Havana Cigar Factory,No. KO Market street. Fresh Importations received monthly. Prices to com? pare with New York houses. JOHN SA VAS, octll nilulmo Proprietor. t\jiUci)es, Icndrn, Ut. "yr^r A T C H E S I WATCHES! WATCHES of the best English, Swiss and American manufacture, In Gold and Silver Cases, at JAMES ALLAN'S, novl m th Imo No. 307 King street. J E W E L RT ! JEW E L R Y ! An elegant assortment of Une ha?f sets EA F RINGS, Brooches, Ac, at JAMES ALLAN'S, novl m : tilmo No. 307 King street. meetings. 0BANGE LODGE, No. 14, A F. M. The Regular Communication of Orange Lodge will be held THIS EVENING, at Masonic Hall, at 6 o'clock precisely. Candidates for E.- A. and F. C. Degrees will please be punctual. TEDS. S. BEE, nov8 _Secretary. 1~riIRST BAPTIST CHURCH.-A JOLNT 1 Meeting of thc Members of the Church and Corporation will be held THIS (Monday) EVENING. in thc Lecture Room, at 7 o'clock. By order ol' the President. JOSEPH B. HYDE, novs Secretary Corporation. CHARLESTON HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY, No. 2.-Attend thc Regular Monthly Meeting of your Company, THIS EVE? NING, at your Hall, at half-past 7 o'clock. By order. GEORGE McLAIN. novs Secretary. ri RAND LODGE OF ANCIENT FREE VT MASONS OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-The An? nual Communication of the Most Worshipful "Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina will bc holden at Masonic Hall, Charles? ton, on the 16th day of November, 1869, com? mencing at High 12. The Presidents of thc various Railroads In South Carolina have kindly consented to permit the (?rand ?Ulcers and Delegates to pass and rcpass thereon for one fare. The full fare is to be paid at the place of starting, and certificates will be Issued by the Grand Secretary at the close of the communication, entitling the holder to return free of any charge whatever. Worshipful Masters and Wardens, or Delegates of Subordinate Lodges, Grand Otllcers and Past Masters, will take due notice and govern them? selves accordingly. R. S. BRUNS, nov4 thmftul Grand Secretary. .financial, g i G n T CHECKS On Messrs. MORTON, BLISS A CO., New York, in sums to suit purchasers. For sale by E. LAFITTE A- CO., oct27 wthsSmfi No. 20 Broad street. THIRST MORTGAGE TWENTY-YEAR SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS OP THE SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD COMPANY. PRINCIPAL ANO INTEREST PAYADLE IN NEW YORK. These .bonds are secured by a FIRST MORT? GAGE ON THE ROAD, iRCludlng its outfit and equipment. The Trustees arc JAMES ROBB, of New York; WILLIAM AIKEN and GEORGE W. WILLIAMS, of South Carolina. Thl3 Road ls los miles in length, connecting the Cities of Savannah and Charleston, and is an Im? portant link of through travel from the North to Georgia, Florida and the Gulf States. Tho whole Road will be In complete running order by the first of December. This loan ls at the rate of only $5000 per mlle, which ls lesa than the cost of thc iron, and ls a first-class security in every respect. These bonds are offered for tho present at EIGHTY CENTS on the dollar, by thc SOUTH CAROLINA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, No. 19 Broad street. THOMAS R. WARING, octl3 wfm Cashier. E DWARD LOWNDES, BROKER, No. 4 BROAD STREET, Buvs and sells on commission, Bonds, Stocks, Bank Bills, and Securities of all kinds. Thc high? est market prices obtained. Any information desired, by letter or otherwise, will be cheerfully given. Apply as above at No. 1 Broad street, or through Postofflce Box 307. Will also attend to thc Investments or money In large and small amount*. REFERENCES.