THE DAILY NEWS. gS- LAU ?EST Cl KCULATION.-THE DAILY NEWS USING THE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED AS HAVING THE LARGEST CTE C CI LAT ION IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN? ING IS I'dZ POSTOFFICE AT THE END OE LAC!! WEES. ACCORDING IO THE PROVIS? IONS OF THE NEW POSTOFFICE LAW. LOCAL MATTERS. AUCTION SALES THIS DAY. JOHN i. MOMOB A- Co. will sell at 10 o'clock, at the Mills uousa balance cf fuuituro. J. A. I-NaLowi: Co. will sell at ll o'clock, at Pal? metto Wharf ttorcs, one hundred bands damaged flour. JEFFORDS & Co. will sell at 10 o'clock, at the corner of Amhets. and Nassau street?, contents of a grocery store. , . ... HOLMES k MACBETH will sell at ll o'clock, at the old Potitofhce, a valuable lot of land. CAMP:IELI., KNOX k Co. will sell at half past 9 o'clock, at tlieir auction house, Hasel-'treot, furni? ture, kc. ; and at 10 o'clock, mUlinerv goods. MILES DHAH^ will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, corner King and Liberty streets, boots, shoes and hats. THE DAILY NEWS PRICE CURRENT AND COM? MERCIAL CIRCULAR wQl be ready for delivery at our counting room at nine o'clock this morning. Single copies Ave cents. Orders for ten copies and over will be filed at .the rate of two and a half cents per copy. _i_ MILLS HOUSE SALE.-The sale will be con? tinued this morning. THE URSULINE .FAIR which has just closed in Columl ia notted $551. SALE OF IMPORTED WARE.-The sale ol Eng? lish silver-plated ware and crockery yesterday went off at lair prices. ON DOT.-A Northern capitalist tried to treat for tho Mills Hou?e some days ago, but failed. Tie houso will probably ba closed for the season. FREEDMEN'S BUREAU.-The bureau will be ?i8con'iaued after the 31st instant in all ita branches excepting the educational department. DELINQUENT TAX-PATERS.-Tho sheriff will have a batch of unpaid returns placed in his hands on the 20th instant. Delinquents would do well to square accounts before that time. GENERAL TOM THUMB and wife, Commodore Nutt and \li3s Minnie Warren, the renowned dwarfs, are advertised to hold levees in Columbia on the 19th inst. THE MANDAMUS.-It is now understood that the hearing of the mandamus and quo warranta cases before the Supremo Court win positively toko place on Saturday, tho 19th inst. STEALING BRASS.-John Lewis was detected yesterday stealing brass from the South Carolina Railroad. He will be overhauled by the Mayor this mcrning. The brass has been recovered. SENTENCE AT MAYOR'S COURT.-Gaillard, the notorious fowl thief, was sentenced to aixty days' confinement yesterday by the Mayor after disclosing the whereabouts of the stolen property. THE BURGLAR CHAPMAN.-This consummate housebreaker was committed to jail yesterday. Many . articles that he had stolen have been restored to the owners on identification. NEW STEAMER FOR THE EAGLE FIRE COM? PANY.-The new steamer daily expend by the Eagle Fire Company will he a "Bn.tion" engine, and Irom the famous build, r of that nam? at Waterford. He built the hand eugine now in use by the company. DISTINGUISHED ARRIVAL TN PROSPECT. General Tom Thumb will arrive in this city about the 21st inst,, and will receive our citizens at Hiber? nian Hall, which has been engaged fer the miniatura man for three days. INSPECTION OE TROOPS.-Colonel E. H. Bo? dington, of G ?ne ral Meade's stair, inspected the Sixth Infantry yesterday, and, we learn, found the regiment in Use discipline aud condition. Calenel L. ?Ill remain in tho city a few days, and then de? part West. TIMELY ASSISTANCE.--Josephus Middleton, a colored man ix the employ of Lauroy k Alexan? der, with the a sai staic ? of sams of his friends, suc . ceedeJ last Wolnesday night ia saving tho lit? of Mrs. W. McIntyre, residing in Cmaahtrland-etreet, - endangered by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. Jtlrs. McIntyre atone time was enveloped iu flames, . and but tor the finely assistance ef Middleton and his friends, she with her young child wauld ?ave ' been burnt to death. THE C.-RCUS_Dan Castello's mammoth pa? vilion was a^ain packe 1 to its utmost capacity last night, and the performance went off to the delight of everybody. The costumes are the rickett and luc?t gorgeous, the horses the mast knowing, thc -donkeys the most obstinate aud unruly, and the clowns by tar the clumsiest and funniest that Charleston has seen during the present season, lhere will bo two performances to-day, and to get good places it ia absolutely necessary to go early. STONE & MURRAY'S CIRCUS.