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83?e <Et)\ttkg tot jPg% jfetog, VOLUME VI!.-NUMBER 1048. CHARLESTON, S. C., TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 1869. SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM BY TELEGRAPH. TJBDSBK CHEEKS SOB THE PALMET? TO KS! ODS PIBEMEU AT TBK ATLANTA. TA lt AD 8. Tb? Palmetto throws Two H and red ?nd Seventy-Nine feet, ?ml Coi rles off the Pint Prise. [SPECIAL DISPATCH TO TR ?TEWB.] ATLANTA, Hay 3.-T?o annual parade of tho Fire Department of Atlanta took pla -o to-day. Th? Parmetto Company and the detachments from tb? Vigilant and- Stonewall were hand eoruoly received. The other visiting companies are the steamers Cluoch. Vigilant and Fillmore, and the hand engine Augusta, from Augusta, the Defiance, from Macon, and th? Bain bo iv, from Borne. Eleven companies ware in the prooas:ion and the ?tty waa hronged. At an ?arly hoar the oars brongut ?si 'ora from all parts of the Stat?. The weather was pleas? ant, hat windy. Befare m ?* ing the presidents of the different companies assembled in counoil for the par? p?se of determining- the order of playing ott President BaiBt, of Charleston, waa called to the chair. After a long line of march and passing in re? view before tho Mayor and (Jo usc ii, - the exer? cises commenced in front of the btato House. The Palmetto, of Charleston, and the Atlanta enterad for the first-class prise, consist inj; of a magnificent punch bowl, I valved at one hun? dred and twenty-five dollars. They played through one hundred feet of hose, each steam? er being allowed to play ten minutes alter ob? taining sixty pounJa of ?toam. Both steamers are of the same das? and from the same manu? facturers. The excitement was intense when the Atlan? ta moved up for the first trial, and, with a strong wind in ber lavar, threw two- hundred and se ven: y-eight feet and ten-tenths of an inch. Later %in the day the Palmetto j played, and; without the advantage of the I br?ete, made a distance of two hundred and \ stTxrny-ntnc feet, thereby winning the prise. There waa immense cheering wheo the result j was announced. The other ?teamera threw j SU feet. The hand engines threw209feet, 215 feet, and 221 feet. The value of the prises was six hundred dollars. Among' the judges was Genera? Live Oak Walker. A grand banquet is given to-night by the citizeni. A number of distinguished men wer ? present. The Charles? ton firemen were splendidly treated, and the speeches by Chief Nathan, President Buist and otters were loudly cheered. To-morrow is de? voted to festivity. TETE STATE SUPREME COVET. [SnCIAI. TfT.TQBiM TO TBS KrWB.] COLUMBIA, & C., Maj 3. - The motion ex parte Mary t?. Mont ei tn was resumed and o nciuded, Mr. Wstiea contra and Ur. Pickling m reply. Adjutant-General F. J. Moses, Jr., is here making ready to enroll the militia. WASHINGTON. WASBTKoros, May 8.-Secretary Boutwoil has issued twelve stringent roles for the guidance of the deportment. Among them is one prohibiting visiting, smoking and drink ' ing daring business hours. Minister Wsahburne started for Prance on Saturday. H. T. B air, of Missouri, tass been commis? sioned as Minister to Brasil. Corninisswner Delano bas been notified th it his decision sustaining tyebstei'a assessments will be con tea te 1 in court by' th J bankers and brokers. The Dyer Court-martial is in secret session preparing a verdict. Nelson, the new Minister td Mexico, will soon sail for Havana, whences United States vessel will take bim to Vera Cruz. There is no troth in the newspaper state? ments that the Mexican government proposes to seD Sonora to the United 8tates. f$hs wild statements th st have been mads regarding General Lee's visit to the President, make necessary a repetition of the statement that tho Tint was very brief, not lasting ten minutes, sad that the whole conversation was limited to mattara at personal courtesy. Chiaf Jrar?oo CfcXM wilt hold court succes? sively in Biohmoad, Baleigh and Charleston. Consul General Plumb salle for Havana on Thursday. His instructione include a caution against participating ia the quarrel with the Spanish Authorities. P. K. Perry has been appointed Supervisor lox Carolina, cv? Bennett. CHIEF JUSTICE CHASE IN RICH? MOND. BICHJSOXD, May 3.-Chief Justice /Chase opened the United States Circuit Court this afternoon, a sa (etc d by Jad Re Underwood. The jury iras composed entirely of whites, and the iron-clad oath bern g dispensed with, many old eitisens appeared in the jory box for the first time since the war. The case of Cesar Griffie, involving the logan ty of Underwood's decision setting aside the action bf State Courts whose officers are ineligible under the amendment, was called, and will be argued tomorrow. MAINS IN ALABAMA. MOBXLX, May 3.-The incessant rains during the past ten days hare overflowed the larger portion of the cotton crop and caused great ssVro?tion. The low lands and creek bottoms will have to be replanted. There is great j scarcity of seed. * SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. The Seventeenth United States infantry ar? rived al Bichmond last night. The recall of Baron Stoeckl, the Buseian Minister at Washington, is officially annoanoed. The weather was cool m Augusta yesterday; cool with light rain and a southwest wind in Savannah. In the approaching hbel snit General Butler j? oanosel for Yoong, of tho Tribuno, and Mayor Oakey Hall, for Oana, of the Sun. A fight waa reported to be in progress at . Brownsville, Tennessee, last night. At last ac? counts two negroes and ono whito had been Ulled. At a mass meeting held in Cork on Saturday, the Mayor's recent speech was approved, and r?solutions of confidence in and sympathy with him vera passed. Joseph Bammelt, a leading merchant of Bos? ton, and for fifty years identified with the Sand? wich Island and Cali tonna trade, died jester ? day st the age. of seventy. The Central Pacific Railroad reached its tar? in jins at Promontory Point on Saturday. The . Union Pacific Bailroad has boen delayed by a jffcavy rock cutting, and it is doubt t al if the roads will meet before the 10th of May. ..Women having a certain amount of prop artv ir Bossia have the right to vote, though it moat be exercised by proxy, a male rela? tive or friend representing them at the olec tion. FROM TUESTATE CAPITAL. The Conrentlon- I lie Psst Weefc-Thc toan ty A, lr ct long in 1< ichland tares on Kfjjrpt stn?: on Spiritualism. [FROM O?B OWN OOBBESP 'NDE.1T ] Ct>L?MBi\, May 8.