-Wugner, Huger A Co., Reeder A Davis, G. A. Trenholm A Son, W. C. Bee A Co., Thomas E. Waring, Cashier South Carolina Loan and Trust Company; Pelzer, Rodgers A Co., J. 1). Aiken and Co., George H. Walter ft Co., Cohen, Hanckel A Co., Andrew SlmoHds, President First National Bank. -sept21 2mos DAC D tailoring, Ut. ORBAUM & JURS, MERCHANT TAILORS, Have removed to No. 147 KING street. Ave doors below their former stand, where they will bc pleased to see their former patrons and friends, and thc public generally. Mr. Jurs has just returned from the North with a large and well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Beavers. Coatings, Doeskins, Cassimeres and Vestings. ALSO, A fine assortment of Gent?' Furnishing Goods, which win bc sold nt a very small profit. Gentlemen In want of any of thc above articles will do woll to call bcrorc purchasing elsewhere. octll rath L O T II I N G~ TAILORING AND FURNISHING COODS. C MENKE A MULLER, .No. 3 2 5 KING STREET, Three Doors below Liberty street. Have just received and opened a largo and lino assortment of Men's Youths' and Boy's CLOTH? ING, FURNISHING GOODS, Ac. Consisting or Elegant OVERCOATS, Business and Dress Suits. Whit- and Colored Shirts, Underwear Goods, Ac, Enp'jih and Domestic Half Hose, Alexander's ind Convlsier'S Kid Gloves, Buckskin, Doeskin, Calfskin; Cloth, Cassiniere, Tweed; Silk und Ihr ead Gloves, Linen and Paper Collu rs. Cravats, Neck Tics, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Umbrellas, fte. also, a large anti well assorted stock of BROAD? CLOTH, OASS1MBRE, DOESKIN, B E A V E R CLOTH, ftc., a large variety of titenew style Pants and Vest Patterns, which we offer to sdi by piece, yard or pattern, or make up into garments by measure, in Hie latest styles. Our stock lias been selected with great care, and prices marked very low, iu plain llgurcs. Being confident that wc can oder Inducements unequalled by any other house, we solicit buyers In our line to give us a call before purchudlug elsewhere. All orders will receive our prompt aud very careful attention. Entire satisfaction ls guaranteed, octll niwfjmos A .innen ?00?8, Ut. V I S I TOR Once said If we only knew where the resident citizens made their purchases there we should get well served. To such wc oller A DIRECTORY. The ladles who desire the latest styles of fash? ionable Head Dressing, Curls, Chignons or Braids, Go to IL ft A. ASHTON. Tlie gentlemen who desire tobe presentable lu Adonis attire, for Wigs, Go to M. ft A. ASHTON. All who desire the beat German Colognes, G t to M. ft A. ASHTON. For Diadem or Coronal Combs, all Go to M. ft A. ASHTON. Those who require tho best Extracts, Go to IL ft A. ASHTON. Every one who desires good Hair Blushes or Combs, Uo to M. ft A. ASHTON. Of necessity ail who require a good Tooth Brush, Go to M. ft A. ASHTON, Fur genuine Talc dc Venia, all must Go to II. ft A. ASHTON. For Hair Dyes and Regenerators, nearly all - Go to If. ft A. ASHTON. In fact, all who require genuine goods from thc following houses : Bailev's, Society Hygi?nique, Lubuvs, Cowdroy '3, Piver, Guerlain, Henry ft Demarson, Atkinson's, Gosnell's, Lowe A Sons, yardley, Rowlands A Sons, Cowland, As also, Venls Goods In their line from every reputable manufacturer In the States, Go to M. A A. ASUTON, No. 240 King street, novi Five doors from Market street. C. J. SCHLEPEGRELL, No. 37 LINE STREET, BETWEEN KING AND ST. PHILIP. LUMBER or everv description and BUILDING MATERIAL, Lime and Plastering Laths, Paints, Oils, Glasses, Shingles; aLso Groove and Tongue Boards, ftc, constantly on baud ut the lowest market prices. octll mtuslyr JDrrj ?oo?s, Ut. QHEAP GOODS ! CHEAP GOODS! AT r . G OUDKO P'S, No. 4-33 KING STREET. Having removed to that large and commodious Building next to Burnham's Drug Store, I am now prepared to oiler the greatest bargains in DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, *C, this market has ever produced. Purchasers will do well by calling and examin? ing our stock of DRESS GOODS PRINTS LONGCLOTHS SHEETING PILLOW COTTON BROWN GOODS TABLE LINEN TOWELS GINGHAMS CASSIMBRES HOSIERY, NOTIONS, &c, Ac. Bemombcr,,I. GOUDKOITP'S NEW STAND, No. 423 KING STREET, nov8 Next to Burnham's Drug Store. Jj O ll E S T I C S . . 