THE DAILY ii IS WS. ?l OBOAN, DAWSON* CO., BBOBVaXOBM. OF?I^? Np.jUA EAST BAT. . Tina- DAJUC \UW?, on? y MT...IS 00 ' DAITT Narwa, etx mooth? .....3 90 DAXUX Nxwm. thi^ manthj?........... 2 00 . 0 - Ui-*uiaj*1twi. one T?ar..^."S 00 Sjf -15 Tnf^tkxLX ??tn. ?tx mm??^.'^i 00 PA TTHT tn variably to advir.ce. "o ?per ?ent ?B.UM u?* caah acampante* the order, or for . long er WM thia pud for. Tax: DAH? Im will be servea to subacribers In to ? 'dry t IS cent? a week. ABTwrrtBHMt vs--First insertion. 15 wots t an?; ? wfasg rt nx :rticm?, W cents . ene. Business BtoUoe*. aft eecta a Une. af arriase and Funeral No - fla??. Oas OoTU eaoii. ?Err if s r,?4aa i.. -In Ne?- Y. rk on Saturday gold closed at MK '-Cotton ta Now York was dall and unchang? ed; ?ales 850 boles, at 8il*34|. -Tbo-lii vero *>1 eotton m trket was quiet, wi th uplandsat 12jd; salee 8000 bale?. _Tito Kew York Tribuno bas received special informa OP fwrn'Havana, asserting that the new, Caballero de Bodas, baa heeri lrmtrncted to off jr the Cubans the powers a of self government; and, furthermore, that the provisional leaders of Spain, and especially General Prim, ha ve beeo or are in favor of ser? ing the toland to the United ti tate*. ? -Chinese labor meetings are being, hold tn almost ev ry city and town in the Southwest. -Mrs. General Gaines' final j ndgiaent bis been, rendered, and is to be executed in De? cember. - Tba length of the Pacific Railroad is snob that a oenrtship recently begun i o Ohio was COTSUmrhited in a marriage bofo re the two travellers reached the end of their route, r-Tbew? ^ Sutton hfew ?ork, who | waa married at twelve-years of age, who is the motlier of ?hateen children, 'weighs two hun? dred and ten pounds, and to "fair, tat and -It in said that cotton can bo raised in Texas of ?oe quality and brought io market earlier'tb an in any other part of the Uoited States. Tbe first new cotton raised there was brought to Brownsville on tho lita nit.. . -Thurmlay was the closing day of the great Sengerfest at Baltimore, which has shown in a .Oiisapifjaons manner the remarkable power of theGre^mans fa trotting tip popular amuse ments, uiiaooompaniod by^dangars and dis? order. -Cabs bara appeared in New York lettered "Erle hU?way Passenger Cab." Tbey are dgbt [ and elegant, ' each draw a by one bone, the body being lo v, with driver's seat raised in front, and ,foar pisjengers on seats rlaning ?ogth wise. I . -It is,?tated, with apparent authority, that toe Conservatives of Virginia have concluded t$ fidel the H?n. Gilbert "C. WaQcar, Gprar aar elect of that State, for the long term in the ?nlt?'?kabss Senate. Lieateoaot-Gover nor Le m%; a' na ode ra te Guion mau, a Vir- I glltoW,jtonafld ?necead Wafter in the event of j th^jait?r'fi election as senator. -How our DamooraUc (?) President regards I the people is shown fro ai the fact that -tho beautiful and spacious grounds around the | Executive Mansion, . which heretofore have been open i o t he public, are to be considered | private hereafter, and. no one outside of the President's household ?Jil ba allowed to tres? pass. She mall south of the executive grounds ia also closed to tba3 public, and to.aaed ?s a pasture for the President's horses. ""ThiB is upon good "Radical authority, the Hew York Tribune. -IJ. * understood that 1 wei ve eminent New J York capsrsttars fci?r? undertaken to-complete i WVm6rk>begun by the State or- Virginia be- j fc^'^'war.of pudding a railroa? from Rich-1 asm* and Washtogton to til? Ohio Bi vor. A | party of engineers and railroad men have just passed over the route,.and say that it is. a favorable one, Ure distance between common points at the West and the aeaboard being less, and the. gradea twenty-five per cent.