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THE DAILY NEWS -o RIORDAN, DAWSON * CO., PBOPBOTO BS, OFFICE No. 1? EAST BA T. -o TKBM9-DAJi.r NI?WB, one year.?5 00 DAILX NEWS, six months.3 00 Dan.x NH WA, thro O montkr..3 00 Imi-WBsxxT Saws, one yeer. 3 00 TRI-WEEKLY. NEWS, elx months.2 00 PAYMENT invariably in sd vax. ce. Ko paper sent mntesa the cash accompanies the order, or for a long? er time than paid for. TBS Damx NKWH will b e served to subscribers In 4he city at 15 cents per week. ADvxnxi8F.MF.NT8.-First insertion, 15 cents a Une; subs?quent insertions, 10 cents a line. Business Notices, 20 cents a line. Marriage and Funeral No Hon?, One Dollar esob. y is w is s u JU M A it r. -(loki yesterday at New York closed inac? tive at 391. -Tho New York cotton market waa more steady, closing quiet. Sales 2900 bales at SUc. -At Liverpool cotton closed a shade easier. Sales 10,000 balee. Uplands llijd; Orleans 12d. -Thc natives in Abyssinia havo massacred an Englishman and his family. -'Tho present Chinese population of San Francisco is estimated at from ten to twelve thousand. -Mr. Burlingame is soon to proceed to St. Petersburg, where he will meet with a magnifi? cent roception. -Judge Jeremi ih 8. Blaok's ann, which wa3 broken ia (he cars near Louisville a few days ago, will have to be amputated. -Tue Qaeen of Madagascar and several of her ministers wore reoently publicly baptised in the English missionary church. -General John O'Neil, the noted Fenian or? ganizer and loader, delivered an address on Irish Liberty, in the City Hall, at AtHnta.Ga., on Monday night. -Tbe largest incarne returns in New Orleans are made by William M. Mercer, ($38,621,) ?hartes Kook, ($30,350,) A. W. Smith, ($31,070,) August Banu, ($27,728,) J and A. E. Btder, {$24. 754.) -Edwin Booth, the distinguisbai tragedian, was married at Long Branch, N. J., on Mon? day last, to Miss Mary McVicker, who, during the post season, bas sustained the part of lead? ing lady at his theatre. -The wheat ia now being harvested through? out the upper portion of Qeoigia, and it is said that the general yield will surpass, for quantity and quality, any previous orop grown there for many years past. -The election in Virginia will be very close? ly contested, especially in regard to the Legis? lature. It is estimated that the predominance of a blaok or white majority will depend upon the election of some half-uoz?n members. -A Havana telegram of tho 7th instant says : "Surgeon Quinn, of the United States sh;p Saratoga, died yesterday of tho yellow fever. There are three cases of fever on board the Saratoga. She sailed to-day for Key Wost." -A proclamation has been issued in Shang? hai, ft 1 bidding the Chinese there to salute , whenever they moot them, with the Weign devils." This hos been theism prac iver pince tho Celestial Empire has bo n opcu to stringers. -1<*^ uAnghty No 7 York Star, twinkling about the ages of people conneoled with the press, finally winks at tho ladies ofter this fashion : '|As near as we can get at the ages here and hereabout, they are thus : Bennett, 70; Bryant, 75; Gresley, M; Raymond, 48; * * * Mrs. Stanton, 29; Miss Anthony, 09; Mrs. Shepard. 20; Eleanor Kirk, 29; Jennie June, 29; Miss Dickinson, 29." -A new cause of excitement in the Episco? pal churches of Chicago has been developed. It appears thal Bishop Whitehouse hos noti? fied the Kev. Mr. Cheney, pastor of Christ -Church, that he must cease the omission of .of the word "regenerate" in ibo baptismal services. But Mr. Cheney states that he can? not conscientiously use it. The Bishop has -given him until Monday to decide, ard either use the word or be degraded from the minis? try. It is said that Mr. Cheney's congregation warmly support h'm. -On Monday evening one of tho members of the Cuban Ladies' Belief Assopiation in New York received from Havana about twenty thon* sind dollars? worth of magnificent jewelry-di? amonds, rubies, emeralds, Ac- the personal contributions of patriotic'ladies in Havana to Mit cause of Coban independence. Among them were some tiny sets of jewelry worn by children, which had been contributed in aid of the patriots. These articles are to be sold at a fair to be given by the ladies of the associa iion, to bs held some time next month, -Chineso laborers, fr3sh from the Pacific, have already mode their appearance in New .O. leans, probably the forerunners of thousands of their race, w'ao will flock to the sugar and rica fields of the Pelican State, by way of the railroad and the river. John Chinaman, wi'h his frugal and industrious habits, will be a welcome assistant to the planters in that sec ti tn. One load of coolies was imported thither from Havana two years sinc.