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TH* DAILY NEWS. Largest Circulation.-HIE DAILY SEWS MUNG TBS NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RE iOGNIZED AS HAVING JUE LARGEST CIR? CULATION IN IEE CITY OF CltARLPSTOy. PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN? ING IN THE FOSTOFFICE AT TnE END Ol EACH WEEK. ACCORDING 70 THE PROVIS? IONS OF THE NEW POSTOFFICE LA W. LOCAL MATTERS. -o MEETINGS THIS DA Y. Jefferson Lodee, at 8 P. bl. Hook and Ladder, Ho. 1, at 7 P. M. Freandschaftsbund, a: 8 P. H. Coulinontal Qoards, at 8 P. M. Hibernian Soc oty, at 8 P. M. Vigilant Company, at 8 P. M. Steam Fire (Jompauy of Axmen, at 8 P. M. AUCTION HALS i THIS DAY. LEITCH SC BRUNS will sell at ll o'clock, at the old Postoffice, valuablo property in Hayue streot. J. FRASER MATHEW ES will soil at ll o'clock, .a>t his office, Broad-dtreet, silver ware, gold watch. Au. RISLEY ? CREIGHTON will sell at 12 o'clock, on Accommodation wharf, a carpo of Eastern har. T. M. CATEB will sell at three-quarters past 9 o'clock, at his ?tore, Brown's wharf, batter, lard, Ac Bon OKI & SCHACHTE will sell et tbroe-qoarters past 9 o'clock, at their stores, East Bay, shoulders, butter, ftc. JOHN Q. MCCNOR & Co. will sell at 10 o'clock, at their salesroom, Heeling -street, straw goods, clothing, &c. LAUE GT & ALEXANDER win sell at 10 o'clock, at theimtore. East Bay, ayr np, beef. Ac. A. C. aloGiLLivEA? will sell at ll o'clock, at No. 238 King-street, balance of contents of drag store._ REAL ESTATE SALIS, BT I. Y. WESTEBVELT. The small dwelling OB Glebe lands, No. 5 St. Philip-street, for $600 cash. UNITED STATES TAXES.-Collector Clontman gives notice this morning that taxes included 10 the annual list for 1869, mast be paid on or before the 81st instant. Bead hts advertise? ment._ THE MOOT COUBT.--This court, to be com? posed of the junior members of tbe bar and law students, was organized yesterday with the folio * i ns: officer s : J. C. Mi nott, President; G. H. Sass, Vice-Pre aident;-Mazy ck, Secretary and Treasurer. CLUBS ANO STABS.-Diana Middleton, col? ored, waa turned over to a magistrate, yes? terday, for stealing fifty dollars from Warren A. 8need. Two linen oversacks have been brought to the guardhouse, having been stolen from un? known parties. REPORTERS' CRUJ?AS.-The Graham lino of omnibuses run regularly to the Scbuetzen plat E. The Germania Bund will give a picnic on the 29th instant. The prizos for the Sohnetzenfest continue to pour in to Von Santen's Bazaar. SBTBHUSSEX.-Tho latest reports from thia ship in the Sa vannin Advertiser says: Captain J. K. Bellly, who had ohargo of tho work of discharging the cargo trora the ship Sussex, completed the same yesterday, having taken ont two hundred and twenty-three bales cotton since last Friday afternoon, all that is necessary to take from the ship, there beiog no more fire, and the remainder of tho cargo not having even been scorched. Of the cotton removed from the ship there is not as mash damaged as was at first supposed, mau v bales being only partially burnt on the outside. THE MEMPHIS COMMERCIAL CONVENTION. In pursuance of an invitation of the Memphis Chamber of Commerce to the citizens of Charles Lon to send delegates to the Memphis Commercial Convention, a resolution was pass? ed by Council empowering the Mayor to ap? point delegates to attend in behalf of the oily. The following gentlemen have been appointed : Henry Buist, George W. Williams, F. J. Colzer, F. Richards, B. Sieghag, R. C. Barkley. Z. Da? vis, James M. Carson. The convention meets on the 18th instant. FACILITIES FOB LOWERING BOATS.-Notwith? standing tbe amount of mechanical skill which has been applied to increase the facilities and success in lowering boatb from ships in cases of diflastfT at sea, there is still mn ih room for improvement, and tbe safety of valuable lives frequently depends noon the security afforded to passengers. The excitement and baste at? tending a calamity at sea ia vary often so great, evenftn the best regulated vessels, that boats are swamped in the hurry of lowering them, and all on board perish. Mr. Thomas Morti? mer, of our city, hie exhibited tods a plan which appears to be simple arid effective, and which deserves the attention and examination of ship-owners, masters of vessels, and all who go down to the sea in ships. THE UBTTED STATES COURT, MAT 3-HOM. GEORGE 8. BRYAN,PRESIDING .-The regular Dis? trict Court of the Elstern Circuit of the Uni? ted States was opened yesterday. It was or? dered that the Marshal return ibo venires, whioh was done, and the grand, petit and pleas jurors were called and answered to their names, and were summoned to attend to-day at ele von o'clock. The ooart was principally occupied hearing oases io bankruptcy. In Admiralty.-In the case of tho steamer Oriental against the brig J. S. Pye, it was or? dered that so muon of the cargo of tbe brig be discharged as will enable tho appraisers of the iron*, appointed by the court, to soe and appraise that portion of tho oargo. HOTEL ARRIVAIS, MAT 3.