The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, April 05, 1869, Image 4

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THE DAILY NEWS. On the Approach of Spring. POUND ON A LAWYER'S DESK. Whereas, on certain boughs and sprays Now divers birds are beard to sin?, And suudry flowers their heads upraise, Hail td the com ic j ou o? ?pring ! The songs of tb.'so ?aid birds arouse Th-? memory of our youthful hours. As green as those serj "prays and boughs', As fresh and sweet as those said flowers. The birds aforesaid, happy pairs. Love, 'mid the aforesaid boughs, enshrines In freehold nests, themselves, then: heirs, Administrators and assigns. Oh, busiest lime of Cupid's court, When tender plaintiffs aeiiou bring, Beaaon of lrollc and of sport, Hail, as aforesaid, coming Spring ! Exports. NEW YORK-Per steamship Manhattan-137 tierces Rice. 169 bales Cottoa, 26 bales Yarn, 31 pkgs Sundries and 69 Empty Barrels. BALTIMORE-Per steamship Maryland-79 t ercas Rice. 188 bales Upland Cotton, 16 ba'es Yarn, 40 bales Bags, 40,000 feet Boards, 25 pkgs Fr mt and Peas, and ?undries. KINGS!ON, JAMAICA-Per schrW H 8teele-250 bbls Potatoes, 109 bbls Floor and 6 cases Pickles. Charleston Cotton and Klee .Market. OFFICE Of THE CHARLESTON DAILY NJ?W8,1 CHARLESTOM. Saturday Evening, April 3. f COTTON.-There was somewhat an improved feel? ing in the market for this article, with a better in? quiry and a disposition to firmer rates. Sales 500 bales, say 27 at 26c,; 26at26l?c; T3ai26?c; 88 at 27c.; 18 at 27?e.; 47 at 27?c; 72 at 27?<\; 31 at 27A.c. ; 23 at 27?c ; 52 at 28c , and 74 on private terms. We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to eood ordinary.26?@27? Low middling.27?@ Middling.27?? By New York classhVation wo quote: Low middling..27?@ RICE.-This artiale was in fair request at steady rates. Sales 157 tierces of clean Carolina, viz: 25 at8?c.; 46 at 8?c; 79 at 8 5-16c; 8 at 8?c. 9 Bi . We quote common to fair clean Carolina at 7"ic(?j 8 ??c. ; good, 8 6-16 to 8? c. maricela by Telegrapn. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONBON, April 3-Noon.-Cousols 92%. Bonds 83?. Sugar firm-on the spot 39s. Common rosin 6s 3d. LrvzapooL, April 3-Noon.-Cotton opens firmer but higher-uplands 12?al2?d; Orleans 12?al2? d; sales to-day of 10.?0C bales. Corn 29s 9d. Afternoon.-Cotton closes firmer but not qaotably higher, and quotations unaltered. Pork 102s. Lard heavy. HAVRE, April 3-Nicn.-Cotton opens dull on the ?pot and afloat-low middling afloat If 45c. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Nzw YOKE, April 3-P. M.-Government securities higher. Southern securities firmer. Stocks active and higher. Money easy at 7 per cent premium. Sterling exchange 107?sl08. Gold 31?. Cotton arm-sales to-day 2800 ; middling 28?c. Nett re? ceipts of cotton for the week were 3685 bales. Grote receipts 8166. Exports to Great Britain 9S35; ex? ports to the continent 1380 bal ra. Sal e ! of the week 14,660. Stock on hand 93,270. Net reaeipta at all United States ports for the week, were 33,320". Ex? porta for the week te Great Britain, from aU United Stat ea porta, were 43 355. Export} to the continent 14,891; stock on band and os shipboard not yet cleared at all United stales pot ts 360,895. Flour dull nt noon's decline. Wheat steady. Corn favors buy? ers. Whiskey quiet. Mess pork dull at 93112?a SSI 25. Lard lower-kettla rendered 18?al9o. Bpirits turpentine 51a61?c. Groceries quiet Freights dull . BALTIMORE, April 3.-Cotton dull. Flour atoady. Wheat arm-prime red $2 10e?2 25. Corn-receipts . small; what? and yellow 85a87 cent?.. Oats dull at :f*BV*'?i!"-. Bice dull. Prov isl ons unchanged. , CzNtXTjoAXZ, AprlT^-=-*i^a t0rk held at ?31 50. I Bacon-shoulden 13? cents; clear sido9 at 17 cents. } Lard 18 cents. Lonxsviixx; Apill 3-Mess pork ?32. Lard 18? ?enta. Bacon-shoulders 13? cent*; clearBidos 17? To?CNGTON, April 3.-Cotlon duU. Spirits tur ?'pentins quiet at 46c. Rosin steady at $190a$7 50. JCruda turpentine quiet at $1 75a$2 90. Tar declined; ].?*h?5 6?. . !r~ - AUGUSTA, (Jj,, April 3.-Cotton-market quiet but : .firmer. Middling 27 cents. SAVANNAH, April 3.-Cotton quiet but steady - sal es 450 bales; middlings 27?c Receipts 1,129 bales; ' ' expo rt? coastwise 956 bales. MOBILE, April 3.-Cotton dull-sales 260 bales ; loir middling 26? c ; receipts 315 bales. : NEW ORLEANS, April 3.-Cotton steadier and stifler; middling* 23?c. ; sales 2,100; receipts 1,735 exports 2,509, bngar armer. Molasses quiet at 70a Interior Cotton Marketa. . ABBEVILLE, April 2.-Cotton dull at 26? cent?, ONION, April 1.-A few bales sold daria g the week at 25 cents. ? , SELMA, March 31.