4-4 Brown SHEETINGS, Georgia Factory. % Brown Shirtings, Georgia Factory. Yarns, assorted numbers, Georgia Factory. For sale by W. B. SMITH 4 CO., nov8 1 Napier's Range. D RY GOODS FOB PALL AND WINTER. MELCHERS & MULLER, NO. 217 KING STREET, Have the pleasure to Inform their friends and customers that they have opened a most elegant and carefully selected STOCK OP DRY GOODS, Suitable for the present and coming season. They also beg leave to call the attention of buy? ers to their large and well selected stock of BLACK DRESS ' GOODS, SILKS, &C. Respectfully, MELCHERS & MULLER, octll mwf imo No. 217 KING STREET. S Stones, Unngcs, Ut. TO VE S AT WHOLESALE. THE UNDERSIGNED, SUCCESSORS OF HOR? TON 4 SHEPHERD, HAVE RESUMED THEIR TRADE IN STOVES, AS WHOLESALE DEALERS, IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR OTHER BUSI? NESS, AND ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OTHER DEALERS, FACTORS, MERCHANTS AND ALL THE CUSTOMERS OF THE OLD HOUSE WITH THE M03T APPROVED DESCRIPTIONS OF COOKING STOVES, RANGES AND HEATING STOVES AT A CL9SE APPROXIMATION TO FOUNDRY PRICES. THE COOKING STOVES AND RANGES ARE SOLD WITH OR WITHOUT FURNITURE-SOME OF THEM ARE DESIGNED TO OPERATE WITH? OUT TnE AID OF CU1MNEYS IF NECESSARY AND ALL ARE GUARANTEED TO BARB PROP? ERLY, IF SET UP AS DJ RECTED. THE RANGES ARE UNUSUALLY LOW IN PRICE-HAVE SIX BOILER OPENINGS AND DOUBLB OVENS, THOUGH BUT A SINGLE PIPE, AND NEED NO BRICK-WORK TO SET THEM UP. THE STOCK OF HEATING STOVES EMBRACES CAST-IRON AIR-TIG HTS, RUSSIA-IRON PAIR TIGHTS, SIX-PLATE OR BOX STOVES, Ac. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES AND PRICES WILL BE FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION. WM. SHEPHERD 4 CO., No. 24 HAY NE STREET, _CHARLESTON S. C.,_ r AP ANN E D TIN-WA RE AT WHOLESALE. WM. SHEPHERD ? CO., No. 24 HAYNE STREET. S TAMPED TIN-WARE AT WHOLESALE. WM. SHEPHERD & CO. No. 24 HAYNE STREET. XpRENCH RETINNED IRON - WARE AT WHOLESALE. WM. SHEPHERD & CO., No. 24 HAYNE STREET. B ELLEVILLE COPPER ROLLING MILLS. AGENTS IN CHARLESTON: WM. SHEPHERD & CO., No. 24 HAYNE STREET. f^ntelo. Q HARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. Tliis first-class HOTEL, situated m a pleasant location, and in the business portion of the eily, lenders it Hie most desirable Hotel for either per? manent ortranslenl guests. Thc accommoda? tions ?ire unsurpassed, having extensive suites of elcguuMy furnished apartments for families and Bingle gentlemen. The proprietor win endeavor to maintain the high reputation enjoyed by the "Charleston" us a tlrsi-class house, und no effort will bc spared to deserve a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed uponlt. Thc best of Livery accommodations will be found adjoining the establishment. The house Is supplied with the celebrated Arte? sian Water, of which delightful baths can be had either day or night. E. H. JACKSON, julyl2 . Proprietor. OOD! WOOD! WOOD! W Good Oak and Pine WOOD constantly on han-i, and for sale, at Venuiug's Wharf, south of Cal? houn street. Orders left at T. M. BRISTOLL 4 CO'S., No. 145 Meeting street, and No. 91 St. Philip street, will be promptly attended to. nov5 fmw3 C. J. BECKMAN. gllAMPOOING AND HAIR CUTTING. LADIES AND CHILDREN Attended at their residences piomptly and at reasonable rates. Send orders to W. E. MARSHALL, Barber, aprllli No. 31 Broad street, (up stairsj Groceries* Cixjnota, Ut. gHOULDEBS, SIDES, &e. 10 bads. SHOULDERS * io hhds. Sides 5 hhds. Smoked Jolea 20 boxes D. 8. Shoulders 5 hhds. Hams " 500 boxes Herrings 50 bbl.-. Brown Sugar 50 bbls. Syrup loo bags Rio Coffee loo kegs and tubs Butter 50 boxes Cheese Tomatoes, Oysters, Mackerel, Tobac? co, Ac, kc. For sale low by 0. W. STEFFENS, uov81_No. 30 Vendue Range. ?jg ASTEEN HAY. 1000 bales Prime EASTERN HAY. For sale by W. B. SMITH k CO., nov8 1 Napier's Range. F RTJIT! FRUIT ! FRUIT ! 