University of South Carolina Libraries
THE DAILY NEWS! SI ORDAN, DAWSON * CO., PBOPBTETOBS. ' OFFICE No. 149 EAST BA T. -0 Sxjaa-Vtnx Nawa, on* year.$6 00 . Pitti Nm, tlx montas. 3 00 PAJLT Nzws, three month-.a 00 Txx-WnaaxY Haws, one year.3 00 TTU-WEEJCLT NKWS, six months.a 00 PiTXXjrr invariably in advaice. No paper sent ?atoas the cash accompanies the order, or for a long ?ruma than paid for. TBB DAILY Nawa wm be served to subscribers in Ute etty at 15 cents per week. A.DYXBT1S KMEHT8.-First insertion, IS cents a hne; subs?quent insertions, 10 cents a Une. Business Notices, 20 cento a hne. Marriage and Funeral No tioea. One Dollar eaeb. V KWH S UM MAX Y. ? -Gold cl OB ed at S7f. _In New York cotton closed firm, with tales ol 2200 bales at 28J?. -Io liverpool, on Saturday, uplands olosed a Hf, and Orleans at 12d. -Tho rumor of a oonspiraoy among tho coo to murder and plunder their employees c oated intenso excitement in Honolulu, April iii. -Th? Cubans say they intend to initiate their grand activity against the Spaniards when the sickly season begins, which they can .a'and and the foreigners cannot. How do the -filibusters like this notion ? -lt is stated that after June 1st the charges f cable messages of ten words will be $10 in K A?, exclusive of address and Signatare, and one dollar for each additional word, with fifty jots cent, discount on press dispatches, except cipher and commercial news, which will be | c iarged foll rates. -The colored man named Adam Dollie, re- j u laing in Mill-street, Savannah, who waa dread? fully barned on Saturday nient last by ?he ex? plosion 'of a kerosene lamp, is dead. . This io the second death which bas. occurred rn that Oily within the last two months, from tb? uso of explosive oil. -icc:.tary Fish is preparing the instruc? tions io Minister Motley, which will be forward *ril to him before*he leaves, on the 19th, for , "l^aud. There has been a great deal of ..culanoo. about the probable tenor of these [ - di?p&?cbes, ba. it is not probable that any one ?exeo?S Secretary Fish, Mr. Motley and Mr. Saran, r bas any correct idea of what they are tobe. -V.-ry late dispatches, received ia Washing ' toa, by the government, leave no room to doabt an imminent and widespread revolution in Mexico. There is no reason to believe that oar government bas any policy in view of anarchy there. Our foreign relations are in such criti? cal condition all around, and the members of tba Cabinet ao mach at variai ce, that it is not unlikely that the President will call Congress together by the first of August. -Tho intelligence lately published to the, affect that Dr. Livingstone, the great African - explorer, had arrived at Zanzibar, is, contra? dicted. His friend, Dr. Murchison, now infers that ba has travelled west from from the southern end of Lake Tanganiki, (finding its waters did not flow northward,) following the rivers which issue on the west coast of Africa. Under this supposition he may be first beard of from one of the western Portuguese settle? ments, or even from those on the Congo. -The intelligent Havana correspondent of ? the Journal of Commerce says that a battalion of 1010 regalar soldiers, includig officers, ar? rived there on the 34th ulL, and that this made ' a grand total of 18,517 men received there for 'service from Spain since December 13, 1868. Thia being all the reinforcements added to tho .Spanish army in Coba since the beginniog of tb? revolution, it ia evident that it most be a peat deal weaker than it was at the outset. i Tba show for the Spaniards ia a great deal poorer than waa supposed. - ' -The Russian correspondent of the London Tablet writes : AOur military men assure os / that the sommer will not pass away without a > earfrpaigD. They profess to have certain in? formation that the French artillery whs never . at any time so formidably complete in all its departments. The govern ment -seems teebar e, with toe officers tho expectation of war. Great j ? activity reigns 'in the arsenals. That of St. Petersburg alo? ba? cast, bored and grooved- j ? judie than 450 4 pd un dara and over 190 9- po un - ' ors, on the new system, at the rate bf two a day; and 100 heavy guns havo boon rifled. _The Mtatmiaaioner of hater nal revenue, . * ~with; tba approval of the Secretary of the Trea? sury, will shor dy issue a circular to tho vari ow?, officers of the revenue departmen , in? structing them relative lo incomes derived 1 ' by Bubjecta of foreign governments upon ?api? tal invested m thia country, chief Justice - -Orase recently decided upon tho circuit, io -, Baltimore, that tire government could not ; w?ihojdth? Ave per cerit. tax from foreign. . subjects; hen?J the circular will ba issued in? structing officers not to collect the sa tao. 'The r t *njount heretofore collected will. be refunded, and aggregates a considerable sana, one claim alone being about $190.000. ~ ... -A dispatch was-received in Washington on Wednesday by the British minister from the . "Bngrifih consul at Havana giving an account ', ot another Spanish ???lrage OD the high seas, ? ' Accord in g to this dispatch, a Spanish var ves? sel hailed an'Englfsh brig at sea, and the lat? ter refusing .to stop, was fired into by the Spaniard and sunk. This is tho substance of the dispatch, which Mr. Thornton immediately sent to his government over the cable. As tho ? dispatch ia extremely meagre, not stating whether tho information respecting tho out? rage was received originally from the Spauish man-of-war or from some survivors of the sunken brig, the authorities hore scarcely know whether to credit it or not. -The party consisting ot ex-Governor Ward, of New Jersey, Colonel Forney, General Van Wyck, of