THE DALLY NEWS. RIORDAN. DAWSON ft CO.. PBOPBIgTOBS. OFFICE No. 149 EAST BA 7. Z:%Msm-DAU.T N'xws, oac yur.,..-$6 00 j Paru NEWS, tlx months-............ 3 00 DAXLX New?, tono month*.a 00 ZBI>WZBX>X NEWS, ono yet*.8 00 TUI-WKEXXI Nxws. six months. 1 00 PAYVXXI haTanabiy In ad vu ce. Bo paper sent ?aleta tie oath ?ceo mpaules the order, ox for a long? er mme thia pwd for. Tn Dazu Nava win fee serred to subscribers In th? ettr at ll wents per week. Auf aariam arra -First Insertion. 15 cents s line; ?ktto*eqt?*ot insertions, 10 cento s une. Butin?es Notices, 30 r en t? a Une, Marriage and Funeral No tusa, One Dollar each. J HJBffS BU XMAS T. -Cotton doied in Liverpool easier ali Hld for oprandfl, and 12? J for Orleans. -Io Now York*cottou closed 8toady at 28a -OOM after great exoitement and activity closed at 86f. -Ah' In cuan, tribe has actually been found with, a willingness io work for a living-the Navajoes. dre . ' ' -Greeley saya the withdrawal ol Minister Hale "relieves our foreign service of a stain." .Bot how will it b3 if Sickies is sent in his -It has been discovered that a large and .strong : Republican society exists among the troops stauoued near Naples. Numerous ar? rests have been made. . -A Texaa gentle man has received a quan? tity of silkworm eggs from France through the poet. Some of the eggs hat ohed on the way, and the vor UM were living on their ar . rivaL -Forney's Washington paper, howls, over the defection of a large number pf , negroes from the ranks of the Badioal party in that city. It calls chose truly loyal" black1 men "traitors.'' -The Richmond Enquirer and Examiner is mach pleased with "che a acion of the Virginia j CoDservative Convention* lt sa}*?: "We shall beat tfie carpe t-b a ? gera. ' The verdict is al? ready renderod." - : , -Ia a communication to the St. Louis West? liche Post, forty j o? a g Gormans, of Kap? as City,- Mo., oom palin of k wast of yoong women at tb- latter place, and invite marriageable, espi e olly. German, women to come lhere, prom ' ling to marry them right off. * -?? rv and Mr?. Brophy, and a girl na m ?d Joha . ii '.loach, aged.tWyeois, residing at Ne. 1207 AJder-otreet, Pmladt lphia. were severely burned (Miss Brophy and' the girl probably totally.) by .the ex plo non of a can of coal oil, vrfcleh the girt was pouring OD the fire. - ty Delaware tribe or Indians, it is stated, has (go no ont of exist euc 3. The ci vi lix 3d por? tion of the ribo became citizens of Kansas, in " April, tOOT, ?ml -?bo- ywmbmkatmm) w*mti* bean incorporated will? the Cheroke?s. Not? withstanding these tac ta, it is asserted that an Indian r ??nt, regularly drawing a salary, con? tinues to be appointed. Large quantities of J ?applies ate said to be .drawn for Indian tribes thafhave died out.,, -Tho English picas continue to review air. Sumner's speech on the Alabama claims, wh ch j ooAaions no little anxiety in political circles. The Times, at the conclusion of a long arti .1. ,.R II i >t?.wiim>j. piunimtiai mu iimrmTrtili . ivat thebeginning of the rebellion vasa pro? hibition, not an authorisation, of the blockade ' runners. The only real evil caused by it vas the position gi ven to the Alabaua io English ports, which point would have come within .the operation of the rejected treaty. -The ramie, tba nov gmo said to be suita? ble for t e manufacture of paper, to about to J be cultivated in Egypt, several Pachas having -written to the United MMe* tooofainthesoed. The papyrua, from which the! name of paper is derived, vas first grown along the banks of | the Nil? for the nee of the scribis of Alexan? dria, and the concoction between the primitive and the m : darn ma tonal to worth y of notice as a sign that Egypt to waking np to th? advance of artiliaatjon, j ? ). ,. ? im^u suav aiyii -Emigrttion from England to the United States, tt is reported, viii hereafter be Byste-1 ? Leadingmembers of the a. aided bv liberal carjiiaJ if is stated,- have turned to emigration aa a means f for the operativas. Tte spinners, ant? now on a' sfrikewin"'be aided to emi JgaJja^'fnda co remittee of three or five of the towrarae w'iW?*tpn'arc ^dtnt'ooming to the tates, to obtain information, and on rptq EogLanjJ, will es .ablish a bureau ^?Migration te London, tc TT^hAB;transpired that the dmpatoiies from Htooeral Rosecrans, received on Friday, ooa teineg.e Utreet rirdp^ont^ the-Mexfcan OoWrnnenfe to cede io the United States a eattak^/portjop of ^s~f^t^.for ^specified txt gold, Uwehjpct being, evidently, to ro? by ?uoh a ?sato Ute present depleted of Mexico/' The territory which it to proposed to codeines- on the Gulf of California, " andVberi?T?fi to mclode tho States of Sonora ! and Santos. The. n?goci?tiou originates with Soj^r), Bojn?re, bo? they, of course, meet the ral of Pr?sident Juarez. No conclu sion r Vthc Cabinet, and it to likely Will be subjected to so ve? nions before any decision ia made, v -The Baltm ore Comraoreial remarks that it toftmndby a careful investigation into the ..a^au.otsaV ritstywr's crop,. and theac selling -prices, ?hilt tne South retains about $200,000, ^OOOgold from them. It to knowu that there is little debt there, the general crash having 'easass&eway everything dove to the founda? tion, and economy ot ?pendttureehaving been aube tit ut od for extravagance. Taking one State for a^ftexa*.hap over 3,600,000 head of cattle within be* limits, and san export 1,000," tJOOannuelly-better be-.t at low? rates than nan be furnished from any other' section. The freed people are working contentedly for 'wages, and instead of causing trouble, .he only trouble that we hear of ia that, there is not enough of them to meei the demand. From Baltimore there is a large shipment ot machi? nery and goods to the South, and the crop prospects of the South for the current year are are regarded as favorable in the nighest -degree. -The Prince of Wales has done a very good thing during