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To-Pay. To-morrow ia loo mr ?w?y. a oed ot ?pico tb? garden ia, ?or boo uor bk sa u> that we mies; The IOWI tr?tub ? on the item, iba violets and Ute anemones. . ' " Wbj should we wait to eather them? . Tbeir btoom and bairn axe ours to-day ; 1 To-morrow-who can say ? To-morrow is too far away. .. Shy should we s Uh t the joy complete, Tba flower o^en at our tot? For ?a to-day. the robu sing?. ? ? is eurvt-d flight the a -val,ow wings; -Tor us the napp* m jmeots stay ?day yet. nor leave na all too fleet I For hie ls ?weet and youth ts sweet, and lote-ab I lore is sweet to-day; To-morrow- who can ray? PANTS AND PETTICOATS. A number o? "Bloomers," calling themselves the "National Drees Beform and Equal Rights Association,0 met in Washington on Wednesday Bight to ?B?base the gi eat question of pants ?mci petticoats. The association seemed to be composed two women m breeches, to Wit : Doc tress alary Walker, ot Washington, and Doc trees Lydia Bayer Hatbrouct, of Syracuse, New York. The audience was mostly composed of young scamps who carno for amusement, and who kept up the most boisterous denaonbtiatic ns . dario* the proceedings. Dooiress Walker pre , aided, and opea.ea tho speaking .with a stirring address, which brought down the boase, and .eat the boys into eostacies. Doctreas Hasbrouc?, woo says she is an ed tor, followed at contiuerable length, concfud witta, a regular attack upon President Gnu contempt of women io breeches, bhe at sb e bad come to Washington to be of the t?odiste department, which she in ~ ,'from tho President's ooaree, he intend ed to set np. She thought she could regulato - tb*pantaloons Dottiness, and tbe boys urged ker ob with ot ie? of-"Go it, old ga), go it-and bully for yon." Sta. 8be was martie ul arlv severe opon tbe President because of bis alles: od refusal to see Dr. Mary Walker until she wore tba usual ocstnme ol: her aez. At tbe ?nolnaion Hrs. Dr. Walker annpunoed that -JMM-fijtahnsnpk bad her premises all wrong tPrssndsntiierant had never said it, bat Presi dent Lincoln bad remarked that he was airaid to soe women who wore pants. Th? etoo nd and closing session was held on Monday night. Aa noon the fi mt night. Hrs Dr. Waiter wad Ma>. Dr. Haabronok seemed to be not only tbe m-iTiug spurits, bat also tbe ' vam and substance ot the "convention." airs. Dr. Lockwood. Colonel Price, Bar. John OTJon ovan, and others who wt re called to their as? sisi ance as speakers, did not seem,to look upon the reform proposed wich tbe sta? favor that Walker end rt au bro a ok newed it. There waa a large attendance on bjth occasion^ ind eepeoiaily so last nor b t, bot tbe auditors wero - mostly attracted by cariotry, and bat few of ahem were anxious to bs considered as mem? bers of the Bocae ty. i he proceedin s were rt?tfftbjtr very amusing. Mrs. Dr. Walker, in propoaed tc give a practical iiloa. T^otTto her remarks by referring to a d?ani <atsd ekeletoB which was brought upon tho I ( .Sf* 8?ne difficulty waa experienced in .'makW the skeleton aaenme aa.OfJright posi? tion, the eflom to that ead OMU?UV a good Mt) o? DK? ciment- SQ. m non, indeed, as tt) an /?noy the 5pe?k?r. ?absequen?y. Doctor Mary Walker found iv neoaeaery to aaaame the duties . W .engeant-at-arras m order to keep the boys ! b^eiefcv ' , 0n? 0? th* ' 4peakera-0olonel Pit roc-ap ?iTod a re/orm. bot not the reform prjpoaed, aa he would not know, if marryiag, whether he waa marrying a man or a woman. At the close or hm remarks. Dr. JJaabroack .eekedMm toeUodby herdpon the platform. wheo ahc aaid : " * .-v .. "JLadted and gentlemen, yon see before yon a i imaj^Jiajk?nu eojmsl Can .you not teil which id ; aie ajan and which is the woman? Can yon Mao distinctive features by which you could "determine? Here,"said she, (gently stroking : the Colonel's long beard,) Mis a badge of no ether.* This practical operation oonvnlsed the audi .moe wi tn laojrbter, and as-Colonel Piaroe did Mt taney the idea of being' made tbe batt of a ; Sor*X joke, be retired hurriedly from the stage; ; and arter a parti a g shot from Hrs. Walker, the 'eeo von ti oa adjourned for one ysatas - - - ^..,,^??.?0.1. Imparts. ' IT. ??Sn?S,PB_l?BxM?.- Ooldea nty_J*3 bbds ead 117 bola sugar, S3 bbda Moiseses, to W P Shed caa* laos, m <*>tto? asa? ute* Market. Mb OF ya? CHAKLAXON DAILY J?*wa, 1 C*AM.s?rros. Moad ay ttveptne. May 3. } COTTON -The * was ? moderate Inquiry from B^rsr*,aM, ia MW>OM*?. the tendency of prices waa ka laver of usa ISSI ssa, hot generally ?ellen were v*eiMta4o maka oatuessaobs; and tte market ? XIHiil ilifaj. ??es about SIS balsa, via: 2 at 2?; r fastm^ 7 *i'36#; 131 * X\; lil at 2T;18 at 27*; - UMai nw. We ?cote: ..'.'I : uvaaroox. a?ssmoAtsow. t? ?0?2d?5^.^a*r,.% i** i ??jJjsJrwWvpv. - H i -By ^sw ?ork s?sss?ncatim we quote : ?.Mg.,-...ww ^ ?C?,-T?e market tot. thia ?rain was qultt; sales Wm?RBmmM>*Km Q?retaa at 8c ? m. We ;9*l?