-Tbe Agricultural Con? vention ii felt to have been i decided success to have done quite aa mach as it waa reasona? ble to expect of a body comprising so many, and in some instances, rival if not directly con? flicting, interests. Twenty-four counties were represented by delegates, and these represent? ed every branch of industry and every sec? tion of th a t tate. There were a hundred and fifty-two delegates present. A perusal of tho proceedings will show that the who e matter iaytt inceptive, and that all the results aro only to grow out of these beginnings. It is, however, saf ; to predict that the moat vitally important advantages will oome to South Car? olina, nit jough there lie ahead m my causes to interfere with these high bo, es. THE PA,T WEES. The jam and discomforts of overcrowd in cr made the greater portion cf the past week anything but delightful On Tuesday there was a larger crowd than - Colombia has known since the war, and on Wednesday the railroad men estimate that at least a thousaud more were added. The general estimate is that there were here Thursday three thousand vis? itors. The destitution of room that Columbia bas felt e\ er since Sherman's visit, was made utter by the demand for tbreo thousand addi? tional berths. The hotels all had crammed into them titty per cent, beyond their utmost capacity of comfort; and by day all through the city might be seen extemporizad picnics enfam tte, with rural abandon, upon the sward, under the trees, and everywhere. By night these same picnickers slept wherever fortune found lodgings for them, aud fortune' was kept busy try them. Private bouses were opened liberally, and, after many turnings and many questions, the great many were dormi toned somewhere. On Friday morning a deluge left, and on Saturday, the rest. IRE COUNT! ELECTIONS. rho "tnrormality" already related in TEX' MEWS, of trying to push through the elections of township officers on the 27th ult. without fair notice, was arrested in the Columbia Township. There are four townships in Btob land Coan ty, Columbia being Mo. 1. The trick o? posting obscure notices (only one in the oity, ind that torn down by au intentional accident immediately,) and one notice in the Phoenix on the morning of the election, has been exposed. The election was stopped by snob protest as the managers could u t withstand. In the three other townships, however, elections were bald; at least the official results aro publish? ed in Sunday morning's Pheonix. The not,ces seem to have been regular in the country townships; at least many of the parties elected are our beet ?tisane, and this indicates fair? ness in their selection. i The chairman of the Boara oTEicctora fur tatar t Columbia Township has thus far published nj ] explanation of the unseemly haste with wbioh , our citizens were about being hurried into au i Biection, the whites bavin* practically only a J few hours' notice, and the blacks regularly or- , nnized and instructed how to vote in their < inion leagues days before. The community 1 axpecte-and bas a right to expeot-some ex- \ plana lion from this officer. If the facts have noe been fairly stated, he owes it to him se. t to < state them fairly; aud ir they bave been fairly ' stated, be owes it to the community to explain ? his part in them, and thus como ou from among those union league negroes, provided ? he wants to come out from among them. LECTURES. While tout le monde was busy with railroads and agriculture and where to sleep, a select lew, numbering less than a hundred, were hearing the lectures of Colonel W. P. Starke, prementiened in my last. The lecturer made the m e take of leo turing too long at a session two hours and a half each night. The second evening was exceedingly interesting. The lecturer gave life-like sketches of present-day life in the Land of tbs Lotos and big tomb atones. His readings of Hieroglyphics ( r Holographies, rather) were intensely inter esfttagand suggestive. His accounts of Arab Ufa abd of tho Jerusalem of to-day were as spicy as a chapter of St Fureidi* or of Jan ored. His talk about the Plain of Troy, the Simoia, and tbt> Scamander, brushed the dust ot three thousand years from the magnificent dream of Homer. A Columbia audience bas rarely listened ts discourses of such vaned and caiious information. Then th? Spiritualists have had a represen? tative here all tue week, who gives lectures to email audiences from time to time-bas given 'two. I behove, the psst week. She cairns to be ot New Orleans, and ia the first regular clairvoyant medium that has ever exhibited in Columbia. Several have called upon Madame Stewart, of whom some report that they were solo, others say very little about it. Her suc? cess is very moderate. COBS ALS. UTTER NA ~L REVENUE DECISION^ BANKERS AND JBROMJSJtS. Io the nutter of the appeal of Clarke, Dodge ft Co. from an aaeeBsment made by the asses? sor of the thirty-second district of New York, the commissioner ol m te rna I revenue has given the following important decision : 1st. That a person, firm or company haviug a place of business where credits are opened by tte deposit or soUectiou of money or cur? rency f ubj ct to be paid or remitted upon draft, check or order, or where money is ad? vanced or loaned on stocks, bonds, t>ullion, bills ot txoh inge or promissory notes, must be regarded as a hank or bankers, nuder section 79 of the ?ct of Jone 30 18?l, as amended July 13 1866 aud as such are liable to a tax of oue twenty fourth of one per centum per month upon their capital employed in the business of bankin?, beyond the average amount invented in Uuiu d Sates bouds au J a like tax of one twenit-fouuh of one per centum upon the "average amount ol deposits on money subject to pay menu by check ot draft, or re resented by cotiihoi.e of deposit or otherwise, or whe her jayable on ueinand or at souiu future day," under thu HOih section of the said act of June SO 18C4. HS ' anieuded. and that, under this rino, baid Clerke. Dodge & Co. aro bank? ers, aud liaoe lo said tax ou their capital and deposits. 2d. 'J'uat in aseoriainiog the amount of capi? tal of ?Ma person, firm or ouinpauy, all monies us-ed una i nip.o.* ea in ino ousin-ss of oauking, except ile..o -.its, should bo regarded as capital and taxed as nach, und it is immaterial whether this cupuul is fa-nibbed by the poiaou or per? sona c?MMti?util g the film or company, or bor? row' d foi tue purpose of bJing u?od in tao bu? siness of b tukum; aud if borrow jd, it IB minis? ter,ai m ou w.iutiougth of tim.) tue luau is made. ID largo cn ie-, wnere mousy nt borro wea ou ooltateirals, auort joaus, frequently changed, lumi-n . ? certain nnd reliable capitol foruauk mg purposes a* much longer loaos in the coun? try. Li alt such cases the average amount thus borro wo j and emiioyed m tho business of bmiKiug aUouKl bo ascertained, and treated and taxed as c .puai. 3d. Tuac iu a-ceitaining the amount ofdo pi'dits tiie average amount per mouth of ail suma jl mouey deposited with such pe.vou, firm or company, ' subj ct t i payment by check or omit or re pre-cu ted by cortilioaies of deposit ur otherwise, whether payable ou de mano or ?il a mie taunto day." for wuich such per? rn, finn or com,any pay " interest, as n oil aa ali aae for which no interest .s p?id. Ibu. I'uat ibo billie pets JU. firm or cnn pan.Y ma> be engaged iu ousin&a cs brokeiu a?jd bank rs, ?inJ m i-uch case tho payment or tux a us brokers does not r.