bia present tour in Egypt, He has induced the Pasha to undertake) the stop? page of the slave trade of the Nile basin-a Brade carried on by nefarious scoundrels vho ^eaU themselves merchants, but are systematic -traders in human beings, who are torn away Jrom their famines by armed bands of misers vats, or by the native chiefs, who are incited te commit the most horrible offence against sxmnanity that man can perpetrate by the profita these* traders supply. The Prince ot Wales, before starting for the Nile, conversed -with the Pasha on the subject, and the latter i ats a i III i i M i tl to equip a corps of horse and foot, .jo provide steamers and boats for the naviga? tion af the Qreat Lake, and to put Sir Samuel Baker, vi Lb power of life and death, and with I can? blanche as to matriel and personnel tho hoad of the whole expedition. We lt from tho London Times that the intrepid E lieh traveler has accep'.ed the commies and tho Prince of Waloa himself contribi handsomely to fis expense. -A leading member of tho 8snate Fore Relations Committee, io a reoent conversa on the subject of the Alabama olaima and probabilities of a war mlb England, soot the latter proposition as utterly abiiird proposterons. Among the reasons advai by him against a war with England we First, it would necessarily be a naval i for the invasion and conquest of Canada wo be only the work of a week. Being a ni war, the destruction of tbecommerce and si prog of both countries would be almost only result. England has three times number of steam v?asela that we bave, all passengers and mail steamships being av ablest twenty-four horns* notice as a flotilla. SJC ind. a war with Eastland woi cost tho United States at least $2 000,000.1 whioh would evidently end in repndiati Meanwhile the incidential losa and eufferinf bath countries would be incalculable. Th the United States cannot afford to hold British North* American possessions as c querod provinces. Four millions of disc tented people on the north, and as many i hone more on the south, would produce a al of affairs anything but pleasant. Tbese brief i re a few of the reasons which render ; with Eoglaod improbable, if not impossible ; CHARLESTON. -o TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 1869. late Stw^Mayor stsicl Connell. With th? installation of Mr.1 Pillsbt and his ticket, as Major. and Aldermen Charleston, ends the great election oi which, sines November last, has occupied mn oh serions pubHo attention. The election of the Radical candida was oonteeted, as is well known, not account of their politics, but beoanse I whole proceedings were believed to irregular and void. It was t 9 objeot the citizens to obtain a judicial deoisit and the Acting Mayor and Aldermen, rt resenting not a party, but the City. Charleston, defended the proceedings ina tuted by the claimants until the decision Judge Carpenter, rendered on Saturd last, made farther -opposition, in the opi ion of counsel, both 'unwise and nselei *. Able lawyers were engaged to plead t cause of the city. Their arguments we M able as their personal ability is uodoat ed, and we may fairly olaim that all h been done that could have been done protect the chartered rights and privileg of che community. The couria have dt< ded in favor of Mr. Pillsbury, and to the deoiaion we submit. In regard to the new Mayor and Aide mea, oar trae policy is olear. They ho office by the deoision of a competent tnb nair and will be recognized as stand ii upon the same footing as Governor Sou and the State Legists!ure and official There is no disposition to prejudge them t to judge them harshly.. They will receii all the credit whioh may become their du but their movements will be watched vril .untiring rigiianoe, and any intention wrong doing will be promptly exposed t public reprobation.. Wa sav thia with r ide? of assuming beforehand that there w' be little to praise and muon to oondemn. W only'desire the new Mayor and Aiderm e to . understand that their future is in thei own hands, and that neither their etatioi nor the circumstances of their election wil prevent them from receiving in all thei offioiil acta strict and impartial justice The interests committed to their charge ari of supreme Imp?rtanos to every responsible oKis?fi. Their ohbioe of oky officers, i new appointments can legally be made, wil go far to show what will be their polioy to wards thia city and people. If resp ec tabb pad reliable men are elected, publio coull dense-will increase. If worthless sac illiterate party politicians are taken, it wil be difficult to convince tho public of the good intentions of the new administration. A W?r With Kngland. The Radical journals and Badioal poli? ticians who clamor for a war with Eaglasd, are probably convinced hy this time that her people, however much they may desire tbe continuance of peace, still know how to resent an insult, and, if needs be, to avenge . wrong.-. The speech of Senator Sumner on the Alabama claims was no mere ebullition of spleen; nor was it an idle menace provoked by the excitement of debate. It had been carefully thought out and prepared, and was, and is, the expression of the doctrine and wishes of the extreme Badioal wing. Mr. Sumner would not have us believe that his words were intended as an exhibition of mere oratorical ability, or that he know? ingly made demands which oould not be granted and might make an amioable set? tlement impossible. The idea was that England, embarrassed by the possession of Canada, which, in the event of a war with the United States, oould not easily be defended and could not honorably be abandoned, would swallow her spleen and pay any prioo to avoid a rupture with a powerful and warlike nation. Thia is the blunder whioh Sumner has oommitted; one whioh he might have avoided had he given to a study of the genius of the English nation a little of that philosophic attention