*mmE??lUt rosa moa to flor etna Carolina at _ ?:?> Mar Mets ky Telegraph. '< '.' ni . t;; ranttsn lunnarrs. Tai ail uti. Stay 3-Benda84Vd86X - Lossow, May a.-Ooaaota 83*. Booda flat at 80 Tm*mimm*X ??S?r 26? ?d ?float. ,Mill-?>!!?? ?av 3-Soon.-Oouon quiet:-nWtan?a jte*gfitggj? ?"> ?g ?SSS. I <j?J* :lVa*e?id4o ss. nour Ma ed, .? ?- -on dull and unshangsd. Bacon .j^'" isa? 10* . 1^^.-Oottoo eaaier; uplands ll?; Orleans MW. nae teeta us M. Kaw Toaa, Mat fl-Moou^-Macey steady at 7. ?MeMMJ tX. CMd 3* H Cot ten fniet st XX. Tur yentlu* qgM %t*i>4- Bosta Broa, strained 12 00a '^^?rsnrag.-Cotton stsady; aa ea ?eoo bales; mid. 0 'flSags SIX- Flour-ai oro doing at tba neon sd nsjssjsa.. Wk-at more active, spring ! to 4 ota. hatter; white Canada fl 90. Oom 2 to 3c. better; new mU sdWesUm 88Xa9i. Pork ana?; nsw f307SaSL ^^?^{as(tlel&X?llX. Whiskey more active Jtt |MT. BJca moni ac ive; Carolina 8 \ a?*. Sngax, jgssassss and turpeotine quiet. Coffee firm. Tur acBflne 47%. Botin stsady. Governments close . Wstsag and steady, southerns stsaly. Money ao , 'Mvssa t fl? currency, wish ?.xcep isna Cota dis - ooaat CteUj rter?ng eal at tCDJt*. Gold, after . sr? ss excitement and activity, closed at SS X. B tool I FUMnsoaa, Kay 3 -Oottoa ateidy st 28*. nour - AaH and low*r; atipscflns sa ?8iC S3. Wheat steady .aadreeetpta amau. Corn asares sad higher; whits M;yellow ss\ Oats Ana si 77. Prorlstoas un sjssogsi. Whiskey ana. t CWCIJW n. Hay fl-Wbisker tl. Pork held at ffl. Bacon flrssst sad mote fleing; shoulders held rrf??l? ai it; eJear sides 17; aujar cured hanu In do SaaniatUX Lard hafat st U. .ci PR loam Msy'sV-Waisksy ftnastsTsSeo. Perk aslaSl IS. Bssou hssvy; abc:alders lSlfo; olear sides mijf?k Tifir1 daB aad aa ataal ' IVenarauB. May. A.-Mess pork 181 SQ. lard W{ eta. Shoulders Tajfc; aeir ?ide* I8J?0. Superflue flous aa aase, ?bi key >i*sa .. ? WkUBiean?, Ma> St->ntriia turpentine quiet st : gi J?. Bbsmbsttsr? 9185 tot. ' Urdds turpentine aaeady al ?1 65 *o 3 75 Tar s eidy at fl 40. . AuausTA, May a.-Cotmu markst quiet and flrm ; salee t7 ; mtdddngs ?6 a ; rajaipts 2L ? fl ? lavaaaaB, May a-tottaa quiet ant steady; mid ' ?UV? UM; sale - SSC; recen pta 90S. . ., Mamu, 800 bslep; lew mid. Mist' 96K<aeji?; ?j Wt sad demaad limned) re 'aMpts Mt bales?! ?-ri? 450. ' Baw Om^uas> May 3-coaoa tu lair damud and tflflsr; mtddliugs .8Xa28)?,; Mle* 24W bales; ro '. flstrts sfltea Va'nrdsy loot; txpocii M. Gold K\. M**Jtmg4sY *ork sigh. Xaif. Oomoton adgar B\? tXc;pn?? U>4a>2)aa, Malaises dull; reimehting ;?a. Coln nab ai SlaxkLSt. ^OOHTMTOS, Aprl. 50-Hain, generaily slow and gflr?*"*? ?mX. SSavT. b?? b*n fa .tn? la this Mwoa every div ot tua wtek. Tn? gro .ad is thor SSSjbry c'raaoh?! ?jmoUita:e. Mo kiwae of etUed wnsflwsr ts yet sataawit d. rsnsars ?a. kw?? oieicait Wyora to kssp ?bead ot ?rae? 1 sse. op* ot corn ?nd cotton. svpes^Jiy ta MW moulds, mu?t be oon-.der ataly injured. Xaroa^faOat tao country uotu are np The river ls rMng rapidly, ano it 1* teared tb' low lands WLI be overflowed. Few localities between b re and tutauli are thought to be in duper of an inundation ,u Our -mai ko? bas vari? 1 bel w -en dull and qui t tbe entire week, i ne offen g ato-k IB lisht Mi.dlings are scarce, and for iud grades have brought not less than S6c; low mid <linga .?.i>?a2--??c. lhe.-e have been tbe basis ot sa ?*. No large tots disposed of. A great many ord-rs have been from Liverpwl. Dunne tbe last two days tba bigber trades nav? bren onW ia demand. Previously thu sales wero of all gradee. A sordina to thc bfst estimates local speeulatO'S of this ci tv and section h dd about 1200 b il- s. Most of th" stock ia i ea vi iv advanced oo. Local speen a tors nave not oeeu ab o to effect much in < be lost two months 1 here is no doubt out Columbus will receive over 48 Ouo ka e-. ltts fallowii g are the sales reporiod by tho ware? houses: i-a'uidav 184 balss ; Monday 20 bales ; Tuesday 2.4; Wed ead ay 101; lhnrsnay 40. lo* day's sjles 170 balts Demand fair at following quotations: Uroinarv 23a23)?'-; good ordiuary 'JAX* 25c; lo? middlings 25Kc; niddltngs 26c; good mtd dllugs27c. Wart-Lou>o sales for the week 848 bales. Week's receipts 266 balts against 276 the coi responding week of last season, and 230 the previous week of this year. IHBS 8TATX1? ENT. ? lock on h? ad Fept. 1,1868. 280 Received oas'- week......266 Received previously.47,1.6-47,892 47,612 Whipped pe*t week.1 369 Shipped prtviously.39,696-41,065 Stock on hand April 89, 18C9...6,607 Easton dc Co.'? Cotton deport, for th* Week tending " prll 30 1860. NEW TOBE, May 1.