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VOLUME VT.-NUMBER 940.] CHARLESTON, S. C., THURSDAY MORMNG, SEPTEMBER '?t 1868. EIGHTEEN CENTS A WEEK OV 'V ? " t ! ; . * > t ?J JJ OJ i. JO A> &VJ ?1 A Jin. SJ:! ' Wi'H Vf 3 ?? -' A > " .'" *f-'A ' t.?; G-A&I'S*\VKERt:, 2 .::?' TESTRETU2?&S. Wj?WaiOS Ii'u'.?STiArr 1-2 A. il. - j. fe LuiU !" -e cuLCcJc . or. all B??6E 'iii' '. 10 ll ii., eil?* .uv a?C-.-?S Of tiiC Et ?Jil Jl.v.' :L p?S Icu liai Vfi&?'. tO lo: 06500(3 '.i i"iUv.-:.u;;% ?ul'-? ?Cv?iuL?S... . unix, November ?hfe?e. *re?^ aboli: t?w> l?oosabi. Noir? poted b??e le-u&y, ? "UlcU tltC B&pU'nliCaW.-. .?-.?. nur/wo'-.v bav< . .majority. Tu?- etec?ion pasteo, o? ?ftuie:?y aar. ?rrbou: ?wi.csuc-u:. PLoc iu>counti'y.i? r?aic:. ALADA3L1. XoyivC??i?it? ? AL.1.., Nu veau bc:'4:.-Io ilon: ROB?Ef .he ?jiubbcau attrjas?y is io?C. In Dalits Coos?y 50OQ, and lc fcrbom- County IsOC. So ie. tbe resul: io tbe-StatC is doubt 4nl NEW jS**ci-, Cow-,.NovofB%r 8.-Tnis ci?* i.,.:i* 571 Rfepublican gait ic Hartiocii :~o Demeese?ic majority i?i. t Repufrue?L. gain of ?2. Rfci.U'Ue i.v.v i.i?icrt> C-'KopobJiC?C incjoti y ot 25*. AF>.U=TA. Novemi*-i Gip to 8 c'e'ock Cbc .election proceeded ?jptiet?y, but c. rosv eben commenced between ?-white niuu au ti a nogre. vib?ck resulted iu tb* "-diing of Albor: Rufli:. tbe county sherm, aat? une ne^ro. Th? ex? citement wat intowo, bu: tiiraugh the in? fluence o? leading cisittons anti the co-opera? tion ol tbe xu?Mtry, both parties dis? persed quietly and urcer wat restored, each party Moomug thc- other of Oeing jresponsib't- loi tuc-?ifiiculty. 'Jiie city, a: hour, ai very quiet, aucl cheri ure no ar>pi<, hensions of iurtb r trouble. No official rt iurus nave been ?fcceivcd from any counties in * <i?orgia, but pa?:?al returns abotv incroaiKii D?cooratic ?.s?oe. It i? believed chat the State will give e>. ?ea&t 20,000 Democratic D? jority. IuipeKect returns irom soventeen counaoc give Deinocradc majoriiy. Iyj>L?j*?fO"j?,''Nove?bfcj S.-All thc counties + in Northern Indiaiui show P.epubhc&n g&aii. Ketitrnc irvui ?::ty?seven towuslups give a ?s^ publi'jaa gain erf 1018. Similar gains through? out the Slate would give a total Uepabbtttn majority of ISfTjO. gitggojrg. OEUC?GO, November 8.-This city pives 300C itepublican iu?jor?y. ZJ3&3XXX. LoeisvuiE, November 8.-This city gi vet e Democratic ux.joiity of 2S'EW 0?XJE?:.S.. Nvvoiuhoi 8.-The Demo? cratic mejctri?y ic chid city is 25.000. Thc Stat? will grsc a large D.i-*iioci?.tic mAjCtr&r, ?ox tow J?wp?blioao votes were cast. The electKsu in New Orleans passed off <;u: jotiy. There was no trouble of any kbid. nor ?ny interfeaesLoe with the voters. The negroes tthstained aiaoot tota'iy from voting, lu the Fourth District, out of 4200 votes, 4100 were Democratic. "lu the country the ne^rcx? ere voting ?ALTIMC3Z. Nov ci'oer 3-- Every lovfE?nd district so ?w reported, shows a ftqwMiOMi majority or Deciociittic loss. Baltimore -city gives aboui 75,000 Democratic msjority. . There is an iucreastd vote ou both*i?2et. <iovc-rr-or Swan is elected to Congress by TIM majority. Fi?derick County which last year gave 500 'Desaociafec majonty, h> reported to h*ve gone Itepubhcan. IdASSAC?ftETTS. ?osioj>', M?AS., Aovembtr 3.-Genera* E. F, Butler is re-elected to Congress. Boston giirae 4C00 liep.ubhcan msjorily. Cougressiuen Banks and Bout well, BepsLIi caus, are re-electc3 by iacrease<i n.yjoritics. Fuller returua indu?ate that the Jiepublie sn majority will te 70,000. u?ufr.. i POKTX?MJ. J?S., November 3.-lu this city the Bepublican majonty is VM, a gain of Bath tiivfcs a.Kcpulj?caii majority of G7i, gibi ll. Saco gives a BepublieaiJ majority ot io?: gain 84. The fcU?iictl uisj-jrity in ?if State h. estimated at oii.-'f). Full returns how Maine bhow a Qepoblicau majority of 3<>.iXrO. MICHIGAN. v DET?OIX, Noveniber 3.-The rciui us so f jr indicate a Rt'i>u!>?:ci/i majority in this Statt? o? H bout 25.000. i:?^ln?^E.... OiUHA, November 3.-The retor.:? indicate that tiiis State Las gone Republican hy -ivxi m s jori ty. M08? U CAUOIJNA. RALEIGH, November 3.-ltsturne irom tiu'li !teen points in the St . te report only sis. ut : which tiit-re arc Dcm .eratic majorities, and the.-: J are light as compared with Republican jr.-tjoritieg at other points. j Returns from twenty-four towns show a Re .puhlican majority of 1D7J.. In Wilmington the volo is, Craut 2301, 8cj auonr 1TJ7, Republican gain 242. I'lie Demo? unts gain 315 in Wayne County, loo in Oolam ODs County, oud 2bl in Annoyer County. The ?r4t, eec?tid, tliii'd uud founh Coiigrcssiuiiul Disti'icts are conceded to tho Radicals. The indieationu ure that the voto will be close iu tba State, with the chances in favor of the Re publicans. OHIO. The Republic-ail majority will.lie over 35,000. j All the ^returns show laigt Republican gaiu*. Ciii?iunati gives a Rep?blica* majority of 4500, a gain <ii 2500. SEW VOBK. Ntw ?0BK, November 3-The tl^jtion hei-a and iu Brooklyn paused qnietly, ?.itli univ j. few small ilghw. Tbero w< re ttvc-rtl arrests for illegal voting. In the Usu :iul Ward the Doiuocrutb 1mm ia "1. The Eighth Waul ({ives a Democratic mu jority of 2185. Returns from oue-htif or Ibo eily chu?-5".,uiiu Pemoeratio majority. The total vote in this city will not be Ut from 190,000. 'The majority fur Seymour and Blair wilt be about 55,000. Brooklyn City, wub tuu wards to bear fmrn, givee 5500 Democrat ic majority. Rotorua from Now Yoik Btato ?tome iu slow? ly, liraut doubtless carries the State. The Democrats gain the Qoveruor. Qrlawald, the Bopuhlieau eandidate for t ?o\ timor, ruua behind Grant About ten jvr ci nt. Grant carnee the State by about ld.OdJ. PKxnarxY AX LL ^mxApEU'iju, Moveml'ii t?.-lV.rti?l retum?j Lt?av:.'?(j LI .....::rjl Cm. tsdi&ite tba: toe Radic?is n?? carr? ;Lc cr iiy 8H>X raajorhy. Al! :L i..-f<u"o4-?ja?. v. show ac iccre?? majori? i ^r Imc:. Lu Coamuac o: tuc Kcpabi:?iE Centra f."k/til?ii:'..<^' x?MSIU? lu., cit; i;; AV Ii- ;;<-.:!. . Twenty Wax?s SU?V.- ?. Bepu?ircai: gail o Sive cu: o:' t?w otu-ir eigk; PTards sn b?pot?iejc. Tu.. $. u<. v??? fjiv afiepu?&ai ?uN-ct-.y o: a: ;--a-r. 20.CC0. Tm sc <' Lepubheao Commi;:ec i1.. j *r?? be ?C-.ctV. ^"UI-?L majori'.; i the Chatana:: o: :.??- I*?moeraii' aiine?. N-.-ar ;. full returns ; Rep?blica! major ot" 10,000. Foll returns i?u: Phuauelpb? . Repub? lican majority o.'ljit. f?-r ?IBOStH. V7E5SL??G, Sov4D.ib-.-r C.