with which he has honored bis "African "friend and brother." England is undoubt? edly opposed to war. All her interests are on the side of peaoe. Conscious of the pos? session of Tast power and a rigor still in its prime, Bhe oan afford to be patient and for? bearing, where weaker nations, feaiful of loss of prestige, might muster their battal? ions and send their ships to sea And yet the humblest clodhoppers who drink oider in the West, and the dingiest miners of the North, as well as the power? ful middle classes, are as sensitive as the proudest peer wheo the honor of the nation is endangered and the crimson flag is threatened with a stain. When, in these days, England goes to war, it is because the heart of the people is touched, not beoause th? government has a potitioal purpose to serre. The people bore th? brunt of the war with Russia and with China, and it was the people who, in 1861, demanded from the United States the return of Mr. Mason and Mr. Slidell to the protection of the British "'.'?' s tl ig. Without popular auppuii the Engl I ministers can do nothing, and it is the fe ing that tlte sympathies and impulsee tho people are with them which has mi both the Cabinet and the pnblio presB sp< so plainly upon the subject of the Sumi mani.esto. Mr. Bright has always bi tbe friend of the United States. But h< an Englishman, and "oannot entertain I "terms of settlement foreshadowed by Su "ner." The Moruiog Star supported t North through thick and thin during I Confederate war; but it says that Sumne demands are "new, startling and intole "ble." People, press and Parliament sta together, and it is distinotly said, not 01 that no humiliation shall be endured England, bat that Mr. Motley would not received if his instructions were framed aooordanoe with the platform of the Am ican Radicals. What England means ci not be doubted, and the announcement tl Mr. Motley will go to the Court of 81. Jan without present instraotions, is an indi tion that the Federal Cabinet reoogn that they have gone far enough. As the Alabama question now stands, I United States, unless willing to waive : the present all her olaims, must either to war or open negotiations upon the ba of the very Johnson-Stanley treaty whi the Senate so contemptuously reject? More than was included in that treaty Et land will not give. That treaty was, fri the first, bitterly denounced on the otb side of the Atlantic It was said that Et land had been made by it to truckle to 1 United States, in a manner not only den ?tory but imprudent. Even the Speotati which has earned signal discredit wi many of its count ry mea for its strong Ami ioanism, said of Mr. Johnson : "He w "most d?sirons to gain all he could 1 "the government he served. * * * * ? ? ? He pat forward enormous d "manda, bat professed enormous frien "ship. Never was such love as he express "for all mankind, and especially Engii ''mankind, and never were snob proofs "that love ''asked from those he loved ."fondly. We were the greatest, the noblet "the bravest race under the sun; his 01 "cousins; people of whom he was proud; "race whose literature was the commi "heritage of two worlds; men without 001 "pars save ia America, and of necesei "and nature America's eternal and ma "sure allies. Being all thal, ?what more ne "ural than that we should prove it all by a '.knowUdjing that toe were always in t "wrong, by conceding every demind, by offt "ing an j amount of dollars, by signing any sc "of agreement made to seem fair by the intr "duction of the phrase '?international arbitr n'tion.'" The treaty, in tho opinion of the Br t? .people, gave up all that their national hom would allow, and now that it has been r they will require that in tho fu ure the in tiative shall be taken by tho United State The Radicals will not consent to do thi and they are not ready for war. Blusti and big words have failed of their effect, 1 that the men who control the governmei have no ohoioe but to retain the Alaban grievance, which may be made useful whet ever more obanoes of m?ttey-making an more popular votos are required. For ai peace is absolutely necessary. A foreig war would be ruinous to the South, whai ever its effect in making profitable th mills and faotories of England. The Soul requires rest and repose,, and if the te Southern States could be heard in Congres by the mouths of their own people, ther would be aa end to this bullying and bec toring, whioh may, when least expectci by the masses of the. people, plunge th . ooontry into a war whioh would c rip pl our resources, destroy oar oommeroe, ant return, the Southern States to that condi tion of poverty and want from whioh the; is now emerging. Rorie vts? BREA KIN a A BCTTEUFLT; OB BLANCHE ELLEES LIB'S E.NDI.XO. By the Author of Guy Liv ingstone. Author's Edition, with Illustra tions. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott & co charleston : Holmes' Book House. Price $150. Mr. Lawrenoe has perhaps intended tc change bis vein; for we do not find in "Break "ing a Butterfly" the passionate sensuousness which was one of tho chief objections tc "Brakeepeare" and its predecessors. There is, however, one element which we cannot afford to lose, and it is tho masculine vigor and martial ring whioh at least seemed to atone for much that was absolutely wrong in morals, as well as falso in art. Thi* ia wanting in the book before us. ''Breakup a "Butterfly" ts not deficient in force, but it ia the force of a melodramatic combination ol suicide and mur der, while the utter absence of what is called "poetical justice" allows the sin? ner to pa-.s unscathed whilo tho Binned against is broken on tho wheel. Tho book will do no harm, perhaps, and will certainly be read; but Mr. Lawrence will not obtain more than ephem? eral reputation while tho only apparent aim of his works is to provo that tho true code of morals ia the cudo of society, and that the "groat