% and are still working upon a sugar plantation io Lafourche, but the Ca.stomb.ou93 officiais nippod the en- , terprise, and stopped the further importation. But how oan it bo stopped this time? - -It is announced inmost of the French pa? pers that tho principal eh ops in Paris will henceforth be closed on Sunday. This im? portant social reform ia not tho result of a re? ligious movement, hat has been brought about by the same kind of agency which, in England, Inn introduced tho Saturday half-holiday. Tho Society of tho Employes de Commerce in? form the public tbaf, with few oxcoptions, all th3 iinon-drapors, venders of ready-mado ap? parel, ni Ik mercers, and hosiers of Paris havo consented to uloao their shops on Sundays, and the employees "appeal to tho good wiil of tho public to aid thom in making tho measure general." -Geo. T. Jones, an engraver, of Cincinnati, has perfected and patented a system of print? ing ba ok notes, which, it is. said, defies coun? terfeiting. Ho prints on unsized paper, which is well known to take tho dearest and sharpest impressions, and then proceeds to apply me? chanically a's'ziog perfected by him, which, having been sot by subjection to a heat of 200 <dr,'reos, ia henceforth insoluble and irre mo v ii bio' without destroying th) impression be? neath it, and thus leaving the paper nearly white and wholly illegible. The colors, being wisely chosen, cannot bo photographe!, but are japanned, as it were, .and laugh at tho most ingenious and skilful efforts to transfer, which can ba r< m n ed only by effacing or des? troying 'hem. -The New York correspondent (Juno 7) of the Philadelphia Ledger writes : "Ihe yellow Jever, I regret t? s.iy, is at quarantine. North ?German hark Ernst an 1 Benno, from Havana 1 r Queenstown, put in there this morning for ttittticol Resistance, part of the crew being down with that disease. Two of the crew, nam 51 Wilhelm Betgo Mid Heinrich Bods, died from the disease on Friday last, and were buried at sea. The seeond officer, Helmuts Stuo, while delirious from the fever, jumped overboard and was drowned. Tho captain and foor other? have ali been down with it, bat are now reported convalescent. The quaran? tine authorities have given instructions that the vessel shall have no communication with the shore. Steamers Iiaho and Oity of Balti? more arrived at this port to-day, from Liver? pool, with a total of nearly two thousand pas? sengers.' -A Springfield, Illinois, paper has an ac? count of a shower of what, for want of a better name, that paper calls "snakes," which foll during the great storm of laat week in that vicinity. It says : "On Saturday ami Sunday last, every ditch, brook and pool on the prairie north of Taylorville waa alive with nondescript creatures, which have been described to us as being from one and a half to two feet long, and from three-fourths of au inch to an inoh in di? ameter. The diameter is very slightly lessened at the head and tail. The tail ia flat like that of an eel, but has no caudal fin; indeed, there is no fin at all. Tho head is in shape lhat of an eel, bnt the mouth is that of a sucker. The eyos are small, aud the ears are simply ori? fices. Immediately behind the head, on each side, is a flipper, Uko that of a turtle, say three-fourths of au inoh to an inoh in length, inoluding the limb, whioh has a perfectly de? veloped joint. In color these snakos, or what? ever they are, are a dark b' uo." CHARLESTON. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE ll, 1869. Uar Personal Property. Tho assessed value of the different de? scriptions of personal property in the State of South Carolina, under the different heads, is shown in the following table, whiob hos been oompiled expressly for THE NEWS, from the roturus of the District Assessors : Class. No, Value. 1. Horses.50.G71 $ 3.925,581 2. Cattle.270,987 2,589,972 3. Mules and fl saes.. 39,257 3,611,672 4. Sheep and Goats. .161,421 198,668 5. Hogs."...468,373 1,450,428 6. Watches and Gold and Silver Plate.. 16,907 862.5(54 7. Piano Fortes, Mc deons or Organs.. 3,420 341,909 8. Carriages. 15,673 743 868 9. Dogs. 50,887 104,7491 10. Merchants' stock.. 5,391,283 ll & 12. Manufacturers' stock. 1,992.507 13. Monies. 2.174 320 14. Credits. 3,718,668 15. Stocks of Companies out of this State. 1.456 904 16. Bonds not exempt. . 1,853,991 17. Leases. 241,464 18. All other property. 8169,899 Total value.$38,828,446 The averago value of eaoh artiole of per sonal property, whore it can be shown, is as follows : Horses $78 40; cattle $9 55; mules and asses $92; sheep and goats $1 20; hogs $3 09; piano fortes and melodeons $09 97; carriages $47 GO; dogs $2 07. The system of taxation under whioh the foregoing assessments are made being alto? gether new ia this State, we have no de? tailed returns of former years with whioh to compare the results. Some few inter? esting pointe may, however, be mad?. According to the census o nt 800, the total value, of personal property"^ South Caro? lina was, at that time, $359,546,444. De? ducting from the amount thus shown the estimated value of the slaves, the remain? ing personal property was worth $198,584, 044, in I860, aa against $38,828,448 at this time. Slaking all due allowance for exces? sive estimates in 1860, and undue depreol tion at this moment, as well as for the fact that there are now included in the tax list many values whioh were not included be? fore, we have still the striking fact that the personal property in the State is now worth from $125,000,000 to $150,000,000 less than it was worth before the war. We may also notice that we have now only 50,071 horses, against 81,125 in 1860, and onlj 39,257 mules and asses, against 56,456 ia 1860. These figures show the fearful IOBS in live steck caused by the war; and while they ac? count, for many of the difficulties under whioh our farmers