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THE DAILY NEWS. Largest Circulation.-THE DAILY SE IVS SEING THE 'NE}VSPATER OFFICIALLY RE? COGNIZED AS HAVING THE LARGEST CIR? CULATION' IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, FCBLISBES THE LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN? ING IN THE rOSTOFFICE AT THE END Ot EACH WEEK, ACCORDING TO THE PROVIS? IONS OF THE NEW POSTOFFICE LA W. LOCAL MATTERS. A trCTION SALES THIS DA Y. LEITCH & BBUNS will Bell at ll o'clock, on Accommodation Wharf, a cargo of sugar and mo? lasses. STREET BROTHER-* & Co. will sell at 12 o'clock, on Brown's South Whorl a cargo Porto Bico sugar and molasses. HOLMES & MACBETH will sell at ll o'clock, at West's stables. Queen-street, mules, stallion, ic. MEETINGS THIS DAY. Charleston Typographical Union, at half-past 7P.M. Stonewall Fire Company, at 5 P. M. NOTABT PUBLIC.-G. H. Sass, Esq., attorney at law, has been appointed by Governor Scott a no? tary public for South Carolina. THE M A KIN EU'S CHTJBCH.-There will be services in the Mariner's Church, Church-street, to? morrow, Sunday, at halt-past ten o'clock in the morning, and four o'clock m the afternoon. ABE i VAL OF TBOOPS.-Four companies of the TL:riv-third regiment of United States troops, under Major Ogiloy. reached the city yesterday. They are to bc consolidated with the Eighth regi? ment; under Colonel Bomford. PERSONAL.-Hr. James Brentan, of Buffalo, New York, who is travelling in thc interest of the Fenian cause, is in the dry for a few days, and stay? ing at the Pavilion Hotel, where he wilt be glad to receive the visits of the friends of tbe Emerald Isle._ Cm STOCK.-Mr. Andrew M. Moreland purchased forty-three thousand dollars City of Charleston six per cent, stock yesterday, the largest amount at sixty-three eerie. The same purchaser Offered afterward? sixty-four ceats, which offer was declined. This is an ad vance of at ?ei?t three per cent, on the quotations of the day before. Tra: BELL RINOEBS drew auother large au? dience last evening, and furnished, as they have dene on former occasions, melody of the sweetest kind, in the manipulation of their pure toned bells, harp and silver cornets. The clever artists ?bo compose this talented corps have, since their advent into our city, boen recognized by the liberal patronage of ap? pr?ciative audiences. Ihey give a matinee for schools today, and one more performance to-night. THE ED?OSTBEE FXBE Cosrj?AST.--Tbo peo? ple of Kingstree have wisely formed a Ire company for the protection ot their houses tad property, but they are unable without assistance to procure an engine tor the usc of th? company. In this dilem? ma, Mr. Solomon Beutschner, the president of the compat y, has come to Charleston to solicit subscrip? tions. We coa io.nj him and his cause to the pub? lic generally, ana especially to the merchants who have customers in Kingstree, and also to the insur? ance agents. CtfcBS AND STABS-The amount of business before tho Mayor yesterday was rather small: Fernanda Conuer. clored, arrested on suspicion of larceny; no proof; nn?on?r di-charged. SamL Middleton, colored, for having Mr. Ten nent's carpet in his possession; na proof of larceny; prisoner discharged. Frederick Behrman, white, for buying a stolen watch; no proof ; dts:harjed. John Cheney, white, for keeping a junk shop wi b out a license. Fined $10. THE JEWISH PABSOVEB.-T da great festival of the Hebrew Church, ia commemoration of the exodus of the Israelites ftom Egypt, during which time they subsisted on unleavened bread or matzos, commenced last evening and will continue eight days. The ftr-t two evenings' exercises appropriate to the occasion are held in the synagogues and in the houses of the Hebrew families, the services hav? ing particular reference to the trials endured by the Israelites, and then: final deliverance from the hands of the Egyptians. During the Passover unleavened bread only is used, which is sjmbclical of the fact that in their hurried exodns the Israelites did not have time to prepare raised bresd.^ One important feature cf the occasion is the dispensation of alms to the ueedy, without respect to denomination. OUB NEW YOBS STEAMSHIPS.-Amone other inducements which are not only steadily and surely securing for our city the trade which caused ber prosperity before the war. but are largely extending the field of her influence, are thc admirable lines of steamships now plying (rom this port te the various Northern cities. The character of the vessels, their regular rime, able officer?, and freedom from delays and accidents, are giving to them a carrying trade of large and growing proportions. The New York steamers particularly, we are pleased to learn, are obtaining good freights in this direc? tion, the consignments being for various points in all the States, South and West abe steamship Charleston, Captain Berry, which arrived here criy on Friday mornirg, had an excellent freight and a good passenger list, as well as a beautiful steam fire engine lor our Georgia neighbors. I his superior steamship makes gonerally quick and regular time, and both the ship and officers enjoy a high populari? ty. The steamships of this line leave each port punctually on Tuesdays and Saturdays. REPOKTEBS' CBUMBS.