-less than any of the olh,ar trunk Hoes. Two mil? lions of money bas already been raised for the project. -The Town'of Helena, in Montana, waa nearly destroyed by fire two months ago. To? day there is uaroely a trace of tho fire in the principal busing streets. One hundred and twenty-four new buildings, worth not lees than 1900 OOO many of them substantial brick and j stone building?, have risen as if by magic from the ashes of the town. Thia may be called quick dispatch, indeed, especially wheo it is stated that nearly all the stone used in " build ing had to be quarried, the bricks burned and trw tomber sawed th the time named, as well ss the houses built. ? .' -The government authorities are said to be determined not to permit the working of the French cable until some provision for reci? procity, is conceded by the Frenohgovernment. Secretary Fish said a few days ago that the American end of the cable must either be buoyed until the assembling of Con?ress, or landed upon Miguelon Island, uniese the com? pany would agre* to favor remproeity and abade by such legislation as Congress may see proper to enact. A St. Pierre dispatch states (mat the cable was out and buoyed Tuesday afternoon at about twenty miles from shore, and at a point about five miles from the bnov or the .shore end. -ian PraacLsco dispatches aunonnc3 the ar riusl of another cargo of Chinese emigrants. Meanwhile it ia stated that arrangement? are on foot for bringing some of the strangers to Near York on intelligence office account. Th - queetion ie asked : "Why should families be ccmpelred to pay from 112 to Iii per month for help, and be dictated to by tbat 'help,' when they can get a Ch i uaw man to do the work .quite as well, and ma ;h m re civilly for one third the cost? Anyhow, the problem is soon to enter apon a practical solution, with the chane s that the speculation will Drove a re? munerativo one for those who bave advanced the requisite capital. Tbe first installment of | -these Asiatic biddies J)ay bo- looked for, via Pacific Railroad, by the 15th of September." . -Several cotton failures are announced in the latest English journals. In Preston, Messr?. Qeorg? Smith & Son, Moor Brook Mills, have been compelled to suspend payment, and Messrs. Stead, Tavlor & Stead, of Liverpool, were preparing the necessary balance eheet and statements. Messrs. Smith bell, Buffil > and other Dressing Combs, wc challenge rivalry. Particular ai ten .iou ia paid to the making of Me? mento Hair Wort aa BRKAST HNS, EAR RINGS, FINGER KINGS. CHAUMS, &c. All "tilers by man win beso ruled (hat tbe reputa? ron of the house tor t e past thirty-five year? shall not suffer in OT hands. Always on band a Qi e as? sortment ol Trench Jewelry. A liberal discount to merchants and tbe trade. ?1. di A. AMITO.T, * % No. 21J KING-S1REET. January 5 ?ul m CHARLESTON, S. C. _Wau._ WANTED, A STEADY' AN D ACTIVE VODN , WOMAN, ? do house work and ss ant with children. Mona need apply unless wei'-te commended and willing to sleep on the pren lses. Applv at the NOB 1'H WtST CO BUBB O?1KI* G AND MOBS ie- "TBBBTS. 1_July 19 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A BLE? BODIED b AM w, to cut rtmb*r, for which liberal wages will be Riven. Also? a TWO HOB-sE WAQON for hauliag wood. ! Apply at co-GPtit y IUI! HI OBE, southwest corner Meeting and Msr ket street , ,9_July 19 WANTED. A WOMAN TO COOK ANO Wash for a small eamily. Good recommen? dations required. Applv at No. 39 CHUBcia 8TB EB 1'. - 1_July 19 faJWt-SE WABTKD.