have labored, will also indioate our great deficiency in animals required for agricultural purposes. Muoh of the falling off in the number of horses may be accoun? ted for by the general inability of oar peo? ple to keep animals for parpases o/ pleas? ure; bat this has had no effect in reducing the number of work animals of other kinds. Of hogs, in 1860, we had 965,779. We have now bat 468,878. It is well*known that in many parta of the State the predatory habits of the freedmen mad? it almost im? possible to raise hogs in large numbers. Pat for this.we might nov? have as many hogs as in 1860, our people being fully awakened to the necessity of making meat for hem? consumption. In the face of theta unpleasant resolte, it is gratifying to note that we have 841,000 pianos and melodeons in the State, and that notwithstanding the ravages of General Sherman, we have still nearly 16,000 pleasure . oarriages. In Charleston County there are but 396 pleas? ure carriages all told. Before the war, nearly every family had a carriage of some kind. Oae very surprising feature In Ihe return for the State, is the amount set down as the value of all credits. Under the present system, the term credits means the remain? der due, or to become due to a peraon, after deducting from all debts and obligations due him thc amount of all debts and de? mands due hy him. It does, then, seem passing strange that the total value of j credits in the State should be only $2,174, 821. Bat it is even more strange that tho average monthly value of the stocks of all the merchants In the State should be no more than $5,891,283. As we have had occasion to say before, the tax law is so intricate in its machinery, j and so tediously confusing in ita language, that it was very difficult to make retaras whioh would be strictly oorreot. Every taxpayer had, more or less, to pat his own construction apon the law, and it is only natural that every oae should have taken te himself the benefit of (he ambiguous clauses of whioh the tax law ia full. It is still certain that oar personal property has depreciated te a terrible extent sine? r 00; but we may confidently hope that the returns of nest year will show, on account of the improve? ment in the value of property and a greater familiarity with the law, a far mere grati? fying result than we record to day. Th? Crops. We print this morning additional orop ?tatfwent* from counties not before report? ed, and supplementary reports from other districts. The accounts on the whole are good, and the negroes are working well. The Cincinnati Bouthern naUvrar. The Railroad and Law Committee of the City Council of Cincinnati, in their report to the City Council recommending Chatta? nooga as the terminus of the proposed Southern Railroad, say : "Ia naming the "terminus and thus indicating the direc? tion of the Southern Railway, it is with "the belief that a grand intermediate line "to Chattanooga will not only strike the -'?key to the largest system of railways in "the South, bat will also secure connecting "roads to Knoxville and Nashville, Tennes? see, and Deoatur, Alabama, and that the "value and importance of such connections "will attract public and private capital to "speedily complete them." This fully sustains the arguments already advanoed by us, that Cincinnati, although it may adopt Chattanooga as the terminal point of its new railroad line, must make a connec? tion with Knoxville. The branch to Knoxville will give us a line to Cincinnati only 22 miles longer than if the main line had been run to Knoxville, while we shall have a better connection with Louisville than if j Knoxville had been mado by Cincinnati the objective point of her system. If Chattanooga should be finally adopted by the people of Cincinnati, at the election on the 20 h inst, it will only be another proof that in municipal affairs the publio good is too often sacrificed to personal and private interests. The people at large would undoubtedly select Knoxville as the terminus; but it is probable that they will be so worked upon and confused by the ad? vocates of the Chattanooga line that they will be glad to olose the discussion by voling in favor of that place. A few men of abundant means generally control even the largest corporations, and it will be no matter of surprise if Chattanooga carries the day. Chaileston, however, must have a good oonneotion with both Cincinnati and Louisville by the time that the Blue Ridge Railroad is oompleted. This is the great work now before us. dissolution of Copartnership. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. We hereby give notice that the late firm of HUNT BROTHERS St CO., of Charlton, 8. C., and HUNT, THOMSON St CO., of New York, la dtieotv ed. HUNT BROTH EU.S k CO. Jude 8. 1869. THF FOLLO WIN Gi PARTIES HAVE FORMED A copartnership to carry on GHNEBAL COMMISSION B01NES3, under the firm name of HUNT BROTH* ERR k CO. in Charleston. 8. C., and HUNT, THOM? SON k CO, New York. J. F. HUNT. J. H. HUNT. A. THOMSON. June 8. 