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THE DAILY NEWS. ?IOftDAN, DAW80N & CO., PROPRIETORS. Si OFFICE No. m EAST BAY. -o TEBMS-THE DAILY NEWS, PRICE (payable in all ca?cs IX ?D/ANCE), Six DOLLARS A YEAR ; THBKK DOLLARS FOB SES MONTHS ; Two DOLLI RS ros THREE MONTHS. *SHE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS. PRICE (IN ADVANCE), THREE DOLLAR A YEAR ; Two DOLLARS FOR SIS MONTHS. NO Subscription received for a less pe? riod. Ho Paper sent unless the Cash accompanies the order. Ho Paper sent for r. longer timo than paid for. ADVERTISING RATES-Fiitcen cents a une for the flxst insertion, and ten cents a Une for each eubse -*I?D* insertion. Marriage and Funeral Notices ono dollar o ?eh. ?W5TTEBS should be addressed to THE DAILY NEWS, No. 140 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. REJECTED MANUSCRIPTS wiU not be returned. MEWS SUMMARY. -o -Tenuyson will print his Linsest poem yet before thc end of the year. -Snow items tefrin to appear in journals to the northward. -There are three hundred female printers and fifty female proof-readers in Paris. -Queen Victoria is ia her fiftieth year, and has nine children and thirteen grand-chil . dren. -Memphis ia jealous of Louisville and Cin? cinnati, and charges them with ''stealing away her trade." * -Politics now fill up, on an average, three fourths of the space devoted to reading in a majority of the American newspapers. -Satchel is tbc appropriate name of the chaplain of the Louisiana carpet-bag Legisla? ture. -Mr. Jefferson Davis is staying at Alton, England, with the Roman Catholic Earl of . Shrewsbury. -It is said that there are ten thousand peo? ple in Loudon who earn their livelihood by literary work. -It is stated that agents of the French Gov? ernment are in New York, making lar^e pur? chaser cf grain, salt moat, clothing, &c. -Tho sales of pews in tho new synagogue of the Israelites iu St. Louis, on Monday last, realized $49,003. -In 1871 the first really thorough census ot India is to be taken. The population is esti? mated at one hundred and fifty million souls. -The New York Sun says there is euch a de man din that city for children for adoption, that evm cripples and other unfortunates are -not refused. - A Railroad Conductors' Mutual Life Insur? ance Association is proposed. A g :neral meet? ing Tor organization has been called in Cincin? nati on the 20th ol October. -John Bull still sticks to his beer. The now hop and molt exchange erected in Lon? don, co3t over seven hundred thousand dol? lars in gold. -T .e Boston Post is anxious to know what -will be done with the ten thousand Chinamen who aro working on the Pscific Railroad, atter it is finished. -Bishop Potter, on Thureday, made the an? nual address at the Protestant Episcopal Con? vention in Philadelphia. It was non-commit? tal upon ritualism. -The grape otop of tho celebrated Chateau .Lafitte, which bas just been purchased by - Boron James Rothschild, will this year ba en? ormous. It has been valued at over ono mil l ion frar os. -The Rt. Rev. George A. CarreU, D. D.. Catholic Bishop of Covington, Ey., died on the 25th ult., aged sixty-six. Por many months he had been in failing health. He was an earnest, .eloquent and highly esteemed prelate. -The numbev of iron clads in course of con rrtraction in the different parts of France is as follows: Four frigates, seven corvettes, four gunboat?, and one floating battery, designed rb?'. h ar tv i' def euee. The present iron clad fleet ie composed of twenty-eight ships. .-Hon. George H. Pendleton pronounces a iirgery the letter lately published purporting to have been written by him, counselling thc Texans to vote in the presidential contest, not? withstanding Congress has shut them ont, -with Virginia and Mississippi. -The Roman Catholic Bishops of Cork, *'Cloyne, Ross, and Korry, Ireland, have had a -conference in regard to the election, and have decjded to recommend Mr. Gladstones pro? gramme to tho Irish Liberal constituencies as the only one that can be adopted. -There is a renewal of the war between the Kew Tork Central and Erie railroads. Through rates to Chloago fro m New York are now said to be scarcely high enough to pay for handling the freight. Lood for shippers of freight, temporarily, at least, but death to the railroads themselves. -General Sherman writes a lotter to thc ""Boys in Blue" at Philadelphia. Ho does not believe that an officer who is in the anny for life, and ejtpects to serve under different ad? ministrations, ought to toke an active part in politics, but he begs that no one "will doubt .his respect for and absolute confidence in Gen? eral Grant." -Two brothers in Kentucky have lived in two States and six counties, and yet neither has moved out of the county in which he was born. They lived in Kentucky when it was a portion of Virginia, and in Ohio County when part of the territory that composed Jefferson and subsequently other counties, until nar? rowed down to its present name and limits. -Tho leading fearuro of the dry goods auc tiop Bales in New York on Tuesday was a cata? logue ci French and Saxon dress goods. The attendance of buyers from the South and West as well as others representing the near-by trade, was quite numerous. Though the various lines were sold through with some few dupli? cates, prices were hardly up to tho6o realized for the same kind of fabrics last week. -Charles Lamb, in his pleasant essay on tho South Sea House, anticipates thc Grecian bend in the following description of "Thomas Tame :" "He bad the air and stoop of a noble? man. You would have taken him for one had you met him in one of the passages leading to Westminster Hall. By stoop I mean that gen? tle bending of the bndy forward, which, in great men, must be supposed to be the effect of an habitual condescending attention to the . applications of their inferiors." -The United States tonded warehouses on Water-street, Brooklyn, N. Y., with several ad? joining buildings, were destroyed by Uro on Wednesday last. As near as can be ascertain? ed there was about $1,000,000 worth of stores in bond belonging to various Now York and . Brooklyn firma. The goods on storage con . 