-WA1TFD, A MID J/l I DLE-AGED WHITS WOMAN to take charge of a Nursery. Inqalre at Bo. 209 MEEUNO-S?". July 19,_- ._-* WANT*: D, TWO OK THREE ROOMS, with use of kitchen, in the lower pait ot ta cfty. Address EEY BOX 79._Jo? 19 WANTED TO HI KR, A GOOD COOK. Also, a qualified LAUNDBESrJ, Apply at No? ls WEN TWO BT H- 8TB I1 Bf, south side, near Bast Bay._8__July 17 WANTED TOPUHCHASB FOR CASH, a cooa ?BOUND BAND PIANO, btate price and maker. Address W., NEWs OFFICE /ruy 9_ WANTED. PART OP A RESIDENCE on the Battery-aay fonr or five roo i s-foi a, sm >U family. Apply, by note, to O. D. E., at this office._ July 9 WANTtCD, A SMALL HOUSE, OF I IIB EE or lour room*, with kitchen, in the central part of the city. Bent not to exceed $20 per mouth. Address "M.." at this Office._Jane 17 ? WANTED, BV A MARRIED MAN, A situation in ?orno Cctton Hill -outta or South? west; la acquainted with all branches, hsvlng work ed la taara su, but should e lect WK-.VUG as a choice, lames wishing to engage sur-h a person .UT please address a note, sunns; terms, to JOHN J. KELLT, No. m tttte-atroet, Boston. May 9A WANTED, EVERYBODY TO SUB. SCB1BB to the CIBCULATTNG LLBBAB?. OH ABLES 0. BIG HT EB'S Select Library of New Books contains an of the latest publications. April 21 _No. 161 KING-8TBEET. WANT ED-AG ?C NTS - TO SELL THE AMEBICAN KNItUNG MACHINE. Price 125. The simplest, cheapest and best KnittiDg Ma? chine errer invented. WUT knit 20,000 stitches ptr minute. Liberal inducements to Agents. Address AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE COMPANY, Boston. Mass., or at. Louis, Mo. May 4_78 WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW that JOB PUNTING of all kinds., plain and ornamental, la . executed promptly in the neatest style and at the lowest New' York prices, at t BX M wa Job Office, No. lid EAST BAY Call and ex? amine the seals of pricer before giving your orders elsewhere, ' _ ?? *??. ? - WANTED) HUB-MRAUK lt S FOR ALL THE LEADING MAGAZINES AND NEWS? PAPERS, st publisher's rates. CHARLES C. RIGHTER, April 21 _No. [IW Kmi-etreet. WANTED. AGEST?* FOE THE AMERI? CAN FARMKB8' HOB8E BOOK, In both Eng? lish and Qermsn, by Robert ft ewart, V. H., of Miss. The work corers the whole ground of the breeding and raising, and the treatment of horses and mules, bo'h in si canes* and haalth. It hat won its way to popular favor, and la to-day tbs most. popular and best selling Horse Book out. Address 0. F. VEN i, Publisher. Cmdnnaa, 0. Brno? March 19 WANTEO-A GE ?ITS-$75 TO g??oO PER ? month, everywhere, male and female, to In? troduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY 8"-WING MACHINE. Shis ma chine wilt stitch, hem, ft il, tuck, quilt, cor.i, bind, braid and embroider in a moat superior manner Pi Ice only $18. Fully warranted for five years. We wal pay $1000 tor any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes toe 'Elastic Lock Stitch" Every second ? ti tc h can be cut. and still the cloth cannot Oe pulled apart without tearing lt. We pay agents from $78 to ?200 per m m th and expenses, or a com? mission from whieb twice, that amount can be made. Address, SECOMB A CO., PITTSBURG, PA.; SF. LOCH. MO., or BOSTON. MASS. CAUTION.-Do not be imposed upon by other parties pahning oft* worthies cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours ls the only ffenulne and really practical cheap machine manufactured. 