New York, and others, who started on a Southern trip two weeks ago, have re taroed to Washington. They went as far as Florida, stopping at the principal cities and towna on the way. They all concur in the re? port that the industrial prospects have im? proved. They say the negroes are working better this year than last, and the whites gen ?rally seem to be more industrious, and the crops look wen. The people are anxious for Northern immigration, and millions of acres of good lands are offered to capitalists. The party were everywhere well received, and rail? road companies provided special oars on the .trains for their accommodation free of charge -Of the crop prospects in Georgia, the Au? gusta Chronicle says: "Wa regret to learn that the cold weather of the past week has very materially injured the crop prospects in -thia portion of the State. Tie cold easterly --winds which have prevailed for several days, and the slight frosts of Friday and yesterday morning, have caused the cotton to die out, and on the light sandy lands great fears are felt that the stand will be destroyed. Corn is small and does not look healthy, the cold having given it a yellow, stunted appearance. The ?tanda of this crop are generally good, and with a fair season wo maj- expect a good jieltl. Wheat and oats have, until within a few days, looked remarkably well. The cold has effected these crops, and if tho present cold sm p con? tinues mauy days wheat will be seriously in? jured." -The death of Prince Alexander Sergoyvitch Mentscb ikoff, of Russia, is announced by a tele? gram. Thia distiriguiahed piinco and soldier waa horn in 1789, entered the imperial service in 1805, accompanied Alexander ? as aide-de camp during the campaigns of 1812-14, W&B subsequently promoted to the rank of General, but resigned in 1823, when the Czar d?fini ti v3 ly abandoned the cause of tho struggling Greeks. Under Nicholas he served as ambas? sador to Persia, and afterwards took part in the war against that country, captured Aoapa, but was seriously wounded at Varna, and sub? sequently devoted himself to the development of the Russian navy. lu 1853 he was sent to . Constantinople to urge the claims of Nicholas m the affairs of Turkey, but only succeeded in promoting a speedy rupture, the result of which was the Crimean war. He commanded both the land and navil forces in the Crimea, lost the battles of Alma and Inkermann, but .distinguished himself by bia energy in the do fence of Sebastopol, He was superseded in March, 1855, by Gertacbakoff, and waa ap? pointed by Alexander II .commander of (.'ron? stadt. At the time of bia death he was Admi? ral of the Basaian navy. CHARLESTON. MONDAI MORNING, MAT 10, 186?. North? rn Men iii tlie South. Mr. John W. Forney came, saw, and wrote a letter tc his two papers-the Washington Chronicle and Philadelphia Press-in which he related his experience of Charleston and South Carolina. With his face glued to a windor.-, he passed through as much of the State as is traversed by the Wilmington and -Manohpstor and Northeastern Railroad?, and waa able, of course, to familiarize him? self with the composition of the soil, the peculiarities of the climate, and the inside and outside nature of the people. Twenty four hours enabled him to do what his com? patriots failed to accomplish in thrice twenty-four years, and, in his own opinion, Forney is now a marvellous proper person to applaud or abuse the South. With one hand he pats approval of the fer? tility of the land and the quiet whioh every? where prevails. With the other he waves ao proval of political pickpockets and condem? nation of the old slaveholding aristocracy. Bitter and sweet, truth and falsehood, are curiously combined in his Charleston letter, But throughout the whole there is one strain of which he never tires-a lugubri? ous lament that "the old residents have no "social intercourse with the Yankees." It would be easy enough to give reasons why there might be an invincible prejudice against strangers, and particularly against strangers like Mr. Forney. There would be no difficulty in showing that a foul? mouthed Radical, who curses and reviles the South until the hope of profitable land speculation bids him cease, can never enter within the portals of an honest South? ern home. But this does not touch the root of the question, whioh is that the whole subject of social and personal intercourse must b% regulate! by each man for himself, and not by his neighbors or the epistolary Forney. Mr. A, B or C has no right to be the personal friend of any man or set of men merely because he was born in this place, or was not born in that. The new comer may be active and enterprising, up? right in all his dealings, an excellent per? son to know on the wharf or in the count ing-room, and yet not one with whom his business acquaintances would desire to have their wives and children familiar. It is of little consequence whether his birth-plaoe ia in Louisiana or Massachusetts. The man must prove himself or be proved hy others, and even then it will depend upon individual tastes whether he will be admit? ted to that social intercourse -which Mr. Forney craves. There are very few North? erners, it is true, who beoome our familiar friends. Thia is because of the general worthlessness of the Bohemians who seek to overrun the Stale. The New York Times speaks of "the adventurers who have gone ?into the .South," and Harper's Weekly saya: "Oae wonders that the South does "not rebel anew when he considers the "miserable vermin who have been sent down "there as government officials;" a td the Chicago Tribune, another Radica' sl<eet, denounoes "the carpet-baggers-the sirol? "ing, pilfering political