The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, June 30, 1868, Image 1

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W? ?tforicgum gaffegjgfgg ??- VOLUME VL-NUMBER 884.]-"~~ CHARLESTON, S. C., TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 30. 1868. EIGHTEEN CENTS A WEEK 4t?~ The Business and Publication Of? flee af THE DALLY REWS has been removed to the Istrge and commodious building No. 140 EAST BAY. BY TELEGRAPH. Our Washington Dispatches. WASHTNOT?N, Jone 29.-The trial of Barratt ?j again postponed to a sp?cial time fixed for .the 21st of September. The accused is?still on bail. IN THE HOUSE, to-day, a joint resolution ex? tending the Agrigultural College act to Arkan? sas waa referred to the Committee on Public Lands. Mr. Cobb introduced the following : Resolved, That the Committee on Ways and Means be instructed to report without unnec -essary delay a bin levying a tax or at least ten per cent, on the interest of bonds of the Uni? ted States, to be assessed and collected ally by the Secretary of the Treasury and Buch subordinate officers as are charged with the duty of paying interest on the bonded debt of AsLthe United States. " Mr. Price inquired if that included banda .hold in foreign countries. Mr. Cobb replied it did, and demanded the previous question. Mr. Allison asked if the resolution was man .datory. The Speaker replied affirmatively. The House refused to second the previos? ques? tion. Washburn, of Indiana, moved to lay the resolution on the table, which was rejected .yeas twenty-seven, nays one hundred and six. price moved to refer it to the Committee of Ways and Maana. Butler asked what would be the effect of this vote. The-Speaker re? plied that the effect would be to refer the resolutions without instructions. Mr. Blaine asked if the Ways' and Means Oo mmi t tee were not privileged to report at any time? The 8peaker said it was. ' Butler replied that everybody fcoew they will not report the resolution back unless they are compelled to do so. In answer to farther inquiries,., the .Speaker explained that as tho previous ques? tion was not operating, if the House refused to ref ex the resolution, the question would recur upon its passage. Tho House refused to refer ?tue resolution-yeas sixty-one, nays eighty. The question then recurred upon egredng to .?the resolution-yeas ninety-two, nays fifty four-the Democrats, excepting Sitgreaves, -roting aye.. ? .-The consideration of the River and Harbor 1 was resumed. The Item of $115,000 for the lessee Birer was adopted. Eighteen thousand was appropriated for experiments in .-shifting sluices; also au appropriation for BUT- | ?eying the Onachita and White Rivers, Ar -, kansas. The hfll waa concluded, bat, without definite action, the House adjourned. The Senate bul providing that when any State is in arrears for interest on bonds held [ - in trust, the Federal Government shall with- ' ' hold the money due said'State, was passed. The consideration of the Civil Appropria? tion bill was resumed, and a night session or- j -dared. " The President's family have departed, to spend the summer in Tennessee. A general court-martial has been ordered at j Portress Monroe July 1st. -General Breclrinridge is at Toronto, Canada,. * where he win remain some time. The Tribune says editorially, alluding to t ?Grant's order replacing the recently elected a officers in Louisiana : "General Grant will to- * .day issue an order of the same character, ap- ? plicable to the States of North and South ( .Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Alabama." J The Senate (infirmed Admiral Dahlgren, ^ - Chief of the Ordnance Bureau. t The Deficiency bili was reported in the - Hoage to-day. It appropri?tes $520,000 for re .construction purposes. A great many delegates to the Democratic Convention are here, nearly aU of whom have .visited the President. ? Affairs ta Louisiana. 4r7sw 0 SUSANS' . Jane 29.-Another squad of supposed fillibuaters, numbering about eighty, have been captured sear Fort Livingston, La. ^and have been brought to Fort Jackson. But two of them appeared tb exercise any author . itv, and the majority were Mexicans; a small logger loaded with provisions was captured, -but no arms except a single Colt's revolver, The prisoners assert that they are peaceable '..citizens, intent apon a legitimate object. ' The supreme conclave of the Order of Seven Wise Men, being the highest tribunal of that Order, are now holding the annual session in 'this city. It is largely attended, and the ses? sion will be prolonged. The Louisiana Legislature convened to-day. The Senate was called to order at noon by Lieu tsnant-Governor Dunn. The temporary eecre -tary was.ordered toread General Buchanan's .order promulgating Grant's order for the re? moval of Baker and Vorhees, and the appoint? ment of Warmouth and Dunn as Governor and .Lieutenant Governor in their stead. War mouth's order convening the Legislature was read, and the roll was called from General .Buchanan's order, announcing the names of ?those elected. A discussion arose as to the necessity of -taking the test oath in qualifying. The Bali -cala prevailed, deciding that the oath was a sine qua. non ; and in spite of the protests of the Conservatives, who withdrew, an organiza .tion waa effected, a bare quorum in each house .being willing to take the oath. Affairs In Alabama. MOBILE, June 29.-John Ledebur, Manager fit the G ai ties Music Hall, committed suicide finis morning, having taken strychnine. . Dis .appo in anent in business is assigned as the .Cause. W. H. Smith, Governor eleot of Alabama, issued a proclamation this mornirg convening the Legislature at Montgomery on Monday. Joly 13 | -Vows from the Pac ldc. SAIT FRANCISCO, June 27.