hereafter" ia'as uncertain and vague as tho punishment of the mm or woman who offends against worldly honor is definito and sure. _ _ _ Tm BBICBXATEBS' UNION of New Yoik and vicinity, it is estimated, number 5275 m:mbetn. Tho goneral rate of wages is $5 for ten hours' work; some bricklayers, however, are receiving H 50 for eight hours' work. The members of tho trade are roportcd to bo generally desirous to establish $5 for ten boura' work as the reg? ular rate of wages. The iron moulders of New York have formed an association, consisting of 350 members, and it is stated will soon make a demand for an increase of wages. Work in this trade is very brisk at present, and wagoe are from $3 to $4 a day. Tho house-furnishing trade of New York, it is reported, employs 11,217 woikmon. THE PBOCLAMATION of Count Volmaseda, or? dering tho execution of every Cuban who may bo found away from his borne wit bout being able to give a satisfactory explanation, will bo classed among tho roost infamous exhibitions of military despotism recorded in the history of countries laying claim to civilization. We would doubt the correctness of the report, if the cable did not state that Cuban papers re? ceived in Key West contain tho proclamation. PnoFEssoB A. L. PEBBT, of Williams College, one of the ablest advocates of free trade in the corntry, has accepted an invitation of the ex? ecutive committee of the American Free Trade League .0 become their advocate, and for six months from the 1st of Joly will devote him? self exclusively to ito work. _?&ttiini?. I. O. O. K.-JTEFFi.'.KSO.V L?DGE, No. 4. THU El-GUL AR M EH'UNG OF THIS L'>DGE w?U bo held i nn LVENINO at feign' o'clock prod.-el v. Pm cmal attendance of tho members i-> eirnestlv requesl.-u. J. L. LUNSiORci, Muy I _ tn Secretary. L O T-H UbOK K S VI A G H OLIA C KM EIER Y. THE ANNUAL ME TIKO OF THE L'TT-HGLr ER9 ot Magnowa Cemetery will i c held at the oihce of the Insurance and Trust t'ompany, .NO. 8 Broad-street, on i;o>nAX, the 10t? iuetant atlwelve o'clock M. W. O BEE. Chairman ol' the Board of 1 r?steos. May 4_ 6 HIBiCKNIAN SUCIKI'Y. rpHE REGUHR MOM ttTI Y MKETISG OF THIS J. H">dety will bs he d THIS EVRNIHO, 4'h instant, at their Hall, at Eight o'clock. WM. AIKEN KELLY, May 4 1 t>scretary. FR KU M PSCH A VT . fi ?A D. THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THU Society takes pia o 'l uis Evasrso, at Eight o'clock. By order of the President. CHARLE* S?EOLINO. May 4 _ secretary. CHARLES TUM S rfc'. A M FI K.E COM PA * Y OH AXJIEN. THE REGULAR MON IH LY MEETING OF YOUR Com any will be held at Market Hall 1ms hyp.' 'iso, at Light o'clook. By order. F. J. OREEN, flfcretary. May 4_1 VIGILANT FIRE KAGI.AE COMPANY. AT1ENDTHR REOLTLiAR MONTHLY ME lil INO ot your Comoany. at TOOT Hall, THU EVEH lao. at Ei7ht o'cloe s precisely. Newly elec ed u-emiers are requested to ps punc? tual in attendance. By order. JNO. T. HUMPHREYS, May 4 Keoretary. CHARLESTON H U< >i? ? AVU I. A Ul) IO K CO ll PAN Y, No. 1. MEMBERS ARE REQUESTED TO ATT E"N D Regalar Monthly Meeting Tars Evximto, at balf-past aeren o'clock. A. n. J A itVis, May 4 (?'eoeUry. ATTE> T I O N I CU IM TIN KM TAL KIRK COMPANY AND STATE GU ARD. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ABOVE COMPA? NY will take place THU EVENINQ, May 4, at Eight o'olrck. at Military Hai'. By order of the Committee. May 4 WASTED. A YOUNG LADT TO AT? TEND IN A CONFECTIONERY KTORE. Ad? dress for two days with references. PO>TOFFICli BOX 238._2_May 4 WAST KU, AN ACTIVE WOMAN, TO do housework. Must codie well recom? mended. Apply at the corner of RING AND MOR? RIS STREETS. _1*_MD} 4 WAST ?. U , TWO MEDIUM-SIZED MULES, young, sound and goutle ; a light, no top, BUGGY and HARNEY. Apply to I. S. K. BUN N E1T. No. 40 Broad street. May 4_tuth2 WAFTED, A GOOD HOUSE GI KL, ONE that understands housework snd caa sew. Rccommend??oj8 requred. Apply at No. 89 MON TAQUE--TlttET. _1_Mav 4 WA ?V TK U- A GE 1TS-?75 TO JI?UO PUK month, everywhere, male and remale. to in. trodncs the IKNUlNB IMPKOYHD CaMMON 8EN>E FAMILY h1'WINO MACHINE. This mi chine will st ten, hem, te.l,. tuck, quilt, cor. i, bind, uraid and emiroidor lu a most superior manner. P ice only ?ia iuliy warran-ed lor flye years. We will pay HOM tor any m chi. .e that will sow a stronger, mo:e b-uutliul, or n ore ela?ile scam taon ours. It make- tuc . Elastic Lock Mitch" Every f?cond titebcin bo cut, ana still thee oth cannot bt? pulled apan without tearing it. Wc pty agcat* from $75 to ?200 per m into and expen-es, or a com? mission trom whioti twit* tbat amount ran be made. Address, -I'.f.OMtt 4 CO, PI1T.-BURG, P.A.; ST. Loni-, MO , or no - ION. M AS?. C AU i ION'.-Do not bo imposed upon by other part ca palming off worthier cue-iron machines, under the ?,une n.ime or otherwise. Ours ix tho only cunuloo and ically prattled cheap machiuo mauuticrured. _78_Mav 4 WA NT KD-AGKXTS- Ttl SELL THE AMERICAN KJfllTING MACHINE. Pri?e S25. The simplem, cheapest and best Kettling Mo chloe ever inventad. Will tun 20 ODO stitches p r minute. Liberal Induoemouta to Agents. address r,Mi,Ui^rV?L KNITTING MACHINE COMPANY. Boston. Tvrrmi - ,,, Tj._ , -, May 4_78 WANTED, AN A KO. 1 CA lt PK.STEH or ('.AK BUILDER; a permanent placo, and S3 75-100 per day to suoh a man. Address JA Miss A. KNIGHT, Macon, Oa. Mar 3_3? SOCTHERN S EC c HUT KS WANTED. Mobt e and Ohio Sterling and Interest Bonos, Memphsand Little R irk tlrst Mortgage Bends Sou11 Carolina Railroad -lies ind Sevens, Montgom? ery and humula Railroad honda, lendorsed by Ala? bama.) Mississippi Central Bailroad First and Second Mortgage Bonis. Address WM. K. UXLfcS & GEO. W. DOUGHERTY, No. ll Wall-street, New York. April 10_ im* WANTED, FIK8l'-CL\?S TRAVEL? LING SALESMEN In overy State. Good ?ages or a liberal per cent, ?nd steady employm-t. Address, with ?tamp, B. F. HOWE, No. 039 Arch .tree*, Philadelphia. Pa. Smos . April 3 WA A TKO, M USC KUI I '.it s lesjR ALL THE LEADING MAGAZINES AND NEWS? PAPERS, at publisher's rates. CHARLES C. RIGHTER, April 21_No. 161 King-atroet. WANTED. AGKSTS KOK Til IC AMERI? CAN FAKMERS' HORSE BOOK, In both Eng Hsh and German, by Robert .