-THE MAUKXT-In our last report the m rket closed steady at 28>?a ?83?o lor middling uplands, saturday pnces were wimont change. J he be> er erados were in demand for spiuiiiu? and closed firm; sales 1661 bales. Mon? day, the market was dull without charge in rn- es; sa es 19?0 bales. Tuesday, the weakness in Liver? pool k pt buyera out of tho market, but there was no CL an ce in price except for low gi aides; eales 1*08 bales. Wednesday, them wa- mored masd tor good cotton for export to thecontineut ; prices were steady; sales 2571 bulee. Iburtosy, thew was mare ate ?b ness and considerable demand ; sales 33 ri bales; quo? tation* uocbanced. Yesterday. Jtoera was a good demand f om spinners, and later in the dav from ex? porter*; sales 2SG4 bales; m ddltug uplands 28>aa 28Xc Market firm tor tbe netter grades and steady on tbe oth is Dunns; tho week, th ?re has been no chango In prices, exceot (or ordlniry and good o dinary grades which sre 3i?o lower. Liverpool quot.tun.-, show >i'd recline on the week, wltb a moderato busm'iss. The Intenor towns have forwarded to the petts thia week t054 bales more ihau they received from tbe p notations. For ' lu'ure deliver? there have been very few trausac 1 'tia SuO bs'es were so ci for June on private terms, ena 100 each for January and Feb.nary ne*t, also n private lerma. At 22c fir low midd iog nelivorod here on or bet?re Ist January next, tne-e are buvers. Transit coi tom are scarce 1 here have been 1667 bales sold tb's week one basis ot 26>io lor hood style of good ordinary Orleans w?h \? Ireigbt We ha v- seen d snatches tuts we?k which report continuous talus throughout Alabama and Mis?is lippi. It 1? said that considerable damaxe bas been lon? by floods lo toot section ol tbe cotton region, tod that replant lu;,- will ben eeasary. Tuero bato wen >erelve<i at the ports since the 1st september, 1497 666 balee, oi WC]eh exporter* have t k- n 1210 186 baies; sp nnen 170.316; and the stocks bave in ?sawed 311,666 bal< s I> fleit lu leceipteairompar id with 'sst > e.r. 120 67a balee. Pt flat in ship asnts to Liverpool. 283.0.3 balts. Upland A Mohn?. ? New Florida. Or eons. Texas. hMinary.- ?as - a25>t- *26X - a28V i food Or- . diuary.- ?26* - ?36K- aie* - a27 .owMid flhag...a7S'?3fJi TI\m w ?28# sa^a?^ liddhn?38J4a28\ 3**a'.-9 99 a20? 2J??,2?U sales of Ute week 18.496 balee, including 6101 io planers, 13 2 to speculators, md 7083 to export r*. Oross rsosi-it* si this port for the week, 6605 ' ?les. since lat September 564,680 bales. 1869. 1868. lick fn Liverpool. S6< '.DO 526,230 Lfloot from India. 235.000 214,000 > float from America. 182.000 166 000 .tock tn London. 76 870 P3.86C 1 i float lor Lonnon. 70 CO J 80,006 i float f?r^avr..... ?f'.U?'I ?a'??i .to. k In Bremen. 4 4-8 6.351 | .float tor bremen. 11.346 6 514 ? tock in Dui ed .-talus i ort*..... 255 169 200 631 I tock m the intenor town*. 47.981 2o,l<>3 Total.1,J19 lia 1,276 763 Excess in visible supply. 42,352 Stock of rot toa held bv Man'-h -ster s Innern at be mule now 62.000 biles; same time 1868, 200.00t, ?lee. Middling Orleans no? i2>id; then 12J4J. ?array. Ferris ft < o 's Varal Stores Cir? cular NEW YOKE, May 1 - PTMTS TURPENTINE - Jnder freo receipts and uutuvorab:e reports trom tfi.mingto-j, s itnt* turpentine has steadily declined brooghout tb i wa k, o osing dull at 48u47c mer .?bautabie.' The repor ed sales are 2U30bblsat 47a *c. metrbanable. 48-49, sidppioir. and 49o New fork Darrel?, but dc not ioo.ude some large sales for ixport. i be report of stock is much mo. e favorable ban ws expect erl aa a week ago the yards bald iboa? 8eW bois- i hil reduc? an. wo presume, arina rom ti? fact cf large lots uow go usg ou board being iruitt?d lu th* reports. Receipts 2460 bb:s; expnrtu 9.bbts;.sio-x?8??btjlc . Bow.-Tks. ferr maaertaldsoUne 4nfreights to all ortshasbus.aiit*dti.o >igO,uue -demised for com Doayttruiiia,!, sud ' mi-ir i e ftet that the m Jority ire-elvers ir* not oDty ii.ifng but anxious to rea ixe urreiit price* our rourke could with tate have beeu mt to ?376 this week The etoca 1* less ihau a. y ettmej?i*>*ijhJ: dunug he u>0dib. sod ss nearly all Beat ie sold to arri vp, the, -tu** ket ls, lor tbe first imo In taon ha. ia s s:roux portion, as bulk or low rads* ie bald by oi-e h .use. The sales are 28 623 bis (ot wbtoh 150 > are, jja ai al M Wa?2 8 ), tor corn ion rtrabied (s* M loatrt^ ? 2 63a?8 CO/arNo. 2, iV,(,xit\ or Na I. iia*6,H lor ale, $7stt IBK axtrn pa lu Sited OX for window gaea, leer rcolo comes la quite t. eely, auld to some extent 1 earuwulslei in tba ba is -f receivers, wto are s o? ( ?ec ?pt le s then w.hnington cost for the huh rioedJota. We loo? tor an .orive maines* io fine Hm next.week, a? low freights and high gola favors ' tok*W 942 b5?'* **" bb"' BSP0(U 17,904 bbI*- - AAaf bb? been qa'te active for shipment, but the notations aro une han geo. Wilna Dg ou, as it tun?, 3 40*53 45, North O any 93f?hfi 75 Sales 25 JO to N? bola. Receipts SOU ' bis. Exports 1781 bbls. tock 12.020 bbls. ~ I .nairne cs per (Soul ri C ai oil na Kati road Majra.. 477 eales Cotton 40 bales Domestic*. 95 bbls No? el -tores. 