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Seto SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM VOLUME VII.-NUMBER 1046 BY TELEGRAPH. EUROPE. ATTITUDE OV THE LOUDS OK TUX IBI8H CHU BOH QUESTION- C O MMEOTB OF THE PRESS, ?DOW, J urne a-In reply to a Conservative deputation to-day, Lord Derby said be spoke aa a ania in the House of Lords, notwit hstand ig the influence or action of others. While many ft ianda of the Irish Church wish to amend, not to reject)the bill for its distetat lisbment, he waa persuaded its rejection was the only course. He desired that it would be rejected by a large majority, as such course was the safest in such a revolutionary step. He felt satisfied ihia would receive the assent of trio Conservatives, who would continue to increase their support if coerci?n of the trees was-attempted. A meeting of the Conservatives was held in Loudon to-night. Besolutious ware adopted condemning the Irish Church bill. It-la understood that Mr. Gladstone proposes, in case the House of Lords should reject the bill, to prorogue the present session of Parlia? ment immediately, and inaugurate a new gobern?, in order to ensure the passage of the bill. R is proposed to create a new batch of Peers, including the Marquis of Huntingdon, Lord Amberly, the eldest sous of mos? of the ^ Liberal Peers, and all the Scotch and Irish ?L Peers now without seats io the House of ?Lord*. ? Ilia Pall Mall Gazette i egrets the bad effect f the position of the House of Lords will have on Ir aland, particularly in regard to the land question. To rule, in deriding what the sense of the nation shall or shall not decide upon, is beyond the competence of Lords or any other governing body. The annoniiced predetermination of the ma-| jori ty of the House of Lords to reject the Irish Ch arch bill has ca used intense excitement, and threatens to precipitate an eventually inevita? ble conflict between the Lords and toe Com? mons. It is rumored in so mo quarters that the annoanceinent was only madero feel the public pulse, and to ascertain, how far the House of Lords dar?, go. The Ti-nee to-day refers to the ?aot that some of the Tory Peers declined to follow the 'j policy in regard to the Irish Church bill deter 4 mined upon by the majority at their mee tir g Ilast Saturday, sod trusts that the danger of a collision ia past. Experience of the last two days ranima the truth that io the direct issue th? Lords must allow the national will to pre? vail. The pteaant aspect indicates the pas? sage of the bill to its second reading by ? small majority. Ihe.aame paper, in an article on the French eleoticrns, points to the fact that three and a half millions of Frenchmen arr votinj-rja opposition to only four millions who support Ihe government. : The Telegraph referred to the attitude of Of the House of Lords, and says the nation only moat govern the nation. To thia Lord Darby and other peers assented when last jaar they invited the j udgment of the nation on the Suspensory bil). The pews now may well ac . ce pt the jnxisd-ct ion to which they appealed. LONDON, June 10.-The Archbishop of Can ttrbury counsels the Bishops not to oppose the DisestabliBhment bili, At a banquet given to the hearers Of the Irish memorial against the i bill, majay Tory peers and clergymen of the Es ' ta bb abed Cbnrch were rm serrt . j ACTAX&S rn wntxat-nm BESOTT OS THE ELEC - -noaa. ' Paars, Jone 10.-General Fleury has been ap pointed lu in ieter to Italy. The Duke de Penrign j has written a letter to I ' the Emperor Napoleon advising the Introduc? tion of fariner liberal reforms. The result of the?lections, where the ballot waa necessary to decide, ia as folio wa : Official candidates, 21; unofficial 1; independent,* 1; op? position, 15; unknown, 17. 'Among the o-aposi . tion elected waa Henri Alphonz Esquires, au? thor and publisher. Whatever the relative strength of the parties may be in the Corps L?gislatif, this is a sigmflcant result of uni? versal suffrage, and is bound to influence the entire policy of the Frenoh Go7orntmeDt. The results in fifteen 'additional elections by ballot have been declared; seven official and eight opposition candidates, were elected. Among the successful candidates are M. M. Latour and Dumoulin. Last night, about 12 o'clock, great crowds gathered in the Mont ' martre Distnct. and policemen were obliged to nae toroa to disperse them; some were injured, and a number of arrests wore made. The peo? ple finally retired to their homes and quiet was restored. A scene of disorder, also occurred daring the night in front ol the Hotel 'de Tille; many persons vere injured and a large number were arrested. The total number of arrests made last night in consequence of these dis tarban ces was one hundred and twenty. The French Minister of Foreign Affairs has : thanked the Prussian Minister for the tone of the Prussian prece regarding the Frenoh eleo "' tiona. The Corpe L?gislatif will convene on the I 28th. The election riots at Nantes were sen ? ons. There were more tumultuous gatherings ' at Montmartre yesterday that were dispersed by tho troops. . ._. A new Russian .edict authorizes thu use of the Polish language in the administration of tire internal service at <Jalicia. LONDON, Jone 10. - Letters from Paria state that strong pressure ia biousrht to bear in the ran decided elections, to prevent the return of Opposition candidates. The contests between Thiers and Shee, and Favre and Rochefort are regarded with much interest. Tte Emperor views ?he probable election of Bochefort as a personal, if not deadly insult. The ultimate results of the election and their effect on the - government,, are regarded with great cur iosi ; ty. The government is fully alive to the hea I vineaa of the blow, and tho difficulties it will have to meet io the fut are. Its friends ten ' dor advice freely, bat the only concession pos ! slblo is a par? ?amen ta ry government, which tho ; Emperor regards with particalar aversion. L The government is inclined to do something os soon as possible, and with the least incon? venience. If tho balloting results in favor of Rochefort, steps will bo taken immedi? ately. STAIN. MADRID, Juno 10.-Roda sails for Hav ma ; to-day, stopping at Porto Rico. The lack of i harmony manifested by tho Spanish ministiy i portends OD early cha: ge. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. -A floro? tornado passed over portions of Ohio yesterday, doati oj ?ag bridges a ad fonces and unroofing houses. Tho City Council of'-Jicl'son, Mississippi, has passed resolutions cohdumoing, in behalf of tho cciTuiiupity, the reoent murder of Colonel Crane. Th* statement that 'several capitalists of Now^orfc had 'contracted to ?onn tho Ohesv peake on d Oh io Batfroud/jCL? 000 ??0 to build tho road is roaliradiotedj^Tr/flt negotiations aro ?till penoung with a yiev to saab a result. NEWS FROM WASHINGTON. WASBTHGTQS. Jane 10.-Secretary BoutweJl perseveres in his policy of selling $2,000,000 in gold and buying a ID il I ion in bonds weekly. . The train carrying Piesident Grant north? ward was thrown from the; track at Annapolis Junction by a cow. Two cara were smashed, and several persons, injured, including a Mr. Wield, of Atlanta, Ga., whose face waa badly cut. The presidential party were uninjured. Mr. aYeild, of Atlanta, who was hurt in the ac? cident, was en route to Europe as State lia mi gration agent A gentleman from Charleston, S. C., en route for Maine, was struck by a splin? ter in the breast and seriously bruised. The committee of cotton brokers wrote to Commission er Delano that th ?y are tb e me re agents tor bringing buyers and sellers togeth? er; that they are parties to only one transac? tion, aud should not pay two taxes. They state that they have eaoh an office in New York City, where they display samples of cotton re? ceived by the commission merchants and pro? cure buyers for the said cotton-they Lave no 'interest whatever in said cotton, other than procuring a bayer, and receive a brokerage from sellera of twenty-five cents per bale. De? lano bas (riven no decision. Ic is rumored that Bone.will resign, and that Governor Geary, of Pennsylvania, will succeed bim. The negro Stewart, whom tho police carried to the polls where he voled, has been sent to Baltimore by the authorities for safety. THE ARRESTS IN GEORGIA. AUGUSTA, June 10.-The parties arrested in Warren ton. Ga., by the military, have boen re? leased by the court on giving bonds. Judge Andrews, of the Circuit Court, bas forbidden the sherill, at whose instance the arrests were made, to act in any way or assume the func? tions of bis office. Quiet has been restored, and good feeling exists between the citizens and tbs military. THE WAR IN CUBA. - <S& HAVANA, June 10.-Jordan's filibusters are near Trinidad. The Governor of Trinidad, re? fusing to resign, ivas killed by the volunteers. The raihoad bas been again cut, and there is heavy skirmishing near Trinidad. A TALK WITH REVERDY JOHNSON. His Views on the Rejection o? the Ala? bama Treaty-lu fleet ot* Air? Sumner's ?.peech on the KngUsh Ministry and People. A correspondent of the New York Times gives an account of a professed interview with the Bon.Beverdy Johnson, late United States Minister to England, at bis country residence, near Baltimore, a few days 8 go. A portion of the conversation between Mr, Johnson and the correspondent is thus related by the latter : "How is Mr. Sumner?" then said Mr. John? son. * * . * * "Mr. Sumner ie in Wash? ington," I replied, "and reels extremely -well battened with his speech." :. "Well," replied Mr. Johnson, "Ido not know that any one else is satisfied witb it. I tell you thar that speech of funnier has made England a unit against the 0 ni ted States. Our friends there have fallen off by ?roo pe. At first the people declared for war, but now I think they have got over Abat idea-aod w? satisfied that our intentions are pacific. The speech Saving been approved by the Senate, the Ea gl i sh people at Bret thought it was a declaration of war, and were prepared to accept it in that spirit; but they have since changed their minds, and now they have justly arrived at the conclusion that Sumner is, after all. bat one American citizen, and does not represent the views of the administration." ' For a few minutes Mr. Johnson here re? lapsed into silence, and then broke out again: "Sumner's speech is absurd t Do you know what they say of it in England ? Clarendon says that it is absurd and preposterous;"fhat it ie not the apeeoh of either a lawyer or a statesman; that it j propositions are wholly in? admissible." "Why," said Mr. Johnson, "this same Mr. Sumner wrote to Mr. Bright on the 19th or 20th of last Ja nary that the protocol which I sent here would bave been almost unanimously approved if it bad been received three weeks sooner. The fact ie, the incoming President dla not want the question settled during the administration of Andrew Johnson, and the Republican party did not want it settled by me. They did not want the eciai of hiving the most difficult question, short of the question of actual separation, that bas arisen between the two'countries, settled by a Demo? cratic administration." "Wby don't the English pipers publish Mr. Sumner ls speech?" "Wby, bcoause it is too nonsensical. Ciar- ' sudon says that the United States, as a gov? ernment, have no claims against England as a government. The United States have private individual claims against England, and Eng? land has private individual claim * against the United States. These the English people and government are willing to submit to an arbi? tration. Clarendon s iy s that England might as well say that she would reject tbe treaty be? cause the holders of Irish republican bonds might come in ander its terms. Tbe Ameri? cans whom I have met abroad denounce Mr. Sumner as much as the English people do. It is a fooub speech." Mr. Johnson was very indignant on this eub ject. He could not tolerate tbe idea of attach? ing any importance or signifie mee whatever to the ideas of the Massachusetts sena or. He started up from bis seat, and walking uo and down the room, nervously and rapidly said: " fhe English Government will never accede to tbe Sumner demands. Clarendon won't yield one ii.oh from his position. They have taken it, and cannot be shaken in their resolve. They are a very proud people, a po wei tul peo? ple and cannot be frightened.'' "What do you think of a war between Eng? land and the United States, Mr. Johnsoa? What wonld be the result of it ?" "The result would bo unfavorable to us. In the first place, our debts are equal. But there will not be and cannot be a war so long as there is any common sense left to tbe two peoples. But. to talk about it for argument's Bake: Eng? land w is never better prepared for i war than she is now, and the United States is less able to enter on a contest of tbe kind than she was during tbe rebellion. Do you remember Ad? miral Porter's letter on the subject? He is ot my opinion, or, rather, I am of bis, that we cannot fight England. Yes, they wouU give us Canada, provided the Canadian people wero Willing to be exchanged; but I do not think they are, and sooner than part with that pro? vince oa forcible terms. England would lose ber hst man and ber last shilling." CAN A STATE Aurn>r.izE THC LANDING OF TEI?EOBAPH CAHLES.