78 Mav A Go ?tat. rHENT, THE THEKE UPPER STORIES of the ADO IR BUILDING, each floor forming a floe hall, being 93 feet deon and 54 feet wide with ? bold entrance on King-street; will be flited up to suit any parp?se for which they may bedoBlred. Apply io J. L. M >8ES, Collector and Beal Estate Agent, No. 34 Broad-street, July 14_ w!m13 TO RENT. ON SULLIVAN'* ISLAND, a <"Oi:i*QE-BUILT HOU-.E. wtth a portion of Furniture, situated on Middle-street, witlda five minutes' walk of the steamboat landing; fina cis? tern, pump and everything complete, Applv to W. HUNT, No. 41 Market-street 2* July 17 mo RENT, THE HOUSE No. IO VE lt? JL NON-!? i Rt ET, with six rooms, double pi zs i, and ms throughout. To a good ten .nt tu- rent will be low. Inquire at Ko. 36 AMHEHST-STBEEf. July 18_4* TO HEIT, THE PLEASANTLY MTU . AT ED TWO AND A HALF STORY REST.. DrNCE, Mo. 6Gadaden-atreet, oppoMte Wentworth. Apply St CHARLESTON STEAM SAW MILL. Juno 14 EBAL? K STATE AGENTS, AM* Ol HERS having houses to rent, can have their Placards, fcc., printed at the lowest rates and In the newest and neatest styles or type, at THE NEWS JOB OF HOE, No. 149 Esst Bay lot Sait. R SALE AT AIKEN, S. C., THE FINEST PBFVATE EsTiBLHHMENT in the town, admirable adtptnd for a first class Private Boardin-? House, very near the Kutroaa Depot on the premises there are about twe ny tour roon a, in eluding cortases, which conld be u-ed for boarders. Grounds elegantly laid out and the entire premises in thorough order and r-pair and newly punted; well and cistern. Lot 300 by 300 teet. Thts House could be kept filled with boarders all the year roun?. With the bouse may be purchased some handsome Furniture. Possession given immediately. To person? disposed to open a lanre Private Boarding Honan at Aiken, no such opnortunlly has yet oeen afforded. Competition need not be (oared ss a dczen such bouses could not a.-comm idato the large number ot persona applying for boa'd. Ter a-$12 0 0 cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and for stamps. Apply (enclosing postage stomp) to PRFDERICK A. FORD, Attorney at Law, Jeiiklns-atreet. Aiksu, 8. 0._mthl_July '9 AUCTION KERB, BROKERS, ?ND others wishing ft or Rale" f lacards, Business Cards, or other JOD Printing executed with neat? ness and dispatch, will consult their interest by leav? ing their ordere at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE. No. 149 Ea?! Bay._ R SALE, OLD NEWSPAPERS IN any quantity. ITice 75 cents per hundred. The cheapest wrapping paper that can be used. Ap? ply at the office of TH E N ti; WS. March 1 Q II A R L E S T O N HOTEL., CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. THIS FIRST-CLA-SS HOTEL, ri UTA TED IS A pleasant location, sod In the bu-uness portion of the cit , reud-ra it tbe most iieslrable Hotel for either permanent or transientguesis. . he accommodations areunsorpasied. havl m ex'ensive suites ?t elegant y lu.Li-ned ap^rtmeuts io. f mi.les a d single centic m?n Tbe proprietor will endeavor io rr ntilain the hi-'h reput ilion e Joyed bv tbe " harlcs-oii" a-i a fliKtclats hons-, ano n > effort ?ill be scared to ?le serve a continua ce of the iiboral patronado hereto? fore b"?towe] upon it I he boni of Live y accommodations will be i JUD d adjoluing the establishmeDi ihe hoase i supplied with tho celebrated ??rte s ian Wa:er of winch dei.hiful bid either day or ni' K O?, July 1J Pr -prifiior g T. CLOUD HOTEL. THIS NEW AND COUMOi IOU3 SOUSE, LOt'Al ED corner ot Broadway and Forty-second-sireet, possesses a 1 vantages over all other houses for the ac coumodatioo oi Its cuesta. It was built expressly for a flrrt-chas family boarding house-tue room? beine large and eu suite, heated by steam-with bol ano cold w ter. and iuridahed second to none; wm li? the culinary department is io the most experienced bauds, all- rdiug guests sn unequalled table. One of Atwood's Patent ne valors ts aiso among tbe '?modern improvements" ana at the service ot gnests at all hours. The liroadway and University Plac? Cars pass tbe door ererv lour