blackleg* of the "North," by whom the South is "ridden ?and robbed." And it is these "adventu? rers," these "vermin," and these "black. - "legs," whom Mr. Forney would have us clasp to our breasts as fit companions for sister, wife and children. No thank you ! Mr. Forney. As we said, this is a matter whioh every man must regulate for himself. Each on? should and will choose his own companions and select his own friends. There is free trade in friendship, at least, and, the principle here shall be to think of a man as we find him. And we havo no fear that the bugbear of "social exclusiveness" will have any effect in preventing the influx of Northern capi? tal. If a Northern man, or any other man, comes to South Carolina, it ia because he sees a chance of making money. Not one will come for the sake of going into "so? ciety." It is a plain calculation, a simple question of dollars and cents-as it ought to be. The sweetness of tbe Southern fire? side will not console the stranger for fail? ing trade and consequent loss of capital. Nor will the absence of this private inti? macy rob fortune of its obarms. The merchant, or the broker or the professional man who immigrates to this State, does so because he believes that he will make more progress here than he could do at home; and he will not, if he has any senBe, be deterred from ooming by any dread of being barred out from some par? ticular class of "sooiety." AB time rolls on the new arrival is understood and appreci? ated acoording to his worth, and, if he is not, the loss will be to others rather than to himself. When he has become, in fad as well as in name, a part of the State, in? terested in its progress and oonoerned in ita good government, he,. will have friends and acquaintances enough, and will have made for himself a "society" whioh will be all that he needs and all that he desiree. Hold out the inducements. Show thc cheap? ness of land and labor. Prove the scarcity of money and the gain to bc made by its use. These will bring Northern? s and Europe? ans to the shares jt South Carolina-not travellers with carpet-bags, but settlers with trunks, who will be of us and with us, and will have no cause to complain of their reception, notwithstanding the ominous pre? dictions of thc disappointed Forney. Thc State Militia. It will be seen by a circular published in another column, that Adjutant-General Mo? ses declares that " no orders have yet been issued looking to the organization of the State militia, or the arming and drilling of | the same." There have, undoubtedly, been movements looking to an immediate organi? zation of an armed forced of some kind in different localities ; but we accept the statement of the Adjutant-General that this was done without authority, and call the attention of all persons to that portion of the militia law which deolares "that "there shall be no military organizations or "formations for the purpose of arming, "drilling, exercising the manual of arms or "military manouvres not authorized under "this act." We also again express the hope that the active organization of the militia will be postponed for many months to come. It is not necessary for any public purpose, and can do no good, whilo it mast cause grave alarm and may lead to serious riot and dis? order. THE Clarendon pr<ms complains that tbe Charleston papers published on Saturdays never reach that place. The fault is not with us, as THE NEWS is mailed with the regularity of clock-work. We hope that Postmaster Trott will give an eye to this matter. _iL?!?}:_ TU KENT, F?llt UPRIGHT ROOMS, witb Dressing Boom and Pantry. Apply at No. 25 LEGattE-STREET. May 10 I_JnSalt._ FOK SALE. ON E-H.VLF INTEREST IN one ot Page's first-class CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, with Buildings, Lot, ftc, located on the Wilmington and Manchester -Railroad, near Tim monaville, 8. C., now la operation,, and plentifully supplied with timbar. ?J ALSO, A comfortable DWELLING AND LOT in the thriv? ing J own of Florence. Tbe Lot measures 7< feet front on Iruy-street by 300 feet on tbe Un rof Chevea-itrcet; beirut centrally located, ls one >C the most desirable reaideuoe? in the said town. For far? ther pirtlca ara, address Mrs. H. L. >0 WER-), Flor? ence Hotel, Florence, S. 0. m May 10 FOR SALK.-TUE LI V UK 15 S I G\ KU OF? FER* for sale a one-half Interest in the office, of lHE ABBEVILLE Li A NN EU, to a cash pureba--, r. The office ii- well supplied wltb printing material ;haa ample facilities for Job Printing, as well as the pub? lication of a weekly newspaper. The paper has a large list of subscribers, and enjoya an advertising patronage second to DO other paper in the State. Terms made kaown and further particulars given on application. W. W. l'A H KOW. April 2G mwflmo ST KA."?I E.VGliVKS Killi SALK CHEAP, if applied tor immediately ll) Ono 12 horne Portabio ENGINE (1) One 4-borse Portable Engine. ALSO, ll) One 8-horse-power ENGINE, in Rood condition. CAMERON. BARKLEY * CO., Northeast comer Meeting and Cumberland-streets. January IA FUK SALE, OhO NEWSPAPERS IN any quantity. ITice 75 cents per hundred. The cheapest wrapping paper that can bo used. Ap? ply at the office of TH E N K WS. March 1 pst uno /oun?i. FOI SD-KOTTMJ II? CHURCH-9IBJEET, Wednesday lut, a BUNDLE, which the owner oan have by paying expenses. Apply at the NORTHWEST OORNEB OF CALHOUN AND WASHINGTON STREETS. 