3 rare Lnmtxr, 2 ears btock. To Ball ... ?. ort girkpajnoit t vfitte, iid Ag?. f,*W Wluia-- .V OHl raes er A Smith. Hopkins. Mo Ph en era fe ?J?? .? - railer k Co, J Wiley . CA, Dorina * Co, S M?r lau. W 0 courtney A Co, B 0 slrtrp k Co. Frost A dger, E J Wise, A H Mulligan. Caldwell k -oe, A I annaa, J A T Uetty. J AdgerA Co Goldsmith A >cn, I A A P Caldwell. R ecke A Schachte, 0 D Abren* A lo, and Q w MtS ns. l-H.ltUUCIl, Per steamer Emilio, from Oeoreetown. 8 C 1 K Park. B J H.. tzar J. B H Ward. C J Bedden, J a fortis MrsB.sAe, e- K Buger, Mies B Alston, Miss i M KR vc?, fis? E en M a, ck. Mrs P Q f ltzsimons md two c?ildren. 1 K . no .er. Rev M H Lance, Mrs f ai Yorker, el . 3 . Fra EV, Mia* Bede Huger, Dt O >\ eaton, and 20 la -t?er4g-. jHurinr firms. Port ol Oh.-?rl*>Ht.on. May 4. PUWJ ciVl.K.\DAK. SBAHKS1 OS TBS HOON. .oat Quarter, Sd. 8 eo.ire .'1 mtuuies. mo nlng. lew Moon, Utb, 10 nour* 47 miuutes, mon lug. .trat Quarter. 18th, 4 'tours 9 miuutes, evening. rnU Uoon. 96tb, lu boira 8 minutes muru in a. MAX. SOY . SUBES. i BFT8 MOOH masa. HIOH WATKB. 3 Monday.... 6 12 4Tuesday_.. 6 ll 6 Wednesday. 6.. 10 6'Thursday... 6.9 7 Kridav.....) .-. . 8 Saturday...- 6.. 8 9 -tWaxtav. 6. T 6. .42 6. 42 (I. .43 6. 44 6 44 6. 45 ft Mi 12..SI 1..30 2.. 6 2. .38 8.. 9 3.. 42 4..12 1..24 2..22 8..17 4..10 4..67 6..40 6..20 arrived vcsteraay. Pear Ooldea (iv. Nie erson, vt Joh Vs, P B-9 lay?, si'ga - and Mo a-ses. To W P Hall. t?amer tmille. Lewe, Georgetown, 8 c 00 "b's lice, sud Suudrie*. I J haokelford ft Eelly, L D Jesauasure. J Al Ei-on Ik Pro. Por. lie- 4s Henry. M ?o'dsmi h ft -o . renholm. H -raith. Holmes A dache th, and i'obea Haucke. A do. Cl ix i-e .1 Yesterday. Sehr James Joue*. Jjues, coigetown, S C-Risley A Cre ?h on -?ailed Trstrrclay. Jcbr Yankee Bia e. ?' o nhs, New York, ?ehr I s Ricbar-tfon. Bedail Savannah. Sehr Mary S.ow, Biuki.i. Jacksuuvi.le, fla. s#r ?.Ii till? "ort. OaniFh birk Eimma Funda, Erogh, Liverpool, April 13 SchrW li Mann. R- g.-rs, Fail l.'lver, April 28 . p tor iel? Hort. gSSSk the Minnie, Bebe tenn, at Livi-rpool, April 14. riturr.' ?<..- tul? fort. ?teamship Cue ?p >wi I/n k wood et N York, May 1. Ballad for tilt? Port, ?car Td' " . uruuhs, um go?*. Irum Belfast, Me, April 21. Shipoews i"; i C ' trapli. havAavsAU Alav 8-Atrivod. steamship Livingston 'rom New Y r . O o. red, eu p i 'ovo s ire for London. C ilAltliHbTus A G R ICU LT TJ RAL WA RE'HID K AVP SE KD STORE. M GB1CVL 071. U IH PA EMU ff TS, QA BD Ey SBtiDS <sc cfc'1, B. POfSBBE. Vc 140 aUatintr-street, tBiarlee'on. March 24 Cm* (Ootann atti) /nrnislj'ng UBoob OLoarHiiosra GREAT ATTRACTION ! LARGE STOCK or SPRING CLOTHING, ' " AT No. 291 King-street, Corner of Wentworth. AM ELEGANT SUPPLY OF Spring Clothing end Furnishing GiOODS, FOR MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS, Sow Opened ?nd uttered at Low Price*. Tlte flock comprises ell the new Styles of GOODS AND GAUMEN I'S introduced this season. Pur chasers are invited to call and examine the stock and make their selections. FURNISHING GOODS Iff G UK AT VA KI ET I', INCLUDING THE STAR BRAND SHIRTS! Which I bare been selling for twenty-five years, io ted for their GOOD ? IT asd Durability, lhere ire four qualities of them. 1X80, A LARGE LINE or LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, els : THE BYRON.", THE DIOKEN.i, SHAKES? PEARE, THALBERG, EGBKBT, GAROTTE, BI&HOP, Ac, Ac, Ac. THE TAIL0RIN8 DEPARTMENT, SUPPLIED WITH Cholee Frenen, English and Amern un SPRING CLOTHS, CASSI MERES AND COATINGS. Wh'ch will be MADE UP TO ORDEB In the best manner, under thu care of a first-class French Cutter. WM. HATTHIESSEN. B. W. McT CK KIJCS, Superintendent. AprU 23 30 Le pastness QLarDs. W. AL G. WKLLS ?V CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BO. ll* W K ST PK ATT-STKK ET. BALTIMORE, MD., RECEIVE AND BELL ON COMMISSION ALL tinds ot early VEGETABLES, FBDIT8, MELONS, Ac. We guarantee highest market prices and prompt ?turns for all consignments to our house. Mcneil 'latea furn taned tree ot chante 2mos May 8 . B HXAHD, ?. T. I w. * Bxann. iioarou. '. W. TOUHQ, H. T. j r. X. 003?UDOX, POBTSKOUTB. r Y^KARD, YOUNO ? co., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ne. 947 Washlng-ton-street, NB. fr ZO BK. iPXOTAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF EABLY VEGKfJABLES, FKU'TS, . POTATOES, Ac. RxrERKXexs.-GovernorZ. B. Yance, Charlotte; ffi*. D. Beyno da A Bro., Norfolk; E. G. Ghlo, Super ntendent 8. A B Bailroad, Portsmouth ; Colonel ts. L Fremont, E. E. Burras*. Esq., Wilmington; H. K. Thurber k Co., Langbrau A Egbert, New York; Bernard O'Neill, Charleston ; Alexander A Russell, Havannah. 3oioe April 2 J? D WA HD DALY, GENERAL -COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ko, 8a Warren-street. NEW YORK. PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE P?B CHsKB of all kinds ot MERCHANDISE. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ca. a and Trunks, and Straw Goods a specialty. Consignments of all kinds ot Staple Articles and gensrai Produce solicited. Prompt returns guaranteed. EDWARD DALY, Late of Charleston, 8. 