-B?tame ir?i? tweul? ?owcshipeabo? :.?.'_:-. llepubh-aau gains, loe 5?:a.c tva, pcoeub?y gc Bepualrc?u by SlWc tuaj?SKv, 3??nisce?, Neveniber S.-B?niras frote SS ..^v-u.- indicate ?ba: tue fc'.a.c- give? 5C?0 major? ity iur Grau:. r??V.r:-' l-i "J"?? V. ESSAIME FOS . liiNi il?<?;!i November C.-Ja., a?niiuiauratioc OllOtVS public -ei-e.ieg:. ii; 1 KuiCis u.'.ve declarec1 ;.?.. :?e nc tjovemmeu:. barcelona CIC-?:^ .-. u.svi. Eapcriert :>s ?Laug, iv euee th* Cortea pronounce IL favor of muu?vob*'. ,LaxBos,-&ovember L-XJie ilitiu. o? Khohan has Beni un embassy ic S:. r\riesaun!$ i. make ufierc o: .'..i'.-ud?i::; and subuiiw?iou :h( Cito t. KIOT5 IS BOTTRttTVV. Lusse?.- &u\>imber 1.-?. serious rio; took place in Rotterdam yeeierday. Tut troop? ! ?wu. colled out anti obliged ti L:--. upon toe ? i fiteets. ?t ie reported severs] person* were ! iUiud^ii? iuuuy wouuded. A large number ot | I enteaM-werc mutig. CUE?. 2?A?>ati'. Kovember S.-A ?urge uu'-"c.: und .military Jurx- ir preparing ?:>r Cuba, COueiat iux-ff four frigates he&riiy armed. Levering a Atret ofitntnaposie tll?vd wita broope. 'Gouere.! JJCI'.-? eciit w.ri; ?a ?itj:: ou UJ:- ' Ville civ Aiuo rid." Pniu eaye cbc-- tuc Kovenu&?3t im- nv: dttco&sod tLv auueesoi-ju ot she Stpacwb Lbxonc. WJJSHIXGJ&JS: TJTT- PR)>?Tpr\-T A?CD TUL SOCXB-XEE SVL '.TT CASE. WAsaisoioy. Kovembar S.-TLt p^per* tide mo' uing publisli Che following dispatch i!-.>ui Jfao?idf?t Joiiubyu to G'-ucix! i: ^titbeuu. dated Qotober 81 : ^ou are.expeeted andautbotised ?L?:-. ;.L ?et;I*.?imite a'A:\tf riw^avsy aad proper to pre? vent bceachee of tat- p^ace and boatife ecu?e iou? between ctt^Z?Ue. ia.ue*'. ".'.?ut H.-'.AI.:?K "?O '.L?- ?iviJ policy of tbf State tru?: be lei; to tbe proper civ? aut?ioEttiee for coneideni i-.?u and aetUument. 'l in: object ia to proserre cbc p'-aofc ata : reat?te wv., fcoverxuae?i to peo pk i.ccvi-?.L?' to :bt pr.:.*; : le? lt cl down in '-v uu'ji'.tiiti'-'ii. ?i?u are rdferred io maiructioue b*tfetofbte given, winch wvre dectuvd lil- LL ci atupl? for all jut: una lawful ^'a: poaea, liiere ?cai t lull Cabiue: i^o. ;:.:: ii';'.-pt S?wurd. Tbe moi?cvi io daeto::: tibe appeal.:- tbe Sur ru:i cns? wu argued to-day. TLt souri ie gerred its dwi? ion. KLKCTIOS MOIS 1J HA VAS S A lt. rex xzGn-.'Zi xan; a - A>J> ?.-Lije 'rax wurr JE ?>1> TILE KHeSOJBS AJtJi K8I02! (tr TUZ P-.'LLS L'JEK-A imUl' HSiVES: c*" roz Kump ?s^ aexziux. v OV^DEU. SavajuraH, KoremberS-MOOIL-Ai tbsop?a- : iug'jftiie pe-lis this uionuns '."^ negro sap pear dm gJeat nuLubvro und took entire r>ofc ittsdou of tbe polia, clabLlyx aw?y every Mrbite 1-jKtao wboeaoieto vote. Ji.-'?: continued until j about 7o'vloc*. Wu<rii a?gbt coaia.ncid,at:d ! the n???roee l^iug driven back, t:.'.- wbitea ettsisienced to wU;. In c !*w L':.:.U I ^ '?J: L< gio-ii j-alh-.d and attacked thv w::h^. A Le }{ro debberately crev. a piaioJ tbot apo iieetnau in tbe atoniacb. wounding bini mt-r uliy. Ute firing iben'; geut-raliu the crowd, lb'/ jwlice CMIJ:>: Ka preserve order, p und tbe cesroefl fought them desperately, ii/aaliy the polide ba/i reoourae tteu* pistole, j wbea tbe negroee broke and ran. t?vc negroet! were killed and aeveral wouade !. Of the {ralice- ! tuen fi>ut were wounded, ouej?oMa ly, A y y oat; J j lady, resi-lita^ opposite the Cocrtbouee, v.;;.^ abm wounded by a tb-at came ia tbiou^b j the window, but thc wound is not tlacgeroua. I Troflble is anticipated tv-;?;;;..". I ??Evening.-Since ?Le disturbance <.f thiel morning ai) has I ecu <;i::e'.. J*, is itnpossibie t to sat.v wim is ahead uni: an :.< :i:al e<;a.T. A'. Ibo Ogcecbcti precinct tho necroea, one t'j?ju.-.iiLil ntrong, were armed with musket*, abotguiie und j.j stole, look possession ot :l.e i^lia M.?l allcwed no llemocratie ueKroea io vote:. Tba whiten who were UJ.'<J'VC-<1 to vote bad tij .ju k nuder gutrd. 'LUE.Laraer.-The negroee ia t:.<; eily did not gene: ally rote, uni the- Democratic maj -r. ty iu the couutfy is estimated at troin 830 lo 100U. There ia great cxuilemeut in the city on account of the dis I urbane ee of this morning, sud IL threat from the negroes that tli<y would burn dat a the town. Only two negroes were killed Lbi? moniifig, bi.r from lirtcen to twenty ?ero wojmded. A lai?<?3 Lody of ueeroea marched toward the city on thc Ogecchccroad bu eveidqg. They were mot by lite special police anti ordered lo disperse. One ol (hem refused to d<? sn, and trouble ensued. Two nt '}groL-? uv. reported killeil. fhe tiouble on tboOgeeebea road couliuues. BamuclS. '.aw, eon of ibo lion. Judge Law, who was ono ot the special police, woe killed this evening u'-'uitt one milo from the city, which ia now patrolled by armed men. I <Hilt ii -Cst .Vcwu by MVl< f<i u|?l?. Tho lion. Huinuid lt. BUUH, tor forty ;.. :iru Judge of New york Federal District Court, died of apoplexy yesterday. -A non i work ie tiow goiug on in one ot (he rooms ot tho Ttoaaurv Department, lt will bo reniombored that nearly two yoaixi UKO tho Adams Express (.lompanv lost a sate couiainiug (301,000, Ly ibo burning of the steamer Jowtpli Uar lev, un ibo uiasisaippi Uiver. Tb." wim-k. ere recovorod the aal'o hiiiini m luths siuce, and received ouo-lhirdof ibo |ur value uf ile cuuteuts for their wer vices. Tho Kapi oas Com? pany then forwarded it to tho Treasury J)e ?mrtmeut, and (leuvral Spiuuer urranged i > huve tue e uitoiite examiiiea, ideutitietl and ar raueetl lor rc lemptiou, thc Kxproan Companj' pu> ?11? .di exisMtses. Tu tlii.i end throe or ih-> moataecumpliahud and expert lady elorksof Ute Department have been detailed ? ?r tho e.\ umiuatiun. lt m u work roiiuirtiig rare skill and wonderful patience. The eoiilont.H were ooui]Hni?itl of legal fondera, fractional currency und nalioiml I'.inU notos, nil more er los:i cjiar rwl and bullied, some to u perice! cinder; yel tbete ladies identify notes ?nd pieces *e>t noted, v\bieli me devoid ?t nny Ircco ot their original imprint, nave the ?mienta* lion lott upon tho surface of the naper bv iii . preea, brought aitain iulo reliei i.v ibu ne* timi of tho ana water. Tba wo.k id examina? tion ino. bean m urogrezsa about . ..i- mouth, md SHH WW have been ident tried. ]t will lake jt-ai ly s;a UH?U:' ? tv ?vmp.cteit. i rjtoji m s ? ?xi (.AJI Tut Arre J. of -tl i nov- ' onnt?: Art-??: o?* c ?.olort<* Itmiicul-\ ' itvu- in 1 roi? bi-r-Tin. Troup* Wauden uiium lin Mwci-Tic L*t?ctioi: l-^ipevtvti ir. ~c.??:<-~ fieili-A ll o i l l K ol* bei' :'n?