-tewan. V. h., of Miss, i he worn covors tho whole ground of the breeding and raising, and the treatment o: horses and mules, bo'Ji In sickness and health. It has won its wav to popular favor, and is to-day the most popular and be-t belling Horse Book out. Addreaa C. F. VEN ?, Publisher, Cincinnati, O. Gmo* March 19 WANTED, EVER Y (JODY TO ?VB. SCRIBE to the CIRCULATING LIBRARY._ CHARLES C. Rfu MER'S Select Library of New. Books contains all of the latest publications. April 21 No. 101 KING-STREET. fe tot _ IM) RENT. IN CALHOUN NEAR KING . strict, TWO BOOMS with small Store at? tached. Apply at Na 19 MONXAOUt-STREET. May 4_i_I* rpo RENT. A VERY FINE, SUlT L t D for a Lawyer, at No. 40 Broad-street. Ap? ply to t. 8. K. BENNETT, No. 10 Broad-street. May 4 tntb3 M Snit. ^ FOK NA LE, AT No. 38 STATE-ST.. TWO number one COWS, just after calving. May 4 _2? FOR HALE, THE "H O K S E S H o E" FARM, on French Eroad River, North Carolina, well known lu tho vicinity as one of tho most produc- j tivo and riostrablc in ?tat romantic regina. The tract contains mo acres, 300 of which arc river bottom, and produce largely-tbeso aro thoroughly cleared and tree tvom stumps, allowing feely of machine culture; 35bacr>s ot mountain side, pre cent a fine pasture, 1 hero are SOU ur COO apple trees bearlug and about lOUO young trees, a number of | Ano grape vinos and other fruit, ino dwelling is substantial bnck with MK Ono rooniH, pantries und closets; abundant outbuidi -cs, several of brick, tn eluding a D ie dali y. through which runs a never failing sire m f-11111 the rrouutalo. The PIACP is but seven ami thirteeu m'les reactively from the thrivr g Towns of Heudrrsou uud Asl,?Tille; trom the lat tr a railway will soou bc completed to Knox? ville and .be last and far W, st. A lew flue stock cat? tl . and hoz-, and a flock nf sheep, all cf mixed im? ported bre> ds, will bo i-old with'ho place, terms very easy to p irt'ci des'guing to occupy the place us a hume. Apply to SAVAUM D. TKENtfcLM, No. 14 Boyce's Wharf. Blu2_May 1 AT PRIVATE SALE, THAT FINE FTAND vfh lix TUPS for a Grocery, corner Calhoun and Knut Buy stn eta, No. 35. Apply ON PREMIRES. tbbtu JannHry 21 STEAM F.SGI Vi-:S KOlt - A i,K CH KAP, if uppliud tor tminfrtiatoly li One 12 horse Portable ENGINE (J One 4-t orsa Por ..ble Englue ALrtO il) One fl-horso-power EXGIMK, In good condition. CAMKROM, HARKI.h? A CO., Northeast corner Mctin? and Cumberlaud.srreebs. January IA ??co?O?l _ REMOVAL.-HUGER dc RAVENEL have this day removed from No. 60 EAST PAY to Ne. Ct EAST BAY, (Office of "Citizen's gaviDgs Bank") opposite to Courier Office, and will there con? tinue the Insurance and Commission Business as heretofore. 0 May 1 J. T. l l C Al P H K E Y S , BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND COMMIS? SION MERCHANT. SALES OF REAL ESTAI K, STOCKS, BONDS, SE OUL'URITIES AND PERSONAL PliOPKRTY - ATTENDED TO. No. 87 BROAD-STREET CHARLESTON, 8. C. E N C ES. Hon. HENRY BUIST. W. J. MAGRATH, Rsi. Oeneral J AMES CoNNRK, T. H. WARING, Esq. October ^masrmcms. yy\\.sm.\croN LIGHT UPASIIIY CU ARI TABLE ASSOCIATION FAIR, ID aid of thc CHAKI IY FUND AND TO ERECT A MONUMENT TO 1HEIR DE \D. This Evening, .May 4, at 7 P. AI. EN HIBERNIAN HALL, AiSD CONTINUE DURING THE WEEK. Senior Managers. Hon W D PORI EE THEO D WAGNER, Esq Hou G S BRYAN d 1 LOWNDE -, i^q Hon H D LE->E?NE GEO W WILLI AM % E-q Hon A G MAGRATH t W EDGERTON, Esq. Hon O A TREN HOLM J E ?DGLR, 1 sq Hou WM AIK?N ANDREW IM?..DS, Esq bon W S HENERFY WC U .K. Esq Hon J rf CAMPBELL HENRY COB1A. E?q. Hon CH HMUMON K '.V M ? R?H-?LL, K-q Gen J\ME? CONNER W G WHI! DEN, Esq lieu JOHN>ON HAOOOD J H HUNO?K. Esq Gen TM LUGAN ZIIOAKES, Esq eu M W OAKY I 8 RIGGS, Esq Gen JOHN A WAGENER KJFECZBB, Esq C'L-n JAM Hi SIMONS M H NATHAN. Esq Gen W G DESAX'-SCRE i M ALEXANDER, Esq ColC IhV.NE WALKtR EWI'LI?. Efq Ul B H RUTLEDGE G L HUfST, Epq Col P C G ' ILLARD lt C BARKLEY, Esq Cal W L 1 hfcNHOLM IAS M CARSON, Esq Col E HcCRADY Jr J H ALBERS, Esq Col ZIMMERMAN DAVIS J W GUY Esq Col IY SIMON? HUGH FEHGOON, Esq Col A O ANDREWS W K McIN .0 - H. Esq Major IHEO G BABKEB WHKMIlH.Esq Capt B M LEB T ?S O'BRIEN, r sq Capt WM JEhVEY J C LACOaTE. Esq Capt "AML Y TUPPER JOSEPH HIL10N, Esq . 'apt GEO H WAL i ER W 0 COURT NEY, Esq lapt W AIKEN KELLY Prof F W CAPERS Capt fe G HORSEY E LA FIT IE, Esq Capt GEORG lt 1 UPPER ii W OLNEY, Esq Capt JACOB SMALL w* 0 BREESE. E-q Capt E L HALLEY FP ELFO HD. Esq Capt KAML LOUD, Jr ALEX CALDER. Esq Capt ALIX ME LC HERS JAME-* M EASON, Esq Capt GEO H MOFFElT JOHN KLIN :K, Esq Capt JOSEPH W \ LKER A E GIBxON. Esq Cap. L M HATCH J H > 1 EINMEYER, Esq J\ST WrL-MAN, Fsq J H MURRELL, Esq E H LOcK, Esq RS BRUNS, Esq I D EASON, Eiq JOHN F O' .EICL, E9q F U BLUM. Esq H F BAKER, Esq JOHN M GREER, Esq fW D*WSuN. bsq A R TAFT, Esq H GERDTS, Esq F LANNEAU, Esq A J WHITE, tsq JOHN MARION, Esq W LA1DI.ER. Ecq GEO W KI.-.G. Esq J H RENNEKEB, Esq A P CALDWELL, Esq Dr vv c RAVENEL J W GRAY, Etq ROBERT MORE, Esq D H elLCOX. Esq t J KEHR, tsq S OWENS, Esq W K RYAN, Esq W B HERIOT. Esq. W B DINGLE. Esq R YEADON, Fsq BB BIORD A N, tsq R CALDWELL. Esq E FOURGtAUD, Esq JwHN A BLUM. Esq V A WHll NEY, Enq JE CAY. Esq JULIUS TRO DC LE. Esq F L ROUX, > sq ID ALFXANDEB, Epq J H TAYLOR. Esq 0 H WES i. Jr., Esq R DKTREVTLLE, Esq D R*VENEL, Jr., Esq E N FUL'ER, Esq A M MORELAND. E?q F R WILKENBERG, Efq i S HOWELL, Esq B F WH1LDEN, Esq J H DEVrRfcUX Esq W T WHITE. Esq *A C< URIENAl, Esq CT MITCHELL, Fsq r Bl ROUT, Esq L i > MOWRY, Esq M W <T. AM*NU, Esq JGMILNOR, Esq ESEBRING, Esq F RICHARDS, Esq. Junior Managers. R H MCDOWELL, Jr TA HONOUR sJliUuGKR J B SCH REIN EB, Jr J J SM ?.LL AW TA FT H H WILLIAMS Dr F LP* REER D b GILLI LAND G W AIM \R F K TAYLOR 0 WILKIE F WREN^FKER J H SCHULTE Ko? K O KI GERXON J L -HEPPARD H f ORKER W li BREESE W M MUf'KE.NFUSS T DHBB? G Ri ECKE U h JJiiN-ON S E WEL;H L B LOVEGRtEN SN BROWN JAATKI>30X G Ii G RICE R STEWART FHHONOUU J BAR' Or Dr T G SIMONS GEO Mo ; HONOUR J H RESNEKtR, Jr. Doora open daily from 12 M. to 7 P. M., and from 6 to ll o'clock P. M. raicE OF ADinssiOM. Season Tick-ls.SI 00 Family Season tickets. 