-lo.aa ibo tu trom liability to pay taxes on capital and deposits tmpiuyed iu tut ir basinoss as bankers. MANIFESTO OF THE SEIT MAYOR. The End of tho Contest-Condition of the City-Pamper Labor-t'ompaliory Kduoat lon-Programme of the Admin? istration. Tho following is thc address delivered yes? terday by ila vor Pillsbury o ooo the occasion of bra installation as Mayor of Charleston. We do cot propose to eater now into any long dis? cussion of the principles whioh Mayor Pill-bury lays down for his guidance and oars; bat it is somewhat singular that ia the first flush of sncoeBs he should take a gloomy view of the situation of the city. The aspect of affaira generally is not discourage nf,, although it may be made so. lr?de this year has been-botter tl an in any other year since the beginning of the war. Thors are hundreds of idlers in the city, it ii trae, bat t bis ie because they prefer to lire here in idleness to working in the country. No city, who to vor its giza, can undertake to support, every able-bodied wanderer who ohooses to squat within tho corporate limits, and the ?cheme of finding employment for every coloied mau who prefers Charleston to. the oorn-field, w ,uld, if carried ont, double the debt of the city, md make progress and im? provement impossible. Mayor Pillsbury ad mite that he is ignorant of the wanta and gene? ral condition of tho city, and when he under? stands better tho trae position of affairs he he will, perhaps, find good causo for chang? ing bis opinions in regard to those measures which he not assumes to be necessary. tienUemen of the Vounoil - We have con? vened under cucumstances somewhat peculiar. Our election took place nearly six months si i'co, yet events beyond our control have transpired to detain us from our seats till the present time. A resort to law, to the courts, to the Legislature, and tben back again to the coarte, bas st last placed us in the unenviable positions wbich we now assume. Wu boat reviewing the influences whioh tuve operated against os to debar us. ne can exult in toe con? sciousness that we are not here as usurpers. We entered the Municipal straggle presum? ing that all parties would consent to be gov? erned by the great democratic principle lying j at tbe foundation of every free government- j that the minority must defer to the majority, j luis principle bas been recognized at every t stage ot the tedious and annoying contest , tbrongn which we have been dragged. To have advanced a Bingle ateo without it would ( have boen revolution, and each a revolution as , could not have passed tnumpbantly through ? ali the VJr.ed searching or 'eats to which oar j case bas been subjected. We have, therefore, , been constituted the ofhci? board of this cit \ : . not only siter the usual manner of an oleo- ; taon, but also by the iudgmo-t of the . courts, both inferior and superior, and by the high sanction of the State Legisla ture. j Io the discharge of oar official duties, wo , shall doubtless encounter difficulties, which, j to some, might appear almost insormouuta- ( ble; and yet, if we move ot urageously onward. ? sacredly observing the oath wo' nave tauen, acting wi i bout ie*r, favor or discrimination, thea J d.faculties will, one by one, vanish from before us. Prom tiie singular position in which I have besa placed since the election in Novembet last ; uncertain when the duties of Mayor t ah .old devolve upon me, and from the un- , trnjnurj rsmnoga hwwwe ??n..<?, ? , l predecessors in office, I bj va not felt at liberty to resort to Ibo inuai sourced ot information 1 LS to the past workings ot tho City Uovorn- v neut, or as 'o tho present wants and general r condition of tho city itself. I shall now, how- ? nar, cntei- at onco_jipon that duty with what- c 3ver of zaai and earnestness I shatl oe abie t . 1 <->cnmaud ; and ebal!, from timo to timo, give 1 Mich information and submit tor \ our coneid- 1 aranon sue J suggestions as the exigencies ot j the time shall seem to indicate. } Without entering into details, we may see at j i glance that the condition of the city presents i a somewhat discouraging aspect. War ha? ' itamp-d its roleutlceo footpr.n's in every di- ( rection. Tho devouring flimo has swepi over < largo sections, and the city has but partially I recovered from these desolations. Our chan- 1 table institutions are unusually crowded with 1 dependent inmates, while the general eta.nti- ' tion < f business curtails the means necessary ' tor then: generous support. Every street and 1 corner is thronged with needy applicants for 1 labor and broad. The limited variety ot em- 1 ploymentB in the city and State, together with < tbe vast number ur unskilled workers, randers 1 thia our task of supplying tb esc nooda of the .1 laborer embarrassing. A varied agriculture < and the mechanic arts are sources of promi- I neut prosperity to cities. With these elements < in the background, with fie plavful but md >- f lent currents of oar mers chained to water- ' wheels and belts; with furnaces, foundries and < forges in foll operation; with the products of l spindles and looms constantly flowing in upon ' as, our "City by tbe Sea" would soon become ' tje coronet of heaney to the State. ' Bat at present it is far other * ?BJ. The lathes ' turns sluggishly in the workshop; the hammer ' falls irresolutely upon the anvil, and every 1 branch of business seems &s if stricken wita ' paralysis. Tbe city groans under a debt : amounting to nearly or quite one-fourth of its 1 entire valuation ; the interest, at least, of which 1 must be kept down, or it will accumulate with j the ratio of the swift revolving mouths, till ; ?nanci il rain may become complete. Such, gentlemen ot the Council, is the inheri? tance transtmtted to us by virtue of oar acc?s- : sion io tffioe. And, though tbe present?is-' 1 couraring aspect of affaira cannot properly be l charged to oar account, wo might not be held blameless for its continuance. Let us, theo, ' endeavor to discharge our high tra >ts with a 1 d?termination and honesty of puipose to achieve anything but impossibilities. The first requisite for administering the gov? ernment is money. Tins must be ramed mainly from taxation. Ia determining upon thc amount to be raised, reference should ba hud 1 flt UL tO OUT actual necessities, and tbeu to i he ' sbilitv of taxrayor* to project improvement*, which, though desirable, may not be ?eiraided as indispensable. lu our present condition we shall, no doubt, be-juatinod in applying the rnle of retrenchment, wnerewr lt caa bo done wittiont jeopardizing our most vital in terests. First in imp >rtance to any communi? ty are meaHurea pertaining to its health snd ( morals. Soundness of body is requisite , to the fall ano proper enjoyment of all other blessings, and heneo our sanitary regulations should not OD ly bo rigid, but t.iey Should be Btrictly enforced. Moral. ti, also, and virtue are as essential to ( general prosperity as are pure air and whole? some diet lo health. Therefore wo should throw around them all the safeguards which it is wubin our province to supply. Our charmes shouid.not boourtailed too pi r 8imQniou8iy, notwitbhtandi g the financial pressure upon us. 