1? My 10 FOUND, ON MARKET WHARF, LAST Tuesday night, oho box of TOBACCO, which the owner can have by proving property and paying expenses May 7 licmuD?l. IRESPECTFULLY INFORM M V fricar?a and the public that I have removed to Na 249 KUNG-STREEl'. nearly opposite to Mr. C. Kerrison'* Dry Goods Establishment. CB ABLES BEBRI SON, Jr., May 8 6 (Han ware.] EXCELLENT PKIVATE HO vit DING ls offered at Summerville, which ia noted for its healthfulnras; and near to tbe depot. Apply to Mrs. C. G. WHITE. m April 12 goltts. . rjOLVUBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. TBE PROPRIETORS TAKE PLEASURE IN announcing that this elegantly furi tabed estab? lishment la now open for the accommodation of guests. The table will always be aupplied with everr delicacy of the season-both from the New York and Charleston markets, and no efforts will be spared to give perfect satisiactlon, m every respect, to our patrons. FBEE LUNCH in the refectory every day from ll until hall-past 12 o'clock. WM- GORMAN. 1 ? H. H. BADENHOP, J Pr0Prtet:)r8 May 6 tbm6 gT. CLOUD HOTEL. THIS NEW AND COMMOL10173 BOUSE, LOCAT? ED caraar or Broadway and Forty-secoud-sireet, possesses advantages over all otber hoares for the ac? commodation ot Its cuesta, it was built expressly for u Arpt-clsss family boarding hourn.--the rooms being large and eu suite, heated by sieum-wlib bot and cold w .ter. and furnished MCOnd to none; while tho culinary department is iii thc :uost experienced banda, ail.-rdin? guee ts an unequalled table. One of Atwood's Patent-Elevators ts aiso nmong the "modern improvements" and at the service ot gnests at ali hours. The Broadway and University Place Car* piss Ihe door every four mluute?, menin.' from the City Hall io Ocnlril Park, while the Mxtb an 1 : cvonib Avenue hhe*are bul a short block uti either able, affording ample facilities for communicating with ml rho depots, ste-inii-oat landings, places of axuse uieut and business of the great metr?polis. .neill. ?Si BULLEY, Proprietors. larch 12 Gmo? _?trtilijers. SUPERPHOSPHATES. CUOASDU.F.'S GENUINE PHOSPHATE AND BOWEN'S COMPLETE MANURE. Both sLiudard Fertilize, s. For bale by WM." G'. HNi-Y. No. 102 Fast Buy, tole Agent tor south Carolina. Apr.l 20 Imo ||l?WAlll) HALY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 813 Warren-street. NEW YOEE. PERSONAL ATTENTION UTVEN TO THE PUR? CHASE of all kinds ot MERCHANDISE. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ca s and Trunks, and Straw Goods a .peciaJty. Consignments of all kinds ol Staple Articles and general Proouco solicited. 1'rompt returns guaranteed. EDWARD DALY, Late of Charlestou, a O. Ferai-Weekly Prico Currents sent tree by post. January 'is ._ DAC fimos C KAUFMAN, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION AGENT, No. ?5 BROAD-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C., ttocla^iAi'?^ EsrATE' B0SDS? AND Auction sales of HORSES, MULES, 4c April 9 fm wi mo ?kitf. WA NT F. I?. A FIHVT-lLASS WHITK B\B btu, to KO to Columbia. Good wages offered. Inquire at C. S< -HUBE ET, > o. :2 Georce suvet. 2* May 10 SKl? VA NTS WAN Tl* D -V WOMAN to Cook and Wa sb. Also, a man terran'. Ap? ply at the northeast corner of WAHREM AMD SMI I B STREETS._1_May 10 WANTED-AGENTS-$75 TO $*?U0 PEU month, ev. ri where, male and female, to in? troduce the GENUINE IMPKOVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SAWING MACHINE. This ma? chine will st ten. hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cor.i, bind, braid ana embroider lu a moat superior manner P. ice only $18. iully warranted for five years. We will pay S10U0 tor anv machine that will sew a stronger, more b-autitul, or u ore ela?tic seam than oura. It mike? too * Elastic Lock Mitch " Every second -titcbcan be cut, and still the c'otb caatnot bo pulled apart wJthont tearing it. Wepiy ageut* from $75 to ?200 per ra mth and expenses, or a com? mission (rom wbicb ta?en tbat amount ran be made. Address, SECOMB & CO., P1TT.-BURG, PA.; ST. LOni-:, MO , or BO- I ON. MASS. CAUIION.- Do not bo imposed upon by other palming off worthless cus-iron machines, nuder the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only eenuioe and really practical cheap machine manufactured. 78 Mavft WANTKD-AGH'NTS -TO SELL THE AMERICAN ENI I TING MACHINE. Price $25. The simplest, cheapest and best Kultiiog Ma? chine ever invented. Will knit 20.000 eriUbesptr minute. Liberal inducements to Agent?. Address AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE COMPANY, Boston, Masa., or ht. Louis, Mo. May?_;_78 (JOI'THEKN SECTJK1TIE8 WANTED. IO Mobi.e aud Obk) Stcrliugand Interest Bonds, Memph s and Little Rock First Mortgage Benda, Souta Carolina Railroad sixes and Sevens, Montgom? ery and Euiaula Railroad Lends, (endorsed by Ala? bama,) Mississippi Central Railroad First and Second Mortgage Bonis. Addreaa WM. B. CT Le. Y & GEO. W. DOUGHERTY, No. ll Wall-street, New York. April 10_Ina? WANTED, SUBSCRIBERS FOR ALL THE LEADING MAGAZINES AND NEWS? PAPERS, at publisher's rates. CHARLES C. RIGHTER, Apnl 21 No. 161 King-street. "ITTANTKD, FIKST-CL\?S TKAVEL YV LING SALESMEN in every State, Hood ?ages or a liberal per cent, and ateady employment. Addre***, w th ?tamp, B. F. HOWE, No. 639 Arch stree', Philadelphia, Pa. Smos April 3 WANTED. AGENTS KOK THE AMERI? CAN FA KM Kits' HORSE BOOK, in both Eng? lish and German, by Robert Hewart, V. H., of Miss. 'I he work covers the whole ground of the breeding aud raisin/;, and the treatment oi horses and mules, both in sickness and health. It has won its way to popular favor, and is to-day the most popular and be.-t seRing Horae Book ont. Address U. F. VEN ., Publisher, Cincinnati, O. too? March 19 WANTED, KV KU Y HOD Y TO SUB. SCRIBE to the CIRCULATING LIBRARY. CHARLES C. RICHTER'S Select Library of New Books contains all of the lateet publications. April 21 No. 161 KING-STREET. State Sbnrtisfrnfnts. ?\ I R C U L A li . HEADQUARTERS SOLT H CAROLINA MILITIA. 1 A DJ OT IUD AID JXSFKOrOB GSNZIUL's Orale?, > COLUMBIA, S. C., May 8. 