80,600 Choice Sweet ORANGES 200 bunches Bananas 15 barrels Limes. Landing this day from Schooner "Rosalie," from "Eleuthera." For sale in lots to snit dealers, at Kerr's Wharf. PAUL, WELCH k BRANDES, No. 215 East Bay. C. BART * CO., novS Nos. 57 and 59 Market street. PACKAGES MACKEREL, SAL? MON, 4c, NOW LANDING. 250 - half bbls. finest MESS MACKEREL . - quarter bbls. finest Mess Mackerel - kits finest Mess Mackerel - half bbls. No. 1 Bay large Mackerel - quarter bbls. No. 1 Bay large Mackerel - kits and half kits Bay large Mackerel - kits and han* kits No. 1 Salmon - kits Sounds and Tongues George's Bank Codfish Choice Scaled Herrings. For sale by KLINCK. WICKENBERG 4 CO. nov8 2 Q. U N N Y .CLOTH. 100 bales, extra weight, in store, and for Bal? low In lots to suit purchasers, by E. LAFITTE 4 CO., No. 20 Broad stree*. QUNNY CLOTH! GUNNY CLOTH ! On the spot and to arlve. For sale by oct7 thm GEO. A TRENHOLM 4 SON. TRITER POOL SALT AFLOAT. 40?0 sacks Liverpool SALT, Just arrived per steamer Darlen, In large and superior seamless sacks. For sale, ex steamer, at )nwest market price, by ROBT. MORL I CO., oct28 Boyce's Wharf. J^IYBRPOOL SALTI 6000 sacks. LIVERPOOL SALT, direct from Liv? erpool-large and full sacks. For sale at lowest market prices, by 0Ct26 T. J. KERR 4 CO. JgAI.LANTLNE A SON'S PALE ALE. Weekly snppUes of the above superior brand, in barrels and half barrels. Fer dale by W. H. CHAPEE 4 CO., ' octll imo No. 207 East Bay Streetz FLEMING'S WORM CONFECTIONS, (SANTONINS.) They are purely vegetable, safe and sure. The best in use. For sale by Dr. H. EAER, No. 131 Meeting street; oct5 Wholesale Agent. jyj ARENGO CURES FEVER AND AGUE. THE FINEST TONIC IN THE WOBID. itar-For sale by all Druggists. G. J. LUEN, Agent, Druggist, Comer King and John street, septl7 3mos Charleston, S. C. S OLOMON'S BITTERS ARE FOR SALE BT Dr s. RAOUL & LYNAH, At Wholesale and Retail, CORNER KING AND MARKET STREETS. septl7 3mos ?Hisrellmicons. F B . D A U E R MUsiC DEALER, Piano Tuner, Teacher of Vio? lin, Flute and Guitar. Repairer of Musical Lstru mcnts. , . Hitchcock's Five and Ten cents Music always on hand. BALLS AND PARTIES furnished with the best and most fashionable Music lately received from Europe at moderate pricoe. Apply at No. *ft9 King street, four doors above Calhoun. octi2 tulmtbOmos gOLOMON'S BITTERS ACCOMPLISH ALL THEY PROMISE. For sale at scptl7 3mos RAOUL 4 LYNAH'S. S ELLLNG OUT AT COST. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Of all kinds and beat quality, selling out at and below cost until November 15,1869, AT No. 140 MEETING STREET, Charleston, S. 0. N. B.-Auction sale of Stock unsold, November 46, 1869. oct29 fmw7 GEO. E. PINGREE. J) O YOU WISH TO PREVENT YOUR CHILL A ND FEYER? septl7 3mos USE SOLOMONS' BITTERS, Gr Business Carce. IBBES & BARNWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. .Advances made on Consignments of CotfcfB, Rice, Ac, to Eoreltrn ?ind Domestic markets. ALLEN S. GIBBES. ARTHUR BARNWELL, oct? fm wi mo A C . KAUFMAN BROKER AND COMMISSION AGENT, No. 25 BROAD STKEET, Charleston, S. C. Prompt attention given to the purchase and sale of Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, Bank Bills, Ac., 4c. scpri? wfm2moscs P. C1IEVREUX, SCULPTOR AND ARCHITECT, MARBLE WORKS, Corner Meeting street, and Horlbeck's AUey, Charleston, S. O. Plans made to order anti work exeouted promptly. Jnlyl thmemoa JJ O L M E S ? MACBETH, No. 36 BROAD STREET, Charleston, S. C., ^ BROKER, AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AMI? GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT8. Will attend to Renting and Collecting of Rents and purchase and sate of Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Sliver and Real Esta ie. To the Purchase of (.OOHS and Supplies for Dei? ties in the country upon reasonable terms. * GEORGE L. HOLMES-....AI.KXAMDEK MACBETH. ?S jam lyr y I ' J f