-IQ teply to an inquiry from Mr. Peter Cooper. President of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Company, tbe United States Attoiue.'.-Goneral givbs it as bis opinion that (bo consent of tnc titate cf Alaine will not. without thc con ont of Congress, authorize tho Cornraay to connect Newiouadland with Maine by caolc. i ho con sui ul ion gives to Coi gresi tho power to regu? late, commerce. Chief Justice. Marshall has said that cummeroo includes all intercourse betweeu nations. Ibo telegraph is an impor? tan? means of ii tcrccurso, mid i?, tberotor?, 6ubje?t to Congressional regulation or prohi? bition, since tho power to regulato ii eludes that VJ prohibit when necessary. Congress assorted this right win n, in tho aclot'Muv?, 1806 u smut'rt to th? Ocean Tt?csrapli Com? pany lorlouvteon years tbe exclusive right to land r-" cable un Ibo coiat of Florida, b'c.s de?, to important a connection with fpreiau na lious could not be permitted to rrm^iu mtlor State control. -Bubuv, a new sp oies of i ho c Jlton plan*, it is repotted, .s now ex cns Yo!y cultivated .n tho Philippine Irlams by thj niiiai?narus. Tho plant ia of a very ar*e SLZ? aud h g/,us to yield m us fourth y uar. iii > ojttou nods ruea Btiro th rc? lo four inches m leogib. aid ono hundred of tnom it is ..^ r.aj, will y ie: I three pouuds of ibo fit re, w i ca, when cioauod, tells for niue dollars a bund.ed weight. OXFR ZETTERS FROM THE COUNTRY. FURIHER PARTICULARS CONCERNING THE CROPS AND THE LABOR. Interesting Aeeoanta from Anderson, ^-airfield, Georgetown, Urangeburg, Richland, Sumter and Williams- ; burg Counties. We continue the publication of the corres? pondence in regard to the crops, with which THE NEWS bas been favored by its friends in various sections of the State: Anderson. Our correspondent, ' XXX," kindly sends us tbe following etatemest, under date of Ander? son, June 8: Our farmors are very much discouraged as to the prospect of the growing crops. Wheat, which is now being harvested, is generally sr- all and thin, but well h led, and the product of the county will probably be a fair average one. The area planted in corn is much smaller than usual, and it is exceedingly backward and unpromising thus fur. On the other band a mucb larger quantity ol land bas been given to cotton than usual. A vast amount of commer? cial fertilizers were used, arid the anticipated product led tor a time to the enjoyment of golden dreams by almost every one. Tbey were of short duration, however, and bavo been succeeded by a most unpleasant depres? sion of spirits in contemplation of a signal failure.* The month of Hay was the most unpropiti? ous within tbe recollection of the oldest inhabi? tants, and the consequence is that the stands of cotton are not only exceedingly poor, but tbe plant made scarcely any perceptible start to grow until within the last too days, and is, therefore, three or four weeks later than it should be at this season. And besides the : other drawbacks of the season a very gene? ral Impression prevails that the immense quan? tity of rain that has fallen'recently, has in a great measure destroyed the value of the fer? tilizers applied, wbiob, with the general indo? lence, indifference and disorganization of tbe labor of the conni rs, render the prospect all together most disoonracing: ana unless the fall should turn' out unusually favorable, the cotton crop of (bis country, notwithstanding the increased quantity of land planted, must fall far short of the last. But fortunately our people, it is believed, are less embarrassed with debt than those of any other section of the State, and if they can raise the means to ?iay the enormous taxes required to run the tadical machine to which they are subjected, they may hope to live m comparative comfort, ano: Anally overcome the misfortunes visited upon them for no other reason tban that they "loved their country too well." Our friend Rotide gives os the following cheering account of the crops in Anderson, ander date of June 8: Yesterday was a sale day, and there were fewer persons in attendance from tbe country than tue "time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary." Everybody, old and young, are diligently at work in the wheat, cotton and corn field*.' Tbe prospects for an average yield of wheat continues encouraging. Harvest begins this week, and from every so - tlou one hears the most gratifying accounts. Not so large a breadth of land, perhaps, sown last tall as the previous year, but there has been no disaster of any consequence sp far, and the lands are more thoroughly prepared, sud better manured. The area originally plant? ed in cotton was undoubtedly larger than last season, bul the wet. backward spring caused many farmers to plough up their cotton and plant in corn. This doubtless will give a re? sult pretty near equal to the last crop, eo far isa thfi Dunbar nf *"raa is concerned. Already some of the farmers begin to regret this action, since cotton bas rome out to a great extent during the last fortnight, under the genial influence of sunshine and showers. Tbe oom orup looks promising, and with the blessings of a benign Providence, our people need have no fear of scarcity in bread stuffs. The freedmen are industrious and well be? haved, striving earnestly to secure an honest living. Of course, there are exceptions to this general rule, and kleptomania bods a votary now and then. Tbe wbito people are energeti? cally engaged in the cultivation of the soil. With improved farming and a large investment in fertilizers, the smiles <>f Heaven are only necessary to make the farmers of this region independent of "all tbe world and the rest of mankind." Politics below par, and both races seemingly indifferent as to whether Grant runs the machine into imperialism or floats away in a cloud of smoke from the inevitable cigar. The minds of the people are engrossed m their own private pursuits, and each is striving to exoel nis neighbor in industry, perseverance and prudent management. Fairfield Under date of