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THE DAILY NEWS. RIORDAN. DAWSON & CO., PBOPBIKTOBS. OFFWE N~o. 149 EAST BA Y. -o T??Ma - DAILY NEWS, one year.w 00 DAILY NEWS, BI* months. 3 00 BAJXY NEWS, three inonthp. 2 00 TBI-WEBBXX NBWS, one year.3 00 Tm-WK KM. Y NEWS, pix month?.2 00 PAYMENT Invariably In adrar ce. No paper sent onleaa the caen accompanies the order, or for a long ar timo than paid for. TUB DAILY NEWS will be nerved to subscribers In the city at IS oents per week. ADVEBTIEIMCNTS.-First Insertion, 15 oents a Une; subsequent insertions, 10 cents s line. Business Hotices, M< cenia a line. Marriage and Funeral No? rtees, One Dollar each. N JS W S SUMMARY. -Gold close d in Now York at 8?fa34?. -In New York cotton was steadier; sales 1600 bales, st $8|. -Cotton dosed in Liveipool on Saturday quiet and steady; uplands lljd.; Orleans 12?d.; sales 8000 balee. -A Detroit woman bas secured a divorce because ber husband compelled her to black his boots. -New Orleans consumes daily two hundred and fifty beeves, sixty-seven calves, fifty sheep1 and ninety hogs. -A clergyman at Kingston, England, infuses to admit young ladies to confirmation unless they promise never to dance. -A sensation in' a London theatre is a won? derful horse which rides through Hie flames from the stage to the flies, with a young man on its back. ,, -Three hundred and twenty-seven London artisans and laborers, unable to make a living at home, started on a finely journey to Canada in the middle of April. ' -The Macon Journal says Major George An? derson, of Laurens District, S. C., had thir? teen sons ' in the Confederate army. Match him or them, who can I At a little tote of Eugenie on tbe 2d ult., the toilettes ot the Marquise de Gallifet, Princess de Metternich and Countess de Pourtales-the three graoos of the Tuileries-cost upwards of 150,000 francs. -A New York fashion reporter bitterly com? plains that after a " very ostentatious display at Ui8 church," " claret punch and cake were the only refreshments served" at a recent wed? ding reception. -The Boston Post says that the pikes which loy a Joe Brown had made to kill Yankees at tho commencement of the war, have been sold at Au -UH ta, Ga., and -will be need to ann-tao,. South Carolina nogro militia. -Tbe footprints in tbe sandstone of the Conneotiout valley, which have always been supposed-to be those of birds, are pronounced by Mjr. Waterhouse; Hawkins to be the marks of marsupial animals, such as kangaroos. -OD Wednesday afternoon, at a private wed? ding on Madison Avenue, New York, tbe bride is said to have worn a ten thousand dollar lace dress, purchased in Berlin. The groom give his wife'a ne klaoe, valued at eight thousand dollars. -Southern securities in New York on Mon? day were firm and buoyant. Georgia sixes, 81a 82; do. sevens,, 95|a96; do. do. interest payable in Georgia, 93a95; North Carolinas, ex-coupon, oljaol?; do. new, 54}a55; South Carolina sixes, 74a 75; do. new, 71a72; do. regular stock 65a87. * -The Alta Californian bas ^'positive and au? thentic" information that President Grant will certainly visit California during; the coming summer. It says that his advent wilt bo an "occasion for the greatest enthusiasm ever witnessed in the State.This is now as posi? tively contradicted. -A writer in the Bural New Yorker thus writes of the Scuppernong grape: "This grape is worth untold millions to tho Southern peo? ple, if they will follow the example of Mr. Hart, of Wilmington, North Carolina, in der veloping Jts oulture and the conversion of its juice into good wine." -Both houses of the Ohio Legislature have passed a bill giving Cincinnati authority to use $10,000,000 for the purpose of building a short line railroad through Kentucky to connect with the southern system of railroads at Chattanoo? ga. The work will be undertaken at once ?nd pushed forwaid vigorously. ; ? -Letters from Berlin state that from all parts of tbekirgdon of Prussia, and even ol the relatively rieh provinces of Pi uss i a, the emigration to - North America has begun on a larger scale than in former years. The emi? grants generally say that they leave their na? tive homes on account of the distress reigning there, and not ?merely to escape the military conscription.v -Tho juries in illinois are liberal in their awards Ipr railroad asoidents. The following is the estimated tariff in ordinary oases : For a simple fracture of a leg, $12,000; for a com? pound fracture of the leg, $25,000; for broken ribs, $15,000 each; for a floger knocked out of 1 oint. fiO?K); for a beulet on the headj $1500; for a biruiee at ibe oppesite extremity; double 5^-A4?al sttrnj and los?er and greater injuries in Iii? proportion. -Bergh, president of tho society for *he prevention of cruelty to animais, stopped a $2000 pigeon shooting match in New York lately. There waa a large orowd assembled and everything prepared, but Bergh appeared wi h twenty-five policemen and threatened to arrest the principals, which slopped the match. There was great excitement, and only the pre? sence of the policemen saved Bergh from being roughly handled. -A dispatch from Washington says : "Sen? ator ?prague does not intend to take any no? tice whatever of ike ?ate Captain Goddard. He considers 1MB bellicose individual utterly beneath kis attention, and 'Says that he will not bo diverted from the prosecution of his plans bjr?aiy ??h_ I^xJAmipj?u^ million dollars is believed by Mr. Spraguo to be behind Goddard's intended insult* hut the Bbode Islander has determined not to be drawn into further personal altercations." -Asian