-This, popular circus, vh'.ch is to exhibit hero Christmas week, is greatly praised by the proas elsewhere, not only for tho superior character of the performances, but for the refined manner in which they are given. The following from the Richmond Whig, of October "th, will convey to ike reader an idea of the excellence af ibis circu*: "The entertainments af Stoue i Mur? ray's Circus are exceedingly attractive, and are given by artistes ?rho havo no parallels in their epecialfies, and who evince a skill and daring that enchains the attention add fascinates tho mind. From what we have scan of thc ex'dbi tions of this circus, wa have no hesitation in pronouncing them far superior to any that have been given in Richmond since tho evacuation." BASE BALL-CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH. We learn that several members of the Forest City Base Boll Club express a desire that thc Alerts would play the long talked of "rubber," or third game of tho se-io-, in Savannah, Georgia, at Christ? mas, lt will bc remembered that the Forest City's Avon the nwt game in savannah, July 4th, while the Alerls carno off vic.or j in tho second in this city on thc 7th Soptembrr. Since that time steps have bein taken to brine about the third game, but without success. It is not too late, however, for the Forest City to act upon tho proposition submitted by the Alerts .sonic two mouth- since, and which was fair and honorable tor both parties, namely: To play tho gano cither in Savannah or Charleston, the ex? penses of thc visiting club being paid by tho other; or they (thc Alerts) will play them at Augusta, Geor? gia, or any point oqui-distant from thc two cities. HOTEL ARRIVALS.-Pavilion Hotel-Dccom ber 10.-WC Conie, City; W Bradford, Cooper River; Wm Priester, Angley Branch, S C; E L Jen? nings, Ga; JABiunton. BarcwrU; Mr DeFoniaine, wife, 2 children and nurse, City; P K Coburn, Sum? merville} N-d Davis, Agont; J R Collins, Gowders. viilc; G V/ Domar, Joesville; WK Elmore, Union; S P Jonen, Wbitinire's; J lt Winter, Union; J V Girrcit, Spartanburg: F Srhaff-r, Wndmalaw; C Washburn. Pon Pon; Jas Harper, Ja* E Cox, King? ston, S 0; John B Sc Ht and lady. Williamsburg; Dr J W Vim Dayton, Hilton Head : Mrs G W Water? man and 2 Children, Edi-to; J A Taylor, Pilbjboro', N C; John B Losing, Bear'd bluff. Charleston JI?M.- J W Swinton, New York; O Peck, New York; Edward L I lark, Philadelphia; R H Stevenson, Roslea; Edwird Cortes, Boston; George H. Ballier, Thonipsonvillc; Oliver Ed-s, Plymouth, Mass; Jvho. A Hathaway, Plymouth. Moss; J B L'.wrence, New York; T Brahe, New York; E V Paris. Boston; Mrs s Bi ice, Columbia; D Winfield and wife. New Jersey; H L Moulton, Phila? delphia; J G Guy, Philadelphia; B L Sch. li'oliu, wi.'o and daughter, New York; Bishop Yoting, Flori, da; Mrs Yening, Floridi; Misa Bainbridge, Florida; T A Taylor, Pittsboro', N C; T A ColcongU Pitts boro', N O; W T Taylor, -wile and child, Pittsboro', N C; L Hill and two daughters, Boston; Ucorv A EoldcD, Boston; J W Youltmeyer, Connecticut. FIGHTING ts THE MARKET.- Josoph R. Mor? gan and Thomas Croichficld had a' sot to" in the market yesterday, and pummelled each other a la Hccnan. LODGED FOB SAFEKEEPING.-James Ros3, Mike Dunc ia and Manuel Bradley we-e lodged at thc GuirdUouse, by a United States detective, f LEN TINE. Secretary and Treasurer. Kev. J. M. CH?MACE1RO, Hebrew Teacher. 3d. B. LEVY, Halhtoepor. Commute* rn Benevolence.-\. H. Abrahams. L. Weiskopf, Julius L. ie eses, D. Jacob?, Dr. George Prince. ARRIVAL OF THE BRITISH STEAMSHIP CA? MILLA-THE SECOND SHIP OF THE LIVERPOOL LINE. The British steamship Camilla, Captain Peace, ar ri"ed here yesterday afternoon from Ne* York, con? signed to Messrs. B. Mure k Co., who will imme? diately place ber on tho berth for Liverpool. The Camilla is a Qrst-clasa iron propeller ship, construct? ed hy Messrs. Palmer Brothers at Howden, on the Ty oe. in 1866, and has been generali. engaged in the trade botweon the Mediterranean Sea and British ports. She is 703 tons, about 215 feet in length, 28 feet beam, and 17 feet hold. Her capacity for cotton stowage will probably amount to about 2000 bales. The British sUamers eonstru. tod on th's plan have shown thomsO'Ves, after some years of thorough i rial, to be a ve-? reliable sea craft, their bulls and machinery prov lng excellent under all emergencies, while they