1809. ) W BI EH EAS, hEVEBAL COMMUNICATIONS have been received at these headquarters, calline at? tention to their regular formation ot militar*, compa? nies in various aeotionsof the State; and, whereas, no orden have yet been issued looking to the organ? ization ol the state Militia, or the arming and dril? ling of tbe aame; therefore, the following section ol the "Act to organize and govern the Militia of tbe i late ot South Carolina," approved March 16, 18G9. ia herewith published for the intimation of all con? cerned : Sio. 14. That the organized Militia of this State ?hall be known as tbe National Guard ot the Male of South carolina, and ?ball conant of auch Divisions, brigid* a, realmente and battalions, and, in ad .iitu u thereto, such batteries of light artillery, and troop? and aqua Irons ol cavalry, aa the Comm.nder-in Chief may deem i xpclleu ; and nothing herein con? tained shall bc ao uonatrm-d aa to interf?re with the power ot the ('ommanoor.iD-Chief, in case of war or insurrection, or of imminent danger thereof, to order drafts of the militia, and to form ne ?r?gi? ments, battalions, brigades or dlvfaio. a, aa ho may deem just und proper: Provided, that lhere shall be no military organizations, or loruiationa for the pur? pose, of arming, drilling, exorcising thu manual of arms, or military manouvres, not authorized under thia act, and by tbe commander-! n-chlci; and any Neglect or violations of the provisions of this section shall apon convlottou, bo punished with imprison? ment at hard labor in the State Penitentiary for a term not less than ono >eir, nor more than three years at the discretion of a competent court . By ordar of his Excellency, the CominandA-ia qiiiaf. F. J. MO?Es, Ja , May 1$ 1 Adjutant and inspector-QpneraL ^LNKlttL U HD K. ICS No. a. HEADQ'RS SOUTH CAROLINA MILITIA, ) ADJUTANT ANO INSPXCron-GKNIRAL'U OFFICE, ) < OX.VMBIA, .?v. U_ MAT 3. 1869. J SUCH CITIZENS OF THIS STATE AS ARE comprised within the following classes, and desire to be exempted frcm service In the .Militia, io accord? ance wttb the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to organize and govern tbe Militia of the State ot South carolina," approved March 16. 1869, are here? by iostruct-d to forward to thia ofBce, immediately upon the promulgation ot thia order, applications (or exemption: I. Regularly ordained or licensed ministers and preachers of the Goepel. IL Clerks and employees in pub: c om-es. Justices of the Peace or Magistrates, sher ff? Cotouers, ?'un? stable-, Civil Officers of the United States, Ferry men employed at any ferry on a post road, and Millers. HI. All persona entertaining conscientious scru? ples against bearing arms, practicing phyeielana, pro? fessors, teachers and students in college*, academies anil common schools. TV Persona regularly and honorably discharged from the army or navy of thc United .states, in con? sequence of tho performance cf mil tory oi naval.iu ty, in purtuanceof any law of thia State; and all t ortona who now aro (cr mav hereafter be) active members of regularly incorpora e i fire companies in this St tte. V. Commissioned officers who ahab have served as such in toe militia or this .?tate (pi evious to th? 20th day ot December A. D. I860) or i u any ?ne of the United St'tea, for the space of seven years, i Bat no such officer shall be i xempt unless bia resignation, after such term ot, has been accepted, or In some other lawlul manner he shah have been honorably discharged.) YL Idiots, lunatics, paupers and persons con? victed of int ame a? crimes. Sac. 2. AU applications for exompbon must le made upon tbe affidavit of ths app'icanr, and i-bull distinctly set forth the mime. oceupaUon. age and residence ?li in a cou>'ty, town, or village, the name of the township ; if in a city, the ward,) of such applicant. sxo 3. Applications fron clerks or employees in public offices" most, in al ca^oa bo accompanied with certifica tes from their respectivo chiefs or employ? ers. baa 4. Applteat'ons for the exempt!'n of idiots, lunatics and paupers must io made hy their "next friend," apon his affidavit, und must be accompa? nied, in thc two Drat cases, by tho certiOcate it the attending physician. By or.ii-r of Ilia Ixcullency, tbe Cr mm itid-r-in Chlef. F.J. MO'ES Ja., blay 10 1 Adjutant aud IuspcoiorGeLcral. J.T ni'MPIlHE VS, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND COMMIS? SION MERCHA2? 1. SALES OF BEAL ESTATE, 1-TOUfiS, bO.VL.-, sE CChll IES ASP PERSONAL PUOPECTY ATTENDED To. No. ? 7 BROA D - S T lt K K 1 CHARLESTON. S. C. HKFEBSSCSa Hon. HEN UV BUIST. W. J. MAGRATH, fra. General JAM KS CONN KR, T. r.. WAKING, Lsu,. Octolipr QHAH11?KKLA1N * SEABItooK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND S Oh IC I TO RS IN EQUITY, l lia ri th ton, S. C. Office in the Courthouse. D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Ath-Oei.erul ..E. B. S EAD ROOK. Special uCeuilon will bc paid to the Proaucu'lou of Claims held by panics outxi >e of the State. Muy i rjAO BD HK S? a' .U EN. THE SUMTER NEWS, . PUB USUEL AT SUMTES, S. C., l?s ONE OF THE BES L' PAPERS IN 1HE UP COUNTKY; baa a laroo circulation, and affords su? perior advautagea as au advertising medium. Terms low. Addrea DARR k OVTEEN, February 22 Propn**'"-" JAMES KNOX.JOH>- GILI KNOX & (il LL, COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 125 SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE, Consignments of COTTON, RICE, 4c, respect? fully aoUcited, and liberal advances made thereon. Orders for CORN and BACON promptly executed with care and attention. April 27 Linios? fllttUn&s. O?:.WOK L?DGE, Ko. 14, A. F. Jil. THE BEGULAB COMMUNICATION OF ORANGE Lodge. No 