-The steamer ? China has arrived with news from Japan. The Tycoon had surrendered Yokohama to.the the Mikado, with one half of bis private terri? tory and the nary, and, as a token of his hu? mility, had left on foot for Mito. The British minister had presented his credentials to the Mikado. But the troubles are not yet over. The Tycoon's navy deserted after the surren? der, and the High Priest warns the Mikado that lie is intertaring too much with temporal affairs, sod that unless hs restrains himself, the priesthood will call .upon him to abdicate. Fighting continued at last acoojints within a few miles ot Yokohama. . " The King of the Sandwich Islands has threatened, ta.hoist the British flag U the United States disturb his dominions. The National Sch?tzenfest. NEW YORK, June 29.-The grand National Sch?tzenfest commenced this morning. The route of the procession was profusely deco? rated with flags and evergreens. The Mayor and the delegation from Congress reviewed t the processif ftf!? pwping KQVJll Unjon Iftutro, THE NEW YORK CONVENTION, THE LATE?. " ; "> L ITICAL GOSSIP-CHASE8 CHANCES-HuT THE O TH EB CANDIDATES 8TAND-iHTftt OF DELEGATES-THE CBOWD -THE 80DTHEEN DELEGATIONS-THE 80L DIEBS AND THE SAILOBS FOB HANCOCK, AC. The New York correspondent of the Boston Post, writing on the 26th instant, in regard to the approaching Democratic Convention, says: The situation, so far as candidates are con? cerned, has not undergone any change since my last. Chase is still talked of, but the few friends he has will not be able to do anything for him in the Convention. The proposition to run him as a third candidate is not serious? ly entertained in any quarter, though it leads to some idle gossip around the hotels. I hear some Dem?crata say that if Chase conducts h ; rn a eli'pr?t ty well during the nest four years the party may do something for him in 1872, bat he must stand on probation for awhile, and show that he may be trusted in the White House. Senator Hendricks appears to be gaining ground, and some think the Conven? tion will finally settle do wn on him, with either I Governor English or John Quincy Adams for f the second place. Gov. Seymour is to speak ! at Cooper Instituto to-morrow night, when r much of the doubt about his position will be . removed. It is not clear whether he is for ( CLufta, Hendricks or Hancock; but it is certain 3 that he will work heartily for the.ticket, how-1 ever it mai be made up. Mr. Pendleton is ex- I pocted here in a few days, and his friends pro-1 pose to give him a reception. His strength in ] the Convention will be greater at tbe outset!1 than that of any other man, but the impres-Fe sion that a more available candidate will beP& chosen ia becoming more and more widespread fl? Charles. O'Conor certainly will not be a candi-^" ctate, though it is admitted on all eidea that beW would make an excellent President. The re|he port that Mr. Johnson will be strongly supP? ported is not credited here. Tennessee and ryb few other States may vote for him for awh?e?"e but his name will be dropped long before th(Plc end. It is possible that some man not yqanc brought forward will gather the vote of thu80C Convention, but the chances are that thdo choice will fall upon Pendleton, Hendricks ? "O' Hancock. ] are By Monday next the delegates will begin j cu crowd in, and they will keep on coming uni WB Friday, when all will be on hand. A gentlemi oa jost in from New Orleans, via the South wo, tro reports great orowds heading for New Yo] ?ir bat lying over at various points to rest. J P&J sides the army of civilians accompanying r?c delegates, it is expected that four or five thar ^ and veteran soldiers will come from the w f*t and the Middle States. There is great actif baI among the hotel-keepers, in anticipation of? j <?nf coming invasion. AU the regalar delegates doi are already provided for at first-class nore, Dei bot they won't be one-twentieth of the mi- waJ tude crowding into New York next week, ij Cltl Friday week moat of the hotels will be as tjk- ???J ly packed as Third Avenue cara are on ajx- I Tb erasion day. J to ? Bonifaces, with an eye to greenbacks,[artir- eng ing houses near their establishments, arj?t- j enc ting them ap with beds, chaire and macroon- j P?? lc mirrors. Most of the outsiders will Iii to tba get their meals at the restaurants, batiere I eas will be no difficulty about this, for restaints P?r ire as thick as bar-rooms all over the oit? Mr. sin Belmont has already received over fcnty con thousand requests for tickets to Tai any me Hall, bot as yet he has not given cf any I ?sa pasteboard. Probably four-iftbs of Urnen the Mating to New York, with the exp ?ot jon of tim seeing the Convention in session, wi'bave ten bo content themselves with looking at t oat- j pre aide of the big building on Fourteentbtreet, isb md reading or hearing about ita proodings cac inside. I toa I anderstand that some Southern digates the -those prominent in the Confederate ihtarv inn letvice-are somewhat concerned as I their rigi iBcep?on ia the Convention.. It majemove I csa heir uneasiness on this point to lea that prc hey will be regarded simply in the car?cter E vt o ?hieh abey appear, without reKfece to net heir record in the war. It is the poose of I par he of the Democratic pay to do cha ill they can to make the Convention ?rfectly dar larmonioos, and I think no demons dion for I thr ir against any man on account of hisosition I of 1 a tba war will be made either in or ci of the the Convention. If Gen. Forrest and Gi. Wade but lampton appear in the places assned to cac hem the Convention will regard tho mere- vat T as delegates and show them the sae cour- stri esy and respect shown to delegatesrom any the iorthern State. its The New York correspondent of :e rabila elphia Ledger says : 0Q( Some of the Ohio Democratic rliticians, I anc too have been moat prominent ii poshing Th* lr. Pendleton, arrived in town thimorning, the nd encamped at the Fifth Averje Hotel, laic 'hey are the advance guard of th talk ed-of Pai 'endleton escort, who are expect* here in ste; jrce on Tuesday next. These genemen say j It i ley do not like the way thingsure being inti baned in New York by the oponente of rioi ihio's favorite son. and they are hre accord igly to watch developments and toteep their j rienda at home posted accordingly I rv. Governor Seymour's