immense quantity of copper outers into tho manufacture of guns and ordnance, weean readily account for Senator Chandler's taking the war path against England. Having made the price ?ll righi by the copper swindle, ho now, Uko a thorough business man, goes to work to make a market. If we do not have a foreign war it will be because he could not effect it, and if we do it will be one more in the interest of the Lake Superior copper mines khan in those of the american people. -In New York it is said that mercantile houses have done best this spring which hap? pen to have Boothera trade. The same ls true SB other cities, The South ls recovering from .the desolation of war, and In a few years win aaeume a larg? proportion of her old influenoe ia connection with the business relations of the country. When thai point is reached, the political status of the South will improve with ?masing rapidity. The man who can pureba?e a large bill of goods and pay for them will not be turned out of Congress if he should go there. -Secretary Bout well's appearance in Wall street, on Thursday, wa? quite ta event in its i way, ami aroused oousiderable exoitoiuenf. The Socrolary was introduced ak tho stock ex olan&e to-day and made a pleasant speech, which was rocoivod with cheers. Uo saut that he should faithfully collect tho revenue due the govormnent aud apply them to tho working expenses thoroof, and tho surplus to the reduo tion of the national debt. He should institute economy in tbe department, and all its opera tl?uB should be opon to the public gaae. He closed by saying that ho should endeavor to manage the finanocs without embarrassing the business of tho country. Mr. BoutwoH's re? marks had a buoyant cSoct on the market gen? erally. -The recent order issued from tho War De? partment, ordering the opening of recruiting offices in several of the principal oities, has given rieo to a good deil of speculation, and considerable interest is manifested to knew the meaning of this sadden order of General Sherman. Some argue that it looks to an early recognition of Cuba by our government, and others ?hat trouble is apprehended with Great Britain growing out of the settlement of the Alabama claims. It having been r soortainod, since the consolidation of the army into twenty five regiments, that a goon many regiments have not more than one-half tho nnmber of men required, and that in a few months the time of enlistment of a large number of three I years' men will expire, thus reducing the army one-third, it was deemed necessary by General Sherman, in view of these facts, to open re? cruiting ofilcos in order to bring the army up to the proper standard and the ' requirements of law. '" CHARLESTON. MONDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1869. ~ ? y?-. The State Agricultural Convention. In the State Agricultural Convention which met in Columbia on Wednesday las and adjourned on Thursday, there were ont hundred and forty-seven delegates repre? senting twenty-five counties of the State and, if we may judge of the disposition ant temper of the people by the. character anc conduct of their representatives, the new Agricultural 8ooiety will be the means o stimulating and encouraging the develop ment of every branch of industry. Th< delegates, as a body, were shrewd and ear nest men; not dawdlers and visionaries, bu men of thought and experience, who ari resolved to walk themselves in the brest path which they are marking out fer others They carefully avoided political debate am rhetorical flights of. fancy? confining them selves to those practical subj eota upon whosi proper treatment so muoh of our prosperity depends. The faot that po litios were excluded fran the deliberations of tho convention W?S no due, however, to any misapprehension o the grave uncertainties of the times. Thcr were in the body veterans who had grow: gray in public life, and whom no trick o Subterfuge could mislead. But each delegate while admitting the close connexion whio exists between our; political condition an industrial status, felt that a convention .at sembled for the purpose of breathing nc life into the operations of the planter An mechanic, WAS not the place in which 1 denounce Radicalism or exalt the horns i Democracy. This rule governed the coi ventiou from the first to the last hour of i existence. The thoroughly practical frame of min of the convention is best shown by the pul lished reports of Its proceedings. All tl information in possession of the delegate was laid before the body for its guidano and committees were appointed to oonsidi at their leisure those subj cots with whit a thorough and familiar acquaintance wt necessary. We may, therefore, hope th by November next, when the first annu meeting of the Agricultural and Mechanic I Sooiety of South Carolina will be held, tl ! committees will be prepared to present i tho information that oan be obtained in i I gard to manufactures, emigration and labt fencing, commercial fertilisers, the bi method of cultivating cotton, rio? and coi the manufacture of sugar, fish cuitare ai bee culture, and the use of agricultural a: labor-saving implements. Each of th? subject's will be closely examined, the e deavor being to find out what aie t surest and speediest ways of building up t State and rostering the prosperity of t people. And there is no doubt that the oohventi will do muoh good beyond the organizat: Of the permanent sooiety abd tba devil) of means for obtaining agricultural . mechanical statistics. The particulars gil of the eucoees of the Newberry Immig tion Sooiety, and