3 00 Mogle licke's. ??tWMsSiallf rhalgfl ol LimJrjn..Tr.....ll."ir." 10 Ho v i t? accompanying white children will be ad? mitted du inp Ute day, but all servants will be ex? cluded Biter 7 P. M. Members or the Association vMting the Fair will pleas ? woar Association Badge. Family and single Season Tickets can bo procured at the Bookstores. a he last Car will leave tho Hall at ll o'clock P. M. precisely. H. B. OLNEY, Chairman. J. L. BOMO?B, Secretary and Treasurer. Hay? jut ano /flonD. PUKED UP ADRIFT. A HAFT OF LOGS, whick the own?r can have by proving property and paying expenses. Apply at the Fe rt, Sullivan's island, C.KURTH. Maya_3* LOST, LAST EVl'NlNG, A SHAGGY SCOTCH TERRIER, about Ave mouths old. wi h a silver collar around his neck. The finder will be rewarded by calUug at the J EL h O KA PH i FFIOE. April 'J3 Oncational. TUB .MIS?KS KOACH HAVE K E .sUMED the oxercise? of their 8UHOOL, at No. USOClElY-SIREEl'. 1 Mtv 4 i)rp ?nous, ?L CHEAP DRY GOODS. IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES, And Dry Goods Bayers Generally. THE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCE THE FOL INO: CAI IC u ES, of fair quality, reJucd from T2)? to 10 cel. tS. HOOPSKIHTS, favorite styles, f'om GD ron's up. ENGLISH and German Hose and Half Hose, at the irjDRt reasonable prices. ALBUMS, Ni'lions, Eringes, Gimp3, Bat!ons,Port monaies, all at moderate prices. ? I PAU ANOLS-Children's from 60 cents, lo Ladies' from 75 cents np. DH USS GOODS, consietlnff of Barege?, Grena? dines, <"rap-> Marets, fro u 20 cents np. ISIUHONS, ?straw GO<V|H and Fans, n nies assort? ment. YOU TRI our 4 4LoDgc:othH.atl2Xandl5cenU GOOD at ACH Y of Kid GIOVCH. roduced to $1. cine Berlin Gloves, Ladies' and Children's, from 25 cunts up. OTT E N II E MIE R K ' S c-ilcbrated French Cor? sets, from 9H cenia up. OS Li fiO cent* fora good Brown Linen Table Cloth. DOY Ll Ki*. Diaper and Tablo Linen, told at the lou est cash pi ices., of very good quality, reduced to $2 and $2 23. BEST. AU good? are bought by chanco, and the people will find it to their advantage to call at Kl'KCHGOTl' Hi BBtl'S., Ko. 437 King-street, coiner of Calhoun. Au exclusive department for Boot87 sliocs, Hals and Trunks. limos May 3 DAYG0QD3! DRY GOODS! T. MCCARTHY, NO. 9904 KING-STREET, WOULD RESPECTFULLY BEG LEAVR TO call a ie ition to his large aud well assorted stock i-f New and Easbiouablo DRY GOOD-, just opened. . coNsiirriKO or: DRESS GOODS, HO.-1 " RY, LINENS Wbi:o Goods. Glovo. Cjsslmeres Era'ToMcries. Hoo;> 'kiri*, Lougc'.otbs Lace Goods. Parasols, Domestic Goo-ls Corset?, Notions, -beeting*. Ac A lot if superior CALICOES, warranted last colon?, at 12 Vi cunta per jard. T. McCAUTHY, Under Masonic Hall, Southeast corner of King and Wentworth streets. April fi tnthslmo Sitting iflorlpes. THE UNIVERSAL FAVORITE, WILLCOX Sc GIBBS' SILENT SEWING MACHINE. rjTHlS MACHINE STANDS THUS FAR UNRI? VALLED cs a FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, and has tak>jn the place of over forty donble thread ma? chines in this city. Reliable Agents wanted in all large iowns in the State. D. B. HASELTON, No. 307 KING -STREET, Willcox A Gibbs' Agent of South Carolina. NEEDLES, OIL, SILK, kc, constantly on hand. BFPAIRINO as uan?]. ktuthlyr Ma; 1 |) K O G II A M .11 E ?Vit TITZ CHARLES TON GERMAN SCHUETZE N'FEST, MAY 5TH, 6TH AND 7m, 1SC9. Wednesday, Nay 5. 1. At 7 O'o'ook A. M. tba Riflenon will meet In fuU u if T D at Mr Liudst'd.'s Hall. 3 '1 ho King and Banner are to be called for at Mr. F. von .<<anteu's store in King-street. 3. Pat adc and Prooe^ioa tbrouxh the city via Klug, Broad, East 3ay. Market aa l Meeting streeta in ibo folio wi ug order, viz: Music Baud. Officers and CommllUe, invitod H flamea a d Honorary Guest*, Cha le-t n Riflemen, Kaengerbund, "Teuto? nia" and urnerfl. 4. Go by the couth Carolin t Ballroid to the Schuetzicplatz. Irvin for the 8c!rae!s mplatz will Urna Ann-atreot Depot on Mb, 6th and 7th May, aa lolluwa : Leave inn-street Depot at.9.00 A M Leave A nu-street Depot at.ll 00 A M Leave Ann-street D?pot at.100 P M Leave Ann-street Depot st.3.30 P M Leave the fchuefz nplatz at.7.00 P M Leave the Uchuetzenolatz at.6.00 f M . On the 7 th of May an Extra Train will leave the Schue tzenplalz at 10 P. M. for .be oiiy. ta~ Fare 90 cents, to go an 1 return; Children bau* price. JOST" Tickets for sa> at ANK-STREET DEPOT. 6. After the Riflemen's arrival on the bebuetzen piala there will be a distribution of the numbers for the Eagle Shootln?. booton 30, Ariele VI, of tac Rules, will be 6 trio My enforced. 0. From 10 o'clock A. U till A o'clock P. M. Rifle Shoot lng at the Eagle and the Targets, People'* amuse? ments, suci as Prize -hooting for visitors, Nine? pin Alleys, Turning, >winzin t. Italian Muslo on the place, Jtrnnautlo Balloons, Marionettes with Mnsic, Barrel Organs, Panorama, Menagerie with Muslo, tho streets of Charleston, Patent bwlugs, Bird swiiging, Ring Throwing. Frog Catching Game, Water Drawing. Milk freeling, buger Eating. Sack Bunning, Mill of Misfortune, Climbing Pole, Race ot Velocipedes, kc. 7. Canting, Music and Ball, from 13 o'oloek M. till 7 o'clock P. M. Tbjiradavy, Moy 6. 1. The Blflem n meet on the cobantzenpla<z. 2. From 10 o'clock A. M. itu 4 o'clock P. M., Rifle Snood.'g at tbc Ea.lo and targets. 3. From 13 o'clock al till 7 o'clock P. M., Dan cine, Music and BalL People's amusement aa above mentioned. Friday, May 7. 1. The Riflemen meat on the Schuetzonplatz. 