-v: >?.... ur:: vesijsiswrDsx;.. Cobranu. Nove ni he-: 'L_To-tia^ ?-uinier. a colored Bidical earploy-rt! byjlr. bmoieid, o! tibs city, wad*, athd^: tua* .".n. Minor, thc iwH-snurni colored Duwotsa:,.ha< maia ut threatening iaugcagi jgaii!-:- inc.. Whcreopcm :. -.Yarratt: v.-j.- i??U?d, au? l?iuor arrested and l(M?f??\? ii iii., l?o: i T.-;V m.i?- lat?.- ?itiP l?ieruooc ;? Uav? bia: ?ftieufec' uu bail, am* bis tri?nOz T.crt L..- ?. ?tettiug hin: Misused p.:iion: air? il*mcu!?y. A: a?bia- :: was O?SO mad*; 'bj Stowers, v ?ioret: Democrat, :> thc OXX?CZ tua: on-- X/jvis. colored B?dica!, hut; de? c?a ted sba: be wauid kill Jim liitior ou sieb; um": a wurrau: wa* ?s.iue;l fur tut arres-, o? Davis. Yester?oy. ?wt mites "odor. Boi'u:.. Audcrsuc [District. thc hi.1-"-:;-.' ::v.:u .raiisy ? l?a GutnSoy : Carre! "s Circus ran off tbc -.rac:., without ?oins auy damna"-. Tho;, reacbedibis cit.- a: 12.20 A. ."il. it-;isv. anti burne iiattuj then wow attached a; :he sui- o: crc?b ore in North Carolina, MaGuiniey eon?eeaet? iu?guteut, ant": took cbc trois io:- A ?w l'o:L. bis borne. Thc circus rompan? wat broken up: {.bc employees, some tur rv ii. number, roamed Quent tbe.sitreuts uo? knowing v.-ba. to i?' at. 0:: Saturdoy las:. Colonel Miliar and Messrs. Jobi: Ia; ?or autt li. V. Rice, oi '.hit- city, wea: birding a-..d bageet? shay birds-iii" it-vci: partridges, twt in?* es and on-, itvri: Nv excitement ni record :c tia election to? morrow. I: sm:: that no election ?rill be heit* v. r?gelieid to-morrow, owing to tin. fact ohm b::: ont- conunisaiouer uf elections, out of turee sets appointed, bat accepted; hence there trill probably bc nt- manager* u: eiei tions if : peu tb?, polk. Juc Green, colored, whose store vat eu?er?.'d by robbers a ?ow nights since, rwrjTered nus: ot hie goads. Oue of the thieves attempted if cjuceui bomt- ol'hit plnnder .:. one of the tene? ments ot cb>. university, tin: wo? imiiea by om of tnt- servuu.t. Ce:'.. r.nd ief: several hams, cigar bvsye?und tobacco-oil u! which wen re? turned tc the owner. HAL. THE XV EU Eh J S VAJSDES. f*aj-tit-til?.r?i of' tilt- K.H! in? uf Ii. ir ldc uti 1?>- K.<liy-1 tn IJMXVCX Out- of Ult- iit l<-tih?-t? ?*!>i 1J Pri^oinT*"-Tt-i:t-iteEi.xrt uiuvn;- t?ae Colored Pvoplv -T'iit In <?V.VSI ?US V ?UtllCt-- ? M'?T-Hl ?.?i t" lill iii SUttt-B Trooj>?->'?rv -r AiBiitr stcr. iFUOX KI oxes OOEliESPOJCDEira:.] <?:.xi>rs BAZCEDAS, D?toner 3L-Our usue?y quiet town wac thrown into u pa;:::u csoiie* ?uent about t-*0 0*C ova to-?sy '-'>' the L:ia:?;: ot v. oolored tam natani !?a;-.. ?J-a^aaJ I'} Mr. Wi?taxo Kelly. It appears, from tb? evileaot gi ?-eu. ?hat Kelly had ridden his hcrse on th? ia fros: ol MoClou i's store oa Broad street, eucroacbirig bo^iwau: uj'-.>a the root pita, when Kuhlaud, in pue? : mr. vura?-a a.-, borsv's bead '-J one eitle, ci usinj; Kelly to rt mu? L i Lal tat la-sr?e ? as- Li^. ii ; ?.oi ud i -J; ^-.'L?t-u that tilt walk was not : -t- piavt tor the burse. Kelly sold he woad put hiia -iIlii_Lai' through-tiiat be hud hue! vn^ua'h h-cuj L:ya. '.\VelL"j*eplied Kirkland, -J' you cos put st through. 1 caa ? KO 'Jurt-uaii tot horse, rna if you axe tue LosUcr J aa -.LC rider.*" KeLiy cia^ mounted, and Kui?aai retreated s thor. d.: taavf. vuea EvLy drew Ll? revolver and nrt '. tb? bal] mibsing Ji;ri:i;.:.? wb rushed rpsu Kelly and struck bim s severe blow oa '.h> i-f: sids of the head. Kv'*; fired two mere shene b'.Tii of wLich u-cb effect on d*-C?::.<?-d, tht tltixd shot doubtless piercing Lit beu::, ae Lc al once fell a-Ctr;;i.-?. ?. Ktll> ?u^ a: oses :: h.a b charge by geaileinea j resent, and banded over to tao Kbt.-jli ana c~r?-;<rJ to ja::. Tb. crowd colored inca became rath r turbalsst aiahi^g ?jtiay tbrea'.-j, csUiug upon their fellows to bring Kefly ;-.::? i'll bia oa the dead body o.' their comrade, ."i'-'a!^- whites aad l-j'i more coaserraiive of the freedmeu went ani'jag ihrvA sud allayed tbtir excite? ment.'The holy was :eaj-jv?.-J ty thc toon hali, wi.crc ?:J iuqnest was livid, ar i o'ci'^ci:. by Slagisiratc Siro',-!:, the jury consisting of five whites anl sereu catered. Al:eriLeix aminattou of a nurao-.r <;i witnesses, ibe jury rehired sad rendered a vcr "tic: tba: "the de? ceased, Mark Kirkland, esme to Lis death by pistol shots feloniously and maliciously fired by Wm. Killy.*1 The outrage ia deeply d ; lured 1?-. a l par? ties. ' cc:ir.-i:?g, a-i: has, at a tb:.- r.'j ... felt that ''order reigned in '< . . '' -, ..:..; iuduced by iii'-- adi:'..--. . .. _.a;a.-:v c ai d lt .-publicati :. ' -. ._. as taciaiai fe:-i<ii>l Governor Scott. Kelly i.: 'jr.".!! irily aa incffensiv? min enough, but jiu was intoxicated at tb? time. Ibe ex? citement over tho occurrence was uot lessened by tin.- r?ct lliat K illy waa oue of the recently released Dill prisoners. Fearing HOMO cir-ri might be made to get possession o? Kelly, tbc deputy .Stat'.- Consta? ble extemporized a guard ur v.-?i?::;? and color? ed lor thc nigh:. The cars, at half-past five, brought a detichtntnit ot L'tnltd State.-j soi dicrs (twenty lu-.-n and a lieutenant) from Co? lumbia, whose ircseijcj was far from being ouj'.-ctioiiablc lo a large portion ol' thu inliaO; tanta. They were sent to bc on hand ia case of trouble ut the approaching election. 1 hear that Mr. Mc?ili's gin bouse and co. - tents was binned on Friday* tii.','!'t. Mr. HieC. lives in thc neighborhood ot Lancaster. VttLiTMl.'AL. A I'OOl'UtXV AllulM- TUB XEW AnAiiNisTiavnoN -IJESKUAL aUANT. IF LLECTB?, TO TUON UeJSOCIIAT. lu ?i hpi i-ch nia-lo last wc.k :.t Crestline, Ohio, Mr. Vallaiidiugbam said : Now, my Itcpublic-m friends, 1 liar, -io! said auytbiug against General (?rant iu Ibis cam? paign. I have nut done it for a purpox. 1! he is lil to be I'rcsidaut, lona be uro IHM term expires 1 will IK- found Mip|iorl?ug lum. hiuu-st-1 ly u?d cordially, sgaiiibl lim jiiitlers m tin; parly which OX; CCIH to rice! him in N?vens U'r. [Loud chet-ri*.] And you will b u-- nu right io cry out "Traitor"* against lim-.; you wdl hart! no righi t.i t ill, about his r.vlcri3i?ig, or Ins t'i 111 ii or L*I K? 11 sr, or his J'obusou?aiu^ you. Von immiuutod lum in Chicago; you pin ? plnltonii-u something called ? platform-into lus baud; you uskt-d hnu Tor au acceptance ul it, and bc accepted, and I (larc say be wmiki Lave accepted Hiv ?eiiiocratic nomination loo. [Laughter.] Um ho tm.h eire iu !i:.s letter ol' accept anea tn say that lu would ma piochon au; p-.