Juno 8, our corresponde at, G. H. McM., sends us, from Winnsboro1, the fol? lowing report: The wheat crop of Fairaeld, now being har? vested, is unusally good, but tho area sown wis not so large BS ?or the previous crop. Less corn and moro cotton has been planted this year than last. Corn is looking well, as is also cotton, which though backward in conse? quence of the enid spring, has muob improved during tbe last fortnight . Large quantities of fertilizers have been used, and the yield of cot? ton will probably be larger than lost year, un? less the season should bo au unfavorable one. Tho negroes are wonting better. There are fewer idlers to be seen, and day laborers now get one dollar instead of seventy-five cents, which from time immemorial bas been the price of a day's work of a negro man. Tbe patriotic and enlightened of our people anxiously desire an immigration of Northern mon and foreigners, not simply as laborers, but to render our proseot labor more effie?er., by competition; to protect our pig peus and corn cribs; to support schools and churches; to raise the price of our lands from S5 to $50 per acre, and to take government out of tho bauds of an inferior race and restore it to a raco whicb alone bas ever shown itself capable of self-government. Georgetown. Our correspondent, "A. M.," gives the fol? lowing account of the crops, writing from Georgetown on tho 9th instant: In this district there is but little of either corn or cotton planted; rico being tho staple, the area under corn and cotton is about equal to that of last year, though tbe growth is not quito as good, owing to so much cool weather in May and the want of sufficient ram. Plant?is report very favorably of tho rice crop this year; the stand iu general is all that coul'' be desired, ind promising an abundant harvest if not injured later in the season by freshets. Tbe area under rico in this district id equal fully to that of last year. Another im? proved feature of the present year is the ap? plication and steadiness which thu colored peo? ple manifest at their work; tho mijorityot them bavo found out that thoy need expect nothing but what a risos from their labor, and have sot to work steadily. Urangeburg. Oar correspondent, "W.," writes as follows from tho Courthouse, under date of tho Otb instant : I have boon at some pains to oseortain tho general condition of cops in my vicinity, anet to inquire of them throughout thu district. Ol' co lon tho stand is at leugttl fair, tho fields usually clo .in and w?ll worked, but tho pla t is sfinall anti stii bears marks of n jury from co.el ai'd winds. The recant lavorablu vcathei, however, has produced a very visible and cheer? ing chango. I'be an a planted is argo; great quuntities-vf guano have bern used, lhcro toro notwithstanding the very backward growth and consequent lalo lliiumng. Bcarcoly yet ia not?t al improbable that fair crops will bc m el-. I think ti ero can bo no doubt thht thc weam is ac.uaby in ?onie tiuitU but can express no opinion of .ho rcsul" ol this unprecedentedly carly appearance. Thc i com prospect is better. A fair proportion lus been ilauted, usually weUmanured nud work? ed, ami ?a loeikiinr very well though breding rain. Iheamount nf r^ro and whet is t< o t> bo of consequence, and thu nee irs too ^oi ill to allord an.v criterion Ot cotton I should jud^e mat co?sld-raby moro ii planted thauia-t year; of corn, less; bothbc: tci m mured. The crop prospect then is not ciscouraging. Negtocs are working, as nc groes always work, jost as they are made-on some places well, on oto era badly. They are quiet and civil and vu y treatable. meilland. Our Columbia corespondent, "Corsair," sends the following report of the condition of agri. culturar"affairs in Richland on the 8th instant : 1. Condition of the crops. I think the con? dition is fair. The end of cold weather came about three weaks ago, and the tair weather, with some rains, has given good opportunity for farm work. Cotton is recovering from ita ailments that ca ne of the cold. Corn flour? ishes. Wheat fine. Oats fine. 2. Prospects of a satisfactory yield. I think the yield of cotton will be just less, but barely less, than an average one. The use of fertiliz? ers will nearly, if not quite, make up for the stint and bad stand ot the cold spring. A well informed friend writes to me: "Prospect of yield is average. Tho stand is bad general? ly, owing tb the cold spring, but siuce the weather became warm the crops are grow i off | finely, and, owing to the lavish use ot f?rtil z ers, the yield will, if the seasons are favorable, be equal to that of last year." Another friend from the upper edge of tho county says in p encrai that the prospect for a good yield i8 not good. Other farmers with whom I con? versed impress me with the idea I gave above. Corn promises an average yield. Wheat a tine yield. Oils good. When I use the word "average," as indicat? ing the yield of cotton above, I mean to say the yield to the acre will be the same as hst year, and consequently that the aggregate yield for the county will be something like twenty-five per cent, more than in 1868. 3. Area in cotton compared with that of last year. About one-fourth more than last year. All concur in this. 4. Area in corn compared with that of last year. About the same as last year. One friend says it is one-fourth leas; but all the others concur n roakiqg it the same as last year. 5. Whether the colored people are working well. As well as they did last year. My best informed correspondent says: "It takes about three times the number of free negioes to work a ciop as slaves. Some few work well, but the mass are careless and lazy, and if not closely watched do more harm than good to a cotton crop, which requires good care nod at? tention when growing." Another tells me that the men work pretty well, but that the women or "hoe bands" are not doing as well as last year. This comes from the northern part of the county. In the southern part of the county there are a good many freedmen trying to plant for themselves. This will diminish, in a very alight degree, however, the productive? ness of their labor; for all these experiments may bo safely counted as failures. Sumter. Our correspondent, C. H. Af., kindly sends us the following report from Sumter, under date of June 9: Cotton is somewhat backward. The recent warm spell has ac ed wonderfully upon the plant, and it bas almost entirely recovered from the injury received