0. ferai- Weekly Price Currents sent tree by post. January '1* Deo Amos J UH A D'. A I. K X A N D E K , ACCOUNTANT. y OT A Bl' PUBLIC AND GENERAL AGENT, No. 16 Bro std-Street. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS BUSINESS IN AD. J?8TING ACCOUNTS of Merchants and others, and in WRITING UP AND POSTING their BOOKS, either ID part or whole Ac. . January 9 J L. JUU8 KS, Ko. 3d Broad-street. COLLECTOR OF RENTS AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. April 10 sruthStuos rahm KNOX.?0KH GILI KNOX & GILL, COTTON FACTOHS AMO GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Na 125 SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE, Consignments of COTTON, BICE, Ac., respect' fully solicit?e, and liberal advances mad? thereon, Orders for CO UN and BAOON promptly executed .alb care ana attention. Arcfl IT Hmo*" frogs, Cro?trais, (Ctr. AYER'? SARSAPARILLA. FUR PL' j: I KY IN O THK BLOOD, THE REPUTATION ibis dcollet)t medicine en* jovx, ls derived from un i ares, tuan y of which are trmj marvi-li. ns. lD7ete 1 rate ca-ee of ?scrotulcuH disease wbete (he syi-teni reamed satur?t* d wni corrup ion, bat e been pu lireo au? cured bv it. Scrofulous anectiona and disordei e, whiot were ag ' erava ed by tho BC roto loos comamiDatioo until they we>e pmniuily iftuctiug, have eeen radlcaly enrod in such cr??t i umbi-r- m ahm ?tev?rv section ot the countrv, that tho oublie scarcely need to tx In.ormed of it* virtue? or ase'. Scrofulous poison is one of the mostdeBiructive enemies of onr rare, Often this unseen and unlelt tenan of tho organise undermines the constitution, an J 'nv.ies ihe st act ot enfeebling or tatal diseases, without exciting a snppicon of its presence. Awain, lt neem? to breed infection turouiib toe body, and then, on som* lavorable occa-ion, rapidly develoj .. into one or other 01 its hideous forais, either on the euri oca or muong the vitals. In the latter, t abercle* may bo .uddeiily d posited in the langa or heart, or tumors formed in tbe liver, or it shows lt- presence by erm tione on the fkio, or foul ulcerations on seme part of the body. Hence th? occasional nee ot a Dottle of ibis KAR-APARILLA I* a n liable, even when no active symi toms cf disease appear. Per? sons afil?ete wilh thelol owitg complaints generally find tmn ediate relief, and, at length, cure by the use ot this SA Rs APA KT LLA: st. Antboni's Fire, Rose or trys pelas, letter, salt Rticum, scald Head. Ring Worm, -aro lyes, Soro tars, and other erup? tions ? r visible forms of Scrofulous di-o-se. Also, m the morv concealed tor mt?, as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Heart Li ea-e, > ita, Lpilepsy, Neu ra g. a and tbe vi? nous ulcerous affections ol the muscular and ner? vous PI et> ms. syubibs or Venereal and Mercurial Diseases are cur- d by lt, tbongb a long ilnae >s required foi tub durim; these obit nate maladi s oy o y medicine, Rut long conttnned us* of this medicino will cure the complaint. Leucorrhoaa or Whites, Uterine L' i ce'attona and Peuiaie diseaset, aro common!) toon relieved and ultimately cured by its punfjiog ai d invigorating ( fl. ct. Minute liirections for each case are lound in our Almanac sup, lien gratis. h hen matism and G ut, wben cana.'d by accumulations ol ej raueooB matters in tbe bloot. yield quickly to it, as also Liver Oompl .mts, lorpidli?, Cungestloi. 01 lnfinninailon of the Liver and HU lee. wbu ans lng. as thoy ofieu do. fom the rankling poisons m ibebooJ lhis SAK>P.Vi;ILL*. la s great restore) for the etrength and v?orof toe s.tstem. lho-e who are Lanuuio and Listle s, Despondent, Meepb s-< and iroub ed with Nervous Appr?hensions or Fears or axy ot tbe affections symptomatic of Weakness. will find immediate relief ana convincing evidooce of its i estorativo power upon trial. PBxraaxD BY Dr. J, C. ATi?Ii dc Ct?., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. Sold at Wholf Bale, by DOWIfc k MOKE. Charleston, South Carolina, And by Bc tail Druggist*, everywhere. March 26 uso tbstaSmot HOUSEKEEPERS ! HOUSEKEEPERS! MEN-WOJ1EIS-A.VD CHILDI.EV I MEN-YVOME \-A ND CHI LOUES I READ-READ. **r^" tri Sf ita- ? i n. - ..ii "Soothius lo ad pan ful wuunds " kc. "Bealing to ali sores ulceis," kc. 'COSTAR'S' BUCKTHORN SALVE Is the most extraordinary ? *LVC over known. Its power of .-oothin r and H'-aimg for all Cut?, B.>ru?, Biuises. Sores Ulcers, Chapped Hands and -kin, for ?.ore Kipp es. for Piles, kc. kc - is without a paral? lel. One i erson- saes of it: "I would not be with? out a box in my house, if lt cost $5, or 1 had to travel all th way to New York tor lt" IN. T. Ewning Newt, ftplember 6. ttT'll Druggist tn CHARLESTON sell lt. " COSTAR'S '* STANDARD PREPARATIONS ABE BIS BEAUTIFIER1 THE Bitter-sweet and Urang? Blossoms. 