-ln-.v. lt.- md nul euusidor d advisabh io d ?so iu ad? vance ot tho election -i.) s iy what ho tvuuld do whou ho was electo I. Now," I pray you'?* re-1 lueiuber I bat I told you uti ibis Jilli day ?f?c lober that Grant wilt n j.-ot tia-ma l, i fanatical, r?volu:iouary Uadical loaders ol thc ' (.rgauizitHKi which put him ?onvard, if ho 1 proves true to ibe cou tit tun n and thu Union ? uf our tallie's. [Loud checis.] If ho will re-j toro to this government tts harmony, and ?ive kadi to tho people their lia'itis. North and oath. I will bc lound among hts cordial sup? . arl ors. because 1 will be found iu Opposition ;Li. Kadical party. V u- -ii. H. tn. in ansison itu* ur-. I;:r.ui kai*, parr- . Because ie win* be, u. ausigruiin: ;. tiicrrimjrjiriueasrxrea. !::;- remember, tr~ ttenubiisan rr.-imit you ar* tfteeiim: bini with ymir eve.- open. Warn: you eui Y?_ugs ?leeceil ?vier. then was nitidus ?i- about ?rua: ?ie v.ou t. di., iou expected am: to ix ecmnttced ti tilt colic* o. lin Whip par?. V.'uen you cleated t'diu.on ht waa m Be?cocrat nu:, ii four mouths aJtir his election, uia erne: re? liase* upon iii-- Dem?crata, vi-y. So "ii:i. you nomiu?Kd5uiuBcm,-T??ic? yoi. atti becaust kc ?<-s- -.. &ratiierii mau. [LausnterJ ?Sc. y.;u did: yoi: did no' know -'ve:, wite?ter ii- beionset! io the lir-Htr.:. or no*. '_ouii laughter.] Bu; itt bred tt.->-i South, JUC TOC warned tue ede: o: nationality alura: your Vice-?rsatdeu;: you wanted - samitan man. tua* i might mrxodac? s it:::- .a>v.r.- your Northern bair., iou count Attdre** Johnson, ami yon anon bi mid bee:. : Beni eera?; ami yoe an"A m tove? lite ]<-;iu ^:raii; ic ? mu-.'.. :;;": Bcpuuitcaui and Whigs bau berort-.rmi ? nouticed ma. a.s demain. ne-mut.. n another uiiug i-.w. a Betunera*,, a:u". you ..i-c <:.. mu., i did um Tatt fin -ur. besatiic roy iruffnuri wa* :uv ni. heuest sui. af thom, '.t-aurg-, H. i'emhenn.. [Cheers-] Iou modi rlnurov. Jaunsnt Yea-''-?suien:. ami some out- ?oye that Sud Ainua'try nuuii inn- Sreaitmir:-audi; i? no: tor nu.- tosente im? puras ol :ua: Lau.-I icu'-'t. i: io Ukoae wno uar . nave time co-discuss U-bu; jus; US Johitsoi bas ..-..uuse? co follow your project, and you havi ueuonucet] nun, jiut.ats- smruiy v i! yuu ht. deuiraucins, 'i;r..;." ca chi ???ui u: October, is'?!- .. ht shall 1? ulecratd President. As? then, io... Wt saal na"'* th? sa:isaia:iu: o: saTins tba: wi dill nat alec: .din. u-iLai mn-ases PXEXTAXZSTS ?vam. BO ir BB V*?T The Kew Iori: Coumersi&] ??f*artisir [a Republican nunc: says: I'ht Basion capitalist Jobi 2-Stamou, who j is heavily uncreated is ?tayaum muroads, , writes u- toliows ci roi- Goveruattoi tba; 3t:isc: ..Aloneye? mmi m sus Isar:: zSH mt Sba; they ' v.-.mic ;>-. ciad uuiie with nu anti osant: rn-. . ueauiiuurdy i. che election I*i whilom bad been ti-jL-.m.-.i aud aa: the; uwa: eershuly : vii. unite wits mt :'. General Gram it elected ! : J'rcsiueuv. We ahull ?bcrei in pastsoue assivt i operations until after tbe muctiou, when, ii ; ', everytbiiic ?. h:-:ir^:?-_. wi saab' commence ! upon om :ai^ andpusb ?x-:m ?orv.-ura wish : all jiiiija:ab disaateh.'1 j lud eur .-outbum cuuu.ryme? irai iaio" it. ; thu a- tn? its?!'uui: whim: pervadai all tannera i rmithauats v.-b;. nuvt ar iir;?;iyse to moke in reatments in she hut- Confeiitrucjfi. Elect Sey ; imiur cud iliau'. ami Koxshorn iur.ut- wimid mas< a: mice to fi:>w into che S:iuibtara Mates, i 5au?ijrn rahr.iuds aaa usher eutar-a-iaes reiy : mc ?ui ?bou lut ujian Xorsiiurn jnaney would ; rapidly duclme in nihie. libers t?onid be an .! ej.'j tb oil tmmicration ia that finer-aion, mid :b> energies ul Che eu:u-t S:i:::a wouid be jiar j rcityz id. Wish '.Tran: a- Pj*esidaBt, bevt-evcr. a j I precinelr ddl-jreut re.-uli w:l. be wosneaaatL j i Tue work ul rTeneratinc and racapc:au:ia will r loeivp n UIUH: dacided :aj-pnlua; man af all biiade^ ul puijuaaJ ?>pin??n iwill leta auf-:, ' anilNaitiiera aa:>::aa:i> will be p-jr.-mudaa te ! hitoreat them*ie??*es in ??:ir.'.bqcri iudnatrial j bcb.imet. lue eiaaonry cl these ;? :-ieasiont will In- ! tested, a? Grant's olas??n e.- nnr. ceueraiiy j : cone jd ed. Let us nee your Liiiera?ry. Meiisrs. j Kacueaie. *\Te n'eJ russy laiiiians ii dediles. Tiir UESt-LTF CT GSAJ.":-'? ELLCTI:?. The Isetr I.-ra H cram c>i M::icbry. iu itt lsad j m? e?.-onal, aeeapte Gra: T'? eloctios at e lorerone eunaius:.'^.. anti tu?t : *??liat. thea, ie the i'reiiyegt ir:ini Gen. j ? Grau?'s eleotios? h if eood ior tb-.- c. sntn' I 1 refeienoe lonach our &.-:-J::^HC ssa f.-ireirn ! ? off rt. C?ar bru^se-F an are alreic'y cb>- ! ' e 'uu::aa it. and the dre ri ne ::: r?-l? Binse the i Vtsrmonl and Ma:a-. elaotioaa m Lostet a n - | ? T;:?::I?: carSdcnce ia Gera Gran; in t*?sr . ; Sninsad orelee. TLe voir-rassion pr-.-nuls | ? t_u*. b: tO i arand ec>::s.rraai?f l'.-e.-.i- 1 I dent-that csOei i'.t ados:::.?u*iwt>i: v-e shall ; . nave pence csd nrcrereas a: has??- s-:d ia- : ; e:ea>-j re;au. ??1? not zt tue {rentra: ! nmult cd B?tions. I: i-. : roaahlt. nererfaeles?. \ i that under bis aumuauvtra* es w: tbsh auv. a ! regular war el races :s :s? li.;'sblic::.s ; I camps ttTa-^areor.s-ructi.-s '?: t>:.r::er.a 2:72: ; i hut the iiam'diaie rwui: as-a ?he attn; rei.-.v- ; idea ia Gras;'- el ac? aa .t embodied :s h.s j bri.! t?a: e.j*i^;?h.sf.r.- yia-lersa. "Ls: a- : ^.:'': peace." mi:-m ULA c~zs >.<H TH CJMQLISA. A Cnxidxtl >aiTnttT?-. la *."_'.- a-: -j-as-Vrr cl Harper's 'Icraziac iir. Te Ferrer.: pa bliss c-s a ssriativi ol Lis .:'s-.>er:e:.c-c- u a-? arj?ii! o: ts:- Fr-y.-?m-.i/s I 1/sreri in Pos:L Carolina. I'n^e most of the j anieles :eau.- io lie .> u:s ?vpear :s j Harper, ?be one :s question bean eviJenc? ol ! iso.-t iLari c: ?asa:y'a.: . (?; and :a*vniasty. ; Ik.Vre the war Mr. I': Forrest had wri'.un a j liant, pl? tea*., sketchy book oiZattem t.-avel, .' asd wee sot sa_tt'-r.-a :.s a ] r:-frt?.'on.i: itcror j er. Wlien inc- war brc-_c cu: he appeals to ! hav.- tscsasse:: tbe pea ? -r the sword, asa wc ; Lui h.IS :.: the close e; ii'.''id:D2 a ccmsais i t un as rn <.fLV.: ia the vo:sa:eer st-r.-iee. ! Vibe a tbe rolanteers '-vcr;- di-biatiej bc- was 1 j a;jp',ia:td as asea: '.: Ike F.-c-c Jmta'a Baieau J , io ri atbCarohua, s ; * tioa which h : occupied ! j i'.'t rome eileen mouths. I Thefirsl ibiugtha: strikes one in bis nar ! ra'ive . . -.Lc mint i>hci:y . f < r .us with wj?i.'