make good passage a at a very economical j rate of expenditure. THE HOLIDAYS aro almost at hand-that joy? ous season of the year dedicated from tuno imme? morial to festivities, good feeling, and "thc giving of gifts." Now, moro than ever, are newspaper adver? tisements consulted by all classes to learn where 'he pleasant conditions of tho season can bo best filled, asd for the least expenditure of money. Thoso who desire te avail themselves of the brisk business thus created should therefore speedily, and in thc most public manner, raak? known the inducements they pro; OEC to heit out to secure it. Wo notd not point out that THE DAILY NEWS is the medium par ezcellenct tor communications of this ".haractor, for that fact is "known of all men;, but wo allude to tho subject in this way for thc bene? fit of all our readers-ssllers and buyers alike. In no branch of trade does the homely ada;e. "the ear? ly bird catches tho worm," apply with so much loree as to that of the holidays; for prudent and extensiv; purchasers always prefer to buy early, for the dou? ble reason that they can then select from tull stocks, and at the samo lime avoid the crowds that fill tho popular sources of supply at a later day. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET.-At an extensive tale of real estate by Mossrs. L*itob k Bruns, yes. terday, at the old Postoffice, the following prices were obtained: The two story wooden dwelliogr, No. 17 Doughty street, lot twenty-seven by forty feet, brought $690 cash. Tho lot at the northeast corner of Queen and Arch? dale streets, thirty-eight by one hundred, brought $059; one-third rash, balance io one aad 'wo u ars. Tho woodon grocary corner of LV.oghty aud Lucas streets, lot forty-eight by filty-e ight, brought $700 C3Sh. The fellowing sales for the Ma?tir in Equity were effected upon a basis of one-third or one-half cash : The three story brick bouse on tho weet tide of Meoting-stroet, lot fifty-four by two huudred and thirty-four, hounded by lands of (,'tii Mills, Mrs. Millar and Elizabeth Brailaford, for $500. The lot on the northeast corner of Aioxtnder and Chapel street?, ainety by twcnly-soven, and the lot adjoining on the north, twenty-five by one hundred and fifty-three, tor $1700. The lot corner of Princess and Archdale streets, twenty by si\ty-foar, for $1275. The lot on A rosdale-streot, adjoining thc above, twenty by seventy, for $350. A lot on the southern side ot Priuc?ss-strcet, thirty-nine by thirty-nine, for $700. A ?of, with building>, on the west tide of Tarey street, thirty-three by one hundred, for $1(|.".P. A lot on the east side of Laurol-slrcet, thirty-nino by one hundred, for $300. UNITED STATE? CIRCUIT COURT for South Carolina, November Term, 1869, Hon.[ George S. Bryan, District Judge, presiding, Columbia, Decem? ber 10. Court opened ot 10 o'clock A. M. The Judge continued calling the IH<-UC Docket, and assigned days tor trial of those cases in which parties were prepared. Inquiry Dodcet.- Phillips, Bliss k Co. vs. Donner, Bell ti Co. William Filiert, plaintiffs' attorney. Judye decreed damages at ?375 06 fur plaintiffs. In tho f. Rowing catos the jury rendered verdicts forplaintlusas ff Hows: D. S Wintbicnner vs. fl. C. Mark, fc". W. McMaster, plain iff s aitoruny. Ver? dict $542 90. Coffin, l eo A: Co. vs. Samuel Browu. John B. Moore, plaintiffs.' aitorncr Verdict $S?H 8 >. Issue Docket.-William F. Mooro vs. James C. Mc V?lmau and Burnard Ea-ly. simonton k Barker, plaintiff's att rneyi. Browstcr k Sprat;, defendants' attorneys. Verdict for plaintiff 5930 0i. Wi.ham D. Dickey V3. James Nesbit. Fullivan & Stokes, plaintiff's attorneys, l orry & Per.-y, delcc dant'ti attorneys. Vc:dict fur plaintiff $G\30? ?7, In Bankruplcf -lu re A. J. K T. J. Teag e. approved of appointment of Z. W. Carwilo as as? signee. la zo Moses Winstock, ex parte ll. B. Clalliu k Co. Melton & Mci uro, pro pot. ordere 1 that examin?? t-on of bankrupt bs had before this court oil i'm becember, lStlfl. Ex pane W. E. C'ary. Petition for final discharge Jones 4; Jones, pro pot. Upon favorable report o' Registrar -ummor, Judge ordered a certificate ol' discharge under seal of caurt. i'.x parto John G. Baker. Petition for final die charge. Asher D. Cohen, pro pct. Order of refer? ence to R. B. Carpenter, Registrar. Ex parte M. A. HuunlcuU. Petition to amend scheduie. Beed k brown, pro p-.t. Oa motion ot solicitors pro pe", petition graute J. lo rc lt.coard V