'lhe aged, the infirm, the orphan have demands upon us wnich no peo? ple, claiming to roragmzi common humanity, can disregard- Sickness, accident, and other varied misfortunes throw many helpless at our i teet. And while we chouid lend no sanction to idleness or vagrancy, we mast not turu a deaf , cor to utter distress nnd hejplo-soesa. To Hie ablo bodied employment should bo fur.vsned, so far as it is needed and oau receive proper re? muneration. If toe dei?Hod for lahor in tho , cry should not be sufficient to un o; tho wauts of ?ill those dependent unou it, they should bo j encouraged au 1. it need bs. assistoJ. io go out and culuvato the broud unoccupied acres ot tho couuirv. , In this connection I doom it not improper to m.iko briof uLusioa (o labor as the powerful engine wbich propels the machin?ry ot hts. So long as lt waa by law ooustrained, and in great measure unrequited, it was almost, from neie-auy, subject io degradation. 1 Bat upw that it has become tree and remu?e raiiv.-, the laborer possesses tho rigiittocom- ' maud respect, proportionate to the linpor ance sud r.-sponsib lilies of his calling, dp.tai. t-o ' far from h-ing independent ofi .b r io com. 1 paratively fruitless without it. I. is indeed ouiy its offspring, toddling by its side, ready to stumble un i tall tho moment the strong 1 uand ol its creator ?a witblie.d. Our million* 1 of Kilver and gold would bo left to canker in the vaults were there no urawny bauds or sii.ewy arms to a aol} it. The lab ter miy b.* ooor, he . nm be ignorant ; but iu nine cases out ot teu it is his misfortuue. r-tiier ihau hu built. In i elligeocu is au ix^e.lenco ; if. ii a power, ; acknowledged everywhere and justly so ; but it is due to no one class. It answers its high purpose tin- more effectually as ibis thu mora gvuentUy diftasod. Icisnotincomoariblo with toit but, on ibo contrary, it swoeteus and en? nobles it. C'ncimtus alternated between tho plough and ''affina of State," sud U Waa this j esper lil adap ation that has rendered bis name immortal. It would be well if moro of this Roman virtue should be transplanted into our nine eec th cootury. I will alindo to one other subject of vital im? portance to the city, and tuat ia its schools. There are several beautiful and commodious Behool edifices belonging to the city, be,mes otbe a built by private munificence. These all appear to bj well patronized, and yet it is painful to witness the crowds of va? grant, idle children, of all atreus, racPB and con? ditions, that constantly saunter through the streets, haug about the markets, wharves, rail? roads, and other publie reaorta, with no fixed occupation ot wtibi? means of support, com? ing in consta J t contact with whatever is vici? ous and demoralizing, till many of them be como adapts in every species of crime. With proper effort, thia ovil can bo checked, if it emu ot be entirely removed. For tho seourily of life and property, and for the promotion of peace and good order in tho community, to say nothing of its moral woii-beiog, I would rather have m each ward school accommodation j for all of suitable age, with compulsory power to enforce attendance at school, than cordoas of police, or even garrisons of armed soldiery. The State Constitution wisely enjoins upon us thia identical duty. Article 10 section 4, declares: ' It shall be the duty of the General A aernbtv to pr?vido for the compu.1 si ry attend? ance at either public or privait, schioia. of all children . between the agea of aix and sixteen years, not pbysioi?y or mentally disa? bled, for a term equivalent to twenty-tour month?, at least." Aud although the Letnala ture, al its last session, unfortunately tailed to complete au act for carrying out this piovi sion, still we as a corporation, with certain vest ed rights and pri lieges, need not, nor eau we afford to await the slow process of 8 ate leg? islation, but should address ourselves at once to tho grout werk, with euch resources as may bo at our own disposal. A true and noble SJU timent was recently uttered at our State Agri? cultural Convention by air. Clemson, son-in law ot Jobu C. Calhoun, that ?. there could bo DO prosperity, no advance, no civilization, with? out td.ical ion." In carrying put this object it m&v require ad? ditional provisions ; bot it were better policy to expend mcney in this direction than to be torced to invest it enlarging our almshouses, ? LI a and houses of correction. Unless a thor-' JUL'h reformation shall be speedily commenced, KO shsll be driven to the last ni med resort, in de rc nco of the public safety and prosperity. Of other important branches of municipal I interest and support, such aa the police, the Fire Department, the markets, hospitals, ?cc, ? I shall not speak on thia occasion, oalv pre- , Hising that they should bo made as beneficial ind effective as publio necessity, united with 1 jonnietont economy, shall demand. Q*nilemen of the Board oj Aldermen-lu i 3 ur direction of the city government I rust we "hull be controlled by principles of stern int cc - ? ity aud genuine patriotism. Io my own eff uta ' [ shall rely largely upon your wisdom, counsel 1 md friendly co-operation. I also invoke tho renerous aid of all good citizens p!ed?mg, in 1 eturo. my utmost eff jrte to secure for them jrospon ty and peace. So far as it sh ill bo my . jroviuoc to administer justice, I shall strive to .etain the acales in popper aijustmeiit-dis- 1 lensing to all without partiality. With this leteimination I enter upon tho responsibilities >f office, only asking impartial judgment from i caudid public. THE RESOURCES Of BARUWELL COUNTY. Tho Sentinel gives the following sketch of ho water power and resources of Barnwell <TiieV waters or l?ucx^voarnin?