-b i ... v.... ? ..>;cred frosi :bc- besdquarters of the : Bur? au. lie wa-i to do ibis; ?:c was to do j that; he was tu travel fre.*uently through his uisriie:, comprtsitig several coauties; he was; o distribute rations, bear cemplainta, ad-! rijin;--r jia-?ticv, gire |-atses for trausportatinn j to nearocs ?bo C :SU*? i :b< ra. a:id waa Somalie j out a regular -em.? of rei ort*, ia dopheatc or triplicate, amounting to a.a >y hundreds in the course el' ibo ..ear. so last tuc Chm! of cse Bureau coul . be kept i iformed el bis domirs aod thc state of 5/-j,u ai-fee?ugin tba: par ticniar district. I: plaint rms, thc dime; cl an a-^eat of cbc Bureau wi :-. not merely pru teetivc and e!ccuio?yuar; ; they '.vere also politi? cal, and inv.lvtd ?. carried out according to ibo orders lrom bcadqaai.ers, a complete Sys? tem ot espionage. Jil. Be Forrest seems*to have treated tuesc ordeis pbiio oplucally. He settled himtell down in ene place aud threw O.JMI his ullioe to all coiner.-. He witnessed t.-rms ot cont1 acts between negroes and their employers, adjusted complaints ag well as bc c mid. and terned over the graver cases to thc civil autlioriliea. Here, then, waa tho FrecJme.n's Bureau UD dcr its bee: aspect; jet thc system was irrocsly partisan, and the evil COTISL-IJULUCCS of lt were correspundimtly great, lu tbe tirst place, it demoralized tira negro by giving him au un? due scuee of b;s importance. It' ho was too lazy to work, the Bur au fed him. lt' be wanted trauspoitalion to any other part cf tbe country, the Lui eau furnished it. Ii'bia contract was violated by Ins employer, thc Hurtan W..B calit-d upon to interpose. On ibe other band, if tho liegt0 himself violated Ina contract, the employer bad no recourse. Ile ima;bt iudecd lotlge a complaint against tho offender out c ?ubi not obtain damages, tor thc ne^ro nxi worth uolhing. The agent of the Bureau could eider him to ito back to bis wolli, but the order WHS wholly inoperative, for (ho agent had uo power '.oentorco it. AU oon Iract", Ihcrcfoie, which were m ide between Ibo white ma:i and tho negro were one-sided. When tho white man was adjudged to bc in the wrong his property was held liable, but when tho negro was in the wrong nothing could no gotten o:;t of bim. Nine-tenths of the i?i*ugrec:iici>ts be'-wecu .ne races arose ont ol' this maller of contracts, yt t iu spite of the natural bitterness of fe Jiu a. ilma a-cnerated, Slr. De Forro t ::\e:s teat dmiugtbo v'iitire period he wm ac;ing as agent ot Hie Bureau in South Carolina bo saw none o! thr.: rebel? lious recalo, trat ?on which bas been so lavishly and so lyingly attributed io '.he people of tbs South ly Northern concspoodcuts and jour? nalists, lu such inteivoura? aa hu was ac e Illumed lu have With thc whites, he dc- , : crib, a them as klr.d and considerate, bo-j cia! ihoy were nut, for :t was a pout of honor with them nor t.< admit Fctlersi o?icers into their famili ?. Had it been otherwise, ; however, tho sirictiy part-san nature of his ! instructions forbade him from cultivating a ! close acqiuiutanca'with thc whites, whilst the ' same instructions were mast imperative in rc- 1 quiring fic^tieut c<j umunica'.iou wi:b the I negrota lu ali parts ol the district. Slr. De Forrv?t was u;?: si..w in discovering that tho plantation negro J3 a compound of dense ig nora nee and profound eredshty. The whole ti sor ci bis n;-.iTati-.v goes to shew thai ?iiest '.TrariL- o! thc nation " an. hwominn Liai1* marr and men traicien: and shiftless, muter tiu ic-siciing care o. the ludicais : am". a:.i: iii-. younga: genera::-:!: ari. grow? ing up tc oTen wcr-r ways 'han their i>in::u-. ?TUC u tiu aucsi al nash degrada? tion, std. re : a: t. *onivo' riiocc iaioits o: o?>r lii-mci :. .iitaira". willeri wart inculcated and enforced iv their cornier naisicrs. The* usicxa. iarr.Tn: nov. J.- limy an.. "'.. rite:: iwra resolute**" hull i: mon consonan! wm. ::ie?: nica- ni Uber?* ti warnie: fron, pani ta i ian ti' plantation, ar irom place ti place insieod ai hur?m-. Born? io steady fctbur. and thoa un> ndiug ta:- l?t want.- of tlierr ramiiteo. Heue* t: wad nat: Hr. De^urreat caa cuusain:?;-' being bea teaed in: ,ixt-jse? autiiur-.zoar ?iaue pormttoc, Bonienmee ti- om (harriot, sonie tintes another. In? reason- aestgr..d won a~ mo.u .ir- var.ot? a.- tut anpiicr.tou?. Som ibudy wai- dead or a tea cr Bonovrful, or plantation u-inui- TTJVI Trainee, saul shs onplieaiu nTL posed io fro: wars W?eie t VCLS U. bettor de? mand. I'm mle toe mrairiins rrahsnocxation TMU> tiiat Ute negroes aiiould ram..:t u itu da~ :r:o: or cry tv which they iL-air-. t. o itt Ben:. Bu: titer.- chief nnjec: ir. usina tiu nnviiosi wat io -nail their n ionia au? o 11 .. ; ?iemsei?e?. Tn-; Trauhl rn-:c:y make any nruamu io Heirn dorri: ir regular wurk a: Ute piao io nbiaii they wanted U go, but as sn ia x- they wen wearied nf their rralic the;, would aumin, bj siniii-u* promises :' om tin- osen: o: ?III Bureau a: -.nat particular ibsir. n pas.- io ratura, tc ib.*. piact from whence they cam . Hr. IA rorrc-srY narrative, brm. xe i-: is. proves eonchusivoly coat thc Ereeumon'e liurciu. even athen its duties an ne .-lori1-od iv. ;. kurili* ana wei', dis:: aail afro in, ?> au in t?iaranii nuisanoe : wnnot, in ?ia bondti ol a bitter narisan. ready nu; only tn earr; tm bu instructions io :ise iot'or. lu:: o'-ai. to C3 ceed :bom. lt it nadiing shot: o. a torrihiL clarine nf opnresaum. There wen swo ntliar Fedora! u?ioaas u. :m same da-trie: :o which iii. Iii i-'urres: wa- uss:ciiod. v.-lmsi- rapacity wu? puiy rtjuubed by thor uii-ciiiuilnus and who mum btw made it their pthitupa! dar;- ti- gamer io laionisulves :ht largest amount ol plunder m th-- shortest UOSSiuh' Bpose Df :mie". li is scam coim.-ilatioii ii. fellow mai charges wort ?nu?y liroi'errud airumsi them, andr al.hough mn puhhshed. Uiov were removed How many o?* rho sann predomaU? broad Bt?l ren:aii: ax me Sana: in tb: uuda-]iutet; exercise ol U'eir ruseaJty prc pensities it is iniiiossibli- TO KB.;--, hm Slr. Lu? euurs wed known* estimate iu laiaiicui onieiais S:LU hinds gond. '?i ;s liki i'Urting your nand.' said ht:, '-mt.i a hag ot rmtJies tOTiul] eui ont eui. - Hartman Gcwttc '?SIKIETT'- iy AwmcA. ITroni tiic "Sor?i M^prireir HevicwJ ""ii-.idoix "VTarnon*" nria-iira?aarainsi m.i?eni EnrliBUwomei., an?. -parant-lictjcalty. against modem womon of ntbur nations; wt- Lave ulrcacv giv?u; e apacauen of the cnterces. \\ e beor ruo^i' aiamsatiom- in Aniurico tts welt, and it lichotwes us to examine tait- XDundsskm of iht-m. that wc may dhicover whotber or no limy art- true, ana il trnc, what tbr r nm ody saoula tn:. In p?a-2 Encash, art wt gains to die di vd': V\"i? the Sariiiajga womor af ten years hence bf such a w.inian as iht Sarm-diy Sensit d-.