-Sales 985 bales at 26? to 27 ? cents. Market quiet and easier. CHERAW, April L-Sales this week 61 bales at 24a ' 36??. The demand is good, and the market doses fi firm at these prices. '" ORANG EB ORO, April 3.-Sales for the week 60 ' bales.'with a good demand. We quote ordinary 24?, low middling 25?, middling 38c. .. COLUMBUS April. 1.-Owing to their scarcity 06a20?a are offered for middling to strict middling, 25?a25?a for low middling. Grades lower than middling, dulL. Warehouse sales, 73 bales; receipts u lo?bales; ship meats 60 balee. Georgetown Market. GEORGETOWN, March 24.-COTTON -No salea this week. We quote from 25 td 27c per lb. Cons.-Prime White ..ora ?115 per nusheL .'. PxAinrm -Ooo hundred and fifty bushels soldat : tl 6p per bushel. We quote from ?1 25 to ?1 60. - ancana.-?ales-of 3- .) stick- at $5 60 per stick, at "prices ranging from 7 to 2 lo per cubic foot. Largo timber -In demand. TuurzNTisE.- Yo'low dip $2 75. Sr.apo or hard 91 35. Virgin dip $4 per barrel, of 280 pounds to the barrel . ,t tl : . - Wilmington ti ark et. WILMINGTON, April 3.-TURPENTINE-Is a shade lower, and we quote sales or 359 bois at S3 83a2 90 for sot, and ?1 76 for hard, par 280 pounds-closiug at lowest figure. SFDUZS- roRPSBTrjns-Market uhchangei, and salas of only 38 bbls at 46o per pallon. Boam-Steady. Sales of 363 bbls st 8190 for strained, td 76 for strained and No. 2, and ?7 for new pale. TAB-Ia lower. Sales of 219 bbls at ?2 65, and 220 bela at ?2 60 per bbl. . Savannah Market, SAVANNAH, April L-Our mark, t during tho first part of the week presented a dull asp ct. bat on Monday and Tuesday strengthening adv.- es impart? ed a good deal ot excitement, whiob led io au ad van -e, and on Tussday evening we closed very firm at 28^ ct* for middling. Yesterday opened with a si I ?b Uv disappointing market, which was further depressed by unfavorable advices from Kurope, and to-day we have witnessed a decline of actually lc ou the lower grades, aud ?c on the lug ti er trom'th* ox treme prices paid two uvenincs ugo Vie quote mid? dling 27?e; low middling 26?; eood ordinary 2C. Tue receipt? since our la-t have bee i 3< bales sea islands and 6185 oates uplands, against 62 bales sea Islands and 6167 bale) uo auds same period last ye-j. Exports- foreign, to Liverpool, per 6h'i> Abyssinia, 31 bales sea i-lands and 2456 ba!- s up lauds; per ship Fearaaugbt 33 bales sea islands aud 4057 bales up ands; to Haw. per ?nip Emma, 541 bales a*a islands ana 1809 bales upland?; to Ciou atadt per ship Eltinoie, 2004 balts upi inda. Total: Foreign. 6Pfl bales sea islands and 10,326 bOes up? lands; coastwise, 41 bales sea islands and 2203 biles uphnJs. Total exports. C5J bahs sea is.misand 12,629 bales uplands, against 548 biles seo islands and 17,128'bales uplands corresponding week last year. SEA ISLANDS-The receipts of Pm* stnplo cotton since our last report am mm to 33 bags, ol' whici 17 were from Florida, by boat, and 21 from the Islands and by the Atlantic and Golf Kairo?:!, and of these 2 baga were Florida cottons. The sb prnen-s havo been 650 baes to the Nort.i and i urope Ia thc sea island market ibero b?s t ecu some demand, but large holders will not jicld. and all the actual sales ot common cottou have been inadi- at u *ha<ie lt wer figure than we bciore quoted. We a< e still c< mpellea to renew last week's quo'ati ns, moro especially as the foreign buyers have not by any means seemed anxious to operate. 1 he range of i ricen paid Lr..? been generally from 65 to Tito, and we quote: Com? mons 60; medium 75; On- medium Sd; une 9'J Bios.-The receipts of the we- k have been 17,317 bushel-, making a total ot' 397,070 bushels MU o September L Sioek ol cleau rice 1.16U tierces. With the exception o: a few straggling lots, the nen crop from the rivers m this staion is in band. We can learn rt nono to ar ive exceptio? Mn.ill parcels. 1 be tightness of tho KorlUeru mouev maiket hus caused some talsc-ates tn-re. wh eb hive in some Instances be n re-ol ? tho samo oay ai l?o. advau o. Thu, of c-ouxso. has had a vory depressing influence. I 1 and we have had a week of uuusual onliness, und prices aro somewhat easier, but not quotaole lower | ( than at onr last reviow. We quoto rough at $1 75@52 10, depending upon quality; aaa ('lean at 8@8Ho. for "fair" to "good;" prime, 9c. Nashville Marker. NASHVILLE, Thursday, April 1.-COTTON-Liv? erpool cloeed dull to-dav, but unchanged. New York was dull, and ?aj?c. lower. Our nmketis weak at quotations, batno deposition to press sale?. Wo quote: Ordinary 21a23; good ordinary 21 ii; low middling 25a25K. COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hind september 1,1868.... .60 ^e'y^c-aay.... ..:.V.'"218 Received previously.41.886-15.103 Total.".. 