minutes, rut nra. from the <1IJ Hail to Pa k, while the -nth au i evenir. Avenue 'icen ar? nut a short block -n eituet side, sflordtng ample facilities for communicating sith an 'be depoiR, steamboat IsnJinjrs, ulacesof ax-use ment and business of the>. MOUE c rem.ive i to tho s.ore No. I4'J MEET- NG SlKEKT oppo to lh<; Ch-irlei-to.i Hotel, formerly occupied by >li s?rs. Irwins, Thaye k Co. where t->ey are orTem?.;* lorre and comp eto aisortineiit ol DRY aal FANCY GOODS. Inn july 5 8T. A* DH KW S LODGE, ?Yo. 10, A. W. Bf. mU REO UL ?i B COMMUNICATION" 0? TfiQC I ABOVE LODGE will be bold isis Pvarnco, ti t lsht o'clock, it the Masonic Ball, where candidates for Degrees andtbe m cm be . s are reqnusted to .at? tend. Bv order of the W M. ED. JEANNEBSTT, . Joly 19_ Rpcrelarjc I.O.O.F. - PALMETTO ENCAMPMENT, NO. 1. THE R-O?LAR MEOT1HG-OF THI . CAMP WILL be held THIS Fvnrnao. at Elgbt o'clock, st Odd Fellow's Hall, corner King and Liberty atreets. By order C, P. ROBERT C. ol ARR, Scribe. July 19_mhl.18 apg.19 my3 17 j"7,2' Jy4,18 JIKiUASICV LM UV, No. 1, ATT KATION. -yOU ABE H F RF BY SUMMONED IO 41 TEND I,., an Extra Meeting of ? our organization THIS (Mondivi FVXKINO, at Eight o'clock precim?lr. i y order. WM. W HART, . July 19 _Secretary. PH CE? IX FIRE EN t? i NE COMfilY. ATTEND A REOULAB MONTHLY ME RT INO OF your ' om pany, at halt-past t ight o'clock, lui? Evxxrao. By order, WALTER WILLI M AN, Jnly 19_Hwretarv. DEUTSCHE JABGEti U*TMtS 1 UKT ZUNGS GEHI-LLSOHAFr. . DIE YIBBTEr JAEHRLICH8 VEB^AMLUNG dieser Gesellschaft wird H?ute abend den 19ten joli im Locale des term Ev se bach, st. Phfiip Htrasae statt finden. Die Mitglieder ?ind ersucht pnenklbjch ra ersc?elnen. HEN BY Yu UNO, Joly 19 Secretan:. PRINTING. THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No. 149 Esta* Baw, Executes all kinds or PLAIN and FANCY PAIN CINQ with neatness and dispatch. The beat work gnaranteed at less than New York prices. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JOB WORK, % BRIEFS, PAMPHLETS, POLICIES CABOS, CIRCULAR-, NOTE3 BILL-HEADS, POSTtHS, RECETPI3 CATALOGUES, BANK-CHECKS SHOW-CARDS, PROGRAMMES TICKETS, DRUG LABELS, Ac, kc. aa waXtiAl LAW BLANKS of every description, Printed at the shortest notice, and obeap for cash, at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE. THEATRE MANAGERS, TRAVELLING BHOWMEN, RAILROAD AGENTS, HOTEL KEEPERS, STEAMBOAT AGENTS, And all those who hare JOB P.( IN TING to do, will find lt to their interest to oall at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No. 140 East Bay. A large and well assorted stock of PAPEBS and MATERIAL kept on hand, from wh'ch se'ect'ons may be made. OUR FRIENDS IN THE COUNTRY may send their arden to THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, And rely upon their receiving tbe same attention and being filled as promptly and as aheaply aa if riven personally. Our Job Department la in cbarge of Mr. J 48. T?. PA ERY. a practical and ex? perienced Job Printer, ?bo will affoid every facility possible in thc execution of orders. Ad tress THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No. 149 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. E OW AKD DALY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, jp No. tra Warren-street. NEW TORE. PERSONAL ATTENTION UTVEN TO THE PUR? CHASE ot all kinds ot ?wmeil -NI'IKE Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ca. a ind Trunks, a cd Straw Goods a penalty. Consignments of all kinds ol Staple Articles and general Produce solicited. Prompt returns rrua-anteed. EDWABD DALY, Late or Charleston. & C. mi-WeeXly Price Currents sent free by post.j January 38 s*c Cmos , Satires in fcnfenipt^. In TBS Ol-TKICT CoCKT OF THE UKI I ED *tA I Ito FOB MOUTH Ci BOLINA. JUNE C'BM. 1869-IN TH". M ATTEB OF JL1L MUI h HE AD, BANKRUPT.