14. will be held THIS tvxsma, at Masonic Hall, at Eight o'clock precisely. Caudidates for E. A. Degree will please be pnce tu? ri. THOMAS ?. BEE. May 10_Sraretary. L O T-H O L D IC lt S MAGNOLIA CKME1ERY. THE ANNUAL ME TING OF THE LOT-HOLD? ERS ol Magnonia Cemetery will be held at the office of the Insurance and Trust Company, No. 8 Broad-street, Ima DAT, tbelOtb instant, at Twelve o'clock M. W. C. BEE, Chairman of the Board of 1 rustres. May 10_6 THE HOM bl LOAN ANO BCILOlVCi ASSOCIATION THE SIXTY-SEVENTH INSTALMENT IS DUE this date. Monthly Meeting and aale of money TO-NIOHT at Eight o'clock, at Masonic Hall. . The One will be Imposed on all who do not piompt ?y meet their dues. F. B. HACKER. May 10_Secretary and treasurer. CONTINENTAL FIKK COMPANY AND STATE GUtBD. ASPECIAL MEETING OF THE ABOVE OR? GANIZATION will be held at the Military Hall THIS EVENTJIO, May 10th, 1869. By order of GEO. A. RICHMOND, May IO President. l.\SuttlV(K ANO TWIST COMPANY OF CHARLESTON. ASPECrAL MEEI IN + ( F THE 8TCCKHOLD ERS of toil Company will be held at Iheir Office. No. 8 Broad-street, on WEDNESDAY, the 12th instant, at 12 o'clock M. A general and punctual attendance is requested, as business of importance will be submitted. JOHN H. HONOUB, May 7 President. Cigars, Chorro, &c J. MADSEN'S CIGAR MANUFAC TOBI And Wholesale and RotevU TOBACCO HOUSE, Nb. 31* EJNO-STBBET, CORNER SOCIETY. CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF American and Imported LEAF TOBACCO, for cigar manui*ctnrers, as follows: 1. CONNECTICUT LEAF, irom floe flavored fill? ing, at 12)i reata per pouna, and self work at 25 eta. per pound upwards to the finest selection of wrap? pers, at SI per pound. 2. NEW VOBK STATE SEFD-flue, leafy wr p pers, from 35 cents upwards to 50 cents per pound. 3. OHIO LEAF-wrappers.from 20 cents upwards to 35 cents per pound. 4. A flue assortment of SPANISB LEAF, from $110 to $115 (per the bale;) upwards to nice wrap? pers at $2 per pound. As tho Leaf is bought direct from the planters, I am able to sell aa low aa any Northern honao. CIGtRS, Of our own manufacturing. The fellow lng brands always on hand : "LA CAROLINA" CIGAR", at $20 per M. "La Corona de t sp ma," at $26 per M. "Partitas." ut $v> per M. "H. Upmann" (H.'vana), at $50 per M. "Figaro" (Spanish reed), ac $60 per M. "Figaro" (gt nuino Havana), at ?75 per M. "C. M." (genuine Spanish), at $80 per M. "The Lost Sensation," a t.'mar ?hieb lights Itself, made of Havana Tobacco at $60 per M. hu; ort. d Cigars of all grades. A genuine Spanish Cigar can always be had at re-. tail lor 10 cents. OF SMOKING TOBACCO, A fine assortment for cale at manufacturers' prices. Genuine Uurham and other celebrated brands al? ways on baud. CHEWING TOBACCO. As FIG, NAVY and PLUG TOBACCO, at all prices; and PIPES, Of all tic script ions. Merchants ana Consumer* are respectfully invited to give a cull, as I can mpply them with everything in tbe Tobacco line at tbe lowest price. Pnce Current will, b\ request, bc forwarded any? where. J. MADsl'N. April 10 Imo <iH?rt)inm), (Castings, (gtr. FL0UK AND CORN MILLS AND MIEL, MACHINERY. ALL COMPLETE, FURNISH Et) AT SHORTEST NOTICE, and of tbe nost improved style and plans. Four of the said Mtlls are in operation in this city now, and have all proved satisfactory and superior to all others. Bolting Cloth, Fcreen Wire, kc. constantly on htiLd. HAR1 k MUNCON. - Utica, New York. For particulars apply to the undersigned, whore the Mills can be seen in full operation' daily. JOHN CA MP.-EN A CO . Agents tor South Carolina, Maren ll thm 3mos Charleston, 8. C. "jyjEETlNG-STREET FOUNDRY. THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW FURNISHING THE IMPROVED MCCARTHY COTTON OIN, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, of various sues on band IMPROVED VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL COHN MILLS, SUGAR MILLS, SUGAR BOILERS AND PANS, or au sizes HORSE POWEB3 AND GIN GEARING, from 6 to IC feet In diameter IMPBOVED LEVER COTTON PRESSES for Hand. power. Saw and Bice Mills MACHINEBY AND CASTINGS of all dcscrlprioni made to order Particular attention paid to HOUSE FRONTS AND CASTINGS FOR BUILD? INGS, GRATINGS, CISTERN COVEBS, SASH WEIGHTS, rfc, ?Cr, WILLIAM 8. HENEREY, MACniNISl AND FOUNDER. No. 314 MEETING-STREET, CHARLESTON, P. C. August 3 rows JAMES ?. SPEAR, No. Q35 KING-STREI 1 OPPOSITE IIASE?, DESIRI'S TO CALL THE ATTENTION CF HIS fri' uds and thc public generally to his sto.k of I FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, .-ILVr.R PL VI ED WARE. AND FANCY GOODS, which hu hus ju.-t re? i-iveil ol of tho latest stylo.*, un i disposing of at very reasonable prices. SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES of nil kilda. G LA-SES DEFI IT ED TO SOU' ALI. EYE-. JEWELRY carefully repaired, Diamonds and o'h'-r precious Stones ?ot to order. Mr. G. W. J* I Hu huviug returned, is incitaron of the WATCH DEPABIMENT, and all Watches tor repairs Aili bc under hts supirvl-loa. Apt ll 12 in wt I m o /ono) (Ennis, fir. TO TUE LADIES. TI TE WOULD RESPECTFULLY STATE. OUR VV mmv years'exper unce m the manufacture of ORNAMENTAL U-tlR WO' K enablu us tootler to our cuHtoruers the finest assortment Of every ar? ticle require.i in our line, trow the small FRIZZES lo the full Wl<:, tmbra'in,' Ural ls or S wifhes. Culls, Waterfalls, Cu-h. ons, Cri nipt ii air, Bands Curls, Ringlots, kc. TORTOI -E-SHELL DHEWNG. TUCK, SIDE AND FANCY COMBS, and COMBS ol every other class. To the tientlem''ii. WE CAN FURNISH WIGS, TOUPEES, WHIS? KERS, MUSTACHES, IMPERIALS, 4c. To Our Customers Generali}'. T HE FINEST FRENCH AND ENGLISH PERFU? MERY. >OAPa, POMADKS, HAIR OILS. HAIR RE S'OUATIVE-i, COSMETICS Ac, from the most