the ncoounts given Colonel Palmer in the article which we print thia morning touching the cost of sp wing yarns, will at once be spread throuj out th? State. They will' not depend newspaper oiroulaticn, but will be ?ti knowh by the delegates ' themselve s, y will tell their friends and neighbors* j explain to them, what they heard and i in Columbia. In this way the news \ be spread over ali South Carolina, I j But it is not enough to hold a o on ven t and organise societies. . The society mast supported. It must have a plocs fdr hold j the annual fair, it mutt have a prise list must be able to pay its current expeni To bo able to do good, the sooiety must on a safe footing, and it oan be firmly tabiiohed by the fall if th? farmers planters at once enroll their names and oom? member^ of the society. The ? sorlption ia but small, and we hep? that State press will argo their readers to s in their applications at ono? to Celene Wyatt Aiken, the Secretary of th? Sooi at Cokeebury, so that by the time of annual mealing thor? may be two or tl thousand members. Thia :*gk? he doa?, if th? delegates to th?, Columbia Com tion bestir themselves ?van more may accomplished. Via? Con nt? m?eosla** - Th? eleotions for school oommlssioa coroners, county commissioners and o officers, walsh take place on the 28tl Way, should not be pad? party quest! nor, if it oan bi? s.VA?4?d, -skoal* ym?if < didates be run. B^j wtls?lOS|8 for support upon his labor, or upon fete oom? from hi? business or aooumul property, 1? interested In the ?ssa?? Administration of tba affairs of th? di eat counties. ' Th? county commissi? alone have power to levy a tax amounting in the aggregate to over half a million of dollars, and, apart from politics, it ia surely importaut to o eic ct men who will levy no higher tax than is indispensably necessary, and will see that the public funds are prop? erly spent and acoounted for. The candi dates should be the best men that oatt be found-the moat respectable and responsi? ble men in the different counties; for there is no offloe in the State so small that it should not be well filled, and whioh may not in the hands of ignorant and vicious persons do serious injury te many worthy people. Aa we have said, every exertion should be made to avoid party issues in local affairs; but if the words of the Radicals themselves are to be trusted, they are determined to have a square party fight. A. J. Ransier, colored, member of the Legislature, County Assessor, Chairman of the Republican Central Executive Commit tee, &c, Ac, &o , has issued a circular,,in whioh he oalls the attention of oounty chair? men to ?he Executive proclamation for elec? tions to fill vacancies and oounty ofliocs, and says: "It is hoped that nominating ?conventions will be held in timo, and ju? dicious selections be made, and that these "efftoes be filled by the REPUBLICANS xromi "nated. Muon depends upon the ohoioe of "suoh officers." This is a straightforward announcement of the determination of the party to have none but "Republicans;", but as Ransier is not omnipotent, even with the "oounty "chairmen," it may be possible, as it is wise, to avoid in many instances the contest which he desires. One thing, however, must be plainly understood, and that is that the respectable people of the State are de? termined that honest and capable men only shall, from this time? be elected to office. They may occasionally be defeated; but as long as they make the test not politics, but integrity and respectability, they must in the main be suooeBsfuL And where the Radioals ?force the fighting, and will have none but party measures and party men, they mu8t bo met with their own weapons without a thought of compromise or eva sion. As it ia to the interest of all parties to avoid, in local matters, the bitterness of battles political, suoh oases will probably be rare; but when they do occur, if the gage is promptly taken up and the white people use all their influence, there will not bo much doubt as to the result. We hope, then, for a good report from the.approach ipg township and.oounty elections. Tho Contested Election. Judge Carpenter decided the quo wat \ tanto case, on Saturday, in favor of Mr. Pillsbury and his Board of Aldermen. Un? der the circumstances, it was thought best ' that no appeal should be made, and it is 1 expected that ihe new Mayor will be sworn in at 12 o'olook tooday." <L HUSSI& Out U&c Militia. The following notioe has been posted tip at the different plantations in the neighbor? hood of Monck's Corner. A second notioe changed tho limo of mee ting to May 1st. ?T??ricE "Hereby Oive to all Colored mon that "A Maskmesting ia to hell at tue new Saptia "Church, on tho Monck oornner Road on the ? "day of May at 10 ten oolook A. M. Ta form a "military compy Specal attention is Oive au? thority of the-Same that all able Rodie men "citizens Between the aOea of eighteen and "forty-five years Residing in this and to "Exepted by the: laws of the United State, "shall be subject to militia duly Sc by 13ac u 'Sanders T H HUTCHINSON" H-. . .e. M ?gs**! '?'<>.. ,.