3. From, 10 o'clock A. M lill 2 o'clock P.M., Rifle thoo; lug at the Eagle ?nd Tai gets. 3. Jtroia 13 o'ciock M. till 10 o'clock P. M., Danc? ing. M u- c and Bail. People's amusements as above mentioned. i. At J o'clock P. M. coronation of the new Klug and Distribution of the Prises. 6. Alter ?undo ?rn Balloon Ascension, Grand Illu? mination with ubloo ie Lanterns anJ Fireworks. GENERAL RULED. 1. The Scbu.-tzjufeat ha* tho character of a Peo? ple's Fes ival (Volksfe-t ) 2. Entrance rickets at 25 oen ts for Adults, and 10 cents for Chi dren nndcr two va year* of age, can be pu nb i .-ed ai the stores or Mesar*, (ito. LI ml? ton t, corner Calhoun sud King; at F. von tonten. No. '?39 KiDg-Rtreer, sud tv. Wal jen, Mali Market-street, or ai the gate of the -chu laenplatr. 3. Eiflomon in uni:oem and their famUles bave fi oe a mi Linc , bot c blain their l-aml y Tickets before tb - beg nnmg of the Fostival from Mr. Goo. Lind tedi, corner Calhoun and King streets. 4. Veioclpeie riders onjoy free admittance. 6. For the adnu tauco to tho Dancing H di every gonrleman ii to pay CO ceats. Riflomao and invited guests lu uniforu hare free admittance. The Badger dolivercd at the entrance of the Dane ng ta leon are to be ko; t tn sight ., .jCJClXlukaUaretoOebop la sight, tad all Rifle tren hive the duty ot ordering everybody to strictly follow tbis rulo. 7. The commencement and on I of tba t biotin : will be announced by cannon flriog. 8 Only Riflemen ia uniform aru admitted tn the Eiglo BbOOtlag. Huch as have not paraded and will take part ia the shooting wttl pay $1 fine. 9. For Horses and Veale ci. Velocipedes excepted, places out of the gate will be reserved, 10. Whoever will find lost thlogs is to deliver them np to tho Committee. 11. Just complaint* and wants ore to bo brought before the Committee. 12. Such persons as disturb order and peace by quarrels, drunkenness, or ia any other way, are pul eft* tho Schuefzenplatz. AU Eiflomea hare to keep order. 13. A Wardrobe has been built up. 14. Refreshment* of every kind mai description are to be had for common oharge* on the Bchuetten platz. 15. All Prizes and Prize Presents are exhibited at Mr. F. von Santon s Store, No. 239 King-street. 10. No hollow bullets nor projectiles as cont sin chemical ?-u bs tances shall be mide use of. Only bullets, of whJcu twenty or more weigh a pound, aro ullovred. Lach bullet is to be weighed. OOMMITTIE OK MJlirjETZEXTXST : A. MEMANN. Chairman. F. WEH M ANN. F. A N's cl.. F. vow SAN IE t. JOHN RUG HE I MER. J. C. H. CLAUSSEN. ERNEST WALTJEN. D. LILI EN I HAL. | GEO. H. LTNDtjlEDr. COMM ITT KKZ ON AMUSKMXSTH : A. J. HOFFMANN. H. L DEDEN. | HERMAN D. MEIER. April 39 (Cigars, Cobarra, &r. J. MADSEN'S CIGAR MAN?FAC TOBT And Wholesale and Ketall TOBACCO HOUSE, * No. 311 K1KG-STREET. CO H NEE SOCIETY. CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF American and I m por tod LEAF TOBACCO, for cigar maiiui?cturei s, as follows: 1. CONNEUITCDT LEAF, i rom flue flavored fill leg, at 12*? cents per pound, and sch work at 26 ctn. per lound upwarti* to the finest selection of wrap, per*, at $1 por pound. 2. NEW VORK S TATE REED-fine, leafy wrap? pers, from 33 cents upward* to 60 cents per pound. 3. OHIO LE VF-wrapper* from 20 cent* upward* to 35 cents per pound. 4. A flue assortment of SPANISH LEAF, from $110 to ?1 15 (por tho bale;) upward* to nico wrap? pers at 82 per pound. .\i ibo Leaf ia DOU : li t direct from the planters, I am able to *ell a* low as any Northern house. CIGARS, Of our own manufacturing. The following brands ulways on hand : "LA CAltULl ?X'' CW AR", at $20 per M. "La Corona du r'-p mn," at S25 per M, "P.unigas."a. S.'?G per M. "H. Unmann" (H'vana), at $60 per M. '.Fitiiiro" (>panish seed), at ISL per M. "Fiyaro" (gmulne Havana), at $73 por M. "C M." (eeuuine SpinUb). at $80 pur M. "Tho Last Sensation," a i'isar ?h'cb lights itself, made of Havana tobacco at $60 per M. Im ort'd Cigar* of all grades. A yeuuine bpauitm Cigar can alwaj * be had at re? nd loi 10 cent*. UV SMOKING TUBA CCU, A fino ?.sortaient tor-ale ut manufactur?is' prices. Genuine Putnam und other celebrated brands al? way a ou hand. I'HEWIVO TUB \CCU. A* 1 IG, NAVY and PLUG I Ob AO.O, at all prices; and P1PKS, Of all fit script io ii 1. Mei chants and CoUHuxer-i are respectfully Invited to give a call, as I an eupply them with everything m the Tobacco line at the loweet Price Current will, by request, be forwarded any? where. J. MADSkN. April 10 Imo ?OltlS. g T . CLUTJD HU TBL. THIS NEW AND COMMOLIOU3 BO?8E, LOCAT? ED corner ot Broadway and Forty-seoocd-sireet, possesse* advantage* over all other houses for the ac? commodation ot its ouest*, it wa* built expressly for a fir-t-cl'jss family boarding house-the rooms being large and en suite, heated by steam--with hot and cold water, mid furnished second to none; while the culinary depa tment ls in the most experienced hands, affording greets an uneqaallnd table. une of Atwood's Patent Elevators is also among the "modern Improvements" and at the service ot guests at all hours. Thc Broadway and University Place Car* pas* the door every four minutes, running from the City Hall to Central Park, while the Sixth aud revehti Avenue line* are bat a short block on either side, affording ample facilities for communicating with ail the depots, steamboat landings, places of stcuse* ment and bus In ea* of the great metropolis. MURK dt HOLLEY, Proprietors. March 13 m Gui?* t?rorcrirs nn? f?mtUmonk BACOV. SYHUP AND COFFEE. ?>A HHD=). PRIME SHOD! DEBS 10 hb-ls. B. Pilme side* IO bbiie. B. Prime hide? 10 ?'bd". ?lear P.ime sides 25 bbls. Cbo ce -yrup 26 bags OboW and Prlno Plo Coffre loo wholo and ball box s Adamantine Can? dies H-0 pick i' es Lird (Leaf and Extra) 50 bois. 8, lt. Floor, Becker. For sale at the lowest n srkot prices, by SIECKE st SCHACHTE, May * rntbuS No-. 