8isted for the greater part in palm oil, mo? lasses, gunny bags, gunny cloth, hideB, log? wood and indigo. -The members of the Orthodox, Eastern or . Creek Church in California, who number about one thousand, aro about to orect a church building ii San Francisco. Considerable funds have rem raised in the interior of the State, lo which additions will be solicited in San Francisco, and it is stated that the C; Russia will also contribute sufficient io construction of an edilice which will prc ornamout to the city. A missionary has sent by the Bishop o? Sitka to officiato. -Gerrit Smith has just published a let General Leo, pitching into Rosecrans ( count of his "servile, flattering, fr.lse sj and into Lee, also, because he has not ct ued his "dignified, beautiful and exemple lenee in regard to thc political affairs c country," when the fact ia, General Lee what he did say, oat of courtesy as it wei little of a pol'tical turn as possible. Lee ply lo Rosecrans Mr. Smith also condem proposing a virtual re-establishment of cry; a queer construction, surely. He doo think it is so bad, however, as General B alleged utterances. -Thc New York Commercial says a les bank in that city employs a thief at a goot arv. Some time ago a large sum of mone: stolen from tho bank safe. All tho evid showed thal tho theft must have boen i mitted by some one in the Lank. Conscqi ly detectives were employed, and all thc cl from the casbier down are now under s surveillance. They all know that one of i number must be guilty; but who it is the g one alone can tell. No clerk dare resign, fe would at once bo suspected of the crime; can tho real thief make usc of his booty, causo any t .asual expenditure would di suspicion toward him. -The New YukTimts says: "Tho newsp: attacks on tho 'Grecian Bond' are resul just as we foretold when they were bei That is to say, it is steadily though sic spreading; and it is impossible to walk d Broadway on a fine afternoon without sei quite a number of elegant illustrations o Even the urchins who stand on tho con selling photographic and pictorial caricati of it, aro of zio account. The ladies smil the caricatures, and then determino to at! the bend. We hopo the newspapers, phi graphers, engravers and comic-song wril will now see the piopriety of letting it ak unless they desire it to become universal, the way, some of these parties seem to bc u ware of tba visible, palpable, tangible and sential fact that the 'Grecian Bend* is a mal ot dress, not of posture." CHARLESTON. MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 5, 18C? Fo~Pra\dtnt.HORATIO SEYMOf For Vvx-PrtsUent.FRANCIS P. BLAIR A Glance over the Field. About two weeks ago the New Yo World, a leading organ of the Democral party in the Northern States,,, explain away all the apparent strength of the plai in the Tammany platform denouncing tl Reconstruction acts of Congress as "unco stilutional, revolutionary and void," ai said, emphatically and authoritatively, tb the Democratic party never intended overthrow, by force, the reconstructed go ernmeuts of the South. This declaration understood to have been made in the hoj of regaining the vantage ground which ti party had lost through the intemperal words of some few distinguished but in prudent Southern men. If success be the true test of politici merit, the retrograde movement of tb World was a blunder. The uneasinet which had been excited among that larg class of Northern voters whom politician had designated as "doubtful" had become t o general and deep-seated to be quieted by th ipsedizit of any journal, however influent ia' Vermont and Maine gave no sign of th great ground-swell against Radicalism whic had been so confidently predicted. HM g gerated reports and ingenious falsehood regarding the temper and disposition of th South were sown broadcast and began t bear fruit. Perversions of the Democrat! doctrine inclined the vast power of the cap italist and bondholder to the support o GRANT. And gradually the apprehensioi gained strength at the North that the peac and security of the country might really bi imperilled by the success of the Democrats cause. It is useless to shut our eyes to sad bu obvious facts. The seeming spread of th< belief that the election of Mr. SETMOUI would be the signal for financial convul sion, and, perhaps, a " new rebellion," it at the root of the evident exhilaration o' the Republicon press and politicians during the last few weeks, and of thc correspond? ing depression in the Democratic ranks. The rash utterances of a few prominent Southern men have thus gone far toward: effacing the impression produced by the patient fortitude and brave endurance ol eight millions of people. As it is, the Democracy go into the pre? liminary struggle of the October elections shorn of much of the strength with which they entered the Presidential canvass. The indications now are that the "doubtful" vote on which we had so largely counted will bc divided, if not against us. We trust that, even without this important element, we yet may win the fight. A fortnight will tell the tale. Mr. Disraeli. At the first glance there seems to be but little connection between dining and diplo? macy, and yet the after-dinner utterances of the members of the British Cabinet, as well as of the leaders of the opposition, re? ceive in England as much attention as is paid by listening Europe to the oracular words of the Emperor NAPOLEON at a mili? tary review, or the reception of a deputa? tion from the provinces. It is known, of course, that no English minister, directly responsible as he is to the people, can speak as decidedly and dictatorially as the mon? arch whose will is law; but the phrases of the Premier sud his colleagues, and the ex? pressions