-r-i A WASHINGTON correspondent says that Sen? ator Bptague, before tearing Washington made I formal calls ?pon all Cabinet officers, and bade, them good-bye. He"then visited the Presi? dent, who said he was glad to see that h? had got ont of danger, to Whioh 8prague replied that lie had never been in any . He said he should decline all invitations to speak in cities' and to wp s on his way homo. Ho informed Senator Robertson that he abonad not make any improvements at present in Columbia, 8. C., where he mvlo large purchases of water power and land from the State, and agreed to for feit the purchase money if certain improve? ments were not made within a year, five months of which hive already gone. He was asked why he did not go ahead, and replied he could not do anything while money was 25 per bent, per annum down there. GBSXBAX ELLISON CAMUS, chairman of the board, has made a report of the operations of ! the Greenville Peabody Schools for the paat12 I months?, The donation of Mr. Peabody waa ?1000, and the individual subscriptions of mil? | .sosa were $2806. - With these funds three schools have been conducted : A primary school .for beginners'; an academic school for malos, and ari academicbehool for females, of which the expense iras 12704. In these schools 20? ? cl?ldren have been taught, at sn average cost j of H 05 per quarter for each j scholar ; and the board is persuaded that one-third? at least? j enjoyed educational advantages under this i systera whioh tb ey could not otherwise have embraced at all. Tans ABBEVILLE Agricultural Society is evi? dently making headway. A premium Hat is published embracing prises Jin every depart? ment of agriculture, horticulture, mechanic*1 industry and domestic skill, and eomprt?b enough to stimulaie every one to put forth j hand to make tho next fair a great success. The value of tho prises has. not been fixed and^j will depend upon the number of subscriptions. Tho time pf holding tho laie ls also yet to be determined. SSVENT?-KVS Colored. pasS?T$ h&VC bOSa buried in Georgetown, at tho expense of the county, since the middle of February. Nearly all tho deaths are reported to have boen caused by starvation? but tho Times says that thors was plenty of employment for all wno were willing to Work. _ \ A saw weekly paper, tho Oesette, has been established in Sparenburg, ti is . a well ar? ranged aheet and will donbti?ss prosper. Tho Gazette will give especial attention to the in? dustrial interests and resources of the district in which lt ctoonlatoa._: Hl>TOOJtt*??H COIAM&XBTO. PERSONS WISHING TO HAVE PHOTOGRAPHS tinted with ewe and taste can ?*ve 'their ordera promptly Ailed by ?eavtng shem at Holmes' Book House. Written directions should IS each case be elven as to ifee stylo of ?olorta? preferred. April ta " SsaOfO ?lttUnp. S?M?jir?.\'s LODUE, No. 1. A. F, M. THE RKGULAR MONTHLY COMMUNICATION Will bi? held lu Masonic Hall, l ui? LVEHINO. SdUpstaai at Tight o'clock. Member? and Caudl daies for Degrees wdl be punctual. By order of the W M. Mar 8 W. A,. WILSON. Secretary. I. .?. O. V. PALMETTO ENCAMPMENT. No. 1. THE REGULAR MEETING OF THU CAMP WILL be held THIS EVKBIMO, at E'ght o'clock, ut Odd Fellow's Hull, cornor Kliig and liberty streois. Dy order C. P. ROBERT C. b'J ABE, Scribe. May 8_rohl.lg?P6.19 my3 17 Jo7,2l jyi.18 ATT'KfilXION.I MM HANlt'SUKlUll, No 1. PUNCTUALLY A'iTEND YOUB FIB HT QUAR? TERLY Meeting, at the Eagle Fire Company's Hull, THIS (Monday) Ev^rNTNO, at l ight o'clock pro olseiy. Hy order. WM. W HaTtT, f eoretory. MayS_1 CBAHLUSTU^ MECHANIC SUC1UTY. AQUARTERLY MEETING i F THE CHA 1<LES? ION Mechanic society will be held at Um Ma? n?me Hal), '1 ms kVBNiNO), the 3d instant, at Eight o'clock. JOSEPH GUY, May 8_ _ Secretary O. M. g. CHARLESTUN b.tOIlCS' A*>StH IATIOV . AMEETING OF THIS ASSOCIATION WILL BE hold at cap'a4n Charles Fr?nader's, No. T2T Market-street. IBIS APTFBNOOM, at Three o'clock. Members aro particularly requested to attend. " JOSEPHINE COBDEN, May S 1 President. CIlAltLKSTUN HOOK ANO LADDHK COMPANY, No. 2. ATTEND AN EXTRA MEETING OF YOUR COM? PANY 1 BIS EVENING, at Eight o'clock. Mem? bers are requested to be punctual In attendance. By order of the Foreman. GEORGE MoLAIN, May 3 Secretary. MA!? ION FIRE KN OIN IC COMPANY. ATTEND AN EXTRA MEETING OF YOUR Company at your Hall THIS (Monday) EVEN INO, at Eight o'clock. By order of the President. GEOBGE A. CALDER, May 3 Secretary. ATTEINT IO NI CONTINENTAL FIRE COMPANY AND STATE GUARD. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ABOVE COMPA? NY will take place TO-MOBBOW EVENTNO, Al ay 4, at Eight o'clcck. at Military Hat1. By order cf the Committee. May 8 Wants. WANTED, AN A No. 1 CARPENTER or OAR BUILDER; a permanent place, and wages $3 76-100 per day to such a ,man. Address JAMES A. KNIGHT, Macon, Ga. May 3 3* WANTED, A COLORED WOMAN, without family, to cook and wash ; must come well recommended. Apply at No. 7 SMITH'? LANE. May3_i AHESPKCTABliE FEBALE "WANTS a situation as child > nurse, or to do chamber work and , lain sewing. Has no objections to travel. 1 he bast of references given. Gan be seen for two days at No. 459 KING-sTHEET, opposite the Citadel._1*_May 3 SERVANTS WANTED.-A COOK., ALSO a HOUi-E 8EHVANT. at corner of CHARLOTTE AND ELIZABETH STREE Th._1? May 3 SOUTHERN SKCCRITIBiS WANTED. Mobile and Ohio Sterling and Interest Bonos, Memph a and Little Rock first Mortgage Bends, Soutu Carolina Uailroad M tes and Sevens, Montgom? ery and Eui mia Railroad Bonds, (endorsed by Ala? bama,) Mississippi Central Bailroad First and second Mortgage Bonis. Address WM. R. UT Li Y & GEO. W. DOUGHERTY, No. ll WaU-street, New York. April 10 1m* -?-. "?TTANTKB, FI KST-C L AS S * TIC AV AU t." TT LTMG iSa^rESMEN In overv State. Good wages or a liberal per cent, and steady employment. Address, W'th stamp, B. F. HOWE, No. 639 Aroa street, Philadelphia, Pa. y mos April 3 WANTED, SUBSCRIBERS FUR ALL THE LEADING MAGAZINES AND NEW?. PAPERS, at 'publisher's ratet. V CHARLES C. RIGHTER, April 21 TT- -,T_No. 161 King-street. ?NTED.?iMplaTH FOR THE AMKRI CAN FA KM SEK* HORSE BOOK, ia both Eng? lish and German, Vy Robert stewart, V. h.. of Miss, 'the work covers(fhe \SSAe Sro?Soj^i^|bo breeding and raising, and the treaimentor horses and mules, both in steanes*, and health, r'tt haa;won Tts way to popular favor, and is to-ds*. tbs, most jpbridax and best selling Horne o^??om?