49- Ooo Bottle, f 1-Thiee for 12. Hld "Cottar's" Kat, Roach, Ac.. K xterm l'a. "Cottar's" Bed'Bag Exterminators. "Cottar's" (only pure) Insect Powder. "Only Infallible Remeriiea known." H11 Beware 111 of spuriou? imitations." "All Druggists in CHABLIS ros ted them " Add rta? . Cos TAH,?' ERO. 13 Howards., N. Y. Sold in CH A RLE si OX, 8. C., by GOODRICH, WIXKJHX dc CO. March 23 Die jTr Jjl O V T Z ' B CELEBRATED Horse and Cattle Powders. mil, such as LUNG FEVER LOW WATER, HKAVES, Coughs. Distemper, Fevers, Founder, Lods of Appetite and Vital Eneigy, ?c. Thia preparation, long and lavoranly known, wilt thor ot?gbry ri?ivgorate broken down and low-spiritea bornes, by strengthening sud c,causing the stomach and intes? tines. It is a sute preven. Uve of ill dbeates incident to this am. GLANDERS, YEL Its use Improves tbe Wind, increas? es the Appetite gives a Mmooth sud Glossy Skin au. i transforms the mi serable Skclel ons into a flue looking and spirited Horse. TO KEEPERS OF COWS THIS PREPARATION IS INVALUABLE It tn e rosses tbe qua1 ti ty and Im? proves t!io quality of the MILK II ba* o en prover b actual expert ni< nt to mer? HP, Ibe q ti antity o< Milk and i.rcaui twenty per cent. . and ma >e the But --w-^_=^>-?-- 'tirr firm acd sweet. In fattening rattle, ii give? them an appe lle, open? their hides and makes them tin ive much meier. IN ALL DISEASES OF SWINE, SUt H AS COUGHS, ULCERS IN THE LUNGS, LIVER, kc. this article acta asa spe? cific By putting t; from one-half to o paper ia a barrel of swill the ab ve d'fea-cH wi ll be eradicated or en? tirely prevented. If riven in time, a certain pre live and euro for tho Hog Cholera. rtEPABED BT DAVID E. KO I? TZ, WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT. No. 11C Frankiin-strert. Dunmore, Md. F03 SAM BT LH)WIE di MOISIS, WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE, No. 101 MEETING-STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HO I EL, _March 31 _ig EOSADA LIS Purifies the Blood. Vor Sale by nraagtat* Kttrywoir July 23 Die lji frags, Remir?is, ?\t. DK. O. S. PK?PHiTT'S FAMILY MEDIOINES, 00VBI6TTKO OF EIS CELEBRATED LIVER MEDICINE, ANODYNE PAIN KILL IT, ANTI-BILIOU? PILLS, AGUE PILLS, Dysentery Cordial, Female Tonic AND PURIFYING PILLS. TBE I'XCkLLENT REMEDIES OF 0. S. PRO Pilli'I, M. D., need no recommendation their well known power lo remov ng the diseases pe? culiar to oar Sou oem cl.mate hartog already estab? lished for them tn eiviuble reputation m Georgia and th? adjoiuin;.' >tates, AB the majority ot persons living in ti e .-outh ?re predi-po ed to di?ease ot the Liver, Iiis ?rauted by all intelligent phvs'dans th.t most of ti.D pains and aches ot our people aro duo to on mic or mucii nal derangement of that impor? tan' organ. Prophitt's Liver and Anti Bi .iou* Pills ht ii kn directly at tho root of tho < vd. Thuv cure the Liver, which in niuo cases out of eu, i? at the bottom cf tho Courbe, Dyopep-i?, Colic, bick Headache Rheumatism, Couhtlpation, Men? strual Obstructlcuri, ftc, to comm m among our peoplo. Earacbo, Toothache, A ruto Rheumatism, Neuralgia and boui y pains of every kind fl e before PKOPHlTT's P vi v KILL IT like chaff before tho wind. Pit OPHI TI'S LIV Eli MEDICINE. Dr. Frophitt- Bavins u ed ibis medicino rani ciently \ovu to tc-t its virtua,. nd to laiisly my own mind that it is an invaluable remedy to Dvs|.opr-la -a disease ?rom which the wrtt-r has suffered much for six years-an.l being persuaded that bundie a who now suffer from tbis annoying co nplalut would be signally beneficed, as be hus be n by, its use, ?o deem it a dutv we owe to this unfortunate class to recommend to them the use of this ie OJ edy which bas given not only bimse.t but several members of his family the grea.est re.ief. M. W. ARNOLD. Of the Georgia Conference. DOOLX COON rx, GA , April, 1807. This is to rertity >bit I wa- confined to be hou c. and most ot tee tlr-c to my bea, aud >nff>ring the greatest simny imsglnable with Bbeuui.itan. for Uve months, and alter liylng every available reme? dy, wi,h no relief, I wa? cured wi.h iwo bottle? of Dr. ii. s Prophitt's Anodvne Pam KUI It, each coat? ing fifty cenisoiily; ilreiietcd me almost instantly. I tberetorf recommend lt in the h guest degree to others ?uffering from similar dise se. I can say that it is ono ol tho best tam il v ruedicln s now out, certain. Yours truly. W. A. FOREHAND. COVINGTON-, GA., July 9, 1867. Dr. PropkiU-Ilavlug ui-ed yi ur Liver Medicine for more ilLm a year in mv iamily, i cheerful.y re com tu end it to all persons - nffering from Liver af? fections. Dyspepsia or Iud gctdion ba any form. I also recommend your Dysentery Cordial aa tue best remedy tor thai disease. O. T. BUQ&Uf. STAKPOnrVTLLE, PuTDAM COUKTY, Oct, 1. 