-scxibes m ines:- tera* : "Balia-lan na fiashos fr..rr ber eyes, baal and aa-amnr-y de:-;ion tnt "tiiaclmess o; bar ryebr^ws. 'hi-iom o' rases' hinsh ti-oiu har liprV " ls ?ht ol ihn s:a-t now? Lr our ;i;i'.itic:ans inc every yea b? oooing mort- and morf corxttpt, oar Lbeatrca every year more and mnrt rndeeo:): tn?i P?T society mort and mort- abandon0(1 in ::? texcry and ??voi:ty. v.-p very soon reach ;. T'.i:-.: a; which tl) ere ba very hu ie security, toi :_.?. ;ir :r.?'ierry-if that in sam? quarters ol the coon try ha> mn baca reached already. Tnt sobarost ut Amorjiva cue? h-s bad ii^ v> ter*scxs::c:ne:'t iarait.b-:-d t?y thc Claucas, thc tTfnoftrf of the law in Sew Tori, a.-t or remata inacsve aa:-ce-a:. r ; ?:. : bl ri ic ire lt agih td the phiinufis* aod defendaala* parses, while ihe no; whirl ol>!?wpoir1 and Saraksra serves as a reud.1 Lri-ihe t.>i til ai rai obligar ions. A r.aa t-r ui*&eartc*--ju? pi ct orr ia.ct". drawn ia Uusway ef oar prahaSsie fetmrs; ^a? yet we eaano: behevt ia its tinth. The enc-.-- ua is "Thai smnaa: of ir.2a.-a? acth: foroei Dilled social exert up. a ide cea era] correal of thought and ""ipoa iii* ?rcasral moral tone of i-i- conn tn ? ' \\":- cou: o? say h.'tv ii is ia ?a*;i&ad or Pranc; (trhieh latter co aa try, we -t:-n:-r:. Ua? lara shed r.:Os; ?.f tair maicibufoi tin., estays). ba: :a America this i:?--:a?-is. on the whole. aligaL I. ' .-..vl.;i" un- were m bard* A x: e older a :J m^rv ?.rceaitt at mea and i""..iaea. r: ta:- aund> of oar rrc?t luu i.-: as i ?rij; orat-ors. aaJ en at m err han is tad ?noir wires, th.-? extravagance aaa s'.up.ity of na .-h we a.-ar t:> rauca :--.ea: fairly be expected to beget extrav?ganesj%acl s.upidity amoag orders a::.": cUsses, and those who be ievcO :. general reigo o: e .rm,.. iic-a aa? ia^a::.. to I-.- would : probably for in a majority of ;m t..ask:ng pab I L'c. 1: lae peoale wjp by tb-nr s scdins at ' tract thc attautioa and m --al ': tl:< t?>>:; : fi ibe masses are sensual ia their u.-:es j hadlow in ibeir aie:s. iberesi of the people i w??. by c -m:n.' uad-..- ;::t ;r influence, become like theta. Ihey say that wneu ;m -'Beggara O.-^-r." Mes firs: perforated ;n London S;r i:. i..r: Walpole, thea minister, aad wed known :.. b: brfoios te :he rhrht and to tho iefi, w . ;:: a star-: l-ix. Oa the sieging of tao f. "low? ing air .i LockitV, nil eyes were turned t-a ST li-.'b:r:. and the a r wa; enc ?reo : * Whee vuu c.n.-ta-e ta-, ae , .Bc cauu'oa* aad *age. Les; the e.ura-.i> offendetl -h.a'J be; li y.?u m-nuoii vise os btise, _ 'x i? ro pa: :o ::U thc; j ha: e-ea crit-r : Iba: wj- levCDf d at ai;- !" '.Sir Robert, observing thc pointed mannet in which thc audience applied tfto last nae to bim. parried the thrust by eucorinc it ?. ;'i ! i sii gie vo e-., ar.d taus no! only blunted thc pineal sh;:!!, but gained a general huzza trout audience.* Anil there <-;-.;? ht no d'.'iiu; :ha'. Walpole lowered the tone ol London s ?eu ty by tho clever audacity which gained bim tue huzzi. But is you seek tue leaders oi society in America, you do not and them in the states? men, thu orators, the presidents of cottages, but ia boys ol' twenty-two, with a sond taculty tor dancing, and girls ol twenty, just home hom Paris Or .f you io>-ii tor maturity, you may dud ?: bi thc i-. - .-a.-.n of some broken down stock-iamblet, kno-.m by li:-* fast i;orse- and disreputable life. Even these last are in a small minority; ;he crowd is young, and it is thc youth of thc crowd, and its onsequcutly uuinfluential character upon which we wish ti) dwell. A generation in our society lasts titree, tr at tbs outside 'dur year.-, a .1 i: is only at the close ol' their social caver thal our VoUlig mon and women bceiu to have any influence in ilirectiucr the current of thought ur action at all. The number of persons who in any largo Amcncau city are at euee prominent Di?uibvM of ''society, ' and also prominent m publie lile or busin:ss of any knit], can be counted on the lingers o? ono hand. And it is very easy to scr: that prominence aa a cotillion dancer aid proniinenco r.s a human being arc really incompatible, for it requires all the ener? gies of one's nature tobe prominent in either capacity. If any ono wishes to realize tho truth ol' these statements, lot him pause a mo? ment and reflect upon his probable sensations ou being tola that some eminent public lec? turer in thc United States was in the habit of spending ?ns summer afternoons in driving on the avenue at Newport, aud his Winter eve? nings in leading tho German at Deiin ?nico's. The fact is, that all young American men and wo;.icu, who have any ambition or desire to servo mankind, leave .'socioes'' aj ??ion ;n (bay artive at rears of discretion* and thc result is that "socioty"is compo^otl of iluso who have not yet rcacho.l years of discie'i?n and those who never will do so-a society not wry likely to mould opinion at large-, or, iii thc lung run, to damage the cause u: m-a ali ?y witii tiio.-ie win remain oat ot it. Let us say that, in making these remarks, Wa are out speaking of any .-ocie y otiicr than that which is kown by lins name in our lar-rc cities, which Li rccoguiz il as such by reporters of newspapers at L ?og lira itch or Mara toga thc only "society," properly speaking, in America. Thera is, indeed a larger ur 011111!; in the word, which perm:ts il ?oiuctimt-s to in? clude atty association of men and women For purp .-seso pleasure oriustmc i->:i-a meaning which woidd hardly exclude Icciur. s or ings," au-1 wouklecrlai dy co:u? rob >n?l '.tiiu i.-.g parties.'' But tim it ti?:, ''aociely." it cannot be 100 o!te;i repeated [bat society in America means tho ''German.*1 Ic is very difficult lo aiibstan'iato what ?rc have said, because, Irom thc "act that tue in liuenca of society on opinion u so small, spe? cial iiistnncLd of its iveakm ss are hard to L-id. We are >?!?li.q;e 1 to aoju-al to thc RCaoral H nsc of tho publie, and wc a.ik whether wc : ro not borne out in oar assertion that the people wno really direct aud change the direction of the movements of tbouabt and feeling in tho j Ua:'.eJ States aro people outside tho sorta! **u:_:" ?u tilt occupations or 1 sccteiy arc suci. [c npfclnili mei .ITU: tr oman of iea' [mp07tattet and ?naiacur.