of the arch opponents of the gov? ernment, are carefully weighed, and are ac? cepted as an indication of what will be the policy of their parties when they enter the arena of the House. Public dinners, with the customary political pronunciamentos, take place every autumn, and always, what? ever thc time of year, in the interval be? tween the adjournment of Parliament and a general election. They are always im? portant events; but on account of tbe^bit ternesB of the "battle-royal" between Mr. DISRAELI, the Premier, and Mr. GLADSTONE, the Liberal chief, they have been looked for this staron with peculiar and serious interest. Singularly ecougb, however, Mr. DISRA? ELI, SO far, has not opened his mouth. While his lieutenants aro issuing addresses and making speeches, he himself is silent. Ordinarily he attends one of the Bucking? hamshire agricultural dinners given in the fal!, but this year he has refused all invita? tions, and gives it to be understood that he will make no speech anywhere at present. Nor has ho written any letter of late to "The Time9," or issued any address to his constituents. This persistent and unusual reserve gives color to a report which daily becomes more current. It is said that the Tory Premier meditates a movement which will turn the dank of the enemy. Satisfied that the No POPKRT cry.has entirely failed to rouse the religious fanaticism of his party, he is probably ready to abandon it and the Irish Church Establishment as bc abandoned his opposition to reform and the extension of the suffrage. The Tory party have, it is true, declared, in their election addresses, that they will defend the church to the last gasp. So were the Tory cabinets pledged against reform; but Mr. DISRAELI threw them over without a scruple, and by their loss was saved. It cannot now be asserted positively that their leader will make them again undergo the same humiliation, but Mr. DISRAELI i9 certainly considering whether the new movement shall be made or not, and now, as before, will refuse to be governed by the simple rules which bind commonplace men. Mr. DISRAELI won power and place after long years of wailing. He will not.give up his seat upon the ministerial bench while it is possible to bc retained. The old custom which requires the minister who is defeated in the House of Commons, upon a question suppoited by thc government, to resign nt once, because he is constructively censured by the people through the majority of their representatives, has no terror for the present Premier. Setting at naught ancient ideas and venerable customs, Mr. DISRAELI is not willing to relinquish his high omeo only because he finds that his policy is opposed to the wishes of the nation. On the con? trary, he takes the ground that the Minister who has been wroug may revise his policy, place himself on the popular side, and jus? tify his harlequinade by the announcement that he is always ready to defer to the de? mands of the godlike people. This scheme has, at least, all the charm of novelty. The public appetite was not appeased by the changes uudergone by Mr. DISRAELI during the debate on the Reform bill. What is new and strange has Bot yet lost its charm, and if Mr. DISRAELI will swallow the leek and proclaim himself an ardent reformer, he may make the victory of the Liberal parly uncertain, and defer for an indefinite time their return to politi? cal power. Officially, Mr. DISRAELI has as many lives as a cat. Drive him lo the wall, and he will fight with desperate energy ; and so great is his pluck nnd versatility that he may gradually win over a number of Liberal members sufficient to make his position secure, even if he begins the new session with a heavy adverse majority. The Ever Faithful Isle. The Northern papers are all agog about what is to become of Cuba. One sensational Radical paper says that the Cubans have for masy mouths been organized for revolu? tion, and that the Queen of the Antilles will soon knock at the doors of the Union. The truth is, that enough Spanish troops will be kept in Cuba to make it secure against insurrection or filibustering, and the reve? nue derived from the island is so large that Spain, whether as a monarchy or as a republic, will be inclined to resist to the last extremity either its independence or its annexation to thc United States. This country is not rich enough to go to war for Cuba, and the Cubans, if they desire to be absorbed, must wait until our own great troubles are over. At the dato of our last Havana advices the news favorable to the Spanish revolution was suppressed, and much dissatisfaction was reported to exist among the Spanish navy officers. Thc Georgetown Times, Our contemporary, the Georgetown Timec, charges THE NEWS with "plagiarism," in the publication of two articles which op pear ed in these columns on (he 23d and and 24th ultimo. The articles of -vhich the Times speaks were suggested by, and based upon, a speech delivered by the Hon. B. H. WILSON, at Georgetown, on the 12th ultimo, and published in thc Georgetown Timc3. But to the fftct9 contained in that speech, were added statements and figures which, togeth? er with the labor expended upon them, made the articles iu our opinion substantially ori? ginal We regret, however, that no mention was made of the source whence wc derived so much of our information, and now express to the Times, as well as to Mr. WILSON, our apologies for what eeems to have been re? garded as a wilful infringement of the rules of journalistic courtesy. ?lcmao?ls. "VTOTICE.-MK. P. VOA SAMTEN WEGS JJl to inform his parr, ns and the public at largo thut he will remove ou or about tbo 10th instant from his present uland lo his new und elogantslore, No. 229 KlNO-STREl'.T. two doors north of Mnrket-streot, and open the mest handsome and attractive slock of FANCY GOODS, Toys and Fireworks ever exhibited lu Chai lesion. 3 October 5 PT. SCH LU; Y, Al. D., HOMOEOPATH. . 