-There were confirm? ations at t!'c German and English Lutheran churches yesterday. The churches, yesterday, were well attended, and the day had rather a Sabbatical appearance. The hotols still continue crowded with travellers The steamer St. Helena '.?ill make an excursion trip around thc harbor at four o'clock to- lay. Dr. Hicks will prea.-h in the English Lutheran Church at eight o'elock to-morrow night, instead of half past seven o'clock as heretofore. The velocipede fever has not abate 1 one jot; sever? al tua -hine 5 have bee import, d. and the tominion of a school at an early o ay is prophesied. Templeton opens the theatre ou Monday night. Tho Bell-Riogers give a mitinee at 3 P. M., for the beni fit ol schools and others. Price tor scholar? j twenty-five cents. lue cew steamer for thc Eagle Fire Company did not arrive ye?terday, ns was ?xpected by tome. Captain Berry, with his characteristic bo*pitni'ty, entertained tho delegation that went to meet lac "Georgia," yesterday morning, with a breakfast on board bis tine VCSS'l. But a fewd?ys will intervene between this und AU Tools' Day, and tho wags and jesters arc deeply cou c media getting u 3 novel hoaxes sud jocular "sells" and tut-prises for tho :electatioa of their unsu.-pect ing irieuds. ' HOTEL ABBIVALS, MABCH 2(5.-Cliaiieslon Ho? tel.-S Slade, H >? Uumutistou, HE Cook, C G od (roy, CS Vonllcrman and two children. \V Quintet- and Wife, J B Thorne, wife, uurse and two ehi.dren, J E Devlin, wile, danell cr Alice and con, Miss J .-tchou, D L Rodersteiu aud servaut. E M Stone, W Cot lira! and wife, R W and O W Harri-, G aud H Uj te, E P Thayer, W Evan-, Nov York; E Wintlow and wife, Charlotte, N C; U W Weob, 0 II Sadler, S C; D M D?vido, U Bec iworih, W J Wulker, U Li?sa, 2. H Osborn, Johu G Witto, Jo:m Sihrot o rsky, E Randall, W C Hamilton, New York;C O Evorest, TJui'.cd states Aroiv; E W flatt, city; W M Bristow, John c Woodley. Clio, S C; charles C Clore'h, Thos Sergeant, J homas V . liver, J P Mills, J N Keeler William Bender. Miss D?ight. New York: Georgi Bordiey. Frederick H Hordley. New Haven; J C Roath. Columbia; W B Shaw and wile, city; airs Lo zicr, Georgetown ; J J White, Rochester. Pavilion Hoiel.-J H Giles. George Kelly. Granilc viile; B B Bhett, Jr., J E Bnlotv, city; JW lukes, Pendleton;LR Kagsdale. Timiuousville; Jain-s W L 3?dtb. Georgia; H F Ford. Florida; G McLaugh? lin C E Dodd, E J Hatcher, D D Plumb. C T Hol? lingsworth. Augusta, Ga; T N Talbot, Ninety-six. S ? C ; F W Harts, New Yori; E J Costal, city ; F Dabvis, Now York. Tm: NEW STEAII FntE EKOISE FOB AUGUS? TA.-At cn early hour yesterday morning, the steam? ship Charleston lauded at her pier, and soon ofter the Steam Fire Ergiue Ge', rgia, for the Independent Fire Company of Augusta, was landed. As soon as she was got iu readiuess to move, her draps were manned I v the delegation of the ".Etna," which had patiently awaited hei arrival since the night previous, and the delegates from Augusta belongitg to the company. She was carried to thc neat and commodious quarters of the .Etna. Queen-street, where the numbers took ber :n hand overhauled her and put her in tr-m for her journey homeward. The ?Etna's did their best to make their Augusta friends leel at home by ? ndeavonng to show them every courtesy in their power. After dinner the drags were again manned and the Georgia hiuled to the South Carolina Railroad depot for Bhfpjentto Au? gusta. The Augusta delegation returned to the ?Etna house, and in the evening they spent a good time over a rousing bowl of punch, pledging friend? ships and cementing tics. We learn that the Augus tians will leave to-day, and it is hoped will carry with them agreeable recollections of their brief stay here, where every effort was made to render their sojourn pleasant._^ _ "THE NINETEENTH CEKTUH?."-WS learn that a monthly magazine is soon to be issued in Charleston under the auspices of a "Bound lable" coterie ot gentlemen well known in literary, profes? sional and mer ontile circles. The wO'k will bc di? rectly in charge of Bev. W. W. Hicks, D. D., and "Personne" (F. G. De Tontaina, Esq..) and will aim to supply a vacant place on the literary tables of our Southern houses. Our ablest writers will fur? nish entertainment and instruction, BO that iu both a local and general sense thc magazine may be as at? tractive as possible, lt is proposed to make the .?BoundTable" department specially interesting to the merchant, the agriculturalist and scientific man; while a miscellaneous collection of facts and fancies will constitute the frost work of this literary plum pudding. Dr. Hicks, although not long a resident of C!.*"rleston, has won both admiration and respect, as well by his learning and personal charm as by hiB rare and torching eloquence; whi'eMr. De Fontaine, as a fluent, original, graphic Southern writer, has few if any equals in the woild of periodical litera? ture. These two gentlemen will be the main props of the new work, and we sincerely hope that, as a home enterprise, the "Nineteenth Century" will have all the encouragement and support it deserves. We may add that one of the most attractive fea? tures of the new magazine will be "Bem''nlscences of the Bivouac and Battlefield," to be written by 'Tersonne."_ MoBTAurr OF CHABLESTON FOB 1868.