re? spectable houses in each c.mntry. Om GE M AN COLOGNES ar? unsurpassable. Fur English and French Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Tortoi-hell, Buffalo and other Dressing, wc challenge rivalry. Particular attention 1? paid lo the making of Me? mento Hair Work as BREAST PINS, EAR RINGS, FINGER RINGS. CHARMS, Ac. All oiders by mail will beso Ulled that the reputa? tion ol the house tor tic thirty-five years shall not suffer in our hands. Always on hand a fine as? sortment of French Jewelry. A liberal discount to merchants and thc trade. M. ?fe A. ASHTON, No. 240 KING-STREET. January 6 tal m CHARLESTON, S, C. - ?Bmnsements. ASUlAGI ON LIGHT INFANTRY CHA BITA BLE ASSOCIATION FAIR, Va aid of the CHARITY FUND AND TO ERECT A MONUMENT TO THEIR DEAD. At tbo request cf a largo numlxir of families who have been unable to a'tend, will be connu ucl on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 10th, 11th and 13th Instant, IN HIBERNIAN HALL. Doo)a open from 5 lo ll P. M.. except on Mon? day, when, in consequence of this being Memo? rial Day, the doors will be opened at 7 P. M. PRICE OJ ADMISSION'. Soason Tick, ts.SI 00 Family Season Tickets. 2 00 Single Tickets. 35 Chile ren. 10 Servants in charge ot Children. 10 Family and Single Season Tickots can be procured at the Bookstores. The Firemen's Prizes in aid of the Association and the "Catholic Male Orphan Asylum," to be given to the Company receiving the largest Eusber of votes, consisting of: 1 ELEGANT SOLID SILVER TRUMPET 100 FEET DOUBLE BIYETED LEATHER HOSE a HANDSOME BRASS (PATENT LEATHER COVER EL) PIPES 2 HANDSOME SILVER-PLATED LANTERNS, Are cn exhibition at tbe Fair. Price pei vote 60 cents. Lithographed copies (for framing) of the ROLL OF THE DtAD, for sale at the Hr IL The last Car will leaye the Hall at ll o'clock P. M. precisely. H. B. OLNEY, Chairman. J. L. Hoxotra, Secretary and Treasurer. May 10_ GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT AND TABLEA U X, Will be given at MILI IA LY HALL, on Wentworth street, in aid of the Calvary Baptist church, to com? mence Thia ETenlng, 10th of May. The public at large are invited. Price of Adi?is pi?n : Grown persons, T ineen Cents; Children, Ten Osman Doora open at half past Heven o'clock. Perform? ance commences at Eight o'clock P. M. J. S. C. SMALL, May 10 1* Secretary. M AY FESTIVAL AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MEETING AND WENTWORTH STREETS. The Ladies of ST. MARE'S SEWING CIRCLE solicits the patronage of the generous citizens of Charleston to aid them in their efforts to erect a House of Worship. 49- Admission, Ur.; Children. 10c ; Soason Tick eta, $1. Tickets to be bad at the door. 49- Doors open at 0.30 P. M. fmw3 May 7 11 I fUiD ?DuMti?tions. HEULOGICAL BOOKS. T THE CLERGY AND MEMBERS OF THE PRO? TESTANT EPISCOPAL CONVENTION visitlnaathe city, ate invited to call at FOGABIIE'K BOOK DE-. PO?lTOBX Mo. 260 KING-STREET. (In th? Bend,) where, id addition toa well selected block Of T EEO LOUICAL, MISCELLANEOUS and SU>D.AY SCHOOL BOOKS, they will Und a special consign? ment of Theological Hooka from Messrs. Pott A Amery's (New York,) citen-ive collection of English Church Booka. Priced Catalogues of Pott St Amery's; The London Behgioua Tract Socle1?; '. he London Christean Knowledge Society, and the Publications and Importations of J. B. Lippioeott & Co., can be had on application, at . FOGAR I lE'S BOOK rtPO-ITORY, No 28J Ktng-streot, (in the Send.) May io mtntbaa Jnsnronrf. CRAFTSMEN'S LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YOBK. OAce t Parle Bank Building, Nos. 314 and Sid Broadway. CAPITAL.9940,000 COE ADAMS, President. WILLIAM T. PHIPP-1, vice-President HENRY UELDEN, Secretary. J. T. HUMPHREYS, Agent for 8tato ol South Carolina, O?1U-' No. 27 Broad-arrest. J. S. BUIST, M. D., Medical Examiner. 4V SUB-AGENTS wanted throughout the State. Apply by letter to J. T. HUMPHREYS, General Agent m December 7 VOL OUGHT TO INSURE IN THE CHARLESTON BRANCH LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON'S : lat Because it is a home institudon m int ged and controlled by your own citizens. 2d. Because it ia the only monied institution of the kind that loans Its funds In the States from which they are derived. 3d. Because lt ie purely mutual;' all policy holders share ia its profits or earnings. Ita large and in? creasing assets belong exclusively to the policy holdere. ?tb. Because Ita ia tc s are 1 wer than those of most other companies. And its dividends will bc larger. 5th. Because it invests its funds at rates of interest averaging ten per cent., while Eastern compinies' rates avengo leas than seven per cent Thia makes the dividends of tbe Associ?t on lamer and the ratea of premium smaller. One hundred dollars improved at six per cent, for ?fty i ears will amonnt to $1,812 ul Tho same amount invested at ion per cent, will pro? duce Sit 739 OP. Diffcrencn m fivo. of tbe tsu per ceut. invo-tmout (9,897 OS. Ctn Because you ought to i ns ur - in a successful in? stitution, and the Lito Association of America is ac knowledge^ by ihi enemies, a- well aa ita trleuUa to be by far tc most succ-asiul life insurance institu? tion of its age in tho United States. NET ASSETS OF THIS DEF ABIMENT IN? VESTED IN 1HIS COMMUNITY. $100,000 deposited in the Iusuranc* Dcpat taunt of tho State of Missouri (according to law for the protection of policy boldon. (Mateen. fl. G. LOPER, Prcs'nt (Cashier People's Nat. Haul.:. \V. O. GIBBES, vice-President i\V. O. Wulldon & Cn 1 E. E. JENKINS, M. ])., Medical Exajnli^ Directora. JOHN IL STEELE fal" North. Staci-A- Wardell.) C. IRVINE w\: KER ?Walker, Evans .