1ST, bas removed hi* Ofn>e from No. 04 Wentwortb to No. U')7 KINO-STllEET. September 23 fmwl3 EEMOVAL.-DK. KR A A CIS I* ?'AI? KEK bas removed his Oilicc from No. 79 Droad-street to No. 74 HASEL-STREST, two doors east ot the Fostoffice. Jtilv 21 /or Sole. FOK SALK LOW, A SMALL LOT OF Prime Young U> LES, suitable for Drays. Also, a few lino Harness and Saddle HORSES'. Apply to K. ARNOLD, No. 219 Meeting, corner John-sticet. Ootobf-r 5_2_ TWO LAKGE Xo. 1 FIXE MILES FOR .?ALE. Inquire at No 02 STATE-STREET. sepicmber30 wfmC* (1 Kt>CEKY. S l'ORE F O tl S A Lt E . T 'I bat well-known GROCERY. STOKE at thc northwest corner of lUdclilte-ttrcet and Jasper's Court, lor farther Infornia'.ton inquire cu thc premise-. 3* October 2 PLANTATION FOR SALE-POK -ALE. a vulua le PLANTATION' iu Oraugeburjj Dis tritt, tea miles ea"! of Branchville rout tining twen- | ty-cigbt hundred acres, elga* hundred acres of ?rbi *i are closed sud well fence i. There arc also upon thc j place a good Dwelling House and thirty or forty other houser. For further infor mation apply to R. i A. COWMAN, Oraugeburtf C. H., or to UEtDER fr I DAVIS, idc. r's North Wharf, Charles?on, s. C. j September 21 uiwf ? Wauls. WANTEIL AN ENGINE, FROM 20 TO 30 horse-power, with or without a Saw Mill aita- hod. Apply at No. 141 MEETING-sTREKT, up stairs. 1* October S WANTEO, BY A COLOKKD MAN, A SI1?ATION as a Cook, or in any other capa? city. Can give tho highest testimonials aa to capa? bility and character. Apnly at THIS OFFICE. October 5 _1 TIT ANTED, ONE THOUSAND COUDS YY SEASONED YELLOW PINE WOOD, on a gocd landina on the Ashley River. JOHN H. MC RR AY, Oc'ober 3 1* Market Wharf. VTUKSB WANTED.-WAN'? ED, AN i.1 experienced Colored Nurse. One without family, who can romo well r.-conimended, will get Rood wages and a good home. Apply at No. 103 TR A t 'D-sTREET. 2_October 5 1 AYANTED, ONE OK TWO ROOMS, IN ? I se-oud s'ory, situated in King-*treet, between Market aud Sodomy streets. Apply at "COMMER? CIAL SCHOOL," corner Broad an J Church streets. October 3 _2* TTRAXTED, IN A RESPECTABLE F.AMI ? V LY, by a gentleman and wife two (2) ROOMS, with use of one Kitchen itoom (w thout borrd.) Ad? di ess KEY BOX No. 73, Charkaton P. 0. Octoter 3 2* AGU.NTS W \ N'TED_A SPLENDID CAMPAIGN BOOK.-Agents wanted to sell thc best Democratic Omipakii Bookin thcfi<i:d. Contains biograt hies of SEYMOUR, BLAIB, and other leading Democratic statesmen, as well a - a < ouipletc history cfthejarty. i;lusiratedby poir-aits. Recommend? ed by Mr. Pendleton, Gen. Uauoock. and other.?, os the most valuable political tc it-book published. Address D. APPLEJON k CO., Publishers, New Ycrk. Im September 20 WANTED A SITUATION, BY A ONE ARMED MAN, as overseer of hands, or super? intendent on farm or plantation, or watchman, or any other cinploMUont that u one-artne.1 man can fill. Apply at No. 14 ANN-sTREET. Applicant can give good retereuees. September 22 \\J ANTED, BY A YOUNG MAN, WHO TT writes a plain and legible hand, a situation wi ere he can earn a livelihood tor the support ot lils fa i ily. /-ddrcss "Peaniau," oFF.iCE DAILY NE Wy September 21 HOUSE WANTED.-A PUNCTUAL AND pormir-cnt tenant wishes to rent a small but neat and pleas mtly Fituated DWELLING. Kent must be moderate. Possession not required imme? diately. Address, stating terms, location, io , "A. B.," OFFICE DAILY NEWS._September 18 TITA NT ED. OY A GENTLEMAN FKOM TV the up-coun'ry, a situation as CLERK in cithei a Wholesale or Retal) Grocery store; is ex? perienced in the burine---, and c-n influence tran c. Best of references given. Address CLEliK, through Charlcstou Postofllce, toutn Carolina. September ll _ AGENTS WANTED-DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN GOODS,-Eiybt by ten Oval steel Engravings of SEYMOUR AND BUIR, with or without traine1", sheets 25 cents each. Lifo of both 25 cci,ts. Photographs, Pius, Badges, Cturts. fcc, one hundred por cent profit. Sum; le package? by u.ail for one dollar. Address at tinco GOODsPEED k CO., August lt 2mo* No. 37 Park Row, N. Y. T.1MPI .4 > Y M K N'T OFFICE-SEK V A N TS JGi cou bc obtained by applicatio to tho "UNION H'ME,"irora9 til 111 o'clock daily. Servants can al-o find places by application to the samoplaic, at the same hours lmpiire for tho Ma? tron, coroer Church and Chalmers ?ticet Juue19 YYJANTEO, SUBSCRIBERS FOR ALL VV TUE LEADING MAGAZINES AND NEWS? PAPERS, at publisher's rates. CHARLES C. RIGHTER. April 21 No. 1G1 King-street. "?T.TANTED, AGENTS EVERYWHERE. > V lo sell cur PATENT EVERLASTING METAL? LIC CLOTHts LINES. Write lor circulars to tuc AMERICAN WIRE COMPANY, No. 1G2 Broadway. New Yow. (imo? April 20 "Tl r ANTED, EVER V ROD Y TO SUB T V SCRIBE to the CIR'TLATING LIBRAItV. CHARLES C. RIGHTER'S Select Library of Now Books contains all of thc latest publication?. April 21 No. 101 KING-STREET. ?o tient. TO KENT, THAT FIKST-CLASS BUSI? NESS s i A VD, No. 290 King-street, a few doors south of Wentworth-jtreet, now occupied by F. von >anteu. September 29 TO RENT. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND best stands in the city for a Grocery and Bar Koora Apply to No. 217 EAsT BAY opposite New Custom House. Sep.ember 13 TO KENT, A COMFORTABLE TWO AND A HALF STORY HOUSE. No. 4 Mory Htreet. Also, a HOUSE No. 2 Doughty street Ap? ply lo W. BYRNE, northeast corner King and John streets. s'epiomberlS rpo RENT, A PART O K HOUSE No. 171 _L Coining-street. Inquire on premises. September 6 TO KENT, FOR THE SUMMER, A HOUSE, containing sight rooms, pleasantly sit? uated, on thc front beach sullivan's Island, back of J Beauregard Batlerv. Applv at DAILY NEWS OF? FICE. _ July 2 TO RENT, AT SULLIVAN'S ISLAM O, two adjoining TWO-MOBY HOUSES, situated clo:io to Fort Beauregard, both having donblo piazzas ticing north and south. Both Houses are in good condition, aud well adai ted lor private resi? dences, hotels or bearding cstabliFhmouts. To be rented singly or together; tue Furniture takon by agreement, if desirable. For particulars, applv ot the OFFICE OK THE DA1L1 NEWS. AUEUBt24 pst un?t lont?. IOST, A SET OF 'GOLD SHIRT BCT ' TONS, with the initials J. J. engraved on them. Tho finder will receive a mutable reword bv leaving them at this Oflicc, or No. ?S8 KL' G-aTREET. October 5 2* STRA 1 ED OK STOLEN, A BRINDLE COW, without horns. 