-Be? low is a condensed statement of the mortality of Charleston tor the year ending December SI, 1838, as taken frcm the annual report of the City Begis trar, which was submitted to Council at its last meeting. It is worthy of rema:* that although the population ot the city is almost equally divided be? tween whites and blacks, the mortality of the blacks was moro than double that of the whites. The Registrar's estimate of the population of the city at 35.0C0 seems too low. At the last election the number of votes cast was 10,000, and making all reasoLiole allowance for fraud, at the usual propor? tion of voters to population, that would give us a population of at least 40.000, an J more "probably 45.000. The proportionate mortality would then te one in 33 or one in 37, instead of one in 29: Total nnmber of deaths during the year.1203 CLASSES. Male-whites.205 Female-whi tes.185 Total whites.V0 Male-blacks and colored.422 Female-'clacks and colored.396 Total blacks and colored.818 Grand total.1208 NATIVITIES. Natives of Charleston. 850 Natives of South Carolina.210 Natives ol the United States. 50 Foreigners. 98 Total.120i The proportional mortality to population, 1 in ?8.973, the entire population being e.-ti. atea at ?.000. TESTIMONIAL TO DB. A. G. MACKEY_Wo lave been favored with the following account of a ecent presentation of a testimo-ial to the Collector if the Port: A meeting of the officials of the customhouse was ecently convened. Mr. Charles H. Groves was ap? pointed chairman, and Mr. C. L Beecher secretory. The chairman having' stated the object of the neeiing to be for the purpose ol testifying their re? ports to thc Collector of Customs, Dr. A. G. Mackey, he following preamble and resolutions were then iffered and unanimously adopted: Whereas, It is an agreeable and pleasant duty to >ffer a testimony of respect and esteem to one with vhom we have been officially and harmoniously lesociated for a period of several years, and much nore so when that association has been marked by a ?entlemanly courtesy and acts of kindness and con? sideration on the part of our chief; and, whereas, he employees of the custom s of this city desire to ixpress to Dr. A. G. Mackey, Collector of the Port of Charleston, their grateful appreciation of the uni? ons kindness ho bas always shown them, of the ligh order of intelligence he has exhibited in tho mied and complicated duties of bis office, and of us constant aim to promote that concord and har? mony which hive always prevailed among them, and nxious to testify their respect in some tangible orm ; be it therefore Resolved, That the sincere thanks of this meeting ie tendered to Dr. A. G. Mackey, Collector ot cus oms of the Port of charleston, for the unvaried om lal kindness each of us has received from bim du bur the past four yean. Rcsolwd. That a committee of three be appointed sr the purpose of procuring and presenting to Dr. lackey some sudable testimonial m the name of the m plo ? ees of this Customhouse. Resolved, That a copy ot the foregoing preamble nd resolutions be tngrossed and transmitted to Dr. L G. Mackey, and that the samo be published in the lapers of this city. The committee procured from the jewelry estab? lishment of Me.-srs. William Carrington A Co. a very landsome gold double case Waltham watch and aassive chain. The cap of the watch bears the following inscrib? ion: Don. A. G. MACKEL Collector. From his friends, the Officers of tbe Customs, Charleston, S. C., March 12, 13G9. The engraving is a very beautiful specimen of the rtistic i-kill of Mr. William Fisher, of this city. Tcsterday, after the close of official businesj, Mr. !. H Groves, chairman ot the meeting, uot'?ed Dr. lackey of its action, and tbe Committee on Pre? en tatton, accompanied by nearly all the officials of he Customhouse, were introduced. Thc chairman t tl e committee, Mr. R. James, aft :n address larked by hieb qualities of appropriatottess and ioeerhy. presented to the Collector, in the name of be officers, the beautiful tribute of their respect and rlendship. Dr. Mackey responded in words both eloquent and oapres?dve, returning bis th mks l< thc officers, and louring them of his high appreciation of tho gilt, rbioh ho would both wear and cherish as lone an If? lasted. li US INES S XO TI CES. DOG LOST.-Sec advertisement. \7noEV?B picked up yesterday, in Qaeen trect, between Friend and Rutledge, a buu-.h of .?ys with the name of "Plumeau" on thc badge or ?ie ring, and a pair of gold glasses, will please leave icm at l ae NEWS OFFICE. CAROO SALE OF SCOAB?.-Messrs. Street ros. .V Co. will sell, ou Brown's South Wharf, at 12 'clock to-day, the cirgo of thc schooner Ranger, ?om Mayagucz, consisting of Porto Rico sugar and lO&SMS. FAMILIES TBAVELLING may secure elegant ? altos of rooms, by telegraph, at thc American louse. Uoston, with every couvculencc for comfort r luxury. Messrs. Rice have won an enviable repu mon as landlords. * -o MULES, HOBSES AND A BLOODED STALLION, j lessrs. Ro?mos k Macbeth will sell to day, at ll i 'clock, at West's Stables, Queen-street, corner of 1 friend, a lot of horses and muli s. aud a Canadian 1 '.allion. which origiually cost SC50 in gold. -3 CUBA SUOAB AND MOLASSES.