Gist. Petition for final iliachargo. Jamos M. Baxter, pro pct. Order or reference to Re? gistrar Summer, Ac. Ex porte Isa io Herbert. Petition for fmal dis cha-ne. Order of reference to Registrar Summer aud fi aa] heiring to he hel? before this couit on 4'h January, 1869. In re William Summer, A. W. Sndcr, A. A. Pollock, William L. Leggett, Harris lt. I?nnteriiu, ox parte United State.) of America. Petition io establish pri? ority of u>ns. D. X. Corbin, pro pet, Actioa re servo 1. THE WEATHER ia getting cold, and we hav; reas n to know that thora is an alarming degree of distress among the more indigent portion of our community for tho want of hteL The Ladies'Fuel Society receive.'* diily calls for assls'aucc, whicTi on account of the depleted condition of its treasury, it cannot respond to, and it behooves those of oar people, whom Providence has blessed, in point of worldly goods, 11 see io it, thal this unselfish and piaiscworthy orgauiz dion should not fail of an ade? quate and steady Bupcrt Contributions in aid of the charity, wh'cb these pooi ladies have under? taken, oiay lc tent to the ordre of THE DAILY NEWS. _ THE FIRE AT CLAUSSEN'S MILLS.-AS yet nothiug is definitely known of fie origin <'.'> this es ten si ve coed gra'ion, whi h has destroyed so valu? able a property, and so mu.-b fine michinrry. 'lhere will b: au iuvesligaticn of the matter by M. H Na? than, Ec tho operations ol thc Bank of the State of South Carolina, will be funded in sums of$6C0 and SI OOO-Bonds being prepared only for su- h amounts. NILE-? G. PARK EB. Treasurer Stato of South Carolina. December 0 0 PRES MM ROOM, No. 3 BROAD-STREET, SECOND FLOUR, FRONT HALL. THE UNDERSIGNED, LN CONNECTION WITH their ADVERTISING AGENCY, have established a FREE HEAVING ROO?, Which will be open to Ihe public from NINE A. M. to SEVEN P. M. overy day. A large number of pap?is from all parta of tho Sonth, and many of tho leading Northern, Eistorn and Wc?tcru c'ties, will bc on file, and in a short time English aud French papers will bc received. WHITING MATER1AL3, fte., Will be at tho disposal of any persons wishicg to transact business in thc Room. Tho public are respectfully invited to make use of thc Room. WALKE lt, EVANS & COGSWELL. December 3 9 JIU POUTER. S OK TEAS,'WISES, BRANDIES. ?fcc, And Dealers in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. WM. 8. CORWIN k CO. ?g-Good* delivered to all parts of the City. 1 October 2, rpilE UNIVERSAL FAVORITE. JL SILENT Willcox ^jf?R ^\?T Sewing & Gibbs'rpJw[ \ Machine THIS MACHINE IS NOW RAPIDLY TAKING the place ot ali othera as a FAMILY SEWING MA? CHINE. Byan arr.ingoment milo during a late visit ti New York, I am enabled to take ordo: s for any first class KB WING or KNUITNG MA HINES, and dc.iver them here iu lou day?. Also, SEWING MACHINES with Buttonhole Attachment*, cir culara and Sam?les ol Searing sent ou application All kinds ot' Needles, Toola, ku. Repairing dono au usuoa.. U. C. SIAftKLTOY, 307 KING-STREET. November 4 wfm2mos GROVER & BAKER'S FAMILY SEW1XG IJCIIHS. THE VERY HIGHE-7 PRIZE-THE IMPERIAL Croi?n of tho Leeiea ol liono:-was confer.-e-i ui>ou th-, raoreaentattvo of .ho Gi.uVhB & Ita KU U SEWING MACHINES at tho Expiation Universelle, Paris, 12;;7. The S Ri KK; FAMILY SEWING MA? CEINEs aro Ht i only Mac?invs ihat c; u both s-.v perfectly and ?nibroider PortocUy. They sew willi dirert Lum th . *px>l, ai-.d ro |Uire no lv-wiu lin*. Unlike ot:i-=-r ?iuchiiie", lhe?o fasten boili cuds of the Hea:n by llicir ovii iteration. With iii ?ci Mochtm R, while silk i* u-vd unon the rijihi or I'.iL'O-sido ol llu semi, cotton m0 lo 75 coots. ALSO, V.r.) I) zen LIN KN D0?JLIE.S, Al T?iE LO VT PRI01- OP 80c PEU DOZI'.N. STOI..:.. "WBnre & ct?., Nos. ?S7 a J ?39 KI'.'G-STREET. Deco-nbcr 7 mwftj Q II l? A P FAMILY BLANKETS, JUST OPEN-ID AT S TC LL, W15BB A CO., Nos. 287 AND 239 KING-STREET. November 0 DRV GOODS ! DRY GOODS!! LOUIS 60HEN & CO., Mo. 248 King-street, WOULD RESPECTFULLY DRAW THE attention of thc public to their varied stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, J CJST RECEIVED, CONSISTING OF: IRISH POPLINS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, AL? PACAS, French Merinos, DoBages, M?langea, Clack and C ilored Silks, Bombazines, Boule? vard and Balmoial .Skirts, Chiuchilly Cloak? ing, Ladies' Cloaks and Sacques, and a very large assortment of KID GLOVES, of tho most celebrated brands, lor Ladies, Gent's and Chil? dren. Wa have