speech at "ie Cooper oat i tute last evening, though very;uardea, is ^ y no means satisfactory to thea Western fj entlemen, who say their eec tin demand imethiug definite on the financia question, f - nd not guttering generalities. Tiey are fur- " 1er of opinion that it woald have on tribut ed , > the harmony of the Convention f the Gov mor had quit making speeches uni after the ma ominatioua have been made. Will-street is D, o better pleased with the speen than the ol; ticians. i The bears have been uing it with - ime success to knock down the pice of goiv rument securities. . The Soldiers' and S a?ora' Conention, it is I - retty certain, from developmenfi that have j ime out to-day, will be engineefd in the in- CH irest of General Hancock. It is an the main, p" New York movement, designed n operate as foil to the Pendleton furore. Tammany Hall I PL nd tho Manhattan Club are maupulating the I PL ires. CA A Live Newspaper [From the Louisville JounaL] There is a great deal of miapprehenaion boat the "metaphysics" of the 'pablio press;1' one at all about the m?rite of agood uewspa er. Tall writing concerning its "liberty" hos ecome a habit with many of us, and others of s do not stop to think just what it means. A ewspaper is a vehicle, like an omnibus, or treet car, or iauroad. It is intended for the inveniente of people. They me it as it Ls tost convenient to them; and, provided ii be 3m m odious and goes the way they want to o, they care little who edits it Henoe, tbe ivantage of the anonymous; for all of os are esperately selfish at bottom. The journal is lost successful which best serves the interests f the largest class of the community without jgard to individual likes or dislates. The day when a newspaper was an em odiment of the peculiar views of its edi >r, bas passed away. One min can no inger edit a daily journal. The entire buai eas baa been multiplied by ten,-editors, cintera, report? rs, expenses. The best news aper ie that wi-ion gives the freshest news ad more of it at the lowest market price. The ile that governs bacon governs tho press here is no spread-eagleism about it. There i no mystery. It is an open-and-shut arlar ke.a Barlow knife. The best paper gets tb tost readers; and of consequence advertises owe in upon it, and so it prospers. Nor ia thia question of advertising a cp?8~ on of favor. It is, like all the rest, aqu? ila of selfish interest. "Drumming," as t is siled, is merely alms-seeking; and a nev*pa er which has to "drum'' for its livelihoo> had Btter "shut up shop*"- It is a precario'8 co? ition. Wearies the public. Wears 'at its atreus. Does no permanent good. Let a ress prove itself livest, freshest,' rfie&pest, ad it is sore to have readers; ana whenever ie keen, unerring business discernment itches a whiff of this pleasant breeze, it lars in its advertising palronaf*. The day ir fighting duels is over. The'editor is no inger an exception, bat a matter of f >ct. He as other men, only he has to ?et up earlier, o to bed later, and work abotrttwice as hard. Journalism, aB we observed tie other day in ie course of some observatiois on the busi ?s of the modern reporter, las undergone a )mplete revolution mthin oe last ten or a ?en years. So mach so, iidsed, that if aa jual ratio of improvements oe kept up, there little reasoa to doabt tint the daily press ill ultimately crowd what iscalled ephemeral terature from the market It will itself lenceforward sr poly mentaidietto the public, bica will have no leisure fer hooks after it hu j f01 ?ad the morning paper. Toil will hold good 1 j Bi! for in toi ] tu sh: mc Bil Ul pa: th. cwi *i< lt?' :itc OF L SE! fro: in : me day om S Kat Cei wfl Jui Ste efcially of new booka. For taking into ac? ere the vast library of standard history, psophy, fiction, poetry, which the genius orery language, ancient anet modern, has fished us, what else remains to be written ? B>ry will of course, go on repeating itself, ajthe historians repeating each other. Sci & too naB not ceased, and perhaps will not ce for centuries, to work it special wonders. Brhat else ? The booth of romauce is over ring. The novel writer sits down to corn re with Cervantes, Le Sage, Fielding, 8mol? li Scott, Bulwer. Dickens, Thackeray, Geo. itt. The world of poetry ditto. Horace, JU, Burns, Beranger, Spencer, Milton, ?tyson, Whittier, Longfellow. The box ae of the drama hardly has room for another fly. Sbakspeare, Racine, Moliere, Calderon, ?v, Congreve, Sheridan, Goldsmith, iwles, Taylor, Sardon, Bo?rcicault. 'Where ne l?teriteur to go? There is but one re? ise. He must seek the daily press, or SICK brean unapproachable competition. Thus (newspaper will absorb the literary genius of (world. The play of intellect will cf course bys continue. Its direction only will be m>ed. Those who would eleewise write uosophy, the future Kents, Hamiltons, and ?ls, wiliindite political leaders. The Dick? ies and Thackerays will be first class local ?orters. The poets will write pungent and tv paragraphs. Current events will be told the Macaulays, Hallams and Frondes, "of . corps of news editora.n The press will m be perfect-"a chronicle of the time" 1 books, excepting republications, will be no ger needed or prated. . -. ., tmtpt ? ?? Fires in Parla. >&ris enjoys a remarkable immunity from is. Excepting in the case of one large fire :t occurred some three weeks ago, the Pa? lan fires are suppressed in the apartments in ich they break out, and a confia gration of r size occurs only at long int er vaia. During i last twenty vears the annual average of loss fire has been only $161,000. In Paris the ole number of firemen is only 1250, though i city contains 2,000,000 of people. They are ked, by their own consent, from the arinv i must unite intelligence to aotivity ot per i. They are paraded in regiments, and mi?t&?y training the same ad the Na? na! Guard. For all that relates to tire they i under the control of the Head of Police; m e of war or insurrection, the Minister of x controls their movements. Their uniform fire duty is a dark blue gray jacket