1867. Dr. 0. S. trophxll- Dear Sir- i hi- is to ccr?ty that I have used your Ague Pills for the lasi ten ye>re. and 1 have never failed <o cure .be Ague in a single ID sunco wlib tbem. They al sftys break the chi ia the first day that ihey are given. I can recom? mend them as beiua the .est aguo medicine that i have < ver found, and they leave no bad effects follow? ing them, ls Quinine ftc. Yours respecttully. A. WESTBROOK. Pun AM POCHTT, QA. September 32, 1868. Dr. 0. a. Pn phill - - ir-I have u-Pd for the last two y ara In my family von Liver Med nine, your Pain Kill It, and yon Fem ile Toi ic, and I have no fear s in saying that i hey are toe best medicines I have cer ii? d for ihe Liver ana Montai h Neun g o and Rh? umatic afflictions, Headache. Colic, and palus of every kind are subdued by them. After using tbe medicines so long, I cheerfully recommend them to ai. y ai.d every ODO, and io all hat are afflicted, a* Ihf best and saicst rem dies for all Lo diseases for which th y are recommended, Au. YoursrespecUuily, JAMB* WRl3Hf. UR. Pi:?PH I ri S I 'l.Mvt.E TUNIC. This Yedirine, witn its 'associates, ls a safo and certain rcmeoy tor all curable diseases to wh<cb Fe ninlaa ainu? n . . H-.b'o Uti) ? ?. a ?li i MajJ, not IJe vintativo of Nervous Ollnoncfs, or Nervous Dis? rares In eitucr malo or ic > ala It is a pow.riul Ner? vine Tonic f ctn ng up a lull and lice cir. ulation throne ' nt tho sis oru. Ail of th ' aiMivo Me iicinc? sold by PruepisU and Mori-hams p-aiorally hrougUout thu -outbwest. KD. S. BU KN H AM, Wholesale aud Retail Agent, ?.0 121 liitg-sticet, (near Calhoun,) Charles'on, S. C. Prepared only by DE. O. S. PROPHHT. April 10 stuthSmos covington. Ga. _Sans._ MARVIN'S PATENT Alum & Dry Plaste" FIRE PR0G? SAFES Are most desirable for quality, finish and price. >_ MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR SAFES Cannot bc Sledged! Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES* FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS Please scud fur a catalogue to MARVIN 6c 00., (oldest rufe manufacturers) " . , , (2rt.r) Hroudway, New Tort Principal . 721 <:h,-HL,.ut Ht.. Phila. Warehou** |108Bauk et.<cieveland,0 And for sale by our agents in the principal oities throughout the United States FOR SALE BY WM. aM. BIRD ft CO., No. 203 FAST BAY, CM A HLfc M U V. December 20 lyr Y ll<? BI 4 T? 350 horse power Inc urtlm? ?be CRfi-atoi Corliss t-Ut-oft" Engines. ?Bile Valve r-ta tiouar* taigines Portable lingi cs, ftc AIKO CtrtU lor Mu'av and Uang t-aw M'll?. surrar Cune Mils, ? ba.ting inilley*. ftc. Lath and Miiug^o Mills Whear unicorn Mills. Circular i-awe IWtntf, Ac. t-eod (or descriptiva Circular und Price List. TVOOD ft MANN 81EAM ?NOISE CO., 1'cbruary 18 6moB OUca, New York, /nrm'torf, (Etf. IDJ^ISTIEL IE?. SILCOX, Nos. 175,177 and 179 KING-STBEET, - - Charleston, & C., Keeps constantly on band a large and well eel ec ted assortment ot CABINET F LTRISTITURE, Of the latest and most approved stries, which he offer s st prices that cannot fall to please. ALSO, CHAMBER AND COTTAGE SETS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ay THE BUST ASSORTMENT EVER 0VEERED IN THCB MABKEr.-? N.B.-Goods Carefully Packed tor Shipping. March ls th ?ro?mos Jusnranic. OSJABJEAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Organized in 1859. All Policies non-Forfeitable. Hali Loan Taken. ?No Notes Required. LAST CASH DIVIDEND 60 (FIFTY) PER CENT. Statement. Policiea in force.$25.000 OOO Ase?te. 1,500.000 Annual Inoome. 800.000 Losses Paid.- 600.000 Officers. W. H. PECKHAM. President. H. V. OAHAOAaN. Secretary. L. MCADAM, Actuary. O. A. FODICKAB, Bopennteodent. Directors. Hon. JOHN A. Dix, New York. Han. JAMES HARPKE, Firm H arpar io Bros., ci-ila\ or Now York. JOHN J. CRANE President Bank Republic. WK. T. HOOKER Wali-siroet. WM. M. VHHHILTR. Banker ( Verm il y * * Co.) CHAS. G. ROOKWOOD, Cashier Newark Banking Com pan ?, Hon. GEORGE OPDTEE ex-Mayor of New York. MIHOT C. MOROAK. Banker. THOMAS UIQNEY, firm Thomas Rigney ? Co. BENJ. B. SH ERM AM. Treasurer New York Steam Mugar Reflu? ig Co r.pany. A AEON ARNOLD Firm of Arnold, Constable & Co. RICHARD H. BOWNE, Wetmore ? Bowne, Law? yers. GEORGE KEIM, General E. V. HAUOHWOUT, Firm E. V. Haughwou? * Co. Wa. WILSENS. Firm W. wakens A Co. J?LICH H. PHATT, Morohaat. Wu. W. WRIGHT, Merchant CHAS. J. STABS. Merchant. WILLIAM ALLEN Merchant. GEO. W. CUXLEB, Banker, Palmyra, N. ?. GEO. T. HOP-.. Pr?sident Continental Fire ia surance Company. JOHN H. .SHERWOOD Park Plaue. WALTON H. * TOSBAM. Corner 5th Avenue ind7 f wenry-thira-atreet. EDWARD if. WRIGHT. Newark, N. J. GEO. W. FARLEE, Counsellor. W. L. COOSWIXL, Merchant. Agent for South Carolina. Dr. T. liK.KNSTJK.tiNA. Examining Physician. January 13 Arno R. ISSERTEL, GENERAL AGENT FOB CHARLESTON, Office Ito. SM tttag-itrset, engleston. S. C. /frtflijcr^ FBETHJIZERS! RHODES' SUPERPHOSPHATE! 4, THE OLD AND LONGEST ESTABLISHED STANDARD MANURE. ORCHiLLA GUANO ! PERUVIAN GUANO ! I T> RODER' MANURE IN ITS PBEPABATION. I? M ?DE EQUALLY ADAPTED FOR FtCINQ Mtv larer crops nf Coiioa. oom, wo eat loaao o Potatoes and o?h?r Root Or?os. T "ine Uacul.icru'lng Department is eouducted by Frederick Klett, oue ot the most sullfal Chemists and i Manufacture? m tho Unit, d -?ates. It is end reed, appro/ d ind rcximnseoded by all of the mo-t prominent Cbomsts sod Asncolturlsta u; tie -oaihoro Miioa <lt ran bo reli. d ai ou a* uniform in qiaiuy " alwavs ro.iiblo, productive of Urge crops, and unexcelled by any lu tbe market, in tbe higl perci-utago of .? 