by the April and May cold. The usual complaints of planters have ceased of late, and the prosp?ct for a large crop is gocd. Corn was planted aliout as usual, but the great effort has been to put in as much cotton as possible. Freedmen working pretty well. We do not hear any complaints. Our people have used fertilizers more exten? sively than ever, and they think they can already eeo the benefit of applying them. Williamsburg. Our correspondent, "8. W," writiDg from Kicgstroe, under date of June 8, gives tho fol? lowing account ef the condition of the crops: Tbe planting ' interests in Williamsburg County are progressing as well aa can be rea? sonably expected under the circumstances. The season so far haa been very favorable, es? pecially to cotton. Thc spring has been too dry and cold/ It has-been difficult to get cot? ton up,'and someThat*baa gotten up has died from the cold nights and tho drought. The re? cent rains, however, have been of great ser? vice, and tbe prospect may now be considered at least tolerably fair. Corn ' crops aro doing very well, and although a little backward, they will compare favorably with former years. There is more of both cotton and corn planted this year than bas been since the war. The area of citton this year is proportionally greater than last year. The freedmen aro working about as usual as a general thing, though in some instances I have beard of their doing better than since their emancipation. They are beginning to learn, though slowly, that freedom does not mean idleness, and that they must work or starve. On the whole, with the present prospects, a fair season and a continuance of labor as now applied, a good and fair yield of both cotton and corn may be expected. The Kingstree Star bas the following grati? fying statement : We are pleased to learn from our planters that the prospects for a better crop is now per? ceptible. I he recent rain and warm weather have bad the effect of bting:ng up the cotton that was replanted, and of greatly improving that which withstood the cold weather of tho spring. The grain crops are looking remark? ably well, and oi the whole, wo think the chances for abountifui harvest are good. A FF A IES IN THE S TA TE. Sumter. Mr. Timothy Norlon, ono of tuc oldost citi? zens of the Town of 8umter, died last week. Clarendon. The Manning Township election came off on last Saturday, and resulted in tho choice of the following persona: Selectmen, J. F. June, white; Titus Mcllett, Herod Severus, colored. Clerk, ?. N. Butler. Surveyor, J. M. Felder. Constable, Theo. Harvin, colored. Notice was given verbally that the election would bo pre? tested on account of illegal votes cast. Darlington. Captain David C. Milling, an old resident and merchant of Darlington, died on Monday last, aged 58. At the reoent election in Lydia Township the Democratic ticket was olected by a largo ma? jori tv. viz: Selectmen-O. D Leo, R. a. Josey and W. H. Thomas; Rjad Surveyor-Rev. John Josey; Clerk-J. C. Clements-; Constable JOSCD?I R. King. The Darlington Democrat says: "The j til cou'ract ws9. on Saturday, awarded to ("ox. a eolored man from Floreoce. There were two bids in the bands of tho commissioner, and m a large job like that, we are eurpnsed to soe such close figuring. OJO bid (white) was $10 - G75, tho winning bid was $10.G50. Ibis looks like inspiration. The same pnp:r has thefollowiug: "In our i jsue WP noticed the attempt of some parties tc burn tho residence ot Mr. Jacklun Gee. On last Thursday morning tho same parties, it is supposed, carno back before daylight and set fire to his bain, which was ontircly consumid, also au adjoining staulc. Mr. Gee lost all ot* bis fjddcr. ploughs and plough gear. There is a campoftheso outlaws on Jeffries Crock, who make it their purposo to destroy and d ?v?state everything in thoir reach. Thc should bo bunted dowu and brought to justice. J'hey aro a pa.-t of tho same ganer that shot and rob? bed Ur. John K. L iw. last fall." ENORMOUS COAL DEPOSIT.-General J. T. Wilder, of Rockwood Iron Works, was in ibo city yesterday for a short time. He lnl'jrnisus that tho minora in his coal naitijs arc uow at work upon a deposit of coal wliich exceeds in thickness anything ever known in ibo world. An air course driven across tho bed shows it to bo over ono hundred i- ot thick ! Thia is more than tiviec thc thickness ot tho largest be.ia ut anthracite c. pal II Pennsylvania. I Knoxoille Pres? c,w> Herald, Jam C. -A Now York letter of Tuesday fays: "There ?ire Bigu? of co mug oppositio is o . I! Ufo insurance oompani-B, \.^i;b, under ? -.? pica of . II ntual " draw numerous mombsr* t?> their concern, 'rn;, nevertheless, ma?ano their busiiiui?H aa that ofa close orporatio i. Th: Mutual Lito 1 laurance Oomoanv, ..j Now V irk, I ho lamest in t'.ic cit v. held -an election of iii rectors io-Kv. and for tba ?i-at tima in thc history of tho construtio ., there waa au oppo? sition ticket It was r.ot sucesariil, simply because tho matter had not been canvassed IKS for J lund. O ilv thu moruiug advvrtiaouaeiita c*llmu urx)n policy-holders to ox rc.SJ iii-ji? nghi to volo uopojred in tho dtiiy piocia. but too laic to havo ?nv practical effojt ibo, movement is significant, however, showing ' that the halcyon dava of matu il insurance companies arc approaching their end. " I DRIFTING TO AN EMPIRE. Tne Tendency of the Times-A Remalli, able Letter from tbe Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. The Hon. A. H. Stephens bas written a loaf? and elaborate letter to. the National Intelli? gencer, giving his views as to tbe prime canse of the war between the North and the South, and closing with some speculations as to our political rutare. We copy the concluding para? graphs of the letterr'SS And now, Messrs Editois, do you ask 'V bona ? Why so much written upon the dead issues of the past, when questions of so much magnitude of a practical character press upon the public-mind ? If so, the reply is two fold. First, to vindicate the trutb of history, which is itself a high duty on the part of any 'one who has it in his power to do it; and, in the second place, to show the people of these States, in this vindication, not only the true cause, the real "causa causans" of the late war, but the real cause of their present troubles. The Federal machinery for the last ten years has been abnormal in its action. It must be brought ba:k to the Jeffersonian doctrines, and made to conform in its workings with tho