^Thoaemary , on to : other and make the Urea Salkchatchie, mich almost from ita commencement deserves allier the name of a river tuan a creek. Il ia , bold, broad stream, and fij*B tor iwenly-nvo i >r thirtv milts through tho contre of the da- , net, irngatiiis aud fertinz ug thu lam' ou iiher ude. For motive power, its watera night be made available at many points. Then vo bavo Lemo ii'a Swamp, a flue struarr; aud -attie Salkchatchie ia anoiber splendid stream, i Then we come to the South hdiato, which orms the eastern boundary nf our district, vnoro principal and larges-, affluent is Shaw's ?i eck, but many other creeks flow into it, some >t which are milizjd fur m.liing pur rases. Thus we have, on the west, ;he Savannah River, with its tributa ?tes, the Upper and Lo.ver Three Runs, jcBides other fino wstei-courses; io the een? ie, the Great Salkoha*ebie witii its tributa ??es. Buck Creek, Turkey Creek and llOs?mary; be LittleSalkehatcuie and Lemon's Swamp; iud on the east Shaw's Creek and Pouth Kd s o; and on the south tho Edisto tor somo dis an ce. In those port i ns of thc district unpro? vided with water courses, wt find large oval simular bisms, which bold fresh waler the rear round, andar? ot incalculable value, ren? dering the land in their vioiuity available for igricuhural purposes, by affording a ready l id abundant supply of water for the uso of stock and tann animais. We have said enough 1 JW on the subj; ct of water-courses, to show that Barnwell District ie ono of the finest watered districts in South Carolina-a para? mount consideration with every man wbo wishes to settle, let hie occupation be what it may. Before the war thia tine territory was being rapidly filled UD, and was on thu high road to wea kn and prosperity. The more navigable of these wa'er-courses were then kept open, aa wo hope they will be again, to give our timber and lumbjr getters free ac? cess to Charleston, Savannah and the sea? board lalands. For several years r,aat the ti u - ber and lamber trade, a source of great wealth to our district, has beou languishing; but it needs but enterprise und capital to set it going again, ibo most unlimited supply of male? na! abounds on every side. Nor is the mate? rial o. cflued to pine timbei aloue; but the finest woods of every description tor building or ornamental purposes abouud everywhere. These nooda could be Bawed up. seasoned and shipped, and would never ful to hud a ready market. The finest shingles in the world con be made Irom the c., presses ao abundintin our swines. Wuai we want is capital and the moans of irausporeation ?heap and easy tranap iriatio.i-to sei in o oc? rai ion lftCtOries that Could supply tho world in pails, tubs, buckets, b ure la a d every sort of wooden utensils-nuim 'gs < xeopted. CUBAN AFFAIRS.-A Wasuiutrioi dispatch Bays tbit the Administration hos determined on recognizing Cuban bjliigereuo.v a . au early day. The policy ami mt dj ot procedure are determined upon. It is also said thal the President has given direct ous io s jil all war m terial not wanted bj the g >ver..m nt to any Dartiea wbo may wish to pure jase. Tue Tribune saya that au t x ie litton for Cuba Bailed from hero on tho night of tho 21st ult. The veaaol was the famous fast sail? ing schooner Grapeshot, moiuorubio f r tho part sha took in tue capturo of Louis Baker, indicted for the killing ot >m Poole. Tue schooner waa loadod with boxes con? taining arms and niunitions <>( war, nu 1 bar? rels containing abont 1000,000 rounds of cartridges. Tooee weie p.ueeu n tho hold, while the deck was loaded ?itu boxes ontain mg harneas and other ?gilt O i the night ot her Billing hf y men wero taken on board, and tho vessel q ii -i ly sailed nuder the command of Captain K milton, formerly of the Unit -d States Navy. She wi 1 uouu bo heard o . Tba voto of tho Mex'cara Congress in lavor of recognizing Cuban boiigoruuO< btnoa 100 to 12. Aims have been shipped to Mexican porta intended for Cuba, amt let ors or m ti que will, it is declared, moo be issued. lu viow of ibis, the patriota ure inaki . J S*ruuuoua ill'ms to ob .a maud hold a pori ou lucir Southern Boast, -The French arm?, aw rung io i lie Moni? teur ofelia Army, tho obi ; ai unlitaiy j ?Brual, is at present on a pour . Ootiu. ol 5U? 000 men. In July, 18C9 tine onm o. will be iioTeaacd to Sil COO, ut win-in 50,OJJ wu bo a aiionud in Almer?a. Atter duda*i??; 710OJ Ul account for s lidien in h taltal, o.. larinuctli anion special duty, there is iou a.i ai my of 522 OOO mea, fnll.v eqtiipoei wito a -un au ! Bilpin a, ?nd ready tor action. J his force s now UL tlorgoi.ig ctioataut dril l g ut mu vuioua camps a d barracks t.'.r.uv^.. mc thc empire. -A. T. Siewurt's t cw m do' dwelling is rapidly goi lg up iu Now Y ir?, lt ia to bo cn tirely ol n on"and brick. ei?in s ones in hotghf, enclosing a court ?mo .mu-iivd f . t Mituro. Ic ia to contain a.i cu va ir. a muaiu-heating ap paralna a-id a wurr-?uk. a id un tuiuidhed with bleeping apr m ???> . i'?>r li. I cen hundred, restaurant,parlor. Ut u- ?< UH lam.dry, k.tch ?n, & .. I-, will c ?s o .%? 3.1 (UJ.000. and, il ia calculated, will alio, d -J rt .. ?ing-wouteu, for Wucscbi>uefit ic ia um f i oi n ., lood and was li lng at a ooat ot iwo djii.uu ti wock. 8EARR0 IK-WHU.EY.- ')n tho 28th of April, by ttao Rev 0. 0 PINCKNE?. at rh* residence of the orino'? uther. Mr. KR .-EABKOOK to Mine R. HARRIET WHALFY, diuabter or toe Hon. Wk WH A LET all of Ch irle - ton. No cai d*. Special Sutlers. jfjT* X CAB 0.-THE COMMITTEE ON 8CHUKiZ8NF?sTbe;r to acknowledge with thank* therecelp of the foftowi <g Prize Presents, in addi. Hon to those already published of April 33th, Mar int and 8ti) now on exhibition at Air. VON SAN TEN'S STORE, No. 229 Sing-street: One pill- Enibroiderel Suspenders, f'om PB. FCHUCKHAN, Im wortcr sud dealer in Berlin Z;phyr Woihtfd. Kilting, Wool Embroidery Pattern i, ko, No. 271 King-street, opposite Hasel. W. F. PADDON. Oas and Steam Fitter, No. 447 King.street, three doors aoovo Calhoun, for repair- j lng and putting Lp Oas Fixtures at Schuetze ip lats. One doz tn bottles Sumter Bitters, from Dowra k Morsa, Wholesale Southam Dru? House, corner of Mee lng and Hasel streets. One pair latent Leather Boots, fro n J MXTIZLXB. Boot and ohne Maker, No. 131 Meodng-atreet, oppo r-i e Pavilion Hot?l. On? Chromo-Lithograph, " Return of the Storks," from CHAULES HicKET, Gilder, Pjrtralt and Picure Frame Manufacture -, No S>."> K'sg.-c reot One Keg Dupont's Eagle Rino Powder, from J. N. HOBSON Comml.