'J bo Auder will be libe? rally rewarded by leaving the 3iino at No. 176 COM? ING-STREET, near Cannon, t c'ober 5 2 FOl'ND, GOING ASTRAY, A BLACK NEWFOU.M 'LAND DOG, with leather collar tiuddty badge on. Hie owner can hsvc thc 3arnc by applying at THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS OFFIvE. Septcnib-r 23 pissolutiou of ?opar?ncrarjip. DISSOLUTION CF COPARTNERSHIP. The Copartnership heretofore existing ba twa u ilic subscribers, under thc style of PtRKY CLEAR ft HALSEY, is this day dissolved by mutual couaent. 'The affilia of the late firth will be fettled by EL. HAL? EY, who will contiuue tho bu-itics at the old stand, at Wharf, weitend Montjguc-.stre-et. JAMES S. PEHKYCLEAR. E. L. HALSEY. Charleston, S. C., September JO, lSeU. Ociober 2 0 THE SUBSCRIBER, OF lut. LATE FIRM OF PEKUYCLEAK & HALSEY, continu ja the LL'MBEll AND TIMBER COMMISSION B'JSLTiESS on bis own account, at the vent end of Montague-street. JAMES S. PEBUYCLEAB. Ocloler2 3 DISSOLUTION*.-THE FIRM OF DUI*. BAUM i MENKE, Merchant Tailors, is this day dissolved by muru il conneut. Either party ia antin r.zed to ?iga lu liquidation. J. C. DORLAl'M. A. MENKE. THE UNDERSIGNED IS THANKFUL TO HIS friends und former cu'-tonie-r-? tor their generous patronage, and takes pleasure in intormiug then' that he has firmed 3 Copartnership with air. D. MULl.KR, aud has just rcturuoJ from New York with o lull assortment of CLOTHING, CLOTH-. CASSlMERES aud GENT LEVIEN'a FURNISHING GOODS gcncrol'v, whirh will be op ned tu a few .ny-, at No. 325 KiNg. i pposite Society-sir. et. October 2_3_A. ll ENE K DISSOLUTION OF COPAUTNERSH1P. The uuderslj;: ed haviui? this day, by mu ual cousent, dissolved their coportuerahip in the Les ta ur..ut bueiuess, the same will i e conducted here alrer, as usual, by the remaining partuer Mr. A. D. LORENZ, at the two woil known stands. No. 199 Meeting and No. 125 East Bay streets. All debts dun ihn lute tirm it H.H. BADENH'ip I ?: CO., as W.-I1 as accounts contra, will be bunded to Mr. LORENZ, who will settle thc same, and re? ceive .ii-ynienls. U7.ll BxDENHOF. A. D. LORENZ. Charleston, S. C., Sept inber 30, 1808. BUSINESS NOTICE. THE SUBsCRIllhR. THANKITL FOP. THE generous patronage extended t.> the House of B\ DENLOI' k CO., for several years past, mo-t cor? dially recommends his late partner, Mr. LORENZ, as h s >ucc ssor io their ?rood -viii. Mr. LORENZ will carry on tuc RESTAURANT LT-ISESS nt each ol the two v.cH-known places. Meeting-street aud East Bay. H. II. BADENliOP. HAYING PURCHASED THE INTEREST OF MR. BADENHI I" in thc RESTAURANT AND LIQUOR BUSINESS, the same will becoaducto.l i.s heretofore by the subscriber. A. D. LO it I-NZ. Oe ober2 No. 133 Meeting stieet. -yj i s s P E G" it A M ' s BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOE YOL'NG LADIES. Nos. 100 A>'U 1?S LINDEN BOW, FI>..\NKLIX-ST::EET. THE DUTIES OF TIT TS SCHOOL WILL BE RE? S''MED on thc tn' da* nf Oc'oWr next. Circulars can be had o': G FORGE L. BIDGOOD, B< iksellers, of STEVENS, PEGU A Al ,v CO., or of il isa PEGRAM, B.^xNo. 120, Richmond, Yir-ri^ia. i'3pt.:i;berl3 imo ANNUAL MEETING UP SI'BS LUI BE KS. S. C. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, I CHARLESTON, October 2,1808. ] IN CONFORMITY WITH ARTICLE SECOND. Section second of the Constitution, tho Annual Meet in;: of the subscribers of the above Company will bo beld This \iionday) Evening 5th instant, nt at Arnold's Hall, Meeting-street, one door above John, ac half-past Seven o'clock. A general and punctual attendance is earnestly re? quested by the Board of Directory as matters of the utmost importance will bo submitted for their con? sideration. F. M. BURDELL. October 5 1 Secretary and Treasurer. SOLOMON'S LODGE, No. 1, A. P. M. THE REGULAR MONTHLY COMMUNICATION of this Lodge will bo bel i at Masonic Hall, This (Vlondiy) Eremr.g, the 5th last, at .-even o'clock. Members and Candidates wi il govern themselves ac? cordingly. By order W. M. H. J. MCCORMACK, Octobi r 5 1 secretary. HOOK AND LAUDER COMPANY No. 1. MEMBERS AUK REQUESTED TO ATTEND regular Monthly Meeting This Evening, at Ligtit o'clock. -A. B. JARVI>, Cc'.eberS secretary. JET ?A STEAM PIKE EXG1NK COMPANY. AN rx TR A MEETING OF YOUR CMPANY will be held Th s Evening, at the Engine House, at Eight o'clock. Ry order. F. C. LYNCH, October 5 1 Sectary. PALMETTO STEAM PIKE ENGINE COM PAN?. . ATTEND THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEET? ING of your Company, at your Hali. 7 ii (Monday) Evening, the 5th iostant, at Seven o'clock. By order ot tho President. ?.ALEXANDLR DUNCAN, October 5 7 Secretory, IRISH CENTRAL JJEMUCR ?TIC CLUB. AMONTHLY MEETING O?? l'H E ABOVE Club will bo held This ['vening, at Eight o'clock, at Hibernian HalL By order of October 5 F. C. CONIFFE, Secretary. DEMOCRATIC CLUB, WARD Ko. G. THE REGULAR WEEKLY MEETING OF THE Working Coinmitteo Will be held This (Monday; Evening, at Seven o'clock, at the Hall ot tue Wash? ington Fire Engine Company. l'y order. JN'O. G?NZ vLEZ, Ociobcr 5 Secretary. DKMOCRATIC NOMINATING CONVKN TION. , SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. THE HON. A. P. ALDRICB HAV?NG DECLINED the nomination for Congress, another Repre? sentative of thc Party must be selected. Atthcic qucst, and by the authority of tho Stato Central Ex? ecutive Committee of tho Democratic Party, the Del? egates to the Nominating Convention of the Second Congressional District arc therefore respectfully re? quested to reassemble at thc Hibernian Hall, in Charleston, on Thursday, the 15th instant, at Sevcu o'clock, P. M., to AU the vacancy. JOHN A. WAGENEII, President. II. C. ROBERTSON, Secretary. October 3 _ 10 MASS HEISTISO. AMASS MEETING OF THE DEMOCBAOY OF Colleton Diairict will bc bold at Wnltcrboro' ou Wednesday, October 14th. A BA RB!'CUE will be 8?V0U. HAMP!ON, ALDRICH, CAMPBELL, aud otber distinguished patriots, will aadrcss thc meeting. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. C. G. HENDERSON. I R. IL JENKINS. W. C. P. BI LLINGER. | T. E. BOYNTON. F. G. DEB HE. W. C. GRIFFITH. JAMES C. DEVEAFX. | R. H. APPLEUY. AND OTHERS. October 3 ? Ourati?ii?l. ff!H. FXEliCISKS Olf TIIK MISS KS JL M*RSH \LL'S School will be rosumed ou Mon? day. Oetobf r 5. at tho residence of their father. Re v. A. W. MARSHALL, cor-ii-r Meeting and ?cid sta. Instruction in Music and French it desired, cctober 5_1 PUBLIC SCHOOLS.-THE EXERCISES of thc PUBLIC SCHOOL* of this eily will be resumed on Mondny, the Eth October. Admissions to vacancio? will be mido-at tin re? spectivo Schools every Monda v rooming, between thc hours ot 9 and 10 o'clock, ou and utter the 12th Octoocr. Dy order of the Board. E. MONTAGUE GRIMKF, Secretary Coin missioners Free Schools. September 23 10 MRS. HtlPSON PIN CK.'* EY WILL UK SUME'lue Exercises of her SCHCOL FOR YOUNG LADIES ou Monday, October 5, ai No 53 HASEL-S'l BK ET. Instruction givuu in Ibo French and Gcraiau Lau guages by ibo beat Professors. September 21 imo BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES.-M s. R. F. W. ALLSTON will reopeu her BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies, No. :<7 MEETING-VT RE ET, Charles? ton, on the loth dey ot October next. She would respectfully announce to her patrouo. that shu is pre? pared to give every attention to her scholars. She would take this occasion to thank bor i fiends for tueir kindness and pat-onage bitheito extended, and to solicit thc continuance of the same. September 17 Imo NIGHT SCHOOL! NIGHT SCHOOL! No. 33 WENTWOR I'H-SIREET, LECTURE ROOM OF ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHUltCU. TUE HOURS FOR l'HE EXERCISES IN ARITH? METIC, WRITING, HEADING, GT* RM AN and ENGLISH GRAMMAR uro from <t to U o'clock P. ?VI. 'terms-$2 per month in ld rance. Book-keeping charged extra. December2 C. H. BERGMANN. A ROHNA EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES. MESDAMES A. GIRARD AND S. L. DOWELL, Charleston, S. C. THE EXERCISE:" OF THU FCHOOL WILL BE rosumed iD. V.) on Thursday, October 1st, the lusher English and Mathematical departments being iu charge of Mr. G. W. ALEXANDER. For information in reference to i educed termp, ?c., apply lor circulars at the School for the presen?, No. ll Corni ig-slroet. M?dame (r LR ARD ls prepared to give priva?e les? tons ia French and German, in the afte'ruoons, at her residence, No. ll Coming-street. September 14 sept 14, 21, 24, 23, oct 1, 5, 12 I> IC II MOND FEMALE INSTITUTE X 'ihc next Ses?-iou bovins October 1st. undermost ti vcrcb le auspice'. Atleutiou i- culled to tho superior Educa'ional and Boarding advantages now offered by the. Institute. Tor catalogues, or any special iuionnatiou, address or apply to CHARLES H. WINSTON. KT. A., September 13 lino President. City 3l?)Dcrtiscmcnts. OFFICE CHIEF OF DETECTIVES, CHARLESTON. S. C., October 3, 1S08.-Re? covered and brought to this Office, ono Bia. k Broad? cloth SACK COAT. The owner eau have i he same by calling at this Office, proving properly mid plying expenses. IL W. HENDRICKS, 1M Lieut, and Cuief of Detectives. October 5 3 -VTOIICE TO AUCTIONEERS.- CITY l>i 'JREASURY, 1st October, i?'?.-All Licenses terminate on 30th September of e;?chycar. Renew? als endorsed on the Liceusc Certificate on payment ol Dollars, on application during tho present ino::th ot this ellice. S. THOMAS, i;ctober 1 I ity Treasurer. ?T?C? T?? PILOTS^TTY TKK?^ s?KY, 1st Octoocr. 18C8 -All Li e uses, that have expired eau l o renewed on the recommenda? tion ol the Chairman of thc Boat lol' Commissioners directed tn thc Mayor, on applicution ; t this office this month. S. THOMAS, ''ctoberl City Treasurer. QITY TAXiiS-MONTHLY RETURNS-. OFFICE OF THE CITY ASSES-OR. \ CITY HALL, October 1 18(>8. | Notice ia hereby given to all concern'd, that the monthly Returns forthem- nth of September past. In con.pliance wish the Tax Ordluonc . latiflcd on foe ?Mil el January, 18G8, must be made on or before the 1. h inslaut. TAXES ON TOE FOLLOWING ARE PAVAT LE MONTHLY. Ou all sales of Goods, Wares and Merchandise, ia I c'uding Rice, Lumber. Hay, Grain and Naval stores, and sale? by Bakers, Butchers ard HucKs:ers. On all gross receipts ol'uti S':ect Railroads. On a l gross receipt* of all Express Companies. On all sales at Auction. Ou all Carriages and Buffglcs, Ou all income derived nom thc pursuit of any faculty, profession, occupation or employment Ou thu gross receipts of all Commercial Agencies. On all commissions received by Factors, Commis? sion Merchants, lianker.s, Broxers, and others. Ou all prem'uras received tor or by any Insurance Com; any, or by ugeucies lor individuals or com pa? ules. Ou all gross receipts of all Gas Companies. On every Horse and Mule u-id or I; -pt within the city, excepting boises or mules used in any public licensed carriage, ear:, dray, or other vehicle. Ou all Ile ail Dealer? iu all unices whatsoever. Ou a 1 Barber shops. On all groa> r- ceipla of Hotels and Publie Eating an ] Boarding Houses. Ou ail receipts ol Livery stable Keepers. (Ju the gross receipts ol' Cotton Presses. On the gross receipts ol' all Printing Office?, News pap rs ami Publishing Houses. On all Goods sold ij the city by persons not resi? dent, by sa i plc or otherwise. On all sales of Horses and Mules brought to ?be city. Ou sales ol Stocks. Bonds, and other securities. On the gross icceiptsof Magnetic Telegraph Com? panies. On thc gross receipts of all Tavern Keepers and Liquor De;dere. All the defaulters will be dealt with as the ordi? nance directs: W. N. HUGHES. October 1 15 City Assessor. Mires in Bankruptci). B?T THET DiP^tlCT C?l?UT OF THE UNITED STATES. FOB TSE DISTBICT OF SOUTH O A R OLIN A.-IN BANKRUPTCY.