-Messrs. W. Y. jtitch k li. S. Bruns will sell at ll A. M. lo-djy, ai ucommodatiou wharf, for Messrs. Risley k Creigh- I on, the cargo of tue schooner Mary A. Holt, from j aatanzas, consisting of Cuba sugar and new crop ; anisases. Cniloring, (Cte N KW FASHIONS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. MENKE & MULLER. MERCHANT TAILORS, ASD I'D AL E.Ko IS Ready Made Clothing, SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN, MEX AND EOYS. MEN'S FURNISHING ??O?I>S, ?kc, No. 325 King-street, OPPOSITE sOCIETY-STREET. WE TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORMING OUR patrons and the pi'blic generally that we have just opened a taree and wt ll assorted stock of CLOTH? ING, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, fte., for thc Sprit g and bummer, at the above stand, consisting of Busiuess and Dress Suits, all sizes aud qualities of ?birts and Underwear (?ooo?, fee.; all sizes and qualities of English and Domestic Hali Hose ; all sizes and qualities of Silk and Lisio I bread Cloves; all sizes aud styles ol Linen and Paper Collars ; all sizes and styles ot Cravat?. Neck Ties, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Umbrellas, &c; also, a large and well assorted stock of Broadcloths, Cassi meres, Doeskins, Coatings, Vestings, kc, which we offer to sell by piece, yard or pattern; or makeup into Gnrtneut6, by measure, in any shape or style, according to order, at the shortest notice. Our Stock has been selected with great care, and we are confident that we con compete with any other bouse in this city. We invite sn examination of our Stock, and bespeak a Bbare of the public patronage. MEVKE & MULLER. March 27 /inannol. CITY STOCK ! CITY STOCK ! WANTED. ALSO. BANK BILLS UF ALL KINDS, AND highest price paid hy ANDREW M. MOB ELAND. March 2t> No. 8 Broad-Btreet. BANK BILLS! BANK BILLS! OF ALL KINDS WANTED, AND H?GBE5T price paid by ANDREW M. MORELAND, March No. 8 Broad-street. B (Breob, dLonfetioneii), (Etc. K E V L> : JJ R E A DI SUPERIOR WHEAT AND RYE BREAD CAN BE furnished at the RUT LEDGE-STREET BAKERY, north of Bull-street, or delivered to families in any portion of 'be city. BUNS, delicious MUFFINS. WIGS and ROLLS can be had every cay at the Bakery. March 17 wsl* ^Hillinern (?oo&s, f?te. SPRING- OPENING-. MRS. M. J. ZERNOW RESPEC1FULLY invites the attention of customers and the ladies in general to a j large and varied as? sortment of MILLI? NERY GOODS, including DRESS TRIMMINGS, aud Madame DEttOBEST'S PAPER PATTERNS. DR.^SS MAKING attended to as usual. No. 3 01 KING-STREET. March 2i> ^liar^inrrij, (fitotings, (Cte. JOHN F. TA Y LOR & CO." SUCCESSORS TO CAMERUN di CO.. Engineers, Boilermakers, &c Nos. 4, 6 and 8 FRITCUARD-STREE1, (tiEAU THE DEY DOCE), Charleston, S. C. STEA ll ENGINES AND BOILERS-MARINE, STATIONERY AND PORTABLE. RICE THRESHERS AND MILLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SHAFTING, PULLEYS AND GEARING, IROS FRONTS FOR BUILDINGS, CASTINGS OF EVERY KIND IN IRON 0? BRASS. Weguarantoe to furnish ENGINES and BOILERS of as g'-oJ quality and power, and atas low rates as can be bad iu New York, Baltimore or Philadelphia. AGENTS FOE Ashcroft^ Low-water Detector, THE ONLY PERFECT SECURITY AGAINST DAMAGE FROM LOW WATER BS THE BOILER. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Fe'iruary 1 nao Solos "iy?EETIN G-S'f R E ET I'OUADR Y. THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW FURNISHING THE IMPROVED MCCARTHY COTTON GIN, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, of various sues on baud IMPROVED VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL CORN MILLS, SUGAR MILL?, SUGAR BOILERS AND PANS, ol al! giZCS HORSE POWERS AND GIN GEARING, irom C tc 10 feel in diameter IMPROVED LEVER COTTON PRESSES tor Hand power, Saw and Rice Mills MACHINERY AND CASTINGS of all do>. ,n* made to order Particular attention pal.I o HOUSE FRONTS AND CASTINGS FOR BUILD? INGS, GRATINGS, CISTERN COVERS, SASH WEIGHTS, ?c., dr, WILLIAM S. HENEREY, If A CEI N ISl A ND F O U TS D ER No. UH MEETING-STREET, C'HAIILEST.IN, R. C. Ancttst 3 mws J ^iiritulturnl. PEELER COTTON SEED. i SMALL QUANUIY OF THE CELEBRATED j\_ PEELER COTTON ??EED, received irom New , jrleans, lett on hand. Cotton from this seed com ' ninds in toe New Orloaus market 9 to "2 cent? a sound above quota'ious, for the common varieties it cotton. For sale by SHACKELFORD 4; KELLY, Cotton Factors, No. 1 Boyce's Wharf. March 25 nae tbsi EXCELSIOR COTTON SEED. THE GENUINE iSCELSIOR SEA ISLAND SEED, the Cotton oi which sold in this market at Ono Dollar and Forty Cents per pound ($1 40), tor sale in ots to suit purchasers, by WM. GURNEY, March 1 Imo No. 102 East Bay. Pasm?is (Carts. . Q?AKLESTON AGFICDLTtKAL WAREHOUSE AND SEED STORE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, GARDEN SEEDS, d-c. GEO. E. PINGRKE, No. 140 Meeting-street, Charleston. Marja 2i_gmo JAMES A . UV FF V 5, No. 9 STATE-STREET, OFFERS BT* SERVICES TO THE PUBLIC AS a GEN EBAL AGENT for the COLLEC110X OF Rf-NTs. ACCOUNTS, BUYING AND SELLING OF RE AL AND PEKSONAL PROPERTY, anrl any other Commission Business that may bc entrusted to bis caro. He will be prompt in the discharge of duties, and will endeavor to thc best of hie ability to give 6atisfac?iom_ March 12 JOHN U . ALEXANDER., ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY PUBLIC AND GENERAL AGENT, No. 10 Brond-atrcct. RESPECTFULLY SOLICI1S BJSINESS IN AD. JUSTING ACCOUNTS ol Merchants and others, and in WRITING UP AND PONTING their BOOKS, either in part or -?h'-le. kc._January 9 J M P O R TE R S O y TEAS, WINES. BRANDIED, ftc,, And Dealers in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. r90(P CoR.20T STREET . N. Y. WM. S. CORWIN 4 CO. .OS-Goods delivered to all parts ot the City. October 24_ SOUTHERN STENCIL MANUFACTORY E. H. RODGERS MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN STENCIL STOCK AND DIES, STEEL LETTERS AND STAMPS CHECKS AND TAOS BRASS AND GURMAN SILVER KEV. RINGS, CHAINS, ?fee. IMIAiRKIILSrGr 