or? ganic principles of its structure, before there can possibly be a return ot the days of peac?, harmony, prosperity and happiness which for? merly marked our course. There is no other hope for constitutional liberty on this conti? nent. Judge Nicholas may ''dream dreams" about another constitutional amendment, pro? viding a new mode of electing the Pmsident, but the remedy hes in no such device lis that. It lies simply in bringing back tbe government in its administration to original brat principles. This is to be done not by secession, however rightful and efficient a remedy that might be. That is abandoned. Nor is it to be done by torce or violence of any kind, except the force of reason and the power of trutb. lt is to be done, if at all, at the ballot-box. Free institu? tions are moro generally lost than estab? lished, or strengthened by a resort to phy? sical (orce. They are eminently tbe achieve? ment of virtue, patriotism 'and reason. That our insulations, and even nominal form of government is now in great danger, the prudent, sagacious, and wise everywhere virtually admit. An able editorial in your own paper, not long since, put tbe pertinent and grave question, "Whither are we drifting?" To this question I take tho occasion for one to give you and positive answer. We ara drifting to consolidation and empire, and will land there at no distant pe iod as certainly as the sun will set this day, unless the people of the several States awake to a proper appreci? ation of the danger, and save themselves from the impending catastrophe by arresting the present tondoncy ol public affairs. This they oan properly do only at the ballot-box All friends of constitutional liberty, in every sec? tion of the State, must unite in this orand effort. They must seriously consider, and even reconsider many questions to whlcb they hivo given but slight attention beretofote. They must acquaint themselves with tbe principles of their government, and provide security for ho future by studying and correcting the erre rs ot the past. This is tho only hope, as I have stated, for the continuance of even our present nominal form of government. Depend upon it, there is no difference between consolidation and em? pire 1 No difference between centralism and imperialism I The end of either, as well as all of tbe?e, is the overthrow of liberty sod tbe es? tablishment of despotism. 1 give you tho words of truth in great earnestness-words which, however received or heeded now, will be rendered eternally true by tbe developments of the future. Tours, most respectfully, ALEX A WD EB H. ST KPH PM -The Emperor of Morocco bas granted a hu ce tract'of land to an English company for the pur po s 3 o'raising cotton. Sprrial Vottrrs. 49* NOTICE TO SHIPPEB9 OF VEGE? TABLES P?R MANHATTAN.-ls the MANHAT? TAN will leave at Bight o'clock A. M on SATURDAY, tba lath instant, no Freight will be received after Eight o'clock P. M. on FRIDAY, 11th Instant. JAMES ADO EB t CO.. Jone 10 2 Agents. S9* M ARENGO.-F EVER AND AGUE CUBE, TONIO, FEVER PEEV2NT.V?-This val? uable medicine, entirely vegetable tn its prepara? tion, is offered to the public and warranted to cure any cs-e of CHI LOS AND FEVER of however long standing, completely eraiicitlng iti eff jet from the system, purifying the blood, strengthening the di gestrft organs, inducing on appetite, and keeping the system in perfe:t health. Those suffering from debility arri si a g from any cansD will find lt tho purest sui best TONIC to bo bad anywhere. To parsons raiding in unhealthy section?, or who are predisposed to fevers of any kind, it will be found invalnaolo as a preventive. It ia quite pleasant to the taste, and can bo given to children of all agc without Injury Namorous let? ters have been received testifying to its efficacy and value as a FEVER AND AGUE CORE AND TONIC. It ls fully guaranteed to sive complete and univer? sal satisfaction. MABENGOis no hunbug. Tay IT. For sale at retail by all Druggists. At wholesale bv DOWTE * MOISE, corner Meet? ing and Hasel streets; GOODRICH, WISEMAN & CO., Hayne-strcet, and G. J. LUHN, General Agent of Proprietor, southeast corner King and John streets, Charleston, 8. C. DAO Sni03 June 8 IS- PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE.-A NEW COURSE OF LECTUBES, aa deUvored at tbe New York Museum of Anatomy, embracing the sub? ject? : How to Live and What to Live for ; Youth, Maturity and Old Age ; Manhood generally review? ed ; the .lause ol Indigestion ; Flatulence and Ner? vous Dise lies accounted for ; amago Philosophi? cally Considered. Ac. Tb es o Lectures will be for? warded on receipt of four stamps, by addressing : 8ECBETABY BALT1MOBE MUSEUM OF ANATO? MY, No. 74 West Baltimore-street, Baltimore, Md. April 19_m wt lyr SS-HOME QUESTIONS FOR THE SICK? LY AND DEBILITATED.-Is it wrrth while to en? dure penal torture after everv meal, when indi gee:ion can be immediately relieved and perma? nently cured by so agreeable a remedy as HOSIE T T L n's 3TO vi ACH BITTER?! V Dois it pay to bc compelled by debility and lan? guor to abandon active busings, when brain, nerve and muscle eau be briced up, and tho whole system restored to a healthy cindi Hon hy a course ot H09 TETTKB'S BITTERS ? Why approajh the dinner table daily with a posi? tive diseu-it' for all that is savory and delici?is, when a vigorous appetite for even the plainest fare is created by the use of llOSTETTER'S BITTERS? I? it wise io live in this bright world as ir it werr a dungeon, g;o">roy. di-conteate.l and miserable, when the worst case of hypo:handria can be cur d in a week by euch a pleasant and wholesome cxhilarant as H IS li. TTl-R'S RUTERS ? Can it be possible that any person of bl'ious ha? bit will rou the risk of rc tr. i tent fever Ol bi ie us colic, when he can touo and regulato tue se? cretive organs with HOS TE fl EB'S BITTERS S Is it not a specie* 11 moral Insanity for any mer? chant farmer, mechante or tnvel er tobe without the boat known antidote to thc effects of poisoued air and Impute wat- r, t:'0 STE CT EB"j BI HERS ? Coos ilciiucr Ibo bat ratting and dopivssipg nature ot' tho fun -tiona! derangnmsats to which woman h subj:". !, is lt not astonishing tl it any Invalid of the fecblei ses should hesitate to sock the cer am relic: afforded In ?neb eis:.? by thc genual operation of HOSTtTIHB'S mn EES ? Tliesj aro Questions of de??cr Inl re-t than suv cf thc pnlltlcal dogma? of tho ? ?y. and thoso wh?tu Ibey concern ore kv ito J lo gire them something mor" than a pal slog thought. PAC ? June 6 ?S-mTCHELOR'? HAID DYE.