and users, a shiny brass helmet, and a strong th, with rings, around the waist. On ade days they wear a dark blue frock coat. 1 epaulettes and trimmings. They are paid ,e dollars a month, and aro furnished in try thing essential. They have large Tacks, and then small stations, with tines, at which they take turns in ng dut}-. There is no fire alarm wise there is no need of one; the men on ten at the stations are informed of a fire by zens or policemen, who nm to them with i news, or else it is telegraphed to them, e fire engines of Paris, however, are nothing :ompare with those in America. Steam fire rines are unknown there, and, strangely nigh, America railed to send any to the Ex litton. The engices in use are small affairs, ,t bold but a few pails full of water, and are dy drawn by two men on the run. Ko irri? tant change has been made in their con action ia a quarter of a century. The hose opanies appear to be as old-fashioned and mcient as the engines, for, whenever there ny considerable fire, the policemen impresa citizens into Une to pass backets in the old? -style. Yet this apparently inefficient svs l accomplishes the end in Par's of aup esing fires, and the Parisians ' are aston ed at the number and extent of Ameri i Area. They behove in prevention rather a care, and construct their houses so that y will not born. Correspondents say the nuitty from fire in Pans is secured by a id syatem of building, which, has long sed to be burdensome to architects and prietors, because so . well understood. ?ry house is inspected by the city enai ?nj before it is inhabited, aad every die tare from fixed rules in subsequent ,uges makes the proprietor suffer heavy nages in case of fire. For example', ee-fourtua of the fires or commencement 1res come from gas, and for this reason city does not encourage its use in houses, ; it lays sach taxes and restrictions as to ;se its almost complete banishment frompri-i e houses. No gas pipe, among other're? actions, is ever allowed to be covered up in wall or ceiling of the]room. Two-thirds of thickness must be exposed to the air, so t in case of an escape ot gas from a flaw it I come into open air and be discovered at ?e. Other regulations are equally useful, I all infringements are punished inexorably, a same care is exercised ia the building of chimneys and the kitchens. The floors are I with heavy pieces of oak that will not barn, is plaster is used wherever possible, in ad of wood, and nothing ia left to hazard, s thus that the subject of fire nerer enters ) Parisian calculations as a question, of se? ns interest. "HE MOST PEBFECT ISON Tosnc.-HEQEXAN'S IBATED ETTTTH OF BABJC.-A pleasant cordial, pared from calisaya bark a ad pyro-phos ito of iron, possessing tho valuable proper I of iron phosphorous and calisaya, without ' injurious ingredients. Ai a preventive to sr ind ague, and as a tonis for patients re? eling from fever, or other sickness, it can i be surpassed. It is recommended by the st eminent physicians. Prepai-ed by Hege n & Co., New York, and sold byall reapect e druggists in the United States. Spend Hottces. WTBE STATE OF 30TJTH CAROLINA, ABLESTON DISTRICT.-DANIEL BAVEN EL, ESIDENT, AND OTHERS. DIRECTORS OE THE ANTEES' AND MECHANICS' BANK, VS. THE ANTERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK OF SOUTH BOLINA AND OTHERS.-Upon hearing the Bill 1 Bill ot Reviver, ind the answers thereto, it ls lered, That the complainants ia this cause, by blicadvertdaemo-t tn oue or more leading ne ws jera in the citif of Charleston, Cincinnati, Na?h le, NewOrlean>i Mobile, Augusta and New York, 1 upon all th'creditors cf the Planters'and Me? rcies' Bank of South Carolina to present state* luts or the-' claims, designating the number of 1 or Notes of each denomination, "herever they m any pat of the claim, at the Bonang Hou3e, East BayStreet, ou or oe.orelthe first day of Oc >er nex> ;t is fu'aer ordered, That if so required and no ;ed by-he complainan's tn writing, every creditor ill gi before one of the Masters ot this Court aud ike <roof of his claim, and also of the time when the ja,.Veten, Deposits, or other securities carce into i, ter or their possession, and tl e consideration ??.thertfor, that the same may be considered by Court in determining tbe amount of such ims and the disposl'ion of the same; and that me ver such proof is required notice shah be sn ot the time and place ol proof to all the Soli? ds in the cause. . *.*?* H. D. LESESNE. igned on 26th Miy, 1863. FICE OF TBE PLANTERS' AUD MECHAN-) ICS' BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I CHASLESTOK, EAST BAT, June 1st, 1868. ) a pursuance of the order of Chancellor H. D. LE JNE, made in the above stated casu, extracts m which are he-ewith set forth, all pet sons there referred to are hereby notified to make proof to of their respective claims, on or before the first i of October next ensuing, ut the above mentioned ?e. W. E. HASKELL, Cashier. ?.The New Orleans Picayune, Mobile Register, ?hvuie Gazette, Cincinnati Commercial, Augusta istit ttionaliat, New York Journal of Commerce I insert the above once a week for the month of ;e, and await further orders, di papers will send bills to the Charleston Mer 7- j- 15 30 June 2 ?-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT >llcatioa will be made at the next session of the jiaiature for a renewal, in the name of the under ned, of Certificate No. 593, State Six Per Cent, >ck, standing m the name of Mary Fraser, Trustee Rath H. tfUiec W. 3. HARLEY, une 13 luu&a??* /antral Micts. 49-The Kelntlves, Fri undi and Ac? quaintances of Mr. and Mrs. JOSEPH A. TOBLAT are respectfully invited to attend tho Funeral Servi ces of the former, at St John's Chapel, TMt After? noon, the 30th instant, at Five o'clock. Jone 30 1* 43-The Friends and Benefactors of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy are respeetfaUy invited to attend the Funeral Obsequies of Sister MAB7 ANN O'DO.WD, at the Cathedral Chapel, Queen street, at Eight o'clock To-Storrow Mornivf, June 30 Spacial Mices. FINAL NOTICE.