1839. ED GEN li BLONDEL. June 11 3 __J^*rtnewiip Hfrttft. NOTIUK_THE BOOT ANO S HOB BU? SINESS heretofore carried on in the name of T. M. BRISTOLL, at No. 146 Meetinastreet, ?nd King-street, sign of the Big Boot, will, from this date, be continued under the Armand style of T. M. Bisl?TOLL k CO. T. M. BRIST O LL. O.T. DON H AM. Jane 9 wftuS A.S.B BOWN. CH BAP BOtRB TO BB HAD AT SOM? MERVILLE-Mr. J. T. BRO WW has reopen, cd BROWN'S HOTEL, and will accommodate Board? er? at S8 per w*ek. Children an 3 servants half price. Also, will reqt ROOMS in the upper part of the Hotel. It has a private entrance. June 9_wfrr.3* PBHSONS WISHING BUAKDFUK THE - Bummer will And some delightful south rooms at the WAVERLY HOUSE, No. 956 King-street June 8 6* ?em?O?l. MUSICAL. Ni?TtCB.-P R . D AU B H. Teacher of VIOLIN. FLUTE ANO GUITAR, Piano Inner, Repairer of and Dealer in Musical In? struments, strings, Ac, his removed hts Btore from No. 167 King-street to No. 449 KING-STREET, three doors above Calhoun. m wi 3 June 7 A^MB RIC AN TOWTINK Life and Savings Insurance Co, SOUTHERN DEPARTMENT, No. 4 MARYLAND BUILDINGS. BALTIMORE. Da. <VH. M. POST. Medical Examiner. THOMAS E. COURTENAY, Manager. BRANCH OP PIC B, CHARLESTON, S. C. DB. THOMAS L. OGIBB, Medical Examiner. J oHN KIRKLAND, Ja., General Agent. OHARXZSTOH DOA SD BKFEBENOE.' Hon. ALFRED HUGER. W. G MAGRAI a, Esq., President P. C. B. R. Hon. J. B. CAMPBELL. Attorney at Law THEO. D. WAGNER, Esq., ol J. Fraser k Co. ANDREW ?IMO.SD3, Esq., President Firot Na? tional Bank. ROBKRT MORE, Esq. of Messrs. B. Mure k Co. EDWARD LAFITTE, ot Ed. Lafitte ic Co. colonel J. B E. SLOAN, Cotton Factor. W. A. COURTENAY, Esq., of Messrs. Courtenay k Trenho'm. H. B. OL ? EY, Esq., of Mewrs, 0:ney k Co. Havlnabeen apo lated General Agent for North and south Carol na for the above reliable and popu? lar Life . Insurance Company, I am prepared to re? ef ive applications at reasonable rates and on favor? able terms. . JOHN KIRKLAND, Ja. umso for th? present at Messrs. Courtenay Trenholm's. Union Wharf ws3mo? June 2 VT MU OUGHT TO INSURE IN TRI CHARLESTON BRANCH LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, FOB TOE FOLLOWING REASONS : 1st Because it ia a homo institution miui.gcd and controlled by your own citizens. 2d. Because it is the only mooted institution ol the kind that loans it? funds inthe States tr om which they are dorl veo. 8d. Because it ie purely mutual; nil policyholders share ia lt* profits or earnings. DB larne and in? creasing aosets belong exclusively to tbe policy bolder*. 4th. Because ila rates arel wer than those of most other companies And its dividende will be larder. 6th. Heaauso it invests its fund? at rates of interest uveraglng ten per cont., walle Eastern comp mies' rates average less than sewn per cont. This makes ibe dividends of tbe Assoclat'on larger and the raten of premium sm?ller. One hundred dollars Improved at six per cent for flftyieer* will amount to $1,84? ol The same emount invested at ?en per cent, will pro? duce 911 739 09. Difference tn fivo? of tho ten per cent Invoatmont 09,897 0?. Stn Br cause you ought to inmuv in a successful In? stitution, and the Life Assooiation of Amerton ij ac kno*l????? uy i enemies- a* wert os its friends to be by far the most euee >a?rur life insurance iustitu tion of its age In the United States. NET ASSETS OE THIS DEPARTMENT IN? VESTED IN THIS COMMUNITY. $100,000 deposited In the Insurance Department of the State of Missouri (according to law for the protection of policy holdere. E. G. LOPER, Prea'nt (Cashier People'? Nat. Bank). W. G. GIBBES, Vkse-Precident (W. G. Whitten k Co.) E. E. JENKINS, Ii. D" Medical Examiner. Director*. JO TN B. STEELE (Of North, Steele * Wardell.) O. IRVINE WAI KEB (Walker, Evans * Cobwell.) G. W. AIM 4R, Druggist H. T. PEAKE. Gon'i Superintendent, 8. 0. Railroad. O. F. PANKNIN, Druggist. J.H. E. SPEAR. Jeweller. D. H. si i.eox. Wholesale and Retail Furniture, ff. P. CARTER, Secretary ?aad Agent, March 20 lyr No. ?0 Broad-stre**. Wants. WANTED, A GOOD PLAIN COOK AND IRONER for ? private family residing in ? pleasant and healthy location in Barnwell County. Liberal wages will be paid monthly, end fern on railroad. Satisfactory re?a-enees given and re* quired, Appl v at No. 08 MEET IN G-STREET, next Mills Bouse, between 12 and 2 o'clock. June ll_3? WAN TKO, A COLORED WOMA.*, AS HOUSE SERVANT. Apply mt No. 8 BUT IJKDOE AVENUE, this morning, lsone need apply who are not weil recommended. 1 JuvOll WANTED, A WHITE NURSE AM? CHAMBER MAID to mind a obild of two 1 years old, and attend about chambers. Qood ref ex- ? onces required. Apply at TB1S OFFICE. June U _, 2 WANT Kl), BY A Y??HG MAN. A SITU? ATION as Clerk or AsslgM?taeekkeeper. Address J., Charleston PostcdJtaeTB^ Jone 10_2*_ WANTED, A ?OOO COOK, WHITE preferred. None need apply unless with good reiO dUi os. Apply at No. 96 ST. PHILIP-STBKET. June 10_2? WANTED, TWO HUNDRED COLOR. ED MEN to work on the Macon and Bruns? wick Railroad; salary 930 per month. Apply to BLACK & JOHNSON, Shipping Agents, No 513 East Bay. _8 _Jone 10 WANTED RY A YOUNG LADY, A SIT? UATION to teach young children-take en? tire choree of them, and seer for them if required. Hos no object ion to loare the city c* bto'e. Address A. R., Key Box No. 93, Charleston Postoffice. June 5_ TRANS PORTATION W ANTED. Captains of small Vossels can find employ? ment by applying st the foot of Bee-street, to JOHN McOBADY._ May 26 WANTED, HY A BI A H. Kl KD MAN, A situation in some Cotton Mill south or South? west; is acquainted with all branches, having work? ed in them all, but should select WEAVING as a choleo. 