-frcn: jailing par: ita j tes nmusements: thai i: a< compos?t! cbtefiy o? , boyo and girls: iii*, titi otile! tan-sous who re tuarn ii t: tb beeansr. iheyaw iw: sutKcten* !. v.-;;, (i deann to b-' eisewhtntt: ami. dnally, bail, ca account ...: oil these -.untas. Nevrpor*, Saratoga, and un Filth Avenu? arc o? TX*!!;. ?-?B.- imp?rianct than ta:; aw immmonly rt- ' mita: o h-,. mm wwi OFFICE OF '.'21 BADLY SEWS Wanrassnis, Dii>?iv 5 o'cxacs A. M. TJBLE ELECTIONS. .. i ; EXT i: rn T: y S J: r; i: J J I:7> m TS WASBE?CTOK, No?cmb r. ---Tiir?*t A. M.-Son Francisco ina- cnn Democratic, bu: Jiu Stan o: Caiii'u"u:a nrill probably a*1 Republican. Nashville gives diane 8000 major?e. Midnight returns indican that Nev. Sorb Suite has given Hoffman .1000 majority. Thi roturas mm Now Jersey come in bul very slowly. but i: is believed :hat Brant bas corned Ute S: iii by a snail', majority, while Bmidulph, riemocrut beats chi Radi cai cmuli date for 3 ovum or. IUlturnE fran: Vernum; mdicatr thai cbeS:aU) has gone Republican by 80 nal majority. Thc returns trnm Eon tucky a-e vory mea grc. but :br State has gone Domncrarir by about 9Q.0UI). The Republicans claim ar. in areaae or 22 HOP to dram upon thc Republicen voie in incus.. Thorr art large Republican gams in low:-.. Tb? Republican majority in Illinois it K OOO. Thc lates; rotums irmr. Alabama Hewn io show that chi Stan lias cont Daroncrntir; by a small majority. The Republicans claim Hausa* by 10.OOO ma? jority. Sea&erisc returns indicate rhci errant will have 25.1100 majority ia Michigan, and that eil the Republican candid iles arc elected. Ia Tona-uwea. iTtaJlatm, Republican, is elect? ed by 230? majority. The latest roenrns tram Maryland md ica re that abt Democratic majority is about 20,00.'^ or about 22.000 les? than las: year. Thc Miclrcan Congressional delegation is encroiy Scpunhoan. In New Jersey, Haigh! ann P.ird. Democrats, arr elorttad to Congress. Indications tn aba: Leitwich, Democrat, is elected co Concr-ass, Crom Memphis. T.ur.., by a am aa majority. Haflmatfs majority la Sew York city is 70, 000, and aa Brooklyn, rompi?te, 11,76-i. Thc r?st.m:i.rai? majority for Seymour is Dei s wan is 20:ifl. Tbf Bcpubboaas claim Tennessee by 50,000, I anil tilt- Bsmocrat* concede it by 12.000. Io Illinois tbe Domocraxs carry tbe O.n.?O h, [ 11th, ani proba blt tbe Sta Congressional D:s ; triets. I Indications are tba; lndiasa will go Rspub Bean, by 10. OM. Tb*' folion-iag ?iemf to be Jbc resal? by thc. re lum* rweived up io two o'clock taie mora? ine* Tai "rf:ati> ? uv: beca carried bv jj,-ra-::; 2.1: j.:r.;\. Euv, Votes. ??aiac . _30.000 7 New Hampshire fi.000 S Vfsrmaat.90,000 5 Missachnsetrs .70,000 12 Conaectieai.3.000 6 Rhode bland.. 0,500 * Pennsylvania . 35.000 2-; Ohio . .40,000 21 indiana, .10,000 ii Io wa. 5,000 S l.?iroi- . 40,000 li? Michigan -.25,000 S Wisconsin. 15.000 S lolunesou. 10,000 4 Kansas .12,000 9 Wes: Virginia. S 000 5 Tennessee _ WOOD io California.. 5.000 5 V. Nebraska . 5,000 :? *" Missouri. . _ S.OO? ll To:al. ISO The following States bave gone for Seymour: Majority. Hiv. Votes. New York. 5.000 39 Maryland. 25.00.) 7 Delaware . 2.500 S Kentucky OOiXO ll Alabama. 5,000 8 Georgia. 20 000 ;? Louisiana.90,000 7 Total. .75 Now Jersey and Arkansas are doubtful. The total vote, excluding Virgini.i, Mississippi and i'exiis, is 201, of which 1 IS is a majority. LOCAL MATTERS. rta: CITIZEN'S PARTY. FULL TICKET OF ALDERMEN. Atter our o .lit lou bad gone lo press ibis morning, the following lull ticket of Aldermen was nominated by tho Convent io *i of the Citi? zens1 party, at Masonic Hall : CITIZErV NOMI >'Alli INS lou AMIKKIIEK. Ward 1-B. O'Neill, J. I>. tletliliug?. Ward2-J. It. Pringlo, .fohn Hurkamp. Ward tl -.lames l'osgrow, .lohn Koiiuy, Edwill Hales. Ward -1 -J. F. O'Neil!. IT. Herdt?, Clon. John A. Wagoner, Jae?, ii Minali, P. .Moran. Ward 5- .f. 1>. Aiken, Arch i b lld Cameron. Ward G-II.B. Olney, li. W. Marshall. Ward 7-F. J. Polaor. WarclB-W. 0. Whilden. To the CltlXCtlS ol' I liai h slea. You are hereby requested lo meet in your Hovoral wards lo-uiglit, at Kevan o'clock, lo organizo for the Municipal Election. JOHN IIANCKEL, Chairman Nominating Conimitlee. E A UTI [QU A K i '.H AT SKA. I he ship I'ronglilon winch arrivi'd a! San 1'V.iiieisai from (Slnsa'cw on tim 2d ult., felt Hovrral sbocknol earth fjiia'.:e al sea. The lirai occurred Mepleiiibor ll. Again on thc lft'h the ofliecrH owl crea li lt a trembling as :? the rofW?l had gritiindeil, and at ll) o'clock thc tame nigh! a fog iinise, being clear overhead, accompanied willi a snv.?l of lb<a 'J'hiH c.'intiiiuetl .'ill night. Al niuo A. M. next day, thc log cleared ?ff, but Ibo smell contuiued s??mo t'lntt nfier. Agsiu, in latitudo S4 degrees 2:! i inaten H??rll?, fin air bod Ibo smell aa of ? e. 'Jim ivcathof waa clear ?:: thetinio, w :ii a bcavt H a run ning. ' F:>K 'TVRRPOO*U TH i. PIKE FA-*"*- - M ,.I;;-:M.', v ?Salo OWE?O, K. ;. po*T Vs<-.'. For Ervulr. PU?-^inwJi?.. "WM* tr W. rk SJ1TTH * CO.. KQTt?nb?r3 _"Kant-Mi R*e^v.^ POR l>r*C*ERPi?r*0. Tin: A: AMISTO **A1" IURE m*u.Ks KAVPS. F. E. OTIS iStstPT. battra?-* "arg^ pntotbst o^trac oa b#*i?i. and r>?iu, D ur ?. i?p**ity, trill ?ail wiiL> disftOeb. For o?ame?- ofrmibtiva, unaly *> .vt??wr .?, >Tnr.rr. ?Kor*fi;*BS * co. PUK J.:VKKW01>. tV-f^ THE FINE alL C. PACKET! SHIT R. J*0"">. 0 v.rsiiiuni\STKv<rA?rii?riatt. faavio>; -.*0?^* "*:" ": -'-"V1- "MS???<J?Xl, ?4U B?**t With j ^e^. iifmitgb. Fte Fi-alabt <>o,ri!o>u-.<?nt>. anp'.v to Captain on fco?r?.. ?r u> PAX! i:ifc^i??? k 8WCS, Ostobar 94 ST sonm ,\t*aat?c"*f**tsr.. por; rH,'i,.\nf;?/: i;;,'.. - ^-rtta THE STE A M S K I ?? pncniK i?S :': THHCts cm*ta A. r. or*?, will ??Jr ft: le-rrt- Vorth Atta? tic Wurf ?-mr aptrS~2?5?>? ?div. Iba Ttfc liwa,*tb**Sa?>t.Ble?vt A M. For ?rtitibi apple* "' JOITK <fc THEO. GETTY. PAST PKE"("KT UVC TO AK? pf'4>."?l BALTIMORE. rHTi^H?i.rHiA. WASI?TNO ON . '.TV w:;.\r:s.-; rOK, .i>*r;...T.ot:isnL?.i'. /EY.. aWOTKNATl, '0. !.!. LOUIS, *W0.i AVl-OTHER S 0 KT KW KT HUN 0 IT USS. y. ^ THE FAVORIT/ ASP SW: FI .r .\' . ""jL Siro?- StMinnttili SEA G?LL, 'S. P. -d-ilj'*'? 'Y ~~ ITT*!'1*?. i"omni?nili??. wtt] mi' lor ^JlT^afe^'??