-POTITiON FOB FULL ?ND FIVAU DI-CHl RGE IN BANKRCPT'^Y Ordered. That s hearing he bad on the TWBSTIXTH DAT OF duaun, A, D-, 1869, at redera! Courthouee in ob jie-ton, s. C.; and that all eiediton, ftc, of ?aid Bankrupt appear at tai* ilma ano plexje,and show cause, tf an ?they can, why the P"'T0*T petitioner should not be granted, tad .??OM second and third meeting of Creditors of said panlr rupt wi.l be held at the offloe of J C. CARPENTER, Esq., KegtBirar of First and second Const ea rtonal Di-ricts. . C., on theTWTtan NINTH DAT OP JOXT, 18?. 112 M. T_ By order of the court the 16th day of Ju v. 1869. ?a? -DANIEL HoRLBEOK, Clerk of the District Court cf tbe V. 8. July 19 m2 for 8onth jjrolloa. TN THK DISTKICT CtltJMT "V TUB UNITED STATE*. FOB HOUIH CAROLIN . JULY TLBM- 1869-IN TBE MA I f B OF B. J. MUIRHEAD, M. O.. OF CH A ?LETTON, BANK KOP'-PBTIIION FOB FULL ?*D PIN'L DIS CHAB3E IN BANK HUP TOY.-Ordered, That a hear Ug be had on tbe TWX? nz J H nar or JULY, A. D. 1869. at I'eaoral Courthouse in Charleston. H. O.J and th t all Creditors, ftc., of said Bankrupt appear at ?aid ilma and place au? a ow cause, If any they can, ?hy tbe prater of the petitioner should not be granted. And that the second and third meetlrgof Creditor-of sud Banknrot will be held ac the outee of J. CARPEN i fe?, Esq. Registrar of First and Second Con rewonai Dl>tricts -.Con the TWXNTI MSTB DA> or JULY, I 863. at 12. M. By order of the covrt, tbe 16 b day of Joly, 1869. DANIEL BOBLBECK. Clerk of tbe Di st nc t Court of the U. 3. for K 0. July 19 m th4 firm pnoitfaiioiu. POPI LAU HOOKS 61 NT FREE OF POSTAGE AT THE PRICES ANNEXED BOB^E TAMING BY A NEW METHOD, 16C INQUIRE WITB (N for Anything you Want to Enow; or, Over 3700 Facts for the People, $1 60. FBOM'S BOOK OF I A BLE A IX 30c WILDON'S BOOK OF RECITAXIONS AND DIA? LOGUE 30.-. FROSTS DIALOGUES FOB YOUNG FOLF8, 80c. THE PARLOR ttTaGk. A Collection of Drawing room Proverbs, Charades and tableaux Vivants. 1150. BBUDDKB BUN ES' BOOK of Stump Speeches and Burlesque O atlons, 80c. FRO-? Pit OBTGI.MAL LETTES WRITTEB, 60c. MABlTNr.'e HOD-BOOK of Etiquette and Guide to Trna Politeness. 50c. DAY'S AMERMAN READY-RECKONER, 60c. BAB ION'S COMIC RtCIlATIONS and Humorous Dialogues. 30c. AMATEUR THEATRICAL? and Fairy Tale Dram? as, 30c. PARLOR THEATRICALS; or. Winter Evening's Entertainment,'30c THE MODERN POCK FT H )YLE. Containing all the Game? of .skill and Chance, 50c THE PA BLOB M AGI >?AN SOC. BOi K OF RIDDLES and Five Hundred Hame Amusements. :.0c BOOK OFFIRESIDEGAMES, 39c LITE AND LMARN. A Guide for all who wish to Speak and Write Correctly 75c. THE KNAPSACK FULL OF FUN; or, One Thous? and Rations of Laughter, soc. 1 HE PLATE OF CHOWDER. A Blah for Funny Fellows, 25c. HOW TO CUT AND CONTRIVE CHILDREN'S CLOTHES AT A SMALL CCS C. 15c. THE CHAIRMAN AND SPEAK EB'S GUIDE; or, mies for the Orderly Conduct of Public Meetings, 15c BOOK OF ONE THOUSAND TALES AND AMUS? ING ADVENTURES, containing over 300 Engrav inga and 460 pages. $160. THK COMICAL ADVENIUBES OF DAVID DUF FIC K * 25c . THK LAUGHABLE ADVEN IU RES OF MESSRS. BROWN, JONES AND BOWN ,ON, 3Cc. DE WALDEN'S BALL BOOM COMPANION; or Dancing made Easy, 60c COUBTENEY'S DICTION AB Y OF ABBREVIA? TIONS, 16c. CHESTERFIELD'S LETTER WBITEB and Com? plete Book ot Etiquette. 