-Pavilion Hou>t. Arthur Faller, Marshal Kimball, Lynn, Mass.; L Y. Westervalt, Cit}-; 8amaol P. Matjhowes, Kingtree; N. J. Thouron stornier Dictator; Gaofge 8. Roberts, Qa ar terinas ter Department Charleston. Charleston Hotel.-K P. Graff, Biltiraoie; J. Jacobson, Now York; T. H. Dupuy, Puiladd :pfaiia^Mu?ss E. Hoadson, Pro vide nco, lt. L; E. 13. Calhoun,South Carolina; W. T. Bennett, In? ternal Revenue Department; John Chadwick, Wadmsiaw, A* Ellis Walkins, New York; W. I. Daggett and wife, Wilmington, N. C.; II. II. Dutton, Boa a lort, 6. C.; J.-W. C. Kennell, New York; W. J. Joalman and wife, South Carolina; W. T. B. Cooper, lady and child, W. Cooper, J. M."Cooper, Robort Dicke, Williamsburg; Robert Warral!, Manchester, Eng.; H. K. Bull, wife and daughter, William Plummer and sister, New York; L. D. Clapp, F. W. Jost, New Jersey; Mrs. D. O'Connor, Miss M. O'Connor, William A. O'Connor, New York. ? THE TRUMPET AT THE OEPHAN'S FAIB_The silver trumpet, to have been awarded to the fire compaoy whioh received the largest num? ber of vote 3 at the Orphan's Fair at Schachte's Hall, will be replaced by another and more massive one, a photograph of which may be seen at the Washington Light Infantry Fair. The new trumpet with the nozzles, lanterns and one hundred feet of hose belonging to the last named Fair, will form one grand prize, to bo - given to the fire company which re?oives the largest number of ballo:s. The proceda will be divided between tho Orphans and the Washington Fair, where the balloting will take place. There are now two strings to the bow, eacd^etrong enough to draw the greenbacks from the pockets of tho coldest. Will not every visitor to the Fair to-night remember the Or? phol* and the Washington Fair? j THE MONUMENTAL FAIR. Tho novel and beautifully arranged roonoB, at the Hibernian Hull, vrero tun open to tho public Inst evening, at se o'clock, and presented a score that lias ne been surptsscd ni our city. Tho tables an the forms of Sibley and ocagonal tents i are canopied with white and rod cambric, fr which hnnr> moss baskets and other taste ornaments, while boneatb tho covcrii.g is v nigh every imaginablo article, from a bar shoe to a merschaum pipe. Everything t is pretty is certainly there. The transparency in front of tho hall, tween two of the colunias, represents a ?U aud her daughter in Magnolia Cometery ab to crown the memorial tomb of the fal brave with a wreath ot laurel. As she vanees she says, "Ho is not here, but we hi dedicated this spot to his memory.*' Inscnl on the tomb are these sweet words of afl tion: "In memory of our fallen c i m rad es." Ou entering the hall the visitor does i know which way to look first, so many and verse are the attractions. THU FIREMAN'S TABLE Is adorned with banners ot the Phoenix a Marion, and lanterns of the Mint and Pione This table contains one hundred feet of leal] hose, two pipes Datent leather bou ad, and t silver-plated lanterns to be voted for; als fox and tho elegant floral pyramid wbi crowned the Vigilant engino on the Maye Pando. Immediatoly in tho rear of this tal is the raffle stand. TABLE NO. I On the right of the hall is ander the char of Mrs. S. J. Burger and Mrs. Olney, J This table is complete in silver ware, far goods, China, embroideries, fino painting dolls, waxwork, a gentleman's dressing gov books, oloth eoreen, hanging baskets, and t old woman in the shoe. There is also a crt made of grass, gathered by a cadet from Cai lina from the grave of Stonewall Jackson, Virginia. It is raised work, and rests or monument. A wreath of immortelles is ls over the cross, while at its base is the hkenc of the hero, and below it his sword in min tore. This is really worth observing, and is ingenious pieoe of woman's handiwork. TABLE so. 2, In charge of Mrs. B. F. Whilden, has on it marble monument "to our fa'lon brave,r crow ed with cypress, laurel and immortelle; ti dolle, the highlander and the "blue belle" Scotland; Ave handsome croases, covered wi native mosses; handsome sofa cushions, an i rant's entire suit and furnishing basket, ch oren's wearing apparel of evsry variety, genuine (imported) meerschaum pipe, a f head, tobacco bag, ftc. THE NORTH REFKB8H*ENT TABLE, Under Mrs. M. VY. St. Arnaud and Mrs. Jol Marion, comes immediately next, and bene a the broad canopy of pirti colored ca m un wreathed m ovorgreena and studded with whi tulips, are to be found evory delicacy and HU stantial that could tempt the palate of tho er cure. There aro decorated ' ams in v trioi forms, jars ot fruits, acd refreshments of t kinds. - TBE STAOE FAKO? TABLE, Presided over by Mrs. Wm. T. White, has tv elegant Italian marble tables- -one Gothic at the other oval-both beautiful evidences of tl pains-taking-workmanship of Wm. T. Whit Esq. Batween th :m is a massive cake, d signed to represent a plan of the monumout 1 be placed over the