-SHERIFF'S OFFICE, CHARLESTON, JUKE 30, 1868.-On the 2d of July all the Beal Estate in this and (he adjoining Pariahe?, against which State Tax Executions are flied in this office, will be advertised and sold accord? ing to law. Payment of Taxes on Personal Property will be pressed at same time. WILLIAM S. HASTIE, June 39 Sheriff Charleston Dist net. ??AUCTION NOTICE_ATTENTION IS called to the sa'e of VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE to take place TMt Day, at 10 o'clock, near the Old Post office. Z. B. OAKE? Auctioneer. June 30_ 1 ta- NOTICE.-OFFIC". OF CITY REGIS TBAB, CHABLESTOK, S. C., June 22,1868.-In con? sequence of the resignation of Dr. Jos. Tates, the Office and Dispensary of the First Health District have been removed from No. 16 Market-street to the NOBTHWEXT CORSER OF GEORGE AND ANSON STREETS-physician in charge. Dr. T. ORANGE SIMONS; residence, WEST END OF MONTAGUE STBEET. BOCXnABIES OF THE DISTRICT. Bounded on the north by south st:* of Calhoun street, on the east by Cooper River, oa the south by Sou'h Battery, and on the west by east side of Meet. ing-etreet i Office hours-Morning between 9 and 10 o'clock, afternoon between 5 and 6 o'clock. (feigned) GEORGE 8. PELZEP, M. D" June 22_10_City Registrar. ta- BILLS OF THE BANK OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. - DABNEY, MORGAN" k CO. vs. THE BANE OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-OFFICE OF MASTER IN EQUITF, CHARLESTON, 20th May, 1868.-The attention of par? ties who have presented, or may hereafter present, to this Office BILLS OF THE BASK OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA is specially called to the fol? lowing extract from an amendatory order made in the cause on the 19th May, 1868 : >; 1. "AU persons presenting claims Ujjtlhf. above case, Including the holders of BOLs cr 'SankdVotet, .re required, in addition to the proof cf the claims, to render into the Master's Office a statement, ??ri? fled by affidavit, ot the time when the same came into the possession of the holder, and the consideration paid therefor. 2. "lt is farther ordered, that all parties who have presented, or shall present, their claims before Mas* ter TUPPER before the Itt of June, shall be allowed until tho Ut day of July next with n which to supply the statement as to the 'time' the claims were acquir? ed and the 'consideration' paid for them ; but nothing in the order contained shall be construed as extend? ing the period for presenting claims beyond the 1st day of June. 3. "It ls lurther ordered, that neither the amend? ed order, or the orders hitherto made, are 'intended to conclude or in soy way prejud^ the rights or equities of thc parties to this suit' " f JAMES TUPPER, Master in Equity. Oy Th j Cincinnati Commercial, "Sew Orleans Picayune, New Fork Journal of Commerce, and Au? gusta Constitutionalist will copy once a week until 1st Jury and send bills for payment to Corrier office. May 22 f tul 2 wi *T SARSAPARILLA RESOLVENT IS A ? jt;er remedy and a safer curative for Kidney, Blad? der and Uterine difficulties than Buchu, Turpeuti'-e, Cubcb8, Juniper, Gin, or any other direct diuretic known. SAR5APAEILLIAN RESOLVENT is a quicker cure for the removal of spots, blemisbe.?, sores, eruptions of fae skio, black spots or worms in the flesh, than any of the ordinary Sarsaparillas in use. These de? coctions are mete washes to the powerful, simulat? ing and purifying efficacy of Dr. RADWAY'S SARSA? PARILLA RESOLVENT. A few doses will restore the vigor ot life to the weak, debilitated and lnflrm. RADWAY'S S A R3 AP A RILLI AN RESOLVENT is the oonsumptive's hope. It loosens the phlegm, repairs the waste of the body with new and healthy mate? rial, made from pura, rich b lood, and stops decay. Let it be tried. Buchu is not a flt or safe remedy to take as a gen? eral medicine; it ls subject to the same objections aa Blue Pills, Quinine, Corrosive Sublimate, Mercury, kc, and other direct or exclusive properties. Per? sons that have taken either of these reme ital agen c?es for a length of time, are aware of the savions trouble involved-the liver, spieen and other glands suffer. So with Buchu-its exclusive diuretic action oo the kidneys, wllL if used continuously, suspend the secreting functions ot'other organs. Buchu, as is well known, ls a direct diuretic, and is chiefly em? ployed by medical men to secure an increased action of the kidneys. But tn most cases when thus employed, its use, after a few doses, ia suspended, and opiates adminis? tered, to modify its actiou, or to compensate the kidneys for the great strain tb? y suffer from the di? rect influence of Buchu. Now, Buchu lndiscrimi nately used lu cases of diabetes, gravel, brick dust deposits, urea, uric, or lltbic acid, and In granular degeneration of the kidneys, catarrh, of the bladder, dropsy, kc, ts like taking salts to check diarrheal. PABEIRA BRAVA, associated with Sarsapirillian and other remedial, agen?, ia Rid way's Renovating Resolvent, is a compensating remedy. It cures every kind of disease of the kidneys, bladder, Skin and Uterine Organs. A few dnses will make the most extraordinary change-for the better. One Ounce of Dr. Rad way's Extract of the Pareira Brava Boot is worth more tuan all the Buchu leaves than ten generations of Hotteatots or other savage can gather. Try lt and bc cured. A-k for Dr. Radway's Sirsapariilian Re =olvent, or Renovating Resolvent. Price il per bottle, or six bottles fat $5. Address Dr. RAD WAY k CO.. No. 87 Maiden Lane New York. SARSAPARTXLIAN RESOLVENT stops all weak? ening discharges that threateu to destroy Ute. The Resolvent, when prepared under the old process, cured many persona of diseases brought on by self abuse, who have since married and have children. This ought to be good evidence of its powerful puri? fying and fruitful efficacy. As prepared now, under Dr. Radway's new process, there is no disease that can be reached through the blood, urine and sweat, but that it will cure. Many diseases, not proper to mention in an advertise rn'nt, is