-IN THE MATTER OF J. 8. THOMPSON, BA NKROPT-PE? TITION FOB FULL AND FINAL DISCHARGE. Ordored, that a hearing bc had on thc sixth day of November nrxt.H 12 o'clock M., at thc Federal Court? house, in Charleston, S. C. ?nd that all CrerUtora, 4c, of said Bankrupt appear at said time and place, and show cause, if any they can, why the prayer of thc petitioner should not be granted, and that th?i secoud meeting ol' Creditors of said Bankrupt be held at tue office of R. B. CARPENTER, Esq., Reg? istrar, at Charleston, S. C.. on the fifth day of No? vember, 18?8, at 12 o'clock ll. By order of the court, this 1st day of October, A. D 1868. DANIEL HORLBECK, Clerk of District Court of United--tates, For South Carolina. A5T Camden Journal publish once s week for two Weeks._jn2__October 5 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-IN UANKRUPICY- IN THE MATTER OF J. ROSS DYE, BANKRUPT-PETI? TION FOB FULL AND FINAL Disc H ?RC, E.-Or? dered, that a heariu; be had on the sevnth day of I November next, at 12 o'clock M., at the Federal Court? house, Charleston, S. C., and that Ul creditors, fee., of said Baukrupt appear nt said time ar d ..itace, and show causo, if any they can, why the praC >r of the petitioner should not bc grautcd; and that u second meeting of the creditors of tho said Bankrupt be held at the office of R. B. CARPhNTER, Esq., registrar, Charleston, S. C., on the sixth day of November, 18C8, at 12 o'clock, M. By order of the Court, this 1st day of October, A.D. 1868. DANIEL HORLKECK, Clerk of District Court ot United -tates, For South Car olma. Axt* Camden Journal publish once a week for two weeks. _ni2_October 5 ?.N THE DISTKICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-TV THE HATTER OF BEN? JAMIN F. PKEPLES, B "iNKRDPT.-PE tllTOti FOB FULL AND FrNAL DISCHARGE IN BANK? RUPTCY.-Ordered, that a hearing be had on the twenty-fourth day nf October, A. D. 18G8, at 12 o'clock M., at tho Federal Courthouse in Charl.-ston. S. C., and that all creditors, kc, of said Bankrupt appear and show cause, ii any they have, why the prayer of tho petitioner shoulo not bo grontc". It is further ordered, that the petition be referred to R. B. CAR? PENTER, Registrar in /.'onkruptcy, to inquire into tho fai ts I et forth in the petition, to make final ex? amination of the Bankrupt, and report to this Court on tho twenty-third day nf October, 1868. By order of the Court, this 3d day of October, A. D. 1SGS. DANIEL HORLBECK, Clerk of thc U. S. District Court, For the District ol' South Carolina. Cct' ber 5 mo jlnsnranre. J- I R E AND M ? R l?? E INSURANCE AGENCY. Bisks against loss or damage by fire taken cn BUILDINGS, COTTON, PRODUCE, FURNITURE, GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, fee., ic. Foreign and COMtwita Marine R'?ks taken at roa sonablo rates in thc following Cjinpaoics: ORIENT MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York. UNITED STATES LLOYDS, of New York. HUGER & R AVENEL, Agents. No. 41 East Bay, Corner of Exchange-street October 3 ml6 QAPITAL 8H?,000,000 IN GOLD. RISKS A GAINST LOSS OR DA MA GE BY FIRE, TAKEN AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES, ON DWELLINGS, STORES AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DZ TUE QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. P li OH PT P A Y M E N TS MADE IN CURRENCY, OR GOLD IF DESIRED. GIBBES ft CO., Asente, No. 10 ADGER'S -OCTH WHARF. thru timos /tMttriot. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. 4 DVANCES MADE OX CONSIGNMENTS TO J\_ New York, Liverpool and Havre, by LtSESNE fe WELLS, No. 10 October 2 Imo EXCHANGE ON NEW YU UK AND LIVERPOOL. FOR SALE BY GEO. W. WILLIAMS fe CO. September 8 DAG Imo tailoring. Tj?RBA? M & JURS. THE UNDERSIGNED MEG LEAVE TO INF. 'RM their former patrons and friends that they have formed a copartnership under the above stylo, for the purpose ot currying on thc TAILORING BU.-I NESS in al) its brunches. .Mr. JURS bavins just returned with a large and well selected Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIM?RES, kc , kc. wbicu will be offered ot their, itore, No. 163 KINGSTREET, two doors routh of Clifford, west side. J. C. DORBAUM.J. W. J UR-1. (Late of Dorbauin k Menke,1. October 3 2 golds. A C A R D lhe undersigned, having soldais entire ?nteres: iu the Hotel known os thc ?NICKEBSON HOUSE," in Columbia, S. C., would lake great pleasure in re? commending his irionds to continue their patronage to tho new proprietors. Mr. WRIGHT hos hal charge of the L itel for ina fur a year past, ond will continuo to lu "c (ho entire niai.age.mout of the Hotel under the i ow ar? rangement I feel assured thal the hausc will maiut;.in its for mer reputation as a first-class Hotel. T. S. NICKERSON. CoLUimiA, S. C., Scptoiubur 1, 1863. September 24 _thm2rxo3 SPOTTSWOOD HOTE L, MILLVYARD BROTHERS, PROPBIK"ms, RICHMOND, VA. April 6 M ADAME O 1 D 1 E lt E , CALDER HOUSE. CORKER OF Cli'URCfl AND QUEEN STREETS. C0A!!LE?>rON. S. C. Transient Beard S3 M per Oay. April 1 j_ (~\ ILMOR HOUSE, MONUMENT SQUARE, BAL TIMORE, MAR YLA ND, KIRKLAND & CO., Proprietors. April 27_ly" "Vf E W YORK HOTEL, No. 721 BROADWAY, NEW YOKE CITY. O. M. H1LDUETI1 ? CO., Proprietor*. THIS LONG ESTABLISHED FIRST-CLASS BOTEL, as popularly kuowu in t'.rmor tinier tuilier the monajro?^.eut o: J. If. MONNOT, Esq.. and more recently nude.' Dut of HIRAM CRANSTON fe C is now undex the proprie torship >f Messrs. D. M HILDRETH .v. T. B. ROCKWAY, unor the firm ol D. 3L HtLDRKTH & CO. The scuior partner from bis ?ont: experience a? a pioprietor of thii Veranda. St. Louts and St. Chirle? Hotels of New Orleans. Hatters binase'.!' that Le eau assure his friends and ihe public generally, H'at its tonner world-wide reputation aa a popular lirst-clais Hotel, s'uall bc fully sustained under ils present niauat'Cmeuf. lyr* Ff'-ruary U MEDICAL NOTICE.