also tho DUCHESS GLOVES for evening wear, of very line quality aud rea? sonable. FRINGES, GIMPS, VELVET AND DRESS BUTTONS, ot every color and stylo, with many other DItESS and UL.OAK Tit IMMINGS too numerous to mention. Our stock of Ladies' fashionable HATS, and TAFFETA and SATIN RIBBONS is very largo and well asserted. Wc have LOXGCLO i HS, Calisocs, Sheet? ing?. Ginghams, and all othor Cotton Gooda belonging to our linc at tho lowest market price. Wo call particular attention to our large stock of FLANNELS, in Opera, Welsh, Dornet and alt-Wool; also, a good stock cf BLAN? KETS, and Squire and Loni; Shawls. WOOL and COTION HOSIERY, of every prado and price, for Ladies, Gents, Boya and Misses. CLOI'HS. Caaaimcrcs, Doeskins, Satinets, Kentucky Jeaus, Kerseya and Vestings, for Men's and Bov's wear. Our ENTIRE STOCK has Leon bougnt at thc recent decline of prices for cash, and great bargains arc confidently guaranteed. A call w respectfully solicited. LOUIS COHEN & CO., No. ?48 KIXG-STKEET, BETWEEN BASEL AND MARKET STS. N Tomber 23 ?awllnio 4371 QIII5AP DU Y GOODS! CHEAP DRY GOODS! AT THE CORNER OF CALHOUN ANT) KING STREETS. WE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE RECEIVED, and are receiving, by every steamer, large lu voices of the CHEAPEST FALL GOODS which have over been offered in this market. City es well as country buy erf can Rave from fifteen to tweaty-live per cent, by buying thoir Goods from the above Arm. A lot of Dress Ooods, from 28 to 25 cents rcr yard Be-Rt li iib Poplin?, from 39 to 50 cents per yard Calicoes, at 10, 12>i and 15 coats per yard (best) Balmoral Skirts, from $125 up 8-i White Tablo Bamask, only il per yard Brown Linen Damask, only 08 cents por yard Worslod Table Cloths, from ?1 25 up A largo assortment ol Whiso and Colored Flannels at very low prices 800 pair of Blankets, bought twenty-five per cent. be. low cost, will bc sold from S3 up Colored Quilts, from $1 75 te S2 Waite Marseilles Quilts, 10-1,11-4, 12-1, from S2 50 te U Ladios' English Hose, without seams, from 37 to 50 cents Sati::ets, from 50 to 75 cents A laige qantny ol the la'csl style of Casslmores, from Si to M 50 Ladies' B.ock Broadcloth, from $2 to S3 50 A variety of Phaw.s, st ?2. $2 50, $3, S3 60. 51, and ?5 BrowD and White Shirlipj. at 10, 12% and 15 neats Also, fino branches of White Skirting at very low pri?es Ladies' and Gent's Uaderwoir at different pricos Gent's Soelts, from 10 np to 50 c:nts 'Die Best Preach Cornets, from 75 eents to SI The latest siylc of Felt a id Straw Hots Trimmings, Buttons, Ribbons. i.e., ut thc lowest cash prices. (ihoieo colors Empress fTolb. only 85c Sliepbord's Plaid from 20 to .'In-.nos from 5Ue up A lot of Ladies' Black Cloaks from i.1.00 np ladies and Men's Eui Gloves only $l.t.0 ?2T* Remember the CHEAP STORE, at tito CORNER OF CALHOUN AND KING STREETS. WE AL?0 NOTIFY OUR PATRONS AND THE public in general that we has-c built au addition to our store, exclusively fer BOOTS, SHOE-*, HATS, TR8NKS, kc , which will be ooid at thc lowest cash prices. Call and examino Stock. ff?~ ENTRANCE IN OALHOUX-STBEET. F Li:. CMG; OTT & KltO., No 137 KTNQ-STREET. September Cl SOM DRY GOODS! AT REDUCED 1? ii ICES FOE THE NEXT Till Ii Tl DAYS, PREVIOUS TO BEHOVING TO OUR SPA? CIOUS S ''ORES, >'o. 270 Hing and No. 67 Hasol strects, \\r\i WILL SELL 0"R ENTIRE STOCK, WHICH ll lHcotnyleto in every deiartm-.-ut, sod pur? chased for casu st tho e AUCTIONS AND SAXKKVPP .SA".MS IN Nr<;\v YORK, Kt ic^ Una ?o'. I east of maautaotur: o.- :u?po?-ia t?o?. Spoc'al atleution leeaTJrd lota, kivnlsc of INGRAIN A.y o it arca REITV CAR? PETING, Which wl'.l bs .;oM low ? elo.s? consignments. We rc.'-.eci?n?ty and confidently ii vite country merchants and our o-uu?ry and city blood* toex ctnliio our nicoli botare parshsaius elaowbere. A largo saving guaran.oed. M o Li O Y Ss RICE, So. 265 KI\'G-3TRKKT,OSK DOOR OS LOW IlASKb-STKElfiiT. Novamber IC Imo Milliner!) (?ooiis, &c. l^JISS R. A. MI KTLASD, No. 308 KING-STREET, WOULD BESPE'JT FUr.LY Inform the Ladies ihat ?he has opened a h&uddome assortment of FALL AND WINTER MILLINT?Y. ALSO. DRESS A\D CLOAK MAKING ATTENDED TO. October 21 wfln3mos /anri) (Saabs. mUlliET SETS, VASES AWD FANCY GOODS. A large and well selected assortment suitable for Bridal anti Cbristmas Presents, AT VERY MODERATE PRICES. FOB SALE BY WILLIAM G. WHILDEN & CO , No. 255 KING-STREET. November 30 mwf B READ THIS! THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF PERFUMERIES AND TOILET ARTICLES EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, COMPRIS INO ARTICLES MADE BY LUBIN, RI HENEL, COTJDRAY, CLEAVER, SOCIETE HYGIENIQUE, FARINA, EDE, AND OTHERS. Together with a full assjrtmout of Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes, C O M B S , ALL OF IEE BEST MANUFACTURE, IM? PORTED DIRECT, AND FOR SALE AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. The ladies are respectfully In vi led to call and ex? amine before purchasing elsewhere. C. P. PANKXIN, CHEMIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 183 Meetlng-strcst, November 13 fmw3mos Charleston. 