11ST IBIS BY TOE GALLON OR BARREL. AGENT FOR HULL'S PATENT HAND STAMPS SEAL PKESSES BRANDING IRONS, dtC. No. 129 EAST BAY-STRERT, CHARLESTON, S. C. ?5- Call and examine specimens. January 16 Snios JTDLMES Ai MACBETH, No. 3 6 Broad-street.', Charleston, 6. C., BROKERS, AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE AND G KN Kit AL COMMISSION AGENTS. Will atttoad to Renting and Collecting of Bents and purchase and sale of a: oe ks, Bonds, Gold, Silver and Real E?tate. ALSO, To the Purchase of Goods and Supplies for parties tn the country upon reasonable terms. GEOBOE L. HOLMES.AAEXAMDEB MACBETH. OFFICE No OPPOSITE IIASEL-STREET. January 27 T? BUSINESS MEN THE SUMTER NEWS, PUBLISHER AT SUMTER, S. C., IS ONE OF THE BEST PAPERS IN THE ?P COUNTBY; has a larne circulation, and affords su? perior advantages as an advertising medium. Terms Ww. Adores DARR k OsTEEN, February 22_Proprietors. JAKES ENOX....,.JOU.V oin KIN'OX & GILI, COTTON FACTORS AUS GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 125 SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE, Consignments of COTTON, RICE, (fe, respect, fully solicited, and liberal advances m?de thereon. Orders for COltN and BACON promptly ex?cut?e? with caro and attention. A"?-il 27 l2mos? g HA VING AND HAIR-CUTTING, BY W. E. MARSHALL, AT THE BROAD-STREET BARBER SALOON, No. 81 (Ur STAIRS), December 8 DB??GS CHEMICALS PATENT MEDICINES PERFUMERY FANCY UOOD.S PAINTS clLS SL?CES, &C. IV BOLES ALE AND RETAIL. DR. H. BA ER, [LATE E. II. KELLERS cv CO,) .Yu. 131 MEETIXG-STEEEr, NEAR MARKET, DAS ALWAYS ON HAND, AND WILL SELL AT TL. LOWES'! MARKET RATES : HOSI E O ER'S BITTERS PLANTATION BITTERS HUFELAND'S GERMAN BITTERS STOUGIliOX BIT FERS WINE BITTERS IODIDE POTASSIUM BROMIDE POTASSIUM CHLOROFORM *? ETHER QUININE MORPHINE, otc. ?YETS PREPARATIONS JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE, EXPECTORANT, PILLS, kc OAS-WAY'S MEDICINES HELMBOLD'S BUCHTJ WRIGHT'S ELIXIR PAINKILLER VERMIFUGE DEAD fcHOT, &c. BALL'S SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER CHEVALIER'S LIFE FOR THE HAIR LYON'S KATBALUON BARRY'S TRICOPHEROUS CH ALF AN I'S COCOA CREAM, &c. NO CURR! NO PAY! FORREST'S JUMPER TAR. H. B A E R, No. 131 MEETING-STREET. March 12 1 /frtilijcrn. PACIFIC GUANO. OA '-?ONS ? SAUDI'S" SOLUBLE PACIFIC ?i\J GUANO. For sale by GBAESER A- SMITH. March 27 1_North Atlan'ie Wharf. LAND PLASTER. QAM BARBELS GENUINE GYPSUM OR LAND Of*' PLASTE* (334 lbs. each), six barrels to the ton. expected to arrive daily per schooner Scud. Orders rt ceived at lowest rates by Mai ch 24 OLNEY A-CO To Farmers and Planters. Z E L L'S AUTOMATED BOSE SUPERPHOSPHATE, FOR COTTON, TOBACCO. CORN, OATS, WHEAT, Rye, Potatoes. Turnips,Grass, AC. Permanently improve - the soil. Quick and active as Peruvian Guano. For this valuable FERTILIZER we only ask a trial side by Fide with any in thc market, to at? test its snpeiioriiy. P. ZELL k SONS. No. 39 South-street, Baltimore, Maryland. For sale on accommodating terms -oash or credit by SCRKVKS cv NISBET, Accommo lotion Wharf, Charleston, South Carolina. March 13 f tu th "GUANO!" No. 1 PERU VIAN. SARDY'S "SOLUBLE PHOSPHO-PERUVIAN." BARDY'S "AMMONIATED SOLUBLE PACIFIC, ALSO, HIGHEST GRADES PUKE PHOSPHA TIC (?VANOS AND GIIUIWD LAND PLASTER. THE USE OF THE ABOVE SOLUBLE PHOSPHO PERUVIAN and Ammoniated Soluble Pacific Guanos is particularly recommended, being com? poned.- of the richest Pacific Pho.-phatic Guano, rendered solublo; the former containing twenty per cent, of Peruvian Guano, und (be latter highly am? moniated with animal matter-masing the most concentrated and profitable fertilizers in nee for cot? ton, corn, wheat ond Tobacco, For salo in baas and b?rrela, tn quantiea to suit. Testimonials from those who have used thc above wiU be turni- ed on application. GUAESEK, LEE, SMITH & CU., General Agents at Charleston. ?Feed your Land and it will Feed Yon/' December 24 oso thstu4mo THE LODI ??K?FiCT?BI?e CO. (ESTABLISHED 1840.) INVITE PLANTERS AND FARMERS TO PEND for a pamphlot descriptive of their FertfUzers. Woofler our DOUBLE REFINED P.JUDBETTE. equal to tho best Superphosphate, at tho low price ur $25 per ton. Ibis Company also make a supe? rior article of Nitrophcspbate and pure Bone Dust. See testimonials: E. M. Tono, Smithfield, Va., says whero he ufcd th?! Double Refined Poudrette on corn it doubled the yield. WILUMIS BBOS.. Dover, Del., says it gave Uieir rhubarb andtomaloo-'a vigorous growth, ripening the latter two weeks earner. P. W. HUTCHISON-, Sr, near Cherokee, Ga., says it nearly doubled his yield of cotton. Hon. ELI S. SHOUTED, Eufaula, Ala., says his cot? ton was fully equal to adjoining ticlds manured with the bost Superphosphates. S. MosTOOMEnv, Ellaville, Ga., says it increased his crop ot cotton IOU tbs per acre. G. S. OOLESBY, Marietta, Ga., use I it on corn and cotton and say? it more than doubled thc yield. Be regard" it the cheapest and most reliable Fertilizer within hts knowledge. Ei-Govtrnor !>MITH, Warrenton, Va., tried it with three several crops the last and present years, and says: "I pronounce it with confidence a most valua? ble manure." Ibo ?