explained, and means of cure pointed out, in Dr. Radway's new Medical Publication, FALSE AND TR UK, now ready Address BADWAY 4 CO., No. 87 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Price of RESOLVENT S A KS AP A RILLI AN, $1 per bottle, or C bottles for 35. June 29_nae_G ta- HON. JEFFERSON DAVIS, AND many other leading men of tho South, recommend and use the popular Toilet Preparation known as "PALMETTO HAIR RENEWER," which ls a re storer of color and dressing combined. Its great popularity is owing to the fact that it ls a harmless and reliable preparation, and warranted to give satis? faction, DO WIE k MOISE, Geoerai Agents, Charleston, No. 169 Meeting-street, corner HasoL June 20 stuth6 tO" FOR RESTORING STRENGTH AND appetite, use tha great Southern Tonic, PAITKMIK'S HEPATIC BIZTEOS and you will SOt ir? disappointed Foe sale by all druggistd. tu _ Special HotutB. tS~ C^Sa^SEx^PEB&IZA^B?TD^ CON, from Baltimore, are hereby notified she ls This Day discharging cargo at Pier N I Onion Wharves, ill goods not taken away at Bet will remain on wharf at consignees' risk. MORDECAI k CO., Agen No deductions will be made by Agents of this after goode have left the wharf. 1 June ?- NEW TOBE AND CHARLES] STEAMSHIP LINE-Consign?es per steam CHARLESTON, from New York, are notified of cargo being This Day discharged at Adger's S< Wharf. All goods remaining on the dock at eu will be scored at owner's risk and expense. Freight will be collected by the new Tariff, ex in cases where special contracts have been made, JAMES ADGER k CO., Agent Juae 30 1 ??? FIEST NATIONAL BANK CHARIJESTON.-CHARLESION, June 27, 186 DIVIDEND.-The Board of Directors of this B having declared a Dividend of FIVE (5) PER CE (free of Government Tax), on the capital stock, same will be paid to the Stockholders on and a the 1st Ja y next. WM. C. BREESE, June 29 Casblei ts- OFFICE CHARLESTON GASLIO: COMPANY, June 24, 1868.-A Dividend of FIE CENTS PEB SHARE on the Capital Stock of i Company having been declared by the Directe the same will be paid on and after lit proximo. The Books of Transfer will be rdosed from this d to lat proximo. W. J. HERIOT, June 24_7_Secretary ??THE STEAMER CITY POINT WU discontinue her trips to Florida, for summer re pa; until further notice. June IO- LN EQUITY.-CHARLESTON-WI COTT vs. WESCOTT.-Under the Decree flied this case on the 10th January, 1868, the cr?dito? the late G. W. WESCOTT are called upon to come and prove their demands before the undersigned or before the First of July, 19S9, or bo debarred itt all benefit of the decree to be made in this case. JAMES TUPPER February 18 _ tu2i ?"COOGAN, EXECUTOR, VB. PALMEA SAVINGS INSTITUTION.-In pursuance of tho I cretol Order made in this cause, the Master will, and after the 1st July next, pay to depositors, at 1 office, Court House, a dividend of Ten per Cent their claims. Depositors must produce their boo upon calling for payment J. W. GRAY, June 26_ftnwm4_Master in Equity. ts- PALMETTO PIONEER CO-OPER TTVE ASSOCIATION, having for its object to tt nia h lng its members and the public with the nee? saries of life, unadulterated and of good quality, f immediate cash payment, and from the profits such business to accumulate capital for its met ber?, are now thoroughly organized and doing thriving business. The Capital Stock of this Assoi ation is limited by charter to (SOO) Five Hundn Shares of (?260 00) Two Hundred and Sixty Dolla each, payable in par funds of One Dollar per week. Any white person, a resident of South Carolin shall be eligible for membership after complyli with the requirements of the constitution. No member sholl be allowed to subscribe for mo; than one share in his or her individual name. The Board of Management iu their quarterly stat ment to the Association shall est'mate the profits i the business for the quarter then cloding, and shu distribute the same tn the following proportion, vi; Thirty-three and one-third per cent. (33 V$) of sal profit to the shareholders in rates to the amount ; the credit of their respective shares. -; atrlyelx and two-third a par cant (SSib'lof sal profit to the credit of the shareholders in rates I the amount of their purchases at the store of tho A sociation for the quarter then ending. It is provided, however, that all such dividend shall bc passed to tho cred't of their respects shares until the full amount of two hundred an sixty dollars be paid in, and then such shares sha be cancelled, the dividends to be paid by the Boar by d rait s upon the Treasurer. Ibe advantage of being a shareholder lu this Asst elation is evident, and can only be surpassed by th anticipated success of the future. Certificates of Stock may be had and instalment paid at the Co-operative Grocery Store, Marke street, No. 107, to W. H. WELCH, Storekeeper; ? THOMAS, President; JAS. J. GRACF, Secretar and Treasurer. ALBERT O. STONE, JOHN F. MAHER, June 20 Committee Board of Management. ?- BATCHELORS HAIR DYE.-THI splendid Hair Dye is the best tn the world; th only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable nstantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculou tints ; remedies the ill effects ot bad dyes ; lnvlgc rates and leaves the hair soft and beautiful black o brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers; au properly applied at Batchelors Wig Factory, No Bond-street New York. lyr January ?'CONJUGAL LOVE, AND THE HAPPI NESS OF TRCE MARRIAGE.-Essays for Youu, Men on the Errors, Abuse; and Diseases which de stroy the Manly Powers and create impediments b Marriage, with sure means of relief. Sent in sealci letter envelope? free of charge. Address HOW ARI ASSOCIATION. Box P., Philadelphia, Po. May 20 3rno ?-NEW MARRIAGE GUIDE.-AN ESSA! for Young Men. ou Physiological Errors, Abuses am Di-eases, incident to Youth and Early Manhood which create impediments to MARRIAGE with sun means of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes frei of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. January 31_ ?