-THIS ^p!e:;di;l Hair Dy> ia tba b?.-t in lbs world; Hie only true arid perfect lue; harmless, reliable, inata'ta neena; ??o lilUTPObitm nt; no ridiculous tinta; rem edies tho ill effect* of bael dyes; invigorates and loaves toe l air soft and beautiful blaok or bro <n, r-old ty all Druggets and Peri inner- ; ead properly applied at Bachelor's Wig Factory, No. - Bond street; New Yoijr. Jyr May 15 8EIGNIOU3-BUTLER -On the 8th ol June, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Bev. W. P. MouzoN, CHARLES W. SEIGNIOR, JB , to Misa MAST W., only daughter ot RICHAUD M. BUTXJEB, all of this city. Ko cards. * Spend Miffs. JW ESTATE NOTICE.-ALL PEBSONS indebted to the late JAMES MOULTRIE, M. D , will make payment, and tho?e haring claims against his estate will pref ent them properly attested to Messrs. RUTLEDGE kYouno, Solicitors, No. 20 Eroad-streel. H. G or RD IN, Qualified Executor. Janell Jone ll, 22lamo a $St* NOTICE .--CONSIGNEES PEE Schooner NEITIE RICHARDSON are notified that she 1? discharging Tars DAT at Ken's Wharf, and all Goods remaining on wharf after sunset will bo stored at expense and risk of owners. June ll 1 WEST k JONES. ter PROPOSALS FOB RATIONS AND FUEL FOR LIGHT-VESSELS, Ac.-OFFICE LIGHTHOUSE INSPECTOR, No. 40 B?OAD STBEET, AT CHARLESTON, S. C., JUNE f, 1869. SEALED PROPOSAL3 wilt be received at this office until Twelve o'clock M. on FATUBDAT, (ho 12th day of June, 1869, fdr furnishing and delivering Rations and Fuel as may be called for for the lignt-vessels and tenders which are or may be in this District, for one year, from the 1st day of July, 1869, to the 80th June, 1870, inclusive. 1 he rations to be of | gool and approved quality; to be delivered a'ong side of the lighthouse tender or other vessel pro? vided for the purpose, at Charleston, 8. C., and to be stated in the hid accordingly, in good and suffi? cient packages, barrels, boxes, and cases, and in good order, once a quarter, free of all expense to the United state?, agreeably to sp?cifications, which will farm a part of the contract, copies of which may be had by applying at this office. The bids for ratio as, coal, and wood, will be con aid-red separately. All bids must be sealed and endorsed "Proposals for Rations and Fuel for Light-vessels," and then placed in another envelope and left at or directed to this office, prepaid if sent by mail. By order of the Ligbthou e Board. E. E. STONE, Commander U. S. N.. Jone 10 3 Inspector Sixth District. WIHE NEATEST, THE QUICKEST AND THE CHEAPEST.-THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No. 143 EAST BAT, having replenished its Stock with a new snd large assortment of material or the finest quality and latest styles, ls prepared to execute, at ihe shortest notice and m the beet manner, JOB PR CN TING of every description. Call and examine the scale of prices before giving your orders eltewhere. AtrEXECUIOB'S FINAL NOITCE.-NO TICE is hereby given that on the SECOND SAX or J ULT ensuing, at ll o'clock, A. M., the undersigned will apply to the Jndge of Probate of Charleston County for a final discharge as Executors of Will of the late EBENEZER H. RODGERS. FRANCIS 8. RODGERS, ) GEORGE A. BODGERS,} ixecuiors. E. H. RODGERS, ) June 2 wfmlmo *5-CSEDITORS' NOTICE.-ALL PEBSONS indebted to Mr. GEORGE H. G RC BER are requested to make payments to either Mr. GEORGE H. GRUBE a, or to Mr. G. W. G RUBER, (to be found at Messrs. COuWIVdsTORE, KING-STREET,) during the month. After the first of June, all indebtedness unpaid will be placed into the hands of a Magistrate, n order to wind up theaffalrs as speedily aa possible. fl. Gaula rs ic 00., May 10 Imo_Agents lor Creditors. tk*T ESSAYS FOB YOUNG MEN.-ON THE Errors and Abuses incident to Toutb and Early Man? hood, with the humane view of treatment and cure, sent by mail free of charge. Address HOWARD AS? SOCIATION, Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. May 22 Smos Posiaess ((Lards. gllAMPUUIVG AND HAIK-CUTTlflO. LADLES AND CHILDREN attended at their residences promptly and at reason? able rates. Bend orders to W. E. MARSHALL, Barber, April 14 No. 31 Broad-atreet tup stain.) ^JMARJLESTUN AQUA UH IJTCKAL WAREHOUSE AND SEED STORE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, GARDEN SEEDS, dc. ELLERBE'S TRANSPLANTER FOR SALE. GEO. E. PINGREE. Ne. 140 Meetlng-stseet, Charleston. March 24 timo T U BU SIX KS ti MEN. THE SOUTER NEWS, PUBLISHED AT SUMTER, S. C., H ONE OF THE BEST PAPERS IN IHE UP? COUNTRY; bas a larne circulation, and affords an* purior advantages as an adverting medium. Terian low. Addres DARU k OtsTEEN, February 22 Pmon^or*. r W. <Si l?. G. WK LL 5 A CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, > o. H? WEST PKATT-STHK KT. BALTIMORE, MD., RECEIVE AND SELL ON COMMISSION ALL kinds ot early VEGETABLES, FRUITS, MELONS, Ac. We guarantee highest market prices and prompt returns tor all consignments to our house, stencil Plates furnift'ied iree 01 charge- 2mos May 3 j T. HUJHPHUEYS, BROKER, A UOTJONEER AND COMMIS? SION MERCHANT. SALES OF BEAL ESTATE, BIOCES, BONDS, SE? CURITIES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ATTENDED TO. No. 8 7 DAUA JU-STREET CHARLESTON, S. C. EEFEBENCE3. Hon. HENRY BUIST, W. J. MAGRATH, Esj.. General JAMI'S CONNER, T. K. WARING, Esq. Ortoli"_ Jg 1) W A ll JU JU A li Y , GENERAL COMMISSION MEEOHANT, No. 83 Warren-street. NEW YORK. PERSONAL ATTENTION orVEN TO THE PUR CUASI- ol ?.ll kinda 01 ll EUCH NLISE. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Cn s UL J Trunk*, ?ni 3i??w Hoods a specialty.. '.outtitfuniCE.'* of all kinds ol .staple Articles ana ireneral Produro solicited. Prompt reunus giu-a:.'.eed. . i-DWABD DALY, Late of Charleston. ;?. C. nu'.Tc-'Jy yrice Curri-..;!' tent tree by post. .lU'.T'* D.tC '"Cloe *,i/i?.Li>; is chisoLii, fy FACTORS, COMMISSION MBBOHAK?S ara SUIPP1NC AGENTS. WILL ATTEND TO TUE PURCHASE, HAL2 ASL SHIPMENT 'to Fore:f;u aim norton!!.- Torts o' COTTON, RICI?, LUM BEB AND NAVAL hTO"Jr. ATLANTIC WBA?J'. Charlea ton, S. 0. S. WILLIS.,.a. B- GHtSOLH October 25 FOR PROVIDENCE. THE FIRST-CLASS SCHOONER fi. N. HAWKINS. WIATT Marter, li av lug the largest portion cargo engaged, wanta some ?Co tl on and light Freight to Oil np. Jnne ll_2_WM. BOICH & CO. KXCCKSIONSI RXCCRSIONgr THE FINE FAST SAILING} YACHT 'ELLA ANNA, tte Crampton of the Soots, ?ls now ready and prepared to make reg alar .tripp, (hos affording an opportunity to all who may wish to visit points ol interest in our beau? tiful harbor. For passage, apply to the Captain on Union Wharf. ?