^?rintcndent of Genera! W. R, cos, p0lk Island Plantation, N. C., says: "I think thc Poudrette used for corn cannot be surpassed; used lt also on cotton which produced a large yield. Dr. E. M. PENULETON, Sparta, Ga., says: "The Nitrophosphats of Lime, used on cotton made 248 per cent, the first year. Professor GEOHGE H. Cooa, of thc New Jersey State Agricultural College, at New Brunswick, says: "the Double Refined Poudrette and Nltrophosphate of Limo paid us tull 100 per cent, above their mar? ket value in the increase of crops this^ycar." Box 3UO~New York Postofflcc. Office No. 60 Court? lands* tr??ct. J. A. ENSLOW & CO. CHARLESTON, AGENTS FOR THE COMPANY. January 14 thstu3moe PA?APSCO^ GUANO. Letter from James Pagan. CHESTER, Sorra CAB*LIKA, January 6, 1869. Dear Sir-I hire jost received a communication from Geo. W. Grafflin, Esq., Treasurer of Patapsco Guano Company, requesting my opinion of the "PA? TAPSCO," to be sent direct to yon-which I take pleasure in doing, as I tinoerely believe that it is the best fertilizer now in use. I have tested ita merits fully, and find those who have used lt alongside of other popular fertilizers, do net hesitate to give it the preference; lhere are aa many kinds in use here as there are morcbants wno deal in it. No two houses recommend the Rame kind, but during the last season I had a good opportunity of Introducing the "PATAPSCO" GUANO to some extent. I gave to ten (10) different planters COO pounds Or/Alto to put each on one acre of land, and agreed to take part of the product for pay. They all succeeded well. I got nearly 100 per cent profit from the ten acres, and the planters arc satisfied that they got 50 to 100 per cent, more than they could have expected on thc samo land without the GUAMO. I also sold email quantities to some twenty or thirty planters, who tried it on all sorts of land. Seme of them certify to wonderful results, and every ono of them have engaged to take more for thu cowing season. I expect to sell ten times the amount which waa taken last season. I began in 1807, and have not hoard ouo man say it did not over-pay him for his outlay. In some re? spects lt must be supciior to the Peruvian Guauo. For instance, you eau mix the seed with tho PATAPS? CO, and thc Peruvian must be oovcred before plant ing. The "PATAPSCO" acts at once upon thc sprouts, as soon as it comes from the seed and makes it start right od growing, and prevents thc sickly stage whieh cotton, without the stimulus, has to go through-you know this. For two or three weeks the cotton plant is in a condition which is so pre? carious that no planter can say that bc has a certain stand 1 believe tho "PATAPSCO" secures a better and more healthy staud than can be had by tho ap? plication of any other fertilizer. 1 speak from ex? periments made for two years. I have p lau ted a lit? tle cotton for thu purpose ol watching thc result, and am Stirj that rolling the seod in PATAPSCO QOAXU v.-iJl secure au carly aud healthy ilaud of cot? ton, which is like gutting a good start ia any kiuu ot race. I would recommend 25.) to 30t) pounds to the acre. I malo GOO pounds lint from one acre by planting Otu pounds ol "PATAPSCO," whieh tn.ido 200 pouuds tho year bciore without it, and the s.'a.-ou of 1807 was better for colic u than 1863. The sanie field on the par! uot fertilized made more iu lt>67 than iu 'C?. I Iiilns it wotil : pay best, howev-r, for about OOO pounds to the awe. Respectfully, ( Sipued ) JAMES PAG AN. For farther Information, apply to COURTES/t Y it TREN HOLM, General ALonts, Uuioa Wharf, February 13 si; charleston, S. C. C. J. B'CHLKl'EtiRULt., Xb. 37 L12?ESXRBET, BETWEEN KING AND ST. PHILIP. LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ANL RUILIUNO MATERIAL, LIME and PIASTER NC LATHS, PAINTS. OILS, GLAS>E>, SHI NGLES; i?o CROOVE AND TONGUE BOARDS, kc, con ?tanti; on baud ..i the lowest market urices. SeptemberT? mthsivr V ll<? M 4 To 350 horse power inc nding the ceteorsteJ Corliss LUI-O? Engines, slide Valvo Sta? tion?re Engines Portable Eng i i cs, ic. Also. Circu? lar Mutay and Gang saw Mills, Suuar Cane Mils, shading Pulleys, Ac. Litih and shingle Mills. Wheat and Corn Mills, Circu:ar paws. Bellini;, fcc Send lor descriptive Circular und Price List. WOOD & MANN SIEAM ENGINE CO., February 13 " Cmos Utica, New Y< rfc 2 ?nd\m Snits. Lot Fine Mules, One Blooded Stallion, One Mare and Yearling Colt. BT HOLMES & MACBEtH". A ucl io ii rc rn. Will bo sold THIS DAY, the *>7th March, at ll o'clock, at Mr. P. West's stables, Queen-street be tween Friend and Mazyck, A 6ne lot MULES and HORSES; some of the Mules arc nnbroke. The above arc sold to eiose out a concern. Terms ca-h. Ma-ch 27 Valuable Real Estate at Auction. BT LOWNDES & G RIM BALL. By virtue of an order of sale, to me directed by the Hon. George s. Hryan. Judge ol the United States District Court, for the District of South carolina. I will offer for sale at Public Auction, at the Old Postwfflce, Charleston, S. C., on TUESDAY, April 6,1869. itU o'clock, A. M.. All that LOT OF LAND, with Buildings thereon, in tho City of Charleston, State aforesai I, situated ana being on Spring street, south side, known ss No.. 87, near Rutledge Avenue, measuring ?fty-five (55) feet iront, by one hundred and seventy-five (175) feet deep, be the same more or lese. The House has four square rooms, two attics, dressing room and pantry, slate roof, double piazza, all tn good order, having been painted and repaired since the war ended. On thc premises are a large cistern and commodious outbuildings. Term-One-half cash in gold, and (he remaining one-half on a credit of one year; purchaser to give bend for such credit portion, beartng interest from day of sale, and payable in gold, secured by a mort? gage of the promises, with a covenant for insurance and assignment of policy, and for resale in case oi breach of condition of bond, and to pav for papers and stamps. G. HERBERT HASS, Assignee of Evaus ic Cogswell. .March 13_>ihl8.20,2J,25,t!7,30.Apl,3,6 THE STATIC OF SOUTH CAROLINA GREENVILLE COUNIY.