1 rue Feitiliz'iu Pnuciples." Price ta7 50 OSSk, or (69 time, with Factor's acceptance, aud 7 per cent, interest until 1st Decemb r 1869. mi CHILLA uCANO-"AA." a fine Bird Quinn, rich in Phosphates and Alkaline Salts. Price .>? cash MO rime. 1'i^iiC VIA.V GUANO-Warranted pure, sud always on hand. Furnished st market prices for ca*b. Analysis of Rhodes' Standard Superphosphate of Lime. Moisture Expelled at 212?.5.05 Soluble Phosphoric Acid...9.06 Equal to Phosphate Lame .19.78 Common Phosphoric Acid.16.03 Equal to Bono Phosphate.81.99 Total Phosphates.6?.77 Lime with Phosphoric Aoid..29.68 Sand.00.00 . ' Sulphate of Lime sud other Salts not estimated..40.18 100.00 Tho abovo analysis indicates a Manorial Superphosphate of Lime of the highest er ade ordi? narily lound in tue American market. Its larire amooot of Soluble Phosphoric Acid supplies an active nutriment for th ? development aud maturity of the fruitage. Tba Sulphuric Acid which it coutains, by chemical affinity with the olemonts of most soils contribute lo its Fer? tilizing Properties. To show its best effects, this Superphosphate should be applied under aud in contact with the Seed, and with a moderately shallow covering of soil. A. MEANu} Inspector, Sa van nab, Chatham County, Georgia. O. H. WILLIAMS, Assistant Chemist. February 13th, 1869. We guaran lee that every package of RHODES' STANDARD SUPERPHOSPHATE shalt icily come up to Ute above analysis. B. H. BHODES & CO.. Ko. SS SO C T H - ST K K K T, BALT1HOKK. B. S. RHETT & SON, AGENTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. February Vt HailraaK 8UUTH VAltOlilNA KA 1 LUCIA Li. IMri'WflBi, GENERAL >rjPKUINlJ?.MyJlM t> OFFICE, I ('nAHLzeTON. a C., April 9, tts69. t ON ANT) AFTEB SUi DAY. APliIL lira, THE PA*s._>LU li.M.NS of the south Oaxolui' Railroad will run a* follow? : FOB AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.8.S0 A. ? Arrive et ?neuste. 4 15 P. M Connecting with trtvua for Monte ornery, Memphi? Nashville and New Orleans, via Montgomery an' Grand Junction. FOB COLUMBIA. Leave CharleHton.8.?0 A. lt Arrive et Coln ru Ma.6.10 P. Al Connecting with Wilmington an? jloncbester I< %> road, tuc Camdon train FWli CHABLEb'TON. Leave Augusta.9.00 A. A Arrive at Charleston.610 p. il Leave Columbia.7 15 A. v Arrivo at l l P. 5' AUGUSTA NIGHT KTPR?8S i ft'ND A YS EXOfPIEO.1 Leave Cbarlestou.7.30 P. M Arrive at Aujmsta.n lo a. M Connecting wltb trams tor Memphis, Nbsbviil and Lew Ol leans, v's. Groud Junction. ?eave augusta.4.10P. v Arrive at Charleston.LOO A. X COLI'MbIA NIGH i hXPBBSS. IRUJiOATF ?CEITED.1 Lesve Cliaricston.W* p- *. Axrlv?? at i oluiurji.i.La? A. ? Connecting unuay* esc pied, with (iroenvillo at C-olu ubi? lUulrojcl. Leave t tr lura bia.Mi P. H *rnve ai Charleston.6.3- A. V S MMBRVTI.LI TRAIN. Leave Cbarlfcton.H.: 6 P. 1" I arrive at hurom-rv'lle. 6.: OP. V Lrave Summerville.7.10 A. Ai \ri\veat Cuurlesfui.H.3? A. V . 'A M DEN t: RA Nc H. Camdon and - olumbt> PatRonier Trains on MOM DAYS, Vmt H?SDAV8 and SAT?BDATS, connects with up and dO'Vii Day Pasifngeraat Uiugville. brave Caiuii-n.6 85 A. n, arri est Columbia.IL i A Al Leave Columbia......a * P V Arrive ut Camden.7.03 F. V Msnnli tl. T. HSAK>, Aprl 10 Genera) '.m.nnnteiwInT.', yl/lLLlS o? LIHSULAL, FACIOltS, COAlJJlSalON MERCHANTS am SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTEND TO THE POBOHAPE, SALE AM SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Portai o? COTTON, BICE, LOM HEB AND NAVAL STORIb ATLaNTM WDARF, Charleston, f. C E. WILLIS.A. K. CHIfiOLU October ** _Stow._ M. L. FINLEY'S reltrbratrd Cooking? Moyes, "FHlLANTHltOPlSr" AND "CIYILIAN,,' alanufactun-d at Troy, N. T., and for tale by ii). L. FULLERTON? AUGUSTA, OA. THE-E PT< VES STAND ONBmiXED FOR cavsciiy rt or bilitv, oonvei ?mee- ?Dd tho (?eu .ral pu pnto- io which ?>ooU:ni; Stoves art- need. The PH' I AN ! H HOPIS ) ? extra hcav> pl.ited, and tata Aidi Di awi-1 ; can be mad-* into a rix boiler hot? novo: bas cart iroi Wtter Tank galvanized,or? eu IL o', Hum. A strictly Orat-c!at<? ?tove. The ClVfi?l*N ts ol a neat design, and bas a One large Own. I hw ?tuve '-a i bo hail with the extension o..rk nix IIO'OJI, and ro-> rvolr when desired For further i ul ruction apply to P. L. FULLERTON. Ja in ry 30 * tmo* Ancnsta, Qa QTT? BON Si T A G , DYER AND SCOURER, No. 141 JUarfcettireet, Between King and Archdale. Gents'Coats Tests. Panta and Hats DTED, fcCOCE ED tnd PKissi.r, ; al-" Blankets and Carpets Clean? ed and Washed with greatest dispatch. april S_imo rpi) UH SINUS)? HEN. % THE SUMTER NEW8, PUBLISHED AT SUMTER, S. C., I ?> r I-F rnir fie*)?' PAPKR-I IN THE CP COTJ N r V ; bas a larne ciroo-atioa, snd afford-? sa m-i-iiir u-iv i iia^es aa au advertistog m ?diam. Te.m? low Ail In? ^DABB A O "TEEN, February 22 ProprWOIS. t