graves of those of tho ass ciation who fell in tho Confederate war. breakfast fancy sst, China, a bower wi*A* ? M. party in it surrounding the queen, dolls, glasi ware, Ac., deo .rate this prominent and tastil arranged table. THE SOOTH REFRESHMENT TABLE, Under Mrs. Charlton Raid and Mrs. J. ? Greer, groans beneath the weight of goo things, embracing everything in the edible lin known to thc confectioner and unmitigated cook. THE TOILET TABLE. This is a small boudoir, with a dear mirror done np in quilling of white muslin by Mrs. J R. Cbrietzberg; it has an elegant sot of burea utensils, with a sofa-formed cushion on whic: are tho combs and brushes. It is a uniqv affair, and is to bo raffled. Fortunato th bachelor who wins it. OCTAGON TABLE, NO. 3, Conducted by Mrs. Olney and Mi's. Blum, one of he completest tables in the fair; full i everything varied and handsome. Among th art icios are an elegantly dressed doll brid dolls, cloaks, framed picture of the Madone and child, small chairs,silverware, vases, cori baskets, tidys, cologne, infant's dresses, a cr: ing doll, the doll Eugenio in blue dress, wa fruit and flowers, a design for the associalio monument, and a gentleman's dressing eas from Nassau. AN ELEGANT P TUA MID Of artificial flowers, comes dom the Vigilant! the victorious white ooat boys - tho prize takers. It has white and red satin atreamen with the name of tho engine Vigilant and he plucky motto, Perseverando Vmcimus, i sparkling gilt loiters. THE DOLPHIN, A O BAB FISH, Ia next, and is clammed full of prizes. Th i fish will no doubt be patronized by the smal visitors who, for tho trifle they g vo, will sorel carry off its equivalont. This fish belongs to THE WIDOW'S HOME TABLE, Conducted by tho ladies who manage th* WidoVs Home. Like overything th?y get up it is an evidence of their taste and choic arrangement. It contains an elegant oushioi from a lady in New York, a cactus, a fireman'i h?.t, with a likeness of Stonewall Jackson dom in Germany, sot in tho front, from F. F. Chapeau, Esq., kc. THE K SC "i M PATENT SOE XE. This represents the camp of Colonel Wm Washington, with Miss Elliott presenting lh< Eutaw colors. The regiment is drawn up in liuo, io front of the Colonel's tent, which iE completo in tho appointments of the field, anti tho fair donor most beautifully arrayed stands with her sweet face bent upon tho patriot, while she bolds the staff of the flag. Tho de? sign is novol, life-like and historic illy (ruc. Last evening, J. C Lacoste won an ice fruit cake, N. P. Johnson a French toilet set, Miss J. E. Weyman one dozen silver forks. Hon. J. B. Campbell a handsome cakj, and Misa Rosa West a doll. . Floor managers for this evening ano : Senior Managers.-Colonol C. H. Simonton, Colonol P. C. Gaillard, Colonel W. L. Ti en holm, Colonel Z. Davis, Captaiu Jas. M. Car? son, Captain Wm. A. Kelly, Captain Jacob Small, H. F. Baker, Esq., Geo. W. King, Esq., Jae. H. Taylor, Esq., E. W. Edgerton, Esq., Andrew 8imouds, Esq., John F. O'Neill, Esq., John H. Steinmoyer, Esq., James M. Easqn, Esq. Junior Managers.-Dc. T. Grange Simons, George D. Grice, J. H. Beuneker, Jr., T. W. Lebby. GREEN VEGETABLES.-We take tho following quotations from a New York circular, of Sat? urday : Charleston pea9 havo beor, vorv plenty and decidedly lower, a good many of'them in bad order. We are expeotiug them from .Norfolk by evory steamer. Radishes are plenty and dcc.dedly lower. New Southern cabbages are in and bringing our quotations. Bei muda to? matoes are plentier and lower. Thero is no demand for Russian turnips ; they have run so low that it must be more prontablo to feed them to stock than to send them here for sale. Green poss, Charleston, per bushel. $1 50a$2 23 ; radishes. Southern, per bushel, 50a $2 ; to? matoes, Bermuda, per box, $1 25i$l 50 ; cab bage8, new, per dozen, $125a $150 ; turnips, Russian, per barrel, 50*75. s TUB MAYORALTY. The install?t ort nf the '.PW Mayo; am A 1(11 mun- ! 1 ow it wa? Done. Tho announcement that Mr. Qilbort Pills buiy, tho Ma.>or elect, and bi- Aldermen, wooli bc installed ycstoiday at 12 o'clock M., ciusci a largo num -or of persona, principal!; colored to gather around tho City Hall. At tho ap pointed hour Air. Pillsbury rudo up in a car riago, in which were Aldermen Cunningham Mackey and Grcon. The crowd whioh had linod the ai eos mad' way, and the Mayor au I accompanying Alder men wont up to tho Mayor's ornoo, whoro tho; wero met by Mayor Clark, who shook hand wi. h them aa they entered, even with T. J Mackey, with whom bo had boen at variance ii consequence ol the latter's caustic publicat on in THE NEW.