1 ortie* wishing to engage Buch o person ?111 please address a note, stating terms, to JOHN J. KELLY. No. H8, Boston. May 24 WANTED, SUBSCKIBEUS V'iUl ALL THE LEADING M AG AZI> ES AND NEW a PAPEBS, at publisher's rates. CHARLES C. RIGHTER, April 21 No. ICI King-strett. WANTED-AGENTS - TO SELL THE AMERICAN KNIITTNG MACHINE. Price $25. The simplest, cheapest and best Knitting Ma? chine ever invented. Will knit 20,000 stitches ptr minute. Liberal inducements to Agent?, address AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE COMPANY, Boston, Moss., or St. Louis, Mo. Moy 4_78 WANTED, FIRST-CLAfS TRAVEL? LING SALESMEN in every Stale. Good nages or a liberal per cent, J nd steady employment. Address, with stamp, B. F. HOWE, No. 639 Arch atroet, Philadelphia, Pa. 3 ru os Aprils WANTED, EVERYBODY TO SUB. SCRIBE to the CIRCULATING LIBRARE. CHARLES C. RICHTER'S Seleot Library of New i Books contains all of the latest publications. April 21_No. 161 KING-STREET. WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW that JOB PRINTING of all kinds, plata and ornamental. Is executed promptly in the neatest style aud at the lowest New York prices, at 1 HE 1 NEWS Job Of? -e. No. 149 EAST BAY. Call and ex? amine the scale of prices before giving your orders elsewhere. WANTED. AGENT*. KUR THE AMERI? CAN FA KM Kits' HORSE BOOK, in both Eng? lish and German, by Robert stewart, V. K, ol Miss, 'i he woric covers tho whole ground of the breeding and raising, and tho treatment of horses and mules, bo'.b in sickness aud health. It hoa won its way to popular favor, aud is to-day the most popular and Dost selling Horan Book out. Address O. F. VEN >.', Publisher, cincinnati, O. gmo* March 19 WANTED-AGENTS-S75TOS?UO PK lt month, everywhere, mole and female, to in troduco the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SAWING MACHINE. Thia ma? chine wilt st>tch. hem, te.l, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, , braid and omi raider In a most superior manner P ice only Sis. Fully warranted for five years. We will poy $1000 tor any m-.chino that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or n ore elastic seam than ours. It make 4 tbe . Elastic Look Stitch" Every second .-ti tc h can be cut. and situ the c'oth cannot .be pulled apart without teni ag lt. We pay agent? from $75 to ?200 per m rath and exponaos, or a com? mission from which twice tbat amount eon be made. Address, SECOMB A CO., PITTSBURG, PA.; ST. LOUIS. MO , or BOSTON. MASS. CAUTION.-Do not ba imposed upon by other parties palming o? worthier cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only crenuine and really practical cheap machine munni relured. 78 Mar A AGOOD START FOR A BAKER -TO RENT, that popular BAKERY at Summer? ville. 8. C., ne&r the Depot. Inquire at No 29S EAST BAY._G_June li FOR RENT, OR LEASK, THAT VERY desirable RESIDENCE No. 2 MiE-ctreet, between Rutledge Avenue and. Ashley-street, recently put in thorough order, with gsa and water works through? out, bath rooms, tte. Handsome fljwer garden in front ; also, vegetable garden attached. For terms, apply to C BISOLM BROT B ERS, anger's wharf. Jnee9_wf2 TO RENT, ON SULLIVAN'S ISLAND, a first-class newly renovated DOUBLE PI iZZv HOUSE, containing nlae room* sud kitchen. The whole premises are substantially fenced in, and in? clude a well of fl ie water; the house ls well furnish? ed and may be so rented, or tbe furniture tor sale Apply st THU DAILY N EW8 OFFICE. June 3 RH AL ESTATE AGENTS, AND OTHERS having houses to rent, can have their Placards, Ac, printed ot the lowest rates, and in the newest and neatest stvles of type, at THE NEWS JOR OF t ICE, No. 149 East Bsy. Jot Suit. FOR S?LE, A GOOD SCHOONER, built of LivaoaV. carrying 20 cords wood ; will be sold low at B BANI 'a ?SHIP Y AUD. JunaJ_wlm FOR SALE.-THE UN DR lt SIGN ED OIT FE Bs for sole a one-half Interest in the office of i HE ABBEVILLE BANNER, to a cash pureba*, r. The office i* well supplied with printing material; has ample facilities for Job Printing, as well as the pub? lication of a weekly newspaper. The paper hos a Urge list of subscribers, sud enjoys sn advertising patronage second to no other paper in the State. Terms made known and further particulars given on application. W. W. FARROW. April 26_mwflmo FOR ?AL?, A SEW BATT EAU, TWEN? TY feet in length, 8 feet 4 inches serosa the keel, and 4 feet 7 inches acro?s tbe gunwale. Apply st No. 15 GADSDEN 81 BEET, near Montague. Mayas _ ? . _ STEAM ENGINES VOR SALE CHEAP, if applied for Immediately (11 One 12 horse Portable ENGINE ' (li One 4>horse Portable Engine. AXSO, di One 8-horso-power ENGINE, in good condition. CAMERON. BARKLEY A CO., Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland-streets. January ls_ AT PRIVATE SALE? THAT FINE J\ STAND with fixtures for a Grocery, corner Calhoun and East Boy streets. No. 35. Apply ON PREMISES._theta January 21 T7W1H SALE, OLD NEWSPAPERS IN J? any quantity. Price TS cents per hundred. 