6. C. (Dollin;] an) /arnisljing (toto. ESTABLISHED IN 1843. O. E. & A. S. JOHNSON, MANUFACTURERS OF Gent's Youths' and Freedmen's READY-MADE CLOTHING AT THE OLD STAND, No. 315 King-St., Opposite Soclety-St. WE ARE PREPARED FROM THIS DATE TO offtr our usual FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, of our own solcction, and manufactured by our? selves in Charleston. As regards quality and style, wc are confident our Goods will comparo favorably in overy respect with any Heusc bi tho Southern Country, both for cheap BOSS and durability. Wc have alu j a largo stock of Men's Furnishing Goods iu Store. To our Monds and former patrons, and to the Trade in goneral, we extend a cordial invitation to oxamino our Stock, and solicit their orders. SATINET PANTS.*2 00 to $ 4 00 COLORED CASSIM ERE PANTS. 4 00 to 10 60 BLACK SATINET PANTS.3 00 to 4 50 BLACK CASSIMERE PANTS... .5 60 to 10 00 BOPS PANTS.2 00 to 5 00 BOY'o SUITS.5 00 te 12 00 COLORED SATINET SACKS... .5 00 to 10 00 COLORED CASSIMERE SACKS.8 00 to 1G 00 BLACK CLOTH FROCK COATS .7 00 to 23 00 COLORED CASSIMERE VESTS. 2 00 lo C 00 OVERCOATS AND SACKS.8 60 to 20 OD Tbo Genuine Si AR BRAND SHIRT always on hand LINEN COLLARS DRAWERS OF AI L GRADES, SI 50 to $3. MERINO SHIRTS, $1 00 to 52 00. Our tcrmsare CASH, or city acceptance, November 2S lino gorbaqrcj icc HAEWAE? HART Sc GO., CORNER KING AND MARKET ST**-., CHARLESTON, S. C., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign ami Domestic Hardware, CUTLERY, GUNS, ENGLIsn AND SWEDISH BAR IRON PLOJGH ANDMAYLOR'S C.'.ST STEEL. M E TALS. ENGLISH HOLLOWWARE, Consisting of POT--, OVEN*", !-P:D: BS Rad EXTRA LIDS CIRCULARS, CROSS CU 1' AND MILL SAWS MILL ROCKS AND BOLLING CLOTH P L O IT G l i* S, ?ND .*. VAJUSTX or A GRICULTURAL I.'lPLESIKNTS. I'LATN, STAMPED AND JAPANNED TINWARE. H O?DENWAItE GLUE AND A VARIETY OF FANCY GOODS. P. S.-Descriptive Catalogues can bo had en ap? plication. fnaw3moi PAC November 27 Blnnh Boohs, knitting, Binding. BLAiNK BOOK M AN U F AC T O RY. BLANK BOOKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS MADE lo order, with any style ot' Binding or rattern of Rul? ing, ot bett material and workmanship. BOOK-BINDING. MAG-ZiNES, PERIODICALS, M?SIC. NEWS? PAPERS, Bibles, Prayer Rooks, &e , Bound in any style, and neatly Lettered with mme. EDGE GILDING. JOB PRIS I INO-Cards, Letter. Note and Bill Heads, Circulars, Dray Receipts, Pamphlets, fcc,, iu flrst-rato ntylc aud at low prices. STATIONERY. AU varieties of LAW, OFFICE AND FANCY STA? TIONERY. BLANK BOOKS. A largo assortment of our own and of the best Northern manufacturers, constantly on haad. NOTICE.-We are offering our surplus stock of Check Books, Bank Books, Railroad and Vessel Re? ceipt Books, Cotton Weight and Shipping Buoks, at greatly reduced price?. TIME BOOKS for Plant?is, Mechanics and Busi? ness Men generally (monthly and weekly), a great variety ol forms. BABERS' BREAD BOOKS, Landing and Dockage Books, Magistrates' Dockets, Hottl Registers, &e. TO JJ Ii A LE tt s. Having a large surplus of BLANK BOOKS, of all styles of binding, the trade will bc supplied for a limited time at a great reduction OD Nen- York cost. At COURTENAY'S, December ll fmwlmo No. 0 C ROAD-STREET. _gtflfora Cttto. Ot HAVING AND HAIR-CUTTING. THE SHAVING AND H vTR-CUTTING SALOON of the late L. HEUER, in Market-street between Meet? ing and King, wiO hereafter be conducted for the bouc?t of bis widow, rho returns her sincere thanks to the friends and patrons other husband, and hopes by strict attention to the business to de? serve a continuance of tholr support. Il KU EU'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUT? TING SALOON, MARKET-STREET. December 9 wfmG CtHAVJNG AND HAIR-CUTTING, BY W. E. MARSHALL, AT THE BROAD-STREET BARBER SALOON, No. 31 (UP STAIRS). December 8 