45,163 Shipped to-day. 233 Shipped previously.38,513-38,751 Stock on hand.6-*12 COHN-The receipts to-day amounted to over 3000 bushels, with shipment-! or 250C bushels. Wo re poit thc market steady at 60c buying, and 75c sacked and delivered in depot. Boston Mamet. BOSTON, March 31 -COFFEE.-There is scarcely anything doing in this article, and prie s remain thu same as previously noticed Java has b eu selling in small lots at 22?c, gold, and Rio at 15al8c per st. Do oiego is scarce and quiet, and prices aro nominally 9a9?c per pound, gold, in bond. COTTON.-The market for cotton is full Kc per pound bisher tbau at the close of last week, but tb', demand irom manuf icturers has b:en quito limit and sales confined to sm.ll lots. The receipts it Southern ports continue to show a falling off. and . ad faces from Great Britain have been more favora? ble. The sales have been at 25?'<i26?c for ordinary ; 27a27Jic for good o.dlnary: 23a28?-; for low mid dimg. and 29a29?c for middling, including uplands and Gulf. 1 he stock ls ubnut 15.000 bales, and hold? ers are quite confident of a Favorable change and hipher prices. DOMESTICS -The market for cotton and woollen goods Tas been rather unsettled the eist week, and some ? tyles of cottons have been sold at a con ces s.ou. Woollens are dull and in limitad demand, but it is believed that a week or two o. favorable weat uer would lead to more activo movements. NAVAL STOUES -Demand for spirits turpentine moderate, and prices have eased off. The sales have boen 52a53e per gallon. Tar is steady -it $4a4 25 per bbl. ttosin and pitch have been quiet. BICE.-There have been salee ol 400a500bble Caro? lina at 9KalOc por pound. Consignees per soutn Cai olma lian rou ii April 3. 494 bales Cotton. 59 bales Domestiic, 32 bbls Na? val Stores, 1 car Lumber, 10 cars Wood and 2 cars 8too';. To Riilroad ?.gent, Pclzer. Rodgers Co. T H A W Dc wees. Johnston, Crews ic Co, Mantoue k Co, Reeder k Davis, Jbiost k AdgT, Adams, Damon k Co, G W Williams & Co. -IBB Sloan, W K Byan, J ti Pringle, D Jeunicgs k Co, Thurston k Holmes, R C Sharp k Co, W C Courtney k Co, Greaser k Smith. W W Smith, G Follin, M Goldsmith k Son, Werner k Ducker and John Connors. Consignees per Northeastern Railroad April 3. 5t bales Coition, 280 bushel* Rough Rice. 130 bbls Naval Stores, l umher, iidse, Ac To Bin-man k Howell. S D Stoney, J Marshall, Jr, J F O'Neill k ron. G H Walter k Co, Mazycks k Sallus, Geo W Williams k Co, H bischoff k Co, Pelzer. itodgers k Co. J Weiters. Fripp k Hay, Frost k . daer. Geo W Clark k Co, J A Quackenbush, F W Emanuel, J B E Sloan, M J G ainu or and Railroad Agent Passengers* Per steamship Manhattan, for New York-A R Marson, Mrs McBalow, J A Stiles and lady. Miss Annie Underwood, Master GD Alston, G Riecke, M'ss Abre Minuting. Miss G Bernard, H BeU, H leard, D Higgins. J Nisbet, M Roddy, M Hltt. Wm Birnie, lady and family. u D Greer, J Met lrath, B McKnight, JW Tom ?kins. J Mott, C A Sperry, C Eietschman, FGowin. Peter Smith, P Corian, M Dennis, P Cann and 13 deck. Per steamship Maryland, for Baltimore-Adam Boyle, W W Houston. Mrs Murphy and others. Per steamship Magnolia, from Now York-Miss Marion, Miss M S Gregory, Mr and Mrs L B Weh h and son, J Purcell, SRI rescot, J M Carr. MoMas ter. J R Rivelt, S J Stiles, J F Somas. E B strange Maurice Jordan. H J Cutter, Geo H Munroe, J R Pierson Daniel Smith, A P Gregory, A A Cortina, HO Conner, Hem y Moitteke, John Badden, M Ju- ' cobs and J J Fillers Per steamer Dictator, from Palatka. via Jackson? ville, Femur, di ua aniTSavanuah-Mrs Dr Horrid ou, Mr Dunham, wife and daughter, Mrs Goodrich, alisa McCloy, J. mes Beattie, A Moore. Ca'doza. J H Jones, 8 Lansdorf, Mrs Hayman. Hvkoff, J Morris. J .>woat, Woooruff, Forbes. D Callahau, J Mcrtmor Gold? smith, LOW, Mrs .Mead. Miss Low. Mrs Isarriaian. Colonel Mayo, Miss Mayo. Mrs Edwiugton, Mi.-s L Withers. C Loarv, Miss Leary, Mrs Berry, maid aud child aud 5 ou deck. Por steamer Fannie, from Savannah via Beaufort Hilton Bead and Edisto-Jam.s tuart. James Jet mors, T ! Piflgs, S .-?paldlugs. J B Page, G B Bacon. A Carter, F Crawford, t\ife and daughter, B Satro. J Stearlvant, b D Stearlvaut, J MeDounal, A Adsou, H Kesslor. J H Renneker, W Barkley. G W Evans aud wife, Mrs Osgood, Thomas Kelly. J R Mathews and wife, Mrs Banuinghom and daughter, J U Wes cott, S Barnwell, and 6 on dont. Per steamer Pilot Boy, from Savannah via Hilton Head, &o-J H Wade, wife and eon, J R Rt-dington and diugbter. J Scbnedusky, W W Sherman. B il Sturdivan, John sturuivao, Courtenay. Sahui-A - ?'? Wescott aud W rr nanison. jHarinc tos. JPort o? Charleston, -A.pril S. PORT C^aJL.KaVjU-fa.K. PHASES OF TUE MOON. Last Quarter, 3d, 3 hours, 28 minutes, evening. New Moon, 11th, 6 hours, 27 mluutes, evening. First Quarter, 19th, 9 hours, 4C minutes, morning. Full V oon, 27th, 1 hour, 1 minute, morning. 