-PATIENTS SUF FEKING from 1 iseases pertainiug to the UENIIO URINARY ORGANS, will receive the latest scientific treatment, bv placing themselves under the eire of Dr. T. REEN IsJERNA. Office No. 74 BASEL-SI REET, three doors ea;t from the Post office, mslmo 5 ?Sromifs dnfr iHisfel?aneocs. GOSHEN B?JTTEB, CHEESE, &c, RECEIVED PER STEAMER JAS. A?GKK. FIRKINS CHOICE GOSH 8 N BUTTF.R Imitation English. Mild Factory, Pineapple and Toun? America Cheese Dutch and Pap !-ago Cheeso Kita and hah kita Extra No. 1 Mackerel and Salmon Extra Breakfa-t Bacon, Pig Hams and .-boulders smoked Beef, Smoked Tongues, fielded Tongued and Pickled Beef. For sale by GEO. H. GBUBER, No. '?6 King-stteet, Xnird door atove Market-street October 5 j APPLES! APPLES ! st* BARRELS APPIES, JTST RECEIVED AND tjtj for sa'? cheap at $5 per obi., i y MRS. C. D. KENDRICK. No. 83 Market-street, sou h side. October 5 1 APPLES, APPLES C)Q BARBELS FINE APPLE', JUST LANDED ?JO fioai steimer James Adger, and for sale low by JOHN F. O'NEILL & SON. No. 107 East Bay. AZSO, .JO boxes LEMONS. October 3 2 BAGGING AND HOPE. KA BALES S. L BAGGING fj\f 60 coils Rope. For sale low by WV. 6 JRNEY, Octobei 5 mwfj No. 102 East Bay. PIG HAMS Aril) SHOULDERS. CHOICE SUGAR CURED PIG HAMS AND SHOULDERS, unbagged, just received and for sa'e at CO-OPERATIVE GROCERY STORE, Southwest corner Meeting and Harket streets. Goods delivered free. October 3 ~~B??iNEO HAGGING^ 1 ? ) fi BALES BORNEO BAGGING, OF EXTRA 1UU weight and width. For rale by GEO. A. TREN HOLM & SON. October 3 8tuthl5 SEGAR EMPORIUM. KSALAS. AGENT FOR THE CHARLESTON . Branch of the Havana Segar Factory, "Lu Valentina," would rospccifully invite tb? attention of dealers and smokers to bis very largo stock of HAVANA AND DOMESTIC SEGA BS, ol ol' grades and sizes, excelled by few in this country, and war? ranted to bc as represented. Sample boxes sent to the country and orders ex? ecuted by Express, C. O. D., or 30 days' city accep? tance. Ko. IIS EAST B \Y-STKEET, CHARLESTON, S. C. August 24 mwfBmo REMOVAL OF THE CO-OPEliA TIVE GROCERY STOKE. THIS STORE HAVING BREN RE.MOVED TO the Southwest Corr er ot MARKET AND MEET? ING STREETS, and large additions bavins been made to the Stock, Stockholders and tho public gene? rally are respectfully invited to call and examine the same, which will be found to embrace a large and varied assortment of GROCERIES of all descriptions, and to bc sold at the lowest cash prices. ?S?Goods delivered FBEK OF CH\EGE to rail? road depots, wharves4md all parts ot thc city. CO-OPERATIVE GROCERY STORE. Southwest Cor :erof Marketand Meeiing-streets. October 3 _ :POE SALE, SEVEN (7) TIERCES CHOICE SUGAR CURED HAMS. ALSO, 75 bbLs. rnOICE APPLES, at low pricos and in lota to salt purchasers. GEO. w. WILLIAMS k CO. October 1 thstu3 Fac'ors. WESTERN BULK BACON. HUDS. CLEAR RIB SIDES, DRY SALTED ?? \j 5 hhds. Clear Sidos, smoked 10 h .ids. Shoulders, vnioked. Just received, and for salo by BERNARD O'NEILL, October 1 East Bay. SEEDS ! SEED WHEAT, SEIOD RYE, SEED BATLEY, SEED OATS, E-PEOIALLY SELECTED FOR THE SOIL, FOR sale oy JOHN CAMPSEN & CO., No. 14 Market itreet, opposite Strf?>. September 14 ma COAL ! COAL M JOHN S . IIOItliBECE, (OFFICE EAST BAY, OPPOSITE UNION WHARVES,) BEGS LEAVE TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS AND the pubbc that he Los commenced the COAL AND GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, and solicits a share of their patronage. August 17 3nio H. & H. W. CATHE ii WOOD'S EXTRA PINE, PURE OLD MONONGAHELA WHISKEYS. IN ORDER TO FACILITATE THE SUPPLY OF OUB PURE OLD MONONGAHELA RYE WHIS? KEYS to our lormer numerous customers at the south, wo have appointed Messrs. H. GERD I'S k CO. our Agents, who, by this arrangement, ore enabled to supply the trade at prices which will en? sure satisfaction H. * H. W. CATHERWOOD. -O H. ?i H. IV. CATHERWOOD'S EXTRA FINE, PURE OLD MONONGAHELA WHISKEYS. ?rr\ BBLS. OF THE ABOV'7. FAVORITE WRTS D\J KEYS, conniving of X. XX XXX, XXXX. and NECTAR and CABINET BRAND?, and also of lower grades. Now landing, and for sale low by H. GERDT- & CO., September 4 2mos No. 195 East Bay. INDIA SAGGING. 1 f\r\ ROLLS OF SUPERIOR QUALIIY, PRICE J_\J VJ '-'4 cents cash per yard. Aprly at MEELUG.STREET ICE HOUSE. Scptemcer 10 _Imo "COOPERATIVE GROCERY, SOUTHWEST CORNEK MEETING AND MARKET STREETS, \N EXTENSIVE, VARIED AND CAREFULLY selected supply ot thc NECESSARIES OF LIFE, und also tho"luxuries-WINES LIQUORS, etc.-will at ail times be found at thc above Store '"?abhsbed under tho au?pi- 03 of tba "..'vLMETl'Q PIONEER CO-OPERATIVE AiSOCIATiON," and which ?Ul contiuue and extend tho advautages it nlreadv offers to the public. Fees i a-rivals and bargains will be regularly reported, and every faciii ty afforded patrous. . .... Tuc "object" ot the Association is, as set forth tr. its charter, "To furrish members ?nj the pubL. ?Ith tile necessaries <>f life of good quality, unadulte? rated and at lowest market rates, aud trom the profit's o:' such sales to accumulate capital for its member;." . , _ , Copies of tac Constitution and By-La*3can be i'ouud at the store of the Association, and a;l in iiuines Mourding the practical working of the outer ?rise WiUbe most cheerfully an I promptly satis?eJ. W. H. WHLCH, Su.icriutendent. J. N. WIG FALL, Assistant. July ll_ EETING-STREET PO UN OK Y. THI3 ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW FURNISHING THE IMPROVED Mc CARTU Y COTTOX GIN, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, of various sizes on hand IMPROVED VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL CORN MILLS, SUGAR MIL.L3, SUGAR BOILERS AND PANS, Of all sizc3 HORSE POWERS AND GLN GEARING, from G to ir, feet in diameter IMPROVED LEVER COTTON PRESS?S for Hm! power, Saw and Rice MiUs MACHINERY AND CASTINGS of all descriptions made to order Particular attention paid to HOtSE FRONTS AND CASTING3 FOR BUILD? INGS, GRATINGS, CISTERX COVERS, SASH WEIGHTS, rfc, rfc, WILLIAM S. HENEREY, 31A CH IN IS T A ND F 0 (INDER No. 314 MEETING-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. August 3 ?wa