1 he cheapest wrapping paper that can be used. Ap ply at the office of THE N KWS._March 1 AUCTION KEH8, BROKERS, * N D Others wishing "t or Hale" Placard?, Business Cards, or other Job Printing executed with neat? ness and dispatch, will consult fbotr interest by leov tog their orders at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No 149 East Bay. .. ." milOMAS COUNTY Ol., PLANTATION JL FOR fr ALE,-I offer for sole a PLANTATION in Thomas County, four miles from Thomasviilo, consisting of twelve bundrd and two and a half acres first qua'i y Land, wit ! good Dwelling, Cai in?. Kitchen, Barns, stables. Gto-houae, Glu Packing screw. Blacksmith Shop, &c , all und'r good fence; ftvo hundred acres cleared, balance heavily timber? ed. There oro three hundred acres of virgin ham? mock-bounded on the north side by tho Atlantic aud Gulf Railroad ; on the south by the Monticello road, and tho new railroad from Albany wUl come within half a mlle Of l hi ? Plantar lon. lhere is a ne Ver-fat ?i ag creek of floe water run? ning through tba Plantation ; also five wells an l two well stocked fish ponda on the premises. This place I i known sn the * seward Bone Place,." being formerly the property of Hon Jam ?s L. Sew? ard. The Mules, Horses and oth?r Stock, with all the Wagons and Agricultural Implant nts, will be sold with the place on reasonable terms. For particulars, apply to A, STEVENS. Anxnsia. Ga. Or to A. P. WRIGHT, 1 hom saville. Ga. Or E. J. GUILD! ? RUN Sc CO., Savannah, Ga. P. S.-There are two churches and two school? m Thomasville, Go., fine elimata and good neighbors. June 7 Imo f0it Ult Jfctftft. STO LEN, FRO? MRS. LEV1CY SMOKE, in Cplleton County, two ml'es from Walterboro', ou the tight of tbe loth April list, her only MARK, i be Mare is b ack, and rather tow for her length, but well built; her body long; both tore f >ot and one bind fo >t are white, and branded on the shoul? der S. H. 1 he Mare was followed fifteen miles shove WaiUrboro'. in the direction of Barnwell. A watte mon was riding her. Mrs. Smoke could not have tho thief lollowed for want of means, ?nd her little crop must bo loa*, w?iiuu. ?ie?p. Any information relative to the Mare will be thankfully received. Pi? rect to Mrs. L. SMOKE, Woltorboro', Cotleton Coun? ty. Mayal J?tttiug*. MARION LODGB, No. ?. I. O. O. P. ITHB REO UL AB WEEK LT M K HIING O V THIS X Lodge will be held THIS EVENINO, at Eight o'clock, st Odd Fellow's Hall, comer King and Liberty H tree tn. Members are requested to attend. By order N. G. KO UK ur o. STARR. June ll_1 Recording Secretary. BLUE HIDGE RAILROAD AMEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE Blue Bidve Railroad will be held in the City or Charleston, at tbe Mayor's omeo, on TOBSDAY, 22d inst, on important business. By order ot tho Board. W. H. D. GAILLARD, June 10 Secretary and Treasurer. Progs, CfentmalSj (Ctr. rjIHE BEST IN USB, LINN'S VEGETABLE PILLS, MANUFACrUHED AND BOLD ONLY BT W. T. LINN, Druggist, Corner of Coming and Canoon streets. June ll Imo* jQ BATH TO WO ll MSI BUY FLEMING'S WORM CONFECTIONS, Ttte Best in Use. They sre made of "Sautonioe," sud contain no injurions dreg. For sale wholesale and retail, by DR. H. BAI R, June 10 No. 131 Meetlne-street. F RBSII D II li ti H JUST RECEIVED, G HI M AU JET & CO.'S PttBPARATlONS t IODIZED SYRUP OF HORSE RADISH VEGETABLE OAPS?LES OF MATICO SYRUP OP HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME GUARANA POWDERS. All fresh from Part*, and for salo by Dr. H. BABB, May 8_No. 131 MEETING-STREET. ?ITRATE OK MA? M USIA. A GOOD COOLING SUMMER MEDICINE. MADE fresh every day, by DB. H. BAEB, May 25_No. 131 Meeting-street. i s o N ? rs TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. Warranted to Remove all Desire for Tobacco. lt ls Purely Vegetable and contains nothing Injurions. The following is one of thousands of testimonials th t ore dally received by the Manufacturer: MATESVILLE, S. C., December 28, 1888. I certify that I have heen ueing Bison's "Tobacco Antidote" for two weeks, and find that the prepara? tion will certainly overcome the desire tor chewing tobacco. I therefore cheerfully recommend all who earnestly desire to abandon (his fl Uh y and health destroying practice, to*use the "Antidote," and they will find it a comparatively easy matter to overcome the habit J. A. MAYES M. D. J83r Price SO cents per BOT. The usu il discount to the Trade. jtgr* For sale by Dr. H. BAER, WHOLESALE AGENT FOR SOUIH CAROLINA. June 7 Imo F OR THE HAIR JUST RECEIVED, PHALON'3 CHEMICAL HAIR IN V1Q OR ATOE AYER'S HAIR VIGOR MON rGOMERVS HAIR RESTORER BURNET'S COCOAINE""* ~ HALL'S SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER CHEVALIER'S LIFE FOR THE HAIR CH ALF AN T'S COCOA CREAM LYON'S KATHAIRON BARRY'S TBICOPHEROU8 REEVE'S AMBROSIA HAIR TONIC SAVAGE'3 URSINA BATCHELORS HA FR DYE HAWLEY'S HAIR DYE JAPANESE HAIR STAIN H AMBLETON'8 HAIR STAIN POMADES, PH ILO CO il ES HAIR OILS, BANDOLINE, &c, ?cc. For sale by Or. H. BABR, May 8 Ko. 131 MEETING-STREET. T? RB MO VB GREASE SPOTS. USE THE DOUBLE DISTILLED BENZINE, Prepared bj May SS DB. H. BAIR. No. 131 Me*.ttcg-street rp HE BISHOP PILLI TUB BISHOP PILLI THU BISHOP PILLI A Purely Vegetable FUI (Sugar-coated.) "COSTARV* BISHOP PILL, "Is of extraordinary efficacy for Costiveness, Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, Headache. Nervous Debility Liver complaint." "Tbebest FILL in the world." Medical Journal, September 8. TRY T H E Ml TRY THEM! jtar Ail Druggists in CHARLESTON sell tbem. " COST AR'S " STANDARD PREPARATIONS hz ?Costar'*" lt ?