6;Monuay 6lTucsday.... 7|Weduesday. 8 Thursday... 9 Friday..... lt) Saturday... lllSunday. 6..39 5..37 5..36 A rr iv ca Y cs tc ma j . Steamship Magnolia, Crowell, New York-left 1st Inst, P M. Mdse, lo Bavenel & Co, O D Ahrems k Co, Mrs Armstrong, Adams, Damon k Co, J E Adger A Co, D A Amme, W O Burkett. Rissell it Co. Henry Bischoff & Co, J Commins, W H chafeo k Co, F Carrington, T M Cater, L Chap?n k Co, F Clirist man, J Campeen k Co, F F Chapeau, Hastie, Cal? houn k Co, C D Carr k Co, Cameron k Barkley, M Drake, F H Due, J Dawson, Dowie k Moise, Louis Elias, J S Fairly k Co, forsyth. Mc tomb k Co, B Feldmann k Co, Furchgott Brothers. Florida Steamboat agent, D F Flemmg St Co, D M G tjen, C Goldstein, F Gerdts k Co, Goodrich, Winemau & Co, N A Hunt, Johnston, orows k Co, O E k A S Johnson Klmck, Wickeuberg k Co, C Herrisou, Kinsman Brother, LyouB A Murray, B Lehman. H G Loper. G Luhrs, C Lihonthal k Co,j Lengnick k Sell, J G Milnor A flo W Melehcrs, J H Murray, Muller. Nimitz k Co. Wm Matthiossen, Mottet Huchee, Nachman A Co, N E Railroad Agent, 1) O'Nelh, D O'Neill A Son. B O'Neill, Ostcndortf k Co, Pclzer, Rodgers A Co, O F Pankuin, J R Head ic co, J H Schirmor, Sioll. Webb k co, seymour A Silcox, Dr Schley, J E smith, S O Kailrc ad Co, J Steiner, W A bknno. U S .uosistence Department, J F tay? lor A Co, W G Trott, E F iocck, Wm L Webb, E Washington, Walker, Evans k Cogswell, W J Yatee, S B Marshall, J H cy ward, T L Baun, North, Steely k Wardell, Henry Slender, Edwin Bates A < o, O' Plenge, Thurston k Ho m-s, S B Blum, C Voigt, c Frank, Raveuel k holmes, Geo H oruber, P H Meitzler, Wagner k Monsees, mrs S Watts, W She? pard, Dr Taber, H Klatte k Co, L Cohen Co, Mc Loy A Rice, B Foley, M rs Galloway, aud others. Meamahip Falcon, Horsey, Ualnmote-left - in? stant. Muse. I o Mordec Ji k Co, Courteuay ic 'I ron, S c railroad Agent, A Tobias' rons, Wagi er k Monsees, D W Waterman, Clacius k Witte, JU Bis? choff & Co, J Biaekmau, W A skrino. W G Whilden k Co, C Voigt, Lyons k Mu'Tay. W L Wetb, Have nel Uolraes, Kliuck. Wickenbertr k co, G W?bi nuy, Ostendorff A Co, W P Ravenel, W M Bird & Co, L WeJaKopf, W tt Trott, Douglas? k Miller, SeymcurA Silcox. G W Brunn, H Klatte & co, J H Voller*. H Luhrs, J U Graver ft Co, J B Borner, W H Welch, J N M Woblunaun, Drown k Hyur, Je Horus Ai co. Cameron i Barkley, i lt Dukos. W C Dukes k Co, Ja9 Wiley A Co, S W VV'dtman, D Paul k < o. J A Qjaeltenhusu, F F ?. Hastie cal? houn & LO, Bhacdirs, J ll Pringle, H Cobla k Co. D O'Neill. C Li Johnson, J Mchrteua, shui kello d A Kelly, Adams. Dam m ic Co, Bollmauu Brother-, C Li ienthal & Co. Muller, Nimitz k Co, Tatt & How laud, i? U (Mown. Lowie lt Aloise, Goourich, Wine* m m A; Co and Quartermaster. Sehr David Faust, Lord, New York, C days. Mdse. To T Tupper k rous, F Kic-seU. Railroad Ageut. Raveuel <c Holmes, ll tfis.h ff k Co, iii g A Gib? bon, Wm Knobeloch. Mrs^a, G W Wihiaius & So. H C'obia k co. i amerou .v Darklev, D D Viuo ut, W H W, S R M r-ha.l, .11 A Tanuluus-n, Kuobu lech & Small, Strauss & Vance, J 'I houison ic e.o, G W steffeus, Wm Roach A Co. Wagner er. Moneees. Order. J Campseu k CO, Ji Kauupaux, Jeffords A Co aud otho ? s. Sehr L A Bayles, Bayles. New Y- rk, C days. Hay. lo the alaster and King x Gi~bou. ?dir Alex ?ontig, ??u g, Philadelphia, C days. Coal. Ac. .1 o U F Baker k 'JO und C W i-cigidous. Sehr Serene, Jones, ualtiuiore, 6 da?s. 0500 lushels Corn. To Risley A Creighton and West it Jones s-olir Minule, Smi'u. Baltimore, G days. 5200 bushels Coru and 1400 Lu-hele Oats, lo Risky c Creighton aud Li M Butler. >cbr J P Alieu. Al!*-.-, Baltimoro via Norfolk, Va, 5 diys. Corn, kc, lo Risley & Crcighttii, fccreveu Nisbet aud order. Steamer Pilot Boy, Peck, Sav.tnnah via Hilton H?id, k. Sundries, To John Ferguson and Souih .m i.xpress Co. Arrived Saturday. Steamer Dictator, McNelty, Palatka via Jackson rille, l'ernandiuu, aud Savaunah. 42 pkgs aJdse and 1 lot Govuriment S'toroa. To JD.Aiken A o, Fraser k Dill, Major Aloen, M Goldsmith k Sou, Moffat A Wtiartou, J : Dailey. F Kres-ol, H Ha-cll, M Archer, D U l'ficfy, Msjor John Fripp, O Madaon, L Serena and G H B. Su amer Fannie, Adair, Savannah, via nwnfort, [iii ou Dead and Ldisto. 4 crates Rags. 6 hhds l.'ones, HO .lacks Boucs and Sundries. To John Foi . ;u?ou sud M Goldsmith k Son. A JU Cleared Saturday. Steamship Manhattan, WoodiiulJ, New York-Jas Auger k Co. Steamship mir viand,Johnson, Baltimore- Courtenay k '? reuh lm. Sehr V? H steele, Buck, Kingston, Jamaica-Paul, Welch A Brandes. SchrWanata, Dawkias, Kew York via Georgetown, S C- Bieley k Creighton. Sailed Yesterday. Scbr Wanata; Ha.vklns. Geor^ towD, 8 0. Sehr Damon, Johnson, Geo gctown, S C. Sailed Saturday. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull, Mea York. Steam-hip Maryland, Johnson, Baltimore. Sehr W B Stiele, hock, Kingston, Jamaica. Went to *ea Friday. Sehr Edith, Baudall, Satilla Biver, Ga. From thia fort. Sehr Rachel Soaman, High, New York, April 1. Sehr H WGodfrey, Sears. Providence, April 1. Sehr L A Circuit, Haskell.Georgetown, 8C, Maroli 29, Sehr C E Hehler, Mitchell, Georgetown, 8 C, March 29. Sehr John E Dalley, Wall, Georgetown, 8 C, March 30. Up for this Port. Behr Ellen, Carr, at Mayaauez, P B, to sail March 25. Cleared for this Port. Steamship Prometheus, Gray, at Philadelphia, April 1. Scbr E P Cabcda, Swain, at New York, April 1. liIST OF VjblSSKLS OP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS POh'x. FOR?1GN LrVEBPOOL. Ship R C Winthrop, Stewart, cleared.March 8 The Royal CbarU?. Anderson, sailed.March 8 The Chiton,-, up.March 16 Bark Helen Sands, uti?, sailed.March 18 MAYAGUEZ, PB. Sehr Ellen. Carr, sail.March 26 MATANZAS. British sehr Lion, McLcllan, up.'.. ."March S DOMESTIC BOSTON'. Brig Wm Robertson. Reed, up.March 1 Scbr Sarah A Bammoud, Wiley, cleared....March 30 FchrP M Bonney, Small, cleared.March 22 Sclir Stephen Monis, seaman, cleared.March 25 Sehr James A Crocker, Currier, up.March 30 PGBTLA1TD, MS. 8chr Martha Maria, Dean, cleared.March 27 NEW tons. Fcbr Ida Richardson, Bedell, up.March 29 Scbr E F Cahada, swain, cleared.April 1 Sehr (lol Cook, Bearse, cleared.March 18 Sehr Yankee Blade.-, up.March 16 Sehr N W Mnitb, Tooker, cleared.March 29 Sehr Jessie B Clark,-.up.Man h 17 Sehr Mary Stow, Rankin, up.March 31 FH1I.AJDEI.PHIA. Steamship Prometheus, ?ray, cleared.April 1 Sehr Watauga, Lawrence, up.March 01 Scbr Hannah Little, Godfrey, cleared.M ireh 20 gariinarc, (?tr. ?SRDWAI^ HAR??WARE? AT WHOLESALE. MERCHANT8 ARE BTiSPECTFLTLLY INVITED to give me a call and examine a well assorted S1UCK, oonsisistiQg of: COLLINS* GENUINE AXES, SHOVELS AND SPADES GENUINE WHITIIMORE COTTON AND WOO Li CARDS JIM CHOWS, WIRE 8EIVE3, TRACE CHAINS HOES-Elwell, Brade's and Planters' POWDER, SHOT, CARTRIDGES, LEAD CUT AND WROUGHT NAILS, STIKES FRY PANS, KETTLES, HORSE SHOES WIRE CLO 1H, PLOUGH ROPE, HOOP IRON BUILDERS' HARDWARE, 11NWARE, CAR? RON WARU. And a targe variety o? FISHING TACLE, such as NET YARN, Gilling Twine, Ro ls, Bamboo Canes, Hair, >ilk, Linen and Chinese Grasa Lines. Aleo, Agent fer DODGE'S PERFECT PLOUGH. S. fi. MARSHALL'S, No. 310 King-street, sign of the Big Gun. March 17 wi mimo grcflg, iL?jcmi?ls, <gtr. UT EST NEW YORK NEWS. LADIES !! Look Out ! ! Look Out ! ! Lo jk Out !J_JLook Out ! ! ' Beautifies the Complexion." "Gives a Rosy Glow to the cheeks." "A Buby Ti 'ge lo the Lips." ..Removesall BlotchcsauU Frocklos. "lhe Best in the World." COS TAR'S " BEAUTIFIER! THE Bitter-Sweet and Orange Bloaeoma. 43? Ore Hot tlc, $1-Three for $2. loco Bott es sold in ono day in New York City. 93- all Druggiati iu CHARLESTON sell it. "COST?K'S M STANDARD PREPARATIONS ABE "Cottar's" Kat, lt one h, Sic. Kx fermi's. *'< o tarV lied Bug Kxterralnatorg. '.lostarV (onlypuroj Insect Powder. "Only Inf d?ble Remedies known." .'18 rears estaoilshcd in New Yo-k." ...> 'O0 Boxes and I'lasks manufaciured doily." H 11 Beware 111 of ?pu rion - Imitations." "All Druggists in CHARLESTON soU them " Addr. a - ..Cus fAR." No. IO Crosby-st., K. Y. Or JOHN F. HENRY(?uecossor to) Li MAB KAHNES k Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. Sold in CUAULE>iON by GOOOKICH, WINKMAN & CO., WHOLESALE AGENTS. Marrh 23 SAO 1 yr ROSADA LIS Purifies the Blood. For Sale hy Druggists K very iv he? c. .Tul?a? Md lit mm MojfiKiiBS. THE UNDERSIGNED CALLS THE ATTENTION of both eily and country purchasers to his larne stock ot D COS PATENT MEDICINES, PKRFDM BUY, FAtfc.Y GOOD ?.Icc, Ac, aU of which be ?f? ters at the lowest markot rates. H. B A E R, No. 131 MEETING-STREET, NEAR MAR? KET-STREET. Marah t_ TO BAKERS. J UM Rh CEI VED AND FOR HALE WHOLESALE AND REI A IL : CARBONATE OF AMMONIA PRIME H0P3 CREAM OF TARTAR TT. BAER, Druggist, No. 181 MEETING-STREET. March i (I !' F I C E No. 3 75 KING, OPPOSITE EASEL-STREET. Jan cary 27 3oio SOUTH ?A KOLI VA KAIL KOA ll. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, I CHARLESTON. S. C., February 13. Ib69. I ON AND AFTER SUL'DAT, FEBRUARY 14TH, tbe PAS H ENG F K TRAINS ol the South Caro hui Railroad will run as follows : FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.8.30 A. M. Arrive at Augusta.8.10 P. M. ^ Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Mempbii Nashville and New Orleans, via Montgomery ant' Grand Junction. FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.8.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.G.46 P. M. Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester Kail. road, ann Camden train. l'Oit CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.8.00 A. M Arrive at Charleston.6.00 K V Leave Columbia.7 45 A. M Arrivo at Charleston.6.0e P. M AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESb (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.! Leave Charleston.7.30 P. M, Arrive at Augusta.6.30 A. il. Connecting with trains tor Memphis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Grand Junction. Leave Augusta.#.H P. ll Arrive at Charleston.4.00 A. M, COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Charleston.6.05 P. yt. Arrive at Columbia.4.46 A. si Connecting (t-undays excepted) with Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Leave Columbia.5.30 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.6.30 A. V. SI M M ER VT LLD TRAIN. Leave Charleston.3.00 P. yt. Arrive at Summerville. 4.20 2. M. Leave Summerville.7.10 A. Al. Arrive at Charleston.8.25 A. M CAMDEN BRANCH. On Monday*, Wcdnetdayi and Saturday!. Leave Ringville.4.20 P. M, Arri? e at Camden.7.00 P. M. Leave Camden.0.35 A. M, Arrive at Ringville.9.20 A. M. Signed) B. T. PEAKE, FobruarrlS General Sunr-.rmtendent. faints, ?tis, Ocle. CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., NORTHEAST COI?NER Meeting and Cumberland Streets. STEAM ENGINES GRIST MILLS CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, ?nd January 1 MACHINERY. 6m o BELTING ^BELTING ! 5000 FEET OAK-TANNED LEATHER BELT? ING 5000 FEET GUM BELTING, 2, 8, I, and 6 PLY 250 SIDES PATENT DRESSED LA LEATHER 300 DOZEN METALLIC-TIPPED BE LACING 100 BOXES BLAKE'S PATENT BELT ST DDS 150 DOZEN TOLLMAN'S BELT HOOKS 750 YARDS GUM PACKING, 1-16 INCH TO * INCH THICK TUCK'S PACKING, i TNCH TO 1? INCH DI? AMETER SOAPSTONE PACKING, i INCH TO 1* INCH DIAMETER WHITE AND BROWN JUTE PACKING ITALIAN HF MP PACKING RUBBER AiND LEATHER HOSE MANHOLE AND H AND HOLE GASKETS 0 ALL SIZES. CAM l'. ii ON', BAIIKIJKY & CO., Nortbo'sl Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets. January 1 _ Cmo _ BAR IRON, SHEET IRON AND STEEL, WROUGHT AND CAST IRON PIPING, STEAM AND MALLE ABLE CAST IRC FITTINGS, tor steam and water. CAB1EHON, BARKLEY & CO.. Northeast corner Meeting and C timberland streets January 1 timo OILS! OILS! OILS ! 1000 GALLONS PURE WINTER LARD OIL 700 GALLONS PURE WINTER No. 1 LARD OIL 500 GALLONS PURE WINTER SPERM OIL 500 GALLONS PURE MASON'S SPERM OIL 500 GALLONS PURE MACHINERY OIL 1000 GALLONS WHITE OAK LUBRICATING OIL 300 GALLONS REFINED NEATSFOOT OIL 300 GALLONS TANNER'S (8TRAITS) OIL. CAMKUON, BARK LB V & CO., Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland streets. January 1 Cmo BRASSMVORK. STEAM GUAGES, GON?S, GUAGE COCKS STEAM BIBBS AND SIOP COCKS, STEAM WHISTLES GLOBE AND CHECK VALVES, OIL CUPS WATER GUACES. GLASS GUAGE TUBES MERCURY GUAGES, LOW WATER DETEC? TORS COPPER AND BRASS WIRE. CAMERON, BARKLEY <Sf CO., Northeast Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets. January 1 _Cato ROOFING TIN. 500 BOXES IC 14x20 ROOFING Ti'N 300 BOXES IX 14x20 ROOFING TIN 100 BOXES IC 23x20 ROOFING TIN 50 BOXES IX 42x20 ROOFING TIN 25 BOXES IX 12x12 25 BOXES IX 14x20 20 BOXES IX 10x20 20 BOXES LXX 14x20 20 BOXES LXXX 14x20 20 BOXES IXXXX 11x20 BLOCK TIN, T?NSMA.VS SOLDER, SPEL? TER, A-c, Ac. IN STOKE AND TO ARRIVE. CAMERON, BAltKLEY Ai CO., Northeast coruor Meeting and Cumberland streets. January 1_Cmo WHITE LEAD, 2I3STO, IP .A. 13STT S, COLORS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, &c, &c RAW AND BOILED LINSEED OILS. CAM Ul J CON, BAHKb?? & CO., Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland eiroets. Al e O lt TH, lt S OK TEAS, WINES. BRANDIES, &c" AndDealor8 in UIIOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. 900\ "CORZOT STREET < N. Y. WM. 8. OOP.WJN k CO. ?ff-Goods delivered tc all parts of lie City. October 24 F frugs, Cljcmifols, (Ctr. O V T Z ' S CELEBRATED Horse and Cattle Powders. This preparation, | long and favorably known, will thor ougbly reinvigorate broken a o wu and low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and intes? tines. It is a f uro preven? tive of all diseases incident to this ani? mal, such as LUNG* FEVER, GLANDERS, YEL LOW WATER, HKAVES, Coughs. Distemper, Fevers, Founder, Loss of Appetite and Vital Energy, Ac. Its use ImprovrB the Wind, inoras? es the Appetite gives a S m o o t h and Glossy Skin an t transforms thc < miserable Skelci ons -"'"^?SSHE Into a line looking iud spirited Horse. - TO KEEPERS OF COWS THIS PREPARATION IS INVALUABLE It in croases the quantity and im? proves tho quality of thc MILK. It has been proven by actnal expert., nient to increase (he quantity of Milk and Cream twenty percent., ?.and malte the But? ter firm and sweet Tn fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, opens their hides and makes thom thrive much faster. TN ALL DISEASES OF 8WINE, SUCH AS COUGHS, ULCERS IN THE LUNGS, LIVER, Ac, this ar ?ide ac ts as a spe? cific. By putting f from one-half to a paper in a barrel of swill tho ab ve diseases will bo eradicated or en? tirely prevented. If given in time, a certain pre 'tivc and euro for the Bog Cholera. PREFABED BY DAVID E. POU TZ, WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin-street. Baltimore, Md. FOB SALE BI DO WIE ?Hi MOISE, WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE No. 161 MEETING-STREET, OPPOSITE CH J RLESTON HOTEL, March 31 ?a Safes. MARVIN'S PATENT Alum & Dry Plaste FIRE PROO! SABES Ara most desirable for quality, finish and price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR Cannot be Sledged! Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SA?ES, COMBINATION LOCKS Please send for a catalogue to MARVIN & CO., (oldest safe mannfacturcrs) " . . , (205 Broadway, New York. Principal _ 72i Chestnut St., Phila. . Warehouees (108Bank St" Cleveland.O And for sale by our agents in the principal cities throughout the United States. & FOR SALE HT WM. M. BIRD k CO., No. 203 EAST BAY, C IS A It L KS TO X. December 29 lyr DENTIST. ROOMS AT IIIS RESIDENCE. NORTHWEST COR NEB OF MEETING AND r-Oi'IETY STREETS. November '20 fmw?moB yy ILLIS ?Si CI1ISOL1U. FACTOItS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AHO SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE ANL SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) ol COTTON. RICE, LUMUKU ANO NAVAL STOIBS ATLANTIC Wt! A BF. Charleston, S. C. E.WILLIS.A. K. CHISOLM October ls F 11 " ll] 4 TO 350 horse power inc udinc the cci'Mirate.) Corliss Out-oO Engmes, ?II?!?- Valvo Hta tio mr Engines Portable Engliies, kc. *lso, elven* .nr Mn'a- and Oang Saw Mills, su.Mr Cine Mils, ?ha.(inp I ulloyc Ac., Lath and "fhinge Mills. Wheat and t.'oru Mills, Circular ?aws T5oli:nti, A-o. Pond lor descriptive Circular and Prieo List. WOOD fc MANN PTE 111 KSG1NE CO., February IR fimos Utica, Now S"ork. Q J., No. 37 LINE-STREET, BETWEEN KING AND ST. PHILIP. LUMBER OF EVERY DESC'tlPTION AN! BUILDING MATERIAL, LIME and PI ASTEh. 1NG LATHS,PAINTS.OILS. GLA->E-, SHINGLES also GROOVE AND TONGUK BOARDS, tc, con stau Hy on band at tho lo wost market prices, Beplemberli mthslyr _ jftri?tjftl. Wim? MAMIES. Tl SULPHURIC KID li MRPHOOTTBiJOM? OHARLESTO?T, S. O-, HAVING COMPLETED THE IB EXTENSIVE MANUFACTOBY. ABE NOW PEEP ABED TO FURN1SI SOLUBLE FERTILIZERS, No oilier kinds being available to Plantera for immediate returns]'for their Investmente. THIS COMPANY, UN DEB THE DIRECTION ENTIRELY OF SODTHEBN MEN OF SIGH CHARAC? TER, offers inducements which will recommend it to Southern Planters. Their works are among OJO largest and ruo ? t completo in the United States, enable them to prep-ire at home aa abundant sup-" ply of the proper solvent for tho South Carolina native Bono Phosphates which are near hy. From those I Phosphates they propose to mann facture a FE HT I LIZ BR even richer in ROLUBT.'S PHOSPHATE t'. J.J those made from RAW BONES, and containing mow than twice the quantity*)! Superphosphate ef Lime found in the best average manures heretofore offered for sale, the rates at which we offer them berna no higher than the average price of other Fertilisers, while the Manures contain twice a9 much fart lindon material; they are in fact much cheaper to the consumer.' They are offered on the market in two forms, witb a guarantee that the material ic each will eorresponf to the advertisement: .? " Iliwan yo. 1-SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE, con ta min 2 from eighteen to twenty-five per cent of PUBB SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE OF LIME, and furnished at sixty dollars per ton. Etiwan AT.i. 2-PERUVIAN SUPERPHOSPHATE, containing from sixteen to twenty p?r cent of 80LT? BLE PHOSPHATE, and turee to four per cent of AMMONI A, at seventy Dollars per ton, for approved ac? ceptances bearing interest, or such other security as may be acceptable to the sub-agents, a discount of ten per cent on the above Drices'will be made for cash. Orders to he forwarded immediately to the Agents, and delivery made aa directed on and after 1st Jan? uary next. * '? .WM. C. BEE & CO., Agents. 'CG. M EM Ml NOE H. President. The FertiliEerg of thia Company will be branded ETIWAN, l?o. 1-ETIWAN No. a.