-slon Merchant and Agent for Du? pont's Bide Powder, Noa 1 and 2 ulautic wharf. T. A. BEAMISH k Co., Houss and sign Painters ind doalersin Painters' Materials. No. 113 Market-I a tree t, f r Painting doae at bennet zenplaiz. ooo fine Water Cooler, from Mo Dorr Co nsw, Mauu.actur T of Plain and stamped Tin Ware and dealer in Stoves, Orales, Tinners a took, lie., No. 297 King-street. One line White Aluino Hat, from H. MAST?N, Wbo'esale and Retail Des er in Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ac, No 91 Market-street. One K g Orange Kiri J Powder, from Ososas W. WILLIAMS a Co., Whole tale Grocers, Gatton Factors I inl Banker?, Hayne-atreeL also. Agents for toe ?bovo Po?der, for >or li and Bouth Carolina, Geor- I tia. Alabama, Tennessee and Florida. Wax Flowers, lu Ola** Cate, from J. P. Mxsx HtSDT, Bread, Pie sud Fancy Cake Bakery and Candy Manufactory, corner of King and Tradd streut?, One Wanted Work Mst, from Miss Wa,? LUISE OTZBN, No 43 George-street. une Flue Inlaid Boee wood Concertina, from Zoe - BAUM, YOUNO st Co.. importers and dealers in Mu ri? rai lustrums ts, Strings, &c, No. 191 King street. One Fine McClellan saddle, from Wu. H Aaa AX, SI Co's tsaudlery Waretmu e. H >. 19 Uiyne-street, Uno Fiue Iuksisud, from DSNHX k Pun, Book ?nd Job Pnnturs, stationers, kc, Ho. 163 Meebng ftnst Half-dun bottles Flavoring Extracta and sample bottle Co.ogno, aannf oturod by O. J. LOHN, who e.uii! and Retail Druggist, southeast corner of King and Jjhu street i. Cue bine China Mnoking set, from B. H. MCDOW? ELL & cox. Im, ortet n of China, Olas s, Crockery, ?c., o mer Wum and Libert/ utrea!"_h Ono~Fme w rea tn for tne schuetzea Qa*<-n. from Urn. M. UOSKKSN A; Co., Millinery and Fancy Good J. So. 20 J Klug at r crt. Ooo tin-Fruit take, from K HUMAN DB TUXES. Cundy Fae ory and Impo. ier3 o. loy*, Fancy Arti? oles, k .. so 279 Klug-a root. One Flue Breech-loadinn Rifle, with ammunition cm.i.eto. from Messrs. ? IOEDAN. DAW? SON k > o , proprietors of "las LU ABLES ION DAILT 6?sws," No. 149 K st Bay. Une Flue We ding eke, from Captain ALKaaitoaa I Maxi auna, Bakery and (Justoctionery, ?O. 381 Kit.g strsst On? keg Alpino Ht t? rt-, with Sample Stand, from MULLES, Nun z k co., Commi sion Meichaute, Wbolosale Doalers in Groceries and Rice, No. 181 East Bay. New Tuck Croiser and Se.f-sewer combined for Wheeler it Wi son's .-ewing Machines, from D. B, JJ AC ELTON, General Sewing Machine Agen', No. 307 Klng-aueet. Cae Swinging Cradle, from I ANDO. H. STLCOX, Vmntiture Warerooms, Nos. 170, 177 and 179 King street. Embroidered Infant's Robe, from Loma Coaxw k Co., let lera in Foreign and Dometha Dry Goods, NO. 248 Klug-?ucrt. One Pair Pre nob Calfskin Boots, from E. PILLS, Fashionable Boot and Snoe Maker, No. 183 King street. Phot 'graph of Confederate Generals, from Jeana B. BOLLS?, Artist, northeast osmer Klag and ii ai kef streets. One year's free shaving, by J AH ES Lo HU AB DO, Barber Shop, No 114 Market-street. Ose Fin* Ladies' Bonnet, from Mrs. M. J. Zea NOW, Fissionable Millinery and Dress Malting Es? tablishment, No. 304 King-street. May 4 1 A. MEMANN. Chairman. SOT MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION_T H E Rev'd Clergy, of all den minutions, are pxrtfcularly requited to cill on the ladles of their congregations to decorate the graves of Confederate soldiers in their respective churchyards, on Memorial Day, May the 10th.-_May 1 ?-UNION BANK OP SOOTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON. APRIL V, 1869.-Tbe Comptroller General of the State having approved the official statement or thia Bank, and authorized the resump? tion of bubinoss under tbe provisions of tbe late Act of the General .? aacmbly. lbs B.ard of Directors cte e're a meeting of the Stockholders in connection therewith. A meeting will therefore be held at the Banking House, oo tast Bay-street, on THOHSBAT, SOOI May proximo, at twelve o'clock M. By ord or of tb* Board. April30_H. D ALEXINDER. Cartilar. ta-PEOPLE'S NATION ?L BANK.-PUR SUANT to & resolutiou of tbe Board of Directors, thu present stockuodert In this Bank who held i h-ir I stock on 1st .-eutember last, are hereby notified that, for the site of convenience, tbe Mate tax upon tho shares held by them wi tl bj paid through tbe Cash? ier, tbe amounts so to be paid to be obargei against dividends. H. O. LUPER, Mav 1 stutbS Cashier. SM-NO CUUEI NO PAY 1-FORBES L'S J CN I PEU TAR le warranted to care Cou.'he, Croup, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, spitting of Blood and I Lui,g Diseases. Immediate relief produced. Try lt; ll not satisfied, return the empty bottles and get your money back. Sold wholesale and B?tail by the Agent, O. W. AIM ill. Druggist, Corner King and Vanderbortt streets. tO~ Price 3J cents. February 27 DAO tnthsSmo* 49- CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL (JIN, OR PURE LIQUJ't OF JUNIPER BUSBIES.-Thu lavorile iirand of PUB? 'LUNDJJ CORDIAL OIN bas Blood the test ot time, nutation, piracy, high tann's and untair coin ,>eu.iou, aud still o.ijoyj a con? stantly increasing sae; showing that true merit docs alwsjjjagj unappreciated. CUABLEV ..UADON CORDIAL GIN Is offored to t ae public a9 a reliable sp?ci? fiai* ah oases or DissjssJ Ubddor sad Kld.ieys. It acts directly on these o gana, with a and speenlucsf, wbtch render it invaluable to persons suffering iromGravel. Diabetes, luiUjied Bladder, Ecaniy and hight;-colored urine, and in all cases where, tro LI came, a healthlul diuretic is require >. Ladles stibjoct to pain:u! menstruation, can by the nee of cO ii CIA L OIN a lew days previous to and dur HR l luo-s obtain great relief. In such instances it BLOUIJ be taken with ULK ar and warm water. AB S tonic and beverage this OIN is unequalled, as lt postease* none of tbe headache pripertio.-i to be found in those pois ns, now too frequently sold un? der ibe uame.< of Gio. Brandy Whiskey, ko. JOHN F. H KN UT. sole Importer, No. 21 Park Kow, New York. For salo in Charleston, South Catolin.i, by Dr. H. BArR, RAOUL k LYN' ill, W. A. sKl.T.Nb, G. W. AIMAH. EU. S. HOUNUAM and A. W. cOKKL 6 CO. tuthseonSmoa nao February 23 Special lot ire s. 49" CONSIGNEES PEB STEAMSHIP CHAMPION, from New Yoik. are notified that abe will discharge careo THIS DAY at Adair's South Wharf. Gooda nu ailed for at sunset will ie stored at risk and expense of o wm ra. JAMES ADO EB & CO, Uay i Agents. ?-CONVEN HON.-THE SEVENY-NINTH Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in south Carolina will meet In St. Philip's Church, on WEDNESDAY, lbs 12th Instant. Divine service will commence at I en o'clock A. M. JOHN 1). M cCO LLD i H, May 4 t"ths4 secretJ ry AW UNI TED STATES INTERNAL. R EVE HUE - COLLEClOR's* OFFICE, SECOND DU. TBIOT, SOU I H CAB lLlNA-CHARLESION, MAY 1, 1869.