*, Roaen, *?.. Katerina**. "?.???na's?' Bed Bug Ka te nut na tors. ??Costar?*" (only pure) Insect Powder* ?Only Infallible Rem?dias known." .?18 yearaestabltmeJ in New York." "3000 Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily." ..I 11 Beware 111 of spurious imitations." "All Druggists in CHARLESTON sett them," For fl, 92, SS and $5 sises. Address ?COSTAR" COMPART, No. 13 Howard-street, New York, Sold in CHARLESTON, 8. C., by GOODRICH. WINK ?LAN * CO. March 28 OAP_ lyr -gOIADALIS Purifies the Blood* Box Sole ?jr orntsfrtsts Bwetrrwnere. July M P?o Ut BW O O O O 8. J. R. READ & CO. No. ?03 KIM?-STKEET. HAVE THIS DAY OPENED AN ASSORTMENT or BLACK DRESS GOODS, To which they invite the attention of tho Ladies. BLACK BYZANTINE, 8-4 WIDE-A NEW" ABTI CLE Black Crape Maret*, 8-4 wide mack Iron Grenadine, 8-4 wide Black Horn an ni Oren ad i no, 8-4 wide. ALSO, White Crape Marett;, 8-4 wide White Barege, 8 4 wide. TOGETHER WITH, Herannla, Bart-Res, Iron Grenadines, Crape Ma rot 7. and Tumi-o Clo tn in ordinary widths. J. fl. READ dCCO. MOSQUITO BOBBI NET, IV VARIETY, MOSQUITO PAVILION GAUZE White Coating Linen Printed Linen Lawns New Muslins and Organdies New Percales and Peques Richardson^ Iilsh Lluens Linen Sheeting, 11-4 wide Pillow Case Lint-n New York Mills Longcloth Wamsutta, MasonvlLe, Lonsdale and otber fa? vorite branda ol yard wida Bleached Shirt? ings Ladies Hummer Under Vests Men's Gauze Merino Uuder Vests. J. R. READ dc CO. ENGLISH HOSIERY. LADIES' WHITE COTTON STOCKINGS Men's Half Hose, in best English mimi ruc tm e. GLOVES, GI/iVKS. LADIES LISLE THREAD GLOVES Gent,omen's Lisle J h read Gloves Children's Lisle Thread Glonns. ALSO, WHITE GOODS. COMPRISING IN PART: NAINSOOK MUSLINS, MULLS, JABONEIS, Cambrics, Bishop and Victoria Lawns; Swisses-in plain, striped and checks; 8-4 French Muslins, Or? gandies, Tarletans, ?cc, Ao. J. lt. READ dc CO. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. FULL LINES OP NOVELTIES IN LACE GOODS and Embroldprlea. as usual. J. R. RE AD & CO., NO. ?03 KIN O-ST HE ET. April 12 mwf3mos E W ?OOHS JUST OPENED A T S T O LL, WEBB & CO. WE HAVE OPENED THIS DAY AN ASSORTED Case of CHEAP LONGCLOTHS Of the best brands, which we wi 1 sell at LOW PRICE?. NEW TWEEDS, for Summer an! for Boj's wear LINEN DRILLS and DUCE, in White and Brown WHITE PIQUE, LAWNS and MUSLIN?. A new lot or LENOS and BAREGES. A fresh lot of BLACK ALPACAS, host make, at 35, 85, 50, 60, 70, 75 to $1. WHITE GOODS. Mull and Nainsook MUSLINS, good at 25 cents Plaid and Stripe Cambrics Jaconet and Cotton Cambrics Laces, Edgings and Iusertings. A NEW LOT OF GLOVES TN WSIfE AND COL? ORED LIS LR, Silk Gloves and M?s. Full lines of English and German H03IERY for 'Gents, Ladies mud Children. ? We call special attention to one Case Assorted F BESCH CORSETS, a fall line at 75 cents. To? gether with almost every article usually kept in a first-class Dry Goods Hou?e, which we will sell LOW FOB CASH, at No?. ?87 AN D ?80 KING-STREET. STOLL, WEBB & CO Jone 9 wim D RT GOODS! MK Y GOODS! O-REAT ATTRACTION T. MCCARTHY, NO. ?04 KING-STREET, Corner of Wentworth-street, WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE LA? DIES and public generally tb?t he has JUST OPENED a large and wsll selecto J STOCK OF DRY GOODS, wh'ch will be sold at prices which will defy competition, consisting in part of: BAREGES AND GRENADINES At 25 cents per yard worib 40 cents. - A BARGAIN. LENOS AND MOZAMBIQUE? At 30 cents worth 50 cents to Finest Quality. ALSO, A full and complete stock of CALICOES, Long cloths. Sheetings, Pillow Casings. Irish Linens, Ta? ble Damasks, Towellings, Diapers. Hosiery, Gloves, Cassim eres. Tweeds, Embroideries, Laces, White Goods, Lace Shawls, Parasols, Corita. Ho op skirt?, Fans, Notions, Ac. Terms cash or olly acceptance. T. MCCARTHY. No. ?0* KING-STREET, Corner of Wenfhworth. May 17 mw fl mo C HEAP GOODS. G- R E A T SALE! AT FURCHGOTT & BRO., CORNER KINO AND CALHOUN STREETS. IMMENSE REDUCTION IN PRICES MADE IN order to effect a clearance of special lot) ol Goods om hand and to arrive. This is an opportunity which shonll not be lost sight of bj ready money purchasers. Tba following are a few quotations from some choice lots: CHAPE M A R KT SK at 35 and 80 cents, best PINE STYLES OP It A L, MORA LS at $1 75 and S>2 PK&UR only 30 certs; Marseilles 40 and 50 cents PAHA>OLi8, a nice selection, from 00 cents up PINE BLACK SILKS reduced lo $2; M 25 a very fine artic e. PINE PRHNCH CORSETS, (rom 90 cents "DIAPER LIMB?. DOYLIES, and other Linen goods, 10 and 16 per cent, cheaper than am ??O DOZ ?SN TOWEL? from 13l? to 60 cents L ADI KS* AND HEN'S UNDERWEAR at n od erste prices 4-4 LONGC..OTHS from 12? cents up JU KIN'S PIKE PANAMA HATS ?ply *1 60 DOMKSTIC GOODS, Hosiery, Gloves, weU nsssorted and sold at nearly cost price. FtlRCHGOTT dt BRO'?., No. 487 King-street, corner of Calhoun. An exclusive department for B jots, bboea. Hats and Trunk?. ?mos May 8 J1?A?r.?s J!, SVC, Late of the firm or Shepherd, Duo A Cohen, MAMirrAOTuaaa or PLAIN TIN WARE And Wholesale Dealer In JAPANNED, STAUSED WARE, ftc., Mei. 18 Rayne-street, Charleston, 8. C USS" OIL, PAINT, FRUIT CANS AND BOXES made a specialty._mf_May 24 Q ?* SCULKPEGRELL, No. 87 LINE-STREET, BETWEEN KINO AND ST. PHILIP. JS?%5!? 