-- in reference to Mr. Clarks om cial co ?duct. Mayor Clatk then presontei City treasurer Thomas to tho Mayor elect While those movements w-ro going on, th Council Chambar had become donaoly crowded pnncip illy with oolored men. In a lew momenta the gavel of Mr. Clark foll and silence prevailed. Mr. Clark requestoi that auoh members of the old board as wer present would take their accustomed scats For a few moments none of tbe old Aldormei appeared, when fi. Judge Moore, Esq., soli tar and alone, passed across the clerk's desk, am waiko J in tho direotion of his seat. Aldermai Potter, who is also m the new board, was als? present. A white man, na nod Kiley, attempted a dc monstiation when Ar. Pillsbury appeared, b; crying 'Three cheers," ?sc., but Mr. Clari promptly ordered him to be put out ol tin chamber, whioh wau done. The ex Mayor then addre.-sod himself to tbi members of the retiring board, and retumei them thanks for the aid they bad renderei him, through tho season they hod passe? together, and expressed himself pleased ti induct, the new boord, and promised tnem hil hearty support. Ho eaid that he' extended ti Mr. Pillsbury the right hand of fellowship; ant then administered to bim the oath of office ant led him tn the Mayor's chair. Mr. Pillsbury thanked Mr. Clark for the wei come he had given him, for himself and in be half of the nev? board, and hoped they wonk be ablo to realzo all the good wishes that ha? been expressed. Mr. Pillsbury thou requested the Aldormei to rise in their seats and repeat the oath afte him, as he read it. The following Aldermen wero sworn in: Ward 1-J. F. Greene. Ward 2-W m. McKinlay, colored, and E. W M. Mackey. Ward 3-Robert Howard, colored, Davn Barrow aud T. J. Mackey. Ward 4-L. T. Pottor, Riobard Hollow ij colored, G. I. Cunningham, and R. Hampton colored. Ward 5-P. Thorn, colored, and L. F. Wall colornd. Ward 6-M. H. Co lins, aud Malcolm Drown colored. Ward7-E.P. Wall, colored. Ward 8-T. Small, i\> orod. Absent-C. Voigt, Ward 4, and J. D. Ged dings, Ward 1. Alderman (loadings will L. present at tho m jeting tonight. Mr. Voig positively decliuos tu tako his Beat. Mayor Pillsbury then dolivered his address which will bo found in auothor columu. Tin Mayor then announced tho Board roady foi business, whor supon, on mo ioo of Aldermai T. j Macke? asoaadad htAldotTnaiiiaaaaM the Council adjourned to moet at Boron o'clocl this evening. When Council udjourned tho new Mayoi went on a tour of inspection through th? Guardhouse. Here ondetb the first ks JOH t KASS MZETINO AT MOOT. There was a largo mectintr, laut night, at tbi house of Mr. Pillsbury, in D ughty-atreet. ? baud of music and illuminations lit up tb? dark soene, while the dense crowd gave vent U their feelings iu vociferous cheering. Tb? principal object ot the meeting was to presen Mr. Pillsbury with a beautiful shell-work t ibl< crowned with a basket of artificial flowers highly scented with otto of rcaea. Mr. J. G Mackey was deputed to make (he prosontatioi speech, and confined himself to tho objoct ii view. Mr. Pillsbury responded, and thankel the donors, counselled law and order, and re ferred to the long ordeal through whioh hi passed to reaoh the goal of his hopes. Severs other prominent Republicans followed Mr Pillsbury, riving vent to their pent-up onthu siasm in honor of the day. It was not until i late hour that the crowd dispersed. A ' BATCH or BURGLARIES.-A burel ar at tempted to enter several residences on But ledge-street, night before last, bot faded, j H finally cut the blinds from the door of Mr Williams' residence, near Beaufam-streot, bu got frightened off and biougbt up at Mi*. He riot's residence, which ho entered and robbe? of a lew articles. Atter going all over tin house and helping himself to what he wanto? he cleared ou*, fha residence or Dr. Georgi a. Pelzer, at the o >rnur of Rutledge avenui and Calhoun-atieot, was en ter od on Wcdnesda; night last and robbed. The thief carried i candle through th J house and left, tl c drip pings on the floor. THE GEBKAN SOHUETZEWTEST.-To-motrov will be thc first day of tho German Schuetzen fest, in preparing for which tho Germans o Charleston have exercised even moro thar their usual industry, energy and skill. Novel before has the Feat been 80 generally popular, and Ibo long list of prizes published in om columns is a sufficient proof of the interesl taken in it by every class of citizen-'. The New York Rifle Company, Captain J. F, GerJcB, were to leave New York in tho Cham? pion, and are expected to arrive hero thin intoning. They will bo mot at the wharf by the Committee of Arrangements and conduct? ed to tho headquarters of thc Gesellschaft, at Lindstedt'a Hull, whore thee will bc entertain, ed and properly taken caro of in true German fashion. Tho No? York eoiujuuy will bring down with thom a m issive silver pitcher, which they ? ill presen', to Hie Charleston riflemen About fifty moa aro expected to bo in tho visit? ing party. Dum g the Fest a steamer will p'y botweon tho city and the grounds, giving visitors an opportunity of Ukin.,' a bbw o.i the Ashley River. Tho Committee of Arrangements invito and request clergymen of all denominations, and professors and schoolmasters to visit the Schuetzenplaiz during thc festival. These gen tlemeu will bo admitted free of charge. Invi? tations will bo sent lo them as far as practica? ble, but whether personally invited or not, all are ttskod to ba present. Tho Gormans esire to show tho city that it grand l>uton?c festival, with all its mirth and jollity, is perfectly freo from turbulence or misbehavior. This, in? deed, is one great characteristic of a German merry-making. To-moiTOW is tho first day of tho festival, and wo hope that all our German fellow-citi? zens and thc ships in the harbor will hang out their flags to thc breeze. Lit every house that can do so show its colors in tho morning, and then burrah I (or thc Schtieizenfest. BACON, ST SUP AND COFFEE.