DENTIST. ROOMS AT HIS RESIDENCE, NjRTHWEST COR? NER OF MEETING AND SOCIETY STREETS. November 20 fmw6moa QTTO SONNTAG, DYER AND SCOURER, 141 Market-street, between King and A rchdalc-strccts. GENTS' COATS, VESTS, PANTS AND HATS Dyed, Cleaned and Pressed. Novembor 12 wfmOmos G E O . ll . ii orru ( K, FACTOR Ayn COMMISSION MERCHANT, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, engleston, S. C. P. GADSDEN ITAM'.M.. Cmos September 21 II . SASS, A TTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. ?9" Office No. 93 BROAD-STREET, north side between King and Meeting. May 8 "TOOGAN & SEABROOK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW A SD SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, No. S3 BROAE-STREET. ROSWELL T. LOGAN...E. BAYNARD SEABROOK September W ILLIS Ai CI11SOLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTEND TO TUE PURCHASE, SALE AND 8UIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Porta) ot COTTON, RICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S. 0. E.WILLIS.A. B. CHISOLM. .otofeer 2." A illisfcllancotis. D V A HS C E S CN V OTTO N TO PLANTERS AND OTHERS WISHING TO II O L I) C O T I ON IX F. N G L A N D, Where STORAGE, INSURANCE, aud other expenses for holdinsr are LESS than tn tho United State?, we will advance TEN CENTS PEU POUND ON MIDDLING S, .hipped to our friends in Liverpool, charging thc Eug? lah commercial rate of interest, which at present ls FIVE PER CENT. And hold a.? long as desired, CLaGHOBN, HERRING k CO., Accommodation Wharf. November 13 2 mos APAL D U X T A L h I S A , A SUPERIOR TOOT II W A S II , For Cleansing thc Teeth, Preventing tne Formation of Tartur, giving tone to thc Gums, and leaving a delight? ful sensation of cleanliness and Fragrance lu thc ?Month. SUPERIJR TO BOZ0D0NT AND CHEAPER. THIS PREPARATION IS THE RESULT OF THE combined niall of tbs physician, dentist and apnthc cary, and it i* offered asa UriLiAll?E su- s'iluio for the numerousuno-r aiu maltee now iu vogue. The microscope has also liocti called ' u?o. au.i the re icart'he* of a celebrated observer have dete.-tod the matinerin which tho tartar ls formed, showing it to bo thc work of aulmatcuho. substances which Ftcinu! found lo doe'roy 'be life of 'hese infusoria aro couiained in -?ie Dentaliina, and thu.s it prevents the Increase of tar Ur and conse? quent looeouiutf of the teeth. It ?nil he lound useful to pei-50r,s in advanced life, giving strougth ?ud tone to tho gums, while to CTcrv or.c tho amma and Hern? iation oi' cleanliners using it wUI bo sufficient reoommeudati u; smokers especially will appreciate it? efficacy. , , , Numrrnu? dentie'sof the highett standing lifting acquainted with the composition of the Dentaliina, adv?cate its use, it containing notliinu' corrosive or injurions to prevent irs unrestrained cr.iployir.ou'. Prepared ODIV by JAS. T. 8HINN, chemist, Phila? delphia. For sale bv POWT? k MOISE. Corner Meetin? and Ifiwel streets, October ll wnnOmos Charleston, S. C. Jkrtian Selfs. Furniture, Stcv.3. Grate?, Carpeting, Crocke? ry, Blanket?, Shi-ts, Knices and Forks, Pump, Se winy Machine. S?c.. ftc. CAMPBELL, KHOX Sc CO.. ra-h Auction House, Ko. SS Hascl-strcct, opposite PostofHcc, Will sell THIS DAY, commencing punctually at half past 9 o'cloc'.r, BKI/.STI ADS, Wardieboa. Extension Table, Card Table?, Lcungo, Sofis, Cooking and Office Stoves, Grate?, Pura]) and Pipe, 10, 0 ai:d 8-inch plates; Coffeo and len Sets. Knives and Forks, Pictures, Matrrpssps, Pillows, Ac, kc . j Cor.ditiouos cash. December ll Special Sale of Millinery, Hats, Feathers. Floicers, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, CAMPBELL, KNOX & CO. Will sell at 10 o'clock, immediately after above, 30 cases and car.oons FELT. VELVET AND Pi US H HATS, viz: -ultana, Grecian Bend, Broad? way, Central Pa'k Victoria, chester, Jerome and other piyln, Trimmed and Untrimmed. FEA'liiKuS.-Bird of Paradis-, Golden Pheasant, Ostiicb, Marabout, and v.rioi.s styles, in iii ty car loo ns. FRENCH FLOWERS.