- w April 5- *^ 1 FERTILIZERS! RHODES' SUPERPHOSPHATE I THE OLD AND LONGEST ESTABLISHED STANDARD MANURE. '": ORCHILLA GUANO ! PERUVIAN GUANO ! EHODES' MANURE. IN ITS PREPARATION, IS MADE EQUALLY ADAPTED FOB FACING, large crops of Cotton, Corn, Wheat Tobacco. Potatoes and other Boot Crops. The Manufacturing Department Is conducted by Frederick Klott, one of the most atlllful Chemists and Manufacturer? in tho United Staten. It is endorsed, approved and recommended by all of the mo? t prominent Chemists and Agriculturists in the Southern States. "It can be relied upon os uniform in quality," always reliable, productive of large crops, and unexcelled by any tn the market in the high percentage of "True Fertilizing Principles." Price $57 50 cash, or $65 time, with Factor's acceptance, and 7 per cent, interest until 1st December, 1869. nit CHILLA GUANO-"AA." a fine Bird Gui?o, rich in Phosphates and Alkaline Salts. Price 133 caah. $40 time. P? KU Vi AA GUANO-Warranted pure, and always on hand. Furnished at market prices for caah. Analysis of Rhodes' Standard Snperpkosphate of Lime. Moisture Expelled at 212?....5.05 Soluble Phosphoric Acid.,.9.00 Equal to Phosphate Lime .19.78 Common Phosphoric Acid.16.03 Equal to Bone Phosphate.34.99 Total Phosphates.54.77 Lime with Phosphoric Acid.29.68 Sand.00.00 Sulphate of Limo and other Salts not estimated...40.18 100.00 The above analysis indicates a Manorial Superphosphate of Lime of the uighvsfc erado ordi? narily found in tue American market. Its lar?o amount of Soluble Phosphoric Acid supplies an active nutriment for th J development and maturity of tho fruitage. Ilia Salphuno Acid which it contains, by chemical affinity with tho olomonts of moat soils, contribute to its Fer? tilizing Properties. To show its boat ellie ts, this Superphosphate should ba applied under and in contact with tho 8eed, and with a moderately shallow covering of soil. A. MEANS, Inspector, Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. G. H. WILLIAMS, Assistant Chemist. February 13th, 1869. Wo guarantee that every package of RHODES' 8TANDARD SUPERPHOSPHATE .shall - rally come np to the above analysis. B. M. RHODES & CO., - No. 82 SOUTH-STREET, OALT?MOHE. B. S. RHETT & SON, February 27 AGENTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. Jnsncuntc. GUARDIAN MUTUAL UFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK. Organized in 1859. 9 All Policies non-Forfeitable.* Hali Loan Taken. No Notes Required.. LAST CASH DIVIDEND 60 (FIFTY) PER CENT. Statement. Policies in force.$25,000,000 Assets. 1,500,000 Annual Income. 800,000 Losses Paid.? 500,000 Officers. W. H. PECKHAM, President. H. V. G A HAGAN, Secretary. L. McADAM, Actuary. G. A. F?DICKAB, Superintendent. Directors. Hon. JOHN A. Drx, New York. E. V. HA?OJWOOT, Firm E. V. Haugh wont A Hon. JAMES HARPER, Firm Harper ? Bros., Co. ex-Mayor New York. WM. WILSTENS, Firm W. Wilkens & Co. JOHN J. CRANE. Prosldont Bank Republic. JULIUS H. PRATT, Merchant. WK. T. HOOKER. Walt-stroot. WM. W. WBIOHT, Merchant. WM. M. VERMILYE, Banker (Verm fly? & Co.) CHAS. J. STABE, Merchant. CHAS. G. ROCKWOOD, Cashier Newark Banking WILLIAM ALLEN, Merchant. Company. GEO. W. CUSLEB, Banker, Palmyra, N. Y. Hon. GEORGE OPDYKE ex-Mayor of New York. GEO. T. HOPE, Piesidont Continental Fire In MINOT C. MOKOAN. Banker. suranco Company. THOMAS KIQNKX, Vine Thomas Rigney & Co. JOHN H. SHERWOOD, Park Place. , BENJ. B. SHERMAN, Treasurer New York Steam WALTON H. * -?CKHAM, Comer 5fch Avenue and Sugar Refilling Company. rwentv-tlura-3treet. AARON ABNOLD. Firm of Arnold, Constable & Co. EDWARD H. WBIGH?, Newark, N. J. RICHARD H. BOWNE, Wetmore & Bowoo, Law- GEO. W. FABLES, Counsellor. yera. W. L. Cooswr.LL, Merchant. GEORGE KEI??, General Agent for Sonth Carolina. Dr. T. REENSTJEKNA, Examining Physician. January 12 R. ISSERTEL, GENERAL AGENT FOR CHARLESTON, O?Bce No. ?95 King-Street, Charleston, B. C. Stones. M. L. FILLEY'S Celebrated Cooking stoves, " PHILANTHROPIS!" AND " CIVILIAN,' Manufactured nt Troy, N. Y" and lor sale by D, I. FULLERTON, AUGUSTA, QA. THESE 8TOVE9 STAND UNRIVALLED FOR capacity, durability, conveniencei and the gen? eral pu'pnsc to Urbich roofcmj Stoves nre used. The PHU ANlHROPlst lo extra heavy plated, and ha? A*h Drawer; can be made iulo a nix boiler hole ?tovo ; bas ca*t iron Witcr Tanlr galvanized, or enamel lined. A strictly tir?t-clans Sto^o. The CIVILIAN is of a neat design, and bas a fine large Oven. This Stove can be hid with the extension oack, six boles, and ro jrrvoir when desired For further information applv to P. L. FULLERTON, January 30 ?mos Augusta, Os, ?)ob(tbasl)tti). LONDON AND PARIS EXPOSITIONS.. _ w PRIZE MEDALS! THE SEORGE A. CLARK'S o. HST. T. SIX COM), SOfcT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. Thia favorite Thread being Sis Cord to No. 80, purely Soft Finish, ia recommended for ita great superiority for Hand and Machine Sew? ing. FOR SALE BY THE Principal Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods and Notion Dealers. February 27 8n?