-Mr. Ri?cke, of the firm of Riecke & Schachte, hag just arrived from an extensivo tour North and West, where he made large puroliaecs of bacon, syrup and coffee and groceritH generally, which they offer for sale at tue lowest market prices, at their establishment, Nos. 143 and 145 East Bay. Resolutions of < Ky council. At a moetin? o? the members <<i ino City Council of Charleston, hold May 1, IS If), tlc following p?j-oni worn present : Mayor Clark; Aldermen Godding, Poner, VYbildsn, Uo.iour. Voi?l, Olney, Lado, Lindstrom, Mooro and De roof. Aldcimnn Olney irascnlled to tho chair, when tho following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : M7*?roas." A judicial decision has boon given in iho ciao of Pill, bnrv et al. against the A-t ing ola>or and Aldermen, and nu oidor issued by tho courf, requiting them ti vacate their seals; and whereas it is fit sod proper that tho Alciornien should give expression to their i-on* | timents and feeling* os to tho relation which lias horetoforo existed between them and tho M.iyor; therefore Unset oed, That tho thanks of tho City Conn oil are due to the Hon. Ocorgo W Clark, for the courtesy and impar iii li i.v with which he baa presided ovor this oody. as well as for th. zeal, enerzi and ubiliiv with which be hns dis? charged thf dutioi of Mayor, to which in a great degiee is attributive th?qu,et, good order, and men used prosperity of the city. ?Vsofotfd, That a copy of these proceedings bo pr?te ited to Mr. Chirk, anti that thoy be pubiishodin tho daily pap rs. The Mayor returned thanks in a, feeling and earnest manner, while ho took occasion to re? view tho past and to remark upon the present condition of things, when the meeting ad? journed sine die. BUSINESS NOTICES. To THE LADIES.-Messrs. Stoll, Webb & Co. are showing this day a DOW ?ot of dress goods from auction at twenty cents, at Nos. 287 and 289 Kins-street. GREEN TUBTLES to be cut up and ?old each day this weak by Torry & Nolon. * THE SAXE of bay ex "?irohard and Torrey," is advertised for this day, 4th instant, at 12 M. Seo advertisement in another column. May 4 2 RISLE? A CREIGHTON. /int Jlrts. pHOTUCUAPH COLORING. PERSONS WISHING TO HAVE PHOTOGRAPHS tinted with ciro and taste can have their orders promptly ailed by leaving tbcm at Holme??' Book House. Written directions should In each rase be given as to the style of coloring pioferred. April 22 SmoH* Shirts an) /nrnisljing ?cobs. SCOTT'S SHIRTS OE ALL BT?LES AND SIZES, BEADY MADE or made to order, at E. scul l's SHIRT EMPORIUM. TIK8. BOWS. CRAVATS AND SCARF*. IN GREAT vaneiy and Jatust haillons, ut h. SCOH'SiUENIsHLNGSIOHE. AMf-RHAN. ENGLISH AND F1ENCB HOS? IERY, of all giad -?, can always b? found at E. BdOlTl'S, Meeting-street. REVERSIBLE BTTTOH LINEN-FACI-.D PAPSR COLL Wt* AND CVV Vf. of all > ly los and H'ZCB, at E. SCO I : 'd GEM'S FURMsUI NU STORE. STAB sBir.r*. UNDERSHIRT*, DRAWERS, OF every kind, at E. Si O H'S STAB SHIRT EMPORIUM. HANDKERCHIEFS 1 INEN AND SILK. REAL Y Hom mod tor -ni ni 'ciiat - usc, at P. auOIXM GEN t's FCuNlsHISG STORE. ?NDIA GAUZE SUIRIS, LIiLE IH READ AND Mik shirts, at E. SCO ll'S EMPORIUM. KECF.IVRD BT tVE'iY S1EVMER FRESH AD? DI ION-, io my airoady lull ?tock ol Gentlc m -L'.- Furrd.-hm:; G >OIIH, Appiv to E. SCOTT, Meetlng-streeL above Market. 11 BB PE-T ASSORTMENT OF KID GLOVES . and Lille Thr.n l OIovu3 of all c jlors and si*?? gCOTT'S STAIt SIUltT EMPORIUM, MEETING-STREET, OPPOSITE THE MARKET HALL. January 1 Cmos , (Etc. N KW FASHIONS FOR 8PRING AND SUMMER. ?1ENKE & MULLER. M EUC HAN T TAILORS, AMD DEALERS IN Ready Made Clothing, SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN, MEN AND ROYS, MEN'S FIKMMII.SO GOODS, ?fcc. No. 333 King-street, OPPOSITE SOCIETY-STREET. WE TAEE PLEASURE IN INFORMING OUR patrons and tbe public gen?rally that wo have j ,at opened a larne and will shirted i-tockof CLOTH I.SQ, MEN'S FDBNISUING GOODS, A:c.. for tbe Spri'K and summer, at tho above Staad, consisting of Business ana Dions Suits, all sizes and qualities of Shirts and Underwear Oooos, Atc; ail sizes and qualities of English and Domestic Halt Hoso ; all sizes and qualitios of Silk and LU le J Inroad o love-,; all tizes and styles of Linen and Paper Collars ; all s'zes and styles ol Cravat*. Neck Tics, Pocket Handkerchiefs, suspenders. Umbrellas, ic; also, a