143 sad 145 Batt Bay. . PLANTATION FISH. ff)fr BBLS. CF PICKLED BERRING, 8UTT> jZtJ ABLE for Plantaron uso, for sale low. BIl'TKttS 50 CASES "JOCKEY -"LOb" BITTERS. SOAP. 300 BOXES OF "LEBEBMAN." "PAT" AND "rLKINTON" sOAP. The above goods arr- on consignment, and will bs sold low. BIRI ET BRO >Hr Rs A CO., May 4_turba No. 74 East Bay. CORN. KAAA BUSHELS PBIMB VIROTNIA COHN, *J\J\J\J in balk and bags, landing from Schooner Flying Scad. For sale by May 4 2 T. J KERB A CO. BE A KG KASS EXTRA SUGAR CU lt KD HAMS A AD BEEP. CA^K^OFIHECELEbBAlED BEABGBAS8 JO HAMS. . 10 boxes of the celebrated Beargrasa. Beef. As sgant of the pa kera, I offer the above HAM* on as favo'able terms as Hims of same quali? ty, and will guarantee every Barn to give sa infliction or the money will be retandeo. Consumers who tbe.efore wish a good article will find it to their in? terest to try the BEA HORAS? J. N. ROBSON, Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantio Wharf. April 15 SAO_ theta Imo BACON, BACON. FLOUR. ?)? BBLS. FLOUB, FAMILY, EXTRA, 8UP8B tUrJ sod Fins 10 chas prime Western shoulders 5 bbds. O. B. Sides 2000 boxes Eitra .-caled Herrings. Fo< tale by WM. GURNEY, Apnl97 tuthsfi_No h fi East Bay. DEMIJOHNS, BOTTLES AND 1MPOKTICD LAGKK BIBB. .I ?A/v FTVE GALLON DEMIJOHNS JLO UU 3000 ncmij 'hus, smaller lises 100 crates Claret and Madeira Bottles 100 casks Bottled Lager Bier, in quarts and pinta. Imported from Bremen, and fer sale by CLACTUS k WITTE, February 4 thatuSmos No. 88 East Bay. CORN AND OATS. O KA A BUSHELS PBIMR WHITE OOBN ?JOU V/ 1580 bushels Mary and Oats. Landing from steamer Falcon and for sale by B. M. HUTL KR, May 3 2 No. 79 East Bay. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! AT lt h II Uti KO PRICES. IAM RECEIVING A LABOE ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES from the No-th, which have been Durchased far cash, sud I am oflsriug them at New York prices, at wholes ale and etaiL BROWN SUGAR, 7 and 8 Uss tor $1 CUUsHED hil ii AK. 6j> Da for $1. Here ia the place to buy y< ur u roerles cheap for cash. JOH? ITEN'iKEN. April 27 Corner State and frarket-streets. TO A ?RITE AND IN STORE, tj- BARBEL?? WHISKEY, WHICH I WILL SELL lt) at an unusually low prie*. JOH ? T1ENCK?N, April 27 Corner STa-e and Market streets. NEW GOODS.. Iff STOUT; AND LANDING. CLARET. ON DRAUGHT At tl 60 PEE GALLON Labia's Flav -ring 11tracts, at reduced ?Kleet Bostettor's, Drake' , Herman's, Curacoa, Tonio and Stougbton Bitters Mononjabe.a, Bye Brurbon and Cabinet Whiskies, of ail grades and at all prices, bottled and on d'aught Champagne Cider, Pints and Quarts Lemon by rup CO-OPEBATTYE GBOOEUY STORE, Southwest corn' r Meeting and Market sireeta. Good> delivo ed tree. _April 88 RY URSON & BiTES, Champagne Ale Brewery* II A H L B M. ft. V. THIS CELEBRATED ALE IS BREWED ERE*H all through the year, and ls guaranteed to keep sound through the hottest weather, and on taat account is of ali Ales the best adapted to the South? ern climate. KNOX, DALT, k CO., Agents, February 15 8mos Charleston, S. C. FRESH DRUGS. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BT DR. II. BA ER, No. 131 MEETING STREET. BISON'S TOBACCO ANTIDOTE Guaran? (Headache) Powders Bose's Couch Sj rup schenk'H Pulmouic Sj rup Schonk's Seaweed Tonic Saratoga "A" Water Cherokee Romedv and Cure Rejuvenating Elixir Chloride ot Lime Spears' Fruit Preserving Solution Brown's Chlorodyne German Blood or "Kaiser" Pill?, Ac,. Ac April 8 CHLORIDE OF LIME. FOB SALE, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL. B? Dr. H. BAEB. April 3 No. 131 Moerln?.street. ^Morana. THE CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. M. J. WIOKS. President W. F. BOYLE, gecretary. TESS PURELY bOUIHEBN INSTIIU1ION BE? GAN bus nea i September 1st, 1867, and issued over 2200 Policies ia its first eighteen montos. Capital.S 300,000 Accumulations, over.S500,000 Sub-ngont? wanted throughout tho State. R J. MAGILL, General Agent. No. tv> Broad-strv-et. Dr. J. S. MITCHELL, Medical Examiner. April 15 thstulmo YOU OUGHT TO INSURE IN THB CHARLESTON BRANCH LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, FOB THE FOLLOWING IlEASONS > 1st. Because it ia a homo lastitniion managed and controlled by your own citizens. 2d. Uecaure it la tho only monicd institution of the kiud that loans lti tunda in tho Statoa from which they are derived. 3d. Because lt lc purely mutual ; all policy holdere share lu its profits or taming*. Va large and in? creasing assets belong exclusively to the policy holders. 4tb. Because its rates are I wer than those of most e ther companies And its dividends will be larger. 6th. He-can -e it invests its fuuds at ralas of interest averaging ten per cent., wnile Eastern comp mies* rates average less than seven per cent Thin makes the dividends nf the Associ?t on larger and the rates of premium smaller. One hundred dollars improved at six per cent, for fifty j ears will amount to $1,842 OL The same amount Invested at 'en per cent, will pro? duce $11 739 09. Difference m foo: of tho ten per cent investment $9,897 08. 6th. Because you ought to insure ina sacceesful In? stitution, and the Lite Association of America ls ac? knowledged by i's enemies a- well ae its friends to be by far tue most successful life insurance institu? tion of its age in the United States. NET ASSETS OF THIS DEPABIMENT IN? VESTED 1M THIS COMMUNITY. $100,000 deposited in the Insurance Department of the State of Missouri ( to law for the protection of policy holders. Dancers. H. G. LOPER, Pres'nt (Cashier People's Nat. Bank). W. G. GIBBES, vice-President (W. O. Whllden A Co.) E. E. JENKINS, ai. D., Medical hummer. Directors. JOHN B. STEELE (of North, Steele k Wardell.) 0. IRVINE WAI KER (Walker, Evans A Cogswell.) O. W. Al M AR, Druggist. H. T. PEAKE, Gen'i Superintendent S. 0. Railroad. C. F. PANKNIN, Druggist. V JAS.K. SPEAR. Jeweller. D. H. SILCOX, Wholesale oed Retail Furniture. K.P. CARTER. Secretary and Agent, March 20 ' lyr No. 4.0 Broad-street.