0V KV BB Y DESCRIPTION ANL ESF^nra, MATERIAL, LIME and PLASTER *?? ^B&M?*8' OILS, OLAESBS, SHINGLE8 ; also. G BOO VE AND TONGUE BOARDS, Ac, con statifly on haad 4 th? lowest market prices. B*P???berl2 v mthaiyt W?OCUM (Mb ji?MtUMOM. BUTTE?[7?A??>7^&cr ?I fV ?IKKINS BUTTEB, FOTI BAKtNO P??J ?\f FOSES, at SOC. V lb. 50 tuba choice Butter i Lard. Davin' Diamond Hf nm, Strips, Bidet. Shoul? ders, fcc, by GEO. W. STEFFENS, June ll_2_No. 30 Venduo Banne. RUMP PORK. BABBEL8 HEAVT BUMP PORK, TH I ?3 ' " ch??apo8t article of too I for plantation use. For salo \rj HENRY COMA Ai (JO. June ll 1 CHOICE TABLE CLARET, AT 81 50 FEB GALLON AND $3 50 Pi DOZEN. ST. Jil IKK, From tho famous homo of Cruse A File Freres Bordeaux. i FINK OLD DE8SBBT WISES, FRENCH, DUTCH AND ITALIAN LI QUEURS. AT JOHN HUHK.A.MP dc CW. June ll_3* CORN AFLOAT, QflAA BUSHELS PBIwE WHITE OOBN, c/\J\J\J in bulk or with bags, per Schooner. Nellie Richardson. For sale by WEST it JONE?. Vi June ll_No. 76 East Bay. CYPRESS SHINGLES. AOABQO OF PRIME QUALITY. FOB SALE] by W. 0. BEE St CO. June ll 2 PRIME WHITE CORN. 1 PCAA BUSHELS PRIME WHITE CORN. lUvU For Bale by June ll_2_JOHN CAMP3EN it CO. FINE BORDEAUX CLARET. C\f\ HOGSHEADS BOBDEAUX CLARET (PA &\) NILLA?) Vintage 1805, represented exeel-J lent quality and warranted pure. Will be sold lowj from the wharf. For sale by KLINGE, WICKENBEBG it CO. June 10 2 CORN. 1 BU>HEL3 PRIME WHITE CORN FORM lt)UV sale by F. D. C. KRACKE. J?nelo 2* No. 1 Doughty street. FLOUR ! "I ?rr. BARRELS SUPER FLOUR A.*J\J 200 barrels Fine Flour. For f ale by T. J. KERR it CO. June 10 3 CLARET WINE, &c. 1 A CASKS CLARET WINE, IMPORTED, AND LU CHEAP 20 barrels Cider and W. W. Vinegar 30 osha Bottled Ale and Porter 150 cases French Beer-quarts and pints 50 crates Claret Wine Bottles 2000 Demijohns-fl vc and three gallons. For sale by CLACTU8 & WITTE. Junes_tuting SUGAR AND MOLASSES. A f\ HHDS. PRIME TO CHOICE GROCERY ?IU SUGAR 100 boxes Prime to Choice Grocery Sugar 96 hhds. Strictly Choice Porto Rico Sugar 75 puncheors Choice Porto Rico Molasses 60 bhds. New Crop Clayed Molasse? 50 li ods. Mew Crop Cuba Molasses. On the wharf and in Store. For sale in lots to suit purchasers by W. P. HALL St CO., May 18 tuf8 Brown a: Co.*s Wharf. NEW GOODS EAST INDIAN MANIOCA. A NEW, AGREEA? BLE, most de irions and healthy food, used for Puddings, Jellies, Blanc Mante, Ire Cream, Griddlecakes, Soups, Ste, put up in 1 lb. pack? ages, with directions for use. Desiccatid Cocoanut, for Pies, Puddin RP, Cakes. &c , put up In half lb. packages, with directions. Sweet Oil, French and American in half pints, pints and quarts. Cider and White Wine Vi neg ir, warranted pure Fresh Roasted Bio Coffee, of good quillty, at 35c, V lb. 1 Just received and for sale by CO-OPERa rrvE GROCERY STORE, Southwest corner Meeting and Market streets. Goods delivered free. May 28 BLACK PEAS." rAA BUSHELS BLACK B I on ILat^M^LO Wffl DUU PEAS. For sa'e by ^^MfflMP May 25_T. J. KETW^PS. SHINGLES ! SHINGLES! if ?T /\/\A 8UPEBI0B BLACK CYPBESS i O.UUU?>HINGLES. I 7 For sale by FBIPP A MAY, June 0_Vcnnlng's Wharf. ? FRESH DRUGS. JUST RECEIVED ANO FOR HALB BT OR. H. BARB, No. 131 MEET1MJ ?TBEKT. RISON'S TOBACCO ANTIDOTE Bose's OouRh Syrup Hchenk's Pulmonlc Syrup Schenk's Seaweed Tonic Cherokee Remedy and Ours Rejuvenating Elixir Chloride of Lime Spears' Fruit Preserving Solution Brown's Chlorodyne German Blood or "Kaiser" Pilli, tee Ac. April 3 Soleta. N ICKERSON HOIISK COLUMBIA, 8. C. TBIS PLEASANTLY LOCATED HOTEL. UN? SURPASSED by any House in the south for comtor and healthy locality, is open to travellers end other seeking BO A BD FOB IHR 80MUEB. Famule can be accommodated with nice airy rooms on re sonable terms. A cell ls solicited. May 13 Imo WM..A. WBIGHT. S T. CLOUD IIVTBL. THIS MBWAift COMMOLTOU8 HOUSE, LOCA1 KD corner ot Broadway end Forty-second-Bireef possesses advantages over all other houses for the aa coDumodatlon ot Its auests. It was built expressly! for a ftrat-elsss family boarding house-the room! being large and en suite, heated by steam-with hoi and cold water, and furnished second to none; whllf the culinary department ts ia the most experience bands, affurtfiug guests an unequalled table. One of Atwood's Patent Elevators ls also amor tbs "modern improvements" and at the servi* guests at all bonn. \ The Broadway and University Place Cars pass^ door every four minutes, running from the Cl Hall to Central Park, while the sixth and reven Avenue lines are but a short block on either sid affording ample f&oillties for communicating with i the depots, steamboat landings, places of a ir ? ment and business of the great metropolis, ?Si MOLLUY, Proprietors. March 12 Cmos ?toil&fog <flM^ TKAIS SABH, BLIHB S AND DOOR FACTORY* L. E. CORDRAY & CO. No. 2 PR1TU1IARD-8TREET, OPPOSITE 9. F. TAYLOR St CO.'B MACHINS SHOPS. SASHES, GLAZED AND UNGLAZED, aiwaj on band PANEL DOORS, HOT H0U8E SASHES^ MOULDINGS, Ac, made up st ?hort nc tice, and st tho lowest term?. L. E. COBDBAY..0. A. TR0CCHB| March 28 8ino JOHN D, AlilXARDKR, ACCOUNTANT. NOT ART PUBMG AND QBNBBAL AGENT, Mo. IS Proad-ttEwet. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS BUSIN HHS IN AD?, JUSTING ACCOUNTS of Merchants and other?, and in WRITING UP ABD POSTING their BOOKS,{ either In pert er ?hole, ?o January t"