-Mk%StWl?iST^W. VEN C. Publisher. Clacmi:^q?3Sv Crndf^^E^Mf^ n>_^ WANTED?** ? EVlWssTMOWV TU SUB. BCRIQE to tho CIRCULATING LIBRARY. CHARLES C. RIGHTER'S Select Library of Ne? Books contains, all of the latest publications. April ai No. 161 KING-STBEET. Mo Bent. npO RENI\BKMltABLE RESIDENCE J. of six* squate rooms, attics, dressing rooms, piazzas, cistern and large kitchen. No. 5 Smith's Lone, near Moottng-Btreet. Bent low. , . R. M. MARSH ALL & BROTHER, ' . Beal Estate Brokers, May 3 m?2_No. 83 Broad-street. TO* RENT, TWO OR THREE PINE . LABOE ROOKS, on one floor, with every ac coinnaodati n, desirably located ; also, famished rooms for gspiwinen. Apply ia BRA?YAIN BTBBET, opporitSMa sy?k. tmw3? April 80 YpO RESl'i FWIH ROOMS, WITH PAN JL ' TRY AND DRESSING BOOMattach* d. Apply at THIS OFFICE. 2* May 1 _' itu ?aU._^_!\ FDR SALE .-THE UNDERSIGN ED OF FERS for sale a one-half interest io tho office of THE ABBEVILLE BANNER, to a cash pnrchae. r. Tho office 1? web sfipplie d .with p ri n tin g material ; has ample facUitios for Job Printing, as well as the pub? lication of a- weekly newspaper. The paper has a large hst of subscribers, and enjoys an advertising patronage second to no other paper In the State. Termo nade known and further particulars given on application. W. W. FARROW. April 26_j -I _ mwflmo TEAM EN OIN BS FOR SALE CHEAP, if applied for immediately <D One 12 horse P?rtame ENGINE ' (1) On? *-hor$c Portahle Engine. (1) One S-horee-power ENGINE, br good condition. CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., Northeast corner Me* ting and Cumber land-stree ta. January IS ICKED I* ADRIFT. A RAFT OF LOOS, wbicc' Uie owner can have by proving property sjojt p<J^^K^j^?jeB' Appijr at Fort? ' . jiffs" '. ' . _ X O 8 T. LAST EVENING, A SHAGGY li SCOTCH TERRIER, about Ave .months old. ?Pa a eil vcr collarSrattsd bia peek. The finder wiU be rewarded by ealing at the i ELRGHAPH i WOE .. April23 7 i -.. . fall- ?.. ' . EUBVAbrHVCWRiK ?AVENEL __? have this day ?removed from No. 60 EAST BAX I iSVo. co BA*\ B*TT<0?coOf .^nson's?kivb?gs Bank") onnosite lo Courier Office, and will there con? tinue the Insurance and Commission Business as heretofore. 6 May 1 ?M Is ottered at $Om <<>*rville, which ls noiod for ?!^!^T^WVU ATVOU A?10 AW N?)TSCBJUTHK UNDERSIGNED have this day Mwed a copartner phip for the practice ol LAW AWWJUTTTCO all the^Uoortsof the State, under the nam? and style of CHAMBER? LAIN S SBASaVMttL sW>olal attention will be paid to the odltootios of ?Saleas held by parties oat Ot^mS*yT^' 1 D H, CHAMBERLAIN, "ffifa , . E. B. SEABROOK. :''J.\ .MM! ".HJIfilll'v,..1. IIM.U..,.N . III. ?jr7fl?LIC Et CRISOLA!, FACIOitN, OOMMIBt??ON MERCHANTS j ; 5? ' ? SHIP^im AGENTS, WILL ATTEND To! VM?' P?BOBABK, SALB AND fsBLPMBNT (to t rnM*** DsmesHe Ports) Of COTTON. BICE, LlfMBTB AND NAVAL STORYS. B> WnJ^.vMrt.<.'?..!...?A. R- CEuTBOLM j C. Sa" Ai ? * M A K, BOOKER. AUCTIONEER AMD COMMISSION aro. a? BWA? - rs * R HI ? ? ? ?ooBoo sajes of HORSE* MULES, So. ? -r: . - > /'Vi : >:?-:? . ? ?Htnnsrmcnt?. 0\U 'illt&ttu. Mb* HTS MOKB. ORPHANS' KN T E II T A I N 51 E N T SCHACHTE S HALL, C?rner ICing and Va nderliorst street?, KO? THE BENEFIT OF THE CATHOLIC MALU OHPH/IN ASYLUM, UNDEK THE OHARSK OF THE SISTERS OFM ERO Y, The attention of Firemen ?a called to the t'ILVER IBU Af PET to be ballotted for. PHIL. R?CHHEIT, Jr , April 30 Beere-ary and Troaaurer. TT^ASHIKGTUN LIGHT I?FANlilY CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION FA TR, In aid of the CHARILY FUND AND TO EREOT A MONUMENT TO THEIR DE \ D. Will open This livening, Nay 3, at 7 P. M. IN HIBERNIAN HALL, .IAD CONTINUE DURING THE WEEK. Senior Managers. Hon W D PORTER THEO D WAGNER, Esq Hon G H BRYAN 0 T LOWNDE Eta Hon H D LESESNE GEO W WILLIAM?, E?q Hon A G MAGRATH E W EDGERTON, Esq. Hon G A TRENHOLM J E A DOER, Faq Hon WM AIKEN ANDREW MMONDS. Eeq Ron W S HENERKY WC BEE, Esq Bon J xi CAMPBELL HENRY COBIA. E?q Heh C H bl MON I ON E W MARSHALL. Ena Gen JAMES CONNER W G WHII DEN. Esa Oeu JOHNSON UAQOOD J H HONOUK. Esq Gen TM LOGAN Z B OAKES, Esq en M W GARY f S RIGGS, Esq Gen JOHN A WAGENER F J PELZER, Esq Gen JAMES SIMONS M H NATHAN. E*q Gen W G DxSAUfiSURE ti M ALEXANDER, Esq ColO IUV1NE WALKER E Wit XI.*, Esq Ccl B H RUTLEDGE G L BUIST, Eeq Col P O GAILLARD R C B ARKLEY. Esq Col WL'l RKNHOLM JAS M CARSON, Esq Col E MoORADY. Jr J H ALBERS, Esq Col ZIMMERMAN DA Vii- J W GUY. Esq Col TY SIMON? HUGH FERGUSON, Esq Col A O ANDREWS W B McIN lOsH, Esq Major THEO G BARKER W H SMITH, Esq Capt BM LEE T SS O'BBIEN, Isq Capt WM JE VE Y J C LACOSTE, Esq Capt SAHL Y TUPPER JOSEPH HILTON, Esq rapt GEO H WALI bR WO COURTNEY, Esq Capt W AIKEN KELLY Prof F W CAPERS Capt S G HORSEY E LAFITIE. Esq Capt GEORGE TUPPER Q W OLNEY, Esq Capt JACOB SMALL W C BREESE. E?q Capt E L HALSEY F P ELFO KD. Esq Capt HAME LO BD, Jr ALEX CALDER. Usn Capt ALI X MELCHERS JAMES M RASON, Esq Capt GEO H MUFFE IT JOHN KLIN'JK, Esq Capt JOSEPH WAI KER \ E GIBSON. Esq Capt L M HATCH J H s i E IN M EYER, Esq JAS T WELLMAN, Faq J H MURRELL, Esq E H LOCK, Esq R 8 BRUNS, Feq T D EA SO N, Etq JOHN F O'NEILL, Esq F C BLUM, Esq H F BAKEB, E-q JOHN M GREER, Esq U W DAWSON, 1 sq A R TAFT, Esq H GERDTS, Esq FLANNEAU, Esq A J WHITE. Isq JOHN MARION, Esq W LA1DLER. Esq GEO WKL'G, Esq J H BENNEKEB, Esq