-A YOUNG LADY. RETURNING IC her country home, after a sojourn of a few monthi In tie city, was hardly recognized ty her friends In place ot a coarse, rustic, flushed face, she had t soft ruby con plexion of almost marble smooth ness, and instead twenty-three she really sppearec but eighteen. Upon inquiry aa to the cause of sc great i change, she plan ly told them that abo U?SC the CIRCADIAN BALM, ot d considered it an in valuable acquisition to any lady's toilet. By its us? auy Lady or Gentlemen can Improve their personal appearance an hundredfold. It is simple in its combination, as Nature herself is simple, yet unsut pasfed in its efficacy in drawing impurities from, ai9o healing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and complexion. By its direct action on the cuticle il draws from it all Its Impurities, kindly healing th? same, and leaving the surface as Nature Intended i should be-clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price $1, sent by Mail or Express, on receipt of an order, by W L. CLARK k CO., Chemists, No. 3 Wes. Fay?tte-street, Syracuse, N. Y. The only American -, *<* for the sale of the sams. Macrii 30_lyr I ?. THE GREAT PRESERVER OF HEALTH. -TARRANTS EFFERVESCENT SELT? ZER APEfiEENT can always be relied upon a3 a pleasant, mild, speedy and positive cure in all ca.-e of Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Sick He3d ache, Indigestion, Soar Stomach, Liver Comp'aint. Biliousness, Flatulency, Fullness of Blood, and all Inflamatory Complaints whera a gent?o cooling ca? thartic is required; so says the Chemist, so says the Physician, so says the great American Public of the Nineteenth Century. Heed ye them, and be not without a bottle in the house. Before life ia Imperilled, deal judiciously with the symptoms ; remember that the slight internal disorders of to-day may become au obstinate incura? ble disease to-morrow. Manufactured only by the sole proprietor?, TAR? RANT k CO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 278 Green? wich and No. 100 Warren, streets New York. Soli by aU Drugji3U February [oct3ty 3?n? IKE CHARLESTON DAILY SEWS A LIVE JOURNAL. THE CHEAPEST FIRST-CLASS NEWSPAPER IN THE SOUTH. PRICE (PAYABLE INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE) SIS DOLLARS A YEAR; FOUR DOLLARS FOR SIX MONTHS; TWO DOLLARS AND A QUAR? TER FOR THREE MONTHS. ITS EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT is marked by vigor, variety, and perfect independ? ence. Bound to the fortunes of no clique or party ii will deal fearlessly, honestly and consistently with public questions as they t_ise and its influence will always be directed to advance, what Ka conductors believe to be, the tru* interests of South Carolina and the South. THE NEWS COLUMNS embody everything of genera!, political, commercial and monetary interest receivad by mail or telegraph np to the lateat boo; before going to presa; and by Its compact and convenient preparation of matter, it affords a larger and more varied amount of informa, tion than can be obtained through any similar me? dium. IEE LOCAL DEPARTMENT will be managed with especial enterprise; and no pains will be spared to make lt every morning a full accurate, spicy and vivacious record of everything that transpires in, or relating to, the City of Charles? ton. WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTIONS. For 'he convenience of those in the city who m prefer to subscribe by the weeli, the proprietors o las DAILY NEWS have introduced the system ef weekly delivery and collection, now in universal use at thc North, and subscribers can have their papers noshed to th?m recularlr every morning at the rate of EIGHTEEN CENTS A WEEK. Orders left at the Periodical Stores of Mr. C. 0. RIGHTER, No?. 161 and 338 King-street, or at the Counting Room of THE DAILY NEWS, will receive prompt attention. THE CIRCULATION OF THE DAILY NEWS, fir exceeding that of any other journal in the South eastern States, renders it a peculiarly advantageous medium for advertisers who wish to reach all classes ot the people in that section; while the careful classi? fication of ita advertising matter, gives increased prominence and value to all descriptions of notices appearing in its columns. CASH RATE' FOR ADVERTISING: FIFTEEN CENTS per Une for the first insertion; and TEN CENTS per line for each subsequent insertion. The above prices are far less, in proportion to the circulation-the main element of value in adver t sing-than those of any other daily paper In the city, or tn the South. THE TRI-WEE KL Y NEWS. Issued ou TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS. A nam! ot Cheapness: ONLY THREE DOLLARS A YEAR-TWO DOL? LARS FOR SEX MONTHS. CONTAINS ALL TEE READING HATTER GIVEN IN THE DAILY NEWS. TBE EXTRAORDINARILY LOW PRICE at which the TRI-WEEKLY EDITION OF THE NEWS is published, together with the large variety of inter? esting original and selected matter which fills every page, have already gained tor it a wide and constant? ly increasing circulation. It ls acknowledged by all who have seen tt to be beyond comparison THE BEST FAMTL? PAPER, for country circulation, published anywhere in the South. 8ESD FOR A SPLCIMEN COPY. 4S?N0 PAPER WILL BE BENT UNLESS THE CASH ACCOMPANIES THE OBDER; NOR WLLL ANY PAPER BE SENT FOR A LONGER TIME THAN PAID FOR. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON di CO., February CHARLESTON. S, a (torsions. THE GREAT BASE BALL MATCH AT SAVANNAH. F0?RTS0F JULY EXCURSION. THE FINE 8TEAMER FANNIE, _?Captain FOIN PECK, -will maka an Ex savannah (carrying tbe Alert Base Ball Club), leaving Charleston Friday Evening, the 3d, at 7 o'clock; returning, leave Savannah Sunday Marr ing, at 7 O'clock. Tickets f ? r the round trip Six Dollars, to be had os application to JOHN FERGUSON, June 30 Accommodation Wharf. Siping. THIRTY-FIVE VESSELS WANTED. FOR COASTWISE AND WEST INDIA PORTS. WE OFFER $13 * M ON BOARDS AND ? SCANTLING to Philadelphia and New ?"York; $13 50@15 on Resawed to Boston, ?and $11(0)72 (gold on Lumber, and SS& $3 60 on Shingles to West Indies. Other Freights in proportion. RISLEY A CBEIGHTON. Shipping and Commission Merchants, June 30_Nos. 143 and 146 East Bay. YACHT MAGGIE MITCHELL. THIS FAVOBITE YACHT, HAVING been thoroughly refitted for pleasure par? ities, ts now ready for engagements by ap. ?plication to the captain on board, or to BLACK & JOHNSTON, April 7 tuthsSmoa Agents. FOR NEW YORK. THE SPLENDID 8IDE WHEEL 'STEAMSHIP CHARLESTON; EEEUZ Commander, wiD sail on Sat ? urday, July 4, at 5 o'cloak P. M.. crom Adger's f-outh Wharf. es~ No Freight received after 3 o'clock on day of sailing, and Bills of Lading must be handed in by that time. For Freight or Passage, apply to JAMES AUGER & CO.. Comer Adger's Wharf and East Bay (Up Stairs). flS-The Steamship MANHATTAN will follow on Saturday, July IL Juno 29 S FOR NEW YORK. PEOPLE'S STEAMSHIP COMPANYS LINE. f~y. STEAMSHIP MONEE A, CAPT. Pg MABSHJIAK, will leave North Atlan Sfilc Wharf Friday, July 3, at Six 3mm O'Clock P. M. No freight received attar 5 o'clock, day ot sxUlng. For Freight or Passage, apply to June 27_JOHN & THEO. GETTY. FOR NEW YOUK. REG UL AB LINE EVER Y WEDNE8DA T. TBE STEAMSHIP MONTEREY. [Captain C. Rm EB, will leave Van der hors t's Wharf, ou Wednesday, ?July 1, at 3 o'clock P. M. .OS-No freight will be received alter one o'clock on day of departure, and shippers are particularly re? quested to hand In Bills of Lading, cccompanied by lax Receipts, by dat hour. June 26_RAVENEL & CO.. Agents. STEAM TO LIVERPOOL. CALLING AT QUEENSTOWN. t THE INMAN LINE, SAI UNG SEMI-WEEKLY, carrying the U. S. Mails, consisting of the following steamers: CITY OF PARIS, CITY OF BALTIMORE, CITY OF WASHINGTON, CITY OF BOSTON; Sailing every Saturday and every alternate Monday, at 1 P.M., from Pier No. 45 North River, New York, RATES OF PASSAGE, BT THE sun. STEAMEBS SAILINO EVEBT SATTTRDAT. Payable in Gold. I Payable in Currency. 1st Cabin.$100 I Steerage.139 1st Cabin to London. .106 Steerage to London... 35 lat Cabin to Paris... .110 | BsscstSJB to Bari?.AS Passage by the Monday steamers-First Ca bin $99 gold; Steerage $30; payable lu U. S. currency. Rat'S ofoassage from New York to Halifax; Cabin* $23, steerage, $10; payable in gold. Passenger? also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg*, Bremeo, ?c., -1 moderate rate.. Steerage paswue from Liverpool and Queenstown, i 4L) currency. Tickets can be nought here by pec sons sendinu for their friends. For further luforma?on apply at the Company's' offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, No. 15 Broadway, New York. June 4 6mo NORTH GERMAN LLOYD. STEAM BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND BBEMEN, Via Southampton. THE SCBEW STEAMERS OF 733 NOETH GEBKAN LLQTD, BALTIMORE.Cap?. VOECKLER. BERLIN.Capt. UNDUET8CH. OF 2300 IONS AND 700 HORSE-POWER. WILL RON REGULARLY BE 'TWtEN BALTIMORE AND BRE? MEN, VIA SOUTHAMPTON. From .Drenen on the 1st of each rn our h. From Southampton on t e 4th of each month. Fro aa Btldmore on the Int of each month. PRICE or PASSAOE-From Baltimore to Bremen London, Havre and southampton-Cabin $90; Steer ag) ?36. From Bremen to Bal imare-Cabin$90r Steerage $4u Prices of passage payable in gold, or its equiva? lent. They touch at Southampton both gohu and re? turning, J he je vessels take Freight to London ama Hull, for which through bills of lading are signed. An experienced burgeon is attached to each veaseL AU letters must pass through the Postoffice. Na bills of lading but those or th. Company will De? signed. Bills of lading will positively not be de? livered before goods are cleared at the Customhouse. Fer Freight or Passage, apply to A. SCHUMACHER ft CO., No. 3 fon th Charles-street, Baltimore. Or to MORDECAI A CO.. Agents, East Bay, Charleston. ?. O. April 20_g inns' ?PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMP Y'S THHOUOH LINE TO CAI^ORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. FREIGHT AMD PASSAGE AT GREATLY RE DUCED BATES I STEAMERS OF THE ABOVE; line leave Pier No. 42, North River, foot of Canal-strcot, New York, at 12 o'clock noon, of the 1st. 9tb,16Ux and 24th of every month (except when these dates tall eu Sunday, then the Saturday preceding). Depart uri; of 1st and 24th connect at Panama with: steamers for South Pacific a id Control American ports. Those of 1st touch at Manzanillo. Departure of 9th ot each month connects witts the new steam line from Panama to Australia ao<l New Zealand. Steamship JAPAN leaves San Francisco, for Chins and Jupau, August 3. No Cahiornta steamers touch at Havana, bat go direct from Ne? Y irk to Asninwail One bundrvi pounds ba^u^ii uve to each ?dnt*. Medicine jud a tendance free. For Passsm Tickets or further information apply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on the whirr; foot o: Cooa'.-street. Not th Uiver. New York. March lt_lyr_F. R. BABY. Agent [ONE TRIP A WEEK.] CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH STEAM. PACKET LINE, VIA BEALTOR T, HILTON HEAD AND BLUFFTOV. STEAMER PILOT BOY.Capt. W. T. MCNEXTT. STEAMER FANNIE.Capt. FENN PECK. O.N'EOF THE ABOVE STEAMERS _ w u i.av ' hitve-tou every Tues Li? hr m -j, ... , i 'cl "vt and Savaauah every Thun ii j Mor.un.). at C o'clcck. For FreigU1 or p s >ffe, apxlr to J SN FERGUSON. Jose C9 Ac-'omniodation Wharf! FOR PAL. AT KA, FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH, ST. MARY'S FERNANDINA JACKSONVILLE, AND ALL LANDINGS OH THE ST. JOHN'S BIVEB. THE STEAMER DICTJ.TOR. _ _Captatu CR.VRI.ES WILLE I, wilt leave Charleston every Tuesday HTs-jkl at 9 o'clock, and Savannah every Wtdnesda-i Afternoon at s o'clock, lor the above placa?. Returning will leavi Savacnah for Charleston every S Hurlly Morning. it 8 o'clock. Ali goods not removed by sunset will be stored s/. the expense and risk of owners. AH freight must ba preo-ld. J. D. AISEN ft CO., Agenta, June 2 j_South Atlantic Wharf. FOR ST. AC GUSTI V K. FLORIDA. THE STEAMER DICTATOR WELL touch ac at. Atujuoou > ou nee uext aviag Charleston Tu.;.dav, -0th June. P. M. Returning wUHsarrive here aa. Sunday, 6th July, at SP. M. EtcursiJ i tickets issued. .. ?. OIKAN U VA)., Ajeaim. June 2G