-IN CHANCERY. Wyman, Byrd $ Co., vs. Grady ? Hawthorn. Bill to Foreclose Mortgage, ?rc. By virtue of the decretal order of his Honor. Judge James L. Orr, made in the above case, I will sell to the highest bidder at Greenville Courthouse, on MONDAY, the 5th of April next. The PREMISES described in the pleadings, viz: All that PIECE, PARCEL AND TRACT OF LAND, situated in the County of Greenville, seven miles from the Coutbouve and six irom the Greenville Railroad Depot, lying on both sides of Reedy River, containing four hundred and ninety-nine acres, more or less, in a high state of cultivation Upon thc place is locate I the veil known Cotton and Wool Factory of the defenda i ts. The Cotton Factory is in lull operation, with some nine hundred and fifty spindles and twent -four looms; the Wool Factory with one hundred and twetty mule spindles, ls also m good order and successful ope*ation. On the premises are a good Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills, with blacksmith ?hop-two confortable dwelling bouses and several small framed houses for the operatives, with a nice brick church. The water power at all seasons ls sufficient to drive three times the amount of micbinerv now in operation. The country is remarkably healthy, with a climate un? surpassed in the United States, with a sober, indus trims and energetic population. Wooded lands ad? jacent well timbered, can be purchased at reasona? ble prices. Ttils is the best ooportunlty for an in? vestment to capitalists that ha's been offered in the up-country since the war. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. W. A. MCDANIEL, C. C. C. Clerk's Office, February 2d, 1869. March 6 sw8 lailbiiifl JBattrialij_?tc. '1T????"S?S?"BLIND AND DOOR FACTORY. L. E. CORDRAY & CO. No. 2 FR1TCIIARB-STREET, OPPOSTTE J. F. TAYLOR & CO.'3 MAOHINE SHOPS. SASHES, GLAZED AND UNGLAZED, alwaj3 on hand . _ PANEL DOORS, HOT EO?8E SASHES, MOULDINGS, ?cc., made np at ?hort no? tice, and at the lowest terms. L. E. CORDRAY. March 23 ,..C. A. TRO?CHE 3mo Shirts an) /Misting ffiocis. "THE Proprietor of the Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Emporium, Meeting-street, near Market, desirous of bringing the famous STAR Shirts into general use, and believing that it is only necessary for gentlemen to wear these SHIRTS once to be well pleased with them, will hereafter of? fer them to his customers AND the public generally at cost prices. His stock ot Neck Ties, Scarfs and COLLARS will also be sold at such prioas os to defy competi? tion, and if satisfaction is not GIVEN he will return the money. His charges arc so rea? sonable as almost to make buyers believe thc articles arc given AWAY He is prepared to mike Shirts to order with the utmost dispatch; and bis assorlment of ready-made Shirts is so tull that buyers eau befitted at a mo? ment's notice. For proof of these statements cali AT SCOTT'S Star Shirt and Furnishing Goods Emporium, Meoting-street, nearly opposite Maiket Hall. January 1 Cmos Stouts. M. L. FILLE Y'S ''clobratcd Cooking Stoves, " : ? >lPi. ? : .?PHILANTHROPIST'' AND "CIVILIAN,' Manufactured at Troy, N. Y" and for sale by P. L. FULLERTON, AUGUSTA, OA. T?ESE STOVES STAND UNRIVALLED FOB capacity, durability, conveniences and the gen? eral pulposo- to which < ooittuyStoves are used. the PHILANTHROPIC is eitrahcavj plated, and bas Mb Drawer; can be mad- into a six holler hole ?tove ; has ca?t iron Wirer Tank galvanized, or snamel linea. A strictly first-class Stove. The CIVILIAN is o?a neat design, and bas afine large Oven. Inls Stove eau be had with th? extension Dark, six holes, aud reservoir when desired For iurther information apply to D. L. FULLERTON, January 30 ?mos Augusta, Ga. Jluftirjn Salts. Grocery Sugars and New Crop Molasse*. W. Y. LEITCH & K. S. BRUNS. Auctioneers. We will sell by auction. THIS DAY, the 27th inst,, at ll o'clock, at Accommodation Wharf, CARGO per schooner Mary A. Bolt, from Matanzas, ss follows: 48 hilde. San Sebastian > Good, 12 bhds. Confianza \ Choice and SO bbds. Recurso , Fxtra 75 boxes Dos Felices J QROCEBY SUGARS 69 .bbds. choice new crop Muscovado Molasses 6 tcp. choice new crop Muscovado Molasses 89 bhds new crop Clayed Molt s-e3 14 tes. new crop Clayed Molasses SO bhds. Cuba Molasses. Torms of sale-Amounts under $500, cash; $000 to $1000, Alteon days; $1000 and upwards, thirty days, with approved eley acceptance. ? RISLEY ii CREIGHTON, Importers, Accommodation Wharf. March 27 New Crop Porto Rico Sugar and Molasses. BY STREET BROTHERS & CO. THIS DAY, tho 27th instant, at 13 o'clock H., will be sold at auction on Brown b Co.'a South, Wharf, THE CARGO OF THE SCHOONER BANGER. FROM MAYAGCEZ, P. E , CONSISTING or: 81 hhcfl. 1 Choice New Crop Porto Rico 220 bblB. f SUGAB. 