A P CALDWELL, Esq Dr *V C BAVENEL J WGRAY, Bbq i HOB H RT MORE, Esq DHMLCOX, Efq TJKF.KB *sq SOWENS, Ero WK RYAN, Esq W B HERIOT. E*q W B DINGLE. Esq B YEADON, Esq * BB RIORDAN, Esq R CALDWELL. Esq E FOUBGEADD, Esq JOHN A BLUM. Esq T A WHtl NEY, E?q JE CAY. Esq JULIUS THO BCHE. Esq F L ROUX, ?sq JD ALEXANDER, Esq J U TAYLOB. Esq 0 H WES I', Jr., Esq R DnTHEVILLE, Faq D B* V1CNEL, Jr., Esq E N FULLER, Fsq A M MORELAND. Eeq F B WI?'KENBERG, Esq 4 S HOWELL. Esq B F WHTLDEN, Esq - J Ii DEVEREUX. Esq WT WHITE, Esq WA Ct UR I'EN A\, Esq O T MITCHELL, Esq T B UB?DT, Esq L D MOWRY, E*q . M W ->T. A?UH?, Esq JG MILNOR, Isq ? SEBRlNG, Esq F RICHARD* BAq. . Junior Managers, B H MCDOWELL, jr TA HONOUB S J BU RGEB J H SCH REIN ER, Jr JJ SMALL AW ?arr g Zmffl?fo WI'IMAR*** F E TAYLOR O WILKIE F W BENNEKEB J H SCHULTE . Ber E O EDGERTON J L f HEl'PABD H I GREER W E BBEESE W M MUCKENFUSS TDLKBBY G RIECHE OH.JOHNSON H K WELCH L B LOVEGRKEN 811 BROWN J A ATKINSON G D ORICE R STEWART F H HONOUR J BAR HO V Dr T G SIMONS GEO Mo J HONOUR J H BENNEKEB, Jr. Doors open daily from 12 M. to 2 P. M., and from 5 to ll o'clock P. M. PBIOE OF ADMISSION. Season Tickets...$1 00 Family Season 'ricket?...2 00 Single Tlekets. 25 Children. 10 ; Servants in charge ot. Children. 10 Servants accompanying white chUdren ?ill be ad j mittod during the day, but all servants wll. be ex ? cloded after 7 P. M. Members of the Association visiting the Fair will pleas; wear Association Badge, H. B. OLNi?Y, Chairman. J. I* HONOUR, Secretary and Treasurer. May 8 J. MADSEN'S CIGAR MANUFACTORY . And Wholesale and Retail TOBACCO HOUSE, v>. 314 KING-STREET. CORNER SOCIETY. CONSTANTLY ON BAND A LARGE STOCK OF - American and Imported LEAF TOBACCO, for cigar manuiacturers, as follows: 1. CONNECTICUT LEAF, tro in fine flavored fill? ing, at 12y* cents per pound, and self work at SS eta. per pound upwards to the finest selection of wrap, pera, at fl per pound. 2. NEW YORK Sf ATE SEED-fine, leafy wr ip pera, from SS cents upwards to 60 cents per pound. 3; OHIO LB AF-wrappers from 30 cents upwards to 85 cents per pound. AA fine assortment of SPANISH USAF, from tl 10'to SI 15 (per the bale;) upwards to nico wrap? pers at *2 per pound. As tho Leaf ls bought direct from the planters, I am able to sell as low as any Northern house. N ' ! . . ? OJO ARS? Of our own manufacturing. The following brands always on hand: '. "LA OAROLISA" CIGAR?, at $20 per af. ".La Corona de Espa?a," at Sft5 per M. "Parties*/? at SSS per M. - "H. ?pmann" (Heven?), at ?50 per M. "Figaro" (Spanish teed), at 150 per M. "Figaro" (gt miine Havana), at $75 per M, "O.M." (gonuine Spaoiah), at $80 per M. "The Last Sensation," a Cigar wh*ch lights Itself, made of Havana Tobacco, at $60 per M. Imported cigars of all grade?. . . A genuine Spanish Ci?)ar oin always be had at re? tail tor 10 cents. ? . OF SMOKING TOBACCO, A Ape assortment for ?ale at manufacturers' prices. Genuino Durna** , and other celebrated branda al* ways on band. Cf IB. WIN O TOBACCO, ' Aa flO, NAVY and PLUG TOBACCO, at AU prices; end ' ? riPOBS* ?** aU 4?*erfpUa?a. Merchants and C?3sa?wrs are respectfully invite.! to ?ive a cali, as I can supply them with everything in tba Tobacco lin* at tte lo wesi pr ice. Price Carrent letti, by request, be forwarded any* where. J. MADHi-N. April 10 Imo . ' ?BB SAM?! KNOX..-.,......JOHN eiU KNOX Si GILL, io a T ? o si s? A c T o m ? Awn GENERAL COMMISSION MK Rf) F?A NTS, No. 125 SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE. I Consignments of COTTON, BICE, Ac, respect, fully solicited, and liberal advance? made thereon, Orders toe CORN and BACON promptly execute* 1?^^ ?SBB? JJ ?. ANIM WO, HICHABJDSON * H HAMB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW k SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. . Manning, S. C. Will practice tn Clarendon County, and la the United State* Coutts. JAKES ?. ALAN DINO. JOHN ?. BIOHASDSON, JA. JOSEPH F. BH*ME. JOSEPH F. RH AME will practice separatels'tai IV ^ranscmtnt?. i i> u u /v ni ra io FOR TUR CHARLESTON GERMAN 80HUE rZESFEST, ai A? 5 ru, Gm AND 7 ra, 16i>i>. Wednesday, Mar 5. 1. At 7 o'cU it A. M. tho Rifle wau will meet in full utiif TU? ut Mr Lliidstvdi's Mall. 2. Tho King and Bannerure to to called for at Mr. P. von Santen's Sioro lu King-street. 3. Puiado and Proeo-tdon through tho city via Killer, BroaJ, East Bay, Market au 1 Mooting streets in Hie following order, viz: Music Band, Ofneora and Committee, Invited Riflemen ar.d Houoiary Quests, Charleston Riflemen, Saorgo: bund, "Teuto? nia" and ! urners. 1. Oo by tlio South Carolin i Railroad to the Schuelzonplatz, Train for the Sohuolzmplatz wiU leave Ann-stroet Depot on 5th. Cth and 7th May, aa toBows : Leave Ann-street Depot at.9.00 A M Lcavo Ann-street Depot at.11.00 A M Leave Arin-?treet Depot at. 1.00 P M Leave Ann-street Depot at. 3.30 P M Lcavo tho Schuotz mplatz at. 7.00 PM Leave the Schuetzenplatz at.8.00 1' M On the 7th ol' May an lixtra Tralu will leave tho fc'chuetzenplatz at 10 P. M. for tho oily. ny Faro 20 cents, to go and return; child ion half price. OS" Tickets for sale at ANN-STREET DEPOT. 5. After the Riflemen's arrival on the ?ebuetzen plate ibero will be a distribution of tho numbers for thc Eagle Shooting. Pect'on 20, Ar'iclo VT, of thc Rules, will be striotly enforced. 