large and well a-tx-ried stock of Broadcloths, Cassi, meres, Doeskins, Coa?ugs, Vestings, fcc., which wo offer to ?ell by piece, yard or juitt-rn; or make up into Garmouts, by measure, in any shap>> or style, according to order, at toe shortest notice. Our Stock has been selected wi h j-reat c ire, and we ure confident that wc can compete with any other bou-o in this city. We invite an examination of our stock, and bespeak a share of the public patronage. .MEA KU HULLER. Mareil 27 ttutb8mo8 Saning Bank. CITiZfcNS' SAYINGS HANK OF SOTJTHC OAHOf.TTSTA. CHARLESTON BRANCH, OFFICE No. OG EAST HAY, 0PPO9ITE OOCBIEB OFFICE. Officers. General WADE BAMPTON, President. J. li. PALMER, Vier-Prcsldcnt. THOMAS E. GREGG, Cashier. DANIEL R.vVENlL, Jr., Assistant Caehlor. B. H. KUI LEDGE, Solicitor. Local Finance Committee. EDWARD N. THUB8TON. LOUIS D. DESAUSSURE. CLELAND K. BUGER SktT Interest on Depot-its at the rate of >.' per cent, lier annum. SS" Office Hours-From 0 A. If. lo 2 P. M., und on saturdays, from 6 to 8 P. -Vf. in addition. lEXtRACT FBOM BY-LAWS | "Deposits may be made by any m'nor over the age of twelve 5 ears, eidnr with or without a guar? di?n, and by mari led womei. in their own name*. Sums of $1 and uowsrd will be received, but no in toiest shall be paid on thu im tionai parts of SI nor on any sum whore the whole deposit is L ss tban $5, nor for the fractional part 01 a month." / pril 27 tnthsG pr-OLilKS ?Si MACBETH, No. 30 Broad-street. Charleston, b. C., BBOKERS. AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL COMMISSION AHEMS. Will atttond to Bentin? anti <-0]iecting of Bents and purchase and sac ct OOO'S, Bonos, Gold, Silver and Beal Estate. ALSO, To the Purchase of Good* and Supplies for parties In the country upon reason lble terms. UKO SOE L. HOLM BS.AI.KXA.NT> KB MAC BET a. Janusryl lyr ANNUAL S' OF CAROLINA LIFE INS v i M E M P H I FOR THE YEAR 1868, A meta. j Nov-niber 30, 1868.$397.361 08 Deduct D*lerreri Premiums, and Premian)?and Interest, in tbehands of Agents, and Proai um Noies unpaid_ 64 435 11-1312,905 97 Receipts for the Quarter. P-i! i un s.$116 997 64 Quarterly and soual-Annual Payments. 9,317 91 liven nt on Premium Nut'-*. . 4.S74 60 Interest on Investment. 1,179 02 Prend.ims and in eres: in h?t>ds of Amonts and in transitu. 70,308 30-202.267 4C $645.173 43 Disbursement*. Expenses, salaries. Commis? sions, redirai Examina tion-?, Advertising, Postige, Internal Revenue, 'tation ervard Printing. Express charges, txebanse and ! Taxe* . $86.686 64 Claim? by Death. 23,417 69-68.103 23 ? $487,070 lil > Memphis, Tenn., March 1st, 1869. I certify that this is a correct copy of ?he original inlier -General in eontr rmity with the law. R. J. B ' , GE^ May 4 ZPH/HTTIIsTG- ! DAILY MM JOB OFFICE, No. 140 EAST BAY. BUSIN?68 CAHDS . VISITING L'AIU>S SHOW OABD8 CIRCUI ADS BILL HEADS LET IK it HEADS DRAY RECEIPTS PROGRAMMES PAMPHLETS BRIEFS LAW BLANKS BILLS LADING INSURANCE POLICIF8 NOTICES NOTEfi DRAFTS, &<-.., Printed In thc neatest style and at the Lowest Rates. April 3 limns, (Lfirmiats, <?tr. C. F. PANK N11^ Apothecary and Chemist, No. 133 Meeting-street, CHARLESTON, 8. C. rjpjlK ADVERTISER BEG3 TO CALL ATTEN? TION to his stock of the bent Imported and Domes He CHEMICALS, DRUGS' AND PAT KN T MEDICINES. UPON TB I DISPENSING DEPARTMENT Of his business bc best ows tho u tm oat personal core and attontlon, and tjuuruutoes tho PURITY of tho MEDICINES used in eomponading. PRESCRIPTIONS PrepariMl carefully at all boura of the day and night. SPECIAL AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, MANUFACTURED BY Messrs. GEO. TIEMANN & CO., OF NEW YORK. HIS STOCK OF Hair, Tooth and Nail Brashes. PERFUMERIES, &c, LS LARGE AND WELL 8ELECTED. Agency for the ?alu of the celebrated Rockbridge Aluin Spring Water, A supply of which ts always on hand. MANUFACTURER OF PANK NI N'S HEPATIC BITTERS, Which have established for themselves a reputation surpassed by oone. Through constant effort and attention he hopes to merit a continuance of the public patronage which has hitherto boen extended to bim. February 16 tuthslyr ra ?ire. TATE ME NT ?RANCE COMPANY, if S, TEN N., TO 1st MARCH, 1869. KK npitii'a( lon of Asset*. Cash on lunn and in Hank. 9 10.t/78 79 Stock N"tes due on call, vi oil sec ur.'d.. 19C.000 00 Leans on Po icios in form of Premium Hotee bearing Oper cent, iotere-t- 165.479 CC Derna d (.cans, secured by co.lateral and mortgacc. 1 690 00 Elie Receivable, Collateral and Personal Secnrltv. 61,285 61 Fumltuio. 180 OG Piemiams and Interest in bands of Agents an.l tn transita. 70,398 30 Deferred Qmr;er!j and Semi Annual Premium.". 9,317 94 Les- Individual Balance Dr. and Cr. 1488,280 36 1,210 16 $487,070 20 CE ABLESTON, AFRO. 30. 