35C. KNOWLjON'o FARBIER and Complete Horse Doctor, 16-. THE SECRET OUT;or,One Thouaand Tricks with Cards, SI co. i HE SOCIABLE; or. One Thousand and One Home Amusements. SI 60 BBlSBANE's GOLDEN READY-B^CKONEB, 35c, NOR I H's BOOK O t LOVE LE rTERS, 50c HL LG ROVE's BALL BOOM GU-DE and Com? plete Dancing Master, 75c 1HE YOONG REPORTER ; or, How to Write r-hort band,50c M - RT I NE's LETTER WRITER and Book of Eti? quette Combined, tl 60. THE PERFECT G. N1LEMAN. A Book of Amer!, can Etiquette, -160. MARIINE'd SENSIBLE LETTER WRITER, 50n. WRIGHT'S BOOK OF THBEE THOUSAND AMERICAN RECEIPTS; or, Lighthouse ot Valuable Information. SI 50. BICHABDSON'S MONIIOB OF FBEE-MAEONBY, 60?. R ARLY AND KNOWLSON'S COMPLETE HORSE TAMER AND FAKRI R. 50C. THE BOOK OF FIVE HUNDRED CURIOUS PUZ? ZLES, 80c THE AMERICAN HOME COOK BOOK, 30c THE MAGICIAN'S OWN BOOK, $1 60. NOBTH'SBOOK Or LOVE LETTERS. 60c HOW IO if EH A /E; or, Tbe Spirit of Etiquette, 15c. BBOAD GRINS OF THE LAUGHING PHILOSO? PHES, 16c HO -v IO TALK AND DEBATE, 15c HOW TO DRES- WITH Ti STE, 16c THE YOUNG HOUSt KEEPER'S BOOK, 15c. LAUGHING G AS. 25c. THE QAME OF WHIST. 15c. YALE COLLEGE SCRAPE-, 26c. ' BRIDAL ETIQUEZ tb, 16c PARLOR TRICKS WITH CARDS. 30c. BLUNDERS IN BEHAVIOR CORRtCTED, 15c. FIVE HUNDRED FRENCH PHA8ES, 15c, HARPER' - MAGAZINE, mc. NINETEENTH CENTURY. 86c GoDEY'-? LADY'S BOOK, 3t!c. LESLIE'S LADY'S MAGAZIN E, 40c DEMORK-1 'S MIRROR OE FASHIONS, 40c. PETERSON'S LADIES' MAG ZINE, 25C Hovels by C harlu Dickens! OLIVER TWIST, 172 PAGES. 26 CENTS: AMERI? CAN Notes, 104 piges 16c; Dombey ft Son, 856 cages. 35c; Martin cbuzilewrt, 342 pages, 35c; Our Mumal Friend. 33J pase*. S5o; ihnatmaa Stories, 162 pages. 25c; lair ot Two Cities, 144 puget 20c; Hard Times and Additional Christmas Stones. 2j0 paget, 25c; Nicholas Nickleby. 31u ptges. 35c; Bleak, 340 pases, 35c; Little Doirit, ViO pages, 36c; Pickwick Papers. 326 pages, 35 :; David Copperfield 330 pages, 35c; ti-irnai y Mudge 267 pupeo, 30c; Old Curiosity shop. 211 pages, 30o; Great Expectations, 184 pagea, 25c; .-ketches, J DC paget. 25c. THe following Nowell, by air Walter Scott Mailed at ?45 cents K ar ht WAVERLY, IVANHOE. KENILWORTH, GUY Mannering, nriquary, Rob Roy. Old Mortality. The Black Dwarf ana a Legend of Montrose, Bride of Lammermoor, Heart of Mid-Lothian, The Monas? tery, The Abbot. Tbe Pirate, Fortunes of Nigel, Peve? ril of'be Peak, Qnen In Durward. St. Honan'* Well Red Gauntlet, ihe Betrothed aod Highland Widow, Tbe Talisman, Woodatock, Fair Maid of Perth, Anne o? Geierstein, Count Robert of Paris, The surgeon's Dsns tater. On receipt of ihe price, either In cash or stamps, copies of any books in this nit will be sent by mail postpaid. CH AH. C. RIGHTER, No. lbl King-street, Jnly 12 nao Charleston, 8. C. l SS EL L'S BOOK STOKE. WEEKLY LIST NEW BOOKS, Ac. THE POET AND THE PAINTER, or Gema of Art and Hong, with ninety-nine Urge steel engrav ugs, Imperial 8vo. morocco, $20. TENNYSON'S ENID IUistrated by Gustave Dor?, fo? lio. in an elegant binding, $10. Txn.NTSoH's LOCKSLT BALL, illustrated by Hennesy, 4 octavo, $3. GEA r's LLEGT, with seventeen finely colored dmr*, inga and a photographic reproduction of the orly url manuscript, 4io $6 25. W ATE IDE POSTES, original Poems of country life, edited by Robert Buch man, with forty-seven illustrations. 4io $10 THE Bum, by Michelet tll-strated by two hundred and ten exquisite engravings bv GiacomeUl, $6. CHRIST IN '-ONO or Huns ot immanuel, selectee irom aliases by Philip.-chaff, D. D, ave, cloth gilt extra, $6. COWPER'- ABLE TALK, and otber Poems, beauti tully illustrated by the moat eminent EngUsh A'riots, 1 voinn-e. 4to, $3. TORT WITHOUT AH END, ti om the German ot Ca rove, largo ito. .-with tl Ree u beautiful pic? tures, in imitation of water color*, $7 51. CHRISTMAS CAROL, by Charles Dickens, with thirty illustrations, by Eytinge, ?mall 4 octavo, ti. SCOTIA'S Banns, the choicest productions of tbe Scottish Poets, beaatiiuIlT illustrated. 