-20 boxes, latest styles. ALSO, A general assortment of DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, kc Conditions cash. December ll Boots, Shoes and Dals. BY MILES DRAKE. THIS MORNING, ot lo o'clock. I will sell, at my Store, corner of Ring and Liberty strecte, SIXTY CASES BOOTS AND SHOES, JUST RE CHIVED BY STEAMSHIP MANHATTAN, CONSISTI NO OF: Cases MEN'S BD?T, KIP AND WAX BROGANS G to ll and 9 to 13 Cases Men's Buff and Kip Balmorals Cases Men's Congress and Malakofls Cases Ladies' Fino Serge Congress Cases Ladies' Morocco and Kid Polish Boots Cases Womens' Goat and K p Balmorals-3 to 7, 6 to 9 and 6 to 9 Cartoous Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoes. ALSO, 3) cases (180 dozen) MEN'S AND BOYS' WOOL HATS 150 pair Cassimere and Satinot Pants. December ll Sale of Furniture Mills Douse-In Bank" ruptcy. Br JOHN G. MILN011 & CO. Wil he continued THIS DAY (Friday), 11th in? stant, commencing a', halt'-pa^t 10 o'clock, Commencing on lower floor with fURNU'UBE OF GENT'S PARLOR, in which is: One Elegant Chlckering's GRAND PIANO, cost $1300 One very handsome Brussels Carpet Large Chairs, Solas. ALSO, Thc CON IENTS of Room No. 31, sold on accomt of former purchaser, comprising the han lsomest Chamber Furniture in tho bouse. ALSO, Will be sold in-tho Ladios' Ordinary, all the TABLE AND BED LINEN, Blankoii, Towels, io. Conditions cash on delivery. ay 1 His DAY {Thursday) will be devoted to the delivery of all tho Furniture bought up to this time. All Eilis not caller for or settled will be sold on ac? count and risk of tornicr purchaser. Purchasers aro earnestly rcquosted to come up aud settle their bill?, and prevent resr.'.n Delivery will commence at 8 o'clock, and coatiuue throughout thc day. E.W MARSHALL, December ll Assignee ai Joseph PurcelL Damaged Flour-for account 6/ the Under? writers and all concerned. BY J. A. ENSE0W ft CO. THIS MORNING, the 11th instant, at ll o'clock, will bc sold, at Palmetto wharf storA, for account underwriters and all concorncd, 100 burels FLOUR. Damage I on a voyage of importation to this port December ll Contents of Grocery Store Southwest corner Amherst and Nassau streets. BY JEFFORDS ft CO. Will be sold THIS DAY, 1Kb im-tant, at the above place, Th? contents of a well solectcd GROCERY STORE, consisting ot a fine assortment of Groceries, Crock? ery, kc The store will fir.'t ho offtred in a lump, and if not disposed of wUl be retailed. N. B.-The above store can bo treated for at pri? vate sale. December ll m tu th fl Valuable Lot of Land, Corner of Hasel and Concord streets, at Auction. BY HOLMES & MACBETH, A net io neera. By virtuo ot an order of sale, to me directed by tho Hon. George R Bryan, Judge ol the United states District Court ior tbc District of South Carolina, I will offer tor sale, at public auction, at the Old Postoflke, foot of Broad-sttcot, '1 HIS DAY, De? cember ll. 1SS?, at ll o'clock A. M., AU that LOT UF LAND, situ:itod on the corner of Hasel and Concor 1 6trcets, in tho City of Charleston, measuring in trent on Hasel street ouc hundred and fifty (100) fact, and on Concord-street oue hundred and terty (HO) feet, butting and loundiag south on Has'jl-.itreet, easton Concord-street, north on the canal reserved tor this lot, and weat on lands late of W.P.Russell, together with the priviieee of using the said caual attendant on this lot of land. Terms-One-third cash; balance in two equal an? nual instalments, to be secured by bend of purchas? er, bearing inter, st from day of sale, and a mortgage upon the premises. Purchaser to pay for papers and sta m pis. LOUIS lloL ?IN, Assignee of W. P. RUBS?II and Whirton 4 Pe'sch. December ll sthtu6 ll CLIFFORD & MATHEWES, Real Estate Agents, No. OS Broad-street. For sale and Lease PHOSPHATE LANDS of a superior quality, on deep water nari^utiou ana healthy locations all the year. RICE and COT I ON PLANTATIONS and FARMS in all parts ol thc btate. CITi" PROPERTY of every description. November 2 Uooos. frags, QLIjcmifuls, (?tr. FOR THE WEAK FOR THE PALE FOR THE SICKLY FOR THE AGED FOR FEMALES FOR SPRING USE ! 43-NO BITTERS EQUAL, TO TIIEJI..? THU CELEBRA TED SU3ITER BITTERS, Made of PURE LIQUOR, HERBS AND ROOTS, so well known in Pharmacy: PERUVIAN EARS, CHAMO ll ILE FLOW ERS, SNAKE ROOT, CHERRY BARK, GINGER, And fuch other HERBS AND ROOTS as w?l in all cased assist uigcslion, promote tho seo.-otiona of tho system in tho natural channels, and give :;OSE AND VIGOR TO THE YOUNO AND OLD. MALE AND FEMALE! AU T uc It AVith. Wonderful Saccca BEINGS COLOR TO TIIK PALE WHITE LIP. BLOOM A NJ) LUAU IT TU THE THIN FACE AND CARE-WORN COUNTENANCE. CURES FEVER AND CRE? ATES APPETITE. TRY THEM, USE yo OTHER. Ask ior SUMTER MITERS, bo'.d by Druggists and Ciiocers. &i;-bee that our signature is over tho oort of each bot?o. BOWIE & KOISB, POPRTETORS AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, August 3 6mo? Charleston. S. C