_Imo_ May 16 EXCURSIONS AROUSD THK HARBOR. THE FINE, FAST 8 AILI NO AND OOM? 'FORT A BL Y appointed Yacht ELEANOR .will resume her trips to historie pointa In ?the harbor, and will leave Government Wharf daily at Ten A. li. For Paaaage apply to THOMAS YO C*N(J, . December 18 ?antain, on boara. FOR NSW 1JHK. REGULAR LINE EVERY WEDNESDAY, PASSA GK SSO. THE SIDE WHEEL 8TEAM8EIP ' MAGNOLIA, Captain M. B. Csow ELL, win leave V-ndeibont's Wharf -on WEDNESDAY, June leith, 1869, at ll o'clock A. M. Freight or vegetables received up to 10o'clock on day of s d?ng. BAVEN EL A GO., Agent* June 10 SEW TURK AND CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINE. FOR fi -K W YORK. CABIN PASSAGE $20. THE tFLKNDLD SIDE-WHEEL 'STEAMSHIP MANHATTAN, M. 8. WOODHULL Commander, wUl eaJF . from AdgeYa oouth ff hart on Sax. ORD AT, June 13, at 8 o'clock A M. 49" An extra charge of SS made for Tickets pur? chased on board arter sal ung. 49- No Billa of Lading signed after the steamer leaves. &s~ Thronen Bills Lading given for Cotton to Bonton and Providence, R. L Mf Marine Insurance by this Une per cent. t?r The Steamers of thia Hoe aT Ont class in every respect, and their Tables are en30Knd with aU the delicacies of the New York and Charleston mar? ks ts. For Freight or Paaaage, apply to JAMES ADG&H A 00.. Agents, Corner Adger's Wharf and East Bay (Up-rtaira.) June 7_?_6 PACIFIC MAIL. STEAMSHIP CO IUP Y 8 THBOCGH LIX* TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. CHANOS OF SAILING DATS! STEAMERS OF THE ABOVE line leave Pier No. 12, North Elver, foot of Canal-street, New York, ac 12 o'clock noon, of Ure let, 11th and Mat of every month (except when these dates tall en Sunday, then the Saturday preceding). Departure of lat and 21st connect at Panama with steamers for South Pacific and Central Americas ports. Those of lat touch at Manzardllo. Departure of 11th ot each ne on th connects with . the new steam line from Panama to Australia and New Zealand/ Steamship GREAT REPUBLIC leaves San Frttcis? co for China and Japan Jury 3. 1869. No California steamers touch at Havana, bnt go direct from New York to AsplnwalL One hundred pounds baggage fres to each adult, Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or further Information a rp ly at the COMPANF'S TICKET OFFICE, on the whsrt foot of Canal-street, North River, New York. March H_lyr F. g. BABY, Agent FOR GEORGETOWN, S. C. THE STEAMER EMILIE, CAPTAIN _lt. 0. LEWIS, will leave South Com? merdai Whurf aa above em MOND?T MORNING, nth instant, at S o'clock. Beturoing will leave Georgetown OB Tuaenax Av? TEBH00N, letti instant, at hall-past * o'clock. Freight received TO-MOBBOW (Saturday.) AU Freight prepaid. No Freight received after sunset. Apply to SHACKKfcFORD ft KELLY, Agents, June ll_2_No 1 Boyce's Whaaf. CRANGE OF SCHEDULE. FOR PALATKA, FLORIDA, . VIA SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA AND JACKSON VILLE. THE ELEGANT AND FIBST-CLA 8 _ST KA MER CIIY POINT, Captain KO. E. MCMILLAN, villi sail from Charleston every TTESDAT EVE NIH a, af Nine o'clock, tor the above' points. Connecting with the Central Railroad at Savannah for Mobile and New Orleans, and with tue Florida Railroad at Fernandina foe Cedar Keya, at which point steamers connect with New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola. Key West and Htvana. Through Bills Lading signed to New Orleans aa d M oM le. All freight payable on the wbarf. Goods not removed at sunset will be stored at rli k and expense of owners. J. D. AIKEN 4 CO., Agents, May 27 South Atlantic WharL Suinmcr torts. rpil E HOT SPRINGS, BATH COUNTY, VIRGINIA, 8. C. TABDY, & CO., PBOPBIETOBS, PB 3 FESS OE J. L. CAB ELL. M. D., OF THE ?MI VEBsrnr OF mona A, RESIDENT I'HISIOIAH, WILL BE OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OF VISI10HS, June 1st, under the mameemont of J. A. M00LUVG. All the bandings having been re? paired, painted and fitted out with new Furniture, Linen, Beds and 1 able-ware, these SPRINGS ofter unsurpassed attractions to both the ia valia and plea? sure-seeker. No expense or eOort has been spared by tho Proprietors to make it as comfortable and pleasant as possible to ail visitors. S3- Ibo HOI WA TER* here havo been well known for more than half a contnry to possess, in a wonder? ful degree, Tonic, Alteiatlve. Deturgent and Stimu? lating Properties, and have become Justly celebrated for thc cure ot Bheuma'ism, Gone, Diseases of tbe Liver, Skin. Bladder and Womb. Paralysis, the result of iujurv or si rion- effusion; Connection of Muscles and Joint?, Diarrhoea, and Dyspepsia, accompanied with t-ore Month and Tongue. Descriptive Pamphlets furniened by the Manager at the sgrinus, or by S. 0. TARDY ti CO., Rich? mond, Va. A telegraph offl -c will ba established at the Springs, thus affording vtsttOM an opportunity of prompt communication ?ah every part of the coun? try. Imo _May 22 -^yniTE si LPHI " SPRINGS, GREBNBRIER COUNTY, WEST VIBGINIA. THESE CELEBRATED SPRINGS. SO FAVORA? BLY knowa for their valuable ALTERATIVE WA? TER-, cbarmiug summer climate, and as one of the mo-t lashio table resorts in the country, will be ooeo for company on the 15th of M ty aud with the extens've im irov^menta that have been made, win oe prep ired for thc comfortable accommodation of from FIFTEEN HUNDRED TO TWO THOUSAND PERSONS. Tho WHITE SULPHUR is now the weslern termi? nus of tho Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, and the cars of thai road ' n ounection w th telegraphic fa? cilities) ?ill tv running to the >pnngs by 1st July. No nains or expense hnve or will u.* 6parod to se? cure the ? orut'ortaldo en ertiinmeut. in i'l th - virtc tits ot sc.'omm >.iatiou. of the l irje unmbt-r of vtol? (ors that will resort to thc Springs tba preicai tea sou jrrOnenf the heft L--WS AND BALL-BOOM BANJJS WI tl he in ittti'iidance ;an exeasive LIVERY has been provided; aad aubabie arnngements male to i eluate every Innocent and riciearive aita.', ta Mt appropriate to a FASHIONABLE WAT "RING PLACE. A number of Fau-yan.l Masquerade Balls will bo giren durlug th sei 0:1 Ch um ea w*ll hi $13 p ? . week, on 1 S?V per ra-mth. Children under tea vear.i ol ago and colored ser? van"?, halt. pri?e. Wiute set vants, according to ac commoduliuns, PJETTONS Si CO., PROPRIETORS. Wh'te Su" pour .'pring?, Wot Virginia. May 21 HnJ