8vo, $4. MARMION, bv Walter scott, with fifteen photographic i Lustration , $8. LAYS or THE HOLY LAUD, from ancient and moder writers, with sixty-three illustrations, 8vo, *8. CHAMBERS' BOOK or LAYS a miaceUanv ot popular antiquities two lanie volume?, roval 8vo, $9. Tte above are all in elegant bindings. Januarv lyr J T. HDllPhHKVS, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND COMMIS SION MEBCBAM. SALES OF BEAL ESTAIE, STOCKS, BONDS, SE CUBITIES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ATTENDED TO. No. 1)7 B RU A 1?-S T R BB T CHARLESTON, 8. O, , nxrzBXHoxs. Hon. HEN-?l BUIST, W. J. MAGRATH, Esq. General JAMES CONNER, T. fi, WARING, Esq. October (?rarmrs tut ??w?mm. ~~BACON AND CANl?im 1 A HHD?. RIB BIDES * tU IS bads. C. B Hides I w-4ta_ 30 h he* fchouMer? f r*o?ce wmm ASO Mh??L. I Adamant ine CANDLES. Jost Received,-* nd tor Ml? by July 17 a ?ENBYOOBIAA0O. . " . JO\Y PliOIIii, 1_ A T "CAMP8EN MILLS." . THE ABOVE MILLS ABE NOW IS FULL OPE? RATION, and prepared to ?apply the trade with choice KEW FA 4ILY FLOPS ground of MM beat Carolina and Georgia Wheat Joly 9 fmwfj JNO. CAMPSEN k CO. FB?SH Mitt tiS. JUBTBECETVRD AND FOB SAXA WHOLESALE AND BBTAlL BX BS. H. BABB, No. Ul MEEll.r the sale ot their celebrated ACME. X. XX, XXX, XXIX, NEC!AB. CABINET ?nd ober brands OLD BYE WHT3KIE'. They Stan wish to announce Oast they will bete constant ...eelpt of their COPPER DISTILLED MOUNTAIN PUBE BYE WHISKIES, direct from Distillery at HannlsnUe, Berkeley County, West Virginia. Liberal contracta will be made for large lota of new Whiskies ia bond at DUtUIerv Warehouse. OLAOlUn k WITTE, NO. 83 East Bay street, June 16 wtmSmos charleston, 8.0. ?oops, Ctr. TTE NTION I DHV GOODS BUYERS, GREAT REDUCTION OF A UNE AND LABOE STOCK ?F DRY AND FANCY GOODS, WE WILL, PREVIOUS TO TAKING STOCK, reduce many of our Goods to ONE-HALF THEIR VALUE, which should not be lost sight of by mose in need of articles in our line. FURCHGOTT & BRO., SOUTHWEST COBNEB KINO k CALHOUN 8T8. ALSO, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Tranks, FOR SALE LOW. ^ May 3 Smoa Stones. ^ li. KILLEY, TROT, NEW TORE, HA h' CT A C ru Ii EB OF STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS, HOLLOW WARE, 4c. MANUFACTURES OF "PHILANTHROPIST," ?CHIEF COOK," "CHARTER OAK" AND "CTVILIAN', COOKING STOVES. ADMIRABLY ADAPTED TO THE SOUTHERN TRADE. AVD Toa DUI BX D. L. FULLERTON, AUGUSTA, GA. THESE STOVES STAND UNBIVALLED FOB capacity, durability, convenience- and the general purprse? to whick cook-na Stores are used. The PH 11 ANTHBOPIST is extra hMV> pl ited, and hss Ash Drawer; can be mad- into a six boiler hole Jtove : bas cast iron W?ter Tank galvanized, or enamel lined. A strictly first-class Sure. Tte CIVILIAN is of a neat design, sn ' bas afine large Oven. This Stove can be had with the extension oaek. six holes, and reservoir when desired. For further information apply co D. L. FULLERTON, January 34 tx os Augusta, Ga LJTOLJIES Si MACBETH, No. 36 Brsad?ilr?et, Charleston, b. 0., * BBOKEBS, AUCTIONEERS, BEAL ESTATE AND ti E.M KU AL CU.11 il I SS ION AGENTS, vi ill stttend to Renting and J ILecting of Bents and purchase and sale ot bioC's, Bonds, ?Told. SUver and Heal Batate. ALSO, To the Purehase ol Goods and Supplies for parties in the country upon reason ible terms. GEOBOX L. HOLMZS.AiaxANoaa MACBBIH. MliBur?l lyp l^yiLLIS ?i CH1SULM, FACTORS. COMMISSION MB RC HAN TS aaa SBIPP1NQ AGENTS, WILL ATTEND TO TUE PUBUrJAKtt, SALE ANS SHIPMENT ito Foreign ?nd Domestic Ports) ol* COTTON, BICE, LUMBER a ND Na VAL bTOBML ATLsNTIO WHARF, Charleston, S. a K. WILLIS.s. h. CH1S0LM October M