1869. Annual Report, which bas been flied with the Com A A Gr ILL , I EBAL AGENT FOR SOUTH CAROLINA. tuths3 JHisreU?tuims. QHAHBHRLAIK & SKABKUtIK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Charleston, S. C. Office in the Courthouse. D. H. CHlMBBBXitS, AU} -General . .E. B. SEABROOK. Special attention will be paid to the Prosecution of Claims held by parties outside of the State. May 4 REOPENING. HAVING MY SALOON AND NINEPIN ALLEY, No. 107 Markot-trcet. finished, with all kinds of LTQ3UE3 AND L\GEB BK B, of the best qnaVty on hand, I will reopen said place TO-MOR Bow. 4th Instant, and shall be happy to tee my friends and the pub'ie ueoerally PREK LUNCH dally from 11 o'clock A. M. to 1 O'clock P. M. A. T1KFENTHAL. M?y3_9 LUMBER! LUMBER! 250.000 F50() cMds^Oak^ood 503 cords Pine Wood. For sal? low by the ooat load or by tho cord. JOHN TTENCKEN, April 27 Co ncr Stale and Marke' i-treets. WOOD! WOOD! FINE YELLOW PINK. Wi-OD FOB SUE, IN loN to suit purchaseT. Apn'y nt WOCD YAR , Lucas, foot ot Mill-street. s-'Jointa' Mauldlng Ssw Mill Ordos Ht at the toilowing places will receive prompt attention: Pro? floro ?I W. A. Skrl e. Kin;: ctrcot, Dru? storo of P. 31 ? <>ho\ Kiii^-street, And at A. Brookbanks, corner ot Meeting and Qos*? "Ire M. J. O. N 'LIE. _ m_.""L1UI" Tin Plate, S.icet-Iron. Wire, and all other tinsmith's poods, for sale by William Shepherd. INo. 17 Hayne-street ( baricsioi), S. C REFINED FAMILY LARD PACKED BY PROCTER & GAMBLE. Ci ri c i KL n a t i. ?hall I--X4UI1I ??BS fer Ask your <iroter tot om ti ra nd ol Lard In these Packages. i Pa Lu J 3 lb. 6 lb. 10 lb Caddie", CO lb caeei foi shipment. Cheapest modo for soiling Lard. Send for Price List Imo April 8 I? ANO PARIS mmm. PRIZE IVHED^LiS 1 THE GEOiGE A. SLARK'8 O. N. T. SIX COBI?, SOn FINISH SPOOL COTTON. This favorite Thread be?ug Six Cord lo No. 80, purely Soft Finish, i* recumtnontled for its great superiority for Hand, sud Machine Sow? ine FOR SALE BY THE Principal Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods and Notion Dealers. February 27 8mo jFfrttlijrrs. SUPER PHOSPHATES. CROA^DXLli.'S GENUINE PHOSPHATE AND BOWEICS COMPLETE MANURE. Both standard Fertilize, s. For ?ale by W.M. GURNEY, No 102 Fast Bay, Sole Agent ior south Carolina. Apr.l 20 _ Imo No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO. Oflfi T0Na 1,0 1 PEBGVIlN GUANO WAB av'U HAN TV D genuine and pure, landing ft om fcchooner E. F. Cabs Ja. For sale by T. /. KERR ii CO. April 13 j ^nilton .Saif?. Faitern liny al Auction. THIS DAY, May 4 b, al i2 o'clock M., we will selL oo Ai-cora notation Wharl, 200 bale* m ro or les?) Q OT, ox Brig "Birrhard 4 Torrov," FO'II lor account ol'whom it ma? concern. Terms cash. RISCEY k ORKIGH TON, May 4. ? . . consign?e?. Shoulders Sixs. Hams, Butler and Cheese. RI ECKE & SC1IA0HTK Will eell, THIS DAY. at tbalr ato es. Nos. 143 and 146 Ea-t Bay, at quarter beforo 10 o'clock, A. af. MOO T KS PHoULDtBS 6001) lbs. Rides 2000 1 s. Ham 25 mos Choice New Butter SO kegs and tubB Choice Gosh' n Butter SO brxea aseoited Chtese 20 bbls. sj run 10 b igs Rio Coffee Lard. Heni"gs. Canelo?, Ac. May 4 Syrup, Beef, Bams. ?rc. BY LAUREY & ALEXANDER. TBIS D AY, the 4th May, trill ba sold U front of our store, at IO o'clock, 23 bbls. Superior Si BCP 20 tierces Smoked Beet 2C0 HB ms Bacon ?boulders. Bellies, ftc. Conditions caab. May 4 Positive Sale. '-? BY T. M. CATER. Will be sold on Brown's Wharf, THIS DAY, at three* quarters past 9 o'clock, 50 tubs BC IT LR, to close sales-will positively be sold 50 tubs Lard 10 boxes Bacon fides 30 barrels Flour 13 crate? AH-orte d Crockery, BU"h aa Bowls, Ewer* and Basin?, chambers. Platea, Teas, ftc, Aa.. DOW landing. Condltious cash. May 4 Straw Goods, Clothing and Dry Goode. BY JOHN G. MI KN OR & CO. THIS DAY. 4th instrant, at 10 o'clock, we will sell at our auction salesroom. No. 135 Mee'iog-street, An invoice ot L\D1ES' Sl'BaW GOODS, Just re? calved per Magrolia. ooaaunxs or: Corrigated, IJlewide an 1 Mix - J Sundowns. AmerU eau Alliance, Rosslin. Luton, Lyons and Pedal Em? pire Hats. Men's Semet Hats, Faacy sad Black Satt? nei Pants, Cottonade Pant', White Cants, a* orted Men's Mik Hate, All-Wool Meltons, Brown LinenDrfU Tweed?. Cottonades, Shepherd's Plaid?, Kenraoky Jean?, Balmoral Skir's, Fancv M ou rm ac and furni? ture Pnnts, Pa er collars. % and 44 Black and Br wn shirtings. Bead Hoad Nebt, Freuch 8 us pea den", Pocket and Heid Handkerchiefs, assorted Hos? and Sab! Hose, shirt Fronts, Ao. Conditions ci sh. _May 4 Sale in Bankruptcy, by order of Assignee. BY J. FRASER MATHEWES. Will be sold THIS DAY, tbe 4th or May, at my outee, at ll o'c'ock, 3 DOZEN LARGE SILVER SPOONS 3 dozen Dessert silver spoons 1 dozen lea silver Spoons 4 dozen Stiver Forks m 2 larye 8ilver Ladles 2? ?mall ni iver I. dies 1 Siivor Fish Ki'lfo 2 Silver Mus ard Spoons 2 Silver Salt spoon? 2 Uiver Butter K^ivet 1 Gold-Watch and < hain One nair share in Foot Point Land Company. Terms cash. mfmtn4_May 4 Valuable Property in Boyne-street W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. TUTS DAY, tho 4th day ol May. will be sold ak pub'ic auction, at tho Old r'os'offlc*, ALL TH ?I VALUABLE PB jl'ErtTY on the south vide of Bajne-slreet known as e?o. 33, tormerlv oc? cupied by uillllauo, Uowo l A . o. 1 his property ls neat the Cliailei-toii Ho el uni Mnetlna-str et, and la one ol fhn best locatious f jr busire.