- The undersigned, Collector, will bo in at tendance Ht No. 48 Broid-etreet. Charleston, anti] May 31st, to receive from r?ndente o' the City of Charleston. St. James' San tee, St. Jamei'Qoosecreek, St. T hornn and St Dennis, St John's Berk elev, et, John's holleton, St. Andrew's, St Stephen's and Christ Church, Special or License Taxes, also laxes on Incoan. Bi hird Table?, Carriages, Pla e and Gol i Watches, included in the unnual list tor 1869. Colass pay ?outs are mido on or before the day above named, th" Iii? imposes additional charges. Taxpayers are inform d that the Collector has no power to deduct tbe five per cent penalty an i one per cent, rer m< ntb interest ou taxes not pa'd with? in i he time specibed in bc notices. Neither ls the Collector responsible if (be parties who require License? do not receive their notices, aa thoy are invariably put in ihe Peat- mee. All Licenses sro due ten days from date of notice. WILLIAM B. CLOUT}!AN, May 4 filths Collector. ??IF THE LADIES BUT KNEW WHAT thousands of them are constantly relating to us, we cannot believe one baif ot the weakness, prostration and distress experienced by them would vanish Jim MAUSH, Esq , No. 169 Weat Fourteenth street, Mew York, says, "be bas three children; the first two sre weak and puny, his wife baving been unable to nurse or attend them; bat she h?i taken PLAN? TATION BI IT KU s tor the >ast two years, and has a child now eighteen months old, which she has nari ed and reared herself, and both are hearty, siucy and weiL The ?rdele is invaluable to mothers,' ?c. Such evidenoe m'?ht be continued for a volume. The oest evidence ls to try them, lhey speak for themselves. Persons of sedentary babita, troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, distress alter eating, torpid liver, constipation, diabetes, &u., will flad speedy relief j through thone bitters. MAOROLIA WATEn .-Superior to the best imported Gorman Cologne, and sold at ball the price. Ma 4_tuths3 ?TESTATE NOTIoE.-ALL PEBSON8 having demands against the Estate of J O H N J. BROWN INO, late Of Charleston County, de? ceased, will present their o alms attested, wdhin the JJm i '. ? i -|- -fi -i-1-1 i AMI at Law, No. 93 Boad-treet and ?ll indeoted lo said Es.ato will make payment to tbo name. ADDIE J. BROWNING. April 27_?n3_Adnrnistr-imx. JO-VEBONE'S ELECTKO CHEMICAL BATHS.-A Btu >cu OF DB. VERON fa (OF N tw YO HE) Electro-Chemical Baths ls now eatable: ed and in daily operation in Mot Lin ?, oue door a >ovo Hudson-street over the office or Dr. lt, T. i-CHLtY, who has a private room for tbs especial accommoda? tion ot thoie wbo wish to be tri at'a cy toe mear outed Baths, which ai o celebrated for the cure of all dlseas?s proJuced by the too liberal use cl Mer u - y ia any of lt- form?; also Rheum it Ism, acute and chronic; 'lotit, Lead Poisoning In any form, Nervous Affections, Debility, and Chronic Diseases gener? ally. Dr. 8. will administer the Baths by Instructions direct from the discoverer, Dr. V., which embrace many recent and useful hints. Ma> a_imo 49- BORDEAUX OLABEF WINE, OF SU PEBIOB QUALITY, by tbs gallon; SMOKED SAL? MON and HALIBUT, SMOKED TONGUES, PIG SHOULDERS, BREAKFAST ?TRIP.?, received th e week._WM. 8. COBWIN at CO. ?"NOTICE.-OFFICE OP COBON EB OF CH ELESTON COUNTY. APBIL24, 1869 -During mv temporary ab-onoc from the State, E. M. WHIT INO, Esq.. Coroner for the Parishes of sc Philip's and St Ulclael's, and Magistrate, will attend (o the duties of my offl.-e at No. 61 HBO AD-STREET. April 24_TIMOTHY BUBLFY. 49* WH VT IS A TONIC ?-BE AR I illa IN mind-that although a tonio is, to a certain extent, a stiunJirt-? stimulant unmodified by any medi? cinal substance, ls not a tonic, but a debllttant. in HOSlETlEB'o STOMACH BITPBB9 there it a stimulating element of the purest grade manufio tured in thia or any other country. Every fiery a d corrosive oil or acid which contaminate* the ordi? nary liquors of commerce, is expelled from the rte spirit which lonn s tbe alcoholic basis of the PI r 1ER-, by careful snd repeated rectification. The juices of the valuable roots, barks and herbs, in fu-rd Into this wholesome product of the finest grain, still further modify itt nature; so that it becomes, in faot, a simple diffusive ?gent minus all the heady and brain ex -Ring propertte i wbicb belong, more'br less, to all liquors in a raw state It le merely the sate and harmless vehicle which readers the med? oinal virtues ot tho preparation effective-increasing their active power, and diffusing them through tue flvet-jm. Ueooe the pleasant and gentle glow which is experienced aftm taking a dos- of the Ul l i ER Iiistoid or creating hoads* he. as un medicated stm alanu are apt to do, ibis salubrious tonic is the b it known reme y for that complaint It calms a< d soothe* corebral excitement, strcugthens the ne; ve*, promotes t-'0 secretion of the gastric juice. Invigo? rates tho bowels, determines the fluids to the sur? face, improves the appetite, increases the anim il vtg jr, regulates organic action, and. lrom it" mild yet effective alterative qualities, is the very best preparation that can ho administered to the weaker sex in the peculiar difficulties to which their organ! % .tum HUljects them. May 1 nae 6 aa- SARArOGA "A" SPRING WATER. Saratoga, in the Sta'e of New York, li? one of tbe most remarkable mineral reservoirs upon the su duce of the globe. Within an area of a mile in dtumeter are some thirty mineral springs- uo two of thom alike. In ;oaeof tbe waters, Chloride ol' sod om predominates; in others, IoJioe. Magnesia, >ul,ihur, Chalybeate, ?kc. ?he buucflcUl etfeoU of some ol those wi tern, as medicinal agents, aro known throughout the i ivillzed wo ld. Probably one h i >. dred thousand person* visit these Springs an cual y Many hui dr: d thousand bottles of tbe waler ure transported and consumed lathe various local Itu of tbe country. Tbe SARATOGA "A" SPBING WATER ia oro ba ly the must effect!vj mineral watt>r round on either continent. It will he observed that it has ten per cent greier mineral propertied than the cele* bruted I ongress Spring; tour tunis that of Baden Boden of Austria; flvi times that of Six Ja cusp n? inPrui-sta; twice that ol Vichy iu Franc-;; no .nv three times greater than the renowned Setz r ot Gern, aa y ; audeqially over the Spaa of Bath, tm land and Kissengen in Barana. The reputation of this water is based upon i effects in diseases of the stomach, liver, to ?cl-, kidneys, and spleen, and acta wich wo i -c fa- i> ne- j fit m cases of Ch ron c Dy-ppLii -. O.m-il.-- - I Gravel, Gout. Scrofu a Cutaneous Affections, Genc lal Lethargy, soieue.-B, aud Prootcauoaj o u..-, te n. The value of mineral waters has been prized md' a Inowldg-d by in-ni leal men (luce tur ?*>.. ! C'vLuatiou. A col' bratoil author ty fays; "I he Vi - 1 tues oi minera waters have bcoo beet sho*u i.i .kv treatment ol oh-core sui chronic diseas---." Aueni for tue Saratoga "A" Spnng rt'at.'r, ? * JOilN F. U.MtY. 1 Ni 21 P-nk Row, N"v Y-> k i foldm ?barleaton, - c., nv tr. w. AH.AK, W. , A. SEETHE, RAOUL ?i LYNAS, A. W. t? b.