6. From 10 o'clock A. M. till 4 o'clock P. M. Riflo Shooting at the Eagle and the Targets, People's amuse? ments, such as Prize bhootlng for visitors, Nine? pin Alleys, Turning, Swinging, Italian Music on tho place, iErnnautic Balloons, Marionettes with Music, Barrel Organs, Panorama, Menagerie with Music, the Streets of Charleston, Patent Swlugs, Bird swixglng, Ring Throwing, Frog Catching Game, Water Drawing, Milk Feeding, Sugar Eating, Saok Running, Mill of Misfortune, Climbing Pole, Race of Velocipedes, kc. 7. Dancing, Music and Ball, from 12 o'clock M. till 7 o'clock P. M. Thursday, May e. 1. The Rifleman meet on the bohuetzenpla<z. 2. From 10 o'clock A. M. tiU 4 o'clock P. M., Rifle Shooting at thc Ha <lo and 'targets. 3. From 12 o'clock M. till 7 o'clock P. M., Dan ring, Music and BalL People's amusement as above mentioned. Friday, May 7. 1. The Riflemen meet on the Schuetzenplatz. 2. From 10 o'clook A. M. till 2 o'clock P. M., Rifle Shooting at the Eagle and Targets. 3. From 12 o'clock M. till 10 o'olock P. M., Danc? ing, Music and Ball. People's amusements as above mentioned. 4. At 9 o'clock P. M. Coronation of the new King and Distribution of the Prizes. 5. After sundown Balloon Ascension, Grand Illu? mination with Chino JO Lanterns and Fireworks. GENERAL RULES. 1. The Schuetzanfest has tho character of a Peo? ple's Fos iml (Volksfest. ) 2. Entrance Tickets at 25 cants for Adults, and 10 cents for Children under twolve years of age, eau ' be pvr?-h i-od at tho Stores ol Messrs. Goo. LindBtedt, corner Calhoun and King; at F. von Santen, No. 229 King-street, and E. Wahlen, No. 14 Murkot-street, - or at the gate-of the tchuotsenplatay.^ 3. Riflemen In uniform and their families have free a mittano?, but must obtain their Family Tickets before tbs beginning of tho Festival from Mr. Goo. Lind-tcdt, corner Calhoun and King streets. 4. Velocipede riders en^-free'admmnce. 5. For the admittance to 'ttibwiDancljW Hall every gentleman ls to pay 50 cents. Riflemen and Invited ' guests ia uniform have -fte's . admittance. The Badges delivered at tho entrance Of trie Dancing Fa i loon are to be kept In sight. -o 6. All Tickets ore to be kep* in sight, and all Rifle? men have the duty ot erdering everybody to strictly follow this rule. 7. i no commPnuuiiicru* ?m ouuui mu euwtt?^ will be announced by camion firing. I 8. Only Riflemen in uniform are admitted "to the Bigie Shooting. Huon, as have not paraded and will j take part in the shooting will pay 91 line. 9. For Horses and Vehicles, Velocipedes' excepted, places out of the gate will be reserved, , 10. Whoever will find lost things Is to doll vet them ap to the Committee. 11. .lust complaints and wants are to be brought before the Committee. 12. Such persons as disturb order and peace by quarrels, drunkenness, orla any other way, are pat off the Schuetzenplatz. All Riflemen have to. keep order. IS. A Wardrobe bas been built np. li. Refreshments of every kind and description are tobe had for common charges on the Schnelsen plata. * 18. All Prizes and Prize Presents are exhibited at Mr. F. von Banten's Store, No. 299 King-street. 10. No hollow ballets nor projectiles as cont sin chemical substances shall be made use of. Only bullets, of which twenty or mora weigh a pound, are allowed. Eaoh bullet ls to be weighed. COMMITTEE OH SOHUETZENFEST : A. NIEMANN. Chairman. F. WE BM ANN. F. ANSbL. F. vow SANTE M. JOHN RUGHETMER. J. O. H. CLAUSSEN. ERNEST WALUEN. ; D. LILIEN THAL. GKO. H. LIN DST EDT. OOMMITTEKE ON AMUSEMENTS : A. J. HOFFMANN. H. L DEDEN. "- I HERMAN D. MEIER. April 29 /tuanria!. EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK, LIVERPOOL AND PABIS. For sale by GEO, W. WILLIAMS * OO. Apitt 19_mwfl? BANK BILLS WANTED. ALL KINDS BOUGHT AT HIGHES!' PEUCE by : ANDREW M. MORELAND, April 80 Mo. 8 Broad-street. ~ ; 5 /irtilijcr*. ETI WAN FERTILIZERS, .'.Na*. 1 ARD fi. " KA TONS OF lena SUPERIOR FERTILIZER, Oil manufactured by the SWphurlc Acid and Superphosphate Company of Charleston, for ?ale PlO? ^^rTc. BEE kQO., Agent?. April 80 _8___._AdgerV Wharf. SUPERPHOSPHATES, CROASDVLVfl GENUINE PHOSPHATE AND BOWER'S COMPLETE MANU BE. Both s tuc dard Fertilizers. For sale by WM. GURNEY. No. 102 East Bay, Sole Agent io* South Carolina, Apr .120_._Imo No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO Ol'\f \ TON? NO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO. WAR ?SUV? RANTED genuine and pure, landing Atom Schooner E. F. Cabada. - . For sale hy "tCV. KERR k GO. ? AprUlt . : ? JAMiiS E. SPEAR, No. 935 KING-STREET, OPPOSITE 3J SM?,, XaBBlBiW TO CALL IHK Al TKNTTOI? OF HIS IJjtim?*, ?nd the p?d>Uo?oneraJl? to hl? ?took of ffiaia S? I received of of the latest style?, ?ad disposing of at ^EO^rA^LKS^D* EYE GLASSES o? ?ll klrds. . GLASSES REFITTED TO SUIT ALL E?ES. JEWELRY carefully repaired. Diamonds and other precious Stones ?et to order. Mr. G, W. JAI HO having returned, ts In eharfe Of th? WATCH DEPARTMENT, and all Watches for repairs will be under ola supervision. April 12 s m wi Imo DYER AND 8GOUBEB, , Mo. 141 Marteet-s?*eet, ' Between King and Archdale, Goats' Coats, ?sets, ?ant? and Hats DYED, SCOUR? ED ?nd PRESSED; al?* Blankets ann Carnets Clean April? . fTDMi'* *<BP*IC in? (traceries nn?> RACON, FLOU QA HHD8. CHOICE 1 ?U GEBS 30 boxes Bulk C. f< - ' .>? ' . ? . >M) I bu. ( hole?, Extru Super Flour r>0 tubH I-xi ra and pur? Lani Hi) boxe* ndtuiiantfuc Candles .25 l)l>l8. l xtrn Mess Bref 30 M>ls. New Yo k SN rup 30 bois. Crushed Sn? randing and lor Balo b May 3 l I- \ >.;?,.. ^ CORN AN !. J W) ff AA BUSHELS I *50Ul/ 1600 buebe: Landing from steainor nu il ld PH] ii. at. ul;nj ii.J., _May 3 _2_ No. 72 Esst Bay. LIVERPOOL SALT AFLOAT, P?l V i"i?r~l S^OKS LIVKRPOOL HALT, LAND <JV/\JV/ INO ex-ship R. C. Winthrop, and for sale by HE ?li Y COBIA At CO. April 30 Imw3 "CORN! OATS!T QrAA BUSHELS PB?UE WHITE MILLING O?UV COHN. OATS, 4000 bushels primo VIRGINIA OATS. For sa'e by Mav I 2 JOHN CAMP8EN & CO. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! AT lt* DUCHO PRICES. IAM RECEIVINO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF . GnOCEUIES from the North, which have been purchased for cash, and I am offerlug thom at Now York prices, at wholesale and > eti?. BUOWN SUGAR, 7 and 8 lbs for $1 CRUSHED SUGAR, 5J* lbs for tl. Hore is thc place to buy yiur Groceries cheap for cash. JOHN 1IEN<;KI?N. April 27 Corner State and RI arket-streets. TO ARRIVB~ASD IN STORE, ry fr BARRELS WHISKEY, WHICH I WILL SELL t ?J at an unusually low price. JOH*? HENCKEN, April 27 Corner State and Market street?. NEW GOODS. IN STOllIC AND L.ANDIKG. CLARET, ON DRAUGHT. AT $1 50 PER GALLUN Lubin's Flavoring Extracts, at reduced prices Hostetter's, Drake'-, Herman's, Curacoa, Tonic and Stoughton Bitters Monongahela, Ryo, Bourbon and Cabinet Whiskies, of all grade? and at all prices, bottled and on draught Champagne Cider, Pints and Quarts Lemon Syrup. CO-OPEBATIVE GROCERY STORE, Southwest corner Meeting and Market streets. Goods delivered rree^ April 2? RYERSON & BATES, Champagne Ale Brewery, Il A R L. IC AI, N. Y. THIS CELEBRATED ALE IS BREWED FRESH all through the year, and is guaranteed to keep sound through the hottest woathor, and on that account ls of all Ales the best adapted to the South? ern climate. KNOX, DALY, & CO., Agents, February 15 Sinos Charleston, S. C. FRESH DRUGS." JUST 11ECK1VED AND EUR HALI-: Il Y DU. II. BA KR. No. 131 flU?KTINU BTRKKT. RISON'S TOBACCO ANTIDOTE Guaran? (Headache) Powders Bose's Cough Syrup ^cbonk's Pulmonic Sj rup . . Schenk's Seaweed Tonic (Saratoga "A" Water Cherokee Remedy and Cure Rejuvenating Elixir Chloride of Limo Spears' Fruit Preserving Solution Brown's Chlorodyne German Blood or "Kaiser" Pill?, fcc ?cc. ' April 3_._ CHLORIDE OF LI?, FOB SALE, WHOLESALE AND BKTAiL,^*^ ^Aprils ^ . Wa ^CRAFT?ME^^pi UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, OF KEW YORK. Office t Park Bank Building, Nos. ?14 ' ami .'?IO Broadway. CAPITA!?.iv., s.8340,000 COE ADAMS, President. WILLIAM T. PHIPP*, Tice-President. HEN BY BELDEN, Secretary. J.,T. HUMPHREYS, Agent for State ef Sooth Carolina, ^ Othes No. 27 Broad-stroet. J. s. BUIST, M. D., Medical Examiner. ?g- fcUB-AGi>NTS wanted throughout tho State. Apply by letter to J. T. HUMPHREYS, Gonarrf Agent ? . m December T . YOU OUGHT TO INSURE IN THE CHARLESTON BRANCH LIFE ASSOCIATION OE AMERICA? FOB THE FOLLO WINO REASONS : lat. Because lt ia a home Institution managed and controlled by your own citisena. 2d. Because it ls the only monied institution of the kind that loans Ita rands in the States, from which they are. derived. 3d. Because it is purely mutual; all policyholders .hare in its pronta or earnings. Ita large and tn? creasing assets belong exclusively to the policy holders. 4th. Because its rates ara lower than those of most other companies. And ita dividends will be larger. 5th. Because it invests ita funds at rates of interest averaging ten per cent., while Eastern companies' rates average lew than seven pel cepfc. This makoa the dividends of the Association larger and the ra'.ea of premium smaller. One hundred dollars improved at six pc* cent, for fifty years will amount to ?1,84201. The samo amount invested at ?on pee cent, will pro? duce $11,739 09. Difference tn f ivor ?pf thc ten per cent, investment $9,807 08. : * - ' 6th. Because you ought to insure lu a successful in? sUtutiou, and the Life association of America is ac? knowledged by Hs enemies as well as Its friends to he by far the most successful life insurance institu? tion of Its age in the United States. NET ASSETS OF THIS DEPARTMENT IN? VESTED IN THIS COttliiroNMK? 1100,000 deposited In the Insurance Department of the State ot Missouri (according to Jaw, for tho protection of policy holder?, ( .. ( v "..;. .?>. Officers. H. ti. LOPER, PreVnt (Cashier People's Kat, Bank). \Y. G. GIBBES, Vice-president (W. a. Whlldum tc Co.) E. E. JENKINS, M. D., Heaioal Exuminer. D??cctors. JOHN B. STEELE (of North, Steele U Wardell.) 0. IRVINE WALKER (Walker, Evans & Cogswell.) H. W. Al M AR, DruggUb, / ii.''iv. i&a??Jt, Uen'i superintendent 8. C. Railroad. O. F. PANKNIN, Druggist. JAS. E. SPEAR, Jeweller. v ?). H. SH.COX, Wholesale and Retail FuroitareSv A. P. C AKT IC it, ?cc votary ami Agf?*Mt, March 20 lyr No. 40. Broad-afoot. J CONTINENTAL ! 1 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ? A OF . / I ' 4 NEW YORK. AMKTH.........$!? ,500,006 Sj JAMES B. BETTS, A096NT fOR IOVTK CAROLINA, | No. 84 BROAD-STREET. April 20 ,, M * g*. CLOUD HOTEL. . THia HEW AND COMMODIOUS BOUSE LOCAT? ED corner ol Broadway and Fony-seand-striet, posions- ?desasases orsr aB otfcar hoaaetAtr thone coromod&Uon o? i& gueote. I* was baili cxprew'.' for ? first-clues famlnr boarding houne-thc imo* being large and en ttdto, heated by ateao-wi?hikhi and cold water, and furnished second toaoae; frail? I the culinary department l ts l o the moa oxperitace?l bands, affording guests an nuoquall?dti*)le, 7 One of Atwood*? Patent Elevators IkMso/imong , the "modern Improvement*" a?d at ttesirrtocoi guostu at al! hour?. \r 1-ho Broad way and Unlvewtty Place C?^oas? the door every four minutes, rennin* from he City Ball to Central Park, ?Aile the Sixth ana hventh Avenue lines ar? but a ?hort block ea oilba gide, I ? a?Tordiog ampio fecUKles for commwntoating mhaU? the depots, steamboat landing?, places of a a**-', men t ?nd basto?*? of the great metropolis. I HORK A HOia.KY, PrapwrteOi**' ( I Varch ia : ' ?X^ .