40 Puncheons Choice New Crop Porto Rico Molasses, equal in quality to New Or. leans: Conditions ot Sale-Sums under $500 cash; $500 to $1000, fifteen days ; $1000 and upwards, thirty day s for approved indorsed notes._March 87 Large Building Lot, Calhoun-itreet. - BI R, M. MARSHALL & BRO. On THUR-?DAY *rrll ls?, at ll o'clock, will be sold, at the Old Postoffice, 1 hat LARGE LOT OF LAND in Calhoun-street, opposite East Bay, measuring 131K by 224 feet, with, the two email Dwellings thereon Terms-One-half cash; bslance in one and two years, secured by mortgage, with Interest a ami-An? nually. Purchaser to pay us lor papers and stamps, March 25_thain 4 Residence No, 98 Traddstreet, near Legare street. BY R. M. MARSHALL & BRO? On THUB9DAY, April 1st. at ll o'clock, wu! bo sold, at the Old PostofHoe, The above DWELLING, a western tenement of rix rooms, pantry, drossle g room, cistern and out? buildings. The lot high and dry, measures 80 by 276 feet. Terms-Half cash ; balance ia ons ?nd two years, secured by mortgage, with interest semi-annually, buddings to be insured and policy assigned. Pur? chaser to pay us for paper* and stamps. March 25 tba ta* ^Inctiuneets' funk $alu. BY R. M. MARSHALL & BRO. At Private Pale The FARM known as "Cool Blow," on Meeting street Road, about a hall mlle above Line-street, containing 5>? acres, with a Dwelling and out bond? ings. ALSO, The two story RESIDENCE. No. 59 Tradd-Btreet, west of Meering. If not disposed of at private sato this property will be sold at auction in the tall. March 25_tha2. Tut Story Dwelling and Brick Outbuildings, situate on the south side of Tradd street, the third door west from King street; being sold for division, will sell low for cash. BY WILBUR & SON. At Private Pale MEETING-STREET BUILDING LOT, formerly on which stood Charleston Savings Bank. Lot 23 feet 7 inches by 169 icet in depth. Apply to No. 69 BROAD-STREET, for full partiou lars. 6 9Iarch3i LOS BOX ARD PARIS EXPOSITIONS. PEIZ? THE GEORGE A. CLARK'S O. N. T>. SIX COKO, SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. This favorite Thread being Six Oord to No, 80, purely Soft Finish, ia recommended for ita great superiority for Hand and Machine Sew? ing. FOR SALE BY THE Principal Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods and Notion Dealers. February 27 Smo AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. THE R EP C T ATI Oil this excellent medicine en jovs, is derived from its cures, many of which aro truly marvellous. Invete? rate cases of Scrofulous disease, where the system seemed saturated with corrup ion, bave been po? liced and cured by it Scrofulous affections and disorders, which were ag? grava1 ed by the scrofu? lous contamination until theywero painfully affilctiog, have been radically cured in such great number* in alrnt it every section of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or use?. Scrofulous poison is ooe of the most destructive enemies of our race. ORcn this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism Undermines the constitution, an i Invites the attack ot enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again. it seem, to breed infection torousb toe body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develops into one or other ol its hideous forma, either jin tba surface or muong the vitals. In tbc latter, tubercles may bo i-uddcnly deposited in tho lungs or heart, OE tumor? formed in inn liver, or it shows lt* presence by eruptions on thc skin, or loul ulcerations on some, part of thc body. Hence the occasional nae of a bottle of this SARAPARILLA is a J vi sable, even, when no cc li ve symptoms of disease appear. Per? sons amicie 1 with'the following com plaints generally find inin edlate relief, and, ut length, cure, by the use ot this SARSAPARILLA: st. Anthon?'s Fire, Rose or Erysipelas. Tetter, tait Rheum, Scald Head, Ring Worm, -ore 1 yes. Sore Ears, and other erup? tions i r visible forms ot Scrofulous di?oase. Also, ni the more concealed te-rms, us Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Heart Di-eu-e, Fits, Epilepsy, Neuralgia and the va? rious ulcerous affections ol the muscular and ner? vous tust? ms. t-yiibiits or Venereal ind Mercurial Diseases are cured by lt, idough a long time required for sub? duing these obst.uate mahdi s by any medicine, i'.ut lou j continued us- of this medicine wUlcure tho complaint. Loucorri.cei or Whites, Uterine Ul c talion*and Female ai-eus?*, are commonly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its purifying and tnvlgjrating < ff ct. Minute Directions for each ease sre lound in our Almanac, sup-lied gratis. Rheu? matism anil G nt, when rans il by n^cuinulaiions of ix'ran?ons matters in fie bloo I. yield quickly to it, asaisoLiver o mut lints. Torpidity. Congestion or lufliiiiiuaiionof the LITST and Jana'iee. wh-u aris? ing, as they oflea do. t om thu rankling puisons m thc b oo.l 'Ibis S.tHt-P.Vi II L\ I? a great restorer for the strength and viuorof tuc sjsteni. lhose who are Laueui i and Listle s, Despondent, Meepl-ss and troub'ed ?iii: Nervous Apprehensions or Fears, oraiyotllio affections symptomatic of Weakness, will Hud luitucdiato relief au i convincing evidence o'its lestorativo powirupon trial. PREPAREE DT Dr. J. C. AY lilt ? C?" Lowell, Mass., Plfe'liral and Analytical Chemists. Sold at Wholesale by DO ft'I h .t MOI-E. Charleston, South Carolina, And by Retail Druggists everywhere. ~"ircb2? Die thstu3mo? yyiLLLs at cn iso LAL rACTOIiS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS aim SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTFNU TO THE PUBOHASE, 8ALE AND 5 HIP VENT ito Foreign and Domestic Porta) ot COTTON, RICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES ATLANTIC WHARF. Charleston, 8. 0. K. WILLIS.A. B. OHI80LM, October 25