\: CogsweU.) ti. W. AIM \H, Druggist. H. T. PEAKE, (leu'i Superintendent s. O. Railroad. c. F. PAN'KNIN, Urngaiat. JAS. E. SPEAK Jeweller. ?, H. M (.COX. Wholes ile and Retail Furniture. ti. P. C.V.UTKK, Secretary und Agent, March 20 lyr No. 10 Rroad-strect. J nil N D. A LEXA > D E lt , ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY PUHI.IC AND GENERAL AOENT, Ao. 10 Broad-street rtESPECTFULLY SOLICITS BUSINESS IN AD? JUSTING ACCOUNTS of Merchants and others, and in WRITING UP AM) POSTING their BOOKS, either in part or whole. 4e._January 9 M CHlsOLM. FACTORS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS altb SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTEND IO THE PURCHASE, SALE ANb SHIPMENT (to Foreign ?nd Domestic Porte) ol COTTON, RICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF. Cbarluaton, S. O. K. WILLIS. .A. H. CHI60LM October HS J) ETER TOTANS, TURNER AND DEALER IN IVORY, And Manufacturer of BILLIARD BALLS AND CUES, AND IMPORTER OF BILLIARD CLOTH, CUES, Letter Chalk, and Billiard Merchandise in general. No. 89 F<Utou-Btrcct, Nov York. May 7 6mos ?rorerifs traft fliuctUntns. m HAY ? FLOUR!? A Z.f\ BALES PRIME NORTH BITER HAT, EX 4JbOV/ steamer Saragossa. 600 bar els Family, Extra, taper and fine " I Flour, ex schooner E. C. Bodman For sale by 1 May 1?_ JOHN CAMFSEN k CO. CORN AFLOAT. 0 ? il Ci BUSHELS PBIM E WHITE COEN, PEE j t/Ov/v/ brig Paragon at Brown's wharf. For sale by WEST k JONES, May 10_No. 76 Eaat Bay. " HAY LANDING. ? tXAA BALES N. B. HAY ? QUU 200 bales Eastern Hay. For aale by WEST k JONES, May 10_No. 76 East Bay. HAY LANDING. QA/ \ BALES PBIME NORTH RIVEE HAT, . OUv per Schooner Maggie and Lucy 200 bales Prime Eastern Hay, per Schooner Ida S. -tA Burgess. ?H IM STO?E: fl ' 2000 bushels PBIME C'IBN. ^ For sala by J. N. 1 IDEM ANN k CO. . _ May 10_\_2_ > CEMENT ! CEMENT ! " fl QAA BARRELS CEMENT, LANDING- FBOK V ?Uv brig E. a Bodman, and for sale by j May 8_[_OLNEY k 00. 1 CORN. OAAA BUSHELS PBIME WHITE MARY- ,- , ?\J\J\J LAND COEN. L For sale br T. J. KERR k CO. 7 May 7_3 . GROCERIES! GROCERIES! AT RK DUCK O PRICKS. T IAM RECEIVING A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF G i ; oe E BIES from the North, which haye been . I. purchased for cash, and Lam offering them at New - York prices, at wholesale and letaiL t BROWN HUG AB, 7 and 6*?*4or $1 CRUSHED S Uli AB, 5 S DB for fl. > Here is tbe place to buy y. ur Urocertoxnatp fm*. ? ?J cash. JOHN TIENcKE'N. April 27_corner State and M arjfct-streets. TO ARRIVE AND IN STORE, w I-f - BARRELS WHISKEY. WHICH I WILL SELL . 1 ? at an unusually low prto;. JOH? T1ENCKEN, April 27 Corner State and Market streets. NEW GOODS. IN STORE: AND LAV nix G. CLARET, ON DRAUGHT. AT $1 60 PEE GALLON Lu bin's Flavoring Extracta, at reduced prices Hosteler's, Drake'-, 'Herman's, Curacoa, Tonie and Stougbton Bitters Monongahela, Bye Bourbon and Cabinet Whiskies, of all grades and at all prices, bottled and on draught * Champagne Cider, Pints and Quarts Lemon Syrup. CO-OPER ATIVE GROCERY STORE, Southwest corni r Meeting and Market streets. Goods delivered tree. April 26 RYERS0N & BiTES, - Champagne Ale Brewery. Il A R L IC M, N. Y. THIS CELEBRATED ALE IS BBEWED FRESH all through the year, and is guaranteed to keep sound through the hottest weather, and on that account ls ol all Ales the best adapted to tbe South? ern climate. KNOX, DALY, lr CO., agenta, February 16 3mos Charleston, H. C. FRESH DRUGS. JUST RECEIVED AND KOR SALB BT DK. II. HA KR, Rio. 131 MEETING STRKKT. BISON'S TOBACCO ANUDOTE Bose's Couch Syrup Schank'* PulmoDic Syrup Schenk 'a Seaweed Tonic Saratoga "A" Water .a Cherokee Remedy and Cure Rejuvenating Elixir Chloride ot Lime Spears' FnaiaPreserving Solution Brown's Chiorodyne German Blood or "Kaiser" Pilli, Ac. Ac. April 3_ CHLORIDE OF LIME. FB SALE, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL, BY Dr. H. BAEB, April 3 No. 131 Meeting-street. IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES, And Dry Goods Bayers Generally. THE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCE TBE F0L ING : CALICOSIS, of fair quality, redned from 12,s to 10 cents. HOOPSKIKTS. favorite style*. f>om 60 cenlaup. ENGLISH and German Hose and Half Hose, at the most reasonable prices. ALBUMS, Notions, Fringes, Gimp?, Buttons, Tort roon ai es, all at moderate prices. PA ti AMO LS-Children's from 60 cents, to Ladles' from 76 cents np. DRESS GOODS, consisting of Bareges, Grena? dines, Crape Marets, fro L 20 cents up. RIBBOftS, Straw Gooda and Fans, a nice assort? ment. YOU TRY our 4 4Longcloths,atl2Jiandl6cenU GOOD QUALITY of Kid Gloves, reduced to $1. Fine Berlin Gloves, Ladies ' and Children's, front - 26 cent? up. OTTK\HK.niBRK's celebrated French Cor? set*, from 00 cents up. ONLa CO cents fora good Brown Linen Table Cloth. DOYLIES. Diaper and Table Linen, soldat the lowest cash pi ices. SILKS, of very good quality, reduced to fli and $2 36. BEST. . All goods are bought by chance, and the people will find it to their advantage to call at Fl KC IIOO I T it HRO'S., No. 437 King-street, corner of Calhoun. An exclusive department for Boots, Shoes, Hats and Trunks._3moe_May 3 J. H. READ & CO. fJAHE FOLLOWING GOODS WILL BE FOUND IN extensive assortment in our different departments: DBE S GOODS SILKS, SHAWLS HOSIERY GLOVES WHITE GOODS DRESS TRIMMINGS and DOMESTICS, JUST RECEIVED AND THIS DAY OPENED, AN FXTENSrVE ASSORTMENT BLACK LACE POINTS. Comprising: LLAMA, PUSHER and FRENCH LACE. Alsi, many other SHAWLS in Barege, Cbal liecud Grenadine. LACE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES FANCY GOODS. Comprising many novelties just opened. PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, In Plain and Fancy Styles. J. R. READ & CO. NO. ?63 KINO.STBEE^r. April 12 mwf 3m03