- ItalUuiOTPOti fWrfo'.. :l>. dil-, ol No .rantTrmr, a: l> r'clock A. "M.. troni Plw *So 1. "Pn'or Wharves, it?iu? r'ose roun'oUons, omi ?loliwlui: rr.'iyb: lo all posais In -ouuectioii uriunnily aaii U: dur ra''.;. Ttiroo^b Hill? La?llac pl'w. on Cottor. to R^fon. inAuruim on Cotton. Nae, IkunwM.oj MM: {tonar?! Mon'lumli*-.. by Ult-sPHimsJjlps Ol tbr> li .(.. ^ po ccu;. ForFrulph; or ix?sa,'o. apply-to COURTENAY A TRKSHO'.V,. So-nimbar 2 mw2 Uulon Whurv?*?. SKW YOKK AXO C?JARbES.oN STEATUSEir LTE . FOR N E ir r C JE A* ..xo-i,,, THE Sl'i.i^prj) Slue WE EL i, TS vl . AMsKTT CAMPION, l-cw ^^jw^ **.' woo?. Coiumoad*?**, . ft leave .Il***^**^"^^ "r-s Kuan oa A't).i.*T-.., th* 7:h lu?:., a? Tw!vf o'clnnTs"SiI. TtM Stwuni'rs oi ?bw"Di?e IC'ta^'at flnrcc^iir. rori? por cont. i-or Frt'iciit ot Ptwsage, uavittg Ronald Cabin uo cnromodntloTJs. anp^ to MXS&iar "f: A e^ Corner A?ffiC'liTi l ? Iifl***!*? fCTj ?h'-v.. ?Novnjnbnr < 4 FOR !<<C*tt" *^^fK*K. j;i.ari.AK LJ.Tfivixr TSTT^f A? PASSA&S. H K iR'CKiD TO feS. ^y^v?? TSE ST*EA*?SHrr K.Wl'?.'Rl Y .4**g*^"j^C?:>ta?n RYtnrs. TU""!. ICN-. V*t: ^.?^-!f^^T>r ^Wfc*****t*? tt"i?r?. ?or- 7'>Wrv<i*(ti/, 7^Hiilin''ii **'T*"* ' S. ol t?ji*fi o'? l.vl: A. M Eil:* Inline, uccompan??! i?- tout i.ivi-rpt- or CtctfAeaM*?! ni>is: Tv-iw.-?voly be lMBifit4 in ut on: oniw hy stv o atoe*; on II><'I?~?*/?I.- Rtarinp. O-t-io'il T. . EAVTNTa. .Vi . ^e?.^t?l TR A Y li. ll. I'-KS p.\ssr\>i? TU..or<;n CrHAELTSTOS i^S E?">r IX TO F*. i*C'.*.\J.. A1EE "< -~ ?_H Ai.fl oibor p*th06<>, irbmTra not ?. to ta their mtpptim ofVflOXlS . ~ '". IOSS, CI* RI IS. CE I?T1 ?.ONES, r5SK?SES- v'OK.lA'.v : I.-. *A*EI> EUS. WINKS, i ASS: 1"> VEATN, XX'?N. AV. rtii s . ; Wii.l iiUTnr t.v? ?XtXW0& Tu . tor r^ncil - molrrai wn i T*iBt*hca*o<t? 49*Soa<i for n M?iOogaA. VM. > iM?iTlTN A OC. SW RS Ki; .,- t m Borireesa v.'ir rw.vth ap | i^*.i;a:n. ;":narlr?ron. S ?. Erant? nf S.\ 033 SN?VTWH? , <vc?tAr SOtti ?.x^ t ' S fi Tort IX^oMnSt* : PAflFIC MAI t. > EU '.MV,M f COMFY*"?, ?aR0r*6E ..is_ T.? j r.M.irOTiNlA CHINA ANT J AP AK FREIGHT A\r< PASSAGE .*r GUF.J ; ; r . v preyr> .KATES: - -i-_. SIEAMKltS Ol' IE! Ji ";."..^ *"v' line "wiroTierX? <i Nora-: !?i\vr? ^?"H\tlU*M-l *S*Ol Ol C?:?>ii:->-l.\vi. ?f*W K r!*T??"**s3'-":4;js-. l?oV?n li no n ol U e l?k v..- ti ta ?T:.l -H?I Ol eVOTJ mont*. 0X04 ? . v . . .1 ?:..- .Nt?-? ran ?a Sr.T!.?K,i. UMH de **atorJ tj ptv istii ?. Pcftartare .-t l*i nn.? 2<la ?onno. ; ni Pai .-. ? ?nw Moam. rs Rae foo?t IVinc amt Ooat.'Al *iu.'.-i.-.i. parta ihosoot M tonchat K<CnzM>*lln, AT {tia ?M oa?":i month Asan*?!* w tbr nrw >:ci.-.i true fTrota Panama>,? ? . N? ? **roalaniI. Stt^r.iship JAPAN, 1OII-O< s?r. : r. < STA 55 0hu a uxtA lapaa, SovwnaKT ?. >oi"'*litonu.i r>tcamm "vmeaat Savana, IM*. ..-. .'.i.wt frota Soa YorTs io vspin?.t.'. ?Ono hrandroil poNnd? taggas? ti*? t-" ov?t ?Jwl Ut^icino and atten^aace nw. For Paisa?o ricket* or tnn?K r In W.T. ?t*?m apply nt tile COMPANY'S VT0KS1 OFTTt'E, ??a the wa? I uvl o! t,"aunl-strivU So: lb Uiv. r. S i? YiVrtt, Marean Irr F.R. RABY, Agtat. svK v u ru t.ivt'.ttv ?O'.. CALLISS AT OCEESSrOW^? c , > IHK ISMAN l iv s vi'. i\.? ? '*.' *vv> *"HMl.WEKKLY .-..:r>.o. la? C. ... tyjjh I fi? "f^Mailf?,Aw*li?Unjrrtiibcfi'Ron ni* -N--'-^ . ?ttftamot?: CITY OK PARIS. CI 1Y i>r PM ItMOUE, Ci IV Ol' WASillSOlON. CITY Dtp' BOiTO?i Sailinffexer* ?JNni?ajian>t?wy allemal? V'--.:.i^, ! :tl 1 Y M.. iViMll Iii r S?V ' > No; th Kivor, Ni w York i;v?tes OE rvs.-MO: I v\ rm viv M \Mii'sAUMVO KvnavMTORMI, l*.i\;:!..?? tn I'AUI, | t*ayahu< In i!umn*j 1*1 caMu.Moa ; M.s'Msr..'.*r ixt i*abin .ti l otulon..l03 S(.xta*i?to t^ntnton .. i i> i.ab'n lo Parin ....tia | s.o to parin. <t Paivjise by thc .U?m l?iv eto morn -1'n^i i.ablnffiu ?:i>lit- Mivra.'to s:ii'; payabW in L'. s. currvHey, Ital ? ?ifn4nsa|ir irom Sew YorV <>~ llalirav; i*it>iu s:.'. s:<HTaK?>, SiO:payable in rJ.H.1. PaM>eii|icr? ?l??n Ittrwartlctt lo Havre. It^Vudtirit, Bri roen, I:?*.. .'litii>.li,r:ii<>rnti,t. siri'iM;:i? |ta??ai'o iTiiiu l.ivm'pool ?n?1 Oiioonrtoi" . i<0 eumntoy. Tlckoin eon bo biin^hi biro bj ; . ? ?cndini; for ihoir friMttli*. * rp'or furtbor (nionnaUon *pplv :it (h?? Ootupnt.v' OtUcca. Jilli N tl. I ' A i .1.. ARonl, So. 18 Nt v? \ o 1 Jun?' i I*IIIO POI? ?' llOtt i it'VVi-AV*.. < UK KAW. AND Al.I. LAN 1 'I N'.is ON TH li PEI OKI KIVKli. _ ^fr-????, t ill'STKAMI lt 1 l.iN I l it. i'AI'T. ??^?jSSiim*'- *' WIIITK. Inno? riHWivlnii En>l|thl at AiwiiiiUiHlatloii Wlmrf. ?IM will lone Friday Morning, (ho (>ili Instant, a >oxon oVIoeh. For ITI'IKIII or Panwiue, apply i?> Nnvfiiibor a J .MUN I'KU'ltlSOM. P(IH PA lt ATICA A 1'I.OItlUA. VIA SAVANNAH. Fl HNANIMNA. J A? liSoNVll.l.E ANO Al.IJ LAMXNU? ON Tllli ST. jon N . Kl VE H. r - ?r*** TUK 8 T K A M K B CITY POINT j>^7:.'^LT=St (Ililli (miK liiirlliviil. Captain \V, T. MO.NKI.TV. ?Ill loare South Allarllo Wliarr every lurmtaf Xtfkl ul ll o'clock, nm! Suva uah every IVftlntMltty AJI numil, a> :i oVIoek, lor Hie abnvo placea, Itelnrnlnf, ?rill IravoKavannali tor Olia rleatou ev?wy .Sund?n, Unrnirfi, al 8 o'clock, All fn'ln'il ii'yablc <-ti HID wharf. Uooili loll ??:i tin? wharf alter aunael will lu? ?loreil at < x|? UM' ami risk Ul ow ?HM M. J. b. AI lt KN V fi?.. Anrnl? Oclolwr H sonlli AI lan I lo Wharf. \oxii nur i II /./.A I CHA tl lilCHTU*! \ Ml s \ V *. :? \ ll STK.' tr: PACK Er u\?. Vi? ilKAIIOI! I. Il 11.11 IV 11 KA ll A Nl> nilli*1 Pl ON STEAM KU 1*11.? >T KUY.tin;?!. W. A. VA l'KN Kl HAM KU EANMK.l'aol. KKMH Pia n ,tj"*-?w UNI III' Till" AHOVK s i I-A M I? lt A ^Vf^r-V'iSv--**111 li:1V" ' ll III---It'll fVIV Vll'l./'ii Mm HI np, ai 7 nVliN'k, Riel saratinali . vcr lAan I; ? Muru ?lift, al 7 n". I . li Kw Kn 'j:ln ur |iaa aifc, ?p| '\ In .1 UN 1 I UUIKON, Juno "J A<M*>imnM><lalliifi WliarC ruwAUK p?tc?vu K. - xVIlt* r,,K KIIKr.ri.AHi TOWBOAT izSUuZulm*' W M?N.?'apl Tinai I'ATNK, IN imw In i-otnputo pro|iariiloii lu low VrJOiKEM of any luiiiincn In ai >l ftimi rharl^atiiii Hur. 'I lu pmtirlli r ::i I.IKE. I'apl. .1 .1 FI.VMN, n i ?.ui plein nr?h?r, will Ukn Towaip) .'litraffninfiila wllhili Hm H i.i.i.r. ur piiii^ mi Aaliley niel Onuper lllvcri?) at i a'm.aliif ralcf. .I' ill N El If.ll ON, '?'<i!.rr:7 lui ?mn Aecoinni' ilal'on What f. J O (?A IV A HKAKUOUK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AM? SOI.IOITORM IX equirr, No. 1)3 BHOAD-STHEET. CObWKLl.T. LOUA.V...e. PATNAUD HUA Ult'.' '.?iVli.h'l 1