-s in the city. Ka front on Hayne-?treet is twenty-five U5) feet b> on* hundred and ninetv-seven il97i -c< t in deplh. run? ning tbrounb to Markel-slreei On Bayne-*treet li a one-story building, and on Market-street is a two story weil-furnished nf re, both rented by ihe month. Property will be <-oi*\ sutjecc to tbeso rents. . i.-i J r>f nain Otc fi'u il4|?t*hj balines sst four equal anou.u p iym nts, witb in-*rest, secured by boi.dandmorlga'eof theproini-es-nferest pay? able semi-annually ; building s to ue kept insures) sad ?.olieies asrigned. Pur. h iser to pay for papers and stamps. _wsmtu4_ M'Y * _ Sheriff's Sale of Drug Store {continuedfnm yesterday ) BY A.c. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. Bv virtue of a writ of Fieri Fac?a?, to me directed and delivered, wiU be sold THI-? DAY. th? 4th mt Mai, on tho premises OJ.I olde of KlDg-Mreet, Batar Market. No. 238. at ll o'clock A. M.. All the ri ?ht. title and interest of the defeadamti* the CON LEN IS OF AN APOTHECARY BtOBfc cousistmgof an assortment ol Drugs, chemicals, Ac, Ac. Levied on and to be sold gs the property of Josi B. Russell. ?t the ault .* *intel H. silcox.. 1 erins c?vb, M?y4_E. W. M. MACKEY, Sheriff O. C. I'.VDEK DEC lt K K 1 \ Kt^fJITT. Wm G. Whildcn vs. James B Sanders et al Decree for Foreclosure. BY A. C. Hetti KLIVRAY, Auctioneer. Under the Decree of the Court of Common Plats for? thin count' . 1 will mil, at public auction, to tb* bb best i kider, at the Old Postamos, on tte TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF MAY. 1869. All that LOT OK LAND, with the Buildings there, on, situate, lyins and being on tbe north side of ni? llo-1 |now Spring) street, in Cannons boro', Charles? ton Neck, butting and bounding to the north oat lands of the-to the south on Elliott street aforesaid, coal on lands of Mr. Seabrook, and ?est on lands of U. Mil. s; measuring1 and contaln i DR forty-lour HI f et i. oat and back, by three hun? dred and nineteen [?.?) foet deep. Icrms-One-bslf cash; remainder In one year, to? be secured by bond bearing Interest at tb? rate ?rf T per cent, trom day of sale, and a mortgage of th? propert* ; premises to be m.un d and palmy assign? ed. Purchaser to pay tor stamp > and papers. E. W. M. MAOKBY, ja\3J /_tu4_?. C- O Auction ?Sale of Porto Rico Sugar and Mo lassei. BY F. P. SALAS, Aoetioneer.' TO-MORROW, the 5th instant at ll o'clock A. M.. .will be sold on Brown A Co 'a Wharf, THE C ?RGO OF AMERICAN SCHOONER ' 'GOLD EN CITY," just arrivel from St Joho>, Porto Elco. cos-sis UNO or: 44 hilda. Choice Porto Rico 6UOAB-HB 3S hbds. Choice Porto Rico Sugar-Bio Niet? ?ll hilda. Choice Porto Kloo sugar-Baa Antonie) 45 bbls. ''hoice Porto Rico Sugar-San L?It??f 72 bbls. Choice Porto Blco sugar-H 32 puncheons Choleo Porto Blco Molasses. Conditions of Sale-All sums below $iooo oaafer above that arno ont thirty days for approved city en? dorsed note, or one per cent, off for cash. . May 4 Building Lots near President-street. BY R. il. MARSHALL & BRO. On TUESDAY. 11th instant, at ll o'clock, will be sold at thc Old Postofflao. Two fino LOTS on Cannon court, and one on Short Curt, measuring each 52 by 105 feet. Plat at our Office. Terms-Hulf couti; balance In one and two years, sro ?ired by bond and mortgage. Purchaser to pay us for papers and stamps. tus3 May 4 King street Lot at Auction. B? R. ?. MARSHALL & BRO. On TUESDAY, ll th inst. at ll o'clock, will be sol?, at thc Old I'ostomce, That linc BUILDING LOT on thc west ride of Kiogostrect, next couth to tho corner cf Spring street. me: turing 34 by 108 712 ieet. Terms-Cash. Purchasers to pay auctioneers for neper* aud marni's. tusi May 4 Lot in Longitude Lane, near Church street. BY R. M. M.iRS?ALt ? B?0. On TUESDAY. Utli inst, at ll o'clock, will be solo*., at the Old Postoffice, The above LOT, hehir opposite the Tyler Cotisa Pres?, and measuriug 30 by 46 3-12 feet, mere or loss. Terms-One-half cash; balan-e in one year, se? cured by bond and mortgage. Purcuas jr to pay fer papers and stomps. tns3 Maya Jlnrtionccrs' griente ScUa. BY JOHN T. HUMP?REX^T Broker, Anctioneer and Commission Agent, No. ?7 Broad-Street. At Private Sale. DESIRABLE TWO-AND-A-HALF STOBY BB9J DENCE, south, ast corner of Smith and Bull street*. COMFORTABLE KtSlDENCE containhw lomx in right and two rooms, in Smith-.treet, oae> door below Bull-street ELEGANT MANSION No. 1 Butledge Avenue? corner of Calhoun-streot, co nt ai air g ten rocas, ead ex.cnsiv.- outbuildings, all in cornel te repair. This is one of the most desirable residences in the etty. For te rms apply as above. March 30 *? -yy lLlil AH VAN WICK, (LATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,) ATTORNEY AND OO?N3ELLOB AT LArt ?to. ?9 Wall-street, Kew Y essex, BOOM No 12. April 6