< L * CU.. KD. S. BUiiN?iM and Dr. U. BA kB. February 23 nae | KXCLHSIUHS ill?f.U IHK HARBOR, THE FINE, FAST SAILING AND COM". "FORT A BLI appointed Yacht ELEANOR y will resume ber trip* to historic poiou Ia ?the barbjr. and will leave Government Wharf daily at len A. M. and FOOT P. M, Foi Passage apply to J H USIA s Y o CN G, Decemoer 18 i apt?)a. on board. FUR LIVERPOOL. CHARLESTON AND Li VE RI VOL STEAMSHIP LINK. THE FI B?T CLASS IBON SC HEW 1 Steamship M AH MOB A. B. kt. BOB? IN BO.v Commander, having a por* : ton of her cargo engaged, will uti on or about irth instant for Freight engagements, apply to BO HE HT M CB B * OG., Boyce'? Whart 49?N. B.- In m ran cc taken .by thia Teasel at nve-dghths percent._ ' _May 4 B ALT LBS UHK %ND CH A ll LKSTO? SIEAMbHIP COMPANY. THE STEAMER- OF THU LINE are appointed lo -ail on the follow? ing days f r h -Ll'IMOBE daring tbe month of Ma ? : FALCON, captain Boa-XT. May 6ib, at 2J? o'clock SEA GULL, CapUfn Dmos. May 11th, at 6 o'clork P.M. MARV I A s r>, Captain JOHNSON. May loth, at 10 o'clock A M. FALCON, Captain HoBSET, May 50!h at \% o'clock P. M. SEA G CLL, Captain Denos. May 25th, at 6 o'clock P. M. MARYLAND, Captain Joans.N. Msy 29th, at 10 o'clock A. M. 49~ l bro ugh Bills Lavin g signed for all olaasee of Freight t ? toU.VTON. PHlLiLr . IB i. HiLMl TO.*> DEL., WAaHINoiON CITY, and the NORTH? WEST. For Freight or passage, apply te COURTENAY k TBENHOLM. May 4 3 Onion Wbarves. NEW YORK, ANO CHA it L KS TOI. STEAMb fl IP LIKE. FOR NEW YORK. CABIN PA SSA'JE $2U. r r-Twn TBK F1R3T-0LA80 STDE-WBEKL ?;5T?fey?^i ?TKA?>HiP CH-MPIO.V. Locr. 4-fS^?W?AA WOOD, Command r, will leave Ad mSst -WBSFE?. ger'? Khan, on SATOTLDAT, 8thln?L, at 4 o'clock P. M . 49-N0 B?.S of Ls ding signed after tbs sailing o.' the steamer, SS-1 trough Bills Latbig given to Boston and Providence, R. L Sar insurance can be obtainer1 by these steamer? at H per cent. For Freight or Paiaage, apply to ISSUS ADttat? *-H). Agents, Corner Adger'j Wharf and.hast Bay (Up-ttam. ? May 3_g FOR PR1LA UHLPHIA ANUBUDiON REGULAS EVESi TRIRXDAY. TH ti STEAMSHIP . PBO ME t Ut U -, Captain Gs*I, will lt ave North Ailantie Wbart, on lasas DAT, A: ay 6, ut - o'clock, For Freight or Passage spplv to 4p JO?\ ss t H LO. G ETTY. May 1_North Atlantic ghSBf. ___.JfOR Ntci* * .M-if . BEG ULAS LINE AVERT WEDNEEDA Y, PA xs AC K 1240. ?.SiSasSS THEMDE-WHEEL STEAMSHIP . jf?f.f ?:> R\ONOLI\, Oapiuia M. ?. Caow jlls?llilSg^ ou WEDNESOAY, May 5, 1869, at 1 O'clork P. M. April?_RAWNKL AT CO.. Agents, PACIFIC MAH. M's t?A JU** ?IP COMP V'S THEOCOH LLN- IO PALIP0BN1A. CALNA AISD JAPAN. CHANGE OF SAILING 'DA ra: """-"5-tr-a SI BA MESS OK IBS ABOTE ?/$%Off T'S: Une leave Piar No. ia. North Biret, ? \? foot ot Canal sheet New York, at ?ffi ?tewyjw 12 o'clock noon, of the lat, Utk and 01st of every month .except when tl ese oates tal'. .D Sunday, then the Saturday precedlce*. Departure ot 1st and J]*t COD nt ct at Panama with - steamers tor Sontb Paddc and Central Amenc?? no ru Those of 1st touch st Manzanillo. Departure of 11th ot eacb month connects with tbe new steam Une from Panama to Australia and New Zealand. Steamship J- PAN leaves 8an Fm cisco tor Chica and Japan Maya, 1869. NO Cs uremia steamers teach at Havana, bat st; direct from New York to AerinwalL One hundred pounds baguage tree to ?sch td nil. Medicine and attendance free. For Passage rtekett or I arther information apais? ?t the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on lbs whstt root of Csual-ttreet, Noitb Hirer New York. March 12_IJT_F. B. BABY, Agent FOR THE GERMAN SCUD KTZ EN nt ST BY STEAMER. THE FINE STEAMER FVNSIE, _?Captain antis, ?ii leave the City from Accommodation Wha f WED.IBSOAX. reroasoAT and FRIDAY, at the boura of 10 A M. and 12 30 P. M., and 3 P M., landing passengers at tbe Pacifie Manufacturing Compauy's DBW Wjsrf, Ashley Blver. within SOO yards ot the ground*. List Trip, returning, will be at 7 P. M On Fmi SAT the tw ) last retain trips wil. bs ai 7 and 10 P. sf. Fare, 26 cents. May 4 FOR KOlSrO, KM I'KKP tivE, ROCK? VILLE, MARTIN S POINT AND SIMON'S BLUFF. THESTFAMFR EMILIE, CAPTAIN ._' P. C. LEWIS will le ivs ''om m er .lal wharf aa above, every WBSSISDAT Moajmta, st 8 o'c o.-k. lie urning will leave Edisto at 7 o'clock os THCKSUAX. Freight reef ived THIS DAT. Apply to SHAOKCLFORD St KELL), Agents, May 4_1_No 1 Boc-e'* Wharf. IXIKA 1 KIP TO ?.A VA NM AH. THE EL KG AN r STEAMER CITY _J POINT, Cap'ai J Gao. E. MOMILLAS, will lea-e Charleston for pavannab on WSDSMDAX 1 vt NIX ii, at 9 o'clock._ ?RQBHM: She wilt leave Savannah I? r Charleston every THU SI DAY AFTFB ? o >N. at4 o'clock. tot lreLjbt or pis-ag", apply to J. I>. ?IK.k> k CO . A jen U. May 3 bonth Atlantic Wbart FOR SlVANItAH-INLAADIlOVTE, VIA BEAUFORT -.ND HILTON HEAD. THROUGH TICKETS TO FLORIDA. OH AND APTER MAY 1ST PASSAGES SEDUCED. To Savannah.. .$3. Io Beaufort... .frfcr ."ff-??> TBE STFAMBr- PILOT BOY. OAP? ^atSksaaVCTAIl. FENN Vtn. w leave Acron*, modation wbarf every MONDAY and THUBSDAT Moss. ruo ai 9 o'clock Hemming will leave savannah every luzstux sad rair A\ MOHN INO at 9 o'clock JOHN FEBGU'HIN, April 29 Ar.-omiu daa o 1 Wbarf. 1 OR SA VA A NA H. . -fP^>j THE SlEAMsR DICTATOR, aSSSml CAP IAIN W. T. McN > LTT, will -all m.m I ba le-ton fjr savannah oa Sn JED IT hrs . Hi>o,at9 o'clock. axrcaaixo. Will have Ssvaonaii tor Charleston on BUKDAx Arr?NOON at 4 o'ui ck For > reicht or Pastare, applv lo Apiti 29_J. D AIKEN oe CO., Agents. h i ?I - TO, ROCKY-lit.K ANO K.MTBK Pl.ISr. - .T?T"*!?. THE S BA M ER FANNIE, fAP - " ? -1^7 TAIN ASAIS will Ie-ve Accommoda ti m Wuari ev??ry WKDNE.DVT fotisiNO ats u'c oct . Ue'ivnin.. leave < d>?M a 12..Mocil on IHUBSDAT. l o.-Freight or Pasisgj, ^p I? lo J.lilN F?iRG?'iON. April 26_Accommc-ltttioa Wbart H?H ?Ml. Alu 1, t> : I?'., ?ts HAVANNAH, 1 t- r. N . V;.' 1 ? ? A ASP JaCSdOBV VILf.E. .?)-**? 4. THF f'H'?-i'A-s ~ I 2 4 M EB S3?JXSB5S OlOlAlOH CaptamWM T. MONEX 11 ?'li ?a l (rom Charte-iou ??... /-c-.a, tVianv, .f Nine n'd'-ck, jot'ue ib<>v? points fi r t: M.(-'i,?a ^teamer bl'! ? K?f>'I, "sptam Gao. ?. .McMrLLAN will ml rroiu Cb*rl<ston orery Jr?. ?ta?i /.?.?.mo, . Nine aVia.ik,Tor anove poiara, minx'tma with ib" ?"-H?>-a? ItaiiroaJ ?t -lave-ustb ?V Mocito sad Ne - Orlean<aand w.tb tu? ? :onda H. hoad at i'-ni.v dui i for ?V-.Ur at ?bick ?.im .'ei'niers coniiect w tb >'ew Orieaas. Mobile, !v.,K3"o:a. 6e* 'Vesii and Iii vana. t brandi Bills Lu nu iii ven tb* rr ij .it to Mohlis, l'?iiraco'a auo v?>a' ii.-L .-ni-. on.:tc?n? uti/i H .\ Han't it'tm-n Oelawah? .inti Un*', ' TM.i. e.* ur.l lakee?ri?a, ?W ,'U. li t. h I iii "'Jul Ali ir- . 1; . ya??? 141 'he?barf iriNHi. HOI reniovcil ai iu>ic< . * t # ?cifd at (ls and int < ** 01 on- .1